« The Glenn Beck Program

Nefarious Times for America | Guest: Steve Deace | 12/29/20

2020-12-29 | 🔗

Steve Deace fills in for Glenn and immediately gets on his soapbox about the outlandish things you also need to believe if you believe that the presidential election was legitimate. He also explains how the predictions he made in his book "A Nefarious Plot" have come to fruition all throughout 2020 and how its sequel, the recently released short book "A Nefarious Carol," paints a disturbing picture for a choice we may all have to make in the near future. Some messages that Steve wants everyone to understand are that love and truth are not mutually exclusive and that men might be the problem in our country, but they are also the solution.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What you're about to here is the future of entertainment and enlightenment, man they're, probably twenty twenty year onward, any other and there's this notion out there that, It just snuck up on us. We We never saw it coming At this stage was set for this year long ago, in our institutions and our culture
in our homes the hearts and minds of the people I'm Steve days filling in today for Glenn back, and I will explain in a moment. This is the Glen Back programme? Hey it's true. A drum roll police. Ladies and gentlemen, Shah has extended their Christmas holiday season sail for a limited time. of yourself, the gift of looking years younger, was Shalmaneser brand new, so teak, deep, correcting serum, absolutely free with your order. The new so take deep, correcting serum from show many means skin that a smoother silk free from redness
acne and acne scars and faster college and production. So cheek increases firmness, smoothness and diminishes adult acne, redness and stress, break out even take a bite at cross feet and laugh lines and with immediate effects, ear to see results in twelve hours or less you're, gonna see the difference guaranteed or one hundred percent of your money back. That's the shah. Many promised call eight hundred five, seven, seven, eight, seven, zero, nine or good agenda seldom come true yourself. A sham these brand new, so teak, deep, correcting serum forestalls at home Micro, Durham, abrasion treatment, Ex fully getting mask and a surprise luxury gift, all free, with your order to deck plus free of great two priority shipping order now, eight hundred five seven have an eight seven, zero, nine or genocide outcome is G. At U C, o thou come back here and the Glen Back programme. My name is Steve days filling in four Glenn today, an Midwest winter store and permitting also tomorrow,
many of you have had a chance to hear me, be a guest on glens show in the past. I do the show on blaze, tv right after Glenn from noon due to Eastern on Blaze, tv, radio and podcast. I have my full crew here with me this morning, as well Echo Hoster Todd arisen as well as our archivist in producer Erin Mcintyre. Merry Christmas happy new year to you guys have been seen you guys in about a week or so I guess I'll have a good. I say it was great, so we have to look at getting did we did you guys got out without some asked and terrorized similar local populaces. My understanding correct did my was scolded by a teenager when its army popcorn yesterday or no last week, right before Christmas, you said you into three different stores mask for different stores, including a drugstore, and apparently I have a face. That says, don't talk to me: and we did that about you. Actually, yes, that is true so over the Said today's program, if, if we say anything remotely insightful,
You want to respond to or after program. If, if you want to engage with us, others there several different ways to do this via social media are just look Steve days, that's d, a cd Pardon me just like Epstein days on Facebook. You can also look me up on me. We, some of you may not know That is why that is like the new free speech. I guess called the free speech alternative to Facebook right and then follow me on Twitter at Steve days. Show you can tell I've been on vacation for we can have. This is like the most I have talked since our last day. And were only five minutes into the shell. Might my voices got stretch out here a little bit follow. On twitter Steve Day show over on. I think we got it. over on parlor. That's the free speech alternative to Twitter. Follow me there at Steve days and then numb warehouse isn't it,
the Youtube you you too- calm, Slash Steve Days, so there's lots of, four ways that you can engage with us via social media. Here on the show And then, after the program and cause, I'm I'm hoping by the time we're done here today we have set few things that you find insightful that you want to take with you and you want to share with you and with others around you, this the time of year, if we were having a normal year that We'd be doing a lot of re caps. The year that was some top ten political stories, news stories For a lot of us, the year ended on March Eleventh. for a lot of us, the America that we took for granted all of our lives
That that ended on March eleventh and it blindsided a lot of us- but if we look back at the history We have lived through in this last generation. as we come to the end of twenty twenty in- and there are so many pie in the sky. Idealistic notions and we're just get it It's going to put this year to bed right work. I can't wait to get to twenty twenty one because we're better than this Steve. Yes, because we're better than this yet, and if you don't learn from this year, You will not put it to bed in twenty twenty one. Instead,. It will, I guess, we'll go with the term mutate.
into a new strain of branch cavity in time I see what you did their Lord voucher. He soon see what I did there. Yes, think about that. that this year we had a president impeached. It's like that didn't he like me, don't you remember it? I mean like, like it didn't matter. We had a presidential impeachment proceeding, the third time in american history and it was like webs, The- U S: government verified that there's. unexplained phenomena. In the skies, technology that it here too for was anew. air existed on this earth. And it showed us video.
And we were kind of like peace out. is the election over. Yet for being told there was no vote or fraud. I keep seeing more and more stories now now the Pennsylvania Republican Party is claiming what is a two hundred thousand more people voted. Then we're registered to do so really you have to hear here's with. Let me just boil down all of the various tentacles of the debate about voter fraud into one statement for you to believe job. And one this election honestly here is what you, Have to believe you to believe this. Has nothing to do with the dominion corporate Flow Charenton do they are recounting votes in China or
in Venezuela and who knows if those things are true and in which we will eventually find out the truth, all finds us out we eventually find out the answers to these kinds of questions, but it will take. a longer than we have between now and January twentieth, New president is constitutionally to be sworn in. It will take longer than that amount of time to get to that truth. whatever you may think of Sydney POW, you may think she is a charlatan or a prophetess the reality is prior to this story. She didn't when one of the most improbable court cases in recent history on the right, but it it took three years. In the microwave Casey signed his plea agreement. I believe on December first twenty seventeen and it wasn't until this year But he was exonerated.
