« The Glenn Beck Program

Debunking ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ | Guests: Sen. Ted Cruz & Jason Whitlock | 4/13/21

2021-04-13 | 🔗

CNN’s Brian Stelter complained that conservative hosts aren’t taking vaccine selfies, so Glenn takes a special one. While the Left calls GOP-led voting reforms "Jim Crow 2.0," Glenn and Stu review the horrors of actual Jim Crow laws. Rebel News founder Ezra Levant returns with video proof that Canadian police have harassed and arrested his journalists. Sen. Ted Cruz joins to talk President Biden’s infrastructure plan and the latest on the border crisis. Is it time to boycott woke companies? Journalist Jason Whitlock gives his take on a BLM founder’s house-buying spree, sin in America, and the death of black man Daunte Wright during a police traffic stop. President Biden pays tribute to the Capitol Police officer slain in a "car attack."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
While the backlog. Thank you very much regretted Cfcs, honestly be rather row of knowing my long reign. that would be more pleasurable man who would be than having to tell you all the news that we have for you today. Let me let me tell about hustler, turf, hustler turf. They the first zero turn lawnmowers back in eighteen, fifty four nineteen sixties? and they ve been building him ever since they built them. So they were rock solid tough. So would never have a problem of these things and and now they're, making infer use now they're making for you. So I I just heard you not to listen to me. I would you to go, find a hustler dealer in your area. You can find when it hustler turf, dot com. I want you to ride the other ones were before you buy anything you gotta, hustler turf, and you too,
strive a hustler turf. There is Cyril comparison, they are the best build them in their the guys who invented it and perfected it does Europe turn lawnmower. You cut the lawnmower time in half, hustler turf, dotcom find a dealership near you. Entertainment goin back.
Above all, they love a mirror. So glad you're here the corporation now known as the unelected government, has some more things that they would like to change and they're, just starting with the Jim Crow Longs. I'd like to put the Jim Crow laws into perspective here. What word Jim Crow law grow logs, and why do these look like Jimmy laws? Oh my gosh. Please tell the resident to stop talking. We begin in sixty seven programme Michael lives in Arizona recently rodion about his experience with relief factor the kind of guy who, always you always see the go, get her type he's the
I who always makes you look bad because our. Yeah? You know that last hour, you know right accomplish, shut up, shut up, Michael he's one of these guys that in age started to catch up on him. He was out there doing every things just jam and Duffy in in one day that the rest of us take a week, while the pain and the stiffness in his body became so bad that it would be. Them daily headaches. It slowed him down to the wind out of a sales. You know the rest. The story heard me talking about relief act. He started to take it to within a couple of weeks, the headaches, the stiffness, the pain, all gone. Michaelson, He feels twenty years younger. He got his life back, that's really factor it's not a drug development. doctors, those who try it. Seventy percent of him go on to order more from their three. We quick start trial. They they make. This three way, quick start, So you can tell if it's gonna work within the
those three weeks you should know if it's gonna work for you and seventy percent go on to order more find out of get your life back in Seventy percent chance, your included in this relief dear dot, com relief factor, dot com or call eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four Tomorrow night one Glenn TV, a virus has escaped the university labs, it's called critical race theory, but it's a dangerous reality and it spreading rapidly through the culture. Glenn exposes the deadly marxist roots of this toxic ideology and reveals why progressive are targeting our kids in school watch critical race tyranny, the great reset of education, Wareham parents can fight back before it's too late tomorrow, night, nine pm eastern, at least to be dot com, Slash, Glenn Let us start with just a piece of audio from from Brian Stealth. Her on
and talking about the covert vaccines. Here is really important to see all these tv anchors personalities showing themselves getting the shot. We ve done a lot of vaccine selfies from lots. folks that lots of different networks. It's been really inspiring to see. The today show even brought that is because, outside for alive group vaccination this week, Joe Motto on Friday, Autonomous NBC, talked about how she was really fearful of the needle really work about it and yet it important get the shot and she did and there she is talking about on air. So I say all that to make the following point: where our Tucker and Sean Entity and Lord Ingram, whereas Ainly AIR and Sea doozy and Brian kill me where the the stars on Fox getting vaccinated. I regard this as a personal choice that between mused upstart, oh gosh, and he brought this up, and I thought to myself you know, george- could stanza makes a lot of sense on this. One
And when I say George KISS stands, I apologize to George could stanza because George concern, because Stanza was likeable in comparison. He said you know these celebrities, the inner they need to be seen taken their injection. So I today on program am going. to give get the injection on today's Are you gonna? Even if illness, you tweet this Take a photo of it. Is me giving I've gotta give myself the injection. I just have to roll up my sleeve here and this one's for Brian Spelter. There can easily see it out Ah, a pretty user. How that's gonna do with covered, but a definite sent. A message not really, you think, ok! Well, just we set out for me: will you sure, ok We share that. That's just for you, Brian Spelter, and
thank you for the reminder about how important all of us are, what of what a beautiful guy bringing people by the way did you see in the Minnesota Riots CNN? What happened live on air? I don't think we have this Dewey as it required a lot of editing, and I was like I'm too lazy, just read the transcript, so a man during a live report, during the riot in Minneapolis came on and said now now you can see are all twisted up the story he said to the sea and in reporter live on air. The porter responded said well what what? What? What do you think has been going on Asia. Well, I think I think about what I think about this, it's all the press and all that extra the stuff you all do, It makes it worse when people want to pay
just they shouldn't. Do it in front of an effing police, stay or court house and ask like that you get what the F, I'm saying you me to get up out of here with all that, listing in that media and all that s Porthos it we're we're live on the ear, sir, care of your life or not guilty for me here with all that media crap that you're doing by the way app is not the word that he he used You know when you have people who are down at the protest and they hate CNN, just it you know it's almost like somebody said that Germany, like fifteen years ago, there's this guy on tv and said you know you people I could see it in you think, they're, your friends and you think they're your on the same side but they'll eat you built,
you out in the street and beat you to death and pray perhaps even eat your body live on television after the camera. Man is dead, and as long as are eating close to the ground, so the camera can actually pick up. You know the blood of your body anyway, while I was crazy, you throw off the earth, is he was so long and so many things you know one thing. I was wrong about was that this was all about socialism. This is and about socialism. I mean even wrote, a book last year arguing with socialist, and you have to argue, with Socialist B those are the useful idiots. Those are the ones that are just paving the way for this. Le Gorky and you're seeing the oligarchy. Now we are seeing the beginnings of the great reset. A hundred corporations gathered together,
Yesterday saturday- and we told you about this on yesterday's programme- a hundred corporations gathered together. And they were organised by one of the top guys at Yale, I'm wearing the Yale School of ART T shirt today, because I know how proud they are that I went to jail for like ten minutes but there are very proud of that, and I just I just what I was thinking about sending you know my alma mater some. money, and then I immediately thought no, not to do that, but cause her. So poor, but anyway, I'm wearing the Yale sure, just So they know I went there. and I know they're proud of that. I know they are worried, anyway the thing that happened this weekend. Stew,
you remember when I was telling you Wall Street Journal reported, and I think it was a New York times- also reported that there now I'm going to take these corporations not going to continue to be bullied, and so they are going to stand now. I thought to myself who's been bullying. These corporation I mean the left- but who is it Ethel? Is it Ethel? Kansas. One conservative than has been led, the campaign that no one else did, because I don't know anybody that is from the right. That is bullied view. corporations, do you not really now? Now it's been the opposite. The opposite way. Isn't that weird now here the thing in that article yesterday they said how proud they were, and they were gonna be bullied, and yet here it is, Twenty four hours later from that report, and I still can't fly
the complete list of everybody that may that call. Get a full list of all the corporations. I've got about ten of them after Insurance is has been added course. We know Coca COLA, EL, to airlines the and fell representatives from twitter? Were there what no twitter yeah digital media was there as well as corporate media, which I just I love what they're doing is there there are going to mount a campaign. well now I mean now. You know the twitter does have an agenda. I mean, of course, they're algorithms. They have applied, from time to time, but they are not deleting people and they are completely fair and balanced, Yes, Facebook is turned down the algorithm to you gonna, stop our traffic or slow our traffic down, but that we
just I'm sure, that's just because we ve called them several times, and we said we can tell you that time and the day that suddenly are traffic dropped off? Why that's weird yeah? It is good guys look into that because you I find that there was a glitch. So far, no word from any of the social media platforms on why this glitch continues. We it's not a glitch. We know I mean look at what Facebook and Twitter Google has done to our kind, we just on cove. It have of the country is brainwashed. I don't even think it's half of the country a quarter. Of the country is brainwashed. They are, terrified by cove id.
You know, I think, that's a little overblown, but what did they do? You can't talk about cove id or the will ban you whom so now they want to talk to us about Jim Crow laws. Still at you Jim Corollas forming? Just I see if it's there, just google it Do you want Jim Crow one point out the new Jim Crow to point out, Eulogium Eagle its basically Jimmy. No, I want delete the original Jim Crow Laws, Orca K and what those did to people cause sir, I am thinking that these laws, or not to the same as Jim Crow laws. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb. and say hang on just another message for Brien's Delta.
