« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Carter Page & PA State Sen. Doug Mastriano | 12/1/20

2020-12-01 | 🔗

Carter Page joins to discuss suing the FBI, DOJ, James Comey, and others for “unlawful spying” during the Russia probe. Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano talks the Gettysburg election hearing that the media ignored and any evidence of fraud that came up. Eric Clapton and Van Morrison joined forces to release an anti-lockdown song, and Cardi B apologized for hosting a Thanksgiving gathering.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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FBI, and several former high ranking federal law enforcement officials, including James call me Andrew Mackay by alleging civil rights were violated in connection with the unlawful surveillance and investigation of him by the union it states government. He was one of the first for people in the that the bureau identified as possible suspects during the opening days of the Russia, investigation. of the three Michael Flynn Paul manner for George POP doubtless were all convicted of federal clerk crimes? Even though Flynn has now been pardon, this matters because deal, Jays Inspector general found the errors and they weren't errors. They were out now lies in the applications to acquire wire tap or page using Pfizer. The surveillance act
if they can do it to the President and Carter page get to the president. What won't they do to you that Patriot ACT was put in for very specific reasons, and I don't think they're the reasons that any of us thought they would be used for welcome them. RAM Carter page. How are you great clan, our view bad, I'm good good. I wish we were going to see you know an end to this. You know they are. I do think we're going to see any precautions from any of this Carter I have a very clear cut case and so my hope is that This will be an important step forward. Brayley them that resulted in the huge violations of law, the targeted, the trump campaign via myself during for others? The last election for years ago have now just out it's another,
subset of a larger problem, particularly after this month, most recent election. fortunately, you know a lot of american similar to the battles I've been fighting. For for years now you know people art, I feel like they are some weight, powerless. I think you know we really need to fight back for the integrity of our elections, and this is all about a election. Interference campaigned by some very dear dishonest people you. If you look back where we were even four years ago, when we thought the Democrats were using Pfizer. They would no, they were looking into russian connections, etc, etc. very few people believed that. We found out in the last year or the last four years. Could actually happen in America and- and
and people would not go to jail for it. No one would pay the price and the media would cover up. Look it where we are now and I think that's I think, that's why you know your book abuse in power is important, because I don't think people understand what happened here: yeah I think you're right in and unfortunately I mean they're. So there is a very fundamental problem: Glenn and that is this is in this- is exactly what chairman. Lindsey ground. What congressmen Devon Nude, as so many leaders in Congress had been trying to address in that, alas, the transparency. We don't have the accurate info nation, we don't have the full story and that its exact, clear the way that these criminal attacks happened against me in the foreign intelligent surveillance court. I mean that is a top secret court
and the warrants that were disclosed were the first time ever that such warrants wherever uncovered in the history of the forty year, plus history of this court, so I mean when you have this culture of you now behind behind closed doors and in a behind a shroud of secrecy. It just create the potential for a lot of problems similar to what we're dealing with right. Now I was talking to the audience yesterday and I said I We do need a great Risa, just not the one that the left is talking about. We we need to Clean out are CIA, our intelligence, possibly d, o J. And and our state department, because there something wrong here and if you just take five seconds to take,
your team in Jersey, you see that something's wrong and it's very dangerous. Is there a way to get out of this now at this point well, take it easy exactly as President Trump has talked about, I mean people need to demand the truth, and despite the cause, despite the inconvenience. our two choices. You can either just roll over and go along with that, which is an exception. The disastrous and problematic for everyone and for our country or you can take pro active steps to We cannot demand the truth and demand that, why things are done, and I mean exactly we're seeing across country. What several the ongoing battles in in this most recent election interference- and you were
you know you! You graduated from the Navy Academy View or had a scholarship. There you ve done really well, you worked for the government I think you even worked a bit for the CIA right now a dossier but also the FBI and again, this is part of the lies in this is part of where you know, if you have these false court file, submitted in Washington DC by government. You're a scratch and their poet call allies in the Democratic Party. things can go really off the rails. Sorry quickly, Just as again were seen now. You just said a minute ago that you know you I've just roll over. If we roll over, gets really bad at. What point did you realize oh gosh this. These are not the people, I know- or I thought they were. This is the FBI and the CIA in and the
