« The Glenn Beck Program

Lovin, Touchin, Squeezing Transparently? | Guests: Peter Schweizer & John Solomon | 4/4/19

2019-04-04 | 🔗
Hour 1  Joltin Joe Biden begs for forgiveness..."Reset, I Get It"? Why is this New Ukraine report on Joe so important? Will Uncle Joe's creepiness help him? ..."Jesus Didn't Die On Cross, Was Too Soon"? says, Louis Farrakhan on Helium Thursday? "Minor kinks in the hose"? ...Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussle?    Hour 2     The Joe Biden Creepy Line keeps getting creeper? Hunter Biden has been cashing in Big TIme, Peter Schweizer joins to explain? "The Buck stopped with Joe Biden"? ...Is Faded 80's sitcom star Alyssa Milano the spokesperson for All of Hollywood? "Texas is better without being in it Hollywood"?    Hour 3 Has Joe Biden's Ukrainian nightmare just begun? John Solomon, Executive Vice President at The Hill.com. tell us why this is an important story? Who is Viktor Shokin? Why is the mainstream media so silent on this? ...Who's the biggest fraud currently running in 2020?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the program. Our sponsor is the best of enemies, so I'm very excited about this movie comes out April fifth, which is Jesus this week. Yeah Profitts tomorrow, oh wow best of enemies is. This is a great story at Cp Ellis and they were from the other side of the tracks, you said, like I didn't get farther you. You have a civil rights activist, Andy Grand Cyclops, of the KKK, I disagree on a few things: yeah. They aren't that I don't think they love each other than knowing, but they were able to actually some will come together. It's a story. I mean, if you think today's divisive imagine going through this. It's the best of enemies. It is out in theaters tomorrow. So you should definitely go see. This has Taraji P Henson in it has SAM Rockwell in it shamrock well, yeah! It's it's going to be a big one. The best of enemies movie is where you see the trailer and learn more about these remarkable people who did in remarkable things. It's tomorrow April, fifth, the best of enemies got movie cheer, hair smells terrific
the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck program. You know, there's a lot of people who would say you know Joe Biden is creepy and we should talk about that. Well, yeah sure, but we've all known that for a very long time, it's like yes, Michael Jackson, has amusement park. I don't know what do you think it says I think it would be better to talk about the the firing in the Ukraine we have a special coming up next week on Joe Biden and his scandals, and what really people should be talking about and the next hour we have a gas that is on covering one of these scandals, and it is pretty bad. Joe Biden is where we begin next. This is the Glenn Beck program. Okay may
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I I mean no, I wouldn't say it was an apology. I mean first of all, he didn't say you're, sorry not required in an apology by the way, but you know he gets a. Expression of regret. So I think you could get there's some level of apology in there. However, it's more of you know, look you guys change the rules and I now realize you change the rules and I will change to reflect that we actually have the statements. Wait. What rules the remains of human interaction. I guess you know the rules have never been like that. I mean unless you're John Wayne Gacy, I mean it really seriously one of the rules, that's like the little like. I think that kind pedophile in nineteen, sixty five to twenty twenty five, that's pretty well, I mean I don't know if that's actually true, I will say that you know there's been a lot of study on who is offended by such thing engine creepy Joe Biden actions of the past couple weeks and it seems to
need to be largely some sort of generational gap in which everyone who seems to be interviewed who who's a Democrat and his campaigned with Joe Biden or been at rallies with him and the older generation seems to really like it and you know like there's people, one of the women who came out now, there's seven by the way, have come out and said: hey Joe Biden made me feel uncomfortable one of the women specifically said after it happened everyone. Pretty coming up to me and saying: oh you're so lucky and I thought to myself. Wow, should I think of myself as lucky and not offended, which I don't I didn't understand the thought process that goes into that. I mean, if you felt creepy creeped out about it. Why are you second guessing and thinking you might be lucky, I don't understand it. The point there is that everyone around her did not in, like it was offended to the fact that she's got a bunch of attention from the vice president, United States we're thinking was kind of great and the fund
thing about this is, and I think it's very central to this whole incident, the first. You have to remember- is Ab Salute Lee, no one on the democratic side really cares about any of this will not, One little bit, none of them think it's bad and none of them care, including, I would say, the women who actually you're coming forward now, yay They may have been offended, but watch how little they care about those incidents. If he wins the nomination, they'll all be out there. And, like you know what I mean it did make me feel upset the time, but I think he's changed and I honestly he's a really good guy. I've learned over the past few months about what a great guy this guy is, and I, and that's why I'm I'm campaigning for him is timing of this coming out is just ridiculous. It's it's ridiculous ridiculous. This is been an issue for a very long time. We've talked about it. You know before this is. Solely issue being used for politics, because at this very moment they think they can get someone who's more socialist than him to be president.
If they believe the two choices are job. I did and Donald Trump the most socialist person to be able to find is Joe Biden and then they will love him and they will will be critical of whatever they think Donald Trump did and they will ham anyone who comes out against him. Of course I mean it's so transparent. So it's hard to take any of this seriously, though here here's the sort of The underlying issue here for biting when it so the story Oh bidens strength as a campaigner is very closely related to what we're calling creepy, which is he comes out. Shakes everybody's hands. He gives everybody hugs he doesn't put, his hands on a dish on the shoulder of everybody. He hasn't kissed everybody's head. He doesn't do it. If it's a man or a boy. No, he says he does do it, sometimes as a met with a man. He says that in the state he's come up to a man and smell the back of his head. He does is to that. He doesn't specifically say it.
I've, never seen them or it's possible I'd like to see the video, but if you're I will an your strength, walking around some Iowa firehouse and shaking hands and kissing babies, which is what everyone used to call it. I don't think you could call it that anymore um If you can no longer do that, because if he has one moment that looks creepy, it's going to be a national news story every time now, so that you He can his strength, way from him for this entire primary, which of course is- The secondary part of this number one is getting out of the race. Hopefully this turns into a big thing, so we can win because we're socialists number two is If he's going to be in the race at least the things that give him advantage over us we're going to be able to take away I feel somewhat like That scene with the with the emperor where Has all this. You know gusto
like oh yeah, my friends are coming in the emperor just goes. Oh, you think that your friends will save it's kind of it's kind of like that, it's kind of like at least we got biting. Oh you think that bite and will save you. He will now and a latte Try, though, and jolting Joe, had a statement that came out yesterday, and this is it- was made out of phone, so the audio is not fantastic, but we let's listen to it and we can translate if needed career boy tried to make a human connection. Yes, my responsibility, I think I shake hands. I hug people, I grabbed men, moved by the shoulders and say you can do this and whether women men, young old and it's just the way. I've always been this way. I've tried to show I care about them and I'm listed.
Over the years. Knowing what I've been through, the things that I faced, I found that scores, if not hundreds of people come up to Maine and reached, uh for solace and comfort, something something anything that may help him get through the tragedy there going through and- and so it's just just poop Social norms change their shifted, protecting personal space have been reset and I get it I hear what they're saying standard and I'll be much more mindful. That's my responsibility, responsibility and I'll meet it. But I always believe, cover quite frankly, life for that matter is about connecting about connecting with people I worked my whole life to empower women, but my whole life to rent abuse. I've written. So the idea that I can adjust to the fact that purse.
Important more important than is, is just not. I will which is good wife Jill on this, is beautiful. Lee, talented, good, wife Jill. I mean that would help a lot. And cuz. He always talks about Jill and that quite honestly, if, we're doing these videos. You Know- and I had been hugging people- and you saw these kids like all this is creepy My wife would say to me: would you stop doing that. Call honey. I just love it. I just love these kids, I know, but it looks creepy. Stop it but I know I know you got love in your heart and everything else to stop it. She's never said that to him and and where is she just going? You know not just step it up and just go, and you know what my husband is like this I've talked to him about it before he's. Just like this,
but he is a loving guy. You know much ground, he could get. You could shut it down. Where is this good wife Jill. I know, maybe maybe he doesn't ever want to include her in this 'cause. You know whatever, but it's seems strange, because I know my wife, your life would to LISA would too. If you were seen in these videos, could you watch these videos and a lot of them are very uncomfortable and watch them If you knew I mean LISA knows you you're, not a creepy predator but if you were trying not to be right, if you were acting like a creepy press, if you were acting like Joe does yes, she would see that and what would you say hey hey I mean, she'd, probably be delicate about it, but try to tell me stuff We had a meeting yeah. That's really that's not it doesn't that's a little weird analogy: weird stop it. I know you don't mean anything by it, but you know you know, be careful with peoples, personal space right now. Look that
We have happened, we don't know it may have happened. Multiple, switching and say look. I've said this to Joe he's, not like that he's not like he doesn't even see it that way he really believes in connecting with people, but I yeah. I know what you're saying but you're saying I see it, but I know my husband as well. I mean it could very well be remembered they're not even in the campaign. Yet You know I mean it could very well be that they're holding that back as a fact as a future defense, I will tell you, I'm not sure I'm sure he makes it to the campaign. If, if people are serious about getting him out of the campaign. Oh they I have something and I'll share with you next, once this half hour is blinds dot com, big box stores are great for people who you know need the guy in the apron. You know walk into the store and they know exactly what they're doing. That guy I'm, like I don't know and this thing is this: the ball
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dot com promo code back get an extra five percent off now at blinds dot com, station id So John Solomon is executive vice president of the hill, and he is a opinion contributor. His pieces are journalism they the left, Actually the Clinton Foundation may in him, file, all of his stories under opinion pieces because he didn't they like what he was, writing they're, like really he's more of an opinion guy and they got all the orders at the hill to say: yeah he's got to be filed under opinion. He's not An opinion guy he's a journalist in his one awards for it anyway.
