« The Glenn Beck Program

Is Unity This Far Off? | Guests: Andy Ngo & Heather Mewshaw | 2/10/21

2021-02-10 | 🔗

An article published by Axios discusses how to deprogram America’s right-wing “extremists." A social credit system is coming, where data such as your phone type and internet history may be used by banks for financial decisions. Reactions to Jeep’s Super Bowl commercial about unity aren’t promising. Journalist Andy Ngo joins to discuss his new book, “Unmasked," and the Los Angeles Times’ smear campaign against him. Professional ASL interpreter Heather Mewshaw joins to discuss how she was targeted for her conservative views by Time and why she left the White House. Mark Cuban's Dallas Mavericks are not playing the national anthem before games. What is the real goal of the impeachment trial?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Our elevatory about keeps you want to keep your hair. I mean look at their hair. I have four seventy one years, almost forty go the ethic. Now, if I was like fifty seven, it's better that you're not have, and that no, I haven't even at that issue, since I was in my thirty, because I started losing my hair and I started taking you know propitious the time now I get the job Eric Brandon, it's a lot cheaper and that's exactly what keeps does for? U k e p ass dot com, slash save! If you go there now, you don't have to go to it. Doctor. You don't have to go to the pharmacy, they do all of it online. You take some Years of your head, a doctor, look added decides which is the right prescription for you talk to you, send you a prescription, they fill it out for you, it keeps an you save fit percent of your first order for their loss treatment. That's cool ski p, ask dot com, slash, save, keeps dotcom, slash, save buckle of another
spooky shore. Spooky dude makes it appearance blah blah blah not entertainment, the Klondiker
so the Biden Administration has has now sign fifty two executive orders in twenty days, fifty two and he wants us to unite because he's just getting rid of bad laws and putting good things in that almost a damn. Pope, ok power. I sure so. Let's look at some of those things and before we go anywhere, I need to tell you what's happening in the banking community and build up of what I said yesterday with the International Monetary Fund and to tell you why I am not breathlessly covering the impeachment trial. Like everybody else, we do that in sixty seconds programme,
so John lives in Kansas. For the past several years, following an injury he suffered from daily awful back pain found, it was pretty to do much of anything that are used to do and it was getting him down I was some remodeling. A house flow GOSH must win thirty Eve, thirty, two years old, some like that and I fell out second story window and I am I right, I remember lying on the ground, it could move, but I remember lying on the ground thinking, I'm surprised, I'm not dead. And I couldn't walk for a long time. I mean it. I added my kids were coming home and I had to drag mice I'll buy my hands the ground off the driveway and into the kitchen where I thought it better for them to find me on the kitchen floor than on the driveway, I don't know if it was any better but screwed up my back and about a bad back ever since I know what John was going through, he decided
to give relief factor. A try here heard me talking about the relief that I have received: and he said within ten days he was noticing a reduction in pain, and after a few weeks. He said he felt better than even did before the injury. He got his life back This is this is a inflammatory, reduce or it it reduces all the inflammation in the body and yeah I mean I've even been on I'd, be profound. Eight hundred harry now have drug user Ivan. Be broken? Eight hundred didn't such me. This works seventy percent of the people who try it go on to order more you'll know within the first three weeks relief. it's, not a drug but developed by doctors to get you out of pain. Nineteen. Ninety five to try it for three weeks. Do it see if it chain Does your pain relief
dot com relief, factor, dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four relief factor dotcom, eight hundred five hundred eighty three. Eighty four night on Glenn TV and the question is how we going to really honesty programme. These people who have signed up to blacklist purges investigations and arrests- is this the new red scare, unless we make sure that there are no in you will read world exposes the dangers and next estimates tat I can serve movement. Are you on the list to night nine pm eastern employees to slash Glenn hello, America. I pray that my voice is heard for what Trying to say
not what people want to hear. either side. It is really important that you pay attention to the news and a lot, and I know a lot of people in my own. that are not paying attention to the news and they've been really tired, and I'm going to tell you a story a little later on about how Facebook is decided now they're not going to cover as much political stuff over Healy. So when we're talking about v, to executive orders. You know about political stuff, so harder to pay attention and things are gonna get more more complex and it's gonna be harder to understand. What's going on because it is so foreign to us tonight I am covering this this activity. Now that is, is the think the new Mccarthy era. Acts did a story yesterday, how to do programme America's extremists, the
I'd or has called for keeping extremist out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage, like the military police departments and legislatures providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies. You notice they don't put those in schools, it's the police departments, the military and legislature, but they don't even mention EU and I think it's because they know no one with a dangerous ideology, conservative point of view, is in either you or ever gonna get through EU now, It is unclear as to who will determine what is dangerous ideology and what you know will constitute such a defining term, but that's where big tech comes in the art continues to say. Online platforms are unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories,
and lies that under may undermine the faith in democracy. Axles both to experts on this. Aha, the article says banning President Trump from Twitter was a major asset in the fight to slow or reverse radicalization. The action Article calls for a Marshall plan, which would be implemented throughout Facebook and twitter fruit. Censorship. it claims United States requires quoting an all out national effort to dismantle all ideas that suppose it undermine faith in democracy it seems the writer of the news letter doesn't understand the word democracy or maybe they do They don't understand that we are a republic
awkward see is not failing us. The republic system is a republic. You can't have a democracy, can't did you want to vote on the banking rules that came out yesterday? Did you even know banking rules? we're coming out yesterday, there's too much for the average citizen? And that's why democracies always go to an authoritarian or a dictatorship, because I just overwhelmed the people. People say I don't know he looks good. He can handle this and you have democracy votes, the public voting in, dictatorships, so there's democracy until there's, not that we have a republic, but what is failing us now is our republic do you believe either side. Republicans are Democrats that you're alive
did Congress people read we truly are reflecting. What you and people in the country actually believe are they carrying out the things that you believe are right? Eat and righteous for this country term limits how bout that and all get rich on insider trading. Doo doo are they carrying these things out? you think it's cool that we're just printing money and nobody is doing anything about this. Do you think it's cool that we haven't had a budget for this nation vote. Largest richest nation, in the story of the world that we don't even have a budget and haven't had once in two thousand and eight the report: Click is failing us. Because we are not demanding that they act.
