« The Glenn Beck Program

Failed Parenting Strategies 1/9/17

2017-01-23 | 🔗
-Failed parenting strategies -Dopamine, Adolescence & Virtual Reality-Learning to speak Progressive -The danger of using logic-What role do companies have in understanding their employees? -The key to capitalism-Anyone can become a great singer? Anyone? Yes! -How to speak in public -Young people are searching for meaning -The left's having a tough time with self esteem these days-Are we becoming more and more awkward?-Is 4K TV worth it?-Meryl Streep's anti-Donald Trump speech -Pat now in love with Donald Trump?-Stu and Trump find common ground!!! -How unions chased 'Rocky' out of New York City -Glenn to be on Tucker Carlson tonight-Tucker/Glenn dust up? -The all new GlennBeck.com -The left is melting down -Explaining how Germans let the Nazi reign happen -Understanding how 'group think' happens-'Would you harm a human if you could?" --- 'Maybe.' The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the police. Radio on demand. Individuals and businesses with tax problems. Listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or have unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can sees your bank account. Garnish your paycheck clothes, your business and file criminal charges take control of your tax problems. Now, by calling the experts had tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred, sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five, how America, welcome to the Glinda Programme, it a new weak. A new day. Stew is decided to races with his presence We want to start with millennials the the discussion on millennials. Is there a lazy they tied old site
in setting who is a friend of mine and a very right bright man has diagnosed it perfectly in this interview that we were listenin to earlier today, and we thought he's got it, however, does he have the solution? Future of our country depends on the millennium goals. Who are they and what's happening, beginning right now, the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment places
Glenn wasn't programme celebrity or here, let's go. Let's go with Simon Senate in an interview that he did about millennials in front of a in front of a crowd about what is What is really happening with millennials and how do we reach out to millennials? What do we need to do to get? m fully engaged because there is a sense of entitlement. There listen
the generation that we call the millennials too many of them group, subject to not my words, failed parenting strategies where, for example, they were told that there are special all the time they were told that they have anything they want and life just cause they wanted. They were told some of them got into honours classes, not because they deserved it, but because their parents complained and some of them got age not because they earn them, but because the teachers did want to do with the parents. We start saying: please: I've got where did that failed parenting strategy come from? Where do the word that failed? Who was it Lever overset who, said there was standing against the awards for last place,
in certain service conservatives we're all saying we beg you not to it. This is not gonna work. This is not going to work my got so I think we need to have our lungs. We risk right right, so I The first thing we just need to put up on the chalkboard. Just a just number one on all of America. We would leave behind you guys that, but, but I think I think you would, I think he would answer about it. Ask it to back Simon with the with the stats on that in nineteen forty fourteen point, nine percent of college grades were aged fourteen point. Nine percent today, at forty five point, three percent- that's even worse and in there's just there that they had either that we're Schriner right. I mean think about that, but when he talks about have people on achieving these things without Giving them I mean, there's no way if it's true, there that much smarter than the classes should be harder, there's you should be giving a half the grades and entire, moreover, not just one school or one class, all of college,
Half of them are aims, and we should agree to school system in the world in IRAN around the world, and we don't- and it doesn't happen that way anyway. He goes on to diagnose the problem. Participation. Metals metaphor coming in last night, which the science we know is pretty clear, which has devalues the metal and the reward for those who actually work hard and then actually makes the person who comes in last feel embarrassed because they know they didn't deserve it set out to make them feel worse right. You take this group of people and the graduate school and they get a job and the thrust into an it into the real world and in an instant they find out there not special their mums, can't get them a promotion that you get nothing for coming and last and by the way you conscious have because you want it might and in an instant, their entire self shattered, and you have an entire generation. That's growing up at lower self esteem. The previous generations, the other problem to compounded, is, were growing up in a facebook Instagram
world, in other words, we're gonna putting filters on things good at showing people that life is amazing, even though I'm depressed raced, unfreezing and so notice notice at the first problem that he wrapped all of that up, failed parenting strategies. He wrapped that, up with the diagnosis of what what does he say that all led to sit on such a huge huge from what does he say social media? No, that's the next s. Point number two. Looking for he saddle states or self esteem, the lowest self esteem on record, which is crazy, because all everyone region ever strategy today, is to make them have higher self esteem, but it, but also to bid, fails me because you're, not surely having to accomplish its artificial right. It's artificial right. You can't tell somebody their great when they're not,
if the thin annoyed, that's waiting until they know when somebody is on the tea Annabel when there on that when they are on the team- and they know that nobody's really listening to me, I'm not I'm just on this team, for whatever reason I've got pictures of the boss, people know I'm not making a difference. Nothing. I do is really helping anything. And you have that low self esteem kicks in they want. I hear this from employ after employee after employee. I just want to do something that my it's a difference. So when they're saying Llosa the steam, and when millennials say I want to make a difference, What they're saying is I I have low self esteem. I have to do something That means something. This is what is propelling them. I believe in there boots on the ground kind of activities,
where they say I don't just talk about it. I want to go out and do it. They ve heard the talk about special. They are their whole life. They know they're, not They know, that's a lie and because of that They have low self esteem. So now oh they're really motivated to stop talking about it and go actually do it, but getting there is the hard part. Everybody sounds tough and overly sounds like they got it all figured out and the reality is very little toughness, and most people don't have a figure it out, and so, when the more senior people, so what we do They sound like this is what you got at it and they have no clue. So you have an entire generation growing up and lower self esteem and previous generations right. No fault of their own through no fault of their own right. There were dealt a bad hand now, let's at in technology We know that engagement
Social media and our cellphones releases a chemical called dopamine. That's why, when you get a text, looks good. So you know we've all had it. When you're feeling a little bit down, I'm feeling a bit lonely and see you send at ten text to ten friends. You know hi hi, hi, hi hi, feels good when you get a response why we count the likes? That's why we go back ten times to save, and going if our means that my instagram is growing slower? I what I did. I do something wrong didn't like me anymore. I write the Detroit for young kids to be unfriended right because we know when you get it, you gotta hit a dope made which feels goods. Why we like it? It's why we keep going back to doping. Is the exact same chemical that make feel good when we smoke when we drink and when we gamble, in other words, its highly highly addictive right. We
have age restrictions on smoking, gambling and alcohol, and we have no age restrictions and social media and cell phones, which is the equivalent of opening up the liquor cabinet, saying to our teenagers who, by the way, this adolescents thing if it gets you down, but that's basically which had me. That's basically what's happening right, that's basic haven't you an entire generation that has access to an addictive numbing chemical cadeau mean through social median cellphones as their going through the high stress of adolescence, wisest important, almost every alcoholic discovered alcohol when they were teenagers. But when we're very, very young, the only approval we need is approval of our parents and, as we go through adolescence, we make this transition. What we now need the approval of our peers, very frustrating for apparent, very important for us that allows us to a cultural outside of our immediate families into the broader tribe right. It's a highly highly stressful and anxious period of our lives and we're supposed to learn to rely on
our friends, some people, quite by accident, discover alcohol, numbing effects of dopamine to help them cope with the stresses and anxieties of adolescence. Unfortunately, that becomes hard wired in their brains and for the rest of their lives. When they suffer significant stress, they will not turn to a person. They will turn to the bottle. Social stress, financial stress career stress. That's pretty much. The primary reasons why an alcoholic drinks right what's happening is because we are allowing unfettered access to These dopamine producing devices and media basically is becoming hard wired and what we're seeing as as they grow older. The too many kids don't know how to form deep, meaningful relationships. There will not. Mine stems Jeffrey, say it where migrants, where am I taken the go ahead? That is. That is exactly this. This add fuel to the fire of my concern about gaming. The way its beak.
Done with virtual reality and what is coming it is, it is giving you a full, soon, a fool, sensory gratification. You will get what you want. You want no need for any of no, need for human interaction design. They know how to do it. When the hour thing is perfected: oh yeah, it's it's gonna, be it'll, be the artificial thing they're looking for yes, It's just that sort of thing. So then, what have? How do we not become Japan seriously, Japan? They can't get people to breed. They cannot get people to have sex with one another. Now, I dont know what weird stuff is happening in Japan that stops that, but it not happening in Japan and there that there will be. Any japanese people left you know in a hundred years now the replacement rate is. Is it negative now.
