« The Glenn Beck Program

Choose Not To Be Afraid | Guests: Rep. J.D. Bernardy & Riley Moore | 1/19/22

2022-01-19 | 🔗

Interest rates are getting higher as salaries are staying the same. Should the government control the prices of certain commodities? Glenn and Stu discuss the COVID numbers around the country as Democrats are attempting to power-grab. New Hampshire Rep. J.D. Bernardy joins to discuss the New Hampshire bill addressing and fighting ESG scores. Glenn exposes the World Economic Forum. West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore joins Glenn to discuss the state ending its use of BlackRock investments and the attempt to take over our banks. Author Alex Epstein joins Glenn to discuss BlackRock’s relationship with Texas, ESG Scores, and the future of energy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I thank you so much Hilary. We are so glad that you have joined us today. Big show we're gonna, explain a couple of things covered and your economy coming up. Let me tell you about zebra dot com, I am so focused on making sure that you are spending money in the right place. You are not wasting money and the z this where the zebra comes in the zebra dot com is a place where you can go, find the right insurance coverage Major insurance quotes for home for your car, the average in that goes to the zebra dotcom, slash back, we'll see nine hundred and twenty two dollars a year on home and ATO combined. That's a thousand bucks. I don't know I could use an extra thousand dollars ITALY you literally five minutes to do it If time save money, save a thousand bucks. On average, Please zebra dot com, slash back
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the Glenn Beck program hello, America ran Paul, released a report yesterday on inflation, and his message was: it's only gotta get worse he's right, but I want to give you an additional message. Also only going to get better, We are at a flex point Things are changing and things are going to get better, splain that and also the cove it stop that waiting. it's gonna take a month for the testing to come out. What all that much more on today's programme. We begin in sixty seconds, so you know the thing about companies now
think you could be such a wild success. If you just do what you say you are going to do. You know I can't tell you how many companies remodeling, my home, which be done in the next two weeks. How many companies have failed the basic. asked and I'm not talking about supply chain stuff. They just don't do what they say they are going to do. I don't understand that I'm not asking you to be a hero, I'm not asking you to go away above and beyond. Just do What you said you were going to do when I find a company like that. It makes all that prince in the world. These are the companies, that advertise on this programme, and there are also people that believe in you. They find value with half the country there, like a very people to what do you say? We support them and these guys are taking on a lot to advertise on programmes like mine
and so I would ask that if you need any of their products and that means locally as well, anybody whose advertising on your local station to please frequent them now, let me tell you about a company that does what they say. Car shield, Insurance for your car is difficult, I'm not talking about accidents and accident insurance. I mean your warranty, when your warranty goes and it expires your car, I swear to you. It is built to break down. It's only meant to last up that warranty and then, when the warranty is over, it's almost like go ahead. Frail the chips Ralph and it breaks down. That's always been a problem, always been a problem, but right now it is a colossal problem, because if your car, breaks down, like I have my my trucks covered with the car shield. When my truck goes down, not going out buying a use truck because there what thirty two percent
Thirty seven percent up in price I'm not buying a new one cause. You can't get one and I can't let its they're in the garage and wait without a rental. How much is that going to cost me? Take all of that off your plate, car she old, they do what they say: they're going to do covered repair These are a snap. You don't wait for the money to be repaid you they pay the Mccain of your choice, site, assistance, rental car, all of it deductibles may apply call car shield just go to their way car shielded dotcom, slash back safe, ten percent right now, car shield, dot com, slash back right. So let's talk! about inflation, and right Paul yesterday released report that talked about are living standards and real average hourly earnings.
Those things are actually decreasing. You know anew and to enjoy binds is is pay people more, yeah, ok that's good, except if you're not keeping up with the rate of inflation you're, actually making less even other paying you more. I know it's confusing, but have to understand that inflation is a hidden tax and you not getting the bailouts most Americans now are starting to look at loans, especially if you're a small business owner you ve already taken out alone or you're about to take out alone, and the interest rates are going to go on Another way for you to have to pay more, to keep your store open to keep your life going to be able to buy it Are you need a car? Ok,
Much is going to cost me an interest rate, the zero down zero, a pr! That's going to be a thing of the past and it's gonna get harder and harder for all of us to be able to survive. So I want talk to you a little bit and a little bit about inflation. And what the FED is going to do. But the problem is: is it's going to possibly stop the heart of a recovery? Because if you don't have alone, if you can't get a mortgage, mortgage applications are down fifty percent month to month fifty percent and they have anyone really started raising interest rates. Some banks are raising interest rates, but making more money because the interest rate on them hasn't been raised yet so people are already starting to feel this crunch, and this pinch. What do we do about it?
and what is causing it first you have to do build back. Better must never pass All of the spending in Washington is competing against. You saw remodeling. My house we had to pour some concrete. I never knew concrete was you know as difficult to get. As you know, It seems like you, just go to the store and get some concrete and put it in a wheelbarrow, throw some water in it and you got it, but we Actually, you know redoing foundation or anything like that, and the concrete truck comes It still never seemed like a big deal to make us never had a concrete truck come to my house before, but when it comes in the pandemic. it was insane. It was in saying how
much money that concrete cost. all of the all of the things that we have taken for granted are going sky high, so yeah having to pay more their having to charge more. Your salary isn't going up. Quite is fast. So what do we do that govern It is now talking about price controls, another absolutely horrific idea We think that this government is talking about and doing I we can see from San Francisco, none of it works. None of it works right. I mean San Francisco. I've always thought so
Cisco was the most beautiful city in America. It is it's on the water. It has beautiful buildings and architecture in history and hills and adjust its spectacular. It is spent actually, I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, so I'm used to that kind of whether in everything else, but if you ve ever visited San Francisco, twenty years ago. You know how spectacular that city is. Who can not walk the streets anymore? it is so bad our needles and an feces human feces everywhere in good neighbour goods. If you're walking your dog, I'm not kidding you, they will take your dog, you will you have your dog jack and they'll take it and they ll sell it for a hundred bucks,
people who live in good neighborhoods can't go. And walk their dog; they can't they can't do anything. This is a problem and the problem is The solutions that have been given to us all king, these things much much worse and there and we we, we know it. We ve seen it over and over and over again we're going through right now, we went through in the nineteen seventies stagflation, which you're you're cos of living is going up, it's not keeping up with your job and how much you're being paid for your job. How do I? How do I make ends meet you cut back because things are too expensive you're, not getting the rays that you need everything just stops stag asian high prices, no movement in the night.
in seven when we had this and we had an oil crisis as Well Richard Nick in decided, he was going to do price controls these controls do not work what happen, Is the government comes in and says you can charge more than Ex Walt Whitman it's costing me more than that to be able to make that so that causes more scarcity on the market, because you can't make it for that price or, if you do make it at that, ice you're not making very much so so businesses are like. I can't afford to keep my doors open and just break even like that. So what do I do? so it causes more scarcity. Now for a limited time, price controls will work, but the minute you retract them.
The prices go through the roof again, because the market we have to just stop denying nature, Man, this is why capitalism works and why capitalism goes bad because man, once an easier life man to be successful, man wants creature comforts. But man also gets greedy. men, also go corrupt. So the knee Sure of things is: let the free market work. Let people set the prices. Let people set the direction not as individuals but as a co. Active. Where are we headed as a nation and encourage those people to be good? Decent people
If you are teaching people to be empathetic and loving towards one another, even their enemies. That's the western judeo christian value. It is love your enemy for give people move on he'll? That's what made the asked. We are now denying all of those things, and coupling it with a market that we say is free, but it's not it best, its corrupt by people who do not believe in those judeo Christian, they even money labour eve and getting rich. They believe getting ahead on the other guy. We you ve, lost the forgiveness and empathy part you now entering a part of capitalism that is bloody, ugly and very corrupt. So to fix that governments
which are completely corrupt. Coming and say you know we need to do. We need to control this. the people who are in charge of the control it's like, you are putting the mob in charge of the police, their corrupt, so everything breaks down and that's where we are right now Everything has broken down because we have denied to me truths. So How do we fix it? The first thing We do is face the truth. You know what our police, they have problems, but it's not kind of problem that everybody has said it is? There are poor, poems in the police force here and they're, just like there problems in Reno, bakeries, and end. We know Ford the
factory line. There are people there, who are doing bad things you oh for those individuals, and you try to correct those things. You don't say let's re, imagine the entire world. Let's ride. Imagine police force that I'm sorry, but you Take your imagination on your time. I take the EU. Reversal, truths of bad guys will they get worse. there's no law enforcement, and if there is no, actual justice. If their social justice we're all screwed and people will shooting up on the streets and pooping on your phone lawn while somebody else's stealing your dog while you're on a walk. That's what happens. That's where we are. So the first thing we have to do is just re point. All of those true. We know where our cornerstones are. We just have denied them. We know
the truth really is we ve just tried to get along now, I'm by take that back into the nineties political correctness, we just tried to get along. Look, let's not. We want our kids to feel good, trophies blah blah blah all asked end of it ends It's the only way to heal, stop denying the truth. I'm sorry that swimmer attitude that dude should not be competing against those girls period. Oh my gosh that so hateful that hurts nope. It's not it's not men
We hope the hateful you can interpret it as hateful. All I'm telling you is he's a dude. That is the truth. You know I gotta tell you this picture who know about last night from the vat here he's had this, Jerry still he's had the surgery see transitioning. Now you think he probably is thinking that today, what happened to me? What did you just cut off of me because you know he's he's? Scott he's getting older and he's got some problem, so he went in, but I have this picture of him. Last night the vet sent and his tat. He was dead asleep, but his tongue is just like
long and hanging out design its limited part tune, and then, when he woke up, they took a video there, like you know here something to eat and he looked down at the ball and then he looked back up the camera and he looked down at the ball and he laid down, and I thought you need rough greens. If you got a rough greens or it's not gonna it. Rough greens is not a dog food. It is a supplement that you put on your dogs, food and they love it. They love it and they grow healthier. Cause of it. You will see a difference in your doggedly. Sigh have stew has a mean president miles. We ll call President miles cause. His dog is older in actual years. Not just augurs acts years then Joe Biden, yes, but case wake more often than Joe body. I hear seven he's awake for what, but twenty three minutes a day near the approximately rough greens, dot com, slash back, get your free bag right now, just for you dog to try and make sure they like it. It's are you
as greens, dot com, slash back rough greens, dot com, slash back, eight, three, three Glenn thirty three column. Now ten second station, I d, So when I was talking to a minute ago about concrete The reason why I bring this up is if I, am in the market for concrete, I'm building a house or I'm building whatever if I'm in the market for concrete and the government is spending trillions of dollars on quote infrastructure their buying all of the concrete. So now my tax dollars are competing against me. As I'm trying to buy concrete so when they talk about infrastructure and areas.
