« The Glenn Beck Program

All Cats Are Psychopaths | Guest: Steve Earnest | 12/7/21

2021-12-07 | 🔗

Glenn tells a story of the treatment of POWs in the 1940s and the kindness of Americans. Pat Gray joins to discuss some good news, the fall of Chris Cuomo, cats being psychopaths, and a weird hut found on the moon. Glenn shares some good news disguised as bad news, including how President Biden’s failures are an opportunity to discuss failed policies, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Stu and Glenn discuss how to avoid a carjacking this holiday season and the ongoing crime surge. Glenn and Stu discuss President Biden's meeting with Vladimir Putin. Theatre professor Steve Earnest joins to give an update since being suspended for telling students to have thicker skin.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When you're a dog owner you want to do everything you can to them along and happy and healthy life, because it the family. My dog, you know, is part of the family and he had a trouble. We had real trouble eating. We could never get him to gain enough weight. We would have to freeze like we're playing statue with the kids every time that he would eat. Otherwise he would stop, but not anymore. Rough grew things, have given him the willingness to eat again vitality that he had as a puppy used to be the picky S deed, or now he scarfs down everything in his ball. In fact, quite easy, kind of annoying at eleven o clock at night. When he's like the ball, the ball, you wanna play you wanna to now, anyway,
I should start eating rough greens, get back that vitality. You get a free bag of rough greens now for your dog to try out all you pay for shipping. It's not a dog food, its supplement that has all the healthy stuff that they need and they can get from their kibble food. Rough greens, dot com back call get a free bag. Today, today, eight three, three Glenn, thirty, three three three three Glenn thirty three or just go to a green dot com. Slash back. What do you mean? entertainment goin back.
Well, scientists have finally come out and said it is cats. Were people they'd be psychopaths? Can you imagine a cat? Has your ceo, I mean it would be far or show cats are psychopaths. That's just the theme of the show might be the only time we mention it, but I just want you to know it's now scientifically proven. If you like cats, there must be something wrong with you, because cats are psychopaths right. The Warren on cats with Glenn continues also where I want to talk to you about who we really are and how we build our kids into who they really are. Not what society is making them into. We go there. sixty seconds Glenn programme.
signing up for what you believe it can be challenging times, but there are basic things you can do that aren't so challenging like buying from coming Said believe in what you believe in we have this Together, I can't tell you the opportunity that we have in front of us that we ve never had before. You know we ve say I. While I want a boycott fat now we really are you are you cause? I know I tried to boycott several things that, unlike that, didn't work out because they make everything. However there is a way to get away play from the big mobile companies. It's called patriot mobile these guys. Not only that will give you great service at a fraction literally, a fraction of the cost they're on the same cell towers is everybody else you going to get same coverage in the same kind of service, you're going to get better customer service, but here's the thing Patriot Mobile
That would be a real it would be. Almost diabolical of Soros did something like that, but he wouldn't because all the people who, like sores, like hey, he's not such a bad guy. They hate the word patriot, Patriot MO All this was set up by patriots, and now it is its run by people who believe in the same thing that you believe in the EU They believe in the bill of rights. They believe in America too, disagree on policies all day long, but can we agree on principles? They do so stop giving big the phone, your money theirs. Boarding things like plan parenthood. Patriot mobile, doesn't such opportunity right now to send a huge message: patriot. Mobile dotcom, slash back, tell big big phone companies Can you hear us now? Patriot bowl DOT, com back or call nine hundred and seventy two patriot, nine hundred and seventy two patriot or patriot mobile dot com,
ok. I want to tell you a story that really illustrates who we are, who we are as a people now who we are I mean it's who were going to be. and there is a real problem in. Our country right now our children. I can't imagine being a teenager. Today, a cat I really feel bad for my kids, because kids are dealing with stuff. I didn't even think of until I was maybe forty or Firstly, maybe in the last five years. and they are forced to deal with it and make decisions on things.
Meanwhile, as are going through their utmost awkward time of their life, a everybody's got a video camera. Let's catch you on camera to make sure we preserve it and put it online forever. imagine the pressure there under I'm a dad just like you and I don't know how to raise my teenagers and my dad just like, you if your kids don't listen to you. You know you Wisdom because its dad, let's which kids for awhile Because I'm sure they'll listen to you if anybody else says stuff, they listen to it. I hey it mom says it now. target about my kids, your kids
They are adrift in this sea of awful stuff. My son came to me last week and he was talking about things he supposed to do and if it was like, taking out the garbage I would understand, but it's not dad, I'm supposed to be successful. Will what? What does that mean? Who told you that Well, I mean you're really successful. I the lottery, dude. I won the lottery Williams. posted. Do this I'm so to go to this college, and so I said to him you're not supposed to do any of that stuff you're, so to follow your spirit, you're supposed to take the things that we taught you, not throw them away you whose common sense Follow your path and
every time you make a bad day. Vision. You limit your future opportunities. However, once you can act that decision every Opens up he'd, he does no and I dont think our kids know who they are supposed to be. my son said to me: I don't know what I'm gonna be dead and I you know what I want you to be. Do you know what I I really want you to be. He said no, I said happy and decent and kind and giving somebody who is full of empathy for others. All of the things that are already in sight of him.
Well, I don't know how to make money with that. Well, nobody, my family, knew how I was gonna make money doing this and I think a lot of the listeners right now are gone. I dont know how he makes money at that either. So for people, my age limit hell you who we were. Let me take you back to the summer of nineteen. Forty too far, yours and children and women lining the streets of small towns. They're, ready to hurl vegetables and abuse at nazis. This happened in America. They waited for the evil bastards to arrive, ready to degrade there, smoking nazi villains.
But when the Nazi p, o W eventually arrived, the townsfolk here in Amerika just stared mouths open eyes sunken The air was silent, except for the clip plop dry the soldiers long Long worn boots, the sharpen teeth and the blood less stairs went away. Appeal, W weren't beasts like like the Nazi death showed soldiers there and even men, most of them were boys just like our own. They were muddy, listless, broken and terrified. They marched to their camps here in Amerika, quietly Now the Soviets had parades Juno in forty four, a horde of
c p, o w slump down in the streets of Moscow. Fifty seven thousand of them were marching. the story goes that before the Soviets March, the P W the Nazis through Moscow, they fed them laxative. And then let them stop not sure if that's true, but either way things became very, very verifiable worse for the night c p o w in Russia, We're three million taken by the soviets. Between three hundred thousand and one million never at home, they were killed. cool and brutal, but it was justified right because. The Nazis were cruel and brutal to the Russians. Unlike we, can understand a decade earlier,
the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war establish the rules for housing and care of p o w, and if a nation violates those mandates, they lose those protections combat. Are no longer required to treat them in accordance with the rules of war if the other country He isn't doing it Joe in japanese soldiers violated every single one. Things worse than any nightmare. The Japanese were the worst. so all of the allied powers were justified. In doing whatever they wanted to to these soldiers,. And the Soviets were brutal, but This isn't a story of the brutality of the Soviets and the cruelty over of the Nazis. It's a comparison of that cruelty about the goodness in Americans.
By the end of the war, four hundred twenty five thousand p o w, had been housed in seven hundred camps, wrote Amerika. You know that. for reference over ninety five thousand Americans that were peeled. But he was in Germany, we had four hundred and twenty five thousand. There were peel w camps and forty six of then forty eight states camp rock. The old in Wisconsin Camp Richie in Maryland, Roswell in New Mexico Camp Rupert in Idaho Camp Agnes in Utah Camp Rustin in the Pine Woods of Louisiana Texas, had said The two camps, the most in America. The p o double use entered America through ports in New York in Virginia and from there. were dispersed, According to U S, army p, O W guidelines camps had to be far from urban areas for security places,
with mild climates there located in the south, far from the action of the war and your farm. Communities after all, the country was struggling for a labour shortage, so the p W were assigned army surplus fatigues and put to work ploughing, tilling digging and harvesting. There actually paid This work between ten and eighty cents per day, which back then was something and it could be used to buy toiletries and beer and in their free time they pray, played soccer and check and they saying and choruses performed in bands and orchestras there. and three meals a day and depend on the camp, a beer, in the afternoon, do a quick Google search for Nazi p, W camps Amerika you before did with articles and documentaries and books described, the humane treatment the Germans received. While here. The camp in Indiana was billed Eden,
four enemy prisoners, camp hard, for it South West Wisconsin was can did art deco ball room where before the war Lawrence. Well kid swooned, an audience of young. arrogance, wonderful, wonderful,. There were problems and he was still wore. After all, less than one percent of the four hundred thousand p o w tried to escape the camps were so provides mostly by german officers what surprised Americans what surprised us most fewer than ten percent of the p o w were hard hard core nazis. Most of or german boys and young men who had wound up in the quiet parts of an intriguing nation. And now they couldn't the size of Amerika couldn't believe that you could write a train for days and still be in the same country. They couldn't believe, a vast and how quiet it was. At night in Amerika.
change? The men who came here. France may was captured The british one thousand nine hundred and forty three was serving in North Africa: who's, the young man that knew nothing about the world, including the war that had grabbed it by the knack. Now, suddenly, face two options: he could be sent east to the Soviet Union where he would most likely die or what ass to America. He didn't have a choice, but fate took him West too, camp and the quiet la land outside of brags Oklahoma. He connected with people, in a way never expected. He was grateful for the kindness and hospitality he received enough the war he went home to Germany, then he went to Australia and he His life there with gratitude recently, seven
Cates after leaving America in turn nineteen. France may came back to Amerika, he visited Camp Gruber in Oklahoma thing, about all the millions that, if visited, other camps. All around the world and their reaction. When France came to Camp Gruber healed to the ransacked land now I d or old man, and he said this. Is what I've always wanted to do to come home. To Oklahoma, we are. Good people. Now, how do we get there more and a second first, my pillow how's your night sleep. The good you away in the morning feel like you didn't get any rest at all.
