« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | 2/8/21

2021-02-08 | 🔗

The Supreme Court will review the necessity of the Fourth Amendment, along with multiple 2020 election lawsuits. A column in the L.A. Times called “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” complains after a neighbor shoveled the author’s driveway. The Hyppo Awards are coming, and Glenn goes over the endless list of nominees.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Tat Gray, who was just incredible on and off the field today, Pat. How do you feel who am spent now it was. It was quite a shout, the ATA, where it was three hours of solid, actually yeah. We only got hit uneffaced mass with balls couple a times with three or four, but that's. It is clear that if we talk about Superbowl little than some of the commercials, also on today's upon cast, we told you about a woman that has just been arrested and tried as a ninety five year old in a polish court, but she was tried in juvenile court. You have to hear that story and and how it connects to something that I honestly thought for all weekend was apparently something that was satire, something that was trying to make an opposite point, but no, it turns out it wasn't the op add peace. So what do we do with old trumpets live next door? You don't even have second predation.
the only thinking just stay on the fourth amendment, Pat Do you remember? I was. The third, of course, is not quartering soldiers. The fourth amendment it is for with amendment or searches warrantless searches. Yes, just going to say forth, the amendment is the right against wordless searches of a person's home It is one is, I mean it's number four, it's one of the things that really set us apart forever. We have been that, apart in in in men, places are you d? Have you seen the movie or the serious criminal know it
it's really good show I It's from great Britain at least the first, when I watch was from great Britain and then an influx yet X and then there's a verse from France, Germany Spain And so in their different stories and different actors in different countries obviously I was watching the one I think from Spain and, unlike what you can't o crap, you can do that in Spain. Same in Germany were, then they do things the police do things you're like they could do more here? Dismay: searches! Now it's crazy! What's it amazing protection? It really is so now Supreme Court is looking into see. If that really is something we should worry about before police officer or any other governor official can enter your home. They have to show a judge that they have probable cause, that they will SK cover specific evidence of a crime. This was
because the king- and this is what the Stasi Day this would the KGB did? This is what all of the Marxists do they just go into a house and they say we know their hiding something I mean look at em. We know their hiding something and they all Terrier House apart and they'll. Do it sometimes just to harass? times, because they really think that they have something on you, but it doesn't matter in the end and can come into your house at any time. There are some exceptions to this right. I wasn't aware of this, but it makes sense. The exceptions are police. Officer looks through a window seat a person about a stab another person. can the officer go in and stop the attack? He doesn't have a warrant Yes, because there's probably cause right.
I would say, the streams reasonable car industry's room, sir. It says in the end it is, it falls under emergency aid and extreme circumstances? So, if somebody, if the officer look through the same window and see somebody collapsing from a heart attack They can go on and how they can go in and help. but neither of these the court have ruled violate the fourth amendment. However, there is something else called the community caretaking exception. Originally, it comes from a case in which police took a gun out of the trunk of impounded vehicle without, obtaining a warrant, the Supreme Court- all that there was a community care taking exception to the with amendments warrant required because police perform community caretaking functions, told
he d for divorce from the detection, investigation, acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute. Stop it that's ridiculous! That's insane!. I think you're very casing hurting the fourth amendment there. I know their case was. This is an abandoned car while and you can't just leave a gun in the car. Ok, all right. Now, in the first two exceptions you can understand. This last exception is now limited to in immediate emergency. Guy, that's just not just performing a common good, ok, here's the new case Does this apply to a person's home? remember, they found a gun, sure shouldn't.
The court has announced that they're gonna hear arguments next month on a case that present this issue in the case. Mr Kenny. Kenny earlier. Whatever arguing with his wife and mellow dramatically, put in unloaded gun on the kitchen table and said: Just shoot me now and get it over with threatened her with the gun it was unloaded. He put it in the center of the table and said shoot me now his wife in this argument called a non emergency number for the police who arrived the police disagreed whether the possible was acting normal or agitated, but they did Vince him to take an ambulance to the local hospital for an evaluation police. Go with him. While he was on his way to the hospital
The message is told police that her husband kept to hand guns in the home. The police He decided to search the home for the guns without obtaining a warrant. Now the misses, consent to have the police search their home. But it was legally negative because the police lied to her and said o your husband said it was ok for us to certain sees all of the guns that wasn't true. so they located the two guns: Seize them and he sued for the violation of his fourth amendment right to privacy and his second amendment right to keep hand guns in the home for self protection. The first circuit court of appeals, which is the federal court just under the Supreme Court, sided with the police, the court road at its core.
