« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guests: Senator Ted Cruz, Steve Deace & Nigel Farage | 2/4/20

2020-02-04 | 🔗
The Iowa caucus results are still not in! Sen. Ted Cruz stops by to review how Democrats blame a new app from a company called "Shadow." But after yesterday’s poll delay, BlazeTV’s Steve Deace argues the DNC reeks of “central planning.” Talk radio pioneer Rush Limbaugh shocked the world when he announced he has advanced lung cancer. Glenn recalls the huge impact Rush has had on the industry and the world. And Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage gives a firsthand look at the fight for Brexit, what Brexit Day felt like, and what’s next for Britain and the European Union.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the podcast today managed big show. Today we had TED curbs on the programmed toaster let's kofoed of the number one hot cast in America, verdict TAT Bridge Males autonomous centre? He was answered aches. You talk, but I've been going on Michael Knolls as well that some Michael Knolls comes on later he's the co host. That's how task he's he's great he's on daily wire and he's got all these up on not only impeachment, and I was but also talked a lot about. The rush of the bond is announced, but in what is meant to radio, and all of our lives is worse
formulating and ideology really that base level Nigel ferocious over here. You may see his great speech when it came to breaks it just the other day he's going to see the union tonight he's in our studios during this park. Ass, an Steve Days is in Iowa talking about everything going on there. He knows internal workings of ILO politics better than anybody, and he is going to give us all sorts of race that ground on. What's going on in this in harrassing disaster of pity, I will cut for the Democrats, it's all coming today's podcast the only thing, came: the Senator TED crews. How are you Senator Glinda Dude vengeance? because I was watching it was watching. Last night and I remembered being at the carcass
you in Iowa and Water, was tsar system that is last night. I think the Democrats showed us that, oh there, top of the securing the election results, a holy cow. It is an absolute mess, it is, it is chaos and yet I have to say I really feel fort for all of the thousands of volunteers. You know you ve got candidates who spent a year more criticising the state at and, as you know, you ve got volunteers. We had people come from Texas from all over the country and twenty. Sixteen basically move too. I was stay dormitories and go out in in blizzards, knocking on doors making phone calls they poured their hearts into it and it's not too much to have at the end of it.
I don't know like should result in off. That's that's a nice benefit. I cannot imagine the frustration, the anger there feeling so tat. What is your I mean that let me give you some of the the headlines Republicans gloat over Iowa Carcass melt down. Your actually is from CBS knew that your mentioned there? Are you gloating a little bit? I don't think, there's anything. So it's interesting. They say that I've set a total of one thing today on that which is, I sent a tweet as I was driving in this morning, and my tweet pointed out that that dams today can't even stand at a gymnasium and count whose standing under which signed by these are the people they want to put in charge of our health.
And everything else- and I know it. I know things like these guys. It ain't that conflict right. You know, student council, ok, everyone for joy, everyone for Susie raise your dog. These guys, you that, but don't worry, we'll keep you alive. Raw. Keep your mom Alai Royal, decide everything in Europe where we're smarter than you that the age of the socialists put these geniuses. Charge of everything that managed so the other Washington Post said. Conservatives spread false claims on twitter, about electoral fraud as islands prepare to caucus. You know At this point we don't have any evidence of fraud and had an old boss of mine, who used to say, never explain anything with malice that could be explained with incompetence. Yes, I think these guys just
up here is actually one of the reasons you and I are both really skeptical of big government Rikers screws everything up. Let's have it do what it needs to do, but other than that leave everything to the people and in its you know, I'm sure there were a bunch of smart people who had a great plan and they had an app. I think it's called shadows of that doesn't give you confidence so now, apparently these were the Peter PAN Democrats because they can't find there is a living. So let me go and do just because I think it's incompetence, I don't think there's any thing going on, but if, on the other hand, it may the secretive by JO by luminosity working to snuff out the the Bernie Revolution right. Let that's possible to yeah right if I were blue hair and dread locks and things pierced all over my thrice. I would believe I would leave that to especially after the the paper, the
eating paper. They always come out in Iowa. Come out, may say you they say you are right the day before here's, the here's we hear the pole numbers well We now know that the pole numbers that were spite were this, and this is now and confer Bernie Sanders twenty two Elizabeth Warrant- Eighteen put PETE Buddha judge at sixteen Joe Biden at thirteen. While so you put that, together with what happened last time where they really were. You know torturing doing everything they could. It seemed to take down Bernie Sanders