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Decker call eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen eight hundred nine hundred and sixty six three thousand one hundred and seventeen for these radio specials at my pillow dotcom tens. again the station I d So in this conversation, when my son, I told them- you just have to remember who you are And then I realized, he's he's not necessarily sure who he is yet. Kids, don't know who they are yet. We know who they are, but they're not they're, not sure Picture wild find that.
So Saturday morning, I I got up and I started, reading things that might help him on his journey. One share something that we ve all heard before a million times, we all were forced to read when we're in school, but I know I didn't appreciated until I was tell as much later in life in fact I appreciate each line Differently now than I ever have its, if, if you can keep your. Head when all about you are losing their jobs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself When all men doubt you but make allowances for there shouting to review wait and not be tired of waiting or being lied about don't deal and lies or being hatred, hated, dough
give way to hating and yet don't look too good. Nor talk too wise If you can dream and not make dreams, your master, if you can think and not make thoughts, your aim. If you can meet with triumphant disaster and treat those two impostors just the same? If you can, bear to hear the truth that you have spoken Wasted by knaves to make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave Life to broken and stooped and stupid, build them up with worn out tools. If you can make one heap of all your winnings and run skit on. Why. In turn of pension toss and lose and start. Can it you're beginnings and never bring
The word about your loss, few can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn? long after they're gone. and so hold on when there nothing in. You accept the will that says to them all on. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue or walk with kings. Nor law the common touch, if neither foes nor law, being friends can hurt. You. If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can The unforgiving minute was sixty seconds worth of distance run. Yours is the earth in everything in it and
which is more you'll, be a man. My son. We are looking for answers everywhere. We are looking. How do we fix our problems. How do I react to my family? How do I reacted people? How do I fight these battles? the answers are all around us and there. they're all the simple and quiet one's job, like local, is the answer to change The federal actions the smallest actions, the changes and each of us and the teacher of these things to our children, the simple things
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turn around him and thirst Kyle right now stand and there it was really weird. I don't have a really surreal job at time, yeah, thing is just like a normal kid. You know he's just he had its two dogs with them and uses polite, seemed nice. I made him to meet him to dynamics. I'm I'm excited. Yeah, Look, if he's been in the middle of a girl of her fire storm- and I don't know, there's a moment there that gave us a little bit of hoping in the inhumanity and our legal system, and so many other things. Oh yeah So I'm in its imagine going that at eighteen years, talking about how you don't even know who you are at that time? No, you ve, no idea, I mean you know? I thought we all thought you know when we were kids. At least I did. I thought thirty he'll be dead by the time Are thirty at some really old? They don't know anything, And you know when you hit thirty like what wait a minute. I still don't know anything
I thought I had all the answers by the time I was thirty. It's it's weird. It's weird add to be. one thousand, seven hundred and eighty eight eighteen year old kid and go through this. His whole life wow. What a journey it's going to be. I know exactly who I was eighteen really yelling. I know I was. dumbest person on the planet while that are close to it. Can I tell you something that is a blessing yeah, that's a real blessing. I wish us when I started to change. Things was exactly at eighty Why did you? Why did you think you're the dumbest person on the planet just to dump things. You know I'm here to share out here. Don't ever any of us- and I know a pat well enough to know this is not leading anywhere now get out of your league Cecily. We get to that and I know a parallel enough to know he's not joking about it. He really did discover he was.
Damas people you're, not gonna, hear about it now ass. True, I've done molten hours with you all the time, and I have never known. I didn't know you were the dumbest person, the world of eighteen or you done anything wrong in your entire life right now that this compromise is that any random idea eighties. All you want to come to me on the day of my here about Pat yeah dummy was maybe I may have avoided highlight that I will come to you and ask you for a favor and given me some dirt on somebody else some day, and you will give it to me totally. We're ok, so Pat we're trying to look for some good news today. Ok see President Biden throwing democracy summit with a and any cut the countries on the planet hundred and ten really great democracies like Pakistan, That means are clearer
creation of democratic people than than the government of Pakistan. So are we leaving this democracy summit and why we put together once the goal of this just to get together and talk about the important things facing democracy, right now, not third, then covered nineteen locked out solved. So we won't. I remember how about that cause those aren't a problem in Austria and you see how happy those people are not being able to leave their fresh or George. You know they ve got democracy down and the riots all across Europe. Yes, where people are like they're, gonNA, Vigo and no you're. Not doing this to me for two hundred, I look at it a little bit differently. Kiss like win Lakers win the championship, people riot cycle round really happy in Europe. You now it beyond something or they're, just trying to make a point about race, a peaceful
right, I could about eyes could be that could be the now China. I guess also says that they too are democracy, foamed yeah. They wanted to be included, but we're not including them toys boy, but yet they don't have a democratic election night out. I dont know if this I dont know how this is coming to you as good news. You don't like that. No, no! I ok willed it. How about drawing up the meeting that he has today it s, no doubt about this. Yeah! Ok, crisp while also known as Fredo fired, just from CNN, but also serious right. The fall of freedom. Also sad is so sad and yet so happy now you know it was you afraid I knew it was. You credo wants to make sure that you are aware, however, of course, that he resigned from serious ex am I
see, makes the whig in that wishes, because he just wanted to spend more time with this with with this set with robotic somebody, somebody somebody somebody here do I did get your present. You take it another present enough yet another one that really that is special framed picture with the Cairo that says Chris Cuomo has been fired by sea an end. Now what and I thought that's really a good question for school now want now. I dont have any show left to do right or left kind in their guy is lying to you like me, when Progressive ISM is finally beaten and remarks is go away then I'll be like well now what I do yeah, there's no more shows to do the right people to talk about it right now. We have that issue where everything when you start talking about people who just keep getting fired, what do you do and I've got
void in my life novel the hours I spend listening to Chris on serious Ex em and the hour that I used to spend watching his television programme I want you to do it. We want an open tire. I guess it has put myself pickle for my during those three well, it would have been less damaging in watching the blood Sherwood. Did you hear me? I bring this up again. I brought up at the top of the arc. Is I think this is the most important story of the day that If cats were people, they'd be psychopaths According to scientists, and that's news to people right. We all knew. That's what I said. I don't need you know they don't need general care about. You know they don't need. You know. That is a definition that if cats were see Yos, can you imagine how bad things could be? they just or via everybody, they don't care, they'd while you were doing here- and you know why you are made. The company money they'd they'd make up
figure eight between your legs and then little rub their head against your leg and then the next thing you know p dot m. I don't care, I don't care about them that I can see you yeah yeah ahead does seem, like the science backs, this up as valid. I talked about this, yet is it ok to, but no it's I don't know, I don't know, but you know That's the reason why you don't like cats. Ok, that's that says something about you. If your friends with a psychopath right If your friends with Jeffrey Dahmer, what is as a value, correct and you people are like was friends- will govern our if you, like cats, really. What does it say about you, people should know. This is a long term. You stand of Glenn back,
where handily science is proving eye out, an cats, they cats or psychopaths, and I guess you can't really disagree with it now, because then you are speaking out against science scientists. It is illegal to do that of science in fact, chat, but later and hang in there on one fact check whether a vacuum annual holidays broadcast yeah. Well, that's me, that's me. So you know my dog, you know the problem is cats? Don't I don't know Don't remember you: are they just don't care They remember you they just don't care. You know my dog cares. I'm not sure he remembers me all the time for very long. You know your dog, forget to you are some now. I don't think he forgets who I am, but I mean let's say I'm dead, gay, he care any be look at my face for awhile and be like come on, come on wake up, wake up, and then after a while he to eat me because he be hungry
I'm any be like. I remember all the other times we had, but I'm home any beat me you Norman. Yeah yeah! That's all I'm! I I'm thinking that. Maybe he forgets who I am at some point. That would make him eat me. I think just be hungry and EU wherewith terminology mouths eating you wear a cat would be looking at you from the kitchen. and use knees and the cat is like sharpening the knives you know to me: oh yeah yeah there, like I'm ready to carve up. I know who you are. I never really like. Do I certainly don't care, but you look, like food debate. Yet so the cats Wait for you to die. The cat will kill you if he has any you, I'm just saying so. Dogs are built met. Does a dog won't kill? You don't mess with science one last night he had no dog has ever killed a person. I've never had a member who Jonas a movie man, it's a moving. Okay, so the Chinese have discovered something on the moon,
