« The Glenn Beck Program

Despite Biden, America Voted AGAINST Marxism | Guest: Salena Zito | 11/9/20

2020-11-09 | 🔗

The media projected Joe Biden will be the next president, and Pfizer announced a possible COVID-19 vaccine. Glenn separates disproven claims of election fraud from those we should watch as President Trump ramps up lawsuits. Glenn shares who in the media he still trusts and argues that Fox News has officially burned itself to the ground. Reporter Salena Zito reviews how Pennsylvania’s election results prove Americans reject progressivism. Glenn reviews the massive changes planned for the first 100 days under Biden. The Left misjudges America again as the media cried and people danced in the streets over Biden. Black Lives Matter, columnist Jennifer Rubin, and Google aren’t so on board with Biden’s message of unity. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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this man tat Program, hello, America and welcome to Monday, it is the global programme we are gonna get right to it. There is a lot about fraud. What's true What's not, we look at the election. And The president really is, at this point, We go there and sixty seconds is the Glen Back Programme, look? If you have frequent and debilitating pain in your life, you know it's like cabinet chain around a car that your dragon around everywhere. You go it slow Z down the interferes with literally everything you try to do throughout the day and of its back. Of its steals, your life away from inch by inch- and I know because I dragged that car around with me everywhere. I went as well that's before I discovered relief factor
with relief factor. My life changed. I didn't believe, would do anything because had tried absolutely everything I had been to the Mayo clinic, I had been everywhere and nothing would the pain, something stopped it for a little while some things made me not care about it. Quite so much but I don't wanna leave live my life. That way relief factor is not a drug developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try to go on to order more order. The three Quickstart for only one thousand nine hundred and ninety five, it's relieffactor dot com, relieffactor dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty for eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four, it's relieffactor dot com hello, America. It was an interesting weekend for me at home. Much of it
much of it began Saturday night ass, I watched Come Allah Harris, Comma Harris, give her substance speech a lie. I was shouting from the other room. when she said this just Proves that America isn't massage monistic yeah yeah yeah. I know we're not but you guys have been saying we are they just in America's, not racist yeah. I know. But you ve been saying: we are now just down to calling You know seventy million of us racist bigoted and the strange thing is they are still talking about, making lists of people.
I didn't know. where to go for facts. For the first time in my life I didn't use twitter, or Facebook or anything look for sources, because I don't rust, we're getting anything there. I mean I saw CBS News CBS News headline. That said, something like Here's what a Here's. What a concession speech sounds like from George W Bush George H, W Bush, Went to great tweet it and, if He spoke immediately says: don't you want to read the article? No I really don't, but I will just say I have read the article read the article read the article yep, it's eggs.
Actually what I thought it was. But thank you face book. I'm not sure how much longer are voice continues. Janine Piero, suspended by Fox NEWS. We They gonna do with Schukert Karlsson in time. Here's what I do know I have put myself into a situation to where I, I care about anyone else. I don't have to I built a blaze for this scenario. and we will tell you the truth. Still have broadcast for our radio stations and anti
They change the FCC commissioner, they find ways to shut us up. I will not shut up. We built blaze tv. So what happened to Janine Piero couldn't happen to me or any one else. I can't imagine ever. Saying to anyone on on the blaze roster by the way you should avoid that you should stop talking about this you're not going to talk about this now It's called freedom of speech. I didn't know who to go to for news. I'm going give you a list of of sorts that I check. I dont trust. Anyone, not even the aids. I don't trust anyone. I've refined everything.
But there are a few people and few sources that I do trust I'm going to give them to you here in a minute. Let's Just go through some of the crap that you ve been dealing with. If your Still on twitter or Facebook, just go through some of the things that are not true. Viral image, falsely claims Michigan ballots, marked with sharp peace, will not be counted using a sharper penned mark ballots in Michigan. This also goes in Arizona, does not result in a person's vote being invalidated sharply. are the recommended marking marking instrument by the tabby tabulated manufacturer, their prefer well to an ink pen- and this is according to the Michigan Department of State, all of those both of
those states Michigan an Arizona. The rumors were rapid and people were going on line, saying, weight was told not to use a sharp. I was told to use a sharper than government in competence. It. Reads: it either way the viral image claiming that Wisconsin had more votes cast. Then, MR voters. Well, this easily explained the whistling. Wisconsin Elections, Commission said the state had over three point: six: eight million active registered voters on November first, state, however, has same day voter registration. So Wearing data from the Associated Press shows, the number of ballots cast in Wisconsin for the presidential election has not exceeded that November. First figure for active, you stirred voters as of press time. This by the way is coming from the day, the collar
video falsely claims to show ballot stuffing in Michigan, director of communications and external affairs, for the Michigan Department of State confirmed that is Michigan ballot Box, nor a Michigan ballot taboo later. The video started circulating in twenty eighteen appears to show an incident a ballot stuffing during, A russian election that year. The video, showing a man secretly taking and wheeling in ballots into Detroit Ballot, Counter Centre, the Detroit a new station W X Y, see identified the man, Video is one of their photographers. He was loading. Video equipment not ballots into a red wagon, according W X Y Z,. There's another viral video showing ballots cast for Trump being burned, that is, through it. burning eighty trump ballots the pieces.
If that were burned, were sample ballots, not actual ballots, the image of Michigan Mass magically finding a hundred and thirty thousand votes cast for Joe Biden, social media, shared screen, grabs of election result, graphics from the election data provider decision desk AIDS. To claim showed over a hundred and thirty thousand ballots for former vice president being magically found in mission. an overnight In reality, the increase of one hundred and thirty eight three hundred and thirty nine votes for Biden shown in the screen grabs, was a result of a clerical error in Michigan count. What it sure was the county The presidential election data was then quickly caught and corrected. This again two decision desk h Q. This happened a cup lots of times
to Nepal, worker from Pennsylvania's eerie county, throw out ballots cast for Donald Trump. The man who posted the Instagram story bragging about allegedly throwing out ballots gas for Trump does. work in any way with eerie county or have Part of eerie counties, election process. The queen's resident receive pre filled out ballots. There's no evidence of voters in the New York City Borough, Queens, receiving pre, marked ballads for democratic candidates. New City Board of Elections called the claim false. In a pair of tweets, noted the voter received a blank ballot and that the ballot appeared to be filled out by hand. these are the things that we can put? Easily dismay this is. This is a conservative source doing this way wishes? It is an important Is not there to see someone who's going to dismiss all these claims. I think again we get caught up in what happens on social media. This is not what the Trump Administration is in their campaign or bar focusing on
find out today more about what they are going to file actual lawsuits audio and it's gonna be a situation that is going to be handled in the court's now. on social media. This the process the campaign is responsible for end, whatever case they add they're gonna make here in the next couple of days. So here is a couple of things that they are going to file lawsuits or already filing lawsuits in our already inaction, and you can't Look at these voter for voter fraud like this, like we just talked about happens all the time. It's not right It happens all the time there was the person that was arrested in certain that things heads, sixty four ballots from people who you know she worked at a nursing home and she got oh they're, ballots and chief filed in voted for all of the people and the nursing homes that are not competent on their own, devote that kind of stuff happens all the time. It's the big numbers, however, that you
after watch and I know a little bit- of cheating everywhere, eventually comes up, a big number, but not big enough to win so the on that you really have to watch- are things like this. member what we said about the mail in ballots. I told you that they would. They would start to say that their disenfranchises voters that the Democrats hey there disenfranchises voters. Why would they say that I would say that, because the mail in ballots. Go anywhere from you know one percent to two He per cent rejection. Her height Thousands and thousands and thousands of ballot are rejected every single year in ever state and if you have no voters that that now were sometimes can double.
