« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Helen Raleigh | 3/10/21

2021-03-10 | 🔗

Texas is now officially open after a year of COVID restrictions, and progressives aren’t happy about it. Helen Raleigh, senior contributor to the Federalist, talks about Dr. Seuss’ cancellation and its similarities to growing up in China and the Chinese cultural revolution. Sen. Mike Lee joins to discuss new radical bills up for a vote, like the PRO Act and the For the People Act.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Tonight on our Wednesday night Special and lays tv. I talk about education and history and what you can do to actually change things in your neighborhood and how important it is to be educated and absolutely involved on the local level. Today, on the pod cast, we talk a little bit about that. We talk to a couple of people that have actually made a difference. We talk to the head of Hills, Dale College, which is just dirt strong, probably the only the only university in America that I actually feel comfortable that my kids will not encounter indoctrination. We talked to him cause. He was part of the seventeen seventy six commission, which of course was one of the first things with it. I don't think that Biden even made it to the White House before that thing was erased off of the White House website. They called it all kinds and aims, and it's important that you understand what actually in that seventeen seventy six project. We also talk to a mom who is very upset. She threw up in China, she didn't have doktor sues, but she did tell us how things worked in China and why we need to stand up today. Also, my clean is on talking about all the nonsense. Out of Washington still looks at the asian american violence and unfortunately, we didn't get to Andrew Cuomo forget about following today's pod cats and others have again ablaze CV tonight: Blaze, Stevie, DOT, com, slashed, Glenn provocateurs, Glenn, Brenda Students, America at eight p, M Eastern, followed by a brand new Glenn TV at nine. Don't miss either and effort to subscribe to this Pakistan suit as America as well. Here's the pact so today is the day that here in Texas they ve lifted. All of the covert restrictions were back to the way we were a year ago. A year ago,
We open the doors of the Mercury studios, it's a little like really want, and then chocolate factory, except no one in a crowd outside waiting. We get in surprise ever. Does it matter? I like what what what everyone complains why I can't go out. I can't go out. I think this is gonna, be the exception pillar. I kind of like working at home. Kind of like work at home, so I thought Let's go the way this is Gunnar, can but I mean in Ireland just announced they're gonna reopened and everything you're kind of I think on Friday, Connecticut has announced it Mississippi, my gosh, why are they trying to happiness that our they're, just irresponsible on your terms as a list of mostly open mixed and mostly closed businesses, and now there are currently no more states in mostly closed there are only one two, three four five, six seven eight. I think nine eight states that are still in mix
and everything else is currently what's crazy. Is this is gone against? What the progressives have wanted. I mean people are starting to open things back up in every time, at least when a red state does it you're condemned yeah, there's this dumping. That happens, I want to read state. Does it they're condemned? I mean Texas just slaughtered in the media, because their opening up to a one hundred percent right Owen seem to notice impact alot of people that I know is, I grew up in Connecticut were very Chris. Full of Texas. Further reopening didn't seem to notice the next day when Connecticut announced, basically the same thing solar Switch subjects here, because I think this is really exciting. The house his past protecting the right to organise act, do
we gotta get is protecting something it's a right. While we have a right to organise a petition, are government, you noted means, or do we need to act for it because it is in the constitution. I think we can. I think we can organise. We have a right to organise. We have a right to come together and- we buy way way way way way oh, that's, to say things against the government. We don't have that right right. They were taking that right away. You can't get together, you get together, you can't congregate. You can't I mean that's really dangerous stuff you're, a radical. If you want that, however if you want to have a union, or your set If you don't want a hand, have a union cannot sucks for you, I'll, pass the protecting the right to organise the Pro act, a bill, That would substantially Amanda existing? U S labour law in
two hundred and twenty five to two o six vote Tuesday evening, five Republicans voted with the Democrats in favour one Mc Grath voted with Republicans against it It is a wish list for union leaders if you didn't know who controlled the union, but I mean who controlled the Democratic Party use certainly do now. It is It's amazing The ranking member of the house, education and Labour community committee, that unions have pushed the bill to stop declining union membership, which is, in place over the last sixty years, it forces unionization of workers who don't necessarily want to join a union or pay union dues report.
