« The Glenn Beck Program

‘Migrant President’ Biden Forgot His Own Campaign Promise | 3/17/21

2021-03-17 | 🔗

Pat and Stu are filling in for Glenn. The "recall Gavin Newsom" effort is moving forward, and Newsom is worried. Stu and Pat rank the states on how they handled the pandemic over the past year. President Biden is taking credit for Trump’s vaccine success, and Pat and Stu explain why that’s ludicrous. After she defended Piers Morgan, Sharon Osbourne’s career may be over. Democrats are targeting the filibuster, and Republicans promise retaliation if they succeed. The crisis at the border is only getting worse, and Biden finally addressed it … sort of. AOC’s "crying" photos are even more cringeworthy today. After Biden’s first press conference is announced, Pat and Stu discuss whether Americans mind Biden being hidden from the public.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What do you mean? Not entertainment decline back,
thanks for being here with us. Patents do for gland, formulate seventy seven be easy K. If you want to get involved in the show today and having seen Patrick stay by the way, I do have to be completely decked out and green. Well, green sweater, eagles sweater. Anything I've lots of green stuff and eagles fan. That's the one benefit you get just pretty much are wearing green anyway. I almost war, my Green Bay Packers shirt, but didn't pull the turn of so and you're out. It is green and of Irish, but I'm wearing blue for some reason. Anyway, it looks like governor gave a new sums on some pretty pretty slippery footing right now, he's on thin ice and we'll get into that,
what's goin on their governor, but about sixty seconds programme. As a group of people out there who are waiting just waiting to get their filthy clause on as much of your money as they possibly can. They have no scruples no morals and low you blind the moment you let your guard down. Secondly, I am not talking about the government this time, but talking about a group of people who are almost as bad cybercriminals supported, understand how cybercrime and identity theft can affect your life every day. We information on at risk on the internet, and you never know from one day to the next, when it's going to be your turn to have identity stolen. That's why lifelike is so important. It helps you monitor a ton more than you can t keep track of on your own. No one can be
but all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but you can keep what's yours with lifelong identity theft, protection, joy now and save up to twenty five percent off your first year at life, locked outcome with a promo code back twenty five percent gives you this eight hundred lifelong or the life locked out common use the promo code back for twenty five percent off, in California. They hit the desired two million goal right on the recall petition thing you have to have two thirds there are two million confirm names. Manuel now is actually it's only one point five million, but they wanted to get to one point: eight to two million because they want have a little bit leeway and now they have that the other there well above there are two point: oh. Six million- and this is a couple days ago now they
much is pretty amount, is an impressive recall effort, considering especial that headed in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah you know people are allowed to go out. I mean the governor was able to repress this effort for much. Because you know he was not letting people out of their houses? The imminent California wasn't even letting people go to the beach for part of his time That's all. How would you sign a petition how'd you get this going. The only place you go was too that french restaurant, the french laundry and the only way you can go, there is, if you were, the governor of the state freely or one of his close personal friends, had worked out our yeah everybody else had to stay home. I really think that's the deal. What's between this working and not working as that dinner
it had a really good. They kicked everything into gear, the guys who are behind this work there pots off to get this done, but it was an impossible effort in the middle of a pandemic. How can you do it and doing it to a Democrat in California, now doesn't work out very, very hard right. Only I mean you know, Gray Davis was two thousand and three yes, oh that was a long time ago. These things normally fail several again. Gavin Newsome had failed already, and they stepped up and they just they. They worked really hard. They did a great job, but I don't know without that dinner I don't. If it would have what I don't think it would have. I think that was last straw for an awful lot of California Anita there. Like ok, I mean I liked that guy. I liked his policies, but I'm sorry the do. As I say. Not as I do thing, I can't go there with him. It's so frustrating yeah, it's so frustrating for people, because
people went into this pandemic and they said look. This is a crazy situation. It's something none of us have ever dealt with before unless you were alive in nineteen eighteen, and this is something that is been, is very, very difficult to deal with, and we understood at some level things A change for a time right, mean that we were going to endorse full out lockdown, but they go out of us. We're fine with me. Let's cut down the big parties, let's away from each other a little bit more. Maybe let's wash your hands a little more often whatever view, whatever those deaths were but when you say we're going down all of society based on a complete lie. I mean you know, and I don't mean the lie. Like the court corona viruses alive, I mean the lie that Gavin Newsome specifically used to do certify the recall was cool, poorly insane and to this day, holds up as insane
John Ziegler was on my show, stood as America last night and he over this, and I had forgotten because you're really one of the first really one of them. First states. I think it was the first to really shut down. Was California and it was done based on this ridiculous lie that something like. Sixty per cent of all Californians would have the corona virus in eight weeks. And that did not have forgotten about the effect and not one did not happen. It. It still hasn't happened. I didn't it happened in eight weeks, but it hasn't happened in fifty two weeks either when I get state in the union has had sixty percent of its population infected with a virus. We know this just didn't happen and he was using it as a scare tactic to to get assistance and two and to scare people, and it was
It was really a way over the top. Immunization close, I think something like a thief point six million have tested positive in California, which is the most in the country. It's a big state alone. Let people on it s probably about Eight percent population what arrangements as I must find, as he is the stats in his article, Whirlpool tweeted. Attitude as America. What are their forty million theirs? I think there's forty million residents of California right forty forty two million somewhere in Werner S, amazing right and so this guy comes out. Many justifies this based on a lie that he could hold everyone down any! the thing where again people March and April were: much more. Ok. I understand this is a tough time you're taking big steps, I'm not comfortable with them, but ok until we get a handle on this, for example, until we at least have testing, but I feel sick. I can go and get a test. Sprite! Ok! We! U can do these things, then it comes
this period where there's not a lot going on? There's not a lot of the virus out there for months and months and is still not letting go, not letting people go to the beach and a park I mean accounts that Newsome did were completely current than they were in a locked down totally over used in this conversation because it seems to mean both Texas, has a mask mandate and gave a new someone, but anyone go to school These are totally different standards, so you have to go look at this and say that he's been ay ay ay over when an overreaction from Newsome for a claim that was not even close to accurate, and now we we stand back, and we look at this and we say wow this the EU needs to be held accountable, and I think that's what this this recall. Does it least gives the people of California a chance to say, whoops,
yeah. We shouldn't have done that. We act if his other actions in his life do not already tell you that you should not have a measure governor. I dont know how again it's California, weird things happen, but at least this will give California chance now do I have faith of if they do recall, given Newsome, because it so. You're gonna be on the ballot for sure. If it does happen Then we will it work. I don't know they. May they may still keep him in office. Boy no won the election. We beheld. If it, if it happens, it did They would then awaked clear till November do the now. If it happens, fashion of especial election, I talked to MIKE Netter who's, the guy one of the guys running it and he told me a definite stiffly before November. I don't remember the exact date. What is interesting Newsome gone this entire time not discussing it. Media organisations would call him up and say: hey. You know what you think about recall what you think about it. What what a say about your we're governorship, he would just not respond. No comment, no come
no comment, no common until yesterday, basically- and it yes, he started taking all sorts of interviews because he's realise this is happening and now he has to fight it. And so he went on with Jake Tapir yesterday he Doktor tapir went after and pretty pretty hard heat. Two tapir about the recall. Really his first extended public comments. Listen, you have people our part of the led coalition, that started, this petition matter, Avid Prob, Boyd members, there part of the three per centres, the railing leisure group. They are supporters of cuban on conspiracy theories, white supremacist groups? That's not just that that that's factual and so at the end of the day. That's the origins of this and you combine that with new King Ridge and my cock, a bee in Devon Nunez and now the orange see nationalizing this recall time and money, you're gonna get something
the ballot. But what do you think of the two million or so Californian to have signed it signed this petition and not talking about the leaders that you just one? After certainly, two million California to sign this? Aren't all tromp stirs king that's right and very very soon and look. This has been one of those things that I dont think they could have done. This in a pandemic, particularly without about of Democrats on board. Certainly tons of independence have signed this and you know talk to the organizers. They have tons of democratic sent, sickness signatures as well. This is a very big. Partisan thing. It crosses because your book democrats on businesses to Democrats have arms. I mean it's not common. The Democrats have up to their people, you're pissed of about this, especially when they see the hypocrisy and I loved that he blames prominent Republic
it's like they're, all powerful, lazy, super powerful, written public goods that are to blame. For this really did these feckless Republicans it you're gonna blame. They got no power, they could, even when elections in Georgia, right in your saying that these that they their responsible for changing the political landscape in California. I don't So now I don't think so either by the the the actual promise from Gavin Newsome was, he wrote to doubt Donald Trump, and he said in the next eight weeks more than twenty five million Californians in this forty million residents, as you point out, Pat twenty five, would get the virus. As of this week, three point: six million, Twenty five million aid, which is what he predicted now look. Lots of people said things that were wrong in this era. Rarely has a lot of people guy lifer involved. Who would have thought you might
then an inaccurate on almost every fucking thing that he said what one I work out you. Yes, I know. Yes, you could definitely five tons of doktor fancies eggs at his ease. Billions are being taken both sides of an issue on everything. That's all but it wasn't just doktor grouchy I mean oh, it was, I will say, there's a pull that came out one year ago today came out today. Fifty five percent of Americans believe, It would be less than one thousand deaths from the growth of ours. I was among them. I think, probably There are a lot of people work and it was on eighty, seven percent of Americans believe it will be less than ten thousand. Or is the idea that it's more while so yeah I mean it was look there. This was a tall, ITALY different world. At that point you have only third. Ten percent of Americans even work remotely close to what was going to happen, and that was in MID March. That was,
January. We're, like you, really have a. I mean a January. Parliament has said nobody would in the United States would die from it are you go This is a very widely held viewpoint that nothing was going to happen. NL I mean a lot of people believed it, but Also, this is, there is people on the other side, just as insane man. This is completely absurd. It has happened literally nowhere in the world what he's talking about it did not happen. Never but never was going to happen, and he shut their stay down. Based on this idea. That was completely wrong and I still think we. How can people and people in California would forgive that if it wasn't for the hypocrisy on top of it, I think they would say, look you now. It was a tough time. People didn't know. People will make excuses for their leaders especially in their own, their local leaders. They dont like the national people. They don't like people and others shades. They dont like other congressional districts, but
tend to re, elect their their people over and over and over and over again People I don't know, maybe tend to side with their own guy, but then case when you're seeing this guy, especially it wasn't like he was indoors at in and out burger in it with his kids he's at a freak The french laundry one of the most fancy restaurants in America and also sitting there indoors without a mask with other health officials Has there been as friends he was sitting there with the leaders of the California Health Department right yeah, it's bizarre and blatant and yeah. I think that all the time triplets overdue, seven be easy K. Its patents do for glint of it. So what he said every month on your cell phone bill. Is it more than you'd like it to be? More importantly, maybe going on, do you know what the cell phone company you ve got? Your service through is actually doing with the money you're, giving them every month
These are the most fun questions to ask yourself, but you should ask them, especially when there are really good options. Why would you be paying for the nose to accompany like Verizon, whose setting sell your hard earned money to fund things like TAT, parenthood could be getting the exact same service, an exact same towers through company, that's going to charge you a lot less and which and donate money to leftist causes that company force Patriot Mobile, fishing is easy. They have customizable plans, they can do also all the stuff. You need done with your cell phone, it's going to get the great service in the great data plans and all that stuff, but actually, Donnie, too conservative causes they stand up for what you believe in the choice is clear. This month, get a free report Mayer activation where they set up on. For you all that's done and you get a special gift with the offer code back the same service, a lower price and the values you believe in God, a patriot, mobile, dotcom, slash back its patriot.
