« The Glenn Beck Program

Media, YOU Are Dividing the Country! | 1/28/20 | The Glenn Beck Program

2020-01-28 | 🔗
CNN has taken it too far. Don Lemon couldn’t stop laughing as pundits mocked Trump and his supporters as “credulous boomer rubes” who can’t find Ukraine on a map. But Glenn isn’t afraid to talk to all the “rubes” who refuse to blindly believe the elitist media’s lies. Yesterday, Trump’s defense team was electric, but all the media cared about was John Bolton and Mitt Romney. And Bolton’s manuscript leak sure looks like an elitist publishing scheme to Glenn. The coronavirus continues its rapid spread and may have come from eating bats. But while eating bats is not recommended, Stu has a good recipe. And attorney Alan Dershowitz put Adam Schiff’s constitutional pandering to shame with a real lesson in constitutional law. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. America. I want to talk to about rough greens. I am so excited to feed my dog. It used to be I have to show you the video it used to be where we would have to stand and literally sometimes hand feed Una, he just wouldn't eat it, and we, pride all these dog fruits. Well, I finally found rough greens. I learned a lot about dog food fact. We make our own dog food now opt talked about that, but there sing all of the probiotics, the enzymes, the vitamins that healthy microbe activity Terrier and it tastes like crap, two dogs. You know just regular food, this actually is alive and if it helps the dog food, Tastes better so they're getting everything they want. I am I'm kidding, you who know now runs to the ball runs to the bull. He I no wonder the refrigerator cause, I mean salary and I
open up a block bag with celery in it, and he runs to his book because he thinks I'm gonna give him some of this. It's amazing please try it. It's rough green slash back, it's really good for you, good for you. He is a different dog, rough, green, Dot com, flashback, rough greens, dot com, slash, or even call them at eight, three, three Glenn, thirty three. You got a dog. Please try this. The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, whom her allow everybody monitor them courage, you lose Bomer Non, ridden Kay reader may have more or funny land on a map rube and were here further room. Bauer
address the media in sixty seconds as the Glen Back programme hello welcome our energy. Somebody who really changed their life. It's Michael Indo, MIKE Linda is a guy who's gone from. I'm not kidding a crack attic too one of the most successful business men in Amerika today and heat Changed his life I gotta do I want to do a sit down with him, because I find I am absolutely fascinating. He chose it is life, turned it over to God everything else. He got himself clean and then he invented my pillow. Now my pillow is just making product after product after product they have. Their new gives a cotton gives a car, Is widely regarded as the best cotton in the world and the sheets made from visa cotton are strong, and
durable and their softer. Every time you wash them every time you sleep on them, and I am, is she snob. I would not be talking to you about sheets if they weren't great, and I didn't sleep autumn, every night, Jesus it's from Michael Indulge, my pillow go there right now they special by why pair get a second pair free, just for the new radio listener specials, you click on that and type in my name back or even just call at eight hundred nine six, six, thirty one! Seventeen did you catch that aid. Hundred nine six six thirty and seventeen about or slow down further non number people in the audience. You know them who credulous rule that's an eight. It looks like a snake, that's eaten itself turned into a not eight hundred six six thirty one, seventeen or my pillow dot com to forget promo code back out on bail back?
I don't know that with a key case, you haven't been on social media in the last twelve hours good for you good for you. For those of us who watch it, because we have to let me show you was on social media last night. Coming from the pit of despair, I like to call CNN, listen and obviously its false and look. He also knows deep in his heart, the Donald Trump couldn't, find Ukraine and a map. If you had the letter you and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it, he knows that this is an egg administration defined by ignorance of the world, and so that's a partner Employees are and raising their audience enough. The credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump wants that
a process more one in there we all euro lead us. You leaders with their geography and your maps and your spelling. No, my wrap your reading, your green yellow energy No one other countries simply latte all those lines on the map, only then will lead us nowhere. Ukraine is sorry. Let me just say this. These rooms. They don't know my, I dont know how to read. Let me just say this to you, ass the latest. What is an elitist somebody? Who thinks there better than everyone else what was that a diamond
creation that you think that half of the country that voted for this president half of the country. It not a body ignorant did dumb aids. It can even read. That is the point. We're definition of their leaders, somebody who thinks there better than everybody else. You think because you voted against Donald Trump or you don't like him. You are back her than everyone else will? Let me tell you something these robes. They know I do know geography and no the lines on my birthday. Darwin Looks like Ohio This one looks like Pennsylvania that one looks like Florida. You know what we and even be able to find our way on the map to me, again we might. And be able to find Wisconsin after the Bernie people burn it
to the ground. I am so sick and tired. We have to co exist, you know used to be that the day That America came together was the day after the election, but that but anymore, go back in listening to my monologue. The day your president, Obama was elected in o, eight go back and listen to it. He's. My president now he's all of our president's now. We have to hope for the S, pray for the best and do all He can to stop many policies that we, we truly believe, are dead matching to our country. We don't wish for his failure? What your monologues during dirt. The swearing in the day,
I so strongly disagreed with this, but this candidate Donald Trump. I so strongly disagreed with this, but this candidate Donald Trump, because I didn't think He would do any of the stuff that he said he was going to do and my To my one of the great is surprises in my life. He did what I say the day of the election. He's my president now and I have to do everything. I can to help him. Make things right? I will stand against him when I must and I will stand with him when I can end He has given me the opportunity to stand with him over and over and over again, even though I told like some other stuff, he does in stand with him, because I'm a human being that can think that
Payload. Tea. Ann Kaye, tank. You were plotting this. You know why nobody's watching any of this impeachment because they do. I believe it has anything to do with the truth? They I believe that truth or justice, they don't even know what the american way is any more, but they certainly don't believe the truth and justice is happening anywhere near Washington DC or in the hallowed ivory tower. All's, of yes, the elites that look down from their tower at the robes down there, look at them. Look at them.
I have not wanted to secede from this union more than right now,. Do it without us go ahead. Do It without us. See how long you last grow. Your own food Eat your own wars do it. You are so close to becoming the capital city, as in the hunger games, good, look at the little rooms they work or living. Oh darling, we must Jus into some nice make up and clothing really. Those are the real people. Even President snow, knew you needed them. You don't say We play a role at all
This battle is really all about when it comes right down to it, the State Department, the intelligence community and all all those who think to themselves and its with every President Republic. Inner Democrat, I don't care what the president says, because we are, Already have a plan and we're executing it, and He been here longer than any present they come and go. Will? What are those people saying we d Care what the american people say, it's why we vote over and over and over again, including a guy. Last time who said I am going to shut down, want Tonnell, I'm gonna stop all these wars. Did he know why be? as he's not truly in charge, they give him enough. Please I'm going to change anything and this I goes in like him or hate him. He doesn't care,
although a major, why don't we put alligators down on the border? You know why he said that, You know why he said that Is everyone around him is coming up with some sort of an excuse where we can build that wall because of environmental reasons, because of police the reasons because of international reasons I want the country. You're, is what he sang. I want it secure now. I've come up with a billion It is nobody in this room is helping me secure it, and the american people came sent to me here I came here on behalf of the american people who say they want their borders secure. I don't care how you do it. Alligator years put alligators down if you geniuses can come up with anything else, we're doing it.
See. I understand Donald Trump, I to understand the one thing that he does because I have worked incorporations my entire life. I have worked with. I remember them telling me back in eighteen eighty one I said I want to go over to the Soviet Union. I want to bring cast from the Soviet Union is about to fall. There was ninety seventy nine it's about to fall. I wanna go broke, can't do it can't do it? I can't do it can't do it can't do it. So I started doing it myself. And then somebody who had support in the company they found themselves over in the Soviet Union. I know how corporations work, I know how the face errors played.
I know how people are just like can't be done, can't be done, I'm the guy who five hundred thousand people on the mall in Washington DC? No, I'm sorry, I didn't put them. There to it? And America, responded to it and you put yourself there. Everyone said: don't do it. Someone said you can't broadcast endure, restoring event from Israel can't be done, never been done right, that's. Why did it? from the Temple stairs. The only christian to speak there since the Romans it can be done. But all of the people around especially a president all want to say no. This is about him. Actually changing the way things work in America and you don't like it does he doesn't care what you think made member
so the media he doesn't care. How dare him call us the? enemy of the people. Tell me what that action was tell. What that actually says to me. It said you don't care about me. You don't care about. People who live here- oh well, we go into the middle of the country, were treated like crap. Because we're in the middle of the country, watching you talk to all of your friends and you're you're dead king us calling us names, treating us like crap, despicable, despicable. You know it's sucker should have walked into that control room. In the middle of that broadcast insane shut it down. Till dawn limit to act like an adult and those two are not to be on this network again, because
only once did like that, where the people just like them, the only people that, like that were the people in the capital city, all the journalist they loved they laughed. Been in that pit of despair at CNN. I know who those people are. I also know how many people are they're, keeping their mouth shut because inclusive, as you say, you are you're, not inclusive and all your so inclusive of anybody who agrees and will say everything that you believe in say despicable so did I a bodies won't talk, tell them rooms.
