« The Glenn Beck Program

Canceling Dr. Seuss Now? | Guests: Bill O’Reilly & Nicole Arbour | 1/15/21

2021-01-15 | 🔗

A group wants to rid classrooms of classic literature, including Dr. Seuss, and another group wants Harvard to revoke the degrees of three big-name Trump supporters. Project Veritas exposes Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and his plan to expand censorship. LeeAnn Miller, owner of pro-America apparel outlet PatrioticMe, joins after Facebook banned her from advertising. Bill O’Reilly talks President Trump’s second impeachment, Big Tech cancel culture, and his predictions for next week. Comedian Nicole Arbour talks Cosmopolitan’s new magazine covers promoting obesity as “healthy," the Capitol riot, and whether she gave Glenn COVID-19. Staff at Politico are mad after Ben Shapiro was brought on as a guest writer.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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hello, America, it's Friday, yep, really only two weeks into this crap a year again, thank you for everybody was like caraway till twenty twenty is over. I give my right arm to go back to some parts of twenty twenty right now, but we ve got some good news. We ve got some bad news, you'd good, which are bad, which includes a bad which part. Today, it's Friday, we begin in sixty seconds programme. I feel this is going to be a massive screw loveday. You know I'm pushing for where I finally there we should all be more. Like France, forty work weeks, let's go, You know what I'm saying.
You know what I am saying. Mr Brie gear on your voyage Raj lives a worker for days, so we starting that truly american. This progressive idea of all of us only working for days we're here today as a courtesy to you, but don't expect very much work from us, all right. Let me tell you about our sponsor this this half hour relief factor got some good news for you. Millions of Americans are in pain, though I d been levies is what we say like they would probably sat on CNN good news for you, millions of Americans are in pain and most of them had voted for drop, no, millions of Americans done matter who you voted for our in pain, and I have to tell you I was in crib, in pain.
for years, and just didn't think that I mean you were counting the days I mean with glee. You were counting. The days were, like glens, not gonna, be able to do this anymore, oh yeah, and those that we we had a party planet thing. All the news kind like a Hillary Clinton election Party wasn't is calico and then he found really factor ah crap like for you to go home and watch the rest of this. In the Dark hall, the Chip Scottsdale Release, as always really big, was really bad. I tried relief factor because my wife is like yeah, it's a college that's why I was a quote and is not eerie. How well I can do her voice. Sometimes I think she's just a half hour. It is crazy, as some of my impersonations aren't so good, like Jack that's a good but sounds exactly like my wife. You you'll have to be there sometime.
I got tons of testimonials of people who have tried relief factor for their pain. They got their life back. Just like I did try it. Ninety percent of the people who try to go on to order more now lesser a moron. Why would you do that? So I got this. Doesn't work at all, I gotta keep bordering it. order more month after month, because it works like it did. For me, seventy percent struck free, get your life. Relief factor dot com in auto, get but to do this so stupid his life then really. Rather, I believe that our work are gonna. Get me some work done you You don't know the cross. I have to bear living with that woman,
it's almost an abusive relationship. She comes off his all nice and Sweden. Quiet, oh she's, not Stu. I would agree. I dont understand your relationship with little to different cause. I have to tell you I am so grateful every time I come home, I'm like. I married the best one minute in the world, thank God other I said come, however, which is weird. but she's actually saying Latvia are, let's go. Let's go through some of the news today and remember it's Friday, so you got a weekend accrues, so let's not get stuck in all its, not ITALY Beggarly run towards panic or craziness. You know Let's just look at the news rationally and and see what sob, for instance, there's a new group out
According to the Washington examiner, which I am sure Were I going to learn, probably in some camp to love and to see you know what doing is right. There, group is known as disrupt texts. And they ve made their goal to rid the classroom of all those pesky classic works too. Create a more inclusive representative and equitable language arts curriculum doktor soon by the way, is on the proverbial fire they factors soothes! Yes, yes, This is this. Is this happening this group, but, as is being put together by english teachers, one English teacher and must use part of the group. Wrote in the Wall Street Journal that She got her school to remove homers the odyssey, because it so sexist
I have to tell you something? Greece? they got it from America, the founders, our founders, you know, It was just America's influence on that whole grecian, sexist thing Rome was come poem legally bloodless until America, and that they had no slaves. They had nothing and we have been teaching this garbage that Rome's Roman and Greece were. sex slave owning places, then you'll kill each other in the streets seemed like that was the case here. Thank goodness, we can get rid of some of these texts and we can show that Caesar was Actually an Indian not from a native American from but an Indian from India. Don't you know that I didn't know that it was a very inclusive kind of playing and there they're, like you know, I'm tired of these Italians and their life Why don't we get an indian Prime minister and he
the game Caesar and its great you're gonna learn that in class soon I bunk this doctor seuss part of this is really interesting to me. Like that, Wanna get rid of Doktor Snoop Zeus. If you remember the classic documentaries, the star Bellied sneakers dimensions, are valid sneakers, I do there so it book, I was took it ass, a a great lesson for kids to not judge. by their outward? A planet would send my kids or teenagers, and I haven't- don't. Why recall the story of the star, bellied, sweet, sneakers, so sneakers a bunch of speeches at some one of them and I'm really pushing this. One of them gets a star on his belly like he goes filling a place that, like that that likes,
camps. A start is bellies sit on this in a concentration camp. Now you it is an environment stories and I got it. I got so far. This year they started. I got an, I got to see them save. Maybe it's like some of them have stars. Naturally, I care of exactly how sorry, but the point is that there is a group of STAR bellied speeches and then sneakers that do not have stars on their belly. Thank God where these sneakers with stars, where they were there and parlour If some of the war on our yesterday, I got his only. What happens in the book is that people start Deciding like there's envy going on people or sneakers seizures else here, just start deciding there's like envy going on there. Getting some of the big stars on their belly.
and then the other one start getting it removed and there's this battle where they seek the people start going from STAR Billy teachers to Non star bellies, niches and peoples are the like binary to non by nationalist is what interests me get out of here is the whole point. The book is you shouldn't judge people demanding the real, The book is, don't be racist, don't judge. provider appearance all these things however, I think it works really well for the left today, in that you can switch your identity at the drop of a hat. I can't believe I worked with this. Guy is so hateful. because I don't know if you ve got doktor Zeus's books, and I am quoting clad you. Basically, it's the Rachel Rachel dollars all of children's books. People are going from black to wait: two black and white to block the white with just whatever they decide to that. The left left this book Doktor Zeus, according to disrupt texts. Doktor Zeus, must be thrown out because doktor suitable, promote I'm quoting heart.
full stereotypes. Let me give you the example for you: ok, economic, slow, ok and then what we'll all of the who's do in her veil the noise, the noise, the noise, not all of the who's or noisy. Ok, does a harmful stereotype, little Cindy Lou, who, who is no more then too he didn't? Make a lot of noise, but why? Does sue say about those that they get up with their fleeing, flam blurs and there being jingles and they make noise nor eyes. Noise are loud and this has got to stop got to stop now. Mark TWAIN is off limits because Halloo its Mark TWAIN.
