« The Glenn Beck Program

AI Makes the Health Care Debate Look Ancient! | Guests: Nick Di Paolo & Ben Davidson | 1/15/20

2020-01-15 | 🔗
CNN hammered Bernie Sanders last night for allegedly saying that a woman couldn’t win the 2020 race! And some college students find Trump more dangerous than actual dictators. Comedian Nick Di Paolo joins to find the humor in all the chaos. Glenn gives an amazing update on his daughter’s brain surgery and how insane the liberal health care argument is. In some breaking news, Nancy Pelosi will keep Adam Schiff as the face of impeachment, and the entire Russian government has resigned – except for Putin. And Project Veritas filmed a Sanders staffer advocating for gulags and dragging MSNBC pundits through the streets! Space Weather News founder Ben Davidson joins to shed light on where the worldwide chaotic weather is coming from.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thank you very much witnessed miracles yesterday, just miracles, and I can't thank you enough for praying for her and for my friend and from my father this it's been remark. Twenty four hours. So thank you for that will have more on that later on in the year programme for submitting about relief factor You have pain, you might want to try relief factor because it will for seventy percent of the people who try it now. You know That's the same thing with almost every every drug you know, but I like really factor because he at least say that to you there like. Look it's not Work for everybody, but it would
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Earthquakes, volcanoes, and that was just the democratic primary last night that when you gather everybody up, that watch did last night. Here's what you hear it was it's quite interesting to actually watch it and then see how the mainstream media reports on it. Boy do they want these people to fight it. Anybody anybody they just want desperately. Is there there's somebody up there, the gin, a really good job? We talk about the debate and so much more in one minute on that programme. One thing for sure that two guys never want to go to the doctor for really any reason, especially when it gets into awkward conversations when it, whether its hair loss or ie, you don't have conversations with anybody about your health, especially when it comes.
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welcome to the programme. Just a quick update, Thank you for all of your prayers Mary got out of surgery, she's my eldest daughter. She has terrible Elsie and has is wrong we had our own life turned upside down from epileptic seizures. The people at you T medical center are amazing. Probably the eye of the fund. I talked about it. I think. Actually This may be the reason we move to tell us. You know we ve weave weave kind of wondered, and we ve put all bunch of different things into bad and I think Maybe this is the leading area for epilepsy, perhaps in the world, and what ass doctors happens to be the herd doctor in her surgeon. It was
amazing, and I want to tell you about the miracles that we saw that that's its truly Archibald, but I want to tie it in to news of the day, because some of us that we're talking about is nonsense because of the miracles of technology that are coming. Our way quickly. So if you read CNN or anybody else, they will die, play Bernie Sanders and the Elizabeth WAR and fight because there now sending signals can we can we stop this? Stop this fight they don't want to eat their own, but this is what happens at this point. You gotta eat your own. Wharton were in wooden, shake Bernie Sanders hand, blah blah blah blah blah. I don't really care about really any of that. I don't think the american people care about that, If he said you know A woman can't win he's just wrong
just wrong? It has to be the right person, but didn't sleep it at a warrant is just trying to take shots. Adam I mean He would, he probably said, is what I think he explained last night, which was oh that that Donald Trump is gonna? Take cheap shots at women and it's gonna make it difficult like that's it standard line of thought. I knew no one at a time may have thought a what can't win because he's gonna swing hard and they won't be able to swing hard back or whatever. Is this theory? Is it He even said that- but that's the same as Buddha. Judge care win outta judge, won't be able to win because he is a perceived as Anti Christian in some groups here also homosexual, which is not cool with american groupies, too unused to an experience whatever. So
in it. So it's a political calculation: it's not an anti woman thing rights ridiculous, but they're going through this but I did want to play only one part of this x and that is the CNN and in saying this, I've never heard anything like it, so she asks Bernie Sanders Did you say that he says Ultimately not. I did not, and you can find all these save me saying things about women and how would I possibly say that Hilary Nineteen one, the popular vote. So how could I possibly have said that then listen to the follow up after he says that she follows up with Elizabeth worn with us here who are saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman could not win the elections by this group. Senator Warren, what did you think? Senator Sandra Centres told you a woman could not when the election
I do she's dying on real. This is what usually happens to a conservative this. The way they can. They treat conservatives, no matter what we say it their way you'll never be able to prove it. Otherwise, whatever you intent was whatever you really meant. What it does, matter to them, I have not seen them. Do it to a democratic socialist but That's one of the most remarkable moments from a reporter. That tells you everything you need to know about the press today. Yet because you can ask that question in a difficult way, too, both of them and fair right, and that is the way it should be right. You could say to Bernie like hey why'd, you say this and then you could say to her. He says he told me he didn't even say that rightly saying you did exactly that's totally fair way of asking. That is what a journalist is supposed to do. They decided
she was telling the truth. This individual decided that she was telling the truth. Instead of putting them both under the heat lamp and making them swagger, and let the american people decide which ones telling the truth now part of this is the initial story. That Bernie This is a CNN report, now the Washington Post has witnesses and end sources that say Bernie didn't, say So I don't they're just try to give their own report credibility or what, but that was an embarrassing moment. I mean it cannot ask that question was completely unfair. The audience laughed at it laughed at it and its partially, be that they believe Bernie Sanders can't beat Donald Trump and was with warrant can I don't see how we believe that in watching her performances, I am not impressed at all. I shouldn't think she's custom built to be defeated by Donald Trump. Look: here's what we are, the here's! What we're fighting?
and- and I know this first Hannah delta- story later but what were fighting is people that, I don't. I can't consume the news on and on cable television, immoral ways do. As to frustrating its. I know what everybody's going to say: it's, it's lies, manipulation and spin, and it's coming Two frustrating its. I know what everybody's going to say it, its lies, manipulation and spin, and it's coming from everywhere. And I know enough of the facts- to join go. Oh, my god, I can't you, you have got to be, every time I turn on the tv within forty five seconds, I am saying you have got to be kidding me because I know the facts. Most Americans don't know the facts, so they at their news from the
places in sound bites The headlines, not even the stories just headlines, they ve, it up their mind that Donald Trump is a monster, so it does matter who's running against him. You ve got a large number of people that without Me basis other than Donald Trump, not being helpful in this department who just believe that he's out of control and unstable and they want em out so it doesn't matter if its Bernie Sanders or its PETE Buddha judge. He'll get a man here get forty eight percent, whoever it is Elizabeth WAR and Bernie Sanders the Anti Christ we'll get Bob forty four he took forty eight percent guarantee, because there's people going to change their minds. There's not gonna. Do it same thing for Donald Trump right, like
If he's gonna get forty to forty eight percent, whatever that is, and then if there be fighting about everybody else, so the guy changes here are the ones that We'll be able to tell All the truth about both sides, the. We people that will have any credibility during this election to be will the sway people are the p, all who don't really like either of them for for different reasons that are not that they are saying look I you know I like this person. For this reason, I don't like this person for this reason, because the The only way to change people's minds is too eat them where they already are and where most people are is I don't like. The I don't like what the other side stands for and
What's crazy is there's enough room on that in all of us too, the actually be united. I dont like what the other side stands for, and I like what side stands for the way this is being executed. It's one thing what they say: it's another thing, what they do and the craziest thing is the guy who looks like he's the most unstable is only being judged by the cover, and when I say that cover what I mean is his Beaches what he says, not He does John your person by what they do, not what they say. And Donald Trump is being, and rightly so, because that's the way we ve always had to judge people, What is he saying?
will he saying crazy things? But what is it? actually doing the doing part never gets down to the average American they know, any of the doing part they can Give you any policies, in fact that we display this clip. We just on the four minute buzz it's from the college fix and they were who's the most dangerous. Listen to this of the following five world leaders, which do you think, is the greatest danger to world peace, America's primarily trunks. China's president G, who's the worst who's, the most dangerous. Listen to this, the following five world leaders, which do you think, is the greatest danger to world peace. America's primordial drums. China's president G Kim Jong Boon in North Korea, Putin, in Russia or the Supreme leader of IRAN.
I mean, if income for courage shown by the Nazis and actions that it is true, I think I would say to run- I would say Trump too I'll, say Trump. Many of these are worrying by way, most back sums erratic behaviour. How I'm because we believe something having our President Donald Trump. It is severely damage to our countries and our to say our president and for only he uses a policy of adverse react I think it is, and I think it is strong. Ok, so we're Talking about the Ayatollah Kim Jong on President z- apprentice, President Putin dictators. And what is it that their focusing on here? is unstable. Now let me first This for you, Donald Trump unstable.