You know the people who are paying attention to the news people it people that aren't watching the coverage of the impeachment, because they're, not robes. They know that you think we are, and you think you can say anything you think you can tell that a man can be a woman and can have a baby and we buy into it. Well, we don't period, we don't, and we never will period. You know the rooms are the ones Who think we actually believe what you're saying you know the rooms are the People like Brian's delta,. But people who think every time they could get oranges. This is what really happened. This is you know what media matters can you just talk about how the right,
just lies and could get anything on. The news tell me about it. Media matters. We are not there financing and the last one to three report: W W W document, less consumer access downward. And we no longer find you amusing american financing, Annabel US two three report that will you doubt animal less consumer access that Let me say one more thing. I think this gonna happen all day. Programme. Let me say one more thing I am so sick and tired of anybody else, body in the press, coming to me and say: do you know what you did to divide this country? Yes, es? I admitted in it's nothing like you did now it's a thing like you been doing for the last three years.
The hell up. Do you know what you're doing to divide this country? Don't ever ever say that to me again, don't ever. Say that to me again,. You are so you living in some sort of fantasy land illusion that you created for yourself. You are so unaware of who you are and what your doing? How dare you don't ever ever say that to me again American financing, american financing You know that house you wanted when you were young, the one did you. I thought you wanted your plot it because it was in
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Ten percent off right now change tack. Ways: tv dot, com, Slash Glenn. I want, The join us this is getting out control totally out of control. How do you even do? I ran a. Let me find it here in all of the headlines today, and I wanted to find. Exactly what everyone was saying about last night. Did you watch the impeachment last night? I know it was really hard to, because even Fox was breaking away. Everybody I mean Can we watch the impeachment? So the first time the president has had the ability to defend himself. Can we watch it because we're not. Gonna get the truth from anyone.
So go through the five major new sources today, New York too Did not have a single story on their front page that talked about trumps defence every in the top section was about John Bolton, which I'm going to get to next hour, the I should impose lead with golden, and a few stories down had a headline, no description about his defence. Seeing at lead with a defence story. Fickle CNN analysis lead where they basically said trumps. Defense was just talk, Ray you're talking Point Fox. Had she what's important in their top story headline political lead with Romney's making is move. As I told you two weeks ago, Romney. We need a source, you can depend on We are building one here. We need your help. We need your support and we need to remain in contact with you.
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The Glen Back Programme, where I found my happy place all really this. This is don't push me, I'm just in my happy play I'm just at the threshold of I can come out again I thought I might happen today. I have a feeling in about twenty five minutes when I start on Bolton and Romney other levels now the levy Doves Bolton, he sauntered roused worthy man. You can't you
deny any things. Look at his moustache. You know he's telling us it's a treasure. We in us that it is true. It is it's nothing like it must now nothing Lloyd. I think someone said which I don't know how you bearing Hitler and his moustache. Don't or no now you can't not now without these dead. Now it's a trustworthy, mustache he's a good guy weakens the baby. You know what I'm thinking some of those gas containers entering and I think they existed now exist area yes, might have existed. Maybe we should go to war right with a rat in my mother country runs that exactly right is John think about. I don't know these guys are just pathetic. It's unbelievable! It's unbelievable yeah and I owe you know I don't really have the bigger problem with him, testifying it's just that you draw this thing out so long. I agree. With that. I agree with that. Look there
been on a fishing exhibition: the judicial expedition since Did you see that word in you're unhappy boys? I ask only that there's a limit these had among them without a off there's a little cracking the my job that I can get you back to your hey. That's where I want you to do it. I could see so so by May I just eighty moment right this down, so we can come back yet. I just want to talk about the difference between you, being an executive producer for me and me being an executive producer for you guys? Stu shows Darts and I'm the executive producer and his programme I just think you should be aware of this. There is a twenty years of age. Is that I know, is I'm so anyway the? What are we talking about Bolton? Yes,.
Is, is coming out and it's not the fact that play the piano and gradually over the door. I remember that you're pissing me off. I just don't remember what I want what I was pissed off about. I can't believe that that John Bolton is coming out, and it's not the fact that he is not the fact that he has to testify fine. I want you're from the whistle blower materia I. What here from Lamb, so go bring it on, but here only guy the problem is, is that if your they been look king and fishing, and they ve been doing everything they can, since for he came into office. So later really want to know what John Bolton has to say. They just want to see. If it opens up any more, your site is deftly there. Clearly there go one thing I thought from
strategically standpoint when it comes to Bolton, he the troublesome, We're gonna have to deal with what he says at some point. It's not like either testifies or we dont here. The story right he's got the as yet apple coming up. We're going to have to deal with it pardon me, wonders whether it's better for them to deal the wilder and the Senate, and then you get an acquittal right afterwards, so he's gonna testify and there's gonna be to right right. Then it just being open ended in going into the campaign anyway, because the whole point of this is only political he's, not gonna get it he's, not gonna get thrown out of office So if you have the situation where, instead of dealing with it afterwards, so it's another relief of information later on, and these stories are all new and fresh, even Little this hearing anyway? Why not bring him out there? Let em say whatever he's gonna say: you're have to deal with it anyway, afterward there's going to be a verdict based on information which is going to be the middle
man, you can move on with a campaign. Now I ve got people who can I meet in pleasure, gonna bring other witnesses ia and hopefully, some that are going to be supportive to the case. Yes, like maybe the whistle blower or maybe hunter by dinner, whoever step. One could and should be it absolutely should be Hunter Biden and the whistle blower. Those are the only two that I needed from only two. I really need to hear from my wanted Oh Hunter Biden, you know Hunter Biden is I saw this I saw this amazing story. I think it is in the Atlantic yesterday about how a stupid robes urgent far more from all these things about hunger by all these discredit rivalry- and it was it- was out about all about- I dont know within the last ninety days- and I I picked it up and I am reading it and in it it's
talking about how all these lies about Hunter biden- and there are just not true in everybody's lying about him- and you know they say that he you know he had a baby with stripper whose now claiming and It said which Hunter Biden strongly denies. Yeah yeah The original is the attackers. Didn't I mean there is spending him where were the scientific denial miss, but their denying dna in that arise its same whenever this emphasis pointed out a little vs, Ribby others picture of the of Hunter by getting out of a two hundred thousand dollar porch. The other day not paying child support to some poor stripper? He knocked up in MID in Alabama was Eldara Arkansas and you know argument to be made that it. Say: Donald Trump Junior had knocked up a strip
in Arkansas and then I caught you have taken a can of a porch to some fancy. Restaurant. Our hotel think somebody momentum is, someone may have noticed it like. Maybe it would be a story like a big star, you remember the days when who was it Gary Conduct knows and Gary candidate was Gary Heart today said. Follow me right and they did. That would never again never happen at the guy. Can account with blood all over his clothes smeared. On his face on the carpet with the dead body, it says Biden she,
did it in blood with their fingers on the carpet was Biden and they re like this? Guy is unfairly rumour from this describing detained ignited said Cyril. They came and keep the blood in sight of earlier to thrust keepers again intact, earthly. Furthermore, she she could even finished the word by Manette, probably just a stupid illiterate rule by the way, we're looking into all the Bides area to see, if any be ideal, didn't kill her. It didn't say that it said be Idee. I guess it happened. I die looks like she could have been a republic others ain't. She was trying to make an an anti, only add enough strength to make the first sight of the I'm pretty sure it's an acquaintance of Donald, that's how they were reported. If Joe Biden would murdered somebody it's a person whose no Donald Trump for years and growing somebody Donald Trump donated to it, they actually blamed drug for it I mean it.