Do you realise that at one point we said he was the greatest american novelist of but of all time he said that for like a hundred years He was naughty words. Yes, they were, they were completely and accurately reflect what some people were like back then. but their naughty words. My caution anybody ever a match and a copy Huckleberry fin now kill em. King Bird per Kilo. Can bird. We all know what the promised would kill him. Mockingbird right, Jasper, and you don't know is pretend you don't know it glorifies white? Save your hood ah, because adequate, Atticus Finch, he came in road in he wasn't not a guy who, All of a sudden was like wait. A great injustice is going on and I
should do something about it, cause! That's not what white people do this. This is a new thing by the way I feel like what is a new element of burning of the now. That's that's wherever you are. I hope, but like this of this antiracist, Abraham candy. We know why I feel it is kind of as anything else about eighteen, forty eight, I think Karl Marx started to develop these these some of these things but, like I think, I'm just on this part in bringing this white Savior Hood thing like living. Can I say to our market as somebody would never say this. Ok, but I'll betcha there's some heat or is it would be saying this unpopular today? It's it's like this, white, Savior, hood thing. It's like what we ve been saying is so demeaning from the demo at a party for so long that they're, like you you're not able to make it without us. You can't,
get without us coming in and telling you how to live your life. You know it. Looking down to blacks, you're, not black, unless you have over us right. I kind of like that, but can't entirely different, because that's good. Yes, that's good, but the whites The thing is bad, that's what they claim to be doing seemingly all the time, but I got. Let me give you another reference that everyone will fully understand. Break into electric bookoo. Now, here's a film a duck maybe film. I would call it a documentary, ok, but you could call out, if you put it in the class of let's say the super super classic of Xanadu Figs added,
would look down on break it to electric shock. I fear that I don't think so obvious Obregon to Electric Bigelow is a story, a story of a community center. Where look there's a lot of brake dancing going on. Yes, but that's aside plot the designated as an Eu Billy about right, dancing, cry or just happened to be largely not actually owing. This is so universal right there. You know, and so they're doing a lot of brake dancing and they need this. Community debt is centre to do the brake, dancing glad it's helping the community right, all the brake dance, and that is why I am seeing right young men. Christian Association. Probably wouldn't do they probably wouldn't do it right? So you then this why little girl Tina? you're type? Who it is not a break dancer. She's, like a ballet dance horse. She's, are somewhat and and
but she's. While Ediths stand, she could go, get this job in Paris which he she hates she's acquired cloud. This is this a true story. Guys, like I've heard, I saw tat, it was a documentary horizontal terrorist or she could take this job in Paris, but decides you know, I'm not good at that career dream Ongar stay home and help the breakdown in community center. Ok, Only in that whole, how do you know what you know crazy about this is how it wrong that is right, united, allow. How is Europe on tour, elitist life, in Paris. I am amazed by that. They like that is a story like it's a pandering story in the nineteen eighteen writing. This work at all work together and help the brig dates. Community center. Now seen as this bad thing, because the white person needs to be there to help the black people or they can't get their breakdowns in community centre like the iter, and all of these Dickie stories or you know it's on their head. You know it's crazy is
break into electoral lingered blue Blue, which we all love just be brings me and if I may just tie something in here that is so obvious. This is probably the same reason why they want to get rid of all the wit, William Shakespeare, gas right, William Shakespeare wrote the initial screenplay for electric light shining book a low yeah. There was even a screen yeah, that's how far ahead of time he while he was, of course William Shakespeare- has to be banned because of white supremacy and colonization. And let me ask you a question off off topic. Do you still feel like that Person you were when you were in high school at times. In your mind, mine, is everybody to escape. So just, late to that person right now I
all for burning every William Shakespeare people delay was ever written by giving like I got a coward and on a man I mean it's really go once you understand it. It's really great lessons, but oh my gosh, I, we'll students, I know you, you might you're, probably not, but you might be torn on some of these. Are things Shakespeare pick it up picked. Flag up, carry it all away. All the way. Take that ball all the way into the enzyme spike it Doolittle Dance see me let them burnt, let them burn, let let them burn yeah. And financing penalised about eight. Do three three four W W W that animal S, consumer access, dot or v of laughed will use that part of the shouted ethnic and maybe like and an Williams Shakespeare. He just thinks. There's no value would William Shakespeare he's such a moron. As all that
People are lighten those books on fire. I'm joking aright let me tell you about american financing. I told you this week. There skull things first with everybody in cancelled and eighty is coming to you. It is coming to you if you, don't toe the line. We told you yesterday in and the day before and our special on the great reset, how the thanks, are now starting to black rock, which is the largest investment firm started this month. If you dont toe the line with global warming, and if you are your business is, is profiting of harming the environment there is no loan for you, telling you it's not the environment, it is going to be about many many things is it's gonna get harder and harder to get alone, but it's all you're, gonna, get harder to get alone especially a cheap one, because the bay
thanks of already said: if Biden raises the taxes as much as he is that will harm the financial sector and they'll pass that cost on to you through interest rates So, oh lotta reasons you should be financially responsible right now and make sure that you have everything buttoned up go to american financing. They will help you they for you not for the big banks. Don't don't owe were pay your mortgage right now, it's Lois, I think in american history. Here they had the land. The founding fathers they had interest rates, yadda yadda getting is a lot of things, are at the lowest they ve been in american history. Right now, will not book burning not put brass buttons way, yeah, I'm not going, about that when two months, Duke as they already bummed me out in it's Friday, american financing call them at eight hundred nine zero, six twenty four forty eight nine zero six twenty four forty, its american financing dot net. Ten second
nation. I do hey some more good news for you, There is now There is now another group not to be confused with the burning of the book group this one's revoke their degrees. and it's coming out of Harvard Kennedy School for government, and I think Jack Kennedy would be happy about this. I think he would I mean after he was shot. We need like none of his brain laughed, I think he'd be thrilled broke their degrees. They are urging universities to take a stand for representative democracy and against violent white supremacy and
specifically say they want to revoke the degrees of three Harvard graduates who are supporters of the president. The White House, secretary- gaily myth Mcnerney make that Said- MAC and eighty senator TED Crews and Dan Crenshaw, they all went to Harvard but did they really graduate really did they really graduate? Did they really are? And that degree I don't think so add so now they want those degrees, revoked now look at. This is good news, spend the money or do any of the work to get a Harvard degree. So I got mine, I got my. I got my the hd. I got my doctorate just the way. Everybody else does Call you and say you know what you're a doctor
manatees and unlike a damn right, I am an U March in line dressed in the cap and gown, just like everybody else, but those suckers actually studied Neil is interesting is somehow you didn't have to like really bad Lake college loans. You had to pay back as gray after that. Everybody is at issue. Is that without a scholarship is basically, they just call you up when you become really famous and give you a degree kind of, I think so you don't have to do any of the work and I'm in podiatrist. Now you are yeah because I'm a doctor of humanity's anything involving human condition. I I'm the expert, expert and you're never taken that away from me. Your big fell. Do what they like to, though yeah yeah that'll help. I can figure it out of actually, though, pressures some well, I understand why they want to do it because, again, I'm a doctor, I'm a doctor yeah and really how any of that works. But are you
doctor we can show you about other people, but I'm not giving you credit for new and are you a doctor? I am not are you in the hall of fame- not all so I think we know who you're dealing with now. It's important to know the sources are you can trust them are not primarily in the hall of Fame. If you don't go to a ceremony to get into the hall of Fame is not really a thing that I can you do that oversewing. I don't know America's that, surely it is causing area over. They had always like all week is not dangerous news coming out. Our programme Let me show you a rough greens laugh night My wife and muscle about midnight, my wife she's, always trying to clean the house and pick things up. It's really annoying it's really annoying mean she should get somebody to do that, for I did
She should marry someone to do all that big I began to D Artagnan shots in that mood, art yet, the last night she were. We had to move Unos d food and it was midnight and he just e like jumped up here. because he loves what we put it now rough greens he hated to eat,
hated. He loves it now and it has all the good stuff that usually you know, people who love you and your family like you, should have some probiotics like I'm on a MAC Wrap. It has probiotics and everything else in it there what's good for you good for the dog, it's rough brains. Are you F, F, Greens, dotcom slash back rough brings dot com, slash back, angered, ablaze, teepee, dot com, Slash Glenn, promo code is glad right now to do no special, thirty dollars off your subscription to blaze TV gets place. You beat outcomes, Lifeline Protocol, Glenn this is the Glinda programme. It's Friday, which means used. Good, take everything we say with a grain of salt today and you're at media matters. We just need to do what you normally do. Take every word as gospel gods on truth, no sarcasm? Now oh comedy, just keep framing it in the way of hate were glad
you're here I wanna play a piece of audio that came out from Jack yesterday. Yet you know Jack the nose ring guy from twitter love him, love em, said something kind of interesting now this was released. God by somebody on the inside of twitter who thought it sounds gonna scary. Listen to what he said when you intend to do As I said in my note, it is going to take some time and the other thing just to closer than we know. We are focused on one account renown, but this is gonna be much better on a town. That's gonna go on for much longer than to sustain this week. The next few weeks gone beyond migration. We have to expect that we will be ready for that, so the focus
is certainly on this account on Trans, how it ties to rural violence, but also we need to think much longer term. Around hush dynamics player. I don't believe it going away exemption, and the moon or making today around on friends, is one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and going Gibran. So the team has a lot of work and a lot of focus on this particular issue. We also need to give them. Suspicions were to focus on, much bigger picture demon emptiness is. It is not final payment services extremely divided platform is showing them presented. I and arose
the integrity of a cumbersome and do what we can to make sure that no one is being armed, obvious other and not as the focus in the color. Now. Here's the thing God bless him. You know his his platform is there to make sure that the country doesn't get divided, might say that these social media platforms, the reason we are divided and- I commend him for the Cuban on thing I mean that's. Wonderful and I'm sure when he says we're, gonna expand, he's gonna go to All of the things that are also on line that are on the other side of the I'll give you haven't got into the left over yet, and I delight in ok when things are going on, here. Somebody Facebook is permanently band. You like I hesitate to even inner Dusar to you.
