« The Glenn Beck Program

Glenn is COVID Free! | Guests: Rep. Massie & Allie Beth Stuckey | 8/7/20

2020-08-07 | 🔗

Glenn tested negative for the coronavirus and has had enough of quarantine. Did Minnesota AG Keith Ellison want to keep the George Floyd bodycam footage hidden? The attorney general of New York is trying to dissolve the NRA. Joe Biden claimed the black community isn’t diverse, unlike Latinos, and Trump claimed Biden is “against God.” Rep. Thomas Massie discusses the next stimulus bill, what a dollar collapse looks like, rumors that the intel community is spying on Congress, and his new HBO documentary, “The Swamp.” The media is finally reporting on stories Glenn exposed months ago. BlazeTV’s Allie Beth Stuckey talks about her new book, “You’re Not Enough (And That’s Okay).” Actors aren’t allowed to act anymore in this woke culture.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My Joe Biden in the news again today? They can't they can lock him away in a secret bunker fast enough, these more dangerous to his campaign than Michelle Obama was to her husband's campaign and they turn up a first time around shipment. Unlimited Belinda she's. Now on the road with Oprah saying exactly the same thing. If we have time we gotta get into that, Michelle Obama nonsense coming up in just a second also. We have the Biden latest on Donald Trump and the election Ilan Omar looks like she might be in trouble. We haven't got to have a chance for me to comment on the George Floyd video that has been released. Much to the chagrin of of the attorney general Minnesota gee. I wonder why- and I think
begin there. Sixty seconds is a glaring back programme, and I say I think, because there are so much on our plates. It's Friday, America glad you're. Here relief factor, dealing with pain on a regular basis, especially really bad pain, is something that millions of Americans are forced to do. Every single year, life is not always fair and learning to live with. The pain is really really difficult. Most of our pain comes from inflammation and fighting that inflammation is often the best way. Get rid of our pain. The lot the times the things that we take to try to handle it will have negative effects on us at the same time. So if you are struggling from pain and I've tried everything. May I suggest you try this for three weeks and see if it works, don't you don't have make a long time coming. I want to try
for three weeks. Seventy percent of the people who try really factor, go on to order more month after month, because it works for them. I've been taking it in honestly. I did not think it would work. They ve been in advertiser of ours for a long time and I had tried absolutely everything and some things worked for a while and then it stopped working. I finally took really factor, because my wife has not made any oh, my gosh. She just goes on and on like that, it's like living weather, but I started taking relief factor in two years later. I am still taking it because it works not a drug developed by doktor and it will help you just give it a shot. It's one. Ninety five for the three we quick start trial just try it out at relief factor, dotcom relief, factor, dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eighty three eighty four relief factor: dotcom aid, five hundred eighty three, eighty four,
Mary are right, we have a released tape. A tape. There was smuggled out from keys, Alison's cold hands and key is said in the Washington Post that he did not want this, this video released, because he didn't want to release anything that might help the the defence well. This is This is a real problem. He's late. Would they smuggled out this tape? He doesn't want you to see this tape. I think He wants America to see. This tape asked The trial, I think This tape is meant to be kept
under lock and key until the trial or until right after the trial and. The police officers are let go or they are receiving charges. That everyone would say is insane, because this was such a bad ample of really bad police. This is just a horrible. They killed this guy well The problem is, is We're gonna have a really hard time making. The case that anyone, except for the officer that was kneeling on his neck. Did anything wrong you down, remember, Keith Ellison is trying to go, for, I think would wasn't it. Stu, wasn't going for attempted murder or or Accessory to murder, or something like that for the other officers- oh, charging these other officers and try. To say that they knew that he
trying to kill George Floyd. I am trying leally ridiculous, so these guys that every day of their John, the job and spoke up is veteran off I've been there does. That's always seemed ridiculous to me. Ok, but Now that you see the body can video, and I want to show you a couple pieces of it now- it's going to be almost impossible to make that charge because what you have to dismiss now is the evidence that a court to the body. Cam footage on the arrest a woman that Floyd is apparently with Telling him stop resisting stop resisting so he's resisting he's saying that he can't breathe while he's standing up and while he's in the police, video Let me play a couple of pieces here. Here is the woman George Floyd is with counselling him telling him stop resisting listen,
Those are the only way not do where no man you're out She sang stop resisting sap, resisting now he is flying high on Fenton. Now French and all if you ve ever had it I've only added once I had it after surgery cause. I'm I mean you have it is like you have to give. The drug that you would give a horse to knock a horse out. I've actually woken up on the operating table before eggs, don't generally work on me might be something in my past built up our resistance to them. I don't know but They generally dont work on me and
I've. They ve handed put me down after I've after had surgery to keep at a pain. They had me on a cocktail that included friend and ally. Ventnor. Wasn't it it include it felt in all and I remember I remember, waking up in the middle of the night, and I didn't even know that I had a patch on me. I was just fresh out of the hospital dust. Certainly was unaware of what that patch was or anything else, and I it's time I had never heard of sentinel And I woke up in the middle of the night, and woke up and I couldn't breathe. And I was so drugged by this stuff- and I remember hearing no voice- get up, take that patch off and I fell back to sleep- woke up again second time, barely able to breathe if you don't get up and the patch off you won't wake up again
remember hearing that in my head, so I got up and I took the patch off the next morning. I said to my wife: what is that path? she had never heard a federal either. We read about it, we're like holy cow. It says right there on the box end of life only it is a very dangerous drug and not just because it's almost immediately addicting, but because it is for end of life, use only and it is it suppresses your your respiratory system, so much that it's easy You just stop. Breathing So when he's saying any sitting in the past he's got. I want you to listen to this here is this: is this is before he's lying on the ground? Listen to what he saying here
began a guy. I would die. You need to take a stand on one another camera guy. Look at this again and again we want you to know he standing. We wanted that we were not above it, but we believe that under the one day
that way, the only man I was really ok, began to try and we're gonna we're. Ok. So now the police are trying just to get him in the car. You hearing somebody in the background, stop resisting just get in the car This is not the cop that is only saying this is that the people better with him He's saying I I'm afraid I'm gonna die, I can't breathe yadda yadda will open the window. There acting exactly the way cop should act. Just get in the car will open the window Kay. He's afraid I can't breathe. I can't breathe, that is the sentinel in him. Now not saying that he led the cop shouldn't have kneeled on his neck. He should
Neild on his neck questions ass. The cop did wrong, however, took claim that this was murder. Is insanity to claim. The other officers who you know are just there and seeing this guy say I can't breathe. I can't breathe you don't know. If he's actually saying that, just to resist the arrest, you dont know if he actually means it, You don't know now me Personally I would say I would err on the side of he can't breathe. But I wasn't there
do so. Are you saying we say its decisive murder? Is insanity or sing like you to save like this premeditated murder? Where he's attempting to trying to kill the premier where he got up in the morning, he said I want to kill a black person that our dickie less that's ridiculous. I'm saying this he shouldn't be considered for charges of of perhaps you, know, some sort of negligent Hamas Amazon negligent homicide, something like that, but not the other cops, not the other cops and it least. You couldn't make the case a reasonable person would say not about the cop that knelt on his neck. There is no excuse for him kneeling on his neck George flow. Should not have died cause of somebody kneeling on his neck. If he would have died in the squad car saying he couldn t couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe with a window down there still be blamed. They would
still be blamed, but that is the Fenton all now, if you can breathe because of fentanyl. Your respiratory system is so depressed. If anybody's even kneeling on your back, which would in fine according to Police- you know me. No procedures can only think of procedures. Thank you because of people these procedures, you, you could put your knee on his back, but I think that could have killed, two with Fenton all race, through his system and saying I can't breathe We know they didn't know, he had forgotten all in him. So now that you know that he has spent in all in him. You would know yeah, he really can't breathe, but that's the drug talking. They would have accuse them of wrong doing, even if they would have just put him even if he would have gotten into the squad car and then he would have died.
Because of the fat and all they would. Accused the cops of doing something wrong. There's one cop that did something wrong kneeling on his neck, but it is not premeditated murder or anything else, and I personally think that Keith Ellison tried to support as this information to flee. The fires- do. You know just keep fat earth, fanned the fires. I don't know what's wrong with me today, but fair the fires to keep those embers burning, hot and also to increase the outrage Wendy, guys are found not guilty because teeth Ellison has overcharged them. And gee. I wonder when that's gonna happen, but I see the chief Ellison has overcharge them, and I said before this video, I think he is overcharging them and I think,
he's doing it for a reason, because he wants these guys to we, in court he wants them to go free because it will set the cities on fire a second time Is there anybody in the media that is willing to look at the truth? I know tat your Karlsson did their very few people, I think Matt walls Tucker Karlsson. They were the very few that actually took this on and said. This is wrong. And they are right to do it and then and no one is saying that the cop is right. What they're saying is this changes? The view of everything the car still can be guilty, but this does change the view of things. But why would anybody in the media want to do that? especially when there is an election, a win win happening in New York now with the attorney general. I don't know if you saw this.