I'm gonna go out on a limb. Today's just that was probably worth your month. The subscription to play start. Come don't miss anymore. but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's insulting. To history to the people who actually lived under Jim Crow laws well it's even its even an embarrassment and probably pisses it would pay. solve all of the people that we're for Jim Crow laws it we're like. Are you kidding me those things aren't Jim Crow laws. How dare you say that this is abomination. and I want to go into that here for a second, but I'm only gonna do it. Well, corporate media? Oh I'm, not with corporate mania anymore. I guess I'll. Do it no matter what. in sixty seconds
I guess, on the radio, I'm with corporate media, but it's still Iheart radio, I've been with I radio since nineteen ninety, and, if of sudden there, like oh, my gosh, we didn't even Norris, my God, he's crazy things. You're gonna have our time proven that really hard time by the way I am except my gold watch soon. Maybe in twenty warrior you give it to me earlier I'd: go away Let me tell you about her sponsors, Patriot, Mobile, here's, the thing these corporate entities are an end. Libertarians you gotta. Wake up concern If you gotta, stop, sank their private corporations, they can do whatever they want, not when they are deciding that they are going to be a government on their own. Who Elected them to me, in their secret star chambers,.
To tell us what right and wrong. Sorry, I don't remember saying you know that guy who makes a really good soda pop. He should be guy rule in the world what guy and a guy who edge F lack talk. commercials, man peekaboo. Ex president pay he had mobile is not big. Mobile and big mobile is part of the problem, If we don't start sending a message of we don't tell big mobile, can hear me now: if we don't Bert, saying those things, nothing gonna change, you don't the boy caught. You just to go look for something that's better and when it comes the Patriot mobile. This is better get free premier activation where they set the phone up for you, you're a special give with the offer code back you'll get the same service you're going.
I think better customer service but unit same coverage, you'll get a lower price and the values you believe in. They believe in the same things, you believe in fact their spending their own money funding abortions like Verizon, No, it's amazing. I've said that now for almost two years and not a peep out of horizon, isn't that bizarre? They are proud of it. I guess Patriot, mobile dot com, slash back, they give their two, we know the causes like support. The second amendment patriot, dot com, slash back or call nine seven to Patriot, ten, second stationary, J so Walmart was part of this phone call. Thank you Walmart.
All since the old man died, who really have kept the Spirit alive you in Disney? Oh, my gosh, how do you do it Walmart, Viacom CBS? Well, that explain sixty minutes. Doesn't it air? Oh invests american United Atlantic can Levi Strauss linked in Twitter see. Theatres,. We're not gonna use you guys anymore. and others This is according to CBS, news, bring to people that have inside information? Why don't you give us the whole list, I mean Yes, you were there, come CBS was there. What did you just call us a hey? Who else was their dude? Well, it's hard to get to him from really from your own company. Why aren't they proud of that?
most likely because they're going to pay. I love this story. Republic alone. acres warn that corporations could face consequences over voting law activism Really, why bet really afraid of the Republicans like what they ve done too big time. Ha ha ha. do that again You come up here and talk to us all, but what happens after that? Nothing, but you come up here and talk to us and if you do we may we may have you write regulations. Are you Oh please, Mr Senator, don't make me do that I don't think that really I mean Republic think they're worth even the pay. I apologise to the tree,
that I had to somehow or another not me personally, but somebody cut a tree down to make that paper. I use and I don't know all the squids that we milk for their ink for that I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr Tree and MR squid. Ok. Can you tell me what the Jim Crow laws were still examples here, Jim Paralysed, such every part of life in South Carolina and South Carolina, black and white textile workers could not work in the same room. Is that happening in Jordan. I know it's not ok, nor could the can they enter through the same door. No, no ha they. They cannot make they can. They can go into any doors they could eat incline through windows. I mean I'm buying
recommended by both of them. Could I'm glad you broke windows, because in South Carolina was illegal for black and white to gaze out of the same window? Ah, Madame happening is that is at one of our nothing like that. No many industries wouldn't higher blacks. Do we have that role in Georgia? No heart of this? No, not in fact many industries won't higher whites. Now, in fact, Coca COLA is trying to be less white. Ok, you know it's me If there was like a company that came out and said, you know what you should only by from let's say: white restaurants there, sounds like a Jim Crow type of internet. Yet because I see every company in America telling me to buy from black restaurants that I should look at skin color of the owner of the restaurant year out or my food, that's more Jimmy Eagle Jimmy. still illegal, not economic role as we learn these.
beyond Jim Crow. This is Jim Eagle eyed than this part was interesting. Many unions unions pass rules to exclude blacks, ha, draw Jim Crow area. Azhar magnets, we're weird, when one could not live on a street unless most of the residents were people, one could Mary Mary one of a different way, that's an interest. What a what a record- the nightmare, among other things, nineteen fourteen to says had six entire towns which blacks could not live, Happening survives, the germs of Roma I'll hire reminded on sterilised might hold. Those are the actual ones. Let me tell you the ones that are on steroids. You can have water.
The even the city can provide water. You know the polling play to provide water, just not representatives of candidates, while they can, but they have to be nine yards away. Yeah, that's nine yards away. You gonna crawl, nine yards for a glass of water. What cruel individuals who are? That's? Jim, that's not even Jimmy Eagle! That's Tommy paradoxical that it has assumed its Tommy a terrorist act the corporations. You are on the wrong side and God help you. When America wakes up persons programme So he tell you about my pillow have never travelled with my pillow ever in my life cycles are pillows and they all suck until justice. Last week, I travelled with my pillow I did it on vacation for Christmas as well, but I too
have old with my with my pillow, because it just gives me the best sleep ever. Now, Michael Endeavour is introducing their new, my slippers, weird. I was wearing as shoes the other day. I know my kids love it, but these actually kind of like shoes, they look like loafers dad used, whereas slippers and a work as it was so embarrassing, I'm going to be that dad and I've never lie slippers, but the new, my slippers, really, really good. Two years in development, two layers of my pillow foam layer of impact gel all come together to prevent fatigue, offer all day, comfort yeah. I mean that Liberals, forty percent off now my slippers, forty percent off in a money back guarantee for sixty days, my pillow dot com, my pillow dotcom, eight hundred nine, six, six, thirty one seventeen and had ever to blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn provocateurs, Glenn usage, Chebec suffers description, ablaze, TV, New Glenn
becomes tomorrow. Is the Glenda Programme Man, Jim Crow laws. You know I I I just want to point out. The Jim Crow laws were like they. They were all things that whites could do, that blacks. Couldn't do it now That was the big thing. Like a white just go. We end show is licence or proof of identity for the identification and vote and the blacks, had to take a little test, how many windows, or in the White House that both things, It's a Jim Crow LAW, It is absurd seen that everyone is talking about this as a Jim Crow law. It is not a Jim Crow law by the way, it's not it's a Jim Crow relaunch steroids stare,
as you know, has just Jim Crow notable today's right. We have linking on this. I have something on this. For instance, the voter Idee its rate this to get voter, I d, you know you have have I. need a vote, but it's not racist for corporations to say if you don't have a vaccine passport, you, come in for, like a bank to say you need an actual idead open an account but away in Georgia. Other eight thousand people in the old continent and the whole state of Georgia there about aid, have eight thousand people that don't have an idea You know how you can vote bring in something like a utility bill. Your your cable bills. Their shows you first steps, and even if you are none of them, you can still cast a provisional val, unbelievable me out on me running utility bills and any no work ideas and by way of free identification from the state ever they make it in. An easy and any one could get it. If they act,
put any effort into it. Anyone is on its way, really consuming you're, actually, citizens that the Lee drop boxes that were put in by Facebook if those are suddenly now permanent. I guess that's what everybody is: a dream: Crow LAW one that says: oh no, the things we did because of the emergency cove id now always have to be in there and of course they are like for the emergency vote box thing they had a bunch of them. now have them still there just putting them inside instead of on unguarded outside for twenty four hours, and rightly so, I mean is that a Jim Crow law on steroids like well? Ok, so can I because I have an idea of steroids Ebonite yesterday, you may, when you think of steroids, you think bra Reimer insects and yeah yeah exactly so. Oh no,.
I yesterday went in to get another back injection of steroids into my spine. What is steroids? Do they shrink, the inflammation with this is Jim Crow laws on steroids, its shrinking the problem. Maybe that's what they're think I'm sure you know why that is: founded ipads, like there's egg, I mean there are even lying. Even the New York Times the New York Times said this is not in any of these. Changes are not going to see if I can find the exact Peter Payment of feed. Hang on just a second. How crap, where was it Here. It is, Georgia, new voting. I suggested laws make, may make invert in person voting easier especially in the general election and that voting provision
Are unlikely to significant effect, turn out or democratic, chances. the New York Times analysis and I'm here and people like what's his face, live always really light. Will Smith Crow law it tat offensive every african American should be offended by that that's like that's, like, tea party par. You know what I cannot understand what Martin Luther king was going through. you can't right now you can't gets a totally different. It lets. You know the adsl. Does this all the time they come out like if someone compares something to the holocaust right there did they make it their business to around and say you're not allowed to do that it we need to remember the hollow for what it was, and you shouldn't be. Comparing today's thing right, ok! Well, let's ok, I'm mean understand that makes it makes some sense in some circumstances. But, like that's what they're, trying to do here.