She's that much of a terrorist, her name is Leon Miller. she's the owner of the one I hear a dog whistle. Tree attic me eggs or barkan right now, Leon is the owner of the online patriotic business. Patriot me she's, married as to college age. Kids She decide to go back to the workplace after birth. Austria left twenty nineteen in the fall, so she decided to being commerce. Business vs Patriot me took her a year to get them objects in the website ready she launched on September. Eleventh twenty, twenty and Facebook is kicked off, but once you here why here can understand Let's go to go to and Miller highly an Glenn. How are you well I'd? Be good? If I wasn't talking to somebody was probably a domestic terrorist
I'm anything but bad, but Facebook, I'm not sure what they think about me. Ok, so what happened let me first what what are you? So? What do you sell? Ok at patriotic the dot com? We sell patriotic apparel. We have fantastic t, shirts and sweatshirts and hat in my opinion, are very benign. They have the word America on them, or maybe the american Flies or U s a while. So that's what I said, and I was But my button tell me about the Vienna Conference red flag in all of those shirts that use over nine, a ban on her head, that shows from the very beginning to be not. Political, I you know- I am, I think patriotism is for everyone in America and that we all should be patriotic, and I launched my company on nine eleven, because we
were so together with the dough America came together that day, I thought that was really appropriate day to launch the company, because that's what I want to do, I want to spread in Rio bigger eight the Spirit of American Patriot while ok, so I should have led this interview with the trigger warning because of all all of the hate speech here of love american everything else. When you in the digital pay. the attic me dot com and you know you go we another little room there were you go through the beads in now and it's the room all the nazi stuff? Is is being sold. You know that view
that they are selling nazi stuff cease when they asserted sarcasm. No, I just trying to look at it. I mean the only way I can deal with it today is comedy. Maybe there's nothing I which went through what all moms of to say, I'm at patriotic may dot com right now and I went through every single t shirt that is listed. I not even anything border line offensive, I'm in the most important thing you could find: no, no, the most of it You can find in here like support for the police, which I fundamentally at all, but The problem is, however, there is doing during Dang along a big us two minutes. Diviner rates is my daughter. My daughter manages Masaccio media for me that nineteen year old there a lot better than that at than fifty year old and not chat that tat out about it. Sure my husband wearing that sure you, the law enforcement years ago and aims
That's remove that shark Today they made us remove that. So now that you can't be on Facebook because love your country, some or what's happening to your business. Well, so out. Let me just clarify. I still have a facebook page. What they did. To me was armband mobility from advertising on Facebook, sober and e commerce. This I mean that the life blood of e commerce is advertising through social media as a fair right up, happen and actually will I'm. Coincidentally, was the day after the election. I got my first communicate. And from Facebook. It said my aunt account was being disabled only for info. nation in that email stated that have violated the policy of making. Everyone on Facebook feel safe and welcome the that's that's the only
communication. I have had from Facebook. I appeal that three times and on November the twenty fourth was permanently ban from advertising on Facebook of your butt, help me out here I mean face. Spock there so easy to get hold of you just and contour Facebook lay in other contexts does place and got the phone number. talk to a real human being right. No, of course not. I was never able to have a business development partner quantify and they tried. My behalf, and I tried and we were never able to get in touch with alive human being to ask our questions. Ok, please help what's wrong What we can change, what can we do advertise again and were never able to get that answer. Ok, now audience I'm going to let the shoe drop that I've known the whole time and after you've gotten to like her and say well, it doesn't seem leaving anyone. Let me give you the ad that she was pushing okay quote
loving, your country shouldn't be hidden our new long line of long sleeved. Shirts we haven't attack the range of patriotic clothes that show that love off ten per cent- off your order for a limited time. Every time you purchase We donate abortion to the tunnel to the Tower Foundation, Great Foundation, Great Foundation, Great Foundation and then its picture of a guy wearing a shirt that says. Usa some I mean I can't I can't even walk into a Ralph Lorens Store, because it's so jingoistic he's got USA, on his t, shirt he's got the USA Olympic stuff. It's so jingoistic. Every time I walk by Ralph Lauren, I I'm looks like our guide dog I are and then my head explodes and somebody has to come out and get all the pieces of my head and scrape off the windows of Ralph Lauren.
I know they bear him, I'm sure from advertising. So You know when you saw that guy. You know what's interesting, as I still see other patriotic things on Facebook, You know, I'm not, I'm not sure why I was targeted specifically on your personal, the mystery on your personal facebook page, and this is sincere question or on twitter or whatever have supported Donald Trump openly on your personal stuff, no, not openly it is this? Is this is unbelievable? Do you have a theory here I mean because you're right there are other patriotic shirts and other sites that they do this that are not getting banned. You have a theory as to what has happened here really don't it's a mystery is frustrating that a complete mystery arm. You know I've been over and over and over it I really
Now they saw a pint of nano had you ve kind of quantified resign. My the fact that I'm I'm not gonna. I dont want to need Facebook any good, I'm trying to figure out other way. You Superman, my business. I you know I if I could get into small retail stores occur. the country to sell my product green. You not away, after allowing the internet and so on, how people contact you if they wanted to do that horrible horrible thing, well on my website. There's a phone number and email and the e mail is info at patriotic me. Dot com please do not mention patriotic me. Dot com that is that's. That's free advertisements and patriotic me dot com is something that should not be said on this
program to clarify, Glenn, you're, saying, don't say patriotic me: dot com, it stop! Saying patriotic me dotcom aggravated people biotic me anymore. Don't thank you. Thank you. Finally, some reason from the owner of patriotic me dot com, my gosh, Ben, bone chilling interview. Never in my forty five years of broadcast that I would be taught to a very nice mainly very nice, woman. Somebody, a mom who wanted to go back into the workforce started. Our own business was selling USA, shirts and flag shirts. and has been banned because Africa so pensive that
that's you. Don't you live long enough? I'm really scary yeah. You can get it do interview with Charlie Man's. So thank you so much and again, please keep it to yourself. It patriotic me dotcom! Ok, I will not. Patriarchate Mete out come again to their promise. You saying I find a land Leon you from having. We will you, let us know if there is any updates or if you get great response, you know from doing chosen, saying patriotic meet outcome I would like to I'd like to follow your story. All right definitely fulfilled back up with you, and I would really appreciate opportunity to beyond and talk about patriotic need dot com not talk about that about what they might pay. Meat outcome already forgotten. That's right, yeah, you said not to say patriotic, confident, Liane Miller.
Hope you get the chair, you don't get these interviews on five use child, you don't get it, you don't get it I'm on CNN. You do kind of get a monotonous easy, not little. They do actually advocate the chair of people. I assure you name is indecent you, but I don't get it another way. Now you have really done. This is the kind of important work that we do on Fridays right she's
The idea tat you trying to say is that you are trying to get a specially in the economy. The way the world is right now you're trying to make. This is one of the stories that, if it would have happened a year ago, you be like there's something we're missing here: yeah, there's nothin like yes, you know demeanor, we would have we been like Harold Wrong with our like what you should do it on the side of what I know about without any more by the world is not the way it is. I will say that the best thing is that she may have spent she wanted to spend money with Facebook to advertise patriotic meta compliment. My guess is she got more advertising value about, patriotic you d come today patriarch, my patriotic me decamp patriotic meet our common patriotic mean on company. I dont more than more I've already blocked it with party blocked it is it so racist and hateful makes me uncomfortable, please someone stop Ralph Lauren let me tell you a rake on site Isabel chunk of your day.
