« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | 3/26/20

2020-03-26 | 🔗
Today’s coronavirus update is joined by a special guest who presents Joe Biden’s top “youthful” health suggestions. Also, social distancing appears to be working, MyPillow is making masks, and new evidence suggests the virus may be seasonal after all. Meanwhile, bats are falling out of the sky in Israel, and the Senate passed its $2 trillion stimulus package. And it’s chock-full of outrageous spending, from payments to artists and the Kennedy Center to “international” relief. Here’s a better idea: Just suspend ALL mortgage payments for three months!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What good are the pack ass their today? We get some really wonderful news about our employment situation may yet be turns out. When you turn the economy off a lot of people get an unemployed pretty quickly. An interesting development will give you the details that are the end times here: kind of music, From time to time, but there's good news as well as there's some topside end, some thinking that maybe this is going to be as bad as some had initially projected will get into those details, these stimulus package. What's in it, it's a bunch of nightmare. Seven there we talk, A lot of MAR within Weingarten he's got a new look out illegal mar and the progressive Islamic take over of the Democratic Party that you should definitely check out the corona virus update and we talk to someone from the Biden campaign as well. It's all in the past and tonight students America were to be going into Andrew Cuomo. I can't take it. Why do people think he's good he's not doing a good job he's been a failure since the beginning of this week.
You threw it step by step before the media. Just just puts him in the White House, apparently directly, we'll get into that suit. As America, you search for students, America and Europe has to happen subscribe. That would be fantastic and open. To rate in review this park as it helps other people discover the show as well The only thinking tuna cases worldwide now for communal virus update all the numbers. Five. Thirty, a m are locked in from Johns Hopkins University, Total confirmed cases worldwide. Now, four hundred and eighty six thousand seven hundred and two up from for thirty four yesterday tone confirm deaths only up three thousand worldwide twenty two thousand now total can
recovered worldwide. One hundred and seventeen that's up six thousand from yesterday, four percent of active cases are now considered serious, requiring hospitalization. That is steady from four percent yesterday, but down from nineteen percent in February twelve percent of U S confirmed cases do require hospitalization at this point. The U S now has sixty five thousand five hundred and eighty one confirmed cases and a thousand. And deaths Today it was seven hundred and eighty four that had died. And we're up about twelve thousand now in cases overnight? We now have four hundred and twenty eight official recovered against one thousand thirty six deaths. Bro can you spare two trillion as found out this morning. The unemployment rate has through the roof up over a thousand percent in a week,
We have gone from two hundred and ninety two jobs being created to under ninety two thousand jobs being created to three point: two eight million jobs lost those. People getting online to file for unemployment? That is in the first week, the corona virus. This is the biggest turn around and biggest job loss in american history, but the send. It passed the roughly two trillion dollar economic relief response. We're supposed to be getting direct payments right into your bank account every American will not every american, but those deemed worthy we'll get twelve hundred dollars hit. Two to three weeks time four hundred plus up to four months. Unemployment benefits, Cuomo has confirmed what endeavours have long known. She'll distancing, seems to be working in New York. That's a very positive sign anyway.
You went to Marduk Raw were the beads worth it Marty ground now getting blame for the big easy outbreak. This is the perfect storm. They say Fat Tuesday is is really when the heads up from the government came in and said: hey, you should not be gathered. But there were one point: four million tourists there we quote shared drink cups. We shared each other's spacing crowds, people wearing those contacts catching beads. It's now clear they else. Caught more than beads trouble. For the big easy you military officially now on a no travel locked down, if you're in the military you're not to travel at all, they want to make sure that none of this virus is being spread anywhere else, including in the own ranks, and for the boy, darn face, mask the whole wide world.
We have my pillow to thank for it. My pillow now is is good, to be making face, masks, they will go Michael and L said they'll do whatever it takes to make these we're gonna hopeful, be going from ten thousand units a day to fifty thousand units a day in a very short period of time, Michael and EL joins literally hundreds of other companies in the U S who have heeded the call of president Trump to convert product Two respirators masks, ventilators gowns and other needed equipment and Some good news, further evidence that covered nineteen is seasonal and may spread less in the summer months. Don't let that fool you. It will back in the fall. If it is seasonal it we were be over it, but it will give us a chance to really kind of catch. Our breath we hang on who is on that.