so here is why this is a problem. Pennsylvania. They have accepted almost thirty times the rate predicted by historic rejection numbers. Just the news. Has reviewed county by county of accepted. and rejected mail in ballots throughout the state of Pennsylvania. they show that when added up the state only rejected nine hundred and fifty one two million six hundred fourteen thousand eleven ballots this year. That is a rate of point zero percent. Now, on good year on a good here in Pennsylvania! it hovers around one. This is point three. This is point. Zero three twice Sixteen the state saw about two hundred and sixty six thousand mail in ballots.
just under one percent of them Two thousand five hundred and thirty four were rejected and that in line with historic Rejection rates, that historic rate of rejection around twenty six thousand mail in balance would be rejected from this year's Pennsylvania tally. In fact, the bucks on a courier times before the election predicted from their their estimate, based on history, that twenty eight thousand pennsylvanians might have had their ballots pulled, other than the shocking number of nine hundred and fifty one. so there's something going on there by the way one percent. One percent is based on those people who have done it before the new, We're goes up for first time malian voters with a ridge
acted rate among that group, sometimes reaching as high as three percent millions of Americans voted by mail. The very first time during the twenty twenty election largely out of concerns about covert nineteen. This is an important thing to look at in each state. do the rejection rates run similar or higher then historic norms. If they dramatically lower something's up. We'll give you more on that and a few other things in other states that you need to know about coming up in just a second sack sixty seconds and we're back. It's you, to think of? Cybercrime is some distant thing that only happens to other people. But consider this three hundred fifty meet million people across ten countries have been victim
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dot com, slash back safe. Fifty percent now Norton dot com, slash back tens in station. I D You also have problems like the Pennsylvania pull watchers that that we hand literally had to use binoculars to be able to oversee what was done with a balance and the biggest thing, Alito Samuel Elite Oak ruled Saturday afternoon or Saturday morning that they have had until what was it, two p m Saturday, two Separate all of the votes that came in after eight p m it stable nothing after eight p m is to be counted apparent.
Thousands of those votes were counted after eight p m. So there's another huge chunk in Pennsylvania, possible They also are suing because twenty one thousand dead people were on the roles that doesn't mean they voted, but they were supposed to purge. All of cows, and it was a It was a court dictate though they did three separate things, and one of them was purge. They Do that, in fact, they didn't do anything the three things they were mandated by the court system. To do so, there is enough in Pennsylvania that shit at least be checked and ruled on by a court that the hypocrisy here is a unending by them yeah? Who is claiming that we just have? the time of unity where everyone just come together and and just accept. everything psych look Gore went
mid December fighting these things the trumpet the Trump campaign should have. Then they still said it was stolen myself. It was stolen and they still to this day say the sullen as they still to this day say two dozen forest on as they still to this day say two thousand. Sixteen was stolen right like that. every time they lose. They say stolen right. That being said of course have the the the opportunity and look that I think the responsibility that if find legitimate things, you think, are problematic in the tally, you have actual legal recourse to go after them. and that's what the Trump administration and an campaign are going to try to do this week file these things and see if they can get any than legs with them, and we allow people are talking about. Well, we need to fight. We need to fight fight this well, this is a court fight. This is for a court fight between the administration, any states and then ran the campaigns must specifically and these aids they
have a system here for these to be able to be to be what you dictated, and that's that that's what they're going women. Like look, we all know the Trump campaign wants to win this campaign. They wonder when they presidency, if they, things. They believe our legitimate they're going to file was able in file every single one of them, and they should, and they absolutely sure this idea that they should just give up right and a second is, is a specially when it is so close, and there are things like this in which Johnson, memo. Show thee. Wisconsin election supervisors made changes that impacted tens of thousands of ballot, one of the big things that they did Is they permitted local county election clerks to cure spoilt ballot? filling in missing, addresses four witnesses: even though the state law says you cannot do that if you have a ballot, they'd comes in without all of the information filled out,
You must reject that ballot. Well, the state us to send a memo out and said: hey you guys, if you see some that are spoiled, go ahead and fill all that in will that's it. in the law and this is something that the Supreme Court ruled on. You can't change things without the legislature, because that's what the constitution requires right now. Look that's different than saying that this was an obvious win for Donald Trump. That's not what we're saying in that's not accurate at this point. They're going to, to find these things and they can have them with a real legal process to see what actually happens at the end and others A lot of this is just based on social media viral videos, which is not how you design elections they So there is a real process here in that process should be selected by the Trump campaign, is taken seriously and also respected by the media. Who knows that in this and the democratic party? Good luck, Glenn Back man
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now simply safe back dot com, who have you seen the media this week? You know we need conservative media more than ever blaze tv, dot, com, slash glad you say thirty bucks on your subscription to blaze, tv this is the Glen Back Programme were so glad that you have joined us it's Monday. By the way we just went over some of the the election result, some of the things that are being said about fraud. I'm sure to know. At the beginning of the hour, I told you that with theirs just a few sites that I check that I
trust still with confirmation and I'll leave with that. Even saying blazed the blaze dotcom, the blaze com I check every day, I check multiple times a day, but I don't take even our own word for it, and I know Leon Wolf is just like he is. An editor. The dislike he's on it she hid his honour and sometimes it pisses me off. It is but he's on us The daily collar is another one a new website, just the news dot com is really good, that is, that is set out. Solomon, John Solomons, new side. Opinion blade. Stevie Daily Wire, american greatness dot. Com is a is a great opinion. Place and spin cork kind of like drudge, without selling his soul, to the devil without being a leftist
What we need is not just tromp eight. Now it's you he's completely left. I E. I think he is absolutely. I think he sold it. No, he didn't, I don't think so. According to insiders close to the source Oki as not sold is not so there seems to be some well. He moved to jargon me. I know a long dialogue, but he's been he's been theirs is, I think we were in New York and I know, but that also changes people after a while, I spoke anyway so that is a completely untrustworthy. Right now. It's it's Amazing, I dont know what hey art all left: spin everything look every one for Biden Year by the hey We have all these monitors in front of us up up on top and where Looking at the monitors here to my left and its four different screens, it has three cable networks and then the weather channel
Two of the network's MSNBC and CNN look entirely different today, entirely different, so Raising here, what are they removed the covert numbers from their right? Third from the authorities, We have taken up by covert numbers forever or of cases number of deaths, number of infections worldwide. and in the U S completely gone, All of us were wasted because they that's because their touting that Pfizer has come out with a ninety percent, effective vaccine, yeah they're, all of a sudden drawbacks ideology is amazing, and stock market has gone crazy. I mean Commoner Harris. Seen hundred was up there telling you not to take this this. This vaccine was developed under the Trump administration it's a, why would anyone be excited about it? It's this. I know its not trustworthy. They ve got to say that I have to say that now to be can.