judicial system. This is I was wrong, yeah? Well, look it! Unfortunately, it's been a step by step process We learn more and more, and I remember when you and I were talking earlier this year, I met in depth Are you about the? right after the fire abuse? Yeah afford came out. You know Mister Horowitz at the OJ comes out with this four hundred plus page report last December, and we kept learning more and more in the last several years before that crime. Their crime was unveiled in a particularly a big shoutout goes out to Chairman Lindsey Gram in german Chuck graphically in the Senate, judicial Mary who put together that you know. One of the first documents are really do into this as well as
Then Chairman Debit Nunez about Intelligence Committee, and this has gone back. You know what the new, as memo and gradually grandmamma That is over two and a half years ago. Are still nothing has happened. They even changed anything with Pfizer Nothing has changed there initially the difference between President Trump and some of the Washington. Ah, applicant right. He has. Done a lot to be proactive and address problems in our country, whereas there is this tendency in Washington going back for many many decades, if not more to just you know, go with the flow right look out for the d you know chosen fear in the wood the one you are kind of politically protected in the washing and establishment beltway band
the class. What do you think of bar? Do you think we're going to see any report coming out? for the end of the year. I am hopeful look. I mean the bottom line for my case, which was just filed late last week. Is it's a very clear cut right. I mean this is quite. have clearly been committed. You know, and there is definitively a number of people who, who involved in this collaboration and so I mean that you know visa, be mine, for a case. I think I'm I'm in great shape to the extent again in a similar to that step by step process were talking about to the extent we do get more true. Spare messy and more information. I think it's only a a win win situation, forearm for all Americans and in I added people had been calling for this, I can tell you that
The question is asked me: I'm I'm constantly been asked going back many many months years and unfortunately wait continue now several say Last question, I have to ask seventy five million dollars. Why not a lot more sincerely by not allowing guy- and I hate these things, but if the your government has anything to do with it. That that's It's a rounding error. Well, look Glenn! I mean this. I am up against literally some of them powerful legal for China and in the world right Sylvia, and I I'm I'm lucky that I have a team of you know attorneys who are who are doing everything they can. I I'm very fortune that little wood and the fight foundation, as has been helping in terms of providing some of the capital, but the these are long on
battles and I'm up bug. You know I've got the help, landed at at fight back foundation and you know Our small came up attorneys, but war again up against literally dozens of bad. You now where's within d o J and their their former employees, who were at the centre of all their sky Island to the extent to the extent people can help by fight back that law, others you know, any any small amount would be would be appreciated, but you know it's a long, ongoing battlefield. After you have to have a sort of out of what are you said, you know that the complaints as seventy five if you know no less than seventy five million so what will say- and I think if people do the right thing, then you know justice will eventually be served, and I can tell you anything that I do get. I will give back ten fold in turn. As you know, a future future for land paid to help.
these problems, which have played darken, Three four. four years on and in reality than their years longer, yeah lot longer than that Carter page. Thank you, sir, appreciated goblet asked you glad about follow the case, the best Glenda programme. So when you hear my state senator put together suddenly hearing tell poor zau about it kind of Cheapens, who this in particular state senator is who is in charge of this meeting. His name is mastery Otto. He is listen to this. I dont ever read Reza Maize on the air, but this one need to be heard. Combat met son of a career: U S Navy man! He was
an eagle scout, worked as a paper boy, janitor Security Guard, shorter cook, p delivery person in dishwasher also is not very smart. Imagine anything well. The commission, in the? U S, army and nineteen. Eighty six. He served on the iron curtain with the second Armoury Cavalry Regiment in West Germany. He then serve to along the east, german and Chekhov Czechoslovakia and borders where he went. is the end of the cold war, then deployed to rack for Operation desert storm to liberate await his red meant, led, the attack against Adams, elite Republican Guard forces. Many to serve in Washington DC for the Third Infantry division. After nine eleven, he was the leader planner for the operation to invade Iraq via Turkey. He served for years with NATO deployed three times to Afghanistan. He is also he was the director of NATO's joint intelligent centre in Afghanistan, leading eighty people from eighteen nations,
he also on his own, has led seven relief operations to help afghan orphans. He completed his career as a professor of the, U S, Army WAR College in Pennsylvania, empty taught, strategic studies at a masters degree level he also is a doctor of History Phd. eighty as for masters degrees, not eggs, actually a slouch in twenty, teeny was elected to serve as a senator for Pennsylvania's. Thirty third district It includes all of atoms county most of Franklin County in parts of Cumberland in York. Counties welcome to the programme, sir, and thank you for your service you glad I'm enjoying you I'm one of our local affiliates hearing, Tamers Vergoose thought one of three seven in my office is right above conveniently highway that oughta be unusual. Well, thank you very much. So Let me let me start with before we get into the ins and outs of of all of this work.
