« The Glenn Beck Program

Eyewitness Afghan Stories | Guests: Hollie McKay & Allyson Reneau | 8/24/21

2021-08-24 | 🔗

Glenn gives an encouraging update on the Nazarene Fund's rescue mission and calls out President Biden for his handling of the controversy. The director of the CIA had a secret meeting with the leader of the Taliban in Kabul. Journalist and author Hollie McKay joins to discuss what she saw on the ground in Afghanistan. Allyson Reneau joins to discuss how she helped rescue an Afghanistan all-girls robotics team from the Taliban. Jeff King, president of the International Christian Concern, joins to discuss the fate of Christians in Afghanistan. Stu goes over Andrew Cuomo finally leaving office, but why did it take so much to finally have him booted?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I haven't got home title lock. There are people out there who really really want to steal, steal your home, and if that sounds crazy, you understand like in today's world, we're talking about situations that yeah, I don't years and years ago. He wouldn't predict a man happily and steal my home, I'm in I'm living in my home, it's not your home as much as it is your title and if they get control of your title with cyber crime, vague then transferred to themselves. They can. Got loans against your equity. Your cash in their path they're doing whatever they want to do with it even stranded on an island with Wilson who was left by now. While he wasn't, I mean eventually got off. So did I think so. Wilson out, I will sit as the those olive oil. The vote Well, why didn't he got off the island? He does it see. Just drop I mean he's dead volleyball there. I question about that: Lakota Hometown, locked outcome, age, angrier, dressy, if you're already a victim
no it yet upon title. Fraud may tree protect yourself, is this because a lot of money on the line- and you dont want deal with this? If you dont have to a hundred dollar value of a complete title, history of your home is free right now, at home, title locked out come to go there. Now title locked, God come home, title How come the radio show starts here, just a second entertainment, the plunder.
hello, America, and welcome to the Programme Nazareth Fund update as last night. I'm gonna get get new numbers here in a few minutes: twenty eight million twenty eight million, seven thousand eight hundred and forty five dollars into since we are very very grateful to everything that you are doing. I have some good news about what happened on the ground. While we were all asleep, we begin with Afghanistan in sixty seconds programme. America starting to change. In fact, it has changed. Do you remember when I said the whole world would be turned inside out an upside down That's where we are
and we are standing now with one foot in the America we once knew and the other foot what we're afraid she's becoming. The ground beneath our feet is getting shake here every day and were tasked with leading the next generation in it. direction. That will take us back to a a brighter future will give us the print. bubbles in a new way that, can move forward. Part of that part of being an American is embracing fiscal responsibility, not spending beyond our means and saving what we can but tell financial services from american financing for years. Please give them a call today, who knows much money. You could be saving right now that you're not maybe a hundred dollars three hundred five hundred dollars a month, maybe even a thousand dollars a month. American fine, since they are not here to help the bank out there here to help you they work for you, not the bank's. Let there can
opens to a free mortgage review for you today see what you might be missing out on the time to save is absolutely right. Now, american financing at eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty or go to american financing dot net. Can financing Annabel US one eight do three, four W W w dot animal s, consumer access, dot, org So I just gave you an update that I got last night of twenty eight million dollars for the Nazareth fun. We are oh grateful. I had to sign yesterday for a bridge alone. until we can get some of that money. As we are. We are renting airplanes and You don't if you don't know how much fun it is to put your name down for a bridge loan on a seven hundred and thirty seven or twenty because But anyway, we
We are grateful and I have to point out Bill O was on with a sunset Friday, never said anything about it. Except congratulations. The Saturday I found out that a donation had come through from a mister. o Reilly, and it was a significant donation? I can't thank you enough. You should know that that he is part of of view and doing. The right thing Now let me give you a story now. I am not saying that this is a feeling that we have. The Nazareth Fund have noticed at all, But let me give you a story on: what's what what what What might be happening according to one group of people that are trying to get planes out This is an exclusive from the daily collar, the bite,
illustration has been an impediment to the private effort to get people out of Afghanistan says Robert Strike whose arranging privately charter flights to get Americans and vulnerable Afghans out of the country. The it's in the South Africans have been awesome and heroic in getting people through the gate strikes military or a sorry, washing and base lobbying firming twenty seventeen paid by the government of Afghanistan. For U S, government affairs in commercial sector advice executive. legislative branch, engagement, blah blah blah blah blah said there are Dozens and dozens of times he has reached out to the administration and to the Department of State and has yet to hear back now, some would say others engaging the senators. and the pressure is starting to build on the state Department and that's?
If you go to my instagram page, while you slept last night. two planes, from the Nazareth Fund landed and flew out seven hundred passengers, women and children and families being border that plane, you'll see them being boarded on that plane. On my instagram page, do we have those by the chance which have not yet I got them very, very late last night and was just given permission to show them. They are on the ground now, but it has been a really really did called thing to get the state department to respond. The state department has to give the there are countries where the planes are landing permission they have say this is an american carrier and they are not human smuggling
And and there are good to land and all, the countries are waiting for that permission and then they have they give you a window. So who have this window to take off and land ok, it's a really big deal for those of us on the ground who are take. All of the names figuring out who is on. They have to be translated in multiple different languages. You know you can't be that the whole matter asked, can't just be an English. It to be in several different languages. It then has to We approved by the state Department all of the names on board, then has to be tied to the carrier. The tail number and then it has to be tied to the same pilots and to the same stewards and stewardesses anybody else working on the plane, then it
to be tied to a country where it can be and where it can land and You have to say where those people are going after that, so we have to all of that information to the State Department and then have them approved it and ones they approve it. We only have like a five hour window, something like that to be able to the plane onto the tarmac and then take off and get back The wise it expires well we up until yesterday we ve had we ve, had of those up what one one of those notices from the state department at once. Here it is? They gave it to us an hour after it had had expired, tell for yes, oh it was very helpful. Very very helpful We are on the phone with the State Department and
We are not getting any response. At least until we called a few senators- and I want to thank you for calling your senators yesterday. We could use more. We ve had several congressmen and senators stepped to the plate. Please call your centres in congressmen and tell them to ask this department, what the hell they're doing I have a lot more to say on this, but I I won't at this time. Let me just of red what the daily collar said after reaching out to the White House, strike said he received a response, acknowledging the request, but got no follow up from the White House. What
with this in every day is the very best and the very worst of America. He explain: I've seen the humanity of private citizens who are contracting meaning and pledging their time monies and, in some cases their lives to bring our citizens and these Secondly, the sorry Afghan patriots out of harm's way, while at the same time personally experiencing the binding ministrations, abject failure to protect did citizens and those Afghans that fought and worked alongside of us. It is morally reprehensible it has been the: U S: private sector who has stepped up to save blood and treasure the bite, illustration is leaving behind here's. The thing if we don't get, safe passage. If we don't get the State Department and the administration to give us, a passage. Then we can't do anything you were worried about human trafficking, so we gotta make sure
that we get everybody on their whose moves on there Quite honestly, I have no problem giving the names and the background checks to the state department. We're prepare. To do that we do it, but you know if We wanted to get somebody, let's say across the border, which we would never do, bud if we had, let's say a friendly country, thereon one of the borders of Afghan. Stan weak had even bring them a crop. Think of this we can, in people across the border to a country that says they will take them because State department won't give us permission to bring people. Across of border in Afghanistan. All the irony.
Oh, the irony. We should point out two for those in there's been some people who have brought this concern I think is an appropriate concern to make sure that were not bringing people who are unrelated to the United States and, of course, the answer that is, they are vetted and they're not going to the United States, so yeah it. Those are, others are legitimate concerns by people who have talked about this. However, concerns that were immediately addressed before this was even honestly even announces. Look at the pictures of the people that are getting onto our plane. You will see families you will Mom's, dads and children. Getting onto the plane right look at the people good. Search for some of the pictures of of some of the people that were sitting there ready to get onto a sea one? Eighty one transport differ pictures yeah mainly men with no children and no wives. And again that made those may be the people who made up the assistant.
