« The Glenn Beck Program

Andrew Cuomo's MeToo Moment Is Here | Guest: Hayden Dublois | 8/3/21

2021-08-03 | 🔗

Consumers Research released a song about "Woke Coke" and Glenn’s all for it. The majority of Americans aren’t woke, and it’s time we remember that. Pat Gray joins to discuss the absurdity of Australia’s response to the pandemic. The mayor of Washington, D.C., implemented a new mask mandate, and immediately violated it. Is America turning its back on Afghanistan? Research analyst Hayden Dublois walks Glenn through what’s actually in Biden’s new infrastructure bill. Pedophilia is being normalized on the Left, and it’s happening faster than we’re realizing. New York’s attorney general has released the long-awaited report on sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and it is not good for him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If you're on your own, you have a lot of equity in it, I'm guessing a people, little upset. If you are the man- and I have someone come along and take it all from you, along with the rest what it's worth, unfortunately, if you think the government is the only group evil enough to pull that off, you gonna think coming in because on the way home you know be, might be thinking about how my protected in this city, patients. Be hearing me about and talk about home title fraud all the time and you haven't taken steps to take care of it. We can do that home title four, It is a big crime. You could stop it with home title locked out, com, sure complete home title history, Hundred dollar value is absolutely free. Now, at home, tight aloft outcome go to title locked outcome, protect yourself from this time
bull terrible crime, home title lock, dot com. not to amend the plunder. The fact that our America welcome to the programme the masking guidelines. Doctors are starting to report that people are getting frustrated with that. What we begin therein sixty seconds
First, this programme is being sponsored by woke. Cola, the world scene.
Does, during the run these rights
So our sponsors, american financing, miracle. Financing. If you ve been looking to buy a home you can save a ton of money on the interest rate right now. If you already have a home and paying an interest rate of four points or or hire you are, wasting money right now, you can to refine and also do a consolidation loan. Will you role in all of your credit cards, so you? and pay a lower interest rate on those credit cards and actually pay them off now The time to me: Maximize all of your financial tools at your disposal and a merry In financing is one of those tools. I want you to open up that box and grab that tool and start using it today. I want you to them right now, they're waiting for your call at eight hundred nine zero six. Twenty four forty eight hum
nine zero, six. Twenty four forty make at ten minutes phone call and find out how much money they can save you beginning today, american financing, DOT Net Turk and Financing Nl Us one. Eight do three: four W W w dot animal s, consumer access, dot, org! you know the commercial you just heard was from consumers Research Institute in their releasing their releasing adds that I think, are quite effective against some of these corporations. and Coca COLA is just one of those walk corporations, and The question is whether or not these things will work. And they will, if they are heard, they are the best way to knock. Somebody down, I think, is with you humor
it is it's the most viral- it's why they ve done everything they can to allow John Stewart to go, anyone else who makes a comedic reference at all your they are called a racist or whatever be as they say, you're you're serious. Well, that was a joke where was it really a joke?. And, and they know the power of of parity and comedy: why Saturn Night live is gone, all wrote, woke, they dont understand that people are sick of it so what is going to be even more popular are those people who are on the really on the underground? Now we are on the where the underdog, where the underground weaker the we're, though, We are the ones that are not controlling culture now, and that's all that always has power.
play that commercial gain one more time. Will you please
time does during the run up to this watching on the base stations. Just so you know, I will be adding extra unit today. Maybe the rest of the week for the one could call a commercial. You know that the the real target there is not.
Coca COLA in Atlanta, but the real choice, it should be your local bottlers me. These guys, most likely agree with you Their living in your community and, believe me Believe me. I know this is the way to awake coke up from there openness is, if you go to the local bottlers and you say: what the hell are you doing, I'm not going, harry any of your products anymore. I'm gonna switch it because I can't I cannot take it. What what Coca COLA is doing this bottlers, our local. All of the people who work there are local they will call Coca COLA say: can you please stop it you're killing me in the community without the low
Bottlers Coca COLA is over. They cannot exist without the local bottlers and there local independent. And models that The pressure point that is so big I only would be difficult for a local bottler me like I'm, going to switched to what our sea a movement Langley. Her me this has been done before. with another giant. You see off drink but you're giving me that believe me look which makes me think you know more than near letting on. But I, as I don't know what you're talking about it, I don't know what you're talking about it's not like. I have talked to other Sugary soft drink people now I'd know. Irish, no definitely know that money just so you you're saying that may be. If the low
Bottlers are aware, yeah this of of the frustrations just aware, but really aware. I really aware of ETA gave over talking, because I will say this when I look at that, It's very well done through funding to its very individual, whose very funny you hate to be the stock photo person who is diabetes. I m not a stock photo either. It looks like it was shot further, doesn't alyosha for this. Unlike they're talking about all the problems that coke faces all the time stuff like the accusations, obesity in an immense enzymes, really diabetes, how bad is my problem with coke is is now Obesity diabetes. It is well blackness and are in fact the giant employees. They need to be less white. We racist, full, stop racist.
Leave me the likely if you're a soft drink. You don't want to be, especially in a time when, when These kinds of brands are going away. They're all going away because people are starting to go. I want to be a little more healthy and this is crap and everything else. you lose Coca COLA there. A real hit and the point we call it is: this can stop Are you all right just little all just stop. Telling us to be less white, stop injuring the people who drink your product and We'll tell you that it, Nothing is going to stop unless you are actually heard You know there is an article today. I think it was in. Let me see if I can find it. It was in the air. The Federalist
and it was all about how, if Americans, if american just understand the the power or that they have Conservatives would understand the power that they have. This is, these things, are not being changed by these corporations. Because a nest Lee. They wanted to its because this army. This woke army vague. oh two shareholder meetings- they, they go locally, they are relentless. And what do we do? Let me give you a story, Do you remember when target took out a a couple of books and drop them as they were. They were just damage to people and one irreversible damage by Abigail Schreyer and the other one was the end of gender by Deborah, so poor friends of ours and bent on the programme about these things, and they
very well documented and very well thought out and you may not like what they have to say, but it is backed by terrorized science. so with because of the weakness of target they do so that they were going to pull the box because every a twitter user, a Twitter user decided. Complain that the books didn't they didn't. Like them being sold because they were dangerous to people, and so they remove the books. While this was a backlash, do remember that everybody rose ovens, baths crazy, and so what did twitter do? They reversed the ban, the very next day story. All of us went back and we're like all carry one now: ports, charter bag,
Oh, it's really strange is Abigail Schreyer has just tweeted that are book is unavailable on target again. Now. Why is an invaluable on target. well the good folks at this is actually national review decided. Look into it, and both Europe Possible damage and the end of gender gender once again, available are now once again on available on targets website, so they can up and ass target investor relations wire, these apparently band again the Answer- despite their rapid reversal last fall in the face of widespread outrage, we have introduced a new set of guidelines that determines what looks people can buy from target now This is clearly a matter. controversy and interest to shareholders and the general public, but they didn't
HU it with any press notifications. They decay, to answer, why they didn't actually announce this However, their new new book. Banning policy was instead hidden away on obscure corner of their website, so. They had negative reactions to book. Banning, so weird post nineteen thirties, that that would happen. I am really shocked that people don't like that: also, aha, aha, so Why did they do this quietly? Because they don't want anyone messing around with their weakness. Officially Target reserves the right to remove any book that has the potential to cause cause harm to an individual or a group of people based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and so on
So if you are engaging in what they call exclusion a conveniently vague term. How do we define exclusion? Can we what book should be excluded, or is it evolution always evolving. Y know they said and so on. So maybe that's where they met with deeper, so rough redesigned. So now, there's no age and out of this spring target rolled out new guidelines that shape our book assortment. These guidelines put more definition around harmful comment, the content that will be excluded as well old, some books previously in our assortment, are no longer falling within these guidelines. Ah that's sad! So here's the thing we have to change- we are now the outsiders we are, the underdogs We are the revolutionaries. We are not in charge anymore and
we feel as though we have been, but I am ever felt like we were in charge. I thought I thought we were all in it together. I thought all of us, believed in the bill of rights and not all of us believed- and you know that that's a bad book, and I want to read that, but go ahead and sell it we all would would fall. I too am die for your right to say it. Even if I didn't agree with it, we don't we don't and it feels as though we are outnumbered, and because of the media and now social media. They want you to feel outnumbered. Look if you if you really are in of a vast minority, why are they silencing everyone. If there's only a few of us that believe these things, Why are they silencing voices because will convince the woke. Now
