« The Glenn Beck Program

Because of California, You Just Lost Your Children | Guests: Max Lucado & Chad Robichaux | 10/4/22

2022-10-04 | 🔗

Glenn and Stu examine the slippery slope as the progressive Left continues introducing more radical legislation. CEO of CompassCare Jim Harden demands that the FBI begin treating those who target pro-life pregnancy centers equally under the law. Glenn outlines the history of banks, as many are close to default. Chad Robichaux, founder and CEO of the Mighty Oaks Foundation, shows the devastation of Ukraine as our government continues to send billions of dollars in aid. A Russian submarine carrying a "doomsday" weapon has gone missing. What could go wrong? Pastor Max Lucado joins to discuss his newest book, "Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit," and the importance of the Holy Spirit in turbulent times.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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When you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment the program.
And hey america welcome to the program it is tuesday and what a historic tuesday it's shaping up to be where to start with the slippery slope. Now I don't know if you've ever heard of the slippery slope, but it's it's nonsense. Stu defined a slippery slope. You know when one thing leads to another which leads to another and all of a sudden. You find yourself down at the bottom of that slope like he can't give me any examples like what there was that like, for example, they would, whatever you think about gay marriage. One of the concepts of when we talked about it was that it eventually might lead to love. Is love and love, wins kind of anything in this realm will eventually be okay and then you'll have drag queen shows for kiss and managed minor reasons yet gillis. That's ridiculous! Slippery slopes! Oh we're going to we're going to show you in the next twenty minutes. It can't happen in america except whoops. It just did this is this is the this. This is a wild ride and wake up america because
It is happening right now, John rodion, about his experience with relief factories. A few years ago, I had a back injury that left me in pain every single day. I'd read a lot of stuff, but nothing would make the pain go away for a very long, and fortunately I am you ye amorous about relief factor and tried it out with in a few weeks, I not only felt better, I felt better than I had before he got the back injury. It was amazing, thank you, Glenn, so much for relief factor. You got it John. Thank you. Three week, quickstart developed for you, nineteen. Ninety five, it's a dollar a day. It's a trial back and hundreds of thousands of people have tried it and about seventy percent of them go on to order more so order. Your trial pack, now relief factor, dot com or eight hundred the number for relief. Eight hundred the number for relief relief factor dot com feel the difference so a trial court judge Karen may back in
included in the case of west forty, nine street verses, west, forty, nine street llc verses, o neill that polly amorous relationship entitled to the same sort of legal protections extended to two percent relationships. Now This is interesting because this is exactly the slippery slope that I said you can not say, love is love and then just me, get between two people. Why are you limiting it to two people you have to able to open it up for everything The case involves three men and a dispute then apartment building then the three men, Scott Anderson, my it's so neil lived together in new york city apartment. Anderson held the lease was married to another man, Robert Romano, who lived
the different address, will after Anderson died. The apartment building argued that o Neill didn't have the right to renew the lease, because he was just anderson's roommate, but O'Neill, contends that it was a non traditional family operation. and he should have the right to renew the lease, the judge held that there has been be a hearing to determine whether Anderson had a relationship with all three men if he had a polly amorous relationship with all three men there. They wrote. why shouldn t be held to the same. The same legal challenges and changes, that that happen. with gay marriage, she by the end of twenty fourteen gay marriage was legal and thirty five states through their legislation or court state action,
Gruber fell, but how do you oh oh, burger fell right. Versus hodge in seminal supreme court decision that establish same sex, marriage as a constitutional right was heralded as groundbreaking. However, these things, limit their holdings to two person, relationships The instant the instant case presents the distinct and complex issue. of significant multi person relationships it all. We extend the legal protection to same sex couples with normal familial familial characteristics. To avoid going quote too far, but she asked why sure Would that be a standard Why, then, except for the very real possibility of implicit majority marian animus is
imitation of two persons inserted into the definition of a family like relationship for the? this of receiving the same protection from eviction accord two legally formalised or blood relationships. To just a code word for monogamy. Why Is a person have to be committed to just one person And only a certain proscribed way in order to enjoy stability and housing after the departure of a loved one. She said: add the referral to normal familial activities, reveals the intent to limit the application of not eviction protection of someone who can demonstrate a trip. National marriage, by for their sexual orientation, though nineteen? Ninety nine. This decision was called a radical leap. The judges ruled that also at? Firstly, it was ruled in traditional ideology: Was normal or non traditional in nineteen? Eighty nine is not a barometer for what is normal or
traditional now, indeed definition of family has morphed considerably, since nineteen eighty nine Why should we stop morphing? It now. No, no, this is about love. No now, there's gonna be Everything. But why stop there as we're talk About families color, When you democrat a wake up, amerika. California, democratic governor Gavin, newsome signed a new law through it's night to strip rights away from parents who protest their children's blind pursuit. Of surgeries sold to confuse minors as gender, affirming affirmation? the Senate bill, one o seven introduced. by san Francisco area, state, senator scott wiener.
So California will now become a refuge, trans, identifying minors who seek irreversible medical treatments, gender, this for you, legislation was supposedly aimed at blocking red states from enforcing laws, barring extreme treatments for underage victims, instead, Invite those minors to seek surgeries in california, listen To this end California, we believe inequality and acceptance. We believe that no one should be pursued did or prosecuted forgetting the care they need, including gender affirming care This is what he said when he signed it into law: pair snow what's best for their kids and they should be able to make decisions around the health of their children without fear, we must Take a stand for parental Joyce. my eyes, shooting blood.
