« The Glenn Beck Program

EXCLUSIVE: Jan 6 Defendant Tells Glenn He's a 'Political Prisoner' | Guests: Ethan Nordean & Josh Hammer | 6/8/22

2022-06-08 | 🔗

Glenn predicts that the Biden administration will soon be using climate change to excuse all America's problems and will use it to seize more power. Pat Gray joins Glenn and Stu to discuss January 6 and the history of sedition charges in America. Glenn talks with Ethan Nordean who's been in prison for over a year for his participation on January 6 and is now facing sedition charges. Ethan shares his side of the situation, which conflicts with the government's claims. Glenn dives deeper into how the Sedition Act came about. Opinion editor for Newsweek Josh Hammer joins to discuss the story of a man who was arrested after he went to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's house with the intent to kill him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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If you ve ever trusted me before to tell you what might be coming our way. I urge you to listen to today's broadcast in podcast in its entirety. Today's program, I've been to show you what's right around the corner and it is. It is essential that you know exactly what the game plan is for the left, because things are about to change and change dramatically, and these things we have started to lay out for you, but today I will show you not just what they plan to do. I'll show you in their own words what they are doing and it doesn't bode well for the cost of anything. Your job, your security or
our children's future in a free country. We begin their in sixty seconds certain kinds of pains that things like ibuprofen just don't touch, and I mean the hit you with a rolling pin kind of pain that I'd be open unity. Eight hundred milligrams version just doesn't do anything at least up for me. I know from snow experience. What it's like- and I wouldn't be here today- if it, if it wasn't for relief factor, I had so much pain in my hands. In fact, I'm up you're at the ranch in my pay, Is caused by elevation or worsened by elevation, and I told my family just a few years ago. I don't think I've ever going to go to the ranch again, because it's too painful- I am,
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this is coming and I believe it is coming. This fall, I'm always wrong in timing, but I don't think I'm too wrong on this inflation and gas prices currently being blamed on putin but soon Blame will be shifted to global warming, now the power that the federal government will hand over to the president, who already using the administration and the arm his office as a weapon We are already seeing changes to fema to the s e c, to the f c c, to all of the agencies that are so was to put acting defend the constitution are now being used to protect and defend the agenda against climate change.
These powers. Will include sedition power to silence people into silence, descent. And you will see more of that tomorrow we january? Six thursday night must see tv that nobody is interested in watching, except the extreme left and they're doing everything they can to get america to watch because the is a set up. I have some really important that I will begin to explain to at the bottom of the hour. Hopefully we are going to talk to a guy who has been rotting for all for a year now in jail. He has he. In charged with things that don't make any since we have an interview with him. I believe this is the first interview he has done.
Was part of January sixths, my understanding that he walked into the capital and walked out The capital He is now being charged and hasn't. Had his day in court for over a year we're gonna get his story, will talk to him from jail. Where he is wasting away? It is, kind of dicey. It sir he's got. Fifteen may on the phone and then he's gotta hang up and then call us pack. So it's good a strange interview, but that happens next hour. But let me go back to the the war that we are now facing, and I don't mean the actual hot war with the military what I mean is the war on climate change. I want to play. Yellin from yesterday, but two who stand this. You need to understand
war on climate has become and all agency war. So eh free arm of the government. Now, under Joe Biden must make climate change the priority. So I want you to listen to what she's yesterday about gas prices, you know the gas prices are not controlled by Putin. If we continued to be energy independent as trumpet us, we would not have any of these problems right now we would be. Making a ton of money, our economy would be booming because we would be selling energy to the rest. The country, but we're not Here's janet Yellin yesterday. What is she saying about gas? prices. Given global nature of these markets, its virtue
impossible for us to insulate ourselves from shocks like the one Sid are occurring in russia, the move global oil prices and look with the medium term. The critical is that we become more d in turn, the wind in the sun that are not objects. It I'm your political. We are looking now at movie. Towards wind and solar. That's the most important thing and she's app luckily wrong and lying to you when she says we have no way to prepare against these global shocks. Yes, we do energy, dependent. We ve already achieved it and by dismantled it now here Debbie stabber no yesterday on talking about the price of gas. With this idea, say just on the issue of gas price
after waiting for a long time, lead to have enough chips in this country to finally get my electric vehicle, I got it and drove it from Michigan to hear last weekend and went by every single gas station and didn't matter how high it was and still am, looking forward to the opportunity for us to move to vehicles that aren't going to be dependent on the whims of the oil, companies and the international market kate. You don't have to worry about that. If few remained energy independence by the way, if memory serves me right when I was a very big leader in the in the carbon market. Dear member, when we were talking about this, in what two thousand eight and nine and with a carbon market, where we were selling offsets. Barack Obama said, if my
memory serves me right. This is a quote that your Ass prices would necessarily skyrocket. This is just another way through that same door to cripple our energy independence. Now we have another. Thing going on, in germany, the supermarkets in germany put up notes on tuesday warning customers that they are only allowed to purchase one critical product as such, jane problems hit the european continent, a twitter users shared images of the notes. Next to the prospect of products like pasta and flower, ukraine isn't Able to export so it's it's wheat. As this is because of the war. But what are we doing? How are we offsetting it? Are we helping Our farmers we also, fertilizer acting
out on one hand the farmers that I know that our using fertilizer this year that really there reduce the crops by about one per cent. Just that one thing now they're saying that we're gonna have food shortages, not just because of ukraine, but also. Fertilizer sure, the drought. The drought and the fires, which are because. Global warming, another Global warming emerge can see by the way K of sea in australia having to its having to replace lettuce, they are struggling with a lettish short and they're putting cabbage on their burgers. Let's see, there's also kfc queensland, chicken shortages now all across
the: u s: soaring food prices caused by disruption in global farming, gee costs in the war in ukraine have already started shifting american spending habits, the? U s agency, for international development. That's: u s! Hiv! The chief for that is, if this ring the bell cement the power some the power is cast son, stiens wife too, he is a radical She is somebody that likes global engineering. She said quote, I hope. Food shortages will push farmers towards green energy, global warming. In the meantime by has now mandated that more ethanol is to be used, gasoline now? What that mean.
Well. We now need to make two hundred and fifty million more gallons of renewable fuel. This is to bring our our ice of gas down her. At the same time, Biden is saying we need to make more ethanol. The agents He also denied seventy exemptions for small refineries which been granted. The exemptions under president trump so are trying the epa is saying no we're trying to bring gas prices down, but they're, not there now doing everything they can. They are thwarting everything we can do in the meantime. What are they asking us to do they are asking us now for law or gas prices to burn food corps and already porn skyrocketed through
three percent higher corn prices with other crops raising rising by twenty percent. So we are, we are causing our own food shortages. Then I get this story from the new york times? Are you still with me following the emergency orders that are coming as, The great salt lake dries up. Utah our faces and environmental nuclear bomb says the new york times there talking about how the great salt lake is drying up and- This is gonna cause all kinds of problems. Even the ski resorts will suffer from this, but eventually it will have, you know poison, air, arsenic in the air will. That sounds like an emergency: doesn't it all because of a record breaking drought.