The attorney general's moving to dissolve the and our re there since the political timing on this is phenomenal, I mean if people I cannot see what is happening in country and how the deep state and its Allies are moving in directions to do everything to dismantle the the chances of Donald Trump winning and Is this hostile takeover of Amerika? If you see it, you never will you just never. Will I remember saying twenty years ago. I can't engine, Africans seeing things, and we don't even understand each other any more that we we can walk the same event, because that What's you know been port foretold? You know
the end in the end days. It'll be like this at one side, won't understand the other at all, and I couldn t understand how that could happen. Word there. We are there I don't know how Americans, who are being honest, are actually viewing things and seeing something entirely different. They are seeing a story that is completely false and fabricated. Let me start for a minute here and give you are sponsor it simply safe too but the line homes security does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. It doesn't have to be so complicated that you need the team of engineers to assemble it. You don't need any of that stuff. The war, old is crazier than usual these days, and it is a really good idea to protect your family and your possessions make sure that everything is secured from what is happening in our society. It is
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simply safe back dotcom, get a free, hd security camera find out how easy it is to install how much money you're gonna save and how good. This system, really is it simply safe, backed out combat, simply say back. Dotcom welcomes, Glenda programme, so still have you been pretty good, I'm just glad to see that you're alive here you're on the borderline there for a little while It still is you no one's voting, stop ones of voting for the Hall of Fame stuff Sunday, so you can something you'll get good. I you know doc commonplace now, but we will find out. You know the doktor cleared me have covered yesterday. Make of it had all the symptoms, except for the fever. But cleared me of co bid at, but at what I heard him say was don't
stop the treatment of people voting you for you on the radio Hall of Fame or you could be dead by Sunday. So he Vienna is like treatment, We did ends in many ways of fewer words than that more of a feeling. I got from him that he's like. If you don't, if people stop calling and voting for you for the Radio Hall of Fame. If they stop going online at radio vote, dot com and don't vote for you for the Hall of Fame, you could be dead by Sunday and I'm like wow are used. Your doc? and he answered me, you know you know just through this feeling that yeah Salute Omar Guy Ed Dead, Ed by Sunday. That's terrible this terrible air land and people should definitely cure you at radio vote, Dotcom, yeah now
a date may not work for everybody. I mean it's not as reliable as Hydroxyl Chloric win, but this treatment has been approved for me and- and I don't want to die, Don't want to die so my life is in your hands. You can voted radio vote dot com, so you actually are. You did actually test negative for the vivid test, negative yeah. Then I went to another doctor. I you know I had a test done by another doctor, but I ve been. Treated. You know prophylactically for coat and I'm telling you I think that stuff works. I'm the only one in the family that didn't get covert. How is that possible I am the most likely candidate, So did you not test for the antibodies,
so you don't know you may potentially had I may have already had in, but you know everybody in my family has has had it in the last three weeks for- weeks and I didn't get it, I had all the symptoms, but I didn't get it. I come quite honestly. I think it is so why were you out here? Lots of them will naturally have a bet on a bender. What was I don't understand? You know I was just drinking my face. All I heard the doctors say: whisky, whisky would do it. No, I had all the symptoms, except for the fever fell for land, not obey them right. Thanks for outing me on that one stu I was taking a couple of days are personal days. Ok, nothing is worse than having a you know. Having to fire and employee. I mean it is it's horrible, it's horrible,
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you never know glens, terrible illness will come back unless you cure him radio time, radio, daddy, this is the global programme, hello, America, it's Friday. I think Joe Biden, Has set at best- and if I, if I may, could we just let's get his viewpoint on Hispanics, because I M ease a genius. You all know, but most people don't now Gathering american community with notable exceptions. Reality community is incredibly diverse, committed people, certainly different attitudes about different things. All allow people so like black or just lock, step when they think alike, on everything.
Wow and accept the first time with him either, because he just said: if you're, not black, I mean, if you dont vote for me, you're, not black, you not black I mean this guy does he know? Does he know like the king of all black people, or he does as he did? I mean I'd like. The information that shows him that all black people just think alike yeah? Can you imagine the interests they? Can you imagine if Donald Trump, if I would have said that I'd be off the air today? If I would have said that
that is me. That's in relatively racist. We should note too that Joe Biden not only said that, but then reiterated it. He said it twice. So many of us, I wasn't like a mistake. He missed worded it. He D said the same thing in two separate time and then try to deny it afterwards. By saying earlier today, I made some comments about diversity in the african, american and latino communities that I want to clarify. In no way did I mean to suggest the african american community is a monolith wall on what did you say not by not on issues not at all? What? What do you mean? No, that's the opposite of what you said, but he set his eyes. I mean it's incredible, absolutely incredible and then If I may, let me play, Cuomo. They said about Donald Trump. Listen to this. We had assumed the pro, was refusing to help us with testing cause. He was making a political calculation
regrettably, we may have been wrong. Today. The resident gave us reason to believe that his judgement made just be bad. Maybe impaired did you hear this, that the further of someone shouting at the sky and hoping for They change Why? Why? How is it results of ie sucks I'll get it it's in resigned in in response to something down from said yesterday, but did you hear what he just said? First of all, the First time, CNN has admitted that they were wrong here. Thank you very light. Hearted resident, that's not what we were wrong Sky is the devil himself. We just honey was us spawn Satan. We were wrong. He Satan is it the first time that they have admitted that they're wrong they're, calling
him mentally impaired binding. On the other hand, now he's totally fine they are saying he might be mentally impaired, Now here's the statement from Donald Trump that made him say that listen, you will have occurred, irish and the markets because he's got a double trip. What he attacks is he's going to do things that nobody ever whatever think even faster because these following the radical left agenda, go away. You guns draw your second amendment. No real you know everything hurt the Bible, her god- he's a gets. God is against guns using it. Energy are kind of energy. I don't think he's gonna get you well it Ohio, so now
real eloquent, but that's what we expect from battle drop, but he's right when he says you know he's against God. Well I dont know if he's against I dont know if he's like in is in the bedroom going I'll walk. You but he is in league with the people who are too king away the rights of the religious? he is in league with people who are marxist, who are anti God. I don't think that Joe Biden is Anti God. I do you know if even I don't even no if he understands that he still alive today or understands the concept. Of God at this point, but These policies and the people he surrounds himself will, with our you telling me that this movement is that their burning bibles in Portland and
the left is saying that we're just making this stuff up that these guys are really even there their figments of our imagination, I don't know I think denial of what's going on, is kinda Anti Science and Anti God their battle for their backing, a movement that is marxist aunt, I got an answer family, thus anti God, I'd I'd, have to say when you're trying to break up the nuclear family, that's against God's precepts, so yet you can make the case you make them he's gonna actually make the case you can make the case. But what do I know I could be dead by. I could be dead by Sunday peopled on both for me for the Radio Hall of Fame. That's the doktor, that's all I heard the doctors say so you are a doctor, so you probably did actually here a doctor, say it Jack
thank you student. Thank you for pointing that out more evidence, more evidence that you should vote for me for the Radio Hall of Fame. I hate doing that. I hate to that which, but having threatening threatening their having to tell you the truth, I might die if you don't work format, I hate to do it. I hate to do at least if you die, you will come into the studio on Monday, bright and, in fact, the rest of us with a whatever covert nineteen stuff you got were running around in your body, I don't have any of it I do not have the bid weren't, you to deny science so you're gonna say that these were of these highly accurate, tests. Ninety nine point, nine percent, accurate,
telling me that I can't trust the test. I M going to say: there's a chance. If you have it anyway, I'm gonna say head: may you maybe two tests and then that what you want to get a little more do another one. Really one more test is good, not as a really. How did he do. You said earlier this week that you're too, we, Some quarantine begin when Tanya gets completely better now she wasn't completely better earlier this week, so windows that no material stars now this this it started two weeks ago. She got better. I thought I'd say she was better by Tuesday You know she was on the manned by by Monday she was better by Tuesday of this week. It is easier I believe is here is for I know I know, but I mean quarantine. It feels like four weeks so I've the amount of time
you're not lies in tuna. Why you're so opposed to quarantine? You basically be living it by choice for multiple years. Is that funding. You know you know what it is. I'm just I'm just done with it. I mean just done with it. You know I I quarantined. I did you know did everything is both? Do it's been five from what has been five months? It feels like by banalities, five marina now spent five years. I've months, it's half a year. Influenza worked in the studio,