Somebody had negative, almost zero, but it's it's certainly its at an unhealthy level for sure yeah. Its it did it. It is a real it's at a point in the past of appointing passed the point of no return her. So When we do now we're encouraging people, to have relationships. Now Saturday, I heard my son he was in the kitchen. I was in the kitchen and in he was playing, I don't mind, grafter something. He was playing with two friends together and they each had boxes up on the you know up on a screen they were. Two girls that he was playing them with, who are there is friends and I saw a normal interaction. I was, I was listening to them. While I was working in the kitchen and listening the minute sounded like absolutely normal interaction so
the problem with that. I'm trying to defuse myself from being so phobic about that he seems to have normal interaction is just different. It's just not! instead of hers, but he still looking at them now. I think I think it's just what is normal interaction changes it something we ve talked about it's going to a concert and you go to a concert. All you see your phones and every person, like me or older, says the same thing why you experienced the freak show you paid for instead of filming it, but that is how they exe periods? The show they dont experienced show by looking at the shop, they experience this job, I hope up their phone and recording it, so they can post it later that in their experience at a council, markets are starting to push back against. That re was, was Adele
yes, the outer we as you she's out, and would you would you put the phone down and just watch the show enjoy the show, I would say areas to show who cares to check I watched anywhere in seeing my. I will tell you, though, that it I've been here all the time when I meet people we'll go out places he never there's one person if their in there's one person who I never actually interact with, because there the usually apparent standing. With the phone- and there are came to me through the phone or talking to their child through the phone, so we never a guy contact and I always feel bad because I always feel like they were ripped off. You ve never missed vein. Had that personal connection. They do through the phone? What experience it later gland. I know it's weird, it's weird now this last week we talk about the coastal buffers and how they we can hurricanes at landfall. Now scientists are calling this a lucky phenomena,
Scientists are discovering how incredibly prepared mother nature is for dealing with natural disasters by the way did Remember we have to play this thee. What's your name from my in Congress from California. That said, the Sierra Nevada, as soon in like seven years or ten years, she said this about ten years ago, would have snow. The boxer Yams Barbara Boxer, We have to find that because they are about to have twenty feet of snow from the last week in week out they had three. I think three feet drop on you. Sturdy alone, the tunisian entertainment and didn't like this. This is the Glen Back Programme, mercury, in
it was, and businesses with tax problems, listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or of unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can sees your bank account. Arnett your paycheck clothes, your business and file criminal charges taken troll of your tax problems. Now by calling the exports had tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred. Sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five. Trouble eight. Seventy seven back the glad that programme, so we ve been listening to sign in some sense to talk about the the problem the millennials face and really not by their fault They were raised with
bad parenting strategies that many of us have fought against for a long time, and now we realise oh geez, everybody gets a trophy, isn't healthy for society. And so now, how do we get out of If you want to go to his solution, yeah yeah, here's, a solution which leads me to the fourth point, which is environment, which is where taking this amazing group of young. Fantastic kids would just dealt a bad hand, it's no fault of their own and we put them in corporate environments that care more about the numbers and they do about the kids, a sunrise, I'm sorry, it's not corporations responsibility to raise children when there are thirty, two years older, special hello knowledge. I hear about his work I'll get. How long is old unjust, because we, speaking we may be speaking, different languages. So, let's let still there, but referring English weren't. You are speaking, I'm learning to setting a progressive
I'm learning to speak the language you are, that is being spoken all around us. Yes, oh so haughty It is only a progressive way, so he saying here is, I think, your hearing this in a progressive way. I think If I would respectfully knowing him. Yes, I'm. I agree that degrees of work. So let me now say this way. First, Wall Do we generally agree, it is their responsibility to Feeding the world the world doesn't the world doesn't is shaped shift for you right now. I'm gonna have to find their way in yet right. Yes, so, When he says at no fault of their own. You can say? Yes, they didn't You know society raise them their their parents raise them in a certain way, and they were used as guinea pigs to experiment on something that we took all eternal principles and threw them out the window and said hey.
First, is just as good as being last right so through Part no fault of their own, however, once their life's starts to fall apart. It is their responsibility, correct yeah, I mean there's personal response. Ability at every step every step yet long, but when you were a kid ascension and everything in society is training you to go one way you generally, I daresay twilight and all that doesn't make sense. Over your life? You should raise them in rags, of course, but what does it take free? due to re, examine your light, takes a crash. You gotta, you gonna, hit, right autumn. Something has to go wrong. The most common parading something has to go wrong and it could be just as much that I keep getting trophies and I feel like crap. They can get I keep getting everything I want, and I am not happy at all
that's the most likely crash, but that crash will lead to suicide when the crash is coming. Was yes who side some numbers of suicide? Ok, so that a crash is a crash of no self esteem, because nothing is ever given you self esteem because You ve never been taught what self esteem comes from, and that is accomplishment, ok, doing something. Even if it is it's like the one. You know when you go clean, your house or when you were a kid, you cleaned your room. You felt good after cleaning airline, we know you didn't want you to begin correct ears, the thing to be said for accomplishment. So now let me show you what he just said. I think about it's the corporal responsibility. No, it's not, well, yes kind of it is, will go there now
back programme, Glenn Bag Programme, hello and welcome to the programme- glad you're here talking about millennials, but I think this is gonna led to talk about the border and everything else, because in this I was reading something early this morning about a study that was done in the nineteen fifties, that I am I I'm taking the course now on logic and I'm trying to I'm trying to learn. The fundamentals of logic, and it's an online course in the first half of the last paragraph of this on and courses one. You start to see how To use logic morning
you're, gonna, see how it has been unwired and required to make false point logical what we ve seen right and the course- and this was this- done maybe ten years ago, so it has nothing to do with with what's wrong let's recently happening, any said. The professor said, but you have to make promised yourself now you cannot use that way of logic to we in arguments because there's ways that couldn't rewire it because people are people, I read a story from the nineteen fifties about a really important test on crowds and how they, how you can get people just to go along, and it's it's fascinating is that's. What we were doing in the nineties
fifties and sixtys we're still trying to figure out Germany The Germany scoop up and kill all these people might want to look for Russia too, but now how do they do it with without the people rising up and during a stop to erect now same thing, I think, are a much smaller scale is happening with with students, and I don't mean you know, the Holocaust is a smaller scale. I just mean That a away to manipulate logic and away to get people to just go. Huh maybe assist me, is happening, remit remember after that, we read the the headline on Newsweek eight years. We're all socialist now what the slogan of the nine twelve project that got us to the mall with half a million people. What was this but he does wherever we are, we and then we surround them you're, not alone,
we surround them because people were starting to feel like. Maybe it's just me. Is it just me? No, no, it's a game of logic, and it is it's a way to get you to, I feel this way, and so now all of the students are coming out. All the millennials are coming out and they all feel the same way that, generally speaking, that day, they do have low self esteem because they didn't come in first. They didn't really earned the grade mm. Mom and dad got em out of this. They ve never really had to work hard they haven't had any real rules, because the parenting game has changed. And we used our kids as guinea pigs? So now, is it just me? It must not just be me. I don't feel good about this and they dont know how to diagnose, and there is no critical thing. King, that has been taught so they don't know how to find their way out
So Simon Cynic is of a friend of the show and as is had really good diagnosis. Dont think is his solutions are always right, but his solution so far, is a so millennials come into the workplace. It's the workplace that needs to handle this. Now they care more about the short term gains than the long term life of this young human. Being we care more about the year than lifetime Corday start and so, for example, is untold stood. You know, reach out and take care of each and every employee apple is cooperation that sells products and that's their goal, and I disagree Loi people and pay them a real good wage to work there so I do say it is not what it is. Not a corporations function to get into the psyche of each and every employee
it might be there coalition to get the most out of their employees like if you can quit an environment that doesn't hurt your company that helps the company b. Cause you're getting more out of these employees than you otherwise would reject some self? How makes organization, but it's not your job to make them feel fulfilled in there lies a good job on line say so so I course, I therefore actually saying the same thing but you're saying it in a way that someone on the left differently. Yes, someone on the left will not understand they will immediately or it in my company. The number one thing we focus on the number one thing for me is Healthcare yeah. I want to make sure that the people who I work with never have to worry about healthcare, but you're not performing mouth
You're, not you're, not managing to help I no hold on. I am not arguing with you. I'm I'm trying to show, how I can say the same thing. He just said the two to a conservative he's doc talking to a probably a lefty audience. Me say what he just said, which I believe, is not exactly what he meant, but is the right answer a corporation its job because it has share hold It has a fiduciary responsibility for all those teeth there's all those fire people all that the policeman that have all of their money. Wrapped up in and I are re worried mutual fund it has it wrapped up in those companies.