They're gonna give bided credit. Also that you actually in our oil, then we'll go out and say it wasn't working it Joe Biden, one and then everything started clicking wow you run a virus. It's absolutely incredible! I really. I would expect nothing different from what we zone little. This was gonna happen, but it's one thing say it's gonna happen and then see it exactly as we said it would play out third day. The first day we come back and he's been declared resident maize benefits economies and none of them said anything about these rude. These rallies, where they were out starting in the street. I wasn't not nobody, not nobody. There were a couple of people who did die. No Jake. Tapir mentioned it molly. He said I he didn't want to sound like he was scolding rival and where he was calling all trump supporters
retailers, my mother in law, and I'm just saying I am trying to I'm searching you're a comma Harris made one tweets at eight by the way covered. Nineteen still here, like her shortest, let least passionate tweet of the past two years. I will WWW least acknowledge that, but overall, these are horrible ideas in the middle of a pandemic ice like there. You don't, like all other worry mast. You're a mask does not protect. Do what you're screaming at the top of your lungs four feet away from people. not how this works and they all have been hammering people who gathered because they were on a motorcycle rally or they had a sports celebration every like they were blasting. Just internal for running out and celebrating the World Series victory on the field, and this is nothing because you know what the ultimate cure for covered nineteen is voting blue. That's the only
that will cure it. Everything I, although it has been an organization guaranteed area dominated, are worried about a nobody's in middle anymore. He's infected and more credible snugly even has a sniffle anymore. It s really weird and well it's good because then he can't clothes. Everything down and force us to wear masks, although I still believe that is coming, we're gonna look at some of the things that he is he's bees when you do in the next hundred days, and it oh my it's terrifying remember. This is the guy. This is the campaign that Proudly said that they had looked at the cabinet to see what levers and dials each cabinet member had because they're, not is going to try to pass laws. There go to use draconian measures. They don't have to go through Congress. So
I'll go to. You know that the Department of State and they'll screw up Israel theory go to the Department of Labour and they will screw up our jobs. They'll go the Treasury and they'll screw up our money that they already have looked this my think, backing up August. Maybe they said that they had looked at these things and had already develop plans just for that cabinet level so and if you were to listen to what Biden has claimed he's going to do in his first day from day one office ya, eight, it is, it is terrifying, it's terrifying all the things he is proposing at the end and among the first will be to put his back into the Paris climate accord. Yet he said, that undue only one which is good, because it will do nothing and just causes a lot of money,
I have little really even by design wishes literally hand car, weird up, handcuff incorporations, weird, because I think that's what all of his policies are to us is having patches cost a lot about. Did you see justice by Janine Piero on Saturday? You see what else He claims is happening, the others. Disagreement thereabout. What actually happened now I will say I don't trust me. talks at All- and I dont say because of their recent behaviour. I will tell you most of the problems that we had at Fox in the press. came from Fox. Yes, they are very famous in the media industry for leaking bad things about their own. Employees. Right is, and that is not is very well known within media circle correct and they did things like railroad, I'm on vacation
and all of a sudden. Everybody said that I had been via your ended, suspended that aim that rumour came from inside a fox, allegedly clan, allegedly yeah, and and they were the what we know, because we allegedly had a friend who was working at another outlet that got it first hand. You remember the exact from Fox and they called us there like. What's the deal or like ok didn't happen on vacation and we had emails from months earlier, showing the dates of the vacation, which only reason it didn't blood into some giant scant right so anyway. I don't trust fox at all now should you I also you, know, Johnny Piero, is not exactly a pillar of virtue herself, so
not sure, but she said she said that they had suspended her, because what she had planned and covering on Saturday night now they say the foxes saying: look we had the election on and off they will notice ran late, so we had election coverage running wait for it several days that we did not initially planet so she's back on tv next week, so that that's so it's hard to know what they are saying, she's back next week. So They were certainly haven't suspended or for more than a week, We at least know but she's saying that they did suspend her because of questioning of the election results in such ha. I just know this snow this. Do you remember what I said we gotta get out of here, because this place only earn itself to the ground a year ago. I think they officially burn themselves to the ground: the
I think the only thing on Fox that I dont know how they're gonna get around is Tucker because He is so powerful right now he is I mean his records on views are raised so much so that there are talking about him as a presidential candidate. Yet twenty twenty four as pretty amazing tuckers, a very smart guy too. This is not just some media personnel he's always been a very smart guy doesn't mean just he's, just not since now argue, as one upset some people's wherever they did talk about you actually back in the day they be like other, for I know that you know why you know who I would really like to see. More of and and consider a place for perhaps it the head of the party and request Christie NOME She s a better get. Yet. We would like to see more of her yes, hey he's: growled, ok, camping, Wada Did you hear that terrible? I didn't
gender tat what'd, you detect, I did. what sexism know, I was there something in your brain. That would indicate that he's matters relating to you. Who are you all right? I say our plan was always a man s game that is always to on one January, and usually you prepare with the first person who says it through and I'm sitting next to backers, scrumptious cookie dot com has slid to mice, and identity and lorries are Michael's enemies. You lose power cookies word. Thank you very much bad Padre pack re unleashed. You can hear it wherever you hear bigoted massaging upon, which is everywhere. This veterans day blinds dot. Com joins me in thanking the heroes who have served our nation, if you still,
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going to be investigated to see if it was tampered worth on purpose and then, secondly, those questions when, coming to mine over the weekend on, I think more, the Americans would be happy to vote again and all those states that are kind of under any obligation. What the law says there anyway that we now know like me, kid just completely clean one. No, no we idea I wish I wished. I wish there would have been federal observers in in these cases, but there's a lot of reserve observers from the republican and democratic parties, which is the way they usually do this. There are some situations where there is conflict in that trunk administration was successful and challenging some of those situations. But luck you could eel The easy way to look at this is, if there's something there, if the rue de ever, if the Trump camp,
and has something bill file on Sudan. Yes, they should, by the way we have plenty of time this! This is not crazy. We have whole new way of voting going on. These things should be looked into at the very least to give people and I that this was the right results. I they will do that. The thieves four things. I know something there there looking into and if they find something they think they actually have some real problem there. The file, a suitable, see other plays out yet you can. You can bet that anything that is at all real is going. He filed in a suit. Nl it's easy way even just out anything. The trump administrations doesn't go after anything that you see that the trumpet major campaign doesn't care enough to challenge Vader have anything on and these the things to that that way: find out more today. today, there is more to come out and talk about some of the things that they are filing so we'll see, but I will tell you
Thank you so much dignity. I will tell you that if you look at where Trump did El ended poorly you can see that it is. It's gonna be a very egg uphill battle The younger voters didn't turn my turn out much more than they did in twenty sixteen but Biden, one them by more than eight points: than Hilary did four years ago, from one forty, five sixty four year olds by eight points in twenty sixteen lost them by one point in twenty twenty one seniors by seven points in twenty sixteen, only three and twenty twenty, the gender gap exactly the same as it was four years ago, plus thirteen for Democrats, but Trump lost ten points of men winning men by only one point that
rob off was mostly felt with white men boy. He socks it being a white. Supremacist name is the worst white supremacist I've ever seen Trump one by eighteen points in twenty twenty, how That was a thirteen point dip from his thirty one point: dominance in that group and twenty sixteen. That is. Really what lost the election and one of the biggest challenges on any of these claims. Overturning the election is blaming why other republican candidates outperform trumped consistently across the board, I mean in state, after state and race, after Re Senate races, House races the house properly vote is very, very close and he's gonna lose the vote on the presidential raised by several million again like me, are things that don't mean that none of these fraud claims are real, but it would- strange to fraudulently come up with a vote that you What in four Donald Trump and also a republican Senate candidate, it does, much sense- I wanna talk to blow.