Really Gavin parent, snow best, but get your kids vaccinated or will take them away from you really parents, know best. Really parents know best. So if one parent says this is good and the Their parents says it's not good, which pair and knows best being in being the answer, the parent that again he's with california the bill undermines parental choice by empowering the state to strip custody from any parent that refuses to support their children's demand for gender, affirming care, so parents,
don't know best, just like every fricking. just like every policy that we happen to be seen from the press ass side and the marxist right, cole revolutionary side of today, political landscape You agree with us your fine, if you d We agree with us, your an enemy of the state. Now here's the great news it does just apply to californian and californian parents. This applies to all parents. If your keys, steps over the border in the california, they can you can lose custody of your own children and, by the way, it
I guess not good enough to have to make sure that your kids aren't going to california tickets. radical. mastectomy or birdy blockers. No, they don't have to go to california, of teller, health, california, doctors can now give those puberty blockers to your children in texas Florida utah. Michigan new york anywhere got it Because of california, u v ger lost your children now. The medical organizations are very upset with what's going on, The american medical association has sent a letter to attack the general merrick garland wow, you know just this. weird
It's a letter that I'm almost the same as the letter, It came from the local school at boards boards of education, they were very upset. Hey, I we're being change You are just categorize. All group of people is terror is for us wake up america. the american medical association has sent a letter to the attorney general calling to investigate the organizations, individuals and entities naming provoking and carrying out bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children's hospitals and physicians across the. U s: I love that investigation. Are you also investigating the people who are bombing and threatening the abortion clinic doctors and nurses- see,
I don't have a problem with putting people in jail who worth near the lives of any body here. Reckoning, the lives of a doctor of a hospital of a women's health centre of plan parenthood. or women's centre. That is trying their best to make sure that people don't have an abortion long as you're investigating all of them, but are you the answer is nope nope. You know what. color producer back. Tell me when I put him on right now, So you get them right now, I'm gonna cut the rest of this. My luggage, Think you need to hear. Do you remember the guy that we talk,
about a we talk to right after rovers wade was overturned and they had a fire bombing in their clinic. I think they're in buffalo. and they were fire bombed but it was quite aware of who is doing it I'd like to know what the deal J has done on that Do we only care about the ama? Does the a may only care about doctors, who are with this dangerous deadly. Progressive ideology and I say deadly. Because suicides are way up, they are, we Up, you think, This is gonna help your kids, it's not. Suicides of kids that are having these things done. Wake up
So, let's find out what the deal jays doing, wake up, America, This is real life. You all. I know you want to go and you know just have your life and forget it all. you will not have one. you will not be a you, won't have a family, you won't. Be able to practise tree. Did american things we all all of us better be at the voting booth. American financing is our sponsor if you're carrying a balance in your credit card right now, you realize the rate that you, oh and that money is going to continue rising for the rest of the year and probably in the next year as well. Imagine much money wouldn't be wasted. If you didn't have keep paying more in interest. Imagine
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And now the glinda programme presents distracting happy god when he set out the window. You enjoy the sunshine and the wind in his face a boon ok, I needed that I needed a little lumpy I needed a little puppy. I might need a little puppy, many more than that. I might need one just right here, just a little puppy dog, our dilemma. Gary, as are you finding the slope a bit slippery? I am. I am You know I haven't even gotten to I'm not gonna, be able to have him on. So you know zero at the bottom of the hour. I gotta keep under my schedule. I only got into the children's hospital in philadelphia
the philadelphia gender clinic co founder there. That says she conducts research on homeless, youth. Many roma that anybody anybody anybody ever robin everybody. My hearing. Oh my gosh. These are echoes of the past We do need therapy. What we ask of us is that there is something we can do. Can we get you a group on for some thirty with their peak of what can we do we make you feel a little. I go out and vote go out vote, please go out and vote the way. Voters! Voters! Eighty nine percent of likely voters said scrooge. Should fully inform parents of what their children are being taught in the classroom, the explicit books
Eighty five percent were opposed to them so What do we? What is our guest name? I can remember I'm sorry, Jim, Jim, how are you, sir good Glenn here, good to hear from you listen, you will you run the clinic refresh my memory up in follow right and you were hit right after versus wade was overturn correct and we welcome it got no go ahead. You had you had what happened to you exactly we had ruined We were firebombed a multiple perpetrators, I'm old molotov cocktails, half a million dollars of damage, genes, revenge, scripted and the side of the building or taking responsibility for it. Yeah and, of course, the d o J has been all over it, the f b. I, what have you heard from what have you heard from them, since this happened this summer?
the d J, the f b? I they ve, not only abdicated there their responsibility to provide equal justice analogue there now going on on the attack territory ass a nation or their next step relative to the christian Paul I've people There have been over seventy attack from on pro life. Pregnancy centers alone across the country, are being the worst and they have done nothing are choosing not to make arrests glenn and at We had a fire lawsuit against the police department yet our video backs? We can actually hit the refusal to other fields, see it. This is difficult and so I mean, but the a m a as they are right, because your doctors and your nurses, I'm sure the a m a is It's all over you and I say how can we help protect you're right daddy? The f b I just like the fbi is, is the
the security farm for pretty bush, the abortion industry. The am is, but is the propaganda arm for the abortion industry there they're they're, not actually interested in that Well, ethics, anymore, they're, interested in social, we redevelopment, but the only way that the are kind, the left, if you well, we'll she's society is through the dismemberment death. And officially mutilation. That's their debts, their idea of social change, idea of social change is from the heart out. We believe all people are made in the image of god and deserving a blessing, action from the wounds, the tomb and the only way you can change society, thereby chain. People heart and that's- that's. That's totally. Foreign to people one of those who want to change society by destroying it anyway stand in their way. God bless you God bless you, everybody that works with you and is in your industry.
For your safety and thank you for softening my heart just a little bit your message here, because Sometimes my heart starts dumber than a bit, but thank you for that. God bless. You follow up again the Glen back programme, an amazing, wake up its happening in your country? as you go to your day to day life, it's so incredibly important that you hold on to your identity and everything that that means cybercriminals trade, not only in what you have, but also in who you are, and your job not to let them get that far. Your best bet when it comes to protecting your identity is having lifelong there to help you amazon, something outrageous off the internet shouted down, get rid of your computers. I dont think I'm gonna do it, but you know you, want to be safe. That's what you do you just go! it off line otherwise you should probably have somebody watching over you, twenty
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in the normal order. Thank you for much so much for joining us. I want to give you a road map today, and the road map is just as I'm am just gonna drop. A pen on where we are today and where were headed, just told you about the slippery slope. the things that are happening to your family and what the d o J is doing about it, which is worse than nothing now Talk to you a little bit about something that came up over the again and I have been trying to figure it out in talks of experts. It took me a couple of days to get yet place to where I could really explain it to you the things it's happening in the market is you, ve got to big banks, deutsche bank and credit sweets. that are about to default, or at least it looks like it. Let me take back in history back in march, twenty twenty right at the dawn of the covert nineteen panic, some interesting things happen on wall street march ninth the day.
Jones industrial average lost two thousand points, that's more then a ten percent crash in a single day. At the time it was one of the largest single day declines in the? U s: history of of stocks, more than one point. Eight trillion dollars was wiped out from the: u s: pensions and retirement funds in a single day march, tenth the very next day, the federal reserve began making emergency loans to what were considered to be systematically important banks. That is, thanks that are just too big to fail, it's important to remember that we didn't learn about these emergency loans made during march? Twenty twenty? Just the who, in the cdc word declaring a pandemic We didn't learn about those loans until two years later, because the fad isn't There are no longer required to tell you who there
making loans to or for how, much until two, full years after it makes the loans So they say that's got to make sure that nobody is panicking. While investors, if they knew in real time these banks needed cash, it would cause a run on the banks so far. ample on march. Ninth the dialogue. Two thousand points and more than ten percent of its value. So on march tenth- and we know this now because two years have passed the? U S, federal reserve made one hundred. twelve billion dollars in emergency loans to twenty four banks- stocks- rebounded slightly, but then the first deaths started being reported from cove at retirement homes. Trump can so the international travel and within a couple of days, stocks were down another fifteen hundred points shedding. Or trillion dollars in wealth from the portfolios of americans in just a couple of days for its part
the fed continue lending distributing a total of one trillion dollars. One. trillion dollars in emergency loans to banks, injustice six day period. Remember this two weeks into the pandemic. Well before businesses were shut down at this point, all that had really happened to the economy was that stocks are the four looking investment vehicle were declining, but this enough for the fed to print? One really in dollars, and new currency and loan it out to the bank's considered too big to fail, not just our banks, known not just the? U s: banks, some of are just borrowers. In the past twenty years from emergency loans from our federal reserve have been four. in banks and investment firms no moura securities out of japan, b and c parable The french bank barclay his bank out of the uk, or of these are the law
are just borrowers from the fed, so was the largest swiss bank credit sweets, the largest swiss bank credit sweets. Were they on that list. Oh yeah, just in time Six days from march tends to march sixteenth twenty twenty credit. Sweets requested and was granted fifty billion dollars in emergency loans. More than seven percent of the total that the first had loaned to twenty four banks, but that was cove. It right now may seem odd that the central bank of the united states need to loan, the largest swiss bank, fifty billion dollars in just a few days, have their own central bank by villages. I it up to yet another cove id emergency We had to do something. We had a bail out the large. banks in japan, Switzerland, UK france. I mean it was a pandemic so now fast forward to twenty twenty two, all those
scott their covert bail out in January twenty twenty two, the dow jones, Industrial average hid. It knew all time high, so clearly The bailouts worked and the banks in all this money, the banks we're able to recover and get past the pandemic. Right. I mean those trillions in loans to banks, skyrocket. inflation, pino added to the currency, circulation and inflation defined defined by too much currency too much money chasing too few goods, but we save the banks right. We stored the stock market and set ourselves out to a record a record recovery. Well, yesterday, It sweet flag, as the too big to fail bank by the? U S, federal reserve their style, kit, an all time, low vase add more than sixty five percent of its value loose
twenty percent of its value in one day, worse in, Sisters are effectively bedding now that credit sweet with the swiss that crap sweet will go belly up next year We know this because of aid. To bring this word up. Credit all swaps, not gonna get me. You know. can I get all big short on you, but this is when you have the bonds and you think o I think we might lose the bank might go out. I buy An insurance policy k, credit default, and I swear I swap what I'm holding to you- and I get the insurance money k, credit default swaps, its away to bet on the down is horrible. but now thirty percent it went up these the price to ensure and to ensure went up
anti five percent yesterday yesterday thirty percent of people are now betting that credit suite is going to collapse. What's going on. Why would collapse again? I'm not going to go into all of this stuff. I just need you to understand the big points, and you will understand this. This will take your breath away. again remember, we all talked about credit default. Swaps and derivatives derivatives that's horrible without Getting into all of that remember when we said that the Global delivery derivatives market after two thousand and eight started back up again and it sir Asked what happened in two thousand eight and the girl we'll derivatives market was about a hundred trillion dollars away like a hundred trillion dollars, that's horrible!