yeah. I saw that sets itself or what you, nor did. It is going to turn out to be a rock. It's a big rock rates, a bigger you convince others? Yes, scientists. Well, you're convinced what else you they're, calling it a high tech, calling it a mystery hut, a MR mystery hot. Let's get a bee yeah. Why they say it's a cube and its mystery hut and they are going to be they're, gonna be there and spend the next two or three lunar days in vain to getting this mysterious feature on the moon, which is actually two to three months right now,. Searchers expect that it is weirdly shaped buddy, it's there. expecting that it's just a big rock That is just a rock, but let's not go there. What could be in the mystery hut Jimmy Hoffa fat
Is that, where a very positive and who is buried on the moon? What year did he die, wasn't it seventy four something we'd bend to the moon? We I've been to the moon? Oh my gosh, I never thought of it. It's encrypt its equipped. If they don't, you now go away and if they walk up to it and it's a big you know, block it's his James half on the front you re like its encrypt weight, so that would be a cool surprise would now would be a little surprise. It like the theory is that they transported the body of Jimmy Hoffa up to the moon and as yet put him in a craft rather than just like, releasing him in orbit toward like the atmosphere They were rather troubled. Actually aerial somebody with a telescope could see em. Need any more is valued burn up in the atmosphere, need her ears race. Now, here's the thing. What you don't know is this: was this a concrete structure, and you know how you know
put your hand spread prince in it after you, ve made like a sidewalk or something to her cat print. all of the moon hot. Our I beg you appreciate it. Lets I tell you about car she'll driving your car within Ex with expired warranty. is all fun and games until you handle the side of the road wondering how much pay for this change. whether isn't good for your car costs of your car pair repair, not good for your wallet. So how do we cover this? Get car she'll it is truly a lifesaver. They offer postcode acoustical roadside assistance, Acacia car breaks down, but there also has to do personally, with the mechanic of your choice and get it fixed and make sure you ve got a rental car to drive. In the meantime, car shield affordable plans to match any budget and they could save thousands of dollars. They have said saved me thousand.
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This is the line that programme things. Might be heard in the White House, on the way to leave Lattimer Putin meeting. No, I never even have burning that's a Catholic. Of pudding? Is Vladimir Putin done days very so I'm excited about that also. The democracy summit loathing forget about democracy? Is these places do have democracy that is democracy, they might even have a constitutional republic, but what they don't have is the bill of rights. that's unique to America and that the only thing that keeps us from doing insane things yeah, I think I can remember it was on or off the air but Pat mentioned Australia. A kind of like look at the way, they're handling right now. Do they have a democracy and he obviously he's right without point but like when it comes to. Democracy. Now you know in a way They do like these,
friction while we yet all of the negative about them here there are widely popular Australia. Let me give you this. This is A couple months ago they asked a question to Australians. We're having about thousand deaths a day right now they have about one tenth of our population. Roughly There are looking at about means that our pace in Australia would be about a hundred deaths per day. They asked how Yes, are you willing to accept wants? Christians are eased What are you willing to accept as a society will living with coal? But what does it look like a real, pretty good today, you think ok or a hundred death. you like to see it. I, like bf, may mean you'd like to sit lower, obviously like one want to live with Tiktok returned back to normal her. I might say that ok, the whole country yeah yeah so the highest number they gave was five thousand per year, which is thirteen per day. Thirteen deaths per day. oh my so one tenth of our rate, is the highest number they gave them through.
Percent said they were willing to live with more than five thousand deaths per year or about thirteen deaths per day. Then two per said between three and five thousand deaths per year. Ten percent- said between one and three thousand deaths per year. So now you're at between one in ten deaths per day, twenty five That said, between one hundred and one thousand deaths per year, so holy cow between three D a day to war, death every three days. the overwhelming majority sixty one percent said fewer than one hundred deaths per year. It's insane they'll, never go back to normal hundred deaths a year. I mean figure for an entire country, yet more people falling into their dishwasher writer year killing themselves right right. So when we Look at Australian! We do here their complaints about these. You know camps in centralized a limousine, I mean all
people their love it. Yes, there are some people who fight back against it, but that's not again. If I come back to that, we are exceptional here. This is a different society. Rights is the separation of rights, is a separation and is the one thing that we're not talking about, and it the one thing that you have to start every conversation you have with anybody who you think you're going to disagree with you pay for we get into any kind of disagreement, let's find common ground. Do you with a bill of rights that we have that as our common ground, we're fine degree with the bill of rights they say no well, then you don't have any they talk about they say. Yes, you can find common ground because that's what separates us between everybody else programme. We're not somebody out there might be looking at your house and thinking it looks exact. like something made like to have the for themselves. For Christmas badges of course, there are ways to make that happen habitable savvy on the internet
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hello, America, and welcome to the land back programme. I want to talk to you a little bit about the politicians in Washington and the effect that they may have on roll versus Wade. Also, some good news, even though the Good NEWS is coming to us, sometimes in forms of bad news. But let me explain in sixty seconds if you're among the majority of people use the same password on multiple accounts, Lucy, You should be aware that cyber cyber attack method called credential stuffing that's when a cyber criminal finds that the user name and password you're so fond of they gain access to that, and then they go into all. all of your accounts. They get all your private information, it is
port and understand how cyber crime and identity theft or affecting our lives, because every day, especially at this time of the year, were putting all of our information out especially on the internet. But what is it what black Friday was? Forty percent internet. purchases. Twenty five percent of all went to Amazon Mean Holy Cow lifeline. Detects a wide range of identity threats, not everything nobody can but they're. Looking, especially for the things like your social security number or any of your other pieces of information on sale on the dark web. If they detect something They alert you and then help you clean it up now saved five percent off your first year would promo code back call one eight hundred lifelong or held the head to life. Locked dotcom use a promo code back. Twenty five percent off right now,
So to talk to you about some good news that comes disguised as bad news, for instance, I think we all understand how bad it is that the gas prices are so high cracked five dollars a gallon, and I'm telling you This time next year, California you're going to look at these days as the good old days, remember when it was only five dollars, a gallon gas prices. really bad inflation really starting to hurt people and all of the news that is coming out now woods no, no, it doesn't look like its transitory looks. Gets here to stay. So how could any of that possibly be good news? Well, because for the first time we are actually able to engage people on failed policies, for instance, we it's very, very clear. There is no other reason why our gas
prices, have gone up since the day that Joe Biden was elected president, there's, no other reason other than he closed. Pipelines and is pursuing all kinds of things that will stop the oil industry, including bill back, better and Andy the Green the new green d or green new deal all Those things are to get us out of fossil fuels by twenty thirty, which is impossible to do if you have high prices your heat in your neighborhood you're. Not to be the only ones suffering and we can now reach out to friends and make sure they understand why Is this happening because there's gonna be somebody that is gonna, come and fill the void very soon. When these things happen, they're gonna blame it on something, but right now? There is no other explanation they
come up with a way to explain away all of these bad decisions so right now. It is good news because you can go to your friends and say you know lived under Donald Trump. We were energy, dependent. Do you remember? we didn't even think about our gas prices for the most part under Donald Trump, because we were energy independent. Now we are waiting for OPEC to do something OPEC's not gonna, do something they ve picked China now over the United States. So there now I'm going to do anything to help us. They ve never really been our friends in. Do you want to do you want to be self reliant, or do you wanna be reliant on the sheiks in Saudi Arabia. How many wars have we gotten into because of saudi arabian oil? Let's let kill that baby right now we can Gee independent. We
before the important Your friends understand that banks are no longer loaning, they glow, to gas companies and oil companies there not helping them, build any new anything, because build back. Better Orton to share that with your friends, because therein pain and when people are in pain. They want No, the truth. What is causing the pain? I want it to stop right now. If you still have credibility with your friends you can you can use that credibility and lengthen that credibility by being bringing them the truth, inflation. GOSH. Why is there such inflation right now this? Anything that anybody has done it, except for the government. The government is giving people a chance to stay at home and so
everybody's. Having to raise their prices, I mean we have it on tape. Would Joe Biden say you know what you have it our time getting workers. Then you should raise the price you raise the the wages? Well, we haven't had still not working because you're still paying them too much money stay home. That's why we have inflation that in the fact that everything is broken and what is it that you are seeing this government? work on what are they doing? they're working on the build back better deal there working on the green new deal there they're working on climate change is their number one priority, so good news coming in the In a way, a bad news is actually kind of important, There is something also, some good news that came out was, I think,.