whenever going to convince Coca COLA, those people who actually work therein who believe it whenever never gonna get Vince them that they are wrong. They know that they ve. To silence the majority So we all just stand in line and we feel very, very alone. We have have to start showing up at shareholder meetings. We have to start getting engaged- and I hate to say it, but we have to start boycotting Would you last week about banning Jerry's betting? Jerry is they're not going to change their anti Zionism. Their anti is real the thoughts. However, their local outlets Those outlets that are carrying banning Jerry's if Start saying to those people: I'm not gonna shop at your store anymore, because
or carrying Bening Jerry's and they are Anti Israel and Anti Semites, and I I'm going to do business with people who do Anti semitic p. business with anti semitic people use. Are doing that, and you will change believe me? Ben and Jerry's will go back into their little hole because they're, gonna, have to or they'll be broke. That's what you ve done to all of us. And unless we fight fire with fire, your gun, To start seeing fighting with actual fire, and nobody wants that, you ve got to our standing up look at the difference, you're starting to make with critical race theory it is changing. We just have to keep the heat on. There's no rest for the weary,
more in just a second first. Let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. It's my pillow Let me tell you my pillow and Michael and Dell has come up with some really really great things, for instance a better bath. Towel the bat does it come from. My pillow MIKE is already major sleep experience better with his my pillow sleep products now, change the towel game with a six peace. Towel set its made with USA, cotton extremely absorbent, yet it it proves that that soft feel you look for in a towel. The said come with two bath to hand two peoples and two washcloth anti quickly, retails for about a hundred and nine ninety nine. But for a limited time you can. Yet this set for the low price of thirty nine. Ninety nine with the promo code back. This is what
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Mary does, during the run up to this second stage, should I do
You know here something we are doing tomorrow, that I would really love you to join us on tomorrow night. on our Wednesday night special we have a, we go on location to cronies, its bar- and we tell the stories of small business owners who are just fighting the fines there now fighting criminal charges if you remember this audience, helped out cronies erase thousands of dollars to keep this business open its family owned and operated business out in California. But over A year and a half into this, even though he's paid all of the things now- the city is because he didn't obey them, he's facing a battle on three fronts, to stay afloat and out of jail where today of another business owners fighting criminal charges. On unjust, trying to stay open and stay alive during the almost two years of the pandemic. If you don't
Stop now it's going to spread and in fact, every facet of our life let stand up together. You don't want to miss small business criminals. Co tyranny rises again tomorrow, night nine p m. Only on the blaze tv. tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn, use a problem: I'm glad you're safe ten percent. Also you can find it on blaze. Tv Youtube live from California. Tomorrow. Romney's sports bar going to enjoy this one tomorrow, a blaze tv this- is the blunder programme our utter a sponsor. Is the tunnel twins books, this a series of books that I really want. You do to get we abide by just by a couple of them and you're gonna see, no matter what age, your kids or add, you will see that it will teach them
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and had over to blaze, tv dot, com, Slash Glenn, provocateurs, glad you could templates off your subscription to please tv Welcome to the Glen Back programme. We welcome from the incredibly popular podcast. What's pats, I was sitting about. Another part gets well limit, pats, Bobcat grandly shall agree. At least you know, from that podcast here, there's, Mr Pat Gray, yellow those funny it inside am left a year eleven inside. So do you have any play today? Did you ever seen? What's going on in Australia, yeah the military, so yeah the lock down the military going door to door. The look at this, I think we have the
the video of the people in the park. There's, a guy, doing yoga in the park out by himself, but he didn't have mask on so police car. and behind is behind his back. and then drag him off and arrest him, and we play that its. Maybe we don't have no don't have it loaded in earth. Pile fears in my biographia. Do you know? Do you know how severe their situation is with the covered night in a real bad, it's really had really bad was a lender. They ve gone off. The deep in till they're not varies and ate it accelerating it all right, and thus nine hundred and twenty four people have died since this began in the other whole continent, all got twenty five million people nine hundred twenty four
people if that is some rageous sets out very what are they doing. Like I mean if I live body left, there is only twenty four million you, no nine hundred and fifty so hiding anything of us. Alas, all so that you know, the Good NEWS is is that I think the people of Australia are starting to feel the tyranny here and they don't like it at all and so they'll grand their guns and they'll start going well, hold on a second gone yeah they desired at the door and die darn. It will. To me this is just a precursor of what could be in store for everybody. I mean this is a free country. This is a country that she doesn't areas. Did they dont have got the legislative elections? Remember that these, countries that don't have gunboats Australia and the Uk Euro the gun buyback programme
yeah with. I bet they always they had that money and that could give it back and get their gone right now I mean look that tunnel. Think that their necessary gonna go into unarmed revolution right now. You know what does it take? The authors? I mean yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but I mean what does it take? Your country is being destroyed, it's nine hundred people and now your own, your own citizens in the military, are being told to cheap you inside at all cost. It's this This isn't sanity well to be fair, don't do it it is hard to buy or sell, don't let em Stuckey digests in all. That's like that kid, member that guy in Colorado, that was was plain
his ball with his kid way away from everybody else. Yeah you're allowed twenty feet away. Good knitting. We put him in jail right. I hope he's not out right the bastard. I hope you know what I'd be helping him since before they put it behind bars. Well, it's about time. We lost our beating people. Centuries, isn't it sure is like we mention is earlier Glenn and in theory right you will, of a continent of your own right is an island. Essentially you don't let anybody come you you're, not letting anyway, I'm not letting you can. I guess, crackdown enough to limit cases and limit the the spread of the virus like there is some level of locked down you can do this with, however, on the other side of that there has to be a strategy for this to end and what Australia has done is locked down super hard. Any time they see, any sign of the virus has been able to keep everything super low and I dont mean
down. U S style, locked down where we all still kind of go, do or thing in its annoying. That's all you re Parlez, all peoples opening our like they shut down hard like you can't walk your dog. So they done about and then they have twelve percent of their population vaccinated. So it was is the other side of the ceiling. Is one thing if you want to lock down until in theory, you gotta bring back saying which again is. It is a problem of another in another direction, but like what Eventually, you're gonna have to let your people go out and there I'm going to have any immunity. Have any they're, gonna they're gonna get it. You can see people inside all the time now this. As you know, this is. As you know, this is the extreme example of well
couldn't stop wearing mask of Vigo as soon as we get a vaccine, while soon as it comes down, we don't have the hospitals overrun here then, is well when we get the vaccine. Well, vaccines, not good enough that they always say just cut right to the end pages like we're. Never letting people released were being honest and it is. We are coming from Australia because we think of them ass. Having similar sensibilities, is us standing out any again ass. I mainly honestly you have those you have spiders that size missed I'm staying in anyway. there's no reason to go outside it, and I want a gun because I would shoot those spiders. Have you seen them? They're, like there three feet there like three feet across the planet spider. That's all I've gotta despite or three feet a call. I oh I'll show you live in tax that it was no I'll show you picture when I gotta find it where we're out there, but I
picture of one. What is it? I could not believe it We're tell me when I went to Austria, there are like now yeah you see the one I just found in a barn like no Now again, MRS Barnett was there and universities all people under it and when buyers came in and open up the door and saw spiderweb, free feeding, Ask what no way not by two review to pronounce the spider. While that's, and they suddenly later they put it like in a zoo or something like errors, are big spider kill it? No wonder the entire country was on fire. That was partly the smart thing. Do you see a spider like that you'd like fire? No, thank you enough. Thank you! So much! We have the mayor of Washington d C, I dont know if we have seen Muriel Browser Bouser, what she's done
but she had an in indoor mask mandate. She announced it citywide lovers. Indoor mask mandate, Thursday and its effective Saturday, at five p m which is convenient for her because she threw herself a celebrity studied birthday party on Friday night, so good nobody wore them ass. Then she officiated on Saturday morning, a man Schools, outdoor wedding in Washington, and apparently emasculate indoor reception. Now birthday Party was not a surprise, so she knew that was happening, but the mass mandate wasn't in neither was the wedding, She knew about the wedding. Do she'd she's, not just violating she is. knowingly, putting into action a mask mandate that she intended. De violate again