we need infrastructure where I spent another four trillion dollars on infrastructure. That's great! Unless trying to build a house unless you need copper For your wiring, unless you anything. You need steel, good luck, because your now in the market against literally yourself, who is, hitting the price of all this stuff through the roof? I beg of you to think of this every local election when they tell you they're, going to spend thirty million dollars on a new Jim in your neighborhood. I can think of people who own Jim's in your neighborhood who are now peering again themselves as and when their own tax dollars is a new thing and its internet access, and it's driving me out on his eye over such as to Texas, but it's all over. It shouldn't be Texas, though no I mean it is insane. The Abbe cities build these giant.
right, gentlemen wreck centres with incredible Jim's, incredible facilities, which is a nice most people. Just look at its an ice benefit, the that usually a cheap member. Freak as compared to the open market, but what does that, due to a person spent all this money building a business in the town and now has opened up competition paid for by their own tax dollars. So I went to buy, went to city hall some laid on new walk in there. Oh my sure you know what I'm ok do you know. they just built in city hall, no A restaurant slash bar and they built it. It's not run privately. its run by the city and the did it so you know you could meet with City Council in it. Excuse me I almost.
lost my mind. You can have a restaurant, so you can meet with city callously. You can just go and meet with them and they can. You know you can meet with your officials and it's an uncomfortable seduce me with officials in a comfortable sitting. I don't know and if they're sitting on a sandbag and they having to where you can wear razor wire for braces, I dont really flying the crap. I want them to be as uncomfortable and out of that office as much as possible, I mean so I can go meet with them in a comfortable book. if I need to meet with them and I'm hungry, maybe it Mcdonald's Mimi Donald. You know what you're such an you're such a boob, I'll it there and you can be in the little play. Scape thing: while we talk and now there restaurants, around town, where that, where people used to go for meetings direct where they will not go, and they will instead give the money to the town to pay for more junk. What is that? It's a terrible terrible
a horrible development, an absolute public private partnerships. It's all part of the great Risa, stop stop let the public do it. What people individuals do it now Politicians are gotta Goin back programme. American financing Annabel as one eight do through three Bore W W W animal less consumer access, not oars eyes. Looking at that time, stat today about how mortgages are our way down, applications for mortgages are way down. That's for a couple of reasons. One the great reset people are. In priced out of houses. The second thing is: is the banks are starting to rise to raise their interest rates and make it more difficult and inflation
You have to save money. You have to get a consolidation loan. If you have a high interest credit card debt, so you can save money, you need to lock in the lowest interest rate. You possibly can most people don't even know what they're paying for their mortgage find out. You can save you a bob load of money, a man. we can financing they dont work for the bank, they work for you. I have no money people. For a long time, they ve been huge supporters of the show huge supporters of you. and anybody who likes to save money and do that the right way We can financing eight hundred nine zero, six twenty four forty, eight hundred nine zero six, twenty four forty call them now, we can financing dot net, inevitably tv dot com, Slash Glenn, big special tonight on the great reset used the code, the great reset to say, fifteen bucks
This is the Glen Back programme tonight, the Wednesday night special. You don't want to miss it global elites and politicians and the mainstream media continue to push off. The great reset is no big deal. Nothing to see here. There's a lot to see here tonight. I'll, give you the chalkboard and things that you can do tonight. Now: nine p m by the way, if use the promo code great reset at tube to get a boy is subscription, a great recited the great recently so I may your book. The same name is as your current release town bookstores a great reset is your promo code. You'll, say: fifteen bucks on your subscription. Do it now you tonight it nine on Blaze, tv and place TVS, Youtube jump right after a brand new still doesn't Erika like good. I'm glad we got that in there. I have a question for you.
because one of to be talking about on students, America tonight is this: new promise from our incredible leader, Joe Biden, who is giving us. Five hundred million new tests, oh and four hundred million new and ninety five masks, apparently gonna blow to walk in any Walmart, just pick up a box of, and ninety five mass for free courtesy, the government, totally justice. Unless you know you taxes. I could have gotten and I could have walked into a walmart or home deep or any place. You got an end. Ninety five masks and walked out and without paying for them already take charge over a thousand dollars, we're not going to charge me with a crime that that's journalists In my view, liveries who cares about inflation? Rock just start taken so long as it's under a thousand box, it's free, but all this is happening and its
is? Do you find it at all strange? Yes, you don't even have to finish. no matter what I put my under that what you have put in yes, but a divided at all strange that here we have. This of who variant? That's blowing through the population we ate now appears that we are passed. The peak nationally were passed the Pekin about twice twenty states pretty clearly and the other states are going to here in the next week or two. We should be completely done with us in a few weeks cs. Give me to completely in quote some in their there still be going on, but it should be most we passed and about that time we're going at five hundred million tests and four hundred million These five mass at our at our expense after the wave is over Why why? Why would it? Why? Because there's a couple of why? Why would it? Why would it come
after the wave instead of before. When we all remember on Thanksgiving weak, getting the alerts from South Africa that there's a new variant. They made it think it started growing in South Africa. We all saw then it hit all these other countries. We knew it was coming home and they waited until after so why I look at why so here's the thing I listen to the New York Times podcast this morning and they gave me the answer. Why and or one hundred percent wrong. Ok, ok, while our supply chain factoring in now, you're one hundred percent because those were available. Ninety five mask our available. I bought rapid tests install. I have to. So like it was they were coming out now. I know you by big, be no movement like this. I mean I'm sure it's there, some tests on the supply chain, but those they they were
there they were Leginn if Donald Trump or president. What would be being said right now. I mean there's no excuse for this. Ok, so let me explain why governments follow they do not lead even fascistic governments follow they do art lead people generally led in the case of medicine. These leads. You know we didn't have anybody we had found He was working on the disease. First, let's created disease, so we can get a cure, when it comes to things like disease, we were working on things until you know exactly what's here and and what we need guy so disease leads people led the markets led governments can
but there too slow. So that's the first thing, the government. This is fast for government reaction. This is asked I mean how many times have things gone wrong way wrong? and you're like what is man doing a mountainous mean we ve got me if fraud here or massive fraud there in our world, on that we're doing a study on that. Ok, so this always late. All this is a rapid, rapid response for the government, so that should show you one completely ineffective. Governments are completely in active left to the free market. They already because there is demand for it. Left too. people who are motivated to a do the right thing and be produced. Because they make money those two things will always be faster and better. The second thing is
This is not about the disease, everything. We know that that we think is coming and his being verified by the Europeans in Israel and South Africa. All of this things that we now know about COMECON show this probably is it we're probably burning ourself out right now. I know people who were dead sat for masks. They were up. where the mandates, everything else and their done there done their vaccinated there done and they see this and they instinctively. No. This is over this. This is it we're all going to get this and then it's over generally speaking things. You know smallpox We came up with a vaccine for it and eradicated it
It generally doesn't mutate and get much much worse unless you haven't killed it better. And cold is not going to sudden. they become Ebola because nature wants that to survive its life that cold, that virus, is life, and so the now natural thing is survival of the fittest won't come two things like corona virus, the survivor, of the fittest means the one that is the least deadly to the host. So it can continue to live. So it's not going to go backwards. Generally speaking, could doubtful The government has made this about control. They have made this out, silencing of speech. They ve made this about vaccine passport, it's for an entirely different reason. They ve made this. Labour unions in our schools, they,
have not made it about health that is that is the thus age, make up that man do you believe that guy it is really who he says he has now. That's a fake knows: man, that's a fake knows, that's not now they are pretending They are doing things just enough just enough to. able to keep some credibility, which I think they failed at because they think they're smarter than the average person look what's happened their worth you people that were awake, but now look young people on the left You are people who vehemently disagree with me here, actually saying the same thing. They just don't think they are because of social media. They think I'm saying something entirely different they're saying the same thing there done there done the government