Now. Let me give you a couple of other things and then I'm sure you historically later today, exactly This comes from how this has worked in the past and it exactly the game plan that this pressure. And is using. But let me give you this de age but d age, ass, department of homeland security bulletin yesterday warned of a heightened threat environment. The payment of homeland security issued a bulletin tuesday war have a heightened threat environment over the next several months as they monitor both the risks of domestic terrorism and foreign adversaries. Looking too so discord, in the. U s to promote. Acts of violence. The united states remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex structure and nature of the thread environment in the coming,
since they deal just says, we expect the thread environment to become more dynamic, as Several high profile events could be exploited. Justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. Now? This is weird because we had yesterday, compass, care pro life reproductive health organization services, patients in the rochester in buffalo area. It was fun your bombed by pro, abortion, terrorists, company scare rodya blog posts that its office was fire bombed, the bridge. And see a centre said that the windows in the reception wimp, who room and the nurses office were broken, and fires were started on. The building was graffiti that red jane was here that is a radical pro abortion terrorist group. Jaynes revenge which talks spots, ability for the fire bombing
a similar pro life organization in madison wisconsin just last month, however, even though they have posted on line a eight of rage when the. U s supreme court hands down its ruling in Dobbs versus jackson, the women's health organization is that you know That's jaynes revenge. I guess they have called for a night of revenge and have judged militant action. They have solid at a time of eight p m for actions nationwide to begin whenever the court hands down its decision, so wait a minute Maybe that's what they're talking about? No that's We are talking about, in fact Act. New york's governor not only ignored the violence, but instead
add earmarked thirty five million dollars and taxpayers funds to increase security at abortion clinics there the legislature passed a bill investigating pro life. Pregnancy centers precisely- because they do not perform abortions. Are you seeing what's coming yet? Oh on more story not to worry about emergencies. This for disease and prevention as updated its guidance last week for travellers wishing to protect themselves against monkey pox, They said where a mask wearing a mask and help protect you from many diseases, including monkey box, monday night that recommended recommendation was deleted. Why The cdc said they remove the mask recommendation for a monkey box, travel health notice because it called
confusion really. Is this possibly yet another health emergency more in a second So fathers days coming up pretty soon, and everyone always focuses on how hard it is to get somethin for dead. But it's not that hard as it dad what are they asking for time? Just time they're asking at least I should say I am asking for All of our family members are memories to be sorted out preserved and then pick out the fame, the the favorites and, let's put up in the house. It's put him up on the walls. All of those memories that we have made as a family being lost their lost on cam quarter, tapes that we ve never seen film reels the absolute best
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station idea? When I talk to you about sedition coming up in just a minute, and if I have time a little bit more of history to put what I'm telling you into perspective tonight: I'm gonna really put it into perspective. I'm gonna use some audio of some things that happened in america in the past that we have had to apologize for or bury our heads in the sand to try to me it go away, but by is digging up all of those things, and he is, I mean, living in an in an alternate, dimension in some ways, is he not
people will say it's wishful thinking. Inflation, transitory gas prices, growing pains of necessary energy transmission transition basic? everything. That's going wrong in america is, outside of the power of the president. He can't do anything about it. Well, that's not true is causing these things along with his administration and if it would just stop resisting and sit back and trust vitamins, sdr plan everything would be fixed. He can fix it through executive order tonight, fascist fantasies, the dangerous origins of the Biden take over tonight. Nine pm eastern lays tv dotcom back programme.
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I am not saying he's a bad guy he's. Needs his day in court. Grand jury indictment was unsealed on monday, revealing new january six charges against members of the washington state based proud boys. They are all now being charged with sedition. Now when I first saw what was happening in january six at the capital, I was very vocal before or during and after stop None of this should happen. Since that day there are been eight hundred arrest spanning almost all fifty states the guy that we're gonna talk to about a half hour or we hope to talk to, and I say that because he's calling from prison where he has been wit charged with a violent crime he has been one year,
in prison and, most of that time, in solitary solitary confinement. He is I do have. Trial in august, but they have continually delayed delay. And delayed is time. People have a trial, and can you even have a fair trial in Washington DC? We're gonna talk we are coming up in in just a little while crazy. He is an incredible thing. I mean we ve, seen many many examples of this and now look you point out, we we give due process to everyone in this country whether they ve committed mass murder suicide. You know serial killers, terrorists there all supposed to get due process and when they don't due process. We, a country of always stepped up and said now, this is wrong, even if, even if that person is an undesirable in many many ways
this is a situation where that seems to be falling through the cracks and it shouldn't yeah, but while they did, The difference has been that here we have One taught obey situation, but it is in our own country. That's why we had guantanamo bay. We didn't want to go through the regular justice system and be brought in here to the united states. This is this: is in guantanamo bay in washington, dc pat gray, joins from pack re unleashed. I do indeed thank god I was just like to point out that, yes, there are some irregularities here involving people, not getting their swift justice that they should Constitutionally? Is gonna mandated more them, but keep in mind this waste,
day. Democracy almost died. How I think we gotta give him some leeway here. Don't you some of these people due to the capital building and paraded While we can have the nuns unabated parading we have this week, and I know that this isn't everything that happened now, but we ve got this footage where people are going inside the capital building calmly. One after another they're all coming in milling around and leaving it? I mean that's what some people did something did more than that. Some people got carried away and we ve always condemned that but for the love of Heaven eight hundred of these people, I know they're worth eight hundred causing these problems. Or eight hundred, maybe in the bill him look I
Tell you that from what he says and again we are waiting for him to tell us his story and his day in court. That is the most important thing have the day in court, he says he walked in. He wasn't participating in those things he walked around the capital and left now. He is a member of the proud boys, but that doesn't mean that he did anything wrong. They might have more information on him, but there there. Charging these people with seditious conspiracy levin members and associates. Being charged with that now this is this the first time this has been done in a very law time it's been more than a decade since the federal government brought sedition charges the last time against the members
christian militia in Michigan. If you remember that they were plotting to rise up against the government. However, the governor failed to prove that the group had firm plans to actually launch attacks. Do you think the proud boy actually had plans it's my standing that the proud boys had a plan of meeting in virginia for a party at three p m, so I sound like they had a plan. The last successful sedition prosecution came twenty six years ago, with, with omar rahman of the blind, cheek nine people? Were convicted applauding to blow up the united nations, the fbi, buildings, the bridges and tunnels between new york in new jersey? that one was successful before that it was in the nineteen eighties.
And that was for the porter rican nationalist that were convicted in the early 80s in the role of the armed forces of national liberation. I don't of your remember effie Alan but they were credited for the bombings across the united states. They were the guys that bill Clinton pardoned nineteen, ninety nine before You ve gotta, go back to the sedition act of nineteen. Eighteen surprisingly, under woodrow Wilson again. This heat glenn does not address the truth that this is the day. Democracy all almost died, and I address you can't he will not prevent again dispute that that's. Why won't bring it? That's why you download indisputable the day almost died
I think it by the way. Why is this a prime time special tomorrow night? They are now you ready for this. The house select committee January six, the biggest fans expense meeting this week with new ways to entice a passive public to care about their three hour riot than and more than eighteen months ago, they are included a book deal with the new yorker Televised hearings scheduled during prime time and now. Now free ice cream? That's right! There are ninety watching. Events throughout the various states include the flagship event in washington, d c, where a large screen is being set up and attendees will get free ice cream will now I'm in while the I was I was gonna per derived before, but now I I am absolutely in.
If I screams involved, we ve got lots prime time ice cream there. That's, when you know it's serious hit, you just shows their desperation doesn't elegantly, prime time special. What would I never heard anything like this and they just to have their doing air everything they can to avoid talking about what is actually affecting the country right. Now, everything and to avoid the last two years of this presidency and to try to distract people to think about anything else. Other than the president's job performance to which has been taken. By the way, our way we heard from what's her face, K, J p or whatever her name is yes the economy is in the best shape its ever been in whose historically wait? What would you what economy you tire low universe? It isn't really I've really good fascinated by this approach by the press.
