« The Glenn Beck Program

Fox News Is Over | Guests: Gov. Kristi Noem & Jeff Landry | 11/10/20

2020-11-10 | 🔗

Glenn gives a requiem for Fox News after host Neil Cavuto cut away from a White House press conference, but Tucker Carlson is more than welcome at BlazeTV! A long line of leftists have called for a list of Trump supporters. Pfizer claims it was never part of Operation Warp Speed, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t pleased that the vaccine could be released under Trump. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry talks taking Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot rules to the Supreme Court. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem gives her thoughts on Trump’s ongoing election challenges and the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek passed away. AR500 Armor CEO David Reece discusses the true purpose behind body armor in these trying times.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Not free America is a new book written by MIKE Donovan, He started the the first real donations largest pro bono, civil rights law, firm and he's talking about civil rights. It didn't come with me, didn't start with George floor murder or Reno covert nineteen. is getting worse and worse and we're about to go into hyper drive and it's not gonna, be good. I recommend. You read this book. It's called not free America. You can also go to not free american dotcom. Take the Liberty pledge and order your copy today to find out how to stop the overreaching abuse of our government and what actions to take to do better. It's not free America, Dotcom go there now read the book and learn how we can stop this hostile takeover of our rights. They belong to God, we're supposed to safeguard them pen
We ask the government to do it or not What you're about to here is the future. You entered and this man tat. I don't know if I could go on Stu. I a very emotional. I know you are too: we have asked a very good friend. Talk about Europe, I've told you you had a long time. Bread of bread leads to be about stepped up now, because I've been crying so hard, we'd love
very good Fred. That is better living room for a long time and that is to say goodbye. Tie its ivory requiem for those in sixty seconds the Glen Back Programme So you sat there during that long Powerpoint presentation and you felt just a tiny bit of vacation. Heaven I mean you could hear the ocean crashing against the rocks in the distance, the, U Calais, playing hullo music near by you, the flowers floating gently from the trees to the ground near the Tiki bar, where you said, taking in the breeze and a drink, with a tiny, umbrella in it All your worries began to slowly melt away and then projector stopped running The timeshare salesmen came up to you, the broad smile of shark, on his face and said a ah,
the drinks are free. well now you know better. If you'd, to get out of your time share. There is a legal and quick way to do it and timeshare termination team is the team to do at times determination. Has a one hundred percent guarantee that you're not gonna be stock. You know for you know, vacation that you didn't get or I like, the maintenance fees, love those you'll, miss them sure you'll, miss them you know what go out and buy yourself a drink, because you could become a flaming alcoholic On the money you save, the report, all that money into drinks press me You'll have you'll, have stuff left over at least for a while, aided get you out is the phone number? Eighty eight get you out. That's why aid aid aid for three eight, eighty, six, eighty eight or you can visit them online. Timeshare termination, team, Dotcom, that's timeshare, terminate
Team, DOT, com, friends. France. We are gathered here to say goodbye to an old friend a friend. There was therefore us with the why to Kay scare Remember those turbulent times they were there keeping an eye on us they were there after nine eleven they were there for all of the wars, They were there forever age, Jeremiah Right, Franz facts
even where there is launched the Glen, back television programme sure they didn't put it in prime time because who's gonna watch that crazy man until things turned around and five p m for the first time ever in television was beating. Prime time ratings, what friend, why were they were their important days like the days it my cock? A bee could play a musical instrument on tv. They were there every day which Shepherd Smith Ranten raving friends. They were they were brave. They had her role De Rivera on when no other network would welcome him, after Donna, Brazil was fired from see an end, because,
gave all kinds of information to the Hilary campaign before debate. Who was there for her She was out, lonely can rocks the CNN parking lot. Ask yourself what the hell happened in that's when to her rescue came Fox friends, my words I they were there for Donald Trump.
Tom around only because he had been going on for me and my tiny little hands up. We know where all the bodies or buried Roger said Boo, hoo hoo. Yes, we will support you. But then Roger Ales died in the Murdoch's took over.
That's when Fox NEWS was there to call the election for binding, they were there. We should have when they hire downloading comes what France burying our rearview mirror. This has been coming for a very long time and it would We would still be taking it if it was And four media people who does. Added to go out on their own To lie,
their own thing. when they went out and launch their own thing but personal, A person after the latest is Megan Kelly. their voices found freedom. The voices found that you don't need and overlord, especially a giant Corporation or just a rich brazilian air who's got millions and thousands of dollars. If I may quote Joe Biden yesterday, on the caboodle show them. cut. The speech of the President spokesperson, they just dropped out.
evil votes or why I don't think we have to be very clear and she's charging. The other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming a legal loading unless she has more details to back them up. I can't and good countenance continue. showing you this. I want to make sure that maybe they do at something back that up, but that's an explosive charge to make the other side is effectively rigging and cheating is she does bring proof of that we'll take it back on our. She started to say right at the outset, welcoming fraud welcoming legal voting right right, there is some work there There is no there's no evidence it's usually the big no, the big Tammany Hall republican machine. That is oh, no wait. There is one side that is known for treaty. Both sides cheat. But there is one side that is known for bringing it to a new level.
since when do we drop out of a job speech or a press conference. You say those things after the press conference. Where did she come up with that? But no now free and now there News that you don't need to know. You don't need to hear your ears are too delicate. This is it strong, ordinarily disturbing The good news is foxes. Ratings have plummeted, like Congratulations on that! Where are you? where we go from here. You know they should do skip. He still sometimes. This is why I'm a genius This is why I a genius is the net, because I can put myself in anybody shoes. I'm sitting there right now and I In the Fox management shoes, I think who's the problem today with me,
A cartel Karlsson are currently ease the problem. You to get rid of him is their highest rated Chauvelin. She exactly exact he's gotta be analysed somewhere and we don't to be on anybody's list. Now, apparently even anybody's list to watch. Ok, but we certainly do not want to be on anybody's list. I'm telling you right now, Tucker Karlsson is in trouble of he's in trouble. Yeah, I think so read out either think so the moves they're making how long? How long are you gonna, let Tucker Karlsson go on herons, I mean he he talked about that last night. At all I mean: how long is that gonna, Zack, gonna last and Tucker is not the guy who is going to sit quietly. No, no, Tucker, my I invite you to the freedom, the freedom to speak, your mind and I think
I think we should draft Tucker Karlsson we mean we should draft joint draft him. We should draft him tonight. we should will. First of all, I think we should officially bury Fox NEWS. Would you like to help us very Fox news You just join us now. I want you to reach deep into your pocket, not to date just a little bit and join us at all he's tv there's a reason we built it and there is a reason we built it the way we did where none of the hosts answer to me or anybody else. They don't don't work for me or anybody else, blue It is completely independent and it is built I, the talent, whatever they build, they keep. And it is incredibly freeing. and the one thing that is really truly important is:
that you or standing with a group of friends and you're standing with a group of people, the only real, not rule. all that we have the only thing that we ask our talented. If one is in trouble, we're all in trouble don't answer for the other shows we may not even agree with the other shows, but if there under fire, we're all coming under fire, and that needs to be done. Fox NEWS is, has a long history and the stories cannot tell the stories. I could tell. but tat pale. Look on producers face now, look up still when all the blood can adjust drains into his feet. I think maybe I should talk to him before I share foxes has been a problem for a while. They have been problem for a while.