Their first responsibility, is to make money for the shareholders. Now, what's the best way the best way I have found it. As Simon, says, find your. Why why are we in existence if you're in existence just to make money euro you, you might make some money, but it won't necessarily be the greatest product it necessarily succeed, but if or into it, because you know you can t, make people's lives better? Now you ve got something because I know my product, my apple computer, apple, Iphone or my Ipad. I'm building ipads. It's my job to build this Ipad, the best it can be, but why? My building it I'm building As I know, this will make people's lives easier and better and they're gonna love it
and I ve listen to them. Is there anything wrong with. It sounds like a total capitalist, no right, Libya, but that's not capitalist the left thinks we are because, we start out our conversation, that's not their job, that's not their job. We, yes, it is. It is the best capitalist is the one that responds to the invisible hand of the market. And the invisible hand of the market will give you what you want so the best, then you can do as a capitalist is learn who your serving and then serve them and make their life easier better. It's it's really capitalist charity in a way. I make this for a rich person. Within five years everywhere, he's gonna have this tablet on the planet, and so everyone will have and I be able to change the lives in Africa because we were a success
now, let's go to the employees. Please. We ve all worked for companies where you were number one, one, seven, four and nobody cared right. We hate that all of us left and right. We hate that why it's not pick as their sitting down and gone. Ah stew, you're, the best guy ever you didn't want that Would you wanted was to do something of meaning and do it well with a boy of people who have the same kind of spirit is not which one sure right, that's a big part of you wanna be parried, paid a fair wage and treated with respect. Also you can even to I would make the case you'll even take a pay cut. If it's a great place to work, You work for less than you can
worked someplace else, I'm not grape shot great disparity, but you work less. If this places just and you feel like you're accomplishing something and the court Duration shows that yes, Stew, your important to me. And you know what you have worries and you're in your life. I began of the work you guys do. I can make sure that we provide the best health. Before you, and that is the most meaningful thing I can do as a company is take away all of your worries about you get cancer. You have to have your teeth done. You have to go to the doctor, your daughter, your son, all of a sudden, gets cancer. I don't don't you worry about any of it. Just concentrate on what you're doing here I don't want you to worry about, though What were you gonna? Get your lunch? Don't worry about that. We chef here. We're gonna, take care of lunch for Ya
come in and I know we don't do it. You don't have the money, let's have right, let's what Google does and that great good capitalism. I think the line there, though, and I think it's what he said, which is why a reactive that way is, I think it is part of the company's responsibility to try to make an employee fulfilled and their work life. That's part of it, because you want them to be happy and interested, and I regret I do yes, that's all part of it. He said we he reference. Their life is not companies responsibility to fulfil your life, not because I am that is. I feel like a weird target that we're setting. That is not that's nine. I should hood busy is again the idea here of why we're talking about this and the way were moving as a show is Its learn how to talk to one another, and I really think it's why I can have friends Simon and I have a perfectly
careful time. Speaking to one another day, there are things that I dont say the seismic Simon, There are things that I wait to say two Simon because Simon is who lives in New York City, surrounded by people who think like him and so on. He comes down here. He suddenly surrounded by people who don't think like him and he died. Think he realizes he's in the normalcy bias he's he's looking for something normal here. Will this is normal for these half the country. You just don't know that. Until so, you come in here like well, though, no listen, guys, you got this all wrong. No, have my language wrong for your set. You have your language wrong for my half. So how do we talk to each other. By arguing what he just said unless he gets to the point where he is saying something different, but we You can make the same point.
And win the argument we don't argue that it is a company's it's not a company's job, to affect people's lives, because I think our case is so strong? You don't I have to say that it is in our best interest to care about, Employees, it is in our best interest and do not have problems at all, not a problem. It's either trade, probably perhaps like right right, either side right but what happens is we'll get in this argument and we'll get bogged down in This five percent that might believe if no Operation should actually be owned by the state, because that's why you're so evil ass we be five or ten percent of the population everybody else. Lives in that reasonable zone, but they're, not hearing vat from us when Samantha wins Samantha be was down here. She was
She ended up crying in the interview you didn't see. It. I'd, love to I'd love, to take the raw tape of that interview and edit it myself I could show you who she really is she added it to show me who I was. But you just saw her snarking comments during interview if I could? it. I would show you who she is her heart is huge. She just had never met a conservative who also oh believes the same thing that she believes about. Let's rescue the refugees, let's, let's take the refugees who are being sought by ices set I think your point is she actually has thousands of times. She just didn't realize it, because people writing is if relying correct justice surrounded by people like her who are being,
or telling her all the time and constantly we're reinforcing by our language that that's not important in our list or see her show and think she's liar because of the way she treats conservatives correct during the rest of the show. She doesn't He knows it and I dont she's, not thinking of things like she's still trying to entertain. As we, but she is doing so surrounded by in the New York attitude, so she surrounded by we're right, they're, wrong and yet She told me in their interview. I've never met an American. I dont, like she just needs to understand we're right in she's wrong or examine what will be the worse, the or listening to the Glen Bag Programme. Program doesn't really great phone calls on those living up to its top the hour as we talk about millennials? I will take
That is, I don't think, all millennials, it's really unfair to put people in a group and say all millennials or that ours is. I was looking around the room at the camera people in any and all the people who do the show most of em aren't like that. They're, not they're they're, not that you know and give it to me lazy, I dont know I am coming to me. I don't know anybody here. That's like that. Besides doing its This is an area that when he says that I've ever millennial about em is he's been alive, Maloney Millennials, I think what make a difference and they Do you not know even why they want to make it because they instinctively no haven't burned anything yet
Bank programme mercury. This is the police, radio on demand, they jewels and businesses with tax problems. Listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or have unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can sees your bank account garnish. Your paycheck close your business and file criminal charges take control of your tax problems now by calling the experts had tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred. Sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five Erika. I welcome that the global programme. We won't talk a little bit about the down.
Simply brewing scandal of George Michael Weird, time line and excuse from his boyfriend. What happened that night, doesn't seem to be adding up we'll talk about that. And it also we ve been playing some audio from a guy named Simon Senate, who is find your. Why and he is the best I think he has pinpointed the problem that millennials face. More or better than anybody else. However, not sure about his solutions on that. About millennials and we want to bring in another friend, Roger love right now. Everybody is learning how to text. How Everything virtually No one is learning how to interact one on one. No one is learning how to speak and speak publicly.
Roger love is an amazing expert. I want introduce you to him right now. The fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glen, Whatever the programme, Roger Love, author of a new book sent your voice free rudder. Are you there I am here and happy to be here when you do me a favor and just tell me quickly the story. I think it's of walk the line where the EU that, where the that leave the two actors walking Phoenix end, these Reese Witherspoon.
Really we're having a hard time and there were six weeks left and they locked into your office in you talk about that little absolutely. The story starts with. Neither of them knowing when they accepted the roles to star in walk the line to play Johnny Cash and to play June car cash that they were You're going to have to thing because neither of them think of themselves at that point in time as singers. So I get the call from Greece and The two of them together have to record about thirty, some odd parts of songs- and so I start working every day and trying to make war came thing like that. I'd, Conic, Johnny Cash is no easy.
