« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: John Ziegler & Bob Woodson | 6/26/20

2020-06-26 | 🔗

Coronavirus cases are peaking again, and so is the panic. NASCAR released a picture of the "noose" found in Bubba Wallace’s garage. Mediaite senior columnist John Ziegler discusses how "hate crime hoaxes" are their own genre of news and how Bubba Wallace’s noose story fits in. The Woodson Center’s Bob Woodson returns to discuss how the 1776 Unites campaign is reviving the history that black Americans are losing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the park ass. Today we find out fabulous information about the Cuomo family, where we realise that apparently earned do. Cuomo is the best politician in America and that completely unbiased review comes from his brother. A national news networks will get into that. Also more cancel culture going on the Dicky S. Statements from actresses comedians, who are trying to these super duper, woke and explain why there dropping their cartoon character voices because there to racist, amazing Johns Igloo joins us about the noose NASCAR. How does that media keep falling for this stuff we'll get into that? Can, of course talk about the new development in the special he didn't see it this week, Glens show about the funding for black lives matter. There's all sorts of shady stuff going on. You can need to see this special police, dvd COM, slashed, Glenn, Dakota fight the mob, Lesabre twenty bucks on your subscription. You could see the special there we go into a brand new development on that in our three as well as talking to Bob Woodson, who is the founder of the wooden centre, and it is a in amazing perspective that you don't hear in the media. That often happens today as well. Make sure to subscribe to this part Catherine rate in review at five stars be appropriate amount of stars and check out. Stew. Does America as well that is available for past every single day, and we appreciate your six percent there too. Here's the parties to welcome to the Glen Back Programme, its right ay, and we have the the one and only pad gray, who just want America to know. I am going to chop, is head off, but but
as if I may quote the be leader, I could mean that literally I could make mean that figurative Lee I mean it's well, which way: do you mean it because you're the one saying it so you must know how don't know don't know Joe? No, no! I don't as up to your interpretation and ours it's out as EU. Yet out of your interpretation, and- and I think that's that's great, but I M gonna cut your head off any. Pat Welcome Programme great to be here. Thank you Glenarm, quite yet. I am assured him out of the house today because of the Covin infection, the record record infections that are going on right now, where am I really stay indoors? Don't go anywhere. People are dying everywhere, all right now and it's is frightening to me a bit and young
people are getting the right now, they're, they're young, I dont know where cause you know they didn't get it from the protest. They were attending jam together with thousand all those were. Girls were good now, kazoo writing a bigger disease there. So you can't get another disease when you're fighting a bigger one, but that the bigger worthy of eager disease is the one that killed nine people last year and that the smaller raise them when they cut a hundred and twenty five thousand right welcome a hundred and twenty five, that's cute stew, fisheries than timber. That's a durable, you would say a hundred eighty five thousand people issue under what you mean well gives solicited Joe Biden in you. Tell me people drastically underestimate is the impact on the mental health of people who now everything is complicated. Not only is the healthcare peace but people down of a job, people don't have any where to go. They don't know what they're gonna do and a lot of people you have
terribly now we have over a hundred twenty million dead from covert Frank and it cannot be allowed to many. They are contrary to many ideas here I little where a mask he asked me, I got Lunatics Magazine Cutler paying the first one is, if you happen to be watching Gb Tv or or blaze tv right now. Could you please put him back up on the screen? I think this is. This is very risky of him. He is obviously trying to reach out to the republic in by wearing a fake Abraham, Lincoln Beard organs that may happier- and I thought I was gonna- thought he was going to churn butter after this aside. I know I think he's trying to make Europe believe these Abraham Lincoln Point and if I'd say grace. I think it's wonderful. I think it's wonderful, although themselves like these people do. Where am I gonna love these people wear masks and then just take them off. You know start talking here
you know so I walk around you and I'll wear the mass, but the minute I am teutons, you are gonna, take it s just do damn hot and of course, of its, and it makes me look like he willingly talking thing that spreading the droplets right like in your whole point. I was worried early way like area. You don't need earnestly when you're monopolies closing your slightly breathing slowly longer. No, that's why I'm a hundred and twenty million people have died at zero. Yet a great! That's why the group? Why can I tell you? Where can I you know you mocking this much hundred twenty million. People have died and you're right. They didn't get it at the protests do you know how many hair salons had been opened in just the last few weeks, Oh, why we should have arrested these people. We should have thrown them in jail. We should burn their hairdressing while the entire hairdressing community down to the ground? Because It clearly where these kids
kids like to get their lives. They do you know a really do and you know, and they get their hair cut at where the salon new PAN salons, exactly raw. Why we haven't arrested every barber and salon owner in this country and them into some sort of re education camps is beyond me really is we have arrested some of them. Didn T put some of them in jail, but I guess it wasn't enough. I gag, Of course it wasn't enough. He has never enough. Never enough, I mean why we, I I'm sorry, you know I I go for the it's just the soft heart of mine that I ate that I say we should put them in re education cast. We should just shoot them. I mean, if we're being honest, they're bad people never get it and they were out protesting and they're protesting was directly causing lives.