I think, he's mentally unstable. That's just the way. He is that's the way he always has operated. He likes a world of chaos, his world of chaos, and he is that he likes press and he breeze a firm believer. Any press is good press, so he, He likes the fight he likes the king ass. He liked the grind of it all he's a street brawler. However, let's forget about the packaging with About the cover legally cover, let's forget but what he says in tweets and everything else- and I know that's important, but let's forget about every second. There pointing out that he is unstable in the world. How is the unstable, in fact, how is unstable in the world. Here's. How is unstable he's not playing the game. The state department began
to play in this eighteen, thirties and Fortys. They have a plan for the world and its to be this big United World and the United States is gonna, be running at all and will be the policeman and we go and fight these wars. That will never really end This is not some create crackpot theory Rita out it in. What's the book. What's that nineteen. Sixteen we used to talk about it all the time stew anxiety and hope. Tragedy in hope, read about it it out at lines it. It was about mutually assured destruction. It's about how he tied our monetary systems together, etc, etc. Will you part of that. Our grandparents weren't part of that discussion. It just happened because all of the elites thought that's the way the world should run
it's been getting us involved in places. We shouldn't be involved in now. Democrats, you should be in love with Donald Trump, policies on the world, because he doesn't want to intervene. The claim is always been that the United States is just this bully that's what the left is always said were a bully. We, Lex our muscles all around the world and we tell people how you ve got conservatives agreeing with you I agree. We shouldn't be all over the world, flexing our muscles and trying to nation build. We should. Be trying to move democracy in To every region of the world by force. We agree is being labelled, unstable. Because he's not playing the game that
Always been played by every president's sense, Truman. He doesn't by into it. He doesn't like it good NEWS, America neither do you. All right, we'll take a quick break, and let me tell you about lines: dot com reinventing yourself in a new Europe is really hard. Unfortunately, it's hard on a human. Fortunately, for you, it's easy on a home. From cellular shades too would blinds to roman shades blinds dot com. Has you covered when it comes to overhauling your homes? Look so you're about the deal of a century right now, through January, twenty eight feel safe forty percent on everything at blind
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For ten seconds station. I d So can we play the audio Van Jones from last night? There's advance Jones said Derec escaped. You bet what we saw night. There was nothing I saw at night. There would be able to take down trouble. And I want you to a Democrat in the White House as soon as possible? There was nothing to night that I've been looking at this thing you say: did any of these people are prepared for? Why don't I was gonna, do to us and to see further division tonight is very dispiriting I say one thing about Van Jones as he is actually a good television analysed like a hee hee occasion, he says things against his own party. He is, I think, be I'm here Honest right, like I, want a Democrat to win this sucked, like thirty, adds a guy you actually,
appreciate people who will not just take their party line into friend their guide at any cost. The he's. Actually, I don't I didn't want of in the White House, he's actually good. At the CNN thing. I think he is for what he believes yet I I am, exactly with you, I appreciate the fact that he but he says it like. It is an eighty lets people know where he's coming from every time. You disagree with and eighty ninety percent of the time, but at least you it's an then sorry, you value people who actually seem like there being honest and not just spouting what they think they're supposed to say right up this is a thing that the conservative media is gonna jump all over today and a demo rats surely are telling him behind the scenes. Do just shut up, you're right. Obviously we agree these candidates suck, but stop saying it right like, the person is yet to come out just say it anyway
and I would by the way I like that on our side to it. If someone some Republican, do something stupid, I want the guy who's gonna come out and say you know, I'd look I I agree with you on these policies, but that was stupid. I want that. I I don't know I'd cast with James vengeance. It be interest. To hear his point of view on what has happened. You and him one out would not dummy yes. We'd have to address that. I mean most dangerous guy out there. I know if he's had a change of heart or if he's had a change of strategy, I don't know- and I dont know if I would believe him, but he's at least saying the things against his own party, even though agree with him at all It would be interesting to see what he thinks of the battle, because the battle is of absolute radicals now and he D
since seem to be backing the radicals. Does he I don't know I haven't heard. Who is endorsing it? I'd on already? I don't know I mean I would assume he's. Probably putting someone who I completely disagree with and everything everything virus you do like the fat he's, not a rebel leader I dont think conversation I see revolutionary still. I don't know on another reintroduces, the you and him doc and together in a podcast setting up about via a fascinating research. If, with our backing, just a second. I wanna talk to you about why all its health care talk is nonsense, enough american financing Cooperation and, alas, one eight do through reform. That will you don't you w dot animal less consumer rights? Dot Org are at american financing once ask you if you have made a new year's resolution and it is
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Three with is that we should his position on healthcare. This debate isn't real was in Vegas the other day and someone said: don't put your ships on a number on the wheel that isn't then on the wheel. That's the problem. Over two thirds of the Democrats, are you. A Senate are not on the bill, but you and Senator Warren are on you, of numerous governors that our democratic that don't support this. You have new, This house, members that put Nancy Pelosi and a speaker to the answer is a non from so she goes into a nonprofit scheme. Limitation first fall. Tell me the nonprofits than earth, but are thriving, and doing great and expanding and growing speaks to show those to me. Can you think of any off the top of your head? Still I mean some hospitals are nonprofits right. Let me know this is different. Structures differ between a charity and a non profit. That's a distinction. I think she's trying to make their you know. Oh that
There now seeing a movement in journalism where they're taking newspapers and moving them to non profit status because they had no chance at being profitable. Yet I could not exist and that were running towards the government to find some sort of shelter its that's not the answer. That's not the answer, and I want you to know because I started listening to her and all I heard was blocked by my Mamma Mamma Mamma, not because what she was saying was a well thought out or anything else. This argument on health care is is exactly the same as we need. Government. Stables for all of the horses for the future, because, they're gonna, be so many horses in the city and weave
got to. We ve got to make the road softer for the little hooves of the horses and we're gonna need giant, poop, shoots everywhere and we're gonna need a man more Barnes for horses because look at what's happening to us and having that conversation about nineteen twenty one day The car the assembly line it already been developed. It was already on line model. Tease were around the corner by nineteen, twenty nine, the car. Really taken hold of of much of America, at least in the cities, and the writing was on the wall. It's over. It's over You don't have to worry about any of those horrible. Buggy seed is a little unsafe and I worry about it does is not happening. The same thing for health care. Your healthcare mark my words by twice
He thirty! You are not going to want to have the opinion of your doctor, you. We're going to want the opinion from a I, your doc, may come in and say well I've read your guts greater. What to say. I say about it because it is going to be far more accurate. You will be able to diagnose most problems in your own home. You will have Google, health or Amazon Health and its I'm going to be a place, it's going to be an app in your home that give you much of the stuff that you need, which will cut turn on all kinds of paperwork offices, office visit employees all this stuff. So you will get your you know, our hospitals are all backed up, because people use them as a clinic. That's over. That's all
Because you will be able to have a, I do it for you, These are travelling so rapidly right now,. And we are so stupid to be I didn't say this to you in twenty ten, because Huntington was still twenty years away and I really believe it. To the extent, because so much of it had been forecasted Joe. The changes in the last ten years alone be riding on the wall for everybody. The world is about to change and especially the world of medicine. Let me tell you what happened yesterday by the way, the sale or to Pat Gray Ipad cuckoo from Pat, Graham It's you can listen to his podcast wherever you find your podcast or you can listen to live every morning. For this programme yesterday My daughter goes in, or brain surgery, and they
or in planting twenty two who electrodes in who her brain not on her brain into our brain the conference's, maybe that an inch and have media and should have maybe two inches? two centimeters deep. In your brain, nay. She feel no, you don't have any nerves in your actual brain. Ok, so you do. The EU feel the holes, but you don't feel that the brain Oh there's a cable, there's cables now they're all bunch together that are about mode. You say that circumferences, maybe that an inch and man Jeff, maybe two inches of cables. A hundred and twenty two cables. All coming out processing the emperor taking the information to a processor they're watching everything Everything on her brain. It's like an e g except the e g, is in the brain.
Not on the skull they couldn't do this ten years ago, three years ago the doktor told me, for to do it. We had to take and cut the skull cap off oh from ear to ear eyes, To the back of your head just make a circle around and just take that cap of your beer sky off and then implanted. Yesterday they drilled, four. I think it's too centimeter holes. In the sides of her head drilled for. Now that still bad, but that's not taking the you know, that's not giving you the Frankenstein work. And somehow or another they got all of that stuff done and implanted it and they did it with tat, scan technology and robotics guide.
