« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Rep. Dan Crenshaw & Ryan Anderson | 2/25/21

2021-02-25 | 🔗

Rep. Dan Crenshaw joins to discuss concerning news about the Navy, President Biden’s nuclear codes, and Texas’ power issues after the winter storm. The world is not what it used to be and two powerful industries are fighting back against disruption. Glenn discusses why “trust implosion” is a big issue. “When Harry Became Sally” author Ryan T. Anderson joins after his book was removed from Amazon. America’s digital book-burning era has begun.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rate podcast noted, don't believe me leave the thousands than our rating listened of crap. They are all raising right now about today's podcast lot of information. Some deep philosophy on the world that you're actually listening to and living and Dan Crenshaw is with us. Also the digital book burning has begun. We have the author of an outrageous books that Jeff Pesos wants to make sure you don't ever hear about you'll hear about it. If you listen rates, podcast, don't forget you such subscribed to police, tv and others. Last week here of the place tv thirty dollars off, offer your place to be subscription good ablaze, tv dot com, Slash Glenn, supermarket lend to save the thirty bucks and, while you're here Mitre subscribe to this pod cast and check out stewed as America on this park as feed is well twenty six right now, because he has a vendetta against Cuomo and has just done really really funny and great shows about Andrew Cuomo and his love mistress. That's the only reason why you saying that that's exactly the reason I'm saying it check it out, stewed as America available here and now the pot cast pleased to have a very rare appearance on this programme, Congressmen Dan Crenshaw Dan. How are you, sir? I don't
Well, they showed me, I know you have to be rare and how we can we could do worse off than they are to get the schedule right. Jake, I'm not I'm! Not! I'm not in place Anything! I'm just grateful that you're IRAN. It is rare to have yawned, and I really a priest it is, I want to talk to you almost every day, because you're one the guys who I Really gets it and and is standing for the things that we need to stand for, and there are very few people laughed that I think people on the right, trust and you're one of them so, Damn. Let me ask you a couple of questions. I want to get into Texas here in a second, but there's too stories that google. My mind that I think your uniquely qualified to talk about what is this story from military dot com? Today the Navy is making all sailors reaffirmed the oath to the constitution in the stream ism stand down.
I find this incredibly insulting. Can you Comment on this For all of our got a letter by some concern For a guy, on the one hand, I love her sailors and marine and soldiers to reaffirm european constitution. Every morning I agree, they'll includes their allegiance is well. Why not? Yet, by this pretence is concerned, and it is clearly it so obviously and clearly, politically motivated, and so what's the point of yours they are aware that the ban bizarre gonna. Take the premises of this. Is that well, we had a lot of veterans on January, says that the capital right, that's the premise of all this nonsense, this mathematical that's that's, not a good indication of where activating military standard or, where correct them more broadly
just because a lot of people here does not mean that a large proportion of People are indeed extremists or bad erect and and away. I thought we were against that kind of proof. right. I thought that was against the very liberal values that supposedly the less than four by Goin. You know very well left that liberal left is very. Tyler Broad, and I think your service you're gonna say that more often here s where they have become genuinely authoritarian, progressively Martin shake what liberalism is a bigger between and Alan Dershowitz, liberal and democratic Party, progressive, brutal We therefore totally different one. question, because I dont understand this debt France have Ass Biden to surrender the keys on the nuclear launches. What they're doing is they're trying to take away the president's sole authority to launch nuclear weapons because they say it could just happen too fast and
They want him to be forced into some sort of a committee. Before anything is launched. So he wouldn't have the the nuclear football keys. It would be with a committee. What the hell is that there wait concerning famine from my point of view, your point of Yorkshire at its heart. It is argued. Actually, if that's what you trust last by the UK independence is very well or a greatly Democrat Party, but but only ended up. It is pretty obvious what they're doing an ethical to lay the groundwork for this even before one took office about invoking the twenty third. Amendment NOS pretty obvious: you haven't even talking about tromp, so I think they obviously no, that is cognitive issues, but the Good NEWS for America's vote by bided demeanor and in this position, is not to go launch nuclear bio
also a lot of things about the guy. But I don't think that's what his plan is not intended, that this was a little bit different and I also feel like I mean if he woke up one day and he was you know suddenly temporarily insane, and he said, let's launched the missiles there's there. people and systems in place to stop that madness array. Let me doesn't have it allows bad are added value from that does not seem right he's not. My group supports the wrong, but my mandate, the I want more coke button, All right, let's talk a little bit about what happened in Texas because it is it's insane on. What's being said about the Tec, this grid and Texas not being green, etc, etc. Part of the problem is, is it we are green. We leave the country in wind power now right.
