« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | 1/29/20

2020-01-29 | 🔗
Shaquille O’Neal’s viral response to Kobe Bryant’s death reminds us all to put family first and never take life for granted. Glenn discusses Kobe’s life transformation and dedication to his daughters. The FBI has new facts about the white supremacists planning to “attend” the Virginia gun rally that destroy all logic for Gov. Northam’s panic. In 2020 news, Glenn doesn’t believe Biden wants to win, and Bernie’s so close that his extremist supporters must be taken seriously. And Glenn has a personal message for CNN’s Don Lemon after he “apologized” for laughing at Trump supporters.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh America, welcome to the programme. We have shack, We and you know what what sense can we make out of all of this. Also, the corona Peer virus, which search on who for people like. What's that cannot get that from Frank and bear? No, you can't. We have the latest on that and the most important thing at this point to prepare, for as we do oh, how to prepare physically, but there is a devastating factor Nobody is talking about, and that is the effect upon the global economy and growth on the economy. Shutting down whole cities, including steel industry, the biggest in the world. He's now shut down the steel, so there's no steel coming out, there's there's possibly nothing, no key! go containers coming from China to CASA. There's some some real ramifications about what the FBI
really knew about the Virginia rally its stunning and How is the Iowa? he's gonna stack up, and what does it mean for the convention? Not to mention a great story about a veteran who have a collectors item and what happened with it will blow you away now. Little guy I will say this is not the type of the collectors item we're talking about Nato policy sucks panda com. Now it's much big. This pen is much more. More. I think it is worth much more than a few years. I mean The fact that their selling them so cheaply is almost ready. Any such I believe, they're unveiled can't play fair available either. They actually are that sincere, That is the number one question was asked match. If this was real, they are good. Diplomacy, sucks, pen, dot com, it's the commemorative Nancy Pelosi, sucks impeachment pan looks just like the pen that you used to sign the impeachment, except. It also includes the word sucks extraordinary.
That's the only thing came the day, so last night I t just, when on leave the floor of the arena. And there was no game that was played and they cited to talk about Kobe Bryant now, which is kind of a good thing, as you mentioned, that clippers layers votes to play the game that cancel They decided to just talk about it. Of course, one of the people on the broadcasters, Shaquille O Neill, an shack. It was interesting to hear him talk about it, because it's been well known for a very long time that they bought it heads a lot jakin Kobe. They were teammates. One. Three straight championships wound up in a kind of at each other's throats. At times at least
At least that was the public perception of everything. So here is talking about Shaquille O'Neal talking about Cobain Kobe, the way we all live our lives. We are, we appear, we work. We take stuff and rabbit. Talk to you guys as much as I feel good looks as I needed to the fact that off We're not gonna be able, You'll get his Hall of Fame ceremony. What are you going to be able to say? I got five. You got four. Furthermore, when other bills, if we would stay together, we can get ten thousand You're back some of the most useful to us all and I wish to say some tomb. It was when we were here and I will give fifty sixty
spoke jewel. We shall do so. Devil changes to our. You don't know what I'd do. Our probably more than with Now. Do Tatum GIS. Hello, you read fault by legal means alone. Call me so On what to do a better job of this region is talented people rather than ours personally, because you never sure member I could never imagine I like this. I can't relate to copyright because I never watched him, I'm not a basketball, I'm not a sports fan,
till I didn't relate to this at all on Monday, in the closest thing I could come to, it is my weird response to die I miss Dimas was a guy that I respected, because I listen to him long before a new dawn. I listen to him and he was a. He was a giant and he was he was. He was an innovator. The thing I've learned about Kobe Bryant is his relentless dedication to excellence, he wasn't trying to play a good Basque will. Then he was trying to play a perfect game. And in today's world you don't see that. In today's world. You you see,
somebody in sports from my perspective, you're watching from afar and you really know the brand. All you know is sky was accused of rape and two thousand three, but you don't know how he really appeared to come Completely turn his life around. You don't see. His devotion to his family and his daughters. I wanted to play that clip today because I thought it was really important. I'm glad I said all the things I did. Dimas.