and what they are doing now, Is I think, running for cover personally I watched them last week and they were called states and they might be right- and it appears they are right, but they called it. Early before anyone else, and they stood alone for a reason. They were sending a message to all those right now that our key letting names we're not part of the problem. We are not part of the problem. Don't? no come after us. We're not part of the problem, they know what's coming their cowardice is showing right. Now they just want to make sure that they send the message to every elite: hey, hey! We were really on that train who we hope No, no, no, you know it that Fox NEWS
Is there for the tea party until the tea party really started to elect people soon, as its. added to elect people, but weren't g o p, that were going after the G o p. Remember, Sean Hannity was pulled off remote. Remember I did those things early on. Then all of a sudden, we just don't have the resources, and we just don't think it's good to do those things, because the tea party was effective didn't even air. The rally is like that restoring honour everybody always says that I watched it on fox needed. If you watch the restoring route restoring on a rally, you did watch it on Fox. Watch it on CNN or MSNBC? You can watch it on Fox. They didn't wear. Does anybody remember that nope they didn't wear it. and then the Monday. After that I was called in Rupert Murdoch office. I was too
Roger ales. The first time any talent had ever been called in for a lunch with him, only thing he wanted to know is: what are you What to do with all of this New found power you running for president, I just laughed, I said now what are you doing thing: I've just telling people they stand up for themselves and believe in themselves and believe in the founding principles: yeah yeah yeah yeah. But what are you doing with that power? Oh, ok, we'll let you pretend that you live in a world where not everyone is evil and manipulative. That's the world. I live in, that's a world. I live in I know it's hard to get your arms around that one cause guessing by your questions? Maybe like that, but I'm not. Join us at Blue tv place
tv, dot, com, Slash, Glenn, use the promo code, Glenn and you'll see. thirty box, do Now blaze, tv dot, com switch from Fox, is an alternative right Let me, let me tell you about my pillow when you get to the end of a long day, there's nothing better than getting a chance to lie down and recharge batteries for a few hours for a future. bought overlords. I mean that literally but for you- and me, though, means a great night sleep: there's nothing! That's gonna be YO better night sleep and having my pillow products on your bed, my pillow I love my pillow. I can't sleep now: If I don't have my pillow, I get Rick in my neck and it's horrible, and I would have never expected that from my pillow, but I travel with it now when it comes to sheep
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drew Holden eyes. Journalist and he posted a long list of media outlets, fellow journalists and members of the Democratic Party who are threatening retribution against Republicans supporting Donald Trump and his allegations of voter fraud so drew posted this on twitter. This story, you can now find at the blaze dot com the the Lengthy list is pretty Amira. Pretty amazing! Remember there, allowing for a truth and reconciliation project would do you know what The truth and reconciliation project was that happens at you know. Cases like South Africa. where they ve been slaughtering. People Rwanda, where they just been killing each other, Why do we need a truth and reconciliation project because we disagree
politically really so here's here's Oh Here's what Holden tweeted on Saturday with Biden having declared winner for now by major meat outlets? I figure to be a good time to share some of the people who threaten retribution against trumps supporters. The line is longer than I anticipated that it would be on the list. Secretary of Labour, Robert Reich, who wrote when this nightmare is over. We need a truth and Reconciliation Commission, it would read, The erase trumps lies comfort. Those who have been harmed by his hateful ness and name every official politician, executive and media mobile, whose greed and cowardice enabled this Ass Turfy, Chris Haze from MSNBC, the most humane and reasonable way to deal with these people if we survive this is some eggs of truth and reconciliation. Commission, the nation magazine published a commentary on the subject saying we
going to need a truth and reconciliation Commission to recover from Trump the Philadelphia Inquirer published a similar peace titled. What bring U s together! In twenty one, a with commission or something else a yo see said. I hope somebody is archiving these trumps sycophants, for what they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future. I foresee a decent probability of many deleted. Tweets writings photos in the future on Friday. Somebody who is definitely not related to Dave Reuben, Jennifer Reuben she's a conservative we told you yesterday any are now promoting rejection of an election or calling not to follow. The will of the voters are making baseless allegations of fraud. never serve in office, join a corporate board or find a faculty position or even he accepted into polite site society? We have a list, she said
it's not only that tromp has to lose, but all is enablers have to lose. We have to collectively in essence burned down the republican Party. We have to level them, because if there are survivors, if there are people who, whether this storm they'll, do it again they'll take this as confirmation that hey just pays to ride the waves look at me, I made it through and sew up and down ticket federal state local offices in the country have to be repudiating this. Is she also said stunning and shaming these people as a statement of moral indignation? People are not fit for polite society. S I find it important that any institution of higher Learning news Organization or Entertainment organisation would hire these people now. Here's it's great, They have not only just said these things: there's a new website out we're there. acting names. Great, and it's not just public officials, its judges,
Its of course, the the media personalities, but also anyone whose donated or voted for Donald Trump I'll, tell you about come on. Now is the Glen back problem I wonder if Fox NEWS will beyond that or Phil, just help lead the charge. working from home has its challenges so hotels in order Advertising daytime reservations for guest, seeking quiet distraction, free work environment, but according to FBI, bad idea, bad idea course who doesn't trust the FBI, hackers can exploit relaxed hotel, WI, Fi Security, to steal, work and, more importantly, personal data information site, Criminals are keeping up with the pace of technology and continuing to rob people blind. It's important to understand how cyber crime and identity theft or affecting our lives ever
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You guys are going to attack us, not allow you like you. Suck box But we have Pfizer yesterday yesterday we found out that fire said you know I look got a we ve got a vaccine. That seems ninety percent effective. That's great! you weren't part of that warp. Speed thing we had nothing to do with Donald Rights did not end with a true or Meda these, but now there is a story here of the private sector right like is that the way is being presented shockingly, the media, that they, this one company, decided to that take initial funds and of decided development on their own by their own telling because they want to avoid bureaucracy. That's Could it be the story here, but they are take the money that they ve been working with warp speed I and a higher there on the May, I say transnational many times there, but on they they announced their own press releases. Our producers reached out
Two h h s and the White House for a statement here are the official statements given to us in July, the: U S: Department of Health and human services. This is from Michael Pratt, Hs, spokesperson and depart. defence entered into an agreement with. U S based Pfizer ink for a law. Large scale, production and nationwide delivery of a hundred million doses of their covered nineteen vaccine in the United States following accede, successful manufacturer and approval the Agreement also allows the U S government, to acquire an additional five hundred million doses at a prefix pre established Bryce, nation Warp speed continues to work very closely with the company, through constant communications at all levels, to ensure on time: delivery of the vaccine and other materials required for distribution and administration once the vaccine is approved. We also reach down to the White House years Michael Bars way, how spokesperson president operation, work, speed, expedient, aided the regulatory process and provided bill.
of dollars to a portfolio of companies to deliver a safe and effective vaccine. Five times other faster than any other in history, Pfizer was among the companies that began working with the administration beginning in March far by an investment of one point: nine five billion dollars announced in July to support law scale, manufacturing and distribution of a hundred million doses of Pfizer's vaccine a candidate to the american people free of charge. Today's Outspent demonstrates the historic success of president trumps, unprecedented public private partnership, harnessing the full power of the federal government, the private sector, military and scientific community to say, millions of lives fight, there came out and said no, no, no, that EVIL Donald Trump. We had nothing to do with him wow any. and the timing of their announcement.
Not a bit of improved that couldn't have happened. I don't know stays before all. They lay welcomes Sunday and said Monday. Won't you don't have one it's ninety percent effective just now right now I wanted it gives due and opportunity to comment on this, because I don't understand this story. Vat. Timing is bad news, suggest undermining trumps covert vaccination plan. This is Cuomo coming out and saying the bad news is Is that Joe Biden won't be in for a couple of months here? Is this quote?
It's good news, bad NEWS, George. The good news is the fires. Are tests? Look good and we'll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it's about two months before Joe Biden takes all, and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan. The vaccine plan is very important and is probably the most ambitious undertaking undertaking since covered began. You have two months and we can't let this vaccination plan go forward. The way there Administration is designing because dividing can't undo it two months later, we'll be in the midst of it so his basic argument here is that the trumpet around two orally here, they're gonna, do a poorly and trumpet is going to use the private sector, which is the big problem that it was the apparently the big problem of the entire virus was that we as the private sector too much what is actually the reverse of the entire staff. Actual story of the opinion
make, but that's a totally different issue. Every one would expect Edric women to be completely incorrect on all of his arguments about the idea that the The deed in commerce not alone on us he's just as usual, the worst offenders, but the divide that they're out there trying to scare people away from taking aid. a vaccine or a treatment that could help This go away shows how little they care about now only the lives of human beings in general, but the lives of the people in their own party, the people who actually are dumb enough to vote for them. They don't care. If they. Gather in parties of thousands screaming at each other from bore inches away. They don't care because they don't. air about their lives. They just you know, area level, origin. I won't hear of it. Did you hear Pat who who has now become a leading member of Joe Biden, covert nineteen Advisory board. I gee, I don't know I don't think so seek Emmanuel
Oh wow complete lie, yeah yeah great. Yes, they complete library. I he was key key architect in Park Obama's healthcare programme he's the guy who you know came up with a complete lives system, which means if your dear time and I'm just trying to get at these ages, I used to know this by heart, but I think from zero to nine, you get very little health care so like at birth, he get none. better, yet no extra help to live. We haven't made any potatoes yet exactly in you're, a long way away from making it you, then it. When you hit your teenage years, you get a little bit more when you're a forty. You get a lot of care, that's their does! There's your productive year, so we gotta he'll. You then you're forty it starts to go down after I think sixty five, it's like nothing
back to an info. You can die or- and this is the reason of course- why is equally emmanuel- wrote an essay for the Atlantic? Yes, cussing, why he she doesn't want to live, pass the age of seventy five. While he said, and if I may quote hears us, pull truth that many of us seem to resist living too long is really a loss, no work hitting a life sucks. It renders many of us, if not disabled than faltering and declining a state that may not be worse than death, but is none the less deprived it? gives us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work society in the world. transforms how people experience us relate to us and, most importantly, remember us who are no longer remembered his vibrant and engaged, but its feeble ineffectual, even pathetic. I can see why he voted furred Joe Biden shut,
Rights, seventy eight years old for leave until a literally remember, complete, live system. He call this theory. He said that he will by the age of seventy five. He and others will have lived a complete life yeah. Ok, so I can't wait to get some of us, but I can't wait to get some of the treatments from him monotony this covert thing everybody in the nursing homes or a lax, relax nothing going on there. Isn't it be great too. If the government decides. When you're no longer useful to society, and then they just thing he's Tube some warehouse somewhere. No, no! No! No! No and put you know some happy play some. Happily someone, really it's a real player Jews. I mean Special Blyth, yes, but your place city just for
use. Conservatives and an old people can wallet off. They can have been having to have it. You know what a man, let's protect them by walling them off his sense of their own, for damages arising good. They won't wander off and get lost. We won't have devotee rise over alerts right, and maybe we could do something useful, like I don't know, I haven't: go to sea pc for ever wonder nice, video though as the, drift off to death, you dont, and then we just turn him into soiling green. That's what what's the hurry out made out of our people, provide all young people Soil is made. People never watched that movement had kept savers, rid of people like soil in green satin, Charlton, Heston, Visa you'd. Ever seated now all you ve got watch it solely greed is Baden people and I watched it and you know, that's all in green is made of people there.