Mobile dotcom, slash back or call them nine, seven to Patriot nine, seven to Patriot for Patriot Mobile ten second station. I think so the Tapir Interview of revenues him. I think there was more than that to say, right or orders, separate interviews is the same one. This is, I believe this is where I think the views, the Mccain was good Newsome the latest That's between floored in California, the covert Ben demand.
Well a governor news outlets like the ape here pointing out the California and Florida have virtually identical case raised, even though California's had strict rules and floored is essentially been wide open more. It also has a booming economy on a booming real estate market and much lower unemployment rate than California. Four point: eight percent compared to nine percent. I also have to point out that when it has the lowest percentage of kids in schools and the seventh worst mortality rate, I'd much rather live in Florida in California. Right now. How do you explain that positivity rate is three times less in Florida. At the moment we have a lower death rate than Florida. We have a lower case right Florida and this pandemic story still needs to be told. But that said, let's be just candid about this Florida in California very different in every way, shape or form in this respect, most Importantly, they issued density is profoundly significant as it relates to the disease spread the disease burden particularly
I generational households and density just consider just allay alone. It's density is seven times greater of Miami, and so on I hear that two critique other states, quite the contrary, save one. That was taxes that notably, I made a terrible, reckless mistake on setting down the gauntlet on removing masks, not implementing strategies to enforce and be more grass about masquerade and at the same time, I think what we ve done is save lives. Wow a low by gathers of a trial without cliff so what's wrong with a clear by the way, I'm just in case. You wonder why we did a show last night on ranking the top. Five were all we did all fifty states, but the best five states, worst five states in just results like not about like what we think should work and California didn't do well. We can get into that here too, second, but when it comes just a density, that was one of the factors we factored into the to the formula
California is the twelve most dense state in America. Floored ninth, this date at all hours, more dense, then or dance now now means that argument was ridiculous. He's point to one city in a one. Why didn't comparison and saying it's Morton's, which Reno I dont have I'm in another. For me, I assume he's right on that, but who knows, avenue some, but I mean it state as a whole is more deaths in Florida. The other thing that interesting about that and California to Florida. Comparison thereof far more senior citizens yet Florida in California. We everybody retires of Florida floored as the fifth oldest state in the union and care for me, is the forty third oldest state in the union. So that's it you. Three large difference, I'm not a much bigger vulnerable population. The California has exactly that's a big big difference. If anyone knows that white fifth and forty third, while so that look Evan Some does not have an argument here. He he was a
to heel. He does have better numbers, I mean really. The better of comparison would be like New York or something really I mean he does a better numbers than a new year where they had that really bad outbreak. But you can't our it's very difficult to argue that lockdown measures like they took in California can be justified if they're, not They just didn't work, You know an Indian Fournier really went crazy with this doubled pulled down on it and you know it. The economy got hit pretty hard and it's bizarre how he goes after Texas. At the end of that thing, when exercise way better numbers than he than California does in allowing strike me he lashing out because the mandates been removed. But nobody said you can't wear a mask. In fact, what I've noticed is really Things changed in Texas as far as mask wearing
have you noticed any friends out every time I go into a grocery store everybody's mast up everybody, everybody! I see, I see no one walking around grocery stores without him ass. It is interesting that other up now, as you may know, my my wife, LISA Page as she's features- is on our instagram paid over and over again his progress possible most prominent anti mask activist in the United States, and she will go in before the mass mandate was over would just walk in there again, we ve already had the virus, so it's really stupid really stupid for us to be wary mass, but she'll go anywhere, and you know me so the time. I think that the formulas pretty static witches, and this is before the fascinated F after the last minute. In places, if you walking without a amassed you'll get some looks occasionally someone will talk to you and the customer. Stores than realms aren't How can I hammer you over it? Typically, maybe that's improving a little bit. I've seen a couple places that taking the mask science down, but still, as you point out, everyone inside is still wearing them be up. So I don't know-
The danger that much of the different yet more on that in a moment, maple that through some states here and a second see rear stateless persons programme spring, is back, which in Texas means that the birds are singing for the week or so they have before the weather gets hot enough, that they just fall: debt out of the sky, fully cooked and ready to eat. While that's fine, way to get a meal around. Here I was about a better waits called ragtag and is about to change the way you see. Grilling the rectangle sturdy made from stainless steel. The weight should be smart technology not only allows you to control the whole cooking process from an app on your phone or device, but also autumn, we adjust itself whether around so If it's raining outside, for example, erected will raise or lower the necessary heat to give you the perfect temperature all the way through when you own erected, you basically own cooking perfection Follow rhetoric on all social media and signed.
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patents do learn today, Tripoli. Seventy seven be easy. K are some statistics that may or may not surprise you, but still has a list of those states that are doing the best right now with open and also states that are doing the worse, and I would say this is a look at the entire year right. So it's not just where they are not right. Now, it's. How do they do over the past year, and so we went through did a formula there. Let me give you just: Other factors that wanted to this one. Obviously did you- avoid people dying in your state. Vienna me like Did you that's, obviously a big factor, but number two? this, because we all we hear from the media, the news media is to try to compare death totals and everything else. We also the economy. How well were you be able to protect the attack Let me, through this guy, was a really difficult thing for states to do some states
better than others. We also looked at what is from theirs in Oxford, University University of Oxford Stringency Index, which is basically a measure of how hard the government crackdown. How long did they put the people into relative shutdown levels right. Do they have a light touch did they have a heavy touch when it comes to an end? I think that somewhat controversial in that like people would say waters that matter road in order, I think, like You have to states that had the same results with the economy and deaths but one gave you complete freedom, the other one locked you down an individual plastic bubbles that matter here that matters right I mean free. This is the first is the United States of America here so I use that as a factor there's out. Those are the three big, these factors. However, there is also we know. We factory age, the population, so a state that has an older population should get a break. In comparing the death rate. To a state that has a younger population. Sir.
Thing with a density? If you have a state with a population density, that's high Looked at vaccine rollout, all sorts of different things and kind of came up with a final or was zero to one hundred for all fifty states So let me give you some of the bottom states as well start seventh from the bottom for reason, because it was California score. Thirty five point seven out of a hundred. They did they actually didn't do terribly as far as the rate of covert, but We point out, even relatively young population in inner in in California, so does make a difference as far as the death rate, but we ve to that end, they finish seventh from the bottom six. From the bottom. Was Massachusetts. Twenty eight point, one out of a hundred feet from the bottom Connecticut. Our old home state. Pat, now again, you can you. Can you boy some of its neighbours for this I think. Could yes, that will get Connecticut. Also didn't do all that! Well Rhode Island,
is forth from the bottom. Twenty five point two, the score of one hundred third from the body red state. Louisiana twenty point. Six out of one hundred. Now you, can probably fairly note part of the reason Louisiana had a really bad outbreak of covert was Marty. Girl was Marty Grass, which happened at the end of February last year, and, of course, was held in Very blue area of Louise had not a very red area of Louisiana, but in our as long as you have New Orleans in your state, you you're responsible for it Louisiana. I apologise for that, but I did put in your state. That was that was your thing so you're responsible for for the further. Outbreak in New Orleans, so they came at the third tube worst Twenty in six out of one hundred, then there's a quaint drop off from thirty. First at twenty point, six to second, two worst new Mexico
seven point nine out of one hundred while sovereign, twice point six to seven point: nine! people, don't realize that New Mexico had the hardest law, down in the nation harder than any State California, New York, nobody lockdown further harder than new as another they had. Their economy was a disaster as well. They end they didn't even get good, results as far as covert they mean it. Really they didn't do. Anything well is for this entire process, so New Mexico figure finishes second to last, add in dead last place without any the surprise, of course is New York with a score of six point, eight out of one hundred. They had these second strongest lockdown in the country, despite that had the second one. First covered numbers only to New Jersey, which is a completely new York's fault anyway. And also their economy, was a disaster. Despite the fact they have a giant industry there that
work from home. They still can protect the economy at all so they finish in dead last place course. Andrew Como is awful. Dotcom should be noted at this time. So we give you some of the tap tap topics yeah, who did the best say more. Who did it a survey and we're starting? It only give ten Alaska number ten score. Sixty its point. Seven again we take into account population density, but again there are some there's some aspects in this like Hawaii? What do you do with it in Hawaii Obviously, you gotta have a really good result uncovered, because an island but also a really bad results on the economy, because their dependent on flights, yes, oh, it's a tough one measure, but Alaska came a tenth South Dakota in nice. I thought, I think, a lot of people think South Dakota would do really well unless they were number two on the. Stringency index of this.
