« The Glenn Beck Program

'Living In a Algorithm Ghetto' - 4/18/18

2018-04-18 | 🔗
Hour 1  When your life belongs to the state...Save Baby Alfie Evans...UK court sets date for toddler's life support to end…Pope Francis is willing to help, but he’s not allowed to? ...Author Edwin Black joins Glenn in studio to discuss his new book 'The War Against the Weak'...more than one lens of eugenics to look through?....undesirables vs. those intending to craft a superhuman race...it won't be about our skin color; it will be about our corporate worth?...the algorithm ghetto?...the rewriting of history is under way...China moves to rate its citizens by 2020   Hour 2  R.I.P. Barbara Bush...wife of 41st president and mother of 43rd dies at 92 ...Ryan Mauro, associate producer of the documentary film 'Faithkeepers' joins the show...FaithkeepersMovie.com...about bearing witness, about keeping faith despite the harrowing tyranny of evil endured by the Christians throughout the Middle East and North Africa...'Faithkeepers' Premieres Tonight at 6pm EST…watch on demand at TheBlaze.com/TV ...Meet the world’s first robot mayor? ...Man claims painkillers turned him gay? ...Being remembered as the fat president? ...Mother gets lectured for allowing her child to eat a PB&J in public?...The war on peanut butter?...more kids are allergic to seafood, yet peanut butter ‘is a flashpoint’; why?    Hour 3  Sen. Rand Paul joins the show to discuss his new budget proposal...cutting problems across the board?...here’s how he would fix the lobbying problem…Rand's take on why so many people are leaving the Republican Congress?...'battle for the heart and soul of the country'...the dumbest dictator on the planet?...Rand's reservations about President Trump's new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo? ...Blown engine and sucked out: Hear the extremely calm pilot land a Southwest plane to safety ...Conspiracy theory alert…Jason Buttrill has the details on Syria...was there really a chemical weapons attack in Syria?... was it just a 'ruse'? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand courage, Sri Lanka back, be mechanical, plank and the Whir of machinery hammer the air pulsate Like an enormous clock, only this clause is counting down not forward the mechanism of the beat of the heart monitor fills cramped hospital room, nice little room. A little miniaturized bed with rails and buttons and knobs so founded by flowers, some fresh others, dry and wilted long past, due in the bed. Arresting two year old, sleeping in best of wires, thorny and prodded. His
and barely fits around and index finger. When you rest your hand around his little fist, his eyes open, but a tired look. His eyes open wide he's sitting Next to a smiling pale blue Teddy Bear tiny and peaceful and quiet his grey Mickey Mouse sweater. His name or what is known as in England, is baby Alfie. Baby Alfie is dying, but not really, he's withering Annie look closer. You will see that the bed Occasionally, stained with urine that the nurses haven't changed a dime size, splotch of mole lines, the tubing that helps Elsie, breathe. Now twenty three and a half months old
He has been at the altar: Hey Children's hospital in Liverpool. December of twenty sixteen at them, Part of the struggle is yet Another terse brutal upset. Question who Your child belong to date. Does your child belong to you or to the state? Do many of us. Have the right to her child. This story is about a lot of things. This Entity of life, the importance of proper healthcare the downfall, of a socialist in health care system, the the preciousness of life, but what matters most Perhaps is parental rights? I take them back. What matters most is the life this child, let's
this baby out of a hospital that has callously signed his death certificate while he still fighting for his life now Alpheus pair and Tom Evans, twenty one and Kay James she's, twenty have tried everything: doctors, Said their son is unresponsive other than that they don't have a diagnosis made. He had a rare brain disease, but they dont know What we do know is that doctors and healthcare officials in England have ordered that baby Alfie is too who have his life support, removed, Tom and key and tried everything under the law regional court. The court of Appeals, the Supreme Court in every time just like, before the judges have ruled in favour of the doctors and their health care officials. They know best in favour. The state against the parents
And there seems to be a fuming hopelessness to Tom's eyes any time he leaves the court room in his White Alfie equal, life t shirt at times she's angry that the spirit, anger of injustice, thee, Her disbelief. But twenty one year old Father who cannot now oh even touch his son. If he did he'll be thrown into jail for assault, but I've seen the pic Hours of his child, I have seen the pictures that aren't being published over in good Britain of the mould inside the breathing tube, is worth Russia long so hurriedly is so hurriedly and so thick with accent that many sources even in England, include subtitles.
The National Health Service in Britain is clogged. Failing health care system and it has no space or time for clinic critically ill children. Even if hospitals. Maltreatment has largely contributed to the child's conditions they move on Alfie. Struggle is reminiscent of the case of Charlie Guard in eleven months old, with a rare genetic disorder whose parents fought to keep him alive only to have the and h ass transfer him to hospice, where, despite his parents, please to try different methods to try anything at all to let him come home. He died and there are many more cases and it should terrifying, the an age ass can't make room for possibilities and people England or noticing it outside Hospital were Alpheus fighting for his life. A band of protesters are passionate at times to a fault, Tom and caitive
publicly apologised for the disruption of the protesters. If this ever seen. Anyone on life support all awful, and you know it. Baby in its deafening all of them medical equipment looms massively over this babies little body, but although awful. Machines are helping him fight for life their buying him time, so the doctors can figure out. What's going on. Are we also opposed to fight until we're exhausted to keep the flame of life alive?. It's far beyond the hippocratic oath, far beyond duty else. Parents have tried everything they ve hospitals offer to intervene only to have the image step in and say it's time to say your goodbyes, the Pope, once again has offered to fly the baby to ITALY. To take to take that
I into treatment under the catholic church in a hospital in Rome there is an ambulance on call outside of the hospital and a private jet waiting to take him to the Pope, the Pope tweeted I am praying for Alpine is for his family and for all those involved, but the bridge governments, as they know better and You control the child and their parents. Scan only not take the child, but can't even hold their own son. Now they and save his life, because, life doesn't belong to them. I was always taught them lives belong to God, but in vain and we're being taught that your life belongs to the state. It's Wednesday April eighteen
you're, listening to the Glen Back Programme, he's the author of several really important books, including IBM in the Holocaust and war against the weak. His name is Edwin Black and he joined us in studio, go to sea again Edwin area good morning. It's good to see you glad, so you know I've been thinking a lot about you, and indeed I really am Orton work that you have done on the whole accosting in particular the war against the weak, especially now that we are starting to see, I think the same. Kind of things start up again with a sigh kinds of excuses that we saw in Germany now that we're talking about getting rid of of all down syndrome, not because we found a way to genetically supply certificate, but just through abortion is through killing them. We're devaluing life again I wanted
Have you on the programme and see? If you have said these parallels and it concerns you at all, That's concern me and your remarks are quite moving and poignant and we should all be deeply concerned, as we have about this case as its played out on the world stage. I think that your remarks were most interesting. When does life, fee becoming under his own domain or families domain and become public, a pretty a matter of public health, this the concept of public health. As we know, it first began in Venice during the black plague, when ships were required to stay out to sea forty days, a quarter journal, which up came up with the concept of quarantine. That was the moment when medicine
ceased to serve the individual and started to be diverted to the public welfare, but who is controlling the public welfare and who makes them Those decisions when I wrote war against a week, which was over a decade ago, I warned that the that the racial dogma and national flags would be replaced with core. Worth and one the precipice of this right now I call did new and unfair. Only the tsunami is coming closer to us and faster to us than I her thought possible. We are just a few days ago I was in the Michigan Capital Rotunda of observing Holocaust. Dane I introduced a concept called the algorithm ghetto just
as there was a move to create anti genetic discrimination legislation in England and in in the United States. We are now threatened by potentiality that individuals could be cut off in a cashless society with. The press of a button. It will no longer be necessary for girls to send a mind into the newsroom to watch the type that's going out or put a special commissar in the radio booth. All all that can be done with zombie accounts were youth, your shouting from the rooftops. On his hearing you- and so it brings up the issue if a tree falls. The forest and no one hears it, did the tree fall or, other way of saying it is if glum back cause of the world out on Baby Alpha, or I talk about the death of fiction,
Jews and no one hears it. What is happening, to our society? And so there for the big movers, in this process, now are not the health systems, but it's actually Google, its facebook, it's Twitter, because we will no longer be informed, it will be if possible, for Facebook and Twitter to say that this is a distressing topic, and they have been doing that so now. Here's something really interesting wherein it take a break in, they will come back and talk more about this. That, what's really interesting, is that sounds to most people not to me, but to most people like It would never happen. You're a guy who took on IBM for a guy who wrote IBM in the Holocaust, and I remember when that book came out, and I remember I went to the bookstore I bought it and it seemed real
buttoned up, but boy, oh boy, IBM and everybody else came after you and said: that's absolutely untrue. That did not happened, etc, etc. And yet here this joint corporation, that in the end had to admit that you are right that it did happen, Now your warning about the same kinds of collusion If you will in a different way The people will say not pass. But not gonna happen and those same corporations we but your biggest enemy, we're going back in, and I want to talk to Edwin Black WAR against the week, will it will talk to him a little bit about the value of the individual, also The parallels in history and what we can learn and
what we should be paying attention to when we come back in the day, but our sponsor we want. We want to thank them for making this half hour possible and that is real estate age, I trust dot com if you're looking to buy I or sell your home now is time to do it between April fifteen thin. I think it's August fifteenth if you're selling a home, that's when you want to sell it. That's when everybody's looking and you can go through a whole bunch of real estate agents. If you're trying to sell your home or if you're, trying to buy a home. It's equally this difficult, who do I hire, we have four thousand agents, Oliver America, who are just like you, their fans of the programme. They share your sensibilities, their word, is there bond and their fully vetted and hand picked for there now
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Glenn back, you understand the possibilities of the future. All you have to do is look to the past, Edwin Black is an amazing researcher, historian and author. His book is war against the weak. It came out at an about a decade ago and I've I've. We have a good relationship, talked him several times, he's a very, very brave man, and we wanted to talk to him. I just gave you the story about Alfie Evans. This is a two year old in a hospital in England. This is not When does the child, in England, but it is Another Charlie Guard story- and this one is it's it's a whore fighting story really truly horrifying. When it's a child when it the child and when is it or child and when does it become the states child? These are the questions that we talk.
