« The Glenn Beck Program

Biden Needs Some Hidin’ – STOP Speaking! | 5/22/20

2020-05-22 | 🔗

Filling in for Glenn, Pat and Stu break down latest in absolute craziness. The Democrats’ 2020 strategy of hiding Joe Biden from the public could actually work. Ami Horowitz found that many Democrat voters proudly believe all women … except for Tara Reade. Stu is especially frustrated with the Left’s fawning praise of NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He runs through Cuomo’s coronavirus timeline just to prove how bad he actually is. Joe Biden does it again! In an interview with Charlamagne Tha God, Biden tells him “you ain’t black” if he even considers voting for Trump. HOW is Biden going to survive this one? And it looks like Lori Loughlin and her husband will spend some time in jail for the university scandal they were involved in.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
At this moment sales forces working with businesses all over the world to adapt to, The changes that are happening there, helping people like me me in me managed through this crisis to work safely agro. My business again visit work, dot com, to get help for your business. If we together, we can do this where he today or Glenn Eight hundred seventy seven be easy K. Some, should cover as always Cycle Sophie's choice every single day, because there is no way you can get everything but we will get to as much as we possibly can of all of Oliver Colvin stuff in the cry from people who want
two, never open America again. How can we please bash Andrew Cuomo Little Bit and yes, we can. We can do that. It will get to all that. Come up in sixty seconds a gleam program, you heard me talk Michael Index and about Michael and L. He is the inventor of my pillow and how you know always pillows, give me great nights Lee by love his sheet. But I want you to know that you are the reason my pillow is the incredible company than it is today. You have trusted Michael Endeavour to give you a great night sleep MIKE is now offering a by one get one deal on some of his incredible products like the geese. A dream sheets debate covers pillows their bolster a neck pillows and so much more. You can get these by when did one free offer with the promo code? Back. Remember all my pillow. Products come with a sixty day, money back guarantee, so you don't love it as much as I do
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he's honking in the background here, He was the things he was saying about. President Tweedy, by the way he was saying that the guy who came into the background and was doing the I don't know who that guy was there were so many things in that. What about the idea that the way to win over a lady is to complement their heft too complex there have to die. I always have done it like. Whenever I've I've been at a bar in others agreed this attractive lady, a couple. A couple stools down, I say MA am impressive she's like laughing I well. How do I make it to your hotel room? How can we make it quick, because, really now that you ve complemented might have, I am totally powerless against Europe? Actually complemented peoples have yet Tammy Baldwin, who they're talking about as a potential VP candidate. He was trying to be complementary to her and he said she had
impressive heft and live. I could either one of those things you should say about a woman I missed that have to live to Ed. I do we had. I know we had it on students, America, where we may have it and archives. We could look for Meanwhile, he can't speak now. If you can, This is a huge problem for a presidential candidate, but this is not a minor side issue. This is a central issue listen to this Elizabeth but Tammy is an incredibly competent nine states, Senator with a great deal of, have been lifted, and left left and murders with a great deal of heft, listen, I don't The third point is the principal here's that the definition of heft lift or carry guess so she can carry a lot of stuff. The same
I guess I'm kind of what she's he sang raised like an indifference, heft review zero that some of us a little things, but a lot of she's got thick buys is, I think, what she really has done a good job, lifting with her leg, rather than her back and technical, really wanna go off the definition, it's as if he says she has a strong, lift and lift, but just the to the same words thing. What does that mean in this context? We can lift, I he just in there just a stupid side, one these things happen all the time he can't it's obvious guys initiative It's not just ass. Pat. This is by partisan. Everybody can see it. The Democrats can see it too Obviously can't do this anymore right. It's sad, I dont like it. I don't know it's. Not fun to watch- it's what you know. It's not a fund, a watch
but you have to point it out, because the guy could be president of the United States, so it's really import. To pay attention to this and its fastened. To me that there are any people who still think they would vote for this guy and apparently he still up in the polls yeah it's a pretty clear right now he is leading now look There is a people will say: ah well, the poles who cares about the poles. They got it wrong. Two thousand sixteen taking a step background, actually have the popular vote. They got right, they got right, I mean I don't want to because they got at. They missed the popular vote. I think one point six points of it came out and then there was the average of the poles. It was very close, remember and this is a fundamentally important thing to know these These national poles are not trying to predict the electoral college. That is not what they are attempting to do. There too, attempting to predict the popular vote, and you might say I don't care about the popular vote. That's fine, but it is
Somebody you, when you're, going to dismiss the policy to realise that they actually did fairly well in two thousand sixteen nationally a fuse. Dates were off and that's important. Right. I mean it was enough to to switch the the president that the idea that the election around, but it is a very close thing here, the lead is not close a minute. They have beaten up by six and eight and nine points in a lot of these poles, but The caution here is twofold. I think one you, have to understand and recognise the possibility that this strategy of height your presidential candidate could work. It is currently working, this idea Joe Biden is sitting there and never being seen, except when he compliments. Someone's thighs is us, rather GI, which I think is a wise strategy from Democrats. If I, Joe Biden as my candidate? I would hide the hell out of that guy. I might. I might see what
built building in invisibility cloak, I wouldn't out invented and I'll. Have him where it at all times Nobody to know he's our anomaly. That would be my strategy every Then you can't, you think what you wanna put, I think in the mind of the voters, is the idea that he's just this unnamed Democrat he's not even a Democrat he's the unnamed other guy- he's in the non trump candidate, and you know what he's probably better. Who knows you don't? because you even think about who is not think about who we its whatever you do, don't, about who is or what are you saying or how is blocked? You know bumbling over a sentence just think about he's. The guy your currently upset with might be enough. Separation. Point though here is that When Donald Trump starts focusing on Joe Biden, he won't be able hide anymore, John
Tromp has a way of controlling the media that nobody, I would say nobody in History- has ever been able to do in any president at any time he can control what they say. They will be honoured. Whole another story and I'll be. Let me tweet this. Retweet, chow is the entire new cycle for the day, I'm take I'm taken a pill, Hydroxyl clerk when they change a change and entire scope of what they're going to cover for the entire day because this guy's taking a medication that of thousands of people. Take hundreds of thousands of people take. And they just cannot stop themselves. So at some point, when we get past hope, we discovered thing and where we were in recovery in the economy and its I am for Donald Trump too. Making speeches and doing rallies again and talking about Joe Biden. They're, not gonna, be
what I hide him anymore, and once that happens, this is gonna get a lot closer and Donald Trump is going to be able to make this election not based on this guide right now, who does work, work right now? It's nobody it just this. Mythical other candidate, who everyone, I think, naturally takes them, Idea of who would be a good president. Just puts it on him if you're, if you have any friendliness due to voting for a Democrat, or thinking yourself well, he's probably better than sky. I don't like it like Donald Trump, for whatever reason and you're feeling in he's the altar Dave, and that's it when you see, him perform. You're gonna have to make a decision based on him to and that's when this This campaign has a good chance of falling apart for by nothing. Is that they have been oh yeah yeah and the other thing is Democrats don't care that it did
even care if, if Biden is competent, he's just not trump and that's fine with them. Like this journalist from the nation, Jude catholic pilot who said She would vote for binding, even if he oiled babies and ate them. That's an exact quote. If a thirteen year old babies and ate them Mancha So that's the mindset that summits. That's how much they hate Donald Trump. That's how much the dont care really who their nominees. If it's not trump there there with him, but if they pick Joe Biden rather nominee, it's obvious. They don't care, but they're, not young. It's a lie, or usually like a guy who could speak or cares or you're, just not paying attention and that's possible to that. They don't any attention, because how many people knew some of the weird things that Barack Obama said some of the incredible mistakes he made some of the veto. The fifty seven states comment here
you just need an inner later, a breath. Eliza origin not realise our later. You don't need either one of those yeah, but here is moments, certainly where he stir things up and speeches, but he now he came off at least as a competent Socialist Biden is uneven. He's not even that he is he's playing to the are left to try to win over these Bernie people in the EO. See types so he's he's not even running as a moderate. That's happening. People have in their head he's a moderate. Why why but he's to the right of Bernie Sanders, able isn't everyone in America to the right of Bernie Sanders like to think so. To think so, you know he was one of the most liberal senators when he ran for president in two thousand eight. You know, I think the difference get confused because Joe Biden
Has these positions that sound a bit conservative to as compared to today's Democratic Party in its past, that that doesn't make em conservative that just make some old has just been around for a long time when they liberal position was something else. Twenty years ago he held that well now they move the goalposts so far to the left. That is true. Years ago, stances seem conservative in retrospect worn at the time he just he was always been. Leftist he's always been a guy he's some guy as opposed to Bernie Andrews, but other than that? The very there's not much difference yet mean have slightly. And policies, but this guy is a hard core
left. Us tat we mentioned before he and Obama were the two most liberal senators in the Senate in two thousand eight, then what is it is not Joe Mansion. We're talking about right, not by any stretch of the imagination, is that's it frustrating because people because a perception is, as you said, the opposite of that and that's how Overton windowed we are so or if there is any way around that AAA seventies. And be easy K. More patents do for glass on the Glinda programme comes up. We all shop online, specially right now, but you can do it better. A with honey honey. Is the free online shopping tool that automatically finds the best promo code and applies?