This is a complex phenomena distort as much as possible. It concerns the right off the bat, jumping on the means, which is why what what went down upon what we put up all these pictures and wind turbines, because its body by that that does not That is why the grid my down until it gave the left an opportunity to build a strong man argument against the right mistake, but really what happened in their their sort of correct, but we did happen over time. I'm a huge over investment in renewable energy and a huge under investment in base load power bases, power means kings, in turn. On quick and empower the grid reliably and those things is only three of them call nuclear and gas correct. access. We have. We have under invested in coal dramatically on work. All plans have been replaced by natural gas because it's cheaper than this is generally Had driven nuclear is expensive,
I wish there was more of it because it is the only carbon free energy that is reliable, Bulgaria, but for nuclear plants in time and we haven't really built, might really new gas plants either. Although new gas plants are generally replacing call plant, though it had, massive population increases in tax, twenty showed the, but still the best place to work right. So When you don't have enough base load power, you're, not investing enough in it. Your lesson, Tommy renewable energy because it makes you feel go to mix, feel green, that renewable energy never works, never work what he did the mouse. It certainly That work on there's no way, certainly doesn't work wonders not shine and an extreme weather that that tends to be the case, so you know when they go down dramatically remain at its best when can provide quite a bit of energy, for the tax is great, but that's at its best. You can rely on the right or the left is building the strongman argument say no, no, no, it's fossil fuels that fail and the question you have to ask them back is compared to what.
really compared to what compared to renewables there's renewables won't work or that just a fact they don't work. good weather, sometimes what'll, here that these that the there their own selling them from their own documents. We, power most provide a forty percent capacity. at any given time at most it just averages out the wind stops, and so all of the energy that is being produced stops, So, by their own estimates, its forty percent reliable for capacity, in practice is much less. You know on average is extremely still very high, but eighty percent of average cost in terms of Europe Lira per cent and ass, a thing like what you desire and energy grid. You have the plan for what is a hundred per cent I gotta get back right then you also have to then you also to plan for what is a hundred fifty percent look like like if the wholesale freezes, because it
once in a century free correct in that way. So but we need to live under fifty percent more and over time, because we haven't invested in fossil fuel because you know green energy such as I gotta, get I'm I'm not against solar and wet, but when you, but It is pretty obvious from a policy perspective that if you listen too much of the democratic and take too many remember that everybody knows from California and you over invested these things and you federally subsidy, and the other thing that people and about taxes we do prior by the electrons coming from wind the window. He gets to make a profit, the gas does it. a nuclear certainly doesn't nuclear often operate at a loss, I think we do in taxes which maybe we should look at as we don't miss, keeps our prices or but will we don't do- is take a capacity fee to plants back. generate capacity immediately on the map, the holly safety that we don't do. That, in fact, is that keeps our prices lower, but it also- Discourage investment from these base load capacity, pile
once again that the left loved, but it's not good politics, so simple, So so take me here because I think the problem is exactly the problem. We went through in two thousand eight with the banks. They was a policy they wanted everybody to own houses, so the feds made it easy for loans to be had that shouldn't have been taken out and were pushing a policy, and so everybody indulged in that it broke. This is the same thing. That's happening in Texas. The leave federal subsidies for in power, make it much more economical to build those and soul. The the people who were you know building and in this industry there like. Are you get all this free money from the government for doing this? Much is build this mean, isn't the substituting a big problem
there is a middle like these subsidies, you know one one response, Republicans ever say: ok have at least we make these subsidies technology neutral so that they can at least get a nuclear it is the Sequoia solar gets tuner fifty times more sensitive than nuclear when you get about a hundred sixty times more subsidies than nuclear does. This makes no sat looking very pro nuclear I am to venture, but but but but if we're going, if we're going to believe that we actually have to reduce emissions rapidly than why are they against nuclear right? It makes me question their intent in their motivations, because it makes me think it's not about the carbon reduction. really care about poverty reduction, GB Your number one goal should be to export much clean natural gas for us all to dirty coal burning countries like China and India, and you ve been sing and nuclear. We wouldn't, you put a ninety trillion dollar for a price tag on it, because we would we to build its scale, we will be able to invest in a man,