You are military verbatim sense to that. Where the zeal going be, I have much more confidence in a private sector. After Operation doing the wedding do the Eureka Alluvial by out the number of people that they ve put on board. We can. We can tell you exactly how many people have arrived, at a host country and how departed, I can tell you exact number: the Pentagon can't How can you say your vetting these people when you can't even Count them that does make any sense by the way. you know there is some Saki had a an interesting statement. Yesterday she made the Fox news about Americans not being stranded. I want you to hear this.
most of the criticism is not of leading up going to stand in the way that he has borders to happen by holding the troops before getting these Americans were now stranded. Does he have a sense of that? First of all, I think it irresponsible say: Americans are stranded, dare not. We are committed to bringing Americans who want to come home home. We are in touch with them. A phone, the text, the email. the only way that we can possibly reach Americans to get them home if they want to return home or no his friend. It is the warehouses official position, always I'm just calling you out first thing that we are stranding Americans and Afghanistan. When I set when we have been very clear that we are not leaving Americans who want to return home, we are going to bring them home and I think that's important for the american public to hear and understand. Ok, ok, No it's weird is the people that are there feel stranded. The people that are there. You know it
It's really interesting to me that a massive airlift massive airlift, because you know these. private planes we can't get these private planes down on the tarmac because saw those you know those big transport planes There are common and go and all the time, and they got here captors? Just so you know we ve had three three count them it's been a week: three: U S. Military helicopters go out to save and rescue people- and you know don't worry about it. The Americans can get through the gate, they're, letting him through the gate, then why did those three military helicopters flying less than two hundred metres to go pick A hundred and sixty nine Americans.
if it so easy to get through the gate. Why did we have to send Chinook helicopters? Two hundred metres away from the gate. Tell me that why. These are lies that you are hearing these are lies by the way. I think we have we flown in the last week. Under twenty flights under twin, we did to yesterday. We did too, against all odds to the last week the american government has flown. Twenty one the hell going on by the way with every passing day it becomes more and more difficult to get out.
Adam shift said yesterday we're not going to be done by the thirty first lighthouses saying we're gonna be done by the thirty first. I dont trust either of them how However, I will tell you this thee. Taliban warned us warned US It's a red line, prison in Biden told us auto August. Thirty first would be the withdrawal of all of their forces. So if they extend It means there extending the occupation. While there is no need for that. If they are to act, for additional time to continue evacuations. The answer is no or they will there will be consequences here. Extending the deadline would create mistrust between us. We don T Steel and you dont give us a red line. When our president, going to grow a set and do the right thing,
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I am surprised that you're here I know you had a celebration at your hands. You healthy Cuomo is dead to me. Tree yes, change to he's, leaving everything exit his dog, his out o the governors match. That's a perfect ending to the, Andrew Cuomo Israeli, is it mean it tells you everything you need to know what guy leaves his dog behind and says: hey anybody want the dog. You could take him. What he In being, does that I dont know of why what Andrew Cuomo, I suppose now I will point out that he is denying this in saying I was just working for the people and I was helping with the storm down state and you know that, of course, I'm with my dog and I love my dog, and if we ve anything from this entire year and a half and need many years for that. If you have an eleven New York, you can have
the trust Andrew Cuomo, in his analysis of his own actions that some, you can be comfortable in doing so, wait a minute. He he took everything out. He laughed and he left his dog, but he said he only left it because he had to be working Bobby like if you're gonna leave he's he's doing work for them. Full of New York, so he go down there. I think push back the storm to make sure didn't hit people at work and it worked, and so he just didn't wanna bring his doggie. I guess entered into harm's way. Did he think that maybe the dog could go with? I don't know his dresser. maybe his his sisters. Now you think that would be an option. Yeah pairs. I if I were gone, I would say: hey Can someone take my dog? I do that when I on vacation and we don't take the dog. We don't just leave him at the house.
It's already knows, Edward to TV in the fridge in the oven. Now now he doesn't know he doesn't I it's it's a nice day. I think that for the people of New York it honestly all of us, because Your Cuomo remember was being talked about as a pre The dental replacement for Joe Biden, when he was a figure that is, actually the kind of that's going to replace. If I mean we have com Allah. think she's gonna be any better than ono IA and Como look at known. I definitely take that that large, you hear her talk about and she was asked about Afghanistan yeah Lorraine pay what's happening in Afghanistan. Do you have any comments on our book again? Is it she laughed like that? I mean
so defensive mechanism, breezy, etc. Defence mechanism, we're educators, defence mechanism is to lie about dead people. So, actually, I would prefer com, Malaysia annoying, laugh or maybe she could pick him, as vice president, when she becomes present up up up and see our youth it about bad senile. He is, it is gonna, be gone in town course. Not of course, not words. Good that's a good day, and I will say Andrew Cuomo is awful, dotcom doctor, Andrew Cuomo is out and seven hundred Christians have been rescued. While we were asleep more and eminent persons programme. But let me tell you, but you didn't ask path, coming if he wants to come in my pillow
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Wish. I could get on the ground at the airport of Kabul. I'd like to see the faces of our troops. Because I'm I'm just I'm imagining that they are not happy at all. and would just love to see them. You know if somebody would just bring a camera, and just just pan see what they are feeling I imagine they want to do a lot more than their being allowed to do all you gotta believe we have heard some reports over the past few hours that there have been some excursions, into the city to pick up some people again, it seems like, we're doing is begging. Taliban to allow us to do these things report Today, the CIA director met with the Taliban to tracking negotiate. Say that again, I didn't, I think, that's what I thought.
just say was RCA director met with the Taliban, so what but did you really think what What what did I actually yeah just now. I say I heard misheard Addis. This read this for your CIA director secretly visited Taliban in Kabul Kay problems with that one. It's not a secret. If we're reading about it, the meanings over again now something you should broadcast by I'm glad they did because the other problem I ever that is what is the CIA director doing meeting with the Taliban bizarre. Bizarre. He was easy. Former diplomat net on Monday, with Abdul Ghani borrowed Arnwood love that I gotta say the president They was gaudy. Now God gaudy and the Taliban to I'm never going to be able to keep these people separate, I'm never gonna. Nobody wants talk about thy change, jobs
and ass for you. I don't know who anybody is any gap I mean this is, can you just? I want you to take a moment to bring yourself back in Time Gay Yoni started this show in before arriving. We started doing the talk shown, but ninety eight or nine nine, but this indication deal we sign should go national. We signed in August of two thousand and one one so just weeks before the September eleven attack us and then we are supposed to start the show in January two thousand and two, but they did up because of the attacks. Are we basically on the air since September eleventh the arc of your show a twenty year arc of the show can you imagine one say no or two thousand one I perceive? How do they do that period? And I said you know: what's gonna wind up happening is we're gonna? negotiate with the Taliban to base we give them the country
and then we're going to strand and yes, John Saki Eyes, strand thousands of Americans and the Afghans who help in the twenty hearing, or a way way way. I gotta hear that all not yeah we're gonna. Have the CIA director go negotiate with the Taliban to hopefully move the town the bonds red line to the United States. If I were you, give you that scenario, let's say November, two thousand one. How do you feel about that? Let me give you the scenario and my response in. Let me give you the response I would have made in November stew stew. I know every empire has died in Afghan US, and I know that the bridge the Soviet Union. There has never been any one that has won a war, in Afghanistan, but
I believe in our troops, and I believe our troops will win. The war guy If you would have said to me well Glenn, Yes, we going to win the war. but then we're gonna want elected president, whose job going to abandon everything on the ground, including our billion dollar embassy, that we built, because we won the war and for twenty years. Twenty, years any girl All under twenty knows the power that she has. The inherent writes that she has, but president is Joe going to handed back over to the thugs killers that we killed and ran out. Now, ten years ago there. I would say: that's a fantasy, that's a fantasy! There. The way that could happen in Amerika. I have
terrible news, I thought we were talking about just hypothetically yeah now this is it really is incredible. I am remember when the Obama administration first sort of pitched negation, meeting with the Taliban, and it's been a bad idea from president to President sit out day what a day, what ever been a good idea to negotiate with the Taliban ever know and, as you know, for sure I was. I was crazy, angry with Donald Trump when he did it. I thought it was an embarrassment when he did it but that's nothing compared to this Anybody who thinks it Donald Trump would have allowed this to happen. No, no way. Just just. Let me just say this: Don't you say- and I don't believe this for a second ledges say he doesn't care about America at all.
Obviously design or through the it's not true, but Donald Trump is going to allow Donald Trump being humiliated, embarrassed that when that away nowhere no way this is specialists especial scale. Of Joe Biden. Taliban Joe, My aim is to go down this road. It really is because I don't I He does not even seem to have the interest in protecting his own presidency. let alone caring about the american troops or let alone caring about the Avc. And that helped us or little on carrying about religious minorities there that are being murdered or get all of that forget all the women and girls that you say I mean guys left has absolutely no room to talk about the treatment of women and the tree.
of girls and how we have to protect, look very, have no credibility. They have it suppose themselves as not caring at all at all. the people who should be screaming the loudest are the world community yeah, where's me too, and this add not not to mention we ve taken the Taliban from a bunch of people who buy sickly were waiting in caves against us during the war to one of the best. Most well armed What areas in the world well learn? Well, armed, because we laughed everything I seventy five thousand eight hundred and ninety eight vehicles, five hundred and ninety nine thousand six hundred and ninety weapons- two hundred and eight aircraft Rhetoric, reconnaissance equipment, sixteen thousand one hundred and ninety one. This is from open the books, dot com by the way, communications equipment,
hundred sixty two thousand six hundred and forty three items think about big about this. When we spoke about this, again to two thousand one for a moment. What is what greatest disadvantages, Cistus and work out. A compromise was one of the reasons why we do so well in warfare. When military, because we have communications? We have night vision, night vision right just taken night vision, promote tens thousands of nitrogen goggles and associated equipment by the way you you paid for and you cannot buy in store you can't buy. You can't buy it and you just can't use area. Americans can't buy it for your use, and so we gave that to the afghan military, who then promptly turned it over to the Taliban. Here, as as this has developed, and now, if we God forbid it it's out of control again and we have to go back in which is totally possible by the way, totally
possible if they again build a an area that is free passage for errors, and they start blowing up our buildings. We're gonna be back in there again, don't don't miss this as if it's over, because that's the whole album good, leaving old count on Joe Biden actually live angels. I know it might be me now. I'm not saying Joe Biden, my beaten ten years from now, but eventually vertical back in there and we're gonna have to deal with a Taliban that have all this equipment, They'll have all that equipment anyway, because Joe Biden son is allowing Chinese to come in and spy on our military and buy things we know through bribery, etc, etc. Another huge part of and China is going to give them. All of that I mean, You see that China. Saudi Arabia and Russia and ran have just made a deal.