I'm glad I said the things I did my dad. I've been thinking about my aunt Joanna every day for months months and I feel guilty because I called her every time I collar it's like a holiday or something like that. Literally have been thinking about her every day and there's that stupid thing a color tomorrow, And it's getting worse and worse and worse and I hate it, and I know that it's wrong and I've I've I've lived this before
and I dont know why, but I just Gotta call has alive the rest of my life. Should she die, God forbid. And I dont know why we do this and I dont know why we don't recognize. I guess it's because they're just always there yesterday there was. A bright spot in the twitter world and even say that it less helpful, than usual. But the number one trend last night was hashtag girl, dad.
In a world where everyone has said o guys, don't matter guys, don't matter Man, don't matter women, don't need men, girl, power, girl, power, girl, power in this environment, a kind of assumed girl data wishes like girl could be dad's two hits it hadn't thought they're gonna go in the right and it wasn't and it was inspired by Cobby and his daughter and how much he loved his daughter. You know He was asked recently in an interview because she was a basque poplar. How many times do you go out in practice a week and he looked at the. Interviewer kind of like he was from any another planet and he laughed, and he said every day, seven days a week We're out every night we practise every night and.
Heard that I thought? What do I do? Every night with my kids, I mean I consider myself a pretty good dad. I made I made stakes the first time around big mistakes, but I've done Really hard work to try to turn that around and I've done it with my younger kids. I love I love cooking with my but her Hannah or doing something in art with my daughter Hannah. She is she, brilliant mine she's. She knows how to write He knows how to edit. She knows how to do design. She really is an amazing cook and she is also somebody who
Does her own homework in researches things and then knows what she believes and why she believes it, and I love that I love just hanging with her and I dont do it enough Of just hanging out with my daughter, Mary and I dont do it enough. My daughter, Mary, is one of the spiritual giants in my life. I dont know anybody else who is like this. She has such clarity on things. And sometimes it's hard to get too, because she had strokes and so. You have four kids, have four kids. I dont know how to be a good dad and give everyone the time they need. Especially now you have four kids I've for kids. I dont know how to be a good dad and give everyone the time they need. Please do all of the work. I don't know how to do it.
Takes there's no such thing as quality time, it's just time. My daughter Cheyenne. Oh my gosh, she's funny. She says she's Lucille Ball. She just this funny. Funny girl and just full of joy. She wants to be an actress, I'm doing everything I can to say no. Every night at reader stories about Wine Steen. I dont that's a good thing or not, but. And there's something different about being a dad of a girl. There is a way. I don't know it's. It's just a different bond.
And I see kobe- and I see all that he did with his kids- and I see how he he left the court and just he didn't Center, his life on business, he didn't centre his life, he had luxury. Of not having to do that. But how many of us are lost and other things. Or we say we're gonna do it tomorrow or just too tired. Life is so precious and the one, thing that maybe somebody
me who's, who didn't grow up. Looking at sports figures that you can take from Kobe Bryant is relentless, relentless pursuit of excellence, not just in his job. In his family and especially with his children at the best of the best that, AIDS.
And you're listen into the Glen Bag Program, if you like, with your hearing on this show, make sure you check out Pat Great unleashed it's available, where ever you download your favorite broadcasts. Look this live shot from LOS Angeles or this shot from LOS Angeles. Where you know the tribute is happening for Kobe Bryant end theirs. I mean there's, as you know, a minute of silence around you know different communities. Air doing all kinds of stuff. I haven't seen this- maybe sense, Michael Jackson, Elvis, but what sports figure Do you recall getting this kind of adulation and ending I mean I think this might be the first sports figure that I've seen than his had kind of that pop. You know, king, a pop king, a rock and roll Princess Diana kind of send off a reaction. Alligators two factors there, one I've
is the tragic death right is not there, it's that mean other old age or disease, or even like it's a subject sudden thing what people still sort of hidden disappeared from the public. I write me right right. That's what I think to his Ella. I mean you. Love was at last year the year for Royal Halliday, who I know you're a huge fan of Glenn love. Rum died out him. Now. He was like one of my all time: favorite players housing, forty three, something like that. He was great picture for the Toronto Blue Jays later fulfil is one of the bet, whether most underrated pictures of all time hollow famer like unbelievable, but in he died in a plane crash and there was like there was kind of what you dick almost expect Reich. Espn noted it was very sad and we hit me hard zoos. What am I here players, but it wasn't like this this is allay he's a massive superstar and certainly he's a bigger renault is a bigger, bright figure. So I think that's