you're a Bernie Sanders fan you're, even Elizabeth Warren fan. This does nothing to help you believe in the party. Well, look there's! No doubt that that the Democratic party machinery is terrified of burning in their terrified of war, and the problem is the base of their party is enthralled with crazy. Leftist ideas than base of their party is angry. They'd get pitchforks, they ve got torches industry, and so we saw four years ago. The democratic party did everything they could to stop. Bernie then, and in part of it is look. Democrats are statists their authoritarianism, they leave and centralized power, so they have things like super delegates, Republicans that we have set for debt. Write the Democrats have like had a big chunk of their vote to decide who their presidential nominee is. Are lifelong career politician
wild super delegate to get to decide and they'd, and they did that after Reagan, one they saw that ray the Reagan revolution chain, the dead, the Republican Party, and they said we don't want that to happen to us. Inevitably statist and authoritarian, don't trust the people survive. Rhetoric is always the people right. We care about the people so put me in charge. People that's their ass right right. You know someone actually believes in the people's at our it. How about? Let's leave the people in charge of themselves and get government at Euro Jefferson referred to the constitution is chains to bind the mischief of government the Modern Democratic Party they do. They dont believe there is any mischief to be bound right and it all comes down to, have incredible faith in their own ability, their smarter than you are. They know better than you do and in its accommodate one of the leaders of men condescension and willing.
As to employ brute force. If you dont disagree with them, they will use the code, the power of the state to make you agree with right. So let's switch gear is here for first Ball any indication on when they're gonna have a so called out, no clue that keeps last night. There were like no we're just verifying we're just verifying you didn't take you this loan to verify. This is worse than the Florida I have no idea so so you know, I will say it, as you know, have sort of energy world a little bit in the later in the week argument, we we launched a pod cadet verdict with TED crews, it where, from zero non existent number one. To its skyrocketed number one number one in the country we were. We were going to fill a podcast last night we were sitting there to fill a pocket.
Michael knows who I think has come in and shortly afterwards, Michael and I were there, the studio and the whole plan is when the hour results come in, we'll go on and talk about, so we're sitting there and wait and we're sitting there and which sitting there. I think we sat there three hours and we finally, who I think, we're getting results now. The nice thing about a pot cast you don't have a hard time right like I go on at nine right. If we have I results are today what waiting due tomorrow or actually know what the results I went to add figuring I'd know when I woke up me to who the heck now yet are let let switch to impeachment first of all Were you mocking nets? And please say us worry you marking Nancy policies, hand, clap you know on the second floor, of course, I'll get good. I just as I did Folks who were wondering if I was a paying up on unloosing a bed for the nationals asterisk as the national
the whole they match our, so it could have been a good event could have in this right. What happened? I was talking to to Mitch Mcconnell and we're talking a couple of other senators who were there and we're talking about state of the union. And it wasn't clear when the vote and impeachment was going to be in and if it ended up being after state of the union which, which it is it's gonna, be tomorrow, there was some discussion about the possibility that Trump might cancel. The events cancel the stay. The union say I'll, wait until after the vote on, then that were being discussed a little bit we're symbol. What, if Pelosi, won't invite him back? What if she says? Ok, you cancel it, you don't get a state of the union, so we were talking about, but we'll just invited Senate Windows Day, the union rights, etc. And then I was looking around cause. There's not the Senate floors, pretty small, and so I said, but where we put the house members, I guess we could put him up in the gallery and Mitch that yet we could stick Nancy back behind the tv cameras at a driver, crazy- and I understand that
The point where I said that the Mitchell gotta give her some respect. You know she did in ventilate clad had so we thought we were laughing it ran, but that that was the context of the correlation. So this is the worst political strategy on her I've ever seen. The Democrats does: does this taint trump at all free trump? from this. Are they get and continue to do this? You know in his second term, why? What are you, what was the results of the web? But what is the meaning
volatile. So look, I agree with you. It was a serious blunder. Ah I think Pelosi knows that she didn't want to go down the road of impeachment less than a year ago, pull up both policy, a Jerry Adler. Both said you can have a partisan impeachment tears. The country parted divides, as I think they didn't want to do this. The reality they are facing as their base is angry. The hard left base their motivated by rage. Hatred of Donald Trump is they're all consuming vision and pash right, and I think the Democrats had no Is Pelosi felt she was basically a hostage of her angry base, so they went down this road. I gotta say where we are politically. I think the chances of Donald Trump being reelected have risen dramatically boiling, so to an end, its very much same as as look when, when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton. That was a mistake Republicans over reach that