And China and ran I'm sorry. China and Russia have also made a deal with the Taliban. I think there is an axis of evil. That is being formed- and We strangely are trying to form our own apparent axis of evil where's, the allied power here, don't copy their organizational structures, say: you're gone. We have this idea of arming other countries, and it doesn't always seem to work out the best possible way, rephrase little bit it never and work, but can I at least this is just an idea. You know: can we floods that gives a safety tray simulators user you it? I'm not gonna, do not anything legislative space. Can we at least put self destruct buttons. In these things, I want a self destruct. The Taliban takes over. We blow up all the weapons from one remote button. I want one
I want a drone that when they take off with a drone, they go to bomb somebody just wise back. The United States had land safely. Why? I want a button that makes I want just you know they have those like ink it's that when you steal money from a bank explode, I want basically some version of that in every weapon we give to anybody else. So at some point, when we decide they ve got into the wrong- and I am just press the button- then they always go away. I dont think that you ve gone far enough. I would like the night vision, goggles- that if you steal it or are we just leave it behind you push and knives go through your right. That's what I like! Maybe it's just me let me tell you about real estate agents, I trust dot com. Everything is up in the air these days. So many surprises come in from literally every day action, it's nice once in a while. There is something you can count on me the same, something that you can
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Ah, you know there's something controversial said by a Fox news host yesterday cut for please. I want you to hear this when you look at what America. When you look at this lack of leadership and you and you who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent? And frankly, this mentally frail in this position and that's yes, course. The media and many people are saying you had some people on your show this week will worsen say it was Susan Rice and Obama, and maybe Valerie Jared, I'm sorry as a political spouse. I can't help but look at Jill I then no one knew better his state of mind, then Jill Doctor Jill Biden, and, if you ask me, most patriotic thing Joe Biden couldn't down was tell her husband to love her husband and not. Let him run in these. In this mental state that he said, I think she failed the country as well
I've been saying that, since I don't know two thousand eighteen, the guy was in cognitive decline. I think it is, I think it's actually spouse well, abuse and abuse from the family. Now you know, but I think that family might look at abuse dear only seeing we know what they ve done to Hunter and what Hunter is done to the family, so maybe you know Maybe they don't understand abuse in a family, but I think it is I think it's elderly abuse this guy. He you know, could have gone out as a respected guy blah blah blah instead They know he's not gonna make it they knew he wouldn't make it. Just needed a shill, they needed somebody that they could just run as a trophy the horse to get all of their size.
Thirdly, they needed somebody that looked like a moderate and he was the only one that looked like a moderate that people would trust and so they ran him and it's absolutely, reprehensible, but again and the end justifies the means you, or Joe Biden as an individual. Don't matter it's ass the policies that matter who's, gonna it done who can get it done well Joe Biden, but rule he asked so we get it done, now along, we were waiting to get it done that's unbelievable, it's unbelievable and it You shouldn't be shocked at what is happening in Afghanistan. And all over the world now, because the people who are doing it the ends. To find the means they don't care
bout. The individuals I buy I have even exact quote from somebody in the state Department about the p belong the tarmac than I Going to share right now, oh, but I will where each shows they don't care at all at all. They don't care about the individual. They care about their agenda, and them not looking bad, and I M just you know, get rid of this so goes away and we can get on with our life. It's a reprehensible group of people. It is, and we are losing our humanity to them. Don't just don't be a part of it, don't excuse it,
Don't sell it to anybody else, just just date. The truth is the program like so much appreciated term until you about a little bit about built bar bill bar something actually, my wife discovered at least in my world a long time ago. Eventually started, shooting them all the time tat talk to Tanya about them, glens, wife who then that knowledge along too Glenn, while these harassed. Eat them? Please eat them because their healthy, even though you think they're they taste really good. Glad, of course, ignore them the advice until he was because started with healthy cancer with healthy start with taste so billboard us they don't they just say: let's make it really taste the good and then will make sure that people like to eat it Excuse me I'll, we know should eat it, because it's healthy, they start with taste. Then they go to the healthy part, and that's the way you should do it and really don't care. If you get to the healthy power, I mean really just don't care if you get there now
you don't care they care yeah. They Tanya cares really. Does she really? I mean seriously? Does she I think she might. He has no reason to now. Not now what kind of a dark turning this bill, that alcohol is the place to go to get your bill bars back? Fifteen will save you fifteen percent. After first order, the protocol is back fifteen for fifteen percent off built dotcom built dot com, progress back fifteen. aren't radio show starts here in just a second
Would you not to turn the clock back So what is it like to be on the ground in Afghanistan in trouble and be escorted by the Taliban? On your way out, we have the story direct from a woman who experience that Polly Mackay. She joins us and sixty seconds programme
Let me talk to you a minute here for direct consumer pricing. The standard way things are sold man this might be about to change everywhere. Is we sell things through intermediaries weave? You know we make a product and then you get it into a box door. Like Walmart and then Walmart cell to the customer and everybody shares in the profits. Well, you can make better product and you can see the sell it at a lower price if you'd have the middle man when it comes to wrecked a customer. This is the way wreck tech does it with their amazing grills. This is why you will never find anything that is close to it because they ve cut out the middle man and these All of that money into the grill rectangle
those are sleek their sturdy. They have wifi controlled, smart, green technology. They will ensure that you get the best tasting most even heated cooking. The best smoked ribs ever check them out, wreck tech. Dotcom are you e t, Q, dotcom wreck tech, dot com. Gotta, Holly Mackay? She is a journalist war crimes, investigator she's. Also, the author of the book only cry for the living she has just returned out of Afghanistan and we welcome her too. program, high Holly. How are you sign doing well. Thank you for having me good will. Or can you say where you are now you're safe, they sure I'm I mean I'm in Tashkent in Pakistan and I am probably going to be in the region for a little while covering the situation from neighbouring countries and some of the fall out and just kind of
hammering in the twilight days of the? U S, presence in Afghanistan. So first of all, tell us what you think is going on what I mean. What is America doing. I wish I could tell you grenades an absolute Haven't seen anything that could be more other mass somewhat Wesley? right now enough in the situation in Kabul Airport, just people, I've been trying for days and they physically can get there and then people a terrifying being injured and pages We banned I'm worse, even calls and email relieved every twenty minutes from somebody new just in desperation. Oh, how do they get there, but one thing from other countries, though I received them notifications today from the australian government, who actually mobilizing Australian as citizens in visa holders there to a particular place,
hotel near the airport and actually physically taking them. and in a helicopter, so we think that being done offered by the british and french I have to say that the you ask them Why do you ask is not able to do that? I will not allow it great men and women who said this country to leave the wire to do their job that better to do in that most of them. to do so. We're talking to highly Mackay Holly the the it's not that we can't do it. it we're not I mean When I read that when I read that you know, Joe Biden is saying that oh you, through the gates, Americans getting through the gate. Will then why did you take to helicopters? and fly them two hundred metres outside of the gates to pick up hundred and seventy Americans one and they just go through the gates, yeah exactly. I differs in front of a collective denial that happening from the administration and its extremely frustrating because
do you know I'm one of the people but have to look at these Afghans and speak today? The Afghans every day and try to explain to them, why my government is not able to help them, even though they are citizens of all the people. That said in support of the EU, S only has a correct people, working visas and just like bang, you had up against a brick wall just now so why the presidency he's heal like this and refusing to acknowledge the brevity of the situation. They set the White House says we're gonna be able to get all. chickens and everybody holes proper visa out by the Thirty first, I don't think there's a prayer of that happening unless something changes to day dramatically go ahead, Am I really, in my opinion, what that is going to take at this point is clear: is that the office in Doha,
some very serious and Jan discussions with the Taliban leadership that they have been talking to you now for several years, the only way. I see that becoming easier. If the Doha leadership is able to somehow raining, there are many many rogue elements which we could spend all day looking Atlantis and allowing people to through in one eye. Aware of what is happening, is possibly Americans then thing allowed through bought Afghan American, though Afghans with american business they're gonna be the ones that the Taliban, and basically not wanting to leave, and then the Taliban have been very open about that thing. We do not want Afghans leaving. We need as much court on court challenge here in our country and they re very adamant about that for unless coup S, office, canoes and serious diplomacy, I don't say that
running by the end of this month. So my audience last week we raised were it, I think twenty eight million dollars now and we have twenty air buses in Boeing's at an airport, very close we can get the State Department to clear them, and we also you know, can't can't seem to get outside of the gates and get any permission from anybody to bring these people in and- sat there last week when all this money was coming in, and I I thought to me self, and it must have been the way people were that were saving Jews back in Germany. These people mean nothing to you, you're just going to kill them. Why won't you just let them go? They mean something to us. Let them go. Clearly not that they're trying to keep all the talent in action,
understand these? Are? people they're gonna kill, am I wrong. Luckily no, not wrong at all or people that they can exert in our terrible control in a terrible life over If they want to keep them alive, it would be an apology basis into two really gonna put them in jail. Taught them make alive. Incredibly, miserable arms I get them. people that you can control in other, more power The Taliban seem to think it has been I guess they won't. Let them go, and I think that is just the sort of terrifying I think the main part of the problem to is that the leadership has been in Doha. and so they don't really have any control over the many rogue elements in mind. You said thousand of the most hardened tell Ben Fighters, sitting in backroom presence for the pie can you know, I'm going to twenty years have been released, locked away, by the Taliban when they took over the air base.