seemingly it and he was- he was so beloved by a lack of any really was, and of course this is where so much of the media is South Africa in oh, that's, what's the outward The bigger impact to that in a minute, it's just, seemed like a good guy. I give you gotta that what we really started rooting for me, even if you hated him as a player, I was not a huge fan of those Lakers championship teams, but he became one people over over on time and as it does just so go back to this is the first time if I can't think of king of Riman role, king, a pop kind of supports figure The day there were problems like Thurman Munson right, let you go back away back and you could find some that voting. I from the monsters, yes to govern the monsters are, and why would the guides I think that was a month and be the guy from the monsters isolation. It was based on a real story. I dont know there's lots of different reasons, yet others there's been a few. These things, I mean there's, but now I I can't think of any black and white days
yeah like that you're going with blue Ghana and TAT. You should be able to do anything we can think of on this sure, I'm missing something really, like you think of Oj Simpson right indefinitely, different way: ass people on the previous going, hey slice, another throw rack! as you know, is in earnest rear the moment, but it means was oh, my gosh, this guy who's beloved superstar in the same level as Kogi, for who, let me no real life Weapon in front of our eyes, while he was still kind again in the public eye, doing commercials doing movies colleges just when it was an Oscar grabbing for both, of something he is refreshing, he won or lost our anagrams was above they don't ask her, was the for a short film, but he was very much in the public eye still so that just shocking and under some random day the unexpected is like. Incredibly, I can't think of any body of this magnitude in sports. Not don't think so. I think it's a first. I think it's a first
All right, let me go, let me switch to people who are not excelling for excellence in that's anybody in Washington DC, especially those members of Congress and and this yesterday. The house impeachment trial were the demo, the Republicans finish their claws, arguments so now we're in this really cool place. Where You can happen its Anything can happen day where the Senate Let's get to now submit questions to both sides and say you said this. What about this? I have a question about this. They can't speak, which is a blessing. I wish that was a blanket on all of them had on old every day every day, but they can't speak.
At least wild dot. Oak quote unquote, cord is in in session John Roberts reads all the question: read all the questions and gives them the answers, but also now comes the time where they decide on additional witnesses. Mitch. Mcconnell said last night he doesn't have the votes to stop new witnesses, which I think is actually a good thing, because I think it makes John Bolton's book worthless. Nobody in Simon Schuster, I'm sure like. Oh, no, he can testify gate testify, because his book will be old news and, what's better, is he We'll have bet he will have set it. It will have been quest. And thoroughly, you know that the the
a trumpet lawyers are not going to. Let him just say those things like CNN would lead him say those things they will ask real, tough questions, so it will be questioned the way it should be, and it will be old news and by the way, will be followed by almost definitely an acquittal right. So, like you had the key that the charges get brought up, You haven't acquittal, it's going to be very easy again. This is just another strategy, but, like I much rather have him up there, you let him get questioned by actual attorneys that, instead of like Bulgaria, learning media to correct and then over you haven't acquittal. You have an end to the process. Yep. You can also look with. This was already litigated. We visit these arguments. On these charge, right, you brute, and then you doesn't matter and if he adds anything new, then he looks like a liar I mean why didn't you say that in court of appeal strategy standpoint I wished, I would want to think about from the opposite side of your Democrat. Let's say they block em right, you
able to say first of all that your best there blocking their blocking on we, then we can let the sky talk. I can't believe it then they weren't looking for truth. The right, then things oversee, get to complain about process the whole time. Then the book comes out anyway. The story comes out anyway, then they all get to go on a farm media tour were every single claim, he makes is taken without any question and it wise of going into the public anyway, and what's the point of this they're, not looking to get a conviction and removal there looking to get political point scoring in order to get a lot more of him with the book later on. So now here's the question: who do you want? And they say you note, Chuck tumors, there's no negotiation really cause. You don't have the votes. We don't have the votes to stop negotiation. If you get one, I think America would feel it's only right The other side gets one, and I want to hear from really to people one, the whistle blower and two Hunter Biden, but Hunter Biden.