no use watching none. It's like knowing no end of brute Brazil's is actually a lot and I were good and I was allowed to move its way through its great would you know, but it's all playing still good, that still get solely green, not good. Now, not good, Another idea here for you. What? If because this is because we talk about Edra Cuomo and the guy's pretty innovative? Yes, we have old people. We want to protect them another group of people that needs to be protected or covert positive patients. So what have we to take the covert positive patients in import them inside the wall. The area with the old people at a great idea that will be great as in both of them will be protected. Not while he experience spare me one. I look. I want you to know, I'm telling you killed MRS drilling or to really well. I don't know about you guys what I make excited, I'm excited for the time when they say. Oh, you have to have it
because I really first in line, are you? Are you for the further end of the matter is mandated vat? I love government mandates, user fan of them any doubt in your mind that that will be the key. Oh no, No, there's! No doubt absolutely. I really believe they're going to do you think they got a mandate. The vaccine right out and out of the integrated for certain things, like I don't know, work skin. You wanna go to learning alarming Wanna go to Google; rather, we want to go to a grocery store. If you want to do anything that involves acres, please I will say to that. One thing in now look were reading off of a press release from Pfizer with the ninety percent number. We be clear. There is no there's no reason to know that. That's accurate young, the good thing about it. If it is ninety percent effective out, effectively eradicate the disease and a lot less people are going to have to take it. You're not gonna need an actual. No, we will all need to take it. You are, we will all need to take and don't
fight against that now. I would like to point out that it was developed under the Trump administration and common law and Joe Biden we're both saying that they would never trust a vaccine. It's interesting that the Good NEWS today is that Pfizer has won. The bad news is in just the distribution. Arise here. I will I'll take it now, they're all four before rival. or the election there were large. We can trust any vaccine rapidly growing importance on all of those did this line, whether like look on the Isle of Trust, public health officials, but I'm not going to Us Donald Trump. Donald Trump is mixing. The vaccine for you here like who do you think, is doing this, that they are public health officials, the guy was running they be. The vaccine programme is not done, probably not in their mixing, toothpaste with diet, coke and try to come up with vaccines. The guys did it a doctor who,
has said outwardly multiple times. There has been absolutely no political interference in this. Yes, transatlantic mixing. He was mixing toothpaste with detergent universities, for he added you, gotta trust, public health officials. Ok, not one, its aid off. I commend all now that I wouldn't it's like. I've got the final solution for everyone who is over. Seventy five think we trust that guy get. No, that's, definitely not a good. That's not a good idea to trust that guy is definitely not, but I'm glad he was the first one to Joe Biden, Rent The guy was like look at this old man, s income. But Eddie Senile gotta, be remembered as a joke. Oh I can
wait to get onto his cabinet. Is we look at some point? You have an awkward conversation. We like yeah. I wish you were dead. You always think that would have been if Joe was mentally stable. That would have been the first thing I did so if you want to kill me in order that re from Padre unleashed potash, you can hear on plays radio everyday before this program or wherever you fine bod casts. So do you spend every day of your life waken up in a morning feel like you got run over by a truck they have eggs and pains that just grab your day by the horns and control everything I know What that's like I spent years fight my pain, mostly unsuccessful, but by the time I got around trying relief factor. I had hit rock bottom. I didn't think anything would work. that's when my wife force me to try relief factor, and I did it's not a drug. It was developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try to go on to order more
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transition Advisory board. So we got that go in force, Yo see, says picking rom a manual for cabinet would be divisive yeah, you know, Rama Manual has oddly become seen as this like moderate figure, which ever saw him that way when he was William Bottom Marxist right. That's. that's just a corrupt Clinton, your own here he pushed back a few times against the real hard left when he was in Chicago as well, and I guess I guess, like the ale, see seat of him as a beastly Ronald Reagan, witches reckless bizarre world man while Meredith in Pennsylvania, hello, Meredith Hi Glenn Oreo, very good, her you, I'm good at it. Since your conversation about as equal manual and unite following him, the death penalty. When we are going through Obama, here? One of the first thing that I have always thought about what happened at each seventy five guenaud hard but he had it
does a great way to get rid of people in our government like policy, Patrick he Maxine Waters, because a hoop hang around over sixty five years we kill yeah yeah. I feel like a great way. Yet you know u turn limit, but he was always talk about her moment. Maybe seventy five should be the year we cut people, I and say you're out of here. I think about a third of Congress would be gone, maybe born it. That's a great idea, thank you, much appreciate your phone call. The number is aided eight. Seventy seven be easy Kay yesterday. The attorneys generals came out from across the United States, the republican attorney general's we're gonna talk to the till the guy who came out yesterday and said? Here's the thing in the voting. That's coming up the Glen back proudly I thank you so much Hilary we're glad you're here. Let me talk to you. A little bit about tat keeps keeps his hour.
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outcome? Slash save keeps dotcom, slash, save our radio Oh continues with the governor of South Dakota coming up Just a few minutes also the the attorney general from Louisiana, Jeff Landry he's on with us next You're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This man, TAT Program, America and welcome to the going back programme. Last hour. I told you a little bit about the demise of Fox NEWS that thing over it is, it is really becoming hostile to Anyone who has a different point of view doesn't make your right or wrong is have a different point of view. Her Karlsson said yesterday about No, Kyoto and Fox NEWS: cutting away from the president's press secretary, doing a press conference she started saying about fraud started talking about it, They immediately cut. That often said, while there is no evidence of that, and so we're not gonna covered you're kidding me really. Are we so delicate that we can't hear and opposing side of the argument they never cut Barack Obama off on any of his lies. Any
any of his press conferences where they were blatantly telling lies. You have a right to hear it I would like you to just tweet her Karlsson. They just a stag Pash Tag, Tucker blaze tv Tucker, come? Oh, join us in the future. Tucker too, he's Tv Jeff Landry, the Louisiana attorney general chairman of the Republic Attorneys General Association. They came out yesterday and follow filed a multi stage brief with this in court on the election we talking to him, voter fraud in sixty seconds is the Glen Back programme. My patriot supply winter is coming. Think I saw that on a tv show once but bore. How is it really true
It takes his long for winter to get here, as it did on that tv tv show it's a change of season. it's coming in the form of political change, some of which might be hard in the little nasty might be hard on the economy. be hard on jobs and I won't be, but you know pretend that it's nothing to ask to do this, but are you prefer air for disaster when it strikes and if not, will you get prepared? Please what happens we can go to the grocery store for a few weeks. By the way we have to talk about that trucker strike. Have you seen the trucker strike thing? That's gone on Facebook, I don't know how big it is. But truckers are saying on, I think it's veterans day, there's not they're, not gonna truck they're, not move any goods around country in protest, what they feel was stolen election will see. If that act, Lee happens anyway. If things are
food chain, the supply chain starts to break down any more than it already has we're. trouble, at least for a little while get a for weak food supply for the nutritious meals that you and your family need. Two hundred a sorry, two thousand calories a day shift fast and discreetly to your door. Don't aid until disaster strikes get yours today for weeks of emergency food supply from my patriots apply Dotcom! That's my page! its supply. Dot com Mr Jeff Landry? He is the Louisiana Journey General I saw they saw. You yesterday announced the Amis Amis brief with a super court, and we are pleased to have Yon Jeff welcome, one morning when it's a pleasure to be with you this morning. Thank you. So tell me what you filed yesterday and whose involved in does it
Is it going to move the needle at all we're, hoping that it moves the needle. There were a number of attorney general's who join but jury in an amicus bridge. Oklahoma filed a Shepherd one in Ohio, Shepherd Amigo All inside of the Pennsylvania rate that is before the United States Supreme Court that really was followed by the Pennsylvania GEO P, so, basically the sensible. You republican Party, founded in we found a Mickey, a friend of the court. just as we in that should lead. The court does understand the gravity of what they are dealing with and understand that stage or watching the cheap legal offices of a number of states or watching in urging the court to weigh in because what happened was was basically the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. change, the wounds. And in a united again it's it's a part of a more troubling pattern in this country, where courts take over the edge
of legislature and ended in Pennsylvania. The legislature specifically could play certain protections and spelled out exactly how balance should be received. In slovenia- and I thought they did a great way. In fact. Would they also did would say that if the ash, put in there. What I believe is a little kind of like a the fault. And in a warning to record that shows that look. If area These provisions are found to be unconstitutional, not accord the entire male ballot. Portion of the election code that's a menu would fall. We should accord was in a pretty put particular position. Still rewrote the law and they got it wrong, This is where I mean this is what we had with the Supreme Court and John Roberts with Obama care they just re. Right it to make it ok This is really important because they ve the laws of the constitution say.
