« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guests: Peter Schweizer, Rudy Atallah & John Solomon | 10/10/19

2019-10-10 | 🔗
Why do the children of top Democrats keep showing up in Ukraine? The country has the GDP of Mississippi and the corruption of Colombia, but now Nancy Pelosi’s son is involved too! Author Peter Schweizer joins the program with the FACTS about Hunter Biden and Burisma. And award-winning journalist John Solomon – whom Biden’s campaign calls a “conspiracy theorist” – calls in with even more factual evidence that the story goes WAY deeper than Joe and Hunter Biden – all the way up to Obama. The Nazarene Fund’s Rudy Atallah provides an update on Turkey’s attacks in Syria and what the organization is doing to aid and remove Christians from danger – but they need YOUR support!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Boy podcast today is fantastic, so much to talk about. We start with new information about Nancy Pelosi, son being involved in Ukraine. We also have an update on what's happening with these Christians in the cities in Syria that are being bombed and killed. One family that the Nazarene fund work to save from ISIS. Their house was far yesterday. The whole family almost died will give you that, but the the money today is on two interviews: one Peter Sweitzer, Switzer is being trashed by Joe Biden in a letter to the New York Times where he says New York Times, you're becoming fake news and conspiracy theorists because of an article that Peter Sweitzer wrote an opinion piece yesterday. We have him on also John Solomon, the guy who knows
everything about the Ukraine scandal. I had. I think sixteen really important questions for him that I wanted cleared up and we raced through it to get those answers and there were bombshells that he dropped. You don't want to miss this episode. Critical John Solomon, Peter Sweitzer, and we begin with Nancy Pelosi sees son in Ukraine Ukrainian empty on the door. Revealed yesterday that former vice President Joe Biden received nine hundred thousand dollars from the breeze group for lobbying activities, citing materials related to an investigation. Now before
do you get excited? I was. She didn't know that he have not personally translated the documents. There are a documents we have only one of them and it's all in Ukrainian. We are it translated during the show today, which is our first opportunity to have it translated. I am reporting on someone else's information. We have not confirmed this yet this is Ukraine's vote. Canova Radha member. Who is citing the investigation materials? He has publicized the documents which he said describe the mechanism of getting money to Biden Senior at a press conference at Interfax. You means Press center in Kiev on Wednesday. This
was the transfer of bereavement groups, funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe personally to Joe through a lobbying company funds in the amount of nine hundred thousand were transferred to a Us S based customer company rose at Seneca Partners, which, according open source, is in particular the New York Times, is affiliated with Joe Biden. Well, it's beside it's his son Biden, the payment prince was payment for consultative services, Durock also publicize sums of money transferred to bereavement group representatives, including Joe Biden's son, according to the document, by reason, yes paid no less than sixteen point: five million dollars. To dev on Archer and Hunter Biden.
Who joined as a board of directors in twenty fourteen using political and economic level, as of influencing ukrainian authorities and manipulating the issue of providing financial aid to Ukraine, Joe Biden actively assisted closing criminal cases to the activity of of former Ukrainian Ecology Minister, who is the founder and owner of the very small group Biden's fifth visit to Kiev on December. Seventh, a date which we'll still live in infamy, was devoted to making decision on the resignation of the prosecutor. General Viktor Shokin over the case of the ski and bury Loan guarantees worth more than one billion dollars of the United States was to give Ukraine was the point of pressure. Biden himself admitted exerting pressure in his speech.
Sing Interfax, that is the group in the journalistic group in Ukraine, A timeline of events proves that the US linked the Zalenski case. Do the loan guarantees. We know this after the decree dismissing Shokan was published on April. Third, the governments of the states in Ukraine signed a loan guarantee worth one billion dollars. In this case, there are facts that should be sub two investigation. He said the agency has powers to investigate them. The Us Department of Justice, the if the ukrainian Prosecutor General signs documents and sends them to the Us Department of Justice without any request he will accomplish his mission. Considering international corruption in public is a way out for presidents Lansky I am and that he is not involved in international corruption. The problem this story is, we don't know who to trust
because everybody, everybody has lost credibility in Ukraine and everyone in the entire country, Eight others Dobbs there is. It just seems like every time you bring up anything, there's always going to be a corrupt an allegation because it seems like everyone in the country has committed some sort of corruption crime. Well, there is Victor your member victories guy with the dog cow yeah dog, cute dog dog. It corruption would not. Victor Victor Victor is clean. We think. No, here's here's the thing, let let's just change countries here for a second and put it in our part of the world. Curry. The the Ukraine is a very small country. In the grand scheme of things. Okay, it doesn't have a large gdp. In fact, look at the G see if you can compare it to states, see what state Ukraine
like so it's a small place. Yeah, it's it's it's medium. I would say it's medium I mean. Texas is big, California is bigger, New York will be big Florida probably will be bigger. I mean it's, it's a state yeah, obviously part part of the Soviet Union right for a very long time. Yeah, that's where you can go to. If you were, go see a nickel, the fallout of the nuclear disaster. I want to go. I really want to. I do too that's the place to go right in Ukraine. Let's see you Kerr, so so, if we could compare it to a country in our hemisphere, imagine if the Republicans all of a sudden had their family members by the way you heard the latest on Nancy Pelosi, son. He was also now that I think he was the ceo e of a
oil company in in Ukraine, so we heard you know I don't think of you rain as a as a as as Disneyland resend, your children, but everyone of the Democratic Party seems to be sending their children over there. So I'm I'm in a place where or hostile sequel would occur and they said right. People just keep sending their kids over there right. So if, if a bunch of Republicans say their families down to, let's say Brazil and they were- and they all run- and you know I swimwear stuff in brazil- we wouldn't necessarily think anything. However, if the room Lukens all sent their kids and their d set up shop there, they were working through the embassy and all these things are going and the country was Columbia. We might all say you know: George Bush kids set up a farm
there. I wondering what their farming in Colombia I want. Kind of leaves there picking down there. I, if this is a, I wonder if this is a front for drug lords. I wonder if they're getting kickbacks from any drug lords and their living high off the off the hog in Colombia,. Wouldn't we be asking those questions, this is as corrupt as Colombia and all all of our of our democratic friends seemed to have some pretty great deals. Now the latest on Pelo see is her son and there's videotape, showing it where he's he's proudly talking about his company.