I can boil it all down into one question or one statement right now, though, to believe Joe Biden won the election. Honestly, you have to believe Then in a handful of counties that just so happened to be, for decades Notoriously controlled by his political party. That somehow, in those handful of counties that had been notoriously in coincidentally controlled by his pillow a party for decades there are just so stupid, And so my numbed that they are Where of how to use a? U S, postal service system, Don't know when election day is data Don't know what the law says about when ballots Urdu, due It is the innocent explanation. You laugh
ties, but that's what you have to believe you to believe that because the math doesn't work when you talk about one, the same party, one fifteen, how seats but his presidential candidate laws by millions of oats? That's That's never happened in american history at least two party history. So the only explanation that you can make for those anomalies. We can do whole shows on those kinds of anomalies but frank the National Republican Party republican attorney general just in Republican governors just can't be bothered with these sorts of things and dont really seem to care right. So with aliens like with impeachment. These these are had a clear MC stories. Will all just move on like nothing ever happened, but you Lee by one. You have to believe that in a handful of counties, but there are so dumb they don't. I had a male in a ballot on Time That's an that explains the Forum Boat Dumbass, that's what
Have to believe. But in the end that I get memory hold week, we had a terrorist attack on Christmas day in Nashville. Motive needs a motive. worst shooting ever in american history in LAS Vegas. That was three years ago motive who needs a motive. We just memory hold that which is inconvenient and move on how we become a people who, not even be bothered with the truth will discuss that next,
president, Trump created millions of jobs, save the economy from a worldwide pandemic and led the effort to discover a vaccine at warp. Speed. America rewarded president Trump with over seventy four million votes, more votes from African Americans, Latinos and jewish Americans than any Republican in decades, suggesting a landslide victory. But something happened. Some states rushed out mail in ballots, a recipe for fraud, Biden, ballots added in the middle of the night suitcases of ballads added in secret in Georgia, illegal aliens voted and in Arizona Trump votes were discarded. It's an outrage help President Trump fight back text, broad to eight thousand eight hundred and two to demand. They inspect the machines and he text broad twenty eight thousand eight hundred and two to stand up for President Trump text today, paid for by Donald J Trump for president
see when you're in a culture that doesn't care. Annex systemic level, about with the truth is you are. You are beyond political, Lotions at that point politics, Is the result, while at least it supposed to be the result of faith and inaction and, though are things that are supposed to be based on truth. When you're in a post, truth culture when the truth doesn't matter anymore,
politics can save you as a people. That is only when there are spiritual and moral salute. Cause you're facing systemic spiritual and moral problems Two thousand and sixteen I wrote a book. called a nefarious plot that thanks to Glenn back. We're going to turn into a movie next year. the people who did the unplanned movie happened tuned into glens, show in September two thousand and sixteen when he had me on for the first time to talk about an ferris plot. and they were interested in what they were hearing Witten got the book read. It again contacted me the following weekend and In the next few months we have out. Ideal for them to adapt that book into a movie
and were in the script, writing phase for that. For that film and it's gotta be released. We hope next year in two thousand and twenty one, the book nefarious plot. When I, when I first wrote this book, I was I had that this would be somewhat satirical. That it would be a kind of polemic Using what I hoped was a clever device of a demon general from Hell to almost set him up is like an anti hero too. connect, dots of how we got here culturally, but instead of framing it in your typical conservative or christian ease lingo? That would only reach people we already agree with. I don't I don't to warn most of you listening here today? I want you to warn you about we're. We're headed as people
you're tuned into a show like this the week between Christmas and New Year's Europe. Could you you're like We either you're my mom listening and Grand Rapids Michigan on what I am or you're committed to this cause right if you're tuned in right now, you're you're, not ejected, and if you doesn't mean, if you are you're you're not committed, we all need a break. I'm on vacation right now, right we are we just couple days off to come in here and appear on several hunter radio stations around the country thought it was worth it. But if You are tuned in alive today or you're. Gonna, listen! Unapplied cast later. And this is how you spend some of your time between Christmas and new year, when there's even a covert year, lots of other things? You could be doing that no one would fall to you for this time of year right it is the most wonderful time of the year, but if tuned in right now it you're out, pot committed man, you you know. What's at stake, you get it It is certainly not just for it's gotta good beat you can dance to. Did you listen uh, that's right now, right you're here, because
you're like Isaiah right now. Here I am man. Send me where we go worst. Show me where the battles that Gimme marching orders- I'm it that's why your tuna and at a time of year, like this measure mama, So I don't need to warn you like, but it was running a furious plot. It was as a book tat you could give to other people that might not see it. With the clarity that you do and and have them look at truth from the other side of the looking glass. Which is from health perspective, so I created a carrot Lord Nefarious, a senior demon general from Hell. And I came up with a narrative that he task by the devil. Taking down the United States of America. And thanks to Glenn, we saw tons of copies of that book. It cells well
You still get in Amazon, dotcom, shameless plug. I'm gonna turn it into a movie next year and in the book. Lord Nefarious lays out point by point how each America doubt aims names like real names like names of his political figures. Heretics revolutionaries Why America had to be dismantled, why we were a threat to health as a country and then. how the hell did it, but he doesn't do it in the way. You know that that the moustached villain of key Macbook law. Now that I have you captured, let me tell you my master plan: it's not like that! No there as an end zone dance. The game is over many spike in the ball telling your Mama jokes.
He's rubbing your nose in it. Man I mean he's gone. This is the end, we need a title for a nefarious plot could be highly Apples, tat guy maybe the alternative title to the book. It's a rent, It's a rate of I own, you and you know it The fact that we want spawned to it. We will think it's conspiracy. We will think it cannot possibly be true. It's it's silly. Its parity that work worse are started we're. So none to this in the senses. the raided edge of critical thinking is so dulled. They will just shrug off and not care. and that is how he will that level of indifference and complacency. Another a far more best selling book would use the term lukewarm. that level of lukewarm-
from those who read it or ignore it and don't. Will be how nefarious convinces his master, the Devil, that he has succeeded in taking American out, and on our daily show on Blake heavy noon to Eastern after Glenn we ve been reminiscing through that book, the sheer and its frightening. How a book that I, like I met or to be sort of A more sarcastic version of Babylon B. Has turned out instead to be sadly prophetic. and the level of indifference. We have culturally this year. The mass work. No, they don't while they don't, they do just where in any way where the mask just doesn't matter Works that it is a matter Anthony vouchers You have been wine and a whole year. Does it matters, do what I say anyway,. shut your country down, based on my guesstimates.
Oh yeah man, I'm sure, I'm sure and for whatever reason, the second biggest county in Wisconsin Dane County, totally understood how to use the? U S: postal service. but the biggest county Milwaukee didn't so just totes legit for in vogue drop off no aliens, what halves Did you watch your king last night. See the idea that twenty twenty snuck up on us is not true. It is a year that this stage was set for. for many many years prior to this one in it and it's because of what's going on in the hearts and minds and in the homes of our country, in that you're gonna talk about here when we come back. I MC lean Back programme mine misty dace along I totters and an errand Mcintyre. How did we get here?
but we know how we got here on a macro level, the what about on a more granular individual level.
We will discuss that animal is the Glen Back programme. But now you ve heard me talk about my pillow and how its changed. How well I sleep, the pillows don't go flat, you can wash and dry am constantly and, most importantly, there made in the U S Michael index, the inventor of my pillow and his team for a limited time MIKE is offering his premium my pillows, the one that started at all for his lowest price. Ever you can get a standard or queen premium, my pillow for just twenty nine. Ninety eight, originally sixty nine. Ninety eight, that's a forty dollars. Savings kings are only five bucks more so now is the time to buy these great Christmas presents for friends and family, and not only you get in the lowest price ever, but MIKE is extending his sixty day, money back guarantee and giving you until March, first, twenty twenty one to see for yourself, so go to my pillow dot com and click on the new radio lister specials. There is where you gonna, find the amazing offer, but also deep discounts on all other. My pillow products, including the visa dream bedsheets, the my pillow mattress topper in my pillow towel, sets call eight hundred nine six. Thirty one seventeen, it's my pillow dotcom promo code back, my pillow dotcom deck you're, the Glen Back programme. Merry Christmas, happy new year to all of you see days
I do the show right after Glenn here on Blaze, tv from noon to to Eastern each day. Filling it Glenn today an winter, storm here in the Midwest tomorrow, permitting also ought to Morrow morning as well. I'm with Michael host, that are with me here every day on blaze, TB, totters in Erin Mcintyre. All of you- and I wanted today I wanted us to have at a TED talk about two thousand and twenty two because if it Continue with the lie that two thousand and twenty sneak up on us. Twenty twenty one has got to sneak up on us too. So in my twenty sixteen book, booking nefarious plot. A demon general from Hell Essentially, regales us within african version of an inch the au. Graham, she story was Antonio. Graham, she was a little known Italian
marxist to rebelled against Mussolini was put in prison and while he was in prison, he wrote a and and, Part of this manifesto was what he called the long march through the institutions, meaning that instead of trying to rebel openly. As marxist and communists it we better to co, opt institutions, overtime internally and Essentially, on an income, mental basis. You create a few, catch my drift here, a new normal. and the frog in the boiling water, provided it simmer for long periods of time first whence it reaches the level of boil. It won't feel inclined to jump immediately out of the water, it's its use to the town, sure by now.