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What you're about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. this hello, America, its Monday, so what do we know for sure happen in the election. This was the blue way, This a win for progressives and marxists? What action We passed in states and, what's going on in Pennsylvania, we have the sneak into Pennsylvania, somebody who lives there and breathe this politics on the ground, Selina Zito! She joins us in sixty seconds, a green back,
so Patricia lives in Arizona, whether two dogs and she's, one of those people whose understood the need for good dietary supplements for years. But until a few months ago she was feeding them. Each three separate supplements every day the x it's his were starting to add up. Then she heard about rough greens on my showed she decided to give it a try now are happy and healthy and she's saving a butler money by getting everything they need in one bag. Now rough greens, In a dog food, it's a supplement that you put on the dog food and it contains all the nutrients that your d needs, but those things get kicked out. or food when its being made, so you don't have to. Change the food. What you do is you change the nutrients, probiotics Annie, oxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega oils. These are just some of the things that your dog needs to live a healthier lifestyle and they're. All things that you can find in rough greens. Your dog will love. It just makes
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I don't think there's enough evidence. Ah, you know there's always shenanigans right I'll, but that shenanigans, I don't think, there's enough shenanigans go to make a different, but you know I'm not a legal expert, I'm not a ballot expert, ah unjust. going from my years of of covering elections and so You know I do that's where I think this is an entity remember on the day of the election and I came up- I was on the show, and you said: what do you think there s a boy think the poles are wrong. I don't Joe Biden, is going to win this state by five six, seven, whatever the poor was writing a button raises a chump ball and I think the results reflect back and I think what is this does the really important story I
That is getting sort of a lost in all of them Is that while we Democrats are claim a mandate, while the culture of your readers are claiming that they have put pressure on culture, and had it go there where they could not more wrong. The country Val. It became rather impact. It went all the way back to centre right, which is the opposite of what traditionally happens odd in Europe, with the president's after their administration Right Rocco bomb pushed the country Wide Bill Clinton puts to Georgia
A push variables puts puts the country laughed so really actual their policies. What Donald Trump has done his mood, the country even further bright, but with what also failed miserably. Is the cultural pressure bright every time we picked For our part, we wanted to order from something from Amazon. There was a black lives matter opposed up there or You know we should be better kinds of people kind of post. An and all this scolding that was John to us through the the true we are thus Ruben. There are none of that impacted the imp acutely aware that some bourbon donor, they showed up, put down babbling races in a very robust way,
so tell me and give me an example: talk about the open, how seat in Pennsylvania with Emily? What is the scope of scamper Yang and wrecked Mick Mick mercury, your rights. Yes, I mean yeah, sorry, undeniable recovery, and so that was raised that everyone said- he was going to when she was headed appalled at times it was hinted that she was Nepal, almost by double digit, raised more money. I think that any state House race in in the state- ah shit All mobility knows shorter progressive groups from Cyprus to help her Emily's lists are planned, clear parenthood. you had teachers unions, The union should also go even further
well. There's a lot of affluent see sweet executive that are in the energy industry and she'll be climate change groups behind her as well. You know both your pocketbook people will pick you d be anything. Then there would be a function was. I was affluent college educated suburbs that hasn't sacking population right. It had it has it your birth, relations. This is totally growing for her and she got crashed again by ten percentage points, namely that the lesson that debt that person that was put on you every time you open those poker, twitter or Youtube are turned the television or or try to watch a football game now work is incredibly important. So this, goes really against
Chuck humor said over the weekend where he said. If we can just win the Georgia Senate seats, we are going to change America. Ok, first of all, now just that it's they get it look at the statistics. she bit and look at the numbers you barely one a presidential race and and what happened down ballot is emptying justice system Pennsylvania, for example, over us about happened across the country right, everyone was telling
Ah, you know every report is a blue weighed down as a blue whale down ballot. I mean I got to the point where I was like weight is there, while I did what I always do, I went back out and talk to people and, more importantly, I listen to people, but the Democrats did not pick up one State House race up once they send it raised the: U N, N, n n back the speaker of the state rules and worked. I lost them sleep to a republican while an end. It is just absolutely film about the Pennsylvania. Only did you Republicans the majority, but they can state house it. Not only did they hold their Senate, but they gained state Senate safe. They want to well Officer State treasurer and others are general with two republican candidates. Who did the die running an end. End Bogart defeated also the state House
In order to lower the leader in Pennsylvania, Democratic gone beaten by a suburban law observe how about all done every door as an amnesty. Every voter consider her to earn their bout. So if they come in the Democrats Command, because let me just give you a couple of things from California, the cow California, is with go in the same way Forty rejected a property tax increase that generate as much as twelve point five billion a year. Eighty four percent of the precincts reporting narrow body. It is its trailing a fortune said no to repealing Anti discrimination law in reinstating affirmative action goals. That's by fifty six percent in California they rejected or a proposal to expand rent control ordinances
they rejected a bid to abolish cash bail in the state. They all or rejected, lowering the voting age I mean those are things Republicans are for so when, when the left gets in charge, and they start to do things that are radical like for instance, on day one. Biden has said he's going to reinstate, reinstate critical. Race theories back into the government, so he's going to take. You know critical race and he's going to those classes back in at the federal level feed here's the thing. I said this in a column a couple weeks ago, we keep sending wars and put a message with our vote and they keep misreading it the vote for a job.
and was not to over reach. It was because it was for a different town, because that's what he went on, he did Overbury try you re ever gonna, be nicer, we're gonna be kinder boy. That's why people gave you their vote and what it what's? The first thing is there does he do is what you just said. He the third pillar. All progressive is on you know. One of the things I found really fascinating in this is related to my own horn, but this is to show how important it is to do with Europe work on the north Korean your level, either the people there we outlined in my book the great revolt, the coalition that we outlined in the great revoke the other conservative populist colors, not only is it now not a black swan stay together, and not only did they together is explained.
Not only did explaining and it isn't that more diverse. That is something that the democratic should be a better than a lot of emails from that our strategies, and they said we should be reading that Back Because you have it there and we were the people at the top, the people that make the most noise completely don't stand that we lost wheel, We won the top Thank you select prescience much for having made you bad, keep your eye on Pennsylvania Forest. It chuck. Humor said Saturday that if they win the to run off elections in Georgia, that going to determine which party controls the Senate. and he said- and I quote they change America. Now we take Georgia, then
we changed the world now we take Georgia, then we change America. Vat is Why did amazing statement especially when you see the way the election happen, though the facts it were just talking about even Californians rejected, though the woke part of the Democratic Party and because of that, because Republicans were closer in the house, them was projected an because they did actively well in the Senate. There's been a a bit of a sigh of relief that the left has not gonna. Be able to do all these crazy things. I think they will, but while they're gonna do what they can, but can we block? We keep thinking our and be blocked by the Senate. These two races have not occurred yet the Republicans have to win one of them if they lose both of them all our worst fears are back on the table. All worst fears. They were going have control of the Senate, control the House and the presidency they
Do all those things all the core packing all getting rid of it. Filibuster, all that stuff can happen if the Republicans don't wait. At least one of the two races in Georgia and the the the promise the importance these Georgia races is almost to the level of the presidential race. We just went through there are already on the ground guarantee already. Operatives are down on the ground doing, everything they can to make sure that these Races are one by Democrats. I would hope that the Republicans are down on the ground tat. I mean they're, taking it seriously, but they're gonna probably spent half a billion dollars on this race,
no. This is a very bad for the people of Georgia. You're not gonna, see another commercial for fast food for the next two months. I'm sorry, George, you mad at you, may not even see television you they re just they may just all be spots. They were all just the commercials. Just can't candidates for different candidates to its name, one raise its two races for different candidates. You're not gonna, know what the new product from Mcdonald's is here: they're not gonna, be able to buy the advertising you gotta live. You gotta just make sure your listening to us because we ll, let you know if the Maghreb comes back and by the way that is in the process of happening. It's important that people know that are see. That's what Therefore, that's what we're here for hovers, aided, eight seventy seven be easy K. I would like to hear From from you at eighty eight, seventy seven be easy K. What is on your mind, What are you you feeling the come too other that Joe by but Joe Biden was preaching about are you feeling that yet what
are you feeling what is happening in your world, I I I I tell you that I still strangely feel optimistic and I old you beforehand, I feel optimistic, but I don't think it's domestic because we were gonna win, it was optimum take that, I know how it ends my started crying when I said that tourists We give dad, we have to go through all I know, We know how it ends: I'd like hear from you ain't it. Eight. Seventy seven be easy, Kay, call us now sixty seconds we return to moroccan Financing Canada less one, eight two, three: four W w: w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, Org when's, the last time you had a really big break in your life, where it wasn't like me now twenty dollars in my pocket had been washed. No dont mean I mean
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This is the Glen Back Programme. Welcome, let's oh to IRAN in Arizona Hallo run. Hello good morning Glenn, I I just I want to call an ice. I've been trying to call it in at four about password days, I just had an issue. I didn't you the big deal until after all this about me and my wife. Oh then Maricopa County here and I dont know about seem all pre follow their earth. People, therefore the down, but I notice when I went to your point, about an envelope. It had the presidential active phase out, and you could see right through the envelope I call my wife all call my wife. Over a look at this
Are you can sue your voting for like right through the envelope without even a wider, even though we both Father, knobs away to where using an and am pleased that in the ballot box like that, well. I mean this is kind of like Al Gore's butterfly ballot thing. We remember that which I didn't think was a reasonable reason will charge it wouldn't find enough votes and you had to guess people's intent on. That Butter you know who knows. I know that today, we're gonna be hearing from several people in the White House, about the things that they are going to be doing there actually gonna be filing and the secret here is you can't find just A few votes he asked if I a lot of votes and I'm I am convinced that that is going to happen,
the reason we should pursue. All of these things is Because we all have to have confidence in the voting system- and No, I dont have confidence in it to you. I don't I have confidence that this was clean. I dont have. I dont have confidence that we now the truth. I want to know the truth and all accept it as long as we can look at the ballots that people didn't were allowed to oversee. We check this Natures from the I think it's third, thousand balance, I can remember, which stated is, I think, maybe Wisconsin: where are they where they didn't check the signatures. I'd like to I'd like to throw out the ballots again at a river, which stated is where the biggest Pennsylvania thing where they said you can. Fill in the.