It appears as though he was made ceo of this company, but this company apparently was started by two criminals that couldn't own a company in Ukraine. The queer no longer allowed they were so they were no longer allowed to have a business, and so now hello, see appears have been kind of a beard for this company. Now you would think again that if you we're going to send your kids over there, you warn your kids. Hey kids is really corrupt. I mean you easily fall into those colombian drug lords. So if you to Columbia, don't get in bed with drug lords, but both Joe Biden, John Kerry and now Nancy Pelosi sent their kids over there
and they all. I have a fall in a play with drug lords, darn it all in bed with oligarchs and criminals, and it's. Just so weird I mean you think, really really weird. Why would why would really weird go? There doesn't seem like there's like tons of direct flights? Not just doesn't seem like a plate. Stand just go to people, don't even know. If it's kiev, they can't figure it out, they keep sending people died there, sending people there by the way. This is the place that Russia was trying to come back and Russia had troops shooting people in the main square just at the same time it was like: hey, kids, did you go start a business in Ukraine make any sense, so there's two hundred thirty three countries or states in the world, Ukraine, 33rd in population, forty four
in people, how many? What's the GDP Gdp you set up, give me one minute I'll, come right back and look at the GDP. This is not a significant country. I mean, plays a role because of its former soviet status, but it's it's like why. Why did they send so much over there and I'm not talking about you know? Should we defend them or help them? I mean they sent their obon, send his personal attorney over there. Hillary Clinton sent her her personal strategist or chief strategist Obama. Had his chief polls Bernie Sanders and his chief pollster over there Nancy Poo C Center son, Joe Biden, said his son John Kerry, send his son one hundred and ninety two countries ranked by GDP Ukraine at one hundred and thirty, two
hello, especially when you consider its what forty, what is a forty thirty three thirty three in population yeah, yeah. It doesn't seem like the monetary paradise you'd want. It's really not. It's really not well you're, sending your son off to war, the Congress, the Democrat, seem to be sending their kids off to oligarchs best of the Glenn Beck program. Hey it's then, and you're listening to the Glenn Beck program. If you like what you're hearing on this show make sure you check out Pat Gray unleashed it's available where are download your favorite podcasts, Peters, right, sir, I'm trying to take you serious Peter, it's so hard,
it's great to be always your gland, thanks for having me where I guess was conspiring in front of your audio yeah. No, this is we're going to swear everybody to secrecy. Here you did no matter what you hear in the next few minutes. You didn't hear us not really talking to each other Peter. Let's, first of all, let me start with this last week in something completely outrageous. They started saying that you were ripping portions of your book right off of Wikipedia and the the charges were so crazy because they were saying uh. What was the? What was the one example stew that we were talking about just yesterday, they're talking about the mayor of Chicago who had a press conference when he sobbed and then they like take part your sentence that also use the word sobbed and they're, like
he copied the word sobbed from Wika Pedia, and it's like. No, that's actually a word. Other people, you yeah crazily weak, and the problem is guys that you know if we had used the word. Cried, I'm sure somebody else had described or published an article saying he cried, so we would have yeah. I mean this is what's really happened is about two weeks ago. The New York Times had a news piece on this. The Biden campaign has has avoided trying to deal with Ukraine and China. You've talked about it and reported on it extensively. I didn't in empires. Their strategy was to ignore it. The problem is that that you really to capture the wish to the american people, so they've gone on the attack and there approach is still not to deal with. The evidence is to attack the messenger. So they have tried these girls that you, the bottom line. Is they don't work? People are interested this material and as we've talked about before Glenn, this is all
the money there's there's. No conspiracy were alleging here. There's no theory. Here we of the money we have the trips on your forced to. We have the Joe Biden policies. We have a Joe Biden favors. Now the people have to look at the material and decide one of two things Glenn. This is all just a crazy coincidence. Right that that hundred got the deals that he didn't deserve in the Joe Biden did what he did. It's all just a coincidence, or there is corruption at the highest level. Here I think most people that look at this, the vast majority of people say there's something in this and the Biden team, I think, is in panic. So I with you- and I think, the I think the hold d he is in panic right now. Yesterday it came out that Nancy Pelosi sees son,
was hired, as I think ceo of this oil company over in Ukraine, and you know why they went to Polo, sees family 'cause. She loves oil companies just loves them, but he it's actually a beard for a company for two owners of this company that we're we're, known oligarchs, known scam, artists and criminals. They were not, not supposed to be able to open their own company, and so he was running it kind of as a beard will, I think, she's panic too. I think they're all panicking no you're you're exactly right plan. I mean if you look at, I was listening to you earlier and you were talking about the Clintons, and you know that the foreign country that donated more to the Clinton Foundation and anybody else was Ukraine. Job find the sun gets this sweetheart oil deal in Ukraine. Nancy Polo sees son is involved with this deal in Ukraine, John Terry's son well, and here