We do their work, big tech, Now is the arbiter of truth and I'm not sure what dangerous ideology is any more as it is being defined by those in power. The idea of a conservative and a conspiracy theorist that is being blurred. The New York I'm just last year started to refer to me. It used to say: a known, a well known, conspiracy, theorist or an alleged conspiracy theorist. Now it's just Glenn Back Coma conspiracy, theorist I told you yesterday that the eye, F, headed academic paper out and they
suggesting now that non financial data should be used when financial institutions discern determine customers, credit worthy s for loans, various kinds: By non financial data, that means things like the type of browser and hardware that you used to access the internet the ST I'm, quoting the history of online search, searches and purchases, so what kind of computer and phone I have and the ass purchases and what I am reading what websites I'm going to. I want to just read: go over. We went over this yesterday, but I want to go because there's new news. The most transformative information innovation is the increase of the new types of data coming from the digital footprint of customer. Various online activities, mainly for cod worthiness analysis, credit,
scoring using so called hard information income, employment time assets and debts, is nothing new. Typically, more data is available. The more accurate is the assessment, but this method has two problems. First, hard information tends to be pro cyclic at boost credit expansions in good times, but exacerbate contraction during downturns. The second, most complex problem is Kinds of people like me, entrepreneurs, innovators, men. informal workers, might not have enough hard data available as well, as even a well paid expatriate moving to the United States can be caught in the conundrum of not getting a credit card for lack of credit fin tech financial tech, resolves the dilemma by tapping various non financial data, the type of browser hardware used yadda, yadda, yadda Of course, A financial social credit system
We have been warning about this for years. This is one of the most dangerous parts of what is being called the great reset, and this is just the beginning. In the same article from the I M F later, the sea, authors then say the central banks need to get more directly involved in economic activity. That more money printing in downturns is likely. and to be necessary, the environment, I'm quoting from the article, the environment for monetary policy, will change to new model policy transmission channels will be need to be fully understood as the who players make banks less relevant for the financial system. Central thanks mainly to adjust their monetary policy implementation toolbox potentially allowing non bank access to liquidity lines and incorporating them in their operations. Okay, so that
I told you about yesterday. Do you remember. When Cuomo told the bank in New York. You can give loans to gun manufacturers, but if you do, there's just gonna be more regulations on you guys and we're gonna have to have more, state inspectors, because we just think there's something wrong with these gun manufacturers and gun stores. We think that there's some violation of some law so but you know we're not telling you not to loan we're just saying that it's gonna make your? U no state assessments. every year it's gonna be more and more difficult for you, because we just don't trust the people were dealing and guns. Ok,. So what did the banks to bank start? saying you know what we're not gonna, we're not gonna. Do we can't carry your loan anymore, we'll Donald Trump Through the once called the o c c, the
office of the comp of the currency, he wrote in in that office, that banks, cannot discriminate, they can I say we're not going to make. Business loan. Two guns: you can't do it for four idealized nickel or political reasons. Well I have been watching this back and forth because. Lee O C chain, hands and feet we have been saying. I don't think who's. Gonna stand. I think they're gonna take this out. Well, they their decision yesterday. I will read from the o c c the Office of currency controller and the new rule on banks on what they can and cannot do to individuals and to serve industries in six
seconds, then maybe two sexy a cheese. You think I will read from the office of a com trawler of the currency, and this is really sexy. Yet at all in vain, stop there Let me tell you about tat time. She determination team right now, if you have a time, share its hanging around your neck, choking the life out of you, there is a legal and affordable way to get completely out of that thing. It's called kite timeshare termination team and they can get you one hundred percent, guaranteed exit strategy we're getting out of that times? Timeshare nor more me since we know more hassle, no more disappointment, no more pain and a but get the process. started right now. Call time, share termination team and get the process started. Keep putting off and get stuck with another year of time, show that you're not gonna, use your hearing it twice percent off. When you terminate your time share, Tell him that I sent you so make sure you tell him that you get twenty percent off call eighty eight
get you out, that's eight eight eight get you out or visit them online at timeshare termination team Dotcom have the peace of mind with time. Your termination teams, one hundred percent money back exit, guarantee, learn more timeshare termination team, dotcom tens Stationary Oh yeah is yes, ah talk to me about the o c c I'll, say comptroller again, say it all right they release yesterday the finalized rule to ensure fair access to banking services provided by large national banks, federal savings associations and federal branches and agencies of foreign bank organizations, not read a lot about this this morning and it seems to be in direct conflict. Some say who I respect, doesn't mean anything,
and others whom I respect say this is really bad. So if you're the banking industry. If you can help, figure. This out. I'd sure like to hear it. I'm gonna be doing more research on it today and I'll get back to you to Morrow, but you know to know the or codified. Now listen to this, because this is from the o c c. So this is what they are saying. This is the government speaking there We'll codifies more than a decade of Assisi guidance stating that banks should conduct risk assessment of individual customers rather than make broad base decisions affecting whole categories or classes of customers were provisioning access to services, capital in credit, now all of these rules were put in. You have to understand in two thousand and eight or nine with the Dodd Frank bills. Okay, what did the Dodd Frank bills? Do basically but are what they said. They were to protect the banks, the banks
we're too big to fail. So you got have to do certain things. You can't take on risks, because too big to fail. so there were all rule. All these rules were put there to protect. The banks in many ways from themselves. when a large bank decides I'm quoting when a large bank decides to cut off access to charities or even embassies serving dangerous parts of the world or companies conducting legal business in the United States that support local jobs and the national economy. They needed show their work and legitimate business reasons for doing so. Ok, that's good, show your work. as controllers and staff in previous administrations have made clear in speed just guidance and testimonies banks should not terminated. Services to entire categories of customers without conducting individual risk assessments. Ok,
so they can't just say no loans to gun manufacturers, They have to say it individually and make the case with each individual right arm. It is inconsistent with the basic principles of prudent risk management to make decisions based solely on a category categorical ascertain of risk without with actual analysis. Okay, so all of school is good. Now, let Tell you what the actual rules, was yesterday and I'm reading from the document. in finalizing the rule, the age see considered more than thirty five thousand stakeholder comments flag. Anyone as
so the final rule excludes section. Fifty five point: one be three of the proposed rule, which would have required that a covered by can not deny any personal financial service that the it offers when the effect of the denial is to prevent, limit or otherwise disadvantage. The person from entering competing in a marketer business segment so in other words, The rule was that they can't do it. They can't say I want Glenn back in the media, so we're not gonna, give him any money or Because the bank can alone in some other business activity, which they, have a financial interest. So there are part of Facebook, and I want to open up parlor they can't they can't do that. Ok, they can't say no parlor. You can have any money because we have money and facebook, but I want to go back to the first part of that sentence.
The final rule, excludes that The agency determine that they requirement would have resulted in regulatory burdens. Contributing to the primary objective of the rule. So now the binding ministration says we're trying to cut down on the red tape. We too many burdens on the banks, based on that analysis, the agency eliminated that requirement to focus on the rule of fairness and other key word of the cow banks, decision making process and prudent risk management principles, as to facilitate the o cc's administration of this rule Ok, what? If the bank says you know, If we, if we go into business and give x on all these loans, we're in trouble because of
answer culture, they're gonna start. Cancelling us as a bank, We can't afford that help me out here since the blunder programme- You see the conundrum here that were in stew, and I don't know and answer yet. I welcome very thorough Cuomo Restaurant way of our times. Did it comes with a smile? I say that cause we didn't clever around the colony at a dead end breakfast! That's what I'm sending my mom to a dead end breakfast. You still love birds can share table some friends of mine from wool on nothing happened and will want to know if that and sound appealing to you. May I suggest a romantic restaurant style dinner at home with one of the best.
Takes known to man from Omaha stakes. This is America's butcher for over a hundred years and they have great packages like the butchers best sellers grill pack. They are valid dynasty packages of well, it's really good and all the way to those exert self manual puppet in the oven. You put some states on the rail and you look like a genius. Go to Omaha stakes, dot com in the search bar use. The key word back and you'll find all the specials its omaha stakes, dotcom key word back and had ever to blaze. Dvd com, Slash Glenn. The protocol is Glenn. Thirty Fox off your subscription to please tv right now plays tv, Dotcom, Slash Glenn! This is the Glenville Programme, so g took a swing in the Superbowl adds. Did you see the add the two minutes
from cheap with Bruce Springsteen. Oh, this is the first Springsteen unity, commercial. Yes, yes, he's an odd messenger Does it does now listen to this? in the in the pole, by ad weak on social media. On super bowl Sunday, they found Instagram, fifty percent of respondents say they love the ad. Fifty percent hated it twitter. thirty three percent loved it. Thirty three percent hated it thirty three. Then said now. unity! That message depends. European e politically, so that mean Is that when we were saying unity and we should all come together, it went
deaf ears, because no one in the media, no one on the left. Nobody in the Democratic Party wanted to hear it. They didn't want to hear it now. when their cause for unity. We don't want to hear it and why Because we have nothing In common anymore,. What do we have in common research will show that we don't even by the same packaged food anymore. We don't. We can go to the grocery store, and now algorithms can tell if you are a conservative or a liberal based on the products you buy in the same grocery store? What's up with that? How is that possible? We are so different. fundamentally now see America to be a melting pot, but what
we. What are we melted into? We today into a society. That said, I don't care what you do. Men, don't care. Just don't tell me what to do we didn't even have marriage license, we didn't have. A marriage license until the progressives. the progressives wanted to make sure that we weren't breeding defective goods, and they were we weren't having eat her racial marriages, so progressives put in the marriage license control the population, and so Instead of having the argument that there should be no marriage license that comes from the state, the state has place deciding that. We instead decided to a religious argument which we wouldn't We wouldn't have done that when it comes came to the governor,
and before remember our founders, why? and from court the court room to court room after the revolutionary war- to defend people's right to not. To believe what the rest of the community believed. We were a melting pot of people that came here because we ve been screwed by governments elsewhere and we all. This is a place, hey man. They leave you alone the ledge do your own thing, but we don't I mean, we'll get. You can build a house the way you want to build a house. You can do the things you want to do. You know that Houston is the old. Major city without any kind, Of of zoning. Every large city has been convinced by progressives that you have.