got Bill Clinton reelection. It was an enormous political benefit to Bill Clinton, to vote for the Republicans to overreach and try to impeach him. The Americans said enough already focus on what matters, focus on jobs focus on on on our future, our framley. I think that contrast is playing out beautifully an end. So so my advice, to the president for tonight for state of the union. The same thing is be positive and optimistic and lay a lot of you here and in just don't even talk about the impeachment. Just look forward. Here's what we, the council, and here's what we're go. I dont know if, if the President First year, Donald Trump could have done that, but he's changed he has become disciplined. Yeah, there's a lot of worry from Republicans that I've heard that are saying to God. Please don't say anything, but I think he so close to the finish line
and he knows the gravity of that. I hope so I've. Given that that advice directly, I know a lot of people have you. I will say last week during impeachment, it was interesting. I was at the White House twice last week with present. The first time was for the announcement of his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle EAST and was an announcement with Prime minister. Benjamin Netanyahu break the fabulous event great the next day. I was back there Because he was citing the: U S embassy, eighty, U S! Mexico, Canada, trade agreement and the contrast of those two were really striking were he's working on substance, he's working on policies that make a difference in the economy, make a difference and jobs for farmers for ranchers, for manufacturers he's working on issues that matter lung world peace and the Democrats there that that they're just a mob wanting to attack the president. I think that contrasts frankly,
Clinton, drew that same contract. He did the same right. He focused on secular, I remember: move on DOT, Org YAP rose up during their homes To move on dot org was moving like, like I know, and ironically, move on dot. Org is actively supporting. Impeachment now is raising money, for it is, and it is cut, Did you guys ever the day you remember where you re, Brownie yeah, maybe started yet like I'm gonna write you stay here. Dotcom stay right here, dwell on this stopgap, Wherewith, TED crews, We are in Washington D C, you told me last time you were on. You said I think we're going to. I think we want, I think, I'm going to vote for witnesses what changed your mind. So what I have been saying from the beginning is it if we go down the road of witnesses that we needed to respect the principle of reciprocity,
The words we couldn't do what the house did have overrun sided show trial were only prosecution. Witnesses are loud and you block every defence with this right, which is what the House Democratic right, and so what I early on was was urging my colleagues to do is if we go down the road to witnesses- and I initially just gonna, get my mind opened on whether we will have them or not. But I said: if we go down the road waning, to do it even handedly. We need to be fair. We need to respect whom process that means that the prosecution gets witness. The defence gets a witness. That means, if they get John Bolton, then the president gets to call Hunter by. I think that principle was right. I think it was valuable, but I think it also ended up playing a big part in the final decision not to go down the road of additional witness sand and that that ended up being an important vote. I spent a lot of time within the conference trying to get us to fifty one votes. To say enough.
Enough. The american people are tired of this. There were eighteen witnesses who testified the house proceeding we heard hour after hour of witness testimony of documents, the most important documents in the entire and patriot proceeding, which is the transcript of the call that is at issue here, the President declassified and released, and so we had a ton of evidence before us and all the evidence. The president hadn't committed unimpeachable crime. He hadn't meant that the house managers didn't meet the constitutional standard of high crimes or misdemeanours, and so I, at the end of the day, agreed that we didn't need additional witnesses because they hadn't proven their case, but I think laying out reciprocity, making clear that this this will what will go both ways? I gotta take one of the consequences that I think there were a whole bunch of Democrats who were terrified of going down the road of witnesses. They own voted for it, but I think they re. It was one of those
since in the Senate, where they voted yes and we're hoping the answer was now correct, because if we'd gone down the road of witnesses, if we ve been hearing testimony from Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, I think it would have been very democratic, terrified of the evidence of corruption and glenmont. Let me commend you. You were one of the very first to dig in the substance of Borri smile and the evidence of corruption and lay it out every one else caught up to you, but you but debt as as is often the case you ye were ahead of the pack by by a bookshop. I will tell you that I have a special coming up on Thursday that I will share with you off the air the evidence that we have it's it's beyond its beyond anything that we found we found links through their money laundering. We found the money laundering leaks and
there was something else going on. That Congress needs to be aware of our share that with you an element of their work, there be a investigation on on how this thing happened, I mean the whistle blower Schiff. Any of that will anybody paying so I hope so. A couple of nights ago I died. I had on my podcast verdict with TED crews. Lindsey Graham then so invited him to Jackie Lindsey, and I had a lot of fun on the pod cast him, and it was very funny that we film and in a basement studio in D C and Lindsey was crack and jokes garnered. If no one sees me again, I'm in an underground, better Washington and that look it's pretty low budget. So we get these giant microphones with shag carpet and he's like looking around got what, if you guys, are number one.