That the end of row. may be happening this year. Something that we all said would never happen. Couldn't happen. It might by this summer. Now that's good news coming Coming with, that is something wrapped into that Good news that you don't want to hear, and that is the Republicans. Are now saying some Republicans are now saying that that could heard our chance to win the Senate package They could ruin our chance to incentive because people will be up in arms Maybe we don't win the Senate. Maybe we don't, even when the house. you know this: a hill that I'm willing to Diana. I think a lot of Americans are it means we only got the reversal of Ro Verses Wade. I'm I'm good, I'm good with that, I'm good with. I mean it's weird, that
you know they always said will get that done. If you give us the House, the Senate and the White House, and they never got a done until They don't have the house, they don't have of the Senate, and they don't have the White House. It's kind of a weird thing: isn't it, but if they don't, if they choose an election, over or overturning abortion it be their last move. They will have absolutely the the people still are Republicans? I think we'll just scope that crap crazy. How many times now now you have it you have it it's there close and you want to screw it up.
You know I ve been talking about national divorce. I hear this all the time and I hate it. I hate it waste, to see. No shouldn't know we shouldn't they. Should we shouldn't those? Are our doc I know about you, but I want to live by the declaration of independence. The constitution in the bill of rights I want them even though I know sometimes they'll cut against the things that I want, That's fine, I'm totally cool with that idle. even the bill of rights is what makes us unique in what made us us? Caliph When you doesn't want it, fine others what a fine but used to see. Not us, because we want the documents, but again in bad news, comes good news. California, many hapless New York imploding their imploding Chicago. is imploding, It's sad to watch real. California, it
The poster child for ineffective ideas may differ, did the police. Crime rose, they elected Progressive jeez and in part restive prosecutors and criminals I back out of the street crime arises again, they lie, people down and cold. nineteen remains Florida. On the other hand, seem to be doing really well, they tax the rich and the business is move out. All of the things that we have always said will fail. Our failing, Right now, it means that scientific proof exist today that, when we are talking about Ray. taxes and watch what happens here The Goldman Sachs, just yesterday, they before said to New York, don't take
Your status for granted you raise taxes any more and we're gone. So Wall Street. Everything we ve said is doing right now there's a chance to say no, I guess not theory anymore, we're not just telling you always happen that way long time ago. we're saying right now, look at it what's happening. We knew it would happen we didn't hope to see the rise in homelessness and crime and drug abuse. I wish we hadn't seen one of the most beautiful states in our nation destroyed. I wish we hadn't been right. and as much as I have always said, California should just break off sink into the Pacific. I've been kidding of California and now
our hope is lost for California or other states. We approaching things I think times with a negative, because we Been beaten down so long been we don't matter, nobody's gonna, listen to us, but that's not true. Those are lies when my Luther King gave his. I have a dream speech he laid out his vision for this. its most uncertain, is sympathetic to his cause. He He knew the ones that would not be sympathetic Georgia Mississippi Alabama. He was speaking about the those states Eddie had a dream that his sons of former slaves in the sons of former slaveowners would sit down at the table as brothers in the ed. Hills of Georgia condemned them. He gave them a vision.
And it might have sounded like a crazy vision at the time, but it a vision of Amerika for all Americans. This is why you marched in Alabama: lived in the future of Mississippi. Because he believed the promise of Amerika was more powerful than the crew lapses in its peoples judgment. He believed that the states most guilty of racism make a new future in accordance with the american promise of the past. before all of America believed in him, he believed in all of us. It seems far fetched a naive. when he first said. He had a dream: a nineteen sixty three, the dream that specific We involve the states most soaked in the blood of guilt in slavery
We look back on it now we want this man was enlightened. This man was wise. The world doesn't usually reward. the pessimists. It's the visionary that makes all the difference. Are we pessimists: Are we visionary? We don't look back on people who said space travel was foolhardy. Or the real is too thought? We'd never beat England the Lamb? lives in a dream world, but the right needs. We could stand to dream a little bit more. It's funny because we do in our own lives. We dream for a better future for our lives or a better way to do business, and we do it. But we don't often bout, those lofty dreams where the where the pie, Eddie of facts
And warranted apprehension we pride ourselves and being planted in reality but it has in some ways, made us pessimistic. We can't be the bullet believe the worst in each other. They already do that when something good happens, We can't say I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Pessimism is not wisdom, hopelessness is. more realistic than hope. That were true, Martin Luther king, a fool that don't be a fool the day. I argue that hope is more clever than defeat that the fee some things unseen is the only way to bring those unseen things to reality. Mark Their king could he stood before the Lincoln Memorial and given a year. energy for the american dream that had died, because in many ways it had, I can make a case had died in aid.
In twenty. He could have laid out and evacuation plan he could have said we should proceed. He could have been the forces in and on the failure of his movement, he could all the former slave states that they were irids maybe soaked in sin, buddy didn't he it out a great dream for Georgia, Mississippi in Alabama here laid out an expression of hope. Despite the odds that hope changed the nation forever somewhere. In the Red Hills of Georgia. There are descendants of slaves and slaveowners who now live side by side as brothers and are sitting down and having meals There are interracial couples in Mississippi and we have a black.
Mayor of sell. My Alabama see America did move on because there was a great vision expressed. It's time we start expressing our great vision. For what comes next in America. The vision of Martin Luther King, the hope of March, the king is now credited to him as righteousness Well, it's Christmas season and you never seen lots of friends and relatives and if they come over to you and say, hey you look ten years younger. What's your secret! Obviously correct answer. That is too light of him and tell them you have no secret, you just look fantastic, with genuine sell. It is possible for this moment to be happening and you don't have to tell them about generously, even just maybe not included. Information for
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coming out of the way. Now Jenny, cell dot com, it's g and you see L dotcom. A code is back thirty. Five ten second station ended So I said to me day I brought homer channel and I said I am really getting to love the harm, Hallmark, show and not not because the stories of that great cause, I mean, I'm surprised, every single time to people who don't like they have anything in common, usually through their friends or somebody in their family is against what the other person is doing, trying to save their town, usually usually save in the town and then the other person really likes business career as AIDS
I want to take over the town and do something that is usually a misunderstanding. Somebody should have said something more. They did, but they didn't expect to fall in love. Every waking fun, because I mean I I just I watch it sarcastically quite honestly, and my wife will be doing something and I'll be doing something in the hallmark, I'll be out on me, like oh, my gosh, oh my god, how did you hear this? I love who would have seen this coming and but there is, thing also about the Hallmark channel. Is. Needed right now no! U turn on everything else, and it's just so nasty everything is just so nasty. It's a you know it. It's TED Lasso,
TED Lasso has a lot of swearing in it and everything else it's hard to get. You know it's hard to get past that if you're somebody that's not used all that, but at least its happy, it least, its hopeful. At least it's moving people in a better direction in of the show you watched at last of now, but I have I watch the first couple of episodes in their Stephanie that, like sort of optimistic yet areas throughout this kind spirit, and I think that's what we're missing kindness, we don't see kindness very often, yeah? That's why I'm watching succession, but just ass, so kind of area tie you wanna get other yeah yeah. I can see that kind of like a family you're doing whatever they can derive day together through times it's a great, inspiring Kyle probably not the best example of that but hey, maybe some kindness and maybe some hope in tomorrow's Wednesday night Special
written house is going to be joining me for the flower written house, some questions that I haven't been ass and hopefully a dick inside of the story tomorrow, night only on blaze, tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn. Ninety aims programme nah, I don't care about overhaul, Omaha stakes. You know I keep thinking every time. I look at or think about the price of stakes and meat. I think about the guys who are in charge of the meat processing plants who have come out and said in the our future meat. We, be something for the uber rich. It will be a special occasion who then Who are you to do that when there's plenty of meat and its you, guys that are tracking the system. It's for company set, are doing this, look if you lie
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You know. What's: white and red rap white and black and wrapped in red ready for Christmas was up the gray reset Christmas, but its realer. It's perfect this, But a season why was the black and white be a holiday message? cause Santa Black suit white hair. Ok, yeah yeah. I agree and read the wrapping of it says a great Risa around on the four perfect give for holidays the great reset Oh yes, it's about Joe Biden, twenty first, free fascism, but not concentrate on their part. It's good for Christmas. You could get it now wherever you get, your books go to Amazon or bonds and noble and grabbed the book right now. comes out in January, but be a stab it, and you can tell you your love one