NL, it is a is a really a bizarre thing. I'm eating meat does minimize what Jim Crow actually was all by Garcia, oh yeah. This is Jim Crow, then lower people yelling about that twenty. Twenty two will be the most easily accessible for voting in history of Georgia, would the exception potentially in this is arguable, but the potential exception of the endemic ear when every one was at home in and they had. Em of new emergency rules that were that were put it. You could argue it slightly tighter than that, although I think you could argue the opposite do, but you kids are you it's slightly tighter than that it's definitely more easily accessible than she doesn't? Eighteen nine, certainly your Jim Crow is a totally different, settle. Tommy chair it act on top A terrorist act of yes, that's what these voting laws are. Now I just told you I'm a thinker. Look I'm in
Oh, I'm not an election specialist. You know, but I a thinker, I'm a thinker, and I'm thinking that me. be when they say Jim Crow on steroids. Its eight inflammation reduce sir, so maybe that's how they all mean it that Jim cloak of cruel laws have been dramatically shrunk, pets of you're, not in paying any more. That's the nicest thing you ve ever done to the other side of that kind, and really I gotta have a little bit of hope now, give another bone. Everybody is and blew my gosh Joe Biden. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. Ok, true, yes, however they're using this This phrase that he used. when he was talking about the new in, a structure plan, we're gonna die about commercial aircraft flying its sub, sonic speeds, supersonic speeds and to be able
two figuratively, if you may, If we decide to do it, the aim, the transverse the world in an hour or two at twenty one thousand miles an hour now that may be something where you like, I meant to say, where's my my land to be I don't see how you take this. He knew what he was saying. It wasn't like twenty one hundred miles an hour, which I think the fast as we can fly now still with the boy. bird S are seventy. Why at twenty one hundred miles an hour or so? Ok, so that's the fast as we can do now, that is nineteen. Sixteen early nineteen sixty three sixty four, the fertility of nineteen sixty four technology and it still the fastest plain that we have that we know of why and we go faster than that, because you know who I am a big fan of you know scram jet technology and I
and we ve been working on scram jet technology, the poor problem is that we don't have the alloys that will hold up. We don't have any metal that you take and you try to run that engine at that speed. The whole thing just melts. So how are they gonna do twenty one thousand miles an hour when we can't to more than twenty one hundred miles an hour with the alloys that we have. The reason why I thought this is because I was looking at this and going what the hell is he even talking about and then the very next story. I Add was Navy ships capture, video of pyramid, shaped ufos, orbs flying above and it's another story and another video of these jobs granting ships. That are flying at untold speeds. I have no idea what they the speed is we should look it up? I have no idea if they even track the speed,
all they say is we can barely key, up with them when they occur you're too want us to keep up with them they can they they from zero to, however fast supersonic speeds? Is it possible But all of this UFO stuff that's been released is because that is our. Technology. That we do have some sort of plain and were sending the message to the rest of the world, don't screw with us, because We do have a plane that concern them navigate in an hour I mean I'm looking for the bright side here. I dont want to leave. Our president is like in dumb we can the moon, we're gonna, build a dance club, but their main I'm trying now. I think you're, right on the fact that it's not a mistake. I think he said that intentionally so yeah idea is not that it is.
There will there ready to unveil that they actually have they ve disco. We're ufos. Are we ve had these interactions or that we ve uncovered some of their time? knowledge or something you're, saying basically, these ufos You ve been seeing bar just U S military planes and we now know highlight last at possibly, and I think you could combine the two because direct. At first interview we did with the government agency, It's now a public pride partnership with the Pentagon that is looking. To this end, they say they have alloys that are not from this world demand. That so that the key to being able to go. This fast is to be able to come up with an alloy and perhaps bring we know there was a ship in. You know, there's not a lot of ships and we ve seen or whatever, but we know that they exist. We of pieces of it and they because
That's what they claim. That's what the Pentagon has claimed. What Crazy, as this is not the biggest story, of the last five years, I think this is the biggest story, in the history of the world but the Pentagon has come out and said yes, we ve had encounters with other. Worldly things, we have technology that are not from this planet and nobody is talking about it- were alike. We were a match. Get yes, You couldn't where I'm ok, imagine this kind of Knowledge is in the hands of people who are still like couldn't we were a man ass ever here comes spring time. You see him out there you're driving down the road, and you see him, you see him in the ditches. You go past a football field There's one making the rounds here, they're everywhere the grass is growing.
You're, going to see a hustler zero, turn lawnmower these days, on the industrial size, job of just knocking down. They ve been doing it for over fifty years. Their durable, their tough, they get the job done in a way that other motors just other mowers can't They are made here in Amerika and here's a good news view can have that industrial size power but Not for your me, you know I mean Don't really have an industrial size yard? Do you hustle who pioneered the zero turn lawn. More way back in the nineteen sixties, now makes these amazing mowers for people like you and me, not just the professionals and when you sit down on a hustler. You will feel the difference. I dont want just go to hustler hustler, and by one because I say it, I want you to go to wherever you're thinking about buying a MILAN, more You try one of the zero turn lawnmowers.
Then you go online. You look for hustler, turf dotcom and you go to a hustler dealer. There, no comparison, huh, or turf dot com cut, your grass cutting in half the time in half hustler turf, dot, com, the federal government is getting a done for you. This is. This is just as this federal. This is federal yeah. This is federal checks. Humor announced this yesterday. A casual Cortez is very, very excited if you lost a love one because of covered. If it's on the deaths or tv. that was a covert related death. You can get Nine thousand dollars per individual death and a thirty eight thousand dollars for individual applications.
So let's say you know, you have your family and a car. And you know they were on their way to the hospital and they all had cove id. You can get them all covered now, ten thousand dollars for funeral expenses now we ve been doing this ok Mina for a little while now, but it's been really kind of tough according to a cause. Your court As soap, they are now gonna they're, just there making a little easier. The desert they get must indicate. The death may have been caused by. Or was likely, the result of covert nineteen, and if the desert the big it doesn't say that now you can go to your physician or the high. Spittle or anybody else and have them all too. the desert, giving it to add in it may have been covered and now. Fema says that you know
the death must have occurred in the United States, including, U S, territories, district of Columbia, deserting it must indicate the death was attributed to covet nineteen or may have been, and the applicant has to be a? U S! Citizen. Or a non citizens. National. or a qualified non citizen who, in funeral expenses after January, twenty twenty twenty. Now The deceased individual doesn't have to be a: U S: citizen or non citizen, national or non qualified non citizen. I don't even know what those categories are this according to a a casual Cortez will be the first to allow mixed status and undocumented families to get some relief, and so this is not like cards like he's you're saying, qualified none citizen, like you might say, okay? Well, someone who's like it. Visiting a student will not that's that's what FEMA is saying a lot
there are now working through the rules with FEMA make him a little easier because there's a lot of undocumented people non citizens. Here, that's true ladys. I don't know, that's a good thing to be passing laws on we're gonna be here. you're not here legally, but we're gonna, give you nine thousand dollars right where you to give you nine thousand dollars, if somebody that you know died It may have been cause. Michael Ella Guy, I mean honestly, they looked when I first read that store and we just had a tragic, tragic death in our family and, unlike maybe cause like enough look I've. There has been a lot of depression issues as the with this is you could go through that. I mean look there especially early autumn, and we wouldn't have testing allowed a lot of people who died of covert did not have tests. That would mean a garret
it was about that, but they had all the symptoms that we found out later. We were associated there's some sense to that, but of course, they're going to go way overboard and they're going to spend millions and millions of dollars that we don't have because this is what they do, not millions of general and just one point: nine billion, just the one point, five billion. Just one point: I will: why do we even refer? Not anything that doesn't have a t to be really? This is bright, green. What's one point, nine, that's too not even to two billion I mean to climb
hey everybody, I'm Canvas Owens. Over the past few years we ve created something really special together. You ve rallied around me as I've called out. Leftist lies and cheered me on, as I've stood up to the corruption of the media and vague tack, but now more than ever, they wish to silence us. They don't want me to have a voice and, more importantly, they don't want you to be able to hear it, but we aren't backing down. Our voices will be heard this exactly why I am launching my new show canvas the daily wire, I'm so excited to free to join me each week, as I welcome powerful voices to talk about the important issues breakdown what's actually happening in our country and trust me we're going to laugh, alot along the way kindnesses unfiltered and on cancelling or on this ride together. I'll see you there, full show- is available to daily wire members. Only.
to daily wired outcome. Slashed subscribe and use code back for twenty five percent off your feeling wire membership today as the Glen Back Programme, so I told you about rough greens, my I feel so attitude. She's been she's been gone now fur, but this is the second week I was with her last week, but this week I have to like to everything I have. I oh, I think we're out of rough greens, I can't find it. My dog is, Look at me like where What what are you feeling me like behind. I went into the refrigerator, just got like chicken like out I just cut it out, but I'm like here take this take this: are you ok, don't eat me It's amazing that your dog knows the difference. When there's rough greens, when it's not ended, they they act differently.