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honey dot com. Slash back so you think, there's gonna be democratic convention like an actual, not a virtual. Because a lot of Democrats are seeing. There can't be a virtual it's gotta be an actual convention. You think there will be one. He thinks I would think so. I would think they would find a way to get everybody together. I mean they the figure awaiting permanent Michel on the ballot, so agitated try- and I bet would love obviously well yeah, I mean she would be really formidable sheet. She's got such a high approval rating that I think he wins if she's on the ticket Anna, who knows how she reaction that moment. There are many who knows how she reacts as the focus of the of the pressure that
Donald Trump brings, but still is she would come in baby and she certainly would open the raises the issue of as the favourite I mean, there's. No, question about. Oh yeah, now when she starts when talking who knows, but I mean the meat going to give her the most overwhelmingly positive treatment. Ever seen in your life. Well, when she started talking to two thousand eight, they quickly centre back home. Simply stop talk right. That's true, however, she's not a dumb woman nationals had no she's, just a radical change, more radical and even Barack Obama. That's true, but also has had twelve here's to go through. Hesitancy and no through us for her words of realizing, I mean they didn't. Have those incidents in two thousand twelve largely and she's gone through book tours and all these other thing. Since I think she ever had a tough question and our entire life, but she is she as a candidate would be formidable. I dont think that that's gonna happen, etc.
And now she doesn't seem to want to she's. I don't want you. The question I would say is like let's say its October first and Joe Biden, is down by nine points and it looks terror he sees and makes up scandals pop up, Ukraine stuff. There's more tapes that are leaked out all Just at the point where the american people are like absolutely not is question there, where you say you know what Joe your quote here. The problems that we didn't realize until this very moment are considerable Maybe it's time you stepped down and if it was that late were to offer, lets a Michel, the nomination I mean she when a barnstorming Iowa for fifteen months, What does she want to for four weeks or five weeks? Do major beaches were all the media. Do we'll do was fought over her and then she's handed the presidency. That might be for anyone it out and maybe even Michel as like. I can leave Martha's vineyard for five weeks. I can do it yeah, maybe
or I'll. Take a vacation weaken in the middle by happens, but even under those circumstances is probably more likely that it would be Hilary. I dont think I do not. Think that I actually, I think, is the least likely candidate in America to get. Now my patient, I think you have a better chance of getting the democratic delegation than Elizabeth had done with they hate her as they ate or as they think she can window. I think they do believe she can win. You might be right on that, but my case would be they look at. Like look at what I think of a they looked at Al Gore right, Al Gore went and he lost to George W Bush and they saw out of AL gore- is this fighter- who believed in something that was virtuous and who had election stolen from him Brighton, that's what they saw with Larry Clinton. They see someone who lost to the worst presidential. Ended in american history. Again. This is what they're saying I had what I'm saying
and they see this. They see her as just like you blue vat raising screw off every She comes on talks to the left runs or over the calls. Now if she was a nominee. Obviously that would change, but I think much more likely to pull you know some random senator you know give it to em global Sharps TAT, Tammy, bald winner summit. Some random person, then, and two handed to Hillary Clinton for a second go out. I just don't think they have any interest in that they get smart by the white or you might resurrect Bernie at that point. I think they like like Bernie, though it leading argument. He came in second Riah. If you're gonna pick any From that feel, you have to take the guy who came in second, I think so you're going to do that. Then I think you have to pick from outside of that pool. It's interesting. You look at the the pretty predicted dot. Org is a site where you can go and you can put real money on political out.
Right? You to gambling sighted since now await its investment in vitro how the right would you say that word a gambling is associate Irish. I apologize. This is nothing like a gambling site, it's a pretty addiction engine and gay. Oh, that involve real investment. Wow! That's that's how it's very brave would technically word. It is legal by the way in the United States, it have a clearance from from the government to do this for what they risk two purposes, really like what do people when they put their real money down, actually believe we could tell pulsar whenever you want what you actually believe all right. Now, Joe Why, then, is that eighty five percent chance to win the day, Craddock nomination, he toward the election, but just to actually get the nomination for the party that has other candidates currently running, then there's something the others a fifteen percent chance. This guy does not last. That is. Something that would be back of their mind, though, is somebody else swoops in that
they are really Mary too, because I dont know how married. They are to Joe Biden now I know they're not married to now. He looks like he's going to lose. Completely control this right. Yet if the media and the left decided, you know what we're back, to believing all women- and they just now giving terror read all the credibility of the media. He's dead, he's gone, he's toast, the campaign is over for him. They control him completely in the situation by the way, speaking that, did you see the Army Horowitz interview industry, where this is fantastic. We should play this maybe we'll do that cover up here where he he goes on the street and ass. All these democrats do do women, should they be believed,
FAO, absolutely absolutely veni ass. Do you believe me to greet you gotta see a believer that come up with just vigilance is the global programme you heard me to Michael Endeavour and about Michael and now he is the inventor of my pillow and how you know always pillows give me great night sleep. I love his sheet, but I want you to know that you are the reason my pillow is the incredible company than it is today. You have trusted Michael Endeavour to give you a great night. Sleep well Michael now offering a by one get one deal on some of his incredible products like the geese dream sheets debate covers pillows their bolster and neck pillows, and so much more you
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Ben Stupor, Glad Glenn Back programme financed by show TAT greatly immediately preceding this one or on podcast at your leisure, any time of the day or night wherever you get your free podcast stew has something going on as well. I'm doing America every night at lock, Eastern Stewed as America could subscribe anymore. You have your podcast or watch em these tv or a new to just search for stew and on my dumb faces looking back at you still smell like so the food now ball
as to you all to you in and then and there I will be Unc herself subscribe. If you get a sling and we had a debate which we may be, we should do some stuff later on. Andrew Cuomo because he is like my personal jihad, which, by the way, means struggle recur right here. He's my personal sending only strugglers analyses struggle. I behold secularists it's a sailor wholly struggle because, as we know, it's mostly it mostly secular the muscle, brotherhood at least, is mostly secular butter. A yet- and I just I can't understand this- fascination with this guy who It's been a in an utter disaster like overseeing be the worst parts of the corona virus pandemic. In the entire world. Yeah none
Why does the United States the only love him in New York? I love him. I know well, it's fading. It is fading. I mean he was up. Is eighty percent is about time because I mean how do you do such a bad job? In fact he was sending covered. She wants to nursing home. I believe it to be the worst single decision in the entire pandemic and he got away with it now is actually trying to blame trot for divorce, cautious because it worth getting out while he instituted a policy which give Guaranteed the import of covert. Now team pub positive patients in nursing homes right where he himself admitted where the people that were the most vulnerable and then he also to take any sense at all mountaineer you're running where these places like what you're gonna do, what we don't even have facilities to deal with a pandemic, we're just I wear a nursing home mitya like we. We can help be no basic medical,
Obviously we nursing homes have those some capability for that signed to deal with a pandemic its eyes, Secondly, we are not designed to do They all said this by the way at the time. Yes stating what we do not want this to happen net then Ok? Well, if you are, if you have someone in your and you're a nursing home, they have covered. Nineteen you have to let them back in ITALY You can not, though, import new patients that that aren't your patients in that are covered, nineteen positive, rising and test them as they come in and make sure of their father. Now he actually per entered the nursing homes from testing the patients so but he couldn't. They couldn't even know if they were covered. Nineteen positive, that is its you can understand it. Stand, what you would do, let me ask it as if our country so tat. You know we have a real problem with old people. There's too many of them, what's kill em all off gimme. A policy that will do it. Would you desire
different policy, though that would be the best way to do exactly what you do a big areas all this guy in a viral video out there were these guys punching these people, nurses, is punching these defenceless old people in a nursing home. It's disgusting, the guy got arrested. They did find little disturb it's it's revolting, but compare that too, what Edric Cuomo did you know it's. There sprang thousands of dead people because Andrew Cuomo and said other democratic governance by the way instituted this policy or a verse. Of it are thousands of people their lives in an in what is seemingly VA most obvious outcome that could be imagine from a policy where you take people who are vulnerable to a pandemic and import intentionally. Pay should pay, and instead of a nursing home, like Of course, this is what is going to happen, of course. Incomprehensible, that they would do this
finally, after and I have he with. Through the policy, but the damage been done already. Oh yeah, oh by far, So we ve got to my interest video to show you concerning Andrew COM, how come it up and if his brother to salute nightmare in their fight over their mom and who is loved mom my dont care, your mom loved more. I don't care, I think I do feel like it. The tides are starting to turn on that when they are simple, are sick of the Como Brother Stick, their starting to realise useless. I think there's a little bit of a rally behind the guy that goes in a moment like that or you're. Like you know, what he's the only thing we have, we better, I hope he's doing it. Job you're, almost convincing yourself, he's doing a good job, but now that looks like a wartime president, you I believe and hope, but we're
to appoint now people are actually looking at what he's done and- and I can't imagine this holds up, but look. This is this: is there so partisanship and so much tribalism around the stuff I mean what you look at the stuff with Biden, your mentioning before, with with terror do we believe our will. All women are not right, what about the hashtag believe women there was, there was hatched hashtag that was circulating during the me to stuff believe women. Well, Ah me Horowitz put that to the test and here's. What happened
I'm Ami Horowitz on back these village. Believe all women has been the mantra of the left since the Cavanaugh hearings, but do they really believe in court? Is it to believe women exerting points? Very? It's totally. You believe man, why don't you believe women same thing or gas is important and it will always be and someone sexually assaulted and yeah? It's happened in high school and I was told to do anything about it, because the guy the star soccer player in high school. Nobody would believe absolutely important. No one believed me. I get thirty. Five years in jail for killing my abuser
so I am very sure, I'm feeling terror. Read you the one who is accusing Joe Biden of sexual assault. Jubilee ever, I think, he's an employee of, I think, he's despicable. You guys believe Terry's delegation out no duly delegations, and now the timing is also very bizarre or so whatever read it just doesn't seem less credible. I personally don't know why she's coming out now spoken up earlier. We need binding twenty seven years ago are now between seven years ago, Joe Biden to be fair maiden. He does remember we ever breakfasted. I actually have the best memory. He'll go back to the bridge Cavanaugh. I thought they were. She was very clever. Can you explain to us to the audience? Can the difference between terror? We, delegations and the allegations of Christian Blasi forward yeah,