but here's the thing Glenn is so you know we're all used to seeing all these stories about how corrupt Ukraine is and it repels us the problem. Is it has the opposite effect on our political elites they see it as an opportunity to self in rich. They see it as an opportunity for a quick payday in a way they could not get it in the United States. Could not get it in Japan or England because it wouldn't be taller He did, and this is the problem. China, the same way their madness for our political elite, because they can do things and get away with things they can't in other parts of the world, and- and you know, as I talk about in the New York Times piece this- is a bipartisan problem, but I gotta tell you- and I think the evidence is clear- nobody has done this more systematically than Joe Biden when he was vice president. His son had deals in China. He had deals in Ukraine, we know that in a money he was drawing cash from Hunter Biden. There was money coming from cosmic Stan. There was money from
Anonymous LLC's from Swiss Bank accounts, so there's a bigger big story. He ran. What the binds want to do is attack me or attack the New York Times. John Solomon. Yes, John Solomon. Absolutely excellent, repor. There are excellent report. I deal with reporters from all kinds of history, media outlets and they all know John's Solomon and Trust John Solomon, how come they're, allowing even the New York Times to smear John Solomon John work for the New York Times he worked for the Washington post. He worked for Associated AP. He is out people on both sides of the aisle he's won all kinds of awards. How come his colleagues aren't standing up and going wait a minute wait, a minute wait! A minute. John Solomon is not that guy yeah. No, it's a great question. Look. I think that
the New York Times there are all kinds of things going on there. I deal with some reporters there and they are top flight reporters, but they our problems with other reporters and with some of the editors in the case of my piece that ran yesterday, this Mesa drive a lot of people, but it was actually solicited by the New York Times they came to me and said: would you write a piece relating to Secret Empire's book you and I have talked about it many times Glenn. Would you write a piece in the New York Times book talking about the bidens? Give another sample from the other side pose a solution. So they approached me and you know, thing that we do is fact checked internally. But when you submit a piece like that to the New York Times, they fact check it. It went through fact check. Everything was fine, so my experience is: there are times reporters that are really trying to cover this stuff there other times, reporters
like any news organization who are going to be more lazy or they're going to do somebody's bidding, and that's what I think you're seeing an, but the binding letter from the campaign is intended to do, is to try to basically push the management of the New York Times too. So once these people that want to cover this story, that's that's clearly what their intention is not to mention, intimidate other publications from allowing your work to be seen as well. Exactly I- and I will say to you when you mention you put some: they asked for someone from the other side which you supplied, which was a person inside the Trump Administration, along with Mitch Mcconnell and his wife. Lane Chow, and so you went into this. You have even in the story they're complaining about You went after both sides. He ran your point being that this is not illegal and that's the thing that needs to change it. I mean it was funny so another one of the hit pieces against me was Jane Mayer of the New Yorker
which again has all this ridiculous stuff in it. But one of the things she did she puts in there is that you know. Right, so right to this book secret empires, an really what he is is just an opposition researcher and I'm sitting there thinking I'm thinking man. I must be a really stupid one because I go after Republicans as well, so who actually am I doing office mission research on and what I would say is I'm doing, national research on corruption, and that tends to be establishment, political figures from both sides of the aisle and and you're exactly right. This is a problem that doesn't have a deer all after its name. It has human after this name, but he the basic roots. You guys talk about this on the radio all the time it goes to that basic part of the corruptible nature man in power, its ability to corrupt people, and that's what we're seeing here and they don't want people discussing it. I can't believe that the
Uber left is not joined this parade on Ukraine 'cause. This takes down the the democratic leadership the guys who are in this institution forever it takes apart the Democratic National Committee. It takes part all of it, and can't believe that they're not grabbing onto this saying this is why you need to vote differently, because these guys are corrupt. Why are they doing that? great question Glenn. I remember in twenty sixteen, you know when I did Clinton Cash and you and I talked about it and it got a lot of media attention New York time. Etc? You know Bernie Anders was reluctant for some reason to criticize Hillary Clinton on this corruption. But if you follow his hardcore supporters on social media or on websites that for all over this material because they get it, I think what you're so
team with a lot of the candidates right now, is there jockeying they're trying to figure out strategically, what's going to benefit them the most? Where is there basis supporters if you're in Elizabeth Warren supporter or Bernie Sanders supporter a lot of them? True believers and I think they are outraged and they are starting to speak up about this, and I think the Biden approach of just I think this is going to go away. If we just give it time is not true, I think the reporting continues. The momentum on reporting continues and that's not go away and he's going to have to address this, and the only way he's going to be able to address this, I think, is to lay out precisely what went on and he's just now going to do that he's been in. You know, in a safe Senate seat, for you know, since one thousand nine hundred and seventy two, then he was vice president he's not used being held into account. He never really had a serious challenger in Delaware, and so it's just running Contra to his nature. To say I
