« The Glenn Beck Program

Not Everything Sucks? | Guests: Ami Horowitz & Rob Eno | 04/03/19

2019-04-03 | 🔗
Hour 1  Have we Fundamentally changed America? It's a Work in progress? Now they are coming for the 1st Amendment? "Lock her up" is now "hate speech"? ...Focusing on what matters? ...The Communist Goals of 1963? ..A 12-year old Pot Hole filler "Not everything sucks!"?    Hour 2   "We don't know who we are anymore"? The time Socialism failed miserably in Dallas Texas?? ...Filmmaker, Ami Horowitz joins to explain The intersectionality between the Left and the KKK? College campuses are full of "Self Imposed dopes"? "This is so dangerous"?   Hour 3 Fighting through the darkness? 'Situational victimhood' is becoming a all too common thing? That which you gaze upon, you become? Standing up to truth is all we have left? ...BlazeTV Media Critic, Rob Eno joins to discuss the Left's New attacks on the First Amendment? Is Joe Biden finished even with the New Ukraine allegations?    

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glen Back Programme, They are now talking about arresting people or calling it hate speech. If you'd chant, lock her up. We are now having an attack on the the first amendment, we're having an attack on the constitution when it comes to the electoral college, We are so screwed up in upside down. The fundamental transformation of America has happened so now. What well we'll begin there in one minute? This is that land back programme
I crime is a real problem all over the world, but statistics are becoming a little unbelievable. Four hundred and twenty four percent increase. Four hundred and twenty four percent increase in the data breach. Is in the last year. We also saw last year a seventy one percent jump in dark web activity and Fort in point: nine billion style of stolen identity records were sold last year. This is this: is it dammit? You have so many things to worry about? Please please! We have to. Focus our lives and start stop worrying about the things that don't matter I got up this morning and last my wife and I sat, and we talked about what we found out from the doktor on brain surgery. For my daughter.
And what she's got coming here, my my third daughter, my youngest Like I haven't spent any time with her in the last two weeks I got up this morning. And there's a note on me. Ipad that says dad was up Four a m didn't finish my homework. That's my son he's a nocturnal animals. I just don't know what to do with that: Like I have seen my wife in so long, my my their daughter and my grand kids. They live next door. I haven't seen them in a week. Maybe too. I'm I'm so worried about so many different things in Europe. The same you got the same thing going on. What are we doing if there's
anything that you can that somebody else can take care of that? Do you don't have to worry about it? Just take it off your plate, So what lifelong does forests for your identity? You look you're going to be the victim of identity, crime, it's gonna happen. So what worry about it. I don't anymore because I know that I get alerts You know that they ve done it for me several times where I don't you about it. Something happened: Unlike other life, luck, life locks on it. They'll send me alert here? Did you Stop this, I just nope. Ok, I don't think about it again. Get rid of all the stuff that you just don't have to think about. Somebody else can do catharsis, there's too much on your plate. Life luck use the promo code back he'll, save ten percent lifelong dotcom life, lock, dot com or one eight hundred lifelong one aid.
Red lifelike promo code back safe, ten percent right now Do you remember when Morocco am, I said, we're just fine five days away from the fund, transformation, United States of America, and we thought to herself what took to what fundamental transformation. What are you talking about remember. We are five days away from fundamentally transform in the United States of America about who loves something and then says I want to fundamentally transform it of their wife for their husband and say and says you know what honey we're getting married in a few days? We are just few days away from the fundamental transformation of you.
I dont marry that person. What did it mean. Well, Michelle Obama told us long ago. Michelle Obama. She was out on the campaign trail in o, seven and no eight and dear. Maybe one she said this and the right knows that we're gonna have to make sacrifices will have to change our conversation. We're gonna have to change our traditions. Our history, we're gonna have to move into a different place. He can. I ask you. When she said that in in two thousand eight, she was taken off the campaign trail, never like a huge diminished and we're. Old conspiracy theories for saying. What the hell does that mean? What does that mean? Have we changed our conversation.
Have we changed our traditions? Have changed our history. Because I believe we have. Two thousand eight, two thousand nine. I was spending time with professors overseas. Andy and in South America. Those having conversations with people who studied revolutions- and I asked them. How do you do it? What do you need. They outlined these things on the chalkboard. Well, we are just about four weeks away from exposing something there, we're blown away that we found. It is the how to it is what we're doing it
what's happening to us right now. How did they do this? What what was the play because the fundamental transformation of America has happened, we're talking about lock her up, do we have the audio of what's her name that has to be hate speech here she is Christine. Our poor should do, as you just said, lock her up or lock me up. Of course, Rock Europe was a fee sure the twenty sixteen trump campaign. Do you in retrospect wish that people are? your ahead of the FBI, I mean the people in charge of law and order had shut down. That language that it was dangerous, potentially that it could, of course, it'd violence that it's kind of hate speech should have, been allowed. That's not a role for government,
the beauty of this country. Is people can say what they want, even if this residing in? Thank God, I can't believe I'm saying this. Thank God for James call me. That's not a role for the government, but listen who that's coming from the press. What is that Presses job the press To protect you, you, we have flipped everything in this country, the press, how protects them? It now protects veal, it's the rulers, the key he's, the queens. The press was super to protect you by protecting the constitution, What did Christiaan unimportant just suggest that we get of the first amendment that is
the definition of political speech o er, you know Walker up. That was that was a huge part of what the Trump card Pain, the trump card. Pain. And she justify saying well, it's really kind of hate speech because could have caused problems? How do you take a country apart? How do you do it? We have to stop talking about Frumps tweets. We have to stop talking About good good heavens, for everything that is good and he and sacred. We should celebrate that our president was not a spy or
stead. Half the foreign government that has traditionally our enemy. Instead, the country mourned Saudi was you but he was ok, If you really thought he was, then I understand how we felt that he had to go because you He was a foreign traitor but he was in league with a foreign nation soya stand, but here's the Good NEWS he isn't. Well, he's gotta be guilty of something theirs Other tradition, that's gone. First of all were now rooting we're now rule. We were hoping that our president What's a foreign agent. And if these found not guilty well he's guilty of something.
That is the antithesis of Amerika. You know last I was listening to Ben Shapiro and Ben was talking about the Joe Biden. And I could hear the audience say: ban they'd never give this to. You, though, ever give this to anybody else. What Joe, What then was saying is the same thing that we are saying the same thing. My friends are saying, look I don't know It's really creepy and I wouldn't like it and No, it seems like a warning sign, but. That doesn't mean he's doing anything. Where's your evidence coming from people who have an axe to grind it's coming from people who don't want Joe Biden to run because their Bernie people now is that entirely true, I no.
It seems to be the case at this point. So why should we condemn the man that's the american way that What should have been said about Cavenaugh, but it wasn't that's what What is not being said now have Of the party the Democrats are saying about Joe Biden, he's gotta go why? Because they don't want Joe Biden, they want some marxist in, but I guess T of Joe Biden would run and Became the nominee those same people would say how dare you say these things. There is no truth. One of my favorite lines in this our Spain is a star spangled banner. So I am one of those songs. I think Our spangled banner.