He's got an opinion piece out now on the hill job. In twenty twenty ukrainian nightmare O'Clock probe is revived two years after leaving office, Joe Biden, couldn't resist the temptation last year to like to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time he was vice president that he strong armed Ukraine into firing. Its top prosecutor his own words, with video cameras, Rolling Biden described how he threatened ukrainian president in two thousand and sixteen that the Obama administration would pull one billion dollars on us. Loan guarantees sending the Soviet Republic towards insolvency. If they immediately fire, the the prosecutor general of the Ukraine, we have the tape the audio tape, Bradley concerned about the backsliding on the part of a key in terms of corruption they may,
hey dad. I I'll give you one concrete example I I was not. I I but it just happened to be. That was the assignment I got I got. I got all the good ones and so I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing. Our team are there's two convinced. Now that we should be providing for loan guarantee It's now and over. I guess the twelve 13th time to Kiev and an. I was going supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee an I had gotten a commit and from portion co from yachts in New York that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they did so said they had it. They walked out to Prescott said no. I said I'm not going or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said I have no authority you're, not the president. The president said I should call him So I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars. I said:
you're not getting the building would be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours. I look I said, leaving at six hours and the prosecutor not fired you're, not getting the money, oh son, of a yeah fire and they put in place someone who was solid at the time Why is this a big deal? as you will hear next hour from John Solomon- and we touched on this. What two weeks ago, or this tape was found in before John did his work We told you that his son is very very dirty. Joe Biden. Son is very dirty and he's getting all of these special deals. When he goes in and he is it off in trade deals and offering extra money all of a sudden job.
I need Son comes in and he gets the special deals that nobody else gets. For instance, he has a trade deal with China No one else has Goldman Sachs doesn't have JP, Morgan doesn't have but Joe Biden son, who just started and investment he's, got this. Sweetheart deal with China that no one else has well. He it's involved in a company in the Ukraine and that company is being investigated by this attorney General or their? What did he call them there, prosecutor general that to Joe Biden got fired. I want you to this guy out of there? Why did it have anything to do with the fact that data The general was going after the company that job The sun was, apart of. That's the accusation and we'll have more on that with John Solomon and more next week as well,
happens. I think it's going to be Wednesday or Thursday of next week, where we're going to really open up a few things that nobody's willing to talk about it, he said something that actually a real thing that could be used against the president. I thought you were just talking about his early career. Endorsements for beauty products. I thought that was the thing well, I thought I mean. I think we dug this up and I I look at it the opposite way. I think it's going to actually help him 'cause. At least it gives him a reason for being it's creepy as he is around women. So you think this helps him Well, because you know that it was just all started by an ad campaign I could see that I could see that I mean there's here. If you don't know what we're talking about, you know Joe Biden, he keeps coming up and he's, like you know, smelling people's heads and and their hair and playing with their hair. We, found that there's a reason for that. Can we roll the old commercial, please good, shampoo and the clean and shiny, and even though it does not
I just don't believe anyone would ever tell me so, your hair smells terrific. She nearest wells, terrific ok, she never know third there it is that by and there was the first one bite, another first one with her. Ok, we abide in with her and it started with his shampoo back from the 70s chi. Your hair smells terrific and he's been looking for that smell ever since I don't think it's market anymore. So not and that's why he's like, now it doesn't smell terrific. It smells pretty good, but not terrific. There's he had to have the other one. This is gee your hair smells terrific part two I did not borrow UG. Your hair smells terrific shampoo, so Jimmy would notice how good my hair smell. No, I used it to get my hair really clean and shining like you, and that's the only reason. The only reason she your hair smells terrific
try Gee your hair, smells terrific, fragrant, shampoo and conditioner, and guys will notice better. They will I mean that poor Joe he being vilified for something that was an ad campaign. Cheer hair smells terrific when he was like sixty remember, is that is used back in the 1970s. I think it was one hundred and sixty five yeah. I thought well, he was just first getting his ministers of Medicare rise. First, getting he's retiring As far as a and there's nothing, than a sixty seven year old man going guy streaming exactly. Well, that's it. Unless it's a ninety year old man going 'cause. You don't know what they're saying at that point could be like. That is something that's going on with biting right now too, and that he he always has had this. Let me
pause and for dramatic effect and say things in a low monotone, whispery voice, oh my gosh, it's good. It gets weirder and weirder as the years go on. It seems like he just he just passing out like what's going on I'll, tell you man I tell you man, I'm looking for a word for Bozzuto's, but because I just grabbed a set of a assume that the italian man should I be saying any of this peoples presumed there's personal space have changed and I can I can alter the way. I approach them. Not not not. Those preserves so those zoomers need to be held all right sponsor this half hour. Car shield, car repairs are not what they used to be used to be repair our own cars? You remember when they used to say that cars suck because well the English? You know they just love to tinker on their cars, nobody! No! No! They don't know they don't yeah.
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One thousand dollars extended vehicle protection, get it now: carshield dot com, promo code, Back carshield, dot, com, promo code back or eight hundred car six thousand, while we're talking about promo codes, let me tell you about another one: it's Glenn! If you go to gladestv dot com and use the promo code, Glenda save ten dollars wow. I love that. Well, no, program. Glad that you are here with us. I don't know if you saw this pack gray joins Us Minister, Louis Farrakhan, who is Twitter is still up after this he said yesterday that does not love this world. Now, that's news to me. God never sent Jesus to die for this world. ' Jesus died because he was two thousand years too soon to bring about the end of civilization of the Jews.
Why never on no cross? There was no calvary for that. Jesus may. The he's offended, he's offended everybody except the people who follow him here, here's, here's the audio, God does not love this world, God never sent Jesus to die for this world, Jesus died because he was two thousand years too. Use to bring about end of the civilization of the Jews. So this is one, that's incredible. How don't even my gosh wait a minute wait, a minute, but is helium Thursday That's true. Are we doing this? Sarah? Yes, can you
Can you make Lewis Farah Khan Cell he's on helium? I think I can do that. Hello. There Ladies and gentlemen, the Glenn Beck I'm presents Healy thursdays with today's special guest Lewis air con God does not love God wow it's like this one Jesus. Truth feels warm to suit. Bring about making the civilization of June
makes it a little more palatable than us really does help. Who else could we do this to play? The role play, Joe Biden apology thing, fake forecast? ok right right about the human connection. Springs Valley. I think I should know that help each other. What other audio do we have from this week or anything in here? Nothing else is There was some honest to you can't really hear the yeah his is there what was from Let's see how about the green, the green, real deals, yeah and it doesn't allow the edge crisis Castro. He he I am of the border. I helium
processing that they're over rounding out. How do you think I don't believe their narrative that women and children who are fleeing dangerous circumstances present a national security threat in this country we should put all of Congress on helium and then you could just it doesn't matter. What does it matter? The property would definitely go up from what is it fourteen how about how about the five days away from fundamental transformation? Can you get that for me Barack Obama, clip so yeah, two thousand and eight it wouldn't have been so scary. If you have sounded like he was on helium, do you have it? Sarah, we did you planet played it yesterday and you find even the Barack knows
Those were gonna have to do. Is change our traditions, our really, I think we just be playing Louis. Very I don't know any of these other ones work it should B Louis Farrakhan, hilly helium Thursday, that The view hosts for yes give me something from the view. It might be just Louis, fair com right now, when I never had anyone
a little around when you're, looking at joy, Behar and we're hearing that voice. It's pretty good. It's a much better place, a little closer to our actual name of joy. Yeah, you know, play the Louis Farrakhan one more time God does not love this work goodbye but it's worth that's right, but I'm saying is true soon. Do you bring up
end of the civilization of regions. I do love that's right I was looking for that. Exist. Anyone Saturday morning, and he found out. He was two thousand years too soon. In a civilization of the juice, that he would give his life for the truth at the time that his name with them. I did some weird stuff. I can't even federal helium better on his way better. I really I like the fact at some point where he goes with these two thousand years too soon and there's that pause and there's people in the crowd going yeah. That's right like do. They know where he's going
and no idea where that well, you know, I don't think, that's that I don't think those beaches are for rookies. Okay, I mean I don't yeah. I don't think you have. You know usual people like you, you know you may, or you know, bill from Ohio that just kind of sitting in their life. I didn't see that coming. I had no idea, it was a thrill ride. Local speech was a thrill what a roller coaster of emotions as someone who attended Yale Divinity School, he did it like What is he even saying he's saying that Jesus will showed up? I didn't know he was two thousand years too soon to end the civilization of the Jews. That was his real goal, and so he decided instead to kill himself. Basically now Cross somewhere else.