you know- I don't know if I recall, since my memory is so to specifically say guidelines and not going around saying you, I don't beer and, like I mean if you saw comment about all, but that was just I think I ll be crazy, hashtag believe all women. Thank God, I believe all women are the eyes, believe all women to take. You celimene, except terror, Reed here, and we will do it. Didn't we make it clear in the first place with a believer women thing, it was all except her us, except Anybody who says something about a guy we want to vote, for I mean Ami Horowitz has, as he does such a catch. All those very eight. This either something convincing about him. Where does it feel to the People on the street that he's coming off as like I'm making a point throughout Europe
Hocker, seek somehow able to keep them in this moment where they think they're. Talking to someone friendly and is it that I mean it? Is it sister yeah So is it really is pathetic? Image shown that entire movement to be a sham by sham, at least as it relates to Democrats in their real there. There Cavanaugh stuff, it's so obviously, just partisan nonsense. They dont kidney. Aren't they never cared for a second about Christine. Fort I'll, never not heard about her, not what may or may not have happened to her didn't care for a second and the facts. It was proven because this this Cavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court. Had they mentioned, are once nope, don't you Remember such an overnight the heavy Have they filed charges against Britain haven't I admit that they did because they got an eye for them to say are that was twenty seven years ago? Why? Now,
Z, foreign, with thirty seven years ago, yeah I think, about, saw link about the differences here. Pat, we have absolute proof that terrorism worked in the office with Joe Biden. Let us start there. We have right, evidence this far. I can remember that Christy before even ever, met right. A cabinet? Let alone is at the heart of the night of open question which we don't know what the night is in question, because she could. We all know what that night is. We don't know what the houses we don't know that day together, no weighting of it. We do know that people do remember: terror reed disappear. Oddly in the middle of a job. For no reason we do now that she said that her mother called in to American Larry King and we use it did happen. She did. She did. We do know that she told multiple people over the years that this did occur and they backed up that story and a factor that sort network that does not mean Joe Biden. Did this right? People, like
Mellings credence to the story for certainly does right. It's you know that we have a justice system for a reason. Man in a look, if you, if every one if we decided we wanted to take out some important person, we could all easily align our stories, and say ok say that you say that you ve saved us three or four people absolutely could do that. Months, not saying that's what happened here. I don't know, but it could happen. Larry King things a lot more difficult to do. Yeah really difficult, you know, there's a national show just getting on that show. I'm sure at the time was probably difficult for they get on and be able to say that and then have to be recognised as the person that you'll find the tape, so that in nineteen eighty three, what setting up your two thousand twenty allegation right, but I mean exactly. I don't think that's true, though I would say she never mentioned rape, rape, she'd. Invention is a problem with that, So we don't know what the level of that accusation was, and I would they too, it's possible
that you get fired. You create a fiction. You tell people to justify what happened. And it turns into a long term story. Is it possible? Yes, it's possible in the way that all of crazy things are possible, p when the lottery multiple times, so it's possible sure it's possible, but these things go on, but did fairy online possible. Monkish somewhat lie out my, but exactly it's just not likely it's not like. I know not like slippers and on how many monkeys so far the store so far, none yes pro! the best number two to try to store their gas but euro there. Crazy things that happen rather crazy thing like a guy guy sad home in the nineteen eighties any started watching press your luck. The game show they had a vhf recorder and he must logically record where the boxes bounce around the outside border. Until you
figured out that one specific block net. Turned into a whammy that would cost him all of his money. So we, back there and studied the patterns and recognised that it repeated then went to words to the California, got the show pressure, luck, able to win like ten times as much as any other candidate or any other just because he knew all. The patterns he had memorize how the game Mord worked. That happened in real life, then that guy left- but all of his money, and why, up losing all of it various scams and other things the real story, it's a store. That actually occur anyone on the run at the end of his life before he died, all of them, actually happening was going to be whose scheduled at one point
be a bill, Murray Movie and what a fantastic movie that would have been than ever made it I may do I don't know, I don't know what happened. I mourn eventually raise gazebo. We bring great story interview, it's a real of rural guy. Who did this? crazy stories happen, but like we all of these things. Adding up would at least indicate that goes well beyond the standard of proof that Democrats have wanted for any Republican in this similar situation, you know and time and when we remember the James combing situation, where the whole point, was contemporaneous notes. He took contemporaneous. No, that was proof that bit X, Y and Z happened all it one guy just wrote, Dounia this happened, and that was enough for everybody on the left. Our contemporaneous notes. She told all these people at the time that this went on and It's not believe all women anymore, that's dead. It's gone exactly do we never meant it and you ask them what women? What about believe all women
if someone who's, maybe a little bit more her more thoughtful than it will that army ran into they will say, is not what we believe all women all the time, no matter what what we want, what we said that we need to listen to women, and then you know Obviously we have to do a process that goes on here does describing what we say time. We still continue to say it today. That's the difference between a lot more people on the left in the media. And a lot of people in the right I have heard? One person change their standard on the right on this, everyone saying: look you can't convict him over the stuff you might want to do. Because you want to lose the presidency, but that's not the way we operate in this country. Turbinate. Seventy seven be easy Joy, lessening Glenn, back
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perhaps the scariest part about it, as people are seen that number like out better than last time. It is a little better than last week, but it still like the ape worse than our history and three times worse martini. Yet to move forward the billion we and we ve never had those kinds of numbers. Worse ever was, I think, eight hundred thousand before this issue here and so three times as bad as anything prick over it, like a great it's getting better at that are on the right track, guys we're here to share with you some amazing stuff with reform. Although we are coming to the Glen Back Programme, We talk about my took over his boots and how much I love him and what a great company they come from. Small business. That's doing things the right way down here in Texas, we'll, given the challenges that we're going through as a country to cover. This has asked me to speak about something else that comes to mind every time I put on my two covers boots, the cowboy now you know
I'm not a working cowboy, but I know some of those guys and not being one of them. I wouldn't pretend to be, but what I see in them I see and other people too, because in many ways cowboy is just a mindset and and compromising can do attitude a willingness to help, even when is really hard and most of all the cowboy. No. That the good guys always win in the end. So who begin the hard work of bootstrap in this country and economy back into shape. To always has the boots. You need find your parents two clovis dot com, d, C, o vs, dotcom, slash back to Coverest? outcome. Slash back, and what do you say, let's all become boys speaker events, twenty four Glen, eight hundred and eighty eight seven thousand two hundred and seventy the easy way to get involved in the show Ah, no on students, America, you been talking about and recall lately in the great job that he has been doing because he
has done some kind, a job you. What is it I'm only a third of all deaths come from New York from this Covin virus right, isn't it like heard of all deaths are lost and the worst of the The entire worlds covered outbreak was in New York in New York and you have to and that that China downplays it a little bit because all of a New Jersey in Connecticut break out, of course, our present new eroded of New York and when you look at the the genetic make up of the virus around the country, but eighty per if the outbreaks around the country off around or New York so Jane. Other than that, the results are there, Pat the results other than that undergo almost done an unbelievable job? He has an oh sure if you can. Here it to any one else in the entire world. No
giving you would absolutely if, given that there is a draft their quota, you want to run your ear covert. Nineteen response and the choices were Andrew Cuomo, guy who was dealing winning we hear from east from northern ITALY the University of Northern ITALY but Lombardy region. He you got him or you can get some random guy selling bats in whew Hon, I think, go on you at this point? I certainly am going when I hope I don't have the third pic. I I'm stuck with Cuomo I'll. Tell you that Cuomo. We are going through and we ve decided to build a series out of this just go through the timeline of Andrew Cuomo thing, but this this is a market where started March. Only that I won't give him any heat stuff. In January February he bowed and necessarily note was going on, but towards the end of February. It started really ramping up and in all over. The world March starts at this point you gotta know, especially in New York: major travel. Have this is a big deal so
March first is the first case announced to New York March second hears Andrew Coma. In this situation. The facts defeat fear because the reality is reassuring, net is deep breath. Time, ah ha doesn't take a deep breath. Pat ok, So you need to do here. Sounds like we're. Gonna, be fine right, yeah. Why? We are, if you, if you, if you thought that he wasn't taking, This health challenge seriously. I can see how you might take that from that particular statement, but you have to look at his website, which is where he puts the real meat this policy and he made a major statement, the carried on the website on March. Third, a he did it. Serious action against, health crisis and this Eric and, of course, by the pedantic I mean the voting epidemic
It wouldn't wrote on his sight. The nicotine nicotine raping epidemic is a scourge on our state and our nation, those March third March. Third, a so everyone else's like hey, covert, nineteenth scatter scary, but what bout raping now I will say every and is going to look back and think about March, twenty twenty as the month of the vapours epoch, like those clearly with the history books are going to say, and he was right on top of that now. While people were kind of passing this virus, all over the city, Cuomo launch a petition against raping and quoting the website campaign also includes a new hashtag, no rape, and why now, if we have only thought if fight the virus with a hashtag vat, worked out forty well, you know yeah, but he didn't together, hashtag no corona, and why hash? down with covered Tight corner likes, you don't get it
Perhaps we can show, I dont get it yeah. That would do that. Could I dine at their baby. What we fortunately, you didn't think about March. Six were up to now we're forty four cases into your Andrew Cuomo. A still couldn't I believe that you were worried about it, We have more people in this country dying from the slow. Then we have dying from corona virus. That's one of the things. I guess you kicked out of a media these days, if you are conservative and said that what people really report doktor drew dragged through the mud by the left for that exact statement, but Andrew Cuomo doing it. So don't worry about it, just a few continue to sneeze on each other of annex one March eighth new year, but its triple did just a hundred five known cases. We all know it's a lot higher than that reality. Cuomo contain to tell everyone not to change their lives around all that much. If you can move to weigh train car that is not as dense.