To be lost. That's a good one hundred and twenty million yeah that comes from all of those all of those gun, toting maniacs. They just wanted to kill your grandmother that were protesting in front of state Capitol, saying hey, we wanna, we want open our business again, we have to feed our children. Those people were so. We are responsible hope therein? Goulash, Agora or a work camp right now and then, on top of it the roared and airy danger that Herr Stylus present in our in our culture too bad spat? May I tell you I I had to drive around piles of dead grandmothers on away into work this morning. That's how many people today yeah yeah, just from the just France S, hair salon usage, shares yeah hair salon, most of em Adler, which they had done at the salon and there they were piled up dead. Tell you you have to ask
to ask Pat. You know you, you feel pretty good about yourself right now, but aren't you complicit. Have you ever had air cut? I have I have your right. I need to be interesting. Heritage on illicit iii in this is really is really grotesque and sickening really You have had one since March of you yet Yes, I had shouted millions. Are you responsible for if I am to be honest, probably Fordham, Five million of those people were at my hand, while at my just so you can just look a little bit better on the television. Is that what this is about? Four yos yeah I would like to emphasise that really know not not really really really really so
Do. Could you please get me some sort of a garage door opened her with a little loop on the end. So alien life have you know, that's a real nous. Okay, now it may not have been directed if anybody or anything, but it was a real noose and it's it's well. These are used in realising it was it. I know it wasn't like the stereotypical cowboy news you know with the it wasn't. I think he was just a loop. Wasn't it was just like you know, so you could grab, that in Poland Georgia. Yes, it was, but that doesn't make we're only less of a noose Glenn. It doesn't work, no aid, they re really done. How would you define a new site? Would define it s, a thing that kills black people? That's the only thing not another, not with a loop on it. That's the titans! As you pull it, I were defined as a thing that kills black peoples. The only use for a nuisance in modern history,
I know I would describe as I think you can look up the dictionary. Look it up in the dictionary you could see. I would scribe news as something other than what was hanging from that garage door events. Would I mean that wasn't I love out, but that's like no other residents is echoed uses. Are used for other things like they act as if the only uses ever been lynching? Yes, that lets a succinct rope, its a wise found. A rope and ropes are used in lynchings. Www ropes are also used for other things. Make it's it's the intent in the act that you use it for that matters if its use to pull down a garage door which it had been. Therefore, at least those cities as sixteen. We know that it was at least this you there's no sixteen there in a country like this, this guy's you're now
excusing every one in the tugboat industry and in your saying that there are there they're, not racist for all of the rope ladder use every day, just as it intimidation. That is a good summary of my position, yes and freely admit at us, mom right, o reeducation can as the gay character and the show. I can get away with all your writing. Your rights right you're right about them, and yet Pat was laughing at it, no I wasn't that was found elsewhere. Tears knows TAT cry was right. I am absolutely right on that. Well, you and lets take, let's take a look, take eight hours and forty five minutes to pause for all of the deaths of the grandmothers that have passed away. And a Molly setting that time, because Maggie
me time to not have to finish the show or do any actual work for the rest of the day. So, ok, are not enough thank you very much appreciated? None of us. Thank you. No, no
don T, I might have those whom I must in no. No, please let me I realize I e my leg is ok, you know what you mean if you want to pick it up and take the thank you know you got, you go ahead as it's all yours, no! No! No! No! I don't want to take that a very important all right. Ok, I must have it. I know you know what I feel bad now you're listening to the mast Glinda Programme, as this is the city city, that NASCAR built with nothing but confederate flags, nooses, racists. Wherever you look now somebody you says: oh no, it wasn't racist comes along and it's my job to talk to him. John similar senior columnist mediate John. What you're fine advantage the Glen? Well, you know
yeah when I, when I drew just a little in the morning, it's easier to do the show. Luck. I don't want to get too much credit furred debunking the bubble, Wallace Nous controversy, because, generally speaking, the only safer prediction, then saying that a media new story will turn out not to be true. Is the Colin Powell of going to endorse the democratic presidential dominate, I mean has said that there is not much of a rare right right what's and when I think is most interesting from a disservice. Liberal standpoint on this. I still abroad back me up here is concerned have a huge advantage. In evaluating these stories, because we ve already read the ending of the book seat. Liberals don't read the end of the book, on these stories. We hear about them periodically and go away, but some people