Out when we said you know. Universal healthcare leads to death panels. Your now seeing that in in England and Unfortunately, you're seeing it now in HOLLAND and Iceland, where, if test results, come back where you are carrying a child with down syndrome, they want to make mandatory abortion. We ve seen something out of the the dutch government where they are they are now starting to way a person's life based on how much they can make an end when this is all stuff we before yes, this is exactly what I was war warning about and which Most unhappy here is coming true, the it it will no longer be, as I said, about your skin color, but your corporate worth, and if we You just said is true: Then we are closer to this precipice than I ever thought where someone will evaluate egg in modern terms,
Hitler said, which is a life not worthy of life or a life not worthy of live of of living. We actually doing doing that in many ways in a path of way. Now, by creating economic structures and economic bars to the to the actual continuation, life right and I think that the single most threatening manifest of this, but it's called the vanguard of this, the Tipp of the Spirit of the Cashless society, which will could possible for you to even he denied a bread because ear you you you'll, be cut off with a keystroke. While there are already doing this in China's do. What was that story? We got from China that by twenty twenty you are on a social media algorithm every citizen, of China will be on us. Social media algorithm and based on
What you doing, if the state says its positive or negative, is, is what we'll get you into the right stores, allow you to by certain things. If your purse Eaved as a negative. You are a non person and they are implementing that bite honey twenty it will be in full for- and that is exactly what I was, what I've complained about. In Michigan last week and am Syndic hitting a story on this right now, where I've introduced a concept called the algorithm, get up yes, it is exactly what you just said. You do not Amazon. Does this with its vendors with its we with authors, I hid it with the Ets pliers with its workers everybody's on a metric, everybody gets evaluated. This idea, that is no longer good enough to do the best you can humanly do and for failure, aspirations. The wish, though,
but the way you wish, but have some overlord decide that you must conform with certain metric in that metric becomes high higher and with the port of and thinner, so here's what frightening the the the Germans used to say how many potatoes can a man earner. May your grow. You know, let's let let's look at what he's worth it. Eating more than he is producing, and if you're we have here eating more than your producing you're, a waste of society's resources in Europe. IBM in the Holocaust, what was still so terrifying, yours is if there were just been five years ahead pinto if If the computer systems of IBM would have just been five years better and we would, they would have enabled the implemented even stronger. There wouldn't be a Jew lie alive in in Europe today,
now with the technology that we have in Europe. Art person, you're done Remember, IBM. Did this research too? point in in Poland Had the Hollerin group during World war, two and they were measuring. How many calories per day was necessary to starve the entire post ghetto to death back in just a minute, Glenn back. Mercury Is the Glen Back Programme, father of the international best seller, IBM and the Holocaust, and war against the weak, Edwin Black,
is here. We are talking about the the meaning of of life for the worth of life. When you know when are you property of the state and and and where are we headed now? What what's amazing Edmund me? as you know, in reading all of your research, you would think that the eugenics programme here in the United States, because how many states were sterilizing people at the A height of all. Of this give me the gimme, the twenty seven states, but other states head non sterilization means
of eliminating people such as incarceration in what we can call pseudo medical concentration camps like Senator Terrance, and there was marriage, voiding, marriage, pro marriage, prohibition, coursed even some country, even some states dead, did not forcibly sterilize engaged in what you have referred to with Alfie, which is the case denial of of of life, support the institution and Lincoln Canal Illinois that the feds kids tuberculata milk to see how many would does survive
How many would not the denial on the on the the surgical table of debt? The baby bowling that day came up with the concept of the black stork better to see your baby not live the horrifying with and which, of course, you're very aware of when I was growing up in Chicago the medical. The consensus of medical. Wisdom for Spina Bifida, was to allow the baby to die within the first twenty. Four to forty eight hours by denial of nutrition, and today we see Spina, Bifida ski teens, so this is in my lifetime and yours. So so, but here's, the amazing thing, when you look at it this
so widespread, yet at its height the american eugenics. So piety had very low membership. It seems like they were: there were not a lot of people that were driving. This is that true, yes, An interesting observation is not that there was a groundswell right. In fact it was the opposite of ground swell because so long there was the concept of forced surgical sterile and even euthanasia, because the first gas chambers were the attempt to legislate them in united States came in Ohio in in nineteen o six, but the immigrant population net. In here and, of course, or the ordinary Americans didn't want their elected officials sterilizing murdering them through this pseudo science, and so those things were not legislated, then until of course brought forth
about the Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell homes in nineteen dorani, seven said it is. The better for all the world debt, three generations of imbeciles, B, B, sterilised and see them executed for their crimes What is the I didn't know about the gas chambers here in the United States, wouldn't tell me that well, here. The decades before Hitler employed. The gas chamber of course hid. The Hitler was Eu Genesis who studied american eugenic works in german translation translated, but a Nazi party in prison and even wrote about american eugenics in mind, carve gas chain were always considered to be the best solution for are eugenic problem, and I think of a chapter in that you're. Looking at right now who war against a week it some called the lethal chamber or you'd or you genocide, and so there was
always an effort to bring out a gas chamber in United States. Of course, they finally did so, and nineteen twenty eight in Nevada with the first capital punishment a crime. But the original idea was depute that, though, that doktor doctor would write up a prescription out for a gassing and there be public guessing. Some people would be marched in and brought out ed and, as I say, the first legislation was entered into Ohio in nineteen o six and none of it ever came to the fore. In fact, when the Carnegie Institution Rockefeller Foundation, first propelled do your genetics movement to international and a pseudo scientific heights. Euthanasia was There are twelve preferred methods of olive limiting. We must understand that eugenics wasn't
effort to eliminate ninety percent of the people in the United States? Ten percent at a time to first identify what they deem to be the bottom tenth and eliminate those and then slice off a tenth, a tenth, a tenth until there was no one left except those who resembled themselves, and that was bland. It was blue. Eyed with North Nordic, are you concerned at all that we're doing many of the same things? Just in a more sterilised. Fashion. Now now you can pick, you know the hair color, the eye color boot You are now. If you have twins you can pick if it's going to be a boy, the aura girl- and you can, you know, abort the the when, if you only wanted one child, we are talking about gene splicing, I mean we're doing all the things or on the precipice of doing all the things that minnow,
one from Margaret Sanger to Adolf Hitler wanted to do Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate two slash three of a society to save humanity. She called these people. Human weeds are Adolf. Hitler also wanted to save the world Bayou by once again eliminating any that did not conform to his concept of of a master race. What we, doing now is were putting corporate logos on this. This is even being done. Will not big will not be known to us suddenly we're doing a with a much now European Camp Pain, we're doing it economically Edward. Bring it digitally and there will come a point soon when we is even being done. Will not big will not be onto us because of this digital get older, electronic ghetto in this algorithm
get all that is in fact emerging upon us right now. Just last Christmas, Amazon decreed that all books, all historical books, a Nazi Germany, could not feature swastika on them. Outside the United States, and so my book Nazi nexus and many many many other books had to be Reed designed to take the swastika away. Poland has now let enforcing legislation to obscure and hide and rewrite the history of the polish nation, in which many many Jews of polish citizens were killed by them. Neighbours and there was huge collaboration. We know that Poland was occupied, but I assure you, We know this because of ordinary men. We knows because
ordinary men, and we know that when hundreds of thousands of Jews were incrementally marched to the edge of town shot in a pit in public in a more or less public ceremony, we that. The very next day in the schoolyard and the main square, all their property was systematically auctioned. All their possessions were taken over all their houses became owned by the villagers inside and the same thing. See happening in Lithuania, and we are going to see the rewriting of history now soon as it make the idea of A non digital library of critical importance, even the digital library I and answer, and so do you and I happen to know what that your library has some excellent. So
some of them are quite unique, is actually in the eugenics realm. I've seen some of your books. I don't think it's a matter of having a digital or non digital library. I think it's a matter of taking that controls away so that somebody in Silicon Valley can decide whether in individual will be heard or not hurt. My book IBM into Holocaust came out in a czech version. It's coming out informal, more languages. This year it came on the czech language version a couple of months ago and somebody, weeded out a just. A picture of of love of of of the book was just a book cover in their hand, and there was a warning bar that this is a difficult subject and you'll have to click here for access to it, our history is not only being erased, its being re fabricated