You see a pack train car, let it go by wait for the next train same with the, if you're taking a bus. Now I don't know Lloyd, public transmitting. No, no, I just did it. Take a less crowded, felt, less crowded, wanna less dense one, and I would argue you should probably try to find a governor. That's less dense. However, I understand, I guess his point here, any less he's, making a little progress. Column nature. Emphasize that the most important thing that new Yorkers could do was basically lay back and she lacks she bit all in perspective. I know there's a whole frenzy about it. The facts do not justify the frenzy period, the biggest problem. We have in this situation is fear, not the virus. Now iris. We can hand it's the fee and the fear is just on warranted.
That's good to hear that Andrew Promo can handle the virus, and you were so worried, Pat that entire tongue. I can remember Louis Freakin, now editing the governor of south. Dakota- makes that statement. It's probably fine. If the guy Why only makes that statement is probably fine, although it though, People made it since the Republicans they will get trash. Did the media constantly, but Andrew Cuomo is presented as this hero in the situation, the very next day We continue to parade the immediacy of people who thought This might be a big problem, context or these numbers, what does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean all day, long people calling me up and saying here: are these numbers? What does it mean? It means you ve the positives you reduce the spread What is the bottom line? What does this mean? Yeah people are reacting like this is the boa virus. So this is not your ball a virus, this.
Stereo, that you see this fear that the panic that you see your pen is unwarranted. We have. With worse viruses. Many times this spreads lights, the flu, but most people will have it and they get on with their lives there. You go sat easy. Now I will say you may have noticed a tad bitter. An undercurrent of criticism here for me on Andrew Coma and in most of fairness. This actually turns out to be his best moment of the entire response. Why he? actually got something right. It's very rare for come on this period? He is correct over nineteen is not the Ebola virus fact covert. Nineteen don't you to kill more people in just New York in just the first three weeks of April, then able what has in all of human history, and so he is correct
It is not even smaller gold star for that. Little answer from Andy. We have more She would take a quick brake on one minute break come back on the other side because or the hunt. Marge ninth must this is all have been before March. Ninth amazing amazing, back into work, This is the Glen program on average, people have to wait. Twenty nine days to see it, or in some major: U S, cities, basically, a month if you're dealing with the condition like erected, dysfunction, hair loss or cold source. You won't treatment s maybe that's why Roman has spent years building a digital platform that can connect you doktor licence in your state, all from the comfort of home Roman, makes it convenient to get the treatment you need on your schedule. Just grab your phone or computer, complete Free online visit and you'll hear back from you,
s license physician within twenty four hours and of the doktor decides that treatment is right for you right whence pharmacy can ship your medication with free to day shipping. You also free unlimited, follow ups with your doktor any time you have questions or want to adjust your treatment plant with Roman there's no commitments and you can cancel any time soon. If you're struggling with e hair law, scold, sores or other issues go to get right when dot com, slash back for a free online visit and free to day shipping get and dot com. Slash back Tripoli. Seventy seven, the easy, gay and spat stupor Glenn on the Glen Back programmes targeted genius that is Andrew Como and the way he has handled this pandemic priceless just perfectly very impressive bavarian. It has large. Ninth also the day that Cuomo attempted a media stunt aimed at the,
early at the vilification of capitalism, but specifically Amazon, for suppose it price gouging overhead desensitize her. This is seventy five first alcohol, it also has a comes in. A variety of sizes has a very nice floral Ok little I detect a lilac hide ranger. Tulips were smart. You That clip gives me chills for some reason. I don't know what it is him talking about: the floral bouquet that its it made me like hate dangers for the rest of my life. And notice them and in the middle of the pandemic response literally reaches his hand out so than guy next week can smell it. That is
the prince governs is basically Como bragging that he can beat the market price with hands entities using Prison labour, which is really easy to be all market prices when you're musing, essentially slave labour prices fall. All of your employees course later we found out, but he wasn't even doing that he was just bottling, the sanitize or with with the prison labour, not making it so he was lying as well, but that's like that thousands most annoying thing about that click. The fact that he's people to smell is lilac hands is just get grosses me. I didn't want to get Martin March, eleventh, now is two hundred and sixteen cases in New York, known of kroner virus, and Andrew Cuomo is doing stick at his press conferences, attempting, I would argue, a worse irish accent and even Barack Obama. Listen,
well arise. You know Visor Patrick TAT, our yes hi, so authorization sure well is that eggs, while I don't know what that is. It makes me dislike Ireland, the entire country it makes irish people dislike Ireland, which It is a really I mean you're. Pretty irish penny. You now hate ironing. Do ok, do so Oh then, he has an interview scheduled and, of course, by itself it's not really all that notable Andrew Cuomo love seeing Andrew Cuomo on Television more than anyone else in the entire world. He gets that exposure all the time, so there is One place, though he couldn't go to get interviewed one place CNN with his brother. Cuomo. Why? Because CNN had banned Christian, although from interviewing and Cuomo, which is
PS thing for a journalistic organization to do, because you, have your host as a journalist interviewing here brother run on television? in two thousand thirteen. They insulted this ban it. For seven years and then in the middle of a pandemic. There like AL. I guess now is the time for the softest of softball interviews, of course leads to a CNN lifting the ban and it unleashed journalism like this, Governor Andrew Cuomo, everybody else. My big brother, I'm proud of you, I love you. Thank you for explaining the hard part and what's gonna, have to happen so that we can get to a better place in the future. God bless I'll talk to you. A second proud of you wow so their borders of each other both proud of each other's ago, did not each other it's good to know, and that, of course, has escalated to, I think, was yesterday the day before fiasco were now he's doing like carrot, top props and bring out like
Note, nasal swabs Chris Cuomo to joke with his brother, about that his size of his nose? Let take one more one minute break and will finish up just the first weeks of March Next So you have and fever. Yet well me, and my by or out drilling and erect tech grill it's time to
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Are you see tee see grills within S dotcom, Our march twelve. Now, Andrew almost time line of corona virus threat or twenty five known cases in New York and governor always, on camera is talking to New York, one in what I believe he thought This is the worst moment of the entire a pandemic. He is forced to do an interview, and now be seen he has lived on the phone. So this is an increase disappointment for Andrew Cuomo. Listen to the points he makes Here, though there irritating all all four of his key points two issues where dealing with one the virus which he can handle the second is the anxiety and fear that
It is being generated because of the virus, and that many sources how the federal government is handling of all these people, spreading rumours, but that's just what they are. They are rumours in New York. City is not going to close down, ah, while that's a relief, that's a relief, those rumours good being out there It is a master class on how to botch a public response to a crisis, first, he says he can handle the situation that he blatantly can't handle, and we can all recognize that he's not handled the situation. Then he tells me, but to relax? Ok, then he abandons his responsibility and put the blame on the federal government. But you know I see just rosetta and I guess there's something to worry about like the federal government's response, but we can handle this and then he says the other people to blame or the people spreading rumours rumor
that New York my closed down, something that, of course, obviously did happen and is still happening. I weren't may now still going on and Cuomo horse was very aware of every talking point to deflect blame away from himself. His aware, of the real world is just. Define listen especially think of herself. If you're in urine, urine, Wyoming you're in me no Nebraska you're in Texas, listen to this exchange with Craig Melvin from March Thirteenth. Governor really quickly. Here we, how would you care to rise, stand right now in New York state with regard to respond to the virus in general? I don't think, there's any different here. Then it is anywhere else The variety of fear is as much of a problem as the virus. Can you think about
This guy had no awareness that New York was any different than anywhere else and as a time where the media is in the more that Andrew Como may very well, be God that is there the tone of their coverage throughout all of this. He didn't recognize that New York was different Did he not recognise that everyone, new. That was true. He blew every piece of this response and he continually went on television and radio and lied about it. And in a really the only reason this country's shut down at all is because of what happened in New York. The fact the heat recognize it was different is disgraceful and I will say I started day when one thinks of the stuff and stew does America last night which Porsche could subscribe to, and you too, we can see all the clips see every one of us and a lot more we started going through. My idea was to go through the entire timeline for Cuomo. A thousand
Not me they can only do March by the end, I realize I could only do the first two weeks in March, so I had to break March into two pieces, there's so much to pick apart from the sky and the fact that he's got this halo over his head. After what he has done. Is this couple by what the media had added the wit, what the media has done. Almost nobody has the virus in New York, though there's only three hundred and sixty six thousand people went the virus. That's what yeah I mean Ok! So, yes, that's! Ets lives. Six seven times higher than Texas, which has one third higher population. The New York we have But thirty million people have got about twenty million people. We have fifty three thousand five hundred eight corroded virus victims, they have three hundred sixty six thousand three. Fifty seven and, of course, that's just known right rats, no New Zealand. Aren't you and much more testing right now than they are NEA
done the the antibody tests there and found in Manhattan about twenty percent of the entire population at least had it at one point. Jeez amazed by far the highest in the country again, because New York was different, I don't have you noticed Asia, he didn't know and then known, but is somehow maybe over this time he's been able to figure out that New York might be a little different. Field in Iowa, maybe and to have twenty eight thousand eight hundred eighty five deaths, which is about a third of all the in the United States of America and then New Jersey is second at ten thousand, so eighteen thousand behind and the only reason they have ten thousand eight hundred is because the new workers are going to New Jersey to go home. It's it's unbelievable. It's amazing! Will you look at the arable job he's done terrible! Here's here is the deaths per the death rate per million population. So you don't you are you not adjusting population are never one New York. Yep number two,
New Jersey, number, three Connecticut, why? Because they want Bourbon New York, number four Massachusetts: and of course, as we ve seen with the actual genetic, make of this virus. Their several strains in the New York strain has been the one that's infected about. Eighty percent of the country I mean I just eat. You can't believable originated. Allow restate the the terrible job he's done. It's very difficult to do I'll. Do it I'll, try that ultimately, ok, I don't you get it like a finite overstated. I will, but I have been able to find the lady even do it. I don't think you can do a turbulent. Seventy seven be easy, Glenn Back programme. We are