is only putting these things in so they can retain control and power. It's not over yet. You still need us. We still have to do this. It's over and people need to start demanding back off. Let Pfizer do what Pfizer does back off and let me just to illustrate that point. This is the New York Times now this guy never gets on the daily potter that you were speaking of because he keeps saying things like this, but this is David Lynn, Leonhard and limit. This is it. This is a sentence in the New York Times today. The available evidence suggests that also Kron is less threatening to a vaccinated person than a normal flu. We are at a point where today. Hawaii is talking about not showing people in their state if they are not as vaccinated but boosted. Washington DC, which is clear,
we on the other side. Now probably the most clear in the nation and the other side of the peak of alma Kron is today this week The shooting knew all sorts of new restrictions on this side after the peak so big They are not about anything other than control if this had something to do with science. You would hear you would here people starting to say what looks like we're in the clear looks like we're we're headed in that direction. We still have deaths. We still are gonna happen, homes, but this is now something that we can all live with all around the world. This is stout, changed this exactly what I told you would happen, January of nineteen when it was deal in China. Only and I said What's gonna happen, what we have to get used to right now we don't know how deadly this thing is going to be
but let's just assume it's the nineteen eighteen kind of flu, it's gonna kill a lot of people, but it's going to be worth for the economy and the right applications long term for the economy. Then it will be in doubt death will be bad, but what's happening. Happened to the world is something that should concern every american and every person on the planet. The second thing I said was and you're going to live with this forever. Eventually, it going to burn itself out and it will become like the common cold or the flu and said at the time we don't want to add another. Fifty thousand deaths here too, the flu, but that's probably what's gonna happen. We didn't have the Lou nineteen eighteen wipes all these millions of people out and then within three years. It's just the flu is a slow burn. A set of that raging fire, correct so
We lose now about fifty thousand people every year due to the flu people get vaccine if they are being o immunity, compromised or their elderly, and they should get the vaccine same thing with COMECON and with covert nineteen. It's now no longer going to be scary, but that's the problem, Anyone who wants power I need you to be afraid she this. This is the real key to solving all of this too, not to be afraid, I'm not afraid of covid. I'm not afraid of losing my voice. I am not afraid of losing my job. I not gonna like it. If I do, I won't like like being a pariah because of what I politically believe, but
afraid of it. They have no power over you if you're not affair. Zero power, that's why they they, double down every step of the way to silence you and to make you feel alone. They make sure that your not connecting to all the people that you say you want to connect with on Facebook. They hide those people stop them from being into your feed. Because they need you to feel isolated and alone you're, not you're, not they are and they are on the losing side. You are on the. right side of history. Dollar fear parent play a role in your life at all. Don't don't back in a minute, All right as it finding a job in this crazy economies and fostering enough I mean boy. How do you find a job
there's help signs wanted everywhere, every one anyway their report, that at least thirty six thousand fig job listings are designed to harvest your information online, your drivers, information, your social security number and a whole lot more just. finding a job. Are you being scammed? it is really important to understand how cyber crime and identity theft or affecting your life and will continue to do it. If you don't have somebody that is really on your side. Looking for all these things, nobody can up all cyber crime. It is a growing industry at its changing all the time, but the best in the business is lifelong flock by Norton. They been were the first in the back in the nineties when we know how you'd take my social security number go ahead, I'm not worried about it and, unlike why would anyway, worried about their social security and they were in it.
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So I have a gift for you and I don't think you have any idea what this is. This is, The wire season, five episode, eight clarifications, Did you know that you Glenn back we're in the wire? I had no idea. She wore it. This is the show that Jason lock was on your saying you look at the list of the top hundred shows of all time. It's often number one sometimes number two number three watching the wire gauze I'd, never watched it in season five glens, just tv in the show I do I do this exist. I had no idea, I couldn't believe it and I Actually, because- and I I mean this- the best way possible- you do appear- a little different than you did in two thousand eight. Are you saying there was and is a fat thing to the point of I literally worked on the show that is pictured it
just on a tv, the mayor's watching TV in your on the tv- and this is before you're on Fox, which I thought was really interesting when you're insane and headline news, yeah, you're doing a show and allay- and I remember the shot I do to you with a Hollywood sign that I and I looked at you I actually a personal. on the show had to remind it to make sure was actually you because you are so different. I have seen Victor's lately, not only the fatness thing, but my head is completely. Why it completely. Why thank you George Soros relations. You know you're on the I am db page for the number one. I well wait a big role It really comes from this progress is Goin back programme. Thank you so much I want to tell you personally that I have been working with Vladimir Amerika. He is the the doctor that president tromp credit
with the successful early treatment protocol, he's the guy with a clause Quinn at the very very beginning, but he's work two years on stuff and his patients recover and he doesn't lose patience and he also has this rise. This sum regiment that he calls the z stack that you been. Able to buy, been piecemeal, etc, etc. He's decide to make it for her. patients, and now we ve asked him if we could actually help him. sell it, because I think it's really important. Take control of your own health z, stack life dot com slash back again. This is from the the world renowned Doktor, Vladimir Blanco he's been on the pro and before he's one of the leading authorities on preventive medicines to be able to make sure you don't get it If you do get it all of the treatment
It's a z, stack life, dot com, slash back, go there! Now I take it everyday z, stack life, dotcom, slash, when you are about to Here- is the fusion of entertainment and enlightened
the boy As you know, prices have gone way up its inflation. They lied to us told it was told us it was transitory. Who is still listening to these people honestly, they told us that if we just bail out all the banks, no one would be too big to fail. Will everything is too big to fail now all of these banks and they ve gotten wildly wealthy? You know that wealthiest on the planet, Their wealth grew at one point. Six trillion dollars just from covered, wait a minute wait how much this has
the redistribution of wealth, redistribution of power and you the little guy, are expected to sit here and take it. No, no you don't have to. There are things that you can do in order to talk about it in sixty seconds so Clifton wrote any solicitor of ours and he said Glenn. Thank you so much for talking about relief factor. I am now ninety five percent pain free and I feel amazing. I plan on continuing to take relief factor as long as it continues to work. For me, that's exactly what you should be doing. Nobody should be taken anything if its not working for a three week, quick start trial. It can get you, A hundred percent eighty percent pain free. I know,
but I still have days of pain, even though I take really factor every day, but my daily pain is gone. That's a big deal, try the three week, quick start get your life back. Develop for you and it's one. Ninety five, it's a dollar a day hunter, thousands of people of ordered, really factors. Seventy percent go onto order more. Just like Clifton said take it as long as it works. Seventy per an order more month after month. relief factor, dot com or call eight hundred the number or relief aid hundred for real If relief factor, dot com feel the difference There are some really disturbing things that are going on mortgage rates. are starting to go up, even though the FED has raise them yet prices they think of this.
November. Twenty twenty, the average cost of gasoline was two dollars in one sent by November, twenty twenty one, a year later, would Joe Biden and his guards the power save gasoline was three dollars and forty cents That's that's a dollar thirty nine increase, that's remarkable and it's only going to get worse, I want to talk to little bit about black rock I'm doing a special tonight on the great reset and I want to show you how their policies are actually affecting you and the way you have to deal with it is locally you're not going to eat this on a global scale, but I'm telling you right now. I can feel it this thing is becoming exposed. More
People are starting to take local action. State action, and it is freaking, those people out, I don't love. You saw what blackrock came out with yesterday, but they're like we're we're capitalists. This is a shareholder stakeholder capitalism, is it still, capitalism and and and and and we're not really doing all these really bad things with green energy. Yet they are yet they are their panicked already. And the word has just started to get out and that's the key Getting the word out, I published my book last week. I am I've, never been in this comment before this is the worst news that could happen, there isn't a single copy available anywhere you have to. on Kindle right now because of supply chain breakdowns, we just went through books like water, You can't even buy it on Amazon or anything they taking taken away. The by button now.