Who more who, more than self there country loved miracle beautiful. Thank you. I love that line heroes proved. Who more than self their country loved. Is there anybody out there that feel so any anymore. Because another things been dismantled, is our patriotism? We gonna change our per traditions. I used to. Love the fourth of July. Fourth, I in my house to my kids to my older kids, fourth of July. Is literally the same pedestal as Christmas. Because we used to go to fourth of July fireworks- and we would
really celebrate and at the end of the day, we'd all end up ball and like little boy. It is when we were watching the fireworks. I don't have that Connection anymore, I don't have that connect. In any more. Cause, I don't know who we are anymore. You oh me, did we change our traditions. Is our conversation the same. We trust our neighbours. Do we trust People who vote differently than us. Do we give them the benefit of the doubt. Our history. I didn't think you would be changed by people like a casual Cortez who, honestly, she seems like a very nice girl but she's dumb as up Boxer rocks when it comes, the things that she should know what she's talking. Hey? We gotta, you know
because the way they ve changed the change, the constitution, they changed it's so after couldn't run for another term, he was dead, when they changed it there's no there's there's very few. If, any institutions that, If you are a history, major history Major. Sixty nine out of the seventy eight schools, where you can get a history major, sixty? Nine of them do not require any american history. How do teach history without America. How do you do it now? If you just focus on greek history. That's fine! But if you're, if you Right well rounded, history, teacher howdy do it without America. We ve changed our history. We ve chain
Our culture we have changed our traditions, marriage faith. So what should we be concentrating on I'll get there in one minute. One of the traditions that I will not give up is tradition that I didn't have with my dad. I mean we had gone. We had a gun in the house, but it was like a twenty two rifle and I think the barrel was bent. I'm never had never had a bullet run through it. My grandfather and my uncle's, they had guns and we would go shooting with them or I'd actually go. Watch them shoot. My grandfather I shot one summer until grandma came yelling at us, but that's a different story. I'm not giving up this trip And my family, we are cans. The old carry permit holders, and if you want to
protect your family. I just read the story about in in Oregon, where there now saying they're going to raise the age and make things much more restrictive, forgone owners, but already already, if you have a gun, it has to be into that in the trunk of your car unloaded and in a locked case? Well, what is that I'm out in my car and I being carjacked year about the mom who Justin had a gun pulled it on. Somebody was trying to kidnapper child Oldham for and some things that do not give up your right to bear? arms the- U S- Ccs membership brings you industry, leading education, training and trusted legal protection. That you are, going to need if you're going to protect your family with any kind of confidence once you to join the Eu S Ccs, please
going now, listen, they're, they're, giving away nineteen free guns. So what type of gun is it All you have to do is take guess, and you could win one of the nineteen guns here at some of the hints it's one of the most popular double action pistols in the world. Today, often the gun of choice for law enforcement officers, civilians and our military sank. I think it is. Simply text the word b, e c k, twenty eight thousand seven hundred and twenty two to eighty seven thousand two hundred and twenty two simply text the word back. And it will reveal the identity of the gun, Canada's tech sectors. I want to know, I want to know eight seven. Due to two annual instantly, be locked in for your nineteen free chances to win it simple, quick one hundred percent free, just tax back, eight, and two to two that's be easy k to eight seven to two to its
Nodded states concealed carry association ten seconds station, Andy SOAP. I want to talk to you at the top of next hour of something that. I I learned from my father and I had forgotten it for far too long And Tony Robins reminded me of it and I'm I'm. I am a little disappointed in myself, little shamed, myself self, that I forgot it, but it is the way to fight back. And it is this: the it's a secret that
Changed my life, I went from a alcohol EC loser that just had no idea what life about to somebody that was fairly? successful. And end am living a good life as a decent man with a good family. It's not easy. Especially if you ve not grown up in one and its, easy. If you aren't that person, you know your thirty's to be that and by the time you're, forty or fifty is very difficult. So how do you do it the same way. We save the country. I want to talk to you next hour about changing our traditions, our history and our conversation. It's been done so we do about it? That's at the top of next hour,
right now. I just like you too noodle this. What are the It gets things that we fight right now? What are the biggest things that we have to do things we? To solve right now are we lose everything I would say, The presidential election, However, we are not going to be saved by any president, so I'd like to look a little deeper than that. We have to save a bush. We have to save these children We are now talking about. Infanticide. Do you know The house has voted twenty five times twenty five times they have. They have voted down any kind of, any kind of build a stop. Infanticide, twenty five times already. But that's insane
how do you do that? The bill of rights, the constitution, the border, tat loss of trust? bending healthcare, corruption. Eighty you, the packing of courts. How do we manage this, like I was saying at the beginning of the shell there's so much. How do we manage it? A boy this down at the top of next hour. And I'll. Show you it's! It's really not that hard you're, a lessening tat, Glenn back. No, I told you, I told your last last hour that term my I said you know when I retire, I'm just gonna golf and then, by the time he retired, He was in so much pain that he just couldn't ediths cutting a walk. The golf course, let alone a swing club, and I learned:
from that, because every every day my father would say awesome day, I'm just gonna golf and he never did I caught myself saying you know one of these days, I'm just gonna paint nope, I'm gonna, do it now and it hurt to paint. Sometimes it hurts. Like writing a hand. Written letter hurt sometimes because my hands are in so much pain. I've done something about it. I've said I'm not gonna wait until tomorrow and gonna, do something about my pain right now, if you're, pain, and you want it to stop and you're ready. Then go to relieve factor. Dotcom relief factor dot com. I want you to try a three week trial of this. It's it's all
drug free, it's created by doctors and reduces inflammation. Try it now for three weeks relief factor: dotcom, get your life back it out of pain, tenancy the Glinda into the left's plan to stack the Supreme Court. That's coming up, plays dvd com, slash glens from abroad, glass. We welcome Pack Ryan, who just finished his taping of today's podcast pack. Re unleashed welcomed the programme. Pat how're, you good good, podcasting maps fabulous, fabulous? It always is Nessus so you're going to enjoy this cause. You and I see the pat we ve been on this for thirty some years, plus the communist schools of nineteen. Sixty three that work that were read into the House records in Congress, but I want to I wanted Here too, we found something a frightening than this. It is
truly. It was written by the historian of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. It was never meant for release it. Found in the nineteen nineties and then just buried just buried. We found it in our research looking for something else and in full Weeks we're gonna presented, it is more frightening than this really yeah while cause it's exit. Why is the playbook on how to do it. How do we accomplish all these goals and how to accomplish it here in Amerika? And if you look at it, it's all being done well, yeah A few, the fort I've goals that were into the entered in the congressional. Occurred, solemn or cut about data now cause. It involves soviet satellite nations and all that Listen to some of these promotes the sum of a more just dead on, The? U N, is the only hope for mankind. Yeah, that's done resist. Any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party, your memory,
happened to the a deregulated then, to the teachers Union in California. Two thousand eight remember we asked: why did they do that? Wait a minute? What are they just? Do you, Maria, They said they had a rule in the schools that you could not be a member of the teachers union? If you had ever been a communist or if you the ever advocated for the overthrow of the United States government right. Then, the way some strange reason they took that I took TAT out yeah resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party do away with all loyalty oaths. This one fifteen capture, one or both political parties, I had done only done on the Democrat Party, absolute done it's the commune. It's that it's the marxist did go party now use technic
all this goes. Decisions of the courts to weaken basic american institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights, done, get control of the schools done, use them as tradition as transmission belts for socialism and get current communist propaganda soften the curriculum. Get can all of teachers. Association should put party line in textbooks. All that's done. Rating gain control of student newspapers. Nineteen These the communist goals of nineteen sixty three, how to destroy America student riots to foment public protest against programmes or organizations which are Her communist attack. Number, twenty infiltrate, the press get control of Book Review assignment, you don't think. That's happened. Do now just hide the book review from Vienna from the New York Times of of bench, appearance, no book she's,
In control of editorial writing and policy making positions guy control of key positions in radio tv motion. Pictures number two: to contain, who discrediting american culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression in a man, Can communist cell was told to eliminate all good sculpture from parks in buildings, substitutes, say, shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms they have that in every city in America? Oh, you see some, as you know the weird things that they are. What are they call? It in Houston. That's just a twisted mess of metal and there's one in Chicago too, and they do this all over the country. Here's a and here's the interesting thing about this. It also says: eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings. There talking. Taking Thomas Jefferson down that Austria how strong university because he was not was a slave owner, but of course, as sexual predator,
sex offender control, our critics and directors of art museums. Our plan is to roll ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art, eliminate all guns, old laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and free press. Now what bursting is the right? the left got their name as the defenders of four free speech, because they would defend crossing urine and call it art now that they have that they are also on television calling for an end of free speech. Political speech interesting Twenty six. I don't even know if we can, even while I'm the forty five breakdown, all cultural standards of morality by pro pornography, obscenity in books, magazines, motion, pictures, radio and tv all done. Twenty. Six
present. Homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy. You almost even say that line anymore. That's how much that's been done, taken care of infiltrate the churches and replaced revealed religion with social religion. While Isn't that amazing alone it prayer or any phrase of the phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground? It violates the principle of separation of church and state discredit. The european constitution by calling it inadequate old fashioned and out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. Spreading number thirty discredit, the american founding fathers present them as selfish, aristocrat aristocrats, who had our concern for the common man. They ve gone far pass that yeah be little all forms of american culture and discuss
bridge the teaching of american history on the grounds it was only a minor part of the big picture, give more emphasis to russian history. Since communists took over, is support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of culture, education, social agencies, welfare programmes, mental health, clinics, etc. Eliminate all laws and procedures which interfere with the operation of Communist blah, blah blah read it and eventually dismantle the FBI. Ton. Infiltrating, gain control of more unions is that a long time ago transfer some of the powers of arrest, the police of the police to social agencies. We're doing that now take I'm gonna take your kids. They can take your kids greet all behavioral problems as psychiatric disk disorders, which no one but psychiatry can understand or treat dominate the
psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as means of gaining coercive control. Over those who oppose communist goals replaced I mean it's goals with socialist and replace mental health laws, use mental health laws, meaning as means of gaining coercive control. Were those with guns who pose our socialist skulls their due credit, the family as an institution, long I'm ago. That was done longer emphasised the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents hearty done a tribute, prejudiced, mental blood and retarding of children to suppress influence of parents, create, the impression that violence, an insurrection, are legitimate aspects of the american tradition. Think of that and with anti
students and special interest groups should rise up and use United Force to solve economic, political and social problems. Or throw all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self government blood. Blah blah blah. The rest of us are not that Amazing That's amazing that has been done virtually all of it is it's worse than this. When you gee that's what we're gonna reveal it. It would because we They used it. This was an internal document written by the the head of the soviet history, so He was document. He was archiving everything to you know that on how we did it, but was an internal document and when the war came down. That document got out It shows how they did it they. It shows remember. When world WAR two ended
the allies insisted. You cannot be just right. It takes in any country. You can't do it you can't start a war. You can't just take it over now. If they decide to vote and they decide to go with you. That's another thing, but you just can't role tanks in well crap then how do we do it and they did it in country after country? and it was a very well thought out, plan step by step, exactly how you take a free market a free, democratic society and flip them and it- those the examples that guy was recorded. History, here's how we did it. Here's what happened it's been done here all being done here while and where did you find,
can you say no one of our researchers Jason found it, I'm not sure where he found it, but It's pretty amazing we're gonna do a whole special on it in above or weeks, because it's pretty sensitive and and phenomenal and it's kind of tied into the forty five goals no it's just I mean yes and no. It has the same kind of goals, but that one is. This is just the goals. This says: here's how you do it. How do we get to the school? How do I get there? How do we get there done they expand on what is actually little bit about filter by don't you refer none notices, but there's yellow his yellow green dust on my car, their yellow green dust on your guardian. No, no, no, it's pollen. Is it a hate crime? No that's only if your mayor and where was that some places, the Carolinas I think she claimed
somebody had painted. All of this green and yellow stuff. Car- and it was a hate crime. No, it's cold, Alan, that's, a different story, weather Like me, and your sneeze every time you look at a tree, the pie when is going into your lungs, along with all the dust and viruses, and God knows what else so book. For. You turn on your air conditioning. Please Your windows had been closed. You ve got all that crap it was in your house over the winter change your filter and start fresh cause. You need a fresh filter to get rid of all the crap that now is coming inside because of pollen. I want you to oh to filter, be why dotcom filter by you choose your size. How often you want them delivered and you're done you can save. Five percent by having the auto delivery and believe me, it's just it's so much easier. When you do this, you only have to think of it this one time than they autumn
Can we come to your door and you just changed the filter? They have oversight hundred sizes all made here in Amerika great company. It's it's easy and will save your lungs, your allergies, your sinuses her eyes. It will save everything just would penny by putting in a new filter. Do it now with there be why dotcom that's filter by dot com or just can you know what can I can I can I can I give you some good NEWS. I dont have allowed yeah. I think it is, I think, Ruth let's do some. Let's do some good, as Michigan Boy Twelve, twelve year old boy in Michigan, as decided he's not going to wait around for the government. He says it is mom's. Car was messed up, Whose messed up- because we're driving down the street, they had a pot hole and there has mom's car needed six hundred to seven hundred dollars to get their car fixed and he
if somebody else drives down our street and they hit that potholes they're gonna be mad. I would be mad so that of your old didn't tell anybody about his plans. His mother El Scott told local television station. She only found out after she got a text message from her knee saying how she saw her son in a video posted to Facebook, filling knolls. In the video this young man can be seen filling a pot hole on the road that is larger than the base of his trash can, but he did is he. Brought a trash, can now full of dirt and gravel and He started filling those potholes big than the base of the of the trash can, Video is now been viewed by more than sixty two thousand people. Twelve, you old, has filled. Fifteen potholes all around his family's home.
Mother says it just shows that your son is a good kid one of many in the community in us. You know it's crazy. Is If you would just allow people to do this, they would fix those things fix those they would never let that happen in their own in there if they were empowered, but they're, not the new. Democratic governor campaign in two thousand eight, a promise to quote fix. The damn roads end quote, but here was that it cannot was twenty eighteen alcohol she's been in for just a couple of years, and you know it's hard to fix the damn roads she he has proposed proposed icon done. She has proposed to nearly trip all the states per gallon gasoline tax, which would make it back. Yes, in the nation. That's. How shall that was her plan to great plan? Who does it hurt? oh just those evil, rich people I'll tell you that much, definitely not the average.
Person trying to commute to work and running over those potholes Tina erected erected by just you're, the one that brought the governor? I was making vows praising the kid. I try this one of those, Kansas woman. She sees what's happening in Nebraska, she's she's. In this pay. Less shoe store, whether you know everything's Moscow, palest shoe store is going out of business. So she goes in. She buys yourself a pair of shoes, and she said you know what How much for all of the issues as ever things got ago. What have I buy? every shoe in the place. They said really: ok, how about a dollar prepare, She buys them all up cloning, a hundred and sixty two pairs of baby shoes.
Men, shoes, women, choose she boxes all up. She sends them to the people in Nebraska, the flood, victims who have lost absolutely everything. Woman goes in and buys every parachute left at the Payless shoe store great. Is that that's really great this would have been worth more than six thousand dollars had she paid what they were originally asking for them. She got him for a buck pair I feel like it at my role in every one of these Good news stories to ruin them put, so I'm in a stop. Just don't ruin that kind of not everything gets ox. There are people out there. This is who we are. This is who we are. You mentioned know that just the shipping cost of those and an dilapidated global warming up it. Having been right ass, the emissions I mean you're killing the planet are right. Let me talk a little bit about home title lock, hometown lock! This is
credible how everything else do the dick they're coming up everything everything everything And this is something of a growing crime law enforcement received two thousand complaints of deed fraud. This is just in Manhattan, two thousand complaints, and what that means is hey By what does so my apartment or my house and looks like I don't I don't know my house anymore, that's what deed fraud is. You can Tell your house, you don't own your house some stolen, your house if you're really super lucky, they ve taken? a huge loan against that house and now you're stuck without to wait a minute that wasn't, I didn't holding what so
called deed fraud and it's it's a hassle once it happens to you it Yemen, honestly, the sheriff can come and take you out of your own house, and you have no idea. What's growing going on it's your hundred dollar search for free when you sign up to make sure it has now already happening, you sign up, protect yourself home title locked out, come home, title lock, dotcom sign up before it happens, the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glen Back programme. Life seems to be getting very complex, very complex, don't know how to raise your kids. Don't know how to deal with everything that is coming at you, you, you don't know how to even look at politics anymore, what's happening to our country, it's all falling apart, what's happening to my job, what's coming our way, I don't know about the fire. Is all of this stuff? Keep it simple, keep it simple, What
the hell does that mean Glenn back I'll, explain next. This is the Glen Back Programme. Ok, Keep it simple and also a stay comfortable. Really stay comfortable if you're. If Europe is sitting in an office chair everyday stew,. Sure if you, if you're sitting every. Four hours and hours and hours you need to be able to remain comfortable and why the world is collapsing around. Do you notice will have some gray eyes were all around on the non grazer wheels and bill I have on exactly. I may we spend more time and are destined in our bed, and would you ever think of buying your address add an officer now would you be like? I need a good mattress, let's gotta, home depot or to office did not a good idea. Now, that's what happens with chairs, get an Ex chair exchequer back DOT Tk.
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Sharpie from fundamentally transform in the United States of America thought he could do it he's done it he's done. It he's not finished, but he's done it, how you? Do it well Michelle Obama, before she was pulled off the campaign trail in two thousand seven and eight she was going round the country's telling Everybody exactly how to do it. Listen and everyone knows that we're gonna have to make sacrifices. How to change our conversation. We're gonna have to change our traditions. Our history, we're gonna, have to move into place So, who are we as a nation can. We don't even know anymore we're about you to throw out the free market system claiming that it didn't work, even though it is literally lifted Billy. Of people out of starvation and poverty. It is true.