Merry Christmas in that box it might be empty, but there's a note coming soon. Glenn backs book the great reset so basic a scam if you forget to order something. Yes, yes, definitely should so. I can see you're kind of good holiday news. Oh really, the great reset yeah could see how you can see how they and their I'm great stories out there there I should have stories. I mean the holiday mood gas, for example, its always good. When people can learn things learn, right, and be safer around the holiday. I have a feeling you're being sarcastic, but I'm willing to go down this road is. What we have clip to this is that the Washington DC media helping out their views. for the holidays. Could we play this place. Now of ratings frozen a frozen just like frozen hot chocolate available. Now it Macy's here it is three
and shot and wound- or I should say three men shod and wounded a man and carjacked another person and not in the middle of the night, in order to prevent a car jacking world. Irish, not we need to stop. This is not festive. Stop festive plague play that Christmas bed, just came back and then in a play that Sarah right now play three men, shop and wound- or I should say three men shod and wounded man and hijacking another person at gunpoint in the middle of the night in order to prevent a car jacking well years. What we should be doing police I locked doors when driving and when pumping gas, in fact stain
poor? If you can add the gas station always look around people getting out your vehicle, and if you are the victim of a car jack, you give up that car. Your life is just not worth it equip your vehicle with an anti fascist or gps tracking device and allow yourselves room and traffic to move around other cars avoid getting box day and if you will and Keesar Tom in recent American US, that's all you need to do. Is that thing just those that list is every seventh just that and you could evolve you could you could you can not be stabbed or shouted and is in a good if you're not stabbed her shot too, that it is the holiday spearing. Roy Jesus would have wanted Little Bee Oh Jesus didn't come up in the major, so you could be shot in shift. Work right, rest quality sees about org or how in California Clip one where you know. If you happen to be ready with the Christmas music, just it, it's just
did. You happen to be someone who sells drugs you might have a difficult, a difficult life ST selling drugs people and it may be dangerous. Nokia whereabouts. Changing now, listen a form that says he felt safer during his life of crime after his Oakland Cannabis dispensary was ransacked last month. Listen to this. safer, seldom we'd on the streets of them, that I am certain that legal and as a problem- that's crazy, even say, but that's just a reality. I live in a ride nap five April or maybe a problem merry Christmas. This is this is again remember. The polish nuts was think yourself. This may be a problem for him, but it's better for the dealers on the streets. While sad is safer. We say on the street about this. You like this, stories of the holiday season. Oho eel achievement here, people willing credible accomplish measure love that started in music,
Leah, Thomas, Thomas she's, too, two years old. She smiled to U S Swimming Records in Akron Ohio. Oh you mean that That's it AL swimming further women steam I want to know you're talking about she defeated Anna Sophia by thirty eight second and third, she is with innocent when Thou level Alai. It's almost like. He has more muscle, tone wars, diamond headache, but it's a she lay a tunnel she in she. You know what I'm saying I just leaving off the first S, first savings, she want another raised by fourteen full seconds. He she competed in a women's swimming swimming Evanna broke records and while what an accomplishment for the holidays for Leah Daggers, really, that is, who knows a hundred percent like woman
you know, a beautiful woman looks beautiful. An end could compete with Caitlin Jennifer. I wouldn't know you'd want to send her to compete in the Olympics. I mean We're gonna go there. Let's make use of this. Ok, let's sand. Oliver he's to the Olympics. and and see what the Chinese have to say about it, I'm really upset this whole we're gonna, do ambassador boy, I'll, say it. I write our diplomatic boycott. We're not gonna. Have a cocktail party in no american oil needs further chinese damage on I'll. Tell you right now of our embassies knew no sir, a diplomatic boycott That's gonna hurt you not towards this at all or part of you. That's torn on this, so I mean,
you are an act, beer and athlete Eve. I up here. I am out of you, I'm saying I'm giving you a hypothetical situation here. You are not an athlete hypothermia. Four situation you are awfully. I've worked your entire life. I have Similarly, we now eighty hours a week, train, leaning forward with event. Yes, and because of no fault of your own no fall to your own. You are now told you're not allowed to go ahead. I'm thinking! Ok, I'm an athlete. I've worked eighty hours a week, your entire life, not only the music for this. Ok, I'm just thinking now I just thinking I work my entire life they say: hey, go compete in China to defeat China to the issue over the line, beat them put them and give them their order out even saying anything about it. saying anything about why you know not making a statement. You know if I knew we were sending a bunch of Americans over there that
stand up and then you know make a fist for the wiggers, then I would be fine with it. I dont you! Well I mean they might not come back if they do that, but maybe they will do, they would come back. The United States would have it scenario. We outward very tough and have a big backbone right now gets China Europe seriously animal. Ok, no american citizen, the elderly, have a core coroner. I mean No, there was one thing with Jesse Owens Jesse Owens didn't want to go. I mean you going to Berlin and there was behalf. Half the country said: don't go, don't go, don't go. But Jesse Owens was important to go. Was really important for him to go, not sure because he was going to stand up against the German. And we knew there is good chance. He's gonna win, that's good! thing a slap in Hitler's face this- is not a slap in in June.
his face. This isn't a slap in the US just going along all as we always go along. I'm maybe I mean I think personal. You You can beat their asses, I mean that's sending them quite the message, and I don't know I don't know enough about these claims to know if we will or not. Frankly, I don't have that they don't follow it that closely. But, like the idea of us beating their bidding them. But beyond that, like it, as a purpose. You it's your head. your whole life's work is leading to this one moment, and then your country tells you at individual, no you're not allowed to travel. Not exactly the most american concept of freedom that I've ever heard a wrap them all in swaddling clothes, I'm gonna, do I'm gonna take only athletes and I'm gonna wipe were. In swaddling glow you don't you don't care about this cause you're, not an athlete did. I know a lot about how I can understand, but we are talk about evil. We're, taught me it's not like we're talking. We, you know
was the Soviet Union it was the Nazis and its China. They are all fit in wood. Would we have? Would we ve been proud if we would have been? Like hey Dave, build new stadium right next to the killing fields left let's all go we wouldn't have, but you know there are thousands and thousands of american business men in China right now doing their job right, and I think we should re evaluate this weekend, maybe start with the Olympics. I mean Russia to start with the things we don't, we don't have to do start with the thing that will have to do. You dont obviously have to do the Olympics, but its assent. We can show some symbolic victories against amendment. It is a propaganda situation and again, I think not sending you're you're deeply says something there pissed off about it. We know that China's pissed about this now- I doesn't matter at all to me honestly, if we didn't even have any more diplomats, would probably be better off, but you know
they know somebody. That means something to China. Here's what would have happened years ago if we would have done one in Russia which we didn't. What we did in any region in eighty wee wee wee, was it before was was here and end. The Soviets boycott it and we boycotted and eighty was. It was eighteen the camp and forgetting the years, but we boycotted them at one point we did so imagine back then ABC Nbc? Whoever would have had the Olympics? Let's say was you know, doktor pink, I is if covering the Olympic again what is now by cost us. Yet the only thing I think the only thing I really would mean cfcs. All anybody remembers from that lit year of a laborious, like oh, my gosh. What is that anyway, if he would have been better Guess it if he would have gone over to the Soviet Union, they would have been broadcasting they would have had
all kinds of stories about how awful and oppressive that was and how should the stuff we have to say is because we have monitors with us and aid threatened pull us off at any time? It would all we all would have known that and they would have made a big deal before and after guy now b c universal. You think they're gonna! ABC Disney. You think they're gonna say anything about how bad China is they're all go in there. They all. The on category four you're gonna: go there, we're not gonna, stop them they're, going to cover the games or not gonna. Stop that we can all we're gonna go through. We have what we can do that that's our choice, yeah, but the country making that choice for these athletes and these athletes, only I mean again. I would say I'm torn on it, but I mean look these half what, because I mean these people, have nothing
to do with this. They ve worked their asses off with the promise that, if you are good enough for you to go to the Olympics, are then a couple weeks, a former like yeah. I know all of your life's works led to this moment, but no I mean it's too, that's a tough place to put an end, visual american citizen who might want to make different choice, we don't stop people travelling there going on vacation. They dont need to go on vacation there. When we don't stop that we people go where they want to go, and this is the one time or at a change. I know I do see what you're saying it would set of. A strong message representing, but our relations as America. Our relationship with China is different than our relationship with the Soviet Union, and if you want to change that and I think we should write. We were on that path that in advance. I can understand that stance, but its that's. Not our current state, it it was a north.