In proposed a series of amendments to the pro act, which were rejected by the Democrats. One rejected amendment proposed would have required unions with a president or vice president. Who has been convicted of a felony within the last three years. The file, more detailed financial disclosures with the Department of Labour so that one was going too far. You don't You don't want to have to actually ass somebody. Who's been convicted of a felony in the last three years, right for years ago, you could have murdered an entire group of schoolchildren bright with bowling balls. But three zones is not within the last secular right. That's exactly right, an animal and listen. Didn't pass. Thank goodness, so you could have murdered a bunch of schoolchildren with bowling balls and yesterday, and you don't have to answer and urgency at the
pro acts? Is a compilation of various policy changes. The changes that the Labour Union support, which would make it easier for unions to organise private sector employees, Bill would remove workers ability to vote against unionization, listen to this vs grit ballad elections. So, when their voting, should we have a union or not, you have to do. You have to stand up and go against the union thumbs. We're got well, for I mean that's crazy. It's crazy. It's a secret ballot is one of the main cornerstones of Amerika. I'd like a horse out in my bed. You liked you just give the address of my children school right now. It gives the National Labour Relations Board, not the workers, a final say in the decision to union eyes a workforce, the programme,
would also nullify the right to work laws that exist in twenty seven states. So we have a right to work law. Not any more. I mean that really bad, You see over and over again that the right to work states outperform every time you know rising stay every time over and over again I mean I have just a. I mean a quick story Two. The first time I met Don Imus. I was eighteen years old and I was up W Nbc in New York. I had come from you in air, Easy Macy. Where was I at the time? I think I was in Washington W Pvc and it was not a union radio station and I gotta W Nbc, where my friend was working and He was still a music station at the time. They had him in one booth: justice: a sixty six w NBC
This is view now, whoever that's what he did they had a member of the musicians union? It was the only person they could touch the records at the time they were still playing records, the only one that could watch. The record was a member of the musicians union. And he would touch the record and grab it, and then he would put it on the turntable. Then second person. Which was a member of the or was it technicians union he would actually put the needle on the record Q it up. Then you'd have your board up start the record and the jack was under different in different room, and all he would do is talk. Ok, so you
in a job, and I was doing myself you had to have four people do and they didn't. They could even turn their microphones on now they could that had to be the board up. Yes, yes, I mean that is incredibly incredible amount of what happens if, like when the technician is putting the needle on the record, and he mistakenly touches the record disease spontaneously combust. How does it were? I don't? I don't really know they were very, very serious about that as I was mocking it, and I would like all modern, No, I don't I'm gonna be dead by tomorrow is protecting jobs that didn't need to exert its started. The radio union started because they started to replacing orchestras, You know they would have singers come in, and bands come in and everything else. So all of those musicians lost their jobs soon is the record came in And so the union said you can't play records you talk about. Of course, we're gonna play records its paper. It's better its consistent now
Do that look at all the musicians area be put out of work? Well, yeah, it's called progress. Ok. Well, then, if you're gonna do that we're going to organise they organise and said musicians union members had to be the one that moved the the record. Former musicians were like I used to play the horn, I'm just doing this unbelievable Kay, Second story. We were in New York, and we were building a studio and it took us long to build the studio. We had twenty thousand sixteen thousand square feet total. And about Eight thousand of it was studio space. We build One. Two three studios, but the walls were already up. Gay was already a radio station. All we had to do was just puts Sheet Rock up change, the look of everything you know. Do some painting and wallpaper some lights drop.
The council's into things that were already there and it took us about a year. And it was the biggest pain in the. But ever and everything was waiting for. The union's sorry can't touch that no I I was wondering if you could, just I mean couldn't just plugged vat in because we're to go. If you'd sorry different union all plug it in no. No, what do they do it and if it is plugged in your find, ok We came down to Texas Right to work state. We took an aid a thousand square foot studio, and we built this. That's we. He hung the lights and we made it into a digital broadcast studio was a film studio. We to a digital broadcast centre, and we did the first draft in a week In a week we had nothing.
