« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Janice Dean & J.J. Koch | 8/5/21

2021-08-05 | 🔗

Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch joins to discuss mask mandates in Dallas and his lawsuit to stop them. Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean joins to discuss Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment scandal. New York City is seeing a lot of violent crime, but it’s not from white people like Biden suggests. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh my gosh Pat, was it another fabulous. Show I mean I'm not masons do at all no mean either yeah I dont think goes. I don't think anybody in the audience even ask do who, at this point exact really we have. We have some great guess on today show and a few really good Rance as well about what's going on in the country. We have Janice Dean talking to us about what is happening with Andrew Cuomo, some really interesting aspects that she's bringing up being from New York and living in New York and talking to a lot of the politicians, etc. She gives us a pretty good idea of what's going on and then, if you remember the woman that quit her news anchor ship, I think, was right around the first of the year. She said we're not getting the truth in Arizona, and I've been doing this for thirty years and I won't do it another day, because the newsroom has changed, and I am now reading things that I dont think tell the real story or the truth. Well, she's decided on a new job and she is running away with the polls in Arizona as possibly the next governor. We talked to her and so much more on today's package
The only thinking this is the Glinda programme welcome. I am so glad that you have joined us today, Mr Pat Cox, It is with us how hat? Oh god, I'm glad you're here J, J Cod. She is also aware also with us. He is a Dallas County commissioner industry too. And he's had some problem with the with the court system here in Dallas and we we gotta J J, now high J, J, Lest I should have only now, the last time we were on, you were the one guy talking about what was happening with IE.
The illegals that were being shipped in Dallas. now would have been glad. be nice. If we could talk on things, other than crisis is befalling doubts Gary, yes, yes, it would be. It would be The governor has said that you don't have to wear a mask, is no mask mandate and if anybody orders one it's a thousand dollar fine, but you were kicked out of a building, even though, as I understand it, you are vaccinated. I'm ok, and your kicked out of a building because you weren't wearing a mask Tom. when I arrived here, so Judge Jenkins, island.
The idea of judge for Louis Nosed are familiar with taxes. We do a good job of Miss, naming things media historical anachronisms around so they're. All railroad Commission has nothing to do with railroads and I wondered why the bushes were always the railroad commissioners anyway, fishing gear by our commissioners courts are not courts really. Are the county judges, the chief executive of the county, more like the mayor of Accounting There are some judicial duties that are cut a leftover again, Canada, historical anachronisms, very small counties. Where Like loving carried a lot of people, I mean If anyone is going too far to say, gotta go recruiting misjudges well, because that's the only person get to do it right in urban. Carries you are the executive Judge Jenkins? outwood station down. the donors orders decided that he was gonna abrogated used in it.
Will anyone by shame that none at all, measures. Court room is actually a real court room where judicial proceedings take place and the Supreme Court of taxes has said that those judges in those real court where this can require master. Do things a day. She said the king, those folks shakes for the good efficient now, hopefully going back. Justice here here, taxes do what you got to do locally to make sure you get the people into those jewelry boxes and get you at the store. So the judge use that I'm in a hurry the judges in ituri kid I both knew full well, that's that's not what we are that is not in the commission's court why she was shining that J Ellison everyone here, half the mask up, because I say so right now then you surprise me with that guy told my jacket today was not allowed here that animals well, I'm. Actually and I dont want my desk use one sorry to surprise you,
How'd really isn't gonna do it here, but if he were men cited that authority and at that point I had a choice of it. I had amassed in my pocket and I must add that court and want to win the star boxes and I'm still one of those since August source must, despite the fact that I know the terrible monster chemistry, I don't remember, one shall convened sometimes waste walk in the social problem here would be freaking out. If I didn't, I my mask on suitable master, unjustly kind and I'm not there's two whirling a mosque occasionally in Cologne under the right sort of just what you gotta ask me catch falsely He pulled out his warm misrepresent the law and trot a boy, or others into it, because when I came into the quarter a number of staff and individuals in the audience we're not work. They can't fight like I can fight. So I'm sure, as hell not gonna, be the one
allows someone in these knowledge there you go get cached admission work and brass. Do show losing job offers the things the com would be helping contempt and all the rest of that, because this guy wants stood misshapen more and essentially continue to play. A political games in his fight with Greg Oh we, your suing now right. Yes, I waited blocking wounded me out of an open, meter, that is a major louder. Major. And I was not able to efficiently and effectively represent the people the two because he took this unlawful action. What do you expect to happen and have you heard from Gregg Abbot? home from the governor, won't you try general good what a little bit more on contact you later in general, glib anybody prosecutor and so do. I regarding the violation of the covers or theirs.