to have zoning otherwise they're gonna build Mcdonald's in your neighborhood, and I mean right next to your house. Well, you What it doesn't happen in Houston. Why? Because people figure it out people, people at me Donald, say in also really nice neighborhood they're not going to want one here, it'll be or convenient if it's over here and I'll do better business. But now everything is controlled, yet we are still in this disappearing quickly. I'll tell you about what France just said. This is disappearing. quickly, but we still are one of the best in the world, but that's gone. Unless we can come back together and say, look, you live your life. I'll live my life,
we'll get along we're. Fine, I'm not going to force you to believe something for you to do something. but I don't really care if there are marxists here. I really doubt I dont care if their people that believe in critical race theory, I don't, I would never shut them down publishing a book. They have a right to do it. they can make the case but see here is the problem I am no longer being allowed to make the case on the other side. Educational institutions will not allow me to go in and teach if I were qualified and I believe I am to teach against progressive ISM or whatever I'm cancelled. It's a one way street, and What has become unify under these ideas or get out? Well, in Amerika, we we unify on the
The ideas that we hold self evident, that all men are crew, it equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life liberty in the pursuit of happiness and then governments are instituted among men to protect those rights that what we used to agree on? We to agree on the bill of rights that you can't come into my house and just take stuff, you can't come in search my papers, you can't do that. You can't you can't, Deny me work because of my color, my creed. You can't do it will now we can. and the people who are doing that. And reversing those laws are calling for unity. Will I call for unity as well? There now needs to be unity in our land.
but it cannot be blind or senseless or irresponsible unity. Its. A unity for the sake of unity and unity can only be built on sound principles Morally, constitutionally, historically, we Yet have unity on slavery, its moral, it's not come, statistical and story. Clearly we see what it leads to know. I won't unify under that now that's an obvious one all of our bill of Rights the declaration of independence. Those things were self evident. And we're in trouble because a man can note the answer person knows.
Then our way of life is being threatened right now, both sides But they blame it on each other. The plane needs to be placed squarely where it belongs. The lad of unifying principles. Our way of life is being threatened. You damn right, it is France, came out and said that The misguided woke cult you're coming from America is a threat to the western society, France, What do you say we unite on what you always said. We should unite on be more like France,. anyone who tries to equate the love of constitutional principles, and they want to equate that to mean
Hatred of our national leaders. You are engaging in massive deception, it's not hate its attempts to do the people in Washington, a favor. it's well, meaning citizens. There are bad meaning citizens, but they are in the minority. On both sides. There is turn of well meaning citizens who want And wanted to prevent our government from Kings, serious crimes, the two should all moral and historic mistakes. so the opposition that we have based on those things is rooted in love and respect, not hate. speaking out against
Immoral unjust actions thing, That violate the things that we ve always believed and unified on speaking out against those things, always been tough. Nobody wanted to hear Moses All of the apostles were killed. Sir The death crucified, persecuted. Some of them burned alive. Why. because no one wants to hear the truth when it really. matters, but our guts tell us the truth And those who are watchman on the towers It would be you you required to speak up.
I'm sorry, I can't be silent. I can't be. God told Moses, Claim liberty throughout the land unto all inhabitants thereof. That's what it's as on our liberty Bell from Leviticus. Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all inhabitants thereof. Why. Because truth, decency, kindness, charity,. responsibility. Accountability,. the only way. Any of those things can happen is when people are unified on
freedom. right. American financing, if you ve, worked hard to get where you are today and I'm swimming, that you have. Less hunter, is at you The almost certainly know the value of a dollar, and, if you're like me, you hate spend more on something that you really need to, and probably also love the feeling that comes with saving money if you're a homeowner and your paying three four five percent interest, you were way overpaying way repaying if you are paying fifteen per. and for your credit cards. What are you doing? Role that into your mortgage without resetting the loan you will save hundreds of dollars every single month, a work in financing, eight hundred nine hundred and six two thousand four hundred and forty call them now, american financing at eight hundred nine hundred and six two thousand four hundred and forty. If you can listen the last couple of days, you know it's going to get harder and harder for you to get a loan. Do it now
eight hundred nine zero six. Twenty four forty american financing, dot network and financing. Annabel us one: two: three: four: W W: w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, Org, ah We are rum, we're covering the impeachment breathlessly, like everyone else we covered it yesterday will covered again today, talk to you and tell you happening, but I'm not going to spend hours and hours talking about a news that you can get elsewhere. And be something that I believe is really important, but it Strachan. For me, I need stay focused on the net that being laid out o around America.
It is a net of the great reset. It is a way it is a net of these. Crazy executive orders. Fifty two executive orders in twenty days and This is all really well planned and, like I, I read to you today. You know in changing the banking lobbies, the banking policies from the office of the controller of the currency here in Amerika, that's an official government office. They changed the policy and a couple of words stuck out fairness and Stakeholders, the this These are the words of the great reset that is extraordinarily dangerous, also
I gave you an axiom article today that is again truly frightening. How do we d programme american extremists, whether they're talking about our trump supporters and they talking about, the a key part of breaking extremists. Rising mainstream influence will be making it unacceptable for White nationalist, anti government, extremist and conspiracy theories to serve in the military police forces or lies lawmakers, but experts worry the GNP tactic and sometimes explicit approval of extremists, will hamper efforts to keep police forces and legislature free of conspiracy. Theorist. Yes, appeal: The punitive security minded approach alone is likely to prove ineffective and invasive. At best, experts say at all, they will only fuel extreme his sense of persecution and put some closer to violence instead act
words agree. Serious resources must be mustard toward provider. and off ramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies, new, federal programmes would likely doomed to fail. Experts say because of this is so important member. I told you about the trust implosion, because stressed, and hatred of the government is already a core tenant of far right extremism. Instead, public private partnerships, Developing programmes are more likely to be effective because their able to get the endorsement and funding for Federal state governments, but it's private in ST doing it, that is the definition of the great reset and there's a whole article on the I M F saying that they need the public and the private institutions to go into the business,
with the government to be able to legitimize the government because people around the world don't trust their governments. I need stay focused on this? We will give you the information on the impeachment, and it is really important MIKE Lee is going to come on and talk a little bit about that later on to the program as well as some other things, but I have to focused on the bigger picture Glenn, well between the news appointment, tv endless scrolling on our phones, we're looking at our screens, unfortunately more than ever. But how do you arrest your eyes without feeling totally unplugged well put on up?