the nuclear we could build nuclear around the world that could be said of China and Russia doing it and by the way that media will gain a foothold into nuclear capabilities in developing countries. It is really not a good thing, but there's a national security aspect of this in the centre, America, one should be controlling them nuclear energy around the world is a clean energy aspect. This is a reliability. Aspects are best you're, never gonna get rid of fossil fuels, but call Nope, where these are the most reliable things and really really bad weather, if I live in other states still have call now can escape that, and I think that the lesson from taxes definitely a feeling to how much renewables you can have on the bread is not true. If you just keep building more wind it it's terrible. for the grid it is true that if you also simultaneously under investment, they float power. So do the floor to that before to that must obviously to renewables. If you keep learning, renewables, just becomes a waste of money. At a certain point,.
we're talking who congressmen Dan Crenshaw. You are in Congress, so you see what's what's coming our way, the The things the by new Ministration is doing, and congresses is proposing, with green, the green new deal, etc, etc, This is this is all about. Changing every aspect of our life. It's all about control and power and I don't mean that in the electricity sort of way and it is it's terrifying. When you look into the way that corporations are now starting to incorporate what are called S, geez, environmental, social, justice and governmental standards, which a little terrifying when you understand the scope of what that means to the average person, though, I think- and I admit that I think that the quickest way to by all this down is there.
Does it does quite indifferent disposition on the left and the right the boy all of our policy differences down through the psychological disposition and on the left that this position is this. Want to change the nature of men and women, we can, we believe we can use by the forces of governments and the forces of institutions to fundamentally- changes. and I will vote bookie fighting for that resolution, no matter what we're not really sure that Revolution God. This is where it off far because utopian ISM is well that its nowhere five minute literally leads nowhere in Greek Can't you tell your software together the writer different disposition a far more humble disposition that what this is about the best way and do what come on out to you, that you cannot change the nature of man? can provide a good system and structural and centres indifferent centres to get the best outcome right so that the letter that a fundamental difference, but that does not change its almost like people are born that way.
This is where all of this month and comes from outright and are always looking for ways to do. Just words were always try to point out the people look. I know this feels good and others feels like their promising utopia, but would promise you that today, that is the road and getting them to Hell is paved with good. thanks for the lift, this turned out to be true, every single time so it is another indication of that and I want you to know, I will be making a call today and we are probably gonna hate that I say this, but we make call the day after the programme for the very first time since last week, A name has come to me that I need to pass on to permit a radio networks on a replacement for rush limber. I think you could replace rustling by that answer was so clear. and explaining a very complex thing I
that's why we would like you to be engineer. Doesn't he already have a jolly already has again you know? Maybe you can get theory dive about get where you what's, namely your podcast hold these all these truths, ok, Dan. Thank you. Talking created the compliment gone appreciating the council that they were going to gobbled up, pretty relinquish their humanity along with the best of the best land Back programme. I I want to explain the world that you're living in not the world that we think we're living in, because the changes have already happened and the things we have to stop saying. I believe that The reason why we're saying that is because we,
and we're living in a world that was operating the way it use to it's, not so stop being shocked by things stopping pissed off by things and instead and start to look at things as they really are, because if we look at it and as the we as they really are, we can allow magically deal with it, and we can also stop it and stop playing the game. There were two industries. I told you about media in government that are losing their power, but or other industries that have lost their credibility there is freely much all big business. When we say when people say I trust business, they don't mean big business mean G. They mean the business down the street, the people that they think are more like them, because they know them. You trust the business people in your
in town. But if I ask you, do you trust? Do you trust your local locally run? Not connect did it all with any other big bank? Do you trust that bank? Mostly? I would say yeah if you explained to them there completely disconnected from anybody else's, is a locally owned and operated bank. Yes, I trust them. Do you try the atrocity Bank Bank of America Dope these industries are in trouble. And there in trouble with trust because something. I told you what happened a few years ago, which would the beginning of the Risa too, I called it to the new world order. That too. Asked implosion way people no longer trust. Well, we I trust the media. We don't trust government. We don't now trust the government's doctors. We don't lost their prevention?