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and reliable, not using honey, is literally passing up free money, join honey, dot com, slash back, that's, join honey, dot, com, slash back doing our part to keep free speech alive. There is much more after the brake on the Glinda programme. Spend Stupor Glenn Ahmed led programme triple eight? Seventy, seven be easy, gay. Odin Talkin about discovered thing and Andrew almost handling in New York has just been astonishingly bad and for a while- I don't think, he's there now, but he had an eighty percent approval rating at one point: during all this press conference stuff, just because he talks about it every day, people loved him for it. When the Duke S, and you got the worst problem- in know world aid in the yet, not just Amerika. The world, This guy is the head of it. Well,
How does he become popular over the New York New York City? you were saying the death rate per million is the viruses by are the highest area by far the highest stay. They ve got it. Let's see their theirs is one thousand port. Eighty four per million new jerseys one- and turned twenty one Connecticut. One thousand five in those are all basically New York. I mean you know here tonight: area if you don't, if you ve, never lived up there. It's not like that, like Texas, where drive for hours and you're still in the same state like people work in Pat, commuted every day. From Connecticut who Connecticut or for Connecticut to New York sees me, I did it from not even New Jersey. I went through Jersey from Pennsylvania you can go multiple states on a normal commute. This is so there by far the highest. When you look all the citys around the world that have been affected by the most by covered nineteen New York City, has the highest excess death rates. If you look at forget how we owe naming, if you think I could say some people don't like the way that they ve bred in certain
deaths and all that you just look at overall mortality, we're like pretty much in a city. Save about people die every year that at the same time, its right around the same amount every year you look at the the line every single year right around the same amount with occasional spikes like, for example, spike four nine eleven where you have most people die in a day, so you have a spike there this. Spike isn't much much bigger than nine eleven forcible, but is twenty is: it is larger than any other city in the world that was effected like this. It is three hundred and ninety eight percent above their normal death rate during the scope it period three hundred and eighty eight percent, while the only one that is higher than than that percentage. Wise is Bergamo, Events in ITALY which four hundred and ninety six percent, however much smaller overall number of people, in in excess of knew of the norm, so there efforts are not there when we went through the whole lists in the break when it comes to
death rate Emmy Texas, is like forties. Third, forty fourth in death, and death rate Florida is like thirty five, something like that: What is the state you been hearing about to Florida in Texas and Georgia is a little bit higher but but but not much. It's incredible. The attention that has been poured over people like Raw Rhonda Santas in Florida who buy All appearances has done a good job. It's worked out pretty well he's been more lenient and other states in some ways in some ways, but He still has been able to oversee a situation that has not run out of control like it did in New York and in did in many states run largely by democratic governors. Oddly enough, I dont think you can Not necessarily the via the virus is Publican
I am sure that will be the next accusation, and now it's interesting, as I really do have this. The Cuomo thing really bothers me because of If that is the idea that he has a seventy eighty percent approval rating when he is mismanaged tons of us- and I do think over the long period that will come out there- kind of been my jihad which, by the way, struggle wholly struggle. Thank you pointing out but my I would say even conservatives for awhile we're, like you know, is doing a pretty good job. What are you talking about? You know he's always not, luckily taken this stance constantly india that It is interesting to see who Qaeda I would say: Frau choose another big one like fancies, one that a lot and it's not mine, but a lot People on the kind of talk radio site Things are hypercritical of found and he certainly has not been perfect. You
you're kind of on this by what kind of critical of India. I am not a fan, not offend me out, the guy you- and I don't think president from the fire and because that would bring down a firestorm length, if only I just an unnecessary yeah, just don't Pierre. He doesn't need that in addition to everything else, so just leave in place and just don't let him in own talk at the news conferences anymore, which is kind of what he's manure It found she is also sort of backed off all the other appearances. I mean he was literally appearing on hundreds of programme. Yet again, now all of a sudden he's kind of gone from all of those yeah it's interesting. I mean, I think the EU. Do you point out something I think Orton, which is felt she has no power like families, power is only there because Trump This is as allowed him to be the spokesperson. He can tell him that he may have told them stop going only shows. I think there was a time,
more found she was so any still is very pop. His approval ridding is very high. It's in the eighties, but that's me Why that's not what we dealt with this base? by his basis, I think, has as its very much soured on him because they want after opening it would understandable, I think there is a theirs thing where Trump really gotta. Of positive attention because of family and family. I will say one thing here: in very smart about is generally speaking and not an every circumstance, but generally speaking, has been very deferential trump and that he'll go He shows and I'll get cornered by a media member that will say you know you
this thing where we were going to take these these drastic steps and you brought it to try what did he say probably said he wanted to oil companies to kill people write and every time fancies I can. Actually they sang it s not play along with them. Doesn't he I will give him credit for that. He hasn't usually do that and that's probably why still there right? Yes, but he's been smart enough to say you know what no actually the second I brought the first time. I told the president about this. He considered the options and decided to go forward with the drastic action to save you. Life one possible exception was when he said this aged social distancing physical distancing stayed home measures had started third week of February instead of MID March. Obviously you could lie quickly say that if you a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation area. You can save lives. Obviously no one is going to deny that. But you're right I mean. Obviously, if we add right from the very beginning, shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different, but there was a lie:
pushed back about shutting things down back then yeah and some of it was from found himself hears said not the third week of February, but the fourth no right now at this moment there is no need to change anything you doing on the day by day basis as fast and care in there was right so handsome cod victory stuff from him. What I found his errand hates me, although I think you could take his comment. First of all, the key, The word obvious about ten times ahead. It is obvious right like it. If what we If we knew we want to show that country down in October exact, we wouldn't have any rights, and if we give me there's a huge pile up on the highway, we would have just called a highway down there what nobody cyrillic. We all know, of course. In retrospect, that was not a legitimate possibility at the time and in a way the person. He's criticising most is Anthony algae right
The person who should have known than the appropriate response was to shut everything down more than anybody in the world without ever stating that, though, in that way, and I think that would ingratiate him a little bit more to me if he would have admitted that ain't gonna said look even I was saying that in the beginning, as I was saying, American have to worry about this right. Now America isn't going to be affected by this like the rest of the world right, even I said that at the beginning, that would be really getting. It helped say that might that I think you're right. It's. It's been interesting kind of watch that develop that relationship because it is a it has been. I think Overall when it comes to the the reaction to the country, a positive for Trump, that this guy, who everyone can help but admit The nations preeminent expert in Info this disease control continually comes out and says actually prompt, listen, every single time we talked about this. That status ingratiating induced me. Without who does it wanted him to listen to any foul gi? So that's
I think that's been a tough thing. I think you're right it would be. A big p Our disaster, for him if he were to fire him at this point now traumatic, a guy who runs away from pr disaster, so he may wine of doing it doesn't carry most visible and mean do the media. It is. I will interested to see. If that, if that happens, I think he likes it. Does shield him out from a lot of the media criticism, because, like does if he says like I did exactly what now what we were told you you know, I I that is a it's a pretty good good defence for Trump when it comes down to the media coming after him and that's gotta. What's gonna happen in this election they're gonna question every little piece of this, and if got it, He felt you there to say actually here did exactly what I said, you know it's gonna be hard who criticise them wit when one of the media and think about this from now you one more thing, because I am I
definitely recognise that, like you know that the audio and roads, not afraid of Anthony algae, but think about what we can hear him to another guy from our very recent history. James call me genes. Can we also had at one time a very high approval rating and could end he did leave. Grew, into the media right this book. Constantly criticised the president openly say how we basically overturned all democratic norms, and He was so worshipped by the media that he just ran into their loving arms found, she could do the same thing here. He could he could. He could walk away with an eighty percent approval rating and yet look over the Republicans would start to sour autumn. Obviously when he did just like that, we did with coal, because at one point call me was very popular among republicans do, but he can I want to get this adoration from the media at any time and you may one of doing it at some point, but so far, but both him and works have
back and said the president has acted in an intelligent way. We are we he'll even say look I only a I'm. Only making recommendations on the medical, the president has a much tougher job. He has to deal the economy in people and in all these different things, I'm just making recommendations on one little part of it. He needs to look at the whole picture and I think that's the way the their relationship should work, it does not, who knows, but the point that, like he could go two MSNBC and be every single show every single day saying how evil the president is he's done. Much of that. If any of it, I'm here, I must say, he's been perfect, but he has at least taken time to recognise in a what places in this area and it is not present of United States sees not support this. Somewhere system works. We didn't elect Anthony fancy. The own personal elected Anthony algae was dull job. Who can needs to employment, and at some point don't you might say you know what now you suck get out and that will become
completely his right to do it completely is right to do yes, he would be B. I mean he be crucify for doing it, but has every right to do that. It would call me a few pages I gotta get out now in his answer. To that, get out to replace seventy seven be easy. Gay methods super glue coming up, art, so there are problems that men face as they get older problems. You necessarily we'll talk about. Eighty hair loss all sorts of things like that you want to say one one of these things happens. Let's just get this taken care of, but you might be frustrated or embarrassed store in others too, up to twenty nine days to see a doctor in some areas and it can get even worse. Now. Luckily, though, you have a situation where Roman was absolutely designed for situation unjustly, we're facing because they do this all online. You don t worry about talking to your doctor. You have to worry about
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Slash back here, listening TAT, Glenn back, driblets seven twenty seven back is the phone number. It's patents do in four glad, as on vacation wanted Other things I think is interesting is how pathetic miss left are when it comes to these figures the that wine of disagreeing with their viewpoints. You can't do it, you just can't you You know we will see these people who they embraced fully believe all women they embrace and then terror red is a woman. Ass grow her she's. Not only will they all winter, they hate her, that's it. Happening with Eu Musk, here's a guy- who is literally buildings spaceships to escape global warming. Cages. Why he's doing it? That's why he's doing it? That's is admitted motor.