The second least amount of time in lockdown, but they really there forty. Fourth, as far as I can per million so late that hurt them like they. They had a very open. Their attitude towards this, which I respect- and I like Christie, dome quite a bit, but look they just had a relief. The growth battle with that when it comes to their rates, not an eighth place, a Nebraska sixty seven point, eight out of one hundred. Virginia. Did pretty well in seventh, sixty eight point, nine Iowa in six play sixty nine point nine out of one hundred I were another one that never the had that initial shut down period and then we're pretty open after that and had a renewed, relatively good result. Certainly good economic results, never six number five Oregon!
so surprised that, whereas isn't rise to me- and I so I was thinking about this because the score seventy point, one out of one hundred for organ best covert rules- by state for the entire EU. They had a, they had very low rates of covert, but they locked down and they were middle of the pack when it comes down to how far they, how long they locked down might my thoughts theories hunt. This was one Portland in particular, was burning down most of the year, so probably people were terrified to go outdoors it at all and see anyone plus You also have a been their economy, did relatively well to some of these other, more lockdown type states, and I think you might have a population that was more able to work from home in the industries. There were friendlier to being able to work at home, so there wasn't as much of a need for that, but that threat finished the number let's see number four Idaho, seventy four point
One score out of one hundred Idaho did pretty much everything pretty well, every one of them categories was pretty good at the top of the list, but in the top third, on pretty much every single thing come surprises here towards the top, your number three and there's an asterisk on this one a little. The two number three was Wisconsin and I would say Wisconsin how the heck really never democratic governor yet there they ranked on this in almost half. How long did they locked down the stringency index? They were only fifth, they are somehow fifth now I look into that, a little bit more thinking how the hell did whiskey in finnish faith in this measure is really the strongest thing that they had go in for them in this, and in the little formulae and the reason was the courts overturning other things, the democratic governor wanted to do? so they never like they were on and off again a little bit but cordial. I can't do any of this crap, so there go into locked out as much as a lot of other blue states did
kind of an interesting factor score of eighty three point: nine out of one hundred never to New Hampshire four point: nine and wouldn't it gets that one either yanking I wouldn't have either. Although you got live free or die right, they are actually they did not locked down all that hard. They had pretty good results from coal in their their economy was relatively well protected, they are also an older population. Which helps them in this measure. Considering they were eighth overall in death rate and had the sad the I can oldest population in the country's pretty impressive, that that's that stuck together no kind of makes sense in some ways. Now. That's it it's a state, that has a model where you're supposed to be taking responsibility for your own actions and maybe that help play in. Never one, though, are you ready score. In point one out of one hundred
Ninety point, one out of one hundred number one school in the entire union. This was a surprise to me. I will say I didn't say just one common number, one: the state of the disease enter confusion, destructive conversion. No state of you tat is what I was you yeah yeah, that's what I was going to guess. That's pretty interesting! I would not have guessed it really just because I don't know I mean I it didn't you. The press, like normal, demanded that the right is talked about Texas? They talked about Florida, they talked about it. I wasn't going to act about South Dakota. They talked a lot of different states. Georgia got press at the beginning. Quite a bit really. I haven't heard much conversation about Utah, but you What kind of sat there and Incredibly well in every measure here number three:
as far as how about you, how long, where they lockdown, third least about a time, so that they were third say on the Freedom index, right, ok, economy did they finish seventh and the entire country and covert results, they finish. Sixth, so really did now. I will say they are the youngest state in the union, which I did not know either until doing this resource youngest state in the union. However, They got a punished in this in this measure, for that, like, if you're young state, you lose points on on the formula, because you shouldn't only on older state, which has a tougher time with something like this, so even despite the fact that they got punished for that still finnish number, one in the union with a score of ninety point, one why and really has had well press and no credit and no no, no love Ivan. I haven't heard anybody saying well yet, who is doing a good job as Utah, and this comes do something I you know, I think is proof since the beginning of this to be really important. We talk so much about what
government does. Am I gonna sit here and say that everything that you taught did from the government level was right. I doubt it I mean I don't know all the details and alive in Utah, but a guarantee if we open up the phone line should get lots of people complaining about what what the government was saying or doing Anita as would from every state, but like this, thing to do with this coming back to instead of the government, the people, you know as the United States of America, we lead the government, the government doesn't lead us, that's us up, where this works and inner. If you look at the data for population you'd want to two points actually have in the fall, arm in the in the time of a pandemic. I gotta say You might draft Mormons number one, my hidden of all pretty healthy, so well as you point out pretty young yeah I say there. They do a good job following rules, an accurate statement, I would says the morning accurate, like they're, not like the type of people who are like you know: they're not like Peter who are gonna gotten liking of burned down. Government buildings cause they don't like a policy, they might.
Argue with it, I'm going to say what they believe, but they're they're nice then gotta do they're, not activists together, not like here, and I think that's you know. I mean that in a good way in this particular measure, purse Buddhism specifically and then also there are people who, tend to do a lot of thinking about others right like there. Yes, I would say, less focused on like or death it's my right, then you know what like, like this, but I don't want to make any one else sick I want to make. I want to make sure that, like ever, I think there's there's a very selfless aspect of of that culture that that makes a state like shoot up or formerly well, and I will note to number four was Idaho index. Some quite more lots of quite Mormon and I know that it's an interesting thing. I think that it comes Don't that a little bit more than then cable news and even talk shows and politicians have talked about you
just mention this with the masks the gun. Policy has been such a factor, but really I mean look at the states with no mass mandates. As and compare them to the ones with mass meant it there's about a ten to twelve percent difference of mass usage. It's really not that different. It really does it make all that much difference is really about what the people wine of doing. We believe this government they dont lead us. So would this be a good time to send a couple of guys in white shirt and bicycles overview seems like a pretty good time. Maybe for that I would like to call on the commission to take action and covered they can't arts. When you want a really really get you grew, Vano Pat is a big em and he was just singing in the break. This guy, you wanna talk about about getting your group are huge. Huge, huge dancer. I always see. Pat walkin around here is a fair of re cons. Just german. You love me,
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forty second in the economy middle the pact for covered, for there was another one, people were interested and fortify right in the middle, the pack overall, so they actually in locked down a lot longer than people. Remember people. They came remove the mast mandate early, but we're locked down a lot longer. The people remember did the middle that kind of everything but again with a bigger population. There's that those reasons to understand whether it could be possible. Are there any other huge? Once I mean it, we ve been ripped the bottoms of very blue pencil. And he was down their legitimacy was down there Nevada Illinois all kind of down there towards the bottom, which I guess, you'd expect because they had bad bad outbreaks in down harshly Colombia. Ram, ensure can be complicated and that's. Why does
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we ve got some more covered. Maybe little vaccine talk got some Andrew Cuomo coming up this, our Paul, it's gonna, be a lot of fun playing. Second, you're, more, not entertainment, the blunder
wave patents. Do you listen to my show, TAT Gray unleashed every weekday morning immediately preceding this. For any time on plug casts students, America Pm Eastern yeah, I think in central their knots right, numbly giving MR big fat aren't. So the vaccine is going really well in certain countries he's real or you wear that Israel is over fifty percent now in at least part of the vaccine being administered. Neither almost, I think they might be up to fifty percent out of a lonely vaccinated, aided the amazing what other than fifty point four percent, as it did so out of nine million about four and a half million people vaccinated already and so they're getting these values. Now,
the Green badge which get a vaccine passport yeah, which is ironic because we would now be so we'll see how that works out. It is apparently going really well, though, as far as abandoned the viruses concern, their numbers are weighed down their way down any noticeable. That here was over that and lots more covered up in sixty seconds programme. Welcome to the wide and wonderful world of advanced sleep technology exists wherever there is a product made by my pillow, because Michael Adele is at the forefront of the drive to make every night a good night s sleep, whether it is the original, my pillow, which is the best pillow you're ever gonna, put under your head. Or the big league is a dream sheets made of egyptian cotton and just getting softer every time you sleep on them and then, of course, Is the mattress topper guarantees of the restful deep healing sleep of your life made of three layers that provide
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we're getting the vaccine I have kind of a different impression of many Americans book. Here from a lot who just sure have no intention of ever being vaccinated. Yet the pulling his bid he's been pretty consisted of its improved as far as people wanting to take the vaccine, which is what we would expect right there it's been basically the entire time broken down like this about. Forty percent of people are like absolutely gimme the vaccine my given to me, I'm ready for day one on Russian down Throat, throw some needles at me, whatever sticks and I'll. Take that one they're fine about thirty percent of people. Are lie. If say, basically, I am open to it, but I what kind of sea if everyone starts dropping dead? First in like any, how could I not be first in light? Let me just see if people these needles gone people's army and they just spontaneously combust. If that doesn't happen, article check it out
is about twenty percent of the population who says I don't want to get it but like if I have to like if work tells me. I need to do it or can't get into any. I can't take any flights because it can get a vaccine, alright I'll and whatever all do it and then does not temporary. The population that is like signed up ideologically against vaccines general or this particular seen for some reason, so the when pretty consistent in that rural format, some of the people who have work thirty per cent group that say: look I am open to getting it, but I'm a little worried some of those p have now moved into the imo. Get the vaccine group, so it's in some of the people have received the vaccine already in that group. So it is most people are fine getting it. They realize you know it. They might not be excited about getting a shot, but they're gonna go through it and get it anyway. I think
There's a certain percentage of people of me now seems to be about ten percent that are just you know, ideologically against a vaccine, for whatever reason I just don't think it's gonna work, I don't think it's safer, healthy and another gonna change those people's minds in others, the way and the way they ve process Information a larger part of that, though there are people who just don't go to the doktor. All that often, people who that those, people that our reachable on the back see people who, just like I dont tent, like there's a lot of people who like never go to the dentist, for example, just don't ever do it and it's a surprisingly percentage of the population that don't get dental care. Decades on it right and same thing happens with doctors that, especially in an already communities in communities in inner cities? That just don't access or don't have money or don't desire to go, see the doctor for every little thing and they just don't come in attack that often with medical professionals. So
some scepticism there as well, and I think that those people they're going to try to reach in Israel. They have kind of the same problem where the oars The docks communities are much less likely to want to get the vaccine for ideological reasons. So Those communities are much harder for the government to get the vaccine to but they are at. As you point out, pat over now, fifty percent fully vaccinated in Israel They lead the world by a very large margin in that and that whirls unsafe and give you exactly, numbers. This is. This is fully vaccinated numbers right now, area. Fifty point four percent in Israel number two is Bahrain at twelve point, nine was huge huge gap. There because word between partially and fully vaccinated. I think we're at around twenty percent. Are we Emory Fame B
those who have gotten one of the two shots and those who ve gotten both of em, I ve got that were here: it's not quite oh you mean between both? Yes, yes, our yeah here so at least one dose and the United States, eighteen plus population. Twenty seven point: nine percent has already windows but more importantly, here right for this particular virus. Is these sixty five plus population? Now, sir, extra. Five per cent of that population has received at least one dose, which was the important, grew and look in the bite, and administration can try to take credit, for all of this, which is completely Dickie railing headed in the truck administration. They develop vaccine they got it already. They did all the testing, they got it all prepared. They designed the entire roll out strategy, and then
comes in office like look at. We just did with the vaccines right or great, we inherited airborne, consists not completely broken non existent system, all out of the people who, from the Trump administrate and who are running this effort are still there here. You know they're, not dare not. Partisans they're, just Pineau people were really good at logistics, and you know what the record was the record development time before, yeah for a vaccine from star the disease to when you have a vaccine for it. Before now ten years me Those took tat. I think it was a measles vaccination, ten year. I sat there was one for like whooping. Offer something that was like Morlock for five years, but still maybe it was always of early next year. It's a long time, it's a lot longer than a year, yeah meat from start to finish. This thing happened in less than a year, yeah really Everley credible, whether you like it or not. It is absolutely possible scenario, which is a really is incredible.