a year well of yours to it ass its half a year, but you haven't got just trying to put on your faulty bad. If Europe has not been forty zero? Yes, I mean I don't want to get the vit review. I dont want the roan another Glenn. I won't come in everybody's like a baby about it. I won't we can look at all these and I yet no, no, I'm fine, I'm fine! Fine with that with a fifth. Nobody wants bit. Nobody wants me and I'm fine with. How long can we because
No! I want you in for lower than a man and a link to your face into two legs. What does your contract brought out? What have we don't want you and it's my studio, I own the studios. Go, I'm the only one not working there, the fair point as a fair we'd. Now you can come in and we'll stay home. What I know is, I'm not gonna be near you anytime, soon, aright so it'll be two weeks from next Tuesday them
two weeks for a while you're right out next Tuesday, I think you're right the first I've seen next Tuesday back when you say next Tuesday, who could even defined, which Tuesday that is right it could be that you have a nice time. Tuesday rose around. It won't be the next one right yet the way, so that eventually catch up. I think if we just keep asking ourselves what's next Tuesday and then we'll do two weeks from that day, just keep asking us up. Every dance, pray makes perfect sense. I feel, like I'm secret, I feel like I'm talking to the teachers. Unions. Have you guys have joined the teachers union? Did you hear that in New York, if they have one case of covert in a school there, shutting down the teachers, unions, one one case, shouted down my gun. I'm in that's obvious issues. This is. I fully expect my kids to be home at some point this year for a week or two or who knows right like. I think we have to build that in his apparent going into this year that at UNESCO
and one case I think most most schools will not closed down. For one case, however, there will probably be many out, rakes scenario here, and they are all over the country and disseminated kids get it they're gonna they're gonna do not cancel that. Did you case see the latest from the CDC now of the warning for our kids in schools. There's some new disease. That they're saying is like polio, yeah saw the end there saying that a well yeah paralyze, our kids, and we should be very aware that this this fall. You know our kids could start getting becoming paralyzed here, like we lack and has nothing to do with covert. Where did this one come from China? Where when did this one happen where it's funny took, as we heard a lot about these like weird outbreak Cuba, diseases for kids, some of them related to cover some of them not related to covet, but the number
I might overall deaths for kids, are way down like way down in it and now at their way up for everyone who is not a kid but their way down for kids. And neither trying to figure out like what's going on what those is theirs beneath the arguments about like others, maybe more suicides, are more drug deaths or whatever and are going through numbers and an under eighteen, the number away way down and what they think this. The situation is as never one like less people, you know a big cause for kids to die would be the car accidents right. Unlike those are not area handling nearly is often, but the thing is it like. Parents are home all the time so, like Parry kids aren't like you know, get an under the cabinets and an old guzzling police or whatever the hell can no more pie challenges. I suppose I don't know why. I dont know that Canada is something I am about.
Dial about tat by teenagers. Take that the tide, pod calibre reunited, hits being home after five months, which is not half a year. I just found out Who are you words, are really starting to say. I type if he doesn't take it may be. I will obviously thought I'm just saying that Grey unleash available every single day get you're a subscription at Youtube, or, of course, I cast Wanna talk to you about Timpan toss. The first paper thermometer strip available for retail. This thing is the best my wife had one on my forehead for less than a couple of days. It was nice that she was not looking. Looking me in the eye. No just checking your favor just taking a damaged. Ok, I think temper,
toss. The first paper thermometer strip available for retail, there's no mylar, there's no battery. Everything is assembled by adults with disabilities. Here in Amerika they, the goodwill industries, our enterprises and EAST Coast, EAST Co Fora better living these are the people who are putting these things together, so it just is really good for families screen for taking the temperature of kids. It's also now they're using it like the Ford factories are using it to put the strip on your head. It's really really accurate or you re, I think, and put it anywhere really but dying on the forehead. And then people can see? Ok, his he's got fever. I think I'm gonna go get away from him. Right now they have options were even buy em in three thousand or five thousand strip roles for your business. We're gonna, put
in when we open our doors back up at mercury will be used the attempt and toss I highly recommended, we ve been using him at the house. My daughter loves it with her little kids because it's impossible to get date. But you're for a kid, especially when their sicken. It's just that's tough tepid Jean Ex, but this is a woman run business to women out of Ohio that I just love these guys. They have done, something that is good for the consumer goods, businesses now temper toss, it's available attempt and toss dot com, slash to work. We are putting it in our business. You should have it in yours is well temp toss dot com, slash back to work, also available at major retailers. Listening to run back
We have the audio from Joe Biden from yesterday where he was talking to the CBS news reporter. In the end they asked You know if you had a cognitive test at all. Listen to this. Have you taken? native now I haven't taken to task. Why there? I take a test. Man ass likes land before you got this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not what you think are you a job? Do you say to that is not from a black man rags about his test and makes you an issue the voters were out. If you I figure out the different treatment elephant alliance. I don't know what the hell is talking about! Is you Lord come on man, I know you're trying to get me, but I mean I'm so forward. Looking to have an
internally to sit with the president or stand with the present and debates. Plenty of time and by the way, as I do when I'm out I should say, I'm going to say something I don't should say anyway. I am. I am very willing to let the american public judgment. Physical, mental filled, my physical as well. My mental filled fitness. I hear You wouldn't believe this event was written for a movie. You would not believe it It's just a remark about wise man, a method there by the momentum, capacity,
At least Woodrow Wilson was in office before the stuff happened right, like nobody into it. Yeah I'm in this is like ease everyone. Everyone can see this all Democrats know what's going on here. They all know at the US. The question is: who is really going to be president? Because it's not going to be the vice president's really non? Is its centre for american progress who is in charge of the next president glanced back programme habit? I don't know. Maybe your hair isn't looking as full as it used to not? U you look great, but everyone ass might behind this moment. Thank you. Thank you know you know I I have been taking a generic drug for my hair, I've been taking forever. That's the only reason I think I have air. Our really does seem like all that works, there's pretty good evidence that it does work
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. When their programme America welcome to the global programme, it is Friday we gotta go to Congress for a few minutes, a Thomas Massey find out exactly what is going to be happening with this stimulus bill. There is also something that is a little disturbing those two things that are disturbing to me that nobody is talking about. The idea that the central bank are fed would start opening up bank accounts for everybody in the country, so they could just deposit that money directly into your own New FED bank account. That's what they're encouraging Europe to do is that on the rise in here and a story, they came out that nobody was talking about where the
these spy agencies will not confirm with Congress that they are not being spied on our own, did officials being spied on by some sort of deep state or not we that and so much more with Thomas Massey. In one minute is the Glen Back Programme. Let me tell you my real estate agents. I trust if you are looking to sell your house now, may be the right time more. Rates are going through the floor and unfortunately, if you're a buyer price
of housing is going up because it's getting harder and harder to build new houses. Will tell you about that, hopefully later on in the programme today, but Robert had a difficult situation out of the gate he was trying to sell his property. He lives several hours away from when he called real estate agents. I trust he was paired with one of our real estate agents, Brian and thank Goodness City was because that was just the beginning of Roberts troubles the house when, on the market for days before the entire state shut down due to Cove id, nevertheless, Brian went to work and when, above and beyond all expectations and Robert right out the storm he took advantage of the downtime to help Robert solve a number of the issues with the property, so by the by the time the state reopened. It was in better condition than it was. You know when it was listed and
it's sold right away as soon as they open the state. The sale was going through Robert is grateful that he went to real estate agents. I trust he's grateful for Brian, and so am I that we could pair these two together find the right real estate agent for you that will go above and beyond through real estate agents. I trust dot com, it's a free service to you, real estate agents, I trust die. Com Thomas Massey Republican from Kentucky. I hate to even column Republican because, cause, I just, I think, that's a label. I wouldn't want right now he's an independent thinker, he's part of a new age, be oh documentary called the swamp that I want to talk to him about here. I welcome to the programme, Thomas Massey how area? I'm doing great And how are you doing?
I'm feelin fine. I had all of symptoms except for a fever I went in a test and I buy tested negative, I'm the only one in the family now that hasn't had covered, but I tested negative. But I think that because of my my doctor has, had me on a aggressive flight of of me. You know zinc and I'd Roxy Chloric win as soon as the family got it. I started taking that as well. Any said, we're gonna, make sure you don't we dont will we do. We ve done everything we can to make sure you don't get it and I think it worked well. I've got some interesting news to share that. Nobody knows yet. I took the covert test the swamp that goes in your nose. I took that last Friday, but also on, but I also ask, to draw my blood into the antibody test and lo and behold, Yesterday the FED Ex guide. Livered my results and I have the antibodies.