Because they're so back, ordered please, Please get it on Kindle and share it with a friend. Because once you share at once, you know what it is. The old unlocks it's the Rosetta stone for the news and then what happens Well, let me introduce you to somebody I just read about yesterday, which I think my guy, this. This is come as such great news to me. He is representative in the State House of New Hampshire. His name is J T burn it, but is it Bernard III, minority, but already, how are you doing, sir? I'm doing great how're, you? I am much better after I saw what you did tell me what you know about the great reset and what you got eyes in New Hampshire are doing in the state house. Well I learned about
he has to score is a long time ago and in doing investments are far away caves, but this let tat summer I heard you really start speaking about the great reset and and how basically any issues Gore can be weapon lived against companies and against intervention was correct, and so once that switch, when I said ok I don't know what we can do. You know I have no scope, federally bam, I'm a freshman legislator. I said I'll do something about this so road day wrote a bill and another individual on. They asked why the Bell there Bell was less and less comprehensive, but we merge the two. I became the prime sponsor end there just got out of the air the committee hearing today on it attracted still going on
some of the other folks I stepped out by their The approach that we ve taken is we, you cannot use. Yes, G scores, a discriminatory manner by if you're a bank or, if your cooperation against another corporation or another, individual and we take the path of you can't be discriminatory because It was more likely to withstand constitutional muster rather than just an out and out and out there right What? No, if I may read all banks and other financial institutions doing business in the state of New Hampshire, either directly or through the use of outside contractor? Shall not discriminate against nor advocate for or cause adverse treatment of any the citizen or business in their business practices based on some
directive or arbitrary standards, such as social media posts, participate. or membership in any clubs, associations or unions, etc. Political affiliation, employer or other so full credit environmental, social and governance, ores. Similar values based or impact criteria. No provision of this law shall interfere with banks, other financial incentives, inability to discontinue refuse to conduct business with an individual account holder or potential customers, when such action is necessary for the physical safety of its employees, What they are saying is these s. G scores are going to make these banks that right loans to people who disagree with them or the gee score that is gonna make the bank vulnerable too. A collapse. So how does this get around that kind?
thinking? No! No! This is just business. We know what's coming and it's gonna make these banks very very vulnerable, Well, the banking industry is representative, was their testified. Today they are concerned that they're gonna be open for Malta. lost. And, of course They will be protected arbitrary, and why not- and I am sure I don't have an opportunity to respond to that, but I think, as with All laws where discrimination standards have been said. The lad they're gonna that day, in light certain amount of legal activity that the court's then daisy. adjudicate. And finally, we come to a settled standard.
This means an end. Its than easy two to administer once in the ground rules are are well set. we're talking to state house or representative J J T burn minority and he is in New Hampshire. He has introduced a bill concerned: are you having obviously enough he put a build together but give PETE in other legislatures or other cities? Even read on how alarming it is to you that that this, yes, G Road is being travelled now. What does it mean to you and to the average person well because the scores haven't are right now, essentially heavily woke. The aid very left are still in their thinking, so
climate change, many of the diversity requirements are there, so it the out in New Hampshire? We use a lot of natural gas and to allow the heat r r, and generate electricity, if that's true throughout knowing when these businesses are on favoured and their ability to succeed financially is curtailed. Weren't huge travel, we We don't have other sources of getting our electorate steel and heat at this at this point in time. So this this is universal across the if the country I mean downside a unique european Are you gonna be unflagging because that's what's gonna happen now there it's it's very important! That people understand, though,
once these cars can be weapon eyes against. You are against companies there are going to. her tail your ability to do, normal life and businesses act like they always have in the past, so wet how difficult was it for you to take this information, and this with your fellow representatives and do did you a lot of this is conspiracy. What what was the reaction and now did you overcome it? Well, don't regret side. There was a fair amount of conspiracy, Jerome I am concerned in about, oh, you know, you're you're, focusing on on the loudness aspect of it might be at once. You can. I take you away like the the
principles that are being dance. Uneasiness used cars are being articulated in the World economic Forum by Bank of America. J, P Martin chased by all the big players, is in the financial world who can control sob money or investment in in this dark, some tea and whatnot it very clear that that they have the ability to farm. At that point of view and derive these decisions the way they want them without understanding the the incredible harm they're gonna. Do I have to tell you. that every day I get up- and I wonder- but I'm sure you due to everybody does what I do. Does it make a difference? and every day I wonder if any one Gonna, take the information and do something
about it because they have different skill set than I have I can't tell you how just pleased I am that that you have taken these steps and that others in New Hampshire Artie, king. These these steps. You are a first that I know of although it is starting to trickle out now and then just the last couple of days but you're the first, that I know of an every state should be talking to you and looking your bill and seeing how they can make it constitutionally even stronger. But I am, I am very grateful for the opportunity my children will have to be able to live free. Thank you I am very grateful that you are this beacon of information for us that we can then take up and am
accounts in use in advance, as need be, and I welcome any real legislators from any other states want to work, to get us into a bill for me at fine, or they can contact the heartland in two days We are working with with what those folks they have the stolen their helping us a dancer this. Well, God bless you. Thank you. So much appreciated thank stay. state representative from New Hampshire, J D. Barnaby are Bernard Minority. I don't know why I can. And the worst that all of our broad collar? How does that happen? You won't be a beacon of information budget. and pronounced that I mean here here. Here's here's the thing, here's the thing I believe in the multiverse. So place. There is a multiverse where I am where it makes sense that I mean the whole thing this
this does not happen to, I would love to visit. There's a vacuum. Just a second make no mistake. the countries being eased into the great reset by the way by the Kindle book. Now you can go to Glens new book dot com and get the and version it is. The electronic version is the only version you can get right now do the supply chain. Please please read this and pass it on what he said is absolutely true once you understand it. Then the world changes. The world changes are the world is being led into the great reset and it's going to cost asked her after disaster after disaster. Look at what happened with inflation right now, you cannot have centralized control like this and not have inflation. I changed shortages all of these things. So what are you doing? Strategies
waiting about it. Let's do something about it right off. The bat do you have emergency food do you have enough money. Armies are enough food in your house that if there is significant- food chain shortages? I mean look at the store, the grocery store shelves I've never seen this. In my life I mean this is living in the Soviet Union. It honestly it having not I'm still much better, but income Harrison to where America used to be I've. Never seen this in my life and it could get really. bad really fast right now. You can say fifty dollars on their popular for weak emergency food kit at prepare. Would and dot com. It's my patriot supply the best. The best stored food out, their bar, none breakfast lunch dinner. Ranks snacks, two thousand calories a day for each?
or of the family for four weeks now all you have to do is act just to prepare. We Glenn dot com, say fifty dollars on your kid prepare we Glenn dot com, prepare we Glenn Dotcom, ten second station, I d, so the great reset bill starting to move forward in certain states there were it we're gonna talk to the state treasurer in West Virginia that has just now stop. Business would Blackrock because of the great reset and We have somebody to call Texas on the carpet. They ve already passed a bill. The governor signed it stop all business with blood rock and divest all's
Eight funds from Blackrock Blackrock is now courting the the legislature and the governor here in Texas and we're not doing anything. We ve our they signed it into law. The governors already signed it, and we won't divest now because well I mean Blackrock is saying some you know maybe they'll go a little easier on Texas now know. Well, the book is out. You can really be anywhere except I kindle so please bite on Kindle, but you do have us shall tonight where you're gonna go into this in a lot of death. Is it is its commercial free, commercial free tonight Mile and it's a a full hour at the chalkboard I'm going to go through all of the highlights. It's a it's a good printer! So if you don't, if you haven't, got the book yet Are you don't really understand it? Yet I think, This will really help you to try to break it down and really try to explain in the simple
The easiest terms, not just what it means for corporations not just, what it means for me, no small businesses, but what does it mean to you? how is this going to affect your life, because that's the key You know when we were talking about woke this winter, could call us said: hey, let's teach people to be less white people cared, but not like cared when they realized? This is being taught to my children. Tonight I hope to bring that to you tonight hope to show you the world that your children will live in. things that will happen to you in your own home in the next couple of years. If this isn't stopped ways for you to stop it. Now you join us at the blaze. We would so appreciate your subscription. You,
the reason we have the confidence that we will survive, because have a direct relationship with you. There's no one, between us, no sponsor nothing, it's a relationship between me and you. I would priest if you haven't become ablaze subscriber yet please support us become member of the family get all The information you need and then some just go, who plays tv, dot, com, blaze, tv, dotcom, Slash Glenn. If you use the promo code, the great he sat. You're gonna, say: fifteen bucks today on yours description, and then I will see you tonight at nine p m really go into some of the information here. Just a second tonight nine p M lays tv dotcom, slash gland, promo code, that great reset the Glen back.