thousand dollar. Fine that is attached to the gallows, for a public official that requires masking. in violation of their work. So maybe we get on my peace based. We urge and I'd meetings coming up. You certainly know how the commission is currently on August change, clearly showing up in person to give Europe the people's work done. I want to help you to throw all courtier quickly oils when it comes to our way unless fanatic, Einstein was dragged off course, but if I asked you to J J. Thank you. So much for the update keep us up to speed and and men. Let us know what's going on it, thank you so much for Europe, we are calling in your information This is where we are headed gang. This is where we're headed these little teeny power struggles of of people
that wants you to wear a mask and they want to control. You make no mistake, watch New York is gonna, go through big crisis that they have to have the mask, so you'll see Governor Cuomo on TV every day soon, because hey, he's out their work and for the people trying to keep you safe and there Craig there. Creating this fear will this. This fear is, is its bogus it is absolutely bogus. First of all, It is not white. Republicans that are checking the mask. I think we're third in line it is first and foremost, african Americans. So now how they're gonna work, how to get to work when the uptown, really, uptight white liberals
are going into places in New York, but no blacks are allowed to go in New York because they don't have proof, and verification that they ve been vaccinated by the way that sounds really racist. Doesn't it Tulsa Mozart crawled. A Jim Crow lower, I would need on, have derives yeah, you dont need, and I d you just need some sort of vera, vacation that you're? Ok with the white liberals, wow. What if we all war badges would not be good layer, certain colored badges and leave your vaccinated around backs. How about? If, because I oh, I love the police. How, but if we all get like yellow starts, oh yeah yeah, as I like, the yellow or gold stars aid. Only like a your good and we like the police will drag it look like a badge that would be great yeah. And adjust just tells everybody that Europe pay periodic loyal American, exactly eggs,
actually right now? Let me tell you what one German, the top newspaper in Germany, the editor in chief heed. Just came out any said to the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible. I wanted express here. What neither our government nor our chancellor dares to tell you. Forgive us for, give us for this policy, which for a year and a half, has made you a victim of violence, neglect, isolation and loneliness he persuaded our children that they going to murder their grandma. They dared to be what they are children or met with their friends, None of this has been scientifically proven. This is the top news. Paper in Germany when
The states steals the rights of the child. It must prove that by doing so, it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof, never been, provided. It's been ripped these by propaganda presenting the child as the vector of the Pandemic EAST. add that moderate voices who attempt to call to offer calmer perspectives on the pandemic, we're never invited to the experts table, and urged readers and viewers, don't believe the lie. that is the senior editor Germany's new year Times. how far off the beaten path we are here. in America when Germany, He is standing up for the rights of all men Instead of the United States of America by the way it's
Leah Sickness, I don't love. You saw the White House correspondent from CBS but she says she has several copies of the corona virus vaccination card in me, trouble locations at all times, because quote, I'm paranoid. Paranoid of what. I now have images and data of my backs card stored with my doctors, office, health insurance and at least one other data base. I've store. Pictures of my card in multiple locations, because I'm paranoid. What what are you? What are you talking about paranoid at what people are going to do. Steal your backs card that you'll be left in the outside of the home. Without your backs card and you're gonna be trucked away to a camp. Why? What? What who paranoid about these people are over. the top crazy
has become truly an illness. They have. replaced one illness with another. They were told the press that Donald Trump- was a fascist that was gonna, kill us and I just went crazy about. It then at the end of the Trump era. They were told the seen and this virus is. Gonna kill us, so body and that I won't take a vaccine because Trump made it. I won't do it. I won't do it it's bad, but then the political authorities changed and the same vaccine was available. They said, We changed their tune and are now saying everybody's gotta. Have the vaccine, by the way, have you seen that Israel, who is the most vaccinated? Is the bombing vaccination central? Have closed things down, they have been as harsh as anyone can be Did you see that their numbers
of hospital remittances are up. Have you seen that it seems to be going around this vaccine possible there they should have. heard immunity by now between the vaccine to have heard among people who have already had, and I have ninety percent yeah. So we do have heard a majority there no reason why and we were investigating the something that probably won't be ready for air until September? but there is a reason, and we ve got have been holding back on it because, while I would if that were true, then you know these vaccines wouldn't work because it would mutate and the way it would mutate would go around the vaccines ha ha.