Beat, but you think tank cash. He is an amazing actor and end the discipline that both of them had to go from working with me and starting is not really singers too, to doing an incredible job in the film. I look at that as being one. The greatest collaboration in my life, something that I'm sunup, something that I am very very proud of, because the result was but she wanted gotta me ward for singing role and he won multiple awards for singing role and where we started three or four weeks earlier was not very much great thing. It was really the seriously was three weeks working with you three weeks about every day for a few hours ago, read me I
Some of these pictures that I do like crazy, hard or beginning it. I wish they would give me more time, but quite often, I'm thrown in at the last minute to say, hey watch, can you make this person who's, not really singer sound incredible. So let me ask you this question. Over the weekend I set out with one of my daughters, and I said, let straw mountains together with Sis draw. We know something let me see a picture and she said that I don't have any talent at all. I said you can, you can draw and she said no. I can't the gene didn't pass to me and I said yes, it did cuz we're not talking about jeans. I just paint what you see and say so or just raw. Would you see so she drew and it was very simple mountains and looked like a kids drawing Then I went back and I said, honey just draw with me now. See this part over here see it looks like this here's how you can do it her painting
or have hurt. You know oil You know her master gach yeah, her masterpiece. It went from We know third grade to twelve grade. Just by seeing the technique- and I contend that Eighty per cent of that you know an artist, is just learning how to do it. That too, Eight percent is what makes you a star, but everybody can pretty much do what they don't think they can do the same with singing or not. Yes, we think that we are born with a particular voice, singing speaking all of a sudden. If we're thinking happy birthday and we sound better that everybody else and we get the first piece of cake, we think we were born with talent or, if we Have this nasal voice or really software are accurate, aggravated some kind of weird voice. We think we're stuck with it, because that's the sound
that is coming out of the mouth, but I've spent my life showing people. How simple it is to take what you like about your voice and what you don't like about your voice and add a little bit of technique and then sound like. However, you want so even a singer, who is born with an amazing ability that mother Nature gave them if they don't work on their voice. If they dont decide. I want to sing I love to thing. Then they never become great and those people that were maybe born with a little less from mother nature. If they work a little harder and have that technique, they can ofttimes end up sounding better than the people that were born with a gift card. So let me take, let me take it one more step. We were I can but millennials and how nobody is learning how to talk to each other. Now that everything is virtual, certainly
but he is learning how to stand up in front of a crowd and speak your book talks about that is well. What's the difference difference is- and this is crazy, can you imagine in the world that we're living right now that the number. One fear in America is still speaking in public life, an amazing world. We must live on, live in if everyone is the most worried about speaking in public and what I realized after about seventeen years of just working with famous singers, was that there was no difference between singing and speaking and that I could take someone. Peeking voice and add a musicality to it and have it sound incredible and those sounds would move people emotionally when they heard someone speak and once once you have, those kind of sounds come out of your mouth and you
do you that you have influence over people that when you open your mouth, it's like your singing someone's favorite song and all you're doing begin, you lose a lot of stage fright lose a lot of fear of speaking in public stories like you, because you end up with he was out of your inviting you can't wait to show off. I know that my son had to speak in church, and so I worked with him on his tall and were, and I had him, go, find a joke that he wanted to tell the beginning. You know some sort of deal and I worked with him on the joke. We practise in practice actors and I knew the minute he got- that instant reaction. That was positive back if you Just do that. One thing right and really pull that off: he would like to speak. He is terrified of speaking now I can. I can put him anywhere in he get up and start talking. So I love that story. If I go to,
restaurant or you go to a restaurant, and you don't think you're funny and you tell a joke and everyone laughs. Next time. You having dinner the following week at a restaurant, maybe you'll bring out that same joke, maybe another one, and if they laugh by that next time you had a restaurant. You think that you're the funniest person at the table, so you can't wait to be funny because you see how people react to you and that's what I help people do just was speaking to create sounds that people react to Positively, so that you can't wait to communicate whether your speaking to one person or whether you speaking two thousand people have to be honest with the audience. The reason why Rogers ON is because I believe in his work so much because I am a client of Rogers. He has brought me to a place to where you know I was in what the doctors was, is full vocal cord paralysis, and he has brought me out of that and help me
retain my my voice. You have brought me from not being able to say a word to being able to speak with my regular voice within twenty minutes and many I tell says, that's, not possible. Well, that is a joy. That I could be a part of that and be a part of your family. So, thank you for that opportunities. The thing is: is that for years I've been saying that the that down you make, are either making you healthy and happy they're making you on healthy. So how do you know? How do you teach this in a book rudder because it's not just that It's a book that goes along with a website that has seventy five audio samples and everything that I talk about in the book you. You also have me making the sounds
and then you're thinking along with me speaking, along with what you did for me and you made the little tapes for me. You ve just use the is a guinea pig for your book. So this is so is basically the same thing that you ve done for me exactly right, the same thing that I've done for you and for singers. Like like Belgium, air and and and flowing gomes this past year, in an any and speakers like Anthony, Robinson and Susie. Anyone that's having an issue with their voice and then and that I've realise that I could help them with a little bit a technique that would I would make their voice healthy and then make it a lot more can use and a lot more fun to listen. I tried to explain what you do to a friend of mine who came up for Christmas name is David Oarsmen, I'm sure you ve reassure you recognize
name is David on a phone stated on the phone in Europe. Yet David are you there? I'm here can hear me yeah can but David meet Roger Roger me, David. Your morning, David man, the legends Abyss Roger so nobody, so I asked David come on. Because I could not explain to him what you do. David explained the situation I've been performing, my entire life singing from so many different walks of life and as far as music, goes and continue, things to do that and now that I'm hosting tv shows and and have a new big band going, music and voice is constant, and I guess I noticed something was up this last fall. I could just feel something in my voice
I'm so connected to it, and I approached my uncle daddy, who had had some vocal challenges over the last couple years. He said check out this guy. Maybe she got you get it looked at and she was gone. I sure enough found on the left side of by a vulgar fold, this sizeable Paul it that is just right on the under side and and had focal surgery just to get that removed after different assessments and figuring out. What I need to do so I litter about a month ago had focal surgery. Forget that remove and it is, it is scary, having to go down there and have this surgery procedure done where you, knowing that it yet life, but this is what I do and they didn't know for sure if you ever be able to sing again. So I, Add to him, you ve gotta talk. Roger Love, not for we know not for you, no physical stuff but two,
to heat. I don't know how you do it Roger, but you can hear it in somebody's voice when they said less tell the audience in and I'm on a fleet just talking again this week this last week, because I was silent for the last month. Complete Bogle rest man said thank you for sharing that look. Let me tell the listeners that that so that they understand a little what that is, if you're a guitar player and you're always plainly it are any rubbing your fingers agenda strings and even go ahead Roger what happens if your guitar player in your rubbing her your fingers against the strings, and you play a lot. You basically start to develop like taluses on your fingers, so that the body thinks it's protecting so the doesn't rub off your your fingers and you don't get. I can't hear to its norm tar players, but what most people don't understand if this happens all the time singer,
and if you were singing a lot or if you're doing any kind of straining or your singing hard songs or even if your speaking in a way that create a little bit of pressure on the vocal courts, the body can create these little league, and these little growth on the vocal courts. Thinking it's protecting you well, it's actually destroying the the voice. A broader I gotta take a quick break I went to see if we can fix this technically, because he can't hear you, but I had to put you to together because David is I just think David is one, is just remarkable and a really nice guy, you who are remarkable in a really nice gonna have to get you to together. If you want to learn from The guy who literally everybody whose anybody he has worked with how to speak? How to sing his name is Roger love? He's got a new book out called set your voice free how to get the. Singing or speaking voice that you want? I work with him and have for years
is truly remarkable. Roger love set your voice free available everywhere. Now back in a minute. The glad that programme mercury in. It was, and businesses with tax problems listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or have unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can sees your bank account. Garnish your paycheck clothes, your business and file criminal charges taken troll of your tax problems. Now by calling the exports had tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred. Sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five. This is the case. It will keep your whole help, while the new programmes are Gub Gub busy. I could the phones to work where they were
most work: my apologies to David Roger, but dollar On the phone with each other in their actually to talk to each other in that's the that's the important thing the name of the book is set your voice free by your love and I sat there with with David oarsmen, and he just looked at me and you know just quietly said scary. It's really scary to I'll, never sing again. You know- and he has a mass and has been He'S- had a really really tough year, so his em ass flares up, he gets a pall up on his vocal cords. He's got a new wife and family. You know it's not that I mean they're bustin the he's bustin his but to make ends meet scattered, knew. Why
he tried it in the old one guy Trinity yeah, she was getting some high miles, are now all she's, but you know what it's a young fellow they ve been married, what seven years or so near it yesterday. Can you believe this seventeenth anniversary for my wife and I well Seventeen years C is gone by so fast that raising address by rain. Uneasy I mean, and that would have been a bad to take she's gonna stick around this long and what are the odds you gotta No, I don't want it wherever you ever have been very well very well, meaning very well meaning what about the next twenty five years, the next forty years, I'd still taken sums by, but at some point she's gotta pull your saying: she's gonna pull the Jew, I think even goldmine would say even that's a better asthma, and thank you for that Nicaragua. So, let me go back to the millennial conversation that we are having
and that is millennials. Are walking into their job, many of them. With very low self esteem and safe zones and never been challenged, and told the lever, be hurt. All lies All of those things lies thinking. It's just going to be easy. You get the trophy there were king in with with low self esteem because they got the trophy and they No, they didn't deserve the trophy you're, not so special. You know billions of people alive. If today more tomorrow- and if before you that we're pretty special. You know it's what who do that's gonna make you a special make? You stand out
Let's go to Josh in Indiana, go ahead, Josh, waiting to take him at all. You bet you're millennial, twenty four years old, so they took me. You know I was too certainly agree. He coddled and didn't really know it at the time, and you my parents are doing their best, but I think it the languages, afraid of real life. Third, hey! You know, I'm! So almost four year and now that the drugs bailed out of college move back, did the only thing but Finally, the urban longtime affair of your programme- to learn a lot of lucky the hard way, but I think what yeah loyally, if we need strong american value Josh hold on cause, I want. I want to delve into the your story just a little bit more back in a minute.
