« The Glenn Beck Program

Joe Biden’s Ancestors Owned Slaves … Will the Left Care? | 10/12/20

2020-10-12 | 🔗

One conservative man was left dead at clashing protests in Denver after a local news channel’s security guard opened fire. He’s reportedly not associated with Antifa, but Glenn reveals he is apparently a leftist. Commentator Keith Olbermann called for Trump supporters to be “prosecuted” and “removed from our society." Antifa is an idea … just like Nazism. Yelp will tag businesses accused of racism, and Antifa is planning to exploit it. Glenn reveals how Joe Biden’s ancestors were slaveholders. Will the cancel culture pick up this story? Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate hearing has begun. Biden said voters don’t deserve to know his stance on packing the court and instead claimed the GOP is packing it.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let me tell you quickly about our spotlight sponsor. We welcome back to the programme. Omaha stakes, I am a carnivore. I have visions in my house, but I had a big slab ribs last night. The people that I know what it takes to have great meets. Omaha stakes you want a great steak,
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and in my men, when their programme, I told you I'm twenty fifteen, but I thought twenty sixteen the summer would be the summer of rage. I was wrong only about the date. I said it was twenty. Sixteen, it is twenty twenty and we are now fully fledged into it. We ve had a summer of rage. Now the violence has begun, the shootings, the calls for violence, the the kidnappers that tried to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan. They all have one thing in common and we begin there also Amy Coney bear it she's about to have her opening comments. We will cover those live, as the programme begins in sixty seconds is a green
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I'm on it I'm trying it and I feel better than I have felt in years. I feel the same way: relief factor not addressed. developed by doctors. Seventy percent of the people order more because it works really factor, dot com, call, eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four and get your life back: relieffactor, dot com, eight hundred five hundred and eighty three eight thousand and forty two. There was a a shooter and there was a shooter in Denver and at first the police said we can't confirm any of the affiliations It just started as a. A verbal assault, and started at a and a patriot prayer rally,
and this guy was a security guard, and he was a security guard for Channel nine. Where I dont know why there has been any video release channel mine, the photographer was there, I don't know why we don't have any video we do have pictures. My guess is: we don't have any video because it doesn't fit the narrative. It was at a pace. free and rally to pray and pray for Donald Trump Support, Donald Trump. They have the shooter now in custody and he has been charged with first degree. Murder, that's good! whose now who is he well here? identified because he had a space invaders tattoo on his wrist. Is apparently associated with Rosa Antigua wine W. I e e n, and according to big league politics
he has this express support for be a lamb in Denver recently and According to his own writings, he appears to be a left wing Bernie Sanders supporter he has posted things, ran into a trump supporter with a drum button on their shirt, I told them that I like their racist button. They had nothing to say not voting for either of them. I am voting for sanders. Okay, so that's That's who he is by the way he's not a licence security guard he was contracted through Pinkerton by nine news, but he was not licences to be a security guard in Colorado. We don't know why Pinkerton it's odd, that Pinkerton would do that, but now he's been charged and he is in the Denver jail system. He was booked again. on first degree murder
He owns of farming and is affiliated with some sort of music. Business were not really sure and they again, like, I said, identified him from his tat too. Now, here's some interesting things he has light insured content with Bernie Sanders and the young Turks host sank, weaker, Sir bank is a guy from young. Turks started young Turks. He is an angry bitter I think a dangerous kind of guy, but I dont want to silence, sank. I'm smart enough, not to watch it. I'm smart enough to see exactly what he is young Turks, All you have to do is look on Wikipedia and a court. Swift capacity is always your best route to go for factual information, but just look at the history of young Turks. What is the young Turks,
when you find that you'll know everything you need to know about sank. So this guy was a big fan of sank and he's also, really not a fan of Donald Trump. or anybody on the right. Ok, now he's also something else. He is also a guy who has threatened my life He wrote to me your telling people to risk their ass. This is what I said. I and others my age if it means that we save the country and we look at this as our service to our country to keep the doors open on our economy there. there is me- and I am sure, millions of others- my age. This was at the beginning of covered that go in and sacrifice to do
What we have to do just like those fire fighters in the former Soviet Union, they were forced. Many of them did it voluntarily because they knew what it meant say Leave the nation save people's lives, I don't know about you, but if we could have kept the doors open on everything, it would have been good. You know why, because more People wouldn't die from cancer because they didn't get treated more people wooden die from depression because they couldn't go out economy wouldn't be where it is today So I said that at the beginning- and he didn't like it and he wrote to me you're too you're telling people to risk their ask why you why don't we see you risking yours? Why you'd, do alive, show and a meeting greet my Curdy detail, thought that was a threat and we take all threats seriously.
So this is not a right wing guy. The reason why I mentioned that is because Whittemore and others- and I will show it to you- are saying that all the violence is going to be caused by the the right wing, in fact they're doing new poles. Now that show that Republicans are much more to run to violence than Democrats are really. Is that true, because I know all the Democrats expected the tea party to be violent. But we never were ever were By the way, history always shows you it's the laughed and I'm not talking about Democrats per se, if you're a Democrat and Euro Europe, Regular Democrat you're, not into violence, if you're a dynamic but you're? Actually, leftist you are.
part of that violent crowd. You may not be violent, but you are part of a crowd that historically is violent. Now Whittemore said on Thursday hatred, bigotry and violence have no place in the great state of Michigan. I Garee, I mean it Just moments later, president trumps campaign, adviser Jason Miller, appeared on national television, accusing me of fostering hatred. Will I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with the president, but I will hold him accountable because when our leaders speak their words carry weight yes They do now the left and the Democrats, the leadership have dismissed black lives matter and everything that they say they are for. Lives matter, is for the destruction of the nuclear western family, not my words, their words,
Anyone tries to destroy the family unit, I'm sorry, but that is by a definition evil. It is evil. No questions asked. It is evil. They also believed that violence is necessary, sometimes well. I guess if you vote for Joe Biden. All of this will end unless you listen to the co founder of black lives matter, the chapter in LOS Angeles last week. That said, she would not support Joe Biden. because he is part of the violent white supremacist system. This Doktor Molina Abdullah. She made the comments to ABC News. People are feeling dismayed that choices are between. You know a violent white supremacist and another person that represents that same system where
Oh, I will tell you if you think that it's going to be over, if you elect Joe Biden, it's only going to get worse by the way- I believe- and I have nothing to prove this. This is my gut. do you remember. Nancy Pelosi started talking about the amendment in the constitution and and passing a passing, a new law in Congress to make sure You can get that dangerous precedent out of office easier than just having to go through all of the hoops in the constitution. yeah. If he's deem Unfit Congress wants to make it easier to get rid of him, that's not four Donald Trump. I truly believe that's for Joe Biden, if you think Joe Biden going to be the president for long, I think you're, sadly, sadly mistaken.
So you have Beale, am threatening and saying that Joe Biden is part of the same racist system. Wait until you hear our expos a on Joe Biden coming in about forty five minutes, some breaking news that is massive, that tell you will only here here. We will break that coming up about forty five minutes now. Governor Whittemore and others are going to hold people responsible because words have power there What do we do with teeth? Oberman He lashed out a Trump supporters on Friday night calling for the prosecution and convicted and conviction of all those connected with the President Obama called trump supporters maggots. I want you to listen to what he said. Tromp can be and must be exe. one expanding the Haiti has triggered the pandora's box he has opened. They will not be
so easily destroyed. So let us brace ourselves. The task is twofold terrorist trump must be defeated, areas must be destroyed, devoured at the ballot box and then he and his enablers and his supporters and his collaborators and the MIKE Liese and the William Bars Sean enemies and my pencil and the Rudy Giuliani than the Cairo written houses and the Amy Coney Berets must be prosecuted, and convicted and removed from our society. While we try to rebuild it entered build the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus. Remember it even as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is now just to win an election, but to work by enough to chase We asked for a moment trump and the maggots off the stage.