Adds weird, that's really weird have more on that by the way. I can't thank you enough for being a subscriber to the blaze, because it is because Our view that we can afford to bring on new talent? I dont know if you ve Antonov, you been watching lightly on the blaze, but his is testing it is really a great network and because of you, we can also afford to do all this research. So we appreciated. Thank you so much if you're, not a subscriber, please join us become a family member and honestly, if you dont, join us, join Ben, Shapiro or or join somebody else, you feel is really doing the job. If you feel we are pleased help support us. We are in the fight for our lives. I bit in this for forty five years I've never been worried about.
Really being taken off the air our voices are going to be silenced and we need your support. There is power in numbers the young. The way to join us is go to blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn Use, Promo Code, Glenn Blade tv dot com, slash glad your listening to the best of the Glen Back programme. Janis danger is the Fox NEWS senior media are eligible to. She is the author of make your own sunshine. And she is also somebody who is led the charge against Andrew Cuomo not on this sex charges, but I got something far far worse. I don't know the killing of people in nursing homes, but nobody, to care about that part of it. Janis welcome to the programme thanks.
gland for having made you bad. So how are you feeling this week, I don't know. That's really good question. When the news broke that the attorney General Latisha James was gonna come out with her report, I got kind of a heads up. only a couple of hours beforehand- and I guess sick to my stomach- was how I felt at the time didn't really know how scathing it was going to be, but I know that the people I've talked to them lawmakers in New York, especially the democratic ones, were waiting to see what miss fish. James, I have to say about Mr Cuomo and they would base their responses on how bad the report was. So you can see by the headlines on every single channel, except the that during his brother show that it was you know it was. It came with a thud, and you know his response with that prepared used video with all of the people that he's hugged and kiss.
Well, he's retaliating to right now, he's giving up on that. You know alibi that bad. It's it's hid. His italian descend in his parents had brought him up that way, but listen I have always said from the very beginning. I don't care what bring them down. I really do, and I am these women are brave and I've become friends with several of them. We have all had the same purpose. This campaign. To bring him down because of his power Hungary, ways that you know listen to the fact that he killed thousands of people in nursing homes because of its March twenty four order. Obviously, on furious about that, but he has also really ruin the lives of other people, but don't happier creation of the nursing homes. There were all all in this together, I Wilson
that I want this investigation to continue Glenn here in New York. I know they dropped it that the OJ has dropped at five in the OJ when it comes to not only Cuomo but the the democratic guide that put covert positive patient. I'm not happy about that, but here again Those investigations will continue. Okay, so- when you said you know I just I don't care. What brings him down? That's, not an ay, Cavanaugh sort of way where you just but geopolitics, is the is the lead here. What you are saying is that you This is a lid. These are legitimate claims and if that's what it takes fine, but it's not I'd. make up anything that take him down right. Illicit. If you listen to Latisha James, whose report there was a lot of corroborating evidence or Yo Yo, I still think that I still think the guy needs to be. You know put on stand in and get the lawyer
So you know everything he said can be used against him in a court of law Lindsey Boil, and one of the accusers is now doing him and his administration for trying to near her going back to his brow. I mean a stone, many, the avenue we can go down the fact that Chris Cuomo helped his brother. You know in his in in trying to them with what he was going to say against these allegations. The fact that here, on tv and ignoring the biggest story about his brother while a year ago he was, tv. The Cuomo Comedy our with the big giant Youtube. I really can't make this stuff up land, so I just me people to be reminded that I am grateful for your platform that we still have over fifteen thousand elderly that don't have voices that can testify that deserve their core day in court as well. Ok, so let's go for a couple of places here for let's stay on the sexual harassment charges,
she was a guy who has no. He was all over Cavanaugh. He was all over Donald Trump The wily was all over women and He wanted justice immediately for all of all of them. He came out yesterday and said. Well, I think I do. Serve my day in court. You just don't you just throw somebody out, because of allegations well that's new! Do you think that its he's is he going to leave? Will he will there be any calls for him that he will take seriously. to get out and will the Democrats just up this or will they go forward? I don't