its being remoulded its being reborn for our eyes and we're thing it in preventing and reducing it on MOSS, and these factors are coming together right before somebody follow. You well I have a website Edwin blacked outcome and I have a twitter account which I think is at when black book of what my daughter runs by Lady a year, and I saw I'm out there but dumb. I don't do much ants on Facebook, I known express myself, but That stuff is announced. Yet I will tell you that I am a big fan of yours. I think you're, a very you're, a very careful studious well thought out well researched man and a hero. I think you have you have stood against giants to try to tell the truth is store,
truth and have always come up with the evidence and never smear. Just tell the truth, with the hard facts to back it up and and your rare and in today's age, and I thank you, thank you back in just a minute. If you have not read any of his work, you need to IBM and Holocaust. The Nazi nexus we have been discussing war against the week, which is shocking with its american connections, are Let me tell you what our sponsor this half hour. It is my Patriot supply FEMA is broken and this doesn't come for me. This comes from the head of FEMA, they say Hurricane wildfire seasons are ahead and if if we have you no flooding from a hurricane or wildfires or whatever there I'm going to be able to come and give you the support that you need well that when the Venice shock to
my family or my grandparents or anybody else. But it's a shock now what you mean the government can help. We have to pair to take care of ourselves- and this is the weak to stop us stock up on emergency food. This week the Glen Back special offer from my patriot supply by one too weak. Emergency food get and get the second one free it's by one, get one free birches. Why two week emergency food supply get my patient, supply, is going to send you the second one free How can one free eight hundred two hundred seventy one, sixty three eight hundred- breakfast lunch and dinner for two weeks for one person they last up to twenty five years and storage their packaged right. They're very small that very light there easy to grab and go to work, emergency food you buy one gig the second one free aid read two hundred seventy one sixty three eight hundred too
grid. Seventy one sixty three or just go to the website, prepare wig, Glenn dot com, Glenn Bank Mercury. Glenn back, so disturbing to no the news. and to think it means something and the end to talk to an expert in us any given field, and they dont, know that news when we told Edwin about what's happening in China in oh he's, calling it the the algorithm ghetto too, where people we'll be controlled by an algorithm, and you will be you
Will have access to money or two items or to whatever be, Based on what you are doing on line he told him- oh yeah, that's being lamented now in China, President G and announced its that it will be in full force bite honey twenty in China, He went a little white. The little disturbing now I mean to see that such a real thing, and that's I guess what the point of this we can sit here in any go back and forth about the daily. You know musings of every pulse, we'll figure and all the news and will do that. Obviously it's important at some level but like this is a much bigger fit. I mean these are he's Edwin then work that has she history barrier between, I should say China's history changed the tarling Hungary, real history, to that people
we're trying to hide or forgotten really important in many. I was looking at this today. If you look at the think of everything, that's happened over the past year with Donald Trump all of the back and forth all the stories in the people of obsessed about as if they were the boy. Stories. In the universe, in the last year, Donald Trump, bridge approval rating from all the Poles has raised. Between thirty six and forty two. It's been remarkably consistent in that range None of that none of the south of breaking news alerts on CNN. Has moved that thing out of a six point range which you might notice. Is the margin of error point in the direction of almost all of those balls. It's all of this raising on television all, though the breathless reporting, all of oh wards, they ve given themselves, have a cup. Exactly nothing and
all of this obsession and in every one getting fired up in the daily outrage of the day, has now moved that at all and that one measure of it, but it just shows that bigger things. Things with things around consequence. There is real weight. Are the war where we should be focusing on our attention we are. We are we are missing the big picture by looking and and navel gazing, and staring at a tree trunk were missing the entire forest and it's the forest that matters because its yes to moving forward? You know can say whatever we want about. You know Facebook their algorithms but they're moving forward. You know We can have a outraged by Zuckerberg again and Facebook, and you know, although but nothing's, changing nothing's changing. It's moving forward and that
where we really need to focus our attention on the big picture of what is happening and one thing that is happening, is the erasing of a whole christian society. We go their nest back mercury. Courage shrink. Back last night there were cheer is in Heaven. As Barber Bush was called home. She was ninety. Two years old, we ve lost an icon. Is a matriarch of the most successful american political dynasty in modern history. She as the helm of the entire Bush family. She was a good woman.
Her maid name was Pierce Barbara Pierce. He was born in Manhattan and nineteen twenty five. She was sixteen when she met George W Bush. Sixteen years old, George, she'll, be Bush was her first kiss and her only kiss. Began their adventure together in nineteen forty five. They they married well, George, was on leave during World war too. He was a pilot. Pass January. Barber and George celebrated their seventy third wedding anniversary, makes them the longest married couple in: U S presidential history, I know both of them. They are remarkable people, I dont think H. W would have thought that he would be the one that would go. Second,
he was a titan after the war, the bushes moved around a lot twenty nine times to be exact. They eventually settled in Texas and it was there. The first tragedy tested Their love for one another in their family, their daughter Robin died of leukemia nineteen. Fifty three. She was three years old: rubber hush said quote. I was combing her hair and holding her hand, and I saw her little body and I saw the Spirit leave, but Barber and George persevered their love. Their relationship grew stronger and in the end they pay. Late boasted six children, fourteen grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, they beam to have been successful in everything that they did first in Texas in business that in politics, Barbara, would come the second lady from nineteen eighty one to nineteen, eighty, nine, the first lady from eighty nine, ninety three and then the mother of the President.
Two thousand one to two thousand nine for many. Duration exercise, Barbara, Bush was the first first lady. They remember her look was iconic everyone remembers or white hair in her pearls rubber, said, her hair was never color. Do door, intense love of the outdoors and swimming. I love the fact that she never hid her age. She was, outside enjoying nature. She she told her granddaughter Jenna. She said you know, honey, the pearls, I wear them to cover up wrinkles Unfortunately, they no longer do because he can we're pearls all over your face. Barbarous crusade over the years has spin universal literacy. She founded the bar.
Bush Foundation for family literacy literacy. She holds honorary degrees from five different universities. I've never seen that woman ever do anything out of character. She was always a lady. In the end, I am sure she saw her family is her greatest achievement, To quote barber one more time: I've been the luckiest woman in the world, truthfully and I know it. It's Wednesday April eighteenth, your listening The back programme have story with you today. Programme continues About the last time I saw murmur Bush just
George Bush, forty one we were walking together, it is homing, Kenny, Bunt, port and and Barbara Bush is Lee. Out of her little golf cart said good morning, boys and as President Bush shared with me, a story of something that had just happened to and the EU. Then president, forty three, and it tells you everything you need to know about Barber Bush them I'll show them later on and the programming on the programme also tonight on the blaze. Six p m Eastern. We the premier of something called faith keepers. It's gonna air live at six p m and after the after the first initial run, then it will be available on demand at the blaze, dot com, This is a really important movie. Now. She's, coming
the clarion project. Now the Clarion project, you may not remember: no, do you remember when Was it CNN? I did something called exposed the extremist agenda and it was on the headline NEWS: it beat O Reilly and everything else at night we were number one. If I don't, if I remember correctly, and it big deal, but it was also one of the hardest chose I've ever had to produce because CNN fought on every word. They wanted to make sure that every word was exactly right because they just didn't believe any of this stuff and as it turned out, Every word we had written in the original script went to air because it is true and we had the backup to prove it, and one of the big sources that we had was the Clarion project aid. Source or or inspiration they did,
ELM called obsession and, if you're a long time listener of this programme be twelve years now. I said at the time one of the most important films of our time eat it still is an we should still have it in your library. Now, there's a follow up: it's very different in nature. This one is called faith keepers and it is showing now, in document we face. The extermination of Christians in the Middle EAST, specifically Iraq and Syria, but it spreads further than that and I had so important. Ryan Mauro is with us, he's the associate producer of faith keepers an extraordinarily difficult film to put together an end right: we're thrilled to have it on the blaze tonight.