Who the hell is number killed, some guy and of land by the part? What's wrong with you anyway, I say all of that to say an answer Your question Lindsey said on the show that he wanted to see investigations in the hunter by into Borri smile, and he wanted to see it on foreign relations. Jim risk chair foreign relations Lindsey Chairs, judiciary, it's gotta be worthy Germans that goes down the road and I'm on both committee. So so my answer to that is yes good. We should investigate because the law should apply fairly to everyone, regardless of party, and people are frustrated. How come people could commit corruption during the prior administration and get off Scot free? That's not right. There needs to be accountability. Thank you so much or TED crews will be watching you tonight, the state of the union or listening to your new podcast, you get it where ever podcast. Found number one now on Apple podcast, the best of the Glenn program,
AIDS. And you're listen into the Glen Beck program. If you like what your hearing on this show make sure you check out Pat Great unleashed it's available, where ever you download your favorite podcast, we have Steve days who is now in Iowa and he is there to tell us what the hell is going on. Steve Iowa is making the counting process in Florida. Look absolutely professional. What's Goin on Glenn is this is central planning it it's it's only fitting that Bernie Sanders likely one the Caucasus, because you're you're, watching his world view, play out and
I mean this is with the envy. This is this. Is an election brought to you by IRAN? Is the lost city, a gold net neutrality and tax cuts will kill us re pulses, collusion hoax, Michael live in. For president, I mean that's what you watching am the same. Well that want to ruin everything else in the culture are: ruin the I will Caucasus is in real time as we speak. So this is something that they said that they had? They were working on. They said we ve got all kinds of back up. There's not going to be a problem. This works wonderfully? First of all, Do you believe that any of the crazy can, piracy that are going around mainly, I think, from Bernie people, because if I were a burning person and they treated him like they did last time and now he's winning and you taking that away, you lost the pole,
all that bad, just mysteriously was not fit to print the day before and he was number one in that Paul. Do you leave any other conspiracies. As you know, our competence it and I believe that the main register polling conspiracy, but I think that more to do with the booty Judge Bernie Sanders in with the with the Caucasus. I think you know about me Glennie visit that they had no bombing your website ready to go to an end. I just think this actual planning does. This is what it does and what In four years ago, is they actively screwed Bernie over and so in order to alleviate that they came up with a three year yuruk receive, and then they attached and add to it, and so this is a typical let this solution, when people dont, like an existing bureaucracy, create even more that Doha
all the more and that's exactly what's going on here and- and I think that's the part people need to understand for fifty years. We had these carcasses and we had one issue with Rick Santorum eight years ago, when one World County didn't count properly, and I raised her thin election. It went from classic plus dwelt on the certification process. That was the only issue we had in fifty years. They have turned this thing in to a cluster of epic proportions, because this is what Medicare for all looks like this is what your hanging occasion this like a John Stasi Documentary on the public education system. This is waiting for Superman playing. With a carcass. This is everything left his do. Every solution that they have is what is going on here now they say that this new this new app, which I happen to have in fact, sir, if I could open up this app, they say it's you know very well,
very high tech and just opening it up the SEC this. After all, right now, I'm now. I am fully connected, and so I could see what's going on, I mean what are they doing an end Why you? If they said they had three different things, one very high tech and they blame it on slow internet speeds? Ah so they have but they said we have the paper work. We have photos of the paperwork, so we had a threefold system. You obviously didn't, because it doesn't take that long to look at photographs or to count numbers on a page.