You are the status quo. Now we're not the revolutionaries where the status quo. And Lord nefarious, Quantifies that forests on an american level, how did that, Then do our country. How did your republican governors like mine? appropriately named MIKE the wine. Become peddlers of covered panic, poor cottage, universities. Become. Eighty free speech. had it all of this occur, When the various connects all of those dots for us. but there's another chapter, two, the story and its. It's one! That's more uncomfortable. Because, ultimately,
we are a government by the consent of the government. You and I we have as much evil as we are willing to tolerate. We have much tyranny, as we are willing to tolerate. I thought for sure this year. when we were on our fifth fake funeral. Which any other generation would have called riots. But we call them funerals and peaceful protest for a guy that once hell, the gun to a pregnant woman stomach. Does it mean by the way that a cop should put his knee on his neck for nine minutes? I don't think that was called for, and he should. appropriately charged for that and is being. But that doesn't mean. That's the guy he did. It too is is a saint thing in our culture where, if, if, if the altar it is bad, must mean
alternative to the alternative by extension, is good that's actually not truth operates. That's not how morality operates at those are subjective scales, those art objective standards, Other generations understood this- that It is not determined by not be how bad is what we all know is bad, but they're. Good its own reward goods as good as its own standard and good is what determines what is bad right. Not bad, determining what is good as we do now. payment, the Democrats are running an open marxist true. Well, that must mean the Republican running against them is Jonah Freaking arc faults. Does I'm not saying not to vote for them. Since you know marxist, and am I saying that no no
What I am saying this to stop lying to yourself. Let's be adults and honest about the choices we have to make it an imperfect world can see the did the nefarious left a key part of the story out You can corrupt all the institutions you want Corrupt, all the media, you want, you can corrupt. All the schools and universities that you want. but in our form of government, government by the consent the government, Constitution of these United States begins with the words we the People in order to form a more perfect doing it
What are the ultimate authority. We have to be willing to be rolled. We have to exchange with Saint Peter says. Are you my brethren? You were called, you were made to be free, but dont use your freedom to indulge or sinful natures repeat. Restating that the original intent of man and now in it, In a post resurrection world were, Christ is come as we sing those carols this time of year. He has come now. This Can Adam to restore the order as it were, intended for to pay the debt for our sins and then who put gods spirit in our hearts and in all merely to fulfil the kingdom of God.
And Peters concern is that we would now with our restored freedom, we would use that to indulge our sinfulness ripe. See. That should be where the battle is, that our culture, it's not. Our culture doesn't? Listen to Peter anymore, Our culture listens to Loki. You were made to be ruled use. seek subjugation or is the superveillance said it when I was a kid kneel before sought. what broke me this year, more than anything. Because I thought for sure, when you watch the fifth or sixth fake funeral or peace- protest otherwise known as a riot.
Yah would be like screw that noise man open the sports bar up on Monday the family business up next week seen enough, but we didn't Other were isolated pockets here there we We just watched on tv and fired off. social media post that then got censored and Emailed shows like mine and Glens and said Men, I believe in the second amendment in everything. But it really just sucks that my tyrannical governor has kept me in my home any of those emails. I get this year. that I didn't see. Come that surprised me not surprised Andrew Cuomo killed a bunch of people in nursing homes at all, are you no? No, I mean what
guys first acts. Governor was signing in a law a bill that he'll kill babies born alive. You surprise. these children the inferred that think are already dead. I'm not shocked. another dated ends and no doubt Cuomo anybody shot it. What California is doing to its people know what what what I didn't see come in and. With spells far more doom for us moving forward, then raising government wants to do to us is the fact that we will take it. How did we become so paralyzed by its function, abuse tyranny, bullying my sequel book, a nefarious care
tells that sorted tail and we'll talk about that next, joy, lessening Glenn back you know if you're in the age range, where you're starting to think about joking seniors group or if you're already a member of one, it's important to know that there are not only other options, but there is a much better option. It's called a MAC, the association, immature american citizens, and it is the way you want to go when you join a MAC, you not only to get all the benefits that you're looking for, but you're also gonna be involved with conservative activism on the ground level. Right now, for example, a MAC is continuing its drive to keep the focus on the covert nursing home deaths from
and centre by backing support bills and pressure campaigns. This is the kind of thing that you're not gonna, get anywhere else. People representing the things, if you believe in and standing up for you, that's why you have to get with a MAC, stand with aim as they fight the good fight become a member. Today, benefits are great, but the cause is even greater, so join right. Now a may see dot. U S, slash back! That's a MAC dot! U s! Slash back! A MAC is better better for you better for America, My name is dace Totters in Erin Mcintyre, here with me as well. We are the this day, show noonday to Eastern right after Glenn back each day when we're not on vacation, as we are right now right here on blaze, tv we're back.
From vacation, though, with the opportunity to fill in four Glenn here this morning. We could not say no to that And I want to thank Glenn tat his entire radio team for lower. the standards in order to accommodate us or being so desperate, define, find fur for us to be here for the next couple of days So how does a culture get to the point. that its willing to be subjugated. What would make this is, This has got to be the first ever. Revolution. That was started by insurgents who openly picked fights with the p. that own all the guns mean typically, redcoats try to do that, would set off likes it. Getting Concord
typically you try to round up all the guns of the people you're about to subjugate. First right sure, that's typically what you do take the swords and guns away so that they don't have a means really to fight back against you that that's typically how tyranny works instead, They ve got no problem infringing on us, not. And this year we ve seen why that is mean most of us won't even walk into a restaurant without a mask. Most of us want even just open up our businesses. how many pastors listening right now didn't open up their churches. I woke up early one morning in April. as we were heavy and now to the we went from fifteen days, have flat the economy, I'm sorry flattened curve.
Two thirty days to slow the of the and the growth of the american economy. Sorry. The spread- yes, that's what it was slow. The spring. Thus they stole the middle class em and I'm sorry for the spread that limit where clearly, if you own your own restaurant or grocery store or hardware store, you can't see People from getting corona virus there, but at every depot lows and grocery store chain Walmart target. They are able to do so. I guess they have that you feel it filtration system that you're, just in your middle class in small businesses, can afford, apparently right and I woke up early one morning in them to this. Being knee deep in pushing back on coded panic porn,
deconstructing. The imperial college model would frankly a lot of my brethren. Even in conservative media were like all in on regurgitating it, and am I this map doesn't add up on the planet. and I was just shocked to see easily we could be. subjugated, no one None of us knew what the Anthony thought she was suddenly now this is an unelected potentate and we watched even President Trump in an election year here This presidency, over to us either to me, I think he's the most malevolent fiend I've ever encountered in my time as an american and I'm forty, seven years old, no one No one is this consistently wrong on accident,
there's. The quack Debbie be dazzle your face. Shield stay here. For Thanksgiving and if Don't meet with family, consider yourself infected and get tested, oh by the way, my parents, I'm worried about them, so we're all gonna get you get together, but you all stay home Burke's. and they essentially ran this country for three or four months into the ground. Gave us the HIV model Fowl, he just gave us his own unique brand of sociopath. and I woke up one morning early in April. Struggling with, I cannot believe how many people are just putting up with. It how many my own brethren, I work with this industry, I show the data they did cognitive dissonance. I don't care and I woke up. one morning with the idea of a sea Well, to a nefarious plot that the ban is really in the hearts and minds
Each of us as individuals, and that We as a people have to be broken. To the point that we lack the courage Each of our own convictions, tv defend our Tommy as individuals. and I woke up with the idea for a story called a nefarious carol. Predicated on the idea of now that America has been taken down, what would the devil do with his new toy body? Do what we need, who, with a mighty country that was now, and his foot and women back in our two we're to walk you through that story without spoiling anything? because it's a very personal story, That probably connects- hutches some
In each and every one of us. At our own personal struggles with, And that's what's holding us back from being, people we were called debate is the Glen Back Programme, it's too a drum roll police. Ladies and gentlemen, Shalmaneser has extended their Christmas at holiday season, sail for a limited time. Give yourself the gift of looking years. Younger was Shalmaneser brand new, so teak deep, correcting serum, absolutely free with your order. The new so take deep, correcting serum from show many means skin that a smooth silk free from redness,
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment lend their programmes for years. The world has claimed ownership of creativity and art. If you need proof that its stranglehold is withering, read a nefarious carol over the course of this cab, develop captivating, novella, We follow, along as the forces of good and evil clash, never sure whether it will be the final confrontation. I read in one sitting,
and wanted more, that was the endorsement Linda, was kind enough to give me for my new book in the furious carol. My name is days filling in four Glenn here today. I'm new to Eastern right after Glenn back when I'm on vacation right here on blaze, tv alongside my CO host Todd and Aaron Edward. talk about this book there When enthusiastically endorsed and why we need it? If I do say so myself for such a time as this next This is the Glen Back programme These are uncertain times and, what's considered normal seems to change daily, but I know to things that won't change, I'm Natur proudly doctor. Dennis Block inventor of rough greens and those two things are this one: there's no
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back your thou or two on the Glen Back Programme, Stacy Retainers and Aaron Mcintyre, and all of you merry Christmas happy new year. Don't forget to! If you find anything interesting that you want to react to and respond, We love to get your feedback like us on Facebook. Also under new me, we page that's the free speech alternative to Facebook look for Steve, Dace De Ac Sti days there. Now. You can also follow me on Twitter. It Steve Day show over on parlor at Steve Days and then there's are you to channel? Is wealth at Youtube? Dotcom, slash sea basin, as I meant We are now to Eastern. After Glenn back on Blaze tv each broadcast day site. that place to be used the promo code days or Glenn.