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well hello, America? I can't tell you how many people have reached out to me. Tens Glenn, I can't find a publisher. Can you help me, find a publisher and does mercury still have mercury, the impression that we publish a lot of people's books, Michel Morgan, GOSH fiction, David Martin books, all kinds of books, no those republish through Simon in Schuster, and we don't have the imprint anymore, because I left Simon and Schuster. My my death sentence with Simon sister was ended last year and and you know it's weird- is a lot of people,
are no longer with Simon in Schuster or or with any of the five big publishing houses. In fact, it seems as though the big publishing houses in New York City really want to publish any conservative books, especially if you were a magna supporter and those that are being printed are not being printed by the big publishing houses. And I say I don't really care I'll find my own way, but those who are being published, like Andy NOS four, is being boycotted by Anti five. We told you about that, but now an amazing smear campaign started by the LOS Angeles Times on Andy no and his book has begun. So I wanted to make sure that you heard the response from Andy himself and he knows book on hand to fight the book is called unmasked you
To get it in in paper, hard back form, not digital Andy will explain next programme never been a bad idea to be prepared for worst case scenario. In the days when we had the boy scouts an immense shoved into one, and if you ve seen you lift up three fingers, each word garage always prepared. When know during the days when people sought things through you'll move out of the country start a subsistence farm. You could does stand guard with a shotgun and a pack of wild dogs for anybody who walks growth. You, Google, groom, Gruner. Actually what you need is food that you can start up and keys, keep in case of emergency situations and then zip your mouth about it. Let me these. Go to my patriot supply they're coming and their their disagree. It's not me, I beg for
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I read this review from the allay times about any knows new book and holy cow. Andy, you an extremist and a liar and you're making things up and you think aunt defies bad hoof. I agree. I agree you are everything except you're, a liar. You think that Antiphon is bad. This report says, let me give just be a bit of their review. I know you ve read it. There's an all universe out there in which we never have to ponder let alone Reed unmasked, provocateur, Andy, no Supreme Lee dishonest book on the Left wing anti fascist movement known as anti for in that other world far far away Marjorie Green remains. A knotty cross fit enthusiastic enthusiasts from Georgia, not a member of Congress, and we know nothing about our musings on jewish space lasers. The execution of
rats or false flag schools clothings, if you fight, that universe. Please send directions so they say that your book is part of that universe. DE. Can you respond to some of the charges in this child welfare? happy birthday, do I must think suddenly arm again, you bet I'm not surprised by the at home in the tax in this review those publishing envy allay times. I wrote my box recall about be useful idea, since all travellers for Anti journalism and I wouldn t write her as part of that. I was a journalist myself, I'm just surprised the really unprofessional doktor he used against me considering he walked slowly, my house correspondent, The Yahoo dares so
The very quiet, despicable doesn't really cool. Her any my arguments and instead there's a line where he said that I will make held their proud. He chose my book if you compare live up to what the Nazis dead in their propaganda, are very disgusting nasty Near as you would expect to see a blog, not by somebody what says a wise correspondent for a new site. So let me give you things Andy no is singularly focused on inflating antivirus. Importance in his blood clad White Whale, his mark spouting Moby. Dick Do you believe your inflating their importance in? What's going on this right, her Zander Zairian. He probably
I think that I you ended up in a hospital with bright hundreds by answering some well. Let me give you what he says about that: no, claimed that he was that a milkshake was thrown on him and it contained concrete far more likely, it was of Egon Bland heavy on cash you butter- so dry yeah, so he doesn't say it was. He said it was more likely. Can you tell me Andy. You know the difference between concrete and cash, you butter don't play my injuries if he had doubts about mine? diagnosis. We could reach out in order to provide the documentation from the hospital, and so you could see any going to proceed to scan as well, and I am very well doing. I dont think he I think he knows that it wasn't. He wrote, Noah's punched and kicked his well. He claims to have suffered a sorry, beryl hemorrhage. So
I mean, doesn't he know better than you because he goes on right after he says what goes on mentioned is No had a history of embedding with right wing groups, I dont know what that has to do with your claim of a cerebral hemorrhage. But he says you add a history of embedding with right. Wing groups, including according persuasive allegations. He has denied the white Supremacist Outfit Prate, patriot prayer, that provoked and too far into very fights that he then films. Yes, sir, he's taking a piece, here is that were printed in the local publication in Portland, where a one of the last report hopes there had interviewed somebody who has given us to denounce, and he was an eighty five percent the claims to have embedded teacher prayer and put out this absolutely false clay
that I had a partnership with Patriot prayer for mutual protection, now my lawyer ended up writing a letter to the publication of soon to retracted, because these were lies. They chose not to and their protection they Don T hear this anonymous person if even exist, and so I can't then confront my accuser and then that smear its laundered into bigger and bigger publications like Wikipedia page like that, times your dear I mean you know how it works. You ve been in the in the media spotlight near the years, so they do. This tablet sought to try to you with these thoughts in that has nothing to do with about to China, discredit and smear in the most disgusting, Is he says, distortions and untruths hover like flies around every shred of convertible fact.
The same section of a mass that ends with knows, statements on the United States portrays in November stop the steel rally in Washington as peaceful and celibate. Tory no mention of the proud boys amass there. The counter pro Esters, meanwhile, are a marauding gang the nation, top mainstream and of US scholar Mark Bray Roy in the washing imposed. That antiphon is not an organization rather. It is a politics of revolutionary opposition. far right so that line where he quotes round my praise, particularly towering, because whereas I write in my book- is an anti extremists who walks, and today his anti five handbook, which is what is not
safe and, as for actually raises fun for the Anti Fraud international defence fun, so I dont know how he can criticise, eating, buys whatever and then he's quoting from somebody is actually part about outta adverts, legitimate history. The historian perspective. The EU continues. The right is always reminding us that facts don't care about your feeling. So let us set out some facts: Andy no rights that the numbers in influence of right wing extremists are grossly exaggerated by biased media. While Anti. Opposes just as much, if not more, of a threat to the future of american liberal democracy. He frequently Reese references last summer's, antiracist protest, conveniently alighting, the more. Ninety three percent of those were peaceful according to a study from Princeton. A brief pause
later by the centre for strategic in international studies. Hardly lefty outlet found that and TAT. If I had a minor role in what violence did occur. Most of which was driven by local autonomous actors, and organizations threat was relatively small. January six, the minister, the coop degree to nose already teetering thesis it should not, taken this long, however trumps own Department of Homeland Security warned last October that white supremacy Extremists would remain the most protests, persistent and lethal threat to them. It can homeland yes, I yes, I mean that ninety percent were peaceful. It's another way of saying mostly peaceful way doesn't matter if it's ninety three percent peaceful, the other seven percent, resulted in several dozen doubt. Be destruction of countless livelihoods, damages
billions to our economy and our four Don't know why he's downplaying waller unsightly read my book out. He said earlier in the review in the ticklish detail outline how Some major american Citys, like footmen in Seattle and she thought, have the principal role: and organizing the riots and so I mean the seams again and going back to what many journalists and mainstream media due to always do flat. Extreme, is among the parlor to go to the bogeyman that they have on the far right. I don't that's alright, doesn't exist, some arguing that the anti virus The far left are also right in here, as I lay outlines high about this is what they actually dead, money they raise. These people were killed. the remainder is they caused, what It is the motivation here Jim
to continue to protect, I mean I have now problem men, and he says in the article that you were forced to admit that antifraud wasn't in charge of the January. Sixth, you know attack on the capital. Andy. If I recall right, you weren't forced to admit you are the first to admit you are the first to say. I don't think this has anything to do with anti fa weren't you We all remember that guy, I came out on my own, and I was interviewed- and I have always maintained that I was on the force. And I was I was under grudgingly lie to say what I said earlier. I think these people they want to paint a character. caricature of who I am leaving that I in this house This review writer illustrate software
this really wicked. Fascist propaganda is taking toxic from the third rise in my propaganda. there really surprised. If I manage to tell the truth, is I mean it disgrace at the outer Turandot eaten the waiters mean I can accept criticism for my writings. My knowledge at the centre of Thought, describing me in such discussing turns to the people who a political party that was involves for genocide and holocaust light, that's it Too bad about that is no one to be expected of. The black sea Annie. I appreciated, and I wanted to give you the chance cause. I I think personally that kind of advertising you can't buy when somebody like that does such a hatchet job on you, it just makes me want to buy book, even more,
and the book is called unmasked by Andy, no, it is the book that pretends Antigua is the real enemy, You, then you can find that wherever you by your books came What this week yet last week it came at last Tuesday has been number one on the New York Times best seller list. Andy. Thank you. So much appreciated, thanks having me on your bet by. Margaret lives in Pennsylvania. Let me tell you she is loud and proud about wearily factor for a long time. She was suffering from pain in your leg, so bad that she could barely walk there relief factor came into her life and when that happened, everything changed within a few weeks. She said she was walking completely pain, free these days, Margaret tells any one who will listen, how much it helped or get her life back. I am exactly the same way I am
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test your government. The first amendment. Used to be something sacred view. To be something that we all believed in. But now it depends on your point of view. You have that right, you can say anything anything about any body as long as it's the right point of view, did you? about the do you hear about the the What's her name, that was confirmation hearing yesterday edge? your attention. Yes, yes and she said she's really really sorry. She deeply regrets what she said about. The g o p She said, I recognise a concern. I deeply regret and apologise for my language and some of my past language. It was. It was not right, well, oh She s head. Let's see that Susan Collins
in the way back machine she purged a thousand tweets. Are we actually m she's varied known accuracy, twitter troll? For years she called the Moraine main senator pathetic for voting for each Brett Cavanaugh. How does she said Mitch? Mcconnell Brushy always referred to him? Is Moscow Mitch? she said, I'm really sorry, but Biden would never put up with that. Then she called the. Yo P as a whole evil. And morally and ideologically bankrupt. Ok, all right so are we going to give her forgiveness, but when Marge retailer Green said. I dont believe those things, I'm really sorry, I apologize theirs. Forgiveness for her, of course, a hut I think that the standard is clear right. Is it not? I
I'm again you talk about incitement language an entire party evil. I mean it's the ultimate thing you would want to fight back again, and it is one of the things that I have tried to avoid I mean I've really worked hard, not call things evil, because you don't want to miss use. That word. And the only thing I can really call evil in public. It's right now is the fact. of critical race theory, the effect of the divine Didn't that's going on the effect of telling people your nothing without me. You can't make it without the programme, the scourge meant and the division that is going on. The results of that are evil. It's only destruction. End of a people, people? There are a lot of really good. Bull that I think are really really misguided.