So no are you gonna be able to trust? Are you gonna be able to trust these numbers at all, because they are clearly not telling you the truth of how bad it is. I think it's obvious that not that part there telling you the truth and last time I heard that sound is, is when I met my wife, because we bet on it a well chat room twenty five years ago: ok so badly it. The whole thing is ridiculous. I think what you're learning is that the counting process does it have full confidence in accountability, but they didn't do these counts properly, because here's that that the process is with the with the hurting process when, when you're candidates not viable and you gotta move from one candidate to another and all of that policy making is going on right there in real time. I'm sure a lot of your list
We saw this on cable news last night, a cock, a site where you home, Andrew Yanks, not viable or a lotta caucus each Joe Biden, where the Bible ass night into willow, his supporters going to Doll S, trying to figure that out to the process of three counts. It's pretty obvious there not sure about their own count, because if they were, we had these results by now, Now we have California saying that they have a new app to, and they're gonna be voting for the first time on an you think that's gonna change between now and then California primary. I you know. It's funny how we think that MRS Canada, progressive mindset is glad that anything old is bad anything all. He has helped to keep doing things with, without always done that right,
that's the worst excuse to continue, but may be the reason why your great grandmother passed her chocolate chip, cookie recipe down to your grandmother and her grand, grandmother pass it on to your mom and she's pass into doubt. You now discuss its the best day of chocolate chip cookie recipe. Anybody spout, that's why it survive this Lorraine and And- and I dont know, everything's gonna- be rectified at least finished and modernized and can temporized. You know it's just a simple as count heads ripen number down turn it in. How hard is that? How do the people in Iowa feel today those people who worked there botz off hoo hoo canvas neighborhoods, who have been dragged people out to make sure that they work? at caucus, their vote really almost doesn't matter now, because you Iowa is the first. It sets the tone for the rest and
if I were a voter, I would be so angry that my vote I been disenfranchised even if they count it later it doesn't it. That's not what I went for. We went to set, table and start this thing, and now my voice hasn't been heard. I think you got two choices and how to react to this one. Is you dont want to admit the entire fallacy of yours latest worldview, and so you you'll go to conspiracy, because if you don't want to admit that central planning on this level, bureaucracy on this level simply cannot be trusted and doesn't work that
the same fallibilities in human nature that that, but guiles all of us doesn't go away. When we put on a government uniform where we belong to a central structure, we bring those same imperfections in the process with us, and so you have a choice. You can either admit that you have been a victim of your own world view that what you wanted you to health care, what you already to the education and energy. The reason why you wrecked goes industries is cause. It's the yawning, smarter people. Your worldview is bad. You can now admit that you yourself, that Europe first person pick them of this or because you don't want to admit this to yourself. You just say the peat, these particular people implementing our bad and you go down the road of a conspiracy. I think that's the choice I within the grasp of Steve. I would you say it's fair, just judging by the way these candid Reacting to the potential results that are on the way that
The judge seemingly did pretty well and bite and did not do well. I think you, if you, your Bernie Sanders this morning put out what his canvas your sad into the way out about forty percent, almost half of the precincts, and why a lot with what the week of results at the domain registrar pull that we're never, I officially I may have to say it again. With the new guidelines. Do that I tweeted out the middle of the night last night is following a lot of democratic rights, state reporting from their cocky sites on Twitter pardon me that it looks pretty close between Sanders Buddha Judge and when and look like call, they charge could topple binding for fourth play. So I think we shall be added as crosses stick by the day, Will they won't be candid and you're already you're, already seeing pause in South Carolina close this whole thing about the black boat is largely overblown, because I think would be dont understand, because a lot of Republican get their view of the Democratic Party from the media and twitter.
And the reality is up black folks. I watch and see it at an end. And we see that a watch that stuff rich White, a fluent people do and so their dark and pay attention to the race once it gets to that and you're gonna see the candidates that have the momentum argue to close the gap similar to how south. So I was getting Hillary Clinton, black fire wall in two thousand, and that's the place where Brok Obama essentially one the nomination after winning Iowa. So I think that use you you're saying Joe Biden is a mortally wounded candidate in this race. So Sanders I mean it was either Sanders or Buddha judge that one last I think, just by on everything that we do know Sanders has been an booted judge. I mean Buddha, judge hasn't been robbed as much as Sanders has because satyrs could have used the momentum it Buddha judge even coming in second array.