It's the way it's the way they are, they are going and they for somewhat surprising to me, is now that they would go laughter. Gulf super left is that they wouldn't recognized that its faintly it's not working, they ve been doing approach for three years and the presents approval rating is basically the same if not get higher. So what do you think? A win is here for them, because I think we Democrats yeah. I think we have to on this particular approach. I think we need to redefine win. What do you think a win is for the impeachment I mean, I think they would say if they can get it. These moderate Republicans over to vote for conviction. I think if they hang in there writers anyway, they haven't. Let me just give me the negative reaction. Lemmings s, gonna get do hum. The Newman of world has no lawyer, Mitt Romney. He has just Romney So you think he will vote for
could see him doing that an art beat absolutely absolutely yeah. Romney, yes, yes, Though I think you ve got a few of those I'm one of them, I don't think this is all that notable. I think they try to think it gets if they got a decent amount. Then you get to fifty five. Fifty six, votes. Even they don't get a conviction. I think there's no way they re there. I don't and something that we all. I don't think that's our goal. Here's that girl from the outset and smear him yes my lab at the political deal with everything everything there remember. They are saying all this stuff about Joe Biden is just a smear tactic, so they have gotten half of the country. Believe. The Joe Biden there's no reason to look into him in China. There's no reason to look at him in Ukraine. There's no reason he wasn't. Corrupt half of the country believes that an and what they are doing is they're. Turning the entire thing around. They are using the people's money, the people house remember,
the closest to you. The reason why these people are voted in every two years is because the are the closest to you. They represent you, so they ve is the people's house, the people's money money. The call me investigation costs thirty, two million dollars alone. Can you imagine this is costing us and what are they doing they're using it as a campaign tool. Yes, totally, no quick, all they're doing oh yeah, so they're just trying to make sure that they protect their own. And they don't care about a conviction. They don't. I that's why I didn't care about the hearing this the Senate their trial. There there thereof prosecution. Look at that now who goes out and uses twenty four hours when you ve got about twelve hours to say something, and so you're just repeating yourself? Your boring you're in you are insulting the intelligence of the people who are sitting there, gay you don't
have twenty four hours of evidence you over and over and over again. Why are you doing that? Didn't have twenty four minutes irrelevant because you don't have, because you know the people. Aren't gonna watch it, especially if it's over twenty four hours. All you need is more time in the press go and while I was good, So do you think just getting Bolton to testify an corroborate. Their story of quid pro quo is out enough for them. Miss gonna have to be yeah. I got just having just having him. I think. They're perfect scenario is right now and they're gonna go for the golden hoping he's an say something, but it's going to end the same way that it is right now, because what Bolton has said doesn't in two problematic to me now. Doesn't it does
seemed certain gonna make it out to be no. The first time in american history going to remove a president from office is gonna, be over this, like I just can't legally. How can we have with with it? Whenever delaying, I might add, only like win Darrow it all it dies, all it does is just muddy the waters more, but but this is why I say I think we're saying actually kind of the same thing here, because you're right then I gotta get a conviction that never father and conviction the point is maximize political damage to the president, the right so if they can bring over and lie or the moderates, they can at least the case that there were Republicans on board with this that people in the middle there were were with us on this item. Haven't I don't the Republicans you wanna talk about. You know, hit robes it's there. Publicans that run the Republican Party, because all bus routes out here in the middle of the country. We know they can never? They can't fight themselves out of a paper bag. They never have win.
Win situations. The ripper. The Democrats always seem to have a win win situation. We never do. What are the odds? What are the odds and there a win win situation? He he is, he testifies they wind, they don't win the court case, but they win. Its looks a bit that centre said they had to hear from him and look. I then they'll spin and whatever they want. And if he doesn't testify, they win and big. Go right now is to smear the election because I think they I think they know. They're, not gonna win an so they're gonna they're gonna make it look like it's not legitimate. Like Trump smeared, we told you He was gonna sphere. This thing any did now. If we know he cheated, we dont know how yet and using oil plan and reality element. I'm I'm telling love another four years are leading us down the path. The civil war they are are, I mean listen about this. Nobody has looked into really what we're doing
in the election nobody's looked into Russia or you'd? Tell me tell me what we have another report did do that in tell me what does that have to detail, but that was completely ignored by the right. Tell me what steps we have taken tell me: California, in their new voting on the phone thing, You ve got all these new processes that are in. We haven't talked about security for any of that kind. Anyone who wins anyone who wins they have set it up because they haven't made us feel good about the security of our vote. You can say it no matter. Both sides can say it what it he done about making sure that Google isn't running algorithms to help one candidate or another little care about that, and they don't care about it at all. They in fact they like. You are heading towards a civil war, because no one will believe the results
that's, what always made America. America came together the day, after we voted? Will we done that for a long time, but what's worse is this com. Press this Democratic party is making us is planting. The seeds daily get trusted trusted can trust it will. I can't trust it. Then why should I accept anyone as the legitimate voice and president of the United States of America go ahead? Go ahead, Democrats. Without us, TAT Grand least available every day on blaze, radio and tv and, in my happy place every day and he's always in this. I am happy that the patent rights guaranteed by the way and I get to Pat Gray on Place TV blaze, tv dot, com, Slash gladly promo code Glenn, I being told now twenty dollars off today. Only thank you very much seal. I works
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Is next after the top of the hour news, and then we will also move on to a few other. For instance, the outbreak in China, which is really Orton. Then we should probably really start paying attention to all coming up. Romania's to view here, listening Glenn back
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I did too. To be calm and rational about John Bolton and what's really going on which on Bolton coming up into second, let me take on home title lock on title. Criminals found the title to what's your home. Can, they do well. They're, not gonna, come knocking on your door and saying hey. We on your house what you gonna do as you gonna go to a bank, sometimes over in Europe many times over in Europe, and they. Take out alone against the property they now own called yours then, after if that long, they disappear like a hundred Biden, kind of thing and they disappear, the money is gone and the bank comes to collect your home as collateral and sell it. You say Otto knowing about it when you're in that situation, its too late make sure that you're home has already been taken by thieves home title on this? Is real the the FBI says fastest growing cybercrime? It's an epidemic in New York, please
make sure that your title is safe and secure the old many people to do this is home title I com title locked outcome. That's all title locked out common. Do now. The fusion of entertainment and in line with this is that Land Programme John Barton. His book. His testimony, our country in sixty seconds. This is my grandma. I had a hard time last hour and when I tried really just because this is trying to meet her I want to make sure I understand what's going on here. Thank you die
Webster WHIP they wind, swept and dusty plains of the American Frontier and in even Measured strides walks something uniquely american. The cowboy He's a man a few words, but those words are his bond and calices that you feel in the handshake. You share with him. Let you know that integrity and hard work. Across bars in the compass by which he guides his life. That's why The cowboy has always been admired. None at all, our boys, like that, but the ones were today. You bet They were raised right and they struggle hard to keep that. Tag ready in line cause, that's what they really own and in the end, that's all we really own. His all across the american way of life is born on the soul of a pair of two was boots and when you are wearing a pair yourself, you'll feel the call of the frontier now you're frontier may not be about you know: cattle might
a beer out right across the open planes, sleep outside aid means that That may not be your call your until now, be in the office needed maybe in the wild untamed wilderness of New York City. But when you're wearing two covers they remind you who you are and what's important, because their made with the same kind of integrity over two hundred hand made handmade steps have to he completed too one pair of takeovers, how they say expensive there half of anything that is near quality there, half the price because they ve cut out the middle man. I want you baltic over right now and find the pair that's right for you. If you do if you spend a hundred fifty dollars more and yet are back at
check out you're gonna, get a free hand stage calf skin card case. It's free. They don't normally do these things, but it's going on three January. Thirty. First visit to Comus T C, o D, a s dot com, slash back in a world where everybody's ashamed. They are I d say yeah we make western where and we make cowboy boots western goods for your frontier to Comus I, this John Bolton Mass, has it's it's it's like an octopus, so let me just cut it off arm after ARM first arm that has to go, do you John Bolton to testify
if John Bolton has something to say yes, I want him to testify I also want the whistle blower. I also want Hunter Biden Hunter by if you have watched any of our specials idle care what the press says. They're lying to you, and so is Adam Schiff, This is not a conspiracy theory this this is about one point, eight billion dollars. That was just lost it was fine by the State Department by oh Biden, they did everything they could to cover it. Next, Thursday. I have the final piece we're but do one more special on Ukraine. It's the final peace and I went over it last night were still tying up. Some loose ends on it. We want to make sure we get it exactly right, but it, It will tell you exactly y all
All this needs to be investigated, so Why wouldn't you from John Bolton if he has something important to say? Yes, the whistle blower, yes, bye Hunter Biden absent Lee. Yes doing to open this thing up in just keep going and going in going know. Why? Because the Democrats are on fishing, Expedition, They give me two sides of this one, they want it because I actually want the truth, but I also want that testimony so no I can say afterwards blood they didn't check. We had the witness surgery was going to say that at night, take some mask off any to actually the gavel on. All of that lay duress go ahead, give it your best. We already have, but now they see
another opportunity. Timing on this, which I will get to its another leg of the octopus, which I will sleigh here in a second. The timing, is more than suspicious. However, Let him testify. Let's leave. Ants this boil and really expose what the Democrats have been doing and if he has something that is impenetrable, bring it on So far, everybody that's been promising. Oh he's got something in peaceful, so far, nothing nothing been three years. Nothing. So I'm not afraid of the truth. On the other hand, you have to Look at this as the present of the United States, you have to look at this as a court case Now the problem is: this is a political case, not a court case in a coup.