We all remember the brok, obama era right and the brown obama era was filled with hay, tie are tough, but this is bushes fault that was there. Take on this. That's not bite and approach it's not pay times are top, but it was trumps fault it's just things are great in you, don't understand their great yeah, which is really weird. People are like in trouble, have the deal with all sorts of rising prices. They can't get baby formula. They can't get food there having all of these issues. They can afford to have They can't buy a car, they can't order it doesn't come for ten months. Things like that are going on any just saying I everything's perfect, don't worry about it. I went to a car dealership the other day. My wife and our youngest daughter we're you know we're lookin for a car for her so we went to a a hundred dealership and the guy comes out, and reach us, you know like they're, really eager. Yes, they always are. And so I say, we're looking for- I don't know, show sure civics, you're hunter, civics,
we don't have any civic. Is this a hundred? Do dealership? Ok? Well, then, what about an accord yeah, we don't have any I'd like you, don't have any. You know. He said in fact when I got when I started work here five years ago, we had sixteen hundred vehicles on the line. We have twenty on the lot right now all, they gosh were were were suvs, see only they had. No doubt my gosh, you tsar. Oh my. No one is by the by the time, you have those hondas on the lot you're not going to want one you're going to you're going to want one of those green cars, and so is there just saving you money here by the way, I don't know if you guys saw after the after Biden, came out, and said at the time I took office about sixteen months ago, economy had stalled covered was out of control. Today, thanks to the economic plan and
explanation plan my administration put inaction american, to achieve the most robust recovery in modern history. Let me give you some of the tweets and some of them are coming from our core leftist. I dont know, Oh, I, like the country better when gas was affordable, people showed up to their jobs, people weren't duped into wearing masks everywhere and they weren't stick only sticking a needle in their arm. Every few months, o n children weren't being groom by six sick perverts, but that doesn't mean I voted for you anything to get trump out but good. Prices are through the roof. Food prices keep increasing while getting less for more crime is increasing. Government is spending out of control. We need you to do something there's another one, is four dollars: a can gas five dollars a gallon families are having to choose between eating and filling their vehicles, a
kids are struggling, but you keep printing endless dollars to send ukraine. Your tweet show how out of touch you really are, casey oh said: how is this not flag for misinformation? in Petersen had a great response. Maybe it's time to put down hunters, crack pipe and realise that middle america's drowning under these fuel and food prices surveys they go on in it. On I love the guy who was standing at the gas station yesterday. Do we have this clip where, Reporter was asking him, you know: is this going to affect the way you vote lucid of is waiting Americans are thinking. Why that was they see these prices climate climb? Do you like yours? so there's someone to blame out there. If you had the blame anyone, could you to get political, but I would say you know it starts from the top president, with that change? How your considering voting for
next election, whether us congressional later this year or presidential, couple years down. The rough definitely definite I just know no one administration at cheaper gas and This administration has more expensive gus. The bottom line strictly financial conclusion. For you I mean it's a housing market, its everything you previously mentioned. I mean gases, the big part of it, but I'll be right in our house. Hunting seems in us, yeah, but I won t what's happening, stone ass, the white house, she, roaming around on the internet is, you know all fun and games until somebody loses and identity inputs and eye out, then there's wailing and screaming and you're like. Can they didn't get lifelike? important to understand how cybercrime and identity theft will affect your life if it hasn't already. Every single day put our information out online and that
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You know am so sick people like pan, saying oh I've gone to a car dealership and they didn't have any cars, and I couldn't get a car I mean oh, I drove by a local rolls royce dealership the other day they had plenty of car sour, really plenty of car. So don't Y yeah wire people whining just go out by a rolls royce. They ve got them in stock. Now this is the thing female. Let me guess left. I think at this point learn their just become soft. Like all man, it so bad. You know I have to wear a mask in the airport, the charter of jet. You don't have to wear one on a private jet dealing. This is this is exactly the same. How offensive is that this is exactly the same as
stabbing, oh and also the president and the secretary of treasury Yellin coal bear. All of them. Saying people go to brahma gas prices go out and buy an electric vehicle death Ok! Well, that's yeah! That's that might be like going to the rolls royce dealership, yeah, it's true and how much that cost is in people. Don't realize that number one you're paying more for the car. Obviously number two, who you are paying likely fer a couple thousand dollars of electrical work in your garage for some for an electrician come over, give you some availability towards moderate charging speech, if not you're, talking about molt three days to charge your car with a normal plug. So that's not really an option for most people and then talking about this, drawing on getting on normal plot. Yet we china, we talked about the wood. This wall street journal reporter who drove did afforded
road trip had all sorts of problems have spent more time charging than sleeping kept having discharge stop in charge? Forty five minutes apart on a dry, because one charger wouldn't work, the other one would be too slow, but at the end of the day they do save money on gas they saved about thirty five percent, so two hundred seventy five dollars. It was a hundred and seventy five dollars because you still have to pay for this electricity. It's not for me jack elves in the wall, like a lot of people seem to think, and so we know, saving a few percent. Its great I'd rather pay. Thirty, five percent, less for my gas, but with all these, Their expenses topped up it would take a decade to pay this off, I mean it makes absolutely no sense if you, if you are having across the country. You also have to stay in motels while you charge your car. So you have caused a mad and more booze glenn back programme. Let me tell you about good ranchers. Good ranchers is something that I feel passionately bout, I'm a rancher myself here in amerika good
Andrews is a place to get american beef chicken see food. They said one hundred percent american meat and ship it right to your door and right now they're giving away free eighteen out, prime centre cut rabbis to every person. That uses my code Glenn jellia an that's two pounds of pride aim rib. I attitude order at no cost fathers day is almost here. This is a great fathers day claim your rabbis before they run out. It's a limited stock item. First come first served you want to able to save money and have great american beef delivered? to your door go to good ranchers, dotcom, slash, Glen or use my code glance at check out to get to free, eighteen out, rabbis star
the summer off the right way with american beef from good ranchers dotcom, slash glenn. when you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. The Glenn Beck program.