I mean that we are seeing the release in backroom not missing the way to tell them present all over the country that the release of the bag was at the back of the badge money there in that first week of freedom, so you don't say it just gives me chills just thanks. What's what's happening, mess the women and children I mean I've. I actually heard somebody say bodies. People know what it's like over there that's the way they have lived, no, not for the last twenty years. They haven't. twenty year old girl right now has not been raised to think that that's the way it is. She thinks that You know she's, a powerful woman and can do things that guy's can do everything that we know in the west to be true, and now she's being faced with a life of absolute hell where are the people that are shouting about women's rights and and the right of children. Where is the the outrage from Americans that arc.
Constantly saying that that is their goal to help it seems awfully quiet. Yeah, I'm sick Secondly, I know from many women who have gone to become judges and lawyers and teachers and end up doing really incredible things, and now to think that their lives are going to be eight relegated to a dank basement and every time they set out of a half are going to have to be completely covered and accompanied by a male relative. They're not going to be able to work or go to school was really have any sense and be seen or heard. Adjusts is, Just an unfathomable thought. It's just especially in urban areas likeable where women have just yet they have grown up to have these these rights. just to think and that have been stripped away from them like that. I can't even get my head around it right now tell me you're, You're escort of the Taliban out tell me about that.
yeah. So what happened was my photography Jake and I we were. We had a debating How will actually planning to be advisable spent considerable time than before, and we were planning to be here thirty November, though about three month really capturing and of the era in terms of the U S, and then you know how I got a sound, the guy to survive in that for little the way we work quietly reasoning, things to fall, the way that they did so we were there working both for a little while and decided to captain disaster race, which is the northern province, and it was actually the province where the? U S first, came in after nine eleven, and it was the first one taken back from the Taliban and event I think maybe struck there. John, I think call you pay than there is that model I'll. Tell you what sort of heralding that's group and stay someone. I spent a little bit of time with a couple of years ago, interviewing in Turkey and so coming back
we thought we would. I would go and visit him again and do another interview, and then I was sort of this lot of hope that his forces and some other northern alliance leaders in the north were joining with some of the Afghan S, commandos and to be a viable fighting force against the Taliban, who were quickly taking a lot of the northern provinces, but an extremely anti Taliban, plaice and sole more like that. They had any community support that they may have had she been other provinces better in the south or along the Pakistan border, which tend to be a little bit more sympathetic to the Taliban. Mozilla wasn't like that at all, so we went nor, I believe it was the day of the week before last, and Well, we got there and it was just. It was a vibrant city that I've got to know in love in the markets are full and people were Jane and we were gone
going around interviewing the shopkeepers, and now it's find this. A very have a very famous blue mosque, and I was outside there in the park, is sitting with the way and talking to the man talking to people that I fled, avenue them provinces who were gaping the Taliban and and things just about very full of life, and I'm I was sitting there to try think how is a place on the verge of being attacked while our ban age, nobody sort of thing to confirm that I thought will you know maybe everything's fine and I I kept him close contact with a lot of my afghan security officials, who said no there's no way miss Arbe ever going to fall, and if it does it going to be a long way away. So I'm up but an being mesh and then the following day Friday, even if the ship than with quite bizarre- and I was still went out- with filling the streets and sobering interview them things, people around and you just have started to see that there was something in and people who kept telling me shopkeepers, like they're, coming alike,
you know those still a fair way away and I thought no, we there really get a push them back. You ve got this incredible fighting for a member to day it was just bizarre and I woke up and we went out and nobody Bull lined up around the bank trying to get them money out so that they could sleep, and I was trying to get hold of so many of my interpreted and fixes a thing to help me out with him story than everybody. Just get thing. Everybody left everybody's going to cobble everybody's, ran away kind of thing and its attend our drive between design cobble. So talk and I ended up finding someone who was able to come out in them. some translation for me and I Rachel a cab and I started to see only people fleeing from the outside villages and they were coming into the city and we were trying to interview them and Edward driving along with very abandoned road outside the city in his cage.
of turned and looked at me and he said, I'm scared. I don't want to go any further. I said. Oh ok, we'll go back no problem and Happily with that of an aspiring. He turned around me how this very bizarre big smile on his face, and he said to me, although broken through the front line that coming from this out, I thought, there's no way happening. You know that this places is the yesterday and the afternoon I'd have continued and message on the front. I went out to discover Katherine that which is not a soul in the street. It was really very airy and, sat down and that we just looked at each other when something is really wrong, something we don't know wage really really wrong, let's go and there we are Hurried back to the hotel was saying, and just as I'm hurrying back through the street, I see it swarm of motorcycles coming into the city and that with the Taliban and they basically were able to come in take over that city without a shot and so we gotta made an interesting time and should uphold
Immigration way was saying and we were able to kind of look down and see. Basically, the way that they were able to come through and take over complete city and from there was kind of will completely added an very end of a feeling failing. I thought, oh, my goodness, what so? What am I gonna do? Next, I wasn't planning today the city of it fell. or an old age limit. Let me just take one minute: break we're back with Holly Mackay or in a second shall finish. This story as Sandra was having trouble sleeping for a very long time, because through the night she would wake up in pain problems, inflammation and her joints and it made her a call through or body. You know that a king feeling that you get when you have the flu it's it's, what she was feeling every single night and there was no hope of change inside until she heard about relief factor. She was sceptical, but she was all desperate men. I know what that feels like She had very little to lose and a lot to gain if relief after worked sure enough. She says
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not before I actually been met before with the afghan russian forces commandos and what I've been gathering in what they were able to offend me and also from me after the fact when I, when I went back to them a narrow and hiding now, of course, run the running from alive when they explain to me what happened was that about we sold out when so. This is how corruption, the Afghans within the ranks and by the government in the military, and I really but the? U S throughout this entire, ok, patient turn, a blind eye to the level of corruption, and that was a big fat yeah we didn't know what happened was there was a deal struck between one of the top Anna Afghan National Army leaders in the area, who was just appointed by God S. Mind you a week before when he was Pointed in and he and in a bunch of other kind of leaders, old, struck a deal with
the with the Taliban in advance to basically hand over the city. They got their money or whatever it is, they got. They got to flee their own gone. There are often too you'd better than a wherever they dont left. The country. The Oh man- and this is what upset me most when I'm President Biden was with blaming the Afghans, are running away. These poor men some of them very young kids, some boy budgets, young man- I should say some of them being a very serious violence- will basically less to the Florida and they didn't know a deal has already been struck for them too. surrender made it known that fighting my gun, I too, in the commander, said to me. You know you got two forgot that afternoon and they were just being overwhelmed and overriding. He said, then, somebody came in and told him that basically, everybody had left and he Linda Morrell. He just said you know. Basically they were just told you guys just need to run Has the city's already being handed out that Mary, how to tell you very poor,
young men and women are fleeing toward the back burner and then they get there and dumping. You know What are you know? This is a You d, never having to dump their weapons and unfair. beagles and things and trying to get into two it back a sandwich, I think had the end up. Shutting the border code, that was so the wound than ever really laughter the slaughter, and I and I can't blame them at that point for wine to run away when they know that their own leaders on their side at all ready the mountain right now and I mean what what are you gonna? When are you gonna do about joint? You gonna run feel ass. We who are you adding for that, not funny for your country anymore. So so the Taliban back there. the Taliban says to you that you know: hey we're, not the Taliban of twenty years ago. We ve, Three minutes to finish the story, I'm so sorry I ll have. You are now also a
long story. So the only way we realise that we to actually going to get out of the city was to have the Taliban. Take it that there were too many checkpoints, there's no way we could oppose out safely so a ban, tourism, very careful diplomacy. Thank thankfully, some really great fate. The partly people plasma is the council, and the tsar was extremely helpful. We were able to today an escort, yeah and immediately. The first thing that you and the Taliban driver says to me: he just got out a bag written to very lunch alive and basically he wanted to tell me you wanted to walk amazed at the governor of the government. I wished would have been there and talk to me, but he was busy and then to the said were not the same as a lot of propaganda about us. But then I thought of everything: Through the line that I probed and I wanted to know what what what are you? What is your feature, her kind of sad? It was very clear and they made nothing no effort to hide the fact. They wanted a very stringent interpretation of
Sharia and sat down in a women were going to be covered and re stuck into the bay men's, and you know anyone who deal with going to get their hand cut off for their pretty bonds about that having and tat. They were very well, to me because I was a foreigner, and I recognise that. I know that my Afghans, friends and colleagues, and not going to be given this, would have to resign treatment that I receive piano and and that's what what sort of gave me, though Poland was lucky, but but that luck won't be extended by. I would love to have you back on, maybe perhaps later this week just to talk about some of your other experiences in them to be able to, because you been everywhere, you have seen the worst of the worst to hear how this compares to.