And they now week we had a studio. That's the difference between unions, and all right to work state? Now, here's the really bad part III don't get to choose anymore, whether you like to join the union or not. All of this is based on that horrible horrible labour law in California for the the what you call it the I can thing all we think a bit economy, but it's not it's the gig account. The economy, the guy economy, remember California took it apart, and they passed a law. That said not now you can't you have to have a forty our work week. He can't do a bit economy because this disease too bad for people. It's just horrible Well, no, in fact, it was so disliked by the public that California, but had a referendum and they voted against it. So put it in and then
the people rose up and said: no you're, not saying no to a gig economy. And the stats on a gig economy are astounding and that's what they're going after they're not only going after all the mom and pop businesses there, not only going after our economy. There not only trying to help the union's because they ve had a sixty year decline because everybody knows how much they suck. I mean. I wouldn't I mean look. I am not saying that the mob exists
If none of it did it would be great, but I'm sure it doesn't that's. I think, for the movies right, the MAR the body that is not a real sure. That's not even did exist we before. Yet we would absolutely the agreement with the other, and we think they are great guys do a good job for marriage. I love them by love and they don't exist. They don't exist at all. So anyway, I will tell you about the stats and what this is really going to affect it's gonna reach in to you. This is the best of the planned back programme. This is the Glen Back programme tonight at nine o clock only on blaze, tv we are, I talk to you a little bit about history. History is under attack and we're going in to civic.
Action. History, where the Dave's places and everything it doesn't mean anything. It's all about action and kids love to take action. Civics action is coming to your school if it's not already there, and that is how to protest. How to march in the streets are kids. Being indoctrinated and they're, not learning history, the new AP. U S, history, standards do not include Hitler or the Holocaust. And paint America as the bad guys in world war, two, because they only pick it up at the dropping of the atomic bomb. We set that correct for your kids today and we show you how powerful that bomb was. We ve got a couple of items that were actually in the blast of Hiroshima New to the vault and eight is it's amazing. Don't want to miss tonight because we're gonna show you what you can do and
thinking of that there was a great article out yesterday that I read, and I thought it was really really well done by somebody who knows her name is Helen Rally and she was. She was born in China and lived in China for awhile and She talked about how to fight this. What this cultural revolution she's lived through, one before and I wanted to get around high Helen. How are you. I'm gonna hurt you learn very good. Can you just tell the story about what you wrote yesterday in the Federalist sure, This is the one about the cancelling doctors to yes and
It's really hard broken for me to read that the doctor suit with cancelled out his first day. I share the my experience, though growing up in China. I never had a quality, a great children's literature. I share story? I read your child, the bitch. Children's literature with available was about condemning? the beaten up landlord land owner. To that end, it was during the rooster crows at midnight. Can you tell that story? A bet short? Can I use the truck across at night with their children to weaken the four children? Actually, it was about the evil land owner data, with very cruel to everybody, the labors who worked for him and the communist thanks to the Communist Party, who labour if you do, the poor people say to calendar and the livestock away from him and distributed to all the poor people, so the poor people happy and then one night in the midnight he try to choose
chicken from the poor people- We can have any story, did not say that and then add the children caught him and the child local caught him and it over the picture in a story book is the black and white. Peaches show the children to have or pointed this shiny spear at him he was just now down on the ground, had job the title as bad as it looks. Really you no doubt the coming ready, feed it at all. Who were interviewed after the story. Became very popular, What was into real information. This was a real life story and the dollar land owner who was caught after struck Actually he wasn't beaten to death at the story? I read when I was a child, China, warm story and you when
came to America, you knew about doctors, but it wasn't until you may, until you had a child, and you started reading that you read. Doctors is for the first time and what was that experience like. It was a very refreshing because I found out that those I'm a trophy out, a missing chapter, you my own childhood, and am I let me I was making it up for you know you're my adulthood, because there was no reason for me to you. Thought about a reading that I'll kill. You know I was to become a mother in it's love the collar for pictures, I loved simple words, but he d rime and alive, The joy and I didn't even though it though the doktor stood book, a region that is simple words, are they haven't Maybe if you really think about it, you know like a thing about Eve: you'll keep your eyes shot. You will see nothing. Nice, imperfect coastal culture. You keep your my shot, either keep your eyes shut, you will see
I think you'll learn nothing, and I wish you more about the will read the his bodies that are banned in his book well, so what do you say about because people say this is not the cancel culture, but it is when Ebay refuses to sell a used copy of the book. I think but What do you say that it was the family that that said, I dont we don't wanna print these books anymore. They own the copyright, so is it can. It's a culture or is it just what? What is it exactly? Because there are really the negative stereotypes of chinese people in. I can't believe I sought on Mulberry Street right, but had decided obey the first of all. It would not China. American emigrants who read any questions about that. You know we can. I use today's a moral standard to judge things,