May actually backfire, not because he doesn't have something to say, but he is such a pathetic, pathetic human in his life right now, where he still, everybody knows how screwed up he is. They know all of this, but he might be able to pull off some sort of a sympathy thing where it could backfire. The one that really can't, because he's a god like figure to us Now- is the whistle blower and there's a lot, but whistleblower can delicate. However, the fact is, nobody knows where he is really one knows his name, hungarian imprinting. Oh no, Sir Melias name, nobody! Those are not really weird. The Eric Umbrella has been so you know em Give us so yeah, so invisible nozzle out there yet not wish we new era Carmel his name, you till we don't we don't that's sad that same wasn't a printed. It was not retained. It rejected informed and released by these committees. Was
the Mulder report by mean we nobody, we know who he is and how it can be. We know who he is and there's a reason that Adam Schiff said at the beginning. We have to hear from him. We have to hear from him and then once it was realised, o crap weaken near him together on a hundred different things, any didn't even know what we want. I don't I ve, never even that it had only relevant. I know no areas so who do you want. I think I'd rather have the whistle fr as well, because if you do it's hard to do, it's gonna be hard to get anything worse out of Hunter paid him. You can get him to answer some questions with the people's perception, even on the left. Basically, their argument is well Biden. Wasn't trying to help him but yeah the dirt back. Like that's, that's the left's argument on him. So I would you gonna get out of him every one kind of knows he was corrupt. Every one kind of nosey has massive problems and he made,
very well him and he's an educated guy, he's done immediate interviews before he hasn't look terrible. He may come off better than the actual perception of provided at this point still the I underline again like from a person who wants the truth perspective, But I want to know the truth, so I want him up there, because I want these questions asked in Egypt, but was perspective. It may be where to go the other one sees I want both because one, the whistle blower will will die in the State Department, the intelligence community and the whole corruption of Adam Shift. I mean that wool is huge if he will testify truthfully under oath, which I'm sure he will I'm sure he won't yeah Muslim it's that mean you can make a very strong case on all of the stuff that we have made. I mean it. It's an open and shut case. They ve the documents prove
Hu, this whistle blower is and what actually has to grind I'd like to see him I'd like to see not just Hunter but Joe Middle class Joe unless Vanstone yeah, not and put under oath both of those guys put under oath, not dimension, I think I'd call Adam shift and fight what he knew and when he knew it and if whether or not he worked with Eric Charm, well is it added cocked season that interesting for the aids at least the AIDS about him Schaeffer, Michael Yup, supposedly talk to you, I mean I know how to ship would then have an opportunity to question himself well I'll, be with you. It's weird because you know can star was the one who did the investigation and he went under oath. He had to answer questions why? Why isn't this guy having to answer questions right? He should an under oath. So you're gonna lie about it. There's gotta be consequences. Once this comes out, their consequences are there? Are there? Are there probably not,
there's no no problem now, but I fantasy land. There are constant yeah, yeah, municipally America that we used to have. Yes, though, there were some consequences, but about a previous conversation, Dale earned. What would probably jailer whose jacket their social media are? Email people are calling me. Yes still dealer Heartsick guys, one on that level, not a car. I have no doubts car but still not was huge. That was a huge one minute. There's been a few of them, but it's pretty rare that you get to this, that it is a really is so that that that's the that's the one I mean that we were able to come up with from there's no time what, when do, they actually start talking about they? They start to submit questions now right today, tomorrow that ain't, a moral when do they actually vote Friday, Friday or witnesses for waiver, is gay and
that can just take as long as we think that could take up to two to three weeks right and then it's it's over once the witnesses or done yeah they'd silver than is guilty is it convicted or not. You wouldn't believe what the mainstream media is. If we guess you it. Yes, let me just. Let me just give you this on what they're saying what happens next, this is discussed. What happens next, if the Senate acquits well Trump is unchanged. Unchained. Everything we know about trumps behaviour suggest that he will be acquittal as vindication of his strong man tactics, yeah foreign actors, get ready living ass for political failures, what they called more market daffy. I know strong man, yeah yeah and if Trump Winslow election. In November Proof Democrats we have any means left to restrain him having already exhausted their most powerful check on presidential power. Only. The slow moving judicial system will stand in his way. Now of the constitution will be changed, they say trumps defence could set a press