I will tell you that tomorrow night, the coverage of the january six hearing is being orchestrated by the former head of pvc news, the the guy who ran good morning american everything else. He is a showman and he is putting on quite a show for america and they promised to be very, very exciting in sixty seconds. I hope to be talking to a man who has been in solitary confinement for a year direct from prison, what's happening, what are these sedition cases, and should he have been put in solitary confinement for a year
We talk to a guy who has been according to the according to the fbi, guy who is, among quote the most dangerous and most serious january six criminal cases second stand by what is it? things you're still allowed to do in this country is start your own business hurry. The government does not want to make it easy, but you still have the right to do it, and one of the best thing you can do for your kids is teach them how to do it. Give them. A leg up on making it out in the world? There is a book the tunnel twins, and I want you to have. I talked to them. They're gonna, give it to you for free. All you do is just pay for shipping. It's called the tunnel to
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When I first saw what was happening on January six at the capital. I spoke out against it before during and after I said, don't go, don't go Please don't go well some people dead and some people, as we have seen the footage, were real problems. Others were walking through the capital. My ex guest from prison was one of the eight hundred plus that were arrested in these also one of the proud boys that was charged with sedition. According to him, he walks the door on the west side of the building of the capital as police stood by. He was now carrying a weapon, and he did assault police officers. He has now, been charged with a violent crime, but for over a year he has been in prison and most of that time, in solitary confinement. This, I believe, is his first national broadcast interview, his attorney, petty
the judge to reconsider the bail and on the fact that the government was withholding evidence and the prospect of a laid trial date. The joy didn't rule on that motion for five months and then denied it. The man's name is ethan nor dean, and it way past time to find out if he and others in this situation are guilty or just political prisoners from prison. Now we talked ethan nor deem ethan well the programme, sir, it's an honor to be under show thank you for having me You bet so you just were charged monday now with sedition, alleging you quote in gay in meetings and encrypted communications to plan and insurrection prevent
in congress from carrying out certifying Joe Biden presidential victory over former president trump is true, and why did you go to the capital and what happened there? Yet absolutely not true. The whole thing has been politicized drama, we really went there to do what we ve been doing to pass for five years, really just a tender rally and make sure that people could do it safely. Everybody knows who being pay attention to these events. That groups, like a tv, show up very strong. And and violently, and so we ve all interior. Are you know our cells are resources throughout the years to protect people from that violence, and this has been well documented and people I know that this is basically a mile every time we go to any event, and you know why
You said a lot of us were kind of anticipating. This event was going to turn sour. This was a big worry of as a leader- and I actually almost called off the whole thing just because when I did to d c you, can just feel it in the air. There is a palpable negative energy like something was going to be set up in any group like mine or who knows, keepers are three percenters are going to be blamed, for it was just a hot topic at the time. There's a lot of political division and saw that kind of what happened when we richly got that I was a conversation that we are having and so You know, but at the same time,
I'm being a leader, you have a lot of people from your club come in from all over the country and they want to participate in this event, and of course you know, a lot of people think that this is the last time you it does. He hasn't trumpets, president, so is kind of a ceremonies event at the same time for us, so I actually just planned a small march, we thought that was safe to do. It would allow us to check the perimeter of the area for any threatening groups like antifa, make sure everybody could be safe at allow us to kind of participate with people do some. You know what we call hearts and minds meet people if they're interested in joining the club or get to know us cuz. There's a lot of negative press about us, probably about ninety percent of what's said about us is untrue and we did the successful
did our march starting at the watching to moral around ten. I am, and this is all video dogma in his tongue. The video footage of this even going over the planned stating what were our intentions were, throughout the whole day, and we did our march we march from a motion to memorial, to the capital- we did feel mean grades and talk to people from church groups that were there. Then we actually left the capital nearby what a mile away from the capital that some clue trucks actually that I was just can't make it stops. Everybody can get some food We are actually going to be leaving after we had got back to watch the memorial and go. Call me where I had actually planned a after party and things like that, but at the food trucks, that's when president trump made his announcement for everybody to go to the capital in our thoughts on that was that you was going to be speaking. That was our interest in returning to the capital was to be able to see him speak. One last time
We were intending I'm going home, and so you know that's really. What led up to you everything everybody going to the capital was, you know basically, because we ve got present, tramples gonna, be speaking, for there is absolutely no planners complex, planned, overthrew the government there's no weapons broad. These encrypted messaging, I mean the government's original clay. Was that. I use encrypted messaging to direct people during this chaos overthrow overwhelm the police and enter entrances to the capital, but my farm was dead the entire day I had no radio had no need whatsoever and so in the government then later now they admitted that that wasn't trail
so right off the bat I was already indicted are false information and there is absolutely nothing is accurate at all about the original claim against. So that's gonna work out. So were you, were you. When you went into the capital, you know they. At that time, I see if I can find it are calling you the money. Dangerous and most serious of those criminals charged for january. Sixth, so when you went in to the capital, did you assault or obstruct any police. Did you see that happen soon. I only actually went out separated from our group at a certain period of time right before, but it gonna went into the capital. I didn't wanna go originally, but again
you're. Being a leader of my group. My priority was to get back with them to actually waded about thirty minutes after the people had entered the building. Hopefully somebody would find me then We're dead and I started here and the people were being allowed into the capital through, you know, word of mouth, and so I went to check this out for myself and sure enough. The the entrance that I entered into there was several police officers allowing people in, and so I said, okay well I'll, take this opportunity to go and see. If I can find my friends That's what I did. I entered the building with the permission of police officers. This is all video on video as well I walked around. You asked for permission. I just had a nodded the police officers I went in and he allowed me in okay. So at that point I was ok under the impression that I was given permission that no officer at at any point told me to leave m or that I couldn't enter the building, and I just took that opportunity to kind of walk around. It was very crowded and look for people that
I knew and I can state in one area until people ran into me and then eventually left out the opposite entrance hacking into him left the capital grounds didn't assault anybody Basically I were not. What was that you were, Part of the group that went into any of the offices, or when I tried to get onto the floor, you know were taking things for the capital. None of that happened with you. Not at all. I didn't go explore into any rooms or anything I didn't feel comfortable doing so I mean I'm a pretty you know. My face is pretty well now you know I wasn't trying to get in a date any trouble. I wasn't wearing a master. Anything I was trying to you know- and so I news- goin on, and I was trying to act on my desk behaviour and just be as responsible as possible and get my new people together and get out of there.
There was also remittances, active shooter out there and allows come a main priority. Thought was getting people out and safety, so now is where my head was that an ok? So Why have you been in prison for a year and specifically in Solitary confinement a very good question. I'm still trying to figure that out myself, it's been very, very difficult. There I mean we ve not only been the politically persecuted, but revolts at endure. Alot of the repercussions
covered is brought to prisons, food shortages and such lockdown constantly system complete disability to building even prepare for trial on flight, because all these programmes in everything that the prisons usually offer had been completely failed due to cope. And so you know, with the inability to have pretrial release been impossible to prepare for driving. If this the trial, where I actually did something wrong, I mean I'd, be look in pretty pretty poorly right now preparing for trial, but because I you know, I am completely innocent. I have nothing to hide at all: I'm ready to go to trial. You know a year ago far as I'm concerned, so that I'm still gonna wondering why I've been down the whole time are the are the do the guards or
the police or the prisoners treat you differently at all, and do you know there are other prisoners in solitary confinement that have not been convicted of any crime. There definitely a lot of pretty horrific stories that I've heard myself. I haven't, got too much bad treatment. Bergman that's ok, I'm being told, hang on and being told you you have to go so hang on our producers to work with you. Back on the phone sergeant up to this, but he's got to play by the rules. He's only got certain chunks of time. He asked to take them what was the netflix movie that was out on that then the celebrity or that dumb socialite in new york That's the only reason. I know how foams work in prison. You gonna have fifteen minute block,
it been saving, is fifty minutes. Was it that one or is now no? No, it was invented. Nea and adobe but anyway, so he'll be on with his in just a minute. He just got hang up and call us back I am not vouches for his. Character, and I am also not condemning him. I think everyone deserves a trial and a timely trial. And that is not happening he's probably going to be highlighted tomorrow and january six or I would assume seeing that they say he's one of the big guys that they ve got. Let me tell you about sponsor this half hour is relief factor. Today we're getting older, getting on with aches and pains your joint start to wear down the normal exercise of everyday life begins to catch up with you. Most of our pain is caused by inflammation, especially in the joints. If your guy, and threw it they can take over your whole life, making it
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He has been charged with sedition, he's been thirteen months in prison and and most of that time in solitary confinement. We have just been told in my ear here that he is going to wait until the bottom of the hour, so he doesn't use up in his turn on hold, because we're gonna have to break it about eight minutes. So we want to make sure we have another fifteen minute block with him. He'll be calling us back here in just a couple of minutes. Stew, your thoughts, so far. No. This is not how you judge criminal matters, but he sounds recent Will he sounds rational common and he his story makes sense. You know we don't know all the details of it. We don't know for sure if he's telling the truth, but will we do know is there are a lot of people who were arrested for doing what he claims to have done, which is walk in past a police officer that did not seem to be stopping him.
