« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guests: Jon Miller, Senator Ben Sasse & Peter Schweizer | 3/26/19

2019-03-26 | 🔗
Best of the Program | 3/26  - News, Opinion and Speculation? -h1 - A Must Not See Movie? -h1 - Media Excuses Is a Spectators Sport? (w/ Jon Miller) -h2 - Nebraska Flood Relief? (w/ Senator Ben Sasse) -h2 - Breaking Biden? (w/ Peter Schweizer) -h3

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, pod casters welcome to a another rate podcast today. Today, I'm excited for you here. This part cast yeah and also your said about going to utilise this weekend because you're going to be add a couple of showing unplanned yes, which is coming on Friday, you can go to glennbeck dot com and we're going to be because you're going to be appearing and talking about the movie. So if you see a movie about life and how important it is, and it's probably the most important movie on abortion. Ever it will change your family and that's why empty a gave it a rating of r and that's why I'm going to salt Lake, because that population generally doesn't see raided our movies, and it is critical that you take your teenagers do this. They will never look at abortion to the same. Ever again, it's Really good movie, you will enjoy it. It's full of heart. Has a happy ending and I'll go walk out the press, but then you will walked out convicted and please go to Glen come and look we're gonna be on Friday that
where is sold out, then they'll just add another one and I'm going to meet as many people as I can and talk to you as the audience. So please, that's this Friday, I'm going to salt Lake City joined me. There. Today. Show is right, First, we we had to talk down the media just a little bit to tell the difference between opinion and fat, and we spoke very slow, the slow learners you in the front of the flask made play problems or something that they can't keep up with the rest of the class like stealth from sea and ends. We have that. Also. We talk to the blue yes, White House reporter the guys in the press pool their. He had just left. White House then SAS on Nebraska Floods, which led stew right, of course, to delay Global warming devastated, Russian soldiers are in Venezuela and Peter Switzer on
Maisie story of corruption on Joe Biden that do you have to hear all on today's package listening to the arbitrary but our spotlight. Last year, the Manhattan District attorney's office released the grand jury report, noting that law enforcement had received two thousand complaints of deed fraud and almost every case involved. A faulty note irritation. You get a fake notary which you can buy online for like twenty bucks and you go down the courthouse. You forge signature on a title transfer which
get pissed at the courthouse. Add you fake the notary, you own somebody's house and you can do anything with it, two thousand in Manhattan. This is really a problem and don't let it happen to you or your parents, he's not a home title locked out, come and make sure that your title still is your title and remains that way. It's your hundred dollars for free when you sign up and then led to the professionals, the only ones in the business it can do. This title lock. Let them take care of it and take care of your family, title locked dotcom that home title logs dot com, remind ourselves where this all really began this. This huh, all collusion thing began where with Hitler
Clinton losing the election. All she was the biggest pile of dog crap candidate. We ve ever seen in America. There's never been a worse candidate, ITALY and I'm pretty good. With history. I can't think of a worse candidate from one of the two parties. Can you have? We ever run a clan member, well, Woodrow, Wilson, Woodrow, Wilson, away lesson a clan member of visually buddy was pretty close. Hillary Clinton was awful. Absolutely awful and Donald Trump beat her now that something that nobody wants. I mean, if you put yourself in Hillary Clinton shoes in your just awful, not because of corruption and crimes and everything else that you have done, but because you're just not qualified to be the press,
and gay and your beaten by Donald Trump. That's not something that you take and go ok! Well, I didn't have any experience and he didn't have any experience and his tie is too long, and I mean how did it out and I lose that you have to justify it somehow, I guess, and let's what Hilary Clinton had to do she had to come up with something, and here is where it all started. Hillary Clinton cut one, please the Russians. In my opinion, and based on that entail encounter and tell people. I've talked to include not have known how best to weapon eyes that informational, unless they had been guided and Yasser Arafat by American, cited by Americans and guided by people who had in appalling and data and information which I leaning trump. Yes,
yeah? I like him. I am I going to say just said so her case was the Donald Trump they wouldn't have known who to hack what to hack. How to use this without Donald from now. I know Donald Trump knows how to use twitter, but I'm gone. Sing. That's as far as it goes, I can't imagine Donald Trump, even trying to use Snapchat, I don't I, I don't know. I don't think you get me, because those are the use that ok Instagram may, throw him for a loop, but to think that Donald Trump was the guy that Access to all this polling and data knew exactly he was guiding this not collusion