What is already happening elsewhere? What is coming for Afghanistan, Holly Mackay? The name of her book is only cry for the living she's, a journalist and war crimes investigator, and an amazing storyteller, Holly Mackay. Thank you back in a minute we we have somebody else who just got a bunch of women out of Afghanistan. We're gonna talk to her about that in just a minute. First, I wanna. I want you to do something for yourself today. I know your beer schedule is busy, but I am. I would ask that you just take a minute to check out patriot mobile. The idea of changing your mobile phone provider probably sounds like real pain in the butt, no matter how much cheaper it might be, despite the fact that, unlike some the big mobile companies like Verizon paid. mobile is not donating to leftist causes. They country
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ten years ago I started mercury, one which is charity because I saw need a need. Need of reach teaching people to stand for themselves again, not waiting for the government to help. So we started mercury, one to me. the first one to help the law. Asked one out first, one in last, one out we're continuing that now with the Nazareth fund. We are the first in yesterday, we had to play take off with seven hundred about seven hundred afghan women, children, and families, and it's all be of you lie Last year the ninetyth anniversary of mercury, one we mean reduced and initiative the mare can journey experience, which is all about history.
We have our tenth anniversary that is happening. This year we ve decided to make a kind of a real cool event? It's happening on Saturday October, ninth, it The power of one renewing con kindness, There's gonna, be a lot of things that are happening. It's at the Toyota Music Centre Factory here in dallas- and then go to mercury, one dot, Org or M one next chapter: dot com. I am going to be announcing a new initiative, and this a big one and you're all Eddie, seeing it in play? because we needed the power of one and that's what were that's, what we're doing, and I want to lay out a vision for America and the next chapter of mercury. One you'll see artifacts. have never before been seen in public artifacts from the pilgrims and from Jamestown. Sixteen, nineteen, you don't
after we imagine, we have all of it. Also, heroes of history will be there. Some amazing people, it's an incredible event: I'd love for you to come tickets stuff, at twenty five dollars, so bring your family bring your friends. This is the the event to that pays. where the light bills and everybody salary and everything else. So when I go on the air and say one hundred percent of the money goes to, I can say that with a because if put on her show or something, people, will buy tickets to to come and help us mercury one dot, Org or M one next chapter dotcom, make sure you join us, Sir, I think the first Saturday in October, maybe second Saturday in October, make sure you join us. It's gonna be an incredible thing now speak of the power of one. This is a great example of the power of one Alison Renault,
she's in Oklahoma there, saw the the half Ganny role audits team, but girls on the afghani, robotic steam and she thought these kids are in trouble. She, and help give them out, and she did so. How did this mom? Do it We have on the phone with us now Alison hi? How are you it's a pleasure to be with you today, actually it's an honor to opportunity. Cute, so Allison I mean so many people feel like I'm just a mom or I do you know what a why? What can I possibly do? you didn't think that you just did it. Well, I'm the mother of eleven biological children and ninety. Children are. Girls. Are girls with one man by the way is good for you. and then
I met these. I work in the space industry in Washington DC after obtaining my masters at Harvard at fifty fifty five, old and twenty sixteen. Why and then the doors I swung open for me to do to walk into feel. It's been, it's been an honour to work with them our best and brightest. and humble ingenious people and they taught me was failure- is not an option. They'd, they make good science fiction. Fact and they aren't they are really unstoppable. I wasn't did she be on a very prestigious board of directors that I actually done even deserve to be com explore Mars, they advocate in Washington DC for human space exploration Each year we have a conference I envy see where we are bringing a lotta leaders to promote and to talk about exploration. We decided would bring over these five, girls on the afghan, robotic team. And then you must actually actually pay their way. These,
came and our goal was to allow them to immerse themselves in the space industry view to brush which, with acts, are not into dream big. I immediately that it had a connection with it. girls having so many daughters, and I think it was by herself and Many things they requested actors going to the White House in museums was Alison just want to go to an amusement park, and I might and so on. Could we raise the money about fifteen minutes for all these girls to go and videos in there and and they decided bathing time. You sometimes gives you pay to be kids project. I kept in touch with them for a couple of years to come. and in December twenty twenty. They begin to request, tabled undergraduate high school we'd like to come back to the United States to get our degrees and engineering? Could you help us with scholarships and we ve been the groundwork in that area, but I woke up on Tuesday, always third with an overwhelming dreadful feeling that they were in great danger at this time, nothing had quite collapsed.
add or anything like that, and I thought to myself. I bet this must be defined, warning I couldn't shake it. I tried to you and I immediately begin to reach our people to people. Why about my baked pay great, I knew I would have to find the power and influence, and I didn't restart. I guess it armed with encouraging a cause and sell them. and just began to two for two weeks night and day try to find something I keep running into brick wall like a brick wall, a brick wall. We would go hot Mikey. Something was going to happen in many go cope with what in conjunction with their leader and mentor, who is from gonna stand. Who is the United States, so she was what hard on her paths of employment and I would go inherited my U S. Area there's something? You have a dream and if nothing is working, you need to take drastic action. You need to do something wild and I decided I would fly to cutter.