that the states have the right to do their own thing with election, but it must be through the legislature only the legislature can change the laws on an election. But that's not the way it was happening, and in particular I think this goes to the the valid postmark and taking any ballots late, correct drugs, are what the Pennsylvania General Assembly Shed was that balance must be received by p M, give any ballots arrived after eight p m. They were not to be counted and, of course, it makes sense that we think about a Glenn if you're, not in line ok bought a timely debate cause. You don't get the vote so if you're running late and you miss it. What are you miss your vote? Why should someone who put their there, who decides to put their out in the mail greater right that you who decide to go involved in person. In other words,
These rules are met and make sure that the playing field is level for folders, and if we don't have rules as regards the elections, then DIN and guess what those lectures or meaningless, and if we don't follow the rules, in it that is rampant for fraud and abuse. Inside of the Elect Drouet system, eminent falls of pork. I mean the whole system pulse aboard So the voting by mail, causes but creates tremendous risk in voter fraud, but we're b told now that the numbers Justin what you are talking about, the numbers of voter fraud. It's it's not gonna, make it no difference at all. Who told you tat, I used to be a mainstream media. We don't know about that. That's the whole problem. After a Bush be Gore, there was
presidential Commission that was that was put together headed by President Jimmy Carter and they put A final report and part of that report said one of the greatest threats. Ok, one of I think that we should avoid in this country is male balloting, but that was signed Democrats, but President Jimmy Carter, he shouted. report is black and white says that that's a prob matter Gary, in fact, in the breeze, a general Schmidt eloquently put puts in place actual cases. A vote or fraud dealing with male ballot. Now you, media say what where'd you evidence of fraud. Will. Let me get you the match. It is, if you understood you came at the store, you pulled. The cash ranged open in all the money was gone. You would say, did somebody steal it? You would think about that Maybe it is maybe it's not what you certainly could discuss the fact that somebody stole your money now, maybe the cardinal what took all the money and brought it into your office? I don't know that would be the first
let go to your mind it George, you say: could you go out there are somewhat stealing all your money. You and some would watch. What would you know ironic, as at the media, keep pushing the single where'd. You ever where's your evidence, but they won't give us time to be able to have said that out which, of course, when someone does you have a tendency to believe the death sentence. Would the media should be doing in response to say you know why? Don't you take pause? Yes, let's take some time, just let a little sunshine it. So are you concerned at all about the the the rate of ballot rejection from the mail in ballots it in it. Always one percent in Pennsylvania before new time. First time, mail in ballot users, it's usually infants of through One percent
it came out on the ballot rejection of point zero, three percent, even the Philadelphia inquirer said the week before. I think it was in an Ipad that twenty eight thousand ballots will be thrown out. If you just go, the one percent twenty thousand balance will be thrown out, nine hundred and fifty one ballots were thrown out. How is that possible? exactly I mean if the numbers don't lie. There is no doubt in my mind that the Democrats game the system right, whether legal or illegal, I mean when you look at the money that Mark Zuckerberg poured into Philadelphia colony where they should we then turned around and deputized action, commissioner, so we basically turned elected officials an arm of the Democratic Party to go out and harbours, ballots right. Think about it, you don't patrol
Pennsylvania Colony Election Commission at a budget of ten million he doubled that I mean again that's the nefarious port of with the Democrats do it. They can't win on a fair play, feel so they have to gain the election by now whether they gave the legally or illegally. That's what we don't know and if they gave that illegally, that just what the lecture does a cow, and I think that that important then we'll number one we leave it doesn't american people deserve to know how much targeted air Legend system has, I think we could take a less state. We fall apart if we don't believe it. This is good for all of us, even if it doesn't change the the outcome it is in warning that we have faith only forty nine percent of America feels as though that they have confidence that this election was free and fair. Forty nine percent that means majority. Fifty one percent of US question a republic
not survive within. kind of belief. They won't agree. yeah you spot on and we are the greatest democracy in a world that is now. look, I'm the laughing stock of the world, because we chain run something as simple as an election. I mean this is not difficult week. We say ok. These people qualified to vote yes to be eighty years old, yet so bored so Border states said that you put a time for election. I mean this is really just bath in bookkeeping we're allowing the system to be gay. I mean that is the better that is problematic Let me give you something that the attorney General William BAR said yesterday too, investigate only substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities, he said it out in two to page memo. He said for the: U S: Attorneys the FBI Deal Jays criminal, civil rights and national Security visions green. Let the pursuit!
of any serious claims of voter fraud? Only if the allegations were credible and could be potential, Lee shifting the result in estates contest, how do you feel about that, but I don't know I think it's great. I mean I think that it is the third general of the United States finding stepping out and talking about the fact that the Department of Justice is going to look into that it is is the right thing the dew general borders is just one of the finest attorney general's we have had in this country about an opportunity to work with the manage a shriek, a credible a d n, N, N n N, I M just a great moral compass. Look, I think it's the place and we will look for fifty years. We talk about voters Should a border problems. You lose all basin. We know civil rights bill was based on photo suppression. Then we're back to having the same discussion again because now one point is gaining a system again, I think
The american people deserve to know exactly what the tabularly of their election system looks like Guess what again I thank you. you say in it and inaccurate data much appreciated regardless. So the outcome. Ok, we need to know Yes, we do there or weakness if their weaknesses in our election system, the men is that our legislators need to be made to be addressing those weakness is so that we should than the reputation of the election system in front of the american people Have you read the? Have you read the affidavit from Wayne County from that was filed yesterday. The affidavit from a witness of the Wayne County elections officials? He said they encourage fraud in the changing legal names and dates on ballots, ballad, harvesting, voter intimidation, preventing pull watchers from challenging irregularities in the vote counting process. He said it was why
spread fraud, and, It is. You know a sworn affidavit brown. if you believe sworn affidavits, He bore for me at the very question I mean you're right I mean you know what Actually, you know, unfortunately, were appointed time where the court's, depending upon the judge, fix it chooses which offer David he believes in which it does it because you know that the dead goes only. We could go on for another woman, a moral compass of the country and an n y we'd air. We just seeing a degradation, the soul of the nation, but yes I'm? U. Why would I do that think about? This is what I would tell you: I would have reason to believe that debt affidavit is true. Why? Because thinker, the amount of pressure that the left puts on people when they step out. Ok, so the gentleman who wrote that affidavit understood the gravity and precautions
in a highly democratic area of what he was up to. I would say and has an unbelievable moral conscience. Why would you lie What is his motivation for line? We're talking would be file a false habit, we're talking to the attorney general of the great state of Louisiana, not his greatest Texas, but you know Jeffrey Jeff, Landry last. When do we expect the Supreme Court to move on this decision on the ballots that came in after eight. You know, I don't know. I could actually that question as well, and we really really don't know what we're hoping is that that Mickey that we filed puts additional weak on the justices now. Let me look, I think it's important before we get to the somebody deadline where the electorate, both have to be reported on, in that and again we came out. You know, like I said at the very beginning, we change referees that be judges in it.