gotta go out and be honest and address this that she hasn't had to do that in more than forty years. So let me ask about, yes, there is a there is a new Alec and they came out from Ukraine yesterday by a guy named Andry Durkac. He is Ukrainian MP and he said that he has documents and we're having one of these documents. The only one that's been released, translated even eat in the press that has printed these documents has translated for some reason we have in translation. I hope to have it by the end of the show, but I think it's going to be this afternoon before we get it, but he says these documents show that Joe Biden, not only his son, got a piece of sixteen point: five million dollars, but job getting himself was paid nine hundred thousand dollars
for his his work for bereavement on behalf of the bereavement. Have you I heard that he got paid directly. I mean this is hard to believe, because that's I mean that that that is legal. It is, and I think it would be. You know extremely reckless. I mean look Glenn the reason? I think that that President Trump was actually was very poor for him to say the Us Department of Justice should work with Ukrainians to investigate this. The challenge in Ukraine is who do you trust you? Yes, extremely corrupt. I don't really know this political figure. I don't know if those documents are accurate. I think exactly the you laid it out is perfect. You've got to be kind of skeptical and say this is hard to believe. This is why you need people over there. The notion that so
now the Ukrainian should investigate this themselves. To me is his ludicrous they're just not going to be able to do it and that's why we need people over there? All these documents genuine- are they real or they made up, there's so much political theater in Ukraine that I think we need be skeptical until we have actual people go over there, John Solomon's been trying to do this go over there. Who are professionals who know this and say, look I'm using various tests and these documents appear to be genuine. So I think your tone Approach on this Glenn is exactly right. Yeah, it's it's one of those things where, when something is too good to be true, it usually is alright Peter. Thank you so much. Thank you for all of the work that you've done. I'd love, bring it down for a podcast where we could spend ninety minutes on what you know, and
take us through all of that, but I thank you so much for everything that you've done and keep your chin up. I know what it's like to be called a conspiracy theorist and to have all of your good work. Just thrown out and and ridiculed by the in power. This is the best of the Glenn Beck program. Hey Glenn, and if you like what you hear on the program, you should check out Pat Gray unleashed his podcast is available wherever you download your favorite podcast hi, it's Glenn. If you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do us a favor, an rate us on Itunes? If you are not a subscriber become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on Itunes thanks. Rudy Attalla. He is the chief operating officer of the Nazarene Fund, He is he's a guy he's
native the Beirut Lebanon fluent in arabic and french. He has had over twenty years in the United States AIR Force, special operations to intelligence and counterterrorism. He has consulted presidents and we are thrilled that he has been RC. Oh, oh and he's the guy who is sending these rescue missions and putting them together and rest doing these people Rudy. Welcome to the program. Good morning. Thank you, Glenn. Thank you. So much that I don't want to get into the politics of this, because I know it split and it we may even Disagree on the politics of it. I just want to talk about the human cost and what is going to happen an what our our responsibility, I believe, for the people who choose to help their be a good some in and help the people what we can do. First, let's start with
something I received last night, these horrific pictures of people that were in what looked like even the hallway of a hospital try to be clean after a bombing I was told both of them were dead. It's a mother and a other and their children. The Nazarene fund had already sick, give them once from my and then move them back into their houses, and I told they were killed. You have a day in story this morning. Yes, sir, actually they uh he survived, they were critically wounded did with the bombings. The unfortunate thing is when, when Turkey began its bombing, it's very targeted against it on the Kurds but, as we know, christian families live. In kurdish areas. Many of them come from centuries. You know of,
You know family Lenny edge in the area in this family on fortunately, was was critically Woon did we're getting the ground invasion just began in a four pronged attack into northern Syria and the displacement as of this morning. We're hearing that over one hundred thousand people have already been displaced. Ann number is going to continue to increase, were slowly getting a sheet from miles from our some of our our our members on the ground. It's been very, very difficult, as you can tell from from the bombing and shelling to get this information, but so far a lot more people have been wounded. We just don't have very good tally on the numbers right now we have it. When we have the video we are just receiving new video, we the video of go ahead and roll this. This is a town that
somebody appears to be standing on their roof and they're, showing that it's just everything around their town is on fire Ben bombed, they were safe. Can you tell me a little bit about this video Rudy? Did you get it? Yes, yeah Glenn? I just saw the video this is coming from the town of pile of yards. That's in the n central region of C of northern Syria, and you know the person that video this is videotaping. The the different sections where the the Turks are bombing, the kurdish forces are not going to take this laying down they're going to actually fight and the reason why the fighting is going to actually happen is because, back in January, two thousand and eight teen. The Turks went into the town of Afreen in Syria and