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Hello America welcome to the programme. Now. Let's see the corporations are now forming their own government. I dont remember electing the president of the soda pop company to tell me how I was opposed to vote and what was right. What was wrong, but apparently they got their own government going. The media, of course, they'll tell you exactly what to do and think that government without GI he'll tell you what to do and what to think you're. Even yours, you're state governments, if you're, really super lucky in your lives in a place like California they'll tell you what to do in think. Unless you stand up against them like they did in California, there calling gave a nuisance, well, and I think this is big of the Democrats. I really do the democratic
in the in the Senate there at the California Assembly, they decided to pass a bill that, for the first time ever, will release all of the names and addresses of everybody who sign that California ballot. Now I know what you're thinking, oh, my gosh, that could cause. Maybe intimidation, fear, death. You know things like that. No, that's! Not why they're doing it gave in just wants an opportunity to be able to call you will be able to send something to your house. It says you know, vote for me, or else I don't know exactly what he wants it, but I think this is great. Now art churches under attack and what's happening in Canada, is coming here. It's not just the churches. The media that is reporting on what is going on. We go there.
in sixty seconds programme, and it is- and it's I'm excited that you're here are lives in Maine. She spent them a few years dealing with pain in her back or shoulders or legs make it Hartford even get up in the morning, let alone go around and do that stuff that she has to do every day. There are a lot of special things, undoubtedly about Arlene one of Them- is that she listens to my programme. Thank you, and ass. She wrote in, and she said I you talk about relief factor, and I trust you and I wanted to give it a try, so she did give it a try you know the story. She says within a few weeks of taking it Oliver pain or of it was come, lately gone she didn't having trouble getting out of bed these days. She got her life back because of relief factor. You can get your life back to
really factor not a drug, but it was developed by doctors. Seventy percent of the people who try to go on to order more ordered the three weeks start rolling nineteen. Ninety five, you don't have anything to lose, accept your pain go to relieve factor. Dotcom, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four relief factor dot com tomorrow night, one glens, you ve a virus has escaped the university lapse. It's called critical race theory, but it's a dangerous reality and it spreading rapidly through the culture. Glenn exposes the deadly marxist roots of this toxic ideology and reveals why progressive are targeting our kids in school watch critical race tyranny, the great reset of education, Wareham parents can fight back before it's too late tomorrow, night, nine pm eastern, at least to be dot com, slush Glenn,
I to videos, quick story about Grace Life Church up in Canada. It's it's a normal church. It's this really really great church. I think I've. I've watch the pastor, even tweeted, one of his sermons from what I think Sunday or Monday. and he's just here, asked. Is a servant And when they said you can't hold services anymore, he said I can't I this is. This is what God has told me to do, and that is to preach the good word to anybody that wants to hear it. So I will be there if people don't wanna come that's fine, but I will be there. Well, they didn't like that. You can't have you kid side these things on your own, they put him in and a maximum security of prison or jail up in Canada. For thirty, four days he was in isolation, for I think a week of that.
Just because he wouldn't stop preaching on Sunday. So when he got out, he went back, preaching again. He won't he will not give in. You want to talk about Dietrich Bonham offer here. He is. Here's play cut one here. The church elders asking police not to interrupt the service. Listen to this because once in six makes it waiting for you to interrupt the worship service- and I worship service has begun and were stating that you very clearly at your presence in this building will be interrupting or should suffer because your presence Kennedys our people, that's here, percent K. So now, you're comes all these police all dressed in black. It's a swat team really come in and they say, oh well, that's your opinion that intimidating yeah, you put pastor in prison yeah, I think some timid aiding so there.
Start to put cut to a police fence around the church, and if you're watching the blaze, you can see it, they put this giant fence all around the church. And the then later, in the day, the the church members they leave, but protestors who are not members of the church. They live in the community there pissed off about this and they to try to take the fence down at this point. people, it were with the church come out and Please please don't do this, where it a fine another place a church is in side each of us. It's not a building, we'll find another place and they did. The sermon that they gave. I think yesterday Or a series of Tuesday today notes yet Tuesday think it was yesterday. It may have been Sunday at a different place.
Actually blurred the pick the faces of all of the people in the congregation. That's how afraid this congregation is. I mean I should say that strong this convert. This congregation is ass. You that's their perception. Oakland, yet yes, I know, I know so That's when when they were say? No? No, don't loot churches just a place within its, not a building. that's. When the armed troops, the Swat team, is sent in cut five. This is, This is the canadian mounties. I always thought that they look nice, but these guys look like Swat team members, They came in to make sure that they showed me no. They flex their muscles in showed that they are not gonna they're not taken this lightly. Our
so yesterday we were talking to as relevant he's the founder of Rebel NEWS he's the host of the Ezra Levant show here, really good guy, a friend of freedom, all around the world, and he runs rebel NEWS up in Canada, which is like very much The blaze it is a little more activist. Then the blazes is we're, not activists, mercury, one does charity work I actually like what they do up rebel news, and he told me sturdy, something that I didn't, I have a hard time believing, but Have the video now to prove it. I want to have him because through all of these, these video clips, we the police are harassing his reporters and have taken one of them and thrown in jail Azra. What the programme faced, we much I want to. Let you know
The canadian media, with one exception, ignored the seen attack on our journalists. The warrant just in seizures jailing of our journalists are met. Can media are interested because you still care about the first them. and now you have free freedom in your dna. And I want to let you know that what were gonna talk about and what you're gonna she'd. It is your future If you do not protect your first amendment, if you do not hold those hard won freedom she'll will be like while we are. This is, something that every American should be involved in and helping and spreading the news all right. So let's go here. This is cut six police
make anti jewish remarks. Listen. This is why we're documenting what's happening here. So why are we getting such a tough time? We ve been through this so many times. I say something in dealing with any proposal: promises I'm with rebel news, I'm a media jewish who are you what's your name indulgent omber EU me name about me, but also give us the money so as but they are speaking french? What are they sang? This? Is he too many times. This was said in multiple different, the scenes the out problems in Toronto, end Montreal, the clip you show-
in Montreal. Obviously, the dominant language is french. We have a reporter there who happens to be jewish and he would go out and report on the walk down, because material has an eight p m curfew. If you can believe it, everyone sicker, healthy innocent are guilty at other. Browser must be off the streets at eight Yankee is the name of our guy out there. He goes out with his camera. He has an exemption under the law. He reports on the police. start a regime that given in thousands of dollars and tickets, even those exempt, and they start calling him jus media you drew near the chewed. An ethical me there's a problem in translation, but then that's what they say to all people, even those who were not jewish. We more and more reporters there, because we realise is a big problem there and they. Started to arrest are
porters hen, cuff our reporters slam up against vans, I think your next clip shows this. This is a rebel news. Reporters arrested clips, seven, please please going come right in one guy like a big Antigua, anything or something and enlivened, but somehow to protest the identified and they don't care in a crowd in a crowded twenty, though my colleagues and I call on my colleagues detail- I have stated on public property
I'm not intergroup of twenty, though not in the group of twenty one. Do you wanna together? That's fine I'll! Give you go. You want ok, so they could tell me what was it? That's, a peaceful and t walk down protests that in my country, all they have such a heavy walked down. So it was a peaceful protest, There was no violence. You may have seen me. wearing masks in the crowd. But that's because, and they d to match their, but our reporters would pull the crowd and arrested tanker slammed against a ban because they had cameras, Why did the police? Are you shot out looking fellow in them in the took the hat? Who was on the side what do we absolutely nothing, but because he was filming, they pull them in thousands and thousands of dollars worth
tickets, manhandling and soak this weekend. We said that enough: we're going to send half a tea, so Shouldn T reporters and other staff from I've had office too Montreal we rented at airports can be for the whole team and weep and we did something employee. Let me mention quickly. We hired three, Montreal based lawyers to breed of our on the laws, because Montreal so little friend. The language is a little different, so we the one. I would briefly with all our staff, here's the deal and doubts whether the mask laws, where the gathering loss what it so we were completely briefed and we want one step further. As we went out into the streets Glenn we had a top Quebec, francophone criminal law or walk with us. We literally had our criminal lawyer with us to observe could give us guidance any if there was any bad interactions with police. We didn't
the phone him. He was an arms length away. So We did that on Friday, night in Montreal was very successful. We engaged with least, but there were no no harassment of us. Maybe it's because we had boys, does Saturday morning we wake up we're having breakfasted our European Bee out the complete the legal Araby, if you happen to be our spoke tied up with appear, which is the cool, but it's just an air, the elite, then all the Sun police come to the front gate of ours Don't say: let us in time when I play that audio here in just a sixty seconds. Stand by you know the guy, the water on the street with a big sandwich born. I just as the end is near think we might want to all start paying attention. I mean not full attention, but a little attention to that. Guy in all sincerity, Economic world is changing right in front of our eyes. The value of your dollar is going down. Did you see what they said. This is Bloomberg said by twice.