Right now we wouldn't be sending anybody right and fry need. We wouldn't now. I don't know why they were beginning to build a hotel, little stadium, who would not be a good one needed. Hey, are javelin ran out of javelins here uses person that we ve kept in a concentration camp is of Javelin now Javelin target a just bad yeah now. So I do understand you're saying, but you have to have some sympathy for these athletes, I have sympathy, but I have more sympathy for the people that are look. For someone to give them some light at the end of the tunnel, but somebody recognises them. Somebody says enough: Well, they re James, recognises that we decide here. Let me talk about american financing. We continue to face so many unknowns, so many on market changes so much inflation, How are you going to Are you survive? You can find
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W W that animal, less consumer access, dot, Org ok there's two things that are happening? in New York. One I care about when I dont care Boca cut, so you have to decide which is well capture cut for please We ve got our mccrone as a new factor. We ve got the colder weather, which is going to really create additional challenges with a delta variant. We ve got holiday gatherings. We in Europe have decided to use up emptive strike to really do something bold to stop The further growth in a covert and the dangers are causing to all of us self, as today will die announce a first in the nation measure. Our health commissioner, well knows. Maxine mandate for private extra employers across the board, because that This is not going to work.
we are not going to be should not be approved by the courts in the first place and not going to do anything anyway. I mean, The exact New York city rates of vaccination, quite high as it is, but this is obviously just a thing bill deposits prettiness into renew into four days before these offices, so this just a aid. We know a thing too to promote his gubernatorial campaign in which is already at least in third place. It maybe be lower. Now you may think: that's the one I don't care about. That was that there is a choice, because there's this in New York at three cut three twin frozen again: we need very cold winter, so the harshly freeze up a lot well the just give me the story apparently According to New York City bagel shops, there is,
cream cheese short in ah now, for me new, that's the last straw. I live in New York and there like no jeez for your bagel, I'm out about baby about this decline new covid nonsense, and the President of the United States is meeting with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Oh my gosh who's gonna win in that one is Skype, call going on right now we'll get to that sixty seconds She's gonna come as a shock to I mean a real. It's please sit down if you are standing up for driving pull over because you're not going to be able to handle. This news The FED has finally come out and you ready this inflation is real, its persistent and it might,
be here for a while. what I thought it was completely transitory ours that word transitory. I mean every employees or when I didn't think that it was supposed to be bad but they're saying now it could go till twenty twenty three. Also that's good. That's good, so maybe we should just have some more lockdown anyway. The real kicker here is wage inflation, which is too bribed as sticky. That's a stick. Many at active at the FED ever said to me? You know it's really. A sticky situation is our. You're kidding me The word: what do you eyes, do all the sticky when inflation on goods and services last long enough, which it has employers, have to offer higher wages, so work can surprise can survive. They also can't lower those wages once the market cools. Meanwhile, the old dollar just keeps on lose in value day after day so
You do. May suggest gold line and excellent. Had now remember the same guys who told you this was transitory, will tell you bad gold piece. He is not a great invest as brawling it's probably. I don't even know what you're talking about gold, remember! I'm the guy who told you it's transitory! Ah gold and silver excellent hedge against excessive inflation or hyperinflation Goldman call them today find out how to protect your fort portfolio this week, only gold lace offering a free to out silver maple flex bar with qualify. purchases of five dollar gold Indians. These the coins at I own for many reasons, assholes gold line. Why eight six its goal line one eight x, x, gold line or gold line, dot com stu? How is how you know it be fun? if we could get Jeffrey tube in two
guy being right. Alongside of the President Vladimir vote, I think so I like that that hopefully, would end the call faster Vladimir would see what was going on many sign off quickly and then less damage can be done at sea on. My only hope here is that zoom meetings typically accomplish nothing So hopefully nothing that can happen here. Maybe they won't understand each other. Maybe someone in the White House can kick kick out the wifi and Get this thing over with there's gotta be a patriot somewhere yeah. If you happen to see a wifi connection, just disable it disable or make it like hotel wifi that never works bright eyed, we also need a great you'd. Have him do this at a hotel, more expensive, the better, because the more expensive the hotel, the less chance the internet works? That's that's! That's evidently through all. Mr President, did we book you at a hotel where the wifi isn't working days? The leverage farewell
don't I have one them to me. Occasion, boxes in the vet. No, we don't nope, not in the Van Havana follows as no no that's just a child. Molesters, don't worry about it. Just a child and lasted half it might be my radio, maybe a government official child melodious heard. So for you, so they go to a little bit about? Ukraine, which I mean I Joe Biden, is I mean he already has threatened? Mr Putin, you know pay back off the map a lot. Vladimir, really just empty threats are his game. Yet is here he likes well he's sanctions are coming please dig away our ability to saturate american market with of staking adults in speaking bulls, don't dig ability away for that right. Yeah.
If we take the russian stacking dolls. Well, ok, what I What are you really don't care about? Is oil pipeline to Europe, but I really do care about russian staking, though business? Don't don't touch that make me cry boo hoo. I think Adam Putin could be almost that clear, and by and would be like a hundred new dingier. Would you take these people and reward had negative gale after the staggering dolls would you do what I do Glenn back your present in the United States. I wouldn't have given him. I wouldn't have given up all of the momentum that we had had with down drunk, and I would have said you know, even if I leave disagreed with down drunk you know many things said he did. I disagreed with, but You know he had. He had the world on the right footing and
and if you think he was tough, if you think he has a twitchy, I why I might just be senile play a personality yeah. I wonder, and I would play up the I could be dangerous to go. above, the law could browser like it. I like that I mean that's, why you that's the only thing that has stopped somebody like Vladimir Putin, conceal, always you'll, always outsmart out, evil somebody. I dont believe us at this. Certainly not your light and in doing so we have been, and I believe that having homer Simpson as our President, Imagine Homer Simpson. I think Homer Simpson might have a better chance of getting. You know the things through then Joe, by if, if Homer Simpson we're sitting at the oval office desk. Having that A conference would lead him, reboot and Dolly. I would have much more confidence when likes Simpson, we're talking about a nuclear engineer, much more common and much more confident and competent, but like
Russia, which it does appear they ve been, might be preparing for in vain Ukraine, and just like you know, takes over the country. We do nothing we're doing nothing, we really know that's the end of this isn't just say: ah darted. Maybe there's some sanctions And their sums there's an angry letters and speeches, but that is it right and we know that Vladimir Putin definitely knows it. Yeah they're, not doing the back of a know. Anything presidency, you don't think President Z in Putin are talking back and forth gone. What more on this guy is now and then obviously, Gee with Taiwan is, is another logical, used, elaborate. Those goes in two into the Ukraine. and we do nothing. I mean sanctions, oh, not sanctions. I mean I don't want to go to war, but This is why you have a big stick and you walk softly. Donald Trump
had the world convinced he was bad, crap, crazy, that he just might do it guy could launch. He does care nothing. I think he did care. Of course, deeply but they were not able to read with what he might do, how he might react and in a situation and his- and his wants very very clear Donald Trump was. very clear on how to deal with him. He was going to do the right thing as he saw for America, so there's no deal's off the side that you can make way. him just flatter him say I love your hotel stood love. You tells your great wonderful flatter him and and give him as much as you can. That will have this country, who are now do hoots what what
it is binding coming to the table whose he really protecting seriously, whose protecting I am so anybody right It's? That of the duties of his presidency. What's he stand for seriously? What does this guy stand for? he doesn't stand for Traditional America for the Euro, the America that we ve always known and loved. No, he didn't stand for that. He didn't you. Not standing for regular jobs. You standing for union jobs. who does he really answer to you or the union or who I don't have any answer for you on the stuff. I don't know what he's doing. I dont know what he's trying to do. and when he is like? I know What a o c is trying to do. You're right, I don't know what bite and is trying to do. I mean I just it seems to me he wants to he wants to he's in a contest to get to the lowest possible approval rating. That's the only thing material I can tell that he's trying to do he's trying to get to six percent he's on his way
so. Do you think that peers the advice who to President Joe Biden for free the Ukraine Defence Minister, We stand firm against Moscow. If I can advise Vice President Biden, I would like him to articulate to Mr Putin. That no red lines from the Kremlin shot side should be here. The at line is here in Ukraine, and the civilised world will react without hesitation. The idea of not provoking. Russia will not work. So what are you saying is there's a red line and if Russia moves there will be quote bloody massacre. so what they're asking is? Look I've taught the Ukrainians, the Ukrainians are very clear. They will fight to the last man. It will be a bloody massacre and
we're not gonna, see all these people massacred. Nato will respond, don't do it, but don't, but he doesn't have the truth that the the credibility to pull that off now a dozen and you know, look if you think we're gonna stop If we allow the Ukraine thing to happen, which I fully expect will we have, Will there be sanctions? Yes, What will we do? Something staking dulcea, no longer foresail, more stacking dolls in Walmart all they got rid of our diplomats, all boo hoo, I'm crying right now inside deeply right. So that some of that stuff will happen. But if you think you know remember. Ukraine has twice as many people as Taiwan, Ten times the landmass more more so. If we don't do anything about Ukraine, we're not gonna. Do anything about Taiwan. Now. This is free rein and I think they all realize they have it all these