Everything every step of the way, so it was exactly wherein all needed to be. Imagine That is really something yeah yeah. Well, so this is what happened. Yesterday. Do you have to trigger Cuba for this, because it looking after so much finer, yeah yeah, you t He is, I think, the leader in the world on epilepsy and they're doing they they can only do it takes so many people who do it. They can only do one of these a week. Jill and then shall have another surgery to take all that stuff out and then shall have another surgery to fit no logical wonder: what's going on now, because this is a university hospital, she could opt in or opt out of doing tests Reno for research, so I was proud of her. She said yes I'll I'll do. I can be your guinea you got some things so what they
she has to stay there and be monitored for all. I know she has to be there for probably ten days Jill and I shall have another surgery to take all that stuff out. And then shall have another surgery to fix the problem, so she asked Three to real brain surgeries, one is just removing all this stuff, which I I said to the doctor, I'm assuming just don't yank get out in online. Can I do with a cord like common anyway, so she'll be going through this through the summer, but it may completely take care of all of her seizure activity, watches Amerika tat a miracle, So it is I'm watching all of this, and I dead to the the Tec, who was there? He was the head of beauty, text, cheese, doing a experiment where they have one more sensor that they put in that is get this
you know a neuron is right. So a neuron is when you think something that neuron takes that information and travel through your head. Her. I do. I don't even know how it works. But the neuron is what makes us think and move moving do everything else. There are millions of neurons in her head, their brain cells mill, of them in our head, the put in an instrument in her head to track. A single neuron, one. They can now find it down to a single neuron and every day, she's. Doing like a forty minute test were there like, I don't even know what it is but think about. Bunnies, and they watch that neuron to see would have move your legs and there Watching how a single neuron light Up and moves around the head that not I'll cut in credible. It incredible.
And this is the University of Texas Medical Center. I mean this is but the Cleveland Clinic in May or anything else is a very well respected, but one that you don't think of the top of your head, you know domain and Look at what they're doing They are leading the field in epilepsy. I believe- and it's incredible and as I'm talking to this tech yesterday said this is gonna, look barbaric and five. Here is an he said. We barely keep up with it. He said is just happening faster and faster and faster. So all, of this talk about what we think of all that the expensive yeah, that's surgery, I think is six or eight hundred thousand It's really easy, I think I think the number I heard it's crazy.
Spent support. You dont know because that's not the way our health care system works, ranked I dont have insurance and I just pad in, and we are lucky enough to have the greatest, ensuring I think money can buy arms, and so it's costing us, I think, three thousand dollars. Oh my gosh yeah, it's quite incredible. It's crazy! But anyway it's that expensive Do you remember when we went to Fox and I told there one thing in my studio. I wasn't even allowed to touch and what I did shit during a show. One of the engineers came to me afterwards. It said: please don't touch that I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry did I wasn't even thinking you railroad was now was of the screen, The scream yeah was monitors. It was a monitor screen and I think it was eighty four inches may be. A hundred inches Kay I think it was eighty four
The reason, the reason why I remember being told not to touch it is because he told me the price it over one hundred thousand dollars, one hundred thousand dollars- and it was eighty four inches- and I don't even know if it was high definition. Probably well, I'm sure it was so for a screen. It would probably be two thousand. I found one you haven't euro. I found one in Walmart and marvelled at the miracle of capitalism, her feet one hundred dollars a timer while Jeez So when these things become robotic, when these things are all driven by algorithms, when a. I takes it takes over you're, not the prices are not going to be what they are right now. It's you know it
its flying on an aircraft. The first time we were taking, you know, airliners. It was wildly expensive. I keep coming back to this one, we're talking about health care of the way you're talking about it with a sigh in that isn't it the reason why they have to grab control of it. Now. Yes, if they let it out there in the free market for too long no one's gonna care about them getting controlled. It's the same thing with the internet net neutrality they needed control of that now before Everybody has access to different wifi network. They don't necessarily need all the broadband money they keep going to spend. They want to grab. Control before these. Things happen so that afterwards they can still manipulate. I think the bug genie is out of the bottle. It's too far out of the bottle. It's not too far to throttle it's a kill it. If you kill capitalism, you kill this, but I'm telling you The future is extraordinarily bright, just make it too.
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Now shave secret dot com, promo code back is Programme hey do we have a job, I'm talking about the caliphate. Go ahead, play Lay this here's your by Rynch. Vice President Biden, Senator worn right today. What is it three combat troops, Liddy special forces in a position. I was part of the coalition that put together sixty eight countries. To deal with stateless terror as well as failed states. Us alone, the eight other countries, that's how we were able to defeat and
the killer fight for ISIS, but of act. We do not deal with them and we do not have someone Bringing the king I find world STAR go Kalen fight. First of all,. Its caliphate. Second of Oh, you are part of the administration that my an ridiculed me forever per se. A caliphate is the goal in the Middle EAST and they're going to put one together. You mocked me now you are taking credit for defeating ices when it happened under Donald Trump Swatch and can't even pronounced the word caliphate? How are you the vice president of the United States that would eat we considered to be a president of like garbage.
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The fusion of entertainment and white men, who did you, watch the debate last night, you ve known me that anybody else, but will you be the highlights, an Nicht APOLLO? Next, as the Glen Back Programme? Are I d been counselling that we all need to be much more fiscally responsible in life? That includes me and its twenty twenty and it's time to wise up and be responsible in all other areas as well. So crime is ever on the rise and, more importantly, it isn't going away. It's not unwise to have unprotected devices these days, it is irresponsible and dangerous with Britain, three sixty! You will get the layers of protection, including in real time, device security and of ppm for online privacy. Vps, has bank great encryption to help keep your information like login and password, secure and private. It is
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three percent now Already Nicht APOLLO from Nick dot com. You can follow, I'm at Nick D. I p Oh! Oh, oh for those of you who have never met an Italian, its Nicht APOLLO, hey you! Don't just make it mic! Dip, God, When I got to tell you, I was up in New Haven, my Father in law's up at Nick Yale, New Haven Hospital he's been sick, and so I had to fly up this weekend and be with him in and New Haven in New Haven.
Is to buy my drugs. There is good, not only had an aspirin, an adult Vienna V V, the pizza Newhaven is completely different and it is so good. Somebody and they cook it Ray. I mean they almost burn it, and as the other parts of the eye evident, Somebody says that's it's it's by artisan, a little bird, I I'm sorry to hear you. This is a little bird. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you ok. Mind. I hope you may just do not fool around with their food italians d fool around with it. What kind the generalization is that I fool around my food. All your well! Maybe that's a different story that we are not happy, bags is the best pizza was voted. The best Certainly in America Sally I face sallies, you want this. Alleys. I went to salaries, the idle
like a woman, can cook a pizza battle? A man never said a word. I couldn't be president. I said I'd a native american women boy. What did you think about? Did you hear the? Did you hear the way the CNN reporter, dismissed everything he said This is why I should be his famous issue. I said I was like tweeting last night. I said to my manager before that. The debate started. I said what's the over under on a female, a woman asking Bernie if he ever said that woman but couldn't become president. My stinks right on the money and she just she just of course cited will we lay as if you didn't hear this is one of the most amazing things. I've heard it so called journalists. Listen to this, I wanna be here. You are saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman could not win. The elections, Senator Warren, what did you think
Senator Sandra Centres told you a woman could not when the election mythic I've never heard. Anything like that. You have have you been watching. The media is needed I'm dead, serious? The media Hollywood Been hijacked by the fact feminist movement that that's all Let's do it! It's! encompassing it's in commercials. Commercials, a woman, hidden, a heavy bag. Like a boxer, there's a lot of female anger out there. I call painters envy on a group level, it organised, Penis Ebby, and I know that was gonna happen and and but I also, I think, Bernie said: do you really a belittling women or just because it was politically his calculation political camp. Legs, what's wrong with that, whatever that nothin right,
I mean, if that's your political opinion than Europe, legal opinion on the way the landscape it? I think wrong, but it's it's his way of saying that this country is still massage honest, and yet I mean he was playing to him so sick. I am so sick of I'm so sick of that I'm. So You know why they they, these people have been lecturing us about. How racist republicans are? Will all your voters went out and narrow the field to a bunch of white people that are all billion heirs of mean what are you saying about the democratic people that are voting now that state it was whiter than a Bernese knows hairs. Last night was like it was like watching the Osmond snorting cultural snow storm was very fair and why drug reverence area I drugs- I don't know, but but but but was just just six people on stage you show how hypocritical that party is in.
