« The Glenn Beck Program

5/17/17 - How Chaos Occurs and How Trump Can Save His Job (Jonah Goldberg and Jay Walker)

2017-05-17 | 🔗
How chaos occurs ...We're living in a world of chaos. How do we explain it? ...The media will never understand the real story in what is happening in DC ... Jonah Goldberg from National Review joins Glenn to discuss Trump, Comey and the latest chaos at The White House ...Why we should be optimistic for the future with "Serial Entrepreneur" Jay Walker ...We're coming out of the medical dark ages? ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand welcome to the program it's it's Wednesday. So the Good NEWS is, we're very, very close to Friday. Yes, we just have to make it to the weekend and we are on our way bill. Reilly is going to try to make sense of our world on Friday. You don't want to miss that bill is joining us now, every Friday to to talk a little bit about what he has observed and what the media and all the pundits have missed. That is on Friday. Today we have a full show for you. We have an update on everything that happened, and you want to talk about fast and furious news is breaking on this. So for
and so furious that many people are being left out of the fact they don't even know what's happening, we're going to give you those facts were to try to I did help. You understand the world that we're living in right now, but, more importantly, I want to start. Trying to understand, you there's not enough people there's nobody in the media that understands you and I'm not sure that I have it, and I want to make sure that we're on the same page that I have listened to you
so I can better serve you and figure out the things that your trying to understand. We begin there right now, entertainment, please see the you know, one of the one of the famous things we're going to be remembered for at this time, because because history will remember all of us and what we did and what we said, we are living truly in a pivot point of history and Yesterday off the air, I looked at the team and I said I can't believe we are living in these times
and we have a first row seat at the events our day this is an amazing time to be alive, but one of the things that people will- about is climate chaos. I got you this morning and we're going on vacation. Next week we're going up to the mountains and just get away from it all in my wife came into my closet and she's like look and is holding up the weather forecast Ann. It's snowing in the mountains. And it was raining here this morning in Dallas she's, not happy she's, a son she's, a sun worshipper. Climate chaos reigning in Dallas snowing in the mountains, hot Florida yeah. It's always like that It's not chaos! You know what I know what chaos is it's what we're living right now we are living in a world of chaos. Watch the news, try to make sense of it. Who do you trust? What institutions do you?
just what do you know is true: Really truly true, remember I said to you years ago and it seem crazy to say: Everything you believe in will violate everything that you think is solid will be liquid. An everything liquid will be solid. The world will be upside down and inside out and you won't recognize anything climate chaos. No, it's not the chaos clock caused by the climate. Here's the real chaos, or causing the earth to die because of your suv, and yet we to have those leaves. We have to have general motors. We have to have these things going, bail them out to make sure They can make more trucks make more. Gives, while at the same time, we're bailing them out we're saying
Those same people are saying those trucks, those suvs their evil and oil is oil changed the world Roleum jelly. You don't have oil, you don't have petroleum, you don't have a sewing machine that works. You don't have a cotton gin that really works for very long chaos. Chaos comes from paying a tax on something that is now been deemed evil, but all of us went to cool and learned that we breathe out is what trees, breathe in now is killing the planet is killing the trees. How is that possible chaos? How many genders are there? Now I know you're thinking right now, your problem