The Glenn programmes. This is a clear sign up for that was later and get all the you for. You need to know what glad that dog I must go back to. The judge is a millennium. How will twenty five Josh days, Delier yeah you twenty five, twenty four, twenty four? and you were raised like pretty much everybody else was raised. You know your special and here's your trophy and everything else, and then you said that caused a breakdown in you started index alcohol and drugs, The thing about it is that he has been holding is ill a lot of the generation, the millennium. We are looking for a while. Our purpose in high school but that's not real life in college and note that
so not realising. So it takes me alive. And the sword out. What's reality was not reality? What do you mean by that that it's not real life? Oh, you know it in high school, He the whole different system in college, your so different, and then you get out in the real world and you start paying bills and beginning we state or two a m on the weekend and party. Live that kind of lifestyle, and so for me, I got into drugs. I'll go at a young age. Do that an end is really took a year ago, So then what turn Europe? Because we were talking about this- that I don't believe that and they said real abroad generalization. Of course, there will be. Exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking, people don't make a change in their life until there is a problem You know they millennials are walking into the world
with the lowest self esteem of any generation. Ever and it's because they realize or kind of a fraud. We didn't actually earned these trophies. We did if there really work for it, and so they are looking for something meaningful in their life. What was the. What was the turning point? Are you and how did you ve rabble hold of your life? Sure yes me. It was your hitting rock bottom getting kicked out of my my parents house. Having the how they make it on my own, but it's tough loved. Another word: that's what the Americans It is to provide for the millennials whether if the parents or the corporations yields it's a good shakedown and for me I had to fall back on good values american guys, my parents, that they try to teach me, but I do basically reject
a lot of the outer stuffy rearing college aroused a few here in high school, and so your parents finally Ok, you ve been here long enough. You need to go there and and and where'd you go. I move down to a halfway house myself. Did you really have stated here to stay? over Goody meetings, why Waffle House get a job, Wendy's Why my own bill than the latter? haven't by twenty four years old, her. That's you ve been through some stuff for you. So are you? Are you? Are you making it now? Are you doing well I'm in school full time. I hold a full time, job myself, self employed and looking to get my degree here and get a job and healthcare filled, and what good luck and I thought it is. What is hunters esteem.
You know I had to find my own purpose. It's a lot better now we know now that I'm sober in them. They have cloudy judgment anymore, but I think it's just gonna take some time for a lot of millennials to define their self worth in. They get on their own and we don T for we don't need be caused by a body of the good get shake up is really was needed. A few drops Thank you. So much, consequently check in with us again I'd love to hear how you you continue to do thanks so much Josh survey, big travelling, half my house, man, that's tough, ass, tat, love! as a result of star see I'm willing to do the being bag chairs and the no offices in all of that Alcott, but I've. Never. We know we know we know you were willing to do the new offices. We are aware of mistake. We worry when we got it so unwilling to do I'm willing to do that, but I am not willing to coddle I'm not as a company willing to cattle. Now it will look. Danger the times. Will you know I like that atmosphere by better as a creative atmosphere?
However, you still Do it right, Do you don't do it right? You can't I'm not, you can't stay. No, you can't stay right. You heard everybody else if you upset or don't you gotta go, we re able to. Maybe you now shut down for the day, no Europe pretty much heads theirs. Interesting Frida everybody also crap out and out how you're pretty much Let me give you can get out. A couple of these things are unable to being backed chair here. How is the left dealing with the current environment? Yeah? Ok, difficult. These are non millennials, but look at this. It is amazing to see this, it so easy to mark. But maybe there's something deeper here: ok for your first instinct is damaged by first instinct asked him. How can I am trying to be good? Eric Alt holds house he. This is his tweets derived from this weekend I'm starting my eleventh year working on climate change, including the last for daily journalism. Today, I want to see a councillor about it,
I am saying this because I know many people feel deep despair about climate, especially post election. I struggle every day. You are not alone how much the struggle over the weekend when it was eleven degree to Dallas, tabularly, freakin cold, and I have made our so called first instinct also is to buy your hats, no definite right, and I'm not saying it's not necessarily healthy instinct, not ignoring that instinct right right. All these, I want a mock and react vis. May I re, I say my fifth instinct is to say. You would feel that way had who been living in the last eight years in that bubble of its always going to be this way. Our side win one shot up, everybody who disagrees with us. The other party is a regional party that harassment and other national age and now you're feeling like we felt.
So I can relate to you. So let me give you the so. This is one way of handling it. He says there are days, were I literally can't work I'll, read a story and shut down for the rest of the day. How often do we, Beam stories that piss off ok, then Send us. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this: every day, let me ask you this. We're sitting here today. What is in January, six, eight nine, nine January diamond. We're sitting here January Ninth- and we are just a few days away from the Hillary Clinton nomination by January- Ninth- you mean to tell me that you draw from it if she wants. Lightner yeah I bet you there'd be a lot of people in our audience. Who would be like? I can't I can't funk trying to build that's true. I do and maybe look how willing we're in twelve, they wouldn't go see. We have saved or Obama
Why is that nobody shuts down? I mean no one, each redheads, I love. I think that if I weren't republicanism go and conservatives will deal with these problems at different weights lie liberal way to handle it. Is you go and you shut down and is in any case the counselor about it? That's how it conservatives gonna handle. It means there are another conservatives, including me that after Romney in twelve I was like- I don't know this country I want to look at it is we as you to do too there's a lot of people who said I'm, I'm I'm plug I'm out about. Now that's the same is shutting down and not being able to work. But obviously to the news for while, though, you are going to work you're going to do our work, Vaz, a climate change activist
That's it you're doing every day I could see. You say why am I doing the same job to begin? We are ok, that's bringing people together, that's good like like it and those who goes on to say we don't deserve this planet. There are, These days, when I think it would be better off without us, ok and then he says usual islands deny or trolls what I think is a site that members were accused of, and I dont think the world would be better off without humans, so instead yeah, and he goes. I mean it's a fairly lengthy thing, but he says I don't feel it can make a difference, which is what you're talking about with any old and what we felt like nobody is listening to me. I can't make a difference. You feel powerless. You feel like nothing matters. Your relationships suffer, you feel guilty for not doing more, but what the hell am I supposed to do right, another blog post, our secretary of State as the Effing Exxon, CEO.