Case when you win shot up. If you win, no, I'm not bringing in a new evidence new witnesses, if I have a say so, no they're only do. This because we just one I dont, know what they have. I don't know what this is no, but this is political, that's why I say. Yes, you have to if this was just a legal thing I'd say no, but I dont think I dont think honestly, the president has anything to worry about. I dont think that John Fulton what I've read so far from the release of the book, which is another Lego. The octopus, which I will cut off next, Anything that he has said doesn't seem to be to be a problem. It's like everything. You know, like this latter, it said right there, I'm I'm gonna, give you money if you
oh just give me a bunch of bad stuff on Joe Biden. Remember, that's almost what he said when he was Congress. Any first talked about the whistle blower dinner. That way, did it so not really concerned about what the Democrats think they have this time Fool me once shame on me for me. What, eight hundred and seventy five times, I am a robe now John Bolton and the book I know John Bolton. I have always admired John Bolton. I've who is known what John Bolton was, and that is A serious hawk. And that hasn't been the most. You know appealing side of him. He is a realist.
But he is let let's let me go back. But what we used to talk about on this programme a lot before people knew what progressives were, but the prick Massive party was started by the Republicans and Teddy Roosevelt had this idea, we not only had the responsibility, we had the right. To go around the rest of the world and tell them how to live their life that we, you need to spread this thing called freedom and Oh that's a noble thing to do that The way it works. You dont chain people's minds by going in enforcing it on them. You change their hearts. You You lead by example, you leave, if people alone. But that wasn't Teddy Roosevelt and that's not what the progressives were or are emphasised that or are
In the Republican Party now there are lots of progressive Republicans. It's why they say one thing to your face and then they go back in their like wait, you're spending? money? What just happened, because they are progressives and the the idea. Internationally. Is the same idea between the Nazis in the communists, see. This is why the left calls us Nazis and and the right calls the left communist, because Prime, They are now I'm talking about the serious troll freaks of those the a progressive, like Teddy Roosevelt, believed in a big state that could tell you what to do who to have outta Mary in one of the worst things I've ever read from Teddy Roosevelt was a letter. He wrote from the overlook and where he was talking about how,
You know our farmers, they breed our cattle. Why? We just let our people read with somebody. They chose They believe in total control from the state down. So we have blood tests. That's why we have go, get a licence to get married, because you can't just do that on your own. It can. From the progressive era, let's weed out all the imbeciles, so They believe, Republicans that our deep progressives believe in the same kind of control. They believe in it in a national way. That's why nationalism this gonna be nazis. Now, believing in your country is different, the nationalism being proud of our country is different. The nationalism. Nationalism is we're. First, will always be first, first at any cost being proud.
Your country is look at what we ve done. This is really good. I'm not trying to jam it down anybody throat, but this is really. This is exciting what we ve done, and you know what we Don't wanna we don't want. If we don't screw this up, I don't I don't want to interfere with anybody else, but dont. Let I'm interfere with us. We gotta do what's right for us. First. Because if we're gonna save people, we have to be healthy. That's difference between a car institutional list, what I would call a patriot and a progressive. Nationalist. A progressive nationalist is one step way from either communism or not. Yes, M, They believe a communist communist believes in internationalism. Andy Andy, Progressive on the right believes in nationalism, but that's the only difference same things. Come same goo log same death camps same
control, that's what happened with Germany, and what happened with Russia, one is oh, how dare you just think about yourselves in Germany, we think about the whole world shut up International socialism in NAM nor socialism. That's the only difference. So take that now and look at the free of that when come act away from the communism and the Nazi ISM just after that out a little bit and see what were fighting? What this this impeachment is truly all about is who is controlling the world who can also the country who controls you and who controls the world and fight is between the communists and the national socialists, that's what it's there.
That's what this fight really is at the end of the road, And it dismisses every one who believes in the constitution dismisses anybody who believes in you know it care what you call yourself, I'm not I call you a happy butterfly cause you're not, but if you a call yourself, a happy butterfly. That's fine! Oh men of babies, to know they don't If you want to believe that that's ok, it's gonna come with some consequences. Could you are living in a fairy world? Your ear? being a fairytale, no president or my hands or your hands are tied on anything else. Where people used to be in America. Now not. Everybody was like that. People on the right and lotta people on the left wanted to force you into their point of view. When George Bush told me
They don't worry, Glenn, whoever sits behind this desk doesn't matter who they are are going to make the almost the same exact choices that I make overseas, because they will realize they don't have any choice, really president's hands are tied. Well, who too, I'd. Those. I don't believe that, President or my hands or your hands are tied on anything ever today we can start over every day we can change our life. Every day the United States can decide in a world we ve been doing for the last hundred years. With this progressive nonsense doesn't work. Every time we interfere in somebody else's country. It seems to go awry. It seems like we are on the losing end. No, I don't agree with this any more and that What this impeachment is all about,
some people are saying that John Bolton is just greedy. Maybe maybe let me, are you how the book world works. Let me tell you what really happened in my opinion on this book. And tell you why John Bolton, I think is fine with this release why he should be ashamed of himself in one minute. So to point out that also octopus tentacles we're gonna cut them off, not the legs. The drive me crazy. The entire time do not interrupt, but wish a point that I thank you One of the most important factors can care is the instant result he have. Eggs on your eyes, Paulinus hyper, pigmentation, redness, well, this thing to waiving of a magic wand is probably what you want, and so what is that producing the brand new Jan. You sell our age from Shamshi Jenny so
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and you see L Dotcom, ten second break for station. I d Since I, since I see now that stew is being you know, I wanna be exactly accurate. Meeting I'm there are only four legs on this that I'm gonna go. There are only four tentacles outcries octopus that I'm gonna cut off. Well, that's not gonna win a spirit to death out. Ok, ok are I are so after the war tentacles left when you spirited vs. Ok, I just want to make sure that you understand the kind gesture. Thank you so the first technical he should testify and why and why the other side doesn't want him to testify, makes sense. Now, first technical chopped off sick.
One, what's really at the heart of this impeachment, and that is presidential power. Sorry, your power, not the and of presidential power where he can just wheeled and iron fist. But the car new presidential power that Ray President is had, but they ve all acquiesce to the State Department in intelligence community in everything else, this guy, its voted in. He says I want to build a wall. They say no, why inner, national relationships, blah blah blah he wants to. He wants to hold back the ukrainian money, which he did five times in the same year, but they only have problems with the Ukraine. Why Does it messes with what their plan is? All right? That's the can technical? Now, let me tell you about the book world. Here's what, happening in the book. World books book world is over over over
Have you been to a bookstore lately over now still are being printed: their online lotta people just order from Amazon. I personally love bookstores and I love a luxury go and hang out and bookstores. It save me a lot of money by not doing that, but I love it. And I read all the time but bookstores but just like so many other things are a thing of the past. Therein transition now publishing has been down for a very long time but beyond that, the, publishers, the actual Heads of these corporations are now not surprisingly, concern Who will say something? part of the elite circle that just can't understand how and these people, but they don't read those books right they just by
they buy them from these personalities and they put him on the shelf in they. Don't actually read them right there and understand you. They don't like you and They hold their nose when they print a book from Sean or me or or mark live in them behold. There knows they don't like it. And what they want had recently is any one that will turn coat on Donald Trump. Oh, my gosh, those, although fly off the books, or will they really over the fly off the books oh yeah, yeah, who will say something bad about Donald Trump. We want that book, so they publish, but once once they agree to it, then they need to have a marketing plan and the big thing about books. If you're a current review right about current events
it's gotta happen. Now we gotta get this out right now. We can't wait, it's gotta happen. It this time with these things. Ok, all right, and usually you go along with it, because it makes sense now John Bolton, I would assume, was torn by that, or was he. I have no idea how much money they page Bolton to be here. Do it, opinion, sell his soul and do something that is clear, the unamerican clearly on American, don't now I say on American just does not have the best interest of Amerika at its heart. And I want to explain what I mean by that, because the explanation is critical: understanding the next tentacle year, lessening technical onward?