And then try to clean up what they left. Remember it even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end November. Third, but in many ways willow begin that day understand what he just said. This could have been something that came directly from the office of girls. He is talking about this porters and collaborators collaborators, my Lee William BAR the Sean handed ease that would include me the MIKE pencils that includes people who are high up in the g o P and the Rudy Julie, armies and Kyle written Houses and Lee Amy Coney merits my be prosecuted for what for having for an opinion. Convicted. For what and by whom,
and removed from our society. If you think that the things that I have been talking about our hyperbole, you are sadly mistaken, I, ever ever ever thought I would quote, Lindsey Gram but Lindsey Gram was right at the end of the last Supreme Court nominee and their hearing dear God you people want power so badly and I pray to God. You never get it. The People on the left, and we must share that video by the way MID still up We must share that video with our neighbours and friends I asked you to reach out between now and the election. Just fine and one person?
everyone in this audience just found one person. It would mean a land slide in the election, you are listening to this programme for a reason. You must share that with your friends and tell them, because what those aids Keith Oberman, no one watch it really it's Keith Oberman, because We can pervert produce for you, man people saying the same things and their leadership of b a lamb and t T. Fur is an idea. just like the idea that our founders had in one thousand seven hundred and seventy six or just like the idea that Robespierre in the french Revolution or just like the idea of a Nazis had remember fought the Nazis, but-
worried about how to fight the idea of nazi fascism. And we do. we killed the Nazis while telling non Nazi germans. We are your enemies. We are going after this. I de an ideology and all those who preach it. put it into action because it is a deadly system. Now that was war, but not dismiss people's words. when somebody says they're gonna around you up or put you against the wall as last week or the week before the former Cote D, a co founder of Twitter, he tweeted Capitalist will be the first with their back against the wall to be shot. Take them seriously and do not get involved in violence?
all right. If you're, one of those homeowners has been trying to buy or sell a home, or both you probably discovered by now that you have a major undertaking on your hands off. Nothing about getting your house ready to put on the market is easy if you're doing it the right way, negotiating assail when you're willing to buy it's not as easy as it sounds. Getting the right deal when the market is on fire hitting out of California, is uneven, easy now. This is why we started real estate agents. I trust number of these situations. I've always come up in my life and I ve always been let down in the process. I should say always most times. If have a really good real estate agent. They're gonna put you in contact with everyone. You need to get the things who exactly the way they need to be they're gonna work tirelessly to get the best part. will deal on your home or your home purchase, and I don't want you
take. My word for it. I want you to check these people out for yourself. We ve run them through the ringer to make sure. that there, the best in our opinion in your area, now I want you to just get their name, call them and talk to them. It's a free service to you real estate agents. I trust dot com, that's real estate agents. I trust dot com, against station. I do so. Just few days ago, the review website Yelp stated they were getting in the business of social justice by saying that it would append a business accused of racist behaviour, alert any businesses or business page where a company had been accused of accused of racism. That's yelp
So now, if your business is accused of racism yelp- we'll make sure everyone knows it. And teeth are now has started over the weekend, compiling the names of businesses that it wants to submit to yelp put out of business The less prepared by the same anti for group that is responsible for organizing the violent protests and the riots in Portland is now compiling that list of non friendly businesses, a any company that is hanging a blue lives, quoting blue lives garbage in their store or anything else that is anti the bee. Elam movement, So now we oh black lives matter has been granted the power to shut down whatever business it doesn't like and remember. This is the anti fascist group. This is
exactly the brown shirts did in Germany if who didn't hang the swastika? You came under attack. Eventually, you were gone. We have a few weeks to prepare, and I do not want you to prepare I do. I do encourage you to exercise the second amendment in self defense. I do I urge you to prepare yourself. with food with fuel
with things that you and your neighbors might need if there are great disruptions because they are coming, and I will show that to you coming up in just a second also Amy Coney bear it. She is waiting to see how they treat her. Today we hear her opening statements live in just a few minutes. The glamour back programme, so with everything we're talking about the one thing is for sure you may be responsible for your own protection. Member thee the laughed wants to get rid of the police and your right to bear arms. That sounds logical. Doesn't it are you prepared? heard for the gathering storm? Is your homes cure,
I want you to. I want you to go to simply safe dotcom right now and find out if they have a system that you can afford, and you can put it in. There streamlining affordable. It's fifty cents a day for the monitoring you own the system, theirs No contract involved and just the fact that you have a security system and it is armed
Usually is the first thing that a predator looks out and they stop going in if they know that you are with a security system that his arm. I want you to go and look at the security system now simply safe, back dotcom get a free, hd security camera. When you order your system that simply safe back dotcom stews joining us in just a few minutes. We look at some of the pole numbers and all the rest of the stuff going on and he shall returns tonight. I'm place tv Child can be and must be explained. Haiti has triggered the pandora's box he has opened. They will not be
so easily destroy. So let us brace ourselves. The task is twofold: the terrorist trump must be defeated: must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box, and then he, at his enablers and its supporters and his collaborators and the MIKE Louise and the William Bars Sean Hannity and my pencil and the room. Julie, armies, the Kyle, written houses and the Amy Coney Berets must be prosecuted. And convicted and removed from our society. While we try to rebuild its end to rebuild the world, Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus. Remember it whereas we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fighters just to win an election but to work, by enough to chase, at least for a moment trump and the maggots off the stage.
and then try to clean up what they left. Remember it and though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end November. Third, but in many ways will only begin that day, That is Keith, Oberman. If you are angry stand. I do not play that to make you angry. In fact, I I urge the opposite. I play that, so you are Prepared for what, is coming I'm real straight up with you and this one's easy. For me to say I gas, because I'm gonna catch it with I'm always wrong. We're timing, but everybody knows this: one is coming. but I've believe in my lifetime and I
within the next fifteen years, I think these are the beginnings of the days that have been foretold. I believe that we could see the days of tribulation in the next five years. I obviously dont know people have been planning orb, who suffer from been looking forward to these days for three days In two years, The evil is. Is washing over the world right now. and it is not going to help anything and you will not. I believe we will not be counted. Has helpers. If you will if we are engaging in violence that is different and protecting your family, your home, by
if you're thinking- and I don't believe you are- but for those who are thinking about I'm gonna get a group together. That is not the way to go Urge you urge you to go. With a group of people and the first thing you say is we're not talking about a militia we are talking about supporting you. I want you to go to your sheriff Anna. I want you to leave them know that you support to them. If They are a share of that understands that they are the last wall of defence between government, that is out of control and the people They don't answer to the governor. They don't answer to the mayor's they'd answer to anyone except the people they put them in office. I will I want you to meet and know who you're sheriff is to go there p.
fully because they are probably all keyed up in some places, but you support your sheriffs. If you are looking at an election where a sheriff is up for you, election that be the second most important vote that you make. No Oh, who your voting for know who the sheriff is fortitude ranch camps in West, Virginia Colorado or opening November third to protect members According to the outlet citing the company's October news letter, in addition, fortitude ranch expects possible looting and violence that could turn the clashes that spread far and wide and last a long time. That's whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden wins the election. this is the first time they have opened the fortitude ranch
for a collapse disaster and they say, though it may not end up being so. consider the risk of violence. They could escalate in a rational, unpredictable ways into widespread law, a loss of law and order, and we feel that it is real. This is a camp where, for a thousand dollars, you can go as go to these camps as a refuge. in the event of a societal collapse. This is the first time there are opening it, for at and their opening it November. Third, you have about three weeks to prepare for insanity, and it may not happen and I pray it doesn't happen, but I and recommend highly enough that you prepare food storage that you prepare your home to be secure
You have met with your family and your children, and you know where you're supposed to meet. If there is a problem, prepare financially and then you ve gotta do Your homework and prepare Occasionally do you have a physical copy of the institution of the United States and the declaration of independence You need that, are you prepared, spiritually too? do you have a relationship good enough as told you fifteen years ago. There's going to come a time when you we're going to need that communication between you and the Spirit so strong that if the Spirit says stop don't oh they're turn around that you do it. please, if you haven't, started working on that, do it ask for advice and obey the advice. The voice,
we'll get stronger in you. You also to prepare mentally. you're going to be leaving things behind us. I mean that historically I Things are going to change: don't pine for the good old days look forward to the future. It brings me no joy, telling Do these things. But they are serious. The left. Is serious there. our people that want to you to be afraid and will control you. My daughter has asked me over and over again and what is societal collapse mean. What does it look like. The walking dead without the Zombies
if, if society collapses, there will be militias and gangs, and they will not be he usually for the constitution. Remember why? supremacists did these militia gangs like they had up in Michigan. They don't agree. We Amerika Now they may say, therefore, the constitution, but you can't be for the constitution and the anarchy and black lives matter. You just can't know exactly who you're standing with I do I recommend that you get in to any of these things and it is going to be It is going to be seductive if there is great societal collapse. I don't think that's gonna happen. I think there's gonna be widespread unrest, but I don't. Think societal collapses. Coming. Thank God,
anybody who says you know we just got a burn all thing down and really mean burn the whole thing down. I, what she didn't know that when you get rid of the police and you get rid of society, its like this, it will be. Into groups and gangs, and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you with ill me controlled by whoever and there's no help coming that sweat societal collapse, looks like And there are those that want it now. There is a new story out today that don't believe the numbers. But it's from reason- and I think it's worth reading it is- are Americans provoking each other into political violence,
The proportion of Americans, believing that it is least somewhat justifiable for their political party to use violence to achieve its goals has risen from fewer than one in three three years ago. to one in three now, according to the poles. Meanwhile, predictions abound of disruptions round the election in fighting in the years to come after months of social unrest in with the country's political factions intent on mutual destruction, the? U S looks at a at risk becoming a failing democracy, which D yields are settled in the streets. God help us so you know if this happens, if we become a failing democracy our dollar is no longer the World Reserve currency and it becomes worthless thee. Things could happen overnight
a growing number of prominent american leaders and scholars. We are increasingly anxious that this country is headed towards the worst post election crisis in a century and a half that puts it. the civil war lay diamond of the Hoover Institute, said Lee Dogma of New America Toddlin Lindbergh of the Hudson Institute Nathan He Kalmar of Louisiana State University, Lillian Mason of the University of Maryland. They pay. The peace in politico. Our biggest concern is that a disputed presidential election especially if they were close contests in a few swing states or have we candidate denounces the legitimacy of the process it could Jim rate, violence and bloodshed, drawing on polling data? The authors point: support for the use of violence achieve political goals, has risen from eight per cent for both Democrats and Republicans two thirty, three and thirty six percent
September forty four percent of Republicans forty one percent of Democrats said there would be at least a little justification for violence. If the others party nominee wins the election The australian former australian special forces officer and Bush Junior Administration Counter Terrorism adviser warned America may be in what the c I a guide to the analysis of insurgency call insipid insurgency, people don't know that it only takes two to five percent of our population to Why to engage in violence and civil wars. It's only two to five percent that actually commit the violence, but that is all it takes.