T twenty two Bitcoin They estimate will be at four hundred thousand dollars a coin. Guys in next year. Next year, oh my they're, so I mean, if that happens, I will never even wanted to tell you now. I want to become a not come and it won't be. Somebody here wanted that calling me so gone you again. You will try to get away from each other, and I lived and will show the same. Our here's, the thing you are going to have a harder and harder time getting alone. Please protect your financial future right now. Call american financing refill your home, get a low interest rate loan you! consolidate all of your high interest credit cards get out of this stuff. Please call american financing dot net today, aid rid five, sorry, eight hundred nine zero, six, twenty four forty, eight hundred nine zero six, twenty four forty, its american financing, dot net, a mess. It can financing dot net zircon financing, Annabel US one, two, three four double do too
You w that animal S, consumer access, dot, Org, ten, second stage: ninety Ok, so now here's Ezra and his team on board this this this, the houseboat. If you will had rented narrabee and be and the police show up try to get onto the boat without a warrant. Here's this audio and video months ago that Bali is there any responsible and nobody if nobody is responsible for that both have the right to kill me. I need somebody to be responsible about. I don't you go, get a warrant, go data or have the data warrants. Yes, I have a right to be here. Go get a warrant now go get
you're not gonna, did and without a warrant what was happening? why did they show up with it? and it was an illegal gathering. It's just to be you. see. I was already you could see the gate, so I had already told them they get a warrant and I it out there and then they you could see. I was out there in the great t. Shirt. Would not let me back in there. They did and me, which is the same as being arrested. They were physically holding me. They wouldn't an iota. Had told him to get a warrant. So now that I was out of the way they are, to my younger staff let me- and let me add, as you can see, my staff are pretty smart, so they noted say, get a warrant, but it turned into a ten our stand off. They couldn't find a judge willing to give them a search warrant so to punish ass. They called the hope
a crying shame. They actually wouldn't let any of my team off the boat unless they submitted to a personal search which is illegal and the craziest part. Is they arrested? What am I guys, took him in jail and they said this to us. They said we will hold him in jail. until you. Let us search that the European be without a word. So they were locked late at night I mean. Obviously, if my guy did something wrong, large by guy got to matter. Why are you arrested him, trying to use it as a poker chip to bargain with me today, Any legal search we held the line after ten hours, they just went away, but not before. Really is our tactics. I think you have one more clip if you got time for I have pushing is pushing us away back up the ramp aerial police. It gets cut. Ten
there. They are buying. What are you doing? disgrace. That's why you're hide your face? You wanna call does do you. Let's do media, I am of the view I am assuming that enables Tangley. I do media these crooked bigots. When they came to our reporters, they call the media we already huge anti semitic hook it. And corrupt shame on them. Please wicked men and women, but very so Ezra we're seeing where I was mad. I was mad Glenn when will you have a team of twenty thirty cops and by the way look at a hundred people gathered
were hurling even worse insult to the cops. I think the capture despised in Montreal by the left and the right it is. widely known as the most corrupt police force in Canada. Someone said: are you filming a movie wire there, fifty police here they couldn't believe it was just because we had I spoke. I look. I dont think that Anti Semitism is primary motivation is really I was too, but we have muslim team average christian team members. They just hate the fact that we were- many a camera, what they were doing and what can we They had the gun say at handcuffs they were pushing us. All I could do was express my outrage. We will show them Glenn very mad. At the moment, I remain very met: thou not of the individuals themselves so much, but the fact that justice is falling. I can see it in my eyes, warrantless securely, searches harassing our people, falsely declaring things crime seems extent. To let us on the boat or they won't let our guy had a jail push we got around and the others do
the parties, the icing on the cake, but this is deeply troubling to me and it would trend I see across Canada Throttle Montreal and Canadians were asleep. Thank you so much Azra for everything that you do. You have our backing here. You have my complete support. On this anything that you need, but I suggest America, you begin wheat, this story and tell this story. It must be heard. Americans must stand for citizens to plunder. If there's no one to tell the story of people being abused like this, it's just gonna get a. We will be China, we will. Be China Let me tell you about wreck tech sponsor the time has come to revolutionize the way you cook your meals, not just the way, the two GRAIL out, but the way that you cook altogether, because when you have a red wrecked tech, it's not just agree.
you can smoke. You can grill, you can even bake on it. Believe it or not your baking, a potato dish. That's been passed, down through your family for generations you are live in this sad life of eating vegetables. It doesn't have to be that sad, wrecked tech? Has you covered Smart real technology, those for use, do thank you. Smart technology that allows you to let the
grilled, do all the work and make even awful vegetable states follow wreck tat. Their social media check out their recipes, but check out erected. You're, not gonna, find anything better. Eighty compare them with the best grill you can find. The best grill I could find- and I think you will agree is rectangle- are easy. T q, not calm and blazed, he beat outcome. Slash Glenda Promo Code is glass was at ten bucks after subscription to place tv, and then you can use that money to purchase a large steak This is the Glen Back programme. Joe Biden infrastructure plan is gonna, help those trains in. Why arming, unfortunately, the senator, while being said, we don't have any train service here, but don't worry about it. I'm sure that I'm sure that's the only thing that is a problem, but one
houses given Texas, our infrastructure, a sea. Let me tell you something. Texas has the best roads and high ways of any state. I've ever been in its ay, its aim, very smart well laid out its built for the future, a mean it is a really good highway system. We get a sea, we have. Ten goes on with us now, hello TED Blinded me whether the infrastructure bill and just boil it down our state, but I think it's ridiculous. What they're saying about our state Oh, This is not this infrastructure bill is not about doing anything but creating good union jobs and graft at away I read it: well,
He is not in any way shape or form infrastructure and and and the Democrats have discovered, a marketing techniques, so they they tried it a month ago with what they called a covert relief bill. And then that was a one point: nine trillion dollar pork filled months, obviously which only nine percent was health spending for cove it really so they called it. Goes it relief, even though ninety one percent was not what decided that it works so well with covered relief? They do it with infrastructure. This infrastructure bill, so called infrastructure bill. Two points six trillion dollars of it. Five percent ouch to roads and bridges. You were talking about roads and bridges. This isn't a road. bridges that why do they call it infrastructure costs? People like restructure people want role. and highways ways and bridges and actually Republicans would support a bill focused on, upgrading our infrastructure that ain't this. This is another giant spending bill.
Taking care of all the left wing special interest. That's what they're interested in so politics, rather than fixing real probable or they taken care of in this bill. Well, that day, our spending money in a large quantities on on issues like China, hair on issues like education, on issues that they have nothing to do with four structure and in their focus you know when they, He addressed something like education. They don't actually insists that the school they don't actually insist that kid's be educated there. Much more focused taking care of union bosses taking care of local politicians you know I'm hearing from from from mayors from county George across the country, are getting these massive infusions of cash. The democratic just said that even know what to do with all the cash they're getting in one of the Democrats, want to do spend even more
Schools Ass, for I do remember the amount, but it was maybe twenty a billion, the gun and gave them under tromp gave him like a hundred billion dollars. Then the first package gave him another hundred and twenty five billion dollars, and now this has money in it I mean, what money do these schools that are not open? How much money do they need well and at its core easy soap. So when we were doing the all night, voter Rama trying to stop this, this last disastrous bill. I bet a whole series of amendments, one of them focus directly and education and an it said if you want to give tens of billions of dollars to schools. Fine, with one caveat they get the new money unless they, open right now. Only forty four and of school. Kids at America are attending in person class five days a week, and so my mom said thing the money, if their open in person five days a week if they're not-
they get all the old money. They were getting, what they don't get the new money and that new money instead will go to scholarships to kids up to ten thousand dollars per kid. So if the school It's closed that kid can get education somewhere, we voted on in the Senate floor embrace. Google Democrats voted no Glenn. They'll little single vote. If one of them had voted, yes, we would sending relief to to them more than half of school kids in America who worse at home, because Democrats have abandoned them. It's unbelievable. what's happening to our country, a meal ask you this No, what's the corporations that all met in there? You know their phone call on Saturday I mean did it? she is becoming the great reset. This is becoming the United Corporations of Amerika. I didn't The solar pop guy, to tell me what I shouldn't shouldn't do,
and I'm a guy who is always said, free market free market, private company- they can do what they want. they are setting up an extra government. I mean it's, it's another wing, a weapon that's right and then they're, not looking for free markets there. That they're looking for power is a very simple principle. Understaffed big is bad. Big government has been The big corporations or bad big Tec is bad. Big Hollywood is any mass of accumulation of power is bad and in big business inevitably gets in bed with big government. They become it comes crony capitalism, it becomes a game of getting subsidies from the government and in what happens, is big government? democratic are happy to put Russia regulations in place that don't hurt the job companies, who are all their bodies, who are all their donor, to fund their campaigns. What they heard of
little guys what they heard of the small businesses. I think, as Republican we ought to be the champion of small businesses. We enemy man champion of working men and women of the of cops and fire writers and construction workers and steel workers and waiters and waitresses in an people filled with hopes and dreams who were out working and the democratic power these are killing those dreams right now so we have a story coming out that by staff has been working on probably early next week about some of the conditions that these children are in. here in the state of Texas it we're. Pace now for two million comes across our border. There the story yesterday and on all of you saw this armed criminals steal a truck full of deadly radioactive materials, they're saying are you getting even within thirty feet of these materials? It could kill you
in the story it was like: where will we don't know? They must have taken it by accident that no, I doubt they didn't No! What was in this radioactive truck this the easily be used for a dirty bomb like it? is profoundly dangerous and- and you know you I talked right before I went down to the border. As you know, I've gotta agree. but nineteen senators to the border And and I've been to the border many many times actually Glenn you and I have been to the border together. Europe It is right now to day the worst I have ever seen it. I've never seen it remotely this bad. It is a full, crisis. You know I'll tell you we got there couple weeks ago, we got there a Thursday night. We went to Ten p m muster where, where we just met with the border patrol ages, just said, thank you mean these guys are
rose there risking their lives and they have political leadership that hate summon undercuts him at every on her, and so we started by saying thank you for their courage. Thank you for their bravery and then we went with them on midnight patrol and- and I tell you there was just steady line, a caravan, a people, walking on the trails north from the Rio Grande River. Who had little children walking alone you young mothers carrying infants, nursing inferences. They walked up the trail They were housed initially in these outdoor pens that are just just fenced off roped off sleeping on the floor. on the ground outside the next day, Hey we went and visited the dawn attempt facility. The Donna facility is this gigantic tent city. It was built to occur Dominate this huge search. It was to hold a thousand people with covert restrictions. Its capacity limit is two hundred and fifty
When we visited there were over four thousand two hundred people packed into that. That is seventeen hundred percent its capacity. It was we saw first and the Biden Cages in these kids in these age is weird for four years under Crump kids in cages, kids engages what the Democrats Eighty. Eight never acknowledged is that Barack Obama built the cages you and I saw them where he was in when Obama was in office and Joe by in this building more cages and bigger cages and their more full and I'll tell you Glinda kids in the cages they weren't six feet apart during a pandemic, they work three feet apart they even three inches apart, They were lying on the floor side by side, no beds, no maps, no cots pact. It is, hide, as they can be wrapped up in reflective emergency blankets, the rate of covert positivity in that
society. Is over ten percent? It is immoral and were what the Bite administration is doing in their desperately trying to cover. Up and hide it in the media done more cover it. So think honestly, tat. I even appreciate you and MIKE and a few others that are really working hard every day, trying to get things done, but I don't have any confidence at all in Washington. This all has to be solved in the local in our law. we'll communities. What what can? What can people do? Look yes, and no one in the challenge must take the state of Texas. If, if the state of Texas could secure. The border on its own, I believe Texas, would the challenge is the Texas doesn't have the authority to deport anyone and the still doesn't work if the fair no government said that if you cross illegally, you can stay. I mean that what what what's infuriating about this crime, Is it man made its preventable? Joe Biden cause this and he did it with three simple decisions: number one
first weaken office he announced he was immediately halting the border wall number two, He reinstated the failed policy of. Ouch and release and three most fundamentally, he ended the remain in Mexico agreement. This was a landmark agreement that President trumpet negotiated with the government of Mexico where men circle agreed that the people coming from Central America crossed illegally into Mexico would remove in Mexico, while their asylum cases were pending in the EU, if anyone working it produced results land cheer, we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in forty five years today we have the highest rate in twenty years and the thing that changed is Joe Biden on week. One ripped up the remaining to co policy and said let em all in and when you announced that to the world.