Job well done, and what for having us in the tank you for what you ve done to promote obsession in the past are, but it's really made such an improvement in our countries. Dialogue, I think, about the type of issues involving radical Islam and we hope that do the same thing now underway The church as the what's happening, with the genocide against Christians all around the world and made them realise that we also don't have to consider this to be inevitable, that we can stop it, and I Aren't you even reverse it? I'll tell you Ryan. I was really impressed that you had a rabbi air on pay attention to the key to the Christians and the Christians to pay attention to the persecution of Christians. To my office. Two years ago and said most remarkable thing to me ever he said: would you please talking about the persecution of Jews that is going on in this was right. After some new and Jews were killed in Paris or someplace, and I said Excuse me rabbi, and he said they're coming for you. First
and he said I ve got to get our community to pay attention to the key to the Christian and the Christians to pay attention to the persecution of Christians, and he said Mr play an important role. He cities he's interviewed in this documentary, sir, old times tell me Europe. Your experience with him sure well in terms of the film what is important about that was to show that history is repeating itself. Even if the victim a little bit different but they're all in the same boat and beating the same type of genocidal enemy, no matter what type of name It had to themselves what type of ideology and a Clarion project one of the does the most powerful things about organization is that we include Orthodoxy because we have ideas, we have Christian like myself and we have mobile like Tunisia. Dollar board, and so we we'll see how, the commonality that we all have in facing this type of hatred and were all concerned about it happening
Am I of us, I but are we share that person faith, and so we have That's why we have you, the Muslims, all shouting from the rooftops thing. We ve got to stop the genocide of Christians and I've got to go in many ways it increasing in ways be on just the typical blowing up christian killing them videotaping, because not all enemies of ours. Video! the broadcaster brought oh yeah, who you went over to the Middle EAST and I would imagine had exactly the same feeling that I did, because I can feel it in the way you put this film together. While this is it really dark subject, there is This is one of the more hopeful films I have seen. I honestly, first time I saw this. I thought to myself I am going home and I am sitting my children down and all of us are watching this. My older children, my younger children, were all watching this, because this is:
what faith, and this is what it means to be a Christian and they have no examples of that in their life. I think here in Amerika, I think persecution does something for people faith and their relationship with God. That is hard for anyone to describe, including myself, because I added paper type of persecution, of only talk to people and seen of it. So when I was in Iraq in the destroyed christian areas very shortly after ices was wrong, from the area and increases in the area to rely upon IRAN back militias for your safety that type of division up there in the home but they had was just really humbly because in my world in Amerika. I dont know by monster that, indeed there looking around it destroyed churches and they point to a painting of Jesus which would have been one of the first things, ices wouldn't bet according to their ideology, but why to destroy
We found that, on the very purpose of the church, the ices burned and as a training ground, the kill, more Christians, and so they were able to see, these things are signs from God if they continue on, you're going to rebuild that church and you're going to have a bigger congregation. Then you had before, but also really humbled discouraged. I would say by the questioner how can we help you and imprisoned I would say this is a problem in the gaily where do you like the church, no one's, there's a genocide going all buddy, don't talk about it, they don't pray about it or they dont study it. They don't see the gravity of it and the church. The infrastructure to put an end to this relatively easily and to reverse it you're, a comfortable sending money. Then you can send your construction workers are concerned, the materials you can help us rebuild the economy, learn the local languages, there's a mill everything that we can do if the urges brain matches its heart and they are putting idea
sport than as a is really designed to do to be something that all churches in the even entities divides charges: only brain form a day. Inter financial support. How can we get this going? So we really are overload. The true poor thing for your listeners, which is the firs obsession, were giving way five thousand free copies today, including shipping. If you go to Clarion a project or for the first time, a thousand, and we about that, you showed the people try to have an event that Europe during your political glow college whatever and were also offering fifty rolling Ninety nine for the day, did he go to Clarion Project, DOT, org and we're just I've you don't you know watch it just for your own education, thereby become part of this movement. I will tell you: right. That's I was over in the Middle EAST when I said what can we do to help. They said make the world see us,
and that is that is truly the biggest problem here there is. There is There is no one in the media that is incentivize to show you. This visit this is politically incorrect and it's hard to look at. You ve made this this this movie. That is really easy to watch it. Have you know the darkest parts of you know the kitten things at everything else, but its told, such a hopeful and bright way that it's easy to look at. I'm I'm asking every single person within the sound of my voice. You her ablaze subscriber watch it tonight at six o clock or right after it airs it will go into on demand but watch it. If you have a membership great, if you don't you, Sign up and watch it if you want to actually be engaged, I
skew now to go to Clarion Project: DOT, Org Clarion Project, DOT, org and get this movie five. Ninety nine! That's I think, like ten bucks off it's fun, if ninety nine all were asking is that you have a group of neighbours of friends or your church, and you get people too other and you watch this movie, if you you also want for free. You can get obsession which is, oh clarifying on what is actually happening in the Middle EAST, who Our enemy actually is its very politically incorrect, and it has fully that you will never see on me. Stream television ever body Is so critically important, you can get it for free right now. No, brings attached also you can get The faith keepers which is
what's happening right now to our christian community in the Middle EAST, and you can get that five. Ninety nine. We ask string. Here is that you show it to people and you wake people up in the churches. If the ouch remains asleep. We could lose. Whose Christianity in the Middle EAST and Another whole cost is already had begun and it will continue down until the world wakes from their slumber Ryan. Thank you So much for this movie really very powerful You know I was. I was amazed at the children that told the stories of of what they ve gone through and how I can't say well adjusted. Their work, as I know, there's lots of pain still there, but how it's just
part of their life doesn't make sense right. There We have to find enjoyment in the little things, because that's all that they have- and it really means what did your own life and they in turn. Spiritual awakening reads: they look at the things on complaining about. Yes, my life, boil them I, yes even my own relationship with God, my own spirituality. I mean how we get that when I look over what they are going through and what their willing to sacrifice, what what did that goes on over there. That gives this relationship that is stronger than my own there's something very special they're. Not I've also got a part of the reason for this increase persecution. That's going on, I genuinely believe, is because underground level regimes. He is spreading in places like IRAN, probably also no that's the silver lining here that the real a lot of hope.
Ryan Morrow from the Clarion project. The name of the movie is faithkeepers. It premieres tonight on the blaze at six p, dot m. You don't want to miss his. Please gather your family and watch this and it's available on demand right after the first airing. Then go to the Clarion project: DOT Org get the movie get obsession for free movie, they started at all and now faith keepers for five. Ninety nine, with the understanding that, with faith keepers, you will share it with some one else. First, five thousand people be one of those people right now, Let me tell you about our response to the set our thrilled have filter by you. If you are, if you are doing what's do just did and sneezing
blazer, worse place. I turned my bike. Often everyone is now. Is there a worse place in Amerika for allergies in Texas? It's really rough! Yet, that's why you have to change her filters. I am usually too lazy to do it yet, but here I mean you have to do it yeah. I don't change of filters. Would never that would even crossed my mind, not lessened That's why filter by his great eat is there to do in order to think about. Is you get this box you like only what the hell Was this it's an air filter. Ah, I was in her time again is that tie where's Oh good anyway, filter pie, you don't put it in for you, but they do everything else there are, work, leading provider of age back filters for homes and small businesses, because they make and really easy to improve the quality of the air that you breathe in Texas, men, pull those filters out in there. Just black and green yeah
with all kinds of nasty stuff in it. It will save II a ton of money because it reduces wear and tear on your age back systematic helps beer allergies. All of the filters made here in Amerika ship for free within twenty four hours. You can even set up auto delivery and save five percent go to fill. Or be you why dotcom that's filter by dot com? Glenn Bank, Mercury, I'm back. I got good news. Our first robot is running for mayor he's running for a position of mayor in Tokyo and is promising to be fair and balanced, Hey he said there. You know yet Artificial Intelligence and ease the first artificial intelligence candidate. And he's
Then it's going to be you'll, be the world's first in fairness and balance, so we is tat. We know a robot bring us justice and I think that's a great idea, I think we ought to make the whole thing again. I'm the I've been pro matrix for a long time. The idea that you can kind of just lay down in a bath of good. No, I
mine are brave. I am for the matrix, but the world has to be better than what the matrix while remember, they tried that if, if your member in the documentary the matrix, if you don't know the document was hung about, they try to make the world perfect, but the humans resisted it, so they had to make war ravaged. We not rather like it, try it again, it just communism, the first time it did try. I try it again by this right until it won't trying with good things, just make my life Blissful Abbe, I'm I'm there, I'm I'm in the planning the go, I'm in the pond mercury, This is the glad less programme. Stew holder, you thirty plus twelve you're, not
forty to forty two holy cow. So what's your first memory or whose first, firstly, that you really remember. Was it Nancy or was it Barbara Nancy Reagan answering yeah yeah I mean, I remember the you know, say just say: no staff and I dont remember alot of politics necessarily associated with all that. But but I do remember her, she was a great lady. I I really liked her, but Barbara Bush think is is one of the greatest one one of the greatest first, ladies ve never had I mean she was all class, the Bush family they never dishonoured thee. The presidency I at least in my opinion they they always treated the presidency as something that was not theirs, but they were stewards of an embargo. Bush was truly remarkable,
I have to tell a story that term that happened to me. It was the one year anniversary of nine eleven sources, two thousand two September eleven two thousand to, and you were there or to ensure, come out, but you can about port. Yes, yes, I did Eartha cost almost one of the most torturers, sir professional moments of my life at the we went up there with no notice to do an interview with George W Bush to their house. In can, above all, one of which I had to produce the thing with equipment. I'd never used or seen before you as well to learn at all overnight Alcott and we had to drive up. We took the train someplace where we had to drive out of autism to Boston, and it was in the middle of the night three o clock in the morning. It was completely foggy and it was the first time
I am, we had ever use Jp S. We had never see her hurts, never lost, remember yeah and we were were if it wasn't for that, we would have never shown up, because we just had no idea where we were going. I had just flown in from some place around the world or someplace and we haven't even talked about it at three o clock in the morning, and I remember driving and it's like at next round about take the fourth Michael o K, o K, which one is I was at three or was at five, and so we we finally get to Canada port it's early in the morning and we Do the interview with George AID, Stubby Bush and hastened great. And were walking back towards, the house. Barbara. I dont know if she was in a golf cart or if it was a car, but I remember she had her foot out almost like you. Gonna jump out of a job out of the car and just let it keep rolling, but she
she had, the door kicked open, because she had just gone and cut a whole bunch of high drains and it was early in the morning. The dew was all on her and so she's trying to keep the hide ranges out of the car and away from her. So she doesn't get all wet from the do and just rise by and she says mornin boys and I just I just love her she's, a so great an mom. It was a weird moment and ice she's a tough old bird and I think it was aged W and he said you don't know the half of it. She runs the place. Sentiment. She does, and he said you know we just had a problem, We all got our butts kicked. She called you know two presidents and the secret service and she
dead get your box into the house. I want to talk to you and George but he was on the speaker, phone and H. W was in the room and the head of secret services in the room and she started wagon her finger because she, had told George H doubly when they left the White House, no more secret service. I've lived with it for two I want to be a normal human being no more secret service and he's like honey. We need secret service, not me, I don't want it. I am not living in a cage anymore. So she didn't, have it, but then, when George W into office. She needed it, And especially after nine eleven. And if you remember right, Saddam Hussein had targeted the Bush, the universe. Each WS at Kenny import, if I'm not mistaken, and they we're trying to kill them, and so they had to have security.