That means so you had your head of id. I've had the Rona and I we have heard from it it I've got three. The tighter of my antibodies indicates. I have three times the level that required to donate plasma so I would happily do that to help while I can, but I'm convinced ahead in January, I was laid out for food days, no energy. This was the end of the Christmas recess, a fever sore throat, I've laid on the couch for four days, This was before we wrote a was, but I knew I had submitted it want to give it to my family s. Does the I went to the after I had been to the doktor for sickness in like ten or fifteen years. That's how I have to be to go to the doktor and, I said: look I gotta go back the Congress. Give me what you got and they gave me a strong it. Bardic shot an anarchist me and I read
feeling better within a day, No, the plasma thing is what stopped it. In ITALY, I mean that the plasma treatment seems to really work and always talk. About that here you know. I've talked to doctors. Hearing in Kentucky, who use that early on and are convinced that it worked so yeah, I'm happy to donate my plasma and I just want to share that? I want to get out there and Intel folks about this so Let's talk about other stuff. Can we talk about what's happening in with the stimulus bill? What what what why what's gonna happen, today is the day right today the day. You know they said give us twenty four hours notice if they come up with a deal. This is the problem with the swamp gland. Therefore, five p, Writing this bill in and in reality is probably staff that are doing it.
And then we're all gonna be called back, given twenty four hours to read it and told to take it or leave it and then you'll be vilified. If you vote against it, in fact, I'll try not to have a vote, but they know that I will force it. So, though, probably go ahead and have the foe. So what are we looking at Thomas and and how does this end the big and- and I made it with the iron, nobody loaning its money at the federal government in us, printing and hyperinflation. That's how it all in eventually well we don't have to go very far on that right now. Ninety five percent of all of our treasuries that go up for sale are perch spy, the FED, the big buyer in twenty twenty of. Of the national debt or anything that we spend has banned Jerome Powell? I mean it it's all being purchased by by the ed right now, you know
said you, I hate the call me a Republican. I have some friends who call themselves collapse, a Terence or acceleration lists Actually I think there are the party in power is how this is. Accelerate the collapse of the dollar. I believe in I know buddy nobody's willing to say that in all of the signs are there. They're. All there I mean we ve been downgraded, I think, was by Fitch, not in our actual aaa score, but in our outlook as I dangerous was the work they use. And where printing money we're borrowing it from the FED. There's no end of the spending. China and Russia just hit the point where
they can now d dollar eyes and not have to worry about it. They ve Jaif traded all of their treasuries in except, for you know, a small number for what each of them held before and they purchased gold. They are already on the move and they are in there trying to convince others to do it. Ask you two currencies or whatever else, which would collapse our dollar, and I don't think anybody really understands Thomas what that means means when that happen, SK. I don't think the average person understands collapse of a dollar and what it means. Let me say how unsustainable this is. We're on the path for for trade dollar deficit. This year I looked it up. The Come tax generates two trillion dollars, so we would have to triple the income tax rate and that's our biggest source of revenue for the General Fund, as the income tax we'd, have to triple the income tax if your paying twenty five percent of income, you have to go to seventy five percent to cover Gov?
spending this year. That's that's assuming that that kind of tax I didn't, kill the economy. So it's just not sustainable here's another way of looking at it there. Four trillion dollars divided by four hundred and thirty five congressional districts is ten billion dollars per congressional district. I mean that twenty counties in Kentucky are going to have to come up with. Ten billion dollars at some point to cover. This corona virus spending its just now it's it's! I'm gonna happen. The dollar will collapse. Tell me what a dollar a collapse a dollar looks like to the average person. What does that mean? Well, it's gonna hurt the average person more than it hurts the upper class. Oh yeah, the upper classes. None of them will feel it right there hedged there. They don't have all their money in dollars it and they ve got hedges. Against the stock market in everything that they hold, that the average
person is going to see their savings go to nothing if they ve got any savings retirement income. That's in six dollars, you! security is in fixed dollars, they're not gonna, just for hyperinflation, so that event rates as well since we started this, the dollar has declined in value by ten percent. That mean if you had a thousand dollars in the bank still it'll still read a thousand dollars, but you only have nine hundred dollars worth of buying power and end people are, an understanding that a thirty percent drop or more is very possible in you know, in the span of a very short period of time, were you could lose the buying power of of half of your money that's it the barest staggering, but but I know you have allotted depressing topics to talking about now. Excited well connected doc. It's over the other one
Yeah, well, let me talk about. Let me talk about the swamp. The new HBO documentary that I can't believe is on HBO talk to me, I will talk to me a little bit about it yeah, so they follow me and MAC Gates and can around for a year, we gave them unprecedented access to our staff, to our offices to our homes. They could have really screwed us on this movie. And even though, when a lot of Republicans watch movie they're not going to be happy because its critical of the president, Instead, the left in some ways, even though all true they really gave. The fair shake. They did not distort anything that the three of us said They didn't take our words out of context and it somewhat of a miracle that Movie is odd, HBO Ed all in all. I think it's good. We did it. We took that risk because we needed to
The message out, not just to the people watching Fox, evaluate Fox, doesn't even cover what's wrong with the swamp We need to get it out to a broader audience and they ve been. I think they ve helped us do that I love your part where you are you're talking about the capital is the death star and you're you're. I need to find the weakness and you end up in the trash compactor? Yes, that's my tail eager eyes had a ghetto. There was an exhaust port, the death star, the analogy to the desk stars. There always worked here always work on it in the movies right, but it's even the it looks like their working on it, and the capitals always got scaffolding honour it fully functional and cable, or destroying happiness anywhere in the universe like that describes the capital as well as
Deaths that are really that's really sad. Isn't it. I mean it's really crazy, and here we were just talking about Joe Biden, things sanity and you know I'm not saying that he is. You know Alzheimer's or anything else he's just it least having the natural decline that happens to people when get older, but he is really slipping. He's not gonna, be the president and I dont think I mean If he would win he's not, be running things and I don't think it'll be the vice president, either whose actually behind who you voting, for, if your voting for for Joe Biden, who's running the show, it's going be that the people who stay in power, whether it's a bush or eclat, Neuron Obama, tromp they're, just below them medical appointees and dub. They have the most power has been there the longest and they just expanded
part of the government in the National Defence Authorization ACT, they created a I burst are a permanent position in the executive branches Seventy five full time equivalent reports who are not political point tease, who who will decide the cyber policy now they'll say its first security, but it's gonna be they're gonna dictate standards, not just for the government. For any company that wants to interact with the government in so there to be the ones perpetuating the back doors and all your software and what not Let me let me transition to another story that I read that the entire community will not confirm that congressmen and senators are being Sir veiled Latin, and disturbing. Let me share personally parents with you on this glad. We went down Anna Skiff, they called Airbus down in skiff and they
If we have a reasonably another country is trying to basically infiltrate Congress or make connections with you all and I was sitting there are real as they are covering their posteriori here before: My suspicion was. They are spying on some or all of us in this room and they want to disclose it without disclosing it. So, instead, asking the briefer in that room there, they were spying on me or anybody in the room. I asked the briefer if you- spying on one of us and one of us asked you if you were spying on us, would you tell us if you were spying on us? They it could. That's it into a flutter and they they wanted. They say they they ve got. Flustered complete sentences. I mean it was the body language and then they basically refused to answer the question which which is an answering of the question. Ok,
So so so hang on. Let me take a break. I want you to come back and explain what that means to the average person and what it means to you in in Congress or the Senate or the White House, The intel community is just eavesdropping on everybody. You know for their own safety. What does actually mean will get there answer from year coming up in sixty seconds, day about our sponsor its car shield. Member the good old days when life was fine, the birds were always flying around singing that brightened happy song. They sit on your finger and now that's me Poppins that didn't happen, how we're living in a world where you know your car is going to fail. I mean it just is was soon as it runs out of warranty. It's gonna start having problems because they are all geared to. You know run for a certain amount of length. How do you make your car
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car shield dot com promo code back ten second station. I need Thomas Massey, is with us. Congressmen from Kentucky. So what does it mean? If, if Congress. Members are being spied on. What is it, and he hit means that the people you elect, aren't really in control and by the way it's it's part of the broken Congress. If we had a spine in Congress and if members had, the power one of us could end. To use a or put a rider on, the phone
build. It says none of the money that we give the executive branch can be used to spy on us. Yet you couldn't there's no way. You can get a bit like that to the floor, because Pelosi and Mccarthy our captive to the eye caught the deep aggressor, the deep state. We have revolving doors between committee staff on the entire committee and the intelligence community. So there's nothing that happens in the entire committee or in Congress for that matter that isn't immediately known to the until community in the executive branch we need to go back to buy for creating this and when current Congress needs a girl spine and they need to insist that the executive branch, I would say land is I like to see a law that is even weaker than that, then what we need just to say that if you're going to monitor our communications, because you suspect, there's interference
or if you're gonna monitor the communications of a campaign, because you spectres interference. Then you have to disclose it to the member that legislature or to the candidate who's running. I think that would go a long way. Because I think they're using this foreign nexus and informed appearance in elections as as reason to spy on members of Congress? Well, we we know that was happening, under the Obama administration we know but they were using that foreign nexus and really legitimately the through the Pfizer court, but they were lying to the Pfizer Court a minute it doesn't seem like the entire community is really answering to anybody, but but pesticide, all that's true or not, but we can pass a law.