Witness address and and all of the information if a ballot is you know, not finished, woman You can't do that state law says you can't do that, but they were doing that. I'd like to see a resolve of some of these big issues, and if that happens- and he wins great He loses sight to be us, but where I have two main of step to the plate, because the fight goes on Yeah you're, looking at them The scale here is important, and this is why, in a U her Selina talking about others, not enough evidence at this scale at this point in again, we're looking at larger legal issues will see what happens as they play out, but there's about fifty five, and vote margin in Pennsylvania right now, which is far member right about them. The margin of two thousand for carry over behind Wash in Ohio, which they tried to. Overturned but it was just that state they'd have to pull
often multiple stay here, and it beaver, it's very, very difficult. But again you know this is why they go through this process. We can The time to go through this process. There is no need for Donald. Two your day I do not like two weeks before Christmas. It was mid December when they were still doing this. Stop it back in just the second? Is the Glen Back Programme, when it comes to buy or sell your house or both. What's your game plan, we have one, you ve ever been through real estate process before it'll? Come as no surprise that you absolutely have to have a game plan and the boy asked real estate agent on your side, so why we start real estate agents, I trust about five years ago. It's Free service to you, in which we connect you with the best real estate agents, who are Gonna work with you to create not just a game plan, but the game plan these ages,
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stock market is up in is weird MSNBC is suddenly, has their market watch going in the in the right hand of the screen, the right third lower? Third, which is we because they don't, I thought they didn't like the stock market and the economy was collapsing, but they ve taken now, Their cove id rate, which they ve had on the right third of their screen for now how many people died in everything else, the reason why the stock market is up is because we have Pfizer coming out in saying that they have a ninety percent sure, it is a curator willing, as inactive re. Ninety percent effective our early results. They start another month to make sure safety. It hits the standards they want to, but this is an increase. Not only is it a very positive development, it refers to be true. It's also something
that is an amazing accomplishment of the Trump administration that he never got? Credit for and the media never said was good until like today, like five until today, they were saying like all I don't know. If I would take Cobble Harris, was getting basically no criticism for coming out in saying that she will take it because it was developed the troubled ministration. Well, this is the same vaccine that was developed this that what we ve been talking about the whole time, yet neither showing ninety percent effectiveness. and what's going to happen they're gonna now say I guess because binds President he's credit for it. That's problem what's gonna happen here, oh I did hear and see if it works, I guarantee that he amazing job. I Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, is still out there saying like look it's good, that we have. This vaccine put its bad, that it came up during the Trump administration, because we should can't trust it before you talk what you talking about this is being done Trump, is not putting things into vials and testing
with them, he is supplying, we, the environment in which we can set a global record for vaccine development. That's what Donald Trump did he and actually mix a bunch of chemicals in a land. Why didn't visor come? Have this news last week, you know why, because Biden was doing anything Vega by the way, the here's, a few things that Britain is probably gonna, take executive actions on when he first gets in the corona virus Pandemic Day, one button bright, to create a pandemic testing board and international supply chain commander to deal with. the growth of virus pandemic, who I feel so Woodrow Wilson there that's great pandemic, I'm bored! I wonder I wonder if those will lobby trumped supporters. Better. the former vice president's aid, have Seti's likely to invoke the defence production act which allow
the president to order companies to make products necessary for national defence to build up supply. As for the pandemic, according to the New York Times, he has Was to issue an executive order requiring masks on federal property, all federal property and All interstate transportation, truckers, you're, gonna, love that we're gonna love that day, one he is gonna, be sending a letter to the United Nations, saying the United States intends to rejoin the pleasure of the Paris climate Accord and agreement between more than a hundred and seventy four countries intended to combat crime, change. Just gonna, do nothing but spend a lot of money, restoring critical, race, theory, retraining. This is really dangerous by is likely to reverse the executive order issued by President Trump that prohibits federal agencies from conducting so called critical race theory training. The goal of two
executive order was to combat offensive and anti american race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating. prohibiting ideologies that label entire groups of Americans as inherently racist or evil for, the diversity training manuals according to USA today it Trump call critical race theory a sickness. They cannot be allowed to continue. well they're, going to reverse that also he's going to reverse the travel bans and reverse funding for foreign groups. The gating for abortion around the world, so we have the whose things to real we look forward to, and I'm super super excited about that. I don't know about. You know that said it, but the thing is going to be a sort of a disaster I go there. He's not gonna, be a good president. Me
you will tell you he's be. He is a great president. The entire time is in office, but he's not going to be a good president. Although We can all hold out hope that he magically becomes competent and magic becomes intelligent, naturally uses arts respecting the constitute. Did you see his speech on Saturday, as this possibility came running out. Did you see that I didn't see you not even listen to mostly made him look. Older ran out news like good, were due to renew the Elizabeth warrant requiring ran around Iowa all that time to show that she was virulent. It was awful, it was awful and then he said two hundred million thousand Americans have been asked to me, to my hand, would ever that is decided to many is too many one million thousand american many zero. You know that's a good point. They have that! Listen to this could provide some comfort in silence the two: thirty million in two thousand Americans
lost love. What do this to me? this clearly said million by mistake. Benita. He does that all the time you can't say numbers he legitimately he's like you with that. Actually you you, all you ever Virgil, had you set it to be ten times correctly in the break and they get on the air and say it river, store off by a thousand for no particular reason, He is he's worse than you on this one. He is itself till found a way to be worse than well. I do it and every The understands that I should not be present at the United States where a year I mean everybody knows, can you imagine me with foreign ministers or in foreign countries while I go on, I think. this guy over here booze Jura, branded cool there. I gotta tell you of the thing I love about it snags.
This is not just about it. I thought you have to say that all we have to do with the entire Obama Purvis Presidency right there. Let me go to Jennifer in Connecticut, hello Jennifer. Jennifer are you there, but we got a Peter in California, hello, Peter. good, how you in California Are you know, down year after year after year, nobody you ask an earlier. You know how to how do we feel I guess in general about what's going on. I was I was mad. It says the same thing year after year after year, every since president, Tropic outside offers its a bit nothing, but an attack has been an attack since before it an attack while in and it attack now And you know, but I this ban perseveres, do everything.