She's saying he guided the Russians on how to do this. Are I here's? What you do? Don't forget the coal in the coal in his very important teaching them? What how to write the code? How to be able to hack in how to be able the red poles how to use what you ve just done. This is a whole different level right. We're come a crime by trying to guide the Russians to hack. The democratic National Committee were not just hack. The democratic national Romania are in their you ve year, you you're too little to help. This is incredible. Okay, so that's where we started and immediately immediate. The everybody jumps on the bandwagon. Why? Because they I cannot accept that Donald Trump one period. That's a fact in their head
Donald Trump cannot be the president legitimately because I don't know any. One who voted for him like us on for every republican I mean George Bush couldn't have now Gore John Kerry even had a concern, see theory about how that was illegitimate. I can't remember the last time a lead to a Republican was supposedly legitimately elected, so I'm going to slow the showdown here, a little bit. Okay, cuz right now, right now, members of the media must be going. I don't know you said it was the Glenn Beck program. Am I listening to a program? Is he on stage there their loss or when a slow it down just a little bit and try to explain the difference between up pinion and news news is not about opinion. News is not about moving the american people one way or another new
whose is what happened to day now. It can also be about what is happening but new, It is never about what may happen. That's news that speculation now there's a difference between speculation and opinion. Opinion is based on facts. Speculation can be anything Speculation could be, you know what you know what you know. You know who's on that grassy, no yeah, draft crews? We know that, but Donald Trump was the one that got raffle: crews drunk. That's why he never hit the president. He never Adam
we gotta go down there and I'll bet you're right now. I speculate right now that there is a bullet that we can carve out of one of those trees and the grassy. No, that's wild speculation, Opinion is formed with its basis. In fact, the theory and theories are unproven. Facts are not facts. Are facts. Remember everybody was saying at the beginning of the tribe. Heedless doesn't understand facts. Oh he's got a different sense. Facts. You want a different set of facts, media he'll, thy own self first, because you when operating for two years on a completely different set of facts, we just heard those facts. From Hillary Clinton, and you gobbled up, because
Your opinion drives facts, Pinion is supposed to be driven by facts. Facts first then opinion you have an opinion. He cat the president, and so then you go out and you look for little pieces of facts that, at will yet- and I put it that way- and I put this word over here and that word over here and then this sentence from that person or neath. Ah I've got it he's actually doktor. Frankenstein, is an evil scientist and he has taken over the world, bring come on, stir, that's not the way it works, when you're in opinion media, and I know that it's because I have always said in fact I remember when I was it CNN arguing with the
publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle, who called a journalist, and I had him on the show- and I said I'm not a journalist, I. An opinion guy. He said. Well, there's no difference. You are a journalist. No I'm, not here's the difference. I have opinions on what has happened. I also then have opinions based on fact on what could happen. Now that's really going out that's really going out, but my up Indians are not based on what I want. In fact me, many times the opinions are things I do not want to happen. Is it- I warn people about. And I always say I hope, I'm wrong about this and here's the thing when You'Re- when you're doing opinion you have to be willing to be wrong. It
why I urge you to understand your opinion is not a fact Norman, for how hard you work. European it will never be a fact, no matter many times it's been laundered through this new service or that news service it still remains your opinion and you MA always remain willing to be wrong. In fact, you should be home all that you're wrong. I can I believe that I live in america- that just had the FBI. Say your president is not a foreign agent and half the country went rap now, he's gotta be a foreign agent. They you want him to be a foreign agent seek to put this into perspective, please, Tell me one thing that could have been worse than a president being a foreign aid,
in four voice, a mere Boden. Can you think Build anything crap are, you sure, go back and look again There's gotta, be you know what I dont even believe any of those facts. Yes, they spent. You have forty FBI agents, forty FBI agents Basement two years millions of dollars. Tom on he's gotta be a spy right, he's gotta. A foreign agent come on. We are Nobody wants to destroy America, even if it's not through. Let's say he is destroying America, because our up pinion has now become fact. I'm gonna speak even a little slower.