and we raise the alarm they haven't learned anything it factors Gotten worse, then, It rose to five hundred trillion dollars just a couple of years ago, and we raise the alarm again the idea where the derivatives market is right now after two years of pandemic, two years, abiden, inflation and after stock. have lost twenty percent of their value. Since january we The derivatives market, one Quadrillion dollars. No way out one what drill you and that's one thousand trillion dollars veldt that's what's held by the twenty four largest banks in the world.
One thousand trillion dollars begun to feel the pain of what these people have done. derivatives had better since the nineteen twenties. But we have gone, in saying now last year when a private well fun defaulted, it costs them. Mobile banks, more than eleven billion dollars in derivatives losses me than five billion was? absorbed by credit swiss bank it's nearly half the global losses of one firm. but just have eleven billion. Where we have one quadrillion now. If I knew. I could easily say it's a regional, Joe,
and bankers swiss bank and it's not my problem, but it is your problem because it Is your dollar your currency provided by your federal reserve, why Are there not people standing in front of the federal reserve demanding answers and holding signs up one quadrillion dollars. Where does inflation come from It's all government spending cuts, actively, since the fed started emergency lending operations in september of twenty nineteen and note Well, you conspiracy, theorists out there september of two thousand, and nineteen was five full months before there was a single positive covert case in the u s and we were talking about it in september of twenty nineteen, foreign banks have collectively borrowed six. Trillion dollars from the
federal reserve. Now, here's a funny, six trillion dollars tsar already gone out one what really dollars. If the federal reserve decides to lend credit sweets, another five hundred billion dollars today or tomorrow, to bail it self out of whatever mess it's in. You, though, news actually paying for this You won't know for another two years, because under god frank, you know the one that was gonna fix everything the feds report Requirements. now allow for a two year delay, so if we are bailing out germany and Switzerland today, curious tune into this show. On october, fourth, twenty twenty four to five,
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sorry to be the bearer of bad news. don't relish it. It's don't you down part of you that relishes it there's gotta, be some part of who you just do it often enough that I can't imagine you don't like it. You bear a lot of bad a lot of bad alot, no effect was sick to my stomach today when I came in and was going through, all the show, prep or just sick to my stomach too much or too much at once and yeah. You know you did the overwhelmed. The system thing comes to mind. You know there's too much to deal with right now, bright well, but the The key is to motivate you to do a few things. One. make sure you're going out and vote leave home. You're getting everybody, you know to get out and vote it has to be stopped at the ballot box. It has to be stopped at the ballot box. So you have a chance to take. Over the house and the senate and
It has to be done. It has to be done We are on a a death spiral. Now that is extraordinary, and things like the eia may are being weapon. Ized. and you know you don't come back from that easily and there's something else, and I want to talk to you about that. We can do and also I'm gonna give you some information. On what you can do financially. Nor give that to you. and also in our three but some he'll things you that it just dismiss, please don't dismiss three. is that you can do and they need to happen now we have chad, rubbish coming on it and it just a second. He is a remarkable guy. He has found mass graves, but will he-
and found them, but he is verifying the mass graves. In in Ukraine looks like war. Crimes are being committed I don't know what we do with this. You know I feel horrible, because this is the situation we are in and world war to where you like, ok, so- atrocities are happening and they seem to be happening bigtime, but. How can we get involved in this and make it better at only make it worse I mean, I guess, that's the line there trying to walk. You know with what gives a bunch of money and weapons to ukraine to have them fight it for us, but Just you wonder how long russia's gonna say and saying, ah well sure that missile was built by the united states. But since someone else press the button, I think we're ok with it.
Does it seem like the type of thing variety is going to sit back and say. Ok, this makes a lot of sense to me, especially as he gets more desperate the works, the more desperate he gets. The Democrats are desperate in georgia. I Sincerely question the timing of this. What herschel walker is in trouble with his son, and we'll talk about that later on. The programme has declined back programme the greatest trick. The devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist. that's a line from a movie character, but it is profound and absolutely true and now he's going a step further. you know what these things aren't that bad pr gaddafi is a scourge in this country, the terror, Families apart it ruins marriages it naked
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The one you are about to hear is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. The program, the hey everybody nieto, just told us yesterday that there is a missing russian sub, the great cause, it's the world's most advanced submarine, and it has something called poseidon missiles. Wait until you hear what they do. This is great. We, NATO might have wanted to keep an eye on that solve a little bit more than maybe we're know we were watching it fall asleep. It just didn't disappear. He kind of went chug, chug, chug chug out of the harbor how'd. You miss that anyway, and we have that and Chad roboto who is the founder and ceo of mighty oaks. He is also the co founder of save our allies. He is he's a remarkable man who has been working on the front lines in afghanistan now in ukraine. Trying to save people get people out. I asked him where the hell is all of our money going in ukraine. There is a pupil at your price just waiting to be picked up for from anybody who actually wants to go. Do that and look into that money and what is happening on the front lines he witnessed last week, mass graves,
crimes Chad joins us and sixty seconds nothing better than the summer given away to cooler whether you come home to a place that feels warm and inviting yeah? Last friday we had the first football kind of weather, but he's like. Oh, this is great. This is football weather like it's, seventy seven, it's not exactly football weather, but you know if you're from texas okay, but when you come home and your your house feels warm and inviting if it doesn't feel that way, maybe you can spruce things up just a little bit whether you're buying new window treatments or replacing the ones who already have blinds dot com is the way to go bar. None and right now, they're running a forty percent off special site wide, which means you have access to a ton of amazing options at a mum, cheaper rate, the normal, if you mean
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or in ukraine, and I said what are you saying. And you said: well, I'm not seeing really any significant american relief. No, and I was the same her glad and it s really is sad unfortunate as ah it it needs to be addressed. I mean a. There is no congressional oversight on this money. This money is, into a black hole and in any country in the world. It would be bad with you wouldn't It'll be bad, I mean people are people in a in governments are corrupt and that's going to end up where it shouldn't and the money's not ending up where it's going. It's us taxpayers' dollars, millions of dollars, and not only that the the it it's it's being because if needed, if needed, to save I was in and restore humanity and had not been used for that so that's us, or do you think that's them or a combination of the two?