you are seeing the violence now coming from the left, you going to see a concerted effort to do I notice how the media is already softening the ground they're calling all violence from the right. It's not. It's coming from the left. There are already starting to soften the ground there already starting to New York Times daily. Did a report today and to a a leader. Was it NPR talk to a leader yeah gone and there, are already talking about way. Will the military go the military is now going through classes. on the constitution, these things my
come. We are three weeks away. Keith Oberman said it's: it's not just election night. As he said quote, that is just the beginning. holidays or just around the corner. We approaching the four hundredth anniversary of Thanksgiving the pilgrims landing four hundred years later and it's just right around the corner. dot com is the number one on time online, retailer of custom window treatments in the world now, and they want
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purchase is necessary. Rules and restrictions may apply, see blind. Stop com for details. The airlock major breaking news. You will only here on this programme in about ten minutes from now. Also I wanted to. I want to tell you that on the day gets the twenty fourth Saturday, the twenty. Fourth, at seven p m central time we have a virtual broadcast from the american Journey training centre? This is M one Mercury. One there is something that we are announcing that is going to help you prepare and help your family. Prepare, we Hope to have this out at this last summer, but because of covert things were delayed and were rushing to put things together. So we have it for you, the twenty fourth, but I
Urge you urge you to watch that broadcast. It will be on you too, but it will be on the blaze. It will be on em one mercury, one dot org I urge you to go there and make sure you and your family in your friends are gathered around and you watch that night. It is a special broadcast. That is, I think, very, very, very important for you and your family. We are going to get extraordinarily active on hoping you prepare to save the republic that comes again October, twenty fourth Sevenpm Central, that's a Saturday night market on your calendar, Glenn proudly, I want to talk to about his crew.
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment when their programme, so the hearings are starting with Amy coding merit hearings to confirm her. We haven't covered any of it because so far she and said a word kids, just all of the politicians having their ten minutes each to say something in an opening statement, blah blah blah blah blah. We will cover hers ass soon, ass. She starts to speak and cover the hearings live. We also have major major breaking news that you won't hear anywhere else. We do that in sixty seconds is the Green box
program. Yesterday I was out it was so beautiful this this. The last few weeks in Texas have been great. It was a little hot last yesterday, but still beautiful here in Texas, I went out and we turn on the grill. As about twelve thirty in the afternoon, five o clock I pulled those ribs offer the smoker off of the rectangle, and it is so amazing, So amazing the meat fell off the bounds. It was all good rector. Are you see tee q, I am not somebody who's ever smoked before I mean Mina grill I've. Never, oh I've never done any of those things. I've never been good at that. I don't know why. I never learn how to use a grill rectify exit so easy. They have smart grill technology, lets you control and monitor the food, your cooking from an app on your phone. You still get the great food but you're
What's inside in the air conditioning, it's great sturdy, it's smart, its wreck, tech followers and all the social media sign up for their newsletter. I want you to a bee. Compare these to the best girls you can find on the market. I think, Tat is the best already see tee cue to with the Arab Erect, with a queue at the end wreck, tech d, calm already see tee Q. Dotcom So, as you know, or maybe you you dont know, Yelp is now deciding that they are going to start highlighting any business that has been accused of racism and that great so thank you, Yelp weakens certainly trust you now to get the truth. This is the council culture that we're living in any of you. Don't toe the line you're in trouble,
our kids now are being taught critical race theory, which means that you are inherently racist. You owned slave. Even if you didn't known a slave, you wanted own a slave. I believe that all men are created equal. I believe that no one should be held accountable for what their ancestors did, but that's not what the left is doing. That is not what the the Democrats and Joe Biden and Harris are campaigning on and everyone is too comfortable in the Democratic Party with this cancel culture tire country is cancelled. Because of our history, the founder. should be cancelled, rip their statues down. They ripped more statues down in Portland,
whether we can change the names of buildings and signs and don't get anybody started on Mount Rushmore. This bleeds into your personal history. De Emption no longer means anything, a pivot point, life, changing a switch in thinking or be Aver. It counts. for nothing with the latter? this means a tweet someone might have sent when they were a child is worth cancellation. some major breaking news for you. None of this seems to apply when it's one of their owns governed with them had a photo of him either in black face or a clan outfit. These never been asked to say which one he was why wasn be cancelled. me Kimmel used to think black face was held, hysterical
Carro. Malone segment was a staple of his show. Why wasn't he held accountable to the same standard they held for Megan Kelly, who, by the way, wasn't in black face, merely asked a question about people who, dressed in black, face to honour someone they admire. She was cancelled, but Kimmel, who dressed in black, face and a segment after segment after segment after segment, making fun of a black man. He never took it. Joe Biden, is another great example here's a man who worked with segregationist somehow or other he's exempt of cancellation crying bill, is the exact opposite of the wet and what the left is now proposing, how many lack Americans were sent to prison because of that law. Again, I ask Why is he exempt? How can oh Biden look at black people in the face and tell them that they aren't really black if they dont vote for him would
To be allowed to get away with that. Now, maybe buttons immune from the left cancer culture rage due to his strong family background. you know the left one after trumps, family history and viciously knocked his roots New York Times when, after the family, business dealings, going back to his father, the media is gone after his children, despite no criminal activity which again say the same for Hunter Biden and the attacks. Would include the president's youngest child baron I remember John Oliver, going after trumps, ancestral name make Donald Trump Don. the drums again, that episode brokers Kurds and viewers ships at HBO going back into a candidate or political ancestral tree, is clearly important to the left. So I guess that's why Joe Biden is so insulated.
you know that a lot of people have looked at Joe Biden family tree, but the focus His mother side of the family, good huh, Working irish ancestry, Lunchbox Joe comes from a long line of blue collar coal minors, but What about bindings fathers ancestral lying there? Nobody look. Ended that I mean be good to further build that Blue Collar Lunchbox, Joe image and binding very par, proud of that part of his family. You know is middle name by a Robin that Joseph Robin NET Biden yeah. I've always looked at anyone Robin S. The hell is that kind of name that's his father's line. He's very, very proud of that ah Burnett lying in his ancestry, Robin at well of John Oliver and the rest of the mainstream media can go after Donald Trump, family and lineage I guess the gloves come off.