and then there's a lot of people that are just quiet about it and you can't be quiet and they are going to do everything they can that's what this impeachment is really all about making sure- that Donald Trump is never in office. He lost half of it Fourchan two billion dollars according to Forbes lost a billion dollars during administration ain't gonna, get that back. they're, not gonna. Let him do anything, Anymore, they want make it very clear, shut up and sit down. You know what labelled a right wing extremists. Do you well tonight Youtube and Blaze TV, my Wednesday night Special, the new red scare and are realities tsars, you don't. want to miss this episode tonight,
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and I just saw this story on the blaze dot com and it is I mean it. If this doesn't tell you everything you need to know about unifying She served in both the Trump and the Biden administration. She says the buying administration humiliated and cancelled her after Ports emerged that she is a trump supporter who form translated speeches for conservative social media groups. Let me say this way. I am she was a trump supporter who formerly translated speeches. Fortunes of active social media groups. So way, worse now, doesn't it hear she's a forty one year old, Mary demise of four from Glenn Bernie Maryland she's got four she's gotta, be a religious extremists?
she says, she's been offered a return. Engagement at the White House She has not been offered a return. Engagement at the White House after time you another so great time magazine, published and expose a an ax pose a on her Personal politics, titled Joe Biden, saying sign language interpreter has ties to the far why I was worried about until I heard that noise in the laughing. I did. I was man, it's scary, now, isn't it She says that She has been the subject of harassment and threats. Following the release of the time report prompting
the fear her for her own safety and her family safety. The reported that the harassment is because she provided american Sign language, translation for their hands of liberty. Facebook group, I noted, is under eating about it right now. Tell me: what are you ready for the I'm ready already They provide american sign language, interpreters, accommodations upon request to the death community, inaccessible online, video content,
spirited sound like storm Trooper Lydia, coming in that's a storm troopers the services provided by volunteers. Now they have this little disclaimer, they throw you know they don't mean it yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, any hate speech. Trolls spammers will be banned immediately. they then add on censorship and sorry, just a dog with similar whistle sledge dog whistle alert. We all know what they really mean: censorship and prevention of access to information that is readily available to the hearing community is considered violence against the deaf community
I understand that one, but still it does seem to be. Basically people were. West hey. I have. I want to watch this video, but I'm deaf. I can't understand, what's goin on give me some sign language to go along with it. They say ok, It does seem to be the purpose of the group which just seem to be anything. it deserves. evil ass. She is a far right, radical she's, a far right, radical, Now she says the goal of my activity at the White House or with groups like hands of liberty, is all about access. The thing is, I was cancelled and humility humiliated publicly and it was unjust and unfair. She announced did that, while she is Trump supporter Sheet us translates to provide information access for deaf people. She said perhaps
Sir critics, don't want this content to be interpreted because I don't believe in it, but quote deaf people. just want a chance to decide for themselves what information is out there. End quote: She is certified for doing this. She works as an independent court contractor what I would like to know is why this woman has been let go why they have fired this woman They fired her because she was secretly signing, don't talk. bachelor won the election, don't listen to these people run and for your lives is I would she women, where he was doing that she probably should be here when the genuine resolve cigar pathology actually started talking. If you like to listen to her eyes and evil, which maybe she should have been fired, but she didn't do that lets you. She was just programme.
Or it should she'll, she says she didn't But you don't know somebody you don't, but there's no accusation. She did anything wrong. The accusation is she associated herself with fifty percent of the nation. Yes, yes, and you can't do that now Let me ask Time magazine who you are so brave, so brave? You are as brave Ami think of somebody in history that yours brave as ah, Senator Mccarthy man, he was brave, wasn't a hasty up and said we ve got a route these people out, because of dangerous ideology. We caught it
Get them out to expose them and don't let him work anywhere. All man, I remember how brave that was when they took the Hollywood ten and they made sure that no one could work ever again. Oh, I was so brave and you guys are just like him wow have a celebratory drink it. East, he had the excuse he's an alcoholic watch our excuse. This woman- I you know I wanna- have around- I want to translate. I'm nobody's listening to the radio show for the if translator, but I want her to translate for the Deaf one of our programmes. I just wanna Giver, a job for a day. nobody will see her I really just show, gets on, but lots of goods on Youtube and obviously, if your listening on radio piano
place tv and watched the sign language, if you need it sure how you gonna get the word out on that. so anyway. Clutched just saw at another than ever so anyway, but I this is. This: is the Mccarthy era. This is exactly what they did. they went out and they persecuted people, I mean Look. I believe that there were. They were communists in the United States government. We know that now we know some of the things that they were saying was not. it will conspiracy theory. This was true, Mccarthy wasn't and he was an embarrassment, but what happened it went from pay as somebody trying to subvert from the inside of our government too. If you believe any of these things or ever believed any of these things you
they're going to jail or you, just can't work and you're a pariah, I'm against then I bid against that my whole life You have a right to believe these things. Unless you ve ever,
voted or war for Donald Trump to want to raise first hand, fronts disrespectful how these members have done. We know we are concerned about leadership, tromp supporters, more going to really almost programme these people's lives signed up for the travel by cutting off their social media. Verse Google unexplored deal is a popular from Mary stores. Then Amazon servers Democrats is trying to blame the free speech planned for this stuff related to big taxes, or should issue of art Psmith appearing to call for the country to sell, but Donald Trump orders. There's a proposal to have a commission to investigate republican colleague, senators of file. Complaints against two other colleagues is trying to release these businesses to shame them in to shun Ing, silencing Tom supporters and conservatives to pushing undefinable even why some cultures a wildfire that you can have your poor gasoline on two may surprise when it reaches every business, needs to stand up for everyone.