it's a combination of two you know. Ah, I I've been getting a lot of slack from people like. Why are you over ukraine helping ukraine's corrupt country? I'm like? Well, you know what else is corrupt washington DC oh and in a you know, governments are corrupt around the world. Certainly a ukraine has that issue of corruption or or- and ah it's been a hotbed of money laundering and things like that, but so as washington DC and and er that this money is not being honoured it or are accounted for or or any kind of oversight This leaves room for corruption both in ukraine and washington DC and in the end I think, I'd like that would not be difficult at all. We have embassy back in ukraine now it will not be difficult there. Correct congressional oversight over splendid make sure they got it right place her get need it that my dad. I do believe the money is there are. No is not everyone agrees with that, but we do. We have I believe we should be supporting these people not enough in the realm of the money that we are given them. I think- too big of a blank cheque and
a lot can be done with a lot less money than it actually has to get to where it belongs. And ah- and you know I I just as mighty oaks and you don't Mercury, one! You guys helped us help, is financially linen and would we be brought. Thousand dollars and medical supplies to special operations on the front line. When I say medical supplies individual first aid get. The girl is because they don't have them in their like. Please give us anything Nowadays we bring twenty thousand dollars worth of. I back to get this special porsche unit, but we your you are trying who trains doctor who army special forces medics we bought it what does to teach them how to use it something that we did. We did that trip, or maybe it cost us forty thousand dollars for that trip. You know it, and They were so thank you for that. They were like those lifesaving training. We are able to give them, and meanwhile Billions of dollars is reaching them like it. That way, how'd, you do things like that. Giving sky it's for governments and in dirty hands every step of the way you're. Also
delivering something else along with medical care. Are you not? That's right! We're the mighty Oaxus wait for your service as we've done over, you know over four hundred thousand active duty, us service members, with our spiritual Nancy program in two thousand and six, we decided to bring this to our troops around the world. We went to ukraine before in two thousand and seventeen and two thousand eighteen to do this so now we're back there the front lines and we go there was. a typical day will be, will get us. Is there not lead the way like fail? Our procedures for the personal safety medical classes will give them a resource in supplies, and it will give them resources that spiritual either give out the audio bible stick to them. in some other resources to help get work on their mentally spirituality the day was rebuilt. The report them all day we're able to talk to them. letter into to veteran- combat better nikobob, better appeared appear about spiritual, Zizi, metal resiliency. That way they could see. to protect their homes and their families and their freedom
and ah you know we- we know from our experience as warfighters, and you know that's twenty years of war that we just went through that there's. A lot You could have on the battlefield methods more essential than ever strong spirit foundation? are we able to share the gospel of Christ? You know these guys. Chad tell me about the the war crimes is that you witnessed the uneasiness february to being on their land, but nothing worse than the last few trips can be Further, I'm getting more into the front lines I just was in a zoom. I was two hours east of the zoom, which is pretty much russia and ah, and that hadn't been occupied for six months. and in some areas we saw about I'll get to the mass graves, but one of them I it's important to know as it. Am I glad to see this every home every hospital, every school, every structure? The item was in it impressive, as as it might been in combat impressed.
say they hit every single structure in these are military targets is today, as they were, showing some videos ana plays tv right now. Some of them are graphic, so look away, but I seen these earlier, report by building on the other, the apartment buildings there tell me what you're saying is is there's really nothing left, nothing, it's it's all rubble! and you say that's area than than usual- and in wars like this. absolutely I mean you. I mean the taliban, indisputable, I mean the taliban attack civilians, they you as terrorism, they want to they want to. Intimidate people, but listen Intimidation. This is, I mean you're. Talking like those. those buildings in a video used. Seen look like two buildings is one building is a five to rebuilding blown out to the ground.
And this is women and children and civilians living in it, and this was a one knows accidental. This is every report, Building the area had airdrop airdrop missile. Right, the roof with an apartment, building that bullet the grounding in killed down. Then this isn't really being reported. Now, I'm happy you're. Allow me to to get this news right now, but it's not being reported and ah and then you know you so this is again. This is not This is not a collateral damage. This is not an indiscriminate far. This is direct targeting of civilian complexes in italy is which is a war crime, and you know in in the international. dies, you see, the international criminal court in the union needs to be that again, because this is not should never be allowed regardless ukraine, russia, political side It's like what, if none, that this would never be allowed in this point of our civilization to attack civilians as way after we spent the day I spent hours with a cup
the chief redeem- was the chief of the entire long for for all of you claim no he'd be like over. Essentially, although I get F, I see. I have everything a ball of ukraine and he was sent there, by the government to make sure they secured assume after they recaptured at so we are with them. As I do To meet him myself nor driving is in his combat area to meet him and to make fighters. Moreover, they did a gun. Rendre bombs over to have been a lot of warsaw. Never had air strikes, or the enemy air. Over us I mean we always controlled the air, so that was kind of a pretty great the us and our over me with a hind helicopter fly by we get to the front if we're a with them, while they're fighting does looting. Shout Iraq at it with an hundred metres of us in the small arms fired, you pray, give him the videos are set with you. We communist propaganda by sixty russian soldiers. There were like eighty nine in twenty years old saddened-
Many many of them probably don't even know why they were there and ah they were dead or dying in one of the things that did see the ukrainians. As we are in Florida they were. They were dying russian soldiers they were rendering aid. that shows who's. The good guys do these guys, rendering aid. Meanwhile, these russians had occupied their homes. killed their family members for six months, ukrainians are still render name. I thought those that really stood out to me. Inclusion arises I want to play a clip from you out on the field where you're talking about mass graves here this area, is One thousand two hundred people are missing from this area. They found one thousand one hundred bodies in this area and they were burned before the buried. So try it they're trying to destroy the evidence of that Ass killings? Most of the people were, their hands are tied
brought their backs and behind their backs, it executed style, so we're not just talking about ballistic missiles and and shelling which we've seen I've seen first hand driving through cities that are just leveled to rubble. Civilian targets to be a neighborhoods, but we're talking beyond that, just with indirect fire and and this is not enough fire because we drove through areas in me and my teammates. Do you like this? I had every structure, every house, every building, every school, every hospital beyond that there was take these areas their brain. civilians out here in the woods, hands behind their back. In executing them. Bearing their bodies, there were had evidence, putting a mass graves. You saw these people were There are hands tied behind their backs in the eu all this yourself, I saw him as one in
you know a they were. There were two mass graves that were brought to. One was four hundred seventy four people and they come specifically to others estimated about eleven hundred people and mostly all all civilians, mostly because most of them would have been out fighting most of them were women, a lotta children and it appears appear what they were using a grades for when I say eleven, other people think they ve killed, people one time, but I thank over six months. They davis you as the arrest of people They brought them there. pride bound and hang up in bed and will kill them on its edge pushed him. It is a place of disposal that that would be my aunt that's it out baby. My interpretation of what I saw and in an as you craig came in and try to end the wood we take in that area, appeared. They tried to burn the bodies to maybe I'd the evidence, but you know burning bodies. It harder and yet I use a lot of you
So then they try to bury it in an aid, may make it an area where they were there. When I say they cater, they must have left in a hurry because they left seventy four tanks in this area. Chad. What so? What do we? What do we do? This to me gladness there's only gets worse either Russia's losing So I think Putin has to show strength, though I, the only scenarios, is a he's. Gonna escalating do somethin, article even more radical than this or you know you have the other scenarios. Yes, the whiskey because the whisky in eyes of ukraine are winning. As your winning. You can't he's not gonna. Go to negotiation table so it would have. If you require putin to do something, no, unfortunately negotiation table, but I think what what we could do as a world- and I don't mean as america but as a world, is as nato needs to accept ukraine in the in the nato or
and are the? U n, an international criminal court is to recognize these war crimes and he's a human rights violations in old cold. accountable that's what the? U? N score? That's what that's what the international criminal court is for, before these exact scenarios, but we're not. then take action. So what we could do you, and I we're doing right now is, is exposing this I believe about, have not leak this infirmity, the box it they would have about reported it like you I just got better: it would be best away, because they don't want it to be known because it is known in they do something about it. So we need to make sure that the reporting from the front lines you know, unfortunately, journal can't make it to these. Allow these areas, because it is about Alan and I get that, but the reporting missed me meet me what any to be exposed, and in our government is to be held accountable for these beings dollars so that ukraine could
If we are going to give, if our government's going to decide to get this money, then it needs to go where books again. I think you- and I both agree that this much money is makes the problem worse. Ah, but I'm you know it we're gonna, give it and give it and have good oversight this we can add international criminal court system- did didn't use it for times like this, the? U n, this is what a sport is, whether uns, four and ah, you know. I also believe nato at this point. Nato should accept ukraine and, by the way in the last, I think it's just a couple of go presents a whiskey applied again for. Are you going to accept the new nato add. Thank you so much for doing everything that you do I I know your heart is in the right place. I know who you serve. And I can't Imagine what this does for somebody who went through ptsd to be over there, again in seeing these things. So I appreciate your service to him. And to us. So thank you so much jet
got that less and thanks for all your support, you we could do without you got it a mighty Folks foundation he's the founder and ceo co founder of save our allies, you and follow him at save our allies or save our allies dot org or I- pain that you're carrying around every day. What do you do when is a thing of the past, what kind of things you gonna go back and do and been able to do maybe a couple of years, because pain was always standing in your way I can tell you what I went back to doing: painting I can pay it again. Yesterday, I started a committee. For somebody- and I don't know why I said yes to It- is the hardest painting it's about time, about corey, ten boom and her son and it's maybe I hope it will be- a beautiful painting and inspiring, but the holy cow
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want to go to war. and an idle trust our own pentagon, to execute a war with this president, in a way, that would not make things just thousand times worse now made our first its ability of courses to our own country and our own citizens and nuclear war with russia that I use and negative for those individuals be sub optimal for our citizens, so you, have to avoid that right in this Of course, an advantage for russia in this conflict, because that is the reason probably why their threatening already things all the time they they know. We ve told them. Invitedst told them that word. going to war, were not going to use nuclear weapons ourselves? We're not going to do any of these things. Now. If this thing escalates. Who knows what happens, and this is why I think it's under sold as a priority of our attention right now.
