« The Glenn Beck Program

Happy Black Friday with Stu! | 11/23/18

2018-11-23 | 🔗
Hour 1 Consumption, consumption, consumption?...Backlash: Evil stores that opened on Thanksgiving...Good O'l 'family values' to the rescue?...remembering what we should 'really' be thankful for? ...Glenn isn't here so Stu can do whatever he wants?...Who wants 'Addicted To Outrage' book tour tickets?...Caller, Scott from Tampa, Florida does? ...Life is Good in 2018...Americans have it better now then ever before?    Hour 2 What to get 'use to' moving forward?...All players on both teams = penalized ...Democratic Presidential potentials for 2020?...the list?...who's got a chance and who doesn't?...Who has a 'real' chance to beat Trump?...Beto, Booker, Bernie?...Recalling when Barack Obama was 'untouchable' in 2008?...Democrats are desperate for someone to help in the red states?...like President John Hickenlooper?...best buddy of John Kasich?...AL or Hillary?   Hour 3 Contenders and Pretenders?...the former Obama wings who may run?...Joe Biden leads the polls?...other Dem hopefuls?...Howard Schultz former Starbucks CEO?...Billionaire Tom Steyer...the art of buying elections = impossible? ...Love and Free Passes?...Man charged for saying he's going to 'blow up' bathroom with a bowl movement ...Avoid the crowds and Get your Blaze 'Black Friday' holiday shopping done right now, go to Shop.the blaze.com 

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