And you can also subscribe to our daily podcast and go back and listen to our year, end shows our year and days group round table year and review all that good stuff. So we are talking last, our twenty twenty were acting like this is a year that just sneak up on its blindsided us. We never saw it coming, but looking at what's happened to us as a people. Perhaps we should have an talked about my twenty sixteen book nefarious plot. We we looked at The top down systemic take down. Of America's institutions and cherished ideals and traditions. and so now we are having as a result of that. existential debates. What's a gender What's a word mean we, Big tech, now I mean
imagine my bell. Deciding a hundred years ago, who would get a phone line based off of whether they agreed with the viewpoints that you were going to communicate over the phone, We would never have been tolerated. Exactly what we allow big Tec to do today. They are, city gate they are the information superhighway to that end. you get to plug in it. at their benevolence. How did we get here? Well, that is a personal story, and that is a battle that has taken place: virtually every home in America. And that's what my new book a nefarious careless about sequel to a nefarious plot, available now at Amazon? I know some of you get frustrated. We re shit right before Christmas and it's sold out everywhere, thankfully, It is now back in stock ease
Thing to do if you want to copy issues, to go to Amazon, dot com right now and get yours. but enough in various Carol, we meet a young woman whose story is Sadly, not all that unique in our time. Her name is Ray and no she's not named after the STAR wars character. Her name is spelled, are a key and the Which is dedicated to my mom and my grandmother, my mom had me at fifteen years old. And her in my grandmother. worked together, to raise me as when I was an infant The first two people to show me where unconditional luvis. and so the book is dedicated to them and both Of their middle names array a family tradition of my mom cited. Am I so that's why the female character as neighbouring starter them
We need a young woman named Ray and re can't comes from a christian home, but in He respects her parents belong to a church, go to a church, they know the churches, but, have not really confronted their own demons. the dysfunctions spells out in the home Ray rebelled against the dysfunction which she sees not dysfunction because she's, young and immature. as a teenager, she sees. It is hypocrisy. She hasn't see that her parents are also struggling sinners. She sees them as a you. Guys are supposed to have it altogether.
you're supposed to model to me how this is supposed to look, and you can't do that. So why would I follow what you believe she sees it as hypocrisy, and so she rebels. right into the arms. Of an abuse of drug dealing, boyfriend and now she's out in an abusive relationship doesn't think she can go home again and finally, one night at Christmas time. when the abuse has just and too much of it all. She finally gets the gumption to run away from this relationship. But she has nothing but the clothes on her back. Enough money for a tank of gas and to buy a room at a CD motel. in a town she doesn't know on a side of the town she hasn't feel safe. Just for
if no other reason just have a roof over head for a night and a good night's sleep to ponder what her next move is going to be cause. She doesn't know think she's, all alone in the world. And nobody cares about her. Innocent moment alone in this room at Christmas time that the enemy the devil himself. Chooses to reveal himself to wreck. because now that America has been conquered. Is no longer in the way of his master plants. The devil wants to play with his new toy anyway, America to now be the the lot pat. The combination of his master plan, but for that to take place. For him to give the world its long dreaded and feared Anti Christ, the Devil needs a willing partner and he's a mate.
And for the ritual of conception, in this case to be successful, Between demon, inhuman. He needs a female that will give herself to him of her own free. Will she not be imposed upon raped D. seed now he's deception incarnate, but it's. The truth is only one once said from a certain point of view. He has to be honest with her. Has to legitimately whew her. and he knows that her favorite story is a child- was Dickens Christmas Carol. So too We ll that story into touch, raise heart. The devil takes re to her passed to the most that were pivotal in her past that brought her to the moment that she's in of hopelessness right now, he
Then shows her present to her what's going on in the world around her because of the choices that she has made. Others have made against her. and then he hopes that, by doing so by Giving ray what she, it's more than anything meaning and this to her life. that by filling those voids right, will agree to it and with him for the future, the book is only five chapters. The offer the past the present the future and the close. And at the end, re has a choice to make. and the choice she will make will have an impact.
on all of humanity. And what you gotta follow along in this conversation is. what happens when evil and the lost clash. What does it mean to truly be tempted, and that were Tempted with two things that we don't want. With the things that we do. and what re wants most of all is what we all want. Most of all, meaning purpose in our lives. That is what the enemy temps her with. We will discuss how he temps her with those things. In a moment.
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dates back here on the Glinda programme, filling in four Glenn today and tomorrow we totters an errand Mcintyre, the team from Blaze, tv news to Eastern run after Glenn each we d one of the things we talk. A lot about my show over the years is what I call three dimensional thinking The first dimension is to know why you and I believe what we believe. Why do you believe what you believe, if you are a A new testament thinker, that is, commandment to know why you believe what you believe Peter right to always offer reasons, have reasons for the hope that you have in the d word that he writes, there is apology, or will we get the term apologetically, meaning the ability to defend your beliefs, Unfortunately, many New testament thinkers Erica today. What really talk Without to think, through the new testament,
So a lot of believers dont know why they believe what they believe in. That's why they feel threatened when their cause all to go and share their beliefs with others. When conversations come up. And challenges to their belief system are uttered, we are silent, has been wanna look stupid, So we have been reached. The first dimension. With a problem, you're gonna have in a culture in a post, truth, culture. Is you're, never gonna get to stage three, which is persuasion, if you can't your own foundation. What is it you're trying to persuade people to what is it? What it? What's what what? What this white that your shining, what what is it? What does it go?. What's the light in the stable whose use whose in there, what do I care The second dimension is to know why other people believe what they believe, what we pay
a different belief system than us why do they believe those thanks example, we heard a lot posts, nine eleven they will Christians and Muslims worship the same. God can't possibly be true folks. and everybody who said that doesn't know what Muslims believe a most. Believes according the Koran that not only was Jesus Christ not resurrected, he was never even crucified and then allow put a substitute in there instead to of soldiers. That's right! Out of islamic teaching. So is a Christian? The new testament teaches you that of Christ isn't raised here teaching is in vain and you're all still debt in your sins, meaning that Christianity's, foremost, truth is that you This was dead and is now alive, and if that is not the case, then he's the Messiah and that we're we're heretics. So one one religious viewpoint says that Jesus
lived and died and lives again. The other religious viewpoint said he never died to live again, and so he died later and is still dead and and An interpretation of that says that actually, allow will send him back later on two points: all of us proclaiming was the son of God, because they wrote in the dome of the rock and a carved the words their God has no son. Now both of those viewpoints? Could both be wrong right Christians and Muslims both be wrong? Yes, can they both be right? Now they can both be right One can be wrong and the other right right or the other wrong, and then one right that could happen to the other way structure and both be wrong but when they are both asserting incontrovertible facts is truth, cannot possibly both be right. There irreconcilable correct. this reason in science day. That's exactly what, while it used to be a
to be in the way we used to live as a people, and so I wonder this morning at ten twenty three eastern time many people on the hundreds of radio stations were on here this morning. How many of American, how many Americans for the first time in their lives, a two minute break down. On the other The creedle differences between Christianity, Islam had never heard that in their lives in their life, and understand that for the last going on twenty years. We have been involved in military conflict with a part of the world that is here it to his love and how many of you never heard this before and then We followed up with another, far more uncomfortable question How many of you may go to church never heard this before,