It should guide it. Here's a guy who is a single handedly lecture. The electric car thing back end up in the minor he's a guy who is single head and we all know people in this building who have well fitted there. Would the solar panels batteries and love them right, serve atoms are buying electric cars, so panels batteries and are signing up to go to Mars to escape global warming. Does he mean by about it right he's made a viable and at his own expense, as long as these os money on this or that goes down and the law of course loves him for that. That's! Ok! God forbid! You want to put any these factories to cure warming back to work or not. I hate him now. Remember they here is telling us that global warming was the biggest threat to us. Not a pandemic is global warming. That was a threat. This guy wants to go back to work making electric cars and solar panels, but because he,
doesn't agree with the. I want up a permanent lockdown idea. He's the devil is in red, a bull fast. They will change. If you step out of line in the slightest way, they will snap you back so hard it'll break your neck gap, and that exactly what's happening to Elon Musk right now. We're and you know it s who another person, it's happened to it. Congo West Dalia Kenya. Western media is the ultimate darling of the Lebanese than George Bush. Doesn't like black people. Guy George Bush doesn't like black people. You know he is a absolutely embraces a genius for his work and I know you're huge around here. Aficionados a you know this sure, but here's the guy who's, like our the genius they com, a genius constantly or not a genius likes Donald Trump. Is he still a genius Norway's buffoons the dumbest person on the face of the planet- and he might actually be mentally area- and you know what else
tat? He might just you might not be blank Directorate Wally's, doubling these different black and I will say that apparently, a real stance now by the democratic presidential candidate, Joe bite who I think, if I heard this clip right, he's seemingly told a black man. If he liked Donald Trump, he was not black. You tell me if I'm reading this wrong, because I think that's exactly what he said in this interview we'll have that come up AAA seven twenty seven be easy K. Is the phone over patents do improve land back in a second it is great to have you with us on this Friday, the precipice of a three day we can hear from Memorial day. Still for Glenn Glinda Programme, You could also yours at other times of the I immediately proceed. This show live on the blaze, radio and tv network and union. You can listen to the podcast whenever you want You can download that where we get your podcast
sign up, for it also Youtube I would still and Stew, does America have all those choices is well except it's not immediately before this programme finds a pm Eastern does proceed. Glens tv show, though Friday Erics easily Wednesday so you can or should check that out as well. We go to pack re unleash or students, America on any pockets platform subscribe and rate and review and do all those fun things plus Youtube for minor? No, justice or true stew, as to you, there's my stupid face. Looking back at you, it's wonderful, easy way to find a gay now Joe Biden This is so many so many reasons to vote for this guy here yet another one, but I mean patent not start the show today saying you know what is a smart strategy to hygiene bite in and not? Let him talk. It is slightly strategy because they found out today because today the deciding to know we should do. Let him talk- and this clip is
I believe I mean it will heed this qualifying for Republic suits, like you're out of their race, is over somehow they're gonna try to make sense of this, but I'm I'm curious as this to say. If, if they think, if you like this clever, you tell me this guy's gonna survive the them. The magnifying glass and I don't see how we land and quite honestly, I don't see how you can he's talking to shower lemon, the God who, Who does a lot of interviews? We re actually does a lot of big interviews any as a very big audience and, of course, by trying to court. American voters here The exchange between member states, we are time apologize, you can't do that. The black media, ok, I let my second will stop a record just to set this up. I didn't realize this part was included as well. So what your hearing as they their inner, has been going on for a while and the pr guy steps in it. Price. To stop the interview. Again, I will say it
good move. You so and Charlemagne he's pissed off because their cutting them off and not giving of access- and he says you can't do that to black media now I dont know why. I guess you can do it a white media. I don't know what that means. Is that white media- maybe I don't know well you can apparently often interview short with black media Biden. Try to talk about why he has to leave, because there's only one I would assume one place it. Can you interviews on energy scheduled Then he says something that happens at all media by way. Of course, of course, it shall Beata. I understand why with prodded about its. I did the demo, product party is not saying all well, we won't talk to black audiences. They want do they just don't want Joe Biden to say things like this when they Tom did like media here is the clear what we know you ve got much, that's really our time. I apologize. You can't do that. The black media you ve got to do that. White media black? Maybe because my wife has to go on
six o clock- ok, oh I'm in trouble, listen A company is when you come to New York. Bp by well, is a long way until November. We got more questions, One question by Germany to view a problem figured out we're here for mere trump and you a black it. I'm gonna do a drop it. I would do well that's an amazing statement. I am flabbergasted by him. I mean, first of all, the orange worthy use of ain't in the middle of that easy Wait black I mean come on in. Republic- I have to say it- you can finish, but he is now. We are now at the point where apparently tokay for Democratic candidate, a white guy too. White Splain, two black people. What qualifies them as black? That is now the cool thing to do. You like It's ok now for all
guys to go to black people and say: oh you, you count is black and you you do not end insinuate that if you do something that he disagrees with. It's ok to stereotype and an entire race of people. Now I thought that was racism. We hope the Syria to high by color of skin would be racism pan wow really. I did. I am also the time that thinks if you were to eliminate one of the two genders- and I did say I know to genders it wanted two genders. If you were to eliminate them, you would be a sexist. However, when Joe Biden has said he will only select a woman to be his vice presidential candidate that is not sexist. Here. I I will try to give us the same spin. That is somehow not rarely insensitive at the very least so insulting, but I mean this is so typical. What we back to talking about with Kenya. West Conway.