To say that his name would live on so that eventually we would end the civilization of the show. I can't see. I can't speak for the Yale Divinity School 'cause. I did not go to the yield of entities created. No, no, I intentionally went and took it through history. I wanted to learn the historic part of it. Not not the divinity schools smoke jive on it, I wanted, I wanted. I wanted to hear from a you know, a professor of history that of course had no smoke, ogive, no off alarm, Bell FACTS, but anyway uh. I think. If I may, I'm having a hard time, even figuring out where he might find that in any scripture, yeah, but Jew I mean I don't. I mean the scriptures of Bob Bob. The Bob the the the the
on the bench you know he was he was like if Peter is sick or one of our cities like I don't get Bob the back of the alternate he's the alternate apostle even I think Bob. The altar an apostle I don't even think you could find anything close to that there yeah that one's uh I can't 'cause. I can't even follow it. Do you I I don't. I I'm not sure I'm to follow I'm trying to follow. Even who wants to believe in a god that, doesn't love the world world. It doesn't go against even the Koran, I think. Don't they believe all of does love the world or not so I don't know by. Because I don't know if you're where it says God does not love the world. In fact, that's new, so loved the world that he said his only be gotten son yeah,
so minor kink in the hose there yeah it is. But it's you know it's amazing. Can you imagine will taking full page ads out in the New York Times saying that I was an anti semite and I had to be stopped. Hey, remember that, yeah? Ok, but he still has his twitter feed don't even say nothing about credible no, nobody is saying anything. Can you imagine if could have got a hood said. You Jesus he failed in his mission. He was sent to wipe out the Jews and he couldn't do it, so he decided kill me or I'm going to kill myself. I mean that's basically what he saying. Can you imagine saying that any other person saying that and it's okay man? It's okay, nice to, like you know, 'cause twitter is obviously band a bunch of conservatives over the years they've had this is
talking point of every conservative every time it happens at some point. You think they just be like. Alright, just take it off, so we don't have to hear that point again. I mean it's Alex Jones yeah say Alex Jones is horrible. Okay, I agree with you. I don't think he should be taken off, but you has. He ever said anything worse than that. I don't think so. I'm I mean yeah, I'm saying that you should be wiped out now yeah and he's also saying that our government is killing children in school houses. You know take away our guns, I mean it's yeah I mean he's not calling for the extermination of an entire people know that that's pretty good, very good, very good. Only made a few that really have done that yeah. You know their names, yeah yeah. One of them was not Bob the alternative apostle, but we do know them, usually only by one name. Serial killers get all three names. You know
in genocidal maniacs get one get one installing MAO Rite aid off TED. I mean you get you get you get one name. You will graduate! I think, Lewis. A I think, he's graduated Farrakhan or call Louise That's not very scary! Now it's only fair conness is just him at this point, If your last name is Farrakhan, you gotta got to be considering a change at this point because my wife is on the radio, as you guys know, and she her name- is LISA Page on the air and ever this kennel certain stuff happening with the FBI There's a woman named LISA page who's in the middle of this thing, texting back and forth about how to ruin the Trump administration from the inside, and I told
open it like. There is a scenario here where this story gets so big. You have to abandon your name like this is not you can't be if her name was Monica Lewinsky, she would have had to have changed her name right, and I if you're, if you're in the last name, is Farrakhan at this point you just go to Smith, you don't need to go to back it just pull the trigger. You know that there were. There were Hitler's around the world that had nothing to do my job and so Anti Hitler, and they were like odd she's. Yet, like Steve, blur is really really really really like. Oh my god, I love the Jews are fantastic. At least I made it honey, honey, honey, honey. I know you married into the name at least it, but it could be worse. He could be gassing. Kids, wait, wait wait hold thanks, so much Pat Pat Gray, you can hear his live. Recording of the podcast every day on the blaze, radio,
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five hundred and eighty three, eighty four thousand eight hundred and five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four relieffactor dot com I've got an update from Louis Farrakhan. Who still has his twitter feed just want to point that out, Prime Minister Lewis, Farah Khan. Well, hang on. Let me easy out. You know just in case you haven't heard yet but hey you know the rapper Nipsey Hussle yeah, one of my favorite yeah he's sick. My what's going on with him he's dead? Oh no! Ok! Thank you for starting over that to me very slowly, alright! Well, I didn't want to just take it to buy. Surprise, wait a minute he's dead, so here's the latest from Louis Farrakhan we're gathering as much information as we can in the passing of our brother Nipsey Hussle, the nation of Islam mourns the loss of this great brother, his death, as well as his life, had so much meaning to it. For us, and for unborn generations. We thank all
that his life came this way from God and touched our lives. Now. Listen to this, we advise the community not to react to rumors are false. Information to Take us in our time of grief and sadness, turn on one another, a bigger and then the hand of the man who pulled the trigger is behind it. All more, I will say in the future. Now let me ask you something: we know it's not Donald Trump, why well your hand? only do the hand NOLA bigger hand than the hand who pulled of the man who pulled the trigger. So now, Donald, may have been the trigger man is the parent a small hands, at least in comparison to the guy, was really behind it. I think it may be a he maybe making a point about a jewish conspiracy. I'm gonna go out and get all way. Perhaps to do the Jews came together to go, kill that rapper Nipsey Hussle, because that was an important part of their agenda. Apparently man-
I have to that was like the Jews to do that to Nipsey Hussle, wouldn't it or I don't know, I have no idea. I don't even know who Nipsey Hussle is, but I still mourn his loss deeply and powerfully. I can't wait. To hear the theory on who behind it all from Louis Farrakhan, Twitter, answer, spotlight is unplanned the movie, it is gotten a rated r rating. However, I will tell you this. I don't know if you saw this but Utah a double the screen amounts than any other state. In the union which is- nominal because those people don't see rated R movies, and that is the action that I want you to take. This This was the MPAA trying to get you to not take your teenage daughters and sons to unplanned take them
It is more critical than ever before that our kids know that this is murder. This is not reach the movie. It's actually really kind of good movie. You leave feeling really uplifted Well, hopefully, in the end, search not like one of those movies. I've got to go see it. Take your it's to see unplanned in theaters, now unplanned film dot com, that's film dot com. The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck program there's a lot of talk about Joe Biden today on being creepy uncle Joe stuff. We all know
Does that disqualify him? No, I mean not unless there's something more than I just felt creeped out by it, because I mean I felt creeped out about Joe Biden for a long time, but that shouldn't be a block for him serving unless there is actually evidence. He did something. There is evidence that he did something far worse than smelling somebody's hair. We get to that in one minute. This is the Glenn Beck program. So a you know, I'm somebody who is bought and sold a billion houses and usually never at a profit, because I'm in radio and we move around an awful lot. We used to move allowed around a lot and I've always just kind of opened up the phone book or ask somebody. You know good real estate agent and that's You find your real estate agent. That is not a good way to find your real estate agent, I sold houses for so long and I finally got so frustrated and I'm like okay there's. Got to be a better way. Well, I happen
start doing some work with this, this group of real estate, Every year the Wall Street Journal puts out of a list of the five hundred best agents all across the country, So I started doing work with these guys this years ago. Maybe eight years nine years ago, and I saw him talking to them and I'm like. So what makes a good real estate agent? What I mean? What's the you know, I just I just get a friend or whatever and they're like ok, no Glenn, it's it's it's not that complex, but there is really three things they have to do. Well, we and searched for those people who understand what it seeks to be a real, great real estate agent, somebody you know who's on. Or going to be on that list of the five hundred best real estate agents, I trust dot com. I started this just to be able to connect you with somebody in your area that will sell your home or there's nothing worse than buying a new home and then not
not knowing what the area is. You should be living in the right schools, etc, etc. Especially now we're we're so polarized, there's nothing worse than getting a real estate agent in town you're, like ok, don't say anything 'cause. I don't know where this person stands. This is the all. These real estate agents have been vetted by my staff personally, so we know they have your values, are all fans of the show, etc, etc, and they have the same values that you have. So you can try. Real estate agents. I trust dot com, that's real estate agents, I trust dot com, Peter Sweitzer. He is the producer of the creepy line, which is a movie. Everyone needs to see. He is also. The author of secret empires, which is come out in paperback,
Peter didn't think we would have you on the air so quickly, but there is another piece of the story. You started telling us last week that has often will get into that first. Welcome to the show, and can you tell us why you say that Joe Biden is the most corrupt vice president in history well it's great to be on with you Glenn yeah, I think the evidence is overwhelming and all you have to do is look at his son's financial transactions and specifically fine, It accounts accounts that he's tide. Two and Glen I'd be happy to provide a copy of this uh for you and you could share it with your listeners. But all you need to do is look at the financial records from the Morgan Stanley account that in all his son Hunter Biden and what it shows is, while his father was vice president. His is cashing in he's, cashing in with our rivals and adversaries, the chinese government.