Helps him a great deal. Matters not getting, that push, and seeing a dominant win hurts him do agree. I try to disagree having this fits into his whole em all system can be trusted. That's why we need radical solutions. We need revolution, in the people that you have voted for all these years against those rascally Republicans, don't try to screw. You too, I think a place right. It was them all. I think, good at you just
They did. They got screwed more than anybody else. I think that's why he saw a blackberry nuclear victory last night openly trying to capture some kind of momentum, because he lost a chance to kind of b the shiny object and the new hardness, and I think that with the National Democratic Party is got is, is wrestling with right. Now is this if it is really a Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders choice for them, which is today Think Michael Bloomberg is somebody back and when enough of their base over the start, Bernie Sanders and if not, then hide to get your your seat in before the music stops playing. Bob unit, which is the Soviet nationally at them, but you ve been playing it for years anyway. Thank you very much from my eyes and I can't imagine being a voter in Iowa today, both by the way do you wanna just touch base real, quick, Steve on
the numbers of Donald Trump Tremendous turn out for Donald Trump last night in Iowa, ya think it. I said it was a record for it and combat president ever an idea that scenario or if you want a democratic side, guys is their record turn out we're materialised, merit it carried out when he sixteen level turn out. Not the two thousand eight record turn out that they thought they were gonna get ready and that's when a whole bunch of candidates. There were all viable at the same time that that does not bode well, for them in a lot of these West Bank needs going forward, and this is the best of the plan that programme hey
its Glenn and if you like, what year on the programme, you should check out pad great unleashed his podcast available, where ever you download your favorite podcast, I it's Glenn. If you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do me a favor and rate us on Itunes? If you're not a subscriber, become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on Itunes begs verse. President, I voted for was Ronald Reagan and I couldn't vote for him. In nineteen eighty, I was an old enough and nineteen eighty four, I was proud to be, I think, Well, I think they were only for people that ended up voting for Mondeo, but I was proud to vote for our Reagan. But I was still learning an awful lot and back in days there was there were no teachers of what I now know there was.
There was no balance the news, even though we had the fairness doctrine. There is no balance is about it would then was like CNN MSNBC all wall. Thank you for that. And I heard a guy who is sweeping the country. He was a guy that He was a guy that was just doing a local radio show any results, another guy, his partner that left ABC Radio and in his contract. He, had a bunch of satellite time. He had negotiated one of his contract that for every year it gets so many hours of satellite time will back. And satellites were wildly expensive, that's what was required if you want, to do a national show
and there were a lot of national chosen. They certainly wasn't anything like rush limbo and rush limb had gone in. The San Francisco and other places- and he had been turned down, but he was inside Her mental in this guy happened to hear amid thought, vis sky there so worthy use of my satellite time. This guy could change things I remember. First bring him with talent on loan from God I and the golden key microphone, I think, and this guy is crazy, he doesn't care he'd, say anything.
And I learned from him he was a teacher, not radio. He taught me how to find truth. He taught me to question things. He taught me why things are the way they are, and I think the most and thing, he taught me and all of Amerika was you're, not alone is Just you. There are millions of us.
The message I want to send to rush today is rush. Learn that lesson and it's hard because of his life in what he does and how people treat people now days. He lives behind golden gates much of the time and those of us who do this, We lose its a one way. Street so many times, and we can forget, We can feel like we're alone rush there are millions of us who are praying for you today. I remember, doing a show and having to go to a BBC radio back in the early nineties, and I was just starting to think about doing it. Talk radio shown we had fill in for a national shine or more
at one end and premier, radio networks is who syndicates Russia now syndicates me. They said we have a studio open in New York. And we went into the studio and there it was. The golden microphone and the giant oil painting of rush behind me- and they said you just do it from here. Rush hadn't been in it for probably a year, but it was awesome just to be in that room and a little humbling to be behind the microphone. Just a few weeks ago, I lost my good friend Dimas, Don as a childhood hero of mine. He The
only people in radio who really study at which are very few people now who really know the history of it. He was a jack, any or a Bob hope he changed radio he He made his mark and changed morning and comedy on radio, he's a early pioneer really of talk, radio. He just wasn't talking about politics. He was a legend, but I Think rush, Limbaugh is not only a legend he's a pioneer. The difference is a pioneer. Knows they might get killed along. The way knows might get stuck in the mountains. Knows that
This is risky, I'm alone and I am making this track over this mountain because I believe there is something on the other side, but there's no real. Evidence that what you're looking for is actually there that's rush limbo. Somebody I was having dinner last night and somebody at the table. We were talking about rush and somebody at the table said well, God forbid. If the worst happens,. Who will replace him, and I will tell you this- I thought of that, but in a different way, when I this news, because what I thought was this change Radio, this
there is so much pressure on these radio stations to stop doing talk. Radio. And one of the reasons why they continue to do it is not because of mark live in or Glenn Back or Sean Hannity it, sir. Plea because rush Limbaugh is on that station without him. I dont know what happens to the rest of us on talk, radio and I set there quietly at the table as people were banning around names, and I finally said as there there is no replacement for Russia limbo is no replacement, and I dont mean this to be humble or I mean this because it's true. And maybe you can only understand this when you get to be my age, but I remember being at the kitty stable than I
we're being the newly married couple. And there were several couples ahead of us. There were the grandparents, the parents and aunts and uncles, and, as I get older I realise there are more people down towards the eighty table and fewer towards the exit. If you will And you find yourself sitting there as the patriarch of the family at some point in your like wait, wait. How did this happen? When did this happen?. And when I heard the news I and threw in my head, the people that are still around the legends thee, the icons, the people who taught me, the people I watched, the people. I admire the people that Made this industry, and
she's the king of them all rush. I'm not only praying for you because you're a good guy, and I am grateful for what you ve done for me personally, not on not for my career but as a person in America that cared thank you for being with us But I am also praying for you because I Don't know what happens to our voices if you go away because. You're, the king or the mayor of Reels Ville. As you said yesterday,. As mayor.