Could a felony. If they do it right, not just to DE funded, we should we should go further, not just to notify but to prohibit it and unless it's at the request of a member or candidate for office that make it a felony for them to spy on political process, are elected officials in and what do we do? to date we already have that in the constitution and identity should, at eight hundred to every man, woman and child right, it shouldn't just be Congress manage should be all of us, but they ve created. System of fake warrants in the fight to court. If I supports not a real court, are founders would be appalled that you have a secret court that issues warrants assisted. It's a contortion to try and act like their income. Lies with the constitution. They should be required to get a real war to spy on, not just politician but any member of society
Our aid Thomas Massey, easy congressmen from Kentucky he's in a new hp, O documentary called the swamp. Its is something to be wholly watch it on age. Veo, thanks Thomas flag in just a minute global programme ok, so, let's I can't watch what serious both commercial headway? Yes, sorry, radioactive radio vote, dot com is the place to go to vote forgotten, shut up, shut up Ok, so whether you're trying to draw that annoying zoom meeting you're supposed to be paying attention to or spouses yelling at you
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This is the global programme and its for hello. America there's been a the things in the news this week that I want to make sure that you didn't miss, and it is in this audience is never going to be surprised by what's coming and what is happening because we are over the horizon. It has been my job to tell you, what's really going on and and show you what is coming from, twenty years now, and I mean, if you look at our record, You will see how right we have been for so long way ahead of the curve. We are now as still ahead of the curve, and I want to give you a couple of examples this came out from the nation this week. Homeland security is quietly tying and teeth to foreign powers.
Department of Homeland Security, the intelligence officials are targeting activism, considers Antigua and attempting to tie them to a foreign power. According to a d S, intelligence report obtain- exclusively by the nation. Others just came out the intelligence report, titled the syrian conflict and its nexus to the: U S, based Anti fascist movement, engine several Americans, including the left wing podcast, those who try Will the Syria to fight ISIS? They report? includes a read out of these individuals, personal information, including social security numbers, blah blah blah blah Blah Data July fourteenth the document marked for official use only and law enforcement sensitive draws on a bland publicly available information and state and federal law enforcement intelligence. There targeting Americans, like their Al Qaeda the former senior DE age S, intelligence officer with knowledge of the operations. Okay, so
this is their trying. The nation found this out and then trying to excuse it and say that it's all trumped up. I want you to know that just came out this week, If you are a blaze subscriber and you watched our our programme on June tenth remember this deal. Age S memo came out July. Fourteenth months before that memo our team, had already put all of this information together and given it to you, we are way ahead, and I we do it because Times require it and you need to know the truth on what's really going on and I feel many times were the only ones that are really covering these things in depth and tying all of the dots together Listen to this clip from June tenth
they are. The revolutionary abolitionist movement This is a shadowy, radical left group. Looking direct all others, too, a model patterned after what they ve done in the past pattern, believe it or not after the Marxist Kurds in northern Syria, We have heard a lot of talk from a lot of politicians. All we got to save the Kurds to save the Kurds. No, the around he. Kurds are good. The syrian Kurds, as you have heard, on this programme over and over our people there took territory from Syria through an armed revolt and established a marxist state. They were not on our side now. They're trying to overthrow us They even wrote a version of something similar to the coming insurrection. I want to show it to you. You
get this now off of Amazon is well, it's called burn down the american plantation they spoke specifically mention the Marxist Kurd Revolution and how it- and I quote- charts to an insurgent direction for anarchists, organizing. Today the guy, who is my chief researcher, Jason Buttress with us now Jason, quite amazing that this is now coming out in the nation and the left is responding to this in the exact opposite way that that we did but you have confirmation now that what we, he outlined. Who was it exactly right is what is, happening in the world. I just Thank the mainstream media for finally catch up two months later, that that's awesome, that's great
yeah, they didn't it wasn't. The mainstream media was the nation, but it was the nation that broke that story with it. The absolute incompetence either that or something even more nefarious of the people out there that we have traditionally expected to get our news from week. We ve first put on this, because we saw them talking online through online channels. Eventually, we saw them popping up at all of these violent protests and they were handing them. They were mainly primarily handing out food. Does that sound familiar handing out food and hang out water stuff like that, but on the back animals, are also saying time too. Escalate quote: unquote: a coordinating a much these rules and to be like almost trying to formed themselves into an umbrella organisation, into the more and yes, they have pattern their movement off of the marxist Kurds, northern Syrian. I think it's important for us to clarify x. I think a lot of the audience, maybe a little confused
used when we say support, because we ve said support the Kurds, but you have to make a distinction. There are vast differences between the various the Kurds in northern Iraq and the Kurds in northern Syria. Their languages are completely different. Their ideologies are completely different. They are marks They have used terrorism and, yes, we have used them as allies to help the feed Syria, which further I'm starting to feel ISIS, but that what makes us more complicated. But I've spoken to them on the iraqi syrian border. They arms axis. They will use terror and way that they were able to form their own nation for a short time was by making autonomous zones again the same thing that there their urge antiphon. These groups are trying to do here. They wanna make small Thomas zones and then build upon that build upon that Eventually they splinter off and break apart. They written and look on this written a book and as we as we we did out these guys have have travelled. There have been members of the left that have travelled to meet.