is one of those things that could swing out of control relatively quickly and the the bad part of this is the more successful we are in helping ukraine the more desperate putin. that's and the more likely this stuff happens and the fat that we are now shipping natural gas or lp over too ukraine in and to europe to make up the deficit of those now downed gas lines, It only makes us a bigger target as well. When I tell you something, I don't think anybody saw from grand home are terry of energy outing. Anybody was really paying attention to what she did last week we were, and I will tell you about that and the missing submarine just how to disappear. Nato we're watching it put it disappeared. Did it or were you not really watching, it is closely
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enough to blaze, tv dot, com, slash Glen, the promo code is glam. You'll save ten bucks off your subscription to blake's tv, the My job is to warn you of things that are coming? I don't think it is too. Tell you how to fix it, although if you Let's talk about this. Are you long term thinker or its short term thinker, try to be a long term. Thinker, lonely times is pretty go meals on a short term. Ts. Okay may do ice cream in front of me very short and anchor goldfish thinking gang If you re, If you re short term thinker, this next when your moods not going to improve much
if you're a long term thinker in half an hour. Your mood is going to improve a great deal because I we have an answer- today I have several times gave you will warning about something. Lo and behold an answer appears to show you the way to make that happen and he'll be joining me in just about thirty minutes, so don't go anywhere. Now dear remember, merchant moraines merchant marine. When I was a kid, I ain't, no, otherwise what else merchant marine, at some sort of a offshoot of the marines knows just somebody was working merchant ships, merchant merk merchant, convoys? What are those tells you just like a big. You know those Huge ships had come in with all the Cargo on the back. the cargo ships. It says those are merchant marines than a running those things. Ok,.
we had a problem with merchant ships. Back nineteen thirties, as things per grass the russian war, the more this thing, echoes the build up of world war, two think we're somewhere between nineteen. Thirty, six and ten thirty, eight, the invasion of the rhineland and the invasion of poland, but it's interesting big headlines this week have shown that a cabinet level secretary of the united states has called for merchant convoys armed escorts for the ellen g ships going from the? U s to Europe, its natural gas, propane guy. It was Secretary of energy asking the secretary of defence to provide increased security for private naval vessels. Did you know that. Now they didn't use convoy or escorts by just
We just want to make sure that and again is providing some security for these carriers that are on their way to europe, and they need increased security now How are we going doing increased security for liquid? natural gas with a thousand tonnes of displacement and by law they carry no armaments, no defensive system of any kind see. This is why Nord stream was so serious because it's a private infrastructure and If the rush was claim. We did. It then They can claim well, private infrastructure, is a target as well, so the naval responsibility for all of our shipping security in the law ocean for to a carrier group, a brain
new carrier, the most sophisticated carrier ever the gerald, our ford carrier group it doesn't gerald r ford doesn't instill confidence in me, but this minute see trials for the last two years. It's the newest of our character of our carriers, and it's been some would say, plagued with issues or their launch system, the electro magnetic lunch system, the of the radar system comes out of norfolk virginia so. Riddle me this, is it a coincidence that suddenly and a few months early base on previous announcement Gerald ford has suddenly been declared. Oh, it's combat ready, oh no anew you know what we're going to deploy it. You know what time is it soon? in the atlantic for the very first time. Where did they announced that
literally, the day after secretary grand home said, we need increased security in the atlantic. Suddenly, we are now the launching system and the re, tar and all other nor are they works, herds miraculous. You know why it was just a light bulb that was out. We just had a switch that one it's like a christmas tree. We switched that one light bulb and everything went on. It's it's fine, it's the one light bulb and all of a sudden, the missiles hit their targets right right, right, Guess is this is all quietly and informally the? U s: navy, conducting training exercises they're going out and are just coincidentally they're gonna just be doing along a lot of these things right up so the real, no natural gas ships. That's it who s navy will open up dedicated channels with LNG shipping companies and they will proactively report any support. Any security concerns or
unknown radar, sub contacts. And they won't be surprising if shell in chevron in exile, acts on all quietly decide. You know we're going to sail right next to that that carrier group, which is I mean It's great. We all we have things to see oceans, a big thing. You don't see much so we're gonna do that just watch the movie greyhound it's on pull Tom hanks was in it about the allied convoy running through german. You boats, sea ice it gets on apple. You watch is really good, but that's how it was happening in world war. Two submarines were coming out and sinking all of the things that we were sending to europe Its brings me to another coincidence. man here too. you're just not going to believe this One of russia's nuclear powered submarines had reportedly vanished from it.