Cashing in with other countries that are rife with corruption like Ukraine, cashing in with payments from corrupt oligarchs in Kazakhstan. Under one involving the son of the former prime minister. There and he's cashing in from unknown mysterious sources? This bank account shows a deposit of one point. Two million dollars from this sort of alphabet and well see that nobody can trace Cumming I have a small swiss Bank- account banks Colby SI, which has been implicated in money laundering in ten different countries, and- and this is all happening Glenn, while Joe Biden according to Rock Obama was vice. President was point person on US policy towards these countries, so it it's so in Richmond at the highest level and it in in the case of the chinese government, actually
a political, powerful rival to us that I would argue present. A much bigger challenge to our future than Russia does rushes the declining power demographically in and in terms of its industrial might. China is rising and threatening the United States, and Hunter Biden was cashing in from the chinese government okay. So the reason why one of the guys who was investigated during this Trump thing reason why he went to jail is because he was involved in ukrainian politics and ukrainian politics is really dirty lots of people on the take lots of people on the take from Russia. And he wasn't claiming any of this money. But what, happening now, and I don't do you know John Solomon I do. I know John Well, John, is a terrific reporter. He was at the Associated Press. The Washington Post, he's now at the hill
terrific and I talked to him all the time- he's very, very good all right, so he, like you, said, work for the Washington Post, the Associated Press, he when he went over he's the executive vice president of the hill, for him to Blish, because the Clinton camp of the Clinton camp. They put the pressure on the hill to make sure that all of his stories are opinion, an not filed as stories. Can you tell me it's remarkable. I don't know the full inns and outs, and John is not one that would you know that would share anything like that with me. But what is very clear is that John does, amazing reporting and on Ukraine Glenn. What he is shown quite clearly is the prosecutor general in Ukraine during the changer when Joe Biden was was vice. President was a guy named shokan and job,
in black after he left the vice presidency that he got shokan fired. Do you know anything about choking, I'm going to play the audio here in a second, but I want you to set the scene. Who is this guy? What do you know about him do you know he was working on so joking, I was a prosecutor, General Anas in in the case, and a lot of situation in Ukraine. You know you don't quite know who is straight and who is on the take, but show can was appointed by the reformist government by Poroshenko. Who Biden was friends with biting biting, claim. Publicly that he didn't like choking, because shokan was not investigating and pursuing corruption cases enough, and so he it's about getting him fired. What Joe Biden doesn't say is that Shokan was invest, getting his son at the time and this word- gets- takes an interesting twist Glenn. So
does get fired, because Joe Biden tells portion go the president of Ukraine I'm going to withhold A billion dollars in loan guarantees, unless you fire show, can and then his his successor gets appointed a guy named Lee Hsien and Joe Biden gives you shenko his imprint and says this guy is a solid choice. Here's the problem for Joe Biden thank, is now saying he wants to reopen the investigation into Joe Biden's son so the fact that this was not so hang on just a second. This was not an investigation into the company that he had ties to. This was an investigation on Joe Biden, son yes, it was on both. It was on both and here's. What's important. Now- and I know this is very complicated- there- lots of names the company. Question is called the Resma and it was this. This sort of energy company in Ukraine
Resumo was started by, as can only happen in the Ukraine was started by the Minister for energy at the time. So Czapski is low, he wears aligned with Yanukovich who's the pro russian Minister, so so get your hands around this Hunter Biden. The vice president United States. Son is being paid. Millions of dollars by a corrupt. Energy Minister who worked for the pro russian leader in Ukraine. Is a remarkable string of relationships in what show can and now loose ankle want to. Investigate is first of all mocks the company there's all kinds of allegations of money laundering and corruption, but they second of all explicitly back in twenty fourteen and fifteen were investigating Hunter Biden and believe and now the new prosecutor general once
reopen that case and wants to share that file information with the current US attorney general, William, bar, ok, extraordinary, Manafort went to for the same connections. The same people that were locked in with the the former Soviets right right, that's right so which do lobbying illegally for Yanukovych right. So so we know this is happened before we know people went to jail. We I news about. Manafort, you know years before he went to jail. We had all of that stuff was out kind of like this is with Joe Biden, son, but noble covered it until now, Fort, went to work for Trump, so we know we. We know what that's all about, because you should have that they should have been in jail long ago.
That's right and and by the way, working with Manta for for Yanukovych in the genre or Kovic related entities were a guy named Tony Podesta yeah John Podesta's of a brother who's, a lobbyist and Greg Craig who was the former White House Also me a Obama White House who is facing charges in New York as well. All three were work before Yanukovich, Yanukovich linked entities. So yes, This goes very deep and it's very widespread, and now you have the vice president's son wrapped up in this, at the time when Joe Biden, he could you know elevators thumb or he could give some down and determine whether the ukrainian government was going to get you know more than billion dollars in aid, it was his call. Barack Obama said that the European nation said that he was the point and his son was getting rich, while his father was doing that. Okay, let me
play the audio of what we have Joe Biden saying at a group of foreign relations, people, and he's bragging about getting this guy fired. Listen! I'm desk! really concerned about the backsliding on the part of the key in terms of corruption. They may Hey, I mean I'll. Give you one concrete example I I was not I I, but it just happened to be. That was the assignment I got. I got a good one, and so I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing our team are there's two convincing and that we should be providing for loan guarantees. He's not one over? I guess the twelve Thirty time to Kiev, and- and I was It's supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee. An I had gotten
commitment from poor sienko and from got some New York that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so and they had a they walking out to Prescott said, and I said I'm not going or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said you. No thirty you're, not the president. The president said I should call him listen, I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars I said you're not getting, the building would be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours. I look, I said, leaving at six hours in the process not fired you're, not getting the money? Oh son, of a and they put in place someone who solid at the time at the time, Ok, interesting! We didn't go back into that here in just a second. Your slides. He is the author of a secret empires
and he talks a lot about Joe Biden and the corruption of Joe Biden, alright back in one minute not long ago, Tonya and I changed the window coverings in our bedroom one Saturday morning Tony and I we logged on the blinds dot com 'cause. I had been promising to do this forever and I'm like ok, let's just do it today and couldn't decide? We didn't. We didn't even know where to start and so We just said hey, you know we logged on. I can't wear what they call it, but you know personalized service and we logged on without a care in have to make an appointment got to get together She got an email back that fast we didn't use my name. We used her name and her maiden name so they didn't know who I was at all and they emailed are you guys available now or any time today, with the same experience was like what yeah they were in and you can like send them pictures and they can look at it and help you design everything in there. They they really go all the way with it like who
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I can't recommend it highly enough Peter Wiser is is on with his Peter. You set up a name that I thought was interesting: Tony Podesta yeah he's the guy who had this big firm. That was involved with the what was it the gps. Fusion fusion gps. And his firm was involved as soon as that story broke. He quit shut it all down and walked away and I thought wow what What was that all about in the fort's mistake, was he elevated himself. He could have gotten away with it if he have gone right into the spotlight and said. Dig me what Tony did the he did. The opposite. Do you think white white? What happened to Tony Podesta that
a question. Yes, and I think you make a very important point here and that is that a lot of this stuff that has gone on that now manifold has been charged with and by the way I believe should have been. Cartoon awhile ago. I'm involved something called the foreign agents, registration, actor, Ferre Farrah. This is a law that the Department of Justice In- and it essentially says, if you are a lobbyist or somebody, the United States- and you are representing working for a foreign government or a foreign government connected entity? You are required. File very detailed reports with the Department of Justice in anybody out there in the audience can look up fair and you can look at filing so what you're doing work for the in government or a company connected the ukrainian government. You are to describe how much are being paid and exactly who you're meeting with including journalists because you're in the debating for a foreign government well Paul Manafort
was brought up on on failing to file federal reports, which he didn't do it. Sting we enough when Paul Mana became under investigation. What did tony Tony Podesta in his firm? Do they retroactively filed seventeen forms of with Farrah play their work for foreign entities. I mean, in other words they been doing this. They realize that the game was up for male fruit, that he was in the gun sights, so they tried to cover their tracks by filing the seventeen feral reports on other foreign government work, and this is one the big unwritten. Rules are secrets of lobbying. Washington DC people have been skirting these rules for years, so Tony after was involved in this. There are other lobbying firms, firms that are on the republican side, firms that are on the democrat side and it's a huge problems problem has not been enforced, and my hope is that one of Think
things that comes out of the manifold case is that somebody's lobbyists will be looking over their shoulder and saying we better be filing those feral reports, because otherwise we could end up in somebody's gun, sights. So here's the problem, as I see it with this Joe Biden case, is, if It is wide spread that this is happening. Nobody wants to. Nobody wants this to be a story. Everybody wants this to go away, that's exactly right and here's. The other thing I mean you've got to give Jingli of the Biden some credit, because what they do where's was. You know we to claim he's not doing any work for a foreign government he's just on the payroll of a highly corrupt energy company. That is controlled by very nasty Oleg arts, same thing, in China. What does he do with a good
kitchen and- and it is impossible for me to believe first of all that his father didn't know about this. We know when I talk about this in secret empires that they had meetings in the White House based on White House visitor logs. We in the case of China, that Hunter Biden actually flew with his dad on air force. Two to close, a billion dollar private equity deal with the chinese government San. What Hunter Biden would say is well I'm not representing the chinese government, I'm just doing an equity deal with them. The problem is, Could ukrainian deal Daddy knows the gig is up because he has no back and in private equity. He has no background, Ukrainians, no background in energy policy. This is a payoff, clear and there's no other plausible explanation as to why he's getting paid and what, with the pay off before what what? What does? What does Baris mud need from us well
I think the reason why, for example, was looking for loans and grants from the United States that were designed to help Ukraine become energy independent and the reason was, of course, that they were very dependent on russian national gas. I think it's a great good idea to help make them energy independence, but will that he went, who got those loans and grants would be determined by the United States and again Joe Biden. The buck stopped with Joe Biden as it related to US policy towards Ukraine. The second thing, I think, is that you know one governments kind of have a retainer model that it may not be an exact quid pro quo. We're pay you you need to do this. For us, it gives you and if you can go to the vice president's son, to whom he had met cities very close to they travel together all the time, and you need him to whisper something into his ear. That has enormous value- and it's not a quid pro
oh, but as far as I'm concerned, it is still a bride because you are paying for accessing. You are paying for beneficial policies, Peter always good to talk to you. Thank you so much we're going to be following this story, because I think this is forget about it's smelling hair this is the real problem with Joe Biden, corruption, it seems to the bone. And somebody needs to investigate investigated. You can find all of this information in secret empires- it's a never back out now by Peter Schweitzer more next hour with one of the guys who broke the latest in this story. Back My patriot supply would like to remind you that the time prepare yourself is not during an emergency. The time to prepare Yourself is right now, if you're not having an emergency, if you're not in the flood plains. Flood waters.