I have recently been given Joe Biden, his family history from his father's side, and it comes to me from one of the finest and most respected genealogy firms in the country, liberties elected officials have, you who's this firm for years to reveal their family history. I tell you the name of the of the organization I'm making the documents available, but I'm not gonna print, the name of the organization for their own safety reasons, ally with that B. We full report, available now it Glenn back dot com in this report is worth thousands of dollars to produce. It takes hundreds of man hours to research documents that go back to this case into the seventeen hundreds. it cost thousands of dollars. This report goes back six generations, Anna Joe. Robin that boy, Sweden's family tree. Do we
the graphic here: if you're watching blaze TV, you can see the chart there, it is of six generation of buttons family star. my generation, one, the current candidate for President Joe Robin Et Biden, junior generation to Jos, Father Joe Robin Et Biden Senior and on and on two generations sick, starting in the seventeen hundreds Jesse Robin at who was born in Maryland in seventeen seventy six wow. What of what right thing to have. Now, here's where it gets dicey. Let me show you the next document. This is from the: U S: federal census in eighteen, twenty ninth up from the bottom list, as the head of the household Jesse Robin ET as in Joe Rob, at Biden. This is Joe Biden, great great great grandfather the left side of the form is the count of Jesse's family?
right. Shied side shows something else. How many did Joseph Bide net vitamins family? how many slaves did they own will join vitamins, great great great grandfather, owned, twelve slaves in eighteen. Twenty five male slaves ages, fourteen to twenty five to male slaves, age of twenty six, twenty four thousand and forty three female slaves: ages: zero, two 13th, one female sledge age, fourteen to twenty five and one female slave aged forty, five plus. According to this report, again from a very respected genealogy firm that is trusted by both famous celebrities and politicians, widens ancestors we're slaveowners. With that little chunk of information and a kind of puts Jos work with segregationist in a whole different context. Now doesn't it
add a little more weight when Joe tells black people that they aren't black unless they vote for him. I can almost hear the crack of the whip makes the remark that he made just a few years ago. There, all they're gonna, put all you back in chains a little more. Oh task, seeing it was his family that put people in chains, makes it all the more sickening when last week he said black woman was stocking. The shelves, while he was safe in his basement, tweet that nobody has ever really dug this far and Buttons Father's side or family where did they and just now what this to get out now after knowing this and if you work at the altar of cancel culture and societal justice, can you-
still be calling for the destruction of statues and monuments and still vote for Joe Robin Et Biden. After all,. His family was there and they own slaves chance like Thomas Jefferson, whom must now be destroyed. Kenya still vote for Joe Biden. Can you do I'm just curious, I don't know I don't make the rules if you call the America of to day and evil country based off its past, then what sat make Joe Biden. Me I think Joe Biden is unfit. President based off him, you know being one of, if not the most corrupt politicians in history. I personally Think the sins of his family tree mean anything at all to the man of today but
that's not how today's modern left operates. Now is it I mean Just going by their rules Maybe you go by their rules. Joe Biden should be cancelled. if that's not enough. Well, be than when they see the next documented. My convince them for good. If you're watching blaze tv or if you go to Glenn back dot com, you will see the second document, along with all of the documents. Now this might be one of the most heartbreaking letters I've ever seen. This is a probate document from state of Maryland in eighteen, thirty two, and it shows that strip beautician of Joe vitamins, gray, great grandfathers, slaves to his surviving family. You see well, unlike George Washington,
YO bindings great great great grandfather. He didn't free the slaves upon the death of Jesse, Robin that nope Joe Robin Et Bindings, great great, eight grandfather, asked his slaves on after his death to the family? I'm really. This is eighteen, thirty, two! George Washington freed his slaves in the seventeen hundred's this, Argument cruelly and methodically explains how each member of the family would become the new master of Jesse slaves, there's Dorcas Robin at who was given a slave boy named Benjamin his value four hundred and fifty dollars she was also given a girl named Nancy, who is valid four hundred and fifty dollars as well a girl named Mary, valued only a two hundred and thirty five dollars and a boy named Nathan at six four dollars,
Juno, Davis and Alice his wife were given a boy named Bob. He was valued at six hundred dollars. We don't know how old Bob was. Yaws Romanists Robin it was given a boy named Tom, valued at six hundred dollars, George Robin it was A boy named Charles valued at three hundred and fifty dollars and a boy named Solomon, valued at two hundred and fifty dollars. I don't know, maybe they were really old, or maybe they were crippled and therefore really not worth as much as people. Moses J Robin S was given a boy named Joshua, valued at six hundred dollars Eliza and Robin ET was given a boy named Pedro Pierrot Valley, three hundred dollars and a girl named lion, valued at two hundred dollars. This news
he's all available right now with all of the documentation at Glenn Beck, DOT, com, again. We ve left the name of the company that did all of this work. We ve left it off for their safety hey buddy boy that would have to be from the right and that wouldn't make sense. Why would the right be violent over something like this. You would think the right would like it because we know the left is in violent. We know what the left Turns out that Joe Robin Et Biden, his ancestors all own slaves and then pass them on generation after generation, almost until the time of the civil war where they were forced to. get rid of their slaves. While add is weird isn't it.
I told you you would enjoy it, You- and I both don't think this has anything to do with who Joe Biden is today but it's gonna be fun watching. How this information, never sees the light of day except, for when you reek tweet it when you go to. I come in the information and you put it on your facebook. You put it on your instagram, you put it on, to put it on twitter it'll, be in listing to see if it trends, ash tag by. Slaveowners back in one minute: American fun,
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She currently serves on the Eu S court of appeals and the seventh circuit she's, the first woman to hold that seed for Indiana. She is an original list. She is a textual lists. Her mentor, informer boss was antonyms. Scalia She has voted in favour of an Indian, a law that prohibited boarding, a child on the basis of same sex, race or disability, mean Why the Nazis did it what's good enough for the Nazis? It's not good enough for us. She, also joined, descended labelled Indiana Eugenics state. It was. She also claimed in December that denying guns to nonviolent felons treats the second amendment as a second class right. She also had joined in descent and descended in a case that brought blocked president trumps pub.
charge rule that would block immigrants who would need to rely on. Federal aid she is pro life. She is Is Lee religious Diane Feinstein the California Democrat, pressed her and said to her dogma lives loudly within her, and then to concern when you come to big issues that people have fought for years for in this country boy, at eight to have, Diane FI, sign right. You read any other words of Abraham Lincoln, because that My sure live loudly in here. You know What's weird about Abraham Lincoln is the left. No longer likes him over the weekend. They pulled a statue of him down in Portland. And you free the slaves in Joseph Robin at bindings, ancestors didn't free. There's! Isn't that weird
And I just don't know how? Well I'm sure of Joseph Robin at Biden gets in all Gonna be fine with him. All of May him in our streets, or we will all stop? Oh sure, It will sure it will. When we come back I'm gonna. Do I'm going over the five ways that the federalists printed this week and that are going to fundamentally change if Biden packs the court. What are the big thing? What is actually mean to pack the court Joe Biden said we know, You don't really have a need or a right to know. If he's going to do that over the weekend, that's what he said That's strange. Isn't it that's? Coming up?