of the abuse of power, isn't enough to impeach a he'd. It never has been. It never has been. They accused George Washington of abuse of power. They accused atoms and Jefferson and John Quincy Adams and Abraham and Abraham Lincoln and most of the president's wills in which I agree with, but they never could impeach. Why? Because it sets by parliamentary system, you can't have somebody. Unless he breaks a law, you can have of abuse of power, because at just sets up. If you have a congress, and a Senate that is on the other side. They just vote for you, know impeachment and he's out, it sets up
so then, but that was an actual crime. There's no crime here. What they're saying is we don't like this president? We don't agree with what he did. Well, that's tough and it has to be a political crime. Now you can disagree with the political side of it, because that's who our argument with perjury it wasn't a political crime and we said lying to the american people matters, but they Think so then, but that was an act will crime no crime here. What theirs Is we don't like this president? We don't agree with what he did. Well, that's tough. You have to let the people side that this is the best of the planned back programme? hey it's gland
and if you like, what year on the programme you check out pad gray unleashed his podcast available, where ever you download your favorite podcast, I it's Glenn, if you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do me a favor and rate us on Itunes? If you're not a subscriber become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on Itunes begs so always this story coming out of Virginia last week, gosh we just airily voice avoided disaster if they want to put all those fences up, if they wouldn't have had police presence out there, it would have been blocked in the streets is what we would have is what we would have read. Thank goodness the The Progressive republic are the progressive democratic governor rushed to the aid to make sure, no harm befell great state capital or anybody else in Virginia. Unfortunately, there's something old, free
of the press and, according to the FBI's own court, filings there's a different, worry to tell what, which white extremist stumbled from one surveillance trap to another. Without any awareness of what was really going on, the FBI at this, this small group of three people under surveillance the entire time, but as if that's not enough. The New York Times the Associated Press and Buzz feed centred around the arrest of three men William. Milborough Brian Lumley, and canadian, national, Patrick Matthews, They're all members of what's called the base now, does a white supremacist organization that interacts mostly online aims? to create a white Ethno state. Now the
the media imply. The group was arrested while planning an attack at the Virginia rally in his deadly. We'll have a stories read many others that was the vat was That was really what they did: yeah yeah courteously FBI Doc So we're submitted a court now, let's now it happened at four now it three guys three ivory and at first, they decided not to go to the rally. They're gonna go to the rally, then they said no and the FBI has. All of this decided, no they're, not gonna, start any violence. They were just going to wait in Delaware for the race riots to begin And as soon as the race WAR began, they would be prepared So during the rally they were going to a shooting range in Delaware, where they could, practice their skills and
it sure they were ready for the re swore that they were sure was right around the corner and then they would why yet and see who was participating in it and who Those three could join. Record show police were long in position to present they prevent these man from successfully attacking anyone, the FBI, tracking, their movements Epsom since September twenty nineteen and install video and audio recording devices inside their Delaware home. Here's the plan, as spoken from the leader to another one in the group, all on now, listen to this and see if anything, jumps out. So this, like this, planet mine. It was like this
like an arrow idea. I mean I really didn't click until I took an after all and then I was like all crap. I got a plan, so this is what I'm thinking first of all, does that sound like a scary guy? Does that sound like a guy who could pull off anything instead of going to Richmond but Alice it up. Why don't we like take a look at a map, find a gun range, that's like in you know an outer county or a campground wheel. Spend the weekend training and capping, and while we pay close close attention to the news and life streams and that way, if its go time who are already in position. We can then watch and then link up with you know are our whatever our national socialist forces that huh
but to be there on the scene. Did you did you notice board so that National Socialist sought to do? How does that mean? There's no candidate in in the race here, that is to say that there are socialists. Are there? now than those no haggard and probably if they were. I will tell you this on the Republicans I'd academic year, because they are the republic and social, yet big thing hands at bay. Being a while. These members did talk in vague terms about attacking the demonstration attacking the demonstration. Now. Why would you attack The demonstration your attacking that the people that we're in trouble we're not inside the capital, the people that work Trouble were the ones standing for the constitution that bothered vote. White nationalists strange how that works.