Some people don't even trust their vaccines and echoes two ways. Don't tell me that I have to trust the vaccine when told me if Donald Trump was in charge, you wouldn't trusted, you wouldn't take it so tell me that I'm some kind of denier. I was article of it when Donald Trump was in office. I'm sorry critical of it. Now it see, seems to be working, that's good! Ok! but don't write a jam it down my throat because the more you try to jam something down people's throat, the more they push back. All right- and you certainly I mean I've had I've. To have a scope down into my lungs once you haven't lived in tell you ve done that whole cow, it's worse than you think, is the only doctors ever said to me this is: really going to
set your whole body on fire and you will do everything to Make this stop and you Be able to control it, I'm just telling you we're gonna hold you down, and you just focus on this person's eyes and listen to what they're saying it was the longest thirty seconds of my life, because some foreign object is in your lungs and Your body says no, no, no, no! No! No! No. And you fight against it. What did they do. He was there it's almost over. It's almost over relax, I'm just counting were at fifteen seconds, you're, almost done where, at twenty seconds, you have ten seconds left five. Four calming If your jamming something down my throat and you're, saying and you're a bad person- and you know what this might last law might be worse than you think I might leave it in their longer. You're not gonna
You're gonna fight gonna fight. And that's what be, Everything is doing that we are doing all of the things not to calm you down there doing all the things to push every button you have in you. So why why Would they do that for So it's understand people have. You ever been to a local zoning board meeting, and I too, you know of a friend who tried to question a school tiny little teeny, the neighbourhood all, trees. Note two story: houses, nothing just a small little neighbourhood and they had a small little elementary school and they elementary school had a lot of land. So they decided they're gonna build a new elementary school, Well, this thing is like two or three story: stall: a complete
lately decimate this neighborhood Why didn't you just make a bigger? Why don't you just add on to the school it would have fit on the property would be fine. Why doing that because they can. because they can if you ve ever been to a local school board or you ve ever been to a city council meeting or a zoning board, and you disagree with them. How do they? each you they treat you like garbage, because people get a little bit of power and they like who it imagine what it feels like to have a lot of power. Imagine what people are willing to do when they think that power is going away, will how's it going away why going away because of stream mists. No,
most of it is going away because of technology, because as we now can speak to one another in continuously? And it's not just speaking, I can see the pictures I need Walter Cronkite. To talk to me about why was happening in Tiananmen Square I saw it on television, but they still had to carry it or it didn't happen now. I can see what's happening in Hong Kong and I question why They covering this. I can see what's happening on the streets with Anti fa or at the capital and wonder why aren't they covering this or why are they covering it? This way, because I have information that I never had before.
When you have information, information is power. Now knowledge is power. If you have knowledge, please don't talk to me about what labor labour unions are doing to our schoolchildren. Please there's a million reasons. That's going on. None of them are good the children none of them, are good for children. So. try to hide behind my children, and I Do believe that there is some some there, actually Europe at the top. That believe that you know what ok, so we're we're setting people back we're setting these kids there's a fork. I think it's a four percent increase. Of those who will not, who will drop out of school Joe because of the covert thing, and it's the least of our worries. Four percent look it's suicide, I
Think, there's some that think. You know what it's gonna be good because they can't think already now Ledge is power Information is power. So you have media that had to give up their power. Wait a minute I'll. Tell you what's important, Don't tell me. that's being challenge government, is being challenged. Wait a minute. I can see what you said and now I can see crystal clear in real time what you just voted on, what you did who you're hanging out with what you act, we do. and that's not in the right direction. We know it now as we can see it. And we see it now- in words, we see it in pictures, there's nothing more powerful than a picture.