And formed the world. There is a reason why this first experiment this was in spearmint nobody never tried it before This idea of freedom and individual sovereignty by Talks about it a lot, but nobody had ever really done it even the pilgrims they were so pious. They were socialists, they came Then they tried. Socialism wasn't that at the time James, it was socialist. People don't even realize here in Dallas. There's this big tower. It's called the reunion tower. What is the real entire most people, even in Dallas, don't know it was the first socialist community in Texas habit Eighteen hundreds had the greatest minds of socialism coming all over the world to try. Yet here in a land where you could do anything, it failed miserably death, destruction,
outcasts, all of it We ve tried it and we were different. And we changed the world. The idea that man could be free, that man could own his thoughts with the patent and the trademark that you You were there, you are the gun slinger when you see- America as anybody from overseas. I know because I can say this about people in New York when I. Them. Eva rebounded been Dallas, no They first fly in Dallas, they'll, say where all the cows. Oh, I don't know, maybe trapped You know in the movie giant we don't have cows walking down the streets of Dallas. It's it's a big city. I don't know if you ve known that we who asked people from around the world? Would
think America's like who are aware. Can they think of gunslingers if he cowboys you could go West, they think it crazy, guys who just dream stuff and then do it. They also always safe. They ve ever been here. That's the story. Dangerous thing they're, so nice, there so naive, their true trusting of everybody. Are we? What built America was our love of God and country and family. God's out, families being destroyed, Country, what is it even mean any more? We destroyed fair play. We believe in fair play. Now we ve been perfect but we're going the other direction you're guilty. Until proven innocent. That's not America! Hard work.
The idea I can create anything just go west know everything's keeping me down. I can't do that, merit no To reversing merit in school, because now too many Asians are getting in, and keeping blacks and Hispanics our mouths to many Asians are getting into these elite. School so now they have to get rid of the test and if they can't, you Rid of the test what they're gonna do is they make sure everybody takes the test and lower. Standards and it's the best from each school. Well, that's gonna, these things, because we ve already demonstrated that some of these kids it take to test from other schools are not prepared to go to that elite school. So we're not a merit, frost kindness do rest, your neighbors. Depending on where you live purity, the ten commandments, please boy scout We don't even have a boy scouts anymore. We let the boys gap,
you you, it was a compliment. The guy's, a real boyscout there. A compliment. Now, it's not in just what ten years. And we keep defending and we keep fighting and I think that's the problem. I went to Tony Robins a few weeks ago knows: hee. He He reminded me of the things that I had lost. He reminded me of the things that I lost. I think because of the death of my father, which we really haven't. I haven't really talked about in.
Detail and in fact we didn't even have a funeral for my dad. So none of us have really gone through that ritual and my father's death was really confusing for me, the last fibre eight years of his life, I didn't know what to make of him. I didn't know who was, I aim. Everything fell apart from aids or everything that every taught me became tainted and that's unfortunate. Because he had so much wisdom and held his life together for seventy five years before the last ten, and he was tired in the end. What Tony?
reminded me: it was everything I learned growing up. My father used to say: who are you. What are you being right now? Who are you being right now? You want something except it in your life, become it Be it you want to be a good man, be a good man, be. What we're doing right now is where fighting to be a good country. We are fighting to BP. Pull that are pious and good and kind, and boy scouts were fighting for those things and in our fighting, for those things were not being those things.
If we believe in fair play. And we should point out that report- proceed, We should also be fair. We should not allow the hypocrisy to seep into our lives now. I know this is gonna sound crazy because we Big things that we have to solve, we have huge things we have to. Of this presidential campaign if one of he's marxist when we're done, I think we're We done is not Donald Trump, this about whose at over there I know Donald Trump, has done. I don't know what he'll do in the next four years. But I know what he's done so far, I have a different track record than I did for you ago K still of concerns, but also see he has done any responded to people when he when he's pushed still my concerns, but
I also know who the Socialist star. I also know what democratic socialism means. I also know that the house voted against sin upping, infanticide, twenty five times They ve got into office. How do you do that? That's not America. We don't need to defend, we don't need fry. In fact, if we try, we fail, we have to be it. We have to live it How many negative things do we say about ourselves? How many negative things do we say about our. Country. How many negative things do we put into our life The one reason why we ve had this fundamental transformation is Because we ve been forced to ponder how bad Add we really are. And we all say, I'm tired.
Of hearing about it, but we still saying it. Even in defence, we're still saying it vague. Changed us fundamentally because they ve convinced us. We are something that we are not and once you believe that you become it. We give you an example and show you the way out in one minute. First, let me tell you about feel the greens. I got this email. I got this million from one of my staff members Glenn about a week ago. My son got sick with a bug. It was going around its constantly com. Being runny knows just miserable after a few quiet days, my wife got sick and now my daughter is sick as well. Everyone around me as hacking and sneezing, and I'm just waiting for this the drop in me to get sick,
Then I realized something. I don't think I'm going to I'm the only one in the house taking field of greens every morning. I start my day and I take feel the greens. Hopefully Yet my wife on board before the next bug, hits us field of Green this is real USDA, organic fruits and vegetables. It helps boost your immunity by using antioxidants, prebiotic probiotics. These are not supplements. Supplements are worth it down. You need the real stuff. That's what this is field of greens go to brick House, Glenn, DOT, TK, get fifteen percent off your first order. When you my name g Alien and as the promo also you can call eight hundred and thirty three seven hundred and forty six four thousand two hundred and forty six, give it a try. Cuz, there's nothing to lose and a better healthier you. To gain brick house Glenn. I can't get field greens now at eight. Thirty, three thousand seven hundred and forty six, four thousand two hundred and forty six use the promo Code Glen at brick, Glenn dotcom we break for.
Second station What are you stand up and fight for the bill of rights. Aren't you stand up and fight for the bill of rights as I'm I'm not that guy. I am, I am I am not an organ Aye, sir, I am I dont have the voice, I don't have it a friends I dont know. What to do. What you just convinced yourself on who you are. If those are any of your excuses for standing up for the bill of rights standing up for You know something you believe in standing up against abortion. Standing up for the four children that are being
manipulated, used and hurt at the border. What am I gonna do, convinced yourself, you're, completely weak and vulnerable you, you may say I'm not a victim, but you victimized yourself or allowed others to convince you that you're a victim for last ten years we ve all done it. We're Like I don't know, I don't know, and so on what we do? Is we say that yourself and then we defend it, but we don't even know who we are anymore because I believe in these things anymore. I can't tell you Many Christians. I believe that I can. I meet that's a Glenn, you know it's gets gonna take a miracle. Yeah. It is gonna, take a miracle and I expect miracles to happen. So it's to all we have to do is just stand in place. Let
do the heavy lifting we just have to do. Our part stand exactly where you're supposed to stand at all times do exact. What you're supposed to do his then we called on you'll, know the right time to move. You know It's great everything, but we're gonna lose our country. We ve got to fill in the blank. Denying the power of miracles. While you say you believe in miracles,. And as we defend them and not live them, we lose. We lose every. I'm, because we want that doesn't create a lack of want. We want it, creates more want. You have to claim, those things that are yours. We to claim our country again with humility with a begging, forgiveness. We have to claim who we are again.
If you been listening for a long time, you know That I used to say I kind of a bad dad. I'm a rate frickin dad. I am a great day, I put myself up next to any other day had anywhere I'm a group eight dad I'm a different dad, I may not do the same as everybody else sometimes, Bluffing. Many times I'm lost, but love my children and my children love me. I'm a great dad that's too have changed in me by started being a great dad. I got past my fear, pass my wine Venus. I got ass, all the things that were stopping me and I'm like You know what I don't know how to be a dead, but I of my kids, I feel awkward.