Not commit any vandalism, not assaults police officers. We also know the opposite is true. We know there are people who went in there. Indeed, assault police officers and did commit crimes in those people should get trouble for that should be prosecuted. But you know about someone dilated like this. It really does seem to be a different situation right to tell you. I've said this from the beginning. I this on January. Sixth, those people that crazy guy in the you know buffalo helmet and the people that were stealing staff and putting their feet up on nancy policies desk. All of those people should, prosecuted according to the law that they broke. Not all of them should are in the same category, but they all. Be prosecuted. I was saying that day one and I think most americans feel that way, most americans left or right
we believe in justice and we believe in law and order, and that was an abomination that was one of the most embarrassing moments the most embarrassing moments. I have seen in my time as a conservative looking people who say that they are on our side and it's interesting to me that he had promptings always always listen to your promptings. This is what I've said this for years, you're going to many a time where you go in one direction and something will say to you turn around Go the other way. Do it don't question it do it? He went back because He thought president trump was going to speak. He knew that it was wrong the night before not wrong, but he knew something was in the airy felt uncomfortable with what was happening. He dismissed it then he dismissed it walking over. Then he dismissed it again.
Because he had a duty to the people that he went with. Don't turn Around walk the other way, I still want to know he. Apparently he can't get the prosecution to turn over any videotape or anything else. Now I am fascinated by this, because they I'd have videotape that will prove that he's lying. I dont know but tomorrow night should be the night. That they would per produce sat on him, in exchange between ray and club, which our last year re suggested that nor d was the most dangerous most serious january six criminal case, Tomorrow, he should be featured prominently. If he's not
why is he being called the most dangerous and most serious. And maybe he is, but she thinks thirteen months in prison is a little long to wait a four being charged and most of that time, in solitary confinement. That's me terry confinement by the way is defined cruel and unusual punishment. You don't do that. Thirteen months or twelve months, or in just a second as we talk to him, live in prison next, the Glen back programme So we laugh on this programme about stuff. You know sometimes, but I actually do take comfort and my sheets very, very seriously, stew
we'll be I've wrecked you on sheets, have I not near your sheets nobbing? You have been for as long as I've known you yeah yeah erect do on it, and I know, erect pat pat was like a sheet as a sheet numb like notes. Not no it's not, and now everybody else's like we can't state and motel six and I'm like yes, we can now the sheets stop its sheets knob you're, always accusing me of being a sheets knob, I at least admit to it the sheet. At my pillow are fantastic and they are so inexpensive. You are now I'm going to pay a ton of money for the best sheets. Honestly that I think I've ever slept on now.
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Before we go back to him, there is some breaking news. Some one guy last night showed up about one o clock in the morning with brent tube cavanaugh s house. He a gun and said he was there to kill brent cavenaugh near abroad, cabinet over the ocean decision that least, initial evidence, carol, markets, reporting and as well as now the washington post. So, in a seemingly a serious threat on the life of a supreme court justice by an anti or pro abortion activist, we are living in very dangerous times. There was a fire set a couple of days ago, a pro life clinic up in upstate new york, and nobody is doing anything about it. Meanwhile, we are seeing a circus on. January sixth, I wanna go back now. To prison? He is ethan nor dean. He is assessed.
But that was swept up in january. Sixth, the government, says he's the ringleader, one of the real bad guys I dont know what the truth is, but I think people need to hear both sides and he has been in solitary confinement almost entire time in prison. He hasn't had a trial, yet We go back to Ethan. Now, hello, Ethan. I forgot So am I No, I'm I'm looking at some things and I made the mistake saying that they hadn't released any video of you, but they have released video and it unclear What was seen buzz feed did a breakdown of it. They say The danish saw a lot of people that were harassed,
the police, but I don't. I didn't see anywhere that you were part of that What do you say to the video? Have you seen any of the video yourself Ivan able to see all video, but I can tell you you know. I know em actions were the day and I wasn't harassing any police officers or assaulting anybody. Of that nature. I didn't if anything, all dead words, respectfully communicate with police officers from time to time, but there is really very little confrontation. So you are described in the court papers as a leader in the proud boys that you were charged with conspiring to get people arrive at an assault, the capital police, yadda yadda, and that people were to follow your orders on that day. True false. What is that it? Yet
my priority that whole day was just to try and keep people say, then organise a small march from washing or more of the capital and back to the washington memorial and go home. Just to keep an eye out for any antagonist groups like a deeper anybody was up there with the intentions of being violent towards. Many of the rally goers met, but our motive for four or five. Is anybody in others know that this is what we focus on our free speech activists really aside from just being a man club, that's really all we are, and others know nothin else than in others. It is very complicated. The way the press talked about it, but just to put it simply that what we are just a patriotic meant club and filled up but I mean even gavin mcguinness, though, when he saw what was was happening in how you guys were being painted.
Even he said you know, I'm I'm not gonna be a part of this and Think he sold you guys down the river, but he withdrew whizzer, was there ever thought that that may be are in the wrong group of people. Here are definitely, I think we all felt that officially without the the press unlike and lot of groups, know hours and other unknown patriotic groups is a lot of people. The joint for the wrong reasons. It also later something that you have to deal with. You know whether it doesn't matter what gruber in the military police or do somethin civilian new. I worry about those kinds of things Unfortunately, we just we don't get the chance to defend ourselves, were removed from any pretty much social media platform and nobody aloud,
during the interview other than people. Like you and other people who actually one now the truth, so that fully step, we ve been a consideration, but a boy's body. There needs to be more men, leadership groups out there, something for they have an outlet of some kind of the apartment, but thou shouldst, my personal belief Do you regret not listening to that in her voice? that says, said that before and even day of we should probably go. We shouldn't be here complex question, I mean selfishly. Yes, However, you know I do feel like I'm in a position to kind of be a voice. For you know the situation, a lotta people are being politically persecuted, not just my group and a lotta people are scared to talk about it. I'm you know I've just kinda been put in a position where I feel like you know I they've charged me with
crazy, craziest, worse charge. You can get at this point. I don't know what else to do other than to talk and to create awareness phil. I feel like I'm in a unique position. I didn't do anything that day. I have nothing to hide so enormous far as I'm concerned, I'm I'm pretty good person could be. Indisposition also vary like to be out here. I bet the the judge that you have didn't even listen to your petition. For The second bite at the apple for for bail for five solid months. Why didn t do that? Do you think and and b Think you can get a fair trial. You know, I'm really hoping that it can get a fair trial
I know that's really. All I'm asking for at this point is just to get a trial, because I think that if anybody looks at the evidence and looks at my case and all the emotions we filed, it's pretty plain in you know my two hundred and sixty work pretty innocent of these charges, especially sedition, and here's your obstruction of official pursuing, but you know I'd I'd need very complex. I realise that in all these cases the courts are being overwhelmed with them. The way the pet presses painted us in the way the provocation addio data- but I'm not really quite sure. You know what the judges standpoint is now, but I am I'm sure he's got a lot of pressure on its plate as well. I don't know you know what he could feel deep. Do you could
do you consider yourself a political prisoner. Definitely, yes,. How is this changed? Your view on america for a while. You know it really made me feel discouraged betrayed You know all I've ever done is volunteer my time with in my group to go and do what I felt was right and stand up for what I believe in and done this on my own diamond, I put myself in dangerous situations protecting other people and so avoid other members of my group, and we have just been blasted for it. And but I do feel that you know as much as I disagree with the government I'm and how they've treated people I I have seen a huge surge and americans themselves are waking up and
Just then over warming amount of support for and other january sixers I mean you had the trackers and in ivory thing else has been going on since basically january sick. Has this been almost equally crazy to me everything I see going on out there like? While I mean this, is not non, stop craziness but really at the same time, it's kind of unified, a lot of americans as well and that's kind of an uplifting feeling, because for a while, I thought you know why we're just really going down the sinkhole. The the cell tear confinement, confuses me what what is their excuse or why do you think they put you in solitary confinement for this long most most of it, as do it covered, I don't know why they let you know yeah mostly to do with cold.