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twenty five percent of your first year at lifelike, dotcom promo code, back life, locked out comical, one, eight hundred lifelike one, eight hundred lifelong or lifelike dotcom, promo code back save twenty five percent, that mega extremist she's she's, really the woman who we were just talking about you know, did sign language and no longer welcome at the by an administration because time, thank goodness time was there too. suppose her witchcraft, Harry and and her witching, but she was doing and she wasn't looking for water she was looking for people that she could throw into chains really yeah. She had divining rods and that's what she was doing:
and of course she was you know when the trumpet, when they buy an administration, when talking chief said she was translating word for word, but she was. She was saying things probably like to listen to them run for your lives. Things like that right, she's gonna, be on with us just in a few minutes, soon Miata, with its right after the top of the hour, so about ten minutes from now should be on with us. And I We'd have to do the water test with her in ongoing. I think it's time we bring this back We thrower into a lake and she stays down at the bottom she's, not a mega extremists and re. But if she comes up to the top here, she is, and then we'll have to burner the that's the only solution done. What is the best way? I know I mean you know This is a science man it is signed. This is essentially what they're doing here. You know I'm a little less violent version of what they're doing right now, What what are you talking about? I mean they are there just they dont mean
give you a chance to argue in providing sign language Risa access to deaf people who want to watch videos that might leave a little to the right. That is not so to lose your job over you, I don't think so either you know that was really that's the whole foundation of the economy in our free society. the reason why you have let's say a currency, right now is that you don't have to find members of other tribes that you MIKE hate to. Barter with right right you have a currency that you have free exchange with people. You might despise. That's the whole point of capitalism of our society. So now were here. Free exchange is the hate, this nasty matic, True, the the systematic racism built in capitalism. It is you're now defending I. What I've defending word is low, fouling gonna, throw him in a throne
and if you float you're, not an extremist are no, he gave you float. You are an extremist. Foundational aspect of civilization, you're supposed to be able to do what kind of people you'd oil kind of realisation what kind of civilization stir modern nonunion western. It goes way back before western society was even a thing. This is this: is Asia without showing us Utile ACT? That's how do we measure to ratify it and China? They know who the enemies are and they put him in camps, because I dont what, be China. I don't think that's a good new models do not for me, it's not well. It will be soon here as ITALY which granted when we look at it. It is really high walls for the inside. I say that I am, and will we have someone to translate for us who say? Yes? Yes, another scrap of bread, we'll begin
it'll fault. You ve heard the expression falls on deaf ears. That's what's gonna happen where we're in the camp. We need a translator interviewing her glove programme.
Oh my god. Oh my goodness, President Joe Biden, White House Communication staff has emphasised the importance of truth, transparency and trust in the opening gaze of his presidency as they resume regular press briefings and distance themselves from the combative style of the Trump administration. So when pressed Secretary General Saki began or briefing on Monday, by announcing that american sign language interpreters would now be present in all White House, news briefings many deaf and hard of hearing American celebrated this historic first, but it turns out that the first day S L interpreter chosen was not such a change from the previous administration. After all, Time magazine was there two weeks suppose the we
craft that was happening on Monday in the White House and which she's with us. I pray to the little job that I found in the woods that nothing evil will be which us when we talk to her but she's out on our own now but she's mad, and she could make me do or say anything she walks. God only knows what shall be doing with our hands during this interview. Luckily, the binding administration, through Time magazine rooted her out, found out who she really was, and now she can't find a job we'll see if she sinks to the bottom of the lake or if the witch floats instead
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the hands of liberty, she actually interpreted some of the videos and while the group frequently, according to Time magazine frequently solicit requests from the public. The vast majority of videos it has chosen to interpret within notable exception of the recent Whitehouse press conferences, Our right wing or pro try in their sentiment, John Hanner was inner by time magazine Thank you see it's much scary analysis, John Henry, and assist in professor at the University of North Carolina Greensborough, who studies a cell and is deaf himself said in an email. I was honestly surprised for me It would be problematic for someone who has aligned herself with all right discourses to be the public face of the White House where the deaf communities and people who are curious about.
SL, I don't know, but you do, but I come out as a cell, curious myself and I will not hear any of the hate speech because I am also curious so be careful careful we're gonna have somebody on who has a different point of view than after. Country, but we're gonna. Do it anyway, we're going the darkness to see. what we can get out of Heather, Musha, professional sign language interpreter And in league with the devil, hello, welcome to the Glen Programme. I want I think, we're having me. I think, we're so evil that we would interpret a video about operation, underground rail road with Ballard and remember you, gosh, oh my gosh, so you didn't that interpretation.
Why would that organization associate themselves with somebody who worked in the Trump White House. I don't know. Human trafficking obviously is an initial right you're. So Heather Tell me about tell me about yourself, and you know, are you? Are you in stream. Is that one? the storm and kill the congressmen yourself. Absolutely not I'm just a regular Americans like anyone else, I'm a man! I have four kid. I work my husband had a job or just trying to live. The american dream is, everybody, says, and I've been an interpreter for twenty one years, certified with their registry of interpreters, for the task, which is a quick enjoying system that gonna give you a seal of approval, so people know what they're getting when they hire an interpreter. We were all require to meet a minimum standards and I worked there. Did the area my whole career Anna
in a variety of setting binding you name it I've been there. So I have a lot of experience and untrained to be neutral. So all this talk about perceptions of individuals and so forth and me at the end of the day I work at the White House for six breathing and proven myself to be a perfect and every aspect of the words noticed. good. She is it or witchcraft. She sounds reasonable, but don't let that fool you so Heather tell me what happened and you know how you found out that time magazine had done this this Suppose a on you. Well
Firstly, I went and did my job of the White House called me, I'm I came in and interpreted the briefing and I and my mind I'm thinking the White House is a neutral entity there there to convey information. The press was there tat question than at the at the end of the day. The duck community wanted this access, they fought for it and they got it and by then there are five times previously. I already knew where to go, what to do yadda, yadda yadda, so it was just like here we go and was everybody kind to you, and I mean when, when Jen per Saki Saki, I only say the p. Do you especially when you say your name: do you translate a silent peer lets, a different story: she when she said and were now gonna carry, and this is our translator. For today, everything was fine. With all of you guys, I mean every year we were fine. Nobody said anything beforehand, reading right or did they Yasser Arafat with gray. I mean
gas was like? We can't wait to see. You were gonna, be watching. You were gonna be reading. For you I mean it was a very positive is a very positive environment. so I never got any negative slacken. It was until Dear I got home and I started looking at social media and a prominent death first in our community in a miles Marco who'd, like a celebrity use on dancing with the stars and so forth, and a huge the kid about language deprivation. The like. He doesn't want people to go without language, but yet be I'm retweeted. Mr hunters tweet am, and I just went crazy. A for wine and account for what was Mister Henry tweet. the EU, made a tweet. It was like, a thread and it was like gather around folk, here's this interpreter, and here she is wearing it. Had any trumpets teacher than she's in Turkey.
In it and he never said my name, but it cause people than doc me because people have died telling me hate email because they found my professional website. An email address was on there and I ended up having to tell my contact at the White House that you know I'd I'd, probably couldn't come back right now because of the mob show So they didn't, they didn't say, you're out, you called and said you can do it right. Ok, well. That's good news. These Think you're gonna be invited back. I think that If I did didn't bite me back, that it would have to have to be a discussion and they they might have to come out with one forty, eight men or something because right now I think of you too controversial, and to take away from the intent of why the interpreters even there in the first place so
Isn't that one of the things that, White House should do is to say look she she. Doing her job she's never interpreted it incorrectly. In this information that everybody should have. Do you think they should? and by your, they should just move on the inquest I don't know. Oh, I feel like they have when they have a lot of her things on their plate right now, then, to deal with this fell. I really don't know the answer that question are you kind, but that's the way, which is our that's. The one which it will do. You know she didn't say whenever children's name was Damien so and she probably denied. If I asked her if that was her son, probably So tell me one one last thing: the idea of of you.
being an extremist because You translated these things and you voted for tromp time as says that you know it is that you are a trump supporter and that you have done interpretation for or interpreting for right wing political things, which none of those none of those or illegal or immoral. You say that this is all. This is I started with you because you have deaf parents and this It means more than politics to you bright yeah yeah. I mean it's hard to have this with my parents, when they don't have the same access to information. That I? U so, whether it nuclear plant on the internet or radio show like yours or whatever it's like. I'm constantly haven't,
explain things are what not and then one of my colleagues whose death would like no, what I just want to get access to the other side of the story. Like I get a lot of the left RO side, but We hear a lot about the conservative side and the big the biggest push that he said would like. We just need somebody to just give us the act that someone to help us get the access. And over the summer with coded shut down, Everything a lot of people were isolated, especially the death community, one there used to being together in communicating we're home and so with the riots in the protests, there were a lot of kids in Libya, videos that were being posted up. Those media and they're not accessible, and so asked me to help out, and I thought well, this is a noble cause. I mean I'm a conservative, I How bout I wouldn't I wouldn't be skewing them your anything. So he started this group. My colleague, as of liberty, and we just took request from the directive.
maybe I may request things they like parents Williams. They requested embowered videos, baby request Frank rally: videos, you name They would request that you guys didn't you guys, didn't put out a list. You just requested what the the community wanted. I write and we would accommodate them. So we don't do that big, frontline doctors, video it with fella Manuel and factors among that is at the forefront court that happened last summer yoga, and that was a huge video right like it went viral like Youtube, kept taking it down faithful taking the down they kept putting it back up and the deaf people didn't have access to that because, of course, the networked weren't gonna show it. Though there was a quote captain at best like you would have on tv. So we really. Ok will interpret it and we started getting strikes
pages and argue to Channel got taken down eventually, because we were interpreting misinformation, her say with his weapons. So I'm article unhappy about here like what you know why I like it on the internet, so is in my view- and I can just click a button- then listen to it real quick and make our own assumption? Why can't adapt person do the same thing? So it's really. It's me goes again to who has a right to tell you what to watch and not watch except, no hearing people they are enabled to listen to anything and they can hear it, but deaf people watch a video and unless they can red lips and unless it's it's really clear they they can't the information, so they can't say that's ridiculous or I believe in that they do. They can't make a judge. they have to trust other people who have that right.