it happened? The EU take place with their historical common path. You do, that is nobody's perfect. We're gonna cancel all the valuable things ever. Ever been created I think gonna be perfectly now and I think that's why they. Until culture is its accounts. Is a laugh. It lasted for cultural revolution and it's not gonna stop. By banning of feel books or carried down there, Statute is it? Is it it's a movement to read it. So the life of civilization, though the banning of feel both pulling out of the sphere. Statues is just Europe just the beginning that violation. My teeth. I see the parallel between what happened in America, it really in the western civilisation today, companies parallel with happening. China joined a cultural revolution. It's about eight total destruction the old work show that add, the commission can create a ideological to purify the new work. That's why I find the whole Benny
and also Ebay, preventing you from even treating about it, a trading a book about ensuring that it really problematic. You know that the voters whose enterprise the only started How did she know because Welcome. I complain about this book It was not the company did enough, but would not follow the because asian people, companies or the fire that, because the bulk mob decided fathom, They are going to cancel doctors who book I'm gonna start with the most problematic. Why aren't you gonna go down from there? They never gonna thought on fuel Until everything you you ve lived through, you saw the cultural revolution with with now, and people say that that's crazy, that it would never happen here, but I contend that you know it's arts with suggestions. Then it me moves to shoving people shouting and shoving. When you shouted and shoved everybody that you can. The only thing left is to shoot is key
easy to think that that kind of thing that this is just going to continue until you are in gonna do with the rest of the people that refuse to go along. How does this and if we don't wake up. What you don't wake up and they just like the Cultural Revolution, is gonna, be a total destruction of the western civilization and Europe. Right at the top of the tree. Jeffrey is the bulk demographers gonna pick something that we all I agree that problematic right across confederate a statue of labour You spoke away. The racial start happy joy, so they gonna pick something that problematic to begin with, the most of us will say yeah, but you know, We could examples, maybe not a correct again. They will not stop there because the evil, listen to the speeches you look at your lighting. They are deeply hostile to the entire western civilisation We believe this is civilization, is inherently you
dream about a racist and oppressive thought up. It's gonna stop We statute gonna start with a few books, but if you want up until this whole civilization. He's been destroyed, and and even though, about even people who don't wait. You go along. That's what what happening. Cultural revolution is eventually you're. Gonna have to use blood too replied idea, you don't you purified ideology, soda That may happen you. We continue down this road and people already losing jobs, the laughter right losing the lap livelihood. In America because they start something, although someday that you know the walk markets do not like and they were condemn them the drive them out over the marketplace that happening here right now before I changed subjects on you. I just want to point out that
she was she speed? Now, it's not only the that they're gonna wipe out the culture. They wipe out your even your personal history, Helen as she was reading about this evil landowner and and how he was surrounded by kids and he in all landowners are evil. It wasn't until later in life that she learned that her great grandfather was a landowner and that book was preaching against him. As well. She No. That Let me just one more thing with you before you go next hour. We're gonna talk about this. This trend there saying of war. Supremacist that are beating up Asians and it does not ring true to me. We can't find anything, that seems legitimate on this. Do you have any incite on? Is this
happening? Where you know Donald Trump fans Arbe are beating up Asians worth There is a definite arise over hate crimes against the Asians since last year, so is a complicated and, alas, year most families, complaint I should say related to the corona virus, the pandemic, the fear. For this year, He could only in some of the most progressive cities. United states like a surface is gonna, be there are several very racial vicious attack again the asian eyesight seniors unprovoked, either tat gets agency scheme and no so yeah, perpetrators. They were not. Why? they were now asian. You know, minorities that, let us put it that way. They were not white bother to act, Is that now the mainstream media charges
But surely this very vicious attack happened recently somehow was driven by the White Nationalism, the eighties. Back there, and I think I will not repeat before the youth how did you know relate to this subject because, We are now waiting to identify, the true root cause of the hate crime. You got. Cause. The government. Did you miss adequate resources and not now put not able to protect the asian community. You know you nobody and efficiently, so I wish more people will be compensated. The EU community have have spoken out against the critical theory, and I wish more people than how did you to pick up. I think that it would cause a bit. The asian community has made a huge difference on critical race on the West Coast and Helen. Thank you for everything that you do and thank you for your courage for standing up. I I know it's not easy.