And you say what people say, while black quotas would whittled down to six act again, how many black voters right now? You really believe that its white lips, do you really, I agree with that that the party is Party is run by. Why intellectuals that just think they know better than everybody else, and those are the real active right now. The rest of the people I mean Nick years. Let me play clip of something that came from the college fix- and I would like to know how you combat this? Listen to this question from the college Fix the following: five world leaders, which do you think, is the greatest danger to world peace and AIR President Trump. China's President G John Boon in North Korea. Putin in Russia or the Supreme leader of IRAN,
I mean, I think, I'm the kind of shown by the Nazis and actions that it is drowned. Its age from I would say, trump to all, say Trump. Many of these are worrying. By way must back sums erratic behaviour. How unpredictably is, I think, having our president bead on the trump? It is severely damage to our country and our to say our president. Unfortunately, he uses a policy of adverse later. I think it is, and I think it is strong enough. Sting act. First, react later should knave leader B: somebody who acts in is not reacting all the time. Maybe that's me so these people I dont think have a clue as to who Putin is who G is who the it totally as they don't have any clue and most of these voters. I think
I could say this about the Republicans to every he's just unplugging for the news, so a bunch of experts that know exactly what we believe without having any real facts and the people you are going to vote for Bernie Sanders or the Anti Christ are going to be voting against Donald Trump because they think they know who he is. When you say the decree You mean Heller, is gonna, jump in ya. I would but a pastor. Yet but the Indoctrination is the other way, gonna change. Look. The media academia I mean these kids and then then the internet just swimming in this garbage, they don't have to think of themselves and I'm so here and there Donald Trump is oh a radical party last night. He he's a danger to this guy. What are you talking about?
call me has never been better. He crushed ISIS in five minutes and he just scared crap out of the mullahs, and I ran so. What are they looking for in a president? I don't get it. I dont whom you have to get rid of woman studies on college campuses. Everything will be fine. I will tell you Nick I do. We have to find a way to approach people who just think they know when they they don't really don't have any idea there not paying attention. I mean it is say that Donald Trump is a wrecking ball. Andy is unstable. If you look at his tweets, it's like crazy town, but that's not his actions. You just say that I was going to say you decided on the head, because the left leaves words yeah words right exact did the same as that, yes, the head, and what You have to get him out of the mentality, but that all com it's from political correctness, the definition. Control of people's behaviour through the language and they,
Master Dat and I just don't understand this. I don't know what they looking for a president and and he's gonna crush. Can I just say this hope it's Bernie and burning my favorite lefty you're, not because of its politics, but he really believes a garbage atlases authentic miserable I really find entertaining it's like Larry David, they last night and when there are few minutes, when he didn't talk like something is missing in this area in him He is, I mean I up, but that would not be great. A billion capitalist. Just sharing the socialist and finally put MR rest let's put it. The rats. Glenn now I dont think it. I dont think it will. I just don't think it will, but it is interesting to me that we could have a candidate that is an avowed socialist that that
that held up the Soviet Union as a great example of what we could be. I mean it's crazy and oh guy millionaire, who is against white guy millionaires? And really old. Guy telling all of the young people exactly what to do, because you can thus the really old guy that's in the office. Now it's hits. I just I've, never seen anything like it did. You did you say: white millionaire. Did you mean billionaire? You talk about style, Nora, no Bernie is a white millionaire style, a billion air you're a liar, doesn't have a chance big data. His head, when I was taught them last night sky. Where did you notice that didn't Michael J Michael J Fox is chrome, She at the tv say stairway a battle in the back of a chevy on the highway
paid in white guy in a very real, and I should be ashamed that not only the know how Sty or made his money I relegate what what? What is it do the hedge fund guy, I they kept, hitting among a lot of money he made at least early on was oil, gas and oil and coal. He had just malaria, ask Mr Climate Guy now, but he said I learn my life, you never. I made my money. I've learned by lesson yeah. They all evolve on the issues after they have six billion in the back yard and I still say, blown I'm telling you. I said this interview, Donald Trump when You'Re- and this is a couple months ago- and I said I'm telling you this before Bloomberg announced she was gonna get in and I said I think, he's gonna be he's gonna show up in the end, he's gonna be a fact or somehow, well Steve Days, who is part of the network is said he made ten predictions and they were pretty stunning and they could happen. He said at that Bernie Sanders. The first four states are gonna go to four different candidates. He said that
Bernie Sanders will rocket, but now, I claim the nomination and there'll be a brokered convention they're going to try to get machine, Obama to run. But run any set in the end it it's gonna, be Bernie Sanders. Now I disagree. Bathing and Bloomberg been Burg Blow bargain somebody also, we don't know
yet you know what I will go with you on somebody now of the red. Sox is gonna. Get you another Democrats, why do we just get somebody from the asteroids sports? It would have been a good horse. Just if Alex Cora wasn't on the asteroids. During this scandal, you all you are very close, Miss yet another sports failure. There. I thought I had touched down very little rash can address, get thanks. So much Nick appreciated, Nick DIP, dot com, Nicht APOLLO it Nick dip dot com are gosh. I blew it you had like a really go there and I was waiting for basically beat you to it with a more in depth reference which are now I mean that's up when I I almost feel bad for you on that. In practice it was good. You are there. You knew a sport. Storing light tat happens like
since, like a sign of the apocalypse, it's I don't know of its ever really happened He had never really happen and then in the near, you are in your moment of glory and he steals it hey aright. How you feel in this morning, how you feel when he had got up, are your boy I feel that, as your body feelin, sometimes things hurt and they keep coming back over and over again, if you ve ever ever been on the receiving end of real pain like that or you ve never seen these somebody, you love, go through it. It's really hard to explain how much pain can Philip every inch of your world and every second of your day, I was that for years I had pain so intense my hands. I ice in writing. I love writing actual letters and writing in journals, and I couldn't do it anymore. I actually went up by me new pen last weekend and while I was waiting in the hospital, I was writing in my journal again. The EU can,
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He brought the Bloomberg thing who take APOLLO. Looking my wounds of the asterisk now had just keep going on you'll get their eventual. I know you'll get there. Eventually, it's taken me forty years a broadcast to do that hit that and you had like a really good there's a well crowding round off the top of my head. Oh yeah, right there and was right there, the eggs interesting as he has a couple pass here. I think to actually make a dent in this race. One is the path that Steve Dazed talked about yesterday, which is four Grover people winning for different states. The broker thing for it is not well liked. So I the party, so I dont know that he would be. But to get there and a brokered situation, though, with the amount of money he'd have he'd have a shot at it for sure everyone? I talk to that. Actually The watches television tell me that incredible Bloomberg is
everywhere me. I was watching the College National Championship Game the other night, I'm sure you were as well. If you wanted to try to make a joke, I gotcha from now on. I too easy I'll get to it. And every other spot is my blue, and you know I was in Nevada over vacation. Ever free single billboard is Tom style and like the you could, these guys are doing this at it. Pisses Democrats off because style, stairs a terrible, Canada is very boring, but he is awful. He is has legitimate movement, credibility. The guy did a petition drive in that seventeen to impeach Donald Trump either way Nancy Pelosi. He was doing. Long before, as he pointed out last night, eight million people he got on this list and a lot of those people were the ones pressuring Pelosi and others to actually do this mean he here bent tons of money building this this meant in his own way, and he's
duper liberal on basically every single issue. So the fact is that lie a guy like hymns, should have more credibility with Democrats, but they hate money so much and they don't like the fact in this I think it's fair, but why I dont think is right here- is that the media judging a guy like style who, by the way, has a pole with fifteen percent in South Carolina. He in second place, style style is in second place in South Carolina according to a Fox news, but which is one of the most highly respected posters and even though even left says that so many Twelve percent in Nevada, I think, is an third there. So this guy is not like a complete nobody in this race and what progress is a new tax. This analysis out a progressive what their say, yes, he's buying the election will have you buy election? How do you do that? He's running advertise once on tv and people are seeing them,
and then saying I like that, guy enough to tell people to vote for that buying an election What you're saying is this? is manipulating all the dollars. They came their own mind because it you see ad casement and they won over by them. Well there, individuals. Making decisions is what they're doing these are people who are watch all these candidates there in their face all the time and their choosing Tom style or whatever freakin reason, and they but disqualify him because, of course well. He bought the election he came in late and heap any did, invest a ton of money to get the donor requirements to get in debates like last night. Bloomberg, even trying to do that think about I, though, who, where he's running an early states against these candidates and hitting twelve and fifteen percent Bloomberg, is running unopposed he's running nationally. All spots. All the time, but in these Superman These states nobody spending money on those, yet no one,
bothering make their it's too early to start with spending money there so he's dominating the airwaves. So if, if it's a form split or three way, split in these first four states, where there's nothing really that comes out of it or maybe tenderly even better for him since wins. Iowa Sanders Winds, New Hampshire Sanders wins, Nevada Sanders, look, maybe, and if he wins those three he very well might when the fourth and he looks like sure thing, the only per and standing in his way. We'll be Michael. Burke, with all this money, and if its enters versus Bloomberg. Bloomberg has a shot because there's a big shot. The democratic party who would love to have all Bernie Sanders policies, but do not believe its realistic that he can win were blue Burke and step in with multiple Billy of dollars and do what he's doing now against Donald Trump and that I think at that time, but might start looking at him as an option. So these on a path, but it's it's not an easy one in it: Giuliani had a path in Florida too, and that would didn't,
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one of the programme, a couple of pieces of breaking news. First of all, Nancy policy. As announced the impeachment manager remarkable and right- these so good. Let's not where I was gone, Adam Schiff, unbelievable. Why would you go to that. Well, how could you think he's done a good job with us? This has been a disease Esther you're, giving it to him. Maybe she just wants to pain him with like look. I wanted my finger print Over this thing, let's make it a shifting and I was I was- I went- I know the trolls out of chef was shift. Who did at the he's the one who screw this thing up? I was at the hospital for the last twenty four hours and and really the last few days, I'm a little sketchy on some some details. We brought up
Jason but rolling with us who is our chief researcher and had writer of the Glen Backup TV programme the bring up being on a couple of things. First of all this this memo that was released, Somebody's handwriting, let's get him, do, get him announce you know get what's his name of care, areas, namely landscape Zalewski, gets alive d, to announce that he's gonna go after these guys. What is the memo story from left harness one of the associates, averted Giuliani. Ok, I don't want a lot. Some people turn a blow this up, I think, and a little bit more than what it actually as I've read through their tat theres. What's that messages, others the memo, so basically it is that a thing right there, the memo was kind of all about the you know. The investigations and the whole thing whatever the! What's that messages. I think people are turning Europe into an even bigger deal of Europe.