With them. To gain and education from them to terror when a one is what you would call that that the Ets It's so much more since, as you know, protests its substance. And that is so much more than a riots. There's a specific plan and all this nets of violent plan, which makes it more ridiculous it you know in the hearing the Senate hearing this week, you could even have Senate Democrats even say that would animal, doing is bad, but can't even to say that the writing is bad? Well, if you can't say that, then you can't Look at what the underlying ideologies incredible there. There was another story that broke this weekend that again mainstream media is now on, but there they dont they're, not explaining it. In fact, they tried to tie it into a conspiracy theory. I saw a couple of lines in the stories that made us it made me believe that
the mainstream media is still covering on what this really means, but We did a special. The last one on the Kurds was June. Tens. I urge you to watch it it was insurrection, USA is the name of that. You can find it on the blaze, but the one. We did on the money laundering in Ukraine of Color ski What episode was that? Do you remember Jason? That was called the final piece. With this character, europhiles blogs are being managed, this back in February, unduly also in February we should we put together the final piece of the puzzle on what was really happening in Ukraine. And we said, though, the figure that is really at the centre of this is cola. Moist keys, a really bad guy he's the tony soprano, if you will, of of Ukraine and
we told you that he was laundering money and it's our money. It was. U S aid money, and we said at the time the only way you can figure this out is if the Treasury starts to track this money. But We showed evidence that it was coming back into the United States. We didn't know what was happening to the money, but we showed you enough evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe that U S, aid money where to call a most moiety. He then laundered. At money and then invested it here in the United States. We are- Who was responsible for helping? How did that possibly happen? Well, questions yet are unanswered, but we now know where some of the money went and it was in Ohio in Cleveland, Ohio, clean,
and an Miami raids went down this week. I cannot believe it has taken this long. You said, and that show that this was key to finding out where this money went so we're talking about one point: eight billion dollars, one point: eight billion I could find The small war which, if you watch the show that might have actually happened in Eastern great yeah knowledge that it did, but that, but that money went to provide bank, that's gets cold, whiskeys bank. It was later nationalized after they found out that all this money was mysteriously going missing, but it went through a bank in Cyprus than proof wet laundered all over the world. Now we said because we also showed in one of the previous shows that there were. Why transfers that we're going from bereavement, which were which columnist gives the managing principle of one month transfers we're going from arena to Hunter Biden, so where I, through Cyprus, where the hell did this man
If you can find out the fool trail, which it sounds like final, U S, prosecutors are because remember before they wouldn't look at it, We would except the invitation to get stuck in right. Who was attorney in New York and just got stuck there tat? Will I guess it s very obvious Glenn now we know that the vague the information there following them. Many trail. If you can follow the Cleveland, I kind of thinking people have followed the Hunter Biden to guess It's amazing is that dirty money that had been laundered with, I believe, Hunter Biden as part of this He was money. That was stolen from the american people, It was then laundered through a bank and Maurice MA and through binding. I believe and then shipped off shore through Cyprus. And then lost. We now know that what is it for
of the largest skyscrapers or towers in The Cleveland are owned and it was with that laundered money, that it was purchased I call a mighty yeah. Now our what there. You are investing in buildings in Cleveland Ohio, really where that's how that's? How We pointed this out in the show. That's how these guys it is money launderers steal their money, that's how they hide it, because one it goes to a company country usually goes like a construction company in ITALY. Therefore, while it VON to some other location and no change their name and change. The saw my my thought is it We went to some of these I'm just guessing here, but they probably went to these construction companies. Are these these yellow large building companies or whatever, and then it and went through another layer of laundering to wear? It then might have went somewhere else. Eventually, all roads led back to column, whiskey and his his people, but
why this is so hard to track the full trail. You know where this money goes, that's it. That's why it is so important, because if we can identify that, we might we put our actual receipt to some of these and that work, we have questions about like the transfers to undermine yeah, one point, eight billion dollars that just vanished of your money. Has now been found. At least part of it has been found in Miami and in Cleveland and at one point any color mirsky was the biggest landlord form of Well, you know large buildings in downtown Cleveland, which, I dont know if it's still going on or not, but that's your money, America and no one is giving you any perspective because it all goes back to bereavement and Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
Thank you for being a subscriber to the blaze. Your subscription actually helps pay for all of this research, but we are on it and we have a few things that are coming up in the next few weeks. Next week is all about election fraud and the mail. In voting that you don't want to miss Paul for members of the blaze at Blaze TV die calm, use a promo code, Glenn Annual save ten percent. Now in your subscription blade, tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn, Promo code Glenn thanks, Jason are you have an uncomfortable mattress before you go up by a new mattress? Do yourself a favor and check out I pillow dot com, the latest in precision science of sleep, coming from my two Lindau
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Ten year warranty a sixty day, money back guarantee at my pillow dot com, promo code back, that's my pillow dot com, eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen. welcome by programme? It's Friday hasty? watching. Yellowstone have you ever seen, Yellowstone with Kevin Costner. I've heard really good things about it, but I have not seen it. It is fantastic girl. It is fantastic yeah and you know I've had to day soil. I've done his watch. Yellowstone last couple of days was in bed it just gets better and better, but I have a hard time up. You know uses Give away anything. So you know there's some obvious things, but he's hold it in the first season as a really bad guy. You know, you know one of you, like your father, you dont want to be like him, he's a really bad guy. I really
like his character. And I you know everything in it. It make makes me want to live in a place like Montana, where you know not all? Not all of it, I want to be really careful, not all of it, because some of it is very corrupt, but where the cat boy justices like yeah, That's just wrong, so we're not gonna be tolerated in May. You go away in some ways, just the common sense that has been lost. I don't like the lawlessness up, obviously, but the common sense that has been lost. I kind of I kind of pine for a little bit. We haven't seen a Yellowstone with Kevin Gossamer. It's going to grow back programme Let me talk about american financing right now is the time to refinance, if you're, paying four percent or more on your mortgage. Your way overpaying, it's like three and a half now we're talking
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what you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment when their programme, how America and welcome to Friday I want to introduce you- are reintroduce you for most people to somebody, I think, is incredibly brave and is speaking the truth on a daily basis and not an easy truth and one that is going to cause this individual lotta hell in the short term a lot of heaven in the long term. But hell is in this individuals path, and I want you to know about her, and I want you to know about a new book that she comes she's coming out with
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her as the winds became extraordinary. And she is the combination of an oak and a willow, she's men's when she has to but not on anything important. She stands straight up like an oak, welcome, Allie how area? Thank you so much tat was a wonderful introduction. If you could do that, I don't know, and for another, every black ass I had never known rates. Well, I'm I really am so proud of you. I've been watching you and you are on the only answer that really counts. I think you are going to and you know this persecution for christians- is coming yeah like employ probably like the first century I'm second century, but
you are speaking the truth, and that is really dangerous to do on almost every front. Now, Congratulations on that. Why? Thank you so much I dont consider myself. I don't know if you think about yourself like this, but when people say oh you're, so brave we're talking about this, I certainly don't consider myself a courageous or a brave per se, but I do feel you know, compare to talk about the things that I do and, like you said this The one thing that counts there are a lot of different that you can maybe acquiesce to or compromise on by For me, the gospel of Jesus Christ and just the sort of objective reality. Is not something that I can waver on. Two of this is the only wall that I stand on for the rest of my life. That's good enough for me, new home
so pretty important wall. Probably these the only wall that is is really worth because everything is wrapped up in that you in your new book. You talk about your not enough, and that's ok, the you share, some really very, personal periods as a as a woman and as a Christian can we can we talk about some of those issues. Yeah. You know this starting in college with you, yes sell the book that the other part, as the title is escaping the toxic culture of self love this. What I call the hold of self affirmation or trendy narcissism. This idea that the world revolves around you and in order to be happier successful, you first have to basically be ups. With yourself in love with yourself. You have to have high self esteem at all times before you can do anything that amounts to anything
and I kind of went down this path when I was in college, this path of self discovery of self love of trying to convince me health. I was enough for myself, but I didn't need a boyfriend I didn't, need a relationship or didn't need religion. I didn't need God to tell me what to do. I'm just gonna do whatever makes me happy and whatever feels good in the moment, something that a lot of young people get caught up in and that included a bunch of unhealthy relationships that included drinking too much that included a lifestyle that was just unhealthy and wrap it up in? That was also in eating disorder, because my identity, why wrapped up in looking a certain way and being liked by a certain kind of person. At the same time, telling myself that I'm just doing what makes me happy and improving, then I'm enough for myself or that lead. To a dead end. When I realized, I was really enslaved too. That behaviour I finally, Had a christian counselor sit down with me and say: look if you content
go down this path of Bolivia, that's what I was addicted to you will die at twenty two years old, I realise that is not the fate that I want. That is how I want my parents to find me in and so by the grace of God. I just realized that it's not more self that I need is not more self synergistic selfishness, I'm not enough for myself. Clearly, I do need, wisdom and purpose and satisfaction that comes outside of myself, namely from the guy who made me so? Yes, I that personal stories myself. It's a really weird balance because God as our dad. I look I'm as our dad. Our dad? wants us to understand that we are special, that we are unique, that we we ought. We do have everything in us that we need, and so there Is this it's the same message except it's distorted through our
through our society. So when you say you know, You have to be happy and love yourself. That is the same message that God gives us, but what's that disconnect? Well, I will say first that it is a balance that we do matter, because we are all people made in God's image. We all have souls that are going to live forever and, as the Bible says, he loved the world so much that he gave his own son to die for us, and so yes, we are important and we do matter. We do matter to guide the differences. We actually dont need more self love to feel about ourselves, because self love is superficial fleeting. It depends on your circumstances. What people think of you, what you think of yourself. It's very
its turbulent its unreliable. Instead, we need to take our eyes off of ourselves to put them on, God doesn't change and whose thoughts of us don't change. That is where you gain the confidence that you need the fulfilment that you need not from what we think of ourselves, but from who, God is in what he thinks of us. Right, and there is also something I mean we're living in again this this, the culture that is diametrically opposed on itself can't have real self worth. If were only navel gazing and not actually doing anything. You mean work is in weren't. I watch you do is important. Building and creating is important. And in that you're being told? Now you can't do that. You can't that
until you have navel gazing and hit thats its insanity opposite of the truth? Yes, we talk about work specifically in my book in how there is a push I would say, especially among self proclaimed. Socialists like a yo, see you probably remember in the green new deal. She said we should gets a possibility for people to not work simply if they don't want to. While socialist always discount this part of human nature that working and productivity and cultivation at that is what We were made to do that. The work actually existing before said before the fall of man. Created ass to beautified the tiny plot of eternity that he has placed us on, and it is actually through that that we find more fulfilment. Just what you said is through sacrifice that we find a lot of joy and satisfaction, not just telling ourselves how awesome we are so tell me Could you have? Could you
I've had the strength to tell the truth and to weather the storms. That you know we're coming your way without God. Now I dont think that's it would worth it, I think there are a lot of people who are not Christians who I realise that there is an attack on objective truth at an attack on, for example, the idea that too, and to make for or the idea that there are two biological sexes. And so there are people who don't know God who were going to stand on that wall and they're going to defend it, bites with out the standard bearer. Who is God without the person who says there is objective truth without the source of objective truth then
kind of on your kind of on sinking sand, while if God doesn't exist to says what is and what is it, then, why isn't everything subjective and so because I serve God? Who is the source of objective truth and who the Bible says, does not change, then I feel anchored. I feel that my feet are on solid ground and I have like you said centuries and centuries of history of Christians fight. For this at whatever cost and if they can do it- and I think all of us can too What are your friends say, your christian friends, because I think we are going to lose about fifty percent of Christians in this battle, I think I've done a lot of thinking because of my faith. You know we're very unpopular faith
and very few people know who you know they don't know, I'm Mormon and the easiest way to get caught into a trap of yeah go ahead and destroy them is when you're, just you're not known by people, and I just think that we're gonna come under attack may be first, as will be the easiest to pick off and then they'll just take us off one by one I think we are living in biblical times I've seen real persecution. Do you Do you agree with fifty per? and possibly falling away, because this is gonna be too hard. I think that it will be more than that. I think that in our lifetimes we will see the death of cultural Christian so that it not popular, it's not mainstream. It's not part of popular society any more to have generally christian or biblical values. Out here already I mean we're almost there, but it'll be more and more unpopular. I believe, and that sound
It's really scary, by it's what we see throughout history is at the church of Jesus Christ. It thrives in the margins that the churches refined by fire. It is not destroyed by fire and if we look throughout the centuries, that is where the gospel has been spread in God has been most glorious I'd when the churches pushed to the margins, it's bad for society at large, because right now we are benefactors of the biblical world view. Whether or not people want to admit it in America. Bite the churches on the margins, it's actually good for the church, it's good for the gospel, and we know that in the end Jesus Christ will win. I have a question. I really want to ask you, but I dont think I would ask you at this time I has its as I'm thinking I was thinking to myself.