almost always conservative this. I will wait a minute, whatever happened without one an invite realize they turned out not to be true, usually in in historical context. I mean I've been in bed? Bananas that are supposed to be raised is the turn out to be banana Lebron James. We wish way way way way way. I've heard that story. Please tell me the bananas that were racist, that turned out just report Oh no, that turned out to be when I was one of my favorites, for some reason I haven't since this happens, is sports. All the time is the one I'm referring to his shovel ago and a high school football game in New Jersey, Northern New Jersey, by way hotbed of racism In other words, there are two schools. One was mostly the other was not all white, the mostly black school found some bananas in their locker room and decided that that was because they were the road team. They decided that was races
created a mass of controversy. It was turned out the now we're just bananas, but the hunting was so must be recalled. They should have insensitive believe bananas in the old locker room of a team that had a lot of black player. Yet this is a whole genre stories, John, which is like the the the lesbian waitress who gets out. I don't, I don't believe in your lifestyle on a receipt. You know that the islamic Phobic Receipt writer guy, who we know right some terrible message- the person who writes like hey highly tromp on a wall for some reason, which is supposed to be a trump supporter we find out later it's just some college activists. All of these stories turn out the same way over and over and the media false for Every time I get it
I have one more quickly because maybe my my favorite you ever what happened at the University of Missouri a few years ago. There was all sorts of chaos about our the racial insensitivity and, and one of the stories was that there was a swastika, a swamp the guy that had been depicted in a bathroom on the campus. University Missouri and when the picture finally came out, it was very clearly. Smeared on a wall by someone. Was drunk all that has happened- is that we open up that was There was no, why I may I please it is if it is male this and it is God, into even celebrities mean how many people aren't, even though your, whereby this gladness is one of the more amazed stories that have been robbed of all time: Lebron James biggest sport, star least in basketball. If in all of sports. A couple
ago during the NBA championship declared that his house in Britain what California of one Simpsons former home that it had been the pit the faced with racist graffiti ways of providing in Brentwood And- and bizarrely, there was no suspect. No pictures the OECD? got to the bottom of this and the most bizarre early after the this, her renders investing. Well said he blows angels, Lebron, James, a size, go play where one Why in the world would inside a pilot study allowed his right? Would man should do me, the favor, with racist rapidity, now don't get your mother stood cops, it's the cops and their bad everywhere. Where is he gonna go wears a man. Gonna go right,
how can I approached her about the story is inherently sceptical, but you guys know me well enough to know. I want to find out. Ok are what's the story where this is possible when it seems seems highly improbable that in this atmosphere incredibly racially charged that because that's what we're supposed to believe you have your views, your fortune brain you. You have to go through, ok This is actually mean someone put a noose in a black man in work a pandemic of Europe. Our restricted things are indeed do understand how few people would have access to A NASCAR garages before major raise a doll data. This with this would be an act of colossal, I'm a colossal stupidity. This would be an effectively like are going out deciding you're going to rob a bank or you know, you're going to get caught. You only take twenty dollars, I mean, had to say about. Not people doing same things all the time so it so. It is possible,
If there is some evidence and- and so like his eyes back, we did be incredibly easy to figure out. Ok, we think we might an own who did this, because there is a very limited number of people had the opportunity you saw, but instead without any kind of us back without it. Theory of how this would have happened, or why this would have happened in a logical world at the time, without even a photograph, the news we, He decides. This happened this happen and it's gotta be just because I draw its NASCAR and its Alabama and we know about those people right I mean so. They must be raised, as this is clearly very plausible in the world of the liberal media, and especially in the or media media espionage is the absolute worst on this and they always fall for this stuff, no matter what it is because their there they ought to be woke because their bunch of white males who are terrified for their own jobs. That's really one said the essence of this white males, terrified. Being calves so they jump on what ever it is because they need to be.