I'm sorry, I'm Wilfred from the Biden candidates on the phone with is not expecting Wilfred, hello, hello, hello, Hello, yes, Wilfred I'd like to speak on the radio trees. You are on the right track The reason is That's me: Wilfred IRAN go ahead. My name's Wilfred their hosts also wilfred no This is when back you called into the show your with the Biden campaign. My name is Wilfred colleagues from Sun City Florida. Yes, I as a youth outreach director for the Titan campaign youth outward military.
Yes, okay and I wanted to get a message to your audience if going go ahead. Please, the corona Briars, and here too, as you know what I've heard. Yes, I believe we all know it a virus is being about as if it only affects elderly people, and I want your audience- did you know that it is also can affect young people like you and I and even youngsters, like Joe Biden, could be by this was We have decided paid to protect Joe Biden from. Corrode outliers, and we hope we will be putting him and in it, in a locked down. There is a shared by both at home, and he will know what he's only add. And his home until November
We also he's wait a minute he's already in his house away I mean you just wired his house for television, and you know he's doing these these these group meetings online. Now, where were we looked at the research scientifically and yet discoverable worry that is not being talked about. That corona virus may pass through cameras, which I don't They give you that's true, but we are. We want to be very careful, so we are not going to have to do any interviews more speeches here, the right kind, until November remember when it has made us here in Europe you're, afraid MID November, the Thee the election will be over by MID November, where he's planning to vote by male breath
You know what I mean. Nobody will see him. He won't have a chance to talk to the american people safety first, of course he would like to tell you about. The plan is putting together for a clearer corona virus do no area of the corona? I've heard about the yes, but what is planned? You haven't this step, one, stay home and keep the economy going step. What, too, We meet on line only but make to wash your hands before typing. Staring learner neatly talk to people who are on your lap. how is that lack sir Launcelot? Again he was lost. Are you there s only talk to people who are on your lap, rip
Ok. Why is that on the top of your lab? I think Top of your lot of your yes doctor that if you do these things, Joe Biden will be giving out Ipod shuffles the two I didn't hear again- and I know that you have an audience many lean, a little to be sure. Side of it may be. So yes friendly to some of the policies of of your ride However, he wanted to address that with women. Second amendment plan. The second amendment where everyone is allowed, one blunderbuss if you I that's, It's all you need. If I want to tell you that your house you just walk out on your portuguese fire, your blunderbuss into the sky and then everyone will know that they are not.
To come over while your debts in the June bug Thank you very much wealth. Your listening to the asked another Glinda programme. This is the Glen Back Programme. Welcome to it tat Gray is here, we're just talk and off air about. You know the end of the world and Times Jesus come in and I don't think this is the time that Jesus comes in a but whom- to say I have no idea. I will tell you that I just got news from Israel that bad
were falling out of the sky dead yesterday. And people are saying that a sign of the end times were pregnant and wages out of him they weren't hours. That's in China now already good. Nobody was cooking him up in a nice soup, but they have no idea why these these bats are falling out of the sky and they're saying well, that's part of prophecy coz, its words gonna take care all the all the birds stuff in the sky and are just gonna go away. Kate, no that one. I dont them on that, but I am not sure that one either, but I'm pretty sure that I'd ever read anything about bad. Being dead meaner, also well, to the programme, pat your thoughts on three point two eight million young unemployed. I mean that's just catastrophic aid. I hope
this bill. You know mitigates that in the future it can't help. But right I mean, and when you have, when you have every single Republican who was there to vote voting for it. You know either everybody just caved in and tossed the principles aside or they believe. That this is the only way to save America. Anything caved cleverly, it's so you I mean I tell their good thing. I think they re. I think, they all they? They may have said. You know this it's good. Is we're gonna get so we might as well. You know they they did, but I dont that they all believe that yes, every bit as this is is fantastic and I dont I think it is such an over reach. To where I don't. I mean I love the idea of of doing moratorium,
three months on mortgages that wouldn't that would but immensely, and so would every state agreeing to fall go property tax for three months. You know just yes, he Bull relief on that end, where they dont to have so much outgoing and they can keep, more of their money is not that conservative way. That's the republican way to do it. But they didn't do them. They don't get in yeah. I mean If you just take the mortgage mortgage and rent, is Our biggest concern, yet most people that's the biggest concern and if you just say look. We have mortgage or rent for three months and be grand, I love your idea. Also of knows no property tax so take those both away for three months and then couple with an ask. Please give some of that money to others
is that are in need, because our grandparents right that's where grandparents excelled and we're not used to that. We just breathe still getting money and then not giving away. We we need to see the needs in others if we have the ability to do it right now, everyone his clenched so tight could because they don't know what this means yet and there's cod so tight there, like I don't I don't know. Can I can I give money away right now, I I don't know, and we None of us do so, but we to have faith in God that we week we'll make it will make it the waving. This works like four. Obviously the banks are depending on money and mortgage companies. Are they gonna get? these trillions of dollars at already in this bill? Is that kind of the vision there? getting four trillion dollars as it is, and it in it when it would stabilize because right now,
looking in doing calculations on who is going to default, and so it makes it. Even scarier for them whose go default who's gonna not be able to pay their mortgaging in three months. Are we are these? You know tat play bonds that we we been repackaging and selling these mortgages. Are they going to default a moratorium on all defaulting moratorium on absolutely everything for three months. That would help them. It would help us and yeah. I mean what are they will their missing out paying each other well, the FED is paying them. What about the landlord level? I would think that act, it would be. An impact would probably have to address them and if you renting out a good apartment, complex and everyone sorts pangs on for three no that's what I mean by it, look if you own it outright. Maybe you portion of you know you get a quarter of rear view.