In our view, the epitome of fighting oil or- and this is business way down, you know and his ease girl. And created that mentality now in america- and I just don't think you're year average Joe will is like myself. I can stand for this. You know we will take, we will, Aren't we will help you get to the bottom and get. the answers. It searches were so fed up with this manipulation of the system, further up political agendas in a war or just piss. Now, and that's it that's what people need to start come together. The means we need to use that anger and turn it into something else herded into production, and that I think that's what gotta go from from your mouth gods, ears, Peter that we we turn anger and frustration not into apathy or surrender, but we turn into positive production and
that that is going to be harder and harder. I dont know if you heard the the Friday special few listen or you're, a member of the blaze make sure you go back and and look at my Friday show. I remember what is called you. The Friday show and I did an interview with a reporter on high tech and this guy knows it inside now we had a fascinating conversation on the air and then afterwards I talk to some more off the air. He gets he really understands it. What we don't know is the story has just been released and it has not gained a lot attraction yet because of the because of the election, but there was a document released by a whistle blower in Google that show that they are taking critical race theory and now,
combining it with their algorithms and what's fry, nothing is. It is identifying those people under critical race theory that are racist. Or you know, against critical race theory that don't understand it and are and are super spread of that information. It not only will block you and it will go through the algorithm begin to ice. Late you it all. so go through all of your connections. So anybody who has connected with you any family member anybody, it marks them as past. The bulk carriers of this race virus, and it is a way to its awaited. Completely isolate people and support, ask them without them ever really knowing until he gets really really bad, and they
Is this goes right, along with what you're, starting to here, we ve been telling you about it for a while of this truth and reconciliation project. They are. still saying now you know after Joe Biden says all we all got to come together there, still saying that anybody who supported drum knee I do have some pay back because they can never let this happen again now. Well, the other. Saying that Google is was working on and they ve been working on it during the election. Is they took people who are on the edge of trumps supporters, and they to see if they could flipped them and now There's going to be implemented in all of Google beef them by sending them store he's that appeal to them, but are leaning laughed but base. will appeal to them, they still have the
All of the earmarks of something that somebody on the right wants to talk about, but it has to a little bit of the left virus in it and they found that if they continue to pound people who are moderate can move them laughed. we are now in a petri dish It's gonna be harder and harder, and harder to stay out of that petri dish I, to tell you I'm gonna have a meeting today. I dont think we should. Beyond Facebook or or twitter At least personally. We should- not beyond those anymore, and that's that it's not good, that's not good for the health of our company. That's not good! For our reach, this just not good, but I I worry about these things. I pretty. Through the collars concern and obviously we are concerned with the future of the country and how these election results come out. What, if
is to lose weed out. He personally, the guy's, a billion Ernie's Mary to supermodel, he's gonna, be ok, he's gonna make it is rooted in all, but you know what life has to have been a much broader before all right like we could all acknowledge that, like he's trying to do something for the country. I want the good things to happen for the country. but his personal life has got to get a lot better. If he's not in that us, the problem is that we just hired everything that they said. Donald Trump was we just high a guy who is absolutely corrupt in bed with China? is Senile not able to stand, is in bed with the goober left. It's you were right, but Donald Trump he lost white males if he is a white supremacist, IE sucks added at but Gruber left. We know they are indeed in
with the upper left. We just tired everything that the the right and the moderate Democrat said they dont want that too we have now in office and they're going to interpret this as a base, egg win for the left and they're gonna move us their hands. the conversation with the chuck humor. This weekend, where he said we win Georgia change. America get a Rec Tec. They said it'll be fun. They said: it'll save ii hours a cooking time with smart grilled technology, while making perfect meals for you. They said while they said a lot. And actually they were right witches is this something that usually doesn't happen when they say it? Rector takes the trip,
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This is the global programme, welcome to. The programme have a great hour of information for you coming up in just a second, including the kinds of things that the press is now talking about. What to do with all these trumps supporters coming up by the way Now is a great time to submit to blaze TV, if you haven't, you we must stick together. There is power in numbers, and there is power in the truth and If we can gather, we will promise to tell you the truth, the best we understand it and we will correct our mistakes. We are not going to tell you something just because we want it to be true, that's what the press does and that's what everybody is sick of
join us at blaze, tv dotcom use the promo code, gland and you'll save thirty bucks and we got a timid. Texas, hello, TIM alone, I appreciate you, take him I'll call you back listeners. I just want to say This item exactly been a good week. I've been watching you and then for a long time- and I appreciate you- everything you reward them. Thank you just want to that this all week has been an up and down, not to say that we didn't expect it right away. Watched. Everything Tuesday knew it wouldn't want to be anything sort, Hannah Hilary flashbacks previous elections, but as things are progressing now Saturday came in and was a get punch. We all felt coming up Can we lost the ran out of time, I'm so sorry to Glenn back proudly
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entertainment and programme. Although America welcome to the Goin back programme. So what comes next well we're gonna, let the The lawyers take care of the election. Whatever they are going to file will be thorough. Believe me, the Trump White House is not going to leave this one sitting on the table, so let's support the attorneys and keep that alive. I dont know if you're are to be able to find enough votes to actually change the results of this election, but- Play out and stay calm in rational, let's look now to the future. What does future hold? And what do you need to do to make sure you're ready for this future? We begin, and sixty seconds is a back.
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In my forty some years are broadcast. I've never felt what I felt this weekend. I feel watched monitored. And in jeopardy. And I know that sounds paranoid, but it is What they have told us they're going to do. the media and the the left and their allies or call for some sort of reparations, some sort of two, beautiful. For anyone who speaks out anyone who is donate. This is the latest anyone who even donated any money to Donald Trump you alive
this to happen, and they have to stop it to make sure never ever happens again? You're so convinced that they are right, there, I believe that you are some sort of a virus. you ve been infected with this Jake capper. juice spawn tromp in his spawn online. I didn't know where to go to find. real news. I didn't trust anyone this weekend. I gave you list earlier of the ones I I do trust. But I wondered how much of what I'm even seeing online,
Ben suppressed. That's not a good thing for a country that believe in speech, leaves in freedom when you have a press It is in line with either party and they are not neutral. You you, you can't trust anything. You see or reed. and this only makes things worse. The. The voice and the will of the american people has been is understood since at least two thousand eight. in two thousand eight rock Obama. Why on I see a red and Blue America I see the United States of America job
has been using. That line a lot, but that's that was the line that got Barack Obama fur noticed and then M on hope and change. Any heat campaigned on Look these are the things I'm going to do bring hope and I'm gonna bring transparency, and I will bring in the change you want, but the change he. He was really standing for. and he and his latest friends think America wants, is them marxist change. When Donald Trump was elected in twenty six team. The prey ass in the left immediately because they had to destroy him the IMF, the said. If you for him if you want him you're a racist oh no! Well,
you're just out of control. You're crazy, don't you see is tweets. Don't you see how he he talks about people? Yes, we do but in twenty sixteen there were enough people that said I've had enough of electing people. And then having them do whatever the hell they want. I've had enough, for that Nobody seems to pay in Washington for their crimes Nobody seems to tell the truth in Washington and now in twenty sixteen, we thought we had seen at all from the press, and so people voted for Donald Trump too, The walls down to kick and take names and say you. York, you are doing things that are against the law you're out They bogged him down with phony charges and everything else, and he d and clean out the deep state we still,
don't have a justice department in FBI that, I trust, do you and it's going back into the hands of the people that corrupted it in the first place. wasn't about race? Wasn't about white supremacy in about owning the lips? tromp was elected for a couple of reasons. One kick down the doors and find out what's going on, and I believe he did too Tell us that you are going to do things and then actually do them. He did. And the third thing that he never promised, but he did, he exposed the media.
And we see now, nothing they say can be believed. So we ve come into two teams. Now were no longer Americans. I guess we're either add or were blue. and if you were ever read and you voted for Donald Trump, then you're in trouble. Michelle Obama, came out this weekend, and she said Trump voters. Let's remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo. That's not true. We didn't. To vote for the status quo. We ve who did for somebody who was kicking the doors down. He was the furthest thing from the status quo.
They voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos and division. I just can't take it We have a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us boy. I would love that I would love that, but I don't they. that's what you really mean, because you The person that said Barrack knows we have to change our traditions. We have to change. Our history that what you actually believe. Emperor knows that we're gonna have to make sacrifices. Have to change our conversation, we're gonna have to change our traditions. Our history, we're gonna, have to move into a day. Place. This is This was the prototypical radical in power.
oh, see now says she's them do everything to win Georgia for Democrats. So You don't have to negotiate with Republicans our eye. Ok, elections have consequences. But they don't care about your voice, see that The other thing the Democrats are missing. They leave me shred election after election. Both parties have Donald Trump did not. But both parties miss read every election, including this one. They think now that we voted as a country for Marxism. Now. No, I think what we voted for was
Guy we didn't always will arise and go cheese. He did what that was it. That was the tipping point if Donald Trump wouldn't have been that guy. He a wooden, have gotten all that stuff done, So a lot of people just went. Look he's gotta get it done. If that's what takes that's what it takes, because I for one I am really sick and tired of the republic. It's just sitting back and gone. You know why we can't do anything about it, yet we can fight for what you believe in fight for the constitution. Protest. And defend the constitution. That's what do Republicans, that's what you do. But you don't seem to want to do that because, quite honestly, for too many of you are in the swamp. You are Are the swamp and you have your God, the
The creature from the black lagoon is Joe Biden. So that the problem is that the press They wanted to understand us in twenty twenty. Sixteen they didn't they didn't want to. They were just saying. And then because they live in a vacuum, where everybody thinks the way they do and everybody I could no longer Ernie blogs else, but here Everybody has the same exact kind of education. Gosh- these people or animals- they decided. We were animals. That hasn't changed, but you better look
out from the left Democrats, you better look out because Did you notice what be alarm was chanting this weekend. This weekend they were chanting F, Trump F by burn. The whole thing down. Ah these- are you gonna, get serious about them now. Now will they be something you should look at now that you're going to be in power because you Better get control of them or do you think can get control of them now. They are now on the streets, chant against Biden, in fact, like all all fascistic groups do they made everybody raise their fists in the air and pledge to them and I want you to listen. These are people who are standing in the crowd supporting be a lamb
listen to what they said this weekend, me, George look at rape, and why do you always were black people So you ve got it the people
in the alarm clock crowd. If you don't do and say exactly what they say, your as bad as the people, they call pigs. That be slaughtered Jacob. Said this over the weekend. Listen! But now the Trump presidency is coming to an end to an end with so many squandered opportunities and ruin potential, but also an era of just plain meanness. It must be to paraphrase President Ford for TAT of millions of our fellow Americans, there are long. National nightmare is over and Jake I would add for three. hundred plus million Americans. Our long national nightmare is about to begin Keep sucking up and you'll be fine. Alright, go online.
Establish time to be depressed or despondent. I mean look. The stock market is up a thousand points. Today we look like we who we have a ninety percent, effective, a vaccine for covert from Pfizer. There is reason to celebrate PAN Joe Biden got done so fast. We still no for a month or so, but then will help the economy just in time for the economy to collapse under all of the new spending and all of the new restrictions. The binding straighten will put on by gold. and right now is running a holiday special of free gifts with qualifying orders, and I want you to take advantage of it. While you can then Free silver Santa coins, their great for the Euro, Gruner grandchildren, silver snow Man, coins, free holiday, give boxes, quantities are limited, but don't delay besides the gifts really protect your dollar protect. What you have called lie line now ask about the holiday special, its
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The entertainment our organization has a new salad would hire these people. I also echo something that my friend I entreat you said it tromp Pastoral Louis, but that all his enablers have to lose. They have too. We have to collectively and asked his burned down the republican Party. We have two level them, because if there are survivors, if there are people who, whether this storm, they won't do it again, they will take. This is confirmation that hey it just pay is to ride the way they look at me. I've made it through and sew up and down the ticket federal state low offices. The country has to repudiate this. This Become a dysfunctional anti government party that is not what the country wants and what it needs tat is unbelievable? An ant A government party, the ones who are standing for the constitution and anti government party. I ate listen to me.
I warned about this in nineteen. Ninety nine, with Osama Bin line, I couldn't have pronounced the guy's name me. Listen to me. You know that to be true. But I heard him his name being kicked around by the Clinton administration and I hated the Clinton administration, but they bought. I think, was the aspirin factory or something that they bombed. They were trying to go after him and, I said, after I had read all about him. I say, war, New York on W B c, and I'm telling you this guy's gonna, come after New York City he's gonna, target New York City, because as I was new nobody knew I was they thought I was a Clinton supporter and Conservative media, just bashed me to death and I remember saying,
in ten years, will be blood body and buildings in the streets of New York City and oh, some, a Bin Laden's name, will be all over it. Now. How could I have said that, because I take people at their word When they tell you. They believe you have no place in society: they mean that. You must not tolerate and you must point out every time someone says this. we are a nation together. personally think summit stuff that is going on right now on the media, where you see these people just openly weeping, I'm one to make fun of people crying over their country. But boy, oh boy, did they hammer me for it? but the reason there saying these things
is really it's an illness. It is an illness, but I'm not sick. jesting that we do any kind of tests or try. Burn them out of the house or anything else we're all Americans, this half country still believe that back in a minute anyway. This is the Glen Back programme. There is more, I didn't get to Reuben out if I gotta do it on the other side, this very year for taking temperatures and it's not over yet from kids being dropped off at school to day care to employees. Finally, getting back to work on something of a regular basis to doctors, offices and hospitals. When people are coming in me, Well, to assess someone's temperature in the moment has been a part of the reaction to cove in that
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go to place tv dot, com, Slash Glenn! If you use the protocol glad you still get your thirty bucks off your annual subscription to blaze. Tv this- is the global programme were glad you're. Here there was a lot of crying on tv and I didn't think you are allowed to cry on tv. That's right! You have anybody right, you're, the one that no sign. I wanna know it's embarrassing. Oh you cry on tv, your faking, it! Oh yeah, there's no place here, your mentally unstable yeah. If you cry on tv, let me. Give me a little recap: the weaken character matters. It matters tell him the truth. Matters please now be in a good person matters. I don't know what I'm crying so much better at one time it was the picture of the cab.
However, in so I'm very emotional, so when you Ask me how I feel right now, I'm sorry, that's all. I can tell you. This is how I feel right now. Nobody knows what it feels like a black man, to be able to speak at this moment. You ve worked in an old white guy. Stephen ever worry presents gonna be happy to have. They be snatched aware, sit, send dreamers yet we know there when I got to be, has now spread to realise our crime. Again, when I heard the bells and wait for me, we cry now. Look what Stephen cold! We don't care. If you voted for us in that, Don't tip really suffer
I can't I can't take it your excited. You see reelected a seven year re eight year old, white guy. Congratulations, everybody you did it! It came together. and you were able to do that. I am amazed at at at this because We were told over and over again throughout your entire career. Like the three times you cried on. The air and nothing like that. But you? U shedding a quick tier for something that you thought was important. That was a subjective, not sorry. Mockery by people like Stephen Colbert Thea, acknowledge to like him I think that jobs as well copies of rice year. In its interest how's. It is this. They can understand how one side believes in the country and they can Even the whole figure, the ones that are dismantled all I'm doing. Is I I'm worried about my country, I'm worried about the constitution very
I think, they're gonna get in and alter the our institution with how to vote without a con The two original amendment vote- I dont know which one of us should be crying. Yes, I do. Watch, I'm sure you did southern life this this we can know today. Chapelle was hosting it oh and so, and he will you know he was actually, I think, the first host after the Trump election, two thousand. Sixteen, if our remembering you know he was he's very focused on the idea that apparently, like everything, is about race, for so many people in this in this country. It's all that, it takes over their entire life side. I know how to quantify that, but he did at what point say remember if you are a person who supported Biden, that half the can Three feels like you did in two thousand: sixteen that is something important to focus on every single time. One of these transactions happen- and I will say this most importantly of all- These things watch these people cry wash. People sob on live television.