after the break standby is the Glen Back program. You know like me, my dog doesn't get to choose what food is gonna eat every day and Like me, the food he does eat isn't filled with a lot of great tasty stuff. I stand by that statement. Maybe it's just me. You know I will tell you, there's a lot of protein and ice cream. My dog doesn't get any anyway. The bottom line is, if you want a healthy and hopefully a long life for your dog, the place you're going to have to start is with his food, and this is why I love rough greens. doesn't really matter what food especially cables. It's it's all cooked out of cables, a mean nothing that is kibble have food has to sit on the shelf for at least two years before you buy it. That's the rules they gonna cook. Everything in it is dead. well? That's why rough greens is so great cause? Is not a dog food
Doesn't matter really what you feed your for your dog? It's a supplement, you put it in the dogs, food and it contains everything that they need. A gets cooked out, probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega oils and the probiotics. That's really important. It's rough greens are you F, F greens, rough greens, dot com, slash blaze. Are you a green, Slash, Blaise Aldo many? This nominee will work to implement their policy David of Healthcare. That is none. Judges job. That is not the responsibility of a judge, in fact, making that promise would be violating that judicial out. I don't know what will happen in this particular litigation on healthcare, but I do know that this it should be, the one resolving the competing policy questions at issue, maybe
Colleagues talked about pre existing conditions and then I think they have made a political decision. They want this to be the central issue of the confirmation. Will remember this every single member of the Senate agrees that pre existing conditions can and should be protect. Pure, the end there is complete unanimity on. It now it so happens. Better. There are a number of us on the republic inside I also want to see premiums go down. Obamacare cause premiums, skyrocket. The average families premiums arisen over five thousand dollars a year. Millions of Americans can't afford healthcare because policy failures of abolishing. those questions should be resolved in this body in the elected legislature. It's not. justice is job to do. That is not the court's job. To do that, it is the elected legislatures job to judge It brings impeccable credentials additional temperament and a face,
foolish to the law. That's what we should be looking for and Supreme Court Justices and if democratic senators want to engage in policy arguments, they can do so here, not by filled. Thus, during every bill, as they have done over it, over and over again whether its pandemic relief or Obama care believe to lower premiums at expand choices. Today our democratic colleagues filibuster everything and then complain nothing. It's past. This is the body that has to resolve those questions. This is also the body that consistent with two centuries of president can sure- and I believe will end Judge bear it as justice,
I'd, say, there's a TED crews. Michael II has already spoken, its were almost two hundred minutes into this and they are still in their opening statements and she is sitting in front of them wearing a mask and none of them are. She is it's ridiculous. Ridiculous Now Joe Biden came out this week and in fact we have audio here. Packing the ports and an tapir did a great job. Actually this weekend confronting Biden's campaign on the unconstitutional comment. Listen, how is it not Institutional, what they're doing The second point is that the people have an opportunity to way and on this constitutional process through their vote and we are now in the midst of the election, millions of people have already cast their votes and you see that the vast majority of people Say that they want the person who
when's the election on November. Third, too, nominate the justice? That's? Ok. Let's not. The constitution by voters are being denied their constitutional right to have a say in this process. trying to ram through our true to ram through a nominee who, by the way, is going to change the make up of the court and we see time and time again and pull after poll shows that most Americans vehement disagree with this now you don't let that happen. What should happen on November thirty, that's not what the word constitutional means status additional doesn't mean. I like anger. I don't like it means its according to the: U S, constitution, there's nothing on constitutional, about what the? U S than it is doing, A scattered shower of journalism breaking out at CNN. Biden is already sang and they are starting to build this case that because of what Donald Trump did with the lower courts Meaning Phil during the
openings on lower court, something that President Obama did not do by filling all of these he's already pack, the court again here followed the constitution and he has taken advantage of. all of the openings that President Obama left for him when he got in so instead of being behind, he got serious about the courts and appointed judges for all the lower courts and all those lower court judges. They all went through a confirmation process, and its constitutional but Biden and the left or going to start making. In fact, let me play Biden, the GEO people
the court's here it is listen. I heard her right on right now. Why not republican before now join focus on what is happening right now is that we always fact enjoy this work by the republic is after divulges already he's gonna stay false his eyes off, so when they asked him, that's whose you answer when he said when they asked him. Are you gonna pack, the courtiers. here's, my another stance that he made over the weekend about voters. Do they have a right to know if he's gonna pack, the court or not
I've got to ask you about path in the courts, and I know that you said yesterday. You are going to answer the question until after the elections, but this is the number one thing that I have been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days. Well, you ve been asked by the viewers you're, probably Republicans, who don't want me continuing to talk about what they're doing the court right now also saw. The voters deserve to know no, they don't, as we are not going to play his game. He d love, you think alike. On already said something on practical corporate. He loved that to be the discussion instead of what are you doing now he's about he's about to make a kick in the middle of an election first time its ever been done Oh it's it's not the first time its ever been done. It's been done, twenty seven times. Twenty seven, I know that's really close to zero. If were playing the game of like zero to infinity, it's almost zero it's not zero. Twenty seven on your side. I would you
point that one to Joe Biden, the people don't have a right to know, see it's. Not a controversial statement to say I'm not gonna pack, the court. Unless Europe left the room Nicole friends wants you to pack the court. if the radicals want to pack the court, even if you dont, want to use not going to say you're not going to, because then your lefty friends, who were the ones propping up your campaign, are really pay. did you but make no more Take Biden will pack the court Mary there's gonna be Biden by the way, one hundred days into it. I can tell you that packing the or it will be one of the things that they will introduce, because
he fell. Really. It was kind of channeling. The animal spirits of the Left- and I want to make this clear, not of Democrats and when I see them Creates I mean the average person that you know your neighbor Democrat they're, not for me. The court's they're, not for all of this radical stuff there, not for b l they may have at the beginning. When thought that was just peaceful protest, but now that they ve learned that, therefore, the destruction of the American and the western nuclear family, when they Wind and now there they found out that they are actually for the overturning and the destruction of the free market system. Your average democrat in the middle of the country next door that you know they're not for all that stuff there not for it. And they are certainly not for the radicals that are calling for violence- many of the left. Keep saying you big words matter,
especially when they come from me. You know people who have a platform can't believe that he still has a platform, but here's what Keith Oberman said this weekend: listen uh! This tromp can be and must be expunged, expand, the Haiti has triggered the pandora's box he has opened and they will not be so easily destroyed. So let us pray our cell raise ourselves. Selves task is twofold: to full, terrorist trump must be defeated, tear must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box, and he At his enablers at its supporters- and is collaborators and the MIKE Louise and the William Bars and the Sean Hannity and my pencil and the room Julie, armies, the Kyle, written houses and the Amy Coney Berets must be proud, secluded and convicted and removed from our society? While we try to rebuild it and to
build the world Trump has nearly destroy by turning it over to a virus. Remember it as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is now. Just to win an election but to work, by enough to chase, at least for a moment trump and the maggots off the state Ok, so he's meet you by the way he is almost literally foaming at the mouth. You can hear him while he sang it. It's like a vessel galleries has somewhat sprite loud. He is serious he serious and he speak. For a lot of people on the left them Ike Liese, need to be tried, convicted and rid of in society might, ITALY is somehow or another and extremist I tell you, I know my cleon, I'm afraid for my life,
I really am. He saw dangerous should see, is hot head, but you know that already about MIKE, you see em in pubs can you goin off the handle? Any like China? Not ratifying our? Do that's my key soda dress. When they say you and he said the Sean handicaps that would include rush Limbaugh. That would include me that would include Mark Levine. That would include Stephen Crowd or that would include everybody at the blaze. That would also include Ben Shapiro and others like him. So that's good right. It's gotta get rid of those people. I don't know he saw this when I saw you on Article that was what was written by somebody who said you know it's,
it is it's incredible being a trump supporter voice, my love for America and support for Donald Trump and my spots has been overwhelmed, Angli, wonderful and am thankful for those who took time to read it and send kind messages, but it might be I've lost life. I have lost a few, so old friends for backing Donald Trump over the past five years coming up likely was a step too far for some and the the tree all I received for stating my political stance for support of Donald Trump. Revealed the unflattering sides to certain characters, from a sociological standpoint. It is quite interesting to me that in some leaders circles being pro trump has caused me more grief. Then being the niece. and carrying the name.
of Bin Laden where'd you to think about that She is the niece of Osama Bin Laden. She says she recalled receives more hatred, and more grief From saying she supports Donald Trump, then having the name Bin Laden that should Yes, something about the what it wanted them. Keith Overman call, oh yeah, the hatred of other side more and just a second we're, including the five things that are going to change with Amy call me very
and hopefully she'll be allowed to speak soon and answer question car shield. I know you got enough on your play to deal with right now without having now without having to add car problems. On top of that, when something goes wrong with your car, it can be both a logistical and financial nightmare in your car, maybe in the shop for quite a while when it comes out, are you? I will pay for those repairs. we rely on our cars to get us to and from where we need to go and having car trouble can throw your life in the chaos, but when you're covered by car shield, you're not going to be able to get the repairs you need, but also get choose who d, them as well, and you don't have to wait for the Czech coming from the insurance company it's covered. They take care of it. I use dread car repairs, my trucks. Up at the ranch I mean, I'm gonna drive him until the doors fall off, but now with chips in em when those Jim so bad it can cost thousands of dollars. Not for me I have car shield, please look
getting coverage today, Cy Carshield cars go further, call eight hundred six hundred and sixty five, two thousand one hundred and fifty seven eight hundred six hundred and sixty five, two thousand one hundred and fifty seven mention the promo code back or visit carshield dot, com, user, promo code back and save ten percent carshield dot com, promo code. We're on our way join Ben SAS he is currently giving a civics lesson he's using his time to say: listen, we can argue about politics, Paul, six! What happened here There are things that we agree on, and the Supreme Court is supposed to make sure that those things that we agree on are upheld. Not do politics not pass not pass legislation join him real, quick.