and you heard it for the first time. From a dude born to a fifteen year old bomb, got a college because they didn't give degrees for super tech, mobile and intramural, basketball and party balls. That's problem. Is that a problem a bit? That's a bit of a problem once wrote a phrase. My people perished for a lack of knowledge that, a lack of knowledge like Who cares about being a theologian do, even the basic facts that are at stake in our civilization. Today. No, we don't. We don't know what we believe as the first dimension. We sure as Hell, don't know what other people believe. That's the second one. So what is a foundation? The other one? Is I've made a connection now? I know where you're coming from get to persuasion, though that is the third dimension
I do other people believe what they believe about what we believe One of my favorite movies it when I was a kid, was office space and I love the line where The eighty hero in the film says: it's not that I'm lazy Bob said I just don't. Care are eight It's not that many Americans are ignorant the fundamental truce of the world. If not been exposed to the ten commandments. if you ve ever. If you ve watched any of the Fox sports presentations of the super bowl in the lab, Twenty years you have it Seen the entire declaration of independence recited word for word in the pre game right, ok, chickens are not like Lord Mabel. What does that didn't care? That's worse. They don't care
like there's aliens. Apparently we don't care. legal or extra terrestrial. We all care Photoshop postal service. What is it who knows. shut your businesses down boy that sucks I well. We can't be bothered Skimming tiger king and yes up a fight through it and see, we think those those frivolities. We believe that they will fill the void. Until once, good exits, the space. an evil says we will take it from here. She re thought that to re thought that She was getting unconditional love. She didn't think she was getting from her family. She thought she was getting this from this boyfriend really, he just wanted to use her and abuse her foot without reality, she has no, where now to go so she fleets
it is a natural human reaction, but where she running too Her picture is a motel room, her safe. Space is a hunting ground. and now she is completely and totally disarmed against with the end Is going to confront her with just as we are right now in our culture? completely and totally disarmed,
In the face of what we're being confronted with more animal is the Glen Back programme. President tromp created millions of jobs, save the economy from a worldwide pandemic, ten led the average to discover a vaccine warp speed. America rewarded president Trump with over seventy four million votes, more votes from African Americans, Latinos and jewish Americans than any Republican in decades, suggesting a landslide victory. But something happened. Some states rushed out mail in ballots, a recipe for fraud, Biden, valets added in the middle of the night suitcases of balanced added in secret in Georgia, illegal aliens voted and in Arizona twelve votes were discarded. It's an outrage how President tromp fight back text, fraud to eight eight o two to demand the inspector machines and here the evidence, tax fraud to eight eight o two to stand up for president tromp text today, paid for by Donald Trump, unprecedented back here, the Glinda programme STI days. Alongside my,
partners on Blaze, tv I mean that in a platonic definition since that words also been co out that in this day and age totters and aromatic entire, you will be hearing more from them here this morning, so just to state in there but pig if the conversation where we left off the reason why, Three dimensional thinking is so important. the reason why it is so important, if we want to reach this era, of our countrymen, The country is gone Before the shining city on a hill and its Flickr and right now, folks. Before it goes out, is because that's really where the battle is that we. We are potentially going to inaugurate on
You're a twentieth dementia patient for president seriously but that that seriously may happen. And one of the reasons it may happen is because people thought I hate peace treaties in the Middle EAST, I prefer war. I I Dont, like making more of my own money, I want taxes to go up and. This is the first subsidy if growth in family median income in America, since nineteen sixty nine. Who wants any of that action. I need more government. Actually, most Americans didn't think that be better. If they did, it would be better. If they did because at least would show theirs.
Some contest of ideas occurring Europe's Zan. Somewhere somewhere Something real is happening. Yeah these ideas, raw bad, but Ellie someone has, some ideas to debate in the arena of ideas were likes. We're like standing in the arena of ideas, and no one shows up like wrestle mania. We play our theme, some kind of patriotic music. We come down the aisle like grip. We're ready to go see arena ideas. Let's do this, that we wait the opponents. They never plays. There's no battle. no one else shows up. We wrestle against ourselves in the arena of ideas, do you to know the real reason. Many of your countrymen voted for dementia patient for president.
Because they thought the guy in the White House you did. The peace treaties cut your taxes and gay. is the most sustainable median family income. Since nineteen sixty nine study was a meaning and just they were tired of it. So Marxism and whatever the hell commonly Harris is it is instead, I guess think about that. Stop and think about that. That's worse,. That is far worse for us. About where we are as a culture, because at to the beginning, when you said, if you take something I Dallas trustee label, it has wrong yes and by default whatever, else exists is automatically right. That's one! How a rabbit, that's exactly right.
So the other guy must be. Ok is, I think, trumpets mean. Don't even venom on the issues. None of it I don't care. We act like those twenty two really. I want a vote for the first black president. I just want to say I did that I'm active Jeremiah right. What is it coward, Piggin never heard of him. Nor do I care right and with what the same hills, a berries toro, I don't know, there's a man, none other matters Halfway through his reign, we are more people on food stamps. In the total population of Spain, everybody who disagrees with an automatic racist rat each other's throats like never before right, right right, Sir I've been telling you all morning twins twenty two sneak up on us at all. Twenty twenty is not is it is now sucker punch: it's a film we here already. We just
witness level like that, seen in a Christmas story, start right at the triple dog there. Now they did so By step, ok, but- but there was a warm up right. There was initially hey. I daresay I double dogged area that there was a step, between that and the triple dog there and they broke Prodi. Are they going right to the triple dog? There the dared and come out of nowhere right. No, no, it just skip to step the act Really that's what happened here this didn't come out of nowhere. We just had escaped a step or two, and we thought we're going to be comfortable with why, As we know it a few years to go through those couple of steps and then will kick the canned down the road. and confront those steps when they arrive when they arrived with a vengeance. See people make choices like this when they lack truth
And you know the number one reason: people lack truth is because they lack love. The idea that love and truth are mutually exclusive when they're not. it's an old wine. It's been attributed to Aquinas and many other people throughout church history that But really don't care what they think until they think that you care Reason a nefarious carol open, with a dedication to the first two people to show me what unconditional, true unconditional love is like forty and slip a true what unconditional others. she re lax that given to her in her home You got all the regulations of being a kid in a christian home. This is expectations of who you are supposed to be. but she had never love so she rebelled.
and she rebelled to a guy that she thought loved her who didn't. Construed as he's an old love is either Cooper write a book about how became an abusive drug dealer wasn't born one that also, unfortunately,. Is a sordid place that he never intended to end up but the choices that he made in others made on behalf of them brought him to that vantage point. With the enemy is selling her on is reason and purpose, but also Unconditional love he'll, never abandon her. He tells her. She doesn't have to change anything for him. He said to her he's just find the way that she is. See. The point of the Christmas story is
God change when week, when we couldn't get to Heaven- God broad Heaven to us in a barn in a stable Jesus is the one kid when his mama yelled at him, hey, we are born in the barn gap. by the time it was? I was born in a bar. The the message there is clear, and One can approach this place, Everyone is welcome here. just as you are now ultimately, you'll come away from that experience different than you were right, but can come just as you are. How often is that message communicated in our homes in America today
Why do people look to government for salvation why they look to government to protect and provide. Why, they look to God. Can hard to maintain a republic on God given rights when people don't look to God, but whether they used to. His nature right is God and we have killed him. He's gotta banned in us. Or maybe just maybe it's our own fault warn that here next year, lessening Glenn Back
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so truth, the world know. That's not. How goes For God so loved the world I'm a truth. Guy. if you watch our daily show on Blaze TV, we come back on Monday. You can see over my shoulder in The episode are the words tat, be told my whole career, I've I've gone by three simple rules, fear God tell the truth and they make money. We have risked our careers for the truth- and that is the truth- is why were in this business but truth is, though, that. People ultimately, don't care about that.