Probably not listening to things you like or listening to having to listen to people are like me that you're, like oh, shot a ban there is radio or podcast or whatever the year of meaning adding to it could be Yoko. Oh no, I mean there are freaks out there. You have probably add you know, apple ear, buds and there really expensive and our ear. What are they called airports and my daughter. Yesterday, spent the day just freaking out, I lost one of my airbags laws, one of my airports leave those were my air pods that you with that you lost That's why I have re con there. The price of apple airports and they are really really good there. They, the noise, isolating a comfortable fit, half the price check. now you can get them at fifteen percent off all the products at re con you can go
who, by re con dot com, slash back by re, con dot com, slash back, America, log onto the Glenda programmed I thought to myself self. Could we make today show. Even more likeable, for those who you know don't like conservatives- and I thought you know they like Bela bill. Alright, I love him. love, love, love, love, love, love, love him he's coming. I just to give us the digestive the weak his thoughts on what's coming next week. I think next week is extraordinarily dangerous could be good on. sleepy the last week of the republic. If somebody does something stupid, I want, Do you know our troops have been watching over the inauguration? I hope all of them
a ball of them. Are there? No, let anything happen next week. Please pray for peace, pray for an open heart and a kind heart re for Non violence programme. First, let me tell you a spotlight sponsored wreck Tech, if your somebody it likes to grill, if you're somebody who likes to smoke food, just let it cook and smoke and tell them of the meat, falls off the bones MA. I'm telling you need erect tech, rectangle is a is a remarkable grill and smoker that if you a bee, compare them to whatever you think the best grill is out there. You put it acts to erect Jack, and I can guarantee you night and day difference you can control at all from an app it controls the temperature. I mean, I burn everything on the grill. I've been burned anything on erected.
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Erica. There has been a lot that has happened this week. We're gonna touch base on all of it or as much as we can squeeze in with Bill O Reilly peace coming on next, because it's for right aid programme Who would like to talk to you about sagging eyes and puffy, necks, it's a problems, but this one is the least of about twenty twenty one might be starting out on the rough side of things of you noticed that now have is a little bit of good news. The Chevalier New Year's clearance sale is on for live in a time right now you can look five, ten ten years younger? Yet that means you Glenn. It can happen did you like. I revive why what we the opposite way on a joke. You gotta be doing it safely easily and naturally, with Germany's new XO teak deep.
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Really here they love them? Are you sure that yeah they can't get rid of them? They tried everything and probably haven't tried. Genius elements are like no wrinkles. view character. I think they could people. I was starting to your for, like ya, don't want these clean new cities, you guys down I've done it all this out. I want untiring yeah. I want the rats crawling over yet to the rat size of dogs. Don't don't think I'm joking. If you never ending York, we lived there. Mr Bill O Reilly from below Riley dot com. The author of killing crazy horse here in so many killing books, this, state of California, if you live there, They'd have em on death row, but the Good NEWS is they would never secure them because they don't execute anybody on death row, bill. How are you, Sir
I'm curious up on that lead. You know I'm always way to gracious, but why not? The fact that I would get clemency does that moves made the bill it is banned and absolutely insane weak? and an people. Some people on the right are still saying. it's not over. My main, I I had this action. Do you really think come on be honest? You re we think Biden, gonna, be the president next week mansard Yes, I don't know how it changes. Yes,. Hawk some sense into what's happening. number one. I dont want to disparage the crew that you hang with backward. Perhaps you might go on,
occasion, and maybe he had not now I tell ya really intelligent people have asked because the end- an Arab and I've been surprised, and I think people all over the country have somebody in their life that is saying not over yet I don't hear that up here in New York. I mean really really. I know I'm talking more Europe. R R incommunicado, because of covert, do you know so they don't say anything: it's horrible and terrible up here right now like you know what they're there's an old adage. People believe what they want to believe and that away to the absolute destruction of Donald Trump. So listen to me now, Donald Trump, from the very beginning of wanted to believe daddy. He won the election and soda.
Many of the seventy four million people who voted for that they wanted to believe. besides being nine years old in wanting to believe in Santa ok, hang on Santa is real enough, as we all know from Willoughby to say this wedding Nang on bill. Why way? Let me know I mean I know it's my show. I mean it. I'm gonna say rain. I get it. I wanted, and I want to stop you there too, because I want to clarify something I want to believe the truth. I Do the hang on you shot up by all for a second, I to believe the truth, and I don't think we really know the truth about what happened with the election. I I think it was a fair election. That's why I feel
What I know is there. Not enough evidence to actually get in the time that we have to actually prove anything and you can't run A country or a house on oh, you feel absent. from facts. So I may I may believe that he won. I may be it's in question. But I also have to root myself in reality on the constitutional principles. By is going to be the president and there's nothing I can do about it and, The best thing I can do about it is say on. January, twenty first or January twentieth, either before ease elected or right. After he's elected what I've said about George Bush, what I have said Barack Obama. What I said about Donald Trump and what I will say about Joe Biden he's
all of our president now and if he fails, we all fail that doesn't mean I support his policies, but I do support the constitution and he's the president. So I wish him well now go ahead. I thought now yeah you and Tom you're allowed up. Everybody wants to hear in this document what now yes go ahead, more Billy, I see your hand up go ahead. I thank you. I look all I was well I mean I enjoyed it. I think do not it out like that's, not what I'm talking about so Rob wanted, We wanted to believe that he did not look.
I don't think I only wanted to. I think he I talked to the man a couple of weeks ago. He does believe that rigour boy here, I'm raising a bigger. Turkey's lino something here Glenn. Maybe if there were a couple sinuses marry you get close to their agenda gotTa Farc and put it I absolutely bill are sold won, t trick, though the president's signal reviews support that he four hundred said sir. There was a rigged elections. Then everything in this country change, history, changed attitudes, changed everything changed because millions of people got into the programme as they set
and the election was rigged. It became a fat there might, in fact, that dangerous so I just want to make sure I just want to make sure we were point out that set ninety per cent of Democrats during the Bush administration, claimed that joy George Bush new. About and was involved in the nine eleven bombing those numbers have changed since he is no longer a political enemy but said NI per cent and he's selected, not elected, etc, etc. This this happens. Hillary Clinton. She ever stop saying that. Is she didn't win achieved? she didn't win because of russian collusion the left has done this in every election since two thousand any time they lose the S target,
does an altar the arc of history. Now I write way and that war- I'm doin here so instead of saying to the Justice Department president tromp say to William BAR. They look at all stone, add up in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada the analytical do not line up? We need to go in some of the voting machines in selected areas we believe or corrupted and examine them. You can make it happen. Please do that's how you do. It was done now I think I'll go ahead. Earnestness tat might have bought a gold investigation that might have led to a semblance of truth which
happened in the washing collusion investigative took two years out of date. Have I always got was Rudy Giuliani and other running around stoking the curl agri TAN It was brought, I'm gonna have a next week. Was your shirt? Was it and we never thought an add on January, said the day of the answer action. Giuliani again said I had a week. I worry as weeks been passed, whereas you don't happen so that took on a out of control, Lord of the flies. How about that reference? Everybody now they were just talking last hour about this is one of the books that, That's why they want to burn now and removed from our school. So coarse, you, white, supremacist, white privilege. Guy course. You re out,
by it took on this momentum that lead to disaster. On the contrary, number one and poor Donald Trump. Secondly, so if it had been done with discipline? Yes, because I agree with you that one of the few times applies significant, I'm using that word corruption in that election, yes, but it has to be uncovered yes, so what form should have done was set it up? It could be a life. Will they were caught, they were, they were correct. Quite honestly they were they were caught. Unaware on me. When I talk to the president and ask me that well. Let me just last year now. Remember all the questions, the trump I now you can
de I know I know tat. You are those were always say without us Visa You're, a girl they knew, but they got they didn't anticipate- was that the opposition, the corrupt during the criminal used to call it. You do their dirty d. So let me ask you this. If I think the world would be a different place today, if Donald Trump would come out and if, at that speech he would have said look I believe what I believe, you believe, what you believe, what, whereas four is ten days too, just have an open conversation in these legislatures I'll, except whatever they say, and I I just want you to old gather here and in if your praying people I want you to. I want you to pray for the report,
because this isn't about me this is about, the true honest count, and if it comes back that I didn't win, but there was fraud, but not enough to change the election. I still say that's important, because people have to trust it, but I want you to know. I live by. The key institution and I don't want any advice on violence and I'm leaving next next week or two weeks. If, if thou, that's what happens so be it, but I just think it's right and fair to look at this. situation, whether I it changes the outcome or not. We have to know I in concluding words, but I got in November now. I know you could all. I know he could have that's the problem with with president drop it a column? That'll beyond all riley dot com.