Country, changing the rules of the game. That's that's not, for the rest, the do in its not for the judges to do as well. Thank you very much. I appreciated its attorney general. Thank you glad by God, bless there almost always arise and break ins during the holidays. You know somebody told me, I think I asked you yesterday or we two weeks away from thanksgiving. The answer is: oh yeah, right, it's not next week, it's the week after now, yes, Now I wasn't you yes, that was my reaction. Really, yes, like Norway, nice work it's the week after and we're Thanksgiving what wormhole did we go? I have no idea anyway. Home security during the holidays is really important and you get thirty percent off any simply safe system and a free security camera U S World NEWS report called it the best home security, so whether you're travelling or staying put for the holidays. You need to look into simply safes. Thirty percent off deal play
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right now, and he should surrender right now. This The party who told us two weeks ago they would never never accept the verdict. If Joe Biden, one and air win and they would fight in the courts and they would never concede that goes back to at least the year, two thousand, every single time they have an election and they lose yes. I mean it's amazing to watch as they are a fight in a battle for, for example, the state of Georgia, where They are trying to get a trump to win this in their filing lawsuits in their doing all these things, whether you think they're going to work or not utterly amazing. Bring on as an expert on this process. Stacy Abrams, a person who has still to this day not conceded the two thousand eighteen governing gubernatorial race. In
and she lost by a lot here. What was there, I think, was fifty thousand she lost by about fifty thousand an interest in a state race. Only that's a huge number do as much from a much bigger than the margin is right now in Europe bite and write about fifty five thousand. Then she still has not conceit. She's still on tv saying I'm the rightful governor of Georgia, she said she said. I acknowledge that I have no more legal recourse, but this is not a concession because basically was stolen from her. You know they were trying to do to take the votes day. They were getting rid of votes that should have counted and all the things that they are complete about Donald Trump today, and then they will bring her as an expert to talk about it, she's still saying she's the governor. It's! It's insanity! It isn't that right now, Hillary clinton- I can't talk, have commented. You know he's
find a deal agenda. Mises he's trying to deal Judah mice Biden has spread he's. He is trying to do that. You do you remember what you guys did incredible or or another one they one of the big arguments against Trump is look he's trying to he. You know, stop the count and stately Pennsylvania when he was a head and he what's the count to go on and a state like Arizona where he's behind, but catching up right. That was the criticism raindrop. Do you Amber Al Gore, specifically selecting the counties which they would recount rather I have in the whole state, do it he file,
who only in the encounter use that were positive legged. It is my view, many votes, z wine. They fought against a state wide recount. They fought against against it because the course they would have lost as they re recounts, Zack led to this day. Al Gore says he went all the way to the end and used every single piece of legal recourse possible to win that alert, and it should be done if legal legally have not been counted, org votes, it were illegal work counted. They should correct that the Glen back proudly. I don't know why that's so darn controversial wow Facts when they get into the way Did you know when you, when you cross a direct consumer pricing with the kind of passion and ingenuity needed to really take a profit above and beyond the normal manufacturing call of duty. You get erect tech Sleek, it's beautiful, rectify is made from heavy, solid, stainless steel when you
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A blaze internet Paul. So not scientific. Do you still trust the integrity of the election process? Only five percent of those who responded said yes. Ninety five percent said no That is dramatic, however, lie Then half in a new scientific ball show Biden is legitimate winner in election. It it shows this is a pole. Were Eighty seven percent of Democrats think Bide knows when our seventy seven percent think that its Donald Trump you put all of these together and of forty nine percent lesson. Half of the respondents, forty nine percent, believe Joe Biden, the legitimately, were won the race Sixteen percent say they are not really sure who one I don't your stand, why we are rushing to
dismiss all of these claims, let's clear them up if it changes the election, so be it if it doesn't so be it and then that, hopefully, that never comes out right if, if more agriculture, these counts- and they know the Trump campaign files, all these things and nothing comes of them than lost back and say: hey wound presidential bite, it's got suck, but it's it's. What we have got Christy NOME is with us. She is from South Dakota, she is one of my favorites and she was very outspoken about Donald Trump and now about the recount end. I mean she's: be put on a list. I hope your prepared for that Governor YU there I am high and I guess I guess who I am cared for that. I I know that some of the discussion that happening out there- but this is about per day, in our country and our electoral process going forward its not just about this election, that's about everyone going forward and making sure that we don't break our kind three by not keeping the trend,
currency and honesty in the election. So this is just about recount make sure that, by hook or by Crook Donald of wines. Truly about we have to have this process credible Absolutely we live in a republic and in a republic The government gets its power from the consent of the gun, the governor of the people, and we give our. Sent on election day, and so we have to trust that its affair. legitimate and honest process, and there are definite questions out there across the country about this last election. So. That is why we make sure that we shall should those cases that are questionable and make sure we have our day in court too, to fair. out any kind of discrepancies that there might be. That is we allow that thousand. When Al Gore had questions about that election process. I dont know why were not well
to wait and give Donald Trump his same day in court to make sure we clear this up, so the american people can have confidence that they still are the ones who give. government its power. Every time we elect our leaders. So oh George to us. The staff always want to columns snuff enough against my stuff. Annapolis said on this week on a b c, where you were, do you have anything to back this up. Are you asking me that that's what he asked if friend? Well here, me that- and I said absolutely we do. We have people across the country that assign affidavits, which our legal documents that can be used in court. that they believed there was election fraud going on in witnessing to what they saw going on in many of these states. We have been At times themselves, that admitted that there were clerical errors out there. We have dead people who voted in
Albania, we have computer glitches, Michigan that changed republican votes to democratic vote. For all of these, are you know? Documents and people that are willing to testify to the fact of what they saw, and that is why we need to hear those I'm not saying it's gonna overturned the election to what people think it today we don't know how widespread it is, but one Would we not answer those questions and make sure that there was an honest process in place to know that the right man is gonna end up in the White House for the next four years, So what's it say, Michael Bloomberg, but who's, the moron in New York but none of that running that recent use anymore, I'm we dispose of global. Incidentally, the plaza exactly where, regarding I should have said more on more on, is the governor Marxist is the the mayor he just came out and he said that
York City is on verge of a massive second wave of covert. Yet yesterday when Pfizer came out and said, we have a vaccine that we think is ninety percent effective quote. oh came out and said: well, we can't let this be distributed by the loved a Trump administration because screw it up, and so we gotta keep it until he gets in, so it can be distributed the right way, giving thoughts on that ridiculous. Stupid, I just can't believe that somebody would say something like that. So what's prevent people who are on an front the workers are doctors and our nurses and people that are vulnerable pullet population who could lose their lives to this virus? Let's prima damn I'm getting the virus in order to save their lives, because you don't trust and administration- start handing out two different statesmen throughout this whole pandemic, Donald Trump never played for words and that's, what I think was so remarkable to me was that I say
I'm conference calls with all these governors when they were asking for help from this administration, and they step and immediately sent help. I listen to Cuomo I listen to he's governors Whittemore in Michigan. Thank the president for getting us our p p that we need to thank you for the testing supplies. Thank you for sending us help. within hours of the request going forward. He never once prioritize red states over blue states, a big states over little states. He made sure that took care of everybody and sought to even say that is so complete We re irresponsible and wrong bed where people wake up in this country and see how we are poor, sizing a pandemic to instil fear and people to control them. So is it? Is it fearmongering that the media's doing their goods are now saying you know, you all my gosh Celtic everyone's gonna die. Absolutely
I mean they're, just absolutely distorting what's going on here in the ground in some, The quota. We do have an increase of cases generally in this part of the country were seeing an increase of cases, and I have said from the very beginning way back in February and March that that the science of this virus of us that we can't stop it until we have a cure, and I dont know if anybody has found a cure for it. So what we have to who is to manage it? The best we can and protect the vulnerable population tell them what they can do to keep themselves as safe as possible and to slow down the spread. So we can take care of folks, one hundred percent, always focusing on hospital capacity and so in South Dakota. Today, twenty one per cent of my hospital beds are taken up with cold with patients with thirty five. I see you. Percent of my I see you beds are computations, but I also still have thirty four, one per cent of my hospital beds, good or empty. My house free
few beds out there that are a third empty. So we we have capacity to take care of peace, working constantly monitoring that hour by hour to make sure that if people should get sick and need health care that it be there and available to help them get through it? And that's been our focus in South Dakota? All along overwhelmingly the people in the state, understand that and appreciate that we let them use personal responsibility to make decisions. and we're getting through it together, and you know it's it's hard to see media and outside folks. Just for what we're doing, because overwhelmingly. My people are happy and we're talking Governor Christie, NOME of of sir, Dakota I wanna go back to where we started in that is This really disturbing list that is being made and it's it's. It's even got its own website now, where where they are gathering the names of of people.
And and threatening retribution against any supporter, and voter that voted for any but he made a donation. you know anybody in the administration to wear your not even welcome in public anymore, and I take people who say these things at their word. Is this is this fear mongering on our side. Is it is it? Is it something you should worry about or not I am concerned about it because I look at where we were six months ago and I never would have dreamed that we'd be, and we know that the place we are day too, where people are shaming. each other dehumanizing. Each other criticized each other. I was up late last night visiting with my sister after I got. That was my day at about nine thirty, ten o clock- and I was talking to Her- and I just said for me is not just what the government they do to individuals.