For the people, like Brian Stealth, her at CNN. You really don't understand this, and let me just I don't want. Single him out, because I think he's a dumping. Oh bald guy, who is an apps boot moron- I don't wanna get personal like that. I want to base it on facts, cut six, please brine Spelter. There is a big difference. There is a big difference between news, an opinion, and I realize it can be hard to turn all the noise and just turn into the news. These days talked him, but if I had to pick speculation or solid reporting, I would pick solid reporting in a second thought that you would too is the best feeling in journalism. It's the greatest value. Add that's what hundreds of journalists have been doing, trying to solve pieces of this tromp Russia puzzle? Ah, but here's the thing speculation actually adds value to. It, helps open our eyes.
That will open our minds towards possible, helps open our minds and our eyes really Brian. Do you really think the journalist around you have an? open mind too Donald Trump because proving that ought to be bold, crap right now, with the responses on the news channels so I'll I'll try to use I? How do I even explain this? I was an essay single syllable words, but syllable has two syllables at it. So Then was shocked to hear us three shudder The best of a bad that programme Hey? It's Glenn!
and if you like it here on the programme, is check out pad gray unleashed his pod gases available. Where ever you download your favorite podcast, I would definite recommended Michael Blaze in town. You you go in and see that, instead of going to see them, The Us Van highly definitely suggest because us Socks really ass, its awful all, I'm hearing their vows and all I'm hearing about is it's the next Alfred Hitchcock ease the next outfitted got it sucks and the jury way way way. Did you see what was the movie before get out? Yeah yeah? I love get out. I got a light in illegally that movie, but I hear great things about it. You liked it and you would like the audience that those parts of the house hints would really appreciate to convince all about Cardono, o bomber. Liberals yeah, you said there just not racist at all, but at the end there was a hint of it. Is I detect
this one. Yet this one is, is I just in again I liked his last movie. I just feel like Jordan pillars in the mood in that moment where he can do no wrong to critics, so they have to say anything he does anything. He touches is good. So what what's the rotten tomatoes? it's like ninety four percent or something that's. Why will you audience that now the critics critics or ninety looks at the critics? I look at the creeks because the critics will at least get you to that low hurdle of competent usually like at least as always done. I'm really sorry. The critics are the also you look at the movie score. You look at the ADI, Scooby audience you and then and then, if its low you a look at the critics because you're like I well know, is it a kind of an of an thing of like that right or anything
hi. You know, ok, there's a problem here or if the audience is high and the critics are low, you immediately go. Ok, wait a minute. Is this a film that would have ill to normal human beings. Right does your gear blockbusters beer kind, standard, horror I these always have a higher herodian score than the courts. The what's the audience for this one, Mirza seven one that yak. So that's that's why I see that sell. You are how city is and of doing something. He here and now it's probably telling you more about the times we live in right. Does that's almost like US eight men there's like some racial statement in the movie, or whatever I mean honestly, I was I mean the acting was just
an easing of God which does not go. There was not a good movie, but there's some statement in Jordan Peel is you can't say anything bad about em right now eyes. Black he's got his wind, like directors breaking down barriers, and I like that is- I swear how they rate these movies it. What is the intersection reality of the people involved? Like black boy? You know, I saw Clippa Black Panther and I think I know I hate item eight, these kind of movies superhero, Generally speaking, I saw about fifty miserably Panther that it was horrible knowledge the sooner you don't remember I don't have a good opinion on any Marvel things you just your Addison. Then you might be in step with a lot of people who hate those kind of lies arm of that. My guy, like you know, like I liked iron man, I, like the first guardian of the Galaxy items of the galaxy, but you but a general. Knowing I may I will say I allowed the idea that a may have just seen the worst fifteen minutes the moving it, but it was just like all it was them. You know the typical
You know she s backs and scenes which we're just I've seen them a hundred thousand times the same, say yes and then in immediate injured, twined, with really bad cheesy, wise ass lines, I got it was owes a fortnight ago in the marble movies. Just what are fine, because in fact the point is it does it matter if black Panther was a good move. No, not! I agree, you must love. It grew more What are you love it or not? You must love it and that's what this is with us by the way. If you are going to a movie this weekend. Please see this movie, see unplanned. It is so important. This is the film that could change everything, bring your kid now it's been raided are by the p a, but it is not a rated our movie. It's not as no swear has nothing, though his axe knows where nothing is a political reason to stop this movie from being seen, I'm going