I know other prisoners different january pictures. There is different reasons behind that they separated them from jail population because of how they are being treated by the ads basic made. It nearly impossible to do anything as far as preparing for trial Just in the last minute- or so here you greedy do this interview and We know there were no conditions or anything else. Why did you do this and what message: do you have for the american people? Well, I did this again because I feel like I'm in a unique position to speak, for people were being politically person. Like myself, and I really believe that there's no, I mean
We are living in a time right now, its vital that people, you know, wake up, stand up for what they believe in and have a voice for. What's goin on it not just stand by and let things happen and it's exactly what winning right now I might not. I want to be one of those people, I'm I just encourage everybody to keep. You know being strong and standing for what they believe in and get out there and vote and be active in your community and do what's right. You know because the second we stop doing that. That's when things really get we have a story that is just breaking that. In the early hours of last night, somebody showed up to brand cavanaugh his doorstep with a gun, and so they were in a kill him over the decision. The court decision on abortion. Can you talk to me about violence and what violence it's too or or if you know where Where do you stand on that in a country that
real trouble. Well, I think there is another the difference between showing up with the intention of being violent and there's a difference in protecting yourself in defending community. I mean this is how we use a military power. User police people need to be willing to stand up for themselves. I think violence, the horrible thing with, if you have an intentional you'd uniting and serve using discourse and that's what we ve lost ability talk about her issues, it openly, and it's really complex question on the left and the right or so divided on this issue, Ethan? I wish you the best of luck. I dont know if you'd know this, but there's a big special on january sixth, that is being produced by television experts and it is supposed to be very salacious tomorrow. I'm not
if you're going to be a part of it, but I would imagine seeing that they say you're, one of the ringleaders that that you will be part of it We are in an interesting time, and I I wish you the best of luck and I wish to speak justice come your way. I think you're really appreciate it: I perceived the parties, so thank you very much. Either, nor deem I would pray for, him and others like him. I don't know what the truth is, but I pray, that our justice system is fine the truth and start operating like a real job. This system and not a banana republic, should dump should act and to bread, Nah? I don't do it have any idea where he is or who answer. The door. Last night's do a was
Actually I at his door what they had. He was sitting on a nearby street. Apparently he had been. The police had been tipped off that this guy was dangerous and might be coming, and luckily they caught him money. Near by street with a weapon and burglary tools, cheese prayers for ever one of the supreme court, justice left and right. This has got to stop. It has got to stop back in a minute. All right are sponsor. This half hour is american financing eve. Or carrying a balance on your credit cards and you're trying to get out a debt. Now is the time to consider a cash out, refine the it's gonna raise the interest rates again and that's gonna cost you more than what you're used to your interest rate on your credit cards. Most like
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hello. America welcome to the Glen back programme were glad you're here. Crisis is the life blood of fascism. Tonight, at nine o clock on the Glen back Wednesday night special, I m going to show you the national emergency that is going to be announced. I truly believe it's only a matter of time and I don't think a lot of time, but I'll show it to you tonight and if I may just give you a little preview in the next few minutes of why I know this will happen because it has happened to other times. In the past we go there in sixty seconds,
so gold line would like you to imagine a world where your dollar is worth less than the paper. It's printed on, if your picturing fifty years from now, I got bad news, it's probably a lot closer than that. What's barreling down the road towards us is a major recession, probably in twenty twenty three but its anyone's guess. If anyone can stop it. The report's out of germany and europe today about Their headed into is truly terrifying. I mean food shortages, where you can only buy one of each item. In some of the grocery stores in germany. Now because of the food, the coming food shortages, please please, An extra food and have it on hand when it comes was to your dollar. It's gonna become worth less and less. So what do you do? Well,
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String of authoritarian policies to shut down descent against the government now his emergency was war now, Policy was for me and I won't take us to war as soon as he was elected, guess who took us to war, he said we have to make the world safe for democracy world war, one made as much sense as ukraine makes right now yes, there are some problems, but is it worth a world war? I dont know our report look at the time was being strangled to death by his progressive policies. In fact, let me Let me show you one of his policies and see if it sounds familiar list. This this is during, I think
but one of his inaugural address is where he is talking about in you. You just have these companies just run themselves. Listen to this. There are two programme democratic programming that copy regulated. The big fellow cannot put the little fellow or you have been pretty little fellow for the last half century. The programme of the third party to take these big fellow but I ve been putting the little fellow out of business and regulate. That is why you have put the other fellow, but we are not going to put the little fellow thing where you describe and we are going to adopt What run it in the way we does that sound familiar? How you can have business. You can run it but you're going to run it the way we tell you to run it too,
years ago, we enacted the defence production act too, with solar panels, because the government is seeing companies run their business, but they knew to have those businesses run the way they tell them to This is fascism. Thanks to the espionage and sedition act, this and became undemocratic, now does sound familiar sedition act yet something that was later struck down after he left office and the people were hardened, but this addition act was woodrow Wilson way of doing what you're going to see if you watch it by the way that the january six trial, watching it on tv. Why watch disney? They are, we have dumbo. Why do you need watch that, but it's
important to know that sedition is right, the important and has been used by fascist or fascist wannabes, and I would include John Adams in this John Adams said it's unlawful. It seditious two key Question the president: no it's not. Wilson once said, I am an advocate of peace. There are some splendid things that come to a nation through the discipline of war in the in the second of the world wars, Wilson, progressive disciple, for glinda. Eleanor Roosevelt also came to appreciate the splendid discipline of war in is, after your inaugural address the first one. This is So terrifying, we're gonna play some stuff for you tonight that you problem. Have never learned about, and it is,
it's all being repeated. He said after all, if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army will to sacrifice for the good of common discipline. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and our property to such discipline because it it's possible a leadership which aims at a larger good, I assume unhesitatingly The leadership of this great army. That's when we had the great depression. And americans were willing to trade freedom for stability were willing to drink. Is fascism because it was the only thing in their belly. The progressive writer Robert Shaw, described it as a fascist means to gain
Liberal ends. Democracy became thought. Of as something centrally designed and duty Lee maintained by nigeria class. This is what Roosevelt and first wilson, ray we thought was scientific and the best people that as no better than the teeming masses. Well, Managerial class is now more powerful than ever before and we are fighting a bigger, broader law, largely undefinable enemy, because today The war is with the climate. I went over this. If you missed any of the show today, I want you to go I can listen to the podcast big I went over JANET Yellin yesterday saying you know we ve just been
so dependent on oil. This these ass prices are great because we're gonna go to green energy, Id debbie Abu now said you know. By tassel everybody, their great there, The story that I went over on the global food shortages what's happening over in europe and why did we? What do we have? We have samantha power who has U s! Hiv chief says that she hopes the food shortages. We'll put. Farmers towards green energy. Meanwhile, to get our ass prices, low? What did Biden do Biden said no to seventy exemptions for small refineries, which had our you ve been granted under trump, so they can't up their product. Level because he said no, but by did say that we need.