but what neighbours are doing to each other, how neighbours are attacking each? There are people in your own community and that in itself I think he is is what is worrying. A lot of folks is because you see this of information? Lack of focus on the facts in the science grabbing headlines in using it to Kennedy had other people is not what I meant is about it's just not what our founders envisions, where this country and its not it led to our success the last two hundred and forty plus years, what I think is amazing. It is how quickly this has in the last six months and why we need to continue to the emotion not of our discussions to look at each other's human beings, talk about the facts and try to do our very best, not to dehumanize each other tell you that in no two thousand, three, maybe
I remembered George W Bush, came out with a hey. You see something suspicious from your neighbors. or to us at the White House and was really against that, because I dont, but we ve never done that before we did during the Wilson administration, but other than our darkest errors. We never did that to each other, and I said at the time and then again, when Obama tried to bring it back, that This is what has always made us open and friendly people come from Europe all the time and they see as their like Americans are too so open in friendly and inviting it because we ve never had neighbour turn on neighbour we ve never had the Stasi the neighbors collecting information and putting them on lists, etc, etc. This fundamentally destroys us America, is about living I'd buy side with people. You disagree with exactly right and we ve all about people and
family members, that we dearly loved that we disagree with we'd. Never let it come between us. We, we have conversations we talk, we love each other, we spend time together and even this, the thanksgiving that's coming up. I am hopeful that people will use it as an opportunity to remember what special the people in your life instead of using it, is another opportunity to lay down restrictions, keep yourself separated from people loving, and to really focus on what this you know. political agenda. Media circus has told them that were supposed to be focusing on. Is it We? We are a country that is built on optimism and hope, and I just keep trying to remind people of that, because we deserve to wake up every single day, excited about the fact that we were born in America that we're we're. There are often ninety nine point, nine percent of the world, because we woke up in this country today and
should go forward and work to protect their opportunities at its given us. For so many generations. will you do me a favor just remember these words. NOME, Hayley, twenty, twenty four or Hayley NOME, twenty twenty four! I just I just know no comment- is necessary. Just keep it in the pack your mind I know I don't think so much. Why? Why? Why are you trying to just cause trouble out? I know I'm just saying it's not help saying that is. If Trump doesn't win doesn't doesn't run again. Mortgage interest rates have been down in the three even in the tool for months now. Basically the whole year. Do you know what How much money. You have lost. If you didn't refinance, What money have you lost? If you have your more,
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you w that animal S, consumer access, dot, org tomorrow night on glens, even the future of our country. There trying to steal election, hangs in the balance as a battle raged for the Senate Democrats are going. Then we change America shames America, not if Glyn has anything to say about it. He explains what we must do to fight for the constitution. Abiden victory, how conservatives can win the end tomorrow night. Ninety least, please do not count last Glenn this is the Glen by programme, few of you heard. I'm sure you have Alex Trebek died over. weekend, really sad only one of the good guys, member doing an interview with him. I did an interview with him a couple of times
solid, solid guy. A George definitely wants his job easier, The Lord fit his his agency is pushing hard, so he can, I mean there's nothing better than that that really Georgia's known for just stick into the facts you gotta be in just have in those facts right, that's the way, I think of it too. I think all of us do all of us and have a bunch of episodes without extra back done, they're going to roll out here- and I guess the last one errs on Christmas it is amazing. He just kept going. You just We love it pleased that he was in the studio, recording an episode, unlike October twenty ninth, and he just died this past week, and so he wouldn't really almost after to the very, very Andrea good for him one of those guys that seemingly everybody likes. You
there's never I've, never heard a bad report. You never here because he's an old style celebrity that never got involved in anything. Just seemingly it's legit guys did his job really well, and he ever make any noise outside of that, and we now everyone really appreciated and in any event, I don't think you can do that anymore. You have to take a stand now under certain figures that, like Hell, Alex tobaccos in that category were like it just doesn't seem like anything lever. Take him down. So, like you will cause we're a tiger woods in an Iphone others just so that it does not deal like all these people that we use that they were inadmissible. You are now got. Can we leave Alex Turtleback alone now believe it? I don't care. I when I say that, but I I I don't care I dont- want to know he was a jerk in some way. Please don't tell me about it. Let it just get he's gone now: heard anybody else he's gone Letty, look at our safe. He exists
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who you turn into? Who do you trust anymore? You trust the election was fair. Do you the election to be looked at carefully. by I mean if we get space aliens that their there one attribute was, I mean they're gonna kill all of assuring Edith, but they had it. All the truth, I'd. Have them just look it up before you eat us. Would you just look into the ballots and see if this was fair and if it came back and said- and they said yes, I don't know why they sound like sheep by one then find by one, and I would welcome them beating me, don't we just want to know the truth. Who do you go who do you go to for the truth, especially when
I will conclude: oh just cuts off the White House. Press secretaries is well well, I mean knows rational birds and whatever listen to that Hang on just a second, I dont. Remember you doing that when brow Obama at the White House and he was saying who added illegal aliens stared, never fail, never get free stuff of OZ riddles eat. A great easy will never be pushing for a single option: bloody. We didn't cut him off, we knew he was lying. We knew he was lying. and cut off. Is this kind important Fox NEWS is going back program, so you heard of a r p, you probably know they're, not your friend. I found this out Remember when we read Fox NEWS and we were going over the Obama CARE, and all of a sudden p suddenly started to come up everywhere,
like a sea. I you and were part of Obamacare and oh care was selling out it. Would it the camp lead lives system. from Zeke Emmanuel that that F panel thing didn't come from nowhere. It came from Zeke Emmanuel. But when you have limited resources, this is who gets him? Babies don't get under nine, you get very little up in show about twenty. You get some two thousand two hundred and forty two get lots. Four thousand two hundred and sixty you get some six plus, good luck, grandpa. That's the complete live system by the way. Gee Manual has just been appointed. to the year to the Cove id Board of advisers for Joe Biden and there's nothing. I love more than a guy who says grandma Grandpa get nothing. You noted
and you know that there's no reason quoting him, no reason to live. stir a seventy five we should tell the guy who just hired him at seventy seven hundred fan anyway, a r p out of there Have you heard of a MAC, the association of a tour american citizens, not only an alternative to a r p, the best alternative, its Great to be a member of a MAC, comes with the amazing benefits, but it gives you the opportunity to get involved in the grass roots advocacy at the highest level, and I'm telling you now we. are going to need to be involved in everything we can be. So we can stand, and we have to gather in groups there. power in numbers and power in the truth it's why I named the blaze. The blaze. the blaze is a it will either destroy or it will purify the truth
purified. stand in the fire. because it is a great protector and it will burn down everything that is untrue. We have to stand together stand with a MAC as they fight the good for by becoming a member today, the benefits are great. The cause is even greater join now I M a sea dot. U S, slash back! That's a MAC! Dont! U S! Slash back! A MAC is better. better for you better for America, so still, I want to. You know our researchers are working round. The clock to look into all of the voter fraud, claims, etc, etc, and we don't have any special access, but we looking at the claims- and there are some claims that seem credible, a lot of, and we ve already debunked, but they seem credible, but they fall apart in the end
and I haven't seen the White House come out with anything except the leave the suit that is now being filed with the Supreme Court about the bow. It's after eight p m they're trying a bunch of different legal approaches and levies. Avian looked into any of them. So far I mean yeah. There hasn't been much. I mean there there's a lot of it, hasn't and yet I mean that there have been some things been alleged in question, but I mean you know, and we went through a big list yesterday of stuff, that's kind of there's two different categories. Right, there's a lot of stuff, it's floating around the internet, people kind of coming up on theories, are trying to do what they managed to dangerous and some of its. We know well motivated people want the radio assaults and they believe something's gone wrong, but most of that Has that proved to be much of anything. A lot of it is just literally nothing. I mean it's just you some of its made up some of its just miss blatant misunderstandings of people too videos of things they don't understand.
then there's this sort of people theorizing in questioning things that they that that them that haven't come together. Their decision category from that, though, which is President of the United States has a campaign with a zillion lawyers who are filing actual lawsuits in court. Those are the ones to follow me. Others, because, honestly, if, if the trouble administration thinks they have something they're going to Oh yeah legal challenges not just tweet about it. Yes, so that's how you can kind of see what they actually believe far I mean I know the first ten or so did not come through with anything. I haven't seen anything any the updates this morning it, but we will see if they have something the ultimate, the best chance you're gonna have to get to come up with something. Is they trump campaign with all of their resources? Put behind trying to I what actually happened in if they come up with it. You're gonna about it looking at his many of them as we can GINO
what kind of sort through a lot of it. But you know you can get new and get off track by just going down this endless internet road of p. people who are claiming X, Y and Z, largely that stuff, is bs. The campaign is going to embrace it. If it's real, so we haven't found anything so far and our researchers are good. I mean we you, you know you were there with us during impeachment. we did not think we would run into Ukraine the way we did and find all the things that we did. We told you about Hunter Biden long before the mainstream media did so I have them working day and night and so far we haven't found anything that everybody says or anybody says I feel really good about this one. I think it's important too, that we all our eyes on whatever part of this situation is in our we'll house right, and so I know we have researchers doing that. We ve
looking at all sorts of different things, how the how the potential bite in administration would develop, with with its camp with its cabinet at all that, I know, there's a lot of people. The police that are our diving deep into the If you remember blaze, tv can watch a lot of these other issues and Stephen craters an abundance of on this deep days out of our stuff on it. These guys are really are on it, yes I'll be. There were definitely covering it, but it's like eight you. If we Only cover that we're going to miss a lot of the other movement. That's going on with the incoming potential. I severe like were at the eye of the hurricane me personally that worthy the hurricane and maybe the because I prepared for Trump too win and Biden being the one challenging. I thought it would be close, but I was thinking I was gonna go the other way I think they did two. They had all those protest waiting. They
started some of the moon, olives and there I'll just called off. I wasn't just nothing. Minorities illustrates yet is parties streets, no unrest at all. I think that still could come if Trump takes it to them. Supreme Court and they have a case. I think It will still be in our future. I hope not It will be in our future. Joe Biden doesn't give the left everything they wanted, because the left is tolerating the left it the fulfilment now of the coming insurrection that we put you guys in the office and you keep giving us the same thing. Stew, love to tell the story about the person we met with in California, when you think about it, do it now, but I've been thinking about for less couple days and I would dancer money. She was sure way member memory dinner with. and that it