The aim is a good chance. They might be flying their evacuated our government. We tried India, we tried Canada, we tried a lot of different places that we just want getting anywhere, and so on Tuesday. A couple weeks ago are a week ago I had a one way ticket. And I thought well when I get there, I don't know anybody and traveling alone I called I remembered. I have form a roommate in Washington DC a couple years ago that had been transferred their with military and I've got it ask her to know. Where do I Why do I say? Can I go jogging in the mornings whereby, where public headscarves, what with spots proper and she said what's going on- and I told her and she said Do you know I work in the? U S, embassy in utter I go. I had no idea. he said he- I have it here- that high officials there I can help you familiar passports, Demeter information on how prepared are prepared all and presented. She stood up all night. You back. The embassy stayed up all night for midnight mistakes and prison,
There is in our view, as officials really jumped on it and began to alert. When the ground equable, and then. The italian government got the girls to the airport. Our officials were right on top of it the whole way as linking the operation worthy airport. In case something went wrong. somehow in a sea of chaos, of what the pictures he saw the eight million people. I saw the refugee, Morocco Sisco were evacuated, and I didn't have to make it he caught her by the way to be my friend said: no the continuity to stay on the phone needlessly the ground, you don't need to be flying twenty hours and the environment with these girls. So reported. I did fly there, but I think it was just assumed so anyhow, the girls are safe. Therein cutter. and then I thought that government for stepping up. I will
there are a lot of very brave muslim countries that are our stepping up and they are terrified because they know the- weakness of the West right now and they also know if their outed they will have all kinds of problems from Hizbollah, ISIS in and you know out the new, AL, Qaeda, etc, etc and they're doing remarkable things just truly remarkable things. you're right, to tell you Alison it's it's amazing, to see an I can. I can relate entirely. Yesterday was not a good day for me and I at one point I said you know what it's just not was to happen. I mean we may, because every single door is closing and
it may just not supposed to happen. Let's go in another direction and I stop myself and I thought that is so defeatist, no keep. Moving forward it's hard, especially like you, when you are completely alone, I command you say but landers, nothing that happens and lesser team and then it was injured me. Ok, so I just want to commend all the people that were involved. What a trim this job, maybe, and and and how fast they they leaped into action. You know, sometimes you think it's someone that full of power and influence that you're gonna get a hold of it, going to do the job for you know, but he was your little remains of mine that God connected me with and suddenly it exploded ended and it began to work and unjust, shocked how One willing person who cares guy can use them it's really remarkable Alison. Thank you! So much God bless. I hope
meet you some day, we're not that far just down the street. we aren't. I just want to mention and were quickly if you have one more minute, you're, ok here, because of them you coverage. I've had over the last few days the cries for help from within I understand from women who, in hiding Special women have been fired, who are being hunted who are being tortured before last night, killed and shot Anita, professional, well, educated women, one b, the dead, one blinded and I was backed by this business. on ground at ground, zero again what worked for the girls that I help was not been worked to evacuate. If need be, people that are in hiding and I sincerely believe my only one behind how can I go Would I a better, be twenty people and it was two hundred and twelve women afghan judges in hiding Supreme Court that are there, and I asked commander, friends on the ground that are helping me and they said yes, they will be First, the died, nobody but the first to die because they have imprison men, they know everything
People who were beating their there why right and all those prisoners have been released and these women are being hunted, two hundred and twelve women. How can we help him? How can we help you know we ve got dad An asteroid formerly ass, a general council friend of mine working on this with the gale lost, build your assembling all the data of these women, submitting all their information to state department. It's it's turning fast. I've got an extraction team on the ground. and I think I got an ambassador to reach out to me over the European Union. It says I'm gonna find a site one need only called so many countries in their work on it as well. So one thing I'm missing explained a plain planes you're talking to a guy who has twenty of them? Yes, you get them to the airport. I'll need to have my team get in touch with you. You need to work it out because of the State Department, everything else, but you get there. to the tarmac I'll get the monoplane
well we're Americans and we figured out, don't go in there. We do yes, we do You get him to the tarmac I'll, get em too, to another country where they'll be safe and I just want Mr President, if you hear this message, we need more time. We we need more time. Please give us more time thanks again Alison. Thank you. God bless somebody get all of her information and get it too the people at the Nazareth Fun right away. Ok, welcome! I want to talk about american financing. If you're a homeowner and fiscally responsible, you probably spend a fair amount of time looking for ways to lower your monthly costs, and that undoubtedly means like not spending beyond your means that some of my Look like lowering your interest rate on things like your mortgage or your credit card debt
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this. Is legal in that programme were glad that you are here? We have so many senators and house members that are working and calling mercury one because of your phone calls yesterday and I know that, to my knowledge, TED crews working on something MIKE Lee is working on something several house. Members another senators as well are engaged in clearing the red tape. If you can even call it that clear The mass of these two department out of the way to increase the number of flights yesterday, some it started to pushing and ask some questions, and lo and behold to flights for the Nazareth fund took off yesterday Finally, while we were asleep last night
I was able to confirm that they were off the ground and safe about her. Five a M eastern time and its because of you and teamwork has arts last. Guess just said: it's it's the power of one. but, as she said, it's a team and that's That is the meaning just heard it she's like I have everything I have all the paperwork have the documents. I have the the government saying. Yes, I just don't have a plane. Well, I've got a plane we will get plain sitting right there on the tarmac, probably soon, if not already, the tarmac we should we have the capability of turning them around every thirty minutes, but we can't get the State Department to move on it, but it Is just the power of one individual, just saying I'm doing this part? Does anybody have another piece and some standing up and doing their part and
tomorrow. I'm gonna tell you a story of how, in Visuals really make a difference, and you think I don't have the power to doing it. I dont, I can't do it. It's not true I'll tell you you don't want to miss tomorrow's programme. About more about that on tomorrow's for they just don't miss it all right an update on the funding and how many people have been getting out and a Pentagon Press conference just tap. All that in so much more coming up in just a minute today about a video angel era sponsored by for the blaze broadcast this hour and the angel is a way for you to control what your family seize on television and you know We all have our own different manner,
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We are almost at thirty million dollars raised for the Nazareth Fund and our evacuation mission in Afghanistan. I have a an update on that coming up in just a second and from somebody who has been there and seen it what is happening to the Christians in Afghanistan. We go there in sixty seconds programme, So what is on your playlist right now, but the soundtrack of your day look like you can listen. Podcast you can listen to music, you can listen, did anything. What is the soundtrack of your life? one of the reasons I love recon wireless ear buds is the sound quality is unbelievable. They come with gel tips for your comfort Nan. Unlike a lot of other brands, they don't
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Jeff King, as the President International christian concern. and is, website is persecution, dot, org he's one of the world's leading experts on christian persecution and religious freedom. And we wanted to talk to him about what is happening with the Christians over in Afghanistan, high Jeff how're, you Jeffrey there I'm sorry about that. I am that's right. You for being on with us and thank you for keeping track of, what's happening all around the world. It's getting really dangerous in allow places in the world to be a christian yeah? Unfortunately, it is like I have to go. Can we say it's a growth industry ran and unfortunately, it's even starting to get to come home to roost here in the states. I'd like to hear more that. Second, first tell me what is happen.
with the Christians. What is life like for a Christian, and I believe there are about fifteen thousand converts from them. twenty years. Yeah! That's that's cool! right, number and when those convert your kind of endeavour, indifferent category. Some of them have come out publicly and said: look I'm in Alchemy, of course not just as a christian banana convert from Islam and in a place like Afghanistan. That's a death sentence, especially when the Taliban I'm saying one thing: when dear Uncle the United States is. Is it control, but one that all the part? That means those guys are: they have a target on the back and be killed, and there is in fact, too good to be killed over five. If I have this right, the Taliban said just last week the Jeanne converts. If we find you, we will set you on fire, you will burned to death. And be set on fire while alive.
I mean where we all know these guys are horrible, they're going door to door there checking People going. Are you going to my? Have you been a mosque? Are you going to Mosque Christian we are getting calls say we know you were watching you and There's a big family. They have moved to the Christians, yet it's it's Roy, starting with the judges and into people on the special forces there being dragged out her arms and shot profit about a rate of care. Today? We expect that fair and enforced by Europe. a person's dry gather homes and and killed. We know because we're trying to save many. We know that there are now really congregated together, any more they're trying to stay as separate is possible, so they don't get each other killed. many of them are in hiding with their family. Yeah, absolutely and in our choice, tricky with what can be said in this situation, but in others
There is a mass of humanity that most people know about that surrounds the dew affair base and so obvious leaders, people in their there. There were all all those people are get it for one reason or another. My friends are in there and yet at the same time that there is theirs those public converts I spoke up, but there is a whole mass of others that you're referring to and there's a day, an underground and yet, at the same time it's not gonna. Take too long to figure out who need more, especially when they get tortured before the murdered and say Who else is a Christian and I'll start working through in doing those got things, including the others, financial and they'll they'll know who they are because are not showing up at mosque? Yeah. And even those who are willing to go that length to keep their white disable work. I'm gonna go to Moscow near to stay hidden, thereby down. It's gonna be clear, but some of them just won't. Do that the reality, I can
Do that that would make me a fake and then there would be discovered very quickly. I mean it's our Do you have to feel this way doing what you do? When you see these people meet these people and you see their faith contract, I feel like a fraud because Europeans have never been pushing since the war like this, I ve never had. I've never had to choose my life or my faith before, and I hope I would. I hope I stand strong, but these people are just incredible, just incredible, go, and you know no hosted ever asked me that question something I often say I'll confess about myself and I think that's just a humble, responsive ice. I so often will look at these people and I'll say you know instead creation than? What am I? Because what would we do in this situation? There? Really you see the deepest faith and a coupled with the deep
and it's an amazing thing to be associated with India to be able to Sir is it is, and you Our country wouldn't take them under Barack Obama. Our country won't take them now under Joe Biden, and these are the people that would redo us. These people would come into our faith communities and we would learn so much from them. I mean, I were I have. I have so It's so much respect and every time I ever think about what I stand up. You know he's gonna get down too well, could just say things that, could you know help you escaping get away? Would you be willing to play the game? These people don't the game, they don't play the game. There are like yes or no, I'm either a Christian or I'm not so when there are so many and maybe even like it said they ve, they even come out already. but they don't even choose to stay hidden. Some of them have converted and then even under Idee cards. You know
it shows Mordred going on and so that that kind of courage or something and then its frustrated because there, people in that ring around with you man around the debates that have to get through it are gonna, be assassinated and there's the talk. from the administration. There is the actual reality what's going on the ground. Very very few people are getting through and, to my knowledge, none of our friends again true. well anything that we can do to help your organization. You know I've. I just sign for a bridge loan yesterday for one seven, thirty, seven and eight three twenties and is there as we get them rolling any Christian. that can get into the airport. We will, we'll take them in if you, if we wait, please, let's just team up affair
is anything we can do? We will well first well, you just saw the mystery. I was just I just got off the phone with our contacts inside and We were aware of these plans that are available and we would like now. Who de as we have heard a trading who did as he does provide the F b. I appreciate that you may then yeah it's our audience. That is done. I mean we ve Last week I went on the air and said we need money. We are just about to break thirty million dollars And so we have the money we have the inner we're just. We really need prayers, because the state Department is standing in our way, otherwise we'd be the lifting off all the time. no can have pity on me there and just for your listeners, it's like you look on the outside. We have. No connection is the first time we ve ever spoken and I'm just got off the phone and, like claims are out there waiting. We don't know whose provided on and yet the problem.
is getting them through the gate and its end, its way beyond the curse of virtual, All these be, I do too, and they all have you know they have a target on her back On the one hand, you say you understand the position, the military- they don't want to get a bear if they don't want suicide bomber, but look we ve been handling this type situation for a long time in Iraq. I think they learn something and you think if they could just get him on the base and sorghum if they have to throw some of the fish back so be at their after scammers or whatever, but get these people out of them. Going around the airport and by the way gland they have no food, water no medicine and their phone chargers there only owing to their survival to any hope they have. Then we would have phone chargers so do if anything if we just get out into that area. We have said these people now we a plain up in the sky yesterday. It was about this time that it was being loaded. and they had been on the tarmac four days.