we're saying millions of people come illegally and their brought in by human trap. curse or abusing them who are sexually assaulting them, and all of this is created. by failures from the federal government tankers. Thank you much appreciated senator from the great state of Texas, Senator TED crews. Thank you. My friend got less. right, We need some organizations, we need. I mean she's where, where they phone calls, the zoom calls that are happening with a rid corporations on our side, where, where is that. We are so far behind it. We'd better wake up gang, We better start reaching out to each other aim. Is it groups and understands what Ben Franklin said that we
indeed, must all hang together. We indeed will hang separately We are at that point, my one should it grew a look at a group called a MAC, it's the association of Mature american citizens view, can become a member of a MAC. Today, please do their other organizations other, but I'm telling you this is the one that actually is fighting the fight every day and there is strength in numbers and we have to do something together. if you are looking for something because you're a mature adult your my age or above joy, Please join the benefits are great and they'll. Tell you all about the benefits, but the cause is greater joy. Now at may see dont, U S, slash back! That's a MAC die U S, slash back aim at
is better better for you better for America. Nobody we're just a conversation about the constitution. I know that never happens and end the republic in an libertarian approach, which is there's no strengthen numbers, it's all about the individual and it is all about the individual. But what have in Amerika was we were all rowing in the same direction for a very long time. we were all moving towards more freedom now less freedom, do is bringing up the fact that you know I am saying now I'm telling you right now boycott these corporations boycott them I'll, join you boycott them, You just said yesterday you couldn't avoid dishonor water. No, I said,
couldn't find, couldn't avoid everything that cop makes its hostile be consistent as a boycott. Her, that's that's a legitimately impossible, Thea Underhung under IA, because they, these giant corporations own everything that they're just they're just gigantic coke is not just coke, so I am boycotting coke and society will decide. Bizarrely, but his honour, the same company yeah, I'm just their decision making it that we don't we but this affords very difficult in this society too, to boycott all the companies. You disagree with cause. You disagree with all those people at every one of these companies. You disagree with you, but it's not it's! I it's it's beyond disagree now now it is, they are setting up a separate government. They have figured out in this is Tights foundation, and this is what their goal was. Not amid nineteen eightys to get the Gruber left into the board rooms of all of these corporations.
Then, if they couldn't do it by forcing, though Lee showing the the money and the kickbacks in all of the money from the corporations to get the right people in for legislation. If you still have the little people will then the gun the corporations could do it and that's what's happening it's an and run around our constitution are found did not see ache. corporation, especially a group of corporations working together, Along with our media and have much more power than the government. Does they just don't have guns and You know I am. I am for business, I'm for small business, I'm for big business, but
when they begin to collude against the freedoms of mankind, and I know you thought about this in depth and you ve got over longer form before, but there is a lot of risk in in this sort of construction here of love. The founders didn't see this coming type of talk and many others risk there, and I know you ve talked about it and I don't know, maybe go into depth a little bit more as we maybe this. Maybe tomorrow back in a minute let me tell you a little bit about a movie that is out right now that you should see it's RO, verses Wade, it's the landmark case, the changed everything I don't think People know what happened it is she marking the way plan. Parenthood manipulated though the courts. They lied to the media even even row,
come out and said now who wish I wasn't involved in that at all. It is the true story of what happen in some of our friends are in it. It's it's available thou from your cable or satellite carrier or its on demand from Google play Amazon and I tunes, I can't believe I made this available, but they did so. We should watch it and supported and learn the true story of a half century of of lies and secrecy. The truth its day in court. As you watch row, verses wailed, the movie available everywhere now
not entertainment, the clock back what about the next thirty minutes, gotta be a fun ride. Has we are joined by Jason Whitlocke in sixty seconds so if you're someplace, I was just up in Connecticut last week and all MIKE that market is just coming apart at the seams. I can imagine why nobody wants to live in Connecticut, but You're looking to sell your home and you want to buy a house someplace like Texas or Florida by the way, if you
I have voted for a bunch of progressive your whole life unless you ve learned your lesson that you are the one it screwed it all up. Please don't come too excess go fired stay where you are can't wish you on any other state. Anyway, real estate agents, I trust our group of real estate agents that my firm has as guardian and interviewed. Does some work for the five hundred biggest real estate agents are best real estate agents is judged by the Wall Street Journal. Ten years ago. I think that started and- and I listened to them- and I talked to them- and I I learned that there is a formula that the really good ones used to be able to sell homes and we'll get you into the right home for the right price. That's the formula we used to find real estate agents for you. Some of them are
the five hundred best real estate agents in the country, that's real estate agents. I trust Dotcom, that's real estate agents, I trust dot com, a free service to you, Jason Whitlock free Lance journalist he is he's a sports journalists who does a lot more than just sports is really talking about culture item I'm doing great glare tat? Listening although my real estate, I'm wondering, are you advising the black lives matter found? Can you believe that yeah I care? She's, making a lot of money and the whole organization making a lot of money there doesn't when it is not going to the people for sure it's not going to the people. how do I gotta was. How do No, no, no she's, a train, Margo.