going to where nobody likes even those c p d: thirteen movies- that's in SALT Lake City this week, in a bid to be at Thanksgiving Point one of them at six thirty and then the other one is in Sandy. I think, go to make up like that. Just gotta Glenn backed our common yeah, but I will see you there for unplanned Friday, This is the best of the Glen Back programme. like listening to this podcast? If you're not a subscriber become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favour and rate the shell, Michael body now, Michael Avenant body is the kind of guy that you're the first time you saw Michael novelty. Did you not go? Ok lack that guy. Shady
You know exactly who knew exactly. You would not have even bought a car from this man, but what is the news media do huge credibility I assigned to him Michael of an idea and are respected attorney from the angel is, he is visiting Iowa. He might be rotting. I feel really that actually How long ago, He was arrested yesterday on charges of bank fraud, embezzlement and extortion now, before I bring John Miller in. He is the host of the White House Brief and r r R. Why house, correspondent for Blaze TV here's the CNN spin, prompt created the environment in which someone like I've, a knotty, could be taken seriously
minorities fall proves that there is only one Donald Trump out there. That's in radical incredible that radical that is contortion of like Porthos guys it see it in your responsible for Michael avid ADI. You put him on as a credible guest. Why? Because he confer your bias, he was saying the things you needed someone to say so, you didn't care who said it, and you brought him on every seeing labelled- and I was had to be what three law of all every night and bring these crazy. So we John Miller On- and I have John on just because I can't wait. When are you going to the White House? When are you gonna be in the pool again win win, win, and when, when I'd better, go her magic
I was there this morning, just kind of gathering forces than then talking to people. It is depressing that really all I can say they don't want to admit that their depressed though China playing this game where anything other than a story that bear jumped the OJ is trying to take down. Obama carried way way way way way way way way? There are other stories other we can get him another way. No, wait, a minute whose story is you ve been wrong for two years. Wrong and you ve been lying to everyone, forgetting CNN. You talk about the engagements, but I think they spent over two thousand hours talking about the whole non story that turned out
the complete hope? But yesterday Glenn, I went on your tv programme and said I you know, I think they're still upset because they are here. The way they are liberal activists than for them has been completely destroyed. Their narrative. I stand by that. I think there is another element, however, and haven't talked to some quorum quote journalist. I think that is important stated. This was their story for two years and I honestly showed up to the White House every single day, thinking that this we're gonna, be there Woodward and Bernstein moment and we're going to be the name they made for themselves and they were going to take down this present and they about how they are going to make their mark on the world. We are the journalist who took down the drum presidency. I e in the fact that that didn't happen in this debate to be over its deficit. For them, and you wanna hear what do you know the liberal journalist our thing you just have to listen to the democratic politicians because they found it back in the same and therein
I'll, let you know there's that they don't trust William Bars report they had the white have seen. The report is William BAR judgement on this. Should we accept that without them into a Trump YO, Jane Eyre swallow that their thing they're still. Evidence of that sort of align their toys, but about but it when they can't get that then they're going back to well. There's other think we can talk about where we covered it up. Unbelievable, hang on. Looking for the cut she'd here, it is Tom Perez, Listen Tom, whereas now he's with democratic Party, listen to what he said yesterday, we know, in addition to the fact that the Russians try do. They didn't metal and our investigation, we know that his campaign managers, deputy campaign manager is his lawyer? Papa Dapple is still on all these people we're having contact and so that the question for me, that remains is was it
compromised? Why did he say that he believes Putin over the intelligence community? Why did eat about leaving NATO things. It put our name Security in jeopardy. Why doesn't he released his tax returns weightings? That's how I love this An amendment is tax returns, you weren't ballad of back for daring to tackle corruption, barbette yeah, then how about his hair? What's the deal with his hair, I mean it's crazy. What they're doing listen to what he said All these contacts at an end and we have to know, was he compromised? No, no. That was what the investigation was well. Why would he be believed Putin over the intelligence agencies, because if on Brennan is any reflection of our intelligence agencies. It turns out that he was right not to believe them. I mean your. Scarborough, saying, oh John Brenda,