he's going to leave without being dragged out. I did hear that the only person he would listen to is the president of the United States, Joe Biden and Joe Biden said the other day that he should resign, but as of this morning, the gun. says, he's not going to resign and I think it's going to take lawmakers to get that impeachment. Ah, I laugh because I think they're, all spineless, most of them anyway. Ron came, as an exception, is a democratic assembly men who has been helping with the charge with nursing homes they ve been stonewalling from the very beginning. They ve had enough to impeach this guy for months now, but from what I see from some of these democratic lawmakers that all of a sudden, say: well, you know where to go no place to hide. You ve been a terrible guy. All of the time we ve all known about it. Why didn't you speak up might the doll its hope that, This is raising red flags. This is what's his name, the first guy wine steam. This is
This is something that everybody knows this about this governor, but got so much power, just like Wine Steen had there is no You don't just attack him cause you have to make sure that the king is dead if the kings dead. You're done and that's what time running and that's exactly it's happening and that's what I'm hearing behind the scenes that they all knew about this they all new about his behavior? But now there are folding like a cheap, can't, ok on the the d o j I mean I I cannot believe what the OJ is done it just in the last week they dropped the charge Is on the chinese spies, They have dropped. The charges on anybody that was involved in the their Russia Gate, all the FBI. People have been cleared, and now they also draw.
the case on a whittemore. Who is it in Pennsylvania, Kara, was named kit Kelly. Is it a criminal? well yeah and then and then you have Cuomo drop The case on earthy admiral, where's, Murphy, Murphy, New Jersey, New Jersey, ok yeah, so so this was a Trump administration. I brought the studio J case forward and I am grateful to William BAR, because that was the case. That was the springboard to all of you, investigations here in New York, if you were following the story: Melissa Rosa his top He admitted in a closed door meeting that when that day, o J case was, and they're on their lab that they had to respond with numbers? Are she said we fall then we were afraid and that's why we work giving you any information. that the OJ case that I thank the Lord for because that was what brought everything else on here in New York state, but for all of those others.
It's like Pennsylvania, Michigan Energy The more, where is accountability, where their investigations? How many people in quarrels office that were helping him hide his. Sexual abuse allegations were involved in hiding the the deaths in the nursing homes. All of them. I think they were all in on it, and and as we know this I mean the it's. It's been documented that they were hiding the numbers from that. Mr De Rossa, woman and not giving I'll be information? And if you look at the time line, he was trying to sell it point one million dollar book, which is full of life, which is full of misinformation that should be literally thrown at him in a court of law, so all of them are ball delete all should be held accountable. Do you think they will be? I mean this looks. Like I mean I, I hate to users, especially with a guy named Cuomo, but
These are all mob tactics. They went in strong armed people. Let me they were you Don T on the alleged sex problems he he actually send women out in his. On his own staff to intimidate. He leaked purse El files went to the press when they press and I dont want it. I don't want anything to do with this. They still send it to them. This is mob, Jack dies, of course, but there evidence about now Linsey Boil and the woman who was the first to come forward. She's doing and the people around him and good for her for her, because there is evidence out there that they tried to near her and tried to demean her and shame her and so on. I am all for it all. I shall be there I'll be there in line to the help cheer her on
Westchester and NASA counties said that they are going to open their criminal investigations. I've already just launched them now, sexual harassment, do you have if the state doesn't do it? Do you have these these counties will continue do gland, because I just think that the emperor no clothes and I've seen so many democratic lawmakers even on Fox news? Yesterday, you note saying all this has no allies. This morning you know like they totally turned on him. It is quite incredible. I just wrote something that I've been opposed on Fox NEWS: dot com, another where more these guys, when we all screaming our lungs out. Trying to like get some help where one day you know I was in the last year, Glenn I was going to testify and a nursing home issue in Albany, and they
funded my invitation, because the law makers were uncocked tremble, with my appearance like it's just its soul, laugh frustrating is that you know somebody who has lost a love one because of his because of his rules. They rules how how is it bad. at the World or America seems to take this to be a bigger crime, then actually pronouncing a death sentence on two thousand, of elderly people. Well, I think it is. To do with the fact that the elderly in the fifteen thousand died. Has a lot of that on ability on other people involve much more corruption, and I think the me to stuff is just here for them to get him on. For many reasons, you know the meat you stuff is easier for them