and cleansed over two hundred thousand curves. This was in January two thousand and eighteen, so so kurdish forces saw this in are not going to this time, sit back and not be prepared are going to fight to the death. So these are not people. I wish we would have been in bed with these particular Kurds. These are not the iraqi Kurds who are very pro democracy and freedom and Love America. The these guys are really some. You know there there, marxist communist kind of you know there, Laura Therrien and I don't being in bed with them, but still they fought against ISIS. They actually we're guarding a lot of the ISIS members which we have taken, apparently the worst of those ISIS people and got them out. So they're, not you know released back into the public, but
It's one of the things the Kurds in the Christians and the cities are afraid of. Is those gates are going to be opened from those prison camps and they're all going just disappear. Yes, that's correct, so what's going to happen is, as the kurdish forces will be, pressured big camps like and hold camp which has houses right now over seventy thousand prisoners, mainly yeah the women and children of ISIS fighters, many of them very radicalized and have sworn to fight like I neasa Rorge. All of these camps now will be under major duress, because the Kurds will not be able to maintain guard over them and the likelihood, and actually by that last month, uh the leader, the leader of ISIS, plea for his fighters to go in and rescue all
these prisoners and get them released. We are now already hearing of ISIS attacks or we're hearing of suicide attacks, not unconfirmed yet, but I I'm not. I would not be surprised if they start to show you know back when when ISIS was strong and they controlled a good chunk of real estate in northern Syria, many of the ISIS fighters were found with sim cards from Turkey. There are based port would come from inside Turkey. We know we shut down to organ harvesting. You know quote: hospitals and they were in Turkey. They were, they were helping harvest organs with ISIS, and you know Turkey is
the Turkey is. She may be an ally in NATO, but it's not an ally, it's not they're on the wrong side, and if I'm not steak and and love you to correct this, they want to re, establish the Ottoman empire. They would want their land back even from the northern iraqi Kurds. They want to they how to wipe out all Kurds Ann many of the Christians. They don't want them there anymore, and Turkey is done this in the past uh my mistake and that we're looking at a genocide. Yes, I would call it an ethno side, but yes, you're correct in the reason. Why is because the current president of Turkey is a card carrying me
of the Muslim Brotherhood and when the Muslim Brotherhood was established in the early part, part of the twentieth century. The view from Hudson and by now the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood is to return to what he calls PAN Arabism and his plan is a basically a control. One one is mom, had conquered all the way up to the end of the Ottoman empire. In the beginning of the twentieth century, it had a large real estate in North Africa across the Middle EAST, into a good chunk of Europe in in in
in the idea of behind and Muslim Brotherhood is basically to return to this pan pan Arabism and that's the foundation all of it. The current president of Turkey hold these views in his mind. So what he's talking about right now is is repatriating a lot of the refugees that are inside Turkey into northern Syria and creating a buffer zone. Unfortunately, most people don't understand that what he really wants to do is he wants to read of northern Syria, of any presence of Christians or Kurds and replace them with Arabs. Sunni Arabs that had the mindset, because only seventeen to twenty per of the refugees currently in Syria are well. I mean in Turkey are syrian Arabs that are soon there at that our sins, so he's not going to have a lot of refugees to work with and he's going to have to replace the rest of these gaps with other people,
Rudy that you and I have talked to many uh. These Christians in the past they've wanted to stay in the area because they don't want to abandoned the birth place in many cases of Christiana T that you know where the apostles actually set up the actual church that they attend and they don't want to, they don't want to abandoned it. I have a feeling: what's coming now, they're going to be willing to say I gotta I gotta get out of here. We gotta get our families outta here. Yes, this is a m. I e overstating it to say a the problem may be worse than it was before and we have to get these people out. Yes, it's that it could become a lot worse and we need to help every single one of them and the reason why is there going to get pushed into areas that are predominantly dominated by
iranian, backed militias which are just as bad as as ISIS and no place to see a resurgence of ISIS, so they would be indiscriminately targeted because of their christian faith and and and sadly enough, as you mentioned, we would lose a lot of those to deal christian areas that that that had been there for centuries old. Basically, that of me under the historical data of all of our our heritage, of where we originally came from. Like you know, the tomb of Joan are the two most NAM and all these All these very special all places that you're reading the old testament, so Anne's Christian NEWS, christian families are are are even we we talked. I was in in Iraq my team, not even a month and a half ago, and we were talking to six hundred and eighty four SIRI
christian families that were crying. They wanted to return back to Syria, but they could not, because you know the infrastructure was taken away from them. They can even work. Now we're going to see even more Christians leave from inside Syria. All of them are going to be pushed into neighboring countries. Like you know, Iraq, like Jordan, like Lebanon, which are already at the at the brink of maximum capability for to help refugees. So they don't have they don't have the infrastructure to take in more refugees. The medical capabilities are not there, so what the Nazarene Fun is doing is we are finding these families. We are how Ma'Am stand under two feet: we're working with the government of Australia and we're looking for other government should take the man we're trying to give them a new lease on life. Many of them are professionals a lot of these Christians, our our profession. Doctors lawyers years very well, educated people, all they care about is raising their families.