Truth you have to share with them if they dont think you love them. My kids, don't agree with me, Three teenagers. They disagree quite a bit, but The reason they respect me enough to listen. is because they know, and have shown them that I love them. We have operated in the church in America as if these two things are mutually exclusive for a generation. churches that our great. On fire for the truth in their pulpits. But we ever baptized the next generation once the parents, The time of the parents moves on. and they dwindle in size, and then they pay you
The dwindling in size is almost like a badge of pride well will hate the truth. Don't wanna hear the truth. That's all true an end shrinking. evidence of that really because it also says the very first day of the church, Peter stood up, I said: you're all killed your Messiah and you need to turn or burn. That was essentially is message right. The very first day, that sums it up, thousands responded to that so that the true always turns people away always her we're, Now, what we see in the new testament. So what we see in history.
but then there is the other side says yes, Steve you're, right on that's why, here what we do on Sundays? It's just all about love, our people dont know a cotton pig, intact, things are ways out of a paper bag, but look how The parking lot is in its awful cars. Of course,. You ve essentially brought the feminist movement to the church. You know who loves the feminist movement guys so wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm gonna get the sex, I want from you, but I don't like have to pay for the meal Mary, you how I don't have to hold open the door at the restaurant. You drive a hard bargain, but I guess, if you say so, big tat he can that's essentially what these churches do we're going to remove all of that
fixing truth and we're. just gonna do do get tourism, but prepare aw creepy smiles interfaces between It really hit the fan like this year. And you really need answers We were closed. I have a novel idea, literally work. Caused literally we're closed, yes, I have a novel idea how about- We merge these two things. How about we have a fusion of love? In truth,. Truth is the mission. Love is the motivation. The enemy is attempting to reach ray with unconditional love. Why.
Because for most of us as human beings, the first night Dozens of who goddess We'll come to us by who are fathers are. Unfortunately arrogant today is the day that the string of men has failed you are living in that time. The minutes failed. Masculinity has failed The men don't fight. The men don't stay, the men don't. Pay their bills. accountable, they're, not responsible, was somebody has to fill that Void God put the men in place to fill what will fill it go
the Spirit of the age all the things that are currently beckoning at our door. threatening our way of life as we speak, Ray has been failed by all of the men in her life, and that's a sad story. That too many other Americans can tell. If is the Glen Back Programme, there is a there's, a nightmare. That's going on the left would be on the brink of controlling the future of this nation and our kids and they have been funded by giant. Corporations like horizon
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I've, seven, seven, eight, seven, zero, nine or genocide. I come is g at you see l dot com. What you're about to here is the future of entertainment and enlightenment lend their programme. There is a fundamental problem that we need to address as my new book nefarious Carol out now get your carbon Amazon, Dotcom, Glenn back even recommencing, there's a fundamental problem we need to address, and until the problem is addressed,
nothing is going to change. We won't have a fusion of truth and live or love in truth in our pockets, because most of the People that inhabit those pulpits are met. You won't have a political party that truly represents you, because Most of the people in that party that hold its offices in its position of leadership are men will continue to have countrymen, who looked government as a father and a provider. when they don't have one, because who did I put, in the role of father and provider and I'm not fulfilling that all men, a problem is the men but their therefore also the solution. More and that this is the Glen Back programme. Hey it's true
A drum roll police. Ladies and gentlemen, Shamshi has extended their Christmas holiday season sail for a limited time. Give yourself the gift of looking years. Younger was Shalmaneser brand new, so teak deep, correcting serum, absolutely free with your order. The new so take deep, correcting serum from Germany mean skin that is smooth, silk free from redness acne and acne scars and faster college in production. So cheek increases firmness, smoothness and diminishes adult acne, redness and stress, break out even take a bite at cross feet and laughed lines and was immediate effects, ear to see results in twelve hours or less. You gonna see the difference guaranteed or one hundred percent of your money back. That's the shah. Many promised call eight hundred five, seven, seven, eight, seven, zero, nine or good agenda cell dotcom treat yourself a shambles brand new, so teak, deep, correcting serum crystals at home, Micro, Durham, abrasion treatment, exposure, getting mask and a surprise luxury. Give all free, with your order to deck plus free of great two priority shipping order now eight hundred five seven,
seven, eight, seven, zero, nine or genocide. I com is g at U C, o thou come to turn in here and when you get to the gist of the book, We do want to spoil any obviously, but without spoiling the ending when you get to the gist of the book. The real battle for re soul that rages in this motel room between her and the devil really comes down to the question with her real father, whose for the anchor what's the plum line and this is a fundamental battle that is happening all the culture right now and why you can directly link the breakdown of masculinity fatherhood and therefore the family to our.
Spiritual decline and is the direct link to the political And socio economic decline that we see the men have failed. that there's just no other way around that an That also means, though, but the men are the solution and as such, and it's a little thing like, Why are we having battles over, whether some dude, who feels pretty Isn't good enough to to beat the boys gets it your daughter spot in attracting. Why are we have that battle taught? You know why. is the court said so. Well because of indoctrination in the schools. Those are all the symptoms. the real disease, The dad who sits there in the stands on his hands and does nothing while his daughters spot is being taken away and then all other dad. You know that is wrong.
just play on their phones and want them. Want to go away rather than see. and up and be counted to stand in the gap. Instead, history, is determined by those who show up where no show stop powers. They As a father of four daughters, myself. Before I knew that they were gonna, be involved in track or soccer to the extent that they are Making sure they saw in equal proportion in proportion- Doesn't always exist at the exact same moment in time pending on their behaviour or the various needs the day, but that balance of crew peace and mercy, You don't have that in your life. You won't need. You must know how to be a man who is a father It's a when you're, a man without kids die
balance is is fought over and sought over Andy FR in France and a book, perhaps the equation in the variables involved are different, but once you're a father, it really simplified and making sure they see both, because the one does not make sense with out the other, and you see that in raise life, you You don't know where the book is going to end, but once you get to that ending, you understand why she is so right for being picked off the devil. Why she has the question she has, because there was no appropriate sense of proportion witty. You know that the EU did the when you're in trouble. your daughters are in trouble. What they need to feel is that lack of that hug that I got your back. That I believe in you that's been taken,
If you never ever feel that, then the punishment feels are something to escape from run away from the door of the fund. there is just a man in your way, causing you problems now somebody, Ukraine, has some shit. I feel exactly so that balance of grace about five mercy. Injustice is so vital to story that does Steve is painted to the life of right. When you look at your generation of men era, the the pudding off of responsibility, the prolonged, adolescence I've said too many young men in an email me over the last few years, you know, am I I don't you know, I'm not sure. If I'm ready to be a husband, I was right about you're. Not I'm, not sure. If I'm ready to be a dad, you're not and you never are you're, never ready and there's never enough money so, get used to that now I make a lot more money than I did when my kids were born is our show has grown to be successful. I still
act, my brain about how we are going to afford all these things, making far more than I was making when they were little you're, never Ready there's never enough money, that's not an excuse for putting off the spots abilities that make your life as a man have meaning and bring meaning to the people around you now, corrects and it's something that's plagues my generation. But it's The plague from without its one from within whether its driven by fear, which is the most of this switches budgets that word not called to have our lives dominated by or whether its driven by something else, whether it striven by your own self. desires, which is easy enough because in our country at least stand for the most of the western world. This is something that Tom talks about quite a bit. We have so much. We have so much wealth
and we have a great deal of avarice as well. I can go on my phone and lock up a porn website and that need that's that that that longing, that desire can be fulfilled without the woman I can go, and I can work for myself and I can go. Working and save up for the play station five orbs. Up for some other titillating entertainments nets, Phil the desire, not all the way for Adventure and for risk in the life, Both of those things are just fake substitutes. I don't know, I think it's different for everyone, but I think from Those two desires, whether its fear, I dont know if I'm ready or whether selfishness. I dont worry this vote Those things right now in my generation and too,
sir extent in your generation, but in my generation, primarily or why we are where we are, and I I would say as well when we talking about people, What we, what do we say a lot Steve people are people, people are not cons, its people are people and That was what was what struck me early on in nefarious Carol is that's it painted a picture, of someone who is not a construct. Because when we go online and we see videos of people losing their damn lines over. over individuals not wearing a mask in the grocery store when we go online and we see hordes of people right, I'm sorry peacefully protesting in our nations, big cities its Oh easy to see people