You of a monthly payments. I don't I don't know yet. Some of most people do not own that property outright, so they have a more. The landlord would have to a moratorium. The only way he could do it is if he didn't have to collect all the rents to pay his mortgage Anyone who had any kind of mortgage business, Cheesecake factory home any kind of mortgage, audio, visual and home were category, and you give an entire category two cheesecake factory. I think it deserves its category of you seen in his men. You sent a category of its itself, so I just think that business and an homeownership and and of a part meant complexes they shouldn't have to me that that monthly, not for three months. Then they could give
people and say: look you know, payer hundred dollars a month or pay nothing a month whatever it is, but you get rid of it for three months and The government is attaching certain provisions on receiving the money with the with the businesses like they're saying, if we give you this money, you can't fire your employees as after we do. You could also do that with the banks. We're gonna, give you this money where to bail you out, but we want you to put a moratorium on mortgages for three months and would also be really the easy for states to put the moratorium on the property taxes for three months. You can do all is here's this here's. The thing de the the bank's art bailed out directly this time, because you know that started the tea party So the FED is just doing it, and so the fry said. Is the bank
so the I'd just printing money she and giving it to themselves. That's what's happening there, so there are no strings attached on that. We just half, do you know we just have to pressure these Congress and pressure our state governors. You should be calling your governor now Gave a new some just got this in California, and I, should happen in every state in the union. So call governor and say put the ball. Thanks on notice, you need a three month: moratorium on all mortgages business and and home mortgages? That's not a nest Leah Business Loan, it's just the place of business. You don't have to pay. The place of business, because that's everybody's biggest expense
also, how do you feel about what's happening to the call to constant constant touch constitution right now, putting with that nobody's bang it into alighted at all? is that the national archives closing I've seen it up there on display you'll much about the actual physical document, but what it says in the document you I forget that, like you, get turned people's water off in their electricity off if they disobey you and your for them to shut down their business like Virginia with Governor North M governor black face making it I'm to assemble some that is literally addressed directly in the? U S: constitution: projecting dig in quite a ways to that
the first amendment. Adverts for us, I am doing so- is a little difficult debates on page one first paragraph, but not a lot of people adding that far different varieties. It's not in the headline, ok and that's as far as we go, so here's the here's, the thing Pat. Actually, if you watch my special last night, the states have extraordinary power as long as they're doing it to every one. That's the key here and what What the real problem is. The states are trying to kick it up to the federal government. They don't want to take this responsibility and they d want to pay for it, and so, when you saw that who was in a state of Texas today, the press, just issued the of the order for the National Guard will why, Would this widen the gap or do that, because if the guy leaders issue a call for the National Guard, then they have to pay for it, but if the
President orders the National Guard, then the then the Federal government pays for it, you do not want to set the precedent that the net no guard is under the direction of the president. The national guard must be under the the the governors you ma to have a bad governor, but we in all escape from that state? If and then you also have the federal government that can remove that bad governor. If you have the military operating in the United States and its all under the control of the president- and I am not talking about this president- but I can't believe all these democratic governments, governors who said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump was a fascist, is now giving him the power over the state, by moving the military under his direction into their state. I mean you know,
you obviously don't believe that he's a dictator when you are in that state, giving him much power and thank God I don't think he is a dictator. I think he'd become a dictator, but you can't set this precedents and yet Interior Siena. You really know nobody here are not were rolling over four for all of it. We're not even we're not either giving a thought to whether or not we by doing this. It we're just in such a panic right now. Nobody, it's a disease. We don't want to spread so anyway, proposed. Ok, yeah we'll comply we'll comply, know. Why did you did you see the guy? Who probably this is study that probably had the president shut everything down? This is the God. This is the study that shot that England shut down over everyone I'll, see you heard of you heard about imperial college study in