Dick harbour, nato says it's concerned. It could be gearing up to test its advance weapons systems. Now It's in the atlantic alliance submarine bade no tension in the last story, it's really great advance. Systems. In fact, these stem is called the at him, and eventually you gave your love this, It is the poseidon yea, it's called the poseidon, the missile system. But it is, it is known as the the weapon a lot I so what is it? Well submarine is, is top shelf, brand new added- as the poseidon torpedo, which is a nuclear torpedo, and this
Torpedo is kind of strong. I mean it. To put it into perspective. Put it in, perspective for you, fat man, the fat man nuclear bomb dropped on nagasaki by the united states. That Twenty one killer tongues member that vaporize, while Kay twenty one kilotons, So a mega ton, is one thousand killer tongues, so what we dropped with fat man was twenty one kilo tonnes, so twenty one thousand men. Get tonnes right. I think I do it's a lot gay, it's a lot. Twenty one kilo tonnes make it
is a thousand killer tons. The estimates on the weapon of the apocalypse. have ranged from too to one hundred mega tongues. One hundred megatons. Now that's a lot better, but here's the thing: they're, not missiles like you know them to be missiles that you know just go up into the sky, then vaporize a city, these something special, their poseidon and so they are like drew owns, except not in the sky there under water and the drones can go down, be launched from the sob, and then go down and sit on the bottom the ocean, let's say by a shore line and just one of them would do it, but you they could launch many of these from one sub
and they all sit up and down the shoreline. And then they wait for the signal and when the sub gives them the signal they blow up and its capable of creating a sixteen hundred foot tidal wave now. The bad news is wipe a lot of people out. The good news is in some ways. I guess man made climate change. You know affecting the oceans when man put something down at all, you know like seven thousand degrees instantly, gonna, about the shorelines am against that, climate change, I am too. I am too, I am to see They lost that submarine. It's out there, some play watch it will there, they were watching a war watch watching it disappear. I love that coming from nato when they say, and this quote it disappeared down,
thicket disappear. I'd like you to try for another cause. I don't think it disappear, and I noted that will work watching get Europe back. We were all turned around with that. There was a case. There was a birthday that everyone was singing at each day. Just disappear, dandled flew out, we turn around. It was gone. I that employee. Vladimir, was you now we hear that he had a happy birthday, but we did lose the sub, so I'd like to think that maybe the submarine is out just you know just trolling the waters looking for early natural gas that we're shipping but tat, sound. It does best now what he does best so hopefully Their systems will work as well as our catapult the. U s, s gerald ford, it's it's funny, I feel like people are acting crazy, all the time,
general, I dunno general sense of the world right now is that people are acting crazy. Part of that might be. The craziness of the world right like peep, are really. Unsure as to what the future holds unsure how to stop it on how to react theirs. thing on solid right now: right, o o it's almost like everything that you thought was solid is liquid. It's true, don't know will you don't know any norms, anymore, people are afraid to have conversation I don't know. I am I going to say something that somebody all of sudden is offended, and then my life is over. It's really not a good thing, but the good news is we ve gone through this before the it- has gone through things like this before none, usually Anwar AL, but. in the end, good things happen in
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the headlights. Loretta Lynn has died. She is ninety years old cubans. Listen to this one america. Cubans are protesting over power loss, So they're out on the streets demanding freedom, because their time, heard of losing power and wise, and it back on After after there came there protesting for freedom, it comes In a minute we have shared a lot of stuff if you ve, missed any of this podcast today it is in port and road sign. Sort of programme mile marker. If you will to show you where we really are, as a nation go and find this podcast either at blaze tv. You can even listen to and download it time you want, or you can, you can find it today's
odd cast wherever you get your podcast, but you don't have to be a hero. To fix things you don't have to be a hero in A lot of people think arts overwhelming. I dont know what to do. I'm telling you the smallest things that you can do Save your life and save your country. How's, your relationship with god. are you striving to be more honest? more clean as a person. Get rid of all the crappy things in your life, all the things you do and you're like I shouldn't be doing this, get rid of all of them. and then just start making. The statements that you know have always been true. You don't have to be a hero. You'd on to change. In fact, to save the country you must not change.
You must re, establish the things that you ve, always known. Our true that god exists, god is good my family is sacred my spouse, and I we are the ultimate authority, not the government. When it comes to our kids, you don't to be for social justice. You beef What you ve always been. If you break the law, you pay the penalty just is blind and my side there side anybody side. If you break the law, no one is above it. You. have to stand, and just quietly speak with conviction, stay for the things that you were raised. Knowing our true the word you can go to hell, but you don't have to go to hell with it
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The when you are about to here, is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment programme
fellow america. Today, in the first two hours of this broadcast, I've told you some things that are gravely concerned. I gave you the sign posted the mile markers of where we are and america you need to wake up now. These things that could never happen in america are happening. This is reality, but I also told you at the beginning the show that there was the most important to answer. I could give you, and if we all did this, you will you will protect your family yourself and your country, I gotta give that with especial guest in sixty seconds
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more than forty two million times people have checked in with me now has his encouraging word podcast, which is one of the top podcasting religion and self help. He's here, because he has a new book called help. Is here maximum just talking off the air- and I want you to know as a listener- I think what max is going to outline is. It's an vitally important. I dont believe in coincidence I have I told you for a very long time that there is going to come a time when you're gonna be you're gonna, need the spirit so close in you listen to the spirit so closely that It says: stop turn around, you will stop turnaround. and go the other way. I've said that for fifteen years Yesterday I told you that time is here yesterday think four times on the show,
which is an unusual number for me. Unless I really want to make sure people hear it, yesterday I said you will not survive, you will not survive. What is coming with out the cons didn't companion of the holy spirit. It's unusual for a public broadcaster to say I know it to be true something I didn't know yesterday, because we book this, maybe a month or two ago, that man so was coming, and I knew he was coming with a book and, as I am doing my show prep I realise what the book is about. Help is here. finding fresh strength and purpose in the power of the holy spirit, welcome max I think you're supposed to be here at their I'm just so excited Glenn number one. I'm always excited to see you,
I admire you hold you in high esteem and deeply deeply appreciate you thank you. Think you're such a crucial voice in our society and thank you for not given up referred, not thought in the town. No, no you're, not gonna hear so. Thank you. Thank you and I'm just be to be here to see you in and to discuss the the power in the presence of the holy spirit. So it's weird because, as you said, you didn't a god, baden, say Jesus. You said the horse barrier, define what the holy spirit me is there were the holy spirit is a living presence of god on planet today the holy spirit executes the will. god, just as Jesus did when Jesus was on the earth and stairs god, the father does primarily by prior to christ, and then Christ exit
you did that will allow. The holy spirit is executing. That will this not quite that too renault, there's always overlapped it. Our little minds cannot conceive of, but but it also it verifies truth. Yes, Yes, in the holy spirit will lead us into all truth. That was the promise of Christ. The spirit is here to strengthen us to convict us two challenges to comfort us to heal. Us and think where you and I are lying so closely, is it as we look? especially over the last two or three hundred years of of the Old history and then the three hundred years, nations history, there have been seasons in which we desperately needed society renewal- Those seasons came Glenn answers. All too an outpouring of the holy spirit not as a result of a new policy, a new pray.