were posted on Sunday and the coms gonna live the things that he did for me: that our noble and good and is a pretty good less. It is because our you're gonna addressed Mitch Mcconnell and a terrible game that he's playing the republican majority later in the Senate for about one another four days because playing a very gay. This game idle been get that later, but Donald Trump has never been Discipline Matt Lever in this is the key and if you read the United States a Trump, I hope you did all of you trump supporters out there. He goes in calculate consequences to his actions. They never ever. Does it. Yes, in the speech he clearly say, peaceful and patriotic that it
scalpel, that's the exculpatory words that makes this impeachment a hollow off all tangled So that's what I want to talk about, because there's there's question now whether this is been constitutional to impeach and convict to remove somebody who's already gone, So I want to talk a little bit about the impeachment but me, or board LEO. I want to talk about he's, I mean there is, I don't know what he's going to do now. Deutsch. Thanks as they won't do any business with him. That's just gonna spiral I wonder what the president's life is going to be, like in the in the coming years, will go more with bill o in one minute, Gimme sixty seconds to tell you about Gary, listen, California, he's one of the many many people who have learned about the millet miracle of relief factor first hand he started
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so Bill O Reilly is with us last night I was with a group of friends and yeah. I do have friends, it's crazy, but I was befriends and Everybody asked the same question this impasse judgment thing: why are they doing this, and I said it's two fold as I see it, one too make sure that he'd never runs for office again and make sure they history books are very clear on what they say he is under this second is ice. Smoke screen their goal. to be handling this right, as they say an hour after the new President sworn in there be taking it to the Senate. Will
also have to confirm all of the people in the cabinet and when you see what's happening in the cabinet, you don't want that to be front page news and I This is a smokescreen to get both of them happening, At the same time, your thoughts bill Ok, so we go O Reilly daughter tried to get. It is sensitive to national. Take. On whether it is legal for the Senate to hold an impeachment trial. when the president is no longer an office, its divided there are dollars. I say yes or scholars. Aside now saw. Humor, who will be
majority leader decides what demands a trial will be immediately a lawsuit block it. It may be filed by some republican senators. Then it goes into the saw the Supreme Court would have to rule on. I am I dont believe the Supreme Court would say it was legal under the constitution, because there is no wording. Water and in the constitution doesn't? Doesn't it say, convict and remove via the language He's already removed right yawning you can make an argument on both sides, but here's the danger and
Nobody knows this. He's not gonna get convicted. You're, not gonna, get two thirds of the Senate to convict Donald Trump of anything, because he didn't do anything and its obvious. He didn't. This is all based on speculation that he cited this interaction over there's, others also cash. You make him or a lightweight. Couldn't you make the argument that to make the argument that the reply, Chickens are motivated to do this to and the Trump trade you know and be able to turn the page and low Cares, Margo, Ruby or new leader or whoever it might be. The time Mitchum economies were ordered to be right. Considering yet you know that's the in shady. Yes, last vote. Yes, but Mcconnell, and I don't like him because he killed case law,
yeah we wholeheartedly! I don't like him anyway. Rice the collateral know that if he gets the high impeachment, the Republican Party fractured destroys own because half of it will walk away, they loved her. They walked away. Well, I maybe there s a reason why he should push for grave impeachment cause I wouldn't mind seeing that party fall apart, have to reorganise back in a minute with bill already listens to plunder programme. real estate agents. I trust dot com. There is there is nothing. I hate more then selling a house, and I think my wife hates it more policies, she's always and whatever else we ve ever so she's like her
We ve got to you, know, pull out together in clean the house and, unlike let em see that slop as their warehouses, gonna work, but we end up. We are spending all Saturday morning getting it because we ve got somebody wants sea, and then they spend ten minutes in the house. Your like really that was it. I want those people ban from Facebook. Quite honestly, I'd rather have bamboo shoe. suck my finger nails? You need a great real, State agents, somebody who really knows the market knows the clients in can sell your house
real estate agents? I trust dot com. The name says it all you, it's a free service to you. You can find somebody in your area. That really has the marketing plan has the time the wisdom in the track record to get your house sold fast or to get you into your next new house, real estate agents. I trust dotcom. I gotta place tv dot com, Slash, Glenn, promo code is glad you save thirty bucks off your subscription to blaze tv and make sure to check out Bill O Reilly, dot com as well. This is the global programme. In thirty minutes we are gonna, be talking to the woman who gave me cove it she came in here. just brazen and in an really kind of sad, the way she was sitting on me.
and I was aware of this- I don't think she's aware that she was sitting on the all I had to think to myself over and over again Nicole. My eyes are up here from nickel there's gonna be on with us, Sir she's, now in Mexico Prob. we giving everybody in Mexico covered likes. You did me have her coming on and not just about half an hour, she's she's a riot, I think Meanwhile, we are below Riley and Bill I ve got some some business we have to get through. First of all, let just talk about the cancellation of Donald Trump- and I don't mean Facebook in everything else. I mean Deutsche Bank, they they they are building a world, a cage around Donald Trump that I don't know how he's even gonna be able to do business moving forward.
wow? It's true what you say: everyone destroy every aspect of his life and his family's lives. No doubt about it that there are driven by Nancy Policy Was- and I think I told you I did the evil woman, and I mean literally we'll be wide Richard Nixon in the sense that it will some rehabilitation of today's Europe in particular the Biden collapses. If that administration as I do well, ah there's Kay economic pain. Then top will look better. in the eyes of the independent people which you know about that group? Is the swing vote, oh ah, in order for that to happen,
The haters tromp are trying to demonize them as much as they can. We all know that and then choke off every aspect of prosperity for them so it's true happening not just in Hamburg, people supported him and I think that will backlash to some extent that the Americans will figure that out. After all, this emotion queers a little bit. That is the kind of country we want. You know it's almost idea and organised crime- and I know that is my neck What is killing the mob? Ah, you get where you were and that means you could never doing again because you're dead and they want a dead end. You know you could see what I mean when I watch them,
the sea on the news, all networks, all they're, all the same and then of course, CNN, and I see the glee that the people are experience in these people on television. You could see. What did they happy about the happy about hatred We are enjoying hatred, I mean I feel times. I am watching devil worshipping on television The guy's news presentation, love the hatred of Donald. I think there are more and more Americans that are falling into that trap of they just down to destroy the other, so people, I think once again when the emotion clears most needed People are not gonna feel good about that. maybe I'm wrong
No, I think in retrospect we're gonna look at much of the behavior is thus despicable assume. He remembered his dark chapter in american history. The last penny What is it I have an immediate consequence of these idiots on television. Really understand and bodies that whole industry, and we talked about this is gonna collapse. Are you said now you can see it happen. ah well in less sign and last Sunday they are talking now about a committee on the media, to rein in quite honestly view me, Ben Shapiro, rain, and these these actors that disagree with us. I mean it's, it's it's really the Mccarthy commit on yesterday right. Ah, what what does that America You're gonna start to figure out the majority of them than theirs
the liberties, are in jeopardy by the social media, then, on a minute. I don't know if we want to live in a country where why Papa, he's regulate freedom of speech. Do we really want that? then I can ask you something: as is the phone changed, the sound change? You know to another room, you're, not in the bathroom talking to me or not arms. I underline Americans are going to charge. You figure out. If their personal lives these are engaged wants. This emotion clears once trunk goes the floor, by using their, but the social media companies are still there still in control What can be heard and what can be set America's zero, I don't know if this is a good thing you see. All of this is gonna, be all at once. It starts to build. and it's going to have to be leadership in the area, and I don't know where that's going to come from, because if you get in front
these social media is a danger movement, then you're, gonna, get cancelled, show I have had the come from Hungary is vital, then do it. So I think we may have to wait to years for any action, but I firmly believe Most Americans do wanna totalitarian country back. That's where we're headed, I think think you're. Absolutely right, I think there's you know I think, the country was presented. With two directions, and one was trump. one was anything but trump and Think. A lot of people vote for Joe Biden. Thinking, ok, we'll Joe Biden is not a radical. He might be very, very laugh, but he's a very, very liberal, but he's not a left. marxists gonna guy, but think when the power behind him. Is, is right.
the sums spooky leftist groups that that think that view The reason he was elected if they don't. If, if he'd and give them every thing they want people are gonna, realise holy cow. I didn't just. For by now voted for all the collection of people that are around him, and- and that's when I think you get spooky, The media and certain parties, since move even further laughed and they will because there's no restraint anymore. Nothing to hold them back, Newspaper no television agency now thing to hold them back as they become. More radical than what we are seeing now are. You are told you can't the word there are you there.