This Valentine's day Valentine's day, look if it's the girl you ve been out with for a few days or the one that you ve been married to instil love for years, years and years and years you got against our cause it does really I don't care what they say. You better show up with a damn card. And some sort of flowers, something show up with something while the easiest thing you can do is wrong. Eight now order your roses for Valentine's day and the reason I say it's easier because one aid on her flowers I come, but also because it's cheap price of roses goes up because they become scarce because although the people, remember that time that we forgot Valentine's day was first year we were so busy in New York. We forgot, we went. Under the subway, where there were flowers and all of the every guy it seemed in New York, was in line. Litter They were selling babies breath by the time we got to the front of the line.
They're they're gonna be rare. And so to be more expensive, but right now you get twenty four multicolor dozen roses. Are you get? Twenty four? Doesn't just go the website www. It's it's one. Eight hundred flowers, dotcom promo code back great special now what they are about this audiences that they think Nancy policy sucks and actually to go to Nancy policy. Sucks pan dot com go there now and get your commemorative item trying to explain the John Bolton situation to you and what you are feeling and and why it's causing you and others on both sides to react. The way they are. Because of ay, a four legged
the quad to push I could have, I will look for something else that would have been better than octopus but a form of forty the cold octopus quadrupled. And and what you're feeling right now, when you see John Bolton, come out, he's got a new book and has been leaked I am now Romney is there we should have that? Should he testify, should he not for Tentacle that is wrapped around you, squeezing you right now is. This This sense of sea information and secret combinations in again and see greed club on on all sides that its being withheld and then is the next shoe to drop. You don't want it cause wherein and abusive relationship right now every time something happens, cheese, and then you wait for the next you to drop, and then it's really bad and then there's another shooter drop. You don't want a more shoes to drop.
You're afraid of getting hit again, over and over and over again and the and the blows are just getting worse and worse and worse, So that's the first thing that you're feeling there there, is something that I can't control and I dont know who these people are. But I know what I know I'm feeling this second the progressive worldview both the left and the right. It's the elites on both republican and democratic side that that belief, Eve that they have a right to rule your life and El, the rest of the world how to behave and of its doing it either through me Congress in the State Department or its doing through the State Department and the? U n. It doesn't matter the third thing, and I spoke about the book world and how that works. The third thing, you have to understand why this is making such an impact on people is because of greed and desperation. Your
watching a dying and contracting industry, the book world and you are also seeing, at the same time a a society that is growing more and more hungry for money, and celebrity a way to be relevant and and and and have some legacy the law. Leg on this thing is. What squeezing us every day is the lack of Nasty abandoned a greedy, and and spare see decency. And this is the one that I really wanted to start with, but I knew I'd blow my stack, and so I didn't because As I know, John Bolton and I've always thought him to be an honourable guy
But I am so sick and tired of people who are. Who are withholding information, so you'll buy their book. If you have something to say, can you Think of anything that is more important to our republic, then being able to honestly. Honestly come do the conclusion. This happened this didn't happen can Think of anything that would be more healing can you think of anything that would be more divisive, then more hearsay. If John Bolton had something to say that he I was in now member we're being played, so you'll buy a book. So I can't I can't running through for this. But if you he had something that he felt was impeach able he should
step two and MIKE reform phone that would have been provided for anybody and said, look I need to testify because I know something that no one else knows. And he should demand to be heard, and for a price? Are tree is at stake. Our civilization, our belief in our system in Congress in the White House in the president in Entire thing is at stake and when I John Bolton write a book where he apparently had something to say. Then I don't know I've. The Ex Serbs? I dont see the problem here, but all it's doing is adding to the chaos and anything that adds to the chaos is bad. John Bolton and everyone else if
to have information, and you have some say: don't take a book deal, don't take a book deal you can take a book deal after, but No, it's really hard. When somebody comes to you just wait, wait save those things for the book and will pay a five million dollars down do it these But the times that try men souls we don't. Need the sunshine patriots We need the winter soldiers, the ones who, in that in the deepest Dorcas Day of winter. They still remember, why they're doing it and they're doing it for America, they do it because they love their country Country is at stake step Microphone and say it enough of this.
I'm disgusted by the people who are selling us out for a book suggested by it. You know our soldiers? They come back. I am no problem with em coming back in writing a book because in writing about the best of us there right, things that none of us have seen most of us could never do. We spyware or to be more like them. There's turn style in washing in its honestly. It's just a book deal or a speaking to her at the end is just a member up a position on a board. That's all that is you only do that, so you can leave their write, a book be on a board and and be a lobbyist for some company. Who'll serving our country anymore and servants, don't start with me. Oh I'm in public service, no you're, not no you're, not.
Congressmen make what a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year the average American makes about fifty four thousand dollars a year. It seems like one is the master and one is the servant. Seems like we ask for things to be done, and then you tell us why it can't until. Being treated like a child, I'm tired of being treated Like a slave. This is not America. This is not what our founders had in common. This is not what they were fighting for this now, what they rode down. The octopus itself is just a seat. That's all. It is just deceit, the first technical should he testify. Yes,
Why? Because I want the truth- and I want cross examination. I want both sides to be heard. The deceit. Of the second technical, progressive ism. We have the right to tell you sheep or is Don Lemon said you robes. What to do your too stupid sway that cut their tenants ah from around you you're smart enough. The third greed greed. Celebrity cut, that Tentacle before it gets around your children too deeply if they. If they spend their whole life looking for relevance, they will make
add, decision after bad decision after bad decision they might spend their life. Looking for truth, last one is anything this trying to squeeze around us and choke the life out of honesty and integrity and transparency. We are a nation that is still looking for hope, in change, but it didn't come from the guy who promised it it didn't, come from anybody else. And it's come from the you. The preacher one say to me in a room full of preachers every day, every big preacher as Epp Gram was in this room and ice, and I told them what I was feeling and one I spent about twenty minutes and one But the end the room was dead, silent. And one of them said you know what. Shame on us. Shame on us,
we ve all heard this. We all know it and God I think he met this Maybe didn't mean this is accomplished. I dont know how he meant this but be set, and God went to alcoholic mormon. Shame on us. The same thing can be true. God Eggs Donald Trump, the most in perfect guy, a guy who is Quite honestly, I dont know if he would know God if he bumped into God, but is using. This haphazard flaw the guy to open, the doors and the window, and you know why, because no one else was around to do it. We all heard it how many people did we send a Washington and they all folded. No one was willing to do it so guy who made
because of his ego. I dont know why has just the balls of steel and he'll disco, I dont really care about you. Amen without booth. There is no hope, and that Why they need you to say that a man can be pregnant? Because if you deny that, if you deny what science teaches, you he'll deny anything YAP that gap Oh he's gotten, she now is a beautiful woman and I think she could have her period and have a baby, no, He can't. Slay the monster that.