sitting on a covert relieve package right now. Instead, This We tell you know it has allowed a couple of minutes. If you will dare religious liberty, he starts to talk about religious liberty, a fundamental american belief. You can believe whatever you want leaving it to get anywhere near their place. Thank you, MR german judge, very welcome. Congratulations, Jesse, very congratulations! I just want to say that our culture said a number of things about covered that I agree with she sighed a bunch of real. Painful stories in Minnesota and similar stories could be told from across the country, even agree with parts of our criticism of the mismanagement of covered by Washington DC. I don't know any of that has to do with what we are here to do today, huge parts of what we're doing in this hearing
would be really confusing to AIDS, graters civics classes across the country tuned into this hearing and trying to figure out what we're here to do and they heard as much as they ve heard about two thousand nine finance committee debates about what should be a health care reform package. Unblest have said not just on the Judiciary Committee, but also on the finance committee. the discussions we have had here today fit better and finance committee hearing that in a judiciary committee hearing. I think it would be very useful for us to pause and remind ourselves and do some of our civic duty to AIDS graters to help them realise what a president runs for, what a senator runs for, and on the other hand, why judge Berytus sitting before us today and with diamond a pause right there, and I want to pick it up after the top of the hour, because I think this is really the right,
good, then SAS civics. You know he says it's for the eighth graters, but really it's for a lot of Americans who really don't understand the role of each branch. Firstly, table build bar, I e g, tat. My built bar. This is lemon omen, cheesecake, which I think is one of their new flavors. Really really good. He'll chocolate. This is, I don't know how they do it and make em. What is it I had this one is a hundred calories hundred thirty calories, something like that I don't know how they do it really. Don't there there protein their full of all the good stuff that you're supposed to have ended. Tastes like that. It tastes good animal protein there's always tastes like a doormat. This built bar. It is really good, find your favorite flavour. You should try that chocolate chip meant it is on believable anyway, you can.
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. When that programme, I want to set the table today with what's going on just this week. In my we had a Bernie supporter now charge with first degree. Murder went to a patriot prayer rally and shot somebody in bad cold blood. It's phenomenal. He was a Bernie supporter. He was an anti far supporter he's a guy who had threatened me. We have his threatening tweet to me talking to me about you, wanna do somethin brave, you wanna risk your life. Why don't you go out in public and have a meeting agreed that was taken
as a threat by my staff. He is, of course, on the left. We also had an in Portland this weekend, pull down more statues Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, which makes an awful lot of makes no sense whatsoever and Keith Oberman. I want to play this before we get started. Here's what he said this weekend. Tromp can be and must be explained the Haiti history, The pandora's box he has opened, they will be so easily destroyed. So let us brace ourselves. The task is twofold: the terrorist problem, We defeated must be destroyed. Must be devoured at the ballot box and then he
at his enablers at its supporters, and is collaborators and the MIKE we send the William Bars Sean Hannity is in my pants, Rudy, Giuliani them and Kyle written thousands and the Amy Coney Berets must be proud secluded and convicted and removed from our society while we tried to build it enter, build. The world tromp has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus. Remember it even as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers die, that the flight is just to win an election, but to work by enough to chase we support a moment trump and them gets off the stage, and try to clean up what they laugh. Remember. It even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not in November. Third, but in many ways willow
begin is the Glen back programme. That is the voice of the left. That is the voice of antivirals, and they are serious that Amy Coney bear it somehow or another should be tried. I dont know what for what crimes tried, and put away Michael II should be tried. These Sean Hannity, which would include me in Russia, Limbaugh Mark Levant and Stephen crowded in every voice that you like, be tried and put away. mark. My words then are not fooling around. This will happen. The election is three weeks away. It is we to go. The country is going to go into chaos because there are those on the left that want chaos. They want it
they needed it is top down bottom up inside out is what I have told you for. Fifteen years would happen it's now here and we're three weeks away. It happens to our economy and to our dollar. If we go into chaos and we begin to look like a failed democracy, this is why or failed republic. This is why we but always been the the place where money. Russia's too because we ve been stable. We have stable elections, we we are not a banana republic if we- begin to look like a banana republic and we go unstable. I am telling you right now. Your dollar we'll lose its value? We will lose the reserve currency money will flee from this country. And that will only make things worse I
strongly strongly urge you to get a very sturdy umbrella before the house. Cain hits and when it starts to hit you're, not gonna, be able to afford an umbrella. About silver recently and we has it that gold line wants to give you free silver. With every purchase made this week you can purchase silver outright, but and I get it for free with the purchase of any gold product. I want you to call eight x x, gold line. There's the number you can did their website a gold lying dot com, but call them at eight six. Six gold line their standing by right now to take your call them no this audience. I that I've been with gold line for a long time, so they speak your language. They know why you're calling ask them why I buy the color the kind of coins that I do, ask them. We know silver, I've, I've,
believed in gold, but gold is getting so expensive. Now that I just I don't know if a coin of gold is going to be able to do any real transactions? I mean you know kitten You break a five thousand dollar coin. For some groceries? I mean that's crazy. so. Silver is going to play. A role and silver is easier to by its twenty seven. Twenty eight dollars announced and there is no record of it ever being taken away from people, etc, etc, and I'm telling you now the banks no, the bank's don't even hold money anymore, there's no money in the vaults, at least in Dallas. It's all picked up by the Federal Reserve they while the cash try to get cash out of the pink try dry. Ah, suggest that The dollar is going to get weaker and weaker, and could collapse entirely and
happen soon if you are not prepared, please, call gold line. Eight six six gold lie made six gold, liner gold lined outcome, right, so the senators it's it's two hours in fifteen minutes bench in any Coney bear. It has not had an opportunity to speak. It is just the blather ring on by these politicians. Some of them have been good. I think been SAS was really good, now want to play the rest of Ben SAS in his opening statement, because he was trying to teach the he said: eighth graters, but what he was really trying to teach work. The Democrats who are saying this is unconstitutional and we need to know exactly where she stands on. Every issue know this. is a strict construction list. This is somebody who does I believe that she can legislate from the back from the bench. The federal
or should never be a legislative body. What they who is interpret the constitution based on what it actually says not reading in any kind of new staff, but read what does the constitution say that she does and that cuts both ways. Sometimes I will strongly disagree. with a ruling because I wanted the other, but I agree with the constitution, saying that in you can't do it listen to what he said about this tree. Especially watching eighth grade civics classes. I'd like to distinguished first between civics and politics, because there were
the time the German said at the beginning of this hearing. There was a time when people that would be as different as Ruth bade her again spark and she was a heroic woman. That's absolutely true and Antonyms Scully another brilliant mind in your mentor people that different could go through the Senate and get confirmation votes of ninety five. Ninety eight votes and the chairman said at the beginning of a hearing. He doesn't know what happened between then and now, I think some of what happened between then and now is we decided to forget what civics are and allow politics to swallow everything. So if I get started like to just remind us of the distinction between civics in politics, civics is this stuff we're all supposed to agree on, regardless of our policy views, differences civics is another way. We talk about the rules of the road civics one or one. Is this stuff like Congo, rights laws, the exact a branch enforces laws courts applied them. None of that
steps should be different if you're, a Republican or a Democrat or a libertarian or a green party member. This is basic. Civic civics is the stuff that all American should agree on. Like religious liberty is essential. People should be able to fire the folks who write the laws, and we can't voters can't fire the judges. Judges should be impartial. This is just civics one or one politics is different. Politics is the stuff that happens underneath civic civics is the overarching stuff we as Americans agree and in common politics. Is the subordinate, less important stuff that we differ about. Politics is like, If I look at my friend, Dress Coon's and I say: listen up Jack wagon. What you want to do on this particular finance committee bill is gonna, be way too expensive and might bankrupt our kids or, if Chris lives back at me and says, listen object lagging year, do much of it cheapskate and you're under investing in the next generation. That's a really important debate, that's a political debate. That's not civil
civics is more important than that. Civics doesn't change every eighteen to twenty four months, because the electoral winds change because polling changes either, it's important that we help our kids understand that politics is the legitimate stuff. We fight about and civic, says the places where we pull back and say wait a minute. We have things that are in common and before we fight again about politics, let's reaffirm some of our civic, so I'd like to have just sort of a bit, grammar of subjects for five minutes? One thing that we should all agree on in two things that we should all disagree with. We should agree on it, but one thing that we agree about and are in favour of and two things that we agree on that we should all reject. First, a positive grand unifying truth about America and that as religious liberty, religious liberty is the basic idea that how you worship is none of the governments. Business government can rage wage wars. Government can write parking tickets, but government cannot save souls. Governments really important autism,
We're parking tickets or in four are important, but your soul is something that the government can't touch so, whether you worship in a mosque or a synagogue or a church, your faith or your lack of faith, is none of the governments business. It's your business and your families in your neighbors and all sorts of places where people break bread together and argue. But it's about power. It's not about forests, it's not about the government. This is fundamental american belief, religious liberty is one of those five great freedoms, clustered in the first amendment, religion, speech, press assembly and protests. These five freedoms that hang together that are the basic pre governmental rights, are sort of civics, one or one that we all agree on well before we ever get to anything as relatively inconsequential as tat Policy, our aid so stand by. I want to pick us up again. Let me just take one minute here to give you a sponsor its patriot, mobile page,
mobile every day you get to use a great product with great feature and make a stand on the things you believe in every day and you can do those at the same time. Every day you do. That is a good day. It didn't you used to be that way. You you, with Patriot Mobile before they existed, you'd, have to go to the big cellphone companies and Places like Verizon are taking their profits and ten percent, which every right to do and they are fighting against the things you believe in freedom of speech. They are fighting against abortion, the right to life, their fighting for abortion, there actually sending money to plan parenthood. That's your money! Now you gay to them, because you won't tell service, but taking it and pouring all of that money into fighting you. Why would you do that with payment? mobile you don't have to? U should switch to pay.