And so W, is in office and he's like mom. Look Here's the evidence there trying to kill you and dad you have To have secret service protection, it she's like nope, you can put all that fancy stuff in the yard and use pointing to it. You know but all this fancy stuff in the yard. You can do whatever you want, but no one is to shadow me, No one. I want my life back and oh, she walked out of the room and the two presidents looked at each other and said o cave. Son just do it. You have to do but do not get caught by heard doing it, before a secret service were told you can shadow her, but ever let her see you if she catches you you're on Europe,
they got away with it for a couple of months and she went out shopping one day she took the car in Kenny Boatport and she went out shopping and She is out and she's just doing our thing. She's coming back, she as a tale gate, she hasn't caught them. But it's a new guy who just start I think it was the first time that he had gone out, and so just because of his training wire to that the oldest secret services, you make the the knee another protectorate, the you know the make their life easier. And so he just called a head and said you know whatever code. Name was, you know, barbers on our way back opened the gate. Well, she comes around the corner The gate is open, and she slams on her breaks and she goes right to the guard gate and
he says. Excuse me. Why is this gate opening open, he said to us, we will just open. She said stay right there. She turned around. She crossed her. Then she stood in the driveway waiting for the tale that she knew was on her now to pull up the guy. Pulls up sees her and slams on the brakes. He's like He walks over to the door you're telling me I. The aid she calls a family council, She reads these do president's, though riot act the so a woman was steel. She was deal she knew who she was. She knew what she wanted and and she ran. I think she ran a great household, but make no mistake. Even in the house, with two president's
She was still the boss no. so a couple of other things that we should address today. So bucks situation is gone bad from bad to worse. Chick filet is doing all kinds of magic, christian magic on people in New York and will give you an update on, that policy to go ahead. You talk about Skype Party as well: Scott Purty, Scott Purty, scupper He had a pretty amazing thing that happened to him. Do you take it? lyrical by any chance the painkiller used to our by them and breaking the programme soon? Skype Party He hurt himself, he had a oh carting accident and he broke his foot.
And he went on lyrical and then he claims he had. Some changes old guidance he went on lyrical. Yes, right here has become more open moral. And not bother what people think or say: oh boy, which is good, He also has had some changes in his personal life he was with a girlfriend that he had been with her about six months. And then he decided to break up with her. What what why He quota noticed his libido for women had had gone away, and it was wanting male attention. Decided, you're saying that that's it. I'd say: that's a drug effect. Are you Not so Scott Purty look is saying that he broke his leg was dating a woman when on lyrical he now
Gay he's now attracted to man. Hey fluoride makes frogs gay I've heard that travellers is it Flora tickets of fluoride in making the foregoing frogs, gay and african frogs good guess he's. He is actually very excited about this change. I don T know he says it's. It's made him who he is and has he thought of getting off of lyrical commits to any effective, has see livelier? Have even maybe it might be a good idea you now we right there, for maybe two to four weeks. If I come back we'll consummate the deal
big news in the last two weeks simply save has won the editors choice awards from Cnet magazine, PC magazine and wire color. These are the three respected product testers forthwith is that are new and high tech they put, simply safe. Through a battery of tests, all kinds of tests compared to other home security products, simply safe one. Every single time I ve been telling but simply safe for years, and this because I think they are just the best and if they ve they ve cut the cord and they ve cut them brings to the contracts. That's why I dont think that is there anybody else out there? That is the any better by anyone. Of the imagination? And now we have the Euro three expert review saying exactly the same thing. Giving editors choice award its whole security system that you actually want in Europe, on the sensors are really tiny. You won't notice them, but
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I come join glass, Stew, Padre, doktor, silence, arrogance, hours, weak nights at five, thirty Easter, on the news and why it matters sweetest your questions using the hashtag, the blaze. Why, and soon into the showed a year, the answers at the police that gums last tv grain mercury, The Glen Back Programme presents retrospect infringement on today's episode. William Howard, TAT bore since an aerial highland, eighteen, fifty seven grew up become America's twenty seventh president. He died
Eighteen thirty, he was overweight. This has been retrospectively other drugs and make sure that in I don't go away empty handed the data you ve learned something every on every program. You gonna learn something you dont think its is important too that bushes, the only woman with a husband and son, was present in United States, except for a lot of us knew no bounds that maybe more relevant than the way our taxes, overweight, factoid, but he was in fact. Overweight tell me thing about Taft other. Then he was fat and the bathtub think as those are related. One thing. While he was fat in the bathtub areas and other related, you can't use bathtub or fat on William how our deaf That's why we used he was of overweight. It's still Tell me one thing: I don't you know it come on. I don't you
I dont you're gonna, kick your not probably do know it, but I don't you know it is an easy one. Everybody knows it. Ok, getting married. Yes, rhymes with raft off. I knew that yeah, I did know that you're right about is right there side on the attitude that is really. I don't know anything about him other than his fat. It would then be sad that you were remembered as fat. You were the prince and your only remembered for being fat and the bath which I don't even know. If that's true or not, is a true. What over wait, you know the backlog that they put a big huge bathtub in their because he was so fat. I don't know that and drew out. Another retrospective did even covered that Germany's overweight yeah yeah, which we didn't we might need a larger bathtub but does not guarantee it hey. Can we give everybody of? We could get just cut everybody, some slack mom who was in the grocery store with the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, yes so the kid is right,
want some food is in the cart Gillian arts Monday PBS J Gap and she just reason a purse- gives little PBS J sandwich is. Four year old, daughter, but she sitting there. A woman stopped and lectured about peanut allergies, and she was like oh yeah. Sorry, it ok didn't about that so she's, so she writes about that on her blog and here's. What People said to her you're told the stain for safety of other kids is awful feeding your kid oppian J in a target. Shopping cart, is the epitome of lowbrow for the but God at least feed her in the car. If he absolutely can't feeder at home, We think about your post is vital mellow and while you're the worst kind of person is weak, suck as a society. It's not.
Possible to feed your child before or after putting them in a shopping cart, especially peanut butter, you're awful, this is addicted to outrage. What's really is just your looking for something to make you feel alive, you can be angry about, but he angrier look I'd or save your kid as a peanut allergy, even to be sensitive over that, but you have to understand that you're, the one that's different here right, like you, have to look at this and say hey. You know I to make sure that every time I'm sure, if you're a pair of someone with a severe peanut allergy every time you have to why you hardly style, wiping carts down you're, making sure that there is no. I mean you are probably a lot of work on that obtain something. What kind of bad parent doesn't wipe down? A cart with some sort of clorox wipe? I mean just that, his ease and the germs on those things are in Europe: bad there. If you don't do it and fast start afresh, you in a message board right now, but what a terrible parent you are under. No I'm in a look
I can see. I can see how you, if you especially if you have a good without just like that, but it will be scary, but can I tell you something if you would have the child would have been given a shrimp cocktail, other than being, and at least the nobody would have anything for times as many kids are allergic to see food than they are peanut butter but for some reason, peanut butter is a flashpoint, Glenn back mercury, Courage, shrink back senator from Kentucky ran Paul joins us now, he's got a new proposal The budget that he says can reduce our deficit and get us into line. We were fairly quickly he's here to tell us about it. Rand.