Don't think I would want to be asked that question so I'm I'm, I'm gonna of we'll have a could chat off. Now, that's not up its. The personal belief of what you see as a possibility in our future. You are in this, you advise women to get married. You talk about abortion is wrong Why the why the passion on getting married well, the Bible is clear that if you don't feel like you have to get married you're not compelled to get married. The Bible talks about this in relation to sexual immorality like if you got your passions under control, the Bible says it's better for you to be single, so you can focus all of your time on the lords of someone is called to that. Then, as the Bible says, actually read that in the Bible this morning in First Corinthians, then, Then it's great for you to be single. However, that's not the case for most people,
and I see an aversion to marriage in the millennial generation, not because their focusing all their time on the word about because they dont want the sacrifice and the commitment that comes to- because we ve been told, is the old ball and chain and were not able to do the things we want to do, which is currently shrill. There is going to be sacrificed. My point is that in that case, men of committing something that to something that is bigger than you answer her facing a lot of your wants and whims for the good and interest of some one else brings you so much more joy than selfishness does the same for kids, I dont that you can in today's society, where it is all instinct, gratification and oil. Me me me me me, I worry about people who are choosing spouses, because when you choose spouse when it, when you have chosen wisely
There is a lot of sacrifice, but it is so worth it. It is so where there is nothing more fulfilling in your life than being married to the right person may and having children I'm a guy who didn't want any children, and now I wish I had ten more right, because it is Is it so it's what we're supposed to do were supposed to have children and ended wraps you in two. As to where you can say in the only thing I do that is important as in within the walls of my own home. Yet- and there are some really fulfilling in that- yes, We are told, especially the younger generations, that sacrifice needs to be avoided at all costs today. If it's really you won't have to sacrifice by God, says sacrificial. Love is the goal, and, like you said it brings
what's more joy, then you can even describe to someone who is not apparent or to some one that is not married and so you're just gonna have to trust us on that this is a a book and a message that I urge you to read and pass on your not enough, and that's ok is the name of the book, Allie? Does the show called Alley Alley best Stuckey? She does her show on the blaze and she is well worth the time I couldn't be, happier for the direction you you ve gone and your ear just exceptional mulvaney so my eyes, but I really appreciate that you bet Alley Best Stuckey. Are at our sponsor this half hour is american financing right now, if you are a homeowner, you need to refinance of your paying four percent or more for your mortgage, its insanity, to continue to do that
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reckon financing dot, net tenor, consultancy and am ls. One eight do through three for nobody: W w DOT, animal s, consumer access, dot, org so today I've got a podcast coming out, I'm gonna recorded and then it it's gonna go right out this afternoon with Doktor Deborah, so it will be available online for everybody to Morrow at three o clock if you are a blaze subscriber you're, going to get it earlier, you're going to get it as soon as we're done today might even go live, but never so she is a left wing, academic Outkast. And she is an outcast, because she tells the truth about sex and identity cannot wait to hear her. Take you
trying to she was just on with Joe Rogan and there really trying to get that one band Joe Rogan Podcast banned because she was on it. She's talks about males and females it's insane What is going on, but there was a story out that I saw today a new California law. We distribute grants to clinics offering transgender hormones to children so If you are, if you're a clinic and you give hormones to children, you're gonna, extra money from the state I mean this is just the evil. What is happening in look? You want to hormones and you're you're, an adult. Whatever you don't do, that two children. This child abuse. This is, I mean are just going so dark.
And she's of she's. An answer for this Deborah so is gonna, be I can't wait to hear what she has to say, because I have a feeling this California law will be eviscerated by her. A voice that you need to hear and a voice. We're gonna bring you because the voice that is being silenced, one they are trying desperately to silence and that's usually a good sign of summit. Speaking the truth in today. World I also want to talk to you here briefly about something ice. I mention with Thomas Massey last hour, the DE dollar reservation that is happening globally, and this movement now by our central banks. The European Central Bank is being encouraged by our FED to just open up as a actual bank,
and just start deposit making everyone giving everybody in Europe and Everybody America now count at the FED and that way they can just start putting money into your account we ve lost control more on this coming up is the Glen Back programme shapes had been telling you about for a while. It revolutionized the way you shave no more stuff, but a bunch of stuff scattered around your bathroom. You have one small travel size bottle of essential oil few drops in your hand and your rubbed either. You know on your face or your legs. Are you know, ladys of your of your shaving It is exactly the same as just a central oil. You put it on and I'm telling you you're razor just glides across your face, Obviously, I am a drain on my legs, but my wife has and it is its great. It stops all of the
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This is the Glen Back Programme, hosted by me, Glenn back, played by me, Glenn back, because I'm the only one that could play me and if anyone there It isn't you no kind of fat and dumpy and old and white, and somebody who has my exact beliefs and the same kind of crosses that I've had to carry my whole life. They ever play me. I want you to boycott man of Denzil, washing and ever wants to play me. No, no he's not fat yeah and it that's enough to be said, is that it's not an authentic experience. That's what's rice important about actors. They have to be able to be living. The exact same lives of all the people that they play they haven't played
Roll Otto through life they can't play that role on the screen. Sincerely. Let me ask you this: if Denzil Washington just did a dead on Glenn back, if you could just dead on Glenn back and they use prosthetics to make it. He would never be able to gain this much. We use press prosthetics to make him look like me, who I be thrilled Debbie Thrilled we rejoice out, I'm, but it makes a lot of it, as I gotta say, but he's a grade he's a great actor he's Denzil Washington playing something you know like me, would be B for, but if it is If you can get a dingy Washington to star in your movie I'm fine with that. If, if he was even get do a dead on me, yeah
Many logic of I think I don't think, there's a rise in working to put a woman too. Well, maybe with you the word, but I mean, if I'm not there, that point. That's necessary. I think the point here is that you you you too, to make the person generally lucky that person now I mean I don't think that they should just start casting white P. But in the roles of black people, for no reason when there's not a lifetime's discern like a cartoon is a totally different story. It's just whatever voice you like it doesn't have to be a black person or a white prepay. So we're talking about two different things here, I'm talking about. What's her name, she was in, she was in a mission impossible. She played the thief that they go to, Australia was setting if he has always held. I avoid married from pronouncing. It lay a she played neat. Yes, she pay. You need a Simone. And she's she's now crying about it. Saying I shouldn't amply she's black
right, she's black, due to finish, he's, always running about an inch. She say you, but she was not. She apparently black enough to play the role or something is, it seems to be the You she's also not crazy, she's alive, crazy needed Simone in the end, was crazy. No, she you know she also hasn't been beaten by everybody who she's you know, she's ever fallen in love with. I dont think you need to have. That is well, I mean. Is it race? Is that the only thing that defines you now and does every hour I mean why have actors Why have actors because all of or pretending to be something that they're, not you don't domain. So here is she not black enough? Well, who cares? if she plays the role well, who cares identify a yeah, I do we have a clip. I guess there's always Saldana talking about this was taken up. I share
Let me now should have done everything in my power. With the levers- and I had ten years ago the different was leverage. Not. Alas, I tried everything in my power to castle roaming and suddenly. My luck. Yeah. Its growing its painful, I thought that Listen, I thought that I I have had the permission I was a black woman, oh and I am by then. Was Nina someone like me: it is about other than needed on with this standard. You know what I mean. I I I I thought about this and I ve been,