What were you just like us been? You were given. You know, maybe not, but good, information and John, but that will yet it turned out the information we were given weapon that wasn't as good as we thought it was. Europe a former director of the CIA. Did you can you can how'd you get away with me. I like that, would run so hang on just a second John follow this line. You're, very logical guy? You knew at Columbia University so, a very logical guy, help me out on this problem. Two things. First, on the intelligence Committee or Community John Brennan said that he was committed treason then he had it on good authority that this was going. And he was gonna- go to jail because he's a trader guy, and yesterday he comes out and says I had bad information. At the same, an he saying that the media is hammering Donald Trump because he said we should have an investigation on
intelligence community will, if you're the former Rector of the c I a and b are telling you yeah, he was definitely and they turn out to be wrong. What you'll be calling for an investigation. John ran in joining Donald Trump. On that you would think so, but I think at this point therefore part of an act that they jumped out. There are not even thinking logic, withered sputtering out of control, that the whole thing, and they should investigate where this thing, starting with the whole thing, was based on a dossier that has been discredited from day. One and John Brennan actually used that dossier to lodge an espionage campaign against all of Trump people, though so as to whether or not you can trust the guy. I think that's out the window and the entire intelligent community has been, and including the guys at the communication at the idea you ve been essentially conspiring to get tromp relax
the better turn, so I think it is fair to say: maybe these guys aren't the honest broker do thought they were. Maybe these guys should be investigated. Aren't let me ask you one more question and this like you to ask your friends in the press pool their at the White House when these, guard say I know when they start saying. Congress wants to look into all of this Congress is calling for their own investigation and they want access to this because they they climb aimed today and yesterday there claiming that they don't have to do the kind of investigation that the FBI does. They have spent sole powers, and they can special things that the FBI cannot do. I would like you to ask them do believe that then how come you didn't say, wait a minute during the
Evan. I hearings when they demanded there and to be an FBI investigation, because Lee. The F B, I could look into things. Congress didn't have the power to do investigations like that. Are you saying that there is some No, I'm not I'm not hypocrisy. Just there's no logic here You ve just like I don't know, I'm getting them back or you. Yes, please please do and John my phone line is open to you at any time. You I just want to hear. I want to hear All of the sad tales from the White House Press room as you see them, zero ermine sob, but you say I think I want you to feel at different stages of grief that while they walk then I'll, try to watch you doing
seven, there might be seventeen stages of grief for them. I don't know, but I want to enjoy every single every single stage. Thanks John will appreciate it. Sir John Miller from the blaze tv he's, the host of White House Brief, really really really sharp guy. You do what you can watch him every day on blazed we who are listening to the best of the Glen Back Programme mercury, one is already on the ground there. We were waiting for the floodwaters to recede. We have trucks that have been trucking things and feeding people now in Nebraska. You can help with that at mercury, one dot, Org and Ben SAS from the great straight state of Nebraska,
is joining us now Ben. How are you I'm do unwell gland thank you for that shot about job the work you are doing into that work. A lot of other charitable organisations are doing really basic stuff of neighbours across the country region that our people, like you, I think it Your governor that I heard yesterday saying you know Nebraska They know how to take care of each other and you know why we find it disappointing that the press is in talking about this. You that's fine. We know how to take care of each other and it It must be frustrating for people in Nebraska that I mean it's like it is. I mean your tree: worse than Porter Rico, nobody's even like Nebraska, not even a state.
Look? Look! Look up. We need to put it in context. How big this flood is because, since the media hasn't been covering it actually, I think lots of folks just don't have any understanding of the magnitude of this, but this, but I dont want to focus exclusively on the negative than I don't either, and I don't either or or the media's a horrible job of referenda right, but the sort of stuff of neighbours I want to make sure we get back to that, gives I've jeers mad every day and some shelter in Nebraska. Were you meet yet another family who had their house washed away and when they got delivered to the shelter they insisted on getting onto the volunteer line. People show up at our shelters again and again and again having had their arms washed away and if their bodies are intact.