the director of different change of leadership, there is a sovereign, even a church, even a church, absolutely or not pass yeah. But there was a Supernatural would look at the first great awakening the second great awakening, even the Jesus movement credit, we recall from the late, sixty or mid sixties entered early seventies. There are these. if occasions in which god in his sovereignty, says I'm in a rescue, my people and it's all he's right in the midst of or toward the end of a time of of desperation, and I think that's what you're saying a word: desperate need of a help. So when I say cause, it's definitely a prompting you dont survive without it and described it this way for fifteen years, maybe twenty years described to somebody who's not all familiar with this. What does that mean
when you say you dont survive with that, I'm your spot on in interests just quickly. Statistically, we see there right anxieties off the charts, the loneliest generation ever rico, it is the millennial generation, but about twenty four, percent, say they have zero france. During the season of laugh, you should have an abundance of france in building families, for the future one out of four alien have a friend. The most alarming statistic is that suicides her up thirty three percent since that time, ninety nine, the highest say, have been since world war too, and so I think yours spot on Glenn, which were in the midst of a devastation, but it has come kind of gradually. You know still go out to dinner. We still get up, get our kids off to school. It's not like bomb has gone off, but really it has has a bomb has done
upon us in in in people are they're, taking their lives or their checking out emotionally all around us and in were not aware of it in it's an insidious attack that were feeling its death, it's quiet, It would almost be easier if we head, you know in advance or crossing much easier, yeah cause. We look at the difference between nine eleven and today, but now are battling, lethargy were battling, depression were battling infidelity and it's really taking its hold on us so, but to answer your question, this is the time that holy spirit, loves to flourish in the house. Spirit comes as that invisible presence of god, wherever he is invited to bring healing and wholeness in full starts in the is really. What we need in this was the promise of christ on the night,
before his crucifixion. He said I leave so that the holy speed. It can come, in other words what you have had in me in the form of a physical body in the presence of a messiah, I'm to leave so that every body from now on all over the planet can receive that same presence and power. You have written it during the pandemic. That and I want to this let this observation be included in the history books. We did not know how to pray was. I mean Well, we didn't you mention that during the pandemic and took on a job of daily podcasting and at the end of each podcast, invited people, two posts or prayer needs, and we would read over. We being my team would read over. prayer needs they came from connecticut. Cambodia from all over the world far and away. The most common statement was I'm so
scourged. I dont know how to pray, or am so weary. I can't find the words or all I can do, is sigh of I think. That's him port it, because, in the conversation about the holy spirit, what of his assignments. Is it he takes our prayers and presents them before the tribunal of Heaven. He takes groans are uttering the apostle Paul said we do not know no that for which we should praise, and we, they don't do it. pray for healing or for Heaven, do we pray for deliverance or do we pray for even death if you're a prisoner, you know tat, we don't know exactly have whether these storms, the power, holy spirit is that he takes when Glen or max can even utter the right prayer. The whole experiences take over, and I take that prayer, and I take it
presented before the the presence of god in Heaven which are found so encouraging, but does that reminds me that the real power, a prayer doesn't depend upon the way I pray, and I who prey but upon the one who hears the prayer and that's what will bring strengthen and help to people doing. Tough time our eye. So let me I have two questions on prayer. One, outgoing and one is in going and they both involve the holy spirit. Let me get to that here in one minute. First, let me tell you about gold line this year, the rustle three thousand index tracks the three thousand largest. U s, traded stocks It has lost thirteen trillion dollars in value, that's trillion with a tea in we used in a new story today, quadrillion with a cue
That is the first time I've ever done. A new story that quoted number. That was one quadrillion dollars that's the number that Twenty four biggest banks now have endured it is their member? word in two thousand eight. It was you're. A hundred hundred trillion, I think, was like the three trillion dollars in two thousand eight, it's one quadrillion now. Could you please please do your homework about versify, what you have in the stock market, but gladness stock markets up today is. It is now be a good time to diversify. Take some of that in put that into land or golden silver. Let me tell you
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to him and I you'd be doing anything, but I'm just talking to an end- and you know it's it's it's a very informal kind prayer, but I see him as my body also my sovereign. As also different times different things, but when it comes to spirit. Sometimes the way I I know when the spirit is communicating. What I have to do is clear to me when It is something I really don't want to do. You know: hey No, I don't think that's right now I got it. I got it back that little voice of brightly not rye is the prompt, I think, is the promptings of the spirit. Yes, when I'm lazy or ce- or I just want it to go my way- and you know what I mean and so
How does it? How does the? How can the bridge person get that it does, we have that feeling. Yet how can they tell the difference between their voice and the spirits voice cassettes hard. Sometimes it is serious. Oh, I know you're the one asking questions but I'm so fascinated by your fascination with the holy spirit, why I don't know I just didn't expect us to be here- this candid have a conversation inside love to know your history. I can give you the two men. It answered your question sure, but at some point I'd love to know a bit that everybody would love to know you two minutes. Ok, ok, first to ok to hear, The key voice in verse, there the two words at work. For me, the holy spirit speaks a diverse, speaks a swifter when, as
preacher used to tell me, as a boy grown up when you open it, I will god opens his mouth they durst truth in that. For that reason, I do think it important for every person spend time with an open bible and open heart every day. I know, sometimes, is hard to understand the bible. But I do believe if the holy spirit will help us- and what's amazing, is when it's happening, and you know it because you'll understand it in a different way. You'll read something: you've read, maybe a thousand times and you'll go oh wait a minute or yeah, yeah or or that scriptural deposited in your mind or in your heart is you're going through the day. The holy spirit will bring that scripture. Mind say: remember what you read this morning, I'm with you always even to the end of the age old, Ok, you are saying that to me yes, and so verse and and also the voice, I write
We believe that since you have the holy spirit dwelling inside you then you are a wholly person on earth in a voice. You here- and I know that phrase- the voices that we here we are you play that everybody knows it, but but we ve got these voices, it say, wait, a second be careful watch what you're saying or press forward. a green light. Yet you you get these the holy spirit of requisitions our thought process and begins guide us now. The holy spirit will never through an inn. Her voice, say something that will contradict with the verse. So the verse always out ranks the voice, but there are the times in which the voice and the verse work together and that voice you here inside. You are that
First, you ve read. Today they come together and you say: ok, there's god guiding me. There's god guiding me. A people are Think often unaware of the promise of scripture that god guide us, you don't have to go through. This laugh that a gps you'll screw I did you screw your life up so six ways to sunday until you just go awry. Yeah aren't I I spent my whole life going. I got it. I got a fifth it until you realize guy. I got a got it stronger than that moment. Yeah till I can eat give us a little context as to your his eye was sir. I was desperate for forgiveness and I got baptized and and it True, I mean it. My whole life changed on that day. Life changed on that day.
I got married to a wonderful woman and She called me one morning and she said I am in a I was just in a car accident. Come get me and she, I found this is before we had. Cell phones couldn't afford insurance, we didn't have cell phones and and- and I said I'll, be right, there click hung up the phone where, where, where are you and I I'm praying about it. I gotta get there, I gotta get there and immediately. I knew exactly where she was, but I was new with the spirit, man, I knew better, and so I kept driving that way and I'm like now it's too far it can be, and I turn around and I'd go back and I'd go another way she must be on. The street must be on this tree and all the All time keep going, nor can I got onto the highway. I went through a tall man, I drove about. I don't know a hundred feet and I went this
is too far. She wouldn't have been this far and I turn around it turns out she was about two hundred feet ahead and after that experience I really realise there is no such thing as a coincidence. A so stop saying it's a coincidence and be if you listen and don't rejected, voice will become str. It wants to help you aim. It wants to help that's true and it will speak to your life and help you on things that are beyond your understanding. Also the little things too, but the things beyond your understanding back with max lucado help is here, is his new book next. Okay. So how many apps? Do you have on your phone right now of that number? How many of them are just massive waste of time. Not very many I'm guessing of that
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and use the promo code back. Head over to police tv dot com, slash, glenn and use the promo code, Glenda save ten bucks off your subscription to please tv I've asked max located stay on with us for a few more minutes. He has a book out new came out a couple of weeks ago, called Hell, it is here finding fresh strength and purpose in the power of the holy spirit. You know when you start talking about the holy spirit on commercial radio programme actors generally like oh, how would you stop talking, but I don't think there is anything more important if you could just fix one thing: why one thing that would change the world, it would be