At the same time watch the people in the park celebrating jubilant is due and single literally dancing in the streets and Think of what an insane country we ve become that the government, the president of the United States, the election can lead that sort of emotion out of people. That is not how this country was design. The government should these small enough that it can do two people. It shouldn't affect your lives like that which dominates everybody's. You won't once you silence the people that are standing in the way of progress. There won't be any dancing streets cause. You don't really have anybody to fight cause you ve just cured them of this out. Let me just let me give again this is from the Washington Post, Jennifer Reuben. Let me just give them that so the conservative columnist, by the way, when here the conservative, colonists and action, any Republican now promoting rejection of an election or call to not follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud. Should
never serve in office. Never join a corporate board ever find a faculty position or accepted into polite society quoting we have a list. End quote. less making? That's where we are? And I didn't realize that we were back in the nineteen fifties I didn't I didn't realize that, list making, not a good idea, not a good idea, and they tons of people say they want to punish. Person who who know was hired by the Trump administration by the way lots of people who, weren't super pro trump mean there is. Clinton donors in the administration, people who just thought they could do the best the job they could for the country, even if they do I fully agree with everything that Donald Trump did but I didn't do anything. He didn't do anything wrong or illegal, do anything wrong or illegal, I'm,
These guys are gonna go after him and they are going to make people pay for any If support they will they will do it? They half do have to shut down people if you're going to go down this marxist road. You have- to create fear, and sure that your lemme see rejected from polite society. never serve in office, join a corporate board or find a faculty position. They ve got to make a list because that's the only way the american people reject this marxist bull crap. They rejected the edge so? There election shows, you may have rejected Donald Trump, but we directed the Marxist, They didn't go for Kamali Harris, accordingly, they went for
I'm gonna bring hours ago, nor a pudding on paranoid girl, we read or blue Green Booting pudding I've by actually would support a pro pudding candidate. I dont think that whether it is obvious there is platform was Joe good food. In butter scourge. Whatever you want, kurdish pudding, my who put aside in my heart. I want the pudding guy as long as it's not build Cosby effect, Lifelock. By the way, eighty eight thousand seven hundred and twenty seven bzk, eight hundred and eighty eight seven hundred and twenty seven two thousand and forty four. We end the program. working from home has its challenges, but I guess we may I have to worry about that, because Visor just came out and said that they have a vaccine that ninety percent effective. So
Man, Joe Biden gets things done fast, does any anyway. Working from home has its challenges, the hotels or advertising daytime room reservations for guess, seeking quiet distraction, free work, environments, but, according to the FBI? accessing, sensitive information from hotel wifi opposes increase security risk over home wifi networks. workers are also renting rooms by the hour, our job. and their lovely assistance are therewith anyway. B B thankful. Lifelong is out there to help it's important to understand how cybercrime and identity theft and adultery gonna your life every day we put our information at risk on the internet. Cybercriminals keep finding new ways to steal identities. You could miss certain identity. Threats of all you're doing is monitoring your credit, no one.
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to let me go to Chris in California, hello, Chris. through the gloom by programme- we argue morning to Jupiter. I call you, I think, you're right, joy, scary. This could end a breed, a break in the country up or civil war or above it is did what you're saying is absolutely the truth. What is it that I'm? What is it that you are hearing me say? I just wanna make sure as well that this is so this sum that done, but nobody calls social credit. What nobody can ever re, read the races Repair critical race there is, nobody can ever learn how to play retaliate against Republicans, conservatives, donors right. I think I think this is true and I think I think that I dont think that there is a real test to be shed on the left. Thinking of a civil war
especially the uber left. They want that violence. They need that violence to happen, I hope to God that never comes to this, but you can only put people so far and the EU. Only disenfranchise people so long- for we ve had a four year break of being called losers, degenerates racist, bigots, because we had a guy in the White House. That believed we weren't those things but It's been going on really since right around what two thousand four and at all got worse under Barack Obama and you can only say that about half the country for so long and if you start be putting in any kind of draconian things, your guy owing to see a response, and I I hope to God It is not a civil war, I hope to God. Nobody picks up guns
it is not time to do that, but I can't aren t you. If the situation did you notice, all of those those those planned marches and everything they just disappeared after like what Joe Biden was gonna win and that wears an amazing is another miracle. Maybe they created a vaccine for that too. Well, Joe Biden said there won't be any miracles coming forgotten now hall. Now I just fast Eddie. I guess we can demand credit for this than Nazi we'll get it he'll get it anyway. let me go to woody in Florida, hello, woody. Well then I thank you very much for Egypt your buddy. I j what I've got it, but I've got a question for you. What are we supposed to do if a fur, but the thing that they're talking about doing disfranchised together? What are we supposed to do? How I'm a price Christian man I'm a proud and our a member. What do we do
How do we fight this? If it, if they are talking about doing The things that we have a big said that we are going to do it. It's it's like trying to fight a boxing match with one hand tied behind you. back. I don't think we have our hands tied behind her, our back it first of all. The first thing you do is you watch it and you make sure that if any of these things begin, happen you or on top of it, and you remain informed you. Don't react to anything that is being said. You remain vigilant on is being said: to learn from the german Jews. You know up until when, when where the norm laws put in nineteen, thirty three attesting some somewhere in that area. Ninety thirty, three! up until then. They were only saying they're gonna. Do these things
but once the Nuremberg laws were passed, then you had evidence of crap. They are taking things away. Thirty five, but like thirty five that's really, your trip, wire Dave were Dave Reuben, and I talked about this in a pod cast. I did couple weeks ago with him he's jewish and heat. about you, know, relatives and they came from Germany and you know abroad, and I set too said when I never understood why that you didn't get out of Germany early and until now, because you don't You don't ever take somebody seriously who saying things like that: you're, like our society, will never go out of that we'll societies crack and when they crack it's bad We can't we revert back to animals. And so I would save. The first thing is, I, Keep you informed on things, but I I You do know you just to stay vigilant at this point. If they
Dart, actually putting people in power that are seriously talking about this, that when things change, that's when things that's when you're saying: ok, wait a minute, we're up another level and it is color pointed out a lead with Amr Christian men. These Winning and losing is a different. Yet look at that. from a different lens right. I mean like if your address in your christian winning and losing is so very low. to do with whether you are victorious in a particular election to do with sticking with particular principles, beliefs, teachings and The theory is here: we ve got to The book already, we know what the ending is, and I I truly believe- and I could be wrong- I am always wrong about timing and this one I could be way we're on the timing, but I do leave were headed for the return of the promised one. and then I dont think we
I dont think we're supposed to pick up arms ever if that is what's coming, I dont think we're supposed to we're supposed to be the good. Bull that we are supposed to be, and I would suggest that you read your scriptures every single day, and remind yourself on who Jesus was because- that's the real win the real win Anybody who gets caught up in in other things as early as be good, just not gonna be I mean civil war is one thing: who's, your leader on that way. what what is the plan on that we're so fragmented right now there are a lot of people all that are on the uber goober goober goober right the, european right. want to see the destruction of America is well. We,
we go into violence. We break up, I think, and in many ways in two. actions and gangs and that's not good. That's not good. We just to stay vigilant, protect the constant She prayed, like we ve, never prayed before and and do the things that we supposed to do learn the true about America and bury it deeply in your hearts and the hearts of your children, because It will need time to sit there under the soil of their heart and will blossom and grow into a mighty oak. At some point, That's what we need. Mighty oaks.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-09.