The right side of history and show how woke they are, and there one of the good ones- and please don't take my job. That's was really debating this now mass car didn't help matters by throwing gasoline fire because they were terrified of being cancelled due and in what happened. Sense though, I gotta tell ya, I still questions about because I'm more confused today I was before we we, finally realises that the FBI declared this was not a hate crime that this was just a way of opening. Thing. A grudge door by this story is Bob and awaited, as is rightly bizarre sense, then sought around a hundred percent sure where we're going what really happened, except this was not shockingly like almost all these other news stories this, not a crime. Ok, why I don't know what your confused about I'd like to hear that, but I am I confused on why everyone keeps calling this loop a noose. I mean, I think you Do we not remember?
put your finger on an important point, a news me two things to do different groups of people a nose? an actual, not ok. Let us be clear about that. If, in its legitimate mad now it has become a right and it has become are seen as a symbol of racial ager, because an upper understandable reasons because of hangings, black men in history. So I understand that, but when you say the word news, that's a actual if you go to the Wikipedia page for news, it's the description of a knot and yes, what appears to have been an bubble. Wallace's Was a noose, it was a loose not that was used to close the door no doubt now now? What we're I'm a little confused is that we now apparently no why in the world they NASCAR puts out this picture after after that
advertising is over after the FBI said now. This is not a crime after bub allows has gone in. This is to meet apart and glad and students really gets me suspicious. Aren't I'm not I'm not making an hour should right now, but I need an explanation so why that Wallace, Goin down lemon or diamond was confused. Nevertheless, unusual, What dynamic, very confused in the unity on Tuesday night on CNN we're bubble, whilst still sticking with the hate crime, narrative right and it was the bad interview, but but were rallying to aside, of course them liver. Many has always been has been. I wanna be looked like. They were areas, maybe look, they were like they were duped so that so there's no. Get a pressure on bubble Wallace after that CNN Interview other then, maybe from conservatives going what the hell was that and then the next day he puts out a statement, doesn't do an interview put out a statements. ITALY. Changing Historiae, saying
what the hell you know me. I'm some gamma little embarrassed. Thank goodness it wasn't a hate crime Thank you, so much for the lab. Let's move on What I would like to know is what happened in between what what's forced that statement, because to me their requires new information, the quantity to force that statement you use your where our thither, the Daphne I don't know. What explanation is, I need. An axe. An Asian, especially when then they put out this photo of this news and ice? you, don't understand the timeline. I still don't understand. Where we are sure that and corn quote news was put there because the photos see the match where this war was in October, two thousand nineteen and You know a lot of walls. Supporters and the race It is a bad thing. Well see. This really was a news. There was only one news on the empire and all the glove
Sixteen hundred whatever to the lodge is it. Our data and I go ok, that's how about incidents. That's actually too, Java coincidence, When you have wireless, changing his story so dramatically, and I really like to know why piece of information made him beside, you know why I would ask what are you speculate? What speculators who, the damn, knows there that shouldn't be rather difficult to find out this poor. The most famous news amass cart history, knives that many people with access to these these areas- I am- I am- I am suggesting it is possible that I have been in the category of this- is not just a small at do and you guys know I was where the Durban on that story than was not Jesse smaller and that same as adjusting small at I'm faded is theoretically possible. The bubble wall lots of information that may
Maybe I'm gonna do. I may be the the robe that was a sort of a news dear that appears to have been caught in photographs. June of this year got replaced by somebody on his team. That's what it that's, what I think is theoretically possible theory, likely boss, but not meaning it as a noose, probably not probably, was problem. I've always been in there understanding category of this year, the low rates of banana category of which was that the racists, but then, but most important part of this whole thing is it wasn't clearly, not unless the FBI and now everybody else's and codes, including Wallace, the It was clearly not a hate crime and that we need a spy. Overreacting. These things in the media is exposing themselves as people who, just below all white males, especially in the south, are inherently racist until proven otherwise, and that's wrong,