to play Abraham Lincoln and he was white and I'm white, but he was Abraham, Lincoln yeah. He was Abraham Lincoln, who either to play him. Abraham, like and apparently is the only acceptable choice. There were no Nelson Mandela, except Nelson Mandela is dead and and and not wipe mean you'd have what you guys make a slave rubbing. There's a mix here when you pick some want to play a real life person right. You have to pick, mixture of someone who looks kind of like come and someone who's talented. If you owe me Look for you, look like you're gonna, get on impersonator from a street festival and there could be a good actor and he does any random, the best actor. You can find and look anything like em. So there's fusion air and you don't have, if you have somebody who is really well known and
It is not necessarily the best look alike or whatever you know then Then what do you get? You get a movie that nobody wants to go see if you have an actor who is not well known? Buddy looks just like em sounds just like him, but not a great actor and not really well known. Will then? What are you Do you think Brad Pitt is worth ten million dollars. No is only worth that because people know who he is, they know is acting and they will go to see him same we Tom Hanks and every other famous actor. Would it I may look. It's really ridiculous. I mean, like you know let me give you an example of this a very much a group in Hollywood, that is, discriminated against. Ugly people I lean more knows was was not a good lookin lady Kay
She was a serial killer and you know who it's a good looking lady Charlie's therein and sharp is there and put on also we're prosthetics to look like Eileen. More knows who is not a pretty lady, he she ugly vied herself, to play the role of this female serial killer in the movie monster, which you wanted Minos shown and ask for a dingy. I think the cashier didn't she won that lie and what why? Wouldn't you just get an ugly person right, just get an ugly percinet play the role. How can you get a really good looking person to play that role? It's ridiculous! Well, yeah. They like you she's a really good actress rights they put her in a rural where she played She did a very good job. It used to be that that was the award winning thing how I can't believe the bravery of her to lower herself to an ugly person to play this role, that using U awards and it did in this case. I dont think what should be able to play that role. Today I mean
now, there are a lot of ugly people out there. They are probably really good actresses that should get more rules based solely on their acting talent. However, they do get the rolls, because you know they don't want, People leading movies that are ugly, generally speaking, illicit and ugly female serial killer, so poor poor ugly actress, whoever she is out there. That looks like Eileen warn us. They didn't give it to her. Why they weren't Charlie's errand attached to it, and you know there is a great ugly actress out there. Yes, you know that was later. There is man that was my role. That was, I was born for that role will get me wrong. It may and they only give the ugly actors the roles of like the annoying friend in the romantic comedy. She gets that role all the time, but you can get lead role because she's ugly, here's the movie its bill for the ugly actress they give it the Charlotte Fair, and is that fair? I mean
I guess not in today's world. No, not not so not end. That damn Harry Shearer thought I mean he is playing the roles in the simpsons of all kinds of people, and it's not right, including Nora. Doktor Julius Hibbert Glenn, the dock from the Simpsons who the black doktor will not really black he's. I dont know exactly what pigment of paint he is but he is a character of color gear. He's a camel, yet they actually I'm a sentence. They are all. Those are the yellow people on the Simpsons, which also here sure, is not, but it gets. Those rules are okay and he was asked. About this, because eggs area who used to do the role of up who symptoms which are even of the character, exist anymore if they just deleted the character of they hired someone else to do the voice, but he can't you that cause you doesn't represent. Indian people or something and others
people celebrities, I've never heard any indian person actually be upset about this, but that's a whole her story so as area whose that all sorts of things that are much more offensive than a pool watch Brok Meyer for a couple of episodes and tell me he's that he doesn't. He won't do anything, that's offensive and so he's now abandon this. They asked Harry Sheer there. Ok you're playing the voice of of Doktor Julius Hibbert. Should You abandoned that he replied quote I've. A very simple belief about acting the job of the actor is to play some one who they're not that's the gig, that's the job description. There's a conflation attitude representation, which is important. People from all backroom should be represented in the writing in producing ends of the business. So they decide what stories to tell him and what knowledge and performance perform as I say, is the job of playing the part. Someone you're, not I'm not rich nuclear plant owner I've,
binding, live next door, homer, I'm not any of those people. I love you guys. I hope it is a real, no he's a real lefty, but I just I love you d, I think he's funny. He's really Smarty seems e, seems honest and you know he's at the point of his career. He didn't care He asked dozen. Care and he doesn't get paid by the voice, so him losing doktor Gyp dryness Hibbert is not going to make any difference to him is financially it's just that or of like its, but it's a matter of principle, it's his character, he's developed, it he's bra, through this entire time. If you want add another doktor, they want to get to. Somebody else do a little, but I mean the guy's built this character from scratch, and I just like this Sort of stuff is insane and if we don't start, I just don't understand people who stand up against it. It's it's obviously in saying. No,
Regular people, I think, he's a rational standard. So I think that it is there's a couple of things going on. I think people are like you know, they got a common tom, I mean they, they created this world. Good luck, good luck and it got there. So there's that, there is also? What am I gonna do about it think, there's there's another factor and in fear, in this particular part of of cancelled culture. I don't, plays a real role. Think it is it's so ridiculous. It's gonna burn itself out. You know them. In people just thing, although there is much more so right now I don't think we'll burn it. So I mean it will eventually but hopefully not. You know a fiery furnace. Someplace in oil eventually burn itself out just how far down. Do we have to get what's our bottom? I don't anybody gone, and I think this is my bottom. I feel like the bottom.
If it's not making black women cry for playing the roles of black women, I dont know what what frankly, where are we gonna hear our sponsor? This half hour is net Sweet America has whether the pandemic for long enough right, let's get back to work. We ve lost so many businesses in the last few months, fifteen thousand restaurants are gone and those are just restaurants. One The best things about us is our resilience. When we get back to work are tenacity, so, let's go back to work and let's work on our business efficiency. You ve got enough to worry about I want to introduce you to net sweet its by Oracle and ties. All of the departments of your business together helps communicate. So you know all of your numbers in real time, which is so critical especially now twice.
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This is the Glen Back programme. It's Friday, the lebanese Hezbollah secretary, General Hassan, does Romola gave a speech in twenty sixteen, the where he described a nuclear explosion. There could detonate in Israel by Hezbollah using it description. That fits what happened in Beirut also, he threatened in the past to destroy Israel beg by causing this massive explosion the port of Haifa, using ammonia tanks, he said, would be like a nuclear explosion. In twenty sixteen in February said that ammonia is stored in Haifa, there would be fifteen thousand tonnes of gas, slogans that would cause of death of tens of thousands of people,
he told the audience at the time that was several missiles. His terrorist group could set off the ammonia with the same impact of a nuclear weapon. How we also know that they have a significant arsenal of explosives, missiles, ammunition and more stored in populated areas in July report. Found that Hezbollah had at least twenty eight missile launching sites command and control infrastructure, missile assembly sites, rocket fuel storage sites and missile bunkers. Next, a high schools clinics, hospitals, golf clubs, yadda yadda yadda, it looks as though this ammonium nitrate was part of a Hezbollah storage facility for weapons We also know that Berlin in the last couple of years found ton of ammonium nitrate in us
George facility from Hezbollah in and around centres of population. They just founded in London as well this this, while this explosion, may not have been intentional. This explosion looks like it was Hezbollah and if if they lose control of the narrative- and this is known in Lebanon as Hezbollah, storing their weapons and killing all of these people and destroying a great portion of Beirut. It's not Gonna go well for Hezbollah. This is not going to be good for ran and couldn't happen to a nicer group of people in IRAN
gosh darn. It hate to see them loose. Popularity in the Middle EAST stay safe this weekend, don't miss our podcast with Doktor Deborah, so it'll be he just a little while if for blaze, subscribers and tomorrow, wherever you get, your podcast glanced back programme,
Transcript generated on 2020-08-07.