That's none of your your bogus ego. That you express on the air, but the real you should know if the the patriarch goes away. None of us are qualified to sit in chair the best of woodland, background like listening to this podcast. If you're not a subscriber become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favour and rate the shell night. For eyes, formerly If the EU welcome to the broadcasts are good, yes, I was made redundant at eleven o clock, last Friday evening I was the turkey that kept on
the Christmas? Yes, I'm unemployed, yeah, that's great you! So your speech last week was absolutely tremendous. It I have likened to a shot heard around the world. All of our governments. It seems in the west. Have this flu this pen Make of not listening to the people through the people will vote, the people will speak. They'll get in the politicians will say one thing, but they'll do another. You guys actually broke the back of two systems: the corruption in England, that was all the politicians that work is playing that game and. The eu- yes, I mean firstly it out if you look it on tape, broadcasting for argument site, but dominance of the BBC State broadcaster. We have to pay out the fifty pounds every at a have.
They were, they will was being wall to Wall pro the globalist projects and, as you say, literally a handful of exceptions in the whole of it. The commons, investments that they were all pro EU economies thee random result in twenty. Sixteen, almost America, because that is we don't we, understand this here in Amerika. You know who we're talking about Russia lemme yeah. Now, maybe very and you don't have that you don't have talk. Radio, you, you can't say the things that I can say so others. No rallying cry, except that individual voice that happens to break through, and somebody covers ya mean for me. What made it for me was my speeches in the EU parliament. Ten years ago and show the BBC wouldn't come, I have a settled? Did Bob you cheap came along? Yes, I suddenly. Suddenly I
Having stop and sang, stop and beginning to wreak big audiences reuse shape and in at once several million views than the BBC A forced to give our platform of some kind. That for me was what made it we would never ever have achieved brakes if it hadn't been for. The internet and we did it on that referendum, but it's taken a three and a half years to get delivery on it because we ve had former prime ministers, we ve had businesses, politicians literally saying that the result wasn't valid, that the right interfere at all. We hypnotized everybody all, but in the end we got baron. I did what is significant. I was talking Thirty, two tiny about the former austrian Prime Minister, when a big political thinker- and he says breaks it- is the biggest geopolitical and since the fall of the Berlin Wall Agreed- and I think we ve del an absolutely fatal hammer blow to the globalist project and I always
in my country to be outside the UK's. I think we should be independent self governing democracy, but I'm not finished yet because I want to bring down the entire EU project so now here's the here's, the issue we are seeing this with with Donald Trump Donald Trump is a hand grenade you're a hand grenade, and that hand grenade goes off and it's not like nobody in the media in great Britain. Nobody in the EU correct me if I'm wrong is who is going to do the time to go. You know what I mean, England. They were such good partners, we lost them. Why Are we doing wrong they're not doing that their nerd, doubling down that yet bear conclusion Debate that I was in last week that you talked about, and until they kick me out there, but I've been kicked out about a place at her. I am I right prevention in that debate. Speakers were saying what with breaks it. What do we do to stop all the countries leaving and their conclusion is
centralisation? That conclusion is more bureaucracy. They just don't get. It then not listening to ordinary five, unless it is something that we could go right now into side, Paris into rural France, and we would have a conversation with french people, very much globalized that you and I are now at the end of the day. People want to live. A nation state. They want to have a flag. They want to have an identity, got their own culture at an I'm? All full in Europe will be cool with each other, with friendly with each other, we next door neighbours with each other, but the idea that we get to abolish the great ancient states of Europe. And had all this power to these people in Brussels? It's never ever gonna work I condemn the cedar is that the citizen was ended, the better So how do you get the elites I mean? You know this? Is this
why there are revolutions and why France had Gaea teens, because they just don't get it. They think they're above you, nothing's going to change their minds of the people are revolting ass they are. There are. These are very global, repulsive right there deplorable, and so how do you? How are you, see this continuing with out real revolution. What it very interesting that british have been through a revolution, but but but it's been a relatively peaceful, very revelation for nearly half a century. The conservative policy, where the key proponents and supporters of the european Project, despite the fact that a vote as well but they were sounds familiar. I came along and