Community caretaking doctrine is designed to give police elbow room to take appropriate action when unforeseen circumstances present some transient hazard that quires immediate attention? Remember the elbow room clause. Let's just right! It's right with the Good lady got out his then understanding. The core purpose of the doctrine leads to the conclusion that it should not be limited to just motor vehicle context ready to individual and community safety are not confined to the highways. While you castle, you couple that, with these civil asset forfeiture Duration is going on that kind of similar No one ever seems to talk about the nobody talks about and it's what I think is one of the most critical problems we face right now. Freedom lies twenty nine billion dollars in assets have been stolen from people less.
Fourteen year in case you don't know what that is? This comes from a Reagan law, the Rico ACT. Wasn't it I think it was when they were trying to get mobsters and they couldn't get they couldn't get them. Turkey, and because they and all this wealth in everything else, so the Rico ACT. You could go we and you could take their assets and hold them and then, when they draw a good out later, you'd work it out later or you'd sell them if they went to jail forever and it was a cut through the constitution was a reasonable lish caught, I dont like, The constitution is a bigger share, much bigger issue, now yeah yeah back then it was Ike? Well, we ve got, you know the Gambino Crime family. Everything else always trouble always comes when you go yeah, but no right, no buts. That's because down the road, These are the things that happen so now. Civil asset forfeiture, if you're just
driving in a place, and they happened to see cash. The you up. Your glass box and you have. You know what a thousand dollars an hour, a thousand dollars of cash. You just have cash. You know like it from a bank they ticket, they take it they can and they can legally take it. Keep it and keep it and you're, not you're, not charged with anything you're not charged with any kind of crime. You just lost your ten thousand dollars or in some cases much more than that. There was a guy in Utah, pulled Whereby the Utah Highway patrol who lost five hundred thousand dollars, that, although it is all the weight of the Supreme Court, the springboard eventually told him you gotta, give it back and as of like a your go! I've heard that I am followed up on this, but he still hadn't gotten back, probably because they spent it yeah. Probably these had they. Bees are the towns, and this is gonna get much worse as we go into an economic recession or depression. The towns are using this to survive,
They can't right enough tickets or they don't have enough income tax guided in it fights the drug lords is what they claim: Texas, labyrinth, that's money, that's valuable to fight against the drug cartels. Well, I'm sorry! That's not your money, you that that's excuse. You can have that. That's it's! Not you wars that below to an american citizen and theirs crime with with carrying cash on your person. There's no crime, you can do it if you want, but you have it a reasonable person wooden right, a reasonable price and wouldn't have five hundred thousand dollars in cash. That's that's true, and that's what they say is true I mean people or too if you are travelling with cash now you're, travelling really with anything and it is suspicious, but so what the well few, if you had the cash and you took it from the from the bank, you keep you have to keep them.