Really more exciting than this particular vaccine is the technology behind the vaccine. This eminent m M are in a technology which offers The ability to develop vaccines quickly like this. Not just like pandemics, I'm talkin about like diseases that have existed in the third world for generations and no one's really been able to get them under control because the developments it cost is so high and it takes so long and obviously these countries don't have the money, and all of this this technology can be After really easily two things we ve fighting for a really long time, and so I think, long term upside is even more exciting than just what we have here. We can go back to restaurants and hope couple weeks, but we now the vaccinated in the country, fifteen percent of the eighteen plus population and thirty, seven percent of sixty five
us so you're gonna see you know the one thing you're sing in Israel is vague when they break down the debt. Rates from the vaccinated population in the non vaccinated population, its remarkable how welts is working in a more than half of the year. That's right now and cases are coming from only fought like the five percent of the population. That is, in fact, as stated in the older groups, because then the other. Ninety five percent of the population is accounted for less than the five percent, which is really your eye remarkably, look at it when it comes down, they break it down by age. The oldest older population. Their deaths are dropping like crazy in Israel and there by their set over seventy percent. Now this farce just cases overall with the entire population. So You know it's encouraging, you know what do you make of all those stories, though, of people dying, in a day or two of this and or or
becoming control oblique shaky for you know the rest of I mean I don't know how long it's good, alas, but there was, for instance, there was a woman who did a video in she couldn't stop shaking I mean every part of her body was shaking and it had been gone on four days and couldn't stop and The only thing she could distributed to was the vaccines. So I mean you're here in these stories and I I mean. Maybe some people are just not the handle it. I don't possible. I mean, I think you know, look science via Youtube videos, never a good idea, but it sure yeah, that's that's. Actually. This is the first scientific principle do to based on Youtube videos. What about energy
story, India Unaided, or is there a different than was it with its forwarded than you, then its sale? If people forded enough times it become science so flag, I get in the in my email in my inbox and I can take it directly to the bat. Yes, definitely believe it's true as long as this that the person sending it to use not the source. If it's been passed three or four times, then it becomes cited. Ok, I mean a lot. He had to look at the anecdote cases, as you know what they want. They are an end, some of them in their there, are some people who have had a bad reactions to it. I guess it's pretty minors. I mean we know this, that the peace who are taking the vaccine, our diet, at a much lower rate than p, That are now taking the vaccine getting extremely sick at a much let a much lower rate and that's not just covert. That's overall, Now that you will be a reason for that and that people who are maybe healthier and more engaged in the health care system are more likely to get the vaccine
but it certainly not showing there's no evidence whatsoever of these effects large in a large scale. Paypal, there's there's there's debate going on with his asters Attica vaccine in Europe, and- asked resent occur is not approved for use here in the United States there in the middle of the the test. That would get it to approval, but it is not approved in United States, yet was improved, very early on, as you might expect, because it has to do with Oxford in the UK? and that's really what they're using in the UK over two to Europe and theirs bait now about a lot of the european countries have pulled it from usage and they though, because they believe there is, I believe, five cases of blood clots, or maybe it made up to about thirty cases of blood clots related to the Extra Seneca vaccine, again totally different technology than five Madonna, but still it was vest was the concern, and so people forget about it. They pulled it off the market. It's interesting, though, to look at the numbers there in that Europe, the people that programme,
market are saying that blood clots or have, in one! In one hundred and sixty seven thousand people who get the vaccine now in in Britain who's been using this vaccine, the entire time they're saying it's one in five hundred thousand, so there's a dead agreement between one and one hundred and sixty seven thousand and one in five hundred thousand. However, by for those numbers are, better numbers. Then population in general, so I give it its Maxine vaccine, causing this the people, more than one and one hundred and sixty seven thousand people just get blood clots on an on a normal everyday life basis There is no reason to believe. None of you know. None of the science shows that any other stuff, as is happening now, look that does not mean and, as you can probably tell him, I'm very proud vaccine, and I want to get back to normal life. I think this is the best path to do it. I love what the trumpet The did on this. I love the fact,
capitalism was involved. I love the fact that the ultimate and of every single left wing new paper in America: big, pharmaceutical companies or involved either It's hilarious and I love the fact that this is the ideal The american way out of something like this. We just innovate, come up with something great and get out of it go on with their lives. So I do like that. I'm on pro, however, nobody should be forcing you to take it if you want to take it and that As you know, we have not seen any one in the United States yet require it I and they don't even required in Israel but it is something that you could see: Gavin, Newsome or Andrew Cuomo doing and saying that it is required and that it should not have to take any of these things. If you don't want to take them. That's that's an important part of liberty or even if you shouldn't, have to wear a mask. If you don't want to write, mask even think right it like even if even if it was the best idea in the world you still get so I mean I love. You know I would not for this
countries which were not supposed be forcing people through the government to do pretty much anything. You know, with the exception of dont murder. You now, don't steal? There's a bunch of things are, few commandments outlined some of these ideas at one point in an old book I mean really, the government should have very limited acts, to your life and as far as managing it and so the people who are much more sceptical on the vaccine than I am. I stand with them in the idea that they should not be forced to take it. That's a terrible idea, and it also we'll just turn people off from wanting to take it people who are on a fence risk melick screw. You don't tell me what to do exactly how I be if they started demanded it well. Now I don't want to know how we don't want it and the messaging others has been terrible. It's basically like in in Israel. There saying hey the vaccine then go do we want to see vaccinated we know these rules apply to you anymore. Basically, that's what they're trying to communicate to the people that sovereignty.
Really true and Israel, but it is. It is what they're trying to communicate. That's the messaging here the messaging is the opposite is like hey get the vaccine. In the year twenty twenty seven you'll be able to see another person. Again you don't you who may even be able to delete outdoors in before twenty fifty we'll. Let you know how you we, to tell you when that happens, and anymore the people are just like freedom and if what I know you and it's if, if, if you behave yourself, if Do everything we tell you to do then? Maybe you can get together and have a backyard barbecue. The fourth of July, we'll see more say and will let you know by the way. I do think any of this pact is there's just trying to underplay it. It's like you know No one, an air of airplane campaigner of a flight tells you that you gonna be. There are three when they know you're supposed to be there to thirty, so they have it like that will remain there. Yes, it is trying to say like, as I can I got a million vaccines a day, so what were? They do
let me stress that expectations so low that he's deaf or go to clear them. Maybe it's a! that way on triple eight seven do so easy game more. That's tough, Glenn Staying Health is tough, especially if you're like me, and you have a little bit of a sweet tooth. Also I like to eat, constantly sets tough. If that doesn't work. Well with health we just kind of round the corner on the new year and they are a lot of new year's resolutions, be that were made in broken already. If you wanted I got the bandwagon let about bill parse, my wife, each these things constantly she told Tanya back about them. Tanya glad about them. Now, Glenn loves them as well. Pat. You love him as well to build bars there's a million different flavors, there's like there are two hundred and thirty calories somethin, like you know, thirteen grander ROV protein and on all the numbers, but there's really low and in net carbs. It's real chocolate they got flavors like caramel, brownie, cookies and cream Raspberry Mint Brownie is. It is incredible.
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Even when conservatives complained about this forever, you note legs along tat. It takes forever and half the time. Other countries are approving these media treatments. Before we do what we have people dying of, sir. Oh acting diseases, so in the middle of a pandemic, Izzy it yeah are not gonna, be able to wait the four years for an FDA approval, but you know what figures interesting about this is I do think it would be very difficult in court to win. Idle on requiring it with empty without FDA I've exaggerate leg. Would I think if you happen to be sceptical on this and don't want to take it, that is gonna work in your favour. That will be something to help. Someone will challenge that and I think will win. I don't think you can for someone to take something that is under emergency use, authorization that, as a rule, will stretch when it comes to now. I know that you should be able to do it anyway, even if it is approved, but shouldn't be able to force people to take it, but I think, with a wonder,
emergency youth use authorization. I just don't think that there's any the way you can require it now we ve all as conservatives argued for a very long time on right, try legislation which, by the way Donald Trump, was able to get through It's really important, because just because You don't get an FDA approve drug. You should be able to try something. That's experimental your life is on the line and look that's where we are That is where we are- and I will say with it with when we get to the point where this gets. Widely used in our We hope we will see the results like Israel is seeing and really I don't you're not going to know for a while, because it's really the absence of these massive flare ups, which is going to tell the story rather than a drop right now, it's still too early to tell, but if we can get back, to life as normal, and this becomes something that is more like they flew worldly, like a hundred people a day or dying which sucks. But you know it's
something that we were used to buy were used to that level of risk were not used to four thousand people a day the virus Ceylon put it. I was getting back to normal. It's starting to happen. We're seeing the first fruits of that begin. This proud up, like the Texas Ring, you're good, at full capacity when they open up on on opening day against America. His team, the Toronto Blue Jays. I will be there, America, american regime, from Canada, yes, I'd, marry Astina lacks a Canada. Won't let them interest right now they can play their games at home so that they really are America's Gee. This time they were reliable, but all the seas groom. Can financing NL as one two three. Four, W w w dot, anime less consumer access, dot org, if you're home on our annual type, who is fiscally responsible right now, you could get just said a great new mortgage and you just a phone call away from a change in your financial life mortgage rates.