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barcode back, just go to Patriot, mobile dot com back or call their; U Dot S bank's customer service team at nine hundred and seventy two patriot, nine hundred and seventy two patriot, if you're, a veteran or first responder, you'll, save even more so make the today. Patriot, mobile dot com, slash back then station. I do so there is confusion being introduced again, the author of all chaos, would like America to be confused. Now on what packing the court's mean, the Left is now saying that what the president is doing, even now is packing the court. No he's not packing. The court mean something entirely different. Here's Ben SAS on that when they.
When I try to change the outcome of what stu and affect future by trying to change the size and competition composition of the court. That is they bad idea that politicized this the judiciary and reduces public trust. On the other hand, deep. Politicizing, the court looks a lot like letting courts and judges do their jobs and the Congress do our jobs. You don't like the policies in Amerika Great, elect different people in the house and in the Senate and in the presidency fire, the politicians at the next election, but voters don't the freedom to fire the judges. Therefore, we should not view judges and we should not encourage judges or the public to view them as ultimately, petitions to hide behind the robes? The annex, to judicial activism is a ism original ism, also known as textual ism, is basically the old idea from eighth grade civics that judges don't get to make laws, judges just apply them
an original. It comes to the court with a fundamental humility and modesty about what the job is that their there to do. an original doesn't think of yourself as a super legislator whose opinions will be read by angels from stone tablets in Heaven, judicial Activism, on the other hand, is the bad idea that judges, black robes, are just fake and truthfully their wearing red or blue partisan jerseys under their. We should reject all such judges, and so today, When we have a nominee before us, we should be asking her questions that are not about trying to predetermine. How certain cases will be judged an old term that we should be clear about. I mentioned earlier, but I think it's worth underscoring is we should underscore what is court packing core packing? Is the idea that we shouldn't below up our shared civics that we and the deliberate structure of the Senate by making it just another, mature Jerry body for the purposes packing, the Supreme Court court packing
would depend on the destruction of the full debate here in the Senate, and it is partisan suicide bombing. That and the deliberate structure of the United States Senate and makes this job less interesting for all one hundred of us not forty, seven or fifty three, because it's hard to get to a supermajority that tries to protect the american people from five thousand one hundred and forty nine four thousand nine hundred and fifty one swings all the time what up to filibuster would ultimately do is try the term the Supreme Court into the ultimate super legislature court, hacking is not judicial reform. As some of you who wrote the memo over the weekend, gotta lotta media to bite on court packing is destroying the system we have now. It is not reforming the system we have now, and anybody who uses that Lang, the language that plies filling legitimate vacancies is actually Just another form of court packing, playing the american people for fools, and the American
but actually want a Washington DC that deep politicize is more decisions, not politicized as more decisions, so judge. I'm glad that you're before us, I'm looking forward to hearing your opening statement, Today, Calypso s Brain SAS, trying to give a lesson on civics and what the Supreme Court is. If Biden packs the court, there's a great story in the Federalist, a great opinion: peace that too, about what is what's up if they pack the court, meaning when by if he gets in, he goes from nine judges to twelve judges and they just a point more judges gun. What's this about court and gun rights. Your gun right, we'll be gone. Now. Give that view they have been for gun rights where or against gun rights. When they said we have to have police officers in our schools, we can't
people with guns in our schools we can have teachers would guns, we have to have police officers, will now they're, saying now police officers. In fact, the union, the School teachers Union in California, one their conditions on coming back after cove. It is now police officers in school so, which is it gonna be who's. Gonna, pay tat to you if our gun rights are gone my pen, you can't have it both ways gee. I want to get rid of the police and no right a gun if they packed the court. Which they will if Joe Biden wins, your gun I will be gone freedom of speech, the most obvious change to free speech laws as the Federalist would come with a progressive majority on the Supreme Court. It would be overturning the twenty ten five for Citizens United Decision in that decision. The conservative justice found in keeping with precedent that
operations or people pooling their resources. Do in fact have a right to political speech. Potential reversal of that decision would open the door to a huge array of efforts by the government to restrict the speech of citizens who unite to make it now we're not talk, about unions we're talking about other citizens more broadly speech, laws such as those that exist in New York City requiring people to use preferred pronouns, even if no believe that gender is real, would find a much kinder hearing in the new court. Public schools and colleges was also suffer far. Greater restrictions than currently exist on what kind of political and cultural speech me be allowed. Tell you that are the generation that is coming in now believes in violence. Violence is ok to stop certain kinds of speech that should be a real warning and,
that free speech is not absolute. That was not the way was viewed by all other generations of Americans, including our founders. is dangerous and we lose the essence of a who. America is. If you lose freedom of speech and the second amendment, they keep TAT King about abortion will be one of the things that changes, but I dont think that that's going to happen written, but it is, we'll always be if they pay
the court religious liberty look at how its being curtailed. Now imagine a pact court and one of the big things the Federalist says: gonna change is election, lies you're gonna have statehood for the District of Columbia, Porter Rico people will vote to her in the country illegally. All of these things and, of course, the electoral college glanced back, proud NEWS on Joe Biden occasion, MR coming up in just a second gear. It lives in South Carolina and thankfully, for him he's a listener to this programme, because couple years ago- and he heard his back lifting boxes on the job here took a serious turn in the wrong direction. From afterwards he could barely get around. Let alone do his job well and he was beginning to get desperate. And yet, when he heard me talking about relief factor was sceptical. You didn't For several more months ago, it Garrett I totally get. I was there
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I am amazed at the research that went in to the monologue that I did about an hour ago, looking and all of the documentation that is now available at Glenn back dot com. It is it's amazing how thorough this is it you don't know what I'm talking about it's something that you should grab and make sure you share with a friend. It is now very, very clear. You know a Jew. Vitamins, name is Joseph Biden, Robin NET Biden, Joe, Robin Et Biden He is actually junior generation to is Robin at Biden, Senior, and on and on two generation number six Jesse Robin at who was born in Maryland,
we have the documents to show his family tree back six generations, and then all of the census reports and what's really interesting, is that for the very first time We can now confirm Joe Biden. Never really has really. You know you could they go back and they look at his mom, but they dont look at his dad. Why is a very proud of the Robin it lineage, because his knees middle name is Robin that way. Apparently, the Robin S were slaveowners, it's kind of crazy, his great great great grandfather, own twelve states slaves in eighteen, twenty five male slaves to male slaves, three female slaves, one female slave, one thousand, eight hundred and fourteen two hundred and twenty five in a female slave H. Forty five.
and all of this has been done by the most respected genealogy firm trusted by very famous people. Celebrities, politicians, news organisations, We have blacked out the name of the organization for their own safety but they mean all they did the work they to everybody always does and wow While I wonder if this makes him unfit for the left, seeing that he he's not only part of this raises system his family for generations, own slaves. And it's amazing, because in the documentation that we will show you, you will actually find a really, I think heartbreaking letter on what happens to the slaves? You know George Washington. He freed the slaves on death. Because, as the only way you can do, I M the only way you can release it is on debt and death and if you didn't o any money well-
Joe Bindings ancestors, they didn't frame on death impacting glass. let us put him up and some slaves to each of the kids. It was really great and this was given to the kids, the last generation before the civil war. So I dont know if the Robin ET family got rid of the slaves you know because of the civil war or release them on on the on death could have in common But you know it's really funny cause people who lived in the north general He didn't have slaves Joe Biden, family did which is weird when you look at the the letter that Jesse Robin S, wrote and pass the slaves onto the family I just buy just want to show you.