Take learn you. I thought there ought to be still some conservatives who are for balancing the budget and actually would introduce something like a balanced budget. So we read the rules around here and we discovered that if the republican leadership doesn't do their job and doesn't introduce a budget than anybody can, and so we wrote our own budget it balances in five years. By using the penny plan, we cut one percent cross the board for five years it balances and then added with a call reconciliation instructions. So we can do with this simple majority, we will expand Hell Savings accounts, bigger and broad more than anybody's ever contemplated, so we can get a real marketplace in healthcare and drive prices that are you going to be able to have this even introduced? I mean Mcconnell controls. What's what's going to be the interesting thing about the rules, since they did not do their job and they're not going to introduce a budget. Mine is a privileged motion and it will get a vote not can't make these people vote for something like a balanced budget but
can ensure the heck. Shame them by sticking it right further face and saying you have to vote upper down on whether not your for balancing the bindings. Yes, what about all the Democrats? now we know that, but about half the Africans are a little more than half will vote against this proposal and ITALY defeated because Republicans don't have the Spined actually vote cut any spending. How can you disagree with a one percent cut across the board? I mean exactly my boy how one united there's one percent waste in every government programme upper? Yes, even if you love the government programme, even if you say well, then federal it needs to be in charge of of national defence, I'm with you, but I think we, the strong defence and got one percent, because I think what it does like right now. There's three billion dollars a year being spent in Afghanistan in the last three years. They found three billion, unaccounted for direct and Afghanistan.
If you have a never ending supply of cash, you sometimes don't appreciate it until you're, like hey, wait, a minute wait a minute whenever we gotta watch where every penny is going here, I got other actors there's twenty eight million dollars missing in uniform somebody was first to get uniforms who got Uniforms with somebody got the twenty eight million. This is just in Afghanistan, seven a million dollars in ammunition, so that pretty dangerous. If you don't know who got the ammunition. So what? If the Emily an actual went to the enemy. You know that can't account or two seven hundred million hours was misplaced, exposed to buy ammunition just in Afghanistan, so apps, Thirdly, they need, they fear they need to be audited, and ten percent across the board cut and if you do, wanna. Do it the interesting thing about the way we have written my budget is: let's say you don't want to cut the military on you're willing to cut, for percent of everything else. They can do that do. But if they don't come
with a plan, then it would be a one percent across the board so rend I feel like all of these weasels or in our rats or jumping the ship from the GEO P in getting out, while the getting is good because they know what they ve, they ve done and they know what's coming a significant push back from the voters on on the business as usual, there but I can't I can't help but think they're leaving us with economic disasters and they're gonna their pension, they're gonna, be fine, they'll, get their sweet job and whose whose good come in and change anything well. What it is is they all want to get their plum lobbying jobs in as soon as I get out of Congress as soon as they can get their million dollar year lobbying jobs, and I think they think that they, as well do while they're in the majority, because they've gone from a position of power to us a position of sort of crime
the capitalist corruption, which is world the racket in lobbying. So I Personally, would make a rule that you can't go from Congress to lobbying I'll just have lifetime ban, and a few years ago I tried introduced that, and you would not believe the push back I got just when I try introduce a ban on lobbying for by members of Congress and so on that shared. But the thing is, you know battle for the country goes on the battle for the heart and soul. The country goes on. Conservatives have to have some movement, we can't just say oh dawn were now in power, so we are no longer conservative and have said it before. Say it again. Republicans are the conservative party when they are in the minority, but then So in the majority there is no conservative party, that's where we are now, unless some of us speak up and say we're not, though, for the massive spending increases were not vote and four trillion dollar deficits and golly, we're not just said, play a game and hard part. The budget Balanced Budget amendment She can introduce balanced budget. When are you? What are you doing? This
it'll be introduced this week and a vote were not sure exactly when it comes to what we believe they cannot prevent us from having a vote. Hopefully, within the next few weeks. I will follow it and will make sure that the audience follows it. Let me ask a couple of other questions: First on Syria, you, you said yesterday something that I think is being used in to death, ways, and I want you to clarify where you stand, You said we don't have any evidence that Syria, actually use these chemical weapons. Are you are you saying? Look we ve had mister soon intelligence before, let's get it right and, let's make sure Get it right or are you saying you know it's? This looks like a false flag. It looks like a British said: a poor or one of these things. It is this also being spent
by some on the on the on the right. I wanted to two point yesterday. One point is that it doesn't make any sense for Assad he's been winning the war for two or three years he's actually more secure his position right now than has been the only thing that can galvanise western opposition to him is chemical. Well, and so you have to scratch your head say he's either the dumbest dictator on the plea to use chemical weapons in tradition, weapons kill as many more people and can have a say, actually you the domestic Tehran. The planetary didn't do it now. Yesterday said I not seen any evidence. And we had had no briefings yesterday afternoon, though, after those interviews, I did have a briefing. We were not presented detailed evidence of it, but we were presented with the conclusions of our intelligence. Really. That said, he did it. The hard part about this is their making the conclusion before it had any samples taken of of anything, though there are some groups on the ground that will take samples today and I dont
Oh, that there was any evidence print presented that either Russia or ran were complicit in this. They are involved the syrian government, but there's no evidence that there were complicit the question I ask this is not a classified question or an answer is, Why do you think? What do you think would be a saws reason for doing something- the galvanized, the world's opposition, to him when he appears to be winning by not using chemical weapons and getting it may perhaps going going live good? They said, perhaps other if we could have made a decision at a lower level, and I, like some other general makes it. Maybe Assad doesn't do it, but nobody really a good explanation for why he would do something I have one at brings on the brings on so much unanimity of the world against him. I have won the group that he targeted, allegedly, is a group that had been hung. Down. They have extensive resources,
underground and is the last stronghold that do that was really holding out because he is winning, but these fight until the death kind of people that had really prepared this whole section. And the the estimates were that it was gonna take about a year to be able to fight their way through and the The question is: if you can you chemical weapons in the same way, in some ways that we used the atomic bomb in Japan and it will get M to surrender my, he is worth doing that group that had just the week before we're not surrendering they survive. The very next day yeah there's a few hundred of them. So doesn't sound that former of over, I think your explanation could possibly be right, so I'm not saying they did or didn't use em saying, it doesn't make a lot of logical sense for them to do it. But you are right there
did end up leaving dazed under a truce. I don't they surrendered. They land area also know that they'd turn themselves over his prisoner. Yes, the other things that are perplexing of about this is that I think the rebels actually lived in that community. So there Those weren't liked by the people living there either but you right in the end, the Assad got the result, and perhaps Assad calculates that the response by the? U S will be a pinprick and maybe they're crews missiles do blob some buildings, but they don't necessarily ya. You know, have enough punishment that they feel it sitting in so punished that it wasn't worth it to them? So maybe they do judge it and say that where either will react. I'll drop, a few bombs and then we'll go on our Mary way. But we got rid of those rebels in that area is a possibility that they do, got it and say that strategically it is in their interest. So easy. You also said that you are not going to support, might come pale for the Secretary of state. There's news coming out,
day that he has already met with Kim Jong OWN and is now in this kind of in the middle of a you know, with what is being cried by some, as you know, our last chance for peace. It does that your calculus at all, and if not, why is it? it. Hardens me that to President Tromp has has on voice going to speak with North Korea. I conversations with the president of always advocated that we should try to see. The non military solution to North Korea, if at all possible. So I am heartened by it on the fact that the President Dini directed this with regard to congress or Director Pontio. My main direction, is sort of three I'm not so sure that he agrees with trumpeted Willie, let trompe tromp or will he be it I'm in a way that goes against. The better instincts are, for example, present trumpets all
the Iraq war was a huge mistake and strategic blunder for the country compiles never express than a hen really is expressed the opposite view, on Afghanistan. The president has said we can we did our mission and he's advocated many times for coming home. Pompey has the opposite opinion that we should stay. The same with Syria, you know the president is talked about actually coming home as soon as two weeks before. Until we had this chemical weapons, you know attack that sort of, I think, allowed us to stay more really in the end. I think it would be better if the present would be better served if he had people around him who, ah actually sort of more. In line with this thinking and less opposed to two, the I think the unique aspect of the present brings to foreign policy.