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She is she does on that show. I think she talks essentially right. If I'm not mistaken, on the talk Sharon talks that is understanding of the current situation, although I don't think it's lasting very frankly now she d in peers, Morgan and I just kind of debate, did him that he wasn't racist cheese friends with peers, Morgan setting racist, had this little back and forth with one of the other talk. People on the talk and so I created this big controversy, now The controversy has gotten considerably worse for her. It actually taken to show off of the air for now because now they're saying that she is actually said, racist things too, and about people including frequently were
bring to then host Julie Chan, whose chinese American as to really disparaging things which probably get in trouble for even repeated and then she apparently took said something about Sarah Gilbert, who was the a former co host an executive producer of the show. I think she cut him down, The show right wasn't at her. She was one of the founders of definite can't say what she said about her no devil again today that she's a lesbian, it's used very derogatory terms too. The shock I wouldn't expect to hear of foul terms from but Osborne and Austria's barons Y yeah right you, you would think only the politest of things, would come out of her mouth. It's really disturbing that you'd could even here now see language coming from an Osborne. Now, where is our country going I mean I will surely was biting heads off back.
On stage, but I expected the most find you culture possible and they didn't get it I'm surprised he's got a stunning, but think her career is probably ended. Now, even though she is not going to have you're not going to enjoy due process, I mean, I don't think anybody has to prove. She said these things. She says she didn't obviously does it expect she said she to do it now. Leah remedy was also on that show. Has come out and said she did say those things to her. Well so now, like multiple people, saying that all say these things so she's gonna have a tough time survive, That's what I think is more interesting book, or is anyone so eyes that share and Osborne would say, offensive things like it is literally the reason she's on the shelf. She this is heard tire persona is saying of its like singly. Think Simon. Kowal would say some
bad right like he was not that he is accused of anything like this, but like use insulting people that was kind of his gaze bag. That's why you on the show the end. You know she was saying mean things and some very affects things up, or coworkers? I'm not exactly stunned by this? I don't think anyone else's either its interest. Because it's not that it's not the thing that you say that crosses the line here, if you're sure Osbourne, it's the thing, you say in defence of peers, Morgan. That makes you a bad person. People come out after you because you said, look peers, Morgan as racists, and then people decide to say. Well, you are how can you judge peers Morgan's racism when you yourself are racist. And if she did say these things, not even give me a pretty strong case that she ass. She is, although again like You said she denies that she ever said that she does, and I think to there is an element when you are
a person like and born. Where is she a racist? I have no idea, I don't know anything about her heart. I don't know anything about her mind, but I'm not prize to see her say something in the most offensive way possible like when she this was exactly what her entire show was like they all just swore. We remember this is the whole gig was eardiston wailing all the time. It's the only reason she's on television is because she swear. She said the F word along right and and so it is no surprise that she will. Mountain instead of saying you know- Lesbian, she she would you some other tourist, some other terms very offensive. It is surprising to me, unsurprising, but I did the same. Happened with the rose and bar situation, though it's like you know if you, if you want someone who is to seek to say all the things you wanted to say you don't Cairo's and bar for a job. She was all machine
literally on television calling for the execution of sea owes a few years before you hired or what the hell you think she was gonna do fix you, you're gonna, like Oliver Jokes, like oh shit, look seriously at calling for good. Teens foresee egos of companies and then yes, yes, she also made an offensive joke, I'm like, but if I live out I wasn't surprised by it. Think of you hire someone who has that sort reputation your hiring knowing about those warts right, no about the the concept that perhaps She was not a great example: if someone is gonna have refined language behind the scenes. That's not knots a surprise, but again so she's going to she's going to be fired. I don't lose anyway she's going to survive the considering, there's multiple people saying it, and you know it goes like there's this thing. That happens that seems to go from, can you believe her
bunk. She says all these crazy thing. These offences thanks adjustments, monkey, lady and then all of a sudden. The same comment in six months later has totally different. You know we it's a lot of things, look really bad. When you read em in the pages of like the New York Times, jokes, don't look good their yeah and if she's, really good friends with Sarah Gilbert who entered they might be, they might be really good friends. Sometimes you say things among friends that sounds really horrible to other people, but you guys are used to write garage comfortable with each other and that's what you do. It said the Morgan: what's his face country star same thing with him, I mean, I am sure in this but being with his friends, he they said thing. All the time. This time he happened to be heard by somebody else, and so he really
got whacked for it there and look if there are obviously lines to this right at me, like the fact that you hide your public's is ear private speech, because you're saying veto, viscerally racist things behind the scenes and you're just hiding them publicly. That say, that's the type of thing that these scandals are sort of, designed to on earth right, in that might be a good use of those scandals that this there's a different, a different cat, or that gets applied a lot where people say things that in our inner we keep coming back to this. This one bachelor story, because its perhaps the clearest example, but, like this guy, basically came out, said hey this universe eighteen year old. That was at a sorority and went to an anti Bellum party. Maybe we should at least here what, yes to say, give her a little grace and see what what what was going on in her mind? How dare you and how dare you now since then,
she has come out and said. I know I can't we shouldn't defend me. I was terrible terrible humanly he came out said I didn't realize how terrible the human being I was he got fired. I was sick first now, basically fired and now the she won't of winning. Do us winning the bachelor. No girl who know the girl we delay Bellamy. Already. She actually won the bachelor. They have a nice thing. Everything was working fine. Now the bachelor learned her racist past on quoted about broken off with her, because of that, because where to an anti Bela Party as a sorority girl, my gosh mean it is come to fully ITALY's ridiculous. There is no reason to believe any of the people. A soul, with the story. Racists and I everybody honours knows it No one has ever garrison who wore the dress right.
And two bellum dress not clearly she's racist. Now I was addressed southerners now. So here's the thing tat the best hollowing custom. I ever had a my entire life when I was a little kid I was a three headed skeleton. I think that doesn't like a great custom at all. No, no it! my head in the middle of two inflatable heads on the side: every house you weren't, you set off three had its I guess you got three pieces of Kennedy that ended over and over and over again it was incredible. The greatest night of my life I did not, however, take up the opinions of other three headed skeletons afterward, the costume, don't know what their opinions might be, but I was not influenced by the costume. I was wearing, I did not become that person. I did not advocate for everything. Three headed skeletons have done in the past. I did not take on
first analogy of a three headed skeleton, and why did you appropriate their culture? Why did you do that? Because that's not how Hoss dooms work when you dress on, as some words Captain Kirk? You dont become Captain Kirk when you dress up as Freddy Krueger, you dont be commie actual murderer your dressing up, representing think of The costumes at this would apply to if you dressed up, as is burger king, taking on all of them. We know that the de the personality and opinions of past kings were executing their constituents. I don't so it seems like a guy trying to sell burgers. It's not the way Ass, tombs, work, costumes, I'll make you the people your dressing as Marilla you. I really need to explain this. I'm glad America has this opportunity to hear the hatred that spews out of your mouth on such a regular basis. I just wow, I just feel
This should be obvious, and it's not so stupid different than were so Stuart, we're talking about here, but it seems like everything gets. You know blamed on this right now, there's a story. We were talking about briefly off the air from. I think it's Connecticut and it's a woman who went into a bank. And wanted to get to her money. The money that she has put deposited check, checked clear and the teller This is the quotas as she says she has my license and says I dont feel come by giving you the money. So get confused, and I said you don't feel comfortable. She said well, you just deposited the Czech yesterday and he said well heck is cleared. Who said oh yeah, it cleared the money is available. I just don't feel comfortable giving it to you now. What is first and try to get the money, a minority and that the story, Pat. Yes, the person who I wanted to get the money was black. She wasn't comfortable causes cause she's black minority can't handle that
on money now my death right. That's that's the accusation. I can Give you your money cause your black now. Look, I don't know the exact story size or surely these things open, because we want to have results of whatever investigation might occur. They admit that the teller said I'm not comfortable, giving you your money. She said the vague. They say they can't comment on. Why and out because of security reason, but she did say if they dont confer They are paid their say their investigating it. But again, like that's bizarre, would the end are there any other black customers of the bank raid you know. I guess you could prove is pretty easily right. Are these giving other black customers their money right what kind of indicate. Maybe that is not about the color of the skin. I have to imagine candidates, exactly, you know a haven for the KKK? I do. I don't know exactly if, if I would like?