Is what I think is really going on what's causing us to feel so. Such passion about John Bolton. Our I welcome to the the programme we are. We really want to thank them wait for being one of our sponsors and I ain't by. Actually I'm really excited to tell you about nets. We used by Oracle. The reason. Why is because I'm a small business man myself and I have to tell you we struggled and struggled and struggled, and I in the meetings where we were struggling and I'd say well what? But what is sales doing? Well, how much is in receivables will wait what kind of product do we have Dewey? What are we produce acting. What is h are saying
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gotta nets. We dotcom, slash back net, sweet dot com, slash back so you know, let me let me make it. Something that came from my Wanna John Bolton's, longtime friends. He was a guy who has worked John Bolton for thirty years? He was his chief of staff. To do in times once the state Department, then again at the White House, his national security
Council advisor, and so he knows John really well, and he too, about issues, while some criticism Bolton's performance as national security adviser. Most of it was unfair and reflected the difficulty of overall, in President trumps national security policies now listen to this when careerists and Obama hold overs You gotta get rid of them: we, the State Department, were actively working to obstruct and defeat. The president's policy This is exactly what we are telling. You is going on now, John Bolton is not part of the does not like the state department. However, he is a guy who does like for the the United States to get involved all around the country or all around the world, and Donald Trump doesn't like that. He doesn't want that. So you have two sides warring against each other, but both
Aids wanting the same thing, control. I would give the President Thee in council. He gave to the linsky. You have too many people from Obama hold over days. You have too many people, that are the same advisers that got us into this mess. Gotta get rid of the Obama people. Somebody needs to go into the State Department and clean house. Somebody needs to go into our intelligence agencies and clean house the people. Who have been there for the longest amount of time time to retire. Time to retire. Now you have to do it strategically, we have to do it intelligently, but they will fight this is this is body
getting medicine. It doesn't want. Then it will fight against it, but it's too I am to clean house this president, his now Term should be about cleaning out all of the cabinet. Clean everything, take everything out of that presidential cabinet and put it out on the shelf. They'll put a single thing back in until you know, it's clean that What needs to happen in the second term and he will change the country. If he does it, but it'll be a constant battle, but This is a battle I'm willing to fight. This is a battle that, if do it- and they mean it- I mean I'm in back in just a second, with more we go to China. The corona virus that
yeah, let's take Glenn Bank every night locally These departments cross America received hundreds of calls from burglar alarms and The vast majority of time. I have no idea whether that alarm, Israel is a real the crime going on or not, and the alarm company can tell him now they say is emotion sensor when simply safe home security, however, is different. If there's a break in simply safe uses, real video evidence to give police an eye, witness account of the crime that means police dispatch up the three hundred and fifty times faster than for a normal burglar alarm. You get comprehensive protection, outdoor cameras, doorbells that allows few! Anyone approaching your home entry motion, glass breaks. Sensors point:
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We think you did something wrong here, so who probably do somethin wrong that come up soon to so stop him before he does. These guys are that today our spoon benders man. They can read mines, Ben spoons. They are get rid of the FBI, they know, thought crime, bad soup. Next, the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
About two hours, president Tromp investment at Yahoo, are going to stand, probably in the rose garden and announce the deal of the century. I don't know if there's any brief cases involved in that or not, but it is the Trump administrations pathway to peace, and what I have read about it doesn't sound like the Palestinians are going to like it very much at all, very good for Israel, but this is another iron in the fire and I think it good London, another iron and the fire. Also, this hour, I wanna talk to you about the democratic talking about a sense of urgency. We gotta get this done because you know there is there's an effort by the president to undermine the coming election. I'd like to hear some evidence on that Alan Dershowitz. No one paid attention to him. I did, I think, my clean TED crews. I think it was like constitutional porn for them. I mean I thought they were probably like having to take a shower after crossing was it was pretty deep and exciting stuff from Algeria, which last night- and I mean that sincerely we'll talk about that and we begin with the corona virus. In one minute
program or an obstacle to come out and say it, and I know people been thinking about it for a long time, but I'm just gonna come out and say it: the rays isn't what makes the shave there. It said I can't take it back. Cape I'm a hate, mail, its at the razor. It's the preparation of your beard, not the razor that matters have you ever tried to dry shave, will hope, you have the sharpest razor out there. Oh it's preparation. Forget all the forms and emotions and the soaps. What you need. A shave secret shave secret has been out for a long time it's in Walmart, it's it's! You find it everywhere, but it is it blend of essential oils. That's orphans and moistens your skin in the whiskers. So the blade thus glides through them. You put three or five drops of this on a wet hand, and you rub it into your beard and you shaved. Are you do it on your face? You could do it hey man, you could do it on your legs. Ok,
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who were eating bats, you should know you'll die from some new ass plague. Well, I Just like I've, I took umbrage, on this, and I wanted to correct because you know he said you can't make me that's into a soup and an yeah. We can. We can you, you couldn't make bats out of a soup yeah, but you can't make a cake out of a bad. You make a cake to look like. Bad, but I've never seen any recipe that would call for bat. In your cake you could add bat, but that's just a year, a cake with at meat in it? This is a soup that would be the basis of the soup, would be the bat, and I think you can make that I think, that's. How could the corona virus started. Someone actually having that's that's soup is in question. Do I have to throw out the bat superiority purchased or can I what
expiration date, I shall look into the matter. You have till Marty, I think you're safe. If you have that soup now in your kitchen, is it unopened refrigerated if it is based on its. It is up, it's not opened yet. That's not openness is the kind of attitude can about zero. Your fine, but I did purchase it from China about a week ago. Ok, but that went away then the I throw it away if it's been in your topic for six months or so I think your van, your fine yeah, I throw away you're back that super by what you want to make it you may get fresh. I would at first, I would boil the bad to get the skin to come off. Ok, ok man he had cut the wings, often take out the eyes to get the guts out, and then throw it into some boiling water. And and they just below the scoop, the skin. And then get rid of the facts, and and the feet, and I just
filet or just it really should just fall right off the bones. So they have that in chop. It up then put it into like us, some meanwhile hot skillet and but some onions and some garlic, maybe some celery and there and then just the oddest just free, that up a little bit brown it make sure you get all of the bat scrapings off the bottom the pact as pouring in like I would use chicken stock. Bade may be. Beef is better, but I chicken stock would probably because a bird they both birds kind of in a way that really now make up of wings They both fly where one doesn't, but the other one does so anyway. So I would use chicken stock and just let them think simmer. You know for a few hours when you get home, let it reduce they get all that bad flavour. Think: you're, ok with a fresh bat soup right now you take the chair Son afresh Bat sue you just one wanted necessarily imported from the
Ray and china- that's a fact it now, but I could go to my local cave. You know her and get some fresh bats, and I think I'd be ok. I think I'll be ok, bye, pulled up here by the way, an actual recipe for bats. Is your personal life. They you're pretty clothes. I shall tell you make soup, and you know you my way you throw some noodles in that delicious with doodles about noodle, so that noodles, I like that we should make this on here. I think we should think about, or another option would be not to not to make it now as in other things, but here are theirs, is available in country in the world, is, is making bat soup what we're afraid, keep losing the China I keep losing the average size of. We should be making bad soup and giant them and in batches and sending it over to them. Let them all. These new diseases come from China. Where we write.
Ever creating the new diseases right. We occasionally somebody I'll take a flight from you know from China over here, but that's just us importing There are two disease has, that's all right and what are we where we leaders in this country and well that could be part of our our bat soup campaign. Debate on making your own bat Suva. I've just got here. Here's how you make that suit perceval three to four fruit: bats! Ok I well washed? The lady course endorse but neither skinned nor eviscerated, ok to use cook him with the guts and scooters wash in eight years pocketed in there. All that sells, I dont even money from grieved out by the idea of washing a bat that's really critical beds harry. Would you no no hair, oh yeah, very early waving yeah. We should have you ever seen the we opened up the the,
the side of our house. They got into a crack and they were from the wood citing on the house here in between stew, it was the creepy, a they're worth thousands. It was like the scene from Batman when he's in the cave and they just all as a kid that was me you, whose crazy. I have to show you the video opposed. It all sounds horrific, its horrific there is a, but I think they do have hair I've, never gotten that close to them for a very long now I have Oh you have as their or lease theirs and there's a story in my family that when I was a child, I was bitten by a bat, sitting in the in the backyard boy- that's plain but explains a lot like Munich has eat. You watch the toilet movies, all those guys and look like really like sexy, and you can see that they based it off. We clearly in some way, maybe not acts, not that not let the exact name.
But like the basic story line of just sexy, guy gets bit by bad. Now means my story, and I don't think I was a daily, the bat soup, so bad so three to four fruit, bats well, washed, but another skin nervous, written water course easy one too, soon. I finally sliced fresh, ginger Googe, that's gonna be available. Is the correct one lights, back good, real sluggard barrier that by his back here the bad soup? It bites back like that. It's, like the alternative view hitting the bat which doesn't work exact, but one large onion quartered? So you don't the bat we do quarterly. What I like about this recipe is I've just thinking when you bite into the bat, it's like a psychic donut with fruit. Killing. You know you just Forget it, Do you, like a giant down a player
So garlic and lots of it, though sure yes, garlic, a lot lunch hour Alec does it yet another reason? You're not going to kiss some one area that, like going like, take all of ITALY, the antiquity anything that lesson see salts too East either! Imagine a lot of Irene Ocean, so you taking ITALY and you boil in the ocean. Throw for food through bats in their own. It's gonna be delicious semi, delicious yeah chow. Scullions soy, sauce and cocoanut milk with an interesting little. It's available, creamy soup isabel greatly super about ahead, but most serious reservoirs wait. Wait! Eric gobbled, I'm gonna give you gotta make it cause the end of it. You're Talkin about Europe
then, at close to walk in place the bats in a large kettle water to cover ginger, onion, garlic, insult Dolby of serious. This is not a bit worried. Throwing water and garbage can be very near the border letter at all on the borderline. This is so grow now this is not a gross you out. I promised bring to a boiling cook for sixty minutes strain. Often to second kettle, take the bats. Skin them and discard the skin. What's a good step of you're hurt certainly discard stuff. I've got a good step any discarding, and this recipe unborn, remove meat from the bone and return meat in any of the viscera that you fancy to the broth. You might say, What what's viscera misgivings?