From a brilliant black artist to a white guy when he decided. Abort Donald Trump and that has been the way they have treated him ever since he threw that had on strew. And here you see Joe Biden, saying the quiet thing out loud and they re black I'm going to do a job. I, that is with the type of thing They all think in the Democratic Party they all Ah, the people at the top, all those all the white people at the top think black people only when they agree with us and here they are admitting it and this is why Joe Biden shouldn't be given in interviews she just item, because this is what happens he is now coming out and admitted the thing that the democratic parties been trying to hide for how long. And here it is in full audio full video. He tells black people. They are not black unless they vote for him. Can you
believer he would say something. I know no Republican gets away with now. No Republican blade. Seventy seven be easy game or pen stupidly, coming to claim back proudly. Europe. All day- and you sleep horribly at night. If that kind of sums up your new normal you'd be wise to explore c b d, you heard a lot about the impressive potential health benefits of C b D. Is the powerful extract from cannabis? There's no high its lead go and you don't need a prescription when you shop at sea be distillery, dot, com, C, B, distillery dotcom into Noncom, we'll surveys. Eighty one percent of C B distillery customers reported that somebody help some stay calm but gets better and impressive. Ninety percent say they sleep better with CD, look if more calm and better sleep are important to you. Now is the perfect time to do your research and have see delivered straight to your door and with over a quarter million custom
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you now get away with it and get it well when and how will it get away with this? Probably I think we all He doesn't right is if Democrats decide he's going to lose if they say wholly crap. This is actually going to continue to keep happening. Which it will and they realise that this is going to be such a disaster, we're going to lose another one of these elections at that point it was very vulnerable. There's gotta be people on his campaign staff that just absolutely cringe and like coronary, embolism every time he opened his mouth, there's gotta, be somebody in that camp saying. Well, we can't let him talk any more seriously, to stop him from speaking. Let's just like you said hide him until November, because Lee the way you're gonna be able to keep him from completely screw this up. Yeah, I don't think he's capable anymore of self, adding like there for
now he thinks he's like ours, is a loose conversation among friends- and I can say things like this and think of it to get it from this prospect. You're, someone who is volunteering for the Biden campaign and your black, and these issues mean something to you examine anything to go by, and then I mean anything to the democratic leadership, but it might mean something to a volunteer who legitimately is like Can these issues seriously? How can you stand by this how do these deadlines support a guy who come out and tell? Let's just say it's ten fifth, twenty percent of voters that they don't count as black people because they don't vote the way you want them to that is act spectable statement course he's got away with this kind of stuff. Before
the first sorcerer whose voices, Delaware, yeah largest growth and unpopular? Rise Indian America movie from India that go to seven eleven Duncan donor. Unless you have a slight and inaction myself show me the Republican, that survives any of those statements, the you ain't black thing, the Brok Obama's the first sort of clean good. Looking Africa,
barricade sincerity and registered and happy and eyes, and those guys people, it's like you know, a flying dragon or a clean black person facing compared to those two things are just method or urban legit ago. Couldn't anchored in the real world amended the comment about Indians being it seven eleven nobody's Rob sat on the republic in the Republican Party, nobody and he So I mean- and this is something to remember, because I think a lot of a lot of people now have realised that Joe Biden is obviously having trouble communicating getting through normal thought processes. If we all know that but he's always been bad. Like he's always been bad at this year. This has always been a major problem for him this this type of take the he's. Making today has nothing to do with you. Decreased capacity to whether they communicate
normal english phrases announce. It is just Joe you who he is and here has been this way and this is why he's gonna look: winning a Senate recent Delaware, if you're, any democratic could do that. That's a difficult to do the difficult thing I've been wanting, a presidency is is much more difficult and the fact that he was headed the vice presidency by a guy who buy report says he picked him because he was white and had gray hair as what do they live. The Brok Obama reasoning for picking Joe Biden as you want someone who wouldn't, Challenge white voters, because saw the miserable racist, typical white people brain who are afraid of black people walk into the streets where you want to challenge any he's. Like I'm already or reach for so many these racists. I can't give them another black person or another person of color, so pick him because he was white he's a man. You were challenged the sexist thing and picked him because
he had gray hair in other. He had experience where people sob Obama, as maybe not having enough experience that is by all reports the reason he selected Joe by not because he the best guy for the job. Apparently- and you see this here this- this is a disaster- he is a disastrous candidate. If you read that primary and lost at this guy. What does that say about you? You suck you gotta be sitting if you like, but maybe Andrew Yang, in Homer nobility die. How first of all that were also both sides seemed to be on the side of a universal basic income, and I know what happened. Maybe they should we talk more in these debates, but I'm here yeah you're mere Amy, Kay your come Comma Harris, you're Senor. I lost the this guy. I love I who who's trying inform us whether were black or not. You can't be. You can be proud of that. One way of imported food products that people out of a come more battle.
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That's better, abolish, Metzler yeah, that's it! If you go, can we the whole thing one more time just get people context. I hear Sarah again Soggy The first voice you will hear kind of is a democratic operative a pr person who steps in and says we're gonna go. At a time and sharp its pissed off about that minded escalates from their. What we don't know much, that's really our time. I apologize. You can't do that. The black media, you I'm gonna, do that white media black- maybe because my wife has to go on six o clock. Ok, oh I'm in trouble listening. A company is when you come to New York. Bp by well, is a long way until November. We got more questions. What was she like? Germany to Vienna problem, figured out worthier for mere trump and you black wow wow I wanna statement, yeah never try trying to say that was in jest
No that's kind of that was not. I did they put a question Maria Vienna. We believe this one- I don't know I mean he's pretty tough. But to wriggle out of here I don't know what you do. I dont know how I don't know how you can survive this guy he's so terrible patent. I would, talking about this off the air when one of the brakes where today two point: four million people were came out in the report that were unemployed this pass. We two point: four million people. The total now is through. Thirty, eight million people over nine weeks so that Redpath Thea thirty eight point. Six million thirty eight points of interest in the protests four thousand p angels in General- about I just not even reg. Thirty eight point: six million people in nine weeks. In any normal situation, regardless of their fault in the view that the weight of the thing was handled any president who had a deal.
With thirty eight point: six million people going unemployed in nine weeks, despite the situation, is if you say, really tough battle. To do to get themselves reelected It's just fact, and it's like one of those things where you people associate their circumstances with the president? and I think this is a negative development. That's happened in relatively recent american history, where we have the president on such a high pedestal. We talk about them so often We also see them as like the symbol of the country and when we feel like the countries going in the wrong direction. George H, W Bush face in eighteen. Ninety two, where and there were no minor recession, but people were bombed about it and he loses you know a few months. After a ninety percent approval rating, those things, are real people associate there feeling you know with whom they vote for, if they are happy, They want this to continue. Ronald Reagan saw that when they
sad with Bush, there will again exchanging awesome, some other direction typically the way these things are handled. There's some circumstances were that's not the case. Usually war is the reason for that, When you get into a situation where we are at war, you might with the guy cause? You seem as a steady hand and its very possible that a lot of Americans kind of do see this as a war right. The covered situation and obviously the viruses trumps fall to me. Talk about the way people handle it and there will be things being picked part, but can we talk battle to get reelected in an environment for at an unemployment rate of, say, twelve percent Michael, it's and go up. We know for sure next month maybe comes back a little bit churn eleven twelve percent unemployment. It's gonna be hard to win reelection and then have you come down without analysis and I've done it in my head many times can you win in this environment? Fair or not venom look at Joe Biden and that's how you win heaters. You face Joe Biden
the appalling. We went over some of the polling earlier right now Biden because he's not been in the media and not been seen. Has a mortgage leads in these poles you know, swing state and he's link states he's up by quite a bit to heal they are ready to eleven point sneer Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan in Wisconsin, just blew quick glance at that, but basically need to win. All those things he might People is one of them. I don't have that the electoral college built up in front of me, but if you want states last time it was a very close election? Maybe he could be, could afford to lose one of them. He's down by all in every single one of the states by least, I think five, no, no North Carolina closer that it gets. But the point is. You can look invited on paper and say well. He should win right like we're in a tough time Would the economy obvious
we're in the middle of this pandemic. God forbid there's a second wave of this. Who knows what would happen, but he so terrible and so obviously capable of normal human interaction I don't know that anyone can vote for the guy. I don't see how you could look at me with a straight face and say that I should be present United States. You can you can and then you couple with the terror reads its wish, which they apparently have just discounted the S throne. That away they just I mean believe all women is completely gun right out the window and this particular woman. They just decided Did you see that hit piece on her in the political this week? Oh my gosh on unbelievable leave opposes what happens that they're just do. The bidding of the Joe Biden campaign and they just took her part calling her deceitful, manipulative. They might have Color evil. They basically found every enemy she's ever had in her life interview, the men just put it on the record, the and basically
what it was was she has a hard time things of bills, that I mean that's, but they blew that up into a federal, offense, really amazing, stuff. I Tripoli seven being easy gaze for never its path to Berlin on the Glinda Programme is the Glen Back Programme. I really love spending time of my family, but here at the old Beck compound, it's getting a little rank in obscene getting to the point where or like hey still you again. Ah, if you're in a similar situation, mucus empathize, I can empathize with you too much time indoors- is not healthy, but let me
about something I've discovered that help calm the water, some in its wreck, tech, grills, Raven around the back porch with the erected grill, and I'm telling you cooking for the family. It is so easy and so good when you are actually spending enjoyable, quality time together with a great rack, are ribs. Oh my gosh. We're cook and now on rector grill. It is the champion of smart grids. Smart sturdy things are built like a tank. This is the quality grill. Do your own homework people in the no choose wreck, tech, wrecked tech far and away the best bang for your buck. Faraway, wrecked tech, grills built by growers for growers, rector grills Doc, how much are you see tee see grills within S dotcom their daily antidote to the socialism virus euro? Listening to the Glen Back programme join the conversation, it eight. Seventy seven back,
patent stupid, let another glimpse programme, Tripoli, seven, seven be easy. Gay! Let me ask you this: if there is a second wave, You know we got all these states. Most states now are at least darting to relax restrictions and starting to get back to business as usual and reopening certain businesses that have been opened in two months. If there is, if I win their- is a second wave of this virus. First of all, will the governments the various state and local governments alone with. Maybe even the federal government try to shut things down again and if they do will Africans go along with it because my I don't The Americans will, I think, we're done with it at this point. We gave him this one chance right like yes and I look the way it was pitched was we need to get prepare. And I think that's why malign occur. But MC are right.