He said the out good or you fell the subject. Ok, as this becomes more obvious to the population, there's going to be a severe up, rising backlash, it the habit? I dont think the american people are gonna. Wanna live in debt is a well up or two, but- and this is why the radical left want. I told taller carrion state where why You didn't tell you what you can do and not do what you can have a larger that what they want. That will become more apparent as Trop recede. but the other side, our aside our side back, he's leadership, cogent, intelligent art
you! Let leadership and that's gonna, be the challenge, because right now, You don't have that here, no country no or a bill I ask you for a prediction of What we're gonna be talking about on Friday of next week The inauguration is gone through all of this stuff hopeful well behind us, be behind us. What will we be saying next week about what the big story was Well, I don't believe: there's gonna be violence. That's jined up by the press to send the message that all these right wing cooks there. and on overthrowing the government, I don't believe in it.
any other to all of these troops marched around and all add, and I gotta have a lot to do second failures. Hang on justice. Are you just for the record cause? I'm a play this next week, I'm not sure, it's true, I dont. I hope you're absolutely right, but I think with with all of the capitals in play, etc. I want to all those troops around. I don't I don't want any body to do anything about it. lot of getting at you shouldn't? Be there a boy, We will be any substantial violence, maybe a couple of cooks, but that's it I could wrong. I think I was wrong in nineteen. Eighty seven, I think Now is the beginning of last week: yeah yeah, an approach.
No, I mean we all know your truck. I hope that happens, but the other store ah you the inauguration we'll be nothing. People will be exhausted. You know right away for about, they're going to walk away? I guess I don't want to hear about politics anymore. I don't want to hear about it unless the impeachment, blows up, would you mind Can I tell you something like a a week period a month period a year if we could get to country where the president is not a threat to any side or anybody in you to their back to being the President workers like. Why do I care about the president? They have no fact on my life that, be a great blessing would be a great blessing
because it's been a long long time since we ve had a big, it's been two thousand one. I feel since we really had a break me up, but Biden could be the guide. Why do we will be happy in most of the time? It would be great. That would be great I'd like Congress to take a nap as well bill o Reilly. Thank you so much bill, O Reilly, the author of killing crazy horse, which is his latest killing the mob, is coming soon bill, Riley can be found at Bill O Reilly, dotcom thanks bill pressure. Ok guys aren't our sponsor there's, have our is wrecked tech right at the right right. At this moment, my entire house is torn up. They were tearing out the ceilings yesterday started, would just painting the cabinets must pay the cabinets, and I said, honey once we start doing this. It's gonna snowball, I've. I've done this before and
between the two of us, we're rolling the biggest snowball ever there there now. tearing down the ceilings at the room that is like three rooms away from the kitchen cabinet, so snowball. You bet anyway, There is, I mean there is no chance of getting a good meal. Although my wife made something really good last night with unbelievable cooking, not happening, using the wrecked tech? Oh yeah, we use direct X outside away from all of the dust I swear to you? I have coal minors lung from. in this house anyway, the rectangle, is a great grill it'll, give you peace of mind. You can control everything and monitor on an app. It does all of the work you put the Lee of I don't know it's called the low pointy thing and you stick it in the meat ended
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goodbye machine. I know its own eyes, so don't care what we do exactly I want to just sit on the couch and watch like a James bond movie. So that's why I don't come up with anything, but here's, my dear nothing, nothing! That's what I'm asking you to do something different. Tell me what I need to leave here and I'll, be there and I'll be excited about it and to be ass. I pretend to be excited. I mean I'll be a good date. You know I will at least taken credit card at the out at the end of it? That's what that's that's what I will provide. I draw the line there, both your paying for that. While she could hear him I'll just what I regard as you have now. I have absolutely no plans family in town and you now good that owes toys family stay a week stay a month. stay a year still move in relays fan hassock.
Now this time it's only one family member, I like it when I could get all of the relatives to come. for a holiday Chevy Chace Situation, nobody is out front sane, yeah crap. Crap personal nobody's at air. Yes, you know to here and I hesitate to to mock anybody in my family at this point in seeing I have refrigerators in my living room and the washer and drier on my back pork. So when does the that went to the home repairs I mean- and we know this again for another month of europe- that we all know this is the money. We know that that's gonna happen, but like do you have what's the plan a couple weeks and I was out of my wife a couple a nights ago- I think This may end up being the Winchester House, the one in California, where the person said. If the hammer stop, I know I'll die, and so they just get bad.
and doing things. Twenty four hours a day seven days, I have a feeling, there's a chance, there's a chance supposed to be eight weeks, but yeah, vows body member, when you are young and naive back it just a second,
America, its rider Yahoo finance, as named, aren't ex guessed the top influence or to follow in twenty twenty she has star and Ali would walk of fame for special chief mentioned social media. She sells out events all around the world. She's a comedian she's, a social media superstar a renegade. She was ready, ok, cheerleader she's got it all her name is nickel. Armor joins us in sixty seconds. She also gave me covered and- and it's just because she wanted to leave me a little bit of her love and real. I said to her over and over again, first of all, Nicole, my eyes up here. Ok, this is this
Embarrassing for you. I know I'm hot, but stop it. And that is going back checked on. That's not bring it up. She gets uncomfortable with things like that: let me tell you about life. Lock, your identity is on the table. Right now I mean chicks, dig me they do they do so things yeah. They dig me and its I mean sometimes they'll just shop in the middle of the night and there like. Yes, yes, some supermodel, but I must have you and I'm like. I am happily married. Stop it stop it! mill than I do indicates it might be a dream- it sad what they do anyway life when the numbers come up in its your number. Your life can be straw, destroyed if Sir War criminals come out and take your identity. It is it's all full and it's happening more and more and more, but the Good NEWS We live in a country where we can have
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Well, he or she is the woman who almost killed me They call Arbour high May I call you Kofi Mary, may I call you that? May I either from you or you got it for me during that, I guess that sure you'll anything into like two days after he got up fair Glenn, I didn't know our hunting laughingly rabbits today. What did you say? Well, what is it? She's marking might really she's making your clear mocking my clothing. I said I like it we're hunt, Lastly, rabbit. This is what happens deflect. They saw your fat you're. Gladly clothing is ridiculous right when she's really saying well we'll talk about it when she's not listening, takes effect maximum that my fellow many crushed stuffing man there. It is so Nicole
we haven't had a chance because mineral worlds on fire We have had a chance to cover what was the cover of small magazine, I think late last week earlier this week and it s one of my favorite. It's one of my favorite covers of all time because because it's just shows how Ray Z, we ve all become we're, not event travel. If you didn't see the cover of Cosmo, and I mean I don't know who in this audience that could be explained. What the cover and then go well on The cover of cause no- and I was told that this is in cosmos. You ass, I believe it might be UK where they have people die, of obesity as well, because, if covered related issues anyway, The women are definitely not in shape and there are putting it. Welcome, are not that's how they stop being Vienna politically correct,
The woman on the cover is, like you, urgent me in my underpants screaming an Earl kid how she just overreacts two things are so obvious: yeah. Well, that's the story girl in yeah these are definitely not healthy or in shape in any way, and the thing that really upsets me about this is that they think that women are so stupid that we will, by this as a thing, that there's no plus size male models, they don't try and this down the throats of men that you be huge and it still healthy in your beautiful because they don't they think we're stupid.