So how is it we change things? I've been saying for probably fifteen years, you got a spit yourself out of the system when I Are you saying that it was more of a prompting? I didn't exactly know what it meant I know what it means now and ways you can do it. It means you can't He reliant upon the things that are unreliable or unreliable because of the people or the philosophies involved. You have to be self reliant and do business with people who I believe in the same thing and our furthering those goals. The best example the easiest way. That will save you, money give the same kind of cover, Jim Service that you require, but also give you your customer service, and is fighting with you not against. You is patriot Mobile
care who you have. If you haven't switched to Patriot mobile dot com. Slash back, please, seriously. Consider it today, you'll get free activation with the offer code back. It is time not sell service and they are working with us on our goals. Patriot mobile dotcom, slash back tonight, the special nine p M Please gb dot com, slash gland promo code is the great reset: this is the climb back programme. It is truly a wonder to watch the global only in the media and the politicians that have tried to push off. great reset as no big deal, nothing to see minutes. You know it's it's just
conspiracy, it's from the World economic forum. It's no big deal, they don't have any power. Really. We first started calling this out. That was the first line of attack. We workings heresy theorists. We believe the World Economic Forum was some master cabal that you know they're having our chamber meetings and none of those things are true. None of those things are true. None of those things are what we said calling the shots from some evil underground lair. They have can actions with the most powerful people with the richest and politically powerful people in the world and they meet at Davos. It's just that and there like minded. So people were saying at the beginning that. This is a conspiracy theory. It's not this week from
all over the globe, but they are speaking at the Davos World Economic Forum and tonight, coincidentally, Europe airing a commercial free special on the great reset the same week, the economic forum is trying to sell their agenda, I'm gonna Show you what that agenda is really all about, and I find it interesting that it's the same voices that still saying conspiracy, theory, or do me it what's going on. I want to give you a quote from Jack. Dorsey from Twitter yesterday he tweeted out the amount of tension, world economic Forum receives, is inversely proportional to the organizations, usefulness, it's useless. Really. If it's useless! Why are you spending the time tweeting about it?. If it truly is useless, I mean you know, pigs in a blanket
really hired highly overrated breakfast food, their useless. Well, I'm making that tweet because pigs in a blank it are really not an important breakfast food, not not aries. Talking about that deep thoughts by Jack, I Booker's pointless their knowing their useless. The world economic forum is not useless. If you look, just at who is speaking Jean ping was the lead speaker earlier this week. The president of China, if you look at the number of Prime Minister Central Bank people. Gigantic corporations Blackpool Black Rock. alone has more money in it holds more investment money, then in other anything on the planet makes the queen look like a pauper
They are at the World Economic Forum and they are helping design. The policy an example of what the World Economic forum really? Is do you remember back in the nineteen seventies, There was something called the Heritage foundation it still out, but nineteen Seventys the Heritage Foundation came along and it was found. to redirect America's principles back too conservative principles and the founding and in the Seventys the left ignored it. They laughed at this in the bag. Jimmy Carter, now we were we're fine something happened. These people, were worth thinking, planning, straw sizing and connecting with people who power and a new vision pronto
Reagan right, well, one in a landslide. Much because of the Heritage Foundation. It kicked off twice of years of republican control in the White House. That's the hair teach Foundation guy that was well funded back in the seventies, but not like the World economic forum. It had connections, but now like the World Economic Forum, the world economic forum, a global think tank that is injecting twenty first century fascism directly onto a did fit officials and global financial and corporate juggernaut emerge Jane if the here teach Foundation had the eye and ears of every prime minister and president in the world, the vat. majority of not only the operate leaders, but the corporate boards and all of major financial institutes, including the internet
no monetary fund, the World Bank, the Euro the central Bank, the japanese Central Bank, the American Central Bank, do you think that the old would be the same if the Heritage Foundation had that group of people in the nineteen seventies, no now we would be a radically different country, so Jack. as much as I appreciate your opinion, it's ridiculous to think that these people are worthless really How come all of these billionaires and trillion errors are all making their way to the delay, just really love skiing together that much, I don't think so Jason's. What does he's our air had? Writer had researcher and there's a couple thing. I wanna talk to you about the first of all a special because you hadn't read the book.
You know you were involved in the research. I meet some of the research, but you weren't on that. day to day, work on the book, you read the book and what was your take away? My take away is like, think back to what over a year ago, when I first brought this in and like what the egg This is a problem we should look at and we started like in little chunks, just exposing things and chunks banks. Yes, g corporations. Those like multiple different shows, and after I read the book or while I was reading the book as this is the first time I've ever seen all of those pieces put together, but in an easy too, understand way because I ain't it which we were trying it's hard to explain this have easily. It is really hard, and it was about a year and a half ago, when you first ETA, remember what you stumbled on, but you are like. Have you ever heard of the great reset and the time that I was questioning, build back, better, go and what the hell that's the worst slogan, I've ever heard, and that is the same
and from the World economic Forum that everybody's using all around the world, I didn't know, that there were. I thought that was a Joe Biden thing here, and it wasn't an eye Remember you. I don't remember what you brought to me, but I remember thinking this is really important. This explains a lot. We remember yeah. Well, we rather it was problem. We will look into just a bunch of quotes because everyone was talking about the World Economic Forum, gravely said as being something positive, but then we would pull little boats, and it would say we're redefining capitalism. Other co as you all know, nothing and you'll, like it frogeity happy and were like what like red. Finding capitalism and then we're looking at a stakeholder capitalism and what the heck is that even media, but the book really goes, to explaining that in a very, very easy way and if you ve, already read the book you're goin to you're gonna watch the show- and this is going to be almost close versions for that sort of thing. But you didn't understand tonight you're to fully understand at there's things
wanted a little bit more vacation on. Like more examples like, for instance tonight, you know you too, about the book alive. How, yes g is you know being used to force companies and banks, he noted the other to redirect money and it place that they want or if they want to I M going to show you exactly how and we showed little bit this and other shows, but the context at its end. Now tonight it's all going to crystallise you were going I completely understand what this is about. You're going to come. Clearly understand how they are doing it. It is vital to watch tonight so tonight, like Jason just said, It is vital to watch. We are doing this. You can't get the book Amazon and everywhere else they ve taken the by button off because they're so far behind in printing The only way to get it is a digital copy through Kindle. I urge you, please get a copy of the book. I am not for digital copies. I dont like reading
red things on digital- but if I, if it's important, I always have it back, it's easier to remember. When you have the tactile booking. on a view and notes and notes year. So it's I urge you to get the book, but please by the Kindle book. We don't have time to waste. Is the worst situation. We could have imagined where you can't even get it but I noticed that this is taking off faster than anything else. We have ever exposed Maisie yet is I mean there are already things that are happening? I'm gonna talk to the two people West Virginia. I think it's a state treasurer who is now they're, they're, divesting from black rock and next. Our also I'm talking knew somebody here in Texas, because we already signed a bill, the gut governor signed it here in Texas. divest from Blackrock and now they're not doing it. I want to hold the policy.
Since feet to the fire what the hell is happening there, but have, you noticed a change in the black rock attitude, even in the last week owed just some of the vote that wanted. Since you talk about in Texas, the that their wording, things now they're, not. Is there not puffin their chest out as much but correct because they had no one to stand against them and no one is questioning anything correct, but now there, like all our not gonna, put you out of business This is something that the bull crap right- bull, crap, right, here's this This came out. This came out from black rock from Larry think who's, the head of black, so you know and you'll understand this in the book and on the special blackrock is the biggest investment firm in the world? They have seven or ten trillion dollars under management. Just themselves, but when you add the European Central Bank in the Federal Reserve, Europe, your approach,
thirty trillion dollars that they directly affect that? That's, massive nobody's ever been like that. There are also the old, the western group to ever be allowed in to China. New, investing as well. It's it's very bad anyway, so he just wrote Larry think just wrote when my partner I found it Blackrock starting thirty. Four years ago we had no experience running a company over the last three days AIDS I've had the opportunity to talk with countless seals and learn what distinguishes were truly great companies. Timing again they all share. What we have a clear sense of purpose consists and values and, crucially their recognise. The importance of engaging with and delivering for their key stake holders. This is the foundation of stake, holder, capitalism, stay cool, Capitalism is not about politics, it's not a social or ideological agenda. It's not woke.