a lying yourself with the holy spirit and to begin it to day and start listening cause. If you don't have that constant companionship. I don't think you're gonna make it there's We too many close calls and too many things. Eel you'll get off path. You ve got to have that constant companionship welcome back here. Thank you. Thank you. So much We're just talking off the air, and I described you know where I think most americans are at least those who listen and ask you to take yeah you take them. I care for a second and and speak directly to those who are worried. Their country worried about their children, worried about what coming next men and how to deal with anger as well and and spare and envious. Bulgaria. Let me describe
the situation and see if it sounds familiar, ok, christian faith is in decline, spiritual indifferent is everywhere, even though there are parts of the country where population it is up. Three hundred percent church attendance is down precipitously over the last over the prior ten years and on the rare occasion that spirituality is discussed its quickly dismissed? It's not invoke. The idea that there is a right and wrong his the fashion in the eye, did that there is even an ultimate judgment, brings professors to mock the very possibility of it. the whole idea sounds ancient and barbaric. That's not good news, but
start recent news, because what I just described what as described was the way that presbyter korean pastors were describing. The united states in the year? Eighteen o, two eighteen o a francis asbury, after whom very seminary in Kentucky was saying he was a methodist bishop. Here This in seventeen ninety four, he said the american frontier, not one in a hundred came here to get religion, everybody came good land, and then there's a missing material missionary who, in the same year Andrew fulton, wrote all the newly formed towns in this western colony and there is no risk indentation of religious people in other the nation was struggling under a spiritual drought, just like we are today, but then
the reason I included that in the book is because the raindrops started to fall in the power presence of the holy spirit. And broke out that historians have called the greatest religious revival in the history of our country is called cain ridge revival? There was a group of pastors, back in the hills of Kentucky. Who can themselves to pray prayers of desperation, because the country was inside dire straits, and so they began to re together, and then they decided to begin having what they called eucharist services in these small churches up in the hills, one of those churches, was called kane, ridge and cane bridge was gonna host the way, the eucharist service in that brought people from other churches and they built a tent. Expecting there would be five hundred people
thousand people came, they poured out of the hills and their wagons and on their horses, and they, stayed and they stayed and they stayed not just for hours but for days and not just days but for weeks and sermons were priests. Communion was celebrated, no small amount of prayer, and groaning and praying in the consequence of that gland was the second great awakening. In that second great awakening blessed our country, us solid generation and led directly to the abolition of slavery too. Hey of women's rights. A variety of societal reforms began. So I tell story number one. encourages at any point god in his sovereignty, can release the raindrops of the holy spirit upon us and then all two challenges: let's keep praying lead
invite the holy spirit god can bring. If this trend in a heartbeat may be all he's waiting on or some people like you and me to say. Come holy spirit and nothing those prayers com. When we see the world in such a desperate situation, will tell you that it is so nice to live here in texas, I went to my son's football game and- and I just was tat- people and people generally come up and say you know, hey so are really. I mean now you think it is unlike you listened to the show that I think it is and and they'll start talking and those at what? Well? What do you think? What do you think the plan is, and I've just started saying in the last couple of months? The only way we survive is, with god, only way. We must humble ourself and turned back to god, payment and the friday night,
every single person. I talk to said excitedly right right. that's. That is the only answer right people at least decay yards doing some I do I do I never seen that our out, I just got goosebumps yeah, I mean it's it, sir. I think you know it doesn't take all of us. You know. No. The tipping point is team was seventeen or eighteen nineteen percent, which is at studio. Remember the tipping point, its under twenty percent And if you are dedicated to that it changes the world changes the world when you think about stories in the bible, like the story of Elijah and the entire. Country of Israel head soul, law sold out to bail the worship of bail a false god that require
Child sacrifice and temple. Prostitution were only a hundred years after the construction of solomons temple. Whole nation had sold out. The judge is god shoulder tapped, Elijah. I challenge the profits to medium own mouth carnal. It was eight hundred and fifty two one, those or not good, though no, but when a larger prayed godson fire, because it then, better to god, what the odds are he just looking for that quorum of people like you, Glenn, purple Like me, like all of our listeners, who will say: ok, we're gonna, be leave organ, have faith were not can get better and we're gonna trust, and I forgot to what I've got just a couple of minutes left with you and max, I saw appreciate your time
The name of his book is help is here by max lakota max helping out with anger. Or is there is righteous anger with? What's being done, you too, our families and are even our jobs and our banking down our country. No doubt, but we can not be a part of that How do you honey get past that ok two or three thoughts. Come to mind number one: yes, there is a righteous anger. Jesus clean the temple, I mean he went in and really made a point made a statement of. If god calls us to react in a way that hurts other people, I think we've.
We're step the bounds, but we have to do is clearly state. Our position clearly state that we leave in the sanctity of life? Believe that god is sovereign and determines the hinders of children before their even born. We have every right to believe leave this and stated clearly what we don't want to do, become cynical and bitter to become those people that pick a fight every time we turn. Let's be clear thing let's be equipped in our knowledge, let's be prayerful speak more on our knees. Then up women are fists and trust that the god who sovereignly declares old is he is he will take care of it, God has said: vengeance is mine, I will repay it. His job to settle all scores snot my job. My job is to be faithful to.
And to try to clearly articulate my beliefs and understand my worldview, and I think that's my primary challenge. and how do you? What do you say to people who say well now you ve, gotta! Do something! That's not enough! I may we. I do something well What is that something You know what is it something up Do you think we underestimate the power of prayer are really do, and I do think our real enemy is not flesh and blood, but against the principalities the powers of this world present darkness. Yes, in The real enemy is not somebody, who's the other side of the isle the real enemy, is the devil himself. There is a devil in this devil six to do nothing, but destroy his dry. Us create chaos in so prayer,
and praise are our weapons are spiritual weapons. We pray, we beg god, because we ve been bought by the blood. her eyes were in the kingdom you're a part of the church of the good of the lords family. You you and I I have access to the king of kings, so let's storm gates with prayer, and then let's praise this praise. The apostle Paul said that rejoice in the lord always get us a rejoice and when praise him that takes the devil, love as the devil, once our praise were giving to god and that releases even more power to come upon. The handed makes the happy warriors that martin Luther king was so you go in here he did withstand and tell the truth. Yeah yeah, you know you just state truth, you know what it is and I think our biggest our biggest. Oh right now is you remember? Who we are where we came from
What we know to be true and just stand there, just Just do not move a muscle there on that play steadfast. You know Are they going to do? What are you gonna do here and you don't have to be told become them. I don't want to become a here. Agent of of chaos in everything area, so yeah backs so good as our time already up. Our time is already on. The name of the book is help is here by max like cato and and pick it up wherever you get your books or ignored, can go to dot com so cato dot com. What is the name of your podcast to the urging word. The encouraging words check it out max. Thank you. Ok. Missouri ice. Thank you ask.
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where there is a great article on the blaze dot com. It is a carol roth. how to survive economic pain. That is ahead in the Biden economy. You can find it now Will tweeted out of it tweeted glenn back and a poster all of our different social but die. She gives a long term me m term ensure term to do list. things that you need to do to protect yourself. And she said you know, in terms of short term preparation, is almost certain that the broad economic environment gets worse from here, so take an austerity perspective and cut out in it and any unnecessary expenses. While you beef up your emergency funds, if you can
She said, if you're fortunate enough to have any additional funds max out your employer. Four o one k match get some inflation production from series. I savings bonds, keep your money up tight for five years or Fine, some return, even if it doesn't keep pace with inflation. Just any short term I'm return would be good. Keep your pa or dry. That's the bay six it you have to do that. That short term, then she goes into medium term and long term and If you would follow those things, I think you will be a lot safer than most. People are right now in about plan dice. I'll strangely, she didn't mention it in this article. In this article, the outside a new disguise really do yeah yeah yeah. They they seem to be weighted, oddly the how and they really seem to be entirely certain numbers that cause or some
they stop rolling in the may. He only wait a second. I make everything all right area, which is energy ass, the wind I'm sure, it's he said yeah, that's that confirms that. So is a good investment! Oh sure, it is correct that in craps, oh yeah, I have taken. The lead at least crashing the odds in the casino which, at this point might be a good writer or debtor reality. You know it's it's weird with graphs. It's just all about timing. You could clean up yet then one roll of the valley said it's all it's all that makes it fun. You have now know that people pay so much money to go. That's what makes it I dunno like every day line. The Glenn Beck program
Transcript generated on 2022-10-27.