Dank I'll, keep the restatement here, so you know that it came out of their, but even that doesn't doesn't say, doesn't save you If you have the receipt of where this cash came from it still doesn't save. You He'll do this at airports. They'll! Do this on high ways, they'll confiscate people in Ireland, texts that are jammed all the time like that, all the time, and it's it's not good and is happening all over the country when people say what rights of inviolate well, that that would be one warrantless searches. That would not another one. Let you know this one is lying to the police. so they were lying to the police and the courts said yeah, but they can. They can do that because extenuating circumstances I mean they were looking for the car. They were lying. They lied about it. it's the same thing the fire, a court, the FBI, I lied to the fire. A court to give to
spend all of Donal trumps teams, civil rights all over them You had no privacy, they were listening, it was wire, it was warrantless. All of it was Part of the whole problem to direct, and it was bad. On a lie and if the I couldn't do it to him, the President of the United States. What are you they're gonna do to you as I saw this case. I thought boy. This is something the left has got to be: funding the left, his ought to be pouring money into this court case who is even arguing that case because think of what can be done to your rights. If you lose the fourth amendment its completely gone you're, not a cop, of a crime they didn't have to go to court. and you find police officers in your house and you can
hey where's your warrant. You just have to take it boy that it. not America, your listening to the best of the Glen Back Programme. So here it is. What can you do about the trumpery next door. I'm quoting now, oh, no the trump bite next door to our pandemic, get away who seemed as devoted to the ex president as you can get without being q fans just ploughed our driveway without being asked, and they did it. ray job. How am I gonna rid z? S demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness now you're thinking knock It's a joke right
Of course, on some level I realize I owe them thanks and man really looks like the guy back dragged the driveway. like a pro I mean, but much thanks, I'm still quoting. these neighbours are staunch partisans of blue lives. Do your homework heard of police officers. Yell, that's what they do all that's what they do. They believe they support. Yes, they do they do they do and there are a lot of anything other than white lives in the neighbourhood. Are you white gives semi new moved in? So if you in your, not white, well they didn't seem to have some sort of a process to keep people like you out now, did they if you are white, that's your problem! Why didn't you by that and give that to a minority, or why did you not by that? and go find some place? There was more diverse. This
also kind of weird back in the city. People don't sweep other people's walkways for anything Hezbollah, the Shi Ite Islamic Political Party in limit on all so gives away things for Free Tom, getting the others, like Hezbollah, so we we ve, we ve gone from. They ploughed my driveway too. I think their members of Hezbollah favours Hezbollah, does for people in the cities. Probably don't involves snow plows, but like other mafias so now from bites or Hezbollah. And the mafia, Hezbollah tends to its own, the Shi Ite, sick, elderly and hungry. They offer section and hospitality and win loyalty that way they all so demand devotion to their brutal us versus them, Anti Sunni cause of us, our family, that favours say the rat story infidels. I think when the
I was putting on the snow plotted to plough you're driving. I think that's. What are you thinking where family appear or in the mountains and get away with them. Lee member to plough, this driveway and next I expect you Neil down to our giant. golden statue of Donald Trump as we slit the throat a babies. The same is true to Louis Farrakhan. On so now, political Hezbollah me Thea and Louis Farrakhan. Louis. Ferrok Shahn, who currently homesick nation of Islam, while the southern Poverty LAW centre classifies him as a dangerous anti semite. By the way this, Their poverty law centre is a pile of crap an agenda organization run by the left
they define him as a dance, dangerous, anti semite much of his phloxes he's just a little screwy and unfailingly generous to them o K when some again, if you just joined us, I'm reading from a serious up ad in the LOS Angeles Times When someone helps you when you're down or Snowden, it's almost impossible to regret, we regard them as a player on the world. In fact, You are more likely to be overwhelmed with gratitude and convinced of the persons inherent goodness you might end up like the upper middle class family. I stayed with in France as a teenager. They did to tend citywide celebration for the hundredth birthday of Charles De Gaulle, the war hero who orchestrated the liberation of his country from not in Germany and nineteen? Forty four they did have several portraits of a Nazi Calabro collaborator on their wall. When I
screwed up and found the courage to ask how was it during the occupation, for you, the late of the house replied, we were happy as the Nazis were very polite,. I was in tears. I bet Abed. I mean here you're staying at a yet another white families house and they turn out to be nazi collaborators, but I'm trying to figure out exactly what that story has to do with it I, who just ploughed your driveway as if it wasn't offensive enough that you that you call em in a public space, the guy I mean, if you read the allay times, you don't think He's gonna know, I'm probably the guy who was plowing the dry way. This is your thank you. You call. me mob member, a member of it
Hezbollah or a nazi collaborator wow. from ploughing, thereby the neighbors Dr Weir, DR, without being asked. So when I subject veracity from my pandemic neighbours acknowledging the legitimate kindness with a wave or a plate of cookies am I also ceiling us in as fellow travellers who are very I to each other, but not so much to them. Loving. Your neighbour is evidently much easier when your neighborhood is Philippine full of people, just like you d, think me that's why you get along with everybody where you live in LOS Angeles, maybe that's why you can't find a conservative at all in New York City, because you I'll just congregate, and you all think that you're right and there is no room for anybody else's opinion until you just brutalized them. You know, because,
In that scenario, we're the them. My neighbors supported a man who showed near murderous contempt for the majority of Americans. My neighbors supported a man Who showed near murderous contempt for the? Georgie of Americans? Ok, What are you doing you you're you're, taking half of the country because I supported Trump, and you're saying there, Hezbollah terrorists mafia members or not see collaborators. well, she I can understand cause I wouldn't want to bring a piece apply pie to one of those guys don't understand that's eggs That plea what you're doing you almost a murderous contempt for half. country.