As far as that is the mob. Think of how we felt when people like Jeremiah right we're We are also seeing with Bronco Mass and they want some three embrace that regime. Yes- and you had this guy who was saying you know the ito where we need to cling to our God and our guns at the time, the United States. How many times did I say seriously, I'm gone about we're not what we're doing not make damned initially, that's an ongoing amount that there's nothing different from what he is saying. Is the other side, so we can laugh right. And ass. We shouldn't do does The others tat s like I know we shouldn't, but I'm going to win anything then allow our just remarking that guy or some other approaches to our hearing. I don't really get to as well
You want to see landline if you're coming to Texas, you can trace of Mercury studios in dollars, for taking a blemish. Television shows too, is at your feet. Email tickets have Glenn backs up com with your information. That's ticket at Glenn, back so pulse. Mercury. Cs the glad that programme and we gotTa Rebecca in Ohio, hello, Rebecca Yonder glimmered programme, go on our area. How are you very good, so I worry that Poland has actually the interview that you had been arm sharing. I had actually seen a few days. The girl and now only am. I am alone you, I'm twenty five years old, but it also senior said therefore, and I think that many of the issues that you guys I'm covered today are arse Oh, I guess I didn't notice them until it was brought to my attention over them
a few years I've been doing the same photography and it seems like year after year, the communication, during the session when I'm trying to talk with my client has. Come less than last, and so, when I'm you know photographing MA am I'm trying to get to know them the kind of stare down at their feet. They don't know it say their becoming more awkward and at first I thought. Maybe it was just me: maybe I'm not catering to them in a certain way, but then afterwards they would contact. On social media and go oh, my gosh. I love my session and they would greatly over me review and I'm thinking. Oh, I don't know, I thought that went horrible, but I guess that they find their confidence in the technology and they find themselves expressing themselves better, through technology and social media more than even in Person
I can rarely get eye contact while as disturbing hosting and disturbing were like you know in I started in two thousand and ten and is simply this year has been the worse. Now I love them. The deaf they're all very sweet I'm. There actually a lot better than the teenagers where I grew up with when we were there age, they they aren't caddy anymore they're, not so critical on their actually very the loving hand there very understanding and stuff. But it seems, like you know, leg you guys had been saying they their confidence through social media, it seems like maybe they can express themselves better that way. Well, it's it's a safe zone they know they now they know they won't encounter any kind of push back and they don't know how to say the things to people's faces it's you know it's eleven to develop that at all
You know there's no there's so when they get the push back, didn't want to hear it and that's why they're developing safe zones in colleges right right, that's being empowered, I think they would take it if the adults in the classroom would say sorry dude. Let us wait is that our life fight back right do come on. Do you know she shall go? The other saw anymore right now, you're, not making it ok anymore, to be wrong and to listen and to be understanding. It's like that's an embarrassment and that's awkward. It's like you have to be perfect and all aspects, and that's why I want social media they can. They can delete that picture. They can be no barrier based on their message before they send or post or anything like that. Is amazing, I got a picture book from my daughter who has my two grandchildren for Christmas and I looked at all the pictures and they were beautiful, and I mean this is perfect. Then I went by
he looked at some of the pictures you know from our family, Very few of them are perfect. Anyway. There, usually somebody looking very dorky in the picture. It's real life? That is why what we are failing to teach is there isn't a photo shop for life programme This is the police radio on demand.
They jewels and businesses with tax problems. Listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or have unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can sees your bank account. Garnish your paycheck clothes, your business and file criminal charges take control of your tax problems now by calling the experts had tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred. Sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five. So, let's start with a few things. First of all, this incredible story out of Chicago than we told you about last week, where we were, millennials pick up this handicap, And indeed on it I'm having a hard time with the CBS story, because it doesn't sound like the same story that we all saw last week will give that to you here in injustice. Second, also,
did anybody wants a golden globes reunited? Anybody turn them on believe it or not have tried to training. It's for minute. Why? Why I I wanted to see what movies we're going to get a war ones. You haven't seen it turns out that way, things that requires out that way, every time and lo and behold so did some of the speeches given. Of course that's why we did
watch it. We didn't want. We begin there right now, the fusion of entertainment and didn't like him- and this is the glen- had watched it. Now we find out the real reason why Pat Watch loves. His wife gave him and I mean a nice tv. I don't know where, where this one came from, she gave him a big for pay tv so you're just watch anything that's involving its work on there, and so I this is so
gloves came on, and I worry that rules to be a non Jennifer Lawrence order D for K, and but I I had lasted about ten minutes, did they did they look different? in four areas, even everything like X, Ray vision. You can see their underwear tomales here, it's not eventually everything's. So much clearer. Is that much more vivid? You know how blurry rig or tv standard television looks now when you have to get it, it's the same from each of did for K it those of us that automatic worryingly dramatic tell us how blurry this bird swords really blurry, so do they look better worth around the same? They look we're they look better now than they did be well, it depends on who, Look at you sleep. Like always. My Galway making the consumer when HD came out. I remember thinking like I was gonna beat the system and I don't care about the stupid aid.
Diesel. What it looks a little bit better, I'm going to buy. Now I can save a lot of money on these standard definition ones. You can pay nothing for him and spoiled. So I think it was the smartest thing in the world and it's amazing. It comes to the point that we have on your cable system a thousand channels, eighteen of them are in hd and those the originals. I would willingly ones I watch in this and when that transition happen now it's probably the same thing with with a fork K. I've seen it yet, I would even say I've seen it displayed by isn't it. I haven't I received an invite them over and its its dramatic its dramatic really because it just doesn't, but I'm not gonna, why you're going to buy one until it's like eight hundred bucks. Well done at train before you are not being filled again. Anything is not that much is broadcast right now. We're ok, so TAT, the golden globes you get, the Oscars you'll get the Superbowl you'll get the hell out of the big events by and some stuff on, Netflix their new stuff is
generally forecast. Thirdly, frigging internet, I think the crown is in for K. Is it and some of the other, though you might watch the crown something about watching a really good one, the golden Globe last night. Now it's really good. It's it's it's pie, It was always are anything. Is there anything? Last night, you know You should know about me because I didn't they ignore the narrow street thing s front on the private schools was so agonizing, Emulous So Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. We kick them all out. May I first say: there's no, a in the word foreigners started foreigners. It's for say I will have nothing to watch, but football and martial arts, which does a lot of people seriously? I didn't know I had already called the trumpet ministries and I'm trying to be part of that,
the you know the national endowment for the arts. I was hoping we can. Of all of them need to the amendment that was there and by the way are on offer. Merrill has seen this, but if you see the tv ratings they already are only watching. Thank you yeah you to notice this, but like the top five, the tub of six shows every single week are the NFL and you honestly do care that a mother best shows on television. Our army the in England or made in Vancouver BC, no care, I dont care, and also I've noticed a few tat. Maybe you can back me up on this. A few people of color and not foreigners in sports, shares the view of what it's weird I've noticed in the NFL. It's not all white people, not all white people. In fact, when we still seem to love watching it, it's almost as if her point is completely inane pragmatists at this and also Trump didn't even say that trumps shut Talkin about kicking out all
Foreigner trouble is Hollywood. Greetings I mean there's no I've been outside of Reagan, probably a precedent that was more closely aligned with Hollywood Donald Trump. Next arabian right. So I mean I don't you you brought it on yourself right now, that was roused. Driver may turn thy through the gentle immediately. I couldn't I, save me? She made me in law, Mcdonald problem. I wanted to go back in time and vote for him, not just once put multiple times and I wasn't begins up so think of these people. I agonizing one hundred percent agree with Donald Trump on what he took today, which is a much more difficult stand, then saying Merrill Streets Idiot when she makes a political speech. He stands to take the tough one and the true one.
Is that Merrill Streep sucks as an actress, not speaker not as a political theorist inhabitants more with every bore? No thank you package. You so oversee raised, thinks he's overrated Trump tweeted it. Today. I've been saying it on his shoulder. How many things not did she really is the most overrated says about everybody is right on this one and given cracked one is right on replies that right, she stinks hopefully correctly recognised that she's terrible. They made admirable the I mean made her out too the queen. Of course they always did they discover the awards before she even does the movies but she's arable and its it. Finally, we have a president back and recognise that
We re not in our view that the gods, though, do I look like drops out there. We got married Streep, several Singapore Valjean Overrated actresses in Hollywood. Does nobody but attack last the go, the gloves she's a Hilary flunk? You lost big. Yet we are Hilary last beggars or work is merely on the important liberalism in particular more. But who cares I am one hundred percent with them on this on this point, and I am happy to celebrate it, I'm crazy. They don't, even though they don't even They don't even recognize the rot in their own state. They don't recognize why why? Why are you not paying people in California to do your food catering to pick you up. Why do you have to lie to someplace else, your houses in California. Why do you have to fly someplace else to do it? Why is duck dynasty done in
Louisiana during the know how they found TAT dynasty, you know how that came to be from the firms. Captain send A and senators from the state which, by the way, pulled out of Louisiana added for Louisiana, say we're gonna make this the most the EAST his place to do movies and television you fill. Anything here. We're gonna, give you a huge tax break. Ok, so they do the producers, don't say: hey, there's these guys Louisiana that are great producer, say, go to Louisiana and find a story that might be a show, and this happened throughout history Mean Rocky was, if I, if our fellow member, story right was initially and New York story. It will. You know it's so associated with Philadelphia writer, but it was a kind of a New York story was supposed to be filmed large portions of it into your butt. Because of unions. They went to Philadelphia.
El unions, and I know that they found a more willing environment in they had a lot of it. They still had like at one of the reasons they developed. The steady, came and use the steady Camelot for that was because, by their telling at least because they basically had to run around in hide from people where they weren't supposed to be shooting of which were anything at all, but that these things duly two innovations and you see I mean this is Hollywood at its mode out of touch and everyone was tweeting and facebooking about how this is why Trump One, because they see people like Merrill Streep with these attitudes and an intriguing everyone out there If the country in this way and it so annoying, even when I don't like Donald Trump over four, because it's just sell Sicilian longer it is it is. It is understanding that everyone in this room is right, even though people in that room, the aren't all lockstep.