Yeah by the way it's nice to the governor of the state government, disarmed all those people, so if they were attack, they couldn't do it couldn't do a darn thing so matthewson level, traveled to and from Maryland Gun range where they intended to camp out during the rally. Turning to their delaware, residence and being arrested early in the morning January, sixteen federal agents executed federal rest parents for level in Matthews the Delaware residents before Lumley Amanthis, submitted to the agents. However, they both smash there. Cell phones and dump them into the trash? Can there activity was fully captured on video and audio surveillance installed in their home. Vat. Is why the governor declared a state of emergency credible in readable, there's, five minutes, nothing? It's nothing and it was all under control. Not only was the FBI all over. It had them under constant surveillance, not only that
They were national socialists. There we're going to attack the rally goers. You will notice that the governor wasn't talking about protecting the rally goers. He was talking about protecting the capital protecting the people inside of the capital heating flying crap that the evidence oh, that the real target was the rally goers. That is I mean how long is this gonna last. How long is this going to last before the people? Finally just rise up and say enough is enough. I mean, I think, there is a real chance that they lose Virginia, but Virginia goes to two trump hard. Really I mean they'll just went big to the Democrats into that. Eighteen right, but that is because everyone publicans didn't live, Republicans failed. They didn't put up enough people that were good.
Didn't, have anybody. There was really representing them, and I have to tell you no I'm really active as a constitutional list. I know there's nothing to stop me from voting. Because I know what I'm up against, if I'm in Virginia with this kind of stuff going on. Are you not going out to the Poles stuff moves reflexively as well? You know if you are in a state where you're seeing massive push back against your rights. As far as the second amendment goes, you're a lot of times as those elections bounced back the other way quickly, we sought in Colorado over the past four years where they passed a lot of big. Your gun restrictions and an elected some Republicans. Afterwards, you see that all eastern at a decent amount, we're just snaps right back. That could be something I mean Virginia has had some close elections lately, some republicans of almost one in that city, You know it wasn't really a borderline state in the presidential election, but you could see that as a rule. We look you now
have a guy who's dressing of putting black face on and somehow surviving the scandal. As your governor he's, a guy who sang abortion after birth is I think we should consider he's a guy with all sorts of second amendment restrictions he's doing the Bernie Sanders Playbook right. He's going down that road, not as far as Bernie would go, but he is on that road on that road, yes, and so there could be a big guy hush back and look at you had the governor saying last week. These people are not coming for a peaceful, protests, they're coming to intimidate and cause harm. He said- about the rally goers, he said everybody that's coming is just nothing but white nationalists Governor new because of the FBI, He knew that there were only three people, three that we're tar. The rally goers, and so what does he do He declared a state of emergency which the F b I would not have given him the
indication, I'm sure, based on three people, that oh yeah, you need a state of emergency gave him all key. Of power. Then he come outcomes and he says they're here- to intimidate and cause harm. No, they were they are to intimidate and cause harm the to the constitution, journalists. Because- They were national socialists. They were not against you, brother G Q claim a shed great and heavy, and perhaps unprecedented on american soil was narrowly averted. Now he was Unprecedented Virginia american bloodshed in on Virginia soil unprecedented at our rallying, got a hard one to make, but sent me an ethic. Evelyn history worry, I know you don't go past, you know nineteen, seventy, but maybe go back
hundred and ten one hundred and ten years is the best of woodland background like listening to this podcast. If you're not a subscriber become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favour and rate the shell aright. So let's look at the up. All's Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Joe Biden yesterday came out and said you know It's important on who you pick as a vice president, but my pick for vice president really has to be carefully chosen because I'm old. I don't think this guy wants to. Where does it see? You look, there's a lot, people say that I'm corrupt and hate who knows could be but vote Vrie weaken it? weird? It's not approach, I will say, maybe it's smart to lean into it.
Just say: look I gotta make sure I've had a similar, because I am old remit that everyone's thinking and we need to do is to hide it. The information is out there that he's. Seven hundred and twelve years old, so you might as well limit. Only people are thinking that, like you, do things Bernie Sanders is old, but you look at him as a guy who's. Just like I dont know what I mean. I don't know what he Take in maybe he's got that not see. You know super soldier drug. That just keeps him go and he's been dead for fifteen years, but just keep going he seems like he's just a harder act in slowing down yeah Donald Trump he's he's our total S old, but he doesn't seem old at all. Our people are thinking. It is because look at him and it's been his performance
more than anything else. It doesn't seem like he's a sharp as Eads too bright. It's not. I dont mean look at em like we'll get he's got gray hair. Yet look at me. Look at me like he's in the seventies and you think oh well, he might not be healthy. It's not like he's. You know them regularly always ease. Gonna have a heart attack and collapse. It's more like is he mentally is capable of doing it and he's made such a rapid decline or years so scared? What are the next four years can be like one thing, Let's talk about here, we had these new posts, We cannot now all the time they're kind of all for the board and so hard to make sense of what they mean. Why is it just because pull suck like a legitimate question, or is it just at their asking all different people? How does this work and is a great exam? but just came out over the past couple of days, two different poles, one pull, George, I think Bernie Sanders up by seven or nine over Joe Biden and another poor coming out today.