Getting the volunteer life, but they get to the shelter so some really amazing stuff, but just to put the blood in context for people. By far the worst natural disaster Nebraska has ever experienced, we had a pretty big flood in twenty eleven eight years ago. That was sort of thought of it the hundred year flood. This is an order of magnitude bigger than that we have ninety three counties and seventy nine of them are currently and states of emergency. Oh my gosh, under the town that, on from twenty five thousand person AG town, it is on the flattest planes you can imagine, and my count became an island for three and a half and they had to start. We have to start there a listing in water and food and other supplies. Cuz. There was no way in or out of the town we near the twenty six thousand. First town we haven't, we have an airport, so it was pretty easy to her left supplies in when she realizes problem existed
lot of communities a three hundred or five hundred people and we go and find them, and you know everybody's been rescued. Now I mean every every community can get in or out of their space now, but as you'd find some of these communities, there was no lewding and lots of houses have been destroyed and people got together and created systems to share their food and to adjust it on voluntarily rational a bunch of these communities. The magnitude of the flood is really hard to understand. I've been up and down on National Guard or army core of engineer helicopters every couple days just to see what is happening. As the floodwaters have started to proceed and government Rick, and I are coming to record so you mentioned a little bit ago and I had the vice president in town last. I guess it was Thursday and pence was up with us and if pence grew up in the town of forty thousand, where everybody was washed away once in for the whole town was wiped out and is governor of Indiana, they had massive flooding that he expressed. He said, he'd never seen a flood. Anything like that when you think
holy cow. I will tell you there is something about my. And mother was from Nebraska and There is there's something about these farming communities that we have lost in the rest of the country. That, and I think it's because when you're a farmer you after rely on your neighbour and God, those two things come through for you, your toast and everybody knows that I might be having a great year. But I gotta take care of my neighbour whose crop was laws for some reason, because the Sichuan he's gonna, be reversed down the road, and so but really does take care of one another. And its sole rate
A picture hang it in and our dining room that my wife put up a couple years ago that my wife in AIR force brat so bore from born in California, but mostly from Alabama, and so when she got to Nebraska after we married and- and I went out to be a college president. There we had this experience where this fifty eight fifty nine year old farmer drop, that of a heart attack, and I was three weeks from harvest and it looks outside a couple weeks later. There are fifteen five hundred thousand dollar tractors, harvesting, all their crop just produce, and all the grain for then my wife has a picture of all these tractors in in formation. In tandem with this, Ladys feel on our dining room. All I've seen it myself as well growing up in a farming community. I mean it is its remarkable, so Ben. How can Americans help? How can we help So, first of all the
edit way and the Red Cross or doing great stuff and then glad you ve been talking about Europe as a patient. So there are so many different philanthropies winner work, and so thank you for that. How long about how long before you think this is a what's the rebuild like you know, it's gonna be years. So Omaha is on the central ed of the east side of our state, and most of the flooding was north central and in North EAST Nebraska. We also have the mass of livestock losses in the western part of the state, because what precipitated this whole thing,
is we ve got about forty inches of snow and sixty days in January February, which has allowed us now how much less? Now? This is what we have forty inches and sixty days, and then we had this thing called a bomb cycle on which I didn't know anything about before, but it's basically when you have a hurricane effect out of a blizzard and so at the edge of that blistered which having season in Nebraska as one of the biggest economic union, and so but you had a bunch account, but Mamma cows tend to be good at their job by the second or third time they give birth to drivers time they often does not out there doing. Yes, I've seen it to help and make sure they get baby gets her back up with Mamma and so
but all of a blizzard devil. Baby calves are fifty two hundred twenty pounds. They can get frostbite, if you, if you don't ever rancher, knows that I'll take care of a stone the blizzard. Yet we have north of five hundred million dollars of livestock loss already just from my God in the eastern part of the state where we now have flooding in Omaha and South done the Missouri River, so the Missouri divides Nebraska in Iowa and then Nebraska Missouri, a little farther south were dumped and sewage from six hundred some people straight into the river and all behalf, because all the water treatment facilities are under water. We have stuff like that that, even before you get to the question of how do you rebuild levies temporarily for just thunderstorm protection this summer and in the longer term question as our farmers ranchers gonna get to market this fall because we have bridges washed out everywhere. The state o my Commission Multi year recovery. I think we're lookin at holy Cow,
then. Thank you so much. We, we know prayers matter, and so we are praying for the people of from Nebraska and you Governor and everybody else involved in in the rescue and and rebuilding process, which will probably say like everybody in Nebraska, but we urge we urge you to give wherever you want to give them. Three one. When you give to mercury one one hundred percent of the proceeds go to what it's earmarked for. So if you, your market for the flood in Nebraska, one hundred percent will go. We urge you just go to our relief efforts on the site just donate their relief efforts, humanitarian relief and the money will go there. To help them out my best, to you in your family, gutless per se prosaic you bet centre.
Ben SAS it's. The best of my background are the producer of a very important movie, the creepy line. If you haven't seen it, go to the creepy, I'm is it dot com or dot Org Peter Z, their Peter? Yet hey is dot org or dotcom. The creepy owning it dot com, locate the creepy line. Dotcom everybody needs to see this it's about the future and how your boy. Manipulated by Google and Facebook and everything else he is also Peter Schweitzer is also the author of secret empires how the american political class hides corruption and enriches family and friends.