And, as we were loading them onto the plane, Our guy said we have to call for medical aid when we land, because every this plane is dehydrated, we need I these will those people sat on the tarmac waiting for the State Department for six additional hours before they were allowed to take off yeah an end. We we're friends we're work where the states farmer were big fan, but this has got to change it disaster and something has got to break free. It's like, what's just put humanity first and kept bureaucracy outweigh and let's move fast and save lives, but I can't tell you much appreciate what you guys are doing hand based on your initiative and drive and in your heart, so well made and will love will help you anyway. We can't I'm gonna I'm gonna have to one of our producers. Put you in touch with the Nazareth Fund and, if
is any way we can help you we will. We will. Thank you, sir. You back our persia. Bye, bye. in other. It's an amazing thing. How we he we all can just come together and just put Differences aside and the nice thing about it is no one I know of gear, fly in crap who gets accredit, nobody cares and ever buddy that I know of I mean We know that their is a possibility that some of our people, who were trying to rescue people and bring them in. We know there. the possibility that they may be killed or the people are shepherding could be killed and that be really bad. We're But people in and outrage
in the same category, he just kind of said Bert, pretty much the same thing we don't worry Looking for anything, let us put humanity first don't care who gets the credit and will take the blame, I am fully aware my wife said to me this weekend, said. Kindness is so dangerous what happens if blah blah blah? I said, honey they're, going if they're going to find some way to make us into evil bad guys anyway, but different does it make? We know they're gonna say thank you know. I read a story last night, Glenn back. says here, used x, number of dollars, ass. I say that what you did say technically it is an accurate headline. You have said Isn't it interesting cause? That's not the headline. I would write there there implying that we didn't raise that money.
there are implying that somehow or another, this is just a. I guess what made up fantasy land. Definitely, I would say they left it. Open for interpretations. Have retained, should jacket that, yes, you heard you good honest Ella. I saw that same headline. I thought to myself at least they wrote something about it. yes get out. I will tell you that was my words thought as well, while writing something about it. What are we seeing seriously? I mean I, I saw the independent story who mentioned it when we were at twenty million dollars, I saw a disorienting was insider Business insider that wrote that one that you're talking about- I don't do that and then I saw there's one today from faith wire. That says, after raising over twenty eight million dollars to rescue Afghan Christians, glad pictures an incredible of data as the pictures. That you have shared on your instagram today, but Obviously I think the blaze is covered it, which is great outside of that. That's it don't it's amazing, I'm waiting for the Glen
attack. Its color articles that are nowadays coming. It's come, they will smear blend back just bought twenty five million dollars, how's malibu. They will come up with something I can tell you, can I can visit oh yeah, see it's really. Nice coincidence I bought a week I bought. I bought twelve and a half rugosities relays. Yeah you gotta have a half Mugabe, it's difficult of goods is difficult, but that I was at a time showed. How did you know they'll just avail cut it and have a look if you by twelve they'll. Send you a half bacardi if you'd like to pay for a sort of customer survey we need, so, but I'm going to give you the situation on the ground. I have the latest update from overseas in the Middle EAST,
from the Nazareth fund I'll give you what I can in sixty seconds anything that big companies you do business with can have data breaches, because their big companies tat are amazing. Security right well you're, not understanding the big picture. T mobile recently confirmed that a data breach that could affect forty seven million past and present customers. Have you ever had your cell phone with the t, mobile cuz. I love you criminals are taking all of this data you're in formation. Might be on the door web this morning for sale, it's him Gordon to understand how cybercrime and identity theft or affecting our everyday lives. You put your information, not risk on the internet. That's ways criminals are her just pigs in crap, because they love, how much information we just poor out. Nobody can
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eight and a half million dollars. I think, we're going to be at thirty million. And I can't Thank you enough for what you're doing It is truly amazing. let me give you an update. Yesterday we had an aircraft three hundred, and forty that took off then to day This morning I announced that we had to. that's dead have taken off the hook? the last jet is currently in the process of turning it around quickly as possible to grab another three Britain, forty on the tarmac, yesterday was really challenging Missus SAM getting this from the head of our operations over in the Middle EAST, he said it
worked out by the grace of God. One of our aircraft broke down on the tarmac in Kabul. We had to replace the battery and organise a passengers to get them on the correct, manifest list, confusion, because another aircraft on the ramp had important passengers heading to another destination and all the names were written. Apparently, in Ash too, which none of us speak, but we had to get all of those names translated in all of the documents translated anyway, aircraft took off after sitting on the ramp, is fully loaded. We fight, we got. The permission from the State Department we will love. It says I can't talk about that, are Just obstacle remains. The eight department and the White House. We
have senior officials that gonna say where I'm not going to read any a fat tension? outside of the gate, extremely high people are, on top of each other. The Taliban continues to obstruct at every turn. Lots of concern today over I e these going off outside of the gate. Contrary popular knowledge. The Taliban and ISIS hate each other. and ISIS once the Taliban to suffer and me Do Sylvia some sort of attack at the gates. That way, they can blame it on that Ella Bonn Personally, I can't wait until we're out there, so they can just kill each other. It would be fantastic if they would just spend the time a fitting the herd of bad guys I welcome them like other administrations? I don't think we should arm them, but maybe that's just me.
We will try to give you an update. As things begin to move. I know I can confirm that seven hundred of Christians women, children, families have now landed in a safe country in the Middle EAST, which will certainly, which will remain nameless for there, safety and the country's safety, but I can confirm today that the four seven hundred have landed and they are okay and now process to go to their new homes all around the world. we need your prayers and if you still want to donate you can. We can vote please use that this is
This is gonna, be an ongoing effort not just in Afghanistan but unfortunately, all across the Middle EAST. As America becomes weaker, you can donate at the Nazareth, fun, dot, org or mercury. One thought or decisions, knowing who you can count on in this country is extremely important There are very few people that I think we can count on there. one group that was started. It was a MAC, it was started when we were at fox- and I was talking bout, another. You know seniors group and unlike what are these people doing they are selling people down the river. That's why a very smart guy decided to start a MAC He is fighting on our side.
This thou he has unfortunately passed away, but his family is in charge of a MAC now and they are warriors warriors for the constitution. They stand firm with the truth and they will not fold under pressure. It is one group. I think you can count on it the association immature american citizens, otherwise known as a man, does now two million members strong. I urge you to become a member. They stand forth, advocacy, benefits and information that you can trust. America needs you. America needs a MAC. I am a sea dot. U S! Slash back, join now, aim ACT! Not U S! Slash back, go to the Nazareth, fun dot, org to put in your donation and help the people in crisis in Afghanistan. The Nazareth fund not work
Andrew Cuomo is awful. Yes, of course, but Andrew Cuomo was also gone. Goodbye, Andy The Roma is officially out of office The long New York base nightmare is over. he wrote today said I I hereby tender my resignation for the office of governor of the state of New York. This population will be effective. at midnight, which is already passed this past midnight August, twenty. Fourth, two thousand twenty one. It has been my pleasure to serve with you both. It really has been our pleasure. Hasn't it. watching Andrew Cuomo flail through the past? How long has it been ten years of Being governor, he wanted another term. He wanted to outdo his father. That was his big goal. To get to his fourth term,
as governor of New York. He did not succeed. In fact he didn't even equal his father, who actually lasted his full three terms. Now Cuomo, of course, is made news as he's gone out of office, as he typically does. Cuomo had been staying with his sisters in Westchester County. Recently had asked staff members in the executive mansion if any one would like to keep his dog captain. who is remained at the state of residence after the government or moved out last week, Finally, when you move out to your home, you bring the with you, I mean, I think. That's a normal way of doing things and you're going. Live with your sister, then, maybe you your dog with you, maybe you're, sick you're takes care of it, but apparently they ve left it at the mansion. Now this is
coming from two state police police sources through the Albany Times Union, they the governor had asked mentioned staff members. If anyone would be interested in caring for the dog, only he had nipped a few people over the years. He was a little bit of a problem, of course, basically Cuomo denied this, because That's what Cuomo does when any one criticizes him about anything. He just denies it and acts as if you're crazy for asking. He is denied it and through initially a spokesperson, a person who is all over the report about how he abused women he came out and said ah come on. This is a. Why can't possibly think this is true. and finally, Andrew Cuomo tweeted, is dog saying some people just can't get the facts straight guess. I was down state monitoring, storm response for a few days, but captain I
or a man and his dog peace peace, to our family and that's the way it will always be, and it waited a great fuss. what kind of warmed your heart a little bit its Andrew Cuomo impaired! his dog, with his loving daughters, Looking along minutes, it's a beautiful photo Almost looks like a professional photo. Really really is a nice picture does kind of like a professional photo. I think it that's because it was it was from people magazine from twenty twenty. So it was not a current photo at all. Once again, Andrew Cuomo, in a another moment of this one- a minor crisis lies yet again, because that's what he does that's who he is that's, why he's gone because he lies all the time Sir Andrew Cuomo is. Andrew Cuomo lies that's what he does all of that.