Bed by dad. Never did these things and they blah blah blah Milo. Nobody will. I was They create another bad dad in the light. The children. I don't know I'm not feeling. Well, I'm really, I'm very I'm just I'm not this is my latest, healthier every day. Doing better every day, I'm stronger every day. I am a healthy. I am fairer. I'm not part of this whatever it is, they claim claim all they want. I know who I am. I am fair. I am good. I am decent
I am honest in all of my business dealings. I am honest in all of my dealings with my fellow human beings. I'm a hard worker, I'm a hat. The example. I'm a constitutional American say that one for awhile see if you. Start to say I maybe I should read the car solution. Maybe I should start living there a maybe I should start defending the constitution, I'm a constitutional American. I am forgiving I got a letter last night that I really want to share with you about forgiveness,. Forgiveness is the hardest thing. Is the hardest thing Forgive somebody else's even easier than forgiving yourself, but for giving some
the else could be really hard, especially if their continually inflicting pain, but that's when it counts. That's when it counts. So we ve lived a very tough life. I saw this Video of these people in Japan that are getting into these fetal sacks, we see this and there happened themselves up in the final position and its. Like they're in the womb, grow up, grow up. Yeah you gonna get into feed jury. What our grandparents would say, the ones who fought world war two you have any Do you know what they would say if you were, they walked into the house and you were laying in a sack in the fetal position and your like. This represents the womb and it makes me feel comfortable and it to be feel safe. My grandfather, would it kicked me in their heads and get the hell out of that sack? What are you a baby? Yes, yes,
because we have not had any hard times we're looking for hard times, inflicting the hard times on ourselves. Why because we feel guilty for change the world we feel guilty for modern I'll being the society that cured polio. That is why hunger off the face of the earth. I don't feel guilty, I'm strong, I'm happy constitutional American. I'm a winner I'm not on the losing team, I'm on the winning team. You better, whose carefully which team you're on their will, a choice knows nobody's on the sidelines on this one you choose carefully which team you're I'm A team for life, I'm the team for equal
Justice, I'm on the winning team here, listening TAT, Glenn back. Here's our sponsor this half hour. It is simply safe. One hundred percent committed to having you fear, less, I'm not afraid you know There was a time in my life that my start. But you have to take certain steps to get you out of that that place. Stop worrying about your houses are worrying about close and I was freaked out just absolutely freaked out and I called my way. I was on the road. I said I can't do this. I can't do this and I had make some decisions in my life You know what are you willing to live for? What are you willing to die for an eye by made some serious choices in my life, but I'm not afraid because I I conquered, By what's the worst thing that could happen, ok, good! Imagine that live that for a few days now good, got it out of your system, that's the worst that can happen.
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he is he's done me. He's done up a piece on the intersection reality between the left and the clan He's joins us now to set up a little bit of this clip Ami welcome with such a pleasure origin. Pussy, you gonna be out who so assault set. This clip up tell us tell us what this is. So substantial we have here. Is we have this weird convergence I have found with the extreme left As you know, the extreme left cod, like the main, the mainstream left us. And of flew with races and white supremacist another like the label, our president away, two premises. That could be further from the truth, but or quite a bit of similarities, actually between the left in the kitchen. Kay, particularly around the way they view black people, as so I, to Columbia, and I asked you Fourthly, the Columbia erotic:
exactly right, I asked white students how they feel that separating blacks do in some ways, and congratulations in Germany also because this has become a new car. Issue at universities were you ever around the country, particularly all the ideas have been doing, is now four for a couple of years and of course they all answered there, but they had no problem whatsoever happy to do actually, okay, so eh it is a four minute clip we're gonna play it I will come back in and talk to talk to about what it all means here. It is Our mommy Horowitz colleges are eating separate housing, graduations and even Jim's for blacks. And other minorities, so I the Columbia University to find out what students think about
Would you support second housing for backing up a lot of my God had like interest how they were like laxity, ischemic, colored men? from what it was like. A normal and tragic Oda comes from the same word. I would offer blasters someone how about that. While it is supportive of, and why not do you want? I mean you wouldn't change anything to me because I mean what lesson, but if it I can tell you support blast having, though several graduation, I'm here so you'd be Yokota supper. Rhetoric Absolutely absolutely they haven't. What about black slaves versions?
a year ago, space where the blackened separate and white people loud just several blocks away from the kid this problem. The local lack the opinions on this issue. Why are you going back in Taiwan is deeply flawed, gathered around the logical after, like that they should be saturation before gradually together. That that segregation, and nor should it be happening, is obviously terrible. Suffering discrimination may not be the ultimate goal of people take. Do you think it's almost made yesterday tat? I would think it's social skills, and if you can't converse with people who are not of the same skin color in it and there's no reason for you to be short of it. All By raising the german one can understand why you will think of their feelings. Are gonna get them
the landmark case of Brown, Rashid Board of Education overturned the legality of racial segregation facing the premise of separate but equal, but did it really can be separated and I'll hospitable? Yeah, maybe separate, but it's gotta be equal as long as it's, it's me seven has people in terms of a thousand years the graduation right. I would make a nonsense. These terms are not the only people on board with this, too of racial segregation. I am Chris Barker Imam. It was for the loyal white of the Ku Klux Klan. We have our own safe space here. North Carolina will you could be away from all those people who engage in micro aggressions, but Chris is really are mackerel, some kind of guy Chris was arrested for stabbing another clan meter over an argument. But who was the most race is just angle on on universally campuses, whether China separate black people, for why people and gems
Graduations and housing- and I feel better It's a good thing, and I also thank its in people's nature- means in everybody's nature to be with their own people or travel. We want to be amongst ourselves, and I mean we're still a segregated nation regardless, and it's always go me that way. You glad that the left is kind come around to your point of view. They have the lift, continues at what if it is separated likeness, I have had a continued, pretty glad you're doing. Stay Moorside data? Maybe the whites can learn their own culture against the idea of one or other interesting things. New agree with with college left us like you, safe space, you guys, emo Party be listen, a party battle, Everything black Lisbon refused to watch it. The man opened
I guess, Billy with round or some more of education. It was watching you wouldn't say that pleasant this at all While I don't believe in separating the races separating yours from your wallet in order to help me make more. These videos might be a good thing, so feel for you, army, Morowitch COM and dull forgets described what you do Ah me, great video army is amazing. That is a great great video What do you want you take away, for I mean I'm watching these Colombia students what a collection adopts. Look is the question is: are they Dobbs or do they really believe this kind of weird? new version of racism. You know what I mean I just as I've had this conversation with my son. He is talking about God and he's like you know. I don't know what to do. I believe and blow and is a good one.
Doing to find out and if you claim to believe something you better be able to ban. Get up, especially if you're at a university that this this? Is U r a self imposed dope look. This is not always the first, the only point of contact between the left, an the kick carried back I ask the also summer set of questions about. We feel that whose control was governor with their money and end the most of them all and most not also. Yes, of course, we were forcibly then so the case. This is not the only place of agreement. The look this is such a. So dangerous and never mind the fact there reawakens the evils of Sergei should put aside for a moment but reinforces identity politics in the absolute worst way in and it really amplifies these racial businesses do not Harvard was asked about this. What it was
What's the reasoning behind separating said getting a black during a graduation and they said, but especially day. They want something special for there dreams, but your marginalized and thicker myself. Well on planet earth. Is a black person feel like Marginalized then, are universally campus laden. Our delegation with the standard boy by the only group. At the graduation conservatives truly marginalized Marshall on campuses really, is it unbelievable to me so you know. The problem here is that they are because I I I watch him and Alison, and I tried it I'm trying to figure out what are they feeling? What is driving this? and it's not like the clan. He is driven by hate them if they are driven to the same exact, racist conclusion, but they have close, did in love. They have cloaked
and you know what the hay, whatever anybody else wants to do, if that but they want to do than that. But they should do. Who am I to say? I love them. I want to make sure that their taken care of, and so you have of this year. Of this. This smothering of people Andy and a cloaking of very racist things, all with understanding, peace, harmony, love forgiveness, compassion and I think it's why they don't see it. You know I'd I'd, look you're. Absolutely right, of course, they're both coming from different places in terms of motivation, but Ultimately there, both looking at at at black people as less than what you and do under? Oh, you can't you can't find either The above board, rightly a couple years ago, was gonna blew up and it was essentially
nobody's videos or color erased base, where the show the same thing. This is com, son. Should this patronising attitude that they look at black look. You need me to watch after you meet. Make sure you can have your own environment in your own. Croatia in your own, Jim. You make sure that I can get. Do what you do your eye, because you can get your ip by yourselves. We gotta make sure you d like to show you the vote all of these attitude. Yes, lately there obviously differ than term The motivation of yonder is all the same and for a person who is black that caught unawares. You look at it and the other, Major thing, I fear- I think it is important to point out- is that there is in May is. Why asked college kids? I ask Colombia got called his wore black. However, about us, it noted a very mixed results. Now, when I went to a couple blocks on campus to ask that the black there, they were unanimous actual unanimous. This was
absolutely wall beyond the pale, but the thing is there: there seems to be a massive chasm. Between black leadership, whether we political Europe in the house, the Senate or in the presidency. Or amongst social activist community leaders they have their far more radical than the black man in general, which I've always thought is. Why does a major opportunity for a and the right to say guys? That's not your home these people, I know, he's looking up your best interest, but there who behave as this real condescension towards you that we don't have our party, he was a real opportunity. There will it's quite honestly, why I think many republicans dont reach out to the black community. They have hispanic commuter. What are we to think that way, we're just like this is working. And what do you think in common? I don't I don't go talk to organisations. I talk to people and
that's kind of that's gonna thrown us at this Meantime, the the democrats- it's always It's always floored me that the guy who was stood against the Civil Rights ACT in the civil rights movement, Lyndon Johnson, suddenly, five years later site, then the civil rights act- and I am sorry, but I just don't believe change of heart, and I also don't believe well. This the truth strategic plan to to be. To win the next election and blah blah blah IRA. We believe that there were people Let were involved in that that understood, will look these people take care of themselves. We'll take care of him we'll make sure that they stay in their place and that's what they ve created and and you're, seeing it now there's this is the rule, go to Hell, is paved with good intentions you're, seeing now the fruit of that from the nineteen sixties, where you know
we're just gonna love and take care cause, they're, just so weak and powerless, and we're just gonna make sure that all these victims are taken care of by us you're, seeing the fruit of that right now. This is the as example, of road to Hell is paved with good intentions, I think I've ever seen Oh no, I I agree, and then that's why I keep saying we have an opportunity here. It looks I begin. I dont number these videos, no one of any other kind of strikes me, but ultimately the left don't any idea how brow the black after American Rank and file feels about a particular issues with it. Immigration or abortion, or whatever happens to be, I think, that's where we have arbitrary peculiar. I didn't video once about one black the matter was blowing up and I went to Brooklyn either be a bunch of the again his white left is as it. How do you think your black people in the Bronx and Harlem feel about the obesity. Oh, my god. They hate them
so racing against these black people, his rage on the streets? So am I Do you know I went to arm to EAST Harlem per head accusers a cops lives matter. How how provocative could that be kind of rage. My cup of votes is too short and I went there and every single person left me said. Oh my god, of course, cost lives, I'll tell you he's wonderful stories about how we help them in a critical situation? There is such a massive disconnect between how the left views black people and views what they think People want rush the reality on the ground, and I cannot stress enough You know these videos highlight that difference and weaken, lose this opportunity and make sure angry realised that what's best for their newly, if not the left, which tells you want to think what to do? But the white which, given the freedom to do what they were Army Horowitz. You can follow him at Ami Horowitz dot com. You can also donate, so he can continue to make these these fantastic videos.