Yeah? I bet that they were interesting. The idea is, basically being it seemed like love, as the Sir Giuliani Associate was at least somewhat involved in survey Sense of the ambassador to Ukraine while Like- he's over at the embassy was stuff like that and there's some catch. You messages that I made it sounds like a movie mob hit. That message is there's like. If we get the price, we could take her out of some states that going back directly like almost that direct. That's what they're taking that's awaiting it, but we all know you the context and in also there's no reason to believe this is connected to Giuliani or Embryos Trump, ten, ten steps away from it really loved and ass. It was a so much. It he character, there's a good lesson to be learned to not get involved with shady cared to second vast Rudy about the area and Ready said I'm the guy who brought you know, broke up the Gambino crime family. You don't think we're
we're working with shady characters to break up the mob exile, you're gonna break it up the only ones it have. Information are shady care You just have to understand that going in and so it's it might not look good, but I mean there may be another explanation right. We don't have all the context of what What was surrounding these messages? We must have as usual with Democrats, they release the step. That looks really that I've seen actually seen people icon social media saying that they are trying to set up a hit. Just like you said no, and does it there's? No, I didn't see any context there and all that, like even that, there's some weird there there there definitely monitoring her, but we have the context of what was actually going on in the U S embassy in Kiev. We know the types of people that this ambassador was dealing with. We know who people like George Soros Alot of those groups they literally could have been, is watching that for they could have been looking for a smoking gun on that
which is also a you. You look at it when President Trump said Tis Linsky. I think you have some of the same people in your administration known. We got rid of em all. No, I I don't, thank you, have, and we know this because he has cosy up now to George George Soros because of one of the big players in his administration, which I think is the one that Donald Trump was talking about. So they could have just been doing that I just I'm so tired of the half store rests on all of this, so they're moving the impeachment articles of compete of impeachment. It was a total failure for Nancy Pelosi trying to hold on but is there any hour? Are they They are going to have some sort of trial. Right sounds like it,
It sounds like they are right. Now we're going back and forth between. Aren't you know if you're gonna have these when this is going to hold a force of vote, which I heard was one possibility on every single witness If you are going to do this, then we're gonna start calling our witnesses so there also but doing like this mutually assured destruction. If you want this handicrafts, that's the thing. The Democrats cannot have real, cross examination. They just can't the damage, some already blown there, what they ve already everything has gone. I mean that, think they held anything? There's no surprise coming with actual evidence may be Bolton, maybe Bolton, I dont know but they ve already put everything in the kitchen sink into this thing they would have used it at the impeachment. You note at the before. Trial in the impeachment inquiry they would have, they would have stood on that unless something new that they are getting new, there's nothing
there is nothing for them to be excited about. I I think I think, there's a lot for us to be excited about in this scenario in, I think, there's a lot of information that is going to come out in the very near future space. The clear how they're so, how that our public affairs countering with what we have. If you want to call these people, we have to get Hunter Biden up there. We're trying to spend this that the left as Democrats and all that is making this a sham. No, again. We know that if you really want to understand the true nature of these investigations and air quotes, you wipe it all goes through Hunter Biden. You have to but it's not for what they think Everyone is trying to spend. This has o Hunter Biden, because they're trying to knock out of political appointment, none and to know if you want a truly understand the corruption, and how do I raise this, because you know exactly what I'm talking about: let's just let slip switch it. This way.
Yesterday the Democrats are now trying to make it look like Russia is running to the rescue again and Russia is trying to hack into Maurice MA. Jason and I have a pretty good guess on what they are looking for and but they're. Looking for, I believe we have yeah right. I think have it. I believe that there is the United States court, but also has it right now I think the information was. I would talk to you for a few days. That's new! I think the US court has that information right now. It's in a state court, I believe I think there Y know what you're doing there sitting on the information, and I think there at all. So I think this information will come out before if the Russians did were able to obtain. I think it'll come out long before the election, which I hope it does, so they don't give them an excuse. Oh it has to. It we are going to release it,
probably first or second week of February. We just why make sure everything is but not. This is it. This is an asset, Smoking gun explains everything it's what I mean, thought what we ve all but he presented was pretty good windows if you are on the fence about the phone call about that sounds kind of bad luck. I don't understand this, like you'll, be fully on board at the end of this, the phone call will make complete imperfect sense, the holding up fight of the military aid efforts, you think there is a way to bring about that her wait. Until you see what we have to show you all of it, I mean it or the democratic case. Comp Leap Lee falls apart, Lately falls apart on the military aid, everything else I mean like in dramatic fashion, it's like the
it's like the end of a. What's his name, I see dead people movie amnesia China on its almost that you're, like what It's almost that dramatic. Once you see this you'll be like he was but the whole time, millions that you and that's coming in February levy to. Let me touch on one more thing with you data before we, let you go Putin just did something who really dramatic yeah and is first explain what he just did that major global news story all over the world Right now. The entire government in Russia just resigned. It just resigned. And things when things like this happen. There's a huge tidal wave about to happen or accept
four Putin right, several motivating mysteriously Hoddan step down so always likes. Prime Minister, everybody just resigned yes and at his request, so they didn't say that Prime Minister Medvedev, whose his bosom buddy since early nineties He said that he stepping down to clear the path for President Putin. A little while ago, President Putin gave a speech. He said the analyses making drastic constitutional changes and reforms amendments so he's come. Lately up ending the power structure, how everything works within Russia. Now this this is the tagline you'll, see orbitals me in the news there saying that use, transferring all power from the Prime Minister to the Prime Minister, or not all of them. The majority of it and diminishing the power. The president, I think about. I wanted that that doesn't really selling it makes sense. Not very laddie, reverie body one unless he was, I mean unless he was in his last year. You know
and because he's always been doing a switch, and you can't have to to Caen. Set more than two consecutive terms as president just like us? Oh yes, but he what he does is he's Ga president, and then he switch places with the Prime minister and he began the Prime Minister and his best friend becomes the president and then, after two terms, they switch back one terminates, which ban and make its two more terms right, but the weird thing is: he still has for years on his current term. So why would he be doing that now? Why would you give the prime minister more power? the council underneath the Prime minister right so there's the council, so it he's getting more power. The prime minister and more power to the State Council of Russia, which basically they directly underneath the president. So right now they work directly. Underneath Putin he's giving them more power, he's fully putting them in the constitution. They're the ones that handle regional level type things vice him and they like help him carry out policy. It read the regional level, while I I mean
And I know a lot of this was fiction, but I saw Chernobyl and I know the system wasn't fiction, That sounds a little like the system that they had before the that's where they got the India, there was the State Council, the USSR, and they brought it back. I think around two thousand or so I believe. Holy cow. So it's so lets it. How do you what you read from this? Well, it's hard to say right now, because we don't really know Putin is either planning on staying in the as as a precedent which that one of the amendments is eager to stay indefinitely. If you want to do, so is either staying as president with an Empowered State Council honour meet him, giving these little appearances of more power for the Prime minister when really he d stands back as like that, Peter China is now and runs everything with his little politburo, meaning that's a possibility. Or the possibility is, and for years he just leap frogs like he did back in the day with Medvedev Leaf fond of the Prime minister, and
comes the prime minister with these new powers and then again he can leap Frog back to the presidency and stay I am in continue doing this endeavour either way. You're looking at a dictator for life scenario, pretty much why do this now. That is It is the strange thing because he's very well. He doesn't. Two things you know it he's not in risks. Yeah he's not. He is a guy who still all walks and when he walks only one arm swings because he so well trained his arm. That used to be next to the side. Armed doesn't swing right I mean he is a calculated controlled, individual yeah. Think that something up his timetable and that would put The way sums he was scared of something within the government, something happening within his own government. That's my guess at the moment our thanks, Jason preceding back with more in just a second, including
the experts say that came out yesterday from Project Vera toss. I found it the extraordinarily interesting when I saw it late last night we will not that coming up and injustice. Second, First sponsor, is patriot mobile. There was a long time not long ago when cheap cell phone service also meant getting lower quality, but that it does. Happen anymore, the longest time you were stuck paying whatever the big companies charge, knowing that, while some of your bill was gonna going to support. You know abortion, and open borders, and things like that had to pay it well, it doesn't have to be that way. Anymore. All the carriers use. One of the same for tower so companies like pay, reed Mobile. They have in coverage, is eighty into your verizon and here's a good part. Not only do they do not donate two leftist causes they do
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this is the Olympic Programme, I wanna play a clear plan, came out from my project Berytus yesterday of a field manager, another guy that they probably or paying. You know fifteen bucks an hour to run the campaign in Ireland in some region buddy you a regional campaign, organizer in Iowa, right, Iowa, and he is spouting off all kinds of,