countries realise this is the time to take your saps that even wanting to take for years and years and years because we have shown particularly Afghanistan, but in so many other areas that we are weak you can roll over us and we're not gonna. Do anything. You know really. Scary is four years. I've said: there's gonna come when the rest of the world will look at each other and go on my ass numbers watch in the store, go now now does feel like we're. Then it feels like that. It feels like that. it's gonna be really interesting. I would add love to see this I'd love to be a fly in the wall and actually know what was being sad. I bet it. I bet it is paid in your hands we kind of the embarrassment that the prosecution had on the cow written. Straddle where it is like. Oh, my god,
Oh, my gosh crisis happened. I can't believe this is an. I bet it's that get it's gonna be late. I dont think other than symbolism, though, that there is much to happen. During this meeting is there I mean you know, look Vladimir Putin's gonna say what wants to say and bite and will probably say things that are generally speaking consistent. You'll do a measure of the man, though yeah why that's why they learn what they do they need to do that would Biden thing who is the guy. When going around the country of the world for the past, multiple decade's begging p for money. I don't you want to know how I live on. I think you want to know how, if I'm a foreign via a foreign actor I can have a meeting with the president who have met a million times in the past, but it can have a meeting with him now one on one now that he is president, now that he is where he is with the pole numbers that he has de the justice
striking image of camp the competence I would the conversation with him. I would want to know how out to lunch. Is this guy because I the vice president. Ain't gonna cut it. So This guy's gonna make mistakes in the american people. Third, they're, not gonna, throw him out for her their skin food for four years. Let me me. Let me rephrase the question. You are Vladimir Putin cs, I am worried about snaking, though said Esther stacking dolls are very, very big. Part of your agenda was throwing I thought, maybe that that journalist was just staking bull that wouldn't open up. I was throwing are off roof drowsy. If she would, though, she opened up, unfortunately, no staking dull inside right, so you're Vladimir Putin DNS, I know what I better get close to a zoo meeting. I just I just look at this very nicely. Please don't ring, please don't ring, please don't work, please
Work is a city and hope it is that we have the report is doing or does he want this meeting? He wants this meeting and now let me give you the people around the president announced states. They are all saying. Please is there anyway, don't pick up the phone flat ground pick up the phone, and that tells you all you need to know about this meeting here that there are what is the upside for the United States to talked of? Let him your Putin about this, so we so the only upside is that job you can get on record with it. Hotel pull a couple good quotes from him, not with actual audio purchased tax, and probably write them that he's It's kind of tough, he hey said he's got off the sanctions and he d better. Not do this are there's gonna, be a big response, have as tough talk that he can come back to the American. evil and say I was on the right side of this, but like Latin Putin knows there is nothing that Joe Biden can say or will say, and even if it does say something that actually would threaten blood Vladimir Putin? He knows these. I gotta go through with it.
early, rising, notably only reason to have it is I haven't yet the maid decision, whether or not the incubator, those around Joe Biden will be capable of stopping me so I'm listening to Joe Biden going this guy is such a boob and the people around him. I'd ask enough questions to find out is he really in charge? And if he's really in charge is he a b like he was with Afghanistan, where he is at these fools in the in the Pentagon, but this is really a steamroller visible. I mean, though, the upside there would be more Duration right, you might yet more frisian. What's the downside? Where is the downside on this call for Vladimir Putin is done? There is none the silver! Why is it occurring? What's that, for us. Tons of stuff right like Joe Biden might start talking about squirrels in the middle of the call. We have no idea, there's tons of
site for us where's, the downs out for them. I can't find any you like stop saying, there's tonnes a downside, fourth abiden, because this really not because quite honestly guys, we all know this- I mean that Be kind in ten years he's gone, you noted he's got he's lived, a long long life nobody's embassy was nobody's, is gonna, say g and they took him. So young a you, know the downs it is for us for children in the country, the american people, those downtown and their vireo downside, yellower, the fourth the Putin regime, none. So why is it occurring because he's the booty, because he is the duly elected president of the United States and if he says he wants to have a meeting with Lattimer Button, he it's a meeting where Vladimir Putin exactly alike, unlike the last administration, where it seems everybody was on high alert, the sky may not be mentally stable and
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means, are you f, Greens, dotcom slash back? That's rough greens, dot com, slash back ten! Second station idea Ok, I wanted else. Do is the president of the United States and they come out with more of this garbage. I'm across all round alma, coincidentally, mccrone over Ground live cross, not Andy Corn, though we it's not omni correct. What is it that if you were king you would be doing. What would the sanction? Would we be more like axis in Florida, or will we be more like California in New York, but it's too, prince decisions to make here right, one is based on personal liberty in freedom. So the answer is always going to be Florida, access overnight. whether it works or not. Frankly, because people get a chance to me,
their own decisions for themselves, so from that perspective, the states b. I would also overthrown myself as a king and that's not it s, not a good system of Government George Washington, yeah insurance orientated and end the lot of you, compare me. The George Washington submits verily. I have on self what I the main things I would be doing is. I think we are at the point in the pandemic, where we have the tools needed to deal with it. I think there are earlier moments where we didn't, and we didn't have treatments we didn't have axioms. We didn't have all the now we have now on how this thing works and how it can from progress. So now we are at the point- and I believe, were long past. The but we are certainly at the point now where we have the two to deal with this and we have the tools to let people who are adult make it. our own decisions for themselves, and so, What if I was in a just policy and in a couple ways I be more aggressive in allowing people to access to the innovations that are out there,
that we are now in the middle of awaiting, why multiple weeks for the FDA to approve the Pfizer pill, which you know, propose We don't know him in the DNS the data, but purports to eliminate about ninety percent of hospital visits for people who take it. If that's avail, we ve pills that can do. the Murk one seems to be between thirty and fifty percent to really big steps, though, in the right direction, they don't need the spittle stay of of a monoculture monoclonal in a body treatment, but I wouldn't want to increase access to all that stuff, and I would also say I would speed up the freaking process for exists. For example, the vets means for the delta variant, which already exists, but
are. In this same, we need to wait eight months to approve them type of situation, which doesn't make much sense in a pandemic and very alarming is the European Union's. If they want to do the right thing, your President Eyes data fire foul cheap at first then em and ninety five mass for all those who need it and everybody who has just freak- and I, like I gotta, wear a mask and you're wearing a kangaroos. Striped cloth mask stop it. You know, get a mask anymore. Get the vaccines from your doctors get all the treatments from your doctors and clothes all the kissing booths at the stake: fair low yeah? That's what I'm gonna do zone programme few walk around all day with food. On the brain I mean right, There's nothing better than a rec tech, because it is so good. It makes the food that your cooking so good. That way
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Get your last minute Christmas gives added Glenn back, merge, dot com, plenty to choose from Visa Code; Glenn twenty to save twenty percent. It all started with a misunderstanding: according to LOS Angeles Times, a black their student Coastal Carolina University told a visiting drama teacher. She wanted to connect with Non students, so the tea drew up. A list of names on a White Board then forgot to erase it when they if the studio, when several other students students walked in, they saw this list and they were left with. Suspicion but those on it had been singled out with racist intent. A committee
Professors investigated in promptly sent out a department, wide email clarifying what had happened that September day, seeking to calm the students. The professors wrote that the explanation in no way undermines the feelings that any of you feel about the incident and that the faculty was deeply. Sorry, the visit, teacher, also wrote an apology, no matter the good intention. I still want you to know. I'm an idiot and I'm sorry we'll things might have ended there, but at a time when college campuses had become centre stage for the polarizing issues of race identity and what constitutes harm the theatre apartment. Was primed for conflict enter Steve Earnest, Steve is with us now we ve had him on before when this story first broke. What two months ago,. Ah yes, the themes longer the map. The Ipad hid ties. I bet it does. This is an amazing story, especially written by the by the delay times,
It shows that the person who really came out with you, come up after you, one of the students was really, truly seemingly to me at least out of control, and I can ask you to comment on that one happened since they took you often said. We're not sure we're gonna have to investigate this Well, you know, I again our lives. I was removed from teaching and a sign to other duties which I received. sometime around November, the second I am simply having to be reinstated at this point, and early will be teaching again mixed master on Russia. What that world will be like, but I'm certainly You have a long history of great work at Coastal, Caroline University, and I'm I'm intending to continue that work at this point so what is the because I know that the administrators is a
came out that you thought we're. Friends came out against you. In including that apartment chair who, said, the words in your email were white supremacist language. I think of people in crosses in wearing white robes and that bout, a far away from me, as I can ever imagine now he said he didn't. I e says heed. Our EDA remembers saying these things. Eric doesn't remember, saying that you are white supremacist, but do you it was. It was said at a meeting and I did not disclose the name. the person who said it. I didn't feel like I. I should disclose that name, but it was said I had a meeting and done TAT the rider because they couldn't your pen exactly who said it just killed but made the chair responsible for it all came. So I wasn't. I recall now: ok Alright, well, that's that's very good good to know so.