Army Horowitz dot com, a m I army, Horowitz Dotcom Ami, think so much will talk again. Our sponsor this half hour is Norton Security. Now Norton has been you know in the software business forever protecting software and everything else. They have just started thing VP in now, Vps is a virtual private network. Now you know who else started? One facebook started what they were given away VP ends for free, you can you so tempted pace but bbn. Will the reason you would have a Vps is you don't want anyone tracking everything and monitoring everything that you do not say, you're doing something wrong you just tell me you just don't feel comfortable with these companies having every Pisa information, so gonna get rid of that you have to have a Vps Facebook did it because they thought we could have exclusive information for every party that nobody else can track him, but we can
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Turkey must our about with my question going into the brake was gone. What was the genesis of that like what? What brought you to that monologue and a monologue from top of our two. You can listen to it on the podcast and it was all about Empowering yourself take take control of the situation, yeah and need the. I guess, trying to figure out a way. To summarize it- and it's I guess empower yourself it's kind of their, but a part of me every time. I hear something like that, I think of like hey. Here's your you know, new age self Help Tipp of the day, and it's not that's not what you were saying at all. I mean others say that two things I took out of it, were number one we don't be a man like this whole thing about how boom men supposed to act? And now is that, ok to even acknowledge that men are a thing, namely that I even think they're included in the ninety eight genders that the traditional thing
of being a man being responsible for yourself holding yours of accountable and need to make yourself better do those things. Then that's for one and number two? Is we all have to be on guard a little bit. I this MR conservatives, alot, certainly habits that people on the left, We ought to be on guard a little bit of allowing ourselves to consider our situation. A situation of victimhood a situation where liking for exempting example, imports. To. We know you can't win this because the media just won't, do x, Y and see the meat I tell the truth and that's why we can't do this, we can never win because this person Moat express it right
this person will come out. I we can't get money from the we can't make movies, because in Hollywood won't allow it well. I will look at unplanned right now and I ve never had a better chance than we have right now. We ve never had more access to more ears and eyes than we have ever had, and it goes all the way down to the grass roots you don't have any gatekeepers anymore. If you can tell it story. If you can get eyeballs, you will be seen. Your message will be seen and there's a lot of underlying truth in every one of those examples I just gave. Yes all other things are basically other room foundational, and we are now ever here we're sitting here. Looking at the destruction of the bill of rights, we're looking at the destruction of free speech we are looking at people being shadow band and banned in twitter and Facebook playing with algorithms to shut people up, we are working against all those things, but we ve also never had more power which which Are you going to choose you gonna choose the lighter the dark. You know ye
business, this old Sophie saying. That is that I I absolutely love that which you gave upon you become imitation, is the highest form of flattery, but is at me It means that when you're imitating somebody's eyes for a flowery, why is that as it shows you ve gazed upon them for a long time. You have watched them, you have studied them. They have imprinted that on you. One of the first things I was ever told of really good advice from a programmer I was like fifteen years old and he said never never listened to people who you don't think you're good, never listen, because I don't care. How funny. You think it is used to listen to somebody in New York. You don't care how funny you think it is. You will pick up some of those traits even if
those traits are just to mark you will pick up some of those traits that would you is upon. You will become think about what were gazing upon and don't mean just I mean just think of this politically. What are we looking at every day you are listening to shows. Are they eating you or are they? feeding, you stuff to be mad at all a feeding you stuff that is up lift at all that is counteracting. What were gazing Now I want you to know this. Is necessarily that their anybody is trying to do. What I do. I do subscribe abandoned. And on some people are on. The right are on the right, but many on the left they are. Are trying to create an agenda, but let us say that its neutral. Ok, let's just say it's not, but let's say it is, if you
watching every day, just the news, let's say it's reported by a high and you designed the egg What is that, I I most likely downloading into your house problems its downloading problems because that's the only reason why we have news and nobody. To hear the Happy NEWS, so We have found a way to monetize everybody's issue and everybody's problem, Now, when you're on line- and your look Facebook. Look today at Facebook and Twitter. What is the incentive to be good. Is there an incentive to be good now? What gets the clicks and the likes somebody? You really just got, gave it to a man, a stick to a maritime right, destroys yeah person, hey destroys person, be right, we're gonna own them. There is no mode Nation,
there is nothing rewards you for doing good. Speaking softly He nothing. So we not as a system, we are not right, warding anything is telling you good news. So what does that mean? That means all you gazing upon the news and Facebook and twitter and everything else we. Is this a million times really. Since that. Is it more dangerous today than it I mean was never like this? When we were kids right? It was never like this you have to worry about these things No, you know why, because we didn't know about them, didn't know what was happening in Baltimore if we lived in Seattle, nor did we care. We didn't know about all these things. Crime has gone down. Tremendous tremendous numbers cry has gone down. Violence has gone down, shooting
have gone down all things and we think epidemic? This is horrible. Look we're falling apart! No we're not know we're not but you're We being fed the bad every single day, and so you rich eat more more, no matter what you say, look at her Oh, it is affected your view of America. Look, it has anything happen to you personally on race. Anything happen to you personally on race now, it may now be me well. Only white people can be racist. So right right I mean even as far as I'm saying with, for example, the average person have you add a hate crime happened to you right, it's more of a general societal, fear, correct and then use individual examples to read.
And we know we know just from Army Horowitz what he said last hour. He said when I went to the black me when I was on the cap as it was one answer when I went to the black community. They were strongly against everything that these people are saying on gap. It was incredible. Ok, that's incredible! That's it's really like that's what it's really like? You know that happiest people. I know where the people who live in small towns and our farmers, you know why, cause or too damn busy worry about everybody else's problems. They got problems on the hurricane, their cause surrender their for their losing their farm. You think you got problems driving a farmer. Today, driving a farmer for for your life and nobody seems to care, but they know the truth they know they care. They know their neighbors care. They know their surrounded by good people they know what is really but what is really happening? There's a you know, tony Robins is really sick.