digest and not get into the weeds of all the corruption that surround nursing home issue by again, I am hopeful. I am hopeful that they will be can you their investigation into the nursing homes? And you know what again it comes down to what gets this guy off the stage? What takes away his power, which is still danger, he's still as that power needs to be We need to get rid of him and only thirty seconds. The same should be said about Chris Cuomo, only rumblings in the tv industry in New York at it he's gonna be gone? I think there is a tremendous: pressure on CNN right now, ah Anita restarting see little bits and pieces in the news about how they ve told him tat. He should have taken up the battle. I think I really think he's on shaky ground, but we'll see they seemed a little teflon themselves Justine, Thank you. So much for everything
Fox NEWS, senior meteorologists, author of the book, make your own sunshine and the woman who has been leading the charge on the nursing home front with Andrew Cuomo you for all. This is the best one big programme surgery, history from the blaze last I know really hacked me off. Man tries to get past couple blocking escalator at a Brooklyn train station, but the cook couple. Wouldn't let him through then he's added in the stomach amid an argument- and you know nowhere in here, can I find the racism Bull and I- and I only want to know the race of people, because Joe Biden has told me that crime, miss going up this trouble in the cities. There's trouble in the country because of of white. People and white extremists and they're getting very dangerous
and- and so I like bent and then in the blaze article anything Else- violence, here's to have been surging in New York City S of late any gifts, another ten different tender, eggs- and so I I I wanted to look it up, so I did. Let's just go through some of these: the goon slugs grandmother, while she's listening to the rosary in unprovoked grand central Subway attack cash white people here knows to whose two african Americans, so smashes glass bottle on Nypd officers, head and unprovoked attack caught on body. Can video such or actually right of white supremacy it was a african American, We don't know if she's gonna make it. Woman suffers critical, head injury after being yank down subway stairs during botched robbery. Why
now again in african american video captures the horrific moment, a baby face suspects executes a twenty can't be twenty one year. Yeah gosh. Execute say: twenty one year old man in broad daylight, proud boys but I will ever get american it's weird. So brutally beat up a sixty one year old woman who needs a walker to get around with even basher, with a cooking pot o and they ripped off. Four Walker is well, why those its promises can get brutal yeah that was african, american and possibly a porter again or or hispanic of some sort, but it looks like it African American sought beat sixty eight year old man, senseless in broad daylight police sources, say victim refused to hand over profit property. African american team
did overshooting in which three were shot with one bullet, either Hispanic. maybe middle Eastern is faces mask, but you can see his skin color in his eyes. Not sure Shocking video shows a mom savour five year old boy from a brazen kidnapping attempt yeah yeah Casper, some Casper, the friendly, goes no, no, no middle eastern black Hispanic, we don't know, but the pictures not of a white guy store, employed, jumps, counter easily wrestles thief to floor, but tables turn for worker when threatening foe enters the fray Africa American, those with stories that I mean you know. I just wanted to see, because I have just read a story where Joe Biden always saying the ring, the danger here is, white people
You know, and these and when he says white people he means conservatives make no mistake. He doesn't mean oh yeah, like people gay, he means conservatives, and I was just looking for some conservatives that, were you know, looting, cities and beating people and citizens. Fire yet doesn't seem to be done, seem to be the majority of the cases there now Dare I say these things. A scientific journal has just suggested that If you have something not nice to say about Anthony found, she put her home, well, then you are mounting an anti science aggression taken, and they wanted to be a federal hate, crime, federal hate crime, a band of ultra conservative members of the. U S, Congress and other poet political officials with far right leanings are waging organised and seemingly aware,
coordinated, attack against poor. when it? U S biological scientists in parallel can orbiting news outlets that would be ass. They are dying ass. I knew they were repeatedly and purposely promote DIS information designed to portray key american scientist as enemies, This cannot be tolerated, so Now it will be a federal hate crime. That's what they're suggest this is a scientific journal. peer, reviewed paper fed. Hate crime to criticise Fouche II or science and scientists I mean now they have completed. You have pleaded your journey to the dark side. They have completed the circle and have become the medieval church they have done it lay completely become a society with inquisitions and