Thank you for your example proceeded Thank you for having your listening to the master of the Glinda programme. Let's, let's go to our good. Senator senator might lead who's gonna, be tired by now honestly zennor. How are you, sir, I'm too old for eight Glenn with you, but you know nothing is more in Hebron and going on the plain fact program off. He has had sides gotta be highlight of your day like so much
I wanted it. We have to talk about several things. First of all, the for the people ACT is that thing going to pass in the Senate. No, and, if they try to do it, it'll be over my dead body. Dont say that in my wedding This thing not only renders major parts of the constitution superfluous; it renders the people superfluous. It consolidates government in Washington makes it possible for city to require. Voter I d make. Impossible for states to Greece. Someone from showing up on the same day registering to vote on the same day that they vote and it requires at least fifteen days of fun. Of early loading. It makes a verification process almost impossible to comply with, ministers. If there's one part of it and cut my tinted, there is even a part of it that can be read.
The suggested they're gonna start, allowing continual vote. Which I would have loved because in the fall like an idiot George about Water Bush was on the ballot. I was the pressure that age republican Highschool parallel you don't like all the courtyard yeah you're coming from the beginning, I actually wrestled with the idea of wishing I had a vague idea just so I could vote, but I knew that wouldn't be right, joy to others. The crime, the likely crimes spree finally comes out so much. But I want to be clear. I did you do what I just. I just thought. I know I know I know so my It's not going to pass any form of. It Well, look they're gonna! Try! If, if, if not for the floor buster, they would. Past us, and they would probably pass it tomorrow- is still going to try to pass it, I'm not sure when they're gonna try to bring the Son of war, but I am confident that there,
try to get around the fella buster Do you have any camp? We have any confidence any more in mansion. Now is starting to like new alarm in others, some nuance there, I was a little bit about the fact that he is now talking Four immense pressure to be brought down on him an end that easy in a position now of wanting to accommodate them credit leadership whenever he can, and that worries me a little, but because there are a lot of tricks they can play. There are a lot of things they could do to convince him. I'll know that we're not looking to filibuster. This is just a minor technical action. What I'm looking to filibuster all were asking you to do is take a walk, be out of the room. While we have faced Harris rule. Fifty one votes somehow satisfies the closer standard and then just just don't joined the Republican devoting to appeal the ruling of the chair. That sort of thing can chip away at the thought MR ineffectively nuke without ever
Joe Mansion devoted formidably to do so at eight years minute. So this is this: is the changing of the voting system. It is, it becomes almost irrelevant. In my, in my opinion, and very unconstitutional, the federal It does not have a right to do any of this according to the constitution. Now let me switch to another topic by has just said that he is encouraging the Senate and the house to pass the Oh act, and that is the timing, When I talk about a pro union give away, that's it. Tell me what you know about the pro act. I know very little about the pro act. I can imagine that it probably has something to do with card check. They probably want to take away the ability of workers to cast a private.