Or the spoken word when the speaker knows exactly what word to choose. Pictures appeal to everyone. Pictures led to revolution. The industrial revolution. It was revolutionary. But he didn't entail a revolution, but it should have. usually when the world goes through a revolution like this. You'll have things like that european spring. was caused by Karl Marx. The birth of the labor unions and the birth of communism because of the industrial revolution they wanted revolution,
They saw it as the opportunity to overthrow everything that stood in their way. the same thing is happening right now. Corporations. Where do they get? their credibility? They get a credible. Eddie from you. Well, not really. They used to get it from typing in the media. But that's not what gives them credibility and more and in fact, the more we learn about corporations, the less we like about them. because we find out there in bed corrupts roughly so with government. Therein trouble they need somebody to be able to you to stop who, from communicating stop you from putting Pictures up or ideas up or saying things, because it's not, Just about you saying them. It's
you hitting critical, mass and being able to change the world. One man can change the world believe that they don't. They don't believe that you can change the world by yourself. and they think that, because they ve been powered you to connect with other people. Oh my gosh! What have we done? We give the power of information to people? They can research themselves and they have as much power as I do the New York Times. I said this probably ten years ago, when I got into this, I had a work really hard to get Position to be well to gain an audience doesn't come with an audience you have grow the audience have said that to you and you wouldn't have ever understood necessarily what that meant
you do now because my audience for the first time in human history, the audience has an audience. How many people are addicted to the like button? how many, how many retweet did it get your addicted to that, there is no difference between that and somebody who is sold their sole for money or fame and will do anything to get that movie role. do anything to keep their job in media. Everybody selling their sole for life X, ray tweets. That's the downside. But the downside to them. is that who allowed you to speak Why does nobody saying who made you judge and jury on what is speech and who needs to be silenced? Nobody saying that.
Who made you. King instead, there saying to you who gave you the right to say that who gave you the right to disagree. Why. because it benefits all of them in the end I'm only about a quarter through this. We're gonna have to pick this up, but. understand the world has changed. Last night, on my tv show, I started to outline. I began a chalkboard last night that is going to end up, I think, being one of the the best and most important chalkboards but you're going to have Pay attention all the way along? I started at last by now only added one little dot on this enormous chalkboard, but
you will understand how the world is working once you start to see it differently? our pressures that want control and its government and corrupt capitalism and corporations the They're gonna get you into that is through climate change and social justice Play on your field, this is the best and the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening. I want to just tell you who my next guest is but just saying this he has made appearances on ABC Cnn, CNBC, MSNBC and Fox NEWS, his work has appeared in the New York Times the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal
and his research has been cited by two: U S Supreme Court Justices into Supreme Court cases, He received his bachelor degree from Princeton and is doctoral degree from the university of note or die Notre Dame Yeah, that's the problem. I guess he's a religious zealot. Everything else was going fine till that Catholic University was introduced, He is the author of the book. When Harry became Sally, it came out. a few years ago and was controversial at the time and then blew over. Amazon has just dropped it. They will no longer sell it because they have deemed it. I hate book and they said they are going to start calling through their libraries to see Sure they're, not selling books of Hate the author of when Harry became Sally Ryan, Anderson, Hallo Ryan. How are you doing here
thanks for having me out so First of all, when did you find out? Your book was being burned by Amazon. Sunday afternoon, someone who was trying to buy the book reach out to me. It was like it's no longer an Amazon, but later what are you talking about like it's been on Amazon for over three years now- and I put my Amazon apple, my smartphone, and it's not there and the Kindle but not there the hard back, not there, the paperback tat there, the need the audio books No, you can't even get a used copy, the entirely scrubbed. It a website with no advance notice of pollution reached out immediately. We only back from Amazon late Tuesday afternoon and all the other day that it violates their content policy. They will tell us what aspect to the content policy. They will tell us which page which sentence you know: where did the boy hurt your feeling that would not a black box.