UK yeah, that's the big big scary model that they ve been. That's the big one, YAP five hundred thousand deaths in the? U K! Well! now? The guy who did the study says I think we might have enough. I see you beds and it's probably only gonna kill. Twenty thousand in the UK that's more than half of those more than half of those he said would have died. By the end of the year in any way, in any case, because their sick and old, so weird we wait a minute just said: five hundred thousand people would die now, you're saying twice: thousand by the end of the year, and they probably would have died anyway and you ve destroyed the global economy. Well, but I think I was reading that to an end, as I was reading into his reasoning, his reasoning. For his optimism, see to be the lockdown
The sewing really really. Has the lock down was in place? He said the numbers are so encouraging, with the locked down the locked in the UK had been going on for two solid day right after the official one, but they were doing. You know the encourage social distancing at all that, before social distancing, we were doing social distancing, there's nothing wrong with social distancing, we're talking about this. Being down of economies at the best of the good that programme AIDS, and you're listen into the Glen Bed program. If you like what you hearing on this show, make sure you check out Pat Great unleashed it's available, where ever you download your favorite broadcasts So I know this is a dumb question, but stew, I'd like you to help me out on some of these things. Okay, going over the the bail out I've out of
Things like John F Kennedy Centre for the performing arts operations and maintenance for additional mout for regions and maintenance of twenty five million dollars to remain available until September thirtieth, twenty twenty one to prevent, prepare for and respond to, corona virus domestically or internationally. Including funding for deep cleaning and information technology to improve teller work capability and for operations and maintenance requires related to the consequence. Corona Virus, what Zactly does the John F Kennedy Centre need to do besides get a bunch of mothballs and roll them down the aisle? And then,
acumen, the back up when they can open the doors, one twenty five million dollars in times of a pandemic, when we want to make sure you pour money into facilities where people get together to sit really close to each other and watch her shells huh unbelievable idea, unbelievable, and I think we can do deep cleaning, therefore less than twenty five million dollars and notice and is a key word notice, it says Bob. I too prepare for and respond to corona virus domestically or internationally. What Well, if they move to Madagascar. Hi Moran Crane, could be a huge give you a huge issue, our I I I don't think we should be being of twenty five million dollars to. We know the Kennedy center. I mean how much turn take to turn off the lights and then come back later. Why
we paying performers and artists for not performing, I mean the unemployment that the plumber gets. The National Foundation on the arts and humanities. Five national endowment for the arts, six grants and administration for the additional about now. Twenty five million dollars to turn out I too the Kennedy Centre this is an additional amount for grants and administration Seventy five million dollars To remain available until September thirtieth, twenty twenty one to prevent, prepare for and respond to corona virus domestically or internationally to be too, repeated in grants. How ok, so oh, so seventy five million dollars to pay artists Kay
whose getting these grants and I'm an artist can I at one I'm guessing the answer is naked, Tory Chief Nega Tory Howard University for an additional amount for Howard University of thirteen million dollars to prepare. To respond to domestically internationally help define the expenses directly caused by corona virus and enable grants to students for expenses directly related to grow virus for the disruption of university operations? What what what I mean expensive or the books now eighteen million dollars for two to cover the dust corruption is eighteen million dollars, I mean Can I just tell you in this bill? Schools are getting an awful lot of money and, with all due respect, for the amount of fleecing that these these universities have done. I think clean
up your own mass, but that's just me: how are they different than the plumber right down the road, how come beacon plumbing is not getting millions of dollars. I mean keep my crap clean and an flushing with all this toilet paper that I now have, I mean that's, seems to be more critical to me than you know: giving grants disk students for the disease corruption of university operations. I don't even know what that means. Also it is all of these domestic or international? That's That phrase is mentioned one hundred and fifteen times in the document. Why Howard need to spend money outside the Eu S? How much money exactly is going to be leaving the? U S, because I've got it bailing out the United States.