who are these hearings being held in hotels. There was a hearing yesterday in in Arizona. Are these sworn in, are they not official hearings? What why are they being held instead of in the state capital? so we're trying to find a venue large enough, obviously, with all the covert restrictions from our illustrious Governor Tom Wolf and this man, you obviously is large enough to accommodate a fair amount of people. We want the areas be public and if we do it in the capital of the hearing, room sadly, are too small. To accommodate a good amount of the public. I want the public in the room. We might at least a hundred people eyewitnesses and we invited all the media and it's funny, because this was an earth shaking earth, changing historic, changing moment and gettysburg once again and they try to ignore it, but they couldn't because, as John Adams said, facts are stubborn things and we found a lot of facts that are very troubling. Tell me some of the facts that you found that dead we may not know Khazars there
there is so much dis information, so much bad information, and we who, we go to to be able to decide what true in. What's not tell us, but you know to be true, so an excess of this was last week in, like everyone else in America, I'm trying to figure out what happened on election day and were hearing all this nay saying and we're hearings: mainstream media, hey just move on but I remember you back in two thousand. As you mentioned me, no Bush, we Gore, you know haters process be patient or okay. We want to have the process also and just add a fresh start. literally no exaggeration, I know how I probably tens of thousands of pennsylvanians are reaching out to me and my colleagues about fraud, abuse being excluded from polling being pushed out from observing and like I'm a senator were coequal member of his government? We have responsibility to the people for transparency so
I called together this hearing and I wanted eye witnesses and by God we got eyewitness here that you spoke about, as you saw with with, of course, a data and analysts unit. Three hundred thirty seven ballots being counted one spike and then, total almost six hundred thousand ballots, almost all for abiding in the end, in one particular day, with only three thousand two hundred and four trumpino mathematically, that's almost impossible and then, of course, we have first hand some from from hopes and others who who to do their constitution, responsibility and what is right by the law to watch watch workers to watch. It think collection of analysis, submissions about and work, force out a one guy was was almost attacked by several members in Philadelphia, seems like most of the bad things that lie happened in Philadelphia, Weekly, Steve bags and bags of balance showing up at with without any good chain of custody, and all this smell. Rotten in something's gone wrong, so is there any way too tackle this and change this. I mean
don't have a friendly supreme court, they ve been very unfriendly even in the lead up is Neither is there any way to find out the truth on this. Is there any? Sir any force out there. Besides, a group of you know right tag soldiers like you that trying to fix this in really want true answers. Now, or where the chips fall it's just a single line. You know in any american it. For me, this is a bit of an alien concept here, one when some seventy people, America, you think, do partisan eyes. You know people like you and I to look at things as through americanized, what's best for constitution and United States. We might not like certain outcomes, but do you know if fair Biden want fair and square, so be it and that's the big question here and so Arch colleges, you know what is it the Pennsylvania legislator do and we have a lot of issues, obviously, because Governor Tom Wolf is declared at that
all but no cheating in Pennsylvania, because he's happy with the outcome as it stands and he doesn't want to do an audit own investigation and and his secretary state, of whom I called for her resignation, Catalan, but far. She is well agrees with with her governor that that there is nothing to see here, and to make matters worse, you think our attorney general as a senior law enforcement officers state would care because, if there's one viable claims of fur disenfranchisement, cheating fraud, the republican or Democrat you'd imagined in one one investigate that nope. In fact, edict bite in the winter before one, but was counted so the legislator. for us to rise up and to exercise our constitution powers sooner under article two. One too, I know there's been a lot. Talk about your show by that? the ebb and flow their. Sadly, our general Assembly has delegated power to the very same people. Now
better not to look into any of these accusations. They accusation the fraud of eighteen. Seventy eight one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight they've delegated the power to the Secretary of state. So we have to figure out a way to get that tire back under the federal constitution. gonna happen, I mean, was lose, not gonna happen by me January. He had time is against us that's the problem. You democratically late there very loyal to stick together any know how to run up the clock. You know when we try to abide by the rules and although I feel like we're the redcoat, sometimes you know in seventeen. Seventy four there were stolen a march in lines. Yes, yeah Can you tell me why dominion backed out of the hearing, the end Guess they lawyers up and then backed out. Why
you imagine. If so my colleagues and I have led the way in this investigation, they wanted to ask the million questions, because I think it's about fourteen counties, upper sixty seven in Pennsylvania actually use dominion voting machine and they want to find out just a detail. Pay is, is early susceptible to fraud and an end can they be reprogrammed and all that, as we know, they can be the other morning, other hearing they bailed out. They refused to answer questions from a customer on how safe and sick, the machines or can you believe that I mean what get the hide you would again, like you said, transparency is all people. I will abide by the voice of the people. I will I just want to know it's the voice of the people I wanted. I want to make sure that it is. You know here in Texas, our voting machines. We fill them out on computer than its spits out paper, you're supposed to double check it. Then you put it in to the vote. Counter use, it go in its spits out a tick.