they kept him in business with our support, the ploughing, On January six, after the insurrection, Senator Ben SAS issued an awe shucks plea for all Americans to love their neighbours, the United, Eighty said: isn't there fields and Macao toys this blood feud forever, and he added you can't. hate someone who shovels your driveway at the time. I seized why. I really great advice from somebody last week. I said it would go, go into family therapy for all. I don't know a thousand reasons. most of them were Clinton. We have the name of my children attached to it, but like I go to the therapies and he said: listen. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to. I want you to ask ok, so what
How did you get there I said: ok and then they'll say this and then they'll say this and then they'll say this and then I just want to punish him in the face. And he said well the punch the face thing and I said I'm kidding, and he said he I know I'm writing it down too soon the government will have access to these. He said I want you to whenever you find yourself getting really upset, stop he's a because! That's? U s up them! That's you and you're upset, because of thing you believe or something that you think and it's a challenge to you, and this is the way we all feel we feel as though our country, going away. and no one's doing anything about it and our rights are about to be lost and so yeah I get a little tents, but
they're, not feeling that and you are you are not going to be able to even listen to them once you start feeling that way, he's like you have to Get control of what's in of you and separate that when you're in these conversations. that's really good advice. Really, advice so He says at the time of the capital. I see that's inhuman, it's a new and it was in me to because I felt these people were. King or way our country now. What's weird is, I felt that way during the riots all summer long, so I'm consistent you're, not! You should ask why you see seed then Didn't seethe seas, a few months ago.
He said I see the capital had just been desecrated maybe my neighbour heard Sassin was determined to make a bid for reconciliation. Maybe your neighbor didn't like that. Maybe you, have you thought of that? Your neighbor didn't like that. Because of your neighbor was a trump supporter. I know a lot of trumped supporters. In fact, I know a majority of Thompson. Trumped supporters were like that's, not cool, stop that I know I was really angry, I see. and why was I really angry? If I have to examine that because I knew dope like you would classify everybody on the right as somebody who back that Anti Guess: who's, it again. So here's my response to my ploughed driveway for now politely, but now profusely
knowledge his kindness with a wave and thanks a minimal start on building back trust, not notice that and next door has to build up this guy's trust eaten the the Trump supporter as all work, to do you just to tolerate them. The everything that may be the trust goes both ways. The lack of trust is growing. Both ways you ever you can see. This is what kills me and an eye guilty of this myself. I have, opted a new phrase in my life and I've got a few of them question with boldness the very existence of God forth there be a gaudy, must surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear the other There are many things. I believe that I shall never say, but I shall never say the things I do not believe. And the third one I just forgot dont forget higher the vet that
until she's just forgot this one, it's always it's this The only thing I am certain of I'm not certain of anything. That's it. If we could just adopt that thought. it would be a much different place, because AIR one is certain of the truth. Everyone. Marge Retailer Green was certain that q was real. Well no now did she really changed your mind or not. I don't know c is certain her. In our view is the right way to go. We have to stop being certain of things because honestly tell me.
You don't trust anything right. I don't. So what could you possibly be? Certain of Instead of just tolerating, I'm not ready, I am quoting the article I'm not ready to knock on the door with a cover dish. Yet maybe you should maybe you Maybe you should go to them and say you know what my turn. My turn and it's not just bringing you a covered dish, could you come over for dinner because I just I just want to get to know you How are you supported. Don't try to be right. Don't try to win just, and understand- and I will bet you but you will find a lot of common ground. it's gotta be hard because I It would be almost impossible for me. I might have to get up from a dinner with you.