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An immersive leadership training program eighteen twenty five years old, get ready to question boldly think critically, and if you make a positive impact in the nation, an you just need some fortification go to. Mercuryone dot, Org, slash, lpt leadership, program training. I think it is yeah leadership, training program, so that should be the opposite way anyway. Just go to mercury want to just look for the The training program, or you can call eight hundred and seventeen four hundred and forty one six thousand and forty four, not every he who applies gets in. There is the screening process, but we would love to have you mercuryone DOT, Org, slash, lpi one other thing. People have asked me for a long time. Clan love the chalkboards when he going to start connecting the dots again blah blah blah. Why aren't you connecting the dots they've asked me that, since I left Fox
I haven't had anything to connect. You knew the story, you knew tides, you knew all of these things. I will tell you that things have changed for Insta, Soros is now at the bottom, ten of the biggest people that donate for the left George, Soros is no longer the kingpin he's. He is still giving a lot of money but a whole new set of people when you see the connections between care, the Muslim Brotherhood and Congress. Now, when you see the socialists in the radicals around it's a new crop, that's why they're reject Obama just recently, it's a whole new crop. These guys are. Much more radical than the Van Jones were Van Jones, looks like a pussycat compared to these guys. And how do I know that? Because Van Jones, is on the out they'd like Van Jones or or Barack Obama. They don't think they went far enough. They weren't radical enough.
I need your help and the way you can help is subscribe to blaze. Tv go to blaze, tv dot, com, slash back, you can. You can grab a membership. Please use the the code word the promo code, Glenn Glenn, but everything it's coming in. If you do the code word gland, it's going right into us being able to do the re search next week, we've been working out for a while and next week we we hope to have a show for you. Exposes Joe Biden for what he really is and shows you with all of the facts. All of paperwork. All of all of the details. All buttoned up for you that will, happening next, I think Thursday. Only blaze tv and we need your support blaze tv, dot com.
Tv dot com, Slash, Glenn, promo code glens? Remember it's my first name when I first name Basis Promo Code, Glen. All right. Yesterday, Alyssa Milano was still in Georgia on this abortion bill, but this abortion bill is. This is a heartbeat bill, when you have CPR? Somebody comes up. And your son trying to see if they are alive or dead. What is the first thing that people do they usually for a heartbeat pulse. They check for a pulse. Why? Because that you indicates whether you're alive or dead, correct right so that means you're live you have Are you you or you're dead? Why? is it that we don't claim something is alive in the womb when there's a heartbeat. That is, what Georgia is adopting is the heartbeat law and
means. If there's a heart beat that's life. The hype, I think that's perfectly reasonable, perfectly reasonable. Now that means that what is it six weeks, eight weeks that you start to get a heart beat the baby has PETE. That brings it way way way back to first trimester yeah about five weeks weeks. So Alyssa Milano is saying you know how dare are the Evil state of Georgia do this and if they do we're taking, all of our Hollywood money well. First of all,. Alyssa Milano Aaliyah. He I mean she may not work in Georgia anymore. Think about the devastation to that state. If Alyssa It wasn't just like in the full house, the last thing she did, I think you're thinking of who's, the boss who's but yeah. She was in Tony Danza, Tony Danza,
And Tony danza- and I like Tony he's a nice guy, but imagine only going into any Rhode Island had saying I tell you what nobody's going to work here. No, you listen to the Danza, I'm not doing it dance. Now are you to to no no one's going to be working in the New Jersey in Rhode Island. As long as the the Danza says no go, can you, Imagine how laughable that would be. Well. I you can call it laughable all you want, but I can tell you this Georgia will no longer have any uh. The of getting a sequel to Beverly Hills, Chihuahua for shut up. That will not happen butowski, suburban daredevil. There will not gonna happen, that's not going to happen in Georgia after the holy cow. If you remember, of course, the classic my girlfriend's boyfriend, oh yeah. Now my
people are like. Well, when do we get my girlfriend's boyfriend? Two in Georgia, starring Alyssa Milano? Well, you're, not getting it! Ok, so you can think whatever happened at the end of that movie is now just the end. We don't even get to know what happened with the girlfriend or the boyfriend or little girls were I'm sorry. I thought those were all filmed in Georgia. This is these are all Melissa Collado for a lot of a lot of MILAN it when they're not even close to any of the names but yeah a list of MILAN. Yes, her star vehicles in the in recent history. Is she responsible for the cookies which guess the Milano cookies. Yes, I don't think so, but I don't care, I seriously don't care about her opinion and I don't think anybody in Georgia does. First of all Alyssa, you're not making the calls for Hollywood. I don't know if you know that and actually dictated by the fact that she doesn't have jobs right like if she was making the calls for Hollywood likely, she would be able to be employed right and it's not like you know, you know, is
if you're, leaving something you know like I'm dedicating my life today. Yes, I am you're not giving anything up. No one is hiring you right. It's this or waffle house and Waffle house we go is that the woman from full house. You go no, no you're thinking of three. Company and then somebody else would go. No it's who The boss, or two the boss, or something like that and be like. I don't remember, which we're not hiring her right. She's Noxious, it's like, so it's not like she's, giving up a lot right. If you were to say you will do what I want or I will an enter the Mr Universe pageant this year. Nobody there's not a lot of effect there. No now if Alyssa said you pass this bill and I'm going to move here and just going to protest all the time in front of your house and your job everybody and I'm not really protesting. I'm just talking to people it's being me, I'm just going to live here. 'cause I love it. Then I think
you have a chance of turning this around. I think that's possible yeah. Then people would be like. I don't want to listen. This is the problem with the left, they don't understand, incentives, you craft the correct incentive, not a merit kind of based system right, which is not hey. The purse you find really annoying is not going to come anymore is not a good incentive right right, it's like right this. This is a reason for Georgia to pass these correct. Even if they don't believe abortion is is, is murder there. There's gonna be like look. I don't care. This passage will come anymore. Here's the deal! You know why the walking dead. You know why people do it injured. You know I've been away, they make movies down because they love Georgia or because all I Oh it's it's the film capital world because of the tax incentives. That's why money let me ask you this stew, which is interesting by the way. If you think from the left wing perspective right wing or not. Isn't that the
I think they're not supposed to do. I look for a better tax breaks by going to other places, these millionaire and billionaire Hollywood studio owners are going. These millionaire actors and actresses are going to Georgia to save money on production costs. I mean what the taxes. What about the people that need to be Triarc duty yeah? So So it's not it's not them, and let me ask you this: do if I said to you fifteen years ago, you know what I'm by the paramount lot in Texas. This would not a chance of that right. You know what just this one building who was supposedly worth right. Ok anyway, close to what I bought it? For no, I mean anywhere even in the same neighborhood same continent. No, no! No big deal. I own the Paramount movie studio lot in Texas. How well
I almost got it for my good looks and you've seen me hey the reason. Why is because Texas used to have great tax incentives for making movies here, and so this Room were in still born on the fourth of July, JFK every episode of Barney prison Break from HBO. You name the all of the Chuck could chuck Norris Walker, Texas, Ranger all film right here in this room. How did I get this? for a stupid radio show in in a network. That's on internet, because Tax incentives went away and you know where they went places like Louisiana where they're, like. Oh, if we lower the taxes, will get movies made here and will create some jobs here. Oh really, do you think people in Hollywood were like you know.