How do we how do they sleep at night, honestly do just not think they're gonna be held accountable, do they I care what what is happening. All I think they sleep really easy at night because they have so much support from big tech and the social media acts in the corporate media that she does. It feel she she's, ok this. She a meme, my god, she created a hashtag. created a has and of course you should have for homes across the country being offered three or four million dollars Blyth. Have you ever created a half day it's no. I don't think I did, but I also, but I also didn't, have the social media platforms I mean we know now from twitter and employs it were working at twitter at the time that were so disgusted by what happened
Beale M was not trending during the early days of the first riots, it did not trend, and Twitter began to get heat, from the left, and so they change the algorithm and move That thing up, so what was trending in the nation, so there people would go. Oh it's training. It must be a big deal that was that was tunnel has dropped her, but the corporate media. Again Twitter is the justification for the corporate media. Too justify the merit of the false narrative it whilst its offered twitter. Are you kidding me? It's must be so the lad man must be getting assassinated at record place. Because Twitter says so so since the New York Times us as NBC Cbs, we have to reform, the reality of twitter and Facebook, is becoming, I mean, is it
The media is always been skewed, but is this stuff about the Jim Crow laws. I mean, if, if I were black and my family had gone through what ex went through in this country under Jim Crow Laws. I be so pissed off you you're kidding me right. You, This is Jim Crow. Look the the laugh corporate media created Donald Trump as Satan and so once you create Donald Trump Satan. It justifies almost anything and he's the bad guy in anything that Media gets done, drop. Doesn't like this. We have been bamboozled, convinced. Brain worse into believing that Amy thing
That attacks Donald Trump is good and its this thing is so organise it's one of the greatest capers. It is in the history of mankind, ass, brilliant and glare. It say tat is what it is in an that's, a big, powerful word, but it's the truth and, and I'm about to. Let the black last matter was remain Patrice com colors, I'm gonna, let them off the hook a little bit Because I really think the error is with us those over and again, I'm a journalist, I must voice journalist I may sinner, but I am also just a follower of truth: a follower of Christ. I believe, those of us as Christians, we have left this country. Their lawyer am
It starts with us in the mirror and again in it, starts with us understand being a mere, in history and why we became so great and we ve abandon those are christian identity and we ve leaned in the political identities and all race identities and blah blah blah. but here's one minute: let Patricia collars and again did I call the alphabet mafia algae BT? Q be earlier. If the alphabet mafia, they are in control and its our form. They are angry they don't like the way they ve been treated in America. And here's why ask her I've had to deal with this as a Christian myself is because we set there see an aside. As special level of sin they're, all
of lifestyle? Sexuality? That's the worst! sexuality, same youth and commit, and it may be but, like me comparable with money, sexuality sand. in terms of Jaeger, if you're gay, you were met with a lot of splore in light all my God an abomination right, urine, rebellion to God. A guy. Like me, I'm myself off the hook. I can go out to Vegas kid liquid up, go to a club, amateur, remember, proposition me yeah and boom but about being bottle, and I can walk out and no one's mad at me. There's no schooling and I can sit around if they are. My sin is his bad is? There said I I'm always amazed at some of the most religious communities. Have some of the biggest strip clubs in them, I mean it its end. Its the same people so same
Paul sin is just sit here and ask, Christians. We have to accept their end. That's why? This group, the alphabet mafia, is very hostile, very organise. This is coming fifty's two years in the making, and they Have a special protection class from big tech and The only solution in the and I keep telling everybody I got, of mine that I have no me forever and they knew I believed in God, but their life. wow Whitlocke, you saying things, I never thought he would say an end tall. True- and I'm not run away from my sin and all But I do have a much deeper understanding, one american history and how our Christian, I'll use, made us fearless and made us cry
the greatest country on earth and its price. That's being attacked right now and then group that we have castigated and instead there sin is worse than every other sin is now. Fry to normalize all soon there is Basically, no sin. Everything is low. go under the sermon normal under the sir and just keep lowering standards. Loring stands and again I blame us. If we were willing to acknowledge that our soon just It is bad. Is there soon and we all need to understand that if we don't give back in alignment with God and Jesus, when we're done, we're done we're done. I say we're done cause. I don't think we're gonna go back to enlightenment. I mean there's a possibility, but it's gotta get so bad, so bad if you're,
awake now, you're, not. Wake and I'm hope and people are waking up, and I love the way that this black, as a matter of real estate. Thing has blown up in their face in her face and because I think it is colonels at the beginning of my wife mandate. This is just a hustle. They're, not all there in this too that therein this again freedom is being redefined right now, and am you to impose socialist, Communism, marxism Unless you, remove the entity from our culture and they're doing it again, I just save for those of us who doubly was a you know: I've been on after the same is probably, but is one of the main reasons that left LOS Angeles because ice. Realising dislike how corrupt and bank rubbed. I was
and in a contributed to that and I needed to get back my roots, I'm a MID west boy and I needed to get back in Vienna in the matter, but I'm leaving you back and God it's really interesting, because I've I'm down in texas- and I thought that was really good compared to New York. But now I go up to our ranch in the mountains. Cause I'm a mountain, Wes Guy and I don't usually want to come back and it's not me as I don't want to do my job or anything else is because I feel rooted, and I feel like spirit, really connected. much more than here- and I don't live bad life here I mean you know we all make mistakes but they're, just so indifferent In I think, some of these some of these these and- and maybe it's just me, but you kind of
Up there you just year you're with farmers,. and farmers, ain't talking about all the crap that everybody else's talkin about. You know what The only issue, though, is if we keep running their goal. Overtake every all everything I'm in why we, for I would not Tennessee and I felt their Filmore normal and make better decisions but, unlike other people from California, are coming to ten Yeah no end there come into floored mother came to Dalla. They came to Denver, look what happened in Denver they're coming now than we often that I mean that's completely, has been for a while, but now it's gaining an influence because it is so powerful and big and growing every day. You know met with a bunch of pastors. We had a death in the family last week and I was with a bunch of pastors and a priest and everything else and we
talking about the country- and I said you know who I blame Christians, but also you guys thee. The pulpits went silent, they wouldn't tie scriptures, two things that were really happening and I dont want it. I don't want somebody tell me who to vote for, but I do want You know my pastors say these are the principles, and this is why these principles work and they have to be aligned in your everyday life and everything You do including voting you you'd, say I agree with these principles and then for people that are doing the exact opposite, you can't or you'll get this Ivan. It's been three to four years, for my awakening in just starts telling people and for me, to look at the world through gods, eyes, first and once you do that, once you start saying a hollow,
to do this. How does God feel about it? And in that way, You go ahead on this whole abortion issue, and no one stands on it. How can I stand? Someplace differ the farmer. Believe yes, M. and then so. There's one group that seems to be just but it's the abortion the greatest thing in the worst celebrated am at, but then go for many of us as Christians. We think the condom, the greatest thing in the world. Not x in a marriage, we think the condom, and you know you could have I'm talking. but myself, and why I, like I gotta get out of here. I gotta get some place where I can actually because I enjoy sex. I gotta find a wife who and what we can do and contest. I dont think you'd have a hard time finally and slow. I I blame us, we
haven't stuck to our values and- We ve least ah an energy into our country, that weak that is so blinding people can't cause- I argue- people my family. I hate this. Just is consistent with what we believe her can we be Ford? Yes,. More with Jason will occur in just the same stamp on the table. Are a sponsor this half hour, it's gold line with attacks hikes the money printing, the hedge funds that are collapsing, the banks are losing billions in bad leverage, did that's the star market is a joke. The stock, my if you are in fact doing, earnings are not actually looking at facts. The governor. and is pouring money into these financial houses in the financial houses or pouring that money into the stock market. This is bogus. This is all bogus,
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But it's really not confusing in terms of again We, as I said previously, have created degrees of San Marino by all that's a special level of sin and we on that as it relates to sexuality value. Has now done that as It makes violence, they do the work while is when a white police officer kills a black man That's the worst VI Let's say you can commit black people, you can kill each other and we Obama. It's like glass breaking in a restaurant, It's not really seem vested. Everybody does that white people killed. People blind people, tell black people everybody does that and so he created or they have come. It is as it relates to violence. Degree of sand and so the black
resisting criminal. Is the highest level of victim merit that says something about our something terrible about our country and it just these two, how out of line and secular we come and how long we become with God is that there are special degrees of SAM, as it relates the violence at them. So I listen to people in again. At the whole thing would Dante right being Miss characterized police? Stop digging, shot after a routine traffic violation. Now shot, after resisting police and trying to up until the car and escape after that found out, he had announced any warned forgot a gun. He had resigned. The police previously, and so they were on an when they started approach began trying to handcuff and because of his history. Obviously, The female police officer made a grave grave error. I dont think
I believe her in the video that it was not her intent. You dont believe, No, I do, but I do believe that did it was not her intent. Yom Sarka and so I think that she should probably lose her job or be confined to a desk. You can't make that kind of stake in just let it go, but do I seek mental charges for her. I just can't I couldn't do it, I don't. I don't believe it should be criminal charges, but as it relates in again, Mugabe. Here again, I think for them to happen right outside Minnesota, while the Derek Chauvelin George Floyd trial is going on. I go. only thing I can say is light God is really upset with them
I'm really gotten. I leave you and we are being led to a point of do because Of what we allow, this is not leading it he's just withdrawing its protection. Is I mean we don't deserve any protection, but I mean really What are we doing to say? Hey, you are God will be. Your people doing any of it Jason Whitlock great to have you this is the one programme oh man, knew him remember when you read that restaurant in you mute, huge, oh yeah, to do for the free drinks was just listen to the timeshare pitch madhouse, couple. My ties in your thinking. I gotta have me one of those and now oh you're sitting there with one of those and isn't it great? Now it's not you can
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I go on tv returns, don't miss. It plays tv dot, com slashed Glenn. The protocol is glad you ll save ten bucks off your subscription to please tv, Well, I'm just looking at president biting speaking at the ceremony for the capital police officer that was killed in a car attack, so the car actually attacked and are attacked it was it like a transformers situation, our narrow reiner, just in regional, just a regular old car. You never see those things come just like a Buick, just art just somewhere heart and it got up and at least allow as real as any information that I have at this time now, others forces are saying it's how mean you'd expect this from the right wing media that it was a nation of Islam driving the car. member of nation of Islam
drove the car then got out and the car didn't actually attack. He did you know. Interesting as we had another capital police officer us tragically die recently right because of domestic terrorism. That is happening all over this country because of Donald trauma. I heard a lot about that. A lot about that, as you should as issue. It is the most precious pressing act of violence that is happening. It the most likely way to die in American America Stir were hub higher up. Why can the capital of a wider right wing expire extremists and look? I think we should have heard a lot about that attack. I also, though, heard a lot about potential attacks after that day, in fact, so much so that they put giant walls around the capital Yang here at all these barriers up every day there be like you know, what's going to happen next, the queue and on we're going to attack tomorrow the
the the militias are going to attack tomorrow and we kept getting or iron tons and tons about potential attacks from those. after that, when we only did, have an attack, I hope almost nothing about it now I can't detect why, after all of that, up. When someone do not speaking right now about the police officer killed in a car, tat in carjack. So is it Should we be looking at automobiles now trying to secure items zone because I also, I dont, think his membership in the nation of Islam having anything to do with the Erika or any other things that he said or didn't? because I have this weird theory, yet there are more people who are support. Of Louis Fair COM, then follow Q and, on we now have million man March. No, I know there's a few hundred people that wanted to the capital, but I remember the million man March. I remember
yeah Milly. I remember members of Congress meeting with Louis Fair com and then followers. Louis Farrakhan are out there doing this. And there's doesn't seem to be the same tying it all together. All the pieces fitting together, you can expect to do, though, their busy editing over tv. As you know, the edit base are all all Volvo those potential future q, not attack yep, yet be up Europe levy the story I found yesterday. and I only founded at one place, I've I founded at tourism dotcom, don't ask me: I'm a weirdo so agreed winter, a try, carrying now this is this was reported by the independent but the the american new source, of course, his future ISM dotcom, a truck? carrying highly radioactive materials, has been
stolen by armed criminals in Central Mexico, the mexican government is now warning that anyone who comes in close contact with its deadly payload could be, risking their lives the individual got away with an industrial inspection equipment truck during an armed heist on Sunday in the town of whatever include in the body is a q s a delta, eight hundred gamma ray projector, which, if your, what in Blu Ray wait until you see Gamma is projected. If you're using the gamma ray you, you really need the Q S a delta, eight hundred to protect those gamma ray but it is so much clearer than even Blu Ray Fortunately, this gamma ray projector holds radioactive iridium selenium and I guess it's your bidding him isotopes.