don't you don't understand how a policy like that could exist in twenty twenty one right, wouldn't we could give black people the money out of their own accounts they get. It kills can't be the explanation for this body just immediately. We jumped out these roads every single time, if it can be an issue if we can take the word, accusation the most divisive thing to say about someone and apply it to them. We just do whether those of it or not. There is no evidence this guy. Chris Harrison from the bachelor has any racist attitudes whatsoever. He didn't even advocate for the party, He didn't even defend her. He didn't even say, hey. Of course, you should be able to go to a stupid dress up party. All he said was. We should give us some grace and we should at least here, which has to say first and for that was, you mustn't, multi million dollar job apparently year, while Tripoli, seventy seven, be easy, came more patents differently. What time would you like to spend grilling every week might get? I think everybody's answer is more
how much more time would you like to spend? If you didn't have to stand there the whole time and make sure that nothing got burned, especially if the weather, if it was getting at super hot and the summer comin up wherever you are it's cold, where you are now what we'll do the work for you and you get to just gonna stay inside a perfect climate control. Such things are no longer in the halls of science fiction, because with a smart technology has revolutionised the way you cook it grills smokes it even bakes added adjust, its own temperature to make sure that you're getting the perfect cook every single time. You can control it from an app on your own or device, which is great for those hot days when you just want to sit inside the air conditioning. Ah, yes, but don't take my word for it should get theatre. To a bee. Compare the rectangle to its competitors what you're gonna find, though, is that rhetoric doesn't really have competitors That pretenders rhetoric, one social media are easy to eat, you sign up for their newsletter wreck tech with a queue at the end are easy,
t q dotcom rhetoric that come there's been stew, Glenn on a glimpse peremptorily. Seventy seven b she came, Mitch Mcconnell has warned of a scorched earth Senate. If the film buster goes way, I'm glad least trying to trying to do something that would prevent the Democrats from just, driving over the top of a completely and just anything done they want to in the next at least two years before the mid term elections. So at least are trying to prevent the clear option from happening, because I I think that's exactly where we're here It does well they're, not gonna, get rid of the filibuster. Africa's Joe Mansion promised us that he would
You have to understand. His word is as good as goals in every way passive all. I trust him in your talking about the incredibly moderate show me your majesty S, and he will stand up against this. He will sure one little bit of wavering would accept the wavering he's already done and of course that wavering he is scheduled for next week, but but just that amount away blowing in the no more he's not gonna get further filibuster. Pat, It's gonna get rid of the filibuster on votes where dont want the filibuster. They're, just gonna reform it so again, they need to pass something with only fifty votes. They can just past something with fifty votes. That's not getting rid of the filibuster. The filibuster will we'll be there in some way
but I'll tell you it's not it's just not, therefore that important vote and that note is to import and look to allow the feel of us. You see with the Republicans are doing. I do her getting in the way of progress in every way possible. Well, Mcconnell promised that the Senate would become a one hundred car pile up where even the most basic aspects of business would be blocked, would grind to a legislative halt. If Democrats engage the nuclear option, pastor you know you well, too, you know very well the Epp and that's. Why like you, said only eliminate the filibuster for really important things. On all serve Mcconnell right frankly,
no sir, I'm right here, we look, they couldn't predictive. These Republicans would be so obstructionist internal have to make this manoeuvre didn't want you I mean I promised on CNN over and over again I wouldn't do it, and I also I don't why don't take this lightly, but these republic are just too much in their daily. The re forces. Have they forced his hand? We could do with really. Therefore, when you think about it, program oh by the way, are sponsor here's home title lock, you never thought Covin could cost you your home, but it's happened to people because, Cybercrime is up seventy five percent. Through the pandemic, I think This is because, like hackers are home to definitively board others on their computer. All dead, liking you and home title theft is one of their big target targets now cybercriminals foreign. Domestic are now after our home titles.
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we're not entertainment, goin back
patent, stupor Glenn. I will thank you not to say that there's a border crisis there is a border challenge going on right. Now it is not a crisis is not there to see here. Please, move along will share with you. Some of the thoughts again Joe Biden last night with George stuff in awful is where he pretty much denied. Did he ever said that you should come right now within the next hundred days? Give Europe a migrant and you'll be allowed in will share with you. Ve had campaign promise it just a minute and then what he had to say last night did George step an awful as that lots more coming up in sixty seconds programme.
Seem like such a good idea at the time. This is the line apply to all sorts of things go into that youth summer Camp or those teenagers got murdered ten years ago telling your if that, yes, she does looks at an address and, of course, the grandaddy of all bad ideas by to that time. Share that you'd never use NEO. With owning a portion of a property that you dont control and probably can visit most of the time, or at least can visit in the locations that you actually want to visit. You're, paying meaning maintenance fees all the time. It's time to call timeshare termination team, they one hundred percent guarantee to get you out loud Billy or your money back call time here termination team to day to get the process started, don't keep putting it off, and stuck with another year of a time share you dont, want or use you'll get twenty four off when you terminate your timeshare? Be sure to tell, that Glenn Beck sent you eight hundred and eighty eight get you out is the number to call eight thousand eight hundred and forty three eight hundred and eighty six. He ate or visit them online it nor online at timeshare termination team, dot com, a piece of my-
with timeshare termination teams. One hunter, percent money back exit guarantee. Learn more online at time. Share termination team, dot com spanish troops Glenn today, hopefully he'll be back tomorrow. But must have really thrown his back out quite badly. So there's been a little bit of delay on that, the special on tonight's, Especial Amigo, what happened next Wednesday. Instead triple Seventy seven be easy K, Joe Biden last night, on with with George stuff Annapolis, instead Paypal is actually pressed him on the crisis. Going on at the border, which, of course to the Biden, administration, isn't a crisis at all
same thing. It's it's been happening for years and in this is all Donald Trump fault anyway ears If the Nautilus S actually asking him some decent questions about the border Ireland's coming in saying, they're coming and because you promised to make things better, It seems to be getting worse by the day was it a mistake not to anticipate this surge Yes, there was asserts the light two years and in nineteen and twenty there was a certain is well might be worse. Now, here's the deal more similar resulted from first of all groups to the idea that Brazil, by several com- because I heard the other day that they're coming, because you know I'm a nice guy and I want to show you told her or here's the deal here's that are not there,
have to say quite remainder follow up there. I can say quite come here to learn or on a process of Britain's set up. Don't leave your town or city Democrats get to say this every time it it's not illegal don't leave yours out of town or city is the thing that Donald Trump would say, and that would be hateful when he said it and xenophobic yeah. You should really should intervene, he's right on that point of view and given the very narrow he's correct use, illegally come to another country. In any sir, some states, others Edwards Egypt, potentially like massive war going on in your country in York escaping as a refugee really. There's no reason to do this. It's not from now for economic benefit that's not what these laws or set up to do an odyssey illegally. You shouldn't ever come, you should cut, you know, come as a refugee in certain circumstances. Well, by denies them.
He is responsible at all for this, but let's go back to the campaign and the promise he made essentially to the people of Mexico central and South America, when he talked about the first hundred days of his administration, cut number two there there, seeking asylum first. Ever we ve told people, they can't come numeric that The cage clothes at critical, are closed and in the first one hundred days he goes on to say that the Euro, the they're gonna die, come here essentially, and The M receive asylum from the United States of America, like we ve, never told them before not to come near. And by the way are they the cages or open just There now opened come out in the hay, you're gonna cage, Ville, everybody right, cage, town and their own capacity to beyond full capacity. The cages in the average is suddenly three hundred percent of pre covered capacity
So many Democrats were weeping over it. They they would literally have press conferences where they would break down and we openly about how inhumane it was Donald treating these these children that came cross border that were ripped. The were torn from the arms of their crying mothers and then too since these cages like animals. All of that, was so tragic under Donald Trump and now now the humane thing to do now, What are we supposed to do with them? They're they're, just all here without their parents, and we ve got to find some place for them and we don't know where they belong and were tryin really hard to find their parents So what are we supposed to do other than put them in these facilities?
facilities now they're not gauges. Now another just facilities are wonderful facilities. I went back by the way. Pat give remember the story when they Alex, it recalls you Cortez. These photos came of her at the border and she was crying at offence. Your release acts, I do yeah and any other people work on. A mocking them is sort of looking very staged and they were actually taken before a yo see, was like a figure in a bubble. Figure. She was running for office, but like no one knew who she was at this point, and I went I can just glanced at those they are among the most cringe worthy photos. I've ever seen in my life. I'd love to she it they now she claims. This was a real moment and the fatigue, four says it was a real moment of emotion, overtaking her. They look so slangy in staged and she standing in front of his friends and it is
like down the road along like Dr Way, if you will to a facility, so people were saying or she just in front of an empty lot. It's not true! Exactly like this. You know she was near the facility of his skull says she could get in there. They weren't in allowing people and inside, but still I just I don't know it Can you know I am sure they would like if you were. If you want you owe, is a site that somehow meant something to you, but you could barely see it in the distance. It's a doesn't seem like it would have oak the emotion and it just like it just doesn't look real. It looks like, she's just standing their fate crying for the camera. I mean it did, I don't know what it is seeing them again after knowing or because when you first saw them kind of in the news, and it wasn't a huge story at the time. Knowing how awful. She is and how the hurt her, only goal in life is to pander to cameras
all she does. All the time has gone. Instagram Ivan runner mouth about. God knows what about does know how the friggin you know garbage disposal works whatever she talks about and to see these photos in that light. Now that we no kind of who she is their cringe everywhere, you look at him. Did you, but I'm trying to find him. I haven't seen him how I have said they are so cringing and we had a mother. We were. We do show just briefly on the show the other day and stood as America an interest it gives you that feeling inside your stomach, when you realise like in someone's Ike, trying like a really bad actor or actress who's, trying to pull off a role and failing and like everyone around you knows that their failure to get that like mine, isn't your stomach is like gathers the so crazy. That's what it feels like when you, Let them I know she said something early on when it came out again that that Biden is using the cages, and she actually said something negative about
moderately moderately negative. Not it was it wasn't a literal concentration camp, one drawback Biden, wouldn't you know that's for sure, but He's been amazingly silent, since I think she said one thing about it. Then she shut her mouth about it. She said like this is wrong. It's always been wrong. That's what a sample troubles evil knows. I got type a thing like that: it's pretty much a totally different standard and, of course, all these things it she talked about. You know she complained about wanting this fifteen dollar minimum wage and how she was gonna hold up the process, shootin vote against against the bill. It's amazing! He let it go through anyway, because she's just like so many Other Democrats, you know, there's no, there's nothing there and back February Glenn tweeted out maybe you guys talked about this at the time. Just for the record them Biden. Administration is separating children and parents to talk about that in time, because pilot effect fact check. They are separating children and parents. Yes, Glenn Back said that that the evil Glenn
Jack rightfulness. I love this one. This is the one where he said of a full sentence and they vat checked. Half the centre is actually broke, the sentence into two pieces, so they could give him a false ranking, it's unbelievable band and then like why I understand why this is better. What is happening now. This is their argument when Donald Trump was president My mom and a son would come across the border, and the mom will get arrested for coming across the border. They didn't want throw the sun into jail right, yes, when they were detain them in two different places. That was the separation of children from parents that we heard so much about right, right, right, what's happening now, is that parents some point before they cross the border are she'll go ahead of them by themselves, so there now crossing the border solo instead of with their parent there's still separate. They just operated on the other side of the border, and means Donald Trump.