But I had this duck call and I was out hunting and I look at that duck call. I wonder who made this duck call. So we've been looking into it. No somebody said we get great tax incentives if we do a show in Louisiana, go find something that's. How duck dynasty was made. You did the reason why you know what I don't think anybody will believe zombies unless we film it in the place where everybody, when I say zombies, what do you think Atlanta GA right No, no tax incentives for her to say we're not going to fill many movies here. Bullcrap bullcrap Do it if they mean look and by the way I just want you to know. Ever since Hollywood left. Texas, is on it's kind of the dogs there is there it's crazy here. It's crazy
there's no money, there's no charge. Where Texas is just struggling so much. Let me tell you the truth, Texas better off without Hollywood. I knew I would really like to dis invite everyone who is moving from California, because you screwed that stayed up. If you knew, if you know what lost your job in cost, your major houses cost so watching. Believe me: it ain't the sunshine Jack If you want to know why you can no longer work in California can't stand it, and you know because or voted like a moron, then maybe you can move to Texas, but if you're bringing all that crap with you Alyssa cheap it we don't want, but do you want buying the cow to or or Dinotopia
quest for the ruby. Sunstone only shows or is already inventing the wheeler. So wait. What was the one with the reinventing? The wheel was the one with the cow. What was it buying the cow buying, the cow I now if she gets really desperate she's going to do the x rated version, milk for free yeah, it's whole anyway. Careers seem really does okay. Here we go relief, factor the rear in constant pain. I know you're not alone, and you don't have to live the way, if you've gotten to the point where you like it just says, no, that's the way it's going to be. Don't don't think that way, don't think that way, you You are in control of your body, you, you can change things, but it it require. A few things in one, it requires getting rid of inflammation in your body. That is the leading source of pain. Well that in like you know, steel rod going through your chest. That also could be a main cause of if it's not steel rod. It might inflammation. Seventy percent of the people who take relief factor.
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Now listen model is no, she does not have a, I would say, the the informational. Capabilities of. We a normal sized human. Yes, I mean she's, not she's, not smart. Let's put it that way right, however, I hope she's, probably smarter than cows, have Cortez Cortez Julie knows something about something: Kazio Cortez, but she's so cute. When she does, it is there's something about it. Like a like a cat, at when you have like the you know the laser any of it. I never language get about heater out, and you know there is no mouse, but the cat thing is about getting go, get it go, get we go, we go so it's
have fun watching Agazio Quartet- maybe that's! Maybe it's just me, but uh did so cute. Look at your your green jobs. Thing didn't end up. Funniest cutest part of it. Is that we're going to be spending. You know thirty trillion dollars out of her crazy ideas to hurry it the whole time it's going to be like if you can get the mouse mouse mouse let me tell you a little bit about real estate so I trust dot. Com stu just bought his first house this year for no second and third House man, thanks for keeping up now playing the the third third, thirty yeah. I know you bought one in Pennsylvania, yeah Pennsylvania And what they're actually bought two houses in Pennsylvania here, so I would like to lack of luxury- that's at the same time, I moved but the point is I, I was happy to you- know: I'm not a big deal
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the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck program. There is there's less of concern with me of where Joe Biden's hands are when you can see them. Yes, they appear to be copying the breast area. What is it worse than his hands when they disappear. They end up in other peoples, pockets like China and Ukraine, and it's not his hands, watch the hands of his son There is a story that is being told now that is, has all of the details all buttoned up. Nobody seems to want to cover this and it's much more important than you know being hands on. We go to John Solomon to tell you about bidens ukrainian nightmare.
We go there in one minute, this is the Glenn Beck program. You know is buying gold right now mass. The mounts, in fact I think it's Russia is by, more gold than their minds can mine China is doing the same Chinese, not just by gold, they're, buying up gold mines. All over the world they're buying gold and they're buying it fast and furious You know who's selling their gold right now. Venezuela, there their currency is worthless and they're selling gold to Russia and Cuba to help prop up Maduro's regime, the less of the story is gold standard and it the Russian China know, why are they propping up their currency and their economies with gold? You know who should be buying gold us. It states of America. We should be investing in gold right now, but we won't and
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You worked as a reporter for the Associated Press for two decades apps. Okay, so you're, not some schlub who just has a blog and an opinion like me you actually have earned very kind. Thank you. Ok, so John. This story that I heard from Peter Sweitzer a couple of weeks ago. You have now taken an I think, taken it to a new level. And no one is reporting on it. We kind of know the story. But can you take us through it and give us the meat of this Absolutely so. First off Peter did some fantastic work during the twenty sixteen election raising questions about. Why is Hunter Biden in Ukraine getting money and you and from a natural gas company. At the same moment, his dad Joe Biden, the vice president, is the official point. For the Obama administration on the ukrainian crisis and, if you the timing that Peter laid out Joe Biden, gets name to be
and February MID February, two thousand and fourteen and within a few weeks Hunter Biden suddenly gets this mystery offer to go, be a board. Member of this ukrainian companies are on the face of it. Looks like the sort of pay to play or or scratch my back politics that we see so often in politics, but here's the a big development by two thousand and sixteen ukrainian corruption prosecutors had begun. Focusing on this company. It's called Bury Smith, the natural gas enerji come. And the ukrainian prosecutors, are examining it for multiple reasons. They they fear there might have been some tax evasion under ukrainian law. They believe there might have been some corrupt. In the securing of drilling. And then they were very concerned that money was being x, foliated or taking out of the company and move to the United States, whether it's mine pondering misuse of money legitimate, they didn't know they wanted to get to the kind of interviewing the people that were taking the money in one of those persons with Hunter Biden and working now working for this natural gas company and at the moment the prosecutors were prepared
sing, a request to interview Hunter by. Joe Biden shows up in Ukraine on one of his Ukraine trips and he tells the president, the country, if you don't fire the prosecutor, the chief here in this country in the next six hours. Why I'm here I'm going to pull back the one billion dollars in loan credits- your company, your country, needs to stay, solvent and you'll go bankrupt in the, twelve hours? If you don't do it, I'm leaving here in six hours fire that process, Ok, hang on. I want to play the I want to play the audio of him actually saying this in telling the story in his own words here it is. I'm desk only concerned about the backsliding on the part of a key in terms of corruption? They may he I mean I'll. Give you one concrete example. I I was not I I bet it just happened to be. That was the assignment I got. I got. I got all the good ones and So I got you crane and
I remember going over convincing our team, our search to convincing that that we should be providing for loan guarantees, it's not over I guess that one thousand two hundred and thirteen times Steven and I was it's supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee an I had gotten. Mitt Mitt from Poroshenko and from yachts in New York that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so so they had a they walk out to Prescott. So now I said, I'm not going or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said no authority you're, not the president, the President said I should call him I said I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting the building would be leaving here. I think it was about six hours. I look, I said, leaving in six hours and the prosecutor not fired you're, not getting the money, oh son of a and they play someone who solid at the time at
time notice. He says at the time we get into that later, yeah very interesting. So this is the prosecutor general that was fired. Victor show can. Can you tell me anything? about Victor Shokin. Is he a dirty guy? Was he not going after corruption? he thinks he was, but he was an old school prosecutor and he was facing some criticism, his country, that not enough had been done, uh had been some major corruption. Secure in the securing of some victories against money that had been left in the country, but yeah. You know he wasn't a popular guy in Ukraine when by business. I think the most important part for me, convince our law, rf so I say you don't get involved in a US policy matter. If your family has a financial interest, it is error. Double that Hunter Biden had a financial interest in in and more importantly, in the out some of the ukrainian prosecutors and yet Joe Biden goes in and there's no way Joe Biden can say he didn't know There are numerous stories assigned to join the company. There were numerous stories
be very prosecutor that he was seeking we fired was looking at his sons company before he went and did this it's air refute Obel. I interview choking choking said I was just a few days away from thing an interview with Hunter Biden when when This happened and they had record showing more three million dollars flowed out of this company brief them to the United States into account by Hunter Biden and his business partners right at the time that he gets fired. So what town more to have that the the solid guy that replaces on that side on the new prosecutor? enroll Yuri, let them go. I interviewed him in your law center said. I only recently learned that the breeze my investigation was shut down because of pressure from Joe Biden and I'm re opening it, because I have some serious concerns about what we might have known and what we, might not have been allowed to investigate, and so right now is a twenty twenty campaign starts. Ukrainian prosecutors have reopened a portion of cation are digging in a deep and that this could have