and give an incredibly incredibly corrosive message all right, hang out. Justice got a question for you, but I got to print take a break for one minute. They will come back with John Ziegler. Talking to John Ziegler of Mediate, not John. Part of this life, I find to be pretty interesting, because I would to get the answer to the question you just hast as well will be really interesting, biting there's a chance that know this gets cut off somehow some hypersensitive crew member sees this news and think someone's targeting his guy ass. This escalating escalates everyone's on the same page. Oh my gosh racism a blow up into what I have one sports. Jose was the greatest moment in sports history, when people walking legitimately heard that quote of theirs or walking down the pit crews that the in our race
Like will, I know I said to myself: do you believe in miracles, see what I saw that either? But I mean a lot of people are targeting missing bubble, Wallace's the issue here and any heed your right hand of the dawn, lemon thing very poorly, but equally some even in the middle of an international racial racial controversy. You can almost gave him a little bit of a break, maybe The media, though not asking basic, skeptical questions about this. From the moment it happened is inexcusable. They ve been burned by these stories hundreds of times, and they continue pan ass car. They NASCAR, they hate the south and they want this narrative. So why would they ask a single question? I agree a glance, but I still think it goes to the basic issue of the motivation of especially a white male sports Gaster is heap my egg at all costs the one year deciding ok,
what position do I take when something like this? Do I take the rational one, the skeptical one that might be based in truth, which, by the way, to a path with is a darn good chance. I get fired, especially by turn out to be wrong, or do I go along with the herd and do I do I go with the safety of the herd, and we see this all the time now the hurting her rides per day. Action for these people in the media, no one will go outside the herd because they're all terrified of again run over rightly no one wants to be John Ziegler
Stan trust me. I fully understand that, but what did is not conducive to truth telling because the herd Europe provides a group and talented, and no one asked why, like you did and heard, is going over the cliff John Ziegler. Thank you so much Sigmund Freud. You can follow him on twitter or free speech, broadcasting Dogcart back in a minute. This is the best land back programme. Yesterday on this programme, I had really a legend,
Bob Woodson, he is the founder and president of the Woodson Centre in nineteen eighty one he was. He was well first guys to go into low income neighbourhoods and address the problems of communities. Former civil rights activist headed the National Urban League Department of Criminal Justice, then a resident at the American Enterprise Foundation for a public policy research. Lotta people refer to him as the godfather of Neighbourhood Empowerment movement in he has had a special concern for the problems of the youth in and the problems that really affect the urban centres of of America. Welcome the programme Bob our you, oh great beer, again great to be here Why I'm glad to have you? you wrote something this was in the hill ago, Europe.
As we mark the first anniversary of the violent protest, encounter protests and Charlottesville Virginia that resulted in the death of a woman in two police officers were in no better place with the research with respect to race and injustice in our country. The issue of race is being used as a political weapon on both sides and is feeling the growing divide that threatens to descend us into tribalism. The same forces involved in Charlottesville Riots, our angling for re, match in D c. We have fascist on the right who claimed arrest represent disaffected white people. We have anarchist on the left to performed to speak for the marginalized minorities in the poor. They are, they ready themselves to paddle it out again, with the only outcome of being more racial strife and calls to remove the symbols of southern resistance by taking down statues of generals and renaming schools and streets trying to write the wrongs of the past by killing the dead that was last year. How do you feel today Bob
I feel that it is really gotten worse, as I said that day it is troubling that that said all that money is being funneled into groups whose Asylum purpose is really to destroy civil society. I think they have their marxist. But what was really true. Sling is again low income black communities being really exploited, and yet the civil rights leaders, including members of the black carcass or just silence don't hear about them. An area, and so it is very troubling. But again people who are going to suffer most are the very people that Black lives matter said there. They are trying to promote social justice in, and they are also assigning responsibility there using the failed,
policies of the last. Fifty years, poor blacks have supper of the policies of the last fifty years, but now There are signing responsibility to institutional racism, which means that we need have to examine what were those black politicians doing for the last fifty years. So I ve been running these programmes and these cities and spent in the park about twenty two trillion dollars that have been spent. If you look good, at the income gap. The pickers income gap in America is it between black and white is between low income, blacks and upper income. Blacks, and so is racism the single corporate. The question is on all black suffering equally. And and- and so we have an unfortunate situation- that poor black so suffering not permit situational racism, but situational betrayal by those that they worked. Trusted.