I'm really concerned when Congress really didn't pay any attention to the Senate didn't really pay any attention to the Bernie Sanders. Mike Lee Bell to two to demand. And an end or or an authorization for this shadow war. There were running in in Yemen. It doesn't seem like him this has any intention of being held accountable for anything nor nor, why Andrews. May you know he d, I don't have it agree with Bernie Sanders, but he made a great point. He says you conservatives, you care about the constitution new spout it all the time when it comes to economic issues, but then, when it comes to foreign policy, completely ignore the constitution as a point other than a few of us might in a few others on foreign policy, very few people thanks, if Congress ass to authorize war, but our founding fathers others were unanimous in ass, every one of the founding fathers wrote or spoke out and said that they did not want
power to rest, a man to the presence of those two important too much power, and they vested that power on the constitution, but they did that on purpose. Virtually no one up here. Is you're trying to adhere to the original meaning I constitutional founders, and then I will tell you that I mean I want them isn't it to be able to move if he needs to be able to move, but through Today's goes by boy put. Congress has has got to be able to no we're not doing that anymore. I was I really thought that President Trump should have even the Congress for advice and consent on on Syria, we're we're. Dangerously close to a war with Putin, and that doesn't work for anybody. That's not good, we'll think about people say. Oh Congress is so ineffectual and gridlock gotta die. They can't do anything but think about it. When we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. The president the next morning, and
Virtually unanimously. Congress voted on the spot to declare war on Japan after nine eleven when President George W Bush came to Congress virtually unanimous once again to go to war to people who attacked a son, I'm leavin, so I think actually comes. Can come together were much stronger when we come together like that, were much stronger when we have a vote at the outset that we're going to war, but all his other, Massey stuff. You know in Yemen and were not really at war, because we're not dropping the bomb. Societies are dry. In the box were refueling their planes and People are on the receiving end of the bombs, aided they. They don't say that This kinetic action would really being bombed, they think we're a war with is the same. The same kind of thinking that has gotten us into so much trouble in the Middle EAST by saying we're not doing the torture, its Egypt, that's doing the torture yeah right near so here's a really sad thing. Almost everybody now, including pontio cleaning present tromp sailor is no military solution in Afghanistan. There is no milk
resolution in Syria and there is no military solution in Yemen and so my point to them. Yet today into a couple, the guys from state for me yesterday, as I ask, how do you think that goes for the guy down the recruiting station? Is you saying hey, please sign up? the infantry. We need you for a war that word planning on winning, but what we want to do if we take one more village, the Taliban, maybe they'll, negotiate with us and we'll get a negotiator, but we need you to take that last village sounds a lot like Vietnam. You know, take one more village, give it up. Take it, take it again give it up, but were really not trying to defeat the enemy. We are trying to get to a point of negotiation and I realize a lot of war ends with negotiation, but I think if we ve already acknowledged that we need to be heeded a little bit more negotiating right now, no more diplomacy and loaded, less ending Margie eyes everywhere. Thanks so much Senator Rand Paul. We will watch for his ears budget that is gonna, be released later this week and voted on in the next to another. Big data breach
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Eight hundred lifelong and use the promo code back each additional ten percent off your face Dear. It's promo code back at life, lock, dot com, Glenn Back Mercury grand bad word total geeks we're having a constitutional, more powers. Conversation failure will get took as it is. It is it's not. What you see is tat what you think it is and weave let the constitution does bleed all out to where it really does. Have any meaning anymore. One is its Congress this fault, because Congress never steps up and takes responsibility here tonight, if to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Tat at this get the same with trade. The constitution says: Congress should be dealing with trade. The presidency was setting tariffs know that that something Congress is supposed to do, but Congress
we really want to be held responsible for it. So you do it and there is doing the same, thing with war again like the ones that this is the one loophole that I don't think the founders foresaw. They didn't foresee people glass. Billy giving their power away. You know I mean ignoring these things is that's what they do. They just silo get. Well, we are exercising our right by giving that decision making power to the president right. We decide Will we have its where we ve made the decision? We don't want to do. Not only have the right to do that. The constitution lays out how this system works You don't have the right to do that and and I agree with that, and then you look at the war powers act as a lot.
Our report more powers resolution were people typically go to when they say sixty to ninety days. What ran polish talking about his true in that, like really units, will suit at all, but what people say you have sixty to ninety days. Just essentially react. Well, that's true, except for the fact that its very specific what what circumstances lead you to have that reality, which is a congressional declaration, congressional legislative power, unnecessary, improper cause and then finally, the homework been always dealing with presidential executive power as commander in chief, but with a limitation. What a limitation can either be here is a three circumstances that you can do this one, a declaration of war. We know that two specific steps- Pretoria authorization now you could stretch from nine eleven and say anything in the entire world- can be utilised and laboratory ways. One of the ways there doing it.
Three a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories, possessions or armed forces also covered under nine eleven. But again rightly, you can stretch it but it's? Not yes, attacking here on, like a syrian chemical attack on Syrians, does not is not an intact on the United States. And we keep viewing it through. That lends because we think a chemical attack by Syria on. Cereals is really bad, which it is that does not give us the power there's, not a really bad clause in the constitution, while throw this stuff if you feel really angry about it, that's not in there and we continually put that in their which is a problem again. I think I think, if you want to congress- and you said, hey look they just. We know whose chemical weapons attacking do something: you're probably get approval for that anyway, they still don't bother with it.
We're gonna go to why people who say that Syria didn't have a reason to drop this chemical weapon. Why I think they're wrong. The evidence coming up missing, Glenn back mercury you're listening to the Glen Back Programme, love the southwest pilot, but whether the playing yesterday engine blows up, somebody is unfortunately sucked through a window passenger poles, her back in but she's already dead, and that she's landing the plane and you know that they don't they're gonna make it, and she just says you just make sure that Medical personnel is coming here. Just speak, do of the audio here, listen Saudi, this great privilege of the airport, you're right and slightly behind you, there and food
your discretion. These calls for the downtown area media about making out of a few thousand sooner for us, he, Yes, medical, Well, we got back passenger location, are you as your airplanes cynically on fire fire that part of it? I just like a matter of fact like another day, the office. Yes, none of fires, parts of it are missing. I too there is. If there is one the light over which, when it was that hat, you may have the alike in in plain, like radio stations, you can kind of look new ruling classes. One of them was the in cabin feed. We could hear the actual pilots talking. Can you imagine listening? to her say I sat on fire, Milsom Symbolism missing.