Is evil and Hitler and literal concentration camp guy and bite and is totally five and they act as if Donald TUSK, had his minions down at the borders still babies from the arms of their of their parents, win In fact it was mostly teenagers then, like it's me sleep teenagers. Now it was, it was older children and teens I think a lot of babies were torn from the arms of their mothers as a curative across the border. Now it with me, what we're looking at right now is fifteen. Sixteen and seventeen year olds, largely you now look. You are those quota coach children, I'm in the eyes of the law, sure there under age but take it out, It's a different story than what you picture, and I know that they will use the photos to get illicit emotion, elbow find the one young her child. Who happens to be in a large group in and focus on them, a who doesn't
what's going on, and it has obviously they use this if they use these photos for their advantage. Just like these ABC photos, I think we have them now have if we if you are good looking. Oh yeah. It's just not a goal. That just happened to be somebody walking by with a camera at this time, video see started breaking down. It is, if you are clearly spontaneous, have either. If you happen to be unbelief deviates it's it's worth watching because it basically you have the theirs. But different lives. Here you have one we're she's looking like a sad puppy dog at the camera, which is just hysterical, and then the other one, where she's standing by herself in awkwardly bending over a hundred pristine white clothing and are nice watch and he's kind, just like crying like I just it doesn't seem, did better half mourning and half the reef bent or in the grief.
Of these children being taken from their parents enter in half and look. There are alot of sad stories on the border. This is why we say we should have an under control are really terrible, tragic stories to happen on the border overtime people who are convinced by Derek That's largely that this is really an offence that it's basically its lead. Said a speeding ticket cause, you don't even get find and when You know they come across the border. Thinking they're gonna get a better life because democratic screaming that it's possible and now they see bite and as the quote migrant president, the met It can president said that these my let's see you Joe Biden as the migrant president and vague they are coming here because they believe it's ok, I believe, because half per country and all of the media is saying it. It's ok, just to accentuate the point, we have one of the migrants actually speaking about this when we see version
the game is didn't didn't we do. We this today are you Yours is one of the migrants Talkin about Joe Biden. Actually, what I want for my people: I just want patient and pass can't get to the? U s because they have a new president, Mars violent where he gonna help all of us. He given us Today's. To the U S and give legal meant a paper, so we can get a better life for our kids and family. Does not great sir So they got it right from Joe Biden these, given him a hundred days to get here and have a better life for him and his family, and I we may say is amazing and we ex conservatives would look at this and say I had a lot of times will say like you shouldn't come across the border and it's a bad idea, blah blah blah and that's course true. But it's also like you. From their perspective, the messaging they're getting from the entire media not to mention the candidate himself and all
of his allies in Congress is its mean. If we send you back if we say hey, you know where to deport you, that's the main thing. We're not gonna do that anymore. He campaigned on it. Of course they believe they can come in, we may they ve been we ve been telling you this for months and months and months and months if Joe Bite gets in everything's gonna be fine, of course, people if they can come in. Of course, they do. Oldham. I believe it will be essentially, I told them, look, I'm your guy, I'm your prayers to cause I'm an invite you in what he did. That's the message they gaga and then up ports on the law of the United States, think about this like you could say: ok, it's against the law but like when the leader of the nation and all of the big Democrats are all saying it's basically, okay, full of course That's the impression they're gonna have its basically ok yeah be frowned upon yeah.
You know I mean they're, not gonna like fly you in and give you a welcome ceremony, but the end of the day. We recommend you to be in a facility for a couple of days and get released into the country, and you get what you want anything other than that is mean and Hitler and literal concentration camps, so cool as they believe this is ok? You know I mean it If the EU had a speeding limit of veto over the speed limit of fifty five, but that the governor the sheriff the police force, we're all saying it's actually, seventy five, you guys can all go. Seventy five. What the hell would you You go seventy five right. I do anyway so that management of the ride, so you ve, announced your family that you're going to be moving soon and, as you fear, you're sick The kid is offered to becoming a real estate agent, we're doing it on the side for a while. Now he's got three or four clients and, and gone really well. Take a good look at that.
And if you ll be honest with yourself, you know, you know women, maybe he's ready to active microwave, some popcorn for you, that's about it, he's, probably a crappy real estate agent, and that's. Why he's not on real estate agents? I trust outcome. Fashionables we we have on agents. I trust I come are the best in the area. The agents who, work with real estate agents? I trust that come at their the bet, the ones with the practices. They have the best results, they ve been screened for use. We ought to do it the trust some random relative or some person you met in a coffee shop or some pictures. On a bench. When some somebody stood up to get on the bus, you don't need that we, the ass in the industry we're talking about here- and I do not take your you know our word for it here- just one for yourself gonna site, find the best agent in your area is really easy to do real estate agents. I trust our comic your move into a new area taken new job. Maybe, as the economy opens up, maybe your flight
from New Yorker California to some state. That's you know better real estate agents. I trust our com before you by the house really agents. I trust our com, that's the place to go real estate agents. I trust dotcom ten seconds station. I d, It's really sad story. Currently, there is a shortage now of songbirds and what yeah yeah male songbirds usually learn their tunes from their adult mentors by when these aspiring songbirds lack proper role models they hit the wrong notes in their songs and then they have less success with the with the Ladys were attracting mates. Stuff is,
it's been going on for a while now and so there's only about three to four hundred wild birds left today. Male birds once formed large winter flocks, another sparsely distributed across the landscape. And a lot of them just fly solo, which means fewer of them have mentors too. Each them. The songs that they need to attract there mate. Song learning in many birds is a process similar to humans learning languages. They learn by listening to other end of individuals and listen to other individuals? don't know what you should be learning. And apparently now none of them know any Zepplin songs at all any more and apparently the female of birds really like lead Zepplin really used to seeing a lot of very white to and yet
and now it's mostly debate songs and that just as Doin inform apparently to baby doesn't work quite as well really as the very white tunes they used to sing unkind Digital male singers were less successful in wooing maids scientists found we think the fee Wales, or avoiding breeding and nesting with males that sing unusual songs, typical typical females so hard to please apparently there learning songs from other species of birds and sold the songbird females dont, like the songs, are learning from other female from other Bert, from other bird words, and so they will make they just that's true when male bird sing like putting out an ad saying I'm over here. I'm species exe I'm Bob and I'm really interested in finding a partner. That's that's what they're saying
but then things go wrong if the males sing the wrong songs and the females don't respond to it, I believe global warming for all of us. That's exactly what the problem is. This Its global warming is shocking. It is global warming. Is changing migratory patterns, and now they don't learn the songs they need in order to me because the migratory patterns because their migratory patterns and too they have on so low in art, learning the songs of the need to attract the females, sad productions programme Remember one trillion seem like a lot of money There's a long time ago now go to Landrigan years ago, maybe we're trillion sea, like oh, my gosh, a trillion dollar bill now. Would you that, like every day, every here too, we get another trillion dollar bill. Goin out the door that is just gonna passed into existence, and you think how big. That number is, it is a real problem you know.