Capitalism driven by mutual beneficial relationships between you, the employees, the customers, suppliers and communities, your comp country, your company- relies on two, so they can prosper. this is the power of capitalism, this is an out and out lie this. This is this. The happiest spin. You could possibly put on this pig This is this is lipstick that your like dude man, you're still kissing a pig is still a pig. No look how pretty she is. It is it's crazy because they are now starting to defend themselves. It hasn't happened before the the things. That the opposition will do there's what there religions of dollars at stake? I'm not suicidal
a very good mood, I'm I'm a very good driver. My breaks work there's trillions of dollars at stake and they are not going to sit idly by, but I will tell you local is the only thing they can not beat local Alex, in more of that tonight, get the book get the Kindle over right now the great reset he just go to Glens new book dot com click on the no version and download it and read it now tonight: full commercial We episode on board He's tv as you most certainly know. By now Michael Index, the inventor of my pillow has a passion to help give you the best. Sleep of your night of your life every night, I sleep with my pillow every night,
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nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen or use the promo code back at my pillow dot com. This is the line back programme welcome to the Glen Back programme. We are were really glad that you're here. Thank you so much. I am by the way I want it to to you about solutions here for just a second and and talk to you about it, in a Van Gogh sort of way or Surat, the the painter, the thing painter, where it's all little dots, yeah the fairest dealer painting. Ok, that how you would know yes on. So when you look one of those paintings, it's all little teeny things that make the difference it, all the little teeny dots all coming together and if it, if you just
isolate a dot you'd go. I can't make a painting out of that. Again I mean that's. That's ridiculous remember this was the idea that was thought was was ridiculous for television, though lines of resolution, but the individual dots just in three colors in in a one thousand eighty different lines that make up a picture I want you to understand that, That's how we make these changes, it seems impossible do and it seems like that's. Never gonna come together in a painting or a picture. You're gonna be will transmit alive picture across the world in in little talk. and lines of resolution. Yes, yes feel discouraged and don't think that things are too small. You are the key. You are the one.
that can change the world. You just have to do. Actually, what you're supposed to do in your circle of influence, dont get frustrated, dont, get beaten down your winning, your winning this is the line back programme still. Have you been really good, God any your kids or anybody in the family have have had homage, yet everybody I know of has Ex, with the exception of us and your wife's, not vaccine, dashi, forty five What is it? You know it's interesting. So but it's interesting to see that the way this is really moved across the country- and it is, it is gone so fast, a friend of mine who went through the entire twenty twenty entire twin,
twenty one didn't get it, and then here he's ok, my son has covered and, like everyone in your house, has covered and then, of course, everyone in this house that gives its. I think this is such good news and nobody is presenting it. This way. The death rates are weighed down, every one is getting at. Work towards the tail end of this version, and I think this is a really good news.
when you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, the Glenn Beck program
America. Welcome to the Life programme Stu. I dont know if this is good news and bad news again, but it's bad news and I noted as yet, but it's probably really I want you to listen. This is the latest from the Washington examiner of humanity can rejoice, knowing that we did not go the way of the dinosaurs yesterday, a giant asteroid, they say it's. The size of a bridge was tumbling towards earth. A near Miss one point, two million miles away dear Miss, and they say where say now sounds
I mean I just nationally and then you think about the world we live in, you gonna go. I was kind of ruin for the Astor. Let me tell you about american financing interest rate hikes are coming, maybe four of them this year and they could happen as early as March. That's official word already in straight hikes are starting to happen at the banking level, even though they are not paying more for the money they're making you pay more for the money. You to spend as little as possible on interest rates? If you are look to get a mortgage is gonna, get harder and harder. Please, please call him can financing today? You want to come solidation loan call american financing today, eight hundred nine zero six, twenty four forty eight hundred nine, zero, six, twenty four forty or go to american financing dot net, its american enhancing dot net aid
nine, zero, six, twenty four forty call them now Eric and Financing Annabel US one. Eight do three: three, four w double w dot, animal, less consumer access, dot, org so I was very excited yesterday to see that the West Virginia state treasurer has said that they are dive divesting themselves from any? any investment of state funds in black rock. If this Happy things and takes hold across the country that will hurt Blackrock in it: stop some of their crazy stuff that they're doing it, for instance, try to stop all goal gas oil and coal they are going to cripple these industries Texas, as you'll, find out here in a few minutes, Texas, is already signed, the bill past it and then say, the governor signed it, but
you're not doing anything. Black rock is doing a tap dance and they're doing anything where Virginia this. Treasurer their Riley more announced it. the investment from the Treasury. No, longer going to black rock investment fund. have rightly more on the phone with us. Now the state treasure for West Virginia Riley. How are you, sir, I'm doing Great Glen and thank you so much for having me on and allowed me to speak to you and your audience about the truly important issue. It's a real honour and privilege to be on here. Well, thank you very much, I'm I saw this news this. What was it Monday or Tuesday, and I was thrilled see that you guys were taking real action? Tell me what you ve done and why you did it. What we have done is we have to set State Treasury comply ITALY out of Black rock, and are in
Odin outflows with that Black Rock fond was about one and a half billion dollars in overnight. Sweeping out that we have had with them and we decided look these people diametrically opposed to our the we want to do business with people to want to do this the thought, but we are an energy state. We do call, we do natural gas, we're not gonna pay black or to destroy our industries right, I mean they have this crazy net zero go out there, and They are hurting our industries incredibly, along with a lot of these other financial institutions which I can go into because at one point on your show, I was I do listen you had touched, The letter that we had set out to all the big banks here, United States as well. So this.
we are putting words into action. Switches was more elected. Officials need to do in this country, and people need to look to the state to stand up and fight we're gonna get buried by this and we're not going to be ok, or sell. I can Tell you how happy I am to hear this from. You really tell tell me, let's start with the banks first, because you said that letter out to the bank's tell people what you ve done: and what their state should. Also do what we ve done is we have theirs fifteen state treasures, and this is on my website, by the way more for debbie dot com. If you want to see the latter, and fifteen states treasures. We formed a coalition, which I am lady now coalition and we are reforming. Our banking contracts in all of our state here and why
Virginia, when we go to that process a bank Gonna have to certify that they are not boycotting the fossil fuel industry if they cannot meet that certification, they, be ineligible for banking contract here in a state of West Virginia the other states on that latter. There going through their processes. To do the exact same thing and put the screws on all these people I mean did is multi layered in terms of the threat that it causes not owing to the citizen, because the end of the day without call and gas. Your you'd, what he builds going up. The companies are paying this you're gonna pay for secondarily it hurts energy independence and makes us more reliable on foreign resources. Why would want that in Amerika we had energy independence. So, all of us are coming collectively to push back on his dead Blackrock announcement now tell your audience. This is just step
You are going to hear a lot more, this coming out of my office in the coming months of other key tracks we're gonna move on. Thank you. Thank you. thank you for taking this seriously and actually taking concrete steps. It is going to take people like you and people. You know vote in West Virginia to actually take. stand there's no way to fight this on the into Ash no level is so far gone, but if you start hitting them in the pocket and you also- and I want to ask you about this- with the state where the bank's you're specifically, Talking about the the planet ten green new deal and everything else. That's only the e out of e Are you concerned about the full package of. Social justice and governance as well,
absolutely we are and, as I said, this is step. One These are first steps right now we to do everything we can to save these industries. Could I will tell you call operators not only her genuine all over the country and natural gas, guys well come in and say we are using access to capital. I would urge Europe, but the audience here: go Google, the top biggest banks and look up there, S g policy frameworks. This isn't hidden now It is out in the public and its in black and white, and it says we are going to deny loans presumptive deny I'll do any industry that is involved in the fossil fuel extraction industries that, in outright denial on this and that in the end of the day, what is it about control their trial, to control ass in West Virginia yeah and around this country, and worn out
take it anymore, and I take this has been going on for decades. Yes Virginia! This is a state just think about this. These are the same folks. Debt sold us on. globalization, hey, listen, you're, gonna, get all your good cheaper and it's gonna make your towns and cities better. Well, guess what globalization happened and these long stretch supply chain lost our jobs, warm I came in and took over, all our small business is got decimated in all of our towns and now they're coming back for our job, the last job that we have their coming back for a job and if they can and take these coal mining and gas jobs. What are we left with working at Walmart? It's like we're indentured to these people and we're not gonna. Take it anymore. I love you. I will tell you that way Virginia is one of my favorite one of my favorite states, and also, because of the history, you guys have a
a history of standing up for what is right, I mean you are part of Virginia and the civil war starts and you are. I don't want anything to do with that, and you went and became West Virginia. You guys have stood, the test of time- and you also are the the into central when you think of the hard work, king hard living American worker it really is embodied in West Virginia. I can't I can't be leave that Virginia has taken it for this law. It's like Texas, we're still screwing around in Texas. I don't know why, but we're so plain foots ease with black rock We should write. I've had a path that bill and we have an additional, because I want more coming out of here. We have a bill that, just
that is, an energy, were actually in session here. Right now in the state legislature, bill pass. That is centred energy, we're gonna they build. It is going to publicly list these financial institutions that are prohibited from banking and wise cuz of people West Virginia? They want to know their alchemy. What banks are you talking about, obviously, for liability purposes, silly gonna name. All of these banks right now hear tee. What I'll do I'll do? Some work for the names of five biggest banks in America, five biggest banks in Amerika. We know that the Federal Reserve is Joe the coalition of the five biggest banks there, the biggest banks there ones that cannot fail. Don't take my word, for it just go. Do your own homework on our own website and look up there either Gee policies for invite.