You and I know what vizir virus has our main cavities of the bottle, especially those men like the intestines, So how much do you want to keep him there? That's up to you. I want you to hear me level of intestine usage you want to make in this soon. I dont know why I can do this to animals. I could do this to birds. I could do this. A chicken I can do is to fish a bad job. Oh boy? A bad just makes me sick, really yeah, and maybe that's absolutely maybe that's the point that China should learn bats. You said that the lesson they should put a billboard doesn t back. Mrs, so you heed it. You see liberally, sprinkled with scullions and further season with salt, sauce and or cocoanut cream. Four servings, but here's the here's, the kicker, where just come from, of course,
New York Times Natural foods cookbook from Jeanne Hewetts in nineteen. Seventy one so who's the real cause of Corona Virus, the New York Times, both multiple shaggy leaves out of print therein. I used to man while the bats impressive here, there's more demand honestly for a good spam recipe advice that are. I want Turkey about gold line. There is a story that I just pulled out today. Every single blind there talking ogled line, looks like it old. Is is headed towards two thousand dollars and out I remember you The girl saying do remember, do you? Can you imagine how much chaos the worldwide to begin to be between two and five thousand dollars out ITALY, to be an absolute chaos? we're heading that way, please
people are seeing what's happening with the bat soup. Do you know that disclosed Mr up again, let us again did you: did you see that they ve stopped all the buses, and so they have effectively shut down all of the steel mills in China. There are the largest producer of steel. They can't The employees into Lee into the mills made there could really dramatically change. This is why the stock market is looking at what's happening in China, you could be looking for things of real stability, gold. It's gone up. I think twenty percent in the last week, if this continues to go bad, it's going to continue to go up, I to have a conversation about gold and why you should, by it, but also look their ninety nine percent, pure silver, bullion they'll, give you some free just for having a conversation about your retirement portfolio and how to protect it and
you ve been listening to me for years, and you haven't made the inquiry. Now is the time gold line has three quarter Silver WAR, Silver WAR of eighteen, twelve coin commemorative. This is Erica Second WAR for independence, and you can get a great piece of history just by having a phone call with them today. I urge it to do whole gold line right. You're, no obligation free, the three quarter: ounce Silver war of one thousand, eight hundred and twelve coin right now, just call them eight hundred and sixty six gold line One thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line or goldline dot com. Ten second station id, no more recipes of bats. I learned a lot about this audience. Personal love. They loved that two huge That's his time with a majority does not about only with enough viscera to really give it a good text. Or so do you know that this this the cases have doubled.
We're night. This is almost every night vision we double every night. It seems to double and this if it is spread around the world. Remember the plague of Nineteen eighteen was actually the flu. The who kills how many people is a catholic, seventeenth, thou every single time. I read this tat, I go back to it and say that can't be right and read it again, but it's true of, for example, two thousand eighteen, sixty one thousand people in the United States died because of Flu the crisis is an insane stat like to me. It doesn't even seen play the funding was among the people toss us away like ours. Mostly elderly people are infants all that is that I am a pile of human beings at thirty thousand plus I mean that as a result, that is just an unbelievable
terrifying statistics. So this is a flu there's! No, you can't find a cure for it, because it's a virus, and so it's the flu. So you just to treat a flew like you treat a flu, and this one is very, very contagious and it s this has been around for a while. It was, I think, also the krona, they they say, causes something like thirty percent of all up, respiratory ailments, I mean so it's around all the time, but this is that the novel corona thing, which is a new strain of it, It means Sars was it also related in this world. I killed eight huh people worldwide, but they think that this is be considerably worse than that, and I think that, because it you are infectious before you even know at yeah. So if your around somebody, they don't have to cough or sneeze they could ready, have it and pass it to you. And its days after that, they, start to show symptoms
So you don't know who has it at first and that's why just spreading and they don't and they don't even think the quarantine really gonna have much effect on it because he even quarantining in a year You can do that all you want, but they think it's can only reduce the spread by you know twenty percent, which is seen as something significant Belinda cutting down, we you're putting fifty million people according them off it's quite aesthetics. Last night was fifty six. Fifty six million fifty six million people to stay in their house now rather crazy. It's amazing to how, like you know, here's that here's a regime that can basically do whatever they want. They can They get imprison people all the time, and yet all the break out keep happening there here. We are can't stop them from making bat soup. Sure they can start doing anything right so. If I were the president, I would be positioning resources for this to be on top of it, because this could change the economy dramatically. If it got bad, it could change the
enemy dramatically and it could change everybody's outlook on health and you do not want to be bombed the April on this on an election year. This one is a tough one he should prepare for it the Good NEWS is. We just hate me see policy, no, that's true, I've one thing I've learned since we launched and suppose Nancy Pelosi, pen or because he's sucks panda com is the new it now, policy sucks pan, and it's a commemorative ban for the impeachment. In which its Nancy walls inexact a replica of close, is that I want to give a false advertising. Zan inexact replica, the pen she used to sign the impeachment articles It is a very close, it's tough to tell from the human eye the difference, but it appear to some to say Nancy Pelosi sucks. All the policy signature font yeah we're just we're both black and gold, just like the originals
very high class, everyone's gonna, just its screams classed anyone. People were buying this like ten at high at the buying it like who it was a joke and we put it up. We are making the pans, but I mean it was a joke can't tell you how many thousands of people bought. This penny entered it and they were buying them. You know five and ten at a clip because they're they're they're putting their they're just leaving them place. With their friends than giving them to their friends, and I think this is really. I think that leaving these on the desk of somebody who you know this loves Nancy policy. So they pick it up one day and I, like all heard the writing they like what they
Where did this Nancy Epilepsy s expense? I think it's just tremendous ivy league we may need to send them to Congress, sends Monti each Congress in person. I think they all know it. Even the Democrats would would like the pan and secret. Yes I'll bet you could actually by these things. That is the number one common at them. I are they real. I am going to the state of the union. I need a box of the I'm just gonna hand about my guy who's gonna help. You have to do this Nancy Pelosi, sucks, pen, dot, com, Nancy Pelosi, sucks, pan dot, com from stew industries, head stewed as America, new podcast anew show that begins next week. You're, lessening TED Glenn back. But people who don't live with mild or severe frequent pain, laughin.
Really don't understand the extent that it can rule your entire life that your whole life revolves around that it's horrible this. Where people find despair, hopelessness, as you ve lost, hope that any things ever gonna change and damages your quality of life safe to say that I'm not sure I would be doing the show today if I hadn't found some relief from my pay two years ago, with relief factor relief, factor dot com started taking it is it is. It is a inflammation, reduce her but its drug free. It's all natural and is given me my life back. I can do the things that I want to do now. I mean it is true. Lee miracle. Try. It works for seventy percent of the people who try it one thousand nine hundred and ninety five, but try for three weeks I get for breakfast lunch and dinner, like I do still today
You will see a difference. I just, It has made a huge difference for me and millions of Americans, I want you to get your life back relief factor, not com Let me remind you, forecasts show stew does America starting next week, I can spend money on an anti policy pen. You just go subscribe and you too, preferring at every episode, What do the outlined by programme were glad you here did. Did you watch the impeachment at all last night, Alan Dershowitz yeah back some of it. Yet he I mean really effective. It's funny now how the process has begun. Where
now I'll Dershowitz who's been a very liberal lawyer and has favoured by the media forever. Now turn into a so he's a celebrity attorney he he's no constitutional experts that defence attorney? I mean this guy's not and he's not in the circles of intellect that we respect the early guards as a Harvard. It's unbelievable. What you're gonna do this at Harvard he was. He was tenured. I think it twenty four at Harvard he was the youngest tenured, Harvard PETA teacher ever any started talking about how it s like to say a load, all my students that are here today to Indonesia and the Senate yeah. I don't love them so this guy as tons of credibility. I will that I've I've set for the Oj Simpson trial I've always liked Alan
towards I've always find it found him to be credible, even during a just piss me off to heal international Ngos. Interesting ideologies always certainly very good. You don't just dibs dismiss Alan Dershowitz. So he comes on last night and I swear to you it It's like I haven't heard that much talk about the constitution in a thoughtful way, coming to Washington. I dont think ever I mean It was real, deep constitutional. I kept thinking about likely and and TED crews, and I thought I am wondering if their hearing like this kind of music behind Alan Dershowitz. You know this isn't quite right, but we made in the town. You know it's it's? It's gonna. Let you know that I can bear to see what I'm saying as GMO. It's got: yellow, slow, gentile, slow jam, I mean it is likely and had Caruso is not pull. You know
constitution on Constitution porn wreck. Can we not talk about unlikelier telecom resistant discovers that each and every again is that what is at issue its? What sounds like a terror here it's like day who is it the count to do that. Somehow we ve come to a point where out of a shift gets praised talking about the constitution, but Alan Dershowitz is ignored, he's just a Sunday celebrity. No, I mean it. You would listen to both of their an eye. Theirs there's a there are situational arguments from our founders that can be It is a port. Both the Islanders show it's our argument and like let's say that, just at a marsh argument. Right am I basically Amy. Look at the marsh argument in he looks at it and says that breaks Trust is feasible which is a very like to me very loose standard on unemployment, where you can impeach also
