« The Glenn Beck Program

Ep 59 | Christ, Race, and Kanye: A New Revival | David J. Harris Jr. | The Glenn Beck Podcast

2019-11-16 | 🔗
David J. Harris Jr. came to know God in a very personal way. Once an alcoholic, womanizer, heavy drug user, and severely depressed, he now knows he’s here for a reason and even calls God “Papa.” And he saw a similar transformation in Kanye West. Harris believes God is doing great things through Kanye’s album, “Jesus Is King,” and with his influence on race relations. Harris argues that the racial division put front and center by Obama has left our nation unforgiving and afraid to speak. But voices like Kanye West and Candace Owens echo Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the fight against oppression and socialism. Our nation needs a revival of humility and to once more see God as the Good Papa he is.

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