I'm very big consequences both in Ukraine and in the United States. So John is there. Is there When you said the new prosecutor had no idea that this breeze MA instigation was shut down. Is there? Was there anything else that was shut down, as I mean? Is it? Is there any doubt? You've talked to so many people that were involved and they verify that what Joe Biden said happened. They said It happened overnight. He had been pressuring them for a couple of weeks. I guess right, yeah, couple months, that's right! Four months, yeah, ok, four months and so they were, they were being pressured. So they all know it is there doubt in their mind, were there that what had to happen not pissed Joe Biden or the United States off was this investigation,
loosen co address this in the interview anyway, he said: listen, we were a country on the on the brink of insolvency. At this point and we were so reliant on us money, we would do whatever it takes to get that next. Guarantee 'cause, otherwise we go and, and it can't pay our bills, and he said when the russian leadership that ABC run the country, the russian friendly President Yanukovych, I country there was only eight thousand dollars left in the entire, countries coffers to pay bills. They were the Russians looted the company country on the way out, and so without the US money they could not survive, and so he said is absolutely we would bend to the will of Joe Biden, but now we're doing a little. Better. We're looking at this was a new president President Trump in town, and we we don't like the way this was was shut down and they're. Also talking about other pressure exerted in other investigations about ten days ago. I reported that the who sent other prosecutors and law, officials say the US embassy on mulch
occasions, pressured them to not pursue certain people in one of the groups. They were asked. To pursue, and I had the letter actually from the embassy was uh The nonprofit that was run by George Soros are funded by George Soros, and You can see the letter. Basically the embassy saying back off these guys, so something was going on in Ukraine in the twenty sixteen election, The ukrainian prosecutors felt that the US was interfering in their sovereign affairs. The ability for them to convey their own criminal investigations on on their own soil, isn't it interesting how the left has made such a big deal out of Paul Manafort, which he's before he was ever involved with Donald Trump? I talked Paul. Manafort he's a guy who should be in jail. He should have been prosecuted before he even joined with Trump. He went to jail. Because of the same kind of stuff, in playing footsie with the Russians and taking money and not claiming it its entrance after
interesting to me that such a big deal was made out of manafort and yet not a word about this, and it's it's seemingly. In the same pool. Well, it may even go into a deeper pool and there are some growing silence. Let's take some things that we now know are in the public record, irrefutable things in the public records there was a recent court ruling in Ukrainian, which Ukrainian Court concluded that Naboo, the FBI of Ukraine knowingly and willfully tried to intervene in the twenty sixteen election to benefit Hillary Clinton. That's a court ruling! How they do that they leaked documents in the summer of twenty fifteen to american media like the New York laying out the evidence or alleged evidence against Paul Manafort of these. These monies coming from the party of regions in Ukraine and that led the Manafort being leaving the campaign and then the criminal investigation. What
extraordinary. Is that we in the interview I did just a couple of days ago with the ukrainian prosecutors say they were under pressure, they won't say specifically who, but they were under pressure from the United States to narrow the focus of what was leaked to the media, to just manafort Fort into leave out of the records gave. The medium similar pain, that were being made to democratic figures, including Greg Craig Obama's former White House counsel, he says that on the record for the first time, so you have a foreign countries things we leaked Manafort, but we protected the Democrats, including Greg Craig and also in the same interview, the prosecutor divulges for the first time that he has affidavits were sworn it's from two federal. Are you ukranian ukrainian law enforcement officials, saying yes we're trying to interfere in the election to the benefit of Hillary Clinton. So now we may have real proof that a foreign power did knowingly and willfully, intervene in the election, but not on behalf of Donald Trump. In behalf of Hillary Clinton,
can you have been around, like I said at the beginning decades, AP Washington post you, been around stories that have been earth shattering? Come this? What kind of story is this? What how big of a story is is not how big it will become, because we have no idea what the press will do with it, but how important of a story is is? Can you compare it to anything you've seen in the past, you know I don't want to get ahead of it overseas because there's still a lot more reporting, but let's just think about what we know at this very moment. These are facts that are irrefutable in the record, MRS Clinton and, democratic party. Had a person assigned to the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington to receive research on Donald Trump's ties to Russia? That is irrefutable? It's been confirmed the Ukrainians say they have a court ruling and in intercepts tape recordings showing their ukrainian law enforcement institution Naboo trying
intervene in the election on behalf of MRS Clinton, you have Nelly yours testimony to Congress saying that fusion GPS, when I worked there as the wife of a senior justice, official Bruce or working for the same firm is the first Dylan Glenn Simpson, one of primary sources of information on dirt on Donald Trump and Russia was a Ukrainian. She says that under girls in Congress. Those are three is that we now know now, let's take forward the fact that we now know error futile I Joe Biden's own words. He or little pressured the firing of a prosecutor who is looking at his sons, company That's those four things are more than anything that ever came out and was corroborated in the Russia collusion probe. When When we see that we have to at least say there are some very serious questions that have to cast of the Democrats of the ukrainian government. Tomorrow Beaver reporting that ukrainian authorities have tried multiple times in the last several months.
To come to Washington and delivered to the new attorney General Bill Barb evidence of what they believe. Kurt in the twenty sixteen election in occurred in Brea, smitten and Biden, but every time they permission. The US embassy has been in Kiev has been unwilling to give them a visa to come here. So that's going answer question, what is the hide? Why can't we let these Ukrainians come here and talk to our own justice department and share the information there? A lot, questions I want to get ahead of the skis yet, but I think there's enough in the record of evidence to demand more investigation and certainly more answers to questions hello. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. You bet, bye, bye from thehill dot com. That's that's amazing, intense! It's amazing! We have not heard more about yes. Well, you will, as of next week on Thursday, were doing a special on job. Where we will lay all this out, that you can share it with your friends. You don't want to miss it. Please join us at blaze, tv.
Com, Slash, Glenn, use the promo code Glenn and That's really important! We really need your support because being able to do connecting of the dots in the investigations. I put one million dollars of my own money on the table when we were at Fox doing that, plus all the fox money I'm putting the money down on the table now, but we need. We need your help, please Scribe blaze, tv dot, com, slash gland to it now and join us Thursday. Next, Thursday, alright relief factor relief. There is a way that I can paint it's a way that I can. I can write. In my own hand, I I don't. I just love writing and I can't do it very long anymore, because my hands hurt so much. In my hands just completely stopped working, which is lots of fun
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That's pretty intense, Really is I mean that's up that's that's going to. Maybe it's not a big story right now, but if Joe Biden gets close to the nomination, it'll be I'm a big story. Let's see here's the thing, it will become a big story for the right, but they will bury it on the left. There's a lot there though I mean alive. There's, there's confirmed stuff now Where direct you know, direct quotes and and paper trails of money, changing hands and everything else. There's it's not. Well, you know what I heard she peed on him in bed it right that stuff no and Joe Biden is a bit of a tough guy. He likes to show he's a tough guy. He likes to talk about how, views himself as a tough guy. He brags about
it's like that, every once in awhile like how tough he is and how we can talk people into stuff, and we remember we've been hearing months of criticism Trump's idea of pulling back funds to places like Honduras You know, Costa Rica, because of the immigration issue, you're not supposed to use foreign aid for those purposes to try to change people's minds and make them do things. Here's Biden bragging about it, and bragging about it at a time where this guy is actually investigating his sons company I mean that is way way way. Way more serious than I mean most of these allegations that were ever made against the president. This could count Joe Biden out the handy things won't it'll just Okay, it'll give us just a tool for the Democrats to fight among yes and it'll, be great to make fun of yada yada yada, but it's yeah. It's not gonna! Stop in
running no, and I think that this level, not now I mean it's only seven women I mean jeez. And maybe get to seven hundred. You know seventy seven, I believe was talked about at one point, but maybe I think with this one. This is a serious election. General election issue. If it gets that far and it's fascinating, fascinating to me how try it. Everybody is if Trump investigation was really truly about justice. They would be going after this just as hard, but it's not it's about politics and their silence on it makes me wonder. I mean the companion of the competing candidates. Why are they so silent? What What do you have in your closet? You connected sinning, take the back all right as gun owners. We all want safety and security for a family, but.