crazy stuff. Now does this in the Bernie Sanders believes it or endorses it now Don't think he would ever endorse it, we believe some of it. Probably. I want you to listen to what he said is really important Joseph Daul had at gulags actually you eyes or a lot better. Like weather, The CIA has told us that they were people are actually paid a living wage and verifiable visits in the large blue eyes were actually may relinquish its greatest weight of great millionaire there like privilege in their idea of their superior, go and great rats. Today, king interesting, break rocks for twelve hours a day. That's the way you break people of their privilege, privilege, Kay and a frightening gulags weren't, so bad really cause
Three tells us of the exact opposite now. Listen second part forty says, sorry thought I said in a meeting this morning. The second part about oh MSNBC, any you know a lot of these people gonna be surprised us we're ready. The action we need to go in MSNBC and other networks grab those anchors by the hair and beg them out into the streets and set them on fire. Gee I I heard something like that for toll will tell you all about it and what it all means. Next, our year, lessening Glenn,
presenting some something to our producers here, so you can have it for the next half hour, Kyle Jurek, Iowa field, organizer Sanders campaign I am ready to throw down now the billionaire class, the effing media power walking MSNBC studios dragged those efforts out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets. That's MSNBC Msnbc, as whose like Erica's, leading voice for socialism. Even that's not enough. I will explain why this is important coming up in in just a second, stand by also earthquakes. Volcanoes What is explaining all of these.
shit, so what It's gone, there's ban just traumatic, traumatic events that happened in Puerto Rico. The earthquake that happened there is is stunning in the Philippines a major disaster with a volcano, These things are becoming more frequent, the imagination of their becoming more violent, and is there anything that can help us detect when these things might be coming and explain some of the other things that might be happening. There is an it used to be you that I teen fifties. People thought this was crazy,
Now this is becoming really quite good: science, with some big names behind it, and we talk to Ben Davidson about what's really happening that something that nobody is really talking about in one minute s programme, twenty nineteen, a rough here in a lot of ways: data breaches, hacks attacks, dotted the cyber landscape. Victims were where many. They ran the game. From city and state governments to hospitals, hotels, universities, whole city. I mean it and held hostage now. Nobody can. Topple cyber cybercrime. But cyber security experts estimate that less than half of the organizations are fully prepared. For any kind of cyber attack or data breach and Russia is gearing up again, you need,
Understand breaches are not going to stop and people get your personal information. They can open new accounts in your name file tax returns by property. The list goes on and on and on now, people. They can see the threats that you might miss on your own lifelike. Joy now and save up to twenty five percent off your first year by using the promo code back one. Eight hundred lifelong one, eight hundred lifelike or head over to lifelong outcome, use the power a code back, get twenty five percent off now lifelike our com one eight hundred lifelong promo code back, I'm in a totally geek out here for a second Do you get your? Do you get your solar, whether report every morning, because you can
Ben Davidson is the founder creator of space space, whether news dot com for some reason weave. We ve, come to believe that the sun has nothing to do with anything. Space has nothing to do with our weather, or you know perhaps earthquake revolt, volcanoes or anything like that, and we also have been taught that to the North and South pole are pretty stationary, and that is untrue as well there. In some cataclysmic events in the history of our planet, the law, ass. One happen about what seven hundred and eighty thousand years ago, when the poles actually flipped and it is a it's a kind of an earth. Shattering thing usually happens about every three hundred thousand years, like I said, were almost up to eight hundred thousand years now and the pole, are moving and they're moving faster and faster, or so it seems. Ben Davidson is here to give us the accurate account of all.
Hello Ben how area very well, sir. It is honoured total honor to be back here things. I have to apologise at the start, because I will have to correct a number that you just gave. That's fine this. This is a twelve thousand year magnet excursion cycle, in addition to those long ones where the pulse flip, and then they stay there. There. Also these much shorter want about every twelve thousand or thirteen thousand years We get a magnetic excursion, which is a rapid flip and slipped back, unfortunately, for us, even though it did they rapid flippant slipped back. It does come with a considerable amount of time where the magnetic field, the shield that our planet has against solar flares zone for nobody, solar wind goes down? Ok, so I didn't know. I wasn't aware of the twelve thousand year of flippin inflict back, and so just you know breaking down for dummies. Like me, the
the North and South pole. They drift they not necessarily lock together, like one big magnet but let's just say they go on this excursion and they start. You know the North pole starts heading down. You know into Siberia, which it is now starts to head. Kind of it locked in the place- you know it the quick flipped as ago east in Western, can it go all the way and reverse the poles. On an excursion excursion. You know there's there's conflicting Evelyn. Everywhere. You look all around the world. The only thing that we are certain of and is actually a funny story behind this. That became relevant just this past fall. What we know for certain is that we have these magnetic events about every twelve to thirteen thousand years. There are extreme hardships, both climate, wise and
your extending to the more extreme extinction level, events and, at the same time, the noticing that a lot of times the climate swings too cold during those events, at least at the start of them, and so in terms of where the poor going to end up, specifically going to happen at this location. That no idea- and we are not short now the interesting story about this- is we ve been sort of following the real nerdy, peer review, literature and all the top journals on this. For quite some time, and then this year, a Harvard professor published an article in an asteroid, as the commissioner and by the way Astro that that stuff in space we should be having this in an earth related Bernal GEO Physics, and he said that there was-
really no way that you could get an extinction level about from these twelve thousand year magnetic excursions, because the amount of solar light that would come in wouldn't be enough to tell everything. Now, in addition to that, not being whatsoever, there is also more the solar life there s some cylinders, the uv. We know about the matter hand and gives a cycle, but there's also the protons in the electrons, and these are the things the discovery do have a significant effect on the weather on atmosphere, chemistry, nobody wants to be breeding acid rain. These things have an effect on earthquakes and on volcanoes than in other things like that, and we sort of gotten a needle and academic tat. If you will
an academic fight. With this end, in a few weeks later, the number one Earth Physics journal in the world called reviews of GEO Physics is out of this country. Here from the American Geophysical Union, they came down and definitively stamp these things, as probably the most prolific. If I can put it this terrible way, killers of species on this planet once you're getting outside of things. Like always, you know a huge meteor had run it killed. Ninety put up those are like the super rare one. These are the things that happen these magnetic excursions. These are the things that really challenge species that take species out that really really make life more difficult for life what are its disobeying. What I want to talk to about is, I want to see if we can have I'm cover the earthquakes like living,
we and I dont know if any of these are connected, but we just had a really powerful earthquake in I'll shoot in an elegant think of a San Juan Import, Erika or recap you're. So in an quickly. Let me just cover this. Do you think this is related to what we are talking about in a way? Yes, earthquakes are going to happen, yonder. What an earthquake would eventually Porter Rico again, no matter what right, but the sort of thing that were noticing is the very first people who
broke these studies and who really just had a hint of what they call a correlation, a connection between the power of the sun and these earthquakes in the weather and the volcano. They had this head and it was enough to be what they call statistically significant, but there was just a it was like a flight nudge. Oh yes, the sun does not these. Thank you. You don't think that its taking less and less for the sun to give that knowledge as earth shield against the sun is weakening. It's the only thing standing in between what we have now and what we with our whole lives in the sun having control over the. If you like, if people think of the planet, like you know, the starship enterprise- or you know some some spaceship the what We have the electro magnetic field is shields up
and we put these shields. You know up automatically nature, does it through the electromagnetic fields and that's stopping all of the junk or the the bullet, the other phaser fire from the sun, it stops all of that, but These are poles start to drift, though shields go down and they cause all kinds of problems from earth makes too severe weather. I'm really quite interested also in technology. We have Oh we we talked about you know, oh my gosh, the the the atmosphere in the wood call it a big holes that were above the young, the South Pole. I think they most the ozone layer, everybody freaked out about the ozone layer having a hole in it. In the elect magnetic field, we starting to see holes in the field? Yes,
we are starting to see some parts change more rapidly than others. So specifically that the scariest part of the magnetic field right now is setting a top of Brazil and the South Atlantic. They call it the South Atlantic anomaly and the explanation for why it's. There really depends on who you ask. It does happen to be the exact point on earth where both poles are moving away, and so, interestingly enough, this isn't like a cloud where one pulls out in one's six: their boat. You know going clockwise or counter clock like there actually going in the same direction, and so, while the North pole is about to cross onto the coastline of Siberia, south magnetic pulse much much earlier, lest the continent of Africa, the biggest emitters racing up into the Indian Ocean to South of Australia. Not you can close your eyes and picture with the earth looks like side
Maria and Australia and the Indian Ocean there on the same, wanted to go on a collision point, and if you take that call in point. You look at the other side of the planet. That's where the fields are getting the weakest the fastest and that's worth probably gonna be the scariest. First, it's almost like Brazil can be our canary in the car so how long before you think we actually start to recognise this and whatever real technological problems or health problems, while This is happening rapidly right. This is not like. A thousand years slowly been happening. This is now moving quickly, the pole a much much much quickly, just to give you an idea of earth lost about ten percent of its strength and about a hundred and fifty years from eighteen. Fifty two two thousand- we lost another ten percent, just in the last twenty years, and so that you can do some extrapolation math there and see where.