Two hundred and fifty million more gallons of renewable fuel, both this year and next, and so he's saying the farmers. They can farm all they want, but they have to really farm the way we say they know have to have more ethanol. So, while we're going into a food shortage, we are back learning food which will create a food listen to samantha power, a climate change emergency and an energy shortage, I met change emergency. The day or yesterday in the new york times, was this story, as the great salt lake dries up, utah faces an environmental nuclear bomb. How many times have you heard this administration or other administrations say that this is the world war two?
our generation. It's a war progressives of the past could only dream of because, no benchmarks for success its we over when they say it's over and president by is just getting started this week. He authorize the use of the defence production act, that's a cold war era law that gives the press an insignificant authority to control domestic industries to accelerate clean energy. So he is taken over some industries just like wilson said, stay in business, but they'll do it our way that is fascism. The defence production act was modeled after the war, or powers act of nineteen, forty two and that gave
president fdr sweeping authority all throughout world war, two think shakespeare set at best. He said the tale told by an idiot, the same old story tonight, I'm gonna, take you back to the roosevelt era. I'm going to show you how everything Biden is doing today is just building on the progressive framework of the past this, will be the last chapter of freedom in america, unless we all begin to stand for those people that we can vote for that actually understand. What's going on, I dont mean just voting nationally. It is more important to be all over your local officials and your state officials to
make sure that you our voting in the right people. It is gonna come down to the states I'd at nine p m an episode. You do not want to miss fashion, east fantasies, the dean The origins of vitamins take over tonight it nine blazed tv dot com by them, if you use by inflation by inflation. One word: you'll save double the money, since it you're losing all the money now at the grocery store, save it with your subscription. To blaze tv get twenty sent off at blue he's tv, dotcom, slash, Glenn, hughes, the promo code biden, Biden flirtation all right are sponsor is patriot, mobile, you know we are. We are trying to do. Old, a network and I
think we have successfully done it. That is part of a parallel economy. We don't need to go to one else, we don't need, to be on fox news. We don't need them. We have built an audience and a network ourself. So the voice cannot be stifled. Still, things to do, but peril economies are really important. If you want is to end the asked his way to make disney do things is too cancel everything disney. They listen The money doesn't talk, it screams it's all so important to reward cunt companies that are standing with you. This is why a patriot mobile is so important. They are standing with us and I mean in america, these guys on. I feel we
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and first responders, save even more make this, which did a patriot, mobile, dotcom, slash back call nine seven to patriot ten sec station. I knew so. What do you make of this monkey pox thing with the cdc Cdc had changed website to guidance. Last week, hey you should wear a mask wearing a mass will help you protect from me. Diseases diseases, including monkey pox and then Monday, that was deleted and taken off. They said cause, confusion. I've they do. Tend to cause confusion that organisation. That is one of the things they do. They do very well and the us
like everything I've read about monkey pox is, it is a very, very rare thing, very v, difficult to acquire. It is not seemingly like than right: ovid does it now. I just I don't find myself all that worried about it. Frankly, I not worried about it. What I'm afraid of is what this or something else, you are not going to get the population to go along with it until it is really really bad, they have disk it'd themselves. So much less a monkey pie, becomes. You know, Ebola until people truly see it happening. They're not gonna, do what the cdc says, because nobody, leaves them nobody trusts that many more yeah. I think that that's of our default response on a lot of these things were in amerika? We really need to see it get ugly before we start doing anything but even with covert remember. This was going around at vienna. We had
Andrew cuomo and build the palazzo in the middle of march, twenty twenty saying go down to china, town and and and dont china, where you live, get on the subways. I got it. A while for us to ever react to these things. I do think we are a serious, serious risk of the next thing. That looks, or feels at all like covered bringing on all sorts of new. Would government crackdowns early on the on the idea that well last time we didn't act fast enough. So this time we need to. I just don't think monkey pox is the thing I don't that this item is one that is going to do it. I just I just tell you it's it's so crazy. It's it's like. We all know the fed, the big banks, the treasury and congress. They are the biggest problem with our economy, those guys caused two thousand ain't, that crash causing this one and yet
you're all looking to them. To solve the problem created the problem. I don't understand how we keep looking to these experts, because when the crash comes, oh, everybody will line up? No, no, we gotta do what they say. We got it. We'd know no, that's really dangerous or you can't do that. Don't do that. We got to follow their directions. Why? When have they been correct with the when our Brett kavanaugh his life was in danger. Last night, we give you the breaking story. Next stand by the Glen back programme, all right. Let me offer something free for you and your dog rough greens, your door, is almost certainly going to love it. Did you have any taken from your.
Your menagerie at your house, stew. When it came to dogs eating rough, green, what do you mean exactly You confused by menagerie, that's a word where, which means you ve got an he's coming out of your eyes at your house, but I'm asking did your did. Did you have problem with any of your dogs eating rough greens? Oh god, I'll now know any of them. I I see what you're saying no yeah. No, I I did not they loved it. They loved it right away, yeah by way we'll get into his menagerie at a later date. But rough grew Some dogs, apparently dont, like a small number, but rough greens wants to make sure that this women that you put on your dogs, food? They love it as much as our dogs do and you will see a different view: this to your dog month after month, I'm still years into it, I'm still seeing changes in uno. It's really incredible. Yet you're free
just pay for shipping it rough greens, dot com, slash back rough, green dot, com, slash back, replace tv dot, com slashed back the probabilities bite inflation to save twenty bucks from the Washington post breaking news today, man with weapon, detain near brett, Kavanaugh's home. California man, carrying at least one weapon near Brett m Cavanaugh, maryland home, has been taken into custody custody by police. After telling officers he wanted to kill the supreme court justice according to we are familiar with the investigation. The man describe is being in his mid twenties was found. Be carrying at least one weapon and burglary tools, the people said speaking on the condition of avenue and anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. Police,
apparently notified that this person might pose a threat to the justice but It was not immediately clear who provided the initial tipp. The man, apparently did not make it into cavenaugh property in montgomery county maryland, but was stopped on a nearby street. Thank god This is that this is truly truly the result of the left b, primed by left leftist and democratic politicians. I don't believe that can be held responsible for ginning people up if you're not If you're not actually saying somebody's gonna get job? You know it. It's really difficult, but listen to this quote from chuck humor. Do you have it still this is when they were talking. This is before the decision that was leaked, but he's talk.
About you know the decisions that are coming, including rovers way says. I want to tell you gorse, which I want to tell you Cavanaugh, you have released a whirlwind, any you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions as unbelievable kate I mean that is truly unbelievable. These I do not have protection they have had since the leak. Thank god, Josh hammer is joining us now. He is the opinion editor of news weak and the most of the Josh hammer show with newsweek. I was just on it. I think, last week of the week before he's really wicked smart. I think one of the real intellectual leaders of the conservative movement and good friend welcome Josh how're you Glenn year, He too kind is always the great to join you again. So Josh you're, watching this
I've never seen anything like this Apparently it happened. Tuesday night is its being reported. No one report said it was tuesday and this one says eleven fee if eleven fifty a m today are the justices safe personal. Its tragic, and now we have to ask that question I mean this could in this is not a question that a healthy republic with a healthy rule of law with a healthy law enforcement apparatus where their respect for institutions where there is no sense of this kind of two tier system of justice between the deplorable. No one else were in any helping functioning democracy. Are the justices see. This is simply not a question that ought to be asked. So the very fact that were open your conversation with that question
think of telling in and of itself, but many tragic in short answer. Glenn, I think, is nowhere in the answer right now. I think it's either directly foreseeable consequences. Fortunately up it's just the culture of anarchy, of lawlessness of disrespect for institutions of widespread iconoclasm, the dam, the democratic party, their left. His minions have fermented they had. They have directly fermented this culture. We think back to the George floyd rise in the summer of twenty twenty conway harris bearing Canosa wisconsin with bail fund for people who were riding in the street right. This is the thing. This is the thing about it, but even in san francisco, obviously, with a cheque book news, lawlessness and anarchy is being rejected. The palm We see that it is apparently not trickled up to the binding ministration that, because there is a direct statute on the box. Eighteen, u s! Code, fifteen, o seven! That prohibits the protests
I've got the justice home than attorney general merit, garland tat, the mealy mouthed nemo, where he said. Oh, this is not appropriate, but not yet brought a single case. He could do that right. You should an end yet tomorrow we're going to see the january six show trial first show trial that I know of in my lifetime. You're from america. We know about him in russia and other places like that. Yesterday tourists, fire bombed a pro life centre in buffalo. This is the second time that there has been a fall. Bombing by the revenge or jaynes revenge, and they are calling for a a nation wide eight p m riot. The day that they release the supreme court releases, their decision and yet yesterday, the homeland security came out and they didn't really point out the anarchic What's that in point out the left again
said, there is some on both sides of the issue. Well, I'd like to see that Look at the inherent thing: ok, I mean you and I both review a constitution. You constitution obviously does provide you with a constitutional right to peace, voice in the street on a sidewalk and so forth, what is not allowed. You to do is to issue threats or to act violently or control. Here our institutions of government than therefore violating sacrosanct, rudimentary principle in the We used it because we think we've probably been I think another take away, though, that I have from there I think, back to the week that just happen. The little were a month ago now in early may, when political released it cause. We beg me well, I ve been an uncharted waters since that right. This is simply never happen in march report history and the very fact that this opinion was leak in the first place. I think that the biggest assault on the courts in the traditional legitimacy of the past
half century full century and go back as far as along honestly and the fact that we have not yet covered yet then with a bit of illegal, is crazy, but I think back the very night that that was released least do the monday in early may, I would vote. I was at the time watching very carefully. I was trying to see if any leading Democrats MSNBC left wing cable talking head type figures, whether they would condemn done to this day. I haven't seen a single one no one, not praise leaker exam we've I mean be the year praising the week, or so they have directly abetted this culture they really have, and at this point they are playing with fire and every day that the Dobbs opinion is not released. I think only exacerbates a threat to justice. Personal safe So do you think I mean the thing to do because they ve got a couple of really controversial things coming and they're supposed to be ready in the next three weeks. Use
Lee. They leave the most controversial for the last, so they can just get on a plane and get out of town, but that's not gonna help anybody Why would they hold these things? Just just release them so generously? that is what they do. You write about, that they get. They typically do hold the the highest profile. Opinions for the last week of the determined and that's not a legal famous. Now like? U s code, legally right. You they're just kind of that the customs that they choose to do that they cannot, but in this particular case, because again we are an uncharted waters here. Some unique of this nature to simply has not happened. Period full, stop. I and many others said that if you care about the justices, personal safety and borrowing money, the justice, but also the lock works and how to make a personal, I have a number of friends you at the court, this maybe acquire these five six. Seven. Twenty third personal friends were corking this term.