This is how much the Robin at family thought about. Blacks Marcus Robin S was given a slave boy named Benjamin, and the rock the Robin at family decided his value is four hundred and fifty dollars but she was also given a girl named Nancy, valued at four hundred and fifty dollars. So that's that's quite a I don't if she was the prime childbearing age, because she's worth a lot of money compared to other when compared to a you know a male slave. I mean we know if they're in their prime they're worth a lot of money, but probably Nancy was you no good to bear children, so she could just keep pumping slaves out. I'm not sure but she was also given a girl named Mary and Mary was two hundred and thirty five dollars. So Is she was either? Probably too old? Have you no babies, or to young really so you'd have to feed her and keep her alive and everything else until she can really start working
and then there was a boy named Nathan, he was six hundred dollars and that'll went to Dorcas Robin at but you know Davis and Alice. His wife were also given a boy named Bob valued at six hundred dollars, Yeahs Robin that was given a boy named Tom six hundred dollars, George Robin AT was given a boy named Charles Valley, at three hundred and fifty dollars and a boy named Solomon, valued at two hundred and fifty dollars, man Jack see Robin that, you know that you're a great grandfather of Joe by net or Robin at Biden Pieces. he must now. Like George, very much has little Dorcas Scot I mean she got the prime pickens of the slave. While George got a boy three under fifty dollars, that's half of them The boys were worth You know, for the other, kids and the boy named Solomon, two hundred fifty dollars, I may need even cheaper, but he could been cripple,
and so that makes him undesirable because he couldn't were card. So maybe that's why the by net family or the Robin at family. I just keep, I mean it does matter. Does it mean Joseph Robin Biden. It is kind of like the bite nets in order mean its dad and is dad status is dead, stead, stead that almost slave, so Moses Robin was given a boy named. Joshua was valued at six hundred dollars Eliza an Robin that was given a boy named Para, valued at three hundred dollars and a girl at two hundred dollars, that was her value. So I mean I was curious. Why, Joseph Robin at Biden would go ahead and release all of his ancestors on his mother's side, but not on his dad side but
after this research was done. I realized, ah, that's why that's why, because, if you operate now in this cancer cancel culture should be cancelled me I mean I don't wanna get. I dont think any of this means anything about him. But you know if you're on the left me, That way, maybe that's why, last week he said he could stay in his basement because some black woman that was stocking the shelves sprawl Willie, why I mean if Europe if this, that's probably, if me, I just think he's really really old and out of touch and doesn't really have a grasp on things anymore. Bud. Probably the slave owner a blood. This still courses through his veins. If if you buy, ended-
ACT, that there is no forgiveness and we're all held responsible for all. You know whatever our parents grandparents are great, great great great grandparents. Did you notes? We, it's almost like. If you have justice message of jewish blood in you, the Germans thought air Jordans jewish enough to go to the gas chamber so maybe maybe that's kind of cause- you know it's weird is the Nazis? Were socialists he yeah see. That was that was the right wing of the socialist communist thing overridden in Europe. We don't that here? We look at for instance, Richard Spencer he's the head guy of the Communists, of the Nazis and he doesn't like the constitution. He does like this whole freedom thing and he and his white supremacists. You know that one he'll, Jews and and blacks here now
You can't, although many more I guess, but we do know hey. Maybe the bide net or sorry the Robin at family. You know Joe Biden, maybe they'll throw your back and James. I don't know I don't know- to ask a question here, Ah. but it is it is interesting for people who you know by into all of this Oh, it's in your blood and America was seek his mind. My relatives they fought on the they fought on the union side, which is weird because some of the Robin Nets, fought on the union side as well, because they were northerners, they were slaveowners souled. They must have just saw the civil war as you know, something
breaking up the union that it and want to break up the union Gin is weird because Joe Biden is currently well, gaming with his people about secession. So he apparently doesn't have a problem with secession cassettes we brought up after the election. If there's any kind of monkey business going on with the with the votes it is weird as well, because, according to their own documents, you're, trying to recreate the conditions of eighteen, sixty seven, where there was all kinds of voting irregularities and nobody could decide on what was going on and so that the Democrats use that to negotiate because they didn't win, but they said a we're, not gonna. Go with this president
You know we won't. We want abide by that will succeed and I really wanted to keep the union together Khazars only ten years after the Civil war, so so they want. As you know, they wanted to negotiate a deal and sell. The Democrats negotiated to get rid of reconstruction and get rid of all of the federal troops down on the south. You know so they could start their own there on police force. You know: community police force people who got it. People You know, like the clan and so they could take care of that without the without the fair Is there an and then they passed on Jim Crow laws, so they got does go for It's here hurt right right Joe Biden is it is in their own writings. His campaign are trying to do the same thing. The Democrats did too man, maybe they will put you all in chains.
because Jos never been asked to address this course nobody's known this? Is an exclusive story were breaking this news did eat today? Maybe he doesn't even know how guilty he is. So You should ask him, don't you think? I would be hard to see how the press is not a report on this, but you know. You should do yeah you should take that I'm gonna make this monologue available. A glimpse outcome will also put it on Youtube. You should use spread this with your friends, because we don't need the mainstream media anymore right right, weak, just spread this on Youtube and Twitter, and and Facebook cause, I'm sure, we'll. No, no, no, no Nope those who say now they are are fighting for the constitution that are binding, The porters are also against freedom of speech. Well,
This is a confusing election. I dont know I just know. Well let me so this you can never act. What a person is going to do when they get an office in them. You can take em at their word shore, but what You can really know is the history of a person and Joe Biden, you know he worked for segregationist, I mean he's. Jesse loves those guys. He loves skies and Andy also passed that really bad bill. You know, for years and years ago that how he seemingly is again, but it is a crime bill better Said some racist things there I don't owe me it's their robin at part of him. Coming out. Butter You should ask that question. Maybe you should see if you can get buttons, a slave owner, trending nab him I'd be a hashtag. You can fly
all that information. Now right now at Glenn, back dot com share with a friend, William Now, of course, I don't think that any of that makes any difference, but I'm a constitutional listen. I don't believe in collective salvation. So how do I know? I'm dangerous Norton When you want to do the job done right, you make sure you have the box full of the right tools right, which think. I actually hung a picture with a little old man Sledge hammer cause, we couldn't find everybody would Lee scientific name for that Little Box is called a toolbox. They tell me so my telling you about this, because the tool box that you need to pay do to yourself against cyber criminals is Norton three sixty it's a toolbox, full of everything, you're gonna need, and you can add tools to the toolbox
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Thomas, more society filed an emergency, amended complaint and motion for temporary restraining order on Friday. In the U S District court for north. District of New York, on behalf of two catholic priest to Catholic school students and for orthodox jewish individuals You know last week, Cuomo had the evidence of these mass gatherings, and fortunately they were taken over ten years ago, but me you know, that's I mean Confuse evidence with the facts now he's doing it because you know he says that this is what you were following the science. Unfortunately, those who want to continue this lock down the w, Oh you know the one that Donald doesn't like, but you love, because Donald Trump doesn't like it. The w h
no just came out and said we in the World Health Organization do not advocate locked down as the primary means of controlling the virus. Now this is Doc Sir David Navarro. He said the only time we believe in a locked down and its justified is to buy time to reorganise regroup, rebalancing resources and protect their health workers who are exhausted, but by and large we'd rather know locked downs, so gosh. If you're following the science. Why would New York be locking things now, wise, California still locking things down again? It's the w h Joe, who you guys lots of because Donald Trump hates them what to do if the glamour back proudly
Transcript generated on 2020-10-26.