activity at an outdoor wedding is complete. The appropriate, even in the covert era, that's no reason to believe there is any problem with action. However, she's the one who implemented the rule- and it was also the the reception- was insight- from his insight into so sandwich, so which is it She their wants to spread the covert nineteen through unmask parties and she's, like I'm going to do it myself right or she believes that vaccinated people are safe and can gather together and she's right obviously what it is. This is what so silly about it is like a licence. We complain about these celebrities. these things and politicians, and usually what they're doing is something it's actually sense of its fine but its again, so that what we are saying rules- and did you see? Ok, so it's? It was a reporter, a journalist from the Washington examiner that took the photograph of her inside without a mask right. So the Washingtonian later
the day had this update, update the Washington examined a writer who published full of mayor browser masculine at a wedding over the weekend, was not invited to the wedding, or you can only guess at negates the vote. It is our view crashing all information journalistic standard and they don't ever do stuff like downright it's, like the police, not having a warrant. None of the evidence counts right because you gonna, perhaps completely out of your mind, don't worry about the fact that Muriel Bouser was made. Bliss inside, doesn't matter cause prison shouldn't have been there any way to take the thought it's in the wedding crash caused the constitute David right. It is. It is right that they are actually say three c or sitting in plain sight. You have to do the the lemon rub and the Rhine, Millennia Ben Franklin NASA blowdryer, that's really good one of what other thing leave them
American Federation of Teachers, the union President Randy Wine garden. says the kids have got to mask up this fall and they said you know, look I'm not gonna. promise that schools are going to reopen. But gotta, be kidding, not an AL. We're good at this quote we're going to try all well So I don't know rye, I dont know there is no track. I dont humble home what what exactly they have to rehearse or try to I mean you get in your car. You turn the key you drive to the school. You use your key to get into the school you want, but up the door. You turn on the lights. You stand there. The chalk bore him, go, hide kids, I'm gonna, something? It's not that hard! They ve been doing it for years, but maybe they have forgotten in the last year and a half and allocate believe they are saying they're, making a big deal out of the safety for our kids. They have to be messed up or the teachers are not coming in today
I saw MSNBC a long story The police officers are committing suicide. You know, there's six police officers that committed suicide, January. Six. committed suicide, Paden and MSNBC very upset about the Carl, they love the police in early. I love you too Felicia how she had worn line is just cause them. So much stress now, where's, I'm watching it. I'm screaming the tv exactly. What's all you love, the police are worried about their mental health, now and we're very worried about suicide with these police officers. How about the epidemic of suicide? For our for his our kids, These are going through absolute Hell sewers, I'd radius up thirty percent because of the the schools and the masks, and then you know the social distancing and they don't
the fly in crap. You never hear about their mental health. You never really here unless you're reading, something from conservatives about how the test scores, what this is doing to them, not only socially but academically. You never hear of people, that why you, yet we still don't know anything. We have nothing. No one is talking about if you ve had it, you have got, vaccine, this has been something we have always done. This is why, you give a vaccine because it too, your body into thinking you ve, had it and so you make natural Andy bodies for it. How come those of us who have natural Andy bodies. We are like we're we're we're spreading the plague. Why why the first time is that not how the body works? was about how this vaccine works here it is
It's no long term. It there's a longer conversation on that, but I guess you're right. We have not focused on that night. All of all, not even heard anybody say yet they count it as if its anything play, they rang Ray it's when you talk about people who are vaccinated, they dont ad in the people who had heard mentality, thoroughfare, heard immunities about heard immunity yeah. You notice we're not talking about heard immunity anymore, because that requires you to have enough people either vaccinated or sick to get to us in point two, where the Glee society has enough antibodies too pretty much handle it in a completely unrelated story. I know this has nothing to do with what you're talking about nothing more, but they just announced Pfizer's Gonna make thirty three point: five billion dollars from this it'll be the biggest selling drugs of all time. By far
I know that doesn't have anything to do with more time. We have seen that there is no reason that you know pushing this drug for monetary purposes. That would be so well meaning to bully. I mean I would, I would know the onset and Johnson is selling there's at cost. So if you are concerned of profit motivation, you can get it from the outset. A giant ass are selling at a cost, because the White House came out said I don't know my kill you right now. It does not guarantee that in two thousand is waiting. It immediately made available, could give you let person, leprosy he'll, be in a wheelchair in your body will be falling out. Although we know I'd collect, can issue its detractors, your brain until you instantly don't worry about it s wrong about that one you. I know you do rolling your eyes like we're spreading. This information sounded leprosy. If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it, but I don't like no don't answer, then I'm afraid of what that answer is today
Leftist are leading the charge to run our entire country off the cliff and unfortunately, too many Americans are run and headlong to join them. One the primary ways we do. This is by supporting big businesses that contribute giant amounts of cash to left. His causes big mobile a part of this. So when you're signing with them your signing up pact with the devil, your money is helping them destroy our country time to stop doing business with big mobile. Please. This is the way we change things too. Many of them are supporting leftist causes if you're with Verizon you're sending money to plan parenthood. Every time you pay your monthly bill. Stop switch there is a conservative country company. It is called Patriot Mobile it stands for what you do: and it is actually contributes its portion of its profits, two things
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to vote for candidates back by Democrats because its to pollute Do political Edward! the politics out of it so vote for the ways that effort for how that's always the answer to everything is always illusion. You know and solve everything one party, just one party state all is going well. it's for work or play this summer. Take your re cons with you, I'm at the ranch right now and I'm gonna be plugged in, as I get onto my tractor more of a bulldozer now and move some earth and then hit the hills I'll be. Where a pair of re, con wireless ear buds in my ears, so I can listen to podcast story can listen, a great music while may k if you well you'll get crisp
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not entertainment, the Goin back, Hello. America welcomes the Glen Back programme. We have. We have some great news about Afghanistan, Afghanistan, that withdrawals going really well, isn't it still incredibly well. Gelatinous leak well did void hours worth. It was worth it we'll talk, giving an update on the Taliban and how all of the people who helped us all their life is gonna get so good here. We'll talk about that in sixty seconds standby programme. summer break from school may almost be over my kids,
be in school all day. gonna. Miss them anyway. Day steals still feels like somebody set the entire world on fire every time he stepped out the door here in Texas. Now days, this would pose problem for someone like me. If I wanted to lets a throw steak or two on the old outdoor grill and by A problem I mean I'd, have to order a pizza that night, but now that have wrecked jack? It's not a problem because with Its- our green technology. The rector basically does all of the work. For me I throw whatever I want to cook on a ban and monitor its own internal temperature throughout the cooking process in in norm. States this means of cools down around the rectangle automatically adjust upward to compensate hearing exercise. I don't know maybe it makes crushed ice to put into you know on the heat a little bit anyway directive follow on all social media sign up for their newsletter. You're just love the recipes, but do an aim Comparison, its wrecked
Are you see tee Q visit wreck tech dot com? are you see tee Q dotcom tomorrow night on Glinda TV, if you got the worse, the pandemic was behind us. Think again, left is demanding more masks, more vaccine mandates more locked out. The fight for freedom was never over for small business when heads the ground zero for the battle against government control. California for business owners are just fighting fines and regulations. There fighting possible jail time. What small business criminals tomorrow night nine pm Eastern a place to be dotcom, slash Glenn Those small business criminals are gonna, be joining us tomorrow on radio and we'll be alive from California tomorrow evening, only on blaze, TV also the left has a petty feel your problem and its out in the open, we'll talk about that on tomorrow's radio programme as well.
today I want to. I want to talk to you a little bit about the Good NEWS coming out of Afghanistan, and I know the press is all over this. Because they're so eager to report all of the bad things. in an in an ongoing war, and so that's why the coverage is practically non, stop about how bad things are going in Afghanistan First wall, there are thousands of people that are fleeing Afghanistan and going over to Pakistan all the people but were living in Pakistan until we took over, and you know there was a chance that the Taliban would be out, they moved. Back into Afghanistan. There now moving back out of Afghanistan, but the real people. I want to talk about all the people that helped us the translators, the people who believed that we would be therefore em yeah? We haven't really made a plan for them. You know, there's about
I don't know about ten thousand of these people and they helped us for years and years and years By this I mean, should we have plan failed them still? Why plan, when you can just do it on the fly as the Taliban is just taking district after district? It's like one, shows where they like ree. They redo the home like a home renovation show and every every episodes like. Oh, my God, around the corner. Should we put up these last curtains every day that it s really a thousand close colleague radishes tell them like to stay out of their frenetic extra hour, there's no real rise and for the drama here: rats: cattle! happening in Afghanistan right now, except it's not made for tv, noticed just aerial yeah that the people who are saying that are the people who helped us there like home cause of man's right around the corner.