Anybody in office to any here's, where here's, how Alan Dershowitz dismiss that, and I thought it was really good. He said they did not want a parliamentary system. You know the reason why we don't usually understand great Britain is because at any time they can have a vote of no confidence right, that it would be, or impeachment. If you could impeach on anything, but but you know, Alan Dershowitz was saying, but they did not want that, and so the standard was very high and it says high crimes. It says treason bribery and other hi crimes and misdemeanours. Do you think it should be something on the level of treason and bribery? What the way he explained it was look. They were being very, very specific trees. Bribery. Let's just say this: you know what Stew Fit finish this grouping. Kobe Bryant. Lou, Gehrig and
putting body else, and I guess it would have to be a dead spur, celebrity I'd have to pick another right, yeah or or could be Labour Ruth Johnson, maybe may result in the sports, but at sports, and it would be somebody had disease. Or was was defying death? Or thought was gonna die. You could even managers and chaos right it right. But if, if I said those two and then I said Mickey Mouse Billy right, it doesn't make sense right. Buggered one doesn't palazzo right, and so what they're saying is they said, treason, bribery, and other high crimes in misdemeanours insane or an the other high crimes and misdemeanours? So why her high crimes and misdemeanours. He said you have. Go into that category. So, yes, the present can be impeached, but they didn't
to be parliamentary for a no vote just on political things. It has to be political of nature. As you said, that's why I was against Bill Clinton getting impeached because it why in political, that was private, he said, but if it's it's part of his job and its kin to trees bribery, then, can be impeached, but not before Oh any said, if there is doubt the. Standard according to Blackstone stood the standard of of english law has always been when in doubt, you go smaller, the? U lessen the scope, you dont broaden the scope right now make sense, and so what he's of innocent until proven guilty? Rarely who ere you air and you narrow the scope, if you're not sure he said, but Nobody here is talking about nearing the scope. He said they're going all the way to what he has
back aid something that President Cox do always does and an that's actionable so actionable. That's not treason! That's out bribery! That's nothing in that in that category. Yeah While I have always felt that you can you can. And get a president out for crimes, I think he's right. He went back to medicines. Words He went even back to Hamilton and showed how it is being Miss read and I think he's right I mean Is I think so? from the constitutional arguments as well. I think it's just a more functional system right if you're, throwing out a president. Every few years, because the other party its control. That's that's not functional government. To me, that's it. You're right is very much like the parliamentary system. Yet more. He said you have to have you a hand
to have a crime and be I don't think that's true. I me because it because, for example, like the people brought this example of which I think is compelling if the present that it states decided to Move to Moscow has lived there right, but there's Trump Obama anybody just live. There is gonna run the country from there. That's our crying to move to Russia is not a criminal action, but you wouldn't. We would not accept it. Obviously we'd impeach. Anybody who did that that's why you have an election every four years here, but you're gonna, let the different run the country from Moscow for three Nightingale resident. I mean, I think that's so extreme, is about what I'm saying is. I don't have terrible problems on your hand if the prospect of present one unmoved Moscow gap but but the way you deal with problems is impeachment yeah. I think so I don't know. But again, I think that is on the level of treason, its treasonous, to move to Russia, but
but beyond the level of treason? Why wouldn't get status as our lives? That is job job require right as it applies to his job, it's on the level of trees and our bribery or not yeah, you're, just not even fulfilling the job as president The president of the United States has to be in the United States, cannot live in Moscow period. Is that a law Manuel no law right of any but put at me a hundred example does it lets a he every single cabinet purse every single affecting his cabinet. He only hires his family, worse that's our law to hire a family member. Obviously his this present has higher family members, but it Be really really bad if every single person in the cabinet was one of his family members, some of which were not, qualified for what they were doing right, like There are lines here where you don't think that would be impossible, think that would just set the country on fire and he would resign might at any rate I was as Euro support. I mean I I now if he was get. If they're all the families were getting rich off of it yeah,
but I think Congress would just shut all of that dominated just twenty ways to get rich from your red from your of government status without breaking the law. This year, hundreds their eyes there are. But if, if the press, it was Lucy, say putting all his family, nobody else what his family was in the cabinet. When you're going really. I understand these are just g several examples, but I mean obviously there are things that the president can do that are not technical crimes that would illicit this sort of reaction from the guy. You know I mean anything like that's. That's it that doesn't mean anything about Donald Trump, because these things are anywhere close to that level right. There is a theoretical level you can get to that level should be high and that's. Why am, I would argue more for the Dershowitz standard than the emotion standard. You need this level like too old to take a president who was elected out of office has to be in it credibly, high bar and look over the history of the country. It has been right there
only happened three times, and haven't approximately zero times where they actually removed and zero times. So of all, actions of all the present its in our entire history. Weird, believe, but phone call in other words, long. One thing we should throw somebody out of office for me to be. That is just completely ridiculous. Completely. Ridiculous that you mean that you have to love the action. It doesn't mean that you have to think Donald Trump made up the phone call, but you do to put it in perspective of this would be the world's a superpower removing its leader for the first time in its entire history over what you think may have been something where he was asking for an investigation which I still can't get anybody to can explain to me how, if he got
this is landscape, guy that nobody knew as of a few months ago, other than he was a comedian whose I think a comedian was elected president of grain today, that guy to announce investigation, what impact at all that would have actually had on the election, no one would have cared the media would have completely ignored it, as they always do when there's an inconvenient fact for Democrats, so they would have just ignore this anyway. So the idea, This is the thing of all the president's. Going to change the the The way out or a system has been handled for two hundred years when I need Nina by might remind you that in nine months you all have impeachment vote. Can all go out and impeach Donald Trump in November, so with that on the line- and it's never happen in history. This is the one time this is supposed to happen. It's come lately ridiculous, and that's why Dershowitz was making the point. Last night you will have a parliamentary system if you
Ok, this! If you vote for this because of this year We'll have a parliamentary system because you will have at the the level so low that you could now I'll just because we have control of the House of Representatives and we don't like what the present is doing. You can move to impeach and make a case, and if we can get the Senate to go along with it, if we can just get you people to move well, then we got it. It can't be for this, especially right up next to an election, and you know I want to say one more thing on us: they, that the reason why they have to do this now- and there is pressure mounting we gotta move quickly- is because This president undermining the next election, how Can you give me any evidence of that? you say: that's what he was doing in Ukraine, but you caught him. So is he still doing something? What is he doing? How do we know
unless you're part of minority report and you're all mind readers, what actually. Is he doing now to undermine the next election you are undermining the next election by teaching everybody on the left that it's ok aid, to say without any evidence, you can't count next election because he's gonna throw it. If he still is in office, he's gonna throw it and you can count on it predict for I must predictive crimes, when need the police. One of the things you have to learn, you! You have to have good intuition. You have to know when, when you come up to a house, is there a burglary? Is there a burglary going on? Is there something going on when that burglar alarm wills off because go off a lot and most times it's a false alarm. The motion censure went off the house for some reason. As a result, police respond, and so they
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your crucial evidence for the police and end the police will arrive three hundred fifty percent faster. That's only something that simply safe can give you please safe back dotcom that simply safe back dot com. Nearly ten Glenn back last night, on CNN would done lemon, listen an army its walls. He also knows deep in his heart. The Donald Trump couldn't find Ukraine If you had the letter you and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it, he knows that this is you know
administration defined by ignorance of the world, and so that's partly Ireland, landing to them, they labour their audience of the court. Those Bruno Rube Demo that backs Donald Trump. This once dont process more one- and there are we all your- will lead us www leaders with your geography in your maps in your spelling, even though my rather you're reading your green, yellow, Eugene, no one other countries, simply latte all those lines on the map, only then will lead us nowhere. Ukraine is sorry I apologize now. You really don't need his. You didn't mean and you were the least vendor Don Lemon the CNN.
Responses at the beginning of the pod cast today. By did at the beginning of the show me you're not worth, I can't rotation. If you wanna hear it, listen to the podcasting, get it wherever you get. Your podcast downloaded Ma Am or watch ablaze tv, but don't miss no miss that one. Today, All we're going be watching day three of the impeachment trial for you. We will have all of the details at five p m today. Also we are keeping our eye on the deal of the century. What pressure? Inter Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are planning on announcing. The White House today will be
Looking for that and give you all the details on that and the closing arguments today from the Republicans.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.