Properly, but they're not allowed to work in many of these countries. I had a woman, she looked at me and was Thank you, sir. I'm a I'm, a professional teacher. I ran a school in in Damascus, Syria. I can't return right now, because it's so dangerous for me and my family. She said I'm I'm stuck scrubbing toilets from from eight o'clock in the morning to five o'clock at night. She said: I'm not ashamed to do it I receive. Five dollars a day for it, and she said I'm not allowed to work as a teacher, because I'm a Christian. What's amazing is most of these people will do those jobs and they would do those for the rest of their life, but there lives are being cut short now, and this is a real problem. Please join us. Please join us. Nazarene fund dot org help us. We need your support. Now the Nazarene fund dot org we've got to move
these Christians out there going to get slaughtered. The nazarene fund, dot org. This is the best of the Glenn Beck program, like listening to this podcast. If you're not a subscriber become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favor and rate the show Last week we did a chalkboard. It is the the most watched video. The blaze has ever produced in ten years. It is it's watched on Youtube and Facebook as well. It is hard to find, however, it's almost like it's being suppressed. If you want to find this chalk, go to Youtube and the Glenn Beck page and search for Ukraine. Scandal explained Ukraine.
Scandal explained, and it should pop up and it's a edited fifty minute version of the chalkboard, lot of the reporting that we got and and the evidence that we have on that truck board came from John Solomon, who it's been relentless on Ukraine and we have a ton of questions and John. Normally we kind of meander and I'd like to I've literally, have two and a half pages of questions. I'd like to get to ok, sure away, I'm radically. How are you I'm doing? Well, thanks for having me on today? Ok, so, first of all, thank you for everything. You've done. Thank you for bullets that you are taking. I know what it's like to have your life's work, just discredited and your everything called into question. Even though you have the goods, and you'll make it through it and you're going to come out as a hero in the story. I believe
the great thing is, I don't want you really want to be there. I just said the good thing about journalism is facts are stubborn thing yep and I think when people look at the facts and they get rid of the spin in the personal ad hominem attacks that don't have any basis, you focus on facts there, a lot of troubling questions and I'm sure you're, going to ask me a lot of 'em today, yeah well so Devin Nunez is just revealed that they looking into a report of strange requests to use government sources to monitor journalists over there, and we have to be cautious because sometimes those are okay. Sometimes they're. Not do you have any new information on this I can tell you what happened. I was listening with interest when, when Congressman Nunez made those comments last night about ten days ago, I see some communications from the intelligence committee from sources I had there and they said to me that there was
going to be a revelation soon about some inappropriate monitoring of my communications. Now they were more specific than that So that's really all I've had for less than the than the I let my no lawyers, no we're just going to wait and see if an actual notification comes Ford and then he heard afternoon as last night it. What he's talked about was very similar to that information. The intelligence community sources were telling me over the last ten days. It sounds like from what we know that the US embassy in Kiev- it may have been monitoring a handful of journalists stations, are, they might be public communications like our twitter, account in our interviews or they might have been private. We don't know there are very specific rules in the State Department in intelligence community governing this and it sounds like it got congressman of wants to find out whether those rules are complied with or not whether this was an appropriate or inappropriate monitoring it.