visual said gave us insight on why the left was so angry with Barack Obama, because he surrounded himself with Clinton people answer was just going down the same old path and it was the coming insurrection. That's what, by is going to face if he doesn't go full fledged left and that we'll terrorists apart and we will all need to stand together on that as they continue to make their enemies list. I am not enemies with anyone who believes in the constitution for play an equal justice under the law, but there's one thing: when we go back to the the voting thing, they're, just weird things that stick out, and still I want you to look into something for me. There was Article in the Wall Street Journal came out before the election. and they said that there are nineteen counties in the: U S that have
loaded for every White House winner since Reagan, and I think they were think they were ninety nine percent, something like they were very close. They ve track. These counties all the way back into nineteen sixty and the only time they ve ever got it wrong, is Nineteen sixty as a college. If there's been some counties that have flipped earth, you know, but they ve been. Really accurate a sense Reagan like in that ninety nine percent while range Pass that was down into the seventys and the only one they called wrong was nineteen sixty which some people say, was thrown because of corruption in Chicago. out of these nineteen counties. Only one a county in Washington State Vote four. Only one voted for Biden, the other. Eighteen counties voted for Trump, so
You gone from a ninety five percent accuracy rate over the last forty years, but fifty now forty years? to a five percent accuracy ray, and that's never happened well you know just I haven't confirm those numbers, nine only one, but let me just say that comes from the Wall Street Journal, that's when bringing it up and to meet it is, I think, important to this point in that the journal seemingly printed this before. Yes, election right. Yes, in October eleven, so that their knots, not their point there. Just making the point about these counties, our interests in the other saying, watch the counties because their bell weathers because they are the most accurate. You know they say that No president has ever been elected without Florida in Ohio. we'll floored and Ohio both went to Trump, and so that's a first. Ok there
just a lot of norms that are being broken here and the bill weathers are not necessarily of assent, terrific, you know, I know that right is interesting, but the only thing say just glancing at this. Is that obviously, when you have these counties that are bell weathers. They vote for Democrats and Republicans solar swing districts, correct so that the fact that they would slide from one to the other wooden necessarily be it's not like that suddenly voting republican and they switched democratic, wondering just looking at their that that the journals data is it see, Like these counties really like Donald Trump like there, much more they are. more definitive and two thousand sixteen than they were in these previous elections, so they were much They were the same shop. Only counties where they they exceeded the margin of previous elections there. So it's possible in a close election that maybe slid a little bit back towards the breaking point
but stayed on the Trump side, because they seem to be what we're saying is Trump output. Armed himself in easy in these nineteen Kelly's correct now but what I am, but why more expectations? What is? I am not saying this is evidence of stealing or anywhere else. I'm saying this is not a usual election. You can count on anything, and so those all of these anomalies make people say I don't know if I trust this, you know the poles were wrong. Ok, let's with the press I dont know I trust it. They were right in some areas yet, but they were way wrong in others. Yes, you know The fact that Ohio always skills almost always goes for. The president of Florida is kind of that category there's another state that I think is kind of in that category You have these. Nineteen counties ever
thing we ve always used to say. Yes, this is what's happening: wrong There is definitely a lot of examples of that personal there's, a lot of data, so you can always find some storyline in there. I would say also we. I would out that this is a close selection, like the electoral count again were setting aside for this conversation, the legal challenges that could change things, but if Stays the way it is where find out is a is an electoral count of about three hundred and six Electra votes for Joe Biden to thirty two four Donald Trump in that situation. You know the electoral count, like the Clinton Trump Elect and is going to look wider than the the the margin really was in these states have in your talking about twenty thousand votes in Wisconsin probably going to be higher risk of moral closer to a hundred thousand, probably in Pennsylvania, when this is all done. But George, Is going to wind up around
thousand, probably another fifteen thousand in Arizona that might still narrow, you're talking forty two, fifty thousand votes in three stay. that could have potentially change this election. So when you have very close elections. Incredible these things aren't necessarily if it enough, since it was the same thing and She doesn't sixteen or you had. Three states were combined in a total of fifty or sixty thousand votes, while not being the difference twin Clinton and Trump being Trump, actually winning the presidency. So when you have something, that's that close, it's possible that some of these things get shaken apart re. It could just be that I think you know look at this, though that is its a fascinating thing as a study, because teen counties in and if that's true, all of them, a team of thy eighteen of the nineteen is eighty of the nine million voted for Donald Trump Eighteen out of the nineteen, the island it is, they ve gone from every time, being ninety five plus since Reagan
and before that they were sixty. Seventy eighty percent, accurate. Every time since nineteen sixties and now all of a sudden only one got a right only one the massive massive shift! It is ass, the ship, although I we it does it would decade in this circumstance that trump out performed his expectations as related to that. Yes, a previous standard right. He actually going to hold? That vote pose to losing it, which past would have been the case, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. It's rough greens now, listen you you dog, healthy, apparently can't buy your dog Jim in Britain and membership. I tried, I tried, I mean I'm not gonna go, but you want to go. go run and why you walk with me, you're looking at me like a go, take me for a run. I'm not here to dig you I'm tired, ok, apparently it something
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Second Stationary so, as I said a minute ago, I feel like we're in the eye of a hurricane there It seems like ok and don't know about you, but you couldn't pay me enough to turn on CNN. Fox news, any of it I mean, I wonder, right now, honestly, if airs anybody listening to us. I have no idea because everything I think most people are like, I can't take it anymore. There's Devlin exhaustion from the election anyway, even if they give you a coverage, wasn't annoying you re right, so people of hit that wall a little bit. I think yeah. I, when you talk about these. The cable news networks. At this point, do you
that they had had the height when we were there, they had a hundred million households. It is estimated that in by twenty twenty four, there will only be in fifty million households they ve cut half year, everybody's going to war was Fox gonna. Do what what? What is Fox gonna? Do here's? What for he's gonna do they're gonna make it. Of their hosts incredibly uncomfortable push them against the wall there. Already I can issue there already telling their host say away from this recounts stuff. Let's do this because Fox NEWS is in preservation mode. The Murdoch kid are in charge, and therein preservation mode. They want to go to cocktail parties and have their friends like them. That doesn't happen with the Murdoch. We know no one likes us here at the blaze here. That's us sets no one ever eat out and have a party, no who we know we'll, never gonna call Communist Party and we're fine weather, but look at you know. We were on PLUTO Tv
PLUTO Tv and I've. I was showing this to a relative abide recently and like them Aaron, cable, like we have people, have always been, unlike gab, after subscribed to the blaze, after subscribed to everything like there's a million different services. I have to go. I gotta have you like PLUTO Tv, for example, which is a hundred percent free and basically a giant cable system as it on your phone or on your tv through the internet and we're on there by the way, there's a twenty four hour feed on PLUTO Tv courage, you to check it out. If you lose any news is NBC News as they're all of rice, annals, hundreds of them and its zero dollars per month. So here's what I would like to suggest Tucker you can't take it anymore or they may force you out, as they inevitably will just come too. These tv? That's all I'm saying we welcome you in fact, if you want, Tweet, that you just use the hashtag Tucker. The blame
Stevie come home. Tucker come home. Is the Glen Back programme? I'm not sure he's like that too much, but Guph old line? Is ours hey good news? There was a story, let's see if I can find it here. There is a story from CNBC Vat. The dollar will weaken further under Abiden administration, great man or lose more money, you all stuff that we saved, but in the bank it's gonna be worth less and less and less until it becomes worth less worth. Anyway. Gold line is therefore your right now I want you to to go online, talk to them about precious metals. I think it is in that article from CNBC. They talked about gold and silver, and I Silver is going to be the coin of the realm at least for a little while if things get really bad plea,
consider calling gold line? Now, right now you can get some great Christmas presents. Some stocking suffers. You sign up for gold mines, weekly market email updates. Ask him about it. It's free! be connected on, what's really going on, call them now. Eight hundred and sixty six gold line, eight hundred and sixty six gold line or goldline dot COM, and you got a blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn, use the protocol, Glenn save thirty bucks. You subscription or watch the blaze on PLUTO Tv This is the Glen by programme, I students just talking off air about Joe Mansion and how he has said that he will vote for any crazy stuff, but don't let that dollar bill at that penetrate like to count on some people on the other side,
a very important elections happening in Georgia in January, and that will decide whether or not they can get away with all of these things in it. It's gonna be hard fought and, if, Do I No, I don't. What the world looks like, I will tell you that You know I did tell you year ago what the world would look like today. and you know, people in the streets and and we have staff in body armor and everything else, crazy. It is crazy. wanna take a minute to introduce you to somebody this guy who helped us with our body armor at blaze TV. He is actually the guy who is also an arrow, even If he knows this butter, I bought something did something. I never thought I would do when my kid were small and we were at Fox. I had to buy a kevlar blanket, but I could throw me
my little kids under if You know the house came under attack or anything like that. It was crazy, crazy. I just purchased Kevlar Jack for my grandchildren, and they don't know it. But it's it's This is really crazy. It's knots- and I think this the kind of stuff that is not going to be in other gonna. If there's a crack down. They want to make sure you crack down on. You know that the criminals will have kevlar vests. No, no, no by I no for children that have Kevlar vest and for good reason. Anyway, David races with us he's the ceo of a our five hundred armor. I David how area. Well thanks for having me on your show, an honour to be here. I wanted to say something real quickly enough. I remember back about it to go.
Getting go. Watch you on television and hearing you say things. Border because of liberty that I was surprised you could get away with, and I appreciate the fact that you have been a force for the cause of liberty and the constitution. For a long time now so today, given that, thank you, I'm full disclosure, orphan. Hundred is a sponsor place tv, but less now, I'm having him on it. David When you were watching a decade ago, did you think that we, could get here it. Sadly, yes, I think that one of the problems is that there is a long march through the institutions or people are trying to say red division and to undermine liberty, and so, like my concern, is you know our company is about liberty. in a way, we believe the body armor tool of liberty and we want to help people to get tools of liberty, so they can do.