the author of this article. I probably I owed? Finally, just just say: I've got bad diarrhoea. I gotta get up from dinner about every fibre. It's I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude Joe. to go out and breathe, but I willing to do it. and I'd be willing to listen and try to win or not make a list of things year. But then you. But how many people are willing to do that, Very few very few and that stops us from actually seeing the things that we do agree on. Oh wait a minute. You know. we're. Tell me the other day you you were really upset about this. Did you read This story about this, if you, Talking to somebody who is willing to go down that journey with you, I can guarantee
They didn't know that story I get out cause I've done. With many friends. They don't read that we were. Much of their stuff they read none of ours, patients, deep breaths, and stop being certain you are right, is the best of the Glenn Beck program. Did you hear that at all restrictions on Covid, before the Superbowl. They were like. Ok and others are not address all as though they lifted the restrictions, which I think is pretty amazing myself. their self is also, their story that I find interesting. If you read, if you read the whole story
The headline is Supreme Court lives, California, worship, bans per prompted by growth, a virus, and you, like, Hey finally, hey, finally so lads over no no red on perhaps the most surprising aspect of the Friday night ruling, the new Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whose conservative catholic views drew suspicion from many liberals in advance of her confirmation last year declined to grant the churches the most sweeping relief favoured by her Conservative colleagues have we lost they may come to bear in order to help and have we lost or already gosh justice is Neil Gorse, its and Clarence Thomas would have granted all of the churches request, lifting the singing and chanting bands and bar Californians from enforcing a twenty five percent capacity limit. That applies to many indoor facilities. Okay, so that's what
that's what color that's what the churches wanted. Only two of the justices said yes to that, They went for a middle ground which says you to treat the churches just like you would treat anybody else. So when you say this is a business and you can do this with their business, then that applies to the churches and only that well that, I mean businesses there, really included in the bill of rights. No I mean it might be set. Is it to be I'm not sure I know its, not there, ok, what What's a little descend, a disturbing for me, He is a lane o k gins descent under ports injunction. The state must instead treat worship. Shall services like secular activities, oppose a much lesser danger. The Mandy defies our case. Law exceed
our judicial role and risks, worsening the pandemic in the worst part. the health crisis in a century this for into armchair. Epidemiology cannot end well. hang. Just a second really. What she saying here is The applicants bore the burden of establishing their entitlement to relief. from the singing ban. In my view, they didn't carry out that burden, at least not on this record even full congregation. Singing hymns is too risky. California does not explain when a single mass canter lead, worship behind a mask and plexiglas shield. That's gorse Ich writing this. Well, Casey cases and in her, how do you say your name, Kagan, Kagan, Kagan in her ruling and
descent said that it is not the role for this, for the for the stress Supreme Court to get involved in state issues. That's why she didn't want to rule eyes. She it was dangerous, She also thought that it should be the local governments that made the decisions on these things. really Cosette I agree with you on that one that says fantastic now. This one happens to be a constitutional amendment. Question right, which would you guys are all states must follow? U S, soul! You gotta answer that one right, but why? Why aren't you staying out of everything else? Unbelief unbelievable unbelievable. What still twenty five percent capacity at California churches and lay still can't saying we sing and for time honoured on six March,
probably have to wear the mask, though here have to wear the mask, which is hard yeah. Forty five three minutes is but my limit well out of my skin by then well by the way I want you to know, they ran has had some Minos. Some of the vaccines have gone through, and the eye, the Ayatollah told his social media oh, go near any of those who have had the covert vaccine. This is a big deal because if you remember, I think, was mock mood Ahmadinejad when he came to the U n T x. in that there are no homosexuals in in the right right right. Well, The ayatollah now is saying that those who have had the covert I'm quoting
go near those who have had the covert vaccine, the become homosexual all of them. Are everybody didn't democracy? But he didn't say you just don't go near anybody who had the covert vaccine, how they have become, most actual, so that's resting interest or is this a plot by the gay? a organizations right who make us all Yamlang sexual. What is what is our say about this are ya. they use these. The guy who followed on from Q,
next, in line with what is our say about this or ass, he said are said the horse had what that they're using this scene. Chemical, that's turn in the friggin frogs gay. I knew it. I say I knew it yeah. I knew a they put that right now in their doing it to us as well as the Roddy come sorry, I'm drawn a line. I gotta do it now That there is anything wrong with that with gay frogs. Wouldn't I'm forty eight or Ives equal, whatever gay clerics, right, whoever I've got myself an opposite sex person that I'm sure in my life with resolve, you're, not gonna, get the cove events right man, I was a close call, we're gonna really was in together by the end of the week. I think you, I told wire