Mental social justice in governance scores. They all have them if they have them divest get out of those bank and go to a local bank, and I will hell. You there are banks that I have talked to turn out the top five, but there now too far down from there. That are saying. Thank you, doing this now we can go back to our boy, in our shareholders and say, listen, there's risk on me, other side of this to and end the day. All we want is a bank to act like a bank assess risk assess capital. If it's a bad loan, don't make the load But if you go all the way down the road here on this, where were you potentially end up. What could potentially happen is, but that you go in for a home ten years from now or whatever and said. Well, here's one interest rate, if you have solar panels on your health, erect gears another interest rate. If you don't, they are true,
to control our behaviour and look. We don't want what they were and what we want is to be free to make our own decisions worker on jobs, and you touched on it these. and working folks in West Virginia, the average coal minor is making nearly ninety thousand dollars a year. These are great jobs! People don't realize that I think we're throwing people a mine chef somewhere. No, they love these jobs. You know too bad jobs working over in the Democratic Republic of Congo and mining, cobalt for the electronic ready to go in the electronic cards. They got slave lake, essentially going on over there in China's run in those minds. By the way. You know that the interesting you bring this up early, we're talking, Riley, more West Virginia twenty fifth state treasurer he was elected in twenty twenty and is taking a hard stand against. Yes, G scores, the great reset and black rock in particular. It is
sedating to me that people will say well if you're not going to invest in brought Blackrock, I mean, though the biggest ones out there. I mean they're, making money hand over fist, yadda yadda yadda, but are also empowering China and literal slavery, and it doesn't seem to matter to eighty one now here. The left talk about this. At all I mean there is a literal genocide going on with the weaker population over in China, if people not read about this, they are income. In tracing camp essentially working and building all the components to get sent back here to the United States. Meanwhile, by take our job, this we have to get away from the scary thing is the? U S chinese comp economy are decoupling right now, but China is because point faster from us than we are then China no what time it is. They got a plan we do,
We have a plan to do one last question: what First, our talking about this, but a year ago, year and a half ago yeah, I was immediately you no conspiracy, theorist, etc, etc. The bank's denied it you have, any problem making this case now really cause it's so transfer, it's all out in the open. Now you know it's become. Easier now, because the programs like yours, but I will take it not everybody- is talking about this in people really need the tune into this and be aware of it because you can vote with your money, you can vote with your money, whether you for one care, otherwise talk your money managers there are also companies out here. Money managers did are coming up with these portfolios called Ex China, where there are invested in emerging markets that are not China, people. The mark it is actually speaking as the people that are speaking because I don't want this any more so because the programme
like yours, it's I added, thank God, Liddy to what I'm doing, because that when I first started talking about these people thought I was crazy. You know I got the tinfoil had on and I'm a conspiracy theories and then and is biting got elected. It was one month into it. Call companies and gas companies culminated in saying we are in trouble, we're gonna lose access to capital. We don't know We're going to do, and then we heard that John Kerry is going around. crash hurried back up to divest at the same time such as this extra legal channels, the maid, pressure them and who were they pushing on the Google's the facebooks and all of them if you did bag doesn't developed and we'll get Google. Facebook to leave the it is. It is entirely coordinated effort going on out there and wow How soon will it be where we as individuals like in China, get S jeez
Gore's. When will is Gb Party, your credit score soon to be all credit card, and if we don't stop it, it will happen soon. Riley more the West Virginia state treasure wish. I was a I wish. I was, in your state lived there, so I could vote for you you're, fantastic Riley, more as for gene estate treasurer. Thank you please. Let us know anything we can do to help. God bless Do you remember the time when you actually really kind of felt good? Yes, bringing your step in your like? I can't wait to start the day mean either, but now, sometimes it's hard to get from point a to point b because of fear like you just in this thick mud of of pain in eggs and everything else you threw out her back she's going in for a penny you're tomorrow but chief,
for of her discs just went out and she did nothing and it's like she's may well happen, and I, like I know right, is you start get old. You used to have a story, ah yeah I've. You know why hurt my back when I was young, I felt a second story window, so great story. Now I picked up a pencil, that's not good get out of pay get your life back with relief factor three week, quick start develop for you nineteen. Ninety five, it's a trial pack, thousands people have ordered it and then go on to order it month after month. Seventy percent go into order more so try it. Please get your life back, really factor dot com or call one eight hundred for the number for relief one eight hundred for relief. Or relief factor. Dotcom really factor feel the difference. Ten second station stationary
Do you love that guy? I want less here, someone who actually seems to be doing it not just say yeah and at last hour we talk to somebody. in in New Hampshire. That is doing this, they left a meeting in the State House where they are trying to and these yes g scores and put banks on notice you not to do this here. This is all part of the great reset. Please get the new book, it's you find the glens new book dot com right now. The only version you can buy is Kindle version. I don't even know if you can pre order it anymore. It's so far backed up, but please get thee. Digital version, the Kindle version you can get it now also tonight, doing especial on this. Now we ve just got from Riley, more state treasure who said Not only are we putting Blackrock on notice, we're divesting? What did he say?
a billion and a half dollars from our treasury funds that we had invested through Blackrock. We're calling all of that money out, but we're going further. We also go to the bank's here in Texas, we also pay. The law that said were divest. being from Blackrock the governor signed it. I can yesterday, to find out. Why hasn't any of this been done? I can't get anywhere from the state of Texas. To give me an answer, now, I'm gonna this drum until we get the governor or state treasurer or somebody that knows what are we doing with black rock. Why are we playing footsie with them? The word Is that black rucksack? What will you know? We can work things out? I mean, let's, you know, we're not gonna, be so tough you know oil and gas, now zero. No no money, none, you
cannot compromise with people who are untrustworthy no. and I want an answer from the great state of Texas, what the hell it, what what's happening to Texas You're either part of the solution or your part of the problem, no more fence sitting which side are you on you ve passed it you ve signed it good. So why are you doing it or are they doing any? We all know, and if they're doing it, then I will be the first to say: congratulations, Texas, but I'd like to be to get somebody on the phone from Texas to answer our doing it, and if not, why more? In second, the glow, Back Programme, so a twelve year old bachelor losing North Carolina. She wrote and she said, Glenn Tuttle Twins books gave gave
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saying a crazy socialist world, Tuttle Twin, speck, dotcom tonight, sorry, eight p m on Ablaze tv students, America right into a brand new special from Glenn back on the great reset it pleased meta com, Slash, Glenn, tonight's nine pm Eastern Bonn plays Tv Channel, you can find this only online, but you can also find it several different places, including row coup and what said other blue days, PLUTO Tv and you tube As far as I can go, that's a lot. I may availability of subscribers. So if you're a subscriber watch tonight now P M hour, our commercial free on the great reset where to talk to you.