He has mercury poisoning like off the charts, mercury poisoning. Amanda is very, very sick, and one of the reasons I wanted to see him was. I got to get control of my body and I have had so many problems and you know it's just tough and we all have problems and so you know he's talking and he's like you Well, you know I showed up. No, I showed for stage, he's like I am. I was throwing up this morning. You know I, like I do we're going gonna make it today, blah blah blah knees like they're, going to gonna, make it I'm Tony Robins any hidden, chest and he's like this body, works for me. I don't work for it. I tell it what to do. Tony Robins I created Tony Robins. I put everything in my head, so actively one piece at a time I built this and I too my body what to do and he went out on stage and he performed
those incredible, and you know what I realized I ve done it- equally the same thing. Still you been with me where I I haven't even almost been able to walk right before us. Aid show, I haven't been able to walk the mint I walk off stage I collapse, but well. Stage, you'd, never know brought you some convince yourself to get through it correct. You have choice you're, going to do it, and so who do it? The secret is being able to do. It all. The time you gotta be able hold it all the time we you can't hold it all the time if we're feeding ourselves bad stuff, all the time We have lost faith in ourselves. What we can took the media's always against us. The Mediaset with who cares. Whose watching CNN and that being said, what what do you mean still the shows on the right. Do we rip. Work on what they're saying why,
nobody's watching it, why why are we feeding something that only not jobs or watching? You know people who- trapped in airports. People who are, I see you and can't reach over for the you know the little control its clipped to their shirt there so weak make. Those are the only people watching that Why are we talking about it? Why are we empowering it? Why are we empowering their message. We are, fighting against something No we're not! I don't know fight against something. I want to fight for something and it's not really that hard to do because we already live it. We should be unless we gazed upon something so long that we no longer think it's true. I Oh it's true that most cops are great. I
It's true that most african Americans most. Why? most asian most Hispanics are good God, fearing people, they lived good lives there don't have it out for somebody else there not trying to take your stuff they just They're just like you. They just want to raise a good family law we're being convinced that Europe or white and racist or black and racist. Your eight in your trouble, stealing from other people, your black in trouble and stealing from other no you're, not stop it. Let me get specific. Let me give a specific on a couple of things. After it break for one minute.
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her mother went to this movie and her sister is Dane she's went unplanned she's changed and this has been going on for a long time, but she has repented. She went back to her past her and she was like you know. Help me help me help me got forgiveness when you know, but through all of it and she's living a happy life but MA am can't find it in herself to forgive her daughter, because those three grandchildren, any said Glenn. I don't know why, solved it all in our family. I dont know what to do. What. You say to my mom and I think So too harsh! Because its I mean, I don't know, I don't know the family dynamic. I don't know mom, but This is what just came out of his came out of me, the Lord for If those who were driving nails in to his
each end into his hands? While they were mocking him, he said, Forgive them, they don't know what they're doing now. If, if that's not the greatest sample of forgiveness, I dont know what is: is my burden bigger than his Was it harder for me too? Forgive somebody in my life, even if that's me It was for him. While they were hanging him on a cross, the Amish forgive the family of the shooter that killed their children on the same day. They found out that their children were dead, and by that night they were over comforting the family of the shooter. How? How do we not forgive.
How can somebody not forgive because they didn't get a hold her grandchildren when, if you believe you're going to be together again. You'll hold those babies. You hold those grandchildren. Seventy times. Seven, that's a pretty heavy load of forgiveness, but gods load was bigger. Think how he felt he all that he was going send them into a vessel that child into a vessel that my choose to abort think how he felt He lost his sweet little children that violent death now he's forgiven and she's got to other daughters, father mother daughter, but his two daughters fighting against each other.
Here's the thing he has worked for all of us to do it's all hands on deck. He needs the proud end. The humble huh it's the sinner in the saint. He needs all of us. And what we need to do is show love and forgiveness for one another, and we need sarge as being the person. He needs us to be right now, right now. He needs us. As I look at the things you know where we are a beacon. We're beacon to the things that we believe. Stu asked me earlier, you know, Glenn is this power? Apposite thinking now its apparent buzz, I don't power. Positive thinking is just drives me nuts. I'm here think good thoughts cause. I want this. That's that I hope you. These are declarative statements. This is a recognition of who you are and
Only reason you're, not who you want to be, is because you're afraid of nickel, that of declaring it you are. Who ever it is you want to be you wanna, be a better man. Declare it I'm a better man I'm a better man than I was yesterday, because you're gonna have to start measuring that I'm a good day I am somebody who believes in the constitution of the United States. I am a defender of the cow Institutionally, eyes dates. Well, you will be because you're gonna be asked. If you make that statement about yourself, you're gonna be asked to defend it, you'd better, learn it we We have to start recognising our own power own power to get things done and stop listening to the
entire world. That says You're losing I have news for you guys we're not we're not on the losing side, truth is truth and it will always win. What are you cowering from stand up for truth? It's all! You are required to do your lessening tat, Glenn Bank, partial dot com, Oil boy, how much good that five hundred six hundred dollars you needed to repair car? What could that have been? You know used for that time that Europe, Europe check engine light, went on and you are like order,
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access to the show when you want to give the pod cassis subscribe. Its positive regain also join a blaze tv dot com to slash Gleneesh Promo code. Welcome to the programme. We have rubbing Owen. He is, he writes of diabetes. Whose letter every day for the blaze Anne and really is its well those things we re him you like. While what is what is happening, welcome things were enemy, only I loved you and deputy Sms M can sign up. I go into my twitter page at Robbie. No, it's the first link at the top, and so we twitter. Yet we were just talking about why We feed ourselves this crap, about the media when real? No, it's watching it, are we feeding ourselves this? I enough people watching that drives discussion, but I think you're right. I mean the people in
the Washington garter and enough. Neither in the northeast all follow twitter and they think that everything is happening, but you have to ask a normal American did you see that story, though, at what why? How does that affect me? Getting my groceries in the chicken caused Moreau and only five pound? Now right, you know or something like that rights. That's not what the price chicken is, but but that sort of thing- and I think that, but I think it's him- Orton to point out what they're doing because they're not me reporting news on either because there miss- Forty news, because they make a mistake, damage report in framing news, because they want you to think a certain way bait. They want to drive a narrative. I mean Brien's shelter over CNN always nobody's favour person. The brain cells rovard CNN this weekend, you know talk about our report and how the narrative on it was shifting, and yet she used the word that we used to like say: this is what they're trying to do. Any use the word to openly show that that's what they were trying to do with the Mulder report. That found no collusion did not.
Enough evidence for obstruction of justice, because you, as my My colleagues and in our colleague Mark Levin likes to say you can't obstruct justice. If you're the presidency, at this stage, because under article two you run the Justice Department. You want to stop an investigation. You could operate investigation in the way to do, that is to make that person not elected. To get I mean, that's all. There is the whole that there's a whole new, shit by those people that thing government is something other than the people we elect. They think that the government is this big never changing thing that they doesn't need somebody to be elected to run it and adapt persons just no a had he's, not somebody who can actually do something, and when you as they do something they find another way mainly through the media, to to stop him from doing it you don't know, that's on a lot of ways on both sides, but you know they never really went after. Obama, when he was doing some of the stuff- and I would say that he went a little bit further than trumpets and a lot of air in a lot of areas.
Let me talk to you about Joe Biden and what would you think it's gonna happen to Joe Biden. You think he's run the authorities in IRAN, and I think that there is no, you see it in the New York Times. You you see headlines like his affectionate either was affectionate what he did in Monday's unlike Monday, bunkers was April fool's day and awaiting bite. My master Jake line at the email was brain cells or, as a great guy, never gets anything wrong. I said these are not April fool's jokes, except for this, because every day in the meat, our congressional corresponded neat Madden tweeted out, you know this is the, about April fool's day is the one day the people actually critically check articles that they see because they want to see a very ill but the new stuff everyday right in the middle I don't think this is nothing different. You know the bed there there are congressmen and senators that that I know that they were unhappy would Joe Biden during the swearing in because of the way that they get out
where he had in themselves are handled undermine yet exactly- and you know we ve been talking about this for how long, even though, for all right, I mean run centre right. We ve been talking about Joe Biden doing this forever. The Atlantic talked about him. Doing it forgot, seeks the daily the Daily Show had like the audacity of the grope or something like that they had not been an actual being that they get it and submit. The bee comes out on the daily show. All this shit old and said I was just interviewing Joe Biden. I mean these are things that people have known about its most, it's not as bad that we know of its not as bad as wine see by any stretch imagination, but it is that Everybody knows it and nobody talks about it. Nobody says anything unless you're joking, remember why do. You know any jokes. Do we find Hollywood making about you know doing those kinds of thing. They knew they knew, but he had power and so they decided not to do anything about it, yet
absolutely right and indeed of these other stuff with wood. Provided that it was in think it was in the water gin examiner today. I don't know if you ve. If you ve seen this yet in its actually was John Solomon, they did there's a guy, bit during the entire Mahler investigation, the people at the hill, according quote reporter Were upset the John Solomon Hattie byline John Solomon is a right of centre me the guy. He runs the whole tv division and they let him right. And he was the one that came out with all of these all of these scoops. What was really going on in the mother investigation and they weren't finding collusion, but it was actually Hillary Clinton that was funding fees gps. He was one of the guys. I was coming up with a lot of these groups: the people at the hill that on the reporter side, got upset and made them put an opinion by on John Solomon, stuff they John Solomon came out with, and I believe it was. John Solomon came out with unearth video of Joe Biden.