That will leave it to the Irene. You know what we need to start negotiating with these guys re seriously. Let's get a treaty go much. Leaders of cash out arise. If she does these guys, they know I didn't. We wouldn't have known about alcove. It makes you go gay now we would not, if not for them of good thing Joe Biden is in, is in Now. What are your thoughts on the vaccine? Do you want it? I've already, not it whatever you had to have had the vivid Came down had the bed. I had that you're, a survivor, I'm a survivor. I want a ribbon. what color would my ribbon be cause green? I think that's something to do with being drunk Saint Patrick Stay Brown there is no problem with that will go
it just as down here the maybe a milky white because of the stuff you cough up. Maybe that's what I want. I want a milky white ribbon. I didn't realize as oft up milky way as a survivor as a survivor. So where they go, and so don't please don't even talk. may about covered as you have been there brother, nor have not. You have not carry that were not carried a you were not there. You were not there. We were over the years. This was this was my generations, Vietnam And world war two combined and bind unwind. What seem time can you imagine fighting world war, two and, at the same time same time, what lay one country over the other you're in Germany and Vietnam at the same time as he would an old gun and new gun, while helicopters were freak in the Germans out by
Cigana were was that's gonna work was soon die, but you survived. Who now I dont ass. Yet I want to talk about anymore cause. I wake up would nights wets from it where we have the we have the hippo awards. Better this week. Now these are the first ever Hippo awards go get a shot of the very lovely factually was expensive us, But it is a it's a hippo trophy and by the way hippo is spelled with a. Why not an eye because easily a first ever Twenty one words to to Give recognition to the biggest hypocrites in our society over the last year, and and where do we even begin? Where do we even begin the nominees, its endless and academy has had a very difficult time voting and quite honestly, I have seen similar results and there's not enough minorities on there,
also we might have to just now rivers remained goes. The academy is looking really racist right. You couldn't find one fine one hypocrite. That was, they lack without Kay anyway. So the hip awards happened this week and I've got a couple of new people to add to this. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi? You know they should be fine, five thousand dollars because she has broken her own rule and walked around the metal detectors to get into the house. My gosh is such a big deal to her while she was, but it's not her. Nine years in order for our lives, is. May I please, because I've watched Enough Colombo, nodded detective, but I am a doctor and I'm a doctor that his watch Colombo and other like murder, she wrote when I was younger. So I know
would the killer. Just then you put a metal detector up? No, no, no, no! That's what a killer once you Think they want you to think I'm not there on carrying a gun, because I said I'm gonna put the metal detector him gonna get away with this, but she was caught me looking around the metal detector now house, do you feel I'm just saying call is coming from within the house. oh she's she's got that one which I think is beautiful. I, like Murphy came out this weekend and he said there is no comparison between comments made by Maxine Waters and other Democrats and comments made by Donald Trump and I
I have to say he's right: risk save it saying that that is exactly right. He is exactly right there in and how do you mean that Stew Arena Pat, I think the comments made by Maxine waters are much much worse. Holy cow, holy cow, wait a minute what MIA yeah Who so we have a couple of people. We have a casual Cortez. We have Omar, a lot o Margolotte Omar, that are that there have been promoting a conspiracy about you know how they were tours given around. Nancy Policy of floated the theory that Putin played a role in the capital riot let's see congressmen Cheryl some claim some other. Some of her republican congressional colleagues had led people through the United States capital. Last
Tuesday on what appeared to be a reconnaissance mission. So we got a lot of them there that you know they're all saying hey. You can't believe you, you can't believe Q, but maybe are, is calling them Jimmy Lee Curtis with the. U S, P S, Taylor, Swift and the conspiracy. Remember there all against conspiracies royal, there Looking at all of these views people that would be for greatest, hypocritical action, taken on the cause of of conspiracy, and boy. This list just goes on and on and on the hypocrites, and for for them to say you'll. Let me tell you something: there is no way these things, these don't compare at all, as Pat said or exactly right. Let me just take chuck humor
A year ago, Chuck humor stood on the steps of the Supreme Court in front of an angry mob and said This court takes this action they don't rule in the way he wanted. They don't rule while there. is gonna, be held to be paid. They don't have any idea. What's coming their way now, You might say that that was a threat, but the Supreme Court would be more balanced right. Well, Joe Roberts very rare exception came. To issue a public statement that day and said rhetoric like that puts our security at the Supreme Court in danger. It has be condemned and it must stop now chuck tumor is
is leading the band here? Really hypocrite, or Banana Republic show trial
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.