What it actually means to you, not just corporations, also Glenn your wishes, my command, and this order. This particular case the state of TAT This is why I say that there have they responded. They have responded. We just gotta response in about this little bits. Long been detailed, but to sort of boil it down there to parts of What they're saying is going on: one is coming new contracts. So, like new deals that there are working on and then the existing ones that are there, the new ones there saying this is already in place there already running all this through and trying to avoid politically, as based on oil and gas, these sorts of restrictions, so new business has already. This is already taking part of the existing stuff that was going on. They are still looking for two before suitable candidates to divest into
as they point out the laws and specifically just talk about black rock. It talks about caress of different things, correct and so you can just spend and you shouldn't be able to just target one company in a log. That's not a good idea! Oh and it's also shouldn't just be targeting for oil and gas. Security, ass g right and says: that's the real, that's the real problem, so they're trying to come up with a longer term as a solution so that they can catch all of this stuff so ongoing. They have not announced the v the detail on that. Let me go to Alex Epstein. He is the present, a founder centre for industrial industrial progress. He's the author about moral case for fossil fuels. Alex did you secrets do said. We just gotta. We just got a note from the state of Texas saying we're we're working on it is taking us a while. We want to make sure that we have a broad enough by that they working on
aridity. We are currently working to establish suitable candidates for the diver meant list related to ask thirteen. We have been tat with examining an extremely large universe of financial companies and it would not be appropriate. I on a single firm prior to releasing the full initial list of companies subject to the divestment provisions in SB thirteen. Controller Hagar is committed to safeguarding the Texas economy and Texas jobs, but that cannot be pushed by narrowly focusing on one entity, Texas LA make this could have singled out one company, but they understood the approach, would not have the pack needed to address this alarming trend. Additionally, this issue of long term concern for controller Hagar with increased promotion of yes g investment trend. Is noted when discussing other efforts, including divestment list related companies boycotting Israel are doing business with ran the agency, focus on creating a transparent and defendable process that not only real
liability identifies current suitable candidate companies, but also creates the fray work for highlighting potential future future candidates sounds reasonable. He eyed, I do think. That's that's region where there is the largest cousin forms of this legislation, which it hasn't been where I'm commenting on, I'm because its shall, if you didn't, tell you to do something about that, but what I'm really focus on with black truck. Is there really trying to have it both ways? They ve got an enormous amount of status. Prestige and money leading the movement to eliminate fossil fuels. I echo the net zero movement and, if we look at what they say in their letter, as they say, this our emissions to go down by eight to ten percent per year. By who I was starting in twenty twenty, where Things were not lower than now sought, after being even faster rate, now they're saying that, but there to say, although we love oil and gas were long term, investors in oil and gas. My point is those two things are contrary If you want to eliminate emissions, then you were gonna
possibly eliminate oil and gas, and you should take responsibility for the shortages and high prices that occurred, because what you ve done I am concerned that I mean, I think, targeting black rockin getting people to understand your if investing with them. You are investing in the great reset and the Eu G system, but it's also not just Blackrock. It is any banking, institution, but any invite spent firm that is using E s g scores to be able to score companies and in asteroids. Is it not yeah? a hundred percent inside this website, I should have called energy talk. You points dot com. If you search yesterday on that site, you'll get the information about why I think yes choose aunt. I development Anti freedom and all, but ultimately Anti America and its because it's really
targeting the energy industry and what its doing is its opposing low cost, reliable energy from fossil fuels, as well as, usually you clear promoting unreliable, solar, wind and what this does is it reverses the function of finance, which is to be to invest capital efficiently it making energy costs it'll, inefficient and energy of the industry that powers every other industry and semi. Everything is gonna, be more expensive because of this. Yes, she movements. I agree. One hundred percent, its bigger than Blackrock Blackrock just happened, sent a leadership role that they are being particularly vase of correct and it is bigger than just oil and gas. It is the EU. The US and the g I mean right now we're seeing because Davos is having their thereof meetings on the great reset this week and we already heard, found she speak about how they have figure out a way to Silence speech that vase. It is misleading
he said our oh, how we do that. Well, one easy way is to you ass. It did to use an s g score. They can art, drearily say you are presenting Missy, formation and that you company is now posing a risk to the stability of such, I, and we can't support you. We can't give you loans, we can't do transactions. That's what's coming everyone is agreed that are less important. I put this in and that website I mentioned energy. Talking much dot com if you search yes cheaper meeting from now. Yes, she was a movement cooked up at the. U N, not exactly leading expert in profitable investment, to impose moral and political agendas. Largely when once on institutions that would not not adopt them if left to their own devices. That's really taking all these leftist ideas and is trying to it
who is them via cooperation, often because the people are dissatisfied with the ability to get voters to support these policies. That's the biggest thing is too so disturbing as they talk about democracy, which were not republic, but as they talk about democracy, this undercuts democracy that that there is. This is elites having their voice because they can't get the people to sign on to what they want to do exactly may they would put it as old so rational and the people are irrational. So that's why we envy China. We ought to be able to impose what everyone, but my view, as well these things. They don't have any good arguments and certainly in energy have any good arguments. Why should rapidly eliminate fossil fuels, not support nuclear, promote reliable, solar and wind. These things just don't work there not cost effective
I'm gonna make everything more expensive than life force in what were seeing right now is just a mere taste of. If you look at the European Energy crisis, rising prices through this is just a taste of what these green policy mean, and so this should who was into these experts. Don't really know what they're talking about if they knew it we're talking about, they would just try to persuade us and free markets develop these Amira solutions that they claymore what, but they also they ve, also taken things out of the mix, for instance the safest energy, the safest energy, the cleanest energy is nuclear of France. Has it it's run its fine. Now there there are shutting down. I think what is it thirty or forty percent of their power plants in a test and is going to cause energy price in France to raise they say forty percent in the coming months. I mean There's no reasoning with anyone. They're not
taking reasonable steps at all and instead they're gonna Jack with people's lives with their safe. De and also with all of their money, manipulating it but a very revealing example, because the internet, and while the issue of co2 nuclear, doesn't emit Co2 and, as you said, is the safest form of energy to cleanest energy ever devised, and so people can claim, we concern about you! Do you expect him to love nuclear, but they don't and they often pose large scale hydro as well, and the core of this is really philosophy religion, they really believe in the idea what they know it or not, that our goal should be eliminate human impact on earth not to advance human flourishing on earth until they look at everything. From that perspective, illegal nuclear, actual. It has too much of an impact. I drove natural, it impacts briefly rivers and you're totally willing to sacrifice civilization for the God of unexpected nature. So, but that's not black rock! That's not these
banks. Will I mean it is that's that's. The interesting thing is tat. Is how do you sort of integrate a bank like this with you? ideas, and I think what happens is whenever you have a certain blog moral idea or even a right moral idea financial world follows it. So we have this quorum, well idea in our civilization that we should be eliminating our impact on our and, above all, we should eliminate our impact on climate that the most important thing, and so a blackrock has done well, how it, whatever their exact motives, is they are cashing in on that ok, we're gonna, be the leader eliminating our impact on climate change, regardless of what Mary thinks convictions aren't how corrupt or not ruptures he is pursuing, An ideal that almost everyone agrees with on some level, and I think that, except the people alone, I think, except people who really believe it. I mean what what was the guy's names do we had on the air he used to work for Blackrock he was the guy who was then he put the and he s g and he came out and said this the thing is a scam. This is all about money
This is not about actually doing for something for the environment. Will I think it's true for a lot of people, there out of cynicism. You see, there's a lot of lying. What companies claiming I'm a hundred percent or do about gonna, be natural, sought nonsense, because energy works, but still when I'm focused on it, still this moral monopoly on the idea that evil the impact natures, evil, the impact climate and sorrowful should be eliminating our impact. What I'm just saying that these profiteers they look at that debate, they look at framing and that's it. I'm gonna make money off. That's why I'm focused on the philosophy and the framing verses just trying to go. please individual people, Blackrock just happens to be so influential. I thought it would be good. They would be a good We can make an example also Alex at last question at me. I feel like there is real, starting to be real movement on the great reset and and some of these things- and I know we are-
a million miles away because we are so far behind, but if people wake up to it- and you start speaking with your money and speaking to these institutions as states locals and individuals, I think is, I think, you- can beat this- I think so and I called the great regress. I think it's very important put it as a progressive, a phenomenon really anti anti progress, and I hate the idea that regressive get called progress. If that is what is needed is to have a clear idea. This is evil at its stated it's a regress, but also to have an idea of progress being Oh liberty having a vision for how more Liberty ACT will lead to more human flourishing. I should mention that website energy talking I stuck on. If you search on that one, term value creation. I put forward a positive alternative to yes, she were, companies are focused on
long term without sacrificing these leftist gods, and I think that that one attempt to give a positive, not just opposed the negative, Alex Epstein. Thank you! So much God bless you thanks for all their hard work. You bet will talk to again sponsor this our ears gold line. Inflation continues to hammer away at the. U S, economy and the value of the dollar is go, I'm down. It's not just that you, the prices are going up. It's the the actual value of your dollar is going down. It can't I is much anymore when that happens. The central banks have to pull that excess money, and while we have trillions of dollars floating out, I can imagine what the interest it is gonna be and their concern now that it'll stop the heart of this economy, because it is a weak recovery, because we're doing things that are going against the very name
you're of of natural law and the law of human kind. So anyway, what do you do to hedge against? It you make sure that some of the money that you have saved and put away is not in dollars. You make sure that some of what you have is something that will the word will eventually return to, and it always does to gold or silver right now. gold line is offering a very unique special combining by two favorite assets. When you buy twenty of their historic five, Our gold, indian coins, you're gonna, receive a five pack of gold lines, coveted silver maple flex bars at no additional cost. Both of these items are extremely difficult to acquire at any time. The special should not be it. All right now call them eight six, six gold line, one eight six, six gold line or gold
dotcom tonight on Glinda TV. Despite what the far left says, we have made it through a once in a lifetime. Never could have imagined a disaster. The covert nineteen pandemic, now what's coming next could be even worse prices. urging more than they have in thirty years, and their doesn't seem to be any rules and that will change everything about the way you live glued exposes it all to greet recent to burden the rows of twenty percent reef. Fascism, no impunity eastern, please TV I'm back programme. This is the way back programme solemnity, make of the approach of the binding administration on Russia. They are
wordly saying they expect them to potentially attack at any moment solar threatening that a couple of things. If you watching the markets in Russia you're seeing that the market there is falling apart, their stock market has lost a hundred billion dollars in just a value in just like two days. The markets are expecting Russia to go in. That's not good there, but their battening down the hatches on their stock market because they know something bad is coming. I happen to believe that something bad is coming, because This administration has no credibility. What I don't understand, what they're doing either what why what are you doing warning that there can be continuity? Talking are other similar to be severe economic consequences if they are consequences, if really really the time I am to stop and invasion is before them. tanks role across the border. You don't stop hit one sees again in Poland where it will that's what would I guess, that's what they would say.
trying to do right there, threatening these consequences before Vladimir Putin. We're safe It's about this! That's a sovereign nation! Take your troops, and stand down. Remove half of your troops where there is no reason that militarily speaking. The only thing your position for is an invasion taken remove them or sanction begin to night. That's you deal with Russia strong man in many important, or I will see you tonight- nine o clock only on blaze, TV, don't miss the Wednesday night special this week, commercial free the great reset.
This is the line back programme.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-19.