Source of funds used for payments of salaries and expenses of tiny findings, child development centre, the guy and accountability office may reimburse the tiny findings, child development centre for salaries for employees incurred from April. First, two September, thirtieth, twenty twenty four employees, such centre, who had been ordered to cease working doing due to measures taken in the capital complex to combat corona virus, not to exceed hundred thousand dollars a month. So this the tiny little findings- child development centre- that's in the capital, so they took care of theirs. But what about all the little Chinese? The the child findings d events, centres that are around the country I was just with the bay. President of my local bank, just what a data two days ago, and we were Can he runs a small business on top of that one He runs a day care he. His daughter, run a daycare. I said how's that go and he said not well
No, how we're gonna keep those doors open well Well, how come he doesn't get any help see This is the kind of stuff that drives people nuts. This is the kind of stuff that gives that creates tea party or occupy Wall Street. It does now they're good into a private nonprofit warehouse. Mercury one. We do a lot of good. How come we're not on how to even get in line on that. You don't. Extension of sexual risk avoidance, education programme Forty eight million two hundred and eighty seven thousand six hundred and seventy one dollars for the period beginning October First ought were first twenty nineteen and ending May twenty. Second May twenty second of twenty twenty excuse me, oh gateway, for the period beginning October. First, sixteen twenty nineteen that's in the past and ending my
twenty second and they need fifty million dollars. I mean I'm sure they're doing great work, I'm no! I mean that sincerely, but fifty mb. In dollars spent on telling people to self regulate sexual risk. We, you know, hey everybody stay and shelter in place shouldn't that stop all risky behaviour. I mean you're only having sex with the people that you're trapped with kind of sorting out that give that federal work study. Its government We'll work study during qualifying emergency in general, in the other The qualifying emergency, an institution of higher education participating in the programme under Part C of title four of the hierarchy, no blouse and I will not allow allow if they affected work, study students for the period of time not to exceed one academic year in which affected students are unable to fulfil the students. Work study obligation for all
or part of such academic year doing to such qualify. The emergencies as follows. Payments may be, may blah blah blah so wake. Students who work we'll get full time paychecks for not working. When did we start giving students a pension, do plumbers get that. Section thirty: five, ten continuing education affected foreign institutions, benign If we had more information on this section, more detail, exactly how they're going to pay, who they're going to pay for what? How much but nope that's all. It was section three thousand five hundred and ten continuing education at affected foreign institutions. Don't know But that is don't know how much they get. Dont know where that money is going. Temporarily for student loans bhaers this? her Terry shall suspend all payments due for loans made under part d and part be held.
The department of Education Blubber lawsuit through September three, twenty twenty. Consideration of payments. Notwithstanding any other provision, the higher education, blah blah blah secretary, I deem each month for which the loan payment was suspended under the section as if the bar. Of the loan, had made the payments for purpose of any loan forgiveness programme. Wait hold it. What yeah. You heard that right there not just put a hold on student loans, As long as the student claims, this is an emergency we're going to count each month as if we paid the loan for them. Wait a minute sees me what I just you just last hour outlined what you should be doing and that is used Be calling your governor right now in telling the governor to put pressure on the banks to join put a moratorium on your mortgage for three months, that
business mortgages. That's you know your your mortgage payment? If you have any kind of mortgage payment that should be Suspended for three months, because we can use that money to a take the pressure off of families and they don't lose their homes. Take the pressure off of businesses yeah, Cheesecake Factory said they can't meet their mortgage payment. They may have to close, don't let that happen America, everyone could take. That burden off their shoulders, but I didn't ask that the government makes those payments. The government is, is counting from now until September. They're making all of the payments for the student loans. Oh my gosh, I can't do it. I can't do it Inclusion of certain over the counter medicines qualified as medical expenses. Guess what stew guess? What
what? Yes, what guess, what we're paying for and guess what we're paying for yeah tampons pads, liners cop spun Doing it all, I was hoping that what happened finally find a hundred times united, we always I know I've always thought you know we should be paying for tampons and genital tracks. Secretions and so we're doing it. So that sets really good parry government in the Sunshine ACT relief. If the two Many of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve system determines in writing that unusual antics. Extreme circumstances exist. The board. A conduct meetings without regard to the requirements of section five, five to be of title. Five United States Code during the beginning, blah blah blah blah blah now
great sounds wonderful except I dont know what? U S? Code, title five, section, five five to be says: no big deal! I mean I put up. It's just a mandate that all meetings have to be open to the public observation. So you know we would have some idea of what's going on, but they don't have to do that now they don't have to be open to the public. A: U S, coat. Five to be open me things a member shall not jointly conductor disposing agency business other in with this section, blah blah blah
Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.