What's going on with our economy, you know what's going on with our dollar, but for a billion dollars of the stimulus package went to direct checks, the rest of it I mean much of it, went to to all sorts of crazy projects in a nonsense. Of course you know, you know that words borrowing this money anyway, where is the dollar going to go from here? You need to be able to have some sort of backing. Is based in something real, the dollars in serious trouble. It's time to plan, think about your retirement. Scientists are now go by offering six percent free metals with a qualified self directed IRA acquisition. All for one k, Irae retirement plans ball qualify for the special incentive. Don't wait call now their standing by to take your call right now. Eight six, six gold line, its eight six six gold, mine or vote of gold line, dotcom goodbye
stupor gear, receiving prouder, Dave, Reuben and me tat great, listen to all your favorite conservative voices at blade, place tv dot, com, promo Code, Lynn its patent stupor gland AAA seven, do some be easy gay. Hopefully it will be better and back tomorrow Meantime, you can check out my show tat, Graham used immediately preceding this one live on the blaze, radio, tv network or anytime. You want during during the day or night on podcast They must do show you can check out at eight o clock live eastern or anytime. You want unpack subscribe, broadcaster, does America and PET Graham leashed Pat, there's a new car from Joe Biden he's speaking out after me asked about the Andrew Cuomo situation. Of course
note that Andrew Cuomo is awful, dad come and This is an exotic maneuver theory for you, yeah he's, ok, Andrew Cuomo is awful. Dot. Com is a very important theory that everyone should know, because I know one time you liked him alive? I was there in time we were. He s here fan that's changed little by little bit on factor, never liked him, and I don't think I ever well, but I did. I was added, have much of a feeling about him until the covert situation. I really regarding and either ram, and he was a liberal government governor of New York that obviously I, great when we just didn't pay much attention to and yeah, and he seemed to be better than like build a plausible. As far as policy, I would have said yes, nuns, true right. If I had to point town, they both socked, but he wasn't the worst politician in New York Now it's hard to do to deny anything anything like You get a guy like Andrew Cuomo, out of office for him to actually resign. You basically I would say need all of these things happen. You need to have low,
officials at first no. This means you need have Democrats, I Republicans don't matter at all on the situation of all. Obviously, Republicans Erna call for him his resignation doesn't matter, you need local Democrats first, we have those incidents. Republicans have no power in New York, virtually No, you need New York Congress. But the majority now the congressional don't deck delegation have called for his resignation. Yazzi have that you need New York, New York senators. Both of them came out this past week and said Joe by that dead, Adra Como, should rule Angela Brand and tumor engine. They bore him out. They did it on Friday night, which is somewhat revealing to make yeah, but it did happen. Then you need the two things. Only too that you have left, I think, are big devil credit national figures unrelated to New York. So I'm talkin about Nancy Policy you're tired talk about like a big, appropriate, Dick Durban. Right again, these
prominent. Influential Democrats that are unrelated to New York politics giving them hence it essentially there noticing this to this happen with look I'll frank in, for example, you have people like cures, Gillibrand from New York calling for his resignation kind of adds to the momentum and that's why it happened to me and then you need the executive branch now Don't have that, I would say we don't at this point, have national regular national Democrats but we have a comment from Biden. People are making a deal about this. I'm not sure it's as big a deal as as people are saying here, is. This is Joe Biden talk about Andrew Roma may ask about. Ro Cuomo of New York. I know you said you want the investigation to continue If the invitation firms, the claims of the women should resign. Yes, they do Are we gonna be prosecuted into oh? Well, that's, that's
that stronger than he's been stronger than has been because the other day he just said. Well, let's let this play out and see what happens. That was basically what he said right, although he said it like this news. Who is, are you playing a sound clip of Biden Young now cause that's exactly how resounded? Yes, it's using because he is at times certain times during the day gone he's completely. Later on but nobody's home inside, and then their times. I don't know if it's when he's well rested or if he's tat his medication by He can be somewhat sharp, like eke sort of use to be not ass, sharp ass. He used to be, but you can see. Ok, he yeah he's there like they're like in that our view. I think he was there and they, I think his team, and his wife the evil. Lady Mc Biden prepping for these things and they they
plan accordingly for win. He has to do like a George stuff at opposite interview or he's got something that he's gonna do on network television, so he can get through brief moments of the day. Yeah. It's tough because we want personal he's, not appearing in long form, often you ever almost never and if watch. Only conservative media and obviously I like conservative median and we're on a conservative homework server of media platform. You do tend to get a lot of highlights of him just boot. Losing his mind here, he's just keys or its clear that something or others, and so those are the ones that get alot of play and conservative media when you watch it and in long form bad, but not as bad as we picture him here. He does have moments of coherence in the debates lucid. Sometimes he wasn't a what you gonna walk going to those debates, the the hurdle for him to clear was so low. I mean people were, I guess you gotta come out just like Sir
yelling. The word squirrel repeatedly at I wouldn't know what what's gonna happen break and he we know Thank you, didn't write all the debates we always able to at least support sentence like the other thing is he's worse since Even then You don't seem like. He was better than then. If he was equal to, then they wouldn't be hiding him right they are hiding their hand, leave early hiding and they don't want you to think or to remember that Joe Biden as president of the United States they are, they are just kind of hoping you forget about it. Let them their bills, don't worry about it. You know what he's no longer factor in your life and there's a lot of people. I will say in the United States who are thankful for that, because they felt that Donald Trump and his giant media presence was intrusive to their life, whether they liked him or not. He was just always there. Every story was about trump. This isn't trumped. I know of
where's encourages this? He loves the media. He loves me in the centre of attention for the stuff, but also the media over, did it and they all they made him. Part of stories. He had no role in constantly and then try who tweet about a story. He had no role in and then he become that story- and there is a lot of I am part of the election story- was told where people were just kind just tired of the constant presence of the president in their life that's a great designed for this country. Frankly, we trump well and used it to his advantage many times. But I really want a president who, in my face all the time it's a little bit fatigue. It is, and so I think a lot of more, especially people who don't really follow politics or care about these things? of our liking the idea they don't hear from Biden and the demo Rats are I think, smartly taking advice. Ensure that in their passing all sorts of incredibly damaging bills and and and efforts
to our country that I think they're getting away with, because the media is always asleep at the wheel binds asleep at the wheel and they d take advantage. Fact that people dont really wanna, hear from him, and there are people who are just fatigued with politics yet in general I just don't want to hear anymore Esther Some friends over the weekend area at a wedding reception that we were at They were saying to me or just now I can't take it. I just can't take it, and so I ve turned off and, unlike I can't hardly blame you no, but it's dangerous Citys, especially when there is really no one, just stop that requests from doing what they're doing one point: nine trillion dollar bill, they jam pact. That thing if you take the most aggressive and verbal view of that bill. For the Democrats, still your beer, basically at a third that was so What related to covert you could argue Raven, even though a lot if it was still nonsense
you gotta that's two thirds of his bill in Utah. And a trillion dollars, which they just a moment, put trainers plus where they just basically put through a bunch of credit priorities that would have in other contexts been giant debates in our country, but we would fight, back and forth about half way. This is way too much money to spend on X Y see this. And spent anybody on this, and they just dumped it into this bill because it does seem like every president gets one bill. That is not correct. Like I'm, even if it is controversial, do you get it through this he took this one bill and took real advantage of it. We, have asked the Republicans do such things many times they dont do it now. For some reason. Tromp was the best thing that could have ever happened to republic on policy, because he dominated the news coverage so much they put everything through know what about piracy for four years needles what're! You talked about policy. All
the dew was just set, send it through send it through, and you know what one we're about to take the vote Don Diego tweeting about that I don't know morning Joe you say something denigrating about Mika and the entire media will be talking about that. I will pass healthcare reform. They could have done all of these things and they did not. Take advantage of it and then it was a real advance could have been couldn't even do the one thing that everybody wanted to do in that was to get rid of Obama care the thing they promised us. They swore up and down as soon as we can do. This can do it right. But when we have both houses the executive office. Why, then, there we can do it nip and I didn't do it me up do and are really the only thing they got done. Legit
Thirdly, that was controversial. Was the tax bill which was moderately? Ok, I'm an idle. I wasn't a terrible bill, but it was not a man when I was inspired by right and it beat him leave, didn't inspire America and it's gonna be completely mitigated now, yet because we're gonna get a massive tax increase and I'll get the tax increase through look at the text, through the other they may have to wait a year to do it, but they'll get it they'll do in this in the first two years, because they say what they will be able to get it through with fifty votes and guess what once again, Joe Mansion will not protect you wait. Why Joe? I actually said, though I know he will not protect you. He will not, but he promised we're probably gonna get a minimum wage thing too. Don't you think o absolutely the I dont think now get fifteen dollars an hour. I dont think there they'll get there. I could see Compromise of twelve. I could see ten to twelve there are reports. Mitt Romney compounds that helpful for ten bucks an hour. Here's the thing I can't support my We have ten bonds,
seven dollars in twenty five cents an hour. You know, and I wanted to try to do my whole life really has First of all, we know it's kind of weird. I should help you negotiated next contract here, but I don't think it's not designed you think I'm underpaid. It's about a lot of people think I'm over by a lot of prisoners are likewise, while he's make that kind of Maria Wow- that's not worth it, but it's not designed to, but to do to support families. It's designed to support a fifteen year old, just getting into the workforce. Yeah, you know, he's pretty interesting. We're talking about minimum wage. There's eve the daily today, which is the flagship podcast of the New York Times, had a their Pakistan today was dead. Hitherto the minimum wage I'm sure they're pushing it of course, they're pushing it. Obviously there pushing. However, it was pretty resting because it was their key, This was not hey Fairness! Hey
she'll, be wonderful, for everyone in their case was more nuanced and they end they did handle it. I think as fairly as you could expect the New York Times to handle it. What was interesting, though, as they were making the case that he can mists have also been against the minimum wage and now they ve turned. They now think it's a good thing. It's not gonna, be damaging to society socket at heart, businesses, small, but apparently not, although there was a conversation, mention that debate right now. Nah, Josh, Holly's, pitching a bill we're here, agreeing with the Democrats. Yes, fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage, a republican centre. Fifteen in our minimum wage, but only on big but he is his line, which I had to me. It's like I'd rather have at least two parties I feel like having one party and having people act like they don't like each other, but then voting for the same things is not a great formula but I guess I guess that's where we are right now: there's a big there's, a big, pushing and minimum
which has been one of the most popular. Items in public policy for a very long time. We got because nobody explains why it is a bad thing. Everybody you know they buy into the hype from the Democrats that you can't. You can't live on seven. Twenty five in Manhattan I know that I am trying to do the number one let them set their minimum wage that, by the way that's what's happened all over the country, so that we in the country is not seven. Twenty five. It is in certain low priced areas, but even cities, raise it all over the place, but To tell you how far we ve come here. Path eighteen, eighty seven January fourteenth and operate from the, York Times editorial bored. So, like their official kind of position, the headline is The right minimum wage zero dollars and zero sense. Oh my gosh! That's how far we ve come
from nineteen eighty seven, long long way Alright. Well, lives in Connecticut and he was living for years with pain in his elbow Am I not sound like it's that bad, but your elbows, one of the worst places to have paid because your joints get inflamed even when, you're being still, you can't move your elbow. He got a comfortable needless to say, Michael really was miserable and in its serious pain, tried for a long time. To find a way to get rid of that pain and nothing really worked something's wrong. For a short while, but ultimately the pain would come back. Then one day, Michael heard Glenn talking about really factor and decided to give it a try, and it's only twenty bucks for the the tree a thing so you might as well get a world see what happens. Well, the old story is true here, Michael got his life back and the pain is gone, really factor is drug, but it was developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try really factor go to buy more they're, not insane, thereby
because it works for them? Will it were free? give it a shot. Three week, quick start the trial is only one thousand nine hundred and ninety five go to relieffactor dot com or call them at eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four: its relief factor, dot com or eight hundred five hundred. Eighty three, eighty four I welcome patents do from learn, possibly Glenn. Will we feel and better and back tomorrow do? Can you tell the story of friend with the businesses are yet we start your friend who's, who does really well and has several businesses, and I I asked him a that over the weekend, how's business were going in the cove it era and he said well. To give you an idea, went into the cold situation with three businesses and four hundred and fifty employees- and I came out of it with one business and a hundred and fifty employees, and it was the best year I've ever had and he would
to explain, then you know he was kind of struggling a little bit with those to businesses that without a business- and he said so, they needed to go anyway and in his theory, was that a lot of businesses that were on shaky ground the edge. Where, put out of their misery. Essentially, I think it's like clearing out the dead brush in a forest right, creative destruction, right, it's a cat capitalistic princes, all the one that is doing well, you can focus on and make it thrive, even more and in theory, right. New businesses will prop up in those three hundred. People who lost their job hopefully have been able to slide into something else. That is thriving instead of one that struggling with going about a business eventually, any not the theory and the hope. That's the whole. It's gonna be tough, but with all this government money, eventually it's gonna dry. Often, where do we go from there? It's gonna be helping the watch. This programme
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.