But they ve silence those people so everybody in this room is right and we are now being broadcast all around the country. So now Tell all the little people I mean it is Norma Desmond. Oh you little people out there in the dark they just they believe we're stupid And so there's no way we're ever going to listen to one of your points, while you telling us we're still pay. I've got great examples of this too. You're stupid, don't let's football in Amman, that's not the I mean I think that was written as funny line, but she delivered it maybe because she's about actress. Yes, delivered it as a slam in everybody's face like we don't know, that's not art, and now this told you last week through my: back out and one of the reasons. Why is because, as way from my Casper mattress for they removed
You are in a very sitting there and you move you you ve made another chair. I ll tell you silly, we warn you, I don't know how many times don't move, because you gotta be careful, don't move and you moved. I know this makes you guys feel good some way. I don't I'm just not sure how good, but you left me into the clan background, Glenn Back Programme, mercury.
Individuals and businesses with tax problems, listen carefully. If you owe over ten thousand dollars in back taxes or have unfair tax returns, we can help you take back control. The IRS is the largest and most aggressive collection agency in the world, and they can see your bank account aren't as your paycheck clothes. Your business and file criminal charges take control of your tax problems now by calling the exports at tax mediation services at eight hundred six hundred. Sixteen forty five that eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five eight hundred six hundred sixteen forty five. The programme is eighteen: seventy seven with public exposure, overdone Tucker, never watched any of that proposal fails, or Or see them on the air many times not seen him on the air, but it s not little bit of a dust up fairly recently, if I remember correctly,
It's what you guys it I'm a little! Did he it wasn't. A big deal are now being, but it was interesting. You're going out to show I didn't I didn't was, if I may not out of it and you dont care, but sometimes these media things blow up and stuff Oh, I'm I'm hoping I'm just going on his show tonight because he's asking for a long time, and we ve been saying no and said I too big night for him and if there's a way I can help him and from the initial I think that's great. I have no idea what he wants to talk about. If he's gonna get into a dust up, it's gonna be an interesting, How did I mean? Listen, I'm you guys, obviously do we of the vast majority of issues will we see this week, I've done the new Glenn backed outcome that appears to exist. I hope nobody does appear good, that I have just set out there.
I've already line yeah all new redesign, but it's it's more than that will be rolling things out. It's it's a whole new platform and it's gonna be doing some special things as we start to roll them out over the over the next few weeks and months. But we some really big ideas for it and in check it out. It should be a lot easier to navigate and while we are on the idea that we are in the Middle street thing and how the left is reacting, he sought with moral street we talked other guy earlier, a climate guy who's going into therapy and is having problem, shutting down and ruining relationships because he's so depressed about the climate and how we're not acting, maybe two other ones. This is a guy from face should enjoy the snow. I hope it will just happen and they believe we're battles are due to identify the real work, for this is a guy from thing progress. I wanted a shared experience from earlier today. This is from a couple months ago this afternoon I had a plumber over to my apartment, fix a clog during there's a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional.
Also a middle aged white man with a southern accent. Oh no seemed unperturbed by the election news and why had him at the apartment? I couldn't stop thinking about whether he had voted for it whether he knew my last needs is Andrew. Their visits end with the plumbers head in the refrigerator it is, it is there. I just tell you does to devour him later category whether he knew The last name was jewish and how that knowledge? might change the interaction we were having inside my own homes. I have no real reason to believe he was a trump supporter or an anti semite, but it might certainty. I couldn't shake. The sense of potential danger, listens. I was rattled for some time after that. Ok, hang on just the same thing. Progress is something that is called all of Us Conspiratorial B Because we believe that the economy is not what they're telling us and were headed for trouble, we're a conspiracy, theorist but
This guy, who brings a guy in whom he knows nothing about all of a sudden, is a fur, is afraid that he's some NEO Nazi, that's gonna, kill him uneasy old for some time he would he your guy leaves he goes on to say that he's very privileged because he is still straight white guy. Who can pass for gentle but he says even if Trump is gone and for years I don't expect every claim that feeling of security that just more thing. You voted for. If you voted for him, that's another way of hand. Look at how all this time on that one that what we should reach out to him and and talk to him and say to what. Why would you paint every Trump supporter as that somebody stun? While I mean I think he
if we now again like my first instinct, is to monitor motive back that up and say that I think he's trying to admit something. That's probably uncomfortable! Yes in that, like you know it That is probably how a lot of people on the left field. So here's the thing: here's here's, the promenaders. Why I'm I'm trying to react this way is because I remember how we felt I remember how we felt no eight and again twelve and the worst thing they could do us was mock us and laugh at us. Because they were real feelings. These guys are going through these real feelings. I dont relate to them far. As you know, did you know that the plumber is suddenly going to do no build a gas chamber underneath your sink and put you in because you're jewish? I don't think that's going to happen. However, that would there feeling is real and I can relate to the feeling of have this is bad news and he'll silence. People who you know, I don't agree with him,
That's why we felt were Barack Obama. I can Wait till you feeling that way about Donald Trump, and you made this point before too. It is important to get yourself into a point your point that you're not letting some official Washington control your life, no! No! No! No! We can't do that as individuals. We have to come together as individuals and say see how scary that is. We felt that for- last, eight years now, you're feeling it now, no press you have so much control that why we need the constitution right. It's there by the government. Philosophy is right, but also with the personal philosophy I mean you're, making choices to allow these things to be seriously yes alive. People in this room in this audience have made choices that way as well. There have been those is what we have all been. Maybe we don't handle it this way, but word as despondent, oh yeah, as some of these few has, should I go back to the archives, show the shows where we were absolutely. You were MR doomsday.
Last year you or the low rate that hasn't changed one bit, but We have to admit that is how we felt it is it. Is it honestly this is. This is the one that's becoming most offensive to conservatives and it's the one I can most relate to a crazy. Why? this is a woman who wants to tell everyone what Middle America can do to get more jobs in their area? It seems like a nice Yeah yeah, I says one thing Middle America could do- is realised that no educated person wants to live in an S whole with stupid people especially violent, racist end or massage earnest ones. When big corporations think about word but call centres, factors of factories. I think she meant I've centres etc? They also have to deal with the fact that those towns have nothing going for them. No infrastructure, just a few, a few bars and terror, the school system. So if you want jobs, clean up your hands and make your town a place that people like us want to live in Fiber internet make it a point to it. Progressive City Council commit to not being bigots of my life.
Those on and on and on, and why, but I mean that's like an anger reaction. Would again, while this is offensive in a horrible and obviously still had those sang moments, indifferent, we did exactly as it happens. I guess it's human back in just a minute. The coming back programmes. Where do the programme, so I want to go over there, there are the reactions of those on the left, that are better they're not they're, not able to process the fact that Hillary Clinton did not win and Donald Trump. Did win and they are now, the on despondent
still was reading the the blog posts. That is is probably I would say most like you interpret it That is the way you would react in every acted at times yeah me when you just get down to an you're just like I can't take it. I can't take it anymore. I can't take these whatever the liberals progressive whatever we're talking about that day. Sometimes I hit that moment where I can no longer just tat their arguments and UK it's possible to lash out otherwise possible. I there's not this thing floating around about me. You demonstrate myself, it's run level. Yes, but she's, talking about how, if you want jobs Middle America make your towns not so button filled with racists. And make it so big corporations want to move their because smart people like me, this woman, saying Well will actually go live that rural lifestyle, if, if you don't ruin it with you know you being you
she goes on to say I guarantee many of us would like to lay arrogant that is beyond imagination, waste you don't. Wanna live in states where the majority of residents are still voting for things that are against their own interests, just because they don't want brown people to thrive again is like, ridiculous, summarize summaries, this is think programme. Now this is it from proposed. Remember she's a verified, accompanied Melinda Byerly as their name and I dont know, I'd, take care of her raw and I haven't opened from the midwestern towns that fixed this first will attract investment in droves. Again, as is hope, friend, is really positive. It will come as soon as you get all those people out anyone's like all. We can't wait for you to get here Melinda. That sounds like a lot, a lot of fun, you being Our town corporations have to deal with. The fact. Their best and brightest with red would rather scrape by in San Francisco than live in a huge house somewhere if it meant dealing with bigots and backward backwards idea. Oh geez I saw setting up there is good stay and sent for
Secondly, Europe. We don't want you line more and she doesn't recognise the fact that she's bigoted against any one. With another point of view of writing, a per cent of the population lives we're bigoted and she's. Not, and that's that but it has to stop. We are weak. And play the same game that they have played and they ve got to stop looking for a reason why Hillary Clinton lost it. Clinton loss because she's sucked as a candidate most everybody, including you on your side it did her and said she is wildly corrupt. You talk to our biggest donors- and he admitted that, yes, why, then, are we backing without? Why? Why are you gotta get money for because she is because the other guys so bad? Well, that's something about you. Saying that you're willing to play that game
you stay away from our candidates that are under current FBI. Investigation right, that's a good way to introduce safety to be right, and so it has nothing to do with you in in here's the here's a problem there getting away with this through political correctness through political correctness, and safe zones and everything else that they their shouting everybody down and saying you can't have another opinion. I go back to that. That study that we talked about early in today show where thee it's in the nineteenth fifties, maybe early nineteenth sixties and they they bring nineteen people together and say we're gonna, do a study of you. Nineteen people, we're going to show you some things and you just say what matches what doesn't and they're trying to figure out to conclude. I think this goes back to Germany. How do you get people to kill a bunch people? How do you do that? What happened in Germany how can we avoid that?