as constructs, and that's not what we are called the do. If you are a believer in June Christ. We cannot see people ask she didn't see us as constructs he saw. says: people needing saving. That's why he came that's what we're celebrating this this time, of the year Every one, as you said earlier, at the top of their shows that if everybody has demons in their past the to be confronted that need to be dealt with. We Oh dear, as well. And when we see each other, for human beings that we are not as contracts not as kerins, not as black lives matters, not as as social justice warrior constructs Truly have the compassion that is needed to be able to take. The truth Stands Each man is called the deal in our country in our culture,
and that's what we need to see more of because- you start seeing people as constructs only you'll never be able to muster the compassion that then propels you. To take those dance well said Some of you listing right now, like hey. This is a great Sunday school lesson Is this a great morality tale? Don't necessarily disagree with it, but. I mean, what's that, have to do with cancer culture. What's that have to do with big tech, censorship. You know the nuts and bolts issues that were facing right now: voter fraud, everything. It has to do everything with all of that and I will explain more here in just a moment-
some. Jim Gorka here with another pain, relief, testimonial, poorly factor, patents, ass tall, but the father and son owners are really factor, keep sending me all kinds of wonderful testimonials from people who are no longer having back neck kip. Shoulder foot only pain, just like this one. I look for decades and a lot of extra pull my lower back and plants, and I heard about really factor on the radio. I tried to three we could start. I am so grateful to really factor that I've gotten my life back as I was getting older. My back pain just got worse and worse, but after you really fact. My back pain is gone. Truth is: your pain from getting older exercise or everyday living, doesn't have to keep you from doing the things you love to do. Patents are told that created the three we quick start and then discounted it to only nineteen. Ninety five: you should give it a try. Let's see if we can get you out of pain, to go
thoroughly thanked the dot com really fast. com or cool eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four Let's Get to situations guys, There we face constantly as a culture, In the political realm just to make the point that way, what we bind in our hearts and minds and in our homes, is going to be loosened. Unto the culture, and in the political system, these things are not Mutually exclusive even get the rest is there that I just made ok one want stems from the other. the Andrew Bright bird saying that politics flows down stream from culture, for example. So
one of the one of the debates were having right now in the moment, Is about covered relief and sending stimulus checks to people. and you ll send six hundred dollars or two thousand dollars now. Yet I believe in limited government My conservative, but there is very little appetite in the american populist right now for Limited government very few people and vote on it. and so the debate is about how much money to send. Now. If we are to have that debate, then Hang Skippy, I'm all I'd, be I much prefer. We set two thousand dollars to actual Americans as opposed to millions of dollars to study pact Standing gender start gender equity correct on secondment yeah, but really the debate of a free people that debate now. That's the debate That's negotiating terms of surrender. That is acknowledging the war has been lost, so
in exchange. For me, acknowledging that I want cut of the action? That's what that is! That's that whole! debate itself is a capitulation, because the real debate is my damn country back up I want my liberty back and then I'll just pursue my own happiness in Prague. Make a hell of a lot more than your six hundred dollars or even two thousand dollars that that's free people, s right to have a free people says because wasn't the governments to take personal place I want I want. My freedom back what the dignity that comes with with my job, with my business with fulfilling my talents and skills, and that gives me a form that gives me meaning I want to serve other people that way.
That reward means a lot more to me than singing bone thugs and harmonies first to the month at the mailbox. From from God, Instead of Jehovah gyro government, gyro, ok, but Having that debate really others, You people, like my good friend congressmen, ship Roy Thomas Massey, but the reason why we know their names cause? They stand alone, By large, the debate we have is the capitulation debate. when I began to argue any more, that we shouldn't print you more fake money. I just want my cut great get a print fake money, give the people their cut. But what I really agree with is printing the fake money, most well in Congress. Inalienable rights means like sometimes maybe yes,. that stems from which where'd I can always groping the best home, but I mean I do know, is have a model dad, but he
Teach me the value of hard work. Did let me quit things had earned everything I had And he taught me those things in a constructive way and I've been very, very bad blessed in benefited from that. That's where those lessons are taught that who teaches those lessons. And the result of those lessons not being taught and passed on, see in this debate that we're having right now recovered relief, previous generations would have what a big. it would have exhausted their supply of tars and feathers. By now,. We're wondering The new streaming service comes out, I guess we're gonna stay home. Emulates does get some new content, without ever bothering to ask what are they? to continue making these films and tv shows. What we're all
down they supposed to be locked him right. I guess they don't have to be locked down to More entertainment for us too, therefore remain bogged down. Ask yourself in its very dangerous to impugn motives of human beings were not God. We red each other's hearts? But I do it is fair to ask this question because we are called to be food inspectors. Writer, you know a tree by its fruit. If they were attempting to it if they were intending to per simply transfer wealth. from small businesses to large corporations They were intending to destroy the American Middle class. What exactly would they be doing any differently than we have done for the last ten months? Todd go.
I got enough, it's gonna be a real short, like Michael Noses book on regions devote democratic, other major blank. That's got to be a real short conversation like California, Months and months and months of lockdown months and months and months of masks, more and more, downs for more and more surges, because the previous months of lockdown domestic work. If California wasn't using the virus as excuse to further impose on the freedoms of its people. If it were would it behave any differently. Then it is right now what would be any different? Nothing. Where is the passivity and in compliance in the face of all, tyranny. Where is that taught warm modeled in the home? Dad who wasn't there
We might have been better off. Not knowing that he was How about a macro level? we encounter every day the battle against identity Politics right: yes, Finally, I belong to this group. I am a victim my meaning and purpose comes identity comes from belonging to this group, a woman. I think this. well as a white male. I think this way or can't think that way anymore, cause I'm a white male it and want to be racist. well, you know as a vague in pan sexual lizard surgeon you have a different Perspective on the four chambers of the heart. The reason we can't tethered the grip, an idea Politics, ironclad grip. It has on so many of our neighbours and Countryman is because
It's the substitute for family in church. It's where their identity is held its where their disciples it's, where their mentored its, whether its, where their encouraged it's the very basis of their identity as a substitute family what kind of a person would would yearn for a counterfeit like that, probably the type that Sadly, given the real thing, I would guess stated:
This is the Glen Back programme. President tromp created millions of jobs, save the economy from a worldwide pandemic. Ten led the effort to discover a vaccine warp, speed. America rewarded president Trump with over seventy four million votes, more votes from African Americans, Latinos and jewish Americans than any Republican in decades, suggesting a landslide victory. But something happened. Some states rushed out mail in ballots, a recipe for fraud, Biden, valets added in the middle of the night suitcases of balanced added in secret in Georgia, illegal aliens voted and in Arizona twelve votes were discarded. It's an outrage help president tromp fight back tax fraud to eight eight o two to demand the inspector machines, and here the evidence, tax fraud to eighty two to stand up for President Drum text today, paid for by Donald Trump unprecedented. Do
our part to keep free speech alive. There is much more after the brig on the Glinda programme. you're in the Glinda programme Steep day stealing in alongside my co host on this today, show noonday to Eastern after Glenn back on Place TB totters in Erin Mcintyre. Here with me, we ve been talking today filling in four Glenn. Today we ve been looking at America kind of entry. Twenty four months Moral and spiritual level tomorrow are there storm permitting when we come back and rigour
we're goin hard core politics tomorrow. So if those of you that, like more of that, Kind of kind of look at the state of conservative politics heading in two thousand and twenty one with a good friend of ours has got to be on the show tomorrow. But this morning we ve been talking about a new book in nefarious Carol, which lays the battle between the lost and evil, when good is nowhere to be found. When good seems, inaccessible and disinterested, ineffective, in the lost or left one on one up against evil. And the lost in this case, is the female heroin re? Who was one on one, with the devil himself in her motel room, one desperate night at Christmas time, try The figure at our next move, while the devil is tempting her to join him. Instead, an a lot of us guys this year have been frustrated. We see a republican party, not fighting on the voter fraud or. Anything else,
We see our churches are closed. Our businesses are closed. Our kids are wearing chinese face. Diapers that don't work. and that's even if they get to go to school. and- and we keep looking around. Who's gonna stop this, whose gonna, make this end I have a suggestion. Look in the same place that OJ should have searched for the real killers, the man in the mirror. The answer, folks is us.