lock you in the tower, if you speak out against them and regulation science and why conservative, especially white conservative men, are the heretics? Can I say something I've always wondered a couple of things, and I've talked about this for years years a new way, you and me when I first started talking about serious things. Thirty four years ago. It was this. It was exactly the same question that I now have answered I've always wondered? How did Germans not see this coming. How did the German, How did Hitler Kiddo lay with all of this second thing: how How did the Jews not leave? How did they see this coming, it's so clear who they were? Targeting and what coming? How did they? get out? I understand both of those now how the Germans. How did Hitler convinced the Germans, but it
happening here right now what up at a time. History doesn't just repeat itself street is repeating itself right. Now, half of the country is being convinced that there is evil menace that trying to destroy everything that the other side loves and They ve got to be rooted out and they ve gotta, be indoctrinated or removed from society that is what happened to the Germans? The second thing, the jewish people, Conservatives- when they say white people, they dont mean white people, they mean you, they mean conservatives, so Why aren't we all leaving, for example, de the same reason I Not leaving my country, no Michael
Ray is falling into madness. I am not leaving my country to become that. No, and it can't get worse than this. It can't get worse in this I mean this is got thereof. People are going to wake up at some point, they're going to wake up and see that this is wrong. Get this is crazy, but they're not gonna, go any further with it right and because people will wake up. I mean not my neighbors. My neighbors aren't gonna turn on me because I'm. fail in the blank. And yet every day gets worse for every single day since I came up with a ten stages of genocide? Edwin blow Edwin, black good guy, yeah break Where are we on this list? Do you think the first one, the first, the first stage, Suffocation, people are divided into us and them that's already done all year, symbolism and people are forced to identify themselves d already done already done discrimination.
we'll begin to face systemic discrimination. And go anywhere, you can't. You can't part debating society if you're, not vaccinated, Ah, that's happening, you can't you can go in twitter. If your conservative and you that's happening no, it's crazy is it's not the conservatives that are the major group that are not getting vaccinated? That's just not true. I doubt that's just not true. Right is Africa. Maritime Chanel, but the poorest corruption is because the government wants that perception? Yes, dehumanization is step number four people equated with animals, vermin or diseases. You saw it all that all the time all the tall, the time organization, the government create special groups to enforce the policies that is happening in the administration as well as we speak right. now there are investigating white supremacy right, but I mean they are also giving federal powers to the people like the
capital police right or wrong capital police as now and an arm of Nancy Policy and its you cannot give freedom of Information ACT request. The capital police and they are now starting to open up new head court, Hansa Dean A few temper LOS Angeles, have several cities selected why that's enough stage, five stage, six points, reservation. The government broadcast, propaganda to turn the populace against the group that done looking bike. That is, that's done. Do the tenth power, then We get to step seven preparation. Official action to remove or relocate people begins. That hasn't happened. What has now happened yet or between six or seven now, so what are the other three persecution, beginning a murderer stuff to property, trial massacres- fortunately hasn't happened.
struggling one will happen before seven. Stir, emanation wholesale elimination of the group that obviously not have an end denial. The government denies its committed any crime. Ok. Well! Well, what we are to over the last four years, the ears a thing I know: Edwin Black Edwin, Black, It's been a long time friend of mine. he is one of the most brutal he's the bravest researcher, I've ever seen he will take on the biggest of the big he is. Jewish is think his parents, or in many in his family, were killed in the whole of the Holocaust. and it has been a lifelong goal to document who the real villains are, because it wasn't just Hitler Those companies like IBM, and- and it was a very well thought out plan very well documented and he spent a lifetime documenting it. I did an hour podcast with Edwin Blue
You should look it up on Youtube. We went for those ten steps and each one of them. I went over and I said, show me how this is happening and he did. And he said it's a. Where are we on this list? Just the question you asked me, he said We are a lifetime away from the Holocaust or a day. and I said what do you mean, and he said we ve already done all the hard once we have just not officially bill to camp. if not officially, said we're going around them up, but he said- All of the everything is laid the thing. Is there the groundwater strategy on their true?
packing you based on who you vote, for what you say who you're talking to so they know where to get your. They know where you are. They know who your family in your friends are, that took the jury. a long time to do that. That's all, Eddie done, he said so we may never hit it or they could begin to Morrow. He said it's going to be our choice in the end,
Transcript generated on 2021-08-06.