We wanted to have him on its out in paper back, so you can grab this, but we wanted to get him on to talk specifically about Joe Biden now this a book that you wrote what three years ago or so, is it came out a year ago, a year ago, I'll get you a year ago when I did your show then, and we talk about various people, but of course Biden has now resurfaced as sort of the major candidate. Ok, so you go into Joe Biden and I find this. I find this hard to believe because you ve heard anything about this in the mainstream media he's. On a view make the case one of the most, if not the most corrupt, vice presidential or vice president, we have ever had- and that's that's exactly right, RO, Agnew comes to mockingly, that's a pretty bad ones. Yet we have the shop question about it. In the reason Joe Biden has been able to sort of maintained. This image is that he does something that I can
I'm sure his corruption and went off The corruption basically means is, you know he does not take payments from foreign governments and foreign entities. His wife does not, but it is a dead son does and weapons means he doesn't have to disclose the business relationships which are highly questionable that his son has out with all these foreign entities, and it's really highlighted by the fact that these business dealings are exactly in the foreign governments where Vice President Joe Biden was the point person for Obama Policy and in fact, in one instance, we know his son actually flew with his Father on air force, two to close the deal with a foreign government. So Joe Biden can't plead ignorance to this by any stretch of the imagination
So what kind of deals are we talking about and then go ahead? We're talking about mind. Boggling deal so in December of twenty thirteen Joe Biden is flying on air force to offer a trip to Asia. He goes to Tokyo. He goes to Seoul South Korea, but the main part of the trip is debating China on the plane with him is his son Hunter Biden. They spend three days in China. Bygone is frankly criticised by the Washington, post and other entities foregoing soft on Beijing. He basically doesn't count them much on the south, China Sea on human rights on trade policy. The most important thing that happened happens ten days after they come back and that's when a Hunter Biden, very small financial farm income. They want
billion, that's with a b one billion dollars. Private equity deal with the government of China. This is not a chinese cooperation is not american company. This is the chinese government's its later expanded to one point: five billion dollars and here's the important part. Glenn Hunter Biden really has no background in private equity, and he has no background in China, and this deal in this through the Shanghai Free Trade zone is unlike any deal, that any other investment farm house in China. J, P Morgan doesn't have this deal Goldman Sachs, so it's drinks to high heaven and the first of a series of deals that hundred Biden, small financial farm does with the chinese government in involves real estate deals. It involves the chinese military, its extremely struggling and and really daunting to get your hands
on the size and the scope of these deals, that he caught ok, I think so. I just wanna play devils advocate sure. What is his sons? I mean there's none special about his firm? I mean Goldman Sachs, doesn't have that's pretty damning. Gnp? Morgan doesn't have it, but he does, Gotta have some expertise that that then you ve missed a white guy biota. Exactly why your ways that question Glenn consistent so shocking, but the fact is Joe Biden when he becomes vice president up until that point. His son Hunter is a
obviously in Washington D C for online gambling entities, the point being brought both private equity deal with the chinese government's and again this is the chinese government giving Hunter Biden endless farm the opportunity to invest what becomes one point: five billion dollars in chinese government money and any has no background in this area and is very clear that he doesn't have background and in this area. But he is glad to take the deal. And again, if you look at White House logs, we know that there are meetings that take place with a couple of the guys it was business partners. There's a guy named Devon Archer, whose, along time friend of of Hunter Biden, Stepan Archer, who went on trial last year for a bond scheme, is that basically rip.