Then their God, given rights, gets criminals. Tyrants in any of the threats to personal liberty. the problem is that ideas also are a cause of the undermining liberty, and so it's important that people have good character and be ready to resist with ideas and to argue for liberty right liberty isn't just something it exists that exist in a vacuum. It depends upon people advocating for the preservation, of our rights. And so sadly, you see people undermining our rights and late. They argue for things that are about the redistribution. Property and about the owner. having people be allowed to say what they believe in the public sphere, and so this is inevitable result of ideas not being properly argued with then challenge with truth I will tell you, I think everybody needs to go to war
tromp accountability to, I think it's dot net. Can you check on that too? I think its trump accountability, dot net This is a new website that has just been put out by the leftist elites where they are tracking, bull and making lists. Of every one that needs to be shun from society and don't worry, their list only includes people who worked for Trump, so where did Trump donated to Trump or voted for Trump and you have no place in the public square. I guess this is what you mean by body, armor, being a tool of liberty. I have a it's not an easy one to wrap your arms around that that is a tool of liberty. Yeah, that's a great good point. Glenn. I think if we think about the second amendment right second limit is about tools. Preserve your liberty, and so in firearms are the primary tool of liberty to be able to have
victory when you are in a situation defend yourself and body armor. The tool that allows you to survive right so that the goal is to protect yourself to protect your family and then to be able to get through that process. ass of self defence as a body armor allows you to get through that order in a situation where there is simply a rescue back, action have armor in them and that the EU might be a situation where you simply trying to flee and being able to. We successfully so that you can get out of a dangerous situation and have your back protected when you are just a place where you, and even now, What happened is unless you have the right. I mean that there are situations where people are. ready or able to defend themselves effectively, but they know this danger and aid to get out there and so the body armoury tool of liberty, because it's about protecting your own individual liberty against potential threats when I also dietary knucklehead gonna, I think that The actual liberty is media, and you
I have a lot of insight about media, I'm curious a year the media landscape, do you see anything? It looks like it for years. We to be changing in terms of that landscape and how we can, for our liberties. Using that platform g, I think the media is the cable news. Networks gonna burn themselves to the ground soon you know one. They have control of the FCC watch the commissioners because ago after Radio they'll go after us on the internet, as they already are. You're gonna see an increased level of people, saying that, We are dangerous. Our points of view are dangerous, anti government, etc, etc. None of which is true, but I think the next four years honestly think in the next year, many will be lucky to have jobs?
When things go ahead, the way things are going to meet as taxes look likely to be increased as theirs continued regulation that gets port on. I think that the recipe for it straining economy is taking away people's rights to be able to enjoy the fruits of their labour, by the frigid labourers. What motivate people to work The regulation is that undermine people's ability to freely do what they want their own property and to do what they think is honorable God you undermine that you destroy people's money. Issues are working and at that were for jobs, come from its people's desire to create to exercise dominion, to build things to pass it on to the next generation, and so I think, you're right as a real risk, their distress I have a lot of the economy. Do people have a hard time seeing the guy? Who is the ceo of a five hundred body armor as a pastor the church full time in Phoenix? Well,
I am honoured to be a minister of the word and I think that sometimes people might think they're incongruous puritan which means that I believe that the Bible is the word of God and that basically, the law of God is king right. So I think that there is nothing incongruous I think that the realisation that body armor as a tool ready and that all liberty comes from the Bible and the recognition of the fact that, There is no incongruity with self defence and the LAW of God. It is wholly thing. It's a good thing. It's a righteous thing to protect yourself into protect other people's rights and so by trade. Tell that to my congregation as part of what the scriptures clearly teach and a lot of people? I don't think that's the case I'll tell you what a lot of people from the point of the Bible to advocate for as some sort of gun control or something like that, the only place in the Bible that deals with weapons control is in first Samuel. and in the book of First Samuel will you have. Is the Philistines
go away the source of the Israelites. So the only arms control enabling the Bible is one. It's condemned where realising our death. More and more people are oppressing them, and so you know that description. A very clear that self defense of the writer exodus teaches that, if a personal breaks into your house, you right to defend yourself, others example it it'll woman is being assaulted, is the duty of men to come to her aid if they hear her being a sultan, this idea is talk clearly in the scriptures, and so there is no incongruity. But some people do have a problem. Seeing other could be consistent. I think it's because they don't have the Bible, so air parameter body. Armor is perfectly in alignment with the teachings of liberty that are in scripture and the ability of a free man to defend himself and to preserve the rights they gotta give, the kind of a different way. Looking at the full put on the full armor of Christ, David Thank you so much. Thank you for your help with our staff. I never thought we would have to have
Staff in body armor for anybody who is listening body armor is protective. It's it's Not necessarily. You know in military its use to go in and per. Active armor. It is honestly, and to become more and more apparent, you may have to go to work in an inner city. You, be travelling across the country, and something is happening you just want to be able to get through a city get into a city, mere trying to do anything you're, not a part of a man a terrible thing: you're just protecting yourself and your family I highly recommend it for those who live around the cities or travel an awful lot. It to always in the trunk of my car David, thank you very much, I appreciated gutless. Thank you got you that's. A are five. hundred armor
com a our five hundred armor dotcom right here, back is advocating body, so they can overthrow. The government is right as That's what I'd just read I just read it ages are having here life is incredibly busy. You don't have time to be held back from living it because a pain, the pain we suffer. Especially its non. Stop constant, nagging pain. You allow. of its cause by inflammation, not just in our joint but inflammation of our whole body, and if you ve ever had You know exactly what I mean: I've I've lived a long time with frequent end militating pain in my arms and in my hands to the point where I couldn't use my hands anymore. It was horrible horrible, still as I still have a flashes of it what is really helped keep this under control is relief factor. I want you,
relief factor now, Relieffactor, dot com call, eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four or eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four, relief factor, dot, com, the airline following ten Glenn back. Last night I took her curls and a large percentage of our population no longer believes that our democracy is real. That is sad. It is also dangerous. It could easily get. What we're doing in response is hardly the solution. It is making our country much more a little. It is setting us up for something bad democracy, you cannot ignore honest questions from citizens are not allowed, you can dismiss them out of and is crazy or immoral for asking you can't just cut away from coverage. You dont, like you, can simply tell people to accept an outcome because force doesn't work in Denmark,
That's dictatorship in a free society. You have to convince the public of your legitimacy. to win them over with reason. Democracy is. Always a voluntary arrangement telling Just shut up is never enough. So in this case tonight, there's only one way to lower the national temper. hello, national temperature- I don't know, I we cut it off their but the only way, one way to do it, and that is to be open and transparent and let all sides be heard he was tall about how Neil Caboodle cut off The president's spokesperson yesterday, whoa whoa whoa. We that's who that's dynamite. We don't need to hear that why why why can't we hear the other side, why can't you express doubt white? Why you'll be proven right or wrong? That's
like saying or wait a minute. Wait, a minute wait, a minute, the adult don't give me any of this gobbledygook about Donald Trump being in bed with Putin and the Russians. Well, I suppose it was I've been nice had they had restraint, but I I want them to keep that to themselves or keep that away from you. If it's legit What I want is a fool This investigation! In that way, we know if it's it's right, Then we know what to do if it's wrong. We know what to do if there A problem Why are we ve? Why are we stuff it under the counter to make sure nobody sees it that stuff you. If Europe And what's the worst thing you can do if he ever, you know some, Lee dating somebody in the family that you don't know you don't want them dating as teenagers.
you dont, the worst thing to say is: don't ever ever ever see her again do Jus hang around that young boy I'll, tell you what that's that's the invitation. Do it all the time you can't shot people down particularly stringent Talking about public officials now she was in her role as a camp on the campaign when she made that statement, but it just strange thing that, like twitter and Facebook, are doing as well psych. If, I'll trumps says something that is a lie. Right just say he does. Then the amount people should be able to look at it assess for themselves whether he's lying or not, and then share with about that at the ballot box right in? What they're doing is trying to delete all of these things as if they don't happen, how can we judge these people they started the leading all the things at Naples, you said was a lie: you'd have to shoot up generally speaking forwards and our entire life mommy daddy ice.
Him then all she would have said in your entire life, you can delete public officials, words cases, you you think there lies you can't let you have to let the american people assess them for themselves. Tommy Jefferson said Trot, the american people they will get it wrong from time to time, but in the end they will figure it out. Winced Churchill said pretty much the same thing, the greatest, about Americans is that they will event we get it right after They ve tried absolutely everything else Why are we treated like imbeciles and idiots? Now I tucker you're welcome here at the blaze when they finally start to tell you to shut up about things. If, God forbid, they do. I think, I think Tucker Karlsson, is one of the bravest people in the media today,
he is one of the real truth tellers. I've asked you before to pray for him. I would pray for, everyone who is standing up and speaking the truth. need some divine providence and protection and I don't know how divine it is. I think it's pretty divine but Tucker come to the blue Stevie. Tag Tucker to blaze. Tv is the Glen back proudly
Transcript generated on 2020-11-10.