It says, on the machine and on your ticket who you're, who you voted for in all the details. Are you walk out with it, I dont know why we don't have those voting machines all over the country. We that's what we need in Pennsylvania and elsewhere here for far too long, can adding isn't eating a fraud and has happened. People look the other way, but I want to listen to some obscure case in nineteen. Ninety four: there was a state Senate race here in Pennsylvania in Philly of all places, and of course I did- could easily when that sea and end the majority for the Senate within at at risk in the balance, and so the Democrats could help himself and any Wrigley election cheated with so much fraud that their guy stance in one and he was sworn in republic into loss overwhelmingly bit a lawsuit and demonstrated without without it now that there is extensive this systematic fraud and abuse and cheating that
strict judge throughout the result, took the Democrats centre out of the office and put the Republican who lost in because result or so corrupted that was upheld, but a third circuit. So right now, where we are in this whole process here in Pennsylvania, it's really up to the Trump team, demonstrate with, with such strength and wood, so much information that will likewise and twenty twenty, the presidential elections in Philadelphia were so corrupted that they results need to be reconsidered corruption in Philadelphia I mean who would have sunk it, do you feel comfortable if you spend time with the Trump team, do you feel comfortable? They they ve been saying they ve got all this evidence, but then We don't see anything being filed or anything actually being argued in court on this day. feel comfortable, that they have it
They do have this. They do have the eye witnesses when they Orange Gettysburg on Wednesday Glenn the Trump team. With you two hundred fifty affidavits, like five hundred pages of information or from the obvious I didn't have time to go through it all but if that is presented to the viewer supreme, I do believe it is very compelling- and I maybe maybe they'll be a similar outcomes. One thousand nine hundred and ninety four already going. This is not lost on me, hear you know where it all happened. You and we know we're up republic. So I forgive people to say where are democracy, but there was a guy in Philadelphia that had to sign a couple weeks. Goes democracy dies in Philadelphia and the irony of that's not lost on me. Where it all began, two hundred and seventy six, Thank you very much. My really I really appreciate everything that you have done. A you tested positive for cope it. How you feeling there on the floor fantasy. If I get part out a final thought here that I may be spoken about the fear but seventeen. Seventy five George Washington Commission, really what was our first flag and a white background,
with a Douglas FIR tree and appeal to Heaven. So I'm asking people to appeal to God to intervene on behalf our country that the truth will prevail. Senator Thank you very much less Senator mastery Otto Prom, in Slovenia? I liked him no, why it didn't expect to like him, but I liked him because he's a politician says why yes I'll go get it. This is the master, the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening Eric Clapton Eric. Oh Clapton is being shunned along with Van Morrison. They they announced that they're going to do a anti locked down song released in early December. and it didn't said well
all of the powers to be in all over the world they are currently working hard to discredit Eric Clapton says I don't know how you discredit a guy who I like didn't do heroin for a long time. I think he's beyond carrying what you think about him he's done, heroin he's off it now. I think you got that mug of his back. These You want is back now now and ethics and it's not gonna kick an imaginary, Cares and Morrison. It has already done several protest, songs and where's. He from sea from Scotland or Ireland, scottish ministers right now we're going whereas nor are alone. These are totally I dont know anyway. He he's already written three eyes from Ireland born to be free, as I walked out and no more lockdown Arthur
that he has done, and the UK government has come down hard and said his songs are dangerous. Really Elvis are they saw in his are dangerous. How is a song dangerous but cardy be not of urstoff his danger now now a dozen fact anyone, but this new era, Clapton Van Morrison Song, dangerous worded with Alan Tipper, Gore feel about this. Well, they resettled looking to ban looking to censor in good banned by the way cards. I dont want to just throw out here without telling you that she has apologised. Now, because, because she blew on Instagram posted some videos of people, dancing and eating I guess you could call a dancing It's the end. She just posted Thanksgiving twenty twenty. She, confirmed later on twitter- that
had twelve kids in twenty five adults over holiday and called It- was lit, she's which, though in she's famous she's, allowed a break these rules, it's not about them, it's about us peons are not allowed to have those gatherings, but you know what Gavin Newsome can Andrew Cuomo with plenty to bringing up. His is great mom, whose very elderly to have Thanksgiving dinner till a guy called out on it. He was so sure no one was Moscow's, say anything that you just like blurted out out what what about the a county supervisor? Who who who voted to shut down all outdoor dining for all One thousand were restaurants in L, a county, ok, Jonah Two hours later, when to a restaurant and eight I'll do a restaurant shared LOS Angeles jockey is greens pretty shocking.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-03.