Communications and- and I learned a long time- because this is my first time in two thousand to the FBI early or actually inappropriately it check my mail without a warrant kept it in an effort to keep me from writing about stories about what happened before nine hundred eleven. It just took a while to get to the truth, and I you need to be patient. There's there seems to be a red flag here, but we don't have all the facts. I want be careful and patient. Let's go get. The facts. About what happened. We have the ambassador. You'll test, buying before the house do believe she may be involved in any of this or just if you just don't know don't know. Are we to get anything? Do you believe new on whether she gave the Ukrainians the do not prosecute list and why she didn't grant visas to the prosecutors who's had they had evidence on Biden and collusion between the Dnc and the Ukrainian Embassy, all right
I think, she's a very important witness, and I look forward to finding out what she has to see We do know about the mothering. Usually such monitoring, if it was done out of an embassy, would have to be authorized by the lassiter under the normal rules? We don't know if and here yet right we could have just some rogue agent, so let's wait and see, but the normal processes for the would be for the Ambassa to authorize such requests right and see what she says tomorrow will learn more tomorrow on the do not prosecute this. This is one of my favorite red earrings. Those who now can Spirit accused me of weaving a conspiracy theory say Ukraine prosecutor, Lucente other general prosecutor attorney general of Ukraine at time did an on camera interview. It isn't in dispute. He said it and he said that in his first meeting with ambassador Jovanovitch in two thousand and sixteen she gave him a series of names of people. She did not want to
he prosecuted as a sensational claim- and so I did the interview in February, we spent an entire month checking it up before I actually wow the interview to run that doesn't get mentioned in any of these stories. Attacking me during that one month's time. Here what I was able to do to corroborate what the ukrainian Prosecutor General had said to me. First, the State Department and the Ukrainians both gave me a copy of the same letter. It's an April two thousand and sixteen letter it clearly shows the embassy in Kev, instructing Schering ordering the prosecutor General's office not to pursue Do an on going investigation of a George Soros, funded group called an the answer is because of the Anti Corruption Action Center of Ukraine, the George Soros Group, it's funded, partly by Soros, partly by the State Department. That letter
unequivocally shows in writing that the State Department pressured Ukraine not to pursue an entity. In addition, the State Department put a senior US official on background, the prior to my regarding the story and I gave him the night. The name is that these are the names of prosecutor. Generalissimo, said came up in the meeting at the well that the US did not want to see prosecuted and that senior official said to me. I have the quotes right in front of me actually had him ready just in case. You asked me about this. I can confirm to you that US embassy, yeah. I've mentioned several of those names during conversations in twenty sixteen with the prosecutor, General's office and other law enforcement agencies that we did not want to see those people harassed investigated or prosecuted. So the State Department confirmed it. There was written letter
showing such pressure being applied, and now the the media and and their defenders are trying to claim that that's a bogus story. It's not it's been corroborated, been confirmed that might help tomorrow, the bass in the event of it a I honestly answer. What went on in that meeting? I got news for you. I don't think she is because she's instrumental in the corruption she would be incriminating herself on a lot of things. Would she not well, you know, listen to as she Bobbi carrying out what she thought was the policy that states, or certainly her best effort at it. That doesn't it was right or wrong, but I think just getting the fact they stood out there. What were the Ukrainians telling us the truth? It appears they were based on my reporting see what she has to start. You is a story are solid on her not granting visas to the ukrainian prosecutors. That claim Do have evidence of the bidens in collusion between the Dnc in the Ukrainian Embassy and she, under the Obama administration, refused entrance to those people.
My understanding is that this, these yup up you're breaking up now that's what happened. Was a lot of people think that this all started with Rudy Giuliani, going around your and giving me there? It actually started much earlier. First in May of twenty eighteen more than a year and a half ago congressman when went to Ukraine came back. Oh yeah, hang on hang on. Are you moving it into a different room or pacing or anything 'cause we're losing you? I think so. No, alright, hang on just a second let let's let me take a quick break 'cause. I don't want to miss a single word on this. Let's take a quick break. Have our engineers look at this, so we can get a better connection. We have him now on a different line and a different phone. John Solomon. We were king about the prosecutors at the embassy. Did she refuse visas to let these
secure come in and work with the Doj? there three waves of concerns expressed by ukrainian authorities, including the prosecutors and other officials, day of two thousand and eighteen, then House, through committee, Chairman PETE Sessions, a Republican from Texas, one, the most, the chairman and all of Congress at the time he made skip over to Ukraine. He came back and he wrote a letter to the brand new Secretary of State, MIKE Pompeyo and said. I have heard some deeply troubling reports from both Ukrainians and Americans that are about there is bad mouthing president trump, and I think you should recall her. That was the first time Ukrainians on the ground, raise the concern that they were. They saw the ambassador engage in inappropriate. Behavior interfering, invest gay that sort of stuff. Few months past nothing happened, so the ukrainian toss under the scent go out the courier people, not not the sanko, the political figure at the top, but career people downstream.
