Hour 1 Kill Him Now or Kill Them Later ...Joe Biden's Hugs by the Numbers, the art of the hug. Please don't get out of New York City. Mass hugging all around, so get over it. Joe Biden's Hugs by the Numbers, the art of the hug ..."This is not going to be a country of white people"
Hour 2 Now Game of Thrones is racist ...Venezuela coup Update. Guaido calls for a strike after clashes leave dozens dead. ...Being humble and fearless is a skill ...Socialism is a death cult. Watch Socialism: 'A Warning From The Dead' for Free Now at BlazeTV
Hour 3 Bernie Sanders and his state of Vermont's Green Mountain Care. Optimal attempt as single payer socialist health failed once again ...New and improved words. Modern is the new word for progressive ...Counting 'shumways' and 'yaks' with Stu Bruguiere ...A Real spiritual awakening is needed now
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