and because they ve built insecurity into us. They, as unlike the media for years like women being secure, you're, not good enough. You not this you're, not that not to go off feminists ducas, that's not my thing, but it's because they think we're stupid. So. They're acquainting, beauty with health and those are two separate issues complete We one has to do with science, and one is personal preference and they try and mass. The two together to continuously make us feel bad about ourselves in a different way and it just stupid, like we can't be this stupid. Will it's it's just it's dangerous. It's not that their plus size, their big, the the in the leotard, with her leg up, she's obese she'll be there and I don't care. If you wanna put, you know a person whose o b I mean you know the painter, Rubens LAW, a fat, naked women on couches, ok and back then people thought fat was beautiful because everybody skinny cause. There was nothing to eat,
it's not healthy and that's it problem is underneath the picture. The caption is hard its healthy, o healthy. It's a lie. That's a lie and its sole, it's so disgusting and crazy to me that promoting this now when people are dying at the highest rate- and this is so magazine this is heart, dot, org? This is every major medical publication agrees people, dying of covert because of obesity, I haven T people die, you hey fat people, so much you gave me covert to kill me ass. He paid me. Then I'm asleep resolving peculiar. Sorry, I'm really I later he had given you gotta know. I think I wrote to you while I was on vacation. I saw you posed in an icy. You got it like a day or two before I did
and so I got it and I wrote to you and joked with you that you're trying to kill me because I'm fat, Quite honestly. Five were in shape, and I wasn't you know The size of a house They wouldn't have had covered as bad as I did. I mean it it. it's you in a way to wear your breathless and if you're already breathless cause you're like a hamburger, it's bad, it's bad can't make it to the hamburger stand, they're. No, I needed some at eight enable and just get me in the car and drive me to Mcdonald's and leave me they're. Stop in economic terms, No, of course no capitals burger king but ever so let me just got going to a couple of other things, the Craziness at the capital last week
Yes, I'm sure you don't stand with the violence. I don't know. I haven't heard your perspective on this note. I am out of violence all the time when I said that any kind of shook her head and then looked down my eyes are here ok, I keep hearing okay. So tell me what tell me what you think about the real action what's happening with social media, where we headed, I think the real she has been ridiculous. I think it's time for our politicians to act like adults and on both sides. This is not working so well. Isn't working. You gotta change. What you're doing, and I think we have reached such a fever pitch- that the only thing to do is chill because You know the black eyes matter, protests look very similar. Actually they looked a lot more violent than what happened at the capital. I'm not saying that this is ok either. None of its ok, but is
because we're all screaming and nobody's listening. I think- and we need adults to be adults now and make solutions. I think the only people I want to talk you and enjoy all enjoy talking do are the people who are consistent? people who can say in our really don't like I'll drop, but he did some good things. You know I love you know I was really against the riots this this summer with Antigua and It's really wrong same gotta category. What happened on the capital, if you have here not consistent. That's a problem. There's a problem there and its narcissistic. We rule. Well, I'm just seeing a giant rise of narcissism and in like a pig He type a thing so its politicians and but when everyone screaming for attention right now not screaming for change or how do we fix this and that's the issue so just be consistent,
fall back in brief for a second, you dont have to respond on twitter to every fuckin thing that happens. Every second people are getting left and right- and some are very some are just but some are it, but just chill for a second lived a fight another day, the big fight isn't here yet, and that means the one on free speech. Speaking of this Nicole, Bulgaria getting blocked on social media, my wife who follows you, my wife you highlighted days later yet LISA? No, no! You may change that nature, yet cases questionable butter, social media, council, pretty good and she S. Account at least to pay me. Do it on Instagram, where she took one of your. I believe it was a tweet after gin after the January six situation and reposted it on Instagram
and she read it to me at the time. I don't remember the exact verbiage, but it was nothing, nothing, hateful, nothing remedied and I mean Emily bread and I sees but always do that, all its aroused idea. It was nothing bad at all, but just because she reposted your tweet on Instagram. They will not let her go live on history. They totally turned off the future. I think at least until the inauguration. Ok, ok, hang out for you ain't, no it before you respond go ahead. I thank her. Oh by the way, thank you for getting an external audits, Conniston Alot of Iceland Great now that some of it is on purpose, and this working intact, myself and being part of development deems. I know a lot of it is algorithm right now, so there's giant nets just sloping the internet and catching anything that might be something and they're not perfect, and This is where you know people might
that meet a rage bill. I gather only censoring one type of person. I know these programmes work? I say they are doing in some kind of shady stuff, but I think that their best right now to just try and keep things chill until after the universal here's a problem- and I talk to attack expert in London month or so ago, and he said, Google who is Google? Is cooperating now in their algorithms and so is Facebook on their hate, beach, algorithms, critical theory, and critical race theory, and so, if you disagree with critical theory are critical race theory, which I algorithm I really doubt. I love that if you do It not only marks you and suppresses you. It goes. to all of the people that have responded and Subscribers or legal follow your page or whatever, and it goes
through them, and it puts them into a category that was described to be as infected so islands the host of the virus cause. I said something you saw it. You are exposed to it, and so you are also going to be isolated. Its aid for Mary, it's crazy it's really flouting that's crazy. So I think those are actual questions we need You speak to Google about or Instagram about, and my experiences different from other people. I've sat with Facebook and their lawyers in another team effort eggs things and I had said hey what My last for posts did you I need you to be specific with me, so I can make changes and I can tell my audience about those changes and there pretty good about it, but I I can take any oars dialogue. Stop that I say the word and please don't stop it
say the word its bout, not a boot up I'll, say it. I don't want any lessons from someone not looks like they're going. To hunt bugs bonica hers, sexual desire, for my sake, making shots sickening. I just want you to be holding a Budweiser you'd know really now now she's putting a bird in the hand of an alcoholic. You get me drunk, but I still want go home with you. there is blame, are actually wants I'll. Take it to do more than he's Elon musk. He I do too. I do too, He and we'd get the green new deal if he were allowed to be president, but I think I vote for him because it leaves he's looking at the future any as the balls to say what he too.
This week legalise comedy yeah yeah. I see this as well to me the censorship line pass d like it has to move you. I'm not a news reporter. I dont report the news, so I shouldn't be flag in the same way that CNN or foxes flags when I'm being sarcastic there has to be something in the algorithms that picks up sarcasm and poet. devices and literary devices, or I cant- do my effing job arena a can't call my wife, no call my y know. No, sir. call my wife, soon and do that you think series ever gonna find sarcasm now, There should be a button for comedians. Like you, don't you dont flag, us just don't do it. But that's what everybody else's is. It is okay. I do too Think Elon musk because he knows things are changing. He s, part of it he's doing things himself like
mind his green activism, because, he says we're all gonna die because of either tack or you know. Greener gases, so I'm building rocket ships to get off this planet. I love that also I loaded, I love- is a figure. The nickel. Are you fully recovered? Yes, I am representing various in shape, yeah then shape, but also by aids. I'll be doing it, and I have this legitimate funny, but I have portable oxygen enough because of hers heard of boost oxygen. Sponsor anything, but I was huffing oats. Because I know that's what your lungs need when you get covert huffing. Oh two yeah, the canisters. I don't know what you're crazy kids are into these days, but at all. Nickel always good to talk to you. Thank you so much, I'm glad you're better guide. I arrived here: that's ok,
That's ok lost four pounds, and I know that was your goal I put the rabbit, get so much in other, less Nicole arbour. You can follow her at nickel arbour. She is really really funny she is. She's somebody honestly that might There is a collar lucy, she's Lucille Ball and she so funny, and she so smart and everything else and while she knew AIDS is a really bad experience in her life to release, sent her and shall be nickel. Aren't I would I thrilled if that were true aright, Let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. It's my pillow. Have you the perfect night sleep did you see foreign Ferrari for versus Ferrari, whereas, like the perfect lap, tat TED its, perfect, clapped spoiler alert.
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He was gave her too much warning about if you like, United saying it live right when you want to do. I know that's the right approach for a broadcaster in the Hall of Fame, but thank you I mean I said so and broke. Lama were always that dogmas mobster die the world has ever seen. You gotta know idea. Yeah. I killed your green Berets Bobby where's. My idea, tank sick people had put him in the notes in arms. What could go wrong Now Andrew Cuomo has come out and said We got our went up a state. We got open border businesses as quickly as we can, because dire the economy is dying in there. We can let the cure me worse than it is basically quoting Donald Trump, its
phenomenal phenomenal. What is boy that what's bizarre, do is like New it is in the middle of your right, bad, a break out as they ve had it is the very beginning its there, the cause of the entire regions, numbers being terrorists and I'm gonna make you will offer you can't refuse banality open up. Your restaurant so were ready to go or maybe a year taking out in the middle of the lake just for a little fish it in the morning. the guy? You usually knox everybody out yet autos ain't, it love really damage requests. Financing then allows one really bore W w w dot, animal s, consumer access, dot, org, you were good, you're gonna, be the Voice of America. Financing way states do did it you now I'm gonna get their miracle dancing. Fifth
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the last surgery of his weak b. as I know that surgeon is going to really care about that one, It's kind of like that. It's kind of like that except the opposite cause. I care more about this half hour than any other half hour. I have done, don't tell the other half hours. it's my favorite half hour of the week. because I'm gonna say to Stew still what we miss this week that wish but we should have covered and we should be talking about oh, my gosh, so magicians so watch. We have missed this week. We have talked at all about the. Are you interested in the Van Shapiro thing at all that? How very interested in that? If you don't know the Story- Ben Shapiro, that they had this think the name of a politico its thick their morning newsletter and they had they been they ve had they had an editor for a very long time who left now they're kind of they produce.
like sort of like guests editors, come in and and and and do this insane bite a bench appear on the biggest sir names on the and the conservative side to come in and do a very sensible, well reasoned breakdown. of the data that San usually shoots from a happy doesn't really think things through its now have is not like. I think he had his doctor. What seventeen north, so he's kind of a dummy, but anyway, what did he right? So he wrote basically, like We can't be just cancelling random people. We need to be able to talk to each other limited. We need to be to hear other opinions and and and right now, what the media seems to be doing is just tossing out every conservative voice, whether they make sense or not, Accordingly, the people at politico were very horrified that that they would bring.