No, but I can't imagine I think I would be more freedom by the big hole in this. I am there in the cabin where I could see the whole. Yes, this hand, the passenger, who is just and dragged back in, but you don't know me, I see all the damage has been done to clean. You dont know pretty incredible, pretty incredible, she's she's remarkable and she says that it's her her christian faith that has pulled her through all of this remarkable woman. One first female air force. Pilots I had heard. Maybe the firs may be the first year. Also really amazing history had story so two betrayals with us, and he is he's form military Intel and the inner geopolitical gonna watch, dog and researcher, and we were Rocky nerve ran Paul before the break about Syria and he said this, but I think it's just a little ignorant when I hear it from from people that lead,
Sod had no reason to drop these chemical weapons. I think ran paw gave me one reason himself for he said yeah he might have done. Calculation that they would just probably drop a few missiles and then we'd move on with our lives. That's exactly what I think, but there's more and I was glad to hear that ran Paul knew about the rebels. That was incredibly surprised that they knew about it, because most people in the West have never even heard of this rebel group and that rebel group for all the nerds out there is jewish Al Islam. There and one of a gazillion other rebel groups within Syria, but what makes them mops varies thick as they are right outside the old city in Damascus. So what would be the we went old down Alexandria across the river from Washington D C
perfect that did so imagine if there were rebels trying to do an insurrection guerrilla movement against our government? That is how close they would be to the nations capital and they were well dug in. He said they were liked in the neighborhood, but they were they were well fortified with, but I've seen that so the pictures are just now starting to come out. I've never seen fortifications underneath the city like this ever like it is using journalists are starting to post pictures in themselves down there that the tunnels are big enough, you could drive cars through. That's how big the tunnels are out there being described as an underground city underneath Duma at that that's how significant as these we're not going anywhere. It was going to take some people are saying six months to a year, just a push them. Now think about that. That is right. Outside the sides- capital now that is, you know Prime, you know target right now was J. Shall Islam right there now her I think, there's a few other things. This was not the first time Go attack on this group. The syrian regime has been doing. This is the third chemical attack Justin. She year just this year
there could have been several more up until last April, but just this shit is the third most. We will not heard about that, the reason being produced and get in the international press. They didn't act knock out as many people is that as this wish it as well as they seem to be drawing some bizarre distinction between the use of chlorine and something like certain as if you don't mind, being killed by chlorine, but you do have been killed by Sarah. A big deal Is that because the other for the previous attacked were those Corina taxes that why do not rising to this bizarre level? So I don't think they ve even think they ve actually made a termination of service used in this. They just kind of that out. There is its as possible right or another nerve agent were exiled, but the reason chlorine is it is is interesting in this debate is because chlorine is found in a lot of manufacturing bacteria ISA, but that you could put it. It is set plausible that some rebels could have you no seized a you know, factory whatever and gotten chlorine, but the Assad regime knows that as well. Now there's
lot of. Can I go a little into the conspiracy theory live at. This was why I shouldn't literally market when you come in and bath, ok, so entering now. Ok, so the Putin started talking about the Kremlin start talking about possible chemical attacks as early as I think April. Fourth, now this attack happy. On the other! On the seventh, they started warning people that hey we ve got reports that someone might be doing a chemical attack rebels might be staging a false flag. That was on April. Fourth, again alot of people not heard about that the attack happened on the assault, the seventh and in smaller. Circles, the Russians like city, we told you so now think about what happened before the Kremlin start saying that that arrange an attack from then on the former double agent, russian double agent who the criminal is trying to say look. This is all just a it's all just a ruse to try to get everybody to turn against Russia will who did
Russia finger. They didn't finger rebels for the four. This attack that they said happen on the seventh day finger the English a UK. That's who it is their tryin to make the distinction and the russian ambassador. The? U n actually said this attic is secured a council meeting that they thought that this was a big ruse by the british to tie Russia and the Assad regime to Uk Ambassador the the arrest of the Russian about your little play. This audio, it's it's for you! It's disturbing on so many levels. You have the russian ambassador, sir. The rights not threatened by any means that it was a chemical attack. There are reports from generations, wherein Duma yesterday reports that they could find no
oh clue would confirm that there had been a chemical attack. They went actually to the hospital where it with where those videos were filmed. They spoke to doctors named doctor, for this can be checked who said that there was no chemical attack what there was one an ordinary bomb attack that had paid streaming into the hospital with smoke in elation problems and what happen then was the be white helmets. That's jihadi our Greeley Rave started. Our thing gas caused panic. Then they everybody went in gas mode, they started with the whole is, and the inhalers Meanwhile, it was all being carefully videoed and put out by rich Arab country, propagandists dates and better. This! Well! Ok! Ok! So
in this era of of russian misinformation in everything. We have to be hypersensitive to every some one is parroting this, and we cannot continue to pare it at that I do not like when I hear people on our own governments say something like aside didn't of a reason to attack you know They didn't have arisen. That's exactly what the russian regime is saying now. This he's talking about about the white helmets that started in on the Aren T network. You know russian funded news network and Sputnik which is also russian funded. That's where that began there, trying to make the white helmets for people who don't know as a search and rescue group. They dont they're, not combat, not anything. They take dead bodies and people that are hurt out of buildings they buy. We ve been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize back and twenty sixteen world governments give them money for them to continue to do their work. There's a big reason why Russia is trying to smear them just like they tried to smear the Pope for crying out loud back, and we were too there trying to do this.
Same thing to the white helmets, the reasoning I do that because no one can get into these areas, areas and verify war crimes, and that's exactly what the russian gas an assault, are complicit in war crimes. They're trying to stop you, from being able to show what's going on, even though to documentaries virtually come out and showed what the sum of the cost of the white helmets are doing. But this is all propaganda straight from the Kremlin, and I cannot believe people I shall governments or just spouting this off their just. Eating it over and over again, it's insane. That's one. One viewpoint: twenty point. There are others. You, apparently Jason has not heard the report from away n Oh, this is pretty starting. This is forty stunning and eyes. I'd like to hear you answer for this yeah. Listen. We want to announce that one american news has an exclusive discovery. We went to, do what today we got exclusive access and we were brought into the town of doom were the alleged chemical attack happened
brought in with a government escort shown the areas where the chemical attack allegedly happened. Not one of the people that I spoke, Two in the neighborhood said that they had seen anything more heard anything about a chemical attack. On that day they said that they were going about the normal business. Everything was much business as usual, Abraham that day and they didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary bill. There. You have it so. The set aside government reached out to a era order and said will bring you in under S court and will take go to the site and will introduce you to people who can tell you the truth shame on you want american news. I cannot believe this. This is what this is. Is this is selling your soul for access and it happen everywhere in the world. Every comments on the world every journalist has offered it something like this:
Yeah yeah sure will take you in this is by the government. The government icy out under military s, car will show you the truth. This is the truth and their does buying a hook line singer I get it. There probably scared. Because they don't want to say anything else, but my problem because they might be threatened actually physically by the Assad regime, but also because they did not want to lose. The access is don't want to lose it. I want to be one of the people? There are the exclusive fiscal exclusive, but this is not journalism, not at all there. Just in their approach- propaganda. That's always there there contributing to the spread of propaganda, and it is absolutely ridiculous and this propaganda the end goal. If people don't understand the end goal and we lay this out on a chalkboard. The other day I think, was on Monday, read after the attacks what is it that nobody is really talking about? What what is the point of what's happening over there, and it is Israel
so. I ran, has been launching really this plan since, as they like MID delayed, not eighty with the establishment, Hezbollah and take basely taking over Lebanon. That was the first step in getting on Israel's border the next day. Right after the iraqi invasion was to go and basically sees control. The iraqi government, which has basically what's happened right now and then move in this area That's what they're doing the entire region is to encircled. Israel may want That's their language, dot, dot hours, exactly their language, they want to encirclement and what they get out. That is basically the into the world and that's not hyperbole there actually looking for the end of the world, because that's when their Messiah comes this and again, this is what their preaching. That's that that's their language and if you think that Russia is a neutral actor and this they are completely non neutral actor. So, right after the Chemical weapon attack happened, who did Israel attack, they attacked sought regime? Are they attack the Iranians?
The attack, the Iranians. They did. It start above missile strike almost within hours of an iranian base. It was the tea for base and with what they actually attacked, and we just found this out. I think last night this morning from the Wall Street Journal was a tour missile battery Yo R tore missile battery that was supply that given to them supplied to them by the Russians that the tour, if I'm not mistaken, is one of the most aggressive air defence systems out. There is not it's it's a good air system, it's not quite as four hundred, but it say it's a medium. Medium range surfaced air missile Madame, but it was given to them by the Russians. So the rush things are complicit in helping the Iranians do what they know, what they're trying to do they're trying to get down there and they're trying to get to Israel, but that is not unusual. I told you a story the other day and you looked it up and you who you were like. And I think I even said I don't even remember the source on this, so you better look it up
We found it in the Washington Post from nineteen eighty two to what were the Russians doing? In eighteen, eighty two they had an entire invasion force basely, underneath the desert waiting there for whenever they wanted to use it to roll right in the these, in Lebanon in Lebanon and when they we founded and nineteen eighty two it was. There were the tanks and the ammunition in there. Absolutely everything you would need for a full invasion force and the Russians The cover of night had buried entire invasion force. This is something new to the Russians. Something interesting also on. I was jotting down notes when I listen to Euro interview with the senator He mentioned that he thought that there was no evidence, but there is evidence that we ve come out and said. Intelligence has evidently said: there's a blood sample and a year and sample sleigh do know what the actual agent was.
It was used, and us Interpol also said that there was to get actual, have, though Pc W, which is the watchdog for the? U N, that normalize can what news was pushed a verified today we know samples. Well, the Russians and the Assad regime have denied them access. They will not let them into Duma to actual examples. Now would they do that? Must they have something to hide right for no reason if their guilty behooves them to let the men but they're keeping them out. So today, the EU, insecurity, taint, the? U and their security team Fort for the obviously w when ended the area. Now it's been for one american news to go in there and then broadcast right from you know. Do square and say everything was fine and peace in our time, For some reason: the: U N Security team got fired upon the? U inscription fired upon scenario Bcg W still cannot get into Duma they're, not going in there anytime soon now get us ask yourself: why is that the russian and sought- or so You know where your hurried
because they know that the EU and is gonna plant evidence That is what they will say. Jason. Thank you. So much tax keep your and keep your eye on what's happening over there and he the press. We are a sign of our union man, I come home from from work and play with the kids and dynamic. They have to do, and you fall down on your bag. It So tired and yours, like I've, got to sleep in his he can on a whole new meaning. Since I started sleeping on my Casper mattress, I noticed he. You know I read a lot. And I used to read in bed a lot, but now I'm falling asleep that fast Casper Mattress, you gotta try yours at home. The new wave mattress, try it at Casper DOT, com, Casper,
How come use the promo code, beckoned say fifty dollars on the purchase of your mattress, its casper dot. Promo code, back terms and conditions do apply. Back mercury. Glenn back. You says the surface about this little League highest administration of all time. Billy truly remarkable is MIKE Palm pale. Went were to North Korea and met with Kim Jong on last week nobody knows about it until today, incredible that is incredible. I mean I really is It shows that the people inside the administration that are leaking actually think this one's important and are holding back, which is positive. This could be a huge accomplishment. Works. It could be a huge accomplishment. Glenn back
Transcript generated on 2020-05-09.