Things are headed and how fast there headed there. Now we are at a point where we are very, very lucky in this last round of solar activity, which happened in the earlier part of the last decade, It did give us a lot of what we normally see. There were solar where's that little dejection the both proton, an electron, bather bullock, as you put it. I really like that by the way, and we were seeing that weaker and weaker space, whether would be able to give that knowledge. Now we mention that already in terms of the earthquakes in the weather, but that same thing goes for the the, but she is well into. There was one solar storm we had in twenty fifteen and you don't look back over the record, a solar, swans undone, take this one out, those jump out at you at all with an average one, but not for some reason it happened dinner. It happened at a time when the earth magnetic field didn't candle it well, there were airline problems at the EAST coast,
it states in New Zealand in Norway. There were major great problems in numerous south american and central american countries. Transformers were blowing in some parts of Africa and in India, it was. It was really sort of the thing where I was wondering how close we came the reason why not every every little burst from the sun does this. We are on a steady decline here with the magnetic field situation, but if you're the zoom in on that steady decline, looks like the stock market does go up and down, even though there were no longer downward, and so twenty fifteen and actually twenty fourteen, we could noticed that we were in a real down tat YE sixteen twenty seventeen. We started I'm back up, and we pick sometime around twenty eighteen or early twenty nineteen and we are getting ready for what they call our next GEO magnetic jerk, it's a rapid jerk. They they think it comes from the core
and it plays a considerable now in how the magnetic field is doing- is expected to happen within the next twelve to eighteen months, and my only hope really, I can say for it is that we don't get this a level of acceleration that we got last time, because if we go from losing five percent a century, the five percent a decade and then we take that same jump, we lose five percent a year. We have twenty years to lose the whole thing about already down twenty twenty percent dont lose all of. It comes back, rang, correct erect, but it's that once the air, it's the sort of thing. Where everything is deteriorating rapidly. Some science says happen in a matter of a day, but if you stretch out two weeks, that's more than enough time and it looks like the field or stay in the sun, donation for probably wants to a couple of years
Ben, and so is the delight talking to you no way out no way out here is the Good NEWS is this is the magnetic excursion cycle and since it happened every twelve thousand years, how many times have human survived? It yeah! Ok! Here it is one thing to look at the scariest of the situation. We had happened sixty thousand years ago about forty five to forty eight thousand years ago. Thirty, six thousand years ago, twenty four thousand years ago, one twelve thousand years ago, is called the Gotham Bird Magnetic excursion. Here we are twelve thousand years. Thirteen thousand years from the last one approximately and earth magnetic field is changing like it hasn't changed in thousands of years. That's pretty clear a picture and is only so many coincidences wanton nor, but it would also be unwise to recognise that every person in the world is not the descendants of the survivors of the last one. In the end, we have this in our dna
are all survivors Ben thanks. So much really good do really got to talk to you can follow him at the real s zeros or is it s? House euro it here, as is that yeah easiest thing, just look for space, whether news or suspect, observers and whatever internet search. Your using they're gonna know what you're looking space, whether news dot com, where I think so much been appreciate him. God bless you, sir. You have you stand in Otto body shop peer through the glass doors of the lobby. New watch Mattel mechanic going to town under, though, to your car I mean in some ways might as well be a wizard casting spells cause. I don't understand now the engine were, I mean, I understand, I could not fix an engine. But I don't have to because when the wizard comes out and hands and enormous bill
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Eight hundred car six thousand eight hundred car six thousand use a promo code back car shield. Dotcom we break for ten seconds. Stationary so I know I'm a total geek on that, and probably for people in this audience are interested in it, but I there is Everything I've ever been interested in space, and theories of science. All kind of come together on this even the government, and why Eisenhower said how we look. We have to be careful because the military industrial can't complex is gonna marry urge with the educational complex. And soul,
Stein really lead this field, and the military industrial complex came in for their own reasons and just really torpedoed the science and up until about thirty years ago, it really was just destroyed. Now real credible people are looking into it again and there like wait a minute. Wait a minute! Wait a minute there, the correlation and I'm I'm surprised, you're not into its due only because so much global warming is gone. I mean is this as I do that the sun has everything to do with global warming. What's hat bring to our earth and what happening with solar activity. You know, the temperatures arising than they stopped. What a coincidence, stopped at the same time, all the solar activity stopped, it went into its winter. If you will, then I'm in it
it's. It's amazing work that they do to try to get the stuff out. I mean it does seem a bit so daunting that it what you gonna do about it or internet wicked, one of those problems that so big and so catastrophic. If it occurs, I kind of just throw my hands up and say either article magnetic shift happens, but there are things that we can do to our satellites right now, too, tat our them and that should be done. You dont have that with the Mps right of yeah, that's just something could be done relatively inexpensively thing about, GPS Gps is degrading every year. You have to we, you have to keep up on the GPS satellite down, okay and they have to be replaced after know so many years, etcetera, etcetera and they degree eight, and then they burn up in in the atmosphere.
Let's make sure they were on top of all that stuff which we are, but let's make sure on top of that of imagine what happens if just the gps system goes down on exactly what happens. I go to work one day, never come home. If that's, what exactly right, I leave vows and I dont make it to work and starved to death on the side of about a block away from a Mcdonald's in a supermarket yeah, as I have no idea where anything I used to be very proud of. My senses Regulators really good as good maps that I knew I was going it up Now it's like, I, I almost can't drive when I know where I'm going without the thing on I just these aid makes me feel I went to the hospital yesterday. I know exactly where it is not one that, especially with the traffic data stuff you that what could we know two ways and suchlike. Man like you just well, but there's a big accident. You don't know about going around you around it. If you dumb not turning. It is excellent. That programme,
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welcome to the program, I'm so glad. You're here a personal out, I want to thank you so much for your prayers, for my family I will tell you, I don't think I've ever been this overwhelmed in my life a father in law is at Yale. Even an end is doing the best. We can hope for and making progress. My wife is with him and and her mother, which leaves me with my kids, my teenage kids, that you know like ideas I d learn their names, you know apparently you have to feed them. I was coastal laundry last night Raven. I we're doing laundry and an he's like is
only the soap. No downy is not soap. All crap we're out of soap. We ve got, I'll, get laundry detergent It's just the things up, I'm lucky to say that my wife can be replaced by a with about five people. I don't know how she does all this stuff, and this by her is five people. They five specific people, of neighbourhood. Babysitters. Now, look at another make sure it wasn't an actual your internal wholesome If not, I would be six would be set got just covering the stuff that she does every day. I honest I don't know how she does it and yesterday all day yesterday was in the hospital with my daughter who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, and I cannot thank the people at the. U team, Medical Center University of Texas Medical Center enough these guys, are premier. When it comes to epilepsy.
