Hour 1
For vs. Against and the 'Specifics'?...The View takes credit for DNC leaving 'The Women's March'...they have been Exposed...Game Over...Imploding...Louis Farrakhan has injected the poison of hatred in the black community for Decades ...Defining what is 'Immoral'?...NY Governor Cuomo proposes modification to NY abortion law in 2019 budget?...holding the state hostage? ...America's favorite UK 'Senator'...Daniel Hannan, Member of Parliament...Topic: Brexit?...Daniel explains...fearing Jeremy Corbyn?...the 'Domino effect' ahead?
Hour 2
Running scared?...Member of the Russian LGBT Network...secretly joins Glenn to discuss the Chechnya Crackdown on gays...Local Russian law enforcement is looking the other way..."Russia is a very homophobic country"...a cry for humanity ...Everything is politicized...2019 Goal: Focus on What Matters? ...the 'Bubba Effect' Globally? ...eating Misogynist Salad?
Hour 3
It's Official...'Kibbe on Liberty' joins The BlazeTV network...Libertarian, Matt Kibbe, founder of Freedom Works and the Tea Party movement News of the Day?...Technology?...Raging Against the Machine all over the world...the Machine may have met it's match with President Trump? ...the good?, the bad?, the scary?...Pro-Empire with Beto O'Rourke?...the Lefts Alinsky style of politics, is indeed alive and well? ...Angel Mom Laura Wilkerson, joins Glenn to discuss the need for the border wall? Laura's son Joshua was murdered by an illegal alien?...Seeking Justice for All?...Joshua's killer's gruesome details of the murder? ...Josh was a good, compassionate kid who knew Jesus, Amen!
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