They're saying now. Three hundred and thirty thousand Afghans have been displaced already many of them, leaving the country once again, realising that this is just gonna happen again, you know band, that's terrible enough! I an addition the people who actually helped us during the battle train later and all sorts of different types of people who ve helped the? U S military Europe standing here this. If the Taliban gets controlled, they're all going to be murdered there, just and to be murdered because they shouldn't have been helping in the Talibans view, the american effort. So we have some, and so there is a group of they think about twenty thousand people who are in this category. and we have a couple thousand that we ve actually been able to help them and get out of the country. Some of them have come to the United States people, but the them reliably vetted of those have come, so some of this has happened. There.
they think some of the twenty thousand. We are now really shouldn't qualify for this programme, a special immigrant visa type of situation where they can be moved not only either to the United States or to a third cut. three, where we have maybe a base or something but again get them out of the way of that Labelling and the knives their swinging, and so they are now moving some of them to third countries and and in various places where they can try to do this. But there not seem to be a plan for a budget point about ten thousand of these guys that are likely to lose. A second may use them now, it does will be that the philosophy? I think it is the United States in wait too many cases, limitation Let me tell you a story about a guy named Raoul Wallenberg, about him before, and he is one of my favorite twentieth century heroes and most people don't know who Raoul Wallenberg is a lady who roadie
work on Raoul Wallenberg over in Sweden, and it is the minutes, love it's like what name's bond half her book. It is the Billy Boy care. On on rail wallenberg and she came over and she had been doing interviews here in the United States. She didn't mean, oh good morning, american everything else. He came to do an interview with me and she almost welled up half way through interview. She said, I cannot believe it you're, the only American, at least as a broadcaster that I have talked to that even knows who he is, and I'm like he's a hero of mine, he's an absolute Europe, so he would go out, she'd go on and do the interviews on and they have no idea who worry America. They have no idea. This is an american hero. in many ways that we abandon, just like we did in the tail up with the Taliban right now. Not changing our spots, if you know, and if a marrow
Kins knew about this. We would say: let's get those who helped us to safety, but getting the blame for it because of weasels in the government, so let me tell you about raw wallenberg, it's ninety fortys and he's in Sweden. He is the heir to a a large fortune. and they are very high up on the ladder. Remember. The Nazis are involved in Sweden and so everybody's kind of nervous. The United States its comes to arouse wallenberg off the Mena through the o s S and says: hey we need you to go over who I think it was. Nothing was Prague. and just watch what the Nazis or doing we and we understand that they are rounding up Jews and we need to know if that's true he says I'm here, I don't know, and they said just
just ass, the king. If you can be appointed to the embassy and then just spy for us, they said. Okay, well. He got over there and he saw that. Not only was it true. it was in enormous numbers. Every Jew was being rounded up. He couldn't I buy it. He he would write letters to us. Seed, write letters to the king and queen of the king was like. I can't do anything that not fees are right. Here and so Ral Wallenberg decided he was gonna, do something, and he did issuing? What's call the shots pass my wife a one to me for Christmas, ago and she said she took a bash emu, the present and then she took it back right away. She said I'll, give it to you to Morrow and I said why did she You can spend all day crying, and I said I'm not it's Christmas, everything's, fine and she said Oh, I know you you're going to cry and I'm like I'm not gonna cry. I opened it. I cried all day it is.
such a remarkable piece of paper. A monument to what one man can do. He would issue these shots passes, which means that whoever It's this paper. and their name was filled out on it. You get that paper. You are now a under the protection of the king of Sweden. and so Ral Wallenberg was claiming people as his. So if you are stopped for papers, you didn't, after whereof, yellow star anymore, because you are now under the protection of the king of Sweden well the king of Sweden was getting all kinds of heat for this, and I mean he issued thousands of them. He would type them all up, and then he would go to the trains that we're going to the death camps. Any woods tougher mean between the slats of the train and then he would stand on top of the train next to the coal car need to stop you The wrong people These are my people,
and the train would unload and they would check the papers and anyone who had a shoots pass was free, He saved thousands of people. Towards the end of the rope end of the war. The Russians were coming in. some of you people at the embassy said. Well, you got you gotta go. You gotta right now. Now we know now in history, stolen hated, sk. I knew what he was doing it. They hated him and Raoul said no, there's too many more. I can save He was last seen running to the russian troops, the first brigade that came in and that The last we ever saw of him.
I have a cigarette case from one of the guys in that garrison that came in That he was running too it's really quite. Worthless, unless you know that that's the that those are the sole is that he ran to saying that can't be That is the Germans, because in Russian on the front of the case, it says, let's kill all Jews and go home he was Taken there's a few endings to the story. He was taken and shot and executed there immediately on likely, because stolen, is said to have wanted to talk to him. So the next version of the ending of his life was that he went, he was interrogated and later by Stalin and his people, and he died in a concentration camp in like nineteen. Forty eight
I think the worst outcome is that he went to a hard labour camp in the Soviet Union and died in nineteen. Seventy two, here's a real I tell you this story, here's a guy We asked to help here's a guy that every single one of us should know his name. His name is Raoul Wallenberg. He is a he's a hero in Sweden. There are statutes to him in Sweden, there should be statues of him here, because we asked him to do it and then At the end of the war, when we had clout with stolen, we didn't even ask Where he was, we didn't ask to exchange. We did nothing to save his life, no matter how many times the Swedes and everybody else ass, the United States. Will you please ask them
We never asked about him until nine nineteen. Seventy six. we're doing the same thing: and it is not- the people of the United States. it's an out of control, large government that doesn't We put the same priorities on things that we might. we're doing it again now in Afghanistan. Ten thousand people that helped us they are now living in fear and listened in, hiding as the Taliban will take over and we knew this you and I we all knew that the Taliban would come back
that's why we should have gone in killed, Osama Bin Laden and laughed. Instead, we spent twenty years and how much treasure and how much american blood in that place. What we all knew would happen has happened the bed guys just waited us out, we can not build countries. We can pass on freedom hell. We don't even wandered our self, it seems people have to want it. And they have to be willing to stand up for it themselves. This group of people do and we are letting them die arts watcher this half hours car shield. What's that,
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not getting credit for the arab spring and they're not embracing his ideas. Now is Obama that was embracing. Is it wait, HOLLAND, but like I, that it either you know as much as we are frustrated as as to how all this turned out. poor and remember that, oh sir, I've been Lawton, did not think this. This with success he was he was. He ended. His life really frustrated that nothing can of of his forget, only make sure they use trapped in some living hell. Thinking that oh, we have, we killed him, feel bad for him. Let's pause for just a quiet reflection for ok, we're not! Is there that I get I get in a you. Look at it. As you say, Ella Times you look at, it is from our perspective and say like how the war should have gone better for this way x y- and they remember this- is of an active country with active terrorists that were put that work murdering. Are
people are soldiers are innocent civilians all around the world and They instead had to spend the next decade or two defending their own home ground. Again, us, and that is why this is turning out is not happy. I'm not saying that it is I'm very frustrated about it, but it is important to remember what Al Qaeda was with the Taliban and what they believed about what happened because they yet they they very well. Many of these people are going to end their descendants are going to be able to get control of this country get it looks like, but the people we are fine. At that time were pissed? have you? No, so the lad was legitimately in his own writings, pissed off are you can as we already nor log can't wait married this book. Did you see the part where they said that we knew he was there, because his Van Did laundry and hung it out on the
heard and seen so, apparently they? You know that hang dry off all of their clothes and we weren't sure of he was there, until they hung dry all of the families clothes and they saw up there all their of really yeah I'd also by the way, seems to paint a picture of how come If we were to losing him, because he security was ready to leave and if they left he was gonna have to relocate, and Member, I mean this is the same It has been I like to see with what this book says about it, but that Barack Obama,
got the information and and waited about a hundred days before actors are hardest decision, any any any president's ever made in five hundred years going to July a hundred years, and even if we would have had we had the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler, I'm sure trouble Truman would have struggled. Do we do it? Do you just let out? I don't really tired waited a long time before executing this, and he was a baby. Oh some have been. One was, was very close to leaving this location because are they had been there a long time Everybody around him was frustrated. Everyone knew the risks they were taking and in particular there close security was was much thinking. You know what This is not how we want to live my life now. Luckily, they have worried, but that cause they were killed soon soon. After they wouldn't be. Sad, though, is one less person to go to Barack Obama's birthday party. No, no, I don't