And I was a for our brain surgery. Us yesterday, that I think is truly miraculous, truly were miraculous, she'll be an optional for ten days, then show leave there and probably have another surgery at U T, but I mean the nurses and doctors and everybody. This is world class, Hospital and Yale New Haven. So anyway, thank you for Europe. Thank you for your prayers. But no Yale new avenues is an ended and they're doing at every day and the duke of doing it, You know what it is you know what it is is when you live in the south or in the west, and you go back to these. Hospitals in the east is almost like. An eastern Bloc hospice.
I mean they're so overwhelmed, and therein the inner cities and their just grinding it out every day, and I will live, not flatter bloodshot right area gunshots that I've dealing with right now. Can you give your liver or rest for a minute? It's crazy! What they have to put up with the other all old buildings in her tiny room and the cities are crumbling assets. It can be rough so anyway, Thank you for that. He will keep us all in your prayers. I on a go and talk to you a little bit about the. I will feel organizer because I think these these p All are our look. For a day current world than you are and they think differently than you are. Let me let me play the first flip that we played last hour where he was talking about. This is a Bernie Sanders.
I owe a field organizer, so he's a low level guy, MRS from project veritable, but listen to what he saying about the soviet gulags Joseph Daul had gulags, there's raising actually utilised or a lot better like with, like the CIA, has told us that they were history like people are actually made a living wage and gulags geographical visits in the morning and sang cipher actually may really granted greatest weight of brain millionaire there like privilege in their idea that their superior go and great rats. Today. Ok, so up with me, you know a break them of their privilege. What about your privilege, thinking that you are superior, that you can just tell somebody go break rocks for twelve hours a day and honestly how many vacation homes as Bernie Sanders need to have until he seen in this group of really wealthy people
How is ours own volunteers going all these darn billionaires? You guys got like thousand homes, millionaire Do you remember when I was on Fox baby, two thousand ten, and I dont remember why I said it was not obviously in the script, but I remember talking about something and saying listen to me. Now you we're dealing with radicals. These are not Democrats. These are radicals, and I was talking to the Democratic Party and who are letting them infiltrate your campaigns and I'm telling you right now. You think they're your friends, but in the end they will come in and media. You should understand it's you to you. Are accepting of all of this stuff and they go and grab your anchors drag them out in the middle of the street and kill them in the streets. I remember distinct this. The only thing that you remember, I distinctly remember using anything else right,
What you to listen to what this organizer for Bernie Sanders said: listen, You re like they were. Cities burn,
you do what you gonna do. We don't have little time to use a position and obviously true it. Don't you make sure the world has remained. Seventy some people have made things over you and I have been very happy with the way you get around in a city since Didier strike us as a leather air, vitamin violence. Ok,
and let me just leave you with this door, hangar for burning wood. Talking about burning peat going into this is interesting. He didn't say Fox. He TED Msnbc, see them as not friendly enough to burn correct they know who foxes vocs will be in the gulags first, but then not doing it and he's talking about Milwaukee now I'm not saying Bernie Sanders as for any of this, I'm telling you there are enough people that will make these nightmares come true, media, the hell up, while there's no samples, though of Bernie Sanders, underlings, doing anything, drastic that, I dont know related. I showing up like a soft law, may raise ballgame pragmatists, maybe shoot ten percent of all acted. The Republicans
we demanded that did that's right. It did have a burning cylinders supported. That's right, I'm lucky real, right, he's a low level guy and all these disclaimer supply, whoever like you'd one this rooted out from your urbanization. No, they don't. Wouldn't you know they know and that's the thing we they don't seem to they don't. This is where the energy comes from mine. Bernie This is why, when I wake up- and yet this is better wake up when they when they talk about Nino the they admire the organisation that pretty centres is build, there's a reason why he's likely to last. In this case for a long time, even if he loses early he's, got tons of money and he's a to go on for ever and and I don't think that if the Dnc, they think pull something after they pay old. Something last time here and don't think that Russia won't exploit that in all of these things are coming and it's the summary in Milwaukee, and it's not This is more of the violent revolution.
In time of tactics by the left, will go to any lengths to get what they want, its violence with the guy like this, it's other way? it comes to the higher intellectual circles, but listen to this new idea. This is proposed in the Harvard law, a review. Harvard LAW review. Now, as you know, we have a very unfair system here and we just get pass all these. These there's always Republicans and conservative establish I'm sorry you do I'm very difficult. Gulags is not proposed. Here, though, you could get gulags done, summary executions that could be done through this typically are the new idea. Is to carve up Washington D C. Into one hundred and twenty seven in neighborhoods and am in. I swear to you what their proposing implement those into the United States, as individual states us one hundred and seventy seven states, gonna be very heavy flat, very
we're anatomy, those stars zippers, my very either super small or it's gonna, be a merry No sounds ridiculous, however. The idea is constitutionally. All you need is a fifty percent of union majority to impair too to put a state in the union. It's not a big big heavy left and then, in addition to that, it is difficult to carve up a state, because if we were to say like we don't have northward and South Florida, you'd need approval of flu This legislature, who likely To do that, however, Washington Dc Washington, the Washington politicians can do whatever they want. So if they were go to a hundred and in which amazing making article about this is in vocs, you may say will vocs his widow. Left wing, but they really can adopt something like this. No ok, you might think that's too radical for them. That's the point you be wrong on, because what their upset about isn't it a hundred twenty seven states. They believe it should be. A hundred and fifty states because of a hundred fifty states
Then you have a hundred and seven under the harbor proposed will be a hundred and seventy seven state. What you need to do is get all the way up to two hundred states, because that way you Do it all with just your you? Can you can men, the constitution, just with your Washington Dc States, which, by the way just happened, devote ninety percent Democrat we'll wait about women. Where am I Don't think it's radical enough! Why don't? We have three hundred and fifty million states, and that way we could implement one state One vote, yeah, Cynthia, I lay we could really know what the states are thinking. I like it, no gerrymandering a nice thing, none at all pillow, say hello. To gives a dream sheets these
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Welcome to the Glen by program, if you missed any of it today and get the of the rich, above what we thought. Nap happened last night with the Democrats be entertaining. You can find that where we get your podcast us look for the Glen back, podcast aright, less Ongoloo battle, a few things that are happening in some of these sanctuary cities. Since New York Sanctuary sitting, some idiot, lost their life that didn't have to Yeah re eyes, con twenty one year old. He I'm gonna fight with his dad and you know like most fights with your dad. You know: you're gonna, you gonna, break a coffee cup and attack him with a book the coffee cup dry, very calm happens all the time. Your dad, you know you have you ever younger kids. I know my seven six and eight year old are constantly breaking coffee cups
it's charging at me this. So he did this. It was obviously problem. He would support to be deported. He was here illegally, you know, really crazy. Ask of the federal government is hey. When we have someone you catch for a crime and you bring him to to prison, can you ll? Never forty eight hours Odin come pick them up. If we want to whole that's what the sanctuary city thing is all about by the way like the boots, the city saying no, we won't hold before you not resume come pick them up, and so they did not hold them for forty eight hours, so they could not come pick him up deport him, so he spent that instead during a ninety two year old woman as law, as well as raping her she's gone now cause. This guy was not deported. Now. Some would say that didn't need to happen. Some would note that perhaps the idea of letting p who are committing crimes on top of crimes,
Is there here illegally already slave cross outline? Then there can breaking the law while they're here violently. Maybe You do deport them. Maybe let them go to Mexico and start attacking people with coffee cups. Instead, but now we allowed this guy to rape and murder, an elderly woman of this story. The Pentagon, May has saudi arabian military students there, the Pentagon Ford, you don't have to learn how to kill people and they ve, just been expelled from the United States due to their ties of jihadism and child pornography. Like twenty one of them were you know of our military training programme, which has hosted one million foreign troops, since two thousand and we just have to get rid of twenty one of a mere just recently, because their time did she, movements end and child porn, but the premium
couple is a big number. Isn't it I'm twenty there's only like a couple hundred here, yeah, it's kind of a big number, but a high percentage of child porn usage. So which leads me to a story, will have to tell you about tomorrow this California couple there Lou people onto their property Deal and unsecured bike and then beat them up with base, that's because they were tired. Of these criminal in their neighborhood. Like you know, and I know what it is really that bike don't, but a lock on it, the pole they'll do try to steal? It will beat him with baseball bat guess who's in jail, as they should be. However, that's the kind of stuff when sanctuary cities are happening. People say I'll, take care of myself.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.