So what you can do about that so right now we're we're trying to Aids much publicity about this as possible to get people aware having people contact Amazon goodness under heart there were long fate. The book, probably not yesterday for senators Rubio, Holly and drawn sent a letter. Jackie those asking for an explanation but beyond that this is no, a downside of an entirely unregulated big tech, Industry, where you'll ammo and put out of business a lot of small independent, booksellers thing they gained this giant market providence. Had now can use their market power that our destructive to readers, authors, publisher so Ryan. Did they? If you bought the book on Kindle, did they
pull it from your library. No which is important, and they have a very important that you just you just- can no longer go ahead on spindle right so the authority, if you ve, already purchased the book, the other not gonna, take it back from you whether he had a happy or an electric company. Yet I have done that in the past. wow. I wasn't even aware that what is the most book a million pieces- it was the Oprah book of the year a million little pieces or something and they said that they was plagiarism on part of it or something like that, but they pulled it in the middle of the night without anybody knowing and it caused real uproar, because that's book I I paid for that. How can you go into my Kindle app and take something I paid for, and they are, the user agreement allows them to do it up. It rightly so be careful. We be careful in eight than they issue refunds,
now number at all. Remember I don't think so, be it. The user agreements are almost reads like your renting the book Does the that's right weeks, we ve talked to an attorney who said The biggest law suit class action lawsuit should be against these Reno apple in Kindle, who you buying these titles from says by now the by now well you're buying the title, but if, if Disney decides to pull that title from the Amazon Library, it did appears in your library, and a lot of that has to do with rights issue yet more than than than this sort of thing, which has so far more egregious right. We, your Bernie, books? I mean this is something I thought we all united and that he has a bad idea and I think they're, getting away with a love to hear your take on this. I think they can get away with it Ryan because they don't actually have to stand in the parking lot and make an example of your book and burn it. There's no
there's no visuals of anybody just hitting delete you're in the Babylon be had a great article of how you know Amazon or not what you do a digital book burning and and this amount when satire becomes reality, I know are, to my mind like this. This suggests that be, the conservative responsible, the private business. It can do whatever it. Why that's true to a certain extent, but it's not all really would like one brick and mortar store that wouldn't salad block find there. Bricks, brick and mortar stores, but if all bricks and mortar story got together and said: we're not gonna sell a book right. That looks more like a monopoly. right and if one individual, a seller, That has someone told me, and I need a check to see if the started- accurate but that, as someone I tweeted out eighty three percent of all: U S book sales or through Amazon. I believe that the case when they drop a title, the impact of that and if a chilling effect
can someone like me, you, I am prominent enough within the conservative world, new can me. I guess you heard about this: How many authors will have their books cancelled? That none of us will over here about lawyer how many titles and then for a publisher. How many We should look at the obligation even published on that topic out of fear. That Amazon then dropped the title. This has a chilling effect on the entire air industry so tell about the book and why it is so controversial what its controversial, precisely because it's not a bomb throwing book. It's not a heat book. It's a new kind of Mild mannered com philosophy, science and medicine book. Using all of the wise letter B, told about gender. This area. So I haven't read your book, but I talk to somebody who did and they said it's actually a really loving bucket. Did it approaches it
in a way or that these be these people are bad. It's not that at all. It's your really compare, passionately talking about it. Thank you anyway. That is exactly what I strove to do. You like it was. It was three times years ago that I was finishing, the Balkans publish three years ago, a year was people with gender? gender identity conflict. They are victims. They are suffering maiden, choose experiences and they're, not faking it, but they are being discussed. beside the medical profession or community that has bought into awoke ideology that telling them Europe, has the happiness of puberty, blocking drugs, cross, sex hormones and the devil mastectomy, and that's not true, and aren't the stats Delta stats? Show that After that's done a very high percentage of people, with this, for you go fall right back into depression in and have problem,