changed their assumptions are the reason David Cameron offers a referendum was. I was eating into his vote in a very dramatic way, then last year ass yet over three years, no breaks it a week, Prime Minister, MRS may we had to fight a european election and I are formed a brand new policy. The breaks it We won the election. The conservative party got less than tat percent of the vote in a national election Looks into the merit I may said: either we become Nigel Barrage or with finished, what's happened. Is the conservative party are now saying all of the right things and that's that's the shape our relation? What That's it that's what we have, what ails lay a lot of stuff that by saying the right things, but actually you know what I think there is a phenomenon: see, changes now occurred and british politics. I think they realise that if they try to betray the promises they made again via electrically gonna be finished. So I think we ve got this to the right place
now at an even even Tony Blair, who is a ghastly globalist even too a glance at on Friday. Look we have to accept it and Trot the best year well. Bill Clinton also said the era big government is over I make my god they do try to make people. Look, I'm I'm, I'm speaking to you in a sort of still euphoria of being in parliament square. So why are they not for people dont understand? Why is why is the EU so evil? Why is it so bad? It's the globalist project or right the EU as the episodes of the globalist project and the remaining in America in the Democrats, who of course have an had Hilary one last time she was all for tying America closely into
european single market, what it's about its about literally the abolition of nation state democracies and its replacement with supranational government government at a high level, where the big decisions are made by people that you cannot vote for, and you can't remove and guess who supports this, the giant t national businesses, they love it because the more bureaucratic, the more regulations the harder it is, the small size competitors to come along, so it's kind of what the EU is daddy's destroy. Capitalism is replaced it with this new form of corporatism, where big business, big banks, big politics, operate hand in glove to their own benefit and to the distress of virtually everybody else. I may, if they cut of they virtually
just the political class across Europe, but I think now now that breaks has happened and sure there are more debates to be had about the shape of trade deals and whatever. But I now think: there's gonna be a cop station happening in every european country. Why did the british labour once once? They understand the logic of that position either we can get back to the nation state the building blocks of you see anybody on in them media or in politics that is starting to wake up anywhere one. I think the Italians the Italians have been there and the costs I'll pay. You just don't get him together with the german arbed logarithm but there, but I think it a ITALY was taken into a currency called the Euro twenty years ago. It's basically the deutsche mark. You know the german current right. It hasn't seen this lake. You got a country that now what has been zero growth for twenty years whole parts?
the best lakes which have a ninety nineties when I was a business I would visit, they were vibrant manufacturing cities. It's gone, it's dead. I write it becomes a point where the The events and the beginning to have this conversation visit was a guy called Matthew S Albanie. Yet I was a very prominent politician in ITALY and I think comes a point where the Italian said you know what this is. This is hurting us. We can't go on with this. You got countries like Poland and Hungary countries. What is that? years ago got out from a Soviet Union got out from Moscow Teddy right, couldn't and now they got they ve got Brussels telling them what they can and cannot do it at an. I just think of it. I mean how can Germany and Greece be in the same country together that culturally so far apart and I anti European Love Europe. I love the diversity of Europe of either the mix of all that have now what is it getting rid of, but neither drawings electronic modernizing the tree
harmonizes- that's gonna pasteurized as they try to create a new european people and that's why they ve got a flag. It's what they got an anthem. It's what they want an army and- and- and there are many there were many particulars- will Trotzky heights who see the European Union has been developing the prototype for one global government. That's what the globalist projects all about, and I do believe that breaks it is the first real kick back against it at the beginning of the end. I talk about that globally, here with Nigel for US radio network on demand
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.