I'm all other things. He says. Every time he says them are lies he cannot physically say something that true. It is not within his skill set, of course obviously he is still under investigation now that they they thrown out the impeachment part of the proceedings? Because, as you are, understand, Democrats, it's crazy to impeach a politician after they ve left office, would be saying never have ever recommended impeaching a politician after they have left office. Can you imagine such a crazy thing supported by, Democrats, I know I can't. but that was legitimately their excuse outcome out? It's a moot point the guy's leaving office. Do you remember the last year
Do we not recall what happened in January as President Rob, was about to leave office. What you recommended hat after he left office. Do remember. All of this does not ring a bell at all. Doesn't matter. I will say, though Democrats really all to the level that I do hated, drew Cuomo. I mean they really despised, Andrew Cuomo, and that's the only way he's leaving office, as you know, Credit don't leave office because if they ve been solved in a scandal. I mean we have governed In this country who are have been photographed in black face and are still running their states. that is what happens when you are democratic? You get involved in a scandal. You don't need to leave. You stay Stay and the media cover for you and we all move on. That's what happens, but
Cuomo actually passed this sort of mythical line Somehow he was able to get through the wall of protection from democratic Party, and you can only do that by doing by being really really efficient. in in how terrible of a person you are because Who are now saying? Well look. This is frosty because he's being kicked off out of office because of the meat to scandal and, of course, that's important if you led the report which I have done and we ve over here and this programme you real is that there is a lot in the report is not just a couple of jokes. He made is not just a couple of hand, gestures that God mistaken He did a lot and he deserves to be removed for what he did he's fighting that still here, the video yesterday still proclaiming his innocence. There are a lot of accusations against him and he
Deserves due process barely, but he deserves to process. and if it was just that, I dont think he would be removed. How many times have we seen democratic politicians? Walk right through scared like this. Doesn't matter how many women accuse you of things of your democrat? Generally speaking, unless you're Harvey wines, dean you're, pretty much gonna make it through. but he went so much further than that. All of the people that hated him in New York, all of them Eyes all of the investigations, the nursing homes scandal was necessary to remove him from office it that did not occur. He would not be gone now. I would so lately rather have him in office than have thousands families grieving their relatives. I would prefer that all of the thousands of peace but he is responsible for their deaths. I would
I would prefer they were still alive and even though it would suck for the people of New York that he was still in office. You'd like the idea that people would Beating heart still had the meeting on four that's not an option because support. Andrew Cuomo did with the nursing homes. and we should remember the way this is being framed now and then passed away is look. It was eight. It was a difficult time. It was a hard, I am for every politician and mean oh, maybe he made a mistake. He did that's. This is not an understandable mistake anymore It's an understandable mistake did not I await your tens of thousands of people, country as you handed over to the Taliban. It's not a mistake. You can excuse, keep known, infected patients with a pandemic virus in the same rooms with most vulnerable people.
he knowingly imported and guaranteed the import of covert nineteen into nursing homes. This is An understandable whoop see. This is poor. probably the single worse decision made in the entire pandemic era. Add on to that. The fact that he was one of that was. He was one of only a few democratic governors who did that, some of which still have survived that crisis and it proved that you need all of these elements to remove someone like Andrew Cuomo, Governor New Jersey still in office somehow after he did same thing. One thing he did not, do thou was prevent nursing homes prevent nursing homes from even testing patients that we're coming in four covered nineteen why, in their own words, because they wanted to make sure that covered nineteen patients were not discriminated against because of their covert night. in status.
As if it was their skin color all week. we can't discriminate against. Those people were they. Deadly virus that could be passed to the most vulnerable person in the bed next to them, even after he was warned by the nursing homes that the nursing homes he was importing covert. Nineteen into did not have private rooms they were sharing rooms, people who or infected and people who were not infected. Well, he not everybody together, because after that, everybody was infected and thousands died because of that move, thousands key that call where did up over and over and over again to the point of To this moment they are still the reporting, how many people are dead in New York from covered nineteen. This he d C has different numbers than the state of New York. Why Andrew Cuomo.
Andrew Como is under investigation still by the Brooklyn. U S: attorney's office for covering up the death toll he's still under Bud investigation for profit five point: one million dollars to write a book in which bragged about his leadership over the very boy who later got him thrown out of office. This has been an Integrated catastrophe Easy now for them, to look at it and say: okay well, he's out of office, he peed, some really bad things and he's gone, but that's. only because there were people in the conservative, media and people who just we're victimized, some of them actually Democrats by the way who stood up said wait a minute, we're not gonna. Let this one slight level: some slight we're, not gonna. Let this slide.
they often with single out Janice Dean, fur, her role in this. You know her from Fox NEWS, of course, her husband's, both of them its died in nursing homes during this era,. And she was she the nicest person in the universe and she was willing to come out and step out in front of the cameras over and over again, to remind people of what you're Cuomo has done here and hold. To account and without her there be, This would not have occurred. She's gonna be on my programmes do does America tonight, as we do a lot of it the celebration of Andrew Como, getting out of our lives, at least for a short time. But you have to remember that Cuomo was praised by the media. This man, was seen as a potential replacement. Joe Biden. If
how maybe his cognitive abilities, weren't up to snuff. There saying that you know look, he might be done asked during the debate with Donald Trump and if he fails and falls apart, maybe we just bleachers insert Andrew Cuomo, maybe that's what we do. because he's done such a good job with a pandemic had he had. He done a good job with a pandemic. Look back what he was actually saying in the press conferences, he's concert we praised for- and that's the things that need to be remembered here is not a situation where Andrew Como made a few mistakes in a tough time is now a situation where Andrew Cuomo had did he did a really good job early on and then fell apart? No, he did a terrible job from D one, he was telling people mid March to get on the subways he
continually criticized Donald Trump for acting too slow, even though he was behind Trump every step of the way. Every step of the way. he later made a poster mocking Donald Trump for comparing covert ninety, the flu. Unlike February when he himself did it in middle ouch, all of this is to tell you that, thank God The people of New York for my Whatever who live in New York, but then no longer have to be ruled by this terrible creature. Faint God it's over for at least the time being, unfortunately, has eighteen million dollars in the bank and he's gonna everything you can to buy his way back into politics. Maybe not an office but in a way of debate to influence things, Negatively, as he only only
Andrew Como can do all of this is to tell you tonight, we're gonna have a celebration on students, America of Andrew Cuomo,. ouster. Please join sits on Youtube podcast. Wherever Go Studios, America, dot com has all the links. I'll, tell you one more time. Andrew Cuomo is awful. Dotcom Well, here's something interesting that just happened in the world. And it mostly went unnoticed? Somebody named Palin terror, it it just but fifty million dollars in physical gold to prepare for a black swan event Now. Why is this important? Pelletier in case you dont know they are an expert company, on data analytics and forecasting, and very used by hedge funds and banks and financial firms, including more, Stanley Merk Airbus Fianna Chrysler whole bunch people
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anyone who will not convert to the Taliban. Version of Islam is now under threat other lives being taken from them in understand we know of thousands of vetted Christians that are we're trying to get out of Afghanistan and move two third party nations who will accept them and remove them from danger year, The thing that this is happening as we speak, donated over twenty eight million dollars. We have major updates for you on tomorrow's programme. the one thing, you could do now continue to fund the Nazareth. Fun administering fund, dot, Org, of course, put your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Will give the updates tomorrow to climb programme
Transcript generated on 2021-09-02.