and they said in the article that that's unusual to have what are you interested in taking one of these trucks with something as dangerous as that there? There was a report on Sunday, I am today there is a robbery of radiographic equipment reported. This was issued a report issued by the National Commission for Nuclear security and safeguarding- if the radioactive material is extracted from the container or is moved and makes direct contact with any persons handling, it permits Injury could occur in minutes now. I'll tell you something you and I will do doesn't engine cure non supporters doing it again, your thirty metres away from this. It will cause radiation poisoning and
so now there saying that there's a couple of a couple of ideas that they have the mexican police are on it. There's a couple of ideas, one that but this sophisticated robbery that happen. wasn't as sophisticated, they were trying to. I dont know knock off a donut truck. I dont know what it was, but it looked at. Awful lot, you know is sure it had radioactive materials. You know clearly marked on. It was a special kind of truck and it was in a sure place where those kind of a lot of donor trucks or Bruno money trucks not usually there where they stole this struck, but it did. Probably? Is that just confused criminals- and they accidently got a hold of this one-
and you know they might be all dead they might if they might have pulled off the site, a road when, while those aren't don't it's in there and bill? You seem to be glowing and then all died, and nobody has been able to find the truck, because when you get within thirty metres of it, you die we're gonna filed find a pile of bodies around this struck. People too, ever get. A farmer will fall. That may be in a thousand years or so with that. One doesn't sound like probably what happened. There is another theory: and that is that the cartels on our border, Are the ones behind this and they are either making or supplying the radioactive materials for dirty. Bombs others were thinking up near each other hey, where your mask, ok, that
Ask me come in handy, you might have that you might have that's stupid? Little band around your ears and that stupid little piece of cotton or whatever. It is. That's gonna, save your life worry about cove id. there's, no reason like we have an open border like somebody can just come across, border you know I mean now, I don't think that's possible and in the cartels have nothing to do with our borders, so will we worry about the cute but cartels when we have q and on supporters out there? Thank you for finally saying it yeah. Thank you for fine militias ever hear of malicious, ever hear of the oath keepers right yeah, how about right now. What about our voice ever hear proud, Boisil? What about Louis Farrakhan always got me no millions and millions of her of support and meets with members of Congress is fairly regularly factor right, but but does
something to worry about. No, no, no now sure has he pretty much outwardly, advocated for the overthrow of the government. Sure but not over. Like decades nodded decades. As you I mean, as he advocated for basically the elimination of the Jew. Sure please that that's good out there? Yes, he said that, as you know, many many times as he basically admitted to murder from the pulpit. Yes sickly he has, but not entirely right and why? Why should we hold accountable for any of those remaining salmon, amen, Words are just words. Dalla me ask it in the dirty bombs, Are you worried about that? All I don't think, there's any reason to worry about, ok cause. I haven't seen that reported anyway, I prevented in it. I was looking as you mentioned in future, is to cover the story. He also the independent. Yet but sometimes I get
I don't. I don't worry about it and Cartels gamma Ray project. they're going to show movies down and the border for all the kids. That's just trying to help out. That's all their good heavens, where we stand hey. Let me tell you a little bit about lifelong. I know you're you're waiting for your tax return, but you know if it doesn't come I mean it's. Let me say: let me tell you something it just think of it as donating it to a noble cause. Somebody who, because have different values than you who are you to judge already filed for your tax return and they spending on stuff, not or white privilege. You can even begin understand it sure they might be white
but they're, probably from Eastern Europe, and they ve been held down by this big bad american country for a very long time. So why are you leaving complaining wow. I tend to disagree with that attitude. That's why I have lifelong for identity theft, because this is the time this is Christmas time. This is, miss time for cyber criminals. They can steal your social security number, your address, they can buy it on the black market than they file for Europe taxes and get the return and you ve got nothing right. You can save twenty five percent off your first year at life locked out com, if you use the promo code back there, be able to spot everything, but man they're going places in Yonah places. You don't want to think about going to their look for the real bad guys and they have a whole team in case something does happen. You that's gonna, worked a map. It all up. Lifelike calm user promo code back eight hundred lifelike one eight hundred lifelong or
flock dotcom promo code back save twenty five percent. Tomorrow night, one Glyn tv virus has escaped the university lamps. It's called critical race theory, but it's a dangerous reality and it spreading rapidly through the culture. Glint exposes the deadly marxist roots of this toxic ideology and reveals why progressive are targeting our kids in school watch critical race tyranny, the great reset of education, Wareham parents can fight back before it's too late. Tomorrow, night, nine pm eastern, at least to be dot com, Slash, Glenn, Goin Back programme there's a couple, a really great things: Gamma Newsome, you know he's the real All over two million people signed a petition in California and usually that secret, you know usually that's counted, they verify, but then you know they dont publish. Who was you know
saying I want to recall the the governor, but the great Democrats in the state of California have decided they need to. I mean some would call it doc sing, but that's definitely not what's happening given I am just wants to reach out to these people when we can expect to be. You know the guy who reaches out every time we may have to get to like fat. Tony yeah, whether these be he'll be too busy with fat. Tony could stop Tony will stop by Jimmy no fingers. He might stop by just to say hey, you know what I dont think I heard you, what'd. You say this again: what is the problem with given Newsome and That's just is Andrew Cuomo. Coming down to help on this. One does get to see me It seem like. I would be involved in this. This is never happened before the democratic Senate. Just pass. I mean oh know that so
Evan Newsome wants to reach out and connect with his voters, like the people, is concerned it will show you we're gonna come back, then absolutely not intimidation them now it's not who wanted that we want to be clear. There's not. However, there's no intimidate. No! Now, however, I want you to see the difference in these two stories. You know Labour union that failed to organise Amazon workers. and they failed us in a spectacular sort of way whose lives like Eighteen hundred to seven hundred and fifty votes against the union votes against but the union has filed charges against Amazon, because they want a second vote now. You can't do this in Georgia, you couldn't do that, you couldn't do this. You can do this anywhere, but
with a union they ve added to the NL r B, which their great it's the name? That's the National Labour Relations Board and now the Democrats in charge. They are they love to help. The union's and some of these misguided people, So what they were saying is that the key the people at Amazon had employed in. timid, nation tactics and unfair labour practices throughout the union. Zation election, and they are hoping that the National Labour Board is what will nullify the results and have us. election. We of course, all the Democrats are, for, you know, just nullifying one election and then having a second election, if you don't like the way, it turned out sure there for that. So, if the
they're calling on the Labour Board to hold Amazon accountable for its egregious behaviour during the campaign and apparently what they did. These intimidation tactics is, they would have people, walk the warehouse floor and talk to them about. You know not the benefits of not joining the union. can you imagine how intimidated you would being? You know yeah well, because I think that the way for cement works? Is one side of the argument. The side you dont like doesn't get to make their points right. If you like the site, it does get but you do like, gets to make all their points and should now or be region never intimidate those people, but the other side should never be able to get to make their points at exactly right. Got out of the recession and the and in their own, in the Amazon facilities they bombed bar did workers with Anti Union signs, and I think that these, I think these rules
These workers at Amazon were so stupid that they just didn't know how to vote, and I think the unions and I personally I think all of those people that did vote to union eyes. I think it was a mistake and even if they dont admit it now, we could send fair Tony over and you know, you will under. Can you tell me again your vote on the union? They just tell me a little about it. Why are you against the union's again so novels stories, connected at an honour, their necks out, because you didn't write, Neuro, surely infirmities of lying there talking at both sides of their mouth here, Definitely not there definitely not one is intimidation, tactics, the other one is just governance and just trying to listen the peace programme.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-17.