To put an office. I was a member of the like that. You know I was in the civil rights movement and we fought. We are saying, give us a chance to run these programs in these We will do right by our own people. An end. Like two said, when we went into clean up that that that's just bullets soon I got on It became a hot tub. So we have an unfortunate situation where we ve come ties to put the poor, and so they say Commodity that's. Why did you doktor under way are so did this since black lives matter at that? of all of these that are really funding and doing all the legwork. It appears it's a lot of white people, is: is this coming? Is this coming from the
the african american community, or is this coming from Group of White Marxists, who are just seizing an opportunity and using the Black community. Yet again in a despicable way, is that they are really Jordan GUM and the first to them and most cities protest against, like George Floyd. They were peaceful, these are young people in the house for a month and they came about because it, but then what happened is an in most cases. People came from our town and then it assumed begun north began to break windows, and then they exploit it a passion of these young people and and it was primarily white people. You have instances where a well just white couple drove into
working on the back of their car. They had bricks what it was neighbourhood level, black woman, who cast them out and force them to leave and clean, and there are hundreds of these indigence. Leader who are indignant about the destruction of their own, but they don't have a voice, and so the one thousand seven hundred and seventy six with trying to give a voice to those blacks. Who are the voices of dissent in the clarity is gone and they are there, but the only the attention and goes to those white supposedly supporters, you look it. So what is it? two are flying black lives matter. There might like churches in black it is white churches flying black lives? We just. Around any city. You will see black cloud let us learn from white shirt is not on black churches. So
Let me go. Let me stay on a black lives matter for just a second, then, and then I want to come back to seventeen. Seventy six and the voices that you are gathering black lives matter. The founder of b e T said yesterday and this prediction of mine that they are going to become a political party. And yesterday the founder of BT came out and said we should get rid of the Democratic party we should get out of that, and there should be a black party and may not be a lamb is probably the best solution for that. This to me seems like biggest con of all time, going from one party that, just as abused you used you and lied to you now, to another one that, even worse for you community,
I don't think he's gonna sell or first of all I know it you see, but black last merited. It is traded on the moral authority of the civil rights movement and the civil rights movement in Black America chief than America, against the odds because The nuclear family to strengthen the family and its christian virtues and values, and so black lives matters. You that moral authority and then, but they shifted to define fairness and justice to now shifted to so that it is even hostile to. I use it is. It is not profoundly it it, defies the nuclear family as eurocentric and therefore graces. It defines the christian religion as homophobic So it is even hostile to the forces but the doing the the the depression when before.
When the communist China to make inroads into the black community, and they were unsuccessful because they were anti God, and I think that there are Strong religious, lieutenant in their community and be alone will also failed because of of their hostility to the values that are very critical to the survival of Black America's women. Too far from understanding. What really deliberate us from oppression, pile that matter under that I think that is the best news. I heard because I think the white community is a long way away from understanding what got us here in a good way. Bob its, and we continue with you in just a second first. Let me tell you about our saunter: it's real estate agents. I trust when you get a great real estate agent, How do you know? How do you know of its great? I mean
when you have a real estate agent, are they the ones that have the best record? Are they the ones that really will listen and understand you and get your home? So do they know how to do it? Do they have the team of experts the best thing about real estate agents? I trust that these are the real estate agents that are like when they come in and they say, hey out a painter. Yet to do this, he arrived in a work on a curve appeal. They ve got a rolodex of all those people that can come and do it and do it quickly. So you get your home sold. This is somebody that works at Starbucks and then moonlight as a real estate agent, the agents from real estate agents. I trust are full time. They know precisely what you need to do to be successful for sale or a purchase or both they.
Excel for you real estate agents. I trust dotcom. The name says it all real estate agents. I trust dotcom. Ten second station, I d so bomblets in is with us, and I cannot urge you strongly enough to donate to the woods and said I want you to go to seventeen. Seventy six unites die calm seventeen. Seventy six nights, yes, unites dot com, go there and and donate this is these people are actually doing something in the community that will actually matter and help he'll ass. You say,
Bob those suffering. The problem must be involved in the creation and implementation of the solution. I believe that it is going to be the african and meet african american community that will save America in the end, if we learn from the first civil rights movement and a Martin Luther King appears do you see those people on the horizon? Do you see people who really love the country? Understand the principles, understand the problems and Have the courage to stand in this atmosphere People who have suffered Lee the consequences of of their own misdeeds and and when they recover from it, nothing
stronger than someone who's in recovery from a shop, destructive condition and end. So, but there are the big sleeping giant, America other thousands and millions of low income, blacks who no overlap. Sixty years that they are this has has suffered under the end, under the control of their own politicians. These people are betrayers, and one and there are going to wake up and realise that they are being exploited and used, and so what we then doing
going around demonstrating to people that their destiny is determined by the fact that they may not by decisions so that our pride and, in fact that is not being bought injurious to people. When you convey the notion that they don't have the wrong just leaders from how white or America salute your future. Yes, Bob Woodson from seventeen. Seventy six unites within ass dot com more with him in a minute
Transcript generated on 2020-06-26.