but it's entropy. Moreover, no talk about this thing, it's not like when they ran the article that they had to get like two hundred of the employees on a conference call right away, so they didn't go with pitchforks torches and try to hang ban. This is basically what happened. Two hundred and fifty people on a zoom calls that they get all wine about. Basically, you're not even informed, forced to read it, but it was. conservative voice being represented fair. And intelligently on their platform, and that was so horrific. They acted if we know they put the leader of the k, K, K, writing opinion peace for them. Are you sure bends not the later has LAN or the Nazi Party a hundred percent positive than he really yes and ship? Here I just sounds like a nazi again it. This is a guy who was the number one target of the all right,
number one. We all of the other journalists, although leftwing journalist, no one was targeted more than Ben Shapiro entire internet of all media members Ben should number one target and they Like he's a member of our group Arguments sanity does right and know that he hates juice. pretty sure bench for your does not ages from relatively convinced of that. I don't I think it's out of it. I don't know what he does on Saturday. I call him every Saturday. They never answers your kind of each shot. Like I answered others I like Ben one, should come over Saturday, will have you no lunch or will go, do somethin? You know. I can't do anything as I go to church on Sunday, but sat A man that's what they're made for he's, never answered his phone. I never see him out. He's had a secret claim me he's not responsive on Saturday at all aware that the hell you doesn't like juice,
How you're getting the earth? But none of this is basically the level of analysis of the political employees. It is an age it's what it is and that the analysis do remember when we first started at CNN, Man was a popular in the break room. Of eight or swear. Were joyous everytime you get an elevator with Glenn what a fun experience that, while nobody would read the elevator with me, and I would be like. Please read the elevator with me please, because Every time the the elevators tours opened its like They saw the devil and you can most here, a gasp, everybody we're talking and laughing the and the air your doors would open up and would be full of scene and employees and they'd I'll go And then no one who talk until I got off the elevator remember then it was weird I really wanted to dress up in a red leotard and put horns on my head and then, when the elevators opened up, I just go
and then and then not get on and let the elevator doors close Serbs processing you and a readily eternities. It's not it's, not Do I have to tell you to the size of my eyes are up here, but anyway we first started work in there. We, the climate special but climate change, speciality members as exposed climate of fear of a climate of fear, and it was on it was on CNN. Wasn't it knows, he's Lyonnaise Headline NEWS, but we filmed it on sea and ends the Big sat there ever that their big news satire and it had gone through all of the hoops all of everything I mean trying to get something on that disagrees with CNN.
not easy new bodies. Now there's a lot of a lot of blood blocks. I have to go through, and so you have to have everything vetted. Everything has to have second sources. I mean it's got to be buttoned up, so we and we weren't denying climate change. We were talking about. What do we do about it? spending, trillions of dollars on hey, let's put solar panels over third of the country will have to mow down all of the houses. the second to happen so I'm gonna happen. The free market is the best, is the best way and encourage the free market to do these things- so we never denied that it was happening. You know that the temperature with I can read a thermometer and we never said anything except my usual stance. We probably all pay attention to this. In any way we we wiess said, look don't this is not
catastrophe are ongoing catastrophe. We need to be sensible and how we deal with these arise if the if they exist and then make sure we don't rule our country, to try to solve something that may or may not been. That is kind of like there's always boa. We should be closed down every business in the state that we pass Kobe we by ever clothes it for over two years. That's stupid Ok, Governor Como, thank you missed so when we were there, everything but not. There was not. One word in question couldn't been in. went through their sensors. And. Christiaan on Poor got up on a global broadcast on a global broadcast that it was like with them. it shares with older time Warner, shareholders and employees, global and
she before she? She introduces. The the chairman of the board and she spoke to moderated and She says before we start. I just have to ask: how can This company higher, someone is irresponsible as Glenn back amen and I'm sitting there in the in the pit of despair with all of these journalists who are drinking like a believe, as is my life and like it, she did. She just ask that it globally Be the outward that's what's going on right now. Is this what happened with politico? I mean they just they can cannot handle anyone else. Having another point of view, and if we don't get past that There's not gonna, be anything left to save. You know it's interesting because over the entire time we ve been doing this. This has always been moderately successful for the left they ve been able to take
certain voices and minimize them and push them away. But there's we ve been the american people. Are there and the first amendment is there and we ve always been able to push back against it with a certain level of success when you, when things like the capital happen, one mistake vices, talks, you're crazy group of people knew not even close to associated with the average drum photos that happens and all the sudden. A lot of success for the left. In banning conservatives, as these things cannot occur. I am hoping someone ratings that more people will join me fasting and praying this weekend vex next week in prayer for peace and calm and nobody to do anything stupid. except for global, get a factual coming in Glenn weekly fasting pants on fire is what it was like the fasting pants on fire. I fastened for life for hours, ok,
here's the I wanna play the best segment of the year. forget. There were only two weeks into this, but this is the best three minutes of the year. You might have missed Gwen, its Paltrow has decided to leave acting. Oh, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! I should have broken that a little. You know when it Paltrow. You know she's thinking maybe she's not going to act anymore, I'm sure she kept still doing ass. She so China that if he's quitting act now I got my first question is: did she quit acting or did quit her either. What happened is her selling bs? a call not our here is making her so much money. She no longer needs to act now, Oh she's, actually not acting because quote I've
actually not been that comfortable being a public person or being in front of the camera, even though I done it for so long. a part of me, really feel shy. Now, don't mean to be rude but Gwen, if haven't you been, selling, vagina rocks cattle care, NL scandal, not an oh, no, no first, it was the rock first the cold rock that cheesy that there and it all works out, and then it The job vagina you're, not a shy person. I know you know you're, not a shy person. In fact, the reporting on that and the candle in particular was that she went around to her tyres staff and them all smell it
the candle again. Ah me, how can I come in my local offices, but wouldn't you want to say how do I know this is what it smells me. I don't want to smell it. Buddy is, I mean more elegant blind how I know what you're selling another pizza crap land at rock, that you are here and that didn't work out, we're just looking for accuracy or replace the candle pettishly answer to handle. Yet so we smell this house, some asylum looping, who is a smell Allah just there is making those perfumes I mean she couldn't describe it at some point. She had to say I will you smell like this year,
you're right, you're right. They have had to have happened right somebody who's. I don't care what they call them, but there are smell Allah just just for this show science, man yeah. Well, I bring it on over here. Let me that appear on my work bench I get. now, not quite right here, I think I'm getting plows era like me to sexual rights in the workplace, not such a big issue right. She went around enforced or employees to sniff a k, a candle that support was ITALY smelled like her and her a specific pass. I try not to repeat it over and over and over. There are specific part of her and then at some point there had to be the conversation. Well, what is it smell LE ebbing they had to go through that process. It was going to
the accurate. Can I bring this full circle? Yes,. She says she's a shot I really do you. My car shield The reason why you don't see a lot of old cars on the road is because you can't fix them me and also they become absolute, Lee too expensive to hold onto because a computer chips go and then another one eye: I remember what it was, but a computer chip go and anything was exe. Ex grand, and if It would have called me a hullo said: the trucks not worth six grand. So I got there and I said our I'd. What's the damage any said, six grand, I will. What can you undue o work? No, I
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calm, promo code back deductible may apply so speaker, the House, Nancy Blowsy is just giving a press briefing where she said this impeachment happen in a real by partisan way, and if you look at numbers. I think it's clear right, too in thirty two and twenty two democratic, ten Republicans. Yet that's all it's real! Let right down the middle yeah yeah, while Republicans Think they're more important, so when you got ten of them, it's like half of the Congress. You know remain in our modern energy policy. Appeared thing you myself, what a great time to have a Nancy policy sucks mug. Wouldn't it be again, time to be were already have an Andrew Cuomo sucks during those awful O, Andrew Coastal, ok and then, and then the the There is an anti policy sucks pen that she sighed treatment with. However, we ve used up every single pen in America linked to China said we can make any more on auditing. I literally out of Padua, about their that's. What we have
Nancy Policy, sucks, mug and the NATO sucks t shirt, both availability, do does merged dot com and I will say If you go there, you, the mug in particular, so classic is it looks like it's uniting is likely to supply parties all that money. you look closely just as many people as such centres in future, so that people with joy, yes give it to a friend are right. We will see you tonight special at five o clock with the legislative programme.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-16.