You know because he had a hard time should I invite him, should I not invite only and then his wives, like you, killed him he's like crap, so cannot answer that that's Sixtyth Birthday Party Rightlier right right there for right across the water from from fire when considering some of this dangerous outdoor masking stuff at their doing at this birthday party, who knows, maybe it would have been very dangerous for a sum of love to there being a super spreader of envy and our own away its else. It's Obama's birthday party, so we don't have to worry about that right somehow and who knows the politics rather than outside? I ever get them. Thank you this is the Glenda Programme Joseph who lives in in Jersey. He writes emphasis. I was in vain for years now. I got it back
crossing the street New York and unaware sounds like Governor Cuomo, but by but ok stop. he's a but taking early factor. I started feeling good for them first time in years, all of a sudden I could play where much again without having to lie down for a while afterwards, I can even do yard work again. Man, that's it. I mean that to me, that's a commercial take it. I feel, like I've got my life back Joseph here's, the thing just because you feel better doesn't mean that you have to let everybody, no that's how you end up having to do all that yard work again. Just pretend you know wear off every time you see, I gotta go yarn work and a bloody work for you, Joseph
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Well, this re. This is man. I can't tell you how excited I am that our roads and bridges and infrastructure finally going to be fixed or fixed gonna being vinyl. I mean she's weapon. We have been paying for this infrastructure. Every president has been lay our fair share of structure and we give him the money and they went out area around they ever structure, except that we have to do more, so Thank goodness, this is infrastructure. Bill is a godsend or not, the senior research analysed foundation for government accountability. Hayden do Blois is with us now. I asked Heating to come on, because this is twenty seven hundred pages long, and it takes a team through it. So what is what's in it, Hayden sure thing for me angle and well: what's it it is important,
in nice that only about twenty percent of the new funding. The still goes towards what you and I and millions from African think about as traditionally infrastructure. That is a road in our brain Second reality to fix them gosh. I you know I don't know, but I what I can say is this, that this is really I too a larger package of what the Democrats are trying to push through. That is nearly five trillion in new government spending on expenses of welfare, step towards the new green new deal and other pet price. Next, I mean that's really what's at issue here is, and we can excuse some small portion of legitimate infrastructure spending when its way overbalance by the priorities of the far left in Congress. Well, twenty billion dollars goes to Amtrak. I own a why we keep baling Amtrak out, but we do AMS
and climate change and related green efforts. What they're trying to do is to try to get us to go to electricity. I dont understand this electricity. It doesn't come from the MAGIC Box in the wall, its most likely made by coal sure sure no you're, absolutely right. We ve seen I mean they ve just got tons and tons investments in here that they're trying to create a new clean Energy Office Department of Energy each. urging they got two hundred and fifty million grant for low emission stories, which everyone knows is such a big problem. As you know, ferries. real heated guy now at their horror. I am but I mean each day below the deeper into this I mean that twenty seven pages I tried to read what I could but case in point example, page one sixty seven, it says- and I quote:
let there be no enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school and quote time enough with doing their worried about kids, carbon emissions when you're going say, I mean: what's next: are they gonna put carbon footprint uncle monitors to make sure these kids are under the. out of the related carbon footprint. I mean way it's just out of control. Does it say how they're going to do that? Well, they're they're trying to create a new programme to their sing it all about and supervising you know healthy lifestyles and making sure that you know these are getting. The physical exercise is really on. the guy's of part of the climate agenda here that we're talking about. But how are they going to do that? I mean even with disabilities, get him to want. To school, are they gonna say we're, not picking anybody up inside of this radio, sir or wide? Well, I you know, I think I think,
out of it is gonna, be with pressuring a lot of these areas with grants to you now encourage what I think are bad and said: but before I forget to do I mean it, we wouldn't be sinister out the bill. I mean on a topic of energy. They ve got to get Another study in there about the effects of closing the Keystone exile pipeline, for example. Without restarting any big construction. We don't need another study. We know the effects of inspiration. We need a government report, another one telling us It's a bad idea, and this is what this bill is filled with. It filled with just you know, still spending on things we already know or things we don't need instead of priority. the roads and bridges and be a pot that Americans really think that when they think about infrastructure talk to my yesterday about this, and he said that one of the problems that he has with it is it is: it takes
for a lot of the things that belong to the states and to the local municipalities. He's absolutely right yeah. I was interview in, and he made a great point that you know what, while people are gonna say: well, it's good cause. They ve got interstate highway funding and that should be and by the said, there's a lot in here that is like world surface transportation grants that shouldn't be coming out of a centrally planned federal office. You know it's written up by bison. Senders states can minister, that much more efficiently than the federal government can. The entire you dont, precipice and foundation of this bill is that infrastructure spending is best when a centrally planned, which we know isn't true and then, when you realise and their recognise how that's all tied in to the other trillions get trillions of dollars of other priorities that are completely unrelated infrastructure, like expanding a fair and explaining the child, your tax credits and all of that
really stretching the definition of infrastructure to appoint. It's never been There are also there are present genes in there for Bitcoin and and crypto currency to wear yes if you sell your crypto currency you'll, be called a broker and then all brokers have to report all activities to the IRS right yet which is senator to me issued a statement on this. Actually any said it is virtually impossible to implement, because you don't have the required information. You know the ten ninety nine to do that and a lot of the blockchain companies are saying. That's it. It's ridiculous provision because they're doing that to try to raise revenue through this, but they're, saying that the revenue estimates are way off to me called this. A hastily design tax on Jim is actually right. This is just you know, stifling.
Yet another innovation in the crypto currency fear that we don't need and really isn't gonna work and is gonna pay for what this bill tribes. They say that is trying to you. No help raise the funds to pay for this is that Europe, but I disagree with you. I don't think it is to do that. I think it's to cripple crypto currents because they know what they're doing to the U S dollar and they need a d Yes, dear Digital, U S! Dollar! You know that that very well could be the case because well let me put it this way. The the honor lying theme in this conversation that we can't forget about its inflation inflation, inflation right, we we did appalled at the center for point excellence actually at it with after eighty seven percent of voters, including majority of Democrats, are either very, were somewhat concerned about inflation and Glenn. I keep thinking three numbers: thirty, thirty, thirty, thirty trillion dollar. Now national debt, three percent annually rate of inflation for producers, goods and
thirty years high of core inflation, this bill and the Associated five trillion and spending is only gonna Burke future inflation, organ arraigned up with the inflationary consequences of this infrastructure bill. What people won't be able even afford the gas to drive their cars on the roads that this bills allegedly and affects how fast Ethan that will mean you know what what's really irritating. me, is there saying they're paying for this with a lot of the coveted emergency money Rather, when they just started an awareness, we need this family. We need all this money and then they never spent it they need. this was coming in and so their movement. Moving. All of that emergency covert spending over to pay all of this. When it this money actually, if approved, start to get pushed out into the system or hears part of the problem with, So this is really an underlying problem with this bill, as it relates to funding, we
Even know how much that is going to cover the cost I mean they have yet to issue congressional budget office score for this bill and are trying to get it read where nobody should read a patrol get past and understood and comprehended before this goes on summer recess. They don't even know what it costs. I mean that's preposterous for anyone to expect that the Senate is going to be able to have which, in a debate on this If you look at some of the funding mechanisms you're talking about, I mean you got that you got the unused covert provisions, one of those the greatest ones. In my mind, is they're trying to book for it. nine billion in savings by delaying or rule from the Trump administration. That would have changed how drugs are paid for by Medicare. Instead of going to ensure they would pass prescription savings on the seniors and hence of the truly midi, but because the delay In that war, that rule will essentially be propping up. Billions of dollars on the spending priorities at the Democrats, which,