Joking to a foreign policy conference that he got be the basin the attorney general of Ukraine fired because the guy was King into his son come we need that his son was on the board of in Joe Biden threatened. We told this audience. It wasn't a joke. Did he told the press of Ukraine that you're not getting your billion dollars in foreign aid of disguised or the general. Where's the mainstream media? On that mean that's, pretty big store that huge. This goes to. This goes to something that was its whiter than talk to US justice last week. He's got you know he is a book out. Just came up paper back about the most cruel politicians- and he says Joe Biden Is the most corrupt we ve had in our lifetime and one of the most corrupt in all of american history because of what's going on with his son.
And we don't hear anything and its than did the its dad. It's really damning when you see that right and they protect it in you know they say that you Donald Trump continuing a business business dealings. He doesn't know if he's gonna win to try and NATO expand as real estate out empire. Piano is something that should be looked at because its nefarious or that people happened on a stay at the Trump hotel when they go to the sea, because close to the one of the White House in it. It's a nice place and you want to stay there before government staying there This illustrates the emoluments clause I mean, I'm gonna tell you. I have a feeling that you George Washington sold cotton to people in Britain. We're probably lords and sat in the House of Lords of the House of Commons, when he had a needle station in Virginia, I'm pretty sure that that was part of trade that like it when he became present
his whole plantation. Didn't you stop running. You know it. But if you tell people that was a different time and in this I what it really meet, but that is what it means it means did you get it act, payment to do something for the United States government from a foreign ended. That's what the ammonia wants clause is it's not did you happen to you business I mean. Did Harry Truman, never fit somebody in Kansas City for a suit it by, work for a foreign government? You know I mean it's just it's too stupidity when you think of stuff like that, and they don't cover this. I didn't think which has really incredible and in a first of all its you point out, it's not an opinion peace at all. It's a news article here it is written under an opinion byline, but going through in the quotas pretty damaging really well. Here is the Biden again talking about getting this guy fired. He says I said getting the billion I mentally I'm gonna be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and I said I'm leaving in six hours at the prosecutors not fired you're, not getting the money will set up a bit. She got fired
puts in place? Who saw it at the time and then the the? in article reveals you know: Punter Biden was working for The company that was being investigated by the prosecutor at the time and can we verify that he was indeed fired at the time that Biden was there. I mean by in verifies it right. Is it possible violence lying of core? Certainly I mean maybe he's never even heard of Ukraine Emily Guy with bite and who knows by Miss it is clear that cat I we should look will look more into. This is pretty pretty amazing. So the other point that I've I tried to make today was a boy focusing on the media as much as we do? We we exe to this narrative that we're pretty powerless. We don't have a very strong voice. We ve had we stronger voice. Now that we ever had, we ve ever had
and yes we're on the ropes. And yes, there are bad things happening in yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but talk a little bit about the the power of the right now and the power of the media that we do have now I'd anything. You know here at the blaze here, was Concerto Review before the merger and deal with the daily collar new Sunday should all we're looking two things. They may not believe us, the left may say: oh, that's, not real reporting. But we have multiple voices because it's the democratization of information. What the internet makes possible and that's why It's so scary, when you see people like Oliver Darcy Light by an stouter like all of these people who sit there and say well, we need to shut those voices down we D shut the exchanges of the world down, we need to shut the Laura rumours of the world out who may be a bit off entering a little way but Laura Did real investigative work? You know when
say that we need to shut those voices now and then, when you see the guy that Facebook or runs Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, come Odin say we want government in the government should be more and control of the internet. I mean tell it that that's like in the Soviet Union. The government should be more control, a fax machines which is one of the technologies that helped liberate the the union, because people would facts each other dissidents with facts other stuff because they couldn't find. Let us stop the faxes from going through because it wasn't it'll, it was analogue. It is its remarkable in its on it's on my board of things to watch the the marrying of tack and the government its inevitable that that's coming and I think that's why the left has been saying that we think we're gonna break you guys up. They are saying your toes unless there's something you can do for us Europeans who, I know you, in its it's. It's it's tech media I mean facebooks, gonna have its own needs
column now that'll be different from the new speed. If, like the watch pages, that we have some things on here, it heavy but you have a news thing, and how do you get into that news? They will we be able to into that news feed off little. Maybe you know the appropriate people that are able to get into that new eaten anything will only twenty percent of people going to watch it in your other news. Feed is still gonna happen it. It's almost like the left is afraid that people have the idea. For themselves or they were having been yet because they don't believe people are smart enough to figure things out. Your actual It's it's like Boom Diane Feinstein back in the early too when she wanted to be italy- have government sanction reporters like bloggers where real reporters. You know what was doing by my local Massachusetts, place blood Red Mass group where we uncovered self that the government was doing and gun pro. Odin bought in some of the Boston newspapers, and we share the work, but some of the Boston newspapers that wasn't real reporting, guys. That was just you know,
some crank and you're, not a real reporting eat. You should have to be, should have a government sanction to be protected. Ted couple told me that TED couple said Glenn we ve got to do something to have the government give licence four for people who are journalist- and I am I mean I were issues like TED couple- Are you crazy? Are you crazy? That is the worst idea. I've ever heard they ve been gaiety, Yes, sir, let alone they ve been gatekeepers, they are, they are the ones they get to drive the narrative, even people like Walter, Cronkite, either of these guys for so long. There was one place. You get your news, they were gatekeepers get upset when they can't be gatekeepers anymore, which brings us back to John Solomon, so this rate digest that you can get every day. How do you sign up for it right now? The easiest way to do is to go to my twitter page at Robbie. Now are no click, the top link.
Bringing to the deputy of Emma some sign up form and you get em. We send it up, we send it out three times a week will probably don't daily shortly becomes The terms of a genuinely really good thanks. So much Rob presented rampart of place media in the blaze tv. Let's tell you about our sponsor this half hour. It is a relief factor if you're in constant pain know that you are not alone, there's a ton of people all across Amerika that have stop doing that they want to do told you story earlier today about my dad. In the always said you know one of these days, I'm just gonna retire I won't play golf, but by the time he got to be able to retire because he had lived lifted, reed pound bags of flour in sugar on his back all the time because he was a baker. He was so riddled with pain. He couldn't move. He couldn't even walk the golf course any more. Let alone swing the swing. The club, I'm not wait for anything I want to do as I saw it happen. You just don't wait for do it now.
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laid all of the stuff out about Joe Biden and his son and this corruption that he appears to be engaged in over the Ukraine in India and the former Soviet Bloc. Now. There's a story today with new information and a clip of Joe Biden explaining how he got somebody. You know basically, the attorney general The country fired ITALY's prosecutor of Ukraine and this. If we had known before. I think Peter maybe even mentioned this lesson or to have definite heard mentioned before that that Hunter Biden was working for this particular company Rosemont Seneca, and he he is it is. It is a kind of a tangled web, but the quick update here from data from a hill, two years after leaving leaving office, Joe Biden couldn't resist the temptation last year to be to an audience of foreign policy.
DE specialist at about his time, as vice president, that he strong arm Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor in his own way. With video cameras, rolling bite into how he threatened ukrainian President about if he would pull the EU. The one billion dollar in: U S, loan guarantees they didn't immediately fire. The prosecutor general, I said you're not getting the billion I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours and like them I said I live. Six hours. If the prosecutors not fired you're, not getting the money will start a bit. She got fired, His son was working for the company that that prosecutor General was in the middle of an investigation and we're gonna going to look into that more talk to the author, hopefully, tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2020-04-19.