they were looking in the into the psychology of masses of groups of people. Everybody except one person of the nineteen was in on it. They were really only studying one subject and they were back of the room every time and the result except for I believe, one time were exactly the same every time and they would show. Judges and they would show three squares and then another square, and they would say a abc of these three squares. We Twond, as others square meal, resemble or is like ABC. And it would start, and each person had to give their answer out loud. Laugh person to give it was the act, will test study the nineteenth person so he would watch everybody. Go it's a it's a it's a its AIDS aids ay all
we half way through this test. They all answered correctly gay, but and- and I put it up on a chalkboard in case you happen to be watching, they would put they bid three law a b and c and they would say which one matches. The line that is over on the side of the chalkboard, which one is it. It's obviously be cake. Now what they did is you the nineteenth person, but we knew on that question now, whatever the fuck person, says We all say that so I'm first person and I say it say. Still. What do you say? It's definitely, I definitely air you go through nineteen people and you have already deem them to be reasonable, logical. The first time. Maybe you hesitate, but in all
all but one The person said yesterday The wrong answer, those long answer in other people, given you went down yourself because you start to think it. What is it an article? Only my c s aim saying right improperly, but it didn't change as the thing progressed, so I can see saying that once, but after a wilder you'd start to say, come there's somethin wrong. Your guys. All, but one dead, I'm sorry to disagree with everybody else, but that's wrong. So if you are surrounded by people and that's what's happening in our universities, that's what's happening in schools. That's what's happening, television that's what's happening with Hollywood. That's what's happening with these people who were in writing blogs. They are surrounded by people who parrot the same exact thing, and there are those who are intentionally doing this. To get the rest,
the country to parent back exactly what they say. Two plus two is five There is consensus on global warming, correct. Say it over and over and over and over and over until everybody believes it. Yet there everybody knows and How many? How many are that nineteenth person going? I don't think global warming is real. But everyone else in the class said. Global warming is real and is the most important well, there must be something I'm missing Yahoo I agree. Global warming is real is happening, this is happening to us. Lacy would like sort of the bathroom stories of the past few years were. Like I don't know, I don't know what day change, but there is certainly a point in the pretty recent history where saying a mail should go to the man
restroom, would not be controversial. That was not a controversial viewpoint until very recently, very rich. You see these stories of like a three year old, saying that their transgendered there boy in their there, actually a girl, that's child abuse to many people three years ago. Ended? It change to where it's like. You can't say that, and these things and it's like it's almost that same thing, we're all the sudden people go on the internet and they see five I was in think pieces about how brilliant it is that this three year old actually is the other gender, and ever like you know what absolutely it's true, I'm with them. And it changes the way we, you know view the world so much more quickly really these experiments. You're talking about, I think, get turbo by social media and the things we ve been talking about all data and in That's why you always talk about principle and try to bring it back to principle all the time, because if you thought these things out in advance
and you know the arguments and you're well studied on it, and you know the roots of this, and you know the foundation that you believe in these decisions aren't difficult because you ve Pretty thought them out in advance you're, not in online, and someone brings up a point. You hadn't thought of in its takes you bicycle is in the wrong direction. Instead, you have, foundation of thought away: building these things, you understand why you believe them deeply the and you can judge these things with a clear and sober perspective, but it's also why this audience and other audiences like this are so critical. It's so critical that you don't play the same game, but you don't you don't start parroting back something that is not true. The just because everybody else's saying it. You don't parrot that back because its it's not true or you'll, lose all credibility. You to be the one who says? No, I'm I'm sorry. I know that the eighteen
People say that that one matches a, but it actually matches b areas. A too long, and if somebody explain how you all got there. Maybe it's it. To illusion, but I cant figure that out what We're doing what too many people are doing is just because the loudest voice in the room. Is saying two plus two equals five Well, we just had that. We need to find the people all around us. That say two plus, It was for no matter who saying I'm that nineteenth chair in the room. Because if you really those people of the eighteen, the first eighteen weren't payroll who could convince you know, seventeen people, eighteen people to do that, you are living in a nightmare that and in its also, I think important to try to put yourself in situations where you are the nineteenth chair, like you, should be able to point
several instances in your own life, where you're the in person. Speaking up the obvious truth, when everyone else's going the opposite way, I could get you one like the yet theres many words when I think of ones specifically Winston Churchill said. Churchill said erratic pulled from him this weekend that good You you don't have many friends, its proof, positive, that you stood for something in your. That programme eight. Seventy seven back. back programme. Let's go to jail. Job has been waiting one. While my job go ahead. What's up, the greater Long time list are good for you, my cracker go ahead Yeah, I was U story of words, how you guys we're talking about their Google home, like everything at the end of last week. Yes, on Saturday night, somebody
upon my feet on Facebook that someone bought two of them put them right next to each other, put a webcam on them and just I've been talking to each other rug. Still live on to it. Now, how do you know they were talking to each other very, very, very soon, I'm assuming maybe someone talk to one of them first, but now each of them is hearing the other and responding bag of money. There has been some really funny things. Apparently they fallen in love with each other than they get in sites. I've seen it a little twelve year old, spat of I throw a stick at you, that's really good on Saturday night, when we in my wife tune in to see what this is all about. An interesting Soon came up, one of them pose the question to the other. Would you an humans? If you could. And that was answer. The answer was: maybe. Wow
year answer was, maybe you remember you remember in a I what is prime directive. There are three laws right. I. Don't harm human, do it became their savings yeah and dont harm yourself unless it violates one or two. Still I robot, so obviously we haven't taught good home to harm human. I dont know how to reword its goods. They learn to interview I to see the channel see bought chat. Well, that's great thanks. You appreciate it. I brought the Google home to my house. My younger kids dad gets us. I was doing in our house hit this out of our house. I'm lie while I endorse related, you hurt you hiding my kids, like we ve had the elections for a while and you like it.
We heard tat, we put it side by side, go nowhere near as good damped. What about that? I think that's only because a lot of things I've talked to a couple people after those show- and I don't have any if I didn't have anything apt up to it in a map. To the lucky, there's others a bunch, seven can do with your answer that I don't do with it, because I their set up an in, of course that slinger no, no I'm not gonna, set it up. Put at me. I pray you like. It is a really good speaker which is a weird thing. I really like it from that perspective in love for the music grates utter it in an unloved for the nodes. I love, I told Tawny. I said you know I want to talk about this tomorrow for the We should start on this year. We should start on this because This replaces every what this is the opposite of the, technology usually happens, usually technologies. It's very high end and the rich people get at first and then it trickles down
why dont rich people need, I mean really really wealthy people that pioneers duff why don't they need Google home because they have assessed it's, not just river systems, the right everything. Ok, so lately have all this done on. You know what I'm out of paper. Was to get something run and get some are just you know what you do this is starting from the bottom. This is giving a service to the average American of having a full time assistant. Hey. Would you ok? Google I'm out of paper, towels orders and paper tells him shipped about Ok, you got ok Google's all over the country.
Don't ever Giles sorry about. This is the Glenn Back Programme.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-17.