I am worried about their personal safety too. I mean there are people who try to dock yet then he works you who are working for the conservatives report, just as I saw some horrible instagram pose the base That you are their names, go, find them in a just awful awful stuff. Every day the big don't go about releasing the dogs or a bare minimum glenn? What what I said it will probably private enterprises public. What they should have done is the very next day or the least that weak. They could have issue one wise sending. That said in the EU court of appeals for the fifth directive, you're by overturned and robert wade is reversed, opinions to follow that. That is what they could have direct nature not you at this point the really really playing with fire- and I just hope after today's horrible instead would just have neither. Chief justice, realises that the moment has now to release this opinion. It is now so two things as we talk to a josh hammer from news weak and
I hate to say he's from news. We cause he's one of us, but the visa, the two questions that I have for you or this I talked to Michael and he said he thought that as soon as this court was if this year that we no the name of the liquor, and he said I hope at worst horrified best. I guess, would that they could be their law licence would be taken away, They would never be able to practise again any kind of law anywhere in amerika. I would hope that that would have and I hope more than that would happen, but he said they were waiting on that until they got all these, he thought it would come out the last day so that, coupled with He also said he felt they knew pretty clear if not right, on who that person who the person was
I agree with that. Are not First of all, my good did, Michael. I respect so immensely, actually make my first. Your loss will some are actually, but they lock. Lord conniston judiciary, committee staff, so I gotta go prick, are bad, but thou in his opinion on these matters is always so valuable here Why do you agree with him and what he is saying? Surely trapping? That is exactly what should happen to be. The weaker should be disbarred, be formally sean. Unfortunately, I fear something somewhat approximating the precise opposite that will happen if my intuition on this are correct, and it is only a liberal cork and someone from justice so to my oars chambers in particular, but perhaps justice cake answer just as briars chambers. What I predict what will happen if the identity will be exposed, it's crazy, it had not happened. Already. You mean there's literally thirty, seven law clarks here. Are you not twelve from the liberal chambers of not particularly big sample size, but he added
They probably will be exposed, assuming that the marshal of the supreme court of women in jail curly as even remotely competent at her job, but when I put it will happen after that is that be weaker will affect the treaty. Forfeit Unabomber will forfeit some law firm career, perhaps by then we'll get like a very rich kind of speaking msnbc talking had gig and carrying. It will not surprise you surprise me if a top ten, the top twenty law school, actually hired her as professor for reproductive rights studies or some fabricated concocted Unbelievable, do not behave like a battle. I to agree with them or we I do fear something closely approximately opposite. My transpire now yeah. I got tells me the same thing last thing, god bid. Somebody killed one of these justices and kills a conservative. That means
Biden gets to pick the next justice, which would change the balance of the court and would absolutely set the country on fire on fire. What do we you to make sure that these guys are safe, and I say that about both sides- I dont want to either side the expiring. Violence or threats? What do we do so One thing that in pointed out here I could be wrong. You think. Any of the nine justices actually live in the church in the district of columbia. If it is possible, I trust you bid at possible like some of my or kingdoms, but I could not possibly by the vast majority of them, live in maryland, diverging ya, where it's worth pointing out, despite the being in recent years, light blue state, both those states, chrome a republican governors waits Glenn young in Virginia larry hogan in maryland. So in a situation like
there. The federal government is just completely dropping the ball if they are does not gonna prosecute under the statute dimension de l europe there if they are not gonna, send out whatever color the oj kind of fbi mercenaries, that they would need to send out. Look at just the justice, then the onus can and should fall, I got your whole getting governor young came to do. What have you done to convey state national guard what war something like that right is unfortunate. I mean but probably the first time the governor of the path had to kind of step up in the federal government. Failed me, I think, about kind of immigration on the southern border, of course, retinue, whether at kennedy arizona, any these border states me whenever the fellow dummy they also do its job. It is incumbent upon the states too. The job for them to go all the way back to the twenty twelve you a supreme court case the university united states. It was gone. The whole point of justice schools, remarkable descent in that case, actually
basically said that at the time when arizona was doing with respect to legal immigration, was its constitutional private have indeed its duty of the federal government fails to do its job. In that case, to secure the border, the states must and can step up. So I think something similar. What should happen with his back to maryland and virginia if the fellow government fails? Josh. Can you hang on four one quickset gonna take a quick breakin. No stew has a bunch of questions for you to back just a minute with josh hammer from news. We are sponsor, this half hours, american financing, the need for saving stability and security has never been greater and you gotta get your foot, click cash flow back in line, and it might be very full to get a mortgage refinance, you didn't know, just about anywhere but dont go to up. Please don't opec. You ve gotta, go to a lender, who's gonna.
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Animal, less consumer access, dot org. This is the line back programme. But my programme here with Josh hammer Josh. We really tat on time here, but god forbid. If this point and who is coming after cabinet, was successful in taking his life? What would happen? the decisions that are already in the queue here like the row, verses wade potential reversal, so the closest thing that I can think of two oppressed in here it is pretty. Courts are more justice, coolly actually did pass away. Of course, this was twenty. Sixteen and famously thin republic is held up in america
airlines thing so but little course it's the following year, so for most very short for the rest. That term, when the cases came out, there were only a justice it something back to the taxes perceives verses, states immigration litigation that year with the use of the four four decision, because glia had died, so thou be, the president do just be a justice is to render an opinion it. Got a tragedy. We even have a conversation, Please pray for all of our justices, and go a step further pray. That they will release these decisions, release these decisions, please We'll see you tonight very important. Nine p m blend back programme plays tv,
Transcript generated on 2022-06-09.