Pastor get off your rear end. and open your church. yeah, I'm talking to you. And if you don't frankly, you you're not deserving of your calling. If you are frustrated that your church won't open open your home, Do Bible studies in your home invite people to come Actually, what seminary was Peter a graduate of dino? this sandals on my feet, seminary s yeah, I guess tides like so he I will give him the Peter questions. What what what seminary was it that term? What was it What new testament, Sir Seminary? Was it the errand that, can you recall the one that does not fall into
What was the new testament seminary that he went too? I believe that was us scales seminary. Thank! U S eyes if in falling off your eyes, you open up your home that have the church in your home. Why waiting for somebody else to give you permission to corporate? We worship invite people that are willing to come now, Jesus those a tale of a banquet where the king had, seat set aside for the people that were invited and were meant to be there. but then they refused to come. They had all kinds of excuses so finally tells a servant. You know what then we'll just they had their chance, will give those seeds to anybody who is willing to fill them. Then. that's. What's really sad I've, some of my wife, what is this was a cage An opportunity for this just in twenty twenty. Instead, they clutched
fear cactuses hard is any entity stood, went up to the Eighteenth Green Augusta National, with two footer, just a just a tap in four bird, and to win the green jack it right in the church, Up there, man and sphincter puckered Har, yes hard. Ok, Bird, the edge instead, that's what the church it. My business is closed. You dude what? Why is it it was a bit it was. It was, and we had on the show. God bless her. Why though it was like when the one chicken Dallas that open a purse alot, were noticed too, that these mask videos, it's always a woman who goes into the store without a mask whose confronted by a guy who clearly has not. known what it's like to pick his teeth up off the floor into long of a time right, where's that he's doing this, where the guy's fifteen of us we're just gonna, walk in Rome It in we're, not none of us, are wearing masks the camp.
All fifteen of us right we're we're folks? Where do you think this thing called America came from. Those fifty six men that sign the declaration of independence. They pledged their lives for regions and sacred honour in that order, almost all of them paid at least one of those three prices, and many paid them all, Do you think the cost of this? Was you just tax their tea, a little bit too much it has on we when a twenty nine year old Baptists seamstress jumped on a bus. One day Name, Rossa parks and said you know what Now I just add that I've had a bad day today. I inhabit now. Do it so no knows my answer. Stake, they could have taken her out behind that bus and beat her to death, and not a judge in that Tony would have convicted above it.
where are the men who will say no, no, no, not happening when it knows? The answer. Thank you for your take on things, but the answer is no. No. Because I can promise you until Good people learn how to say no evil working can you to say yes or no? I will take your silence. acquiescence. and is a yes. We will all of this, and none of it will end. We'll just get a shift the battle next year from take, Vaccines at the World Health Organisation say, don't even work. Who knows but they could be lying. We don't know Dwight
She's who, when I trust in the debate between big farmer and the World Health Organization, you know, is Viking, funeral and option I'll take. That Russian roulette table, I Hunter no, no doubt I mean there's the there's the lady or the tiger, that's what that is: ok, so who knows? Who knows- Eighty vaccine, I'd just would a kind to see if they work before I throw Did in my body that needs to be chapter nine negative. Ninety four degrees celsius Did you just came up within six months, when apparently first seventy years, we couldn't come up with something. Ninety percent effective against the flu But in seven months we did it for of novel virus. Ok, I'm not and it doesnt work. I'm just saying I kind of want to see it work. First, we argue the result with they're gonna say to people like us: well call You can go back to work anchored in sporting events. Can can do any until we can track that. You have been vaccinated
We're gonna do that's the next. That will be the cost Of you getting your life back. Unless you and I are willing to pay the cost now. and the answer is no. It is quite likely. Joe Biden is taking the oath of office on January Twentieth Donald, we'll be there to save you, If you think the Republican Party is here to save you. the night. I don't even know how to help you at that point. You Republican for the same reason you put on Europe orange cones and road use. A whole people will drive around the accident rather than piling on. Ok. The cavalry isn't coming guys, that's why we're here what work were to be. Those people were to be the people
that stand in the gap where to The people that we are prodigals run away, we run after them. Were to be our daughters saviours when there Can I don't know what else to her were to be our wives, protectors. That's our job, our sons, mentors! That's our job met. That's our businesses Schools that our culture, That's our way of life those, your God given rights. These are the responsibilities that we all have in order. Fulfil, fill and enjoy them my French. get off your ass more in a moment,
Your listening to Glenn back.
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unfortunately, passivity for us as a species guys not new. If you go back, to the creation story, the dead this tempting eve Is Adam doing this entire time. Now, I'm not doing anything Selina go down And then later on, when he's confronted, for fur? What has taken place? He tries to shift the blame to her. in the first Levi priest, Moses Up to the mountain air and is told hey you're in charge in my stead, most Comes back mass four total reverie to foreign, pagan, gods, golden calves, peacocks ostriches are being forged and air, Just was I that not now the new mandate focus stanza around here- that's so
that's not. The the Good NEWS is the predicament that we are in is not unique. For us is meant. This is This has gone on through our history as a species the bad news is The only way out of it is to do the exact opposite. what we did to get into this. Don't just drop your kids office school be involved. in the curriculum. What's going on in the schools, no, the teachers don't be afraid to speak up when they try to brainwash or indoctrinate them. Don't sit around waiting for some brilliant conservative legal society to win some winsome case and some circuit court. Appeals on gender on another engender and biology, let it be known,
in view and other men like you, and your school district in your town,. That will be happening here when I do that here and if it is you're all fired. So it's just Does not happen, we won't tolerated. Men we have as much wickedness Ernie as we are willing to tolerate. We tolerate it. So it goes on. Though after your children To spoil the end of the book nefarious plot, but re gets more clever, And smarter, as the story goes on, but still her own. She can. Break away from her own, broken us and say no to the devil. She can't do it on our own this she ultimately would have to need to do so is gonna have to come from somewhere.
Men, that is why we are here. Let me close with a simple question in get your copy of nefarious Carol right now, at Amazon, doctor. but let me close with a simple question to all the men that are listening right now. Your children, no matter where they are, if you have them They were stuck in a ditch. Stranded scared, outnumbered threatened with they call you what they call you. If the answer is yes, then there is no excuse for why you're not taking more of a stand in your own home and in your own neighborhood.
If the answer is no, then you need to do what To be done to change the answer to yes, if you dont have children just people in your life. would you be somebody they may at? May? They think you're kind of nuts crazy than agree with everything, but if they were in trouble with they call you with that. I fear that for too many men in our country. The answer to that is no or the question has never even been pondered, Tat an era when your final that do not when you called biblically to be the head of your household, you not called to be the boss. When we try
own up to that we invariably failure called to recognise I'd. God is the boss into proceed accordingly without ambiguity, things get much easier. Ass dad you're still be challenged. She'll be challenged greatly, but you won't be lost in this thin gruel right now, very constantly shifting the goal posts to be as lazy as possible? There is the repeated moniker from redeployed? Ah, he she's the australian, conservative columnist and sky news hosts to says can, Culture wouldn't exists without coward. Pulcher. Think that's apropos from what we ve been talking about today, amen to may Christmas happy new year will see you again to Morrow until then John three: seventy
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-29.