from low emission fairies the clean energy supply chains on the backs of our Medicare recipients. I can't be sure said it, but I don't think that's a good way to fund an infrastructure proposal, especially when you got the seniors living unfixed incomes, when inflation saw so I want to be charitable to people like Mitt Romney, but I have a hard time doing They say that this is this: assist gonna, make it cheaper on the other end, because If we give him this, then it won't be so bad in the end, but see! Pelosi essay should not pass anything in this bill unless she gets the full boat in the second bill. Yeah yeah, I mean that's what I think. Folks, to take away from this. This is not a I hear the number five hundred and fifty billion dollar infrastructure package. That's not what this is about. This is about Five trillion dollar welfare filled expire. and one of the largest in U S. History forgets past that Nancy Policy and Ale
and Joe Biden are attaching at the hip to the infrastructure package. That's what is at issue here and that the fundamental problem is that his tied to unbelievable increases in spending in all the wrong areas that have nothing to do with them. Structure. The infrastructure package is just the tip of the much bigger iceberg that forms the basis of We're talking about here were tiny Hayden deploy, see as the senior research analyse for foundation for government accountability. Hey You know the one thing that we saw in the Obama bill was that it. It would create these new things and then it would say at the discretion of the regional Thee The head of we know the head of the department and It was just left open for all this new infrastructure to be built without congressmen. involved at all
You see that in this as well oh sure I mean this is this is a case study of you know centralizing power in the hands of bureaucrats in central planning. I mean that gets. This is exactly and precisely what that is- and we know those are not the right people to make decisions for you know paving of state roads. I mean they can have killed and there's no accountability. None, no, there's no knowledge No accountability. We every time this has happened, it fail them Give me the non Friedman quote: he put the government in charge the Sahara Desert in five years. There be a shortage sand. I mean really going for here. That's what's gonna happen. I thank you. Much the odds of this policy. I would imagine, are pretty good right, yeah
the unfortunate reality here is that there is seems to be enough support where this is going to go through and then there you know attached to the larger reconciliation process a process. All those Democrat wishlist items but its unsustainable and to leave you. with it with a thought. Twelve, you ago we had the Obama stimulus that eight hundred billion, or essentially going or place where that's considered a drop in the bucket Congress feminist is infrastructure package is being true. it's like rounding up for them. We need the demand that the Us Congress really change the way they look at these fellow expenditures in deficit wire, everyday Americans. Your fortune leave women their means when congresses intent living beyond it over the Dennis. The debt ceiling is coming up its expiring and they have to renew it. and raise it. Otherwise, we default, and already the Treasury department is saying you you
to pass this right now. You cannot default on this and it is irresponsible for the. If we default are in, straight everything- goes through the roof, and we're really screwed. So what people do welcome to MIKE leaves, but you don't like He made a great point on your show. Yesterday he asked the question: why are we doing this now wire? you're doing this at a time when inflation sitting new records, time when federal deficits and federal debt unbelievable and really unparalleled records. I mean this does not make any sense that the bottom line is Americans should tell their congressmen. Listen. I can hold off on the potholes for now, if you, because it means avoiding bankrupting my kids in their kids and their kids after them, would you know people should be calling? The members of Congress is that you are weighed on that now that the small portion of tests they actually goes towards infrastructure,
if it means avoiding the consequences of higher inflation, higher taxes, higher spending higher debt Hayden. Thank you so much. Pritchett it. Thank you going by the way. Is this kind of spending that lead Greece into the revolution and You know when you see. What's on the other side of this, your wish, you would have made that call to your congressmen and said if you sign up for any of this crap, I will make it my mission. Make sure you are never never reelected I'd make there. Well now merited financing building your financial house on a solid foundation of fiscal responsibility. It is an awful lot of work for you and your family, but it is vital for you and your family more. Ever it is important for you to find ways to save money. Where you can everything we're just talking about with the federal government, it is going to cost you in
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hold that I've erratic in a couple of places. One and article and vanity fair that should be an alarm bell. I mean you want to talk about the slippery slope. Everybody told us now at stars, levers Adele I want to give you the bottom of the hill. Now we are at the bottom of the hill of the slip, a slippery slope and I'll show show it to you and prove it to you and show you what's Jost day had injustice. five minutes standby,
hello. America! Welcome to the Glinda programme today. I want to spend a few minutes with you and talk about something that is very, very disturbing, but it is the slippery slope. Now they ve denied on the left that slippery slope even exist. I mean how could you normalize one thing and then we're not going to normalize the next thing, or that thing after that? We just want this, but to show you that we are at the bottom of that slow and it is a foul to lead us in half will explain in sixty seconds. You know it's a lot easier and less painful to prevent your identity from being stolen. In the first place. The thing I like, This new infrastructure bill is its about five billion dollars in it too. Well too,
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the five percent right now: lifelong dot com, So as a great article in the new Yorker of all places. That is warning if the new Yorker we the cartoons, none of us understand even them. They there like yeah, that's a lower areas. What does it mean noon? I can't explain it to you. Our age is funding. If, magazine is worried about this. We all should want to read it to you. The progression of the story, I'm about to tell you, will be shockingly familiar an uncomfortable story. It's another reminder of one of the left's most depraved tactics, the way they force us to talk about what they see as uncomfortable truths: when Terry here they're uncovered double drills there
forcing their own disturbing thoughts into our daily lives like narcissists. They want us suffer like they suffer. They think they're self hatred Show be our self hatred These are miserable miserable people and we are, letting them redesign our society to take a happy optimistic love kind people, internecine two monsters What are we doing so sweet. The new Yorker ran this article about helmet can't blur german psychologist who turned Post World war to Germany into his experiment in pedophilia? His goal to spread marxist values, and fascism- Dear God, in Heaven can we please for the love of peat under stand that fascism is based
in Marxism. What the Nazis where the National Socialist Party it the same disease. The article says beginning in the late sixties, Cutler had placed neglected children. Listen to this neglect. did children into foster homes run by pedophiles the expense and was authorized in financially supported by the Berlin Senate. In a reports to the Senate in nineteen eighty eight Chandler had described it as a complete success. Now here was his idea that to dominate fathers caused fascism? many villains many villains do this. They project their own bad experiences onto everything and killers. There was incredibly abusive, in fact his dad
He was a nazi colonel there usually warm and friendly and lovable. This happens. All the time Your experience may not be my experience Woodrow Wilson, aided by the way he decker Woodrow Wilson hated his father. His father was in the clergy. Thus, he hated religion, Annie hated fathers, any thought goal of every university, this is a quote, should be to make all all children the most, unlike their father, is possible. Well, that's exactly what Kepler was doing as this College, student Kevlar became, and I'm quoting again became involved in the student movement at a meeting of the republican Club, not the republic, seems like we know this. Is
group of established, left wing intellectuals. He publicly. fight him identified himself? Is gay for the first time so went on to set up an entire legal and academic framework that encouraged pedophilia. The Sexual exploitation of children and forced Sexual homosexuality too, straw, so called fascist psyche. His goal was to develop a child rearing philosophy for a new kind of german man, good God. The german just. We need a hit them with a tranquilizer doorway any and Electoral over in Germany should just be put to sleep and I don't mean killed. I just mean put to sleep, let him sleep it off, stop it says. liberation, he wrote was the best way to prevent another. Auschwitz. His goal was political. His approach was based on the work of marxist psychoanalysts. Here
to use the social activism in academia to change society, does any of the sound familiar. Even it meant literally taking young boys away from their parents and handing them over to pedophiles the point to destroy fascism and the Patriarchy of right wing politics destroy this. This is his goal. destroy the nuclear family. Polish marriage and reward sexual depravity. for years, Keller use his status as a celebrated academic to create a pedophile ring where highly celebrated powerful academics adopted orphans like they were prostitutes, and it was all part of his experiment, his Spearmint was deemed a complete success.
Now, the woman who exposed him was an academic, a political scientist and I say, was because exposing the pedophile ring. She expose the academic system that encouraged it and she's no longer with us from new, Yorker article. If there was ever files in the cities, archives documenting how Cutler Project came to be approved or how Actually he located the men who served his foster fathers. They have. All been lost or destroyed. Have been telling you recently- and this is true history- repeats itself. We ve all heard that, but I want you to modify this slightly. You need us think of this differently. History repeats itself need to be modified history. Is repeating itself.