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in his own way you know he likes big gold, Gotti things he doesn't mind being seen with big Goldbach Gotti things and he's like yeah, like hot women married. If you look at a modern I mean so he's authentically him even in the things that are not real. Does that sense to you. Yeah. You know my woman started to look a little saggy, so we put some, you know, lift dinner presume as what speech. Impactful moment I mean, but that's an audit, your while you're while you're you know saying: hey plastic surgery. It is off Dickly him, I'm not saying that I'm just using that as an example right now, but the bottom line is he says what he what he thinks correct correct, and so that's what I thought was a rebound from Rock Obama
who Barack Obama was so slick and so perfect that it would would sound and you get somebody like that, yeah the buttoned up guy goes to. I mean I remember you initially talking about this there with it Chris Christie when he was coming in, like you can just see. If some guy was plain spoken and you know she it's kind of untucked he's got gravy on a shirt. Has buttons are kind of popping out. You see a little bit of his fat near like and he's like yeah I'm fat, and I god she just had lunch a gravy on my shirt. I'm sorry about that. Listen is Let's going on right and trucks like that guy, but he is that he is a different version of that different version of that guy right. Ok, so now I don't think we're at the pendulum yet The pendulum is now at four. Eight years, maybe will be at the pendulum where you're going to want somebody who is just really you know so spoken, a Ben Sasse type were Buddha, judge
The bridge thing is, is is happening now. I think, based on that a yeah, I watch to see an in town hall and he's getting this big spike, these you, the polls he's up to up to five percent, is not a huge factor yet, but he breaking out of that. When there's a you know, field. Sixteen right now we expect at least four or five more to be in this race in the next few weeks. So he's being is able to separate himself a little bit from the very lower tier he's, making some noise and- and that is the central his approach he he comes off completely as the anti trump he's young he's he he's very calm. He talks about the details of his policies he's a guy who's like I like chick fillet, so I go. We took flail of their sandwiches yeah. These are the center of the hunt kind of the game and would be the first gay president and again, if you think well. We shouldn't we just you know, like someone merit, no
you like someone who has the most intersectionality points and that's, I think the most I think, even more than a Kamala Harris who would be the first black woman who you know. President there's more intersectionality points for first gay president. I think at this point I think, if they be such a big deal to Democrats. Want that title they be able to say that they ran someone who who is openly gay, and you know He comes up very well. I mean he at least in his first appearance in the multiverse, because he's gay bulletproof bulletproof there be a lot of people that won't listen to anything other than you know what I want to make that stay. That yeah we're not homophobic. It was it's similar with Barack Obama. It really didn't matter how many times he said he wanted to bankrupt this industry that industry, the bottom line was. He was going to be the first black president and that gave him another votes to make it not even a cop.
Yes, I think, honestly, even if he was white, he probably be John Mccain relatively easily, but I mean it wasn't even a contest because it does there's enough people in the middle who didn't really have you don't fall these things that closely? Who just want to make that statement, and it's I it's a good statement right? I mean it's nice to think we don't care about those things: the United States of America, of course, immediately upon getting into office. He spent eight is telling us that's all we care about. I mean so. Is it completely back fired on the people who wanted to make a state right? A positive statement about race, so it'll be a Interesting to see the who did judge? Who is just he's a mayor Premier South bend in, I mean he's a mayor. I think actually works to his advantage, a soft spoken regular guy for who's a mayor in South Bend Indiana who, goes and- and he
Is the new president he's complete outsider? I think this guy is should be is worth watching because you look at. Elizabeth Warren she's done. First of all, she's absolutely done but there is no genuine, with Warren that you like, no she's, not a genuine communicator in anyway she's, not Hillary Clinton, but she's close very close if she's not she's, not as we surely Clinton, yeah they're, very similar in their delivery and their inability to seem authentic in anyway. Ok so now It let give you Cory Booker Cory, both is so fake, and so over the top that he just will not connect. Now, I'm not talking about policies within these people, just Are they real listen. Listen. Cory. Booker in a sit down conversation with
credits in the audience he all of a sudden gets up out of his chair, and he does this. This is America. We know our history. This is a target, stand up to she got to rise up because when we stand as Americans will be joined together and fight together and work together, no filibuster can stop us. We ushered in civil rights, women's rights, workers, rights and in this area. If we organize again we're gonna, bring a progressive agenda to this country and move it forward for everyone, no matter who's in the Senate n I mean that is, and that's the good side of Cory Booker Booker. I think it's better than his normal uh, oh yeah, his normal performance, so yeah, but that's just- does not strike you as authentic, and so you know what that is the kiss of that. You start exposing that that is the kiss of death.
That we saw with what's his face: Member Howard, Howard Dean yeah. That is the same kind of speech where it's not authentic. Sit out. You want it too much see exactly as you wanted too much of such a great way to put it with Booker 'cause. I'm in the Spartacus thing was the same as a different. It was a different tone tone, but it was the same thing. Yes just wants it so badly. I breaking the rules. I this is my spartacus moment. It's just so cheesy and you can just tell all he wants in life is to come up with like this perfect. Speech. That's going to win all Democrats to its side, so we can get this nomination when People can sense, you want it that badly, you usually don't get it and I think that's where you know- by was or is authentically Joe Biden, yeah. I think, there's some authentic candidates in this race for them. I think you know we talked about Buddha judge. We talked
biting is authentically Biden and he's similar in that way, you're talking about with Chris Christie, where he will come out in a blurred out things that don't make any sense and he'll things that in that arc sort of offensive and he's gonna, be apologizing a lot. Through this campaign I mean he's not Louis Farrakhan, no he's not yeah, but I mean I think. Bernie Sanders is authentic. You know due to so again, like here's another guy who, I think does not fit into that very basic politician: Mold. Where he's you know, look he's one hundred and forty seven years old. His hair is all over the place. He looks like a crazy professor. I mean it looks like he's. Got a flux capacitor inside somewhere inside of his house, he's created You fell in a toilet in one thousand nine hundred and fifty five I mean like that through this guy looks like, but he is. He is look, oh some things changed in. In nineteen sixty we had this handsome good? Looking well
ok and Camelot kind of wow, ok with Kennedy yeah that's what everybody's been shooting for who's. The next Kennedy who's the next Robert F Kennedy. Oh he's, so sexy always so beautiful! All! Oh look at him. He's got his shirt off blah blah blah blah blah and We have been looking for the Kennedy image for so long. We are now looking for the scuttle image. I mean when I think Bernie Sanders, I think of scuttle. Member the seagull from you know little made played Buddy Hackett. That's who I think I mean I've never seen scuttle an Bernie Sanders in the same room. I'm not saying that the same people, but that's we're going for now we are. We are a fish, delete finished, the okay, good looking kind of guy and I think, That is what bad is going for. Right he's go
for this JFK Rfk look, and I don't think he is- if you look that way, I think you have to be deeper. I think We have to have deep meaningful thoughts. You know Rfk the everybody who is a fan of JFK that I know of. All say, the same thing, but are was the real deal, yeah right, they like Rfk, but everybody likes Rfk 'cause. He he he actually earned it where JFK, Eight was just living on his looks and his daddy's money Rfk deserved it and earned it, and I think because we are looking for somebody so authentic. Now, think to win you're going to have to earn it, and not by memorizing rhymes like coworker, look look this theory, though, on on the the pendulum, real quick, so JFK, this perfect
guy he's. Just this, you know buttoned up everything else. He he skipped over Lyndon Johnson, because I mean he wasn't elected right. The next president, like is Richard Nixon right, like the total opposite right of city, but he was the guy who losta Kennedy too, and he was a guy that lost the Kennedy, so I mean even even more starkly indicates that, but he was like you know: think of him sweating and you think of him. Like then, there's like this so think of corruption right, like all of that would Watergate. Then you go to and forgetting forward. Not not not counting him. You go to Carter, then peanut farmer. Then you go from but it was complete incompetence, and then you go to a guy competence right. You have a real world competence there. Some people saw hit that the like family values and everything at that whole generation. I mean George, Billy. Bush largely wins because they were great, it was so successful. He couldn't lose, but then we go to the bill. Clinton guy he's the saxophone playing playing guy, but then he turns into the skin. Little guy, we need someone with Honor George W Bush.
W. Bush comes in and George W which comes in and yes, you know the left never likes him, but the Realty as the hard things that nobody really likes you I mean all the way to Tarpey wood frame that as I know this is. He said it I had to. I had to violate it to save it, the capitalist system. Right then, you have remember. The other thing about Bush was stumbling over speech. It's all the time constantly couldn't get through sentence is then you have the mister perfect buttoned up guy with Obama he comes in he that's all he does is he makes great speech is supposedly an he's, the buttoned up intellectual guy you've ever seen your in your life, exact opposite of the way Bush was portrayed and then Obama for eight years and again, if you believe the left, how on earth is Hillary Clinton lose? This is just a hand off because Brock. Obama's presidency was so successful instead
the pendulum swings the other way you have a guy who is swearing on stage. Who is you know we who doesn't always nail every single fact he's out there, but he Louise he gets the people pumped up. You know the people love him he's a huge rally to totally different again profile of a candidate and so again Barack Obama won twice right, so does it go back, in two thousand twenty four to a Democrat who has the exact opposite profile of truck or doesn't happen in twenty twenty? You I mean it's in a interesting thing, because we get sick of what we have and we go for something else yeah. I would say that it would. It would go to the twenty four However, you're just looking at based on you know the pendulum, the only thing you count on? Is that time has sped up now because everything is so intense. What used
Take four or eight years now can take two or four years, and so Just you just don't know, but one I do know is the candidate that runs against Trump will need to be as authentic as he is. And I know people think all he's a fraud. No, no. No. He he makes no bones about who he is, how he runs his business. What he does He does not care and That's what America was attracted to somebody was like shop, get the hell out of my office today with that's where they were looking for kind of hoping that it is so that it's Trump and then, when we're sick of that, we go to somebody like Ben Sasse, who is laid the groundwork for being that guy in twenty twenty four. Just I'm just
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He has no idea who he is he's a little like a yeah. Yes, there almost but they're just I'll do? What do you want me to say I'll? Go! Do that and people are worried about getting too close to the hands of Joe Biden. Don't get near the hands of bed off man? Those things play around you can get knocked on your asses, all fun and games until somebody puts an eye out,
Transcript generated on 2019-11-09.