Bout, it absolutely dung, is easier. Ok, because a lot further than that, but it does have that in it look workers have have got the right to form organizations and but what we can establish laws that govern the price, this of workers making that decision, and it important that war, where's, be given the chance to cast their votes. With a secret ballot and not being watched by. By people who might impose consequences on them. If they don't go where they wanted, pretty fundamental part of slots, or labour law system and if they want to undo that, perhaps they just want to empower the union's. None are surely the workers they represent, the union bosses, cool, so we'd also in also gets rid of the gig economy. And it's his is protecting those people, but basically its were you know it's
we doing what happened in California and the people went nuts. When that happened. So so you want to go back to the era of having to sit in smelly, taxicabs, yeah A good idea to spend that is, absolutely absurd. This will require us to go back to the air uh be tracked, cassette tape and be of the tinfoil TB dinner. I mean- but there are a lot of things that we move beyond as a society and the old. Pre. Gig economy is not something any of us who are anxious to go back to what I can firstly and why someone wedded to big labour bosses. The posting of workers, those people represent, would want to shun technology like the plague. It would want to. Deprives society of the many benefits associated with it, its tragic, but some not that surprising, Michael,
If you don't have to answer this cause, I do want to talk to you about the the covert relief bill as well. You you have been so strong on this, and where we ve, nor now at thirty trillion dollars of dead. But I do want to ask you to morrow. The president is gonna, have his first press conference and theirs? in some disturbing video recently do you have any first hand knowledge than that, he's ok. I don't I don't put deal I haven't had any action with them, since he was sworn in this present, so I dont have when he first hand knowledge of vat or any knowledge beyond what Anyone could see on tv from day to day and be the benchmark against which one would compare. Vat is relatively small, because he's tv appear This had been relatively short, relatively scripted and Thirdly, controlled environment
so yeah While there is personage speculation, there is precedent on this when people for the opposing party and his own party went to check on Woodrow Wilson. He had had a stroke and he had been seen for a year and his wife was actually signing all of the bills. And who knows it says that there is a there is historical evidence that sometimes people hide how sick the president is If, if it's a problem- and I hope that's not happening or talk, Why should I don't think? That's happened? We learn from clips of among young people, and you know just in relatively short, spurts right. I don't think happening either. I just but it did its progressing it. It could happen aright to me talk to me about a thirty trillion dollar debt, and your comment, I thought, was great on this. It's not.
Republicans can say: hey we did everything we could area The problem well. First of all, we went out at spread over the last year and really over the last four years. Republican spending has not exactly been. Model of restraint. If one takes it to a new level from makes an art form out of you, Tibet is the ultimate excuse getting away with anything you want. Its hurting. Other people talked about billion dollars? It was spent. Very Little about actually was tied, the covered and this comes about by the way that a moment it'll take us up to its territory and our death comes about at a moment when we are starting to see at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are coming out. Immunity is bill, When infection rates hospitalization rates, death rates are going down. We're spending
two trillion dollars extra in the name of, hope it, but very little of that actually goes a competent. Less than one percent of that this crazy goes to tax in production and distribution, so what how is it that will fourteen hundred or checks? Then you get your three. Seventy five billion dollars going to state local governments, you were right away or roughly on par with where they works, expect. The revenue, while some states have even seen the revenues go up? Is it just a big giveaway give away firstly to a lot of states that have been loyal to Democrats and really events, so my What do you need from the the people because I think people want to do something. They just don't believe that anything will change and and then also people feel very alone right now. What can the pit People do not want it
what what the people can do, any one would understand my voice, who happens to wreak. We got a problem with Washington. This stuff is just gross just, fuck, you can you get a chance to talk to a member of Congress or somebody running for any federal office got on board at that you'd love to see the federal government just do the thing the federal government is supposed to do that means force. Immigration laws waken me Pray Morse, copyright and patents, national defence declaring war, wranglers market reprisal bankruptcy, laws regulating National and interstate trade- that's about it, focused on that stuff focused on article, one section, eight leave everything else to the states. It's already the law. Sorry, the constitution story, the kids, remember of Congress in every president has can an oath to affirm that same principle. We got down the radical because storing about eighty five years ago Senate.
How does the representatives and white houses of every conceivable partisan combination have been engaging in this light, slave ward? that assumes that everything is appropriate. We federal spending more and more and more money doing other times stuff. It really isn't any of our business spent. Most of that state local level should most This federal authority back to the states were launched at work, The message needs to be my plea: you so much. I appreciate you standing. I can't imagine how, for us did you are to be working in that I'm glad you're there. Thank you so much MIKE. How much would it not be better if you don't think about it, you just before I know that. Thank you so much swine. Wish I weren't in recovering alcoholic cause. Just alcoholism would do a lot of wonderful things for me right now,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.