We are now thinking of children as incurable, where teaching them to think as them of themselves as incurable cheese we need to be told that they are the cure. every time we say think of the children. Think of the children. We say that, because children are the only ones who truly stand a chance because all of us or corrupted. We all have problems- and yes, we also create the current cures that save us. But it's different. We have the capacity to believe by the time. To be my age. You ve seen it all in your so beaten down in your lie and knowledge. That's a lie. We're tired. We you need to be filling their heads or thought of this. The other day. My father was a failure and I
I dont say that with glee I dont say that to besmirch him. But he was a small business man who ever could really make his business grow it just he was, out of Bee went out a business once when I remember it, but he also failed in several other attempts. His whole life. He finally had one small business towards the end of his life that it works and it made him an ice living, but he lived paycheck to pay check and free, that was a success and it was but he's drug old, his whole life and failed over and over and over again. He now we didn't blame people, He is the reason why I may success today, the guy's it works with me, was up at my art show this week And he said Glenn, I have to tell you so many people that were
Two procures there at the art show any said watching you. He said I've watched you struggle, trying to paint the stuff wherever he said and I saw you really apply yourself and say: I'm going to do it and he said you did he said. I just believe that I can do it now. You can You can. Children have that capacity to believe, but you Otis that woke terminology doesn't include the words like morality or evil or ethics. Use the term normative normative. We see the world as beyond good and evil. They see a world of norms and one of the big France's between morality and norms is that work morality. You have a set of rules, a clear list, we norms. All you have our problems that need to be eradicated to growing
list of things that are bad, because this is normal. now take a one minute break and I want to come back to you. When I tell you petty feel your problem. We are at the bottom, of the hill. Remember The argument was you can't normalize any of that can normalize homosexuality, because not because any other reason. Other than if you normalize this, it will be a slippery slope to the bottom and it will have. It will happen quickly. No, no! No, how dare you say. let me show you where our society is right now, hopefully, It will be a massive wake up call At the bottom of the Hill
sixty seconds. If you listen to this programmable and a bet that you were pretty hard for the money that you made over the years, you probably been fiscally responsible saving money where you can not less. beyond your means, keeping whether I on the economy if you ve saved money or if you're, just still you Doing it the right way? Now, things, are not looking good this bill that is being passed. We, at the highest inflation rate in third, years, the fastest growth of inflation in thirty years. Why, because The government is spending in printing all of this money and thereabout to do another five trillion dollars. God help us, God help us. That is not going to be good for your bank account your money with inflation and the EU dollar. There's no much doubt at this point that the FED is working to transition us over to the digital. U S dollar and that'll
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We share this great article from the Federalist, a subset of children. Growing up today will likely recall certain aspects of their childhood differently than our independence day parades. arching in a ban been watching the power rangers or making gingerbread cookies for Christmas. That is all but lost. Now the law, as a startling, with startling degree of success endeavoured to reshape our society by embedding their beliefs, with, in the experience of childhood overshadowing the fourth of July parades with pride parades, implanting algae B. T propaganda in children show and and supplanting gingerbread men with the gender bread person. with increasing frequency within freak in
Increasing frequency, the obvious, has become undeniable. Those who have a be obsession with involving children in their sexual tastes and use any avenue at their disposal to do so either have a direction. True interest in children or want to run for cover, for those who do. The left has pedophilia problem, and it is only getting worse, I was paid, stay aware of this fact. When I attended the twenty nineteen San Francisco pride parade to interview in ten days for my Youtube, gentle, which I closed with a friend One honest marcher told me when my co host that he is down for the king, with kids, mentioning later age just to construct, Another demonstrator inform me that child involvement in drag is so cool and there should be more kids doing drag love after all, quote has no age and that's a hundred percent. True end quote:.
He then admitted that a child drag queen, who performed in a gay night club, was paid in the same manner. You do with strippers, in case. You have the impression that this is an isolated incident. Look at the mash up a vice headlines, which, in several incidences attempt to great sympathy for pedophiles, or to choose change the definition of pedophilia and confirmed gentlemen, on non offending pedophiles include one who was known as IE, whose job Involve children directly court unquote and another Gary, a man who quote develop feelings for a three year old girl, but calls himself virtuous as a file, because he supposedly doesn't act on his attraction gear. He was also a foster parent to three children and later used of sexually assaulting one of the young girls. These are
calls offer some rather striking context for or other articles from vice such as one in which they fought over four photos of the fabulous kids of Roupell. He dragged convention, which the obligation describes as with a fire emerging. As mentioned earlier. One of these children danced on stage for money and a New York City, gay bar for a crowd of adult men asked you believe that vices alone in their attempt to normalize pedophilia turn your attention to the New York Times article. What's the best way to protect sex workers depends on whom you ask them story opens with the line ts candy first traded sex at the age of thirteen. no New York Times, she's, not trading sex. This is pedophilia. The article reports glowing Lee
the pet of Felix Cereal, rape of a child who had been turned to prostitution after she was forced out of her family home before taking refuge with a group of older, transgendered women came her mentors and taught her how to support herself through sex, the type of her version is not an isolated incident and in the core Bert media. The wash imposed recently running a piece called. Yes, kink belongs at pride, and I want my kids, to see it, story. He writes is just disgusting as the headline associate professor at Yale University. Joseph official echoed this sentiment in his article, keep pride nude where he asked what what's the presumptive harm, if a child season, adults but cheeks or even a lt genitals or breasts fish? He then goes on to advocate for children to be exposed to a whole host of other perversions and speed the language of rumours.
He then says children after all, might like seeing it then York Times Washington, Post Yale faculty, are not the only powerful players attempting to normalize pedophilia flora? Gill abide? weekly communist columnist Hon Sex, thou freudian section. agent chip rights Four g q calls the creation of porn for children which she says will be an entry level porn that to lead that tweet. Has now been deleted and how can we forget the infamous drag queen story, our programme, which was initially backed by wealthy interests from San Francisco and has been caught hosting sites convicted ex criminals on three separate occasions, one of the Oh events was also hosted by a man who has been charged with seven counts of child pornography, possession There is also a netflix got wrenching film, cooties popular left,
personality Vashe as a history of defending pedophilia, saying in one video that pedophiles who, by child pornography, should not be held accountable, the end fascist figure also takes an interest in the sexual dynamics of pre colonial hawaiian civilization, where People were allowed to have sex with children. Then the left wing. Openness about the targeting of children has become bolder. With the San Francisco Gay Men's chorus performing a song with the lyrics, you think that will all corrupt your kids of our agenda goes unchecked, fine, this is just once your correct. Before following up with will convert your children happens bit by bit quite ITALY and suddenly and you'll barely notice. Then they even saying you'll be disgusted when they start finding things online that you ve kept far from their site they say was just a joke Unfortunately, the songs writers previously wrote a musical all about the pet of failure practice.
boy play which even the New York Times found disgusting gang. We are at the bottom of the hill and if we don't be, and to stand up to protect our children, mainly from academia. We are going to lose them. This is the Glen programme. It is so hard to get good help these days. Sometimes, when you want something done right, you have to go out and form your own company to make it happen, and that's exactly what I did a number of years ago Maybe, almost ten years ago now, I got up with having to deal with media orca real estate agents every time, and it wasn't their fault it was. I didn't know how to find them. I didn't know how to vet them. When I was buying or selling a house, I didn't I deal with that anymore, my brother and I he was going through the same experience, and so we started real estate agents. I trust dot com, our aid We are prepared for anything can throw at them. They know
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This is a huge deal. The democratic, a g has just come out with quarrels of the report, on sexual harassment on Governor Cuomo, and it is not good can you play the the first complaint that they're just coming out with it right now. Here's the first complaint from one of the people live. He harassed accurate. I James Good morning. My name is June. Along with my colleague and Clark, we have led the teams at our too We have let our team that I two law firms in conducting I don't want any explanation of this. Can you go to this? The actual? What one of the people actually said when she can the governor that she'd been sexually assaulted in college, he asked her for the delay of her assault when Tom
about potential girlfriends. He said he thought it. Date, women as young as twenty two, knowing that Miss Bennet was twenty five at the time. He asked her whether she had ever been with older men. He told you that he was lonely and wanted to be touched. asked her if she was monogamous and what she thought about monogamy here speculator and how her history as a sexual assault survivor, might affect her romantic life. he told her that she was like Daisy, Duke he's Did she get a tattoo? She was contemplating on her, but after she had any piercings anywhere other than our ears, Miss Bennet text. A tour friend, on the day where many of these comments were made that she was upset and confused? used and that she was shaking. for example, is the governors comments to the state trooper the same true He touched on the stomach and, back the governor had become single. He asked