They hired an american lawyer. This is in the October November time frame of twenty eighteen. They went out the way they hired a former US attorney here in the United States, and they gave him a have information of things that they sent we're going wrong. One was the prosecutor. The ambassador was interfering in ukrainian internal affairs like telling us who we can prosecute not prosecute to that job biting at fired, a prosecutor who investigating his sons, company buries mom and three. There is significant evidence and there's about to be a court ruling in Ukraine. This is in the fall of eighteen about to be a court ruling that Ukraine Inappropriate interfered in the. U S: election in twenty. Sixteen we'd like to get all this information to the Justice Department that Us S attorney Republican, reached out to the US attorney's office in New York and provided that information. The reason a hired that US attorney was that they had tried on their own to get visas to come to United States in the
embassy was telling them they would not process the the request. They were just sitting there on process, so they wouldn't reject them. They wouldn't and so they were in limbo, and so they hired this lawyer to go, provide that information to you attorney in New York. I confirmed with that US attorney. He do, fact convey that information. He was in fact tired. They were in fact at getting the recess, so an american confirms a story from the Ukrainians. Okay, so and then we go ahead, go yet and I'm fast forward. The third wave is when eventually, we you're the boss of these Korea prosecutors in Ukraine, the attorney general of Ukraine. They call the prosecutor general, he reaches out mean agrees to do an interview, and he says on the record. Or what it happened. Both you confirming what PETE Sessions said, confirming what the prosecutors had done in the fall in India legitimately raising concerns, which is when we have a diplomat on our our soil in Ukraine. Their job is not to tell us what to do Internal affairs is to make you deal with them
policy, but not to tell us who we can again prosecute on our own soil and so three waves over over a year, all under President trump all efforts to get in mission to the United States that they thought was troubling and all before Rudy Giuliani ever got on the ground and in Ukraine. So did we get those? Those documents did that ever come and whatever happened to it? That's great question the I spoke to the the attorney the lawyer, who was hired. He says he did in fact give general summary of what they had and then offered to get him all the it's all. The underlying documents that would validate or confirm summary in the US attorney's office in New York never responded with interest, never ask for the documents. Basically, it died with the letter that was sent over. So it does not. Look like the US. Justice Department under Donald Trump was very interested in it because they could have at least gotten the documents. So what did I do? I want to try to get those documents and I got many of them
Like the letter, I told you about the do not prosecute letter like The bank records showing how much Hunter Biden was paid. I went and got those myself and I spent months months, validating them with sources both on the American in US side and when I would have two or three so saying that is an accurate document. Yes, I can confirm that happen. Preceded in writing my stories all right. Ukrainian lawmaker, who I've not heard about his just announced that he has documents that Joe Biden was personally paid. Nine hundred thousand dollars for lobbying activities for bure. He claimed What's the documents back this up, it seems like one of those things that is too good to be true. We don't know who this guy, I don't know who this guy is. Do you and have you heard this, and is there any truth to this or possibility that it's true?
it's come up many times in my conversations with the Ukrainians. The problem for me as a reporter and get it's a sensational thing would be a wonderful thing to report. You know and make payments if you were But it's not true. Here's how I know it's not true. I have the internal, accounting registers of of. I was able to get them from a source. They were validated by Bri SME corporate officials. They show every transaction the company ever made. There is no transaction listed in that accounting ledger in any of the financial books or any of the wires that I also been able to get. Showing a payment to Joe Biden. So I don't give much credence that lawmakers very closely aligned to Russia. So Could russian misinformation and propaganda. I will say many people have alleged on the ground. There's a rumor that has long been on Ukraine, but hi we stay in the form of of what's in the fact, what I can tell you is
the amount of money that goes to Hunter Biden's company is a lot more than what Joe Biden Hunter Biden say. If you look at the press reports of the last year, there's there's this number that keeps coming up you're only got fifty thousand dollars a month. Now only a lot of money. Fifty thousand a lot of money right, that's a big chunk of change. The problem with that account is that it greatly under underestimates greatly it. How much money really was falling to Hunter Biden? This company, I have put into public domain the corporate records of Rose Seneca. How did I get them? I got them from the FBI. In America they had up sees them Another case I was able to obtain them from the court file from the period of two thousand and fourteen and two thousand and fifteen. You can see from May two thousand and fourteen through the end of twenty fifteen regular pay. Controlling more than one hundred and sixty six thousand. Every month, going to Rosemount Seneca from Ubereats MA, usually in two payments. Eighty three thousand three hundred and thirty three twice it's.
Really likely that those payments were one for one was four Hunter Biden, and the other was for his business partner, Devon Archer. Both who got put on the board now that's unusual want american company having two board. Members raises a question about independence of the board right, but there is at least that much money some months You can see as much as two hundred and twenty thousand dollars going to Rosemount, that is a lot more than fifty thousand right. We do not. What that money was for its marked in the ledger as consulting payments, so that would mean These board members were also paying themselves consulting fees. That is why the Ukrainians wanted this to be investigated in America, not under your really all they wanted Americans to look at it and find out what was going on with the money. Alright tell me, about Nancy Pelosi's son. He apparently was also I think, a ceo of an oil company over in Ukraine. Do you have anything on that? I don't. I don't have
visibility on that. I've seen the reports. I think, there's a much more interesting story emerging in the next few weeks. I would keep an eye in the next month on the Office of special counsel not to be confused with Robert Muller Special Prosecutors office, this the career office in its where whistleblowers traditionally go when they when they have evidence of wrongdoing. I am seeing pretty substantial evidence at the os he is- has an ongoing investigation into multiple Enerji companies in Ukraine and the possibility that the Obama administration created erroneous records that allowed more money to flow to those energy companies and what that they were entitled to get at the time. That case is still on. Finding, but I think we could see a lot of people involved in that they shoot the blaze radio network on demand,
Transcript generated on 2019-10-11.