Right right and then they have to read the comment or an kind of see what people saying you know how combat far they deserve all been the crazy. That's so there's no real information there and then all they go off. Is the view, though, allotted that people say. Will this got like seven hundred thousand views, but I cannot accept it, but it's popular or their cousin send them a video on messenger and there, like Y, know what they said. This allows them to have that dialogue with their friends with their family. Just like we do by Peter would like lucrative, crazy video and it's just one to get them accessibility. Protected under the American with disability back if they requested they're supposed to have it and then because I'm working as an advocate for them. I am also protected so it's just unfortunate that people get triggered by the hat because when I warrant I work for specific video, which is when he was
They are saying a compilation of him dancing to the. Why am CIA and alighted at people that, even though they did that because the new channel didn't show that and they don't care music though they don't really associated pages, might have seen random What's in him dancing- and I like ok, but I think into after interpreting them the video they were like. Oh wow like this was a phenomenal I'd like it took off now. I understand why there were Tik Tok, the people mimicking villages, their tribute is going to be part of the culture and a lot of it is online now so Well, that's evil. Heather but we'd like to hire you further day, would like you to translate the radio show. Would you do that? ok, so I'll put you are put in touch with our producer and then maybe you can translate, tomorrow, you do it from home because we are cove id compliant here and so I will just put you in a little box and you can translate tomorrow, which I'm gonna.
Come up with a whole bunch of really difficult words. tomorrow. I can handle it at workforce, get engineers. I think I can handle any. But you haven't heard me: I'm is pronounced those difficult words here, Infer a whole new experience. Heather. Thank you so much and will we'll talk to you probably tomorrow. Thank you Thank you. God bless. I had to say things like. be nice and stuff, because I was afraid she would put a hex on me. Did you here what you was saying about, people have a right to hear things. some guy eyes, plus you never know what she's putting a hex on you. Could you dont know sign language exam, Clay and exactly right. and you noticed sheets- I mean She is well I've I'll talk more about it tomorrow. Let me tell you about Let me tell you about lifelong lifelike. The internet is a huge place and lifelong knows that
be amazed at how many items which make up your personal identity are just floating around in cyberspace, waiting for some criminal to come along and take them, and they collect p says, and they put this whole puzzle together, keeping track. of all of those pieces is nearly impossible, but That's why lifelong is there to help you keep is much of it possible out. of the cybercriminals hands. You, you can't do this on your own life. has been there from the very beginning of I remember when they had your social security guard. So many animals, like it. You got yours on a bus. I don't really care whose steel by Social Security card member that back in the early nineties, now holy cow, a good thing that they are on the on the watch. They can't can prevent all identity theft, but they monitor all the things. They can and they are gonna hit the things that you might miss. if you're, just monitoring your credit
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We get it on your clothing, but it did not say don't put it in your hair like hairspray. very true and clearly the fall of the really glue people exactly right. Her name is Tessa Brown. Her hairs been stuck solid now for a month. You wouldn't have to worry about. You know, have in the window down your Iphone Die guy did message at my hair girl, little guerrilla groups. The glue will take that up in her. She said yesterday that she's going to see a surgeon to get her hair unstuck, She says I know urchin if she says I know everyone is concerned. We are not really not everyone on european pharmaceutical. Some people have no concern, I'm really not. She's going to a Beverly Hills, plastic surgeon who has offered his help free of charge choice. He said he could fix her hair using met
hold great blue remover in a procedure that could take three days, The opposite is it? Is it pasted to her scalp before is a just, and I'm not sure I don't know why you just wouldn't shaven, Could you, though, if its pace it dear scale of euthanasia or scale, probably not here, not as a venture, it would just grow out and you could just gonna cut it off at once. It was actually yeah exactly right, but she's now raising money online. Thirteen thousand dollars was re, so now she can fly to LOS Angeles end. And get her hair fixed, the sun's blunder programme and whereas girl, what guerrilla groups glue. No, I said where They if you're, consider joining a minnow. Fifty and sixty over a group which group do you you know you could join other places that you ve heard of, or you can go to a MAC, a MAC is the,
association, immature american citizens. It has over two million members. Now it's growing every day and it'll give you discounts and everything else all the services they need- and you want from a seniors group, but they are also extremely proactive in representing the kind of american values that you hold dear. They are fighting for the first amendment secondment in other fighting, really for all of the amendments. And they are fighting big time are really helping led the cause again. Age are one which will tell you about in a few days, but they are standing in the causes. Great, the benefits are really great to its aim: at em, a sea dont. U S, slash back, join them. Now, MAC got U S. Slash back.