Cooper how old she was when she was. Did she resentfully twenties? He said that's too old for him He then asked her how much of an age difference he thought he could have between him and a girlfriend and have the public still accepted. She suggested it like a good idea to stick with women, at least as old as your daughters, and try to deflect the conversation by asking the governor what he was looking for and a girlfriend. He responded He was looking for somebody who could handle pain. Another time over. The governor found out that the trooper was engaged sure why she want to get married because, among other things, your sex drive goes down as detailed in the report employees were counted a pattern of similarly offensive comments. Conversations such as that The repeatedly asking executive assistant number one, whether she would he'd on her husband. to her. You are single the things I would do to you
telling her that she looked great for her age, which was early thirties and for a mother She her and coworker Alyssa Mcgrath mingle, Mama's. comparing Lindsey boiling to more attractive of one of his ex girlfriend actresses women. I described to us having the governor, seek them out, stare intently at them, look them up and down or gaze at their chest or but stopped This is a very big deal, this a a Democrat a g The White House has said you know I can't say whether he should resign, for this were wait for the report. Will the report is out and it is bad they are saying that it was a culture where no one could say no to the governor. He was vindictive and he was cruel if, if If this seems unusual, you have
and been paying attention to Cuomo he is a dirty dirty figure and it. You know there are nine people that coming out now, as a part of this and it is that they are saying that he gauge d in the unlawful retaliation. And multiple women are involved in this there's no way he can serve. I've unless you know the Won't culture just doesn't care about him because he is so good on everything else. Yet this is the the report we ve been waiting for for a long time and its this was thee. get out of jail free card for Joe Biden to not call for him resignation he out among, along with almost every other prominent Democrat, said what we to wait for the results of this investigation. So
we now should expect Joe Biden to come out and have to comment on this and that there should be no hesitation on anyone's bar This is this. the ME culture, the me to culture, I mean this is a gift here This is the example: everybody like what he said summit nineteen. Seventy three that I didn't realize like that's not this this is. bah, sexual harassment, intimidation and read. For if you dont, go along with it. This is what all of us mean by me, too, it seems like homo, had a habit with what after woman and after woman, including state troopers where's, he would
grope them when he was taking pictures with them or they were holding doors forehand reached underneath one woman short and grabbed her breasts. That is a quote Russia under her blouse and grabbed her breast. You have multiple times about whether touching but during hugs. There's a lot of that go on running his hands across her stomach from her belly button to her right hip, where she held the door open for him in an event if he is not, if he does. not resign to day. If people on the left do not stand out and come out and and wrongly condemn him and say that he needs to resign today. If I'm back on the air in twenty four hours and he's still governor. That says, If a lot about the left I'll tell you this
judging by what he has done over the past couple of weeks. I I watch this case closely as purveyor of endocrine those awful de camp. We have watched this closely and his his attitude towards this report has gone from. Look will look at the report. Let's see the facts, you wouldn't worry about it too aggressive. Lee questioning the political motives of everybody involved in it. he's gone on the attack and its because he went through a long testimony with them eleven hours Go well it from from all accounts he's realised how bad this is going to look for him, so he I dont, think he's resigning. Today. Now someone Joe Biden might change that. If Biden comes out with strong is late modalities into that says everything everything about everything, everything our. Let me tell you about really factor more on this. Just a second, you know the value of the dollar, but what's the value of twenty dollars, I'll tell ya
twenty dollars is about as valuable as a dollar was about forty years ago, not a lot of things that could change your life for twenty box, but twenty box will get you a trial pack of relief factor for three weeks, if you're any like me once you try, really factor you're gonna get your life back relief, there isn't a drug, but it was developed by doctors and seventy percent of the people who try really factor go on to buy more because it works for them. So try the three we quick start trial pack, rolling nineteen. Ninety five, you don't have anything to lose. You have everything to gain your life. the things you want to do, get your life back really, factor DOT. Eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief factor now: calm Goin back programme. So
Andrew Cuomo report is out. And It is pretty significant if you don't have followed this whole saga. This is the the next shoe that had to drop, because all of these accusations started. Of course, there was the whole situation with Andrew Cuomo now killing. Of grandma's that the press, email that interested in for a very long time, despite our harping on it over and over and over and over again. Eventually that wound picking up steam the of the Actual news organisations started paying attention to it a little bit and Eventually that escalated into a report from a demo. Rat saying that he had understated deaths by about fifty percent. that didn't get him to resign. Then there Big then, there was a wave that began with multiple women who worked with and around him, accusing him of sexual harassment.
of some sort began to escalate into two four to a fever pitch to the point where I believe both shimmer, I think it was both both democratic. senators in New York. I said he should step down and many of the congressmen in New York said the same. It not really escalated to national politicians status, calling for him to resign, however, and the way that people like Joe Biden, you know the crew that says, believe every woman, if their accusing a Republican, those people were able to avoid commenting by giving Andrew Cuomo, the benefit of the doubt. They would never give anyone on the right, which was let's wait for the evidence to come out. Let's wait for the report to come out Joe Biden routine The brush decides request from journalists, to ask about his opinion on Cuomo and all these accusations and he
saying when the report comes out, when the report comes out and its notable, this is not a report written by the Trump administration. Is that a reply written bye, bye. Bar is on a report written by some Republicans or some right wing journalist outfit. This is written by the democratic attorney general of the state may give you some quotes we ve gone through some of it, and I will say I will we're going through a lot of a lot of it on street as America tonight, as you may know, we ve been hitting the story crazy and again Andrew Cuomo was awful dot. Com leads you to be obsessed with these types of things and unfortunate. just a lot of its just gross but Go through a lot of this on students, America available on Youtube for free, so the quotes from the study from the report so far. Cuomo is accused of touching and grabbing executive assistance, but during hugs this is routine throughout, report over and over and over again he
inquired multiple times about whether she had cheated or would cheat on her husband and asked her to help him find her him a girlfriend he quote, reached under her blouse and grabbed her breast. These are of no various women. It's I'm not quoting from just one of the stories he quote. Ray, ran his hand across her stomach from her belly button to her right hip. While she held it wherefore him open at an event. I believe that was a state trooper. By the way he quote. Asked her to help in finding a girlfriend. This is another person described. criteria for a girlfriend as someone who could quote handle pain. He told Miss Bennet one of the accusers in talking potential girlfriends for him, Andrew Cuomo, that he would. Willing to date. Anyone who is his youngest twenty, two years old, he knew Missus. Bennet was twenty five at the time.
he had asked her whether she had been with older men. These are all in the context of business meetings, or Other work related gatherings quote, the picture was being taken. The governor put his hand on state entity, employee number ones, but tapped it twice then grabbed her. But end quote this once particularly, this this, this interaction was very strange. He said quote she wore a shirt that have the name of an energy company written across the chest. When the governor reached this accuser he ran two fingers across her chest. Pressing down on each of the letters. Subtle with his face close to her cheek, he said I'm going to say. I see a spider on your shoulder before brushing his hand in the area between her shoulder and breasts from the
port quote our investigation identified corroboration for MRS Boiling allegations. She was one of them, the she's. Actually, the first accused got really any attention they, identified corroboration for the allegations, including the ones that the governor and the executive chamber had denied end quote The governor and executive chamber actively engaged in an effort to discredit her quoting by disseminating to the press, confidential internal documents that did her in a negative light. another accuser said quote stage. He was quote staring down her whose shirt and then commenting on her necklace, which inside her shirt, end quote. Another accuser, feeling uncomfortable grab the governors risk and removed his hand from her back. At that point, the governor remarked wow you're aggressive, after which the governor up her face in his hands and said: can I kiss you.
Cuomo in his response quote admitted that he may have kissed certain staff members on the lifts lips with remembering who also expresses the view that this investigation itself and the investigators conducting the investigation were politically motivated and assertion that we saw In documentary evidence as part of the plan in response to the investigation. almost as soon as it commenced. Each complainant found his conduct to be some come, a combination of humiliating uncomfortable offensive or inappropriate, and you look at them. the work that has been done to try to make this guy into an international hero, a man who completely and Ten failed, to manage the pandemic from very beginning and oversaw what likely
was the worst single response to corona virus in the world. Certainly some countries in South America have now our challenge, that assessment, but Cuomo was awful, from day one on this. He was wrong every step of the way and was treated as a conquering hero by the press, who undoubtedly knew about. Of the chatter of these type, of allegations. This is separate from what he did with the the people in the nursing home, where thousands were put in massive danger in and were killed by corona virus. He hid the results, by the way to this day, is still under counting the day, Add in New York by eleven thousand. That's according to the CDC, continue to go, it continues to go down this road and was
was for so long praised. As a hero to the Wait more. He wrote a book and earned five million dollars on the backs of these dead pull across the state. Why, while he was doing that, he was having employees of the state and paid for or by New York taxpayer dollars bring him with the book at this. time he was allegedly groping one after another, every time. A Republican does something bad. Every other republic in the public eye has to answer for what do you think about that? Should they reside, should they step down we're gonna see another wave of this over the next twenty four to forty eight hours and people like Joe Biden, who were able
brush this off. We're gonna have to answer for it and answer whether this this dirt bag should resign. Of course, the answer to that should be immediately programme.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.