But when, when they said you could be, you could go by, Your behavior was under review to determine whether your emails endangered the welfare of students or violence, the code of ethical conduct requiring employees to create a respectful environment, nurture climate of fair masons civility towards others even the face of disagreement. They said that your actions didn't warrant disciplinarian at the disciplinary action at this time. What is that? What I mean is that how its left still hanging over you, you know I've. What we'll see you know my attorney for me to say I don't know what's going on with my attorney, who is a big fan of yours, Ruth Smith in I North Carolina. Piracy me too, were to say say hello to you and Oh geez, keeping a watch on the whole situation.
So we are. We were taken a day by day and we will just approach, your neck semester, and I'm considering your body can and things like that. love. To make sure you get one. The theatre is all about. Trust and Ec Exploration eat I tell my daughter she wants to go into acting and I'm fine. Praying. Oh my knees. Every day that something happens that does let that happen, but you know she comes home. She's in high school and girls are not just me, they are vicious. to one another and she comes home and she'll be crying about something I said honey, you know a I'm sorry. You know we commiserate on on what would happen, but also say to her? You have to get you used to this, because if you really do want to be in acting p
you're going to say the worst things about you all the time and you have develop thick skin because not only did I say the worst things about you, you're, going to try out for things and you're going to start in for twenty seconds and then going to say next. You can't be, you can't be crushed- Isn't there a lesson for the students here you know if its vital you could say that, because just this morning I got a wonderful email from a major talent agent, in LOS Angeles who starts out by thing. Although you I'm a talent manager, and that these students are going to be I with rejection in their lives. Please stay you, where's. They were far from new more from you. That way than even realize I mean, if it really is. It really is that way. in my opinion, is a very, very difficult world and you really do have to have a very very
scan even have a chance of surviving right in, and it seems as though I mean, I read one of the things you said to one of these girls. Is there a Shakespeare in the park and there are looking to cast people like you and unclear whether it was her voice, her talent or her color, but I I'll. Tell you that, my daughter was told by an agent people You are going to have a very hard time finding a job right now, and I said what do you mean people like you and she said white people and aware I think I am have done with our lives we. Dawn with our lives, I mean it is it's a river this discrimination is happening right now, discrimination or whatever happens, because fat people skinny people why people black pull it shouldn't be that way, but it is well you know I again. I've worked in professional theatre for thirty years and how the blind casting the something that was happy twenty years ago it did right at her you're. What? If you will
in Shakespeare, didn't matter what what color you were, or what your ethnic heritage or anything was it it had to do with. Would you boys, in your ability- and so I think we ve been passed, this for years and for some reason now it it's come back to haunt us. I mean again this this idea of racism in casting that this is a just look at the tv these days. It is such a great time for people of color to be working the theatre. I mean oh yeah. We also by bad, began its great yeah, the soul and it's a girl it's a great time for all people in in any kind of entertainment, because the access is everywhere. If you don't get access of theatre, you get access someplace else I mean you can do. Anything now with the internet, and and find your own way in its remarkably free world that seemingly
just wants to keep putting itself back into a bottle of of of oppression everywhere, but if you understand it be free, just do it and when we still can't wrapper minds around what level of you know pandemic of break down with dismay represented. You know. People just talk a lot people are facing a world where who knows what the direction of a favourable we all know what I mean. What will be the access to work casting a certain time? That's the same thing that I go through that the same thing that you are going through and not just because of this incident, but because things Are changing I dont know if the campus is gonna, be like the campuses now Ten years change is part of life, and if we expect our universities to be a bubble and protect them,
the one thing it should be taught right now is the only thing consistent, we be constant change and its it's hard, but if your school isn't preparing you for that, they're, not preparing you for life. Am I wrong right? no you're under sit right and this, as you know, this situation is You need to go to Caroline, it's happening at universities, but my attorney said we're seeing as many as six of these a day. Sometimes these types of things Steve idea. I I'm I'm sorry to hear that you feel like you, you might have to wear a a body. Cam what a sad said statement that is. I would encourage you to have videotape on everything anyway, it's sad that we have to be there and I'm I'm glad you went back and I and I hope that it buddy
it's a long and you can go back to some sort of normalcy, Do what you do best well, the grating universities, people graduate so move on now to grow up Steve. Thank you so much the theatre. Professor Coastal Carolina University reinstated now over racism charges in a ridiculous. Nicholas story, I mean I'm surprised they didn't fire him because he voted for Trump. Quite honestly, hoops did I say that I like they knew but good for him. We'll watch the story closely reasonable guy. But even I have my limits on certain things. I mean I'm perfectly willing to eat healthy food. You know as long as it doesn't tastes like healthy food, and that is why I love built bars. They are healthy, but they dont taste healthy. They taste like really good candy, cars there delicious and I have standards to uphold it
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Italy has been one so far, but this will be the second one right aghast and FAO. Like one summer yeah like AIDS live like one year has. Last year. I was thinking about this. Donald Trump was president of the United States this year that wait, judge doesn't feel hostile January sixth was this year This year, yeah, I mean we're coming up to its a year anniversary seem like. Ok, let me say this: let me say this name: Amy Coney, Barrett,. How long ago was that shit over a year ago was October, I think of twenty twenty twenty. Twenty. with just over a year ago and feels like a hundred years are a hundred years ago, like Donald Trump feels
he was president, unlike two thousand twelve rightly feel like it feels like Mitt Romney time yeah, you know he's an election in twenty. Sixteen feels like twenty twelve. Yes, so much has happened. In the last year, in our people Let me just over the new year mean people were still really inside and not doing march, and there was a worry about about mutual allowed him. To me, I mean it's a little different and in places like tanks and access, it's been normal for forever marijuana You're right, I mean you're in there for about three months and they were like me having we had another. This really was six weeks, a full sort of Like most stuff, was closed area taxes ran. Then they open up the restaurants. I know I was there, may first twenty twenty and it all kind of aid sensed in instilled us, and then we may we had a flare up in the south
the summer, and we had some restrictions can a pop back on that we wait. I think that what we want from fifty percent opening for rest as to seventy five of them back to fifty for a short time, and so it was. We were still sort of dealing with that down here at that point after that, Europe, though it's been pretty much normal. I mean what the events at first we're closed right, but the first full capacity, I was here in Texas in April, but that was April of this year. That feels like forever go to my. U can relate to this cause. You're, not old enough, but Cavanaugh was hearing seems as far back almost as Robert Boy, You know it's. Where is this thing that time has just I don't know what it is it just because everything is happening so fast. I think so, and I think too, we spent a lot of time, and I think this is very unhealthy for a society, but we spent a lot of time thinking we just gotta get past exe. I've heard a single person say not this year,
Now this you're, not this year, is the first year you haven't seen. I can't wait for twenty would only want to be over twenty twenty two who's gonna be better. No one believes that. Yet we all know it's getting worse stopped. You know it's like it's like a matrix sequels. We all know that everyone's gonna be worse one site like it. None of it really matters you just going through the motions in here like a happy new year, and I think that we have spent so much time since particularly covert where you're just like. Ok, if we could just get past this where'd you get past. Let us get past you now the next thing and then there's the election was going to pass that somebody's gotta get past the you know all the crap. Not in all of these gigantic news stories that have happened. You know What's a Rittenhouse trial was over and if there is one issue in, if I could put you into a Walt Disney Freezer under treasure, island or wherever and then open it up. In ten years, not far enough from the problems right
right ten years, you open up, they put into frost near like crap mutiny back in right. If I could open who had twenty fifty now, did seem what your kids and still be alive, the court. Would it be too freaky because thing he's probably are going to be tougher NEA. I got it would be a lot different. A lot of changes, I'd like to check and see how it's going on that want to stay, that's why you need it you dont want the freezer you at the time machine, so they have to go back to times that you liked
even when you do that, you realise pallor, something faulty here, together with a machine or my memory, I was in so great back than welcome it. If we could just get past Omar Kron, everything is fine. I just last mutation, just if we could just past Armageddon right, we will be fine. There's a giant asteroid currently hand adding I've wording for the asteroid programme.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-07.