tight, starting at eight p m Eastern. It's back to back stew. Does America and Glenn back to check it out? Please, tv dot com, Slash, Glenda, provocateurs, glenfern thirty bucks on Walmart Cuban has announced that here in Dallas. axis. The mavericks will not be playing the STAR spangled banner anymore. He has made a decision to eliminate the tradition of playing the anthem before games It wasn't even noticed through the first thirteen games for the combined priests and regular, seizing aims at American airlines. There's been no people there either. He approaches yet part of the reason. Why do people don't notice right? but has been very vocal in its support for those who wish to kneel during the play of playing of the national anthem. Last July he told yes pm
he said if they want to kneel during the anthem, if they're taking a knee and they're, not in their being respectful, I'm proud of them, and he said that I love this quote. He would hope that he could join them. Well you're the owner of the team. You don't have to hope it's not like you have to. While I have to invite myself, you go down and taken it. Why why didn't you He later tweeted in response to what he called the National anthem police. That of course, of the non violent protest of systematic racism in the United States took issue they the blame, you could complain to your boss and ask why he doesn't play the national anthem every day before you start work so I'm kind of turn on this, because I have seen, like mixtures like I saw one report that said they ve been playing. God bless. America has no worse much more jingoistic man, religious god. Plaid got us America Irving. Believe Berlin during I believe, the
Wilson, administration- and you know what I mean it's id it's got God in it. It has everything they in everybody's. Like all, that's good, that's good, but the star spangled banners not by me You could argue that maybe he's just trying to avoid the controversy now they they report says that they play: God bless America previously now this year. The other thing to put two as they haven't had friends. The stadium so maybe like, he is crewman was asked about the report, the reporting from the athletic. They said that they initially said they're, not plain that such STAR spangled banner this year. Cuban said in an email that is incorrect. We have given no comment on what our plans are now. It's Is it possible to stop playing it because there's no friends there to hear it, like, obviously that's a situation you normally would do with everybody in the stadium, but no team has
people in the stadium lightly and no NBA advance in Vienna in the NBA they ve been really restrictive, unlike the NFL, which obviously has had stamped silently get down to the floor there It was yelling with what's his face in LOS Angeles, That last week I didn't lady who was when she was sitting next to her husband, and she got me- you know who's the guy. You hate Lebron James. yeah- that's all united, pretty sure it wasn't our aims and he made all right, yeah man, I think they have opened it so last year they had no fans at all across the NBA. When they came back and they went to the global bubble this year, I think they ve some places have had some fancy. The mavericks, I know still. Basically none. They had a few healthcare workers there at this that this last game, which may be wise. This is being report because the Munich and of the first time we have who works here, who's on the drum line for the baths and it's the, but this the last year they played was
first game. They had been there since the pandemic started, so they die. they're, just starting to let a few people in. But it is a it's a situation. I don't it's not sensible and anyway, I wonder what his motivation is. Is it just I'm super woken up? I don't want the national anthem, which is possible with Cuban though I dont, even in his hand, I don't know he's he's, not he's not like you know, he's not Lebron James. Now that he's also everyone somatic it's just described, was like a conservative or a libertarian, which he is not at all even though he sometimes indicates he is on some things. He s knees not, but he it's possible like. I can understand the motivation, I'm just not wanting the controversy at this point, but no I mean I die still wouldn't endorse that view. Obviously amnesia me that mean that, isn't that actually giving you more, now he's stuck in the controversy anywhere right. Because you can almost like I
argue with the year when we were talking about the NFL there like will want to see and fell going to do what? How are people going to a need? are they going to kneel? Are they going to stand like war more? anything else. Forget the league, forget the players, why As a television network. Am I seeing what they're doing during the anthem Playing the anthem for me and every game where the guy When I watch a coverage of the game, they dont cover the and the only cover the anthem for the controversy which is like we'll, whose really the problem here and to tell us networks are real a part of the problem You never see the anthem at a basketball game. The only reason you ever see it on television is when they to inflict the controversy about whose kneeling, whose standing, whose turn her back was still in the locker room. It justice dumb soap opera, that in our people, to follow- and I you know what this is, what we can't get bogged down in these soap operas. I think that in so many ways the national anthem in that
controversy is important. It is important but it is also exploited as a soap opera. Yes, totally, might both zealously the in each one of Donald Trump, it is important, it's really important, but it is also a soap opera and we have to stop looking at the soap operas, we have to pay the correct amount of time with those soap operas and then apply the rest of the time talking things that are important and valuable You know there's so much happening right now eat. Pine has just signed. Fifty two executive orders fifty two: Are you aware of? What's in those fifty two executive orders cause you're out, seeing that anywhere yeah it I was. There will obviously be the motivation. The Republicans and when it comes to the impeachment, try
has been to say, look, look! Let's do this quickly get this out of the way I actually they should expand it. I think they should go beginning the day to the end of the day for the next two years, all about Impeachment Donald Trump, so they camp as any other crappy laws, so they can. anything else because, like for example, all near attendant. Who you mentioned earlier, who is testifying he's doing her sort of come confirmation hearing. They want to vote on her. Well, there taken only half the data to these votes, so they're calling super slow. All the things they want to do or been slowed down by this? Isn't the impeachment trial. I think that republic, as you can well, you know what would he witnesses we need people come in here, I need to hear more. I have a follow up question extend as even longer, unfortunately have agreed to these rules. So it's gonna go quickly. I addressed now. Everyone wants a pushes away. This is doing nothing right now, but delaying everything that requests are trying lose your opinion on why this is happening? Why
Democrats are doing it because you know when they didn't have anything on Donald Trump towards the end of the election. They knew that that would not be good for them. Another engagement in an impeachment, the first impeachment, and they had nothing but the all of a sudden she and all the stuff that she could have impeached on earlier and then you know that in theory and then and they came up with nothing burgers, That's when she said you know what that phone call. We need to impeach him. Why and it seemed weird and now they're doing the same thing. Is it John? because Donald Trump, they I want him to be involved and run again in four years. To send a message that you know Don't even think about. We will destroy you. What is it that they're doing? I think that the the thing with this one is that everybody
Kick guises the what happened that day was really bad, so what their train It was time directly to the republican politicians and people. in repair its trumps party. At this point of essentially your your tainting the entire party with the ad the actions of a few hundred people who were in that crowd. So everyone it is Everybody reckon like a bigger say. Well, you know what those Police officers were incited to kill George Floyd by Donald Trump. They would do that. they had any rational way workers. Everyone recognizes the George Floyd thing was bad, so anyway, you can tie this universally revolting sort of activity to your political opponent. That's that's great for them and I think like in some These people are like what they want to get them to. Sixty seven votes, they know they're not get in the sixty seven, but I think in some they wrote the like this impeachment, the so should the wording of it in a way that
most guaranteed? They wouldn't get republican vote. I think they want no republican votes on this thing, so they can leave. It can put everyone of that kind of didn't, want to look by partisan. They don't want it to them, because their Eu what did bi partisanship they could have come up with a censure type of thing, easy where you would have probably had a lot of the Republicans coming up. It's a yes. His activities were bad. Instead, they put it at the highest level the highest standard to clear it's it's like when, what's his name in Minnesota, Keith Alison when he may made the charge from second degree. Manslaughter too. Premeditated murder. Member when the cop the river which cop was doing what whom, but it was they they They don't have this. They don't have that proof. You can't make that case and we talked about at the time they want that guy to go free. They want the judge to say I e o K.
You can't put him in jail, so they can twisted and make, people use it at sea. The justice system is all screwed up here. Yeah I mean they used the word incitement which, as you know, they see there's a criminal sort of. standard that everyone recognises that it goes along with that and to say that you know: do you like everything that Donald Trump did is different than saying, I don't think He it rises to the level of incitement, every political speech in the country as at some point. We need to fight for what we know. We need to fight and take this country back. That's been set by every week, the montage of the Democrats saying things that are much much warrior civic yeah and so like it gets the point. Of course you can't. it's going to be almost impossible to get a republican to go along with that and I swear. That's intentional. I mean I, I think that they want they could have also passed through. four different articles right, some,
with saying you know incitement, some saying well, we just think He didn't tell the truth about the election, and that was putting the the democracy at risk or the transfer of power at risk. They get it done two different things. If they actually wanted those votes it. I want those votes to be able to say even to people who you know in a purple state that might be more moderate. You know they. To be able to say, look he wouldn't even vote for the then can the capital was overwrought, they wouldn't even hold this president accountable. They weren't able use those arguments much more. They know they're not getting to sixty seven votes and Our job is valuable to them. Right die like done Trump is somebody that a lotta Republicans really really like, but a lot of them that's really really hate a lot of people in the middle really really hate, and there but to use him fund raising is, I mean, he's the Hillary Clinton of
the republican Party. He is the Newt Gingrich of the barred and the best thing for yes to the hilt. Clinton is really valuable to Republicans. We don't want Hillary Clinton in power of making decisions, nor do they didn't want Donald Trump in power, making decisions, but having I'll trump as a perimeter sort of character. They can blame everything on two people who might vote for them. The same thing that it's nice, for it was easy for Donald Trump to win right because we were able to say Heller, Clinton that that and people in the middle there. I don't want Hillary Clinton eight. I disagree with you bid on this, and I want to go into that in in just a minute standby. First, let me take a quick commercial break too. The bills are couldn't find it, sir. can financing is not our is not our commercial, whose our commercial. Here it's gold ogled line,
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I think those are all benefits. I think the main benefit too but they see is that Donald Trump and the G o p voting against the impeachment and be used later to justice, I the direct Cody in silencing of of people who are in the GNP people who voted for Donald Trump people who they claim or aunt a government or political extremists? I think personally, I think that is the deal we tried to stop this. They wouldn't stop it. Now we have Why me we have to develop some programs to two d programme, these people who believe in this stuff. I think that's great.
great pick up there. I think they know it's almost taking what I'm saying and going even further with random yeah. It's we don't agree to grant our here, as I de, I totally totally think that's part of it, I think they face this as a way you know Joe Mansion says: I'm not going to vote for the filibuster well, who's to say that we couldn't even get what for Republicans too with us. On this I mean that there are obviously crazy and maybe we're. Maybe I should reconsider that vote on the villa buster. There's always disease. Does this web of justifications that that is needed to do these extreme things in their building? That case, it usually begins with people who say I love the constitution or, I believe in the same things, but when it comes to immutable laws there is nobody to climb programme
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.