Sixty million dollars off of the poorest indian tribes in America. It's it's! Not! There's! No conceivable the path or way that you can justify the chinese government. Giving this deal to Joe Biden, Son Ireland than the fact is. He is Joe Biden Sign and Joe Biden was the point person. Barack Obama said explicitly that point person on: U S: policy towards China during the Obama administration, Ok, so there's one I mean every he makes a mistake once, Is there any more that there and and here's the thing we sort of school that's the surface on, as we know that there was also a dirty deal done in the Ukraine, so Ukraine, of course, you know facing aggression from Russia in twenty four
now. This is April twenty fourteen of whose only four months after that chinese dealers Hunter Biden, joins the Board of directors and is a adviser to Ukrainian Energy Company called bereavement and its headed by two very corrupt oligarchs. I mean these oligarchs. If you read about them collar most gains will a Chaskey mandate burger like out of their villains out of a bond novel, a James bond novel. I mean there that a troublesome hunter binding joins the board of these ukrainian companies at exactly the same time that his father is responsible for western aid flowing to the ukrainian government, and that includes one point: eight billion dollars that we pump in to the Ukraine through a entity called private bank. Now we give them
point: eight billion dollars, a billion of that disappears disappears overnight. This is not in dispute has been widely reported. Here's the troubling part who owns private bank the same oligarch, who has Hunter Biden on the payroll who controls breeze and energy, and, let me add again, Hunter Biden has no background in Ukraine has no background in the energy field. He gets this position because his father again is the Obama hence point person on policy towards Ukraine at those very, very crucial time, and they figure out a way to get favourable. Treatment from Joe Biden is to set up the sun with a very lucrative arrangement. I know I think I know the answer to this. Why his no one covering this,
it's it's, you know it's remarkable it. You know. My view has always been in any other light of the Mueller report in light of the Clintons and uranium one that we ought to be looking at all questions of foreign influence on can polity, it doesn't matter you're. You agree with me. I don't care if its republican or democratic independent. All relationships is specially anything to do with China and the russian block exactly those
that's right and you know look I very early on when, when the Morrow investigation was launched, I said look this ought to be looked at, let's just find out. What's there and a course in my mind, became pretty clear in a five or six months in that there was not a whole lot to that narrative, but my view is always been it all ought to be looked at. It all ought to be looked at in the case of Joe Biden. Unlike the you know, the allegations of russian collusion with which want you have exchange of money. Large sums of money you have favourable Paul. Decisions that Joe Biden is taking as vice president and you have rival powers. I mean China is a rival and, I would argue, probably bigger threat to America's future than Russia will be. Russia is declining power, yes, and yet there is no interest very little interest in looking into precisely these types of arrangements and by the way, Glenn
These are the only cases that we know of Ukraine and China. We actually got access when Contra binds business her Devon Archer went on trial in New York. Last summer. We got from the prosecutors financial records that that were involved accounts that served as past sin and Hunter Biden was getting money. Out of these accounts flowing into that account, is not only three million dollars from Ukrainians and and billion dollars from the Chinese just so. You know these transactions that we don't know where they're coming from. There's there's one point: two million dollars from some anonymous LLC run through a swiss bank, a very small swiss bank, which is been implicated in money laundering in ten separate countries. Now, where is that money coming from there's there's money from a?
I walk oligarch. This is money. That's going into account will hunt your Biden, giving off funds and it's all occurring in twenty fourteen to twenty sixteen, while his father is vice president, the United States in steering american foreign policy. I fear we do me a favor you write this up in the clearest and most dead dead to rights. So there's no speculation and end condense. What you have in the book, just like a page or so and I would ask everyone in the audience to get the book secret empires its outright now get the book see. Empires. But then, if you can write for me I'd like to send this out to the audience and how of them, send it to every one they know and make sure it gets into the hands. Everybody should flood the Democrats. Who are running against Joe Biden, because the old
the way this will be investigated or talked about is right. Now, when they're trying to each other off here. Here's what I want to suggest glad I'm gonna give you the right to copy the after word of the book, which you know six or seven pages long and it's just bullet points of what we know about the flow of funds who they go to and where they go to. You can send out your listeners, and this is not in dispute. You know abiding response to me I only came on the Wall Street Journal. Didn't initial report on this in all, he did was attacked me personally. You didn't refute any thing and the problem that he has is that financial records, the chinese corporate documents they are clear cut. This is not subject to dispute. The only defence that he has is to try to argue that son got these deals based on merit, merit and
It is simply not true. Do you have those documents from China? Everything else absolutely which is then those to me as well I'd like every bit of hard evidence and send it to me and then will Willa we'll talk again Peter. Thank you. So much hang on. The phone is one make sure you're sending it to the to the right place. Peters white He is a new book we'll have to talk to your neighbor backed again Yeats, be up out paperbacks called secret empires. What we're talking about is the corruption of Joe Biden. These, eyes. The Clinton's really pioneered this, but they have made this being president, they ve made it into a business, and Joe Biden is very, very corrupt. The only time they will look into it is right. Now he's radio network on demand
Transcript generated on 2020-04-19.