That shows Joe Biden leading I too like right next to each other. There asking people in Iowa. What's the problem here? What's the flaw and this is why a lot of times you see these poles would like wildly different results as easy, just gonna think, while these they just don't think they're, do it right now, just asking people them there. Screwing. This up. That's kinda like how I used to feel about it. There is a great example here of why that happens. So comes down to basically what the likely voter screen they're, trying to figure out these pollsters, whose likely to vote so if you went- and you ask someone- hey before they said Bernie Sanders and they use How old are you I'm seven, You know not to include the right, like that's an asian likely writers they're not likely to vote Bernard Eighteen right, but it gets more complicated. So to pause. Listen to the difference where, in which way, would you answer is I don't even know so well
pull ass. Are you going to caucus? Are you likely to go Caracas and those that person said? Yes do you include those people in the pool? Yes, you think yes right The other Paul also ass three likely to caucus, but then followed up with a screen to try to you're out whether they were telling the truth or not guy. So the telling truth here, the levels they had to fail all of these tests to not be included it As are you going to the Caucasus? Are you going to? The cock? Was the first one, Then you have certain down here. So did you vote in two thousand and ten Did you vote in two thousand sixty Did you did you ever see other? What did you do with did if you fail one of those so like? If I had it
I voted twenty sixteen, but I didn't vote internally. Anti and you'll have to get one of them will have to get one. You answer no one Oliver and it was. If did you caucus in one of the years, and I think I was worried registered in one of the other you're? Ok, so again you might say: well, this person did vote into. Doesn't sixteen that one of the biggest presidential election. You didn't vote this last time right. They weren't you dating caucus in two thousand. Sixteen, this this presents dont like worried about some one pulsar says we're not can include them king, so people who say we're Talkin include those voters who didn't vote in this previous elections. That poll shows, very close with joy, oh Biden, leading other pull their jaws include people who never voted before didn't caucus before but say they're gonna caucus this time. That one shows a big led for me Sanders K. So now that makes sense on both way. Yes, because Bernie Sanders people, probably
do any of that stuff before, because I didn't believe in inner, they didn't think that they have the right, Canada, they weren't old enough right. So it could be that I just got excited by Bernie. It could be that correct is a million different reasons why they might come out work, however, so which one do you believe worth there reliable voters, probably right their people that didn't bother. Show up two years ago, in a very highly publicized election, they didn't caucus. They didn't go in two thousand teen. Some of them might have been under eighteen, so that that would explain. Some of them also might just not have been that interested in it are they gonna be interested to gladden cock as this time and its effects same thing to see, because the these pollsters actually have to make difficult decisions like that all the time right when but you to make the same, Bernie Sanders in many ways is the Donald Trump of the of the left. He he's back. Being in new voters, people who, having voted for a long time. People have been disgusted by the system because of one the change, though,
voters. Yes, they are unreliable, but not if the candidate, is strong enough to really make them believe he'll? Do these things and Bernie Sanders is like Donald Trump. He will do those thing. Yeah I pull day and add from it was read it the other day and it was it add two people to support Bernie Sanders and it was. It was titled, ass we ve never had some one like this strove is close to the presidency they ve? Never, I mean this totally when they were the way. This is written. Glint reminded me exactly of these James Oki videos that keep coming out of these people who are in the campaign with ever seen the possibility of a socialist in their entire lives to be president in this guy's. This close, and that if he loses a magic, God only knows what these people are to enlarge and a libertarian a real libertarian president who would be the nominee of the G o p. Do you know
how the libertarian they're not staying at home, they may not have voted in ten years or their whole life, but they would not stay home the same thing is true. Would Bernie Sanders the blaze radio network on demand
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.