because if it didn't it didn't cure what they thought it was gonna cure. That's exactly right, an end, the book, its chapter and verse of quick note after footnote Hector, footnote of all of the studies that That is also needed in the book came out three years ago, since the booking out there have only been more and more studies. revealing there, and I think, that's precisely why it's so threatening to the left Brazil here when on merit and they have to shut down the conversation so what this is even more frightening than just book burning, because This isn't you know that, They're pulling from the libraries now to kill a mocking bird, insanity, its insanity, but this book is also Bout medicine this is about. clinical studies up about me. To health- and
you put into your body for physical health and mental health. We can. not come to a place to wear He can't disagree on something like medicine remember. medicine not too many years ago, was drill holes in people's heads to relieve the spirits in their head, because they had a headache- so please is what are we doing? This is a medical book. Is it not me several chapters, let the medicine of this their several chapters about the science, their several chapters of the philosophy and the law is meant to be comprehensive, and what I would add that what you just said that the site is conversations I have had have been with parents who place our children on cross sex hormones allowed their children to have surgery, because the doctors told them that, what's that, what was in the best interests of their child and then only
couple years later, they realize the mistake. By limiting the sale of a book like this. we're limiting the ability of parents to inform themselves about what actually in them the interests of their child It means how many more children are gonna through these misguided procedures, because they couldn't get all the facts. When you shut down a conversation like this. You do a digital book burning real life consequences. Hey to ask you this, but I have to cause. I haven't read your book Is there anything in it? Like you know, pray, the gay away is. Is there any is or anything like that in this book? That would cause offence to you, people that people, me could go hard she's. Why would you put that in their nothing at all? nothing even remotely close, and you saw
we must. The book was endorsed by the former psychiatrist and chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital from that's a lot of ecology and why you from author of Neuroscience at Boston University, professor of law. Harvard law school, professor philosophy, at Princeton University: they, MRS, not a fringe book, this is already a conspiracy theory book which says that if a book like this can become so from Amazon? No one the books are safe,. I do. I will tell you that when I heard about this Monday, I immediately thought how my ever going to publish another book, because you know Fine, if I'm quoting stats, I'm quoting these things in my book, Amazon decides. They don't agree with that and they that's dangerous for whatever reason, and they don't have to explain themselves what ants do I have of of
putting books on Amazon it is now go ahead, and that is what every book author and book publisher is now ass. In themselves, and so you can see that showing a better. Yet if it was just like one local bookstore at you have some like wing, progressive bookstore that won't tell your book or my book. No one would And we can have a market, but when the end be that controls the market darts censoring books. It will the entire book publishing eating and reading a process Ryan. How much of a factor is it that if you know if you ve been a red another book on a similar topic, There would be an incentive in a temptation to self edit before you released it. Now. I think you probably at the end of the day or gonna, renewed, say what you want to say in a damned the consequences, but there's a chilling effect for people
for these books even get out there and in its editing our speech before the speech happens? Yet I think what you're gonna see. Is that all you're gonna, let your writing a book about political correctness, Originally one of your chapters with gonna be about transgender issues and a lot of authors and publishers and agents are going to say to land. Why? Don't we skip that chapter? Oh yeah, that's! That's! The impact is innocent, This has been happening on university capital, while the reason that I am addressing take and not as a university is the think tank provide me with the freedom to tell the truth on these issues, in the way that I can't tell you the number of tenured professors who have private weak confidentially reached out to me to say thank you, what you're saying I agree entirely, but if I ever said it, I'm afraid I'd lose tender, now able utitsa go ahead if, according to keep its insanity, that we fear in
the high here Amazon world in an uncontrolled, almost everything Ryan. Thank you so much if you wouldn't hold a boon mine holding for just a couple of minutes, I want to ask you something off the air Ryan Anderson. The work is when Harry became Sally. I I highly recommend that you write to Amazon and an Jeff basis, and you send them an email, but no, no, better, tweet, adapt base very kindly very professionally? Why was this book removed and when are you now starting to censor all books, we to know an answer and twee tweet Jeff Basis and Amazon. Somebody has to hold their feet to the fire or it will pass, and they will learn a lesson that they can do anything,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.