Can make the argument that that is was where I dont, like the exact, everything went clearly and in theirs obviously been flares into the ridiculous within the Michigan governor in Kentucky Governors and Annie All this nonsense of people being arrested for opening their businesses and all that crap. Let me general if you look at what Trump basically recommended, which was six weeks of me, only staying at home unless you had to go out. Try to avoid contact, probably did The situation right I mean, as far as the virus goes, I mean definitely help the situation. In my view, an definitely Hersey economy and a massive massive way was a very expensive way to buy time. The sad thing this is if the CDC came through with their test. I dont think any of that happens if they, if the testing worked initially, and this is not a trump situation. This is a city, see situation they try to come up with their own test and it didn't work. If we thousands of tests at the beginning of March, I think we're
closed down New York and we probably closed Detroit or where or New Orleans, but We do not have a nationwide shut down. They had no idea where this thing was and if you think of from the perspective of holy crap, we don't know we're facing. You can make the argument that the shutdown was operate for some time. We now have had that time. We now know more about the virus. We now have the people eat. We now have all the ventilators we now know whose most affected we know so much more. Now we have been able to prepare. We have been able to move on of knowledge forward. I don't think the american people would be What would be ok without in any way? I always even on exception of it got her clean awful. If, if every city in America turns into New York City than yes, people will be begging to stay home, but outside of that
I don't know if it's a normal situation like we just went through Don't Americans will go along with another shut down and we situations like more than six hundred more than six hundred doctors across the country just signed a letter this week urging Is it a trump to end the lock downs? we're told all the time world. New cancer anti sides we ve gotta delight were here are spear or people who are in. Field. Saying look. This is not good for us. They said they described the widespread lockdown orders. As a quote, mass casualty Incident unquote and they warn of exponent the growing health consequences if it continues The letter in in this The doctors describe several of the unintended negative consequences of the shutdown, including pay missing checkups with their doctors, in that detect cancer and other serious conditions and increase
alcohol in substance abuse, yet financial instability leading to poverty, poor, poor health, our nation, potentially said, millions of Americans are already in critical condition These include a hundred and fifty thousand Americans per month, who would new cancer detected through. Routine screenings that has not happened. Mill. And who have missed routine dental care to fix problems, strongly linked to heart disease and death and prevent bull cases of stroke, heart attack, child abuse, sewers. I'd hotline phone calls of increase six hundred per cent, of those are the unintended consequences of a locked down here and a cat you can make the argument right that you take you steps in these situations and I in a look week saw what happened when we mean it when every one was going about their business. You know
the beginning we didn't verbal eight February early March is was an example of that. It was not pretty, however, on the other side of that, but I would it this way like There's no there's an every reason. For you to find a room in your house and yourself in it. With no windows and no access to the outside for multiple hours at a time. Right. Let that's not something. You would do, however, That is what a panic room is right. So if so breaking at your house in that moment, may It makes sense to do something. The thing atomic room, though it is not a long term solution, stand ready. We write another, then it's not what you do with a bad aggravates short term solution. So, let's just say that you know we're wordy pass. This anyway were passed. The point where the This decision can be re done, we didn't happen testing all this is already real and has already occurred. So we're,
go from here. I don't know you pat, and I wonder if you feel the same way. I watch this debate and I watched pundits going back and forth about Latino shut it down open it up. It's it's hot! or in harder to relate to living in Texas. No, I honestly, like my. Day to day life right now- and I know this is gonna piss people off cause you're like screw you I'm in that I have left my husband's wigs right. My dear Did they life in Texas noses different? The rest? The country is not all that different right This point was several weeks ago in the mill the real locked down, but we ve now opened up. You know and rice drugs, fifty percent, as of today, they have opened up in all the other thing. We're missing our large gatherings, which is in a case, Nothing for us liking for everybody, Rhiannon and I'm not going to come.
Every weekend, but I haven't been to a concert in a long time or baseball game, baseball game or whatever, and I dimly miss watching sports on tv buddy, I'm not going every week to a game and bars We're closed too old to be Bynum forty. For now. So it's like you know, I'm at bars all the time but, like you know, some people would have that right there, opening up as of today and in the event of midnight last night, which I thought was hilarious, like people are so desperate to get into bars their open over midnight last night. Europe and now here there's a lot of things like others, things like kids camp, are starting to open here now for the summer, but that gathers there's things are trample. In parks for your kids that are not open. There is definitely a big amusement parks in those types of things. I'm not saying it's not different, but sitting to this idea that you know the debate is open, the economy are closely economy is now foreign to most. People in Texas
economic ramifications. Are there the there still plenty? Of people with the virus and there still people dying every day in Texas as well, but the at the effect. Us, is now much deeper than it is If you live in New York, if you live in in a cab, for me if you live in Washington DC and the reason I mention those three specifically its we're all your media debate is coming from. It is totally different, then a huge chow of people who live in the middle. The country who live in the south who don't live in. I don't even take all of California, particular LOS Angeles County, where been very restrictive. The reason why people praise Cuomo all the time is it their guy he's talking very neighborhoods, he's talking about all of the restrictions if they are dealing with in the media. It's not like that in other areas, people live in Florida in their go onto the beaches,
they're going out and they're going, probably the restaurants in there and their starting to open up it still weird people would mask some in out like that the restaurants, never pact? We can we go up to fifty percent capacity here, twenty five percent for bars- and I know these recent everything how to this most everything out. It's dead it's still odd, but look here to go in and do many of the things you do a normal life That is something that you know we're blessed with with with the Spirit of Texas here and I think many other states have felt similar things, but the people were now at the point where this, not a conversation about open the economy are closely economy, its act. Conversation that overreach. You know if we another flare up now things have been. Handled and will have to adjust policy, but we take, this time to supposedly prepare for it. Actually that were set, we now have testing.
That when we see a flare up, if, if doll Sir Houston or Paso turn into a major hot zone. We're gonna know about it, quickly and we need to act to try to contain that, but that not mean Cheyenne. Wyoming closes down for business. That's nuts right and it is no. It makes no sense for us to have to happen again in just two kind of an idea to back them up. You know how many deaths they ve had in why roaming. Since you mention Wyoming, not a lot, I took a while for the first eleven thousand two hundred and twelve one thousand two hundred and twelve, let me think, about frustrate members because completely frustrated because it there was never a time where closing Wyoming made sense, never attack There was a time where closing New York since there is a timely and that might still be today there's time or maybe even closing florida- you can make an argument for it where it looked like might be an issue in Miami for awhile
You know New Orleans, maybe Louisiana. You know you could make arguments in there is never a time that it made sense Closed South Dakota too close y all made to close Idaho to close Nebraska to close Iowa their worth Europe's there were serious situations. I think a lot of times we get into this argument of weather. Is this worst thing that ever happened or absolutely nothing its. Neither of those two things in there, It is serious. It was first calot african people and and has been devastating to people number one it's not just killing them. There are a lot of people who are going through it, even young people. Surviving and eight ten twelve weeks later unable to do any physical activity without being short of random, lasting with some very serious, weird crap going on with us and it out there's a million stories of family members who never get to see
a person who goes into the hospital with it with what they are, not sure if it's a cold or what they get a test, and they never get to see them again because they can't go into the same room with em, I may ask pushing a lot of stuff is really bad another one underplayed under it's. It's it's not something to be underpaid. I don't think But on the other side of that. Even the original period college study, the one that's If we do, nothing will be alive, two million people dead. Even that study Everyone is recognise, know we're not gonna get two million people course. We did take. So it's hard to do to put that exactly on the same scale, but even that stuff That has been largely throne. By most people as to alarmist in study it. Specifically says. The United States of America should deal with this on a state by the basis for the most efficient policy and not do a blanket we're all national policy either That study said that it is, Billing obvious that you should not treat
Manhattan the same way as why yeoman everyone on earth recognizes this and I we're. Finally, at the point where now the states are to do that. They are opening up, Texas is no longer treated like it like it like Manhattan was, and you can feel it. You can feel the difference as long, I think people are in a smart and don't know, don't it. Let's, just That's I was sneeze parties. I know a lot of police to love doing that go around its everybody get in a circle starts needs and each other. It's a lot of fun maritime love it. If we can just skip that entire stuff, would you what about. Others are triple eight seventy Heaven be easy Kay. Your listening to Glenn back. During this time of change. We want you to know that zip recruiters focus hasn't changed. There still
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slash, work together, spends differed Leonard Lebed Programme and another thing that me off these Becky situation, where she's going to prison months and her husband For five, so why is it seems a little sexist? She gets months in a hundred fifty thousand dollar fine, her husband who is not illegal Jesse. She dumped him somewhere along the way, and I think that's the real crime here, but her husband, Massimo or whatever his name is generally. He gets five ants in jail and a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine, I know what's going on there, but why are either one of em spending ones, Second in jail. Never this thing, this sudden, dumbest continuing controversy, I think I'm told I've ever regime totally with you on this. I'm saying: there's no visa who are right. I know a lot of people are,
Stop what other people know why No, it's not. What does it Boyd there's no difference. They did you see it's not like. Well, we ll have twenty two thousand people and that we would have twenty two thousand and one. If we let this Becky's kid, I happened, it doesn't happen. That's that's real! It's just that! I'm vs argument for people to say: well, I don't like what she did, which is fine. I think it's a dumb parenting move because you eat coddling your kid into a better college and they, then they could get into normally or getting a team that they wouldn't necessarily on their own is not in itself a good thing it doesn't held on your kid. It's not a good. Ample to set for it, but that is not a crime. Now is not a crime. I, whatever law, they ve busted her on, should be remove from existence if there is what, if even trying to tie it to a crime. The fact that you a pay more. Tend to university. Others were you when you want better tickets at a concert you pay more when you want to have your kid in the college in this has been constant. You buy
holding our use? Bricks of large or nation getting what you can get in the college, but the fact is she paid directly to get her kid index college some crime it may distasteful to you, it is not a climate insanity that she's going to prison over it. She should not only not go to prison, not spend one cent in fines, absolutely not want that's right you want to get a shudder when told me that was a very nice yet and we should have you might want to find someone who works if you are serious need over it fire. You may not like it in your college. You I want to get rid of the person would engaged in at right. Ok, fine! What jail time and losing your career forever now comes? Shouldn't have happened. It's ridiculous tat. There was something about Karen with the covert thing. What is this is every caring getting up said that lorry lawful and get our kid into a college that isn't here is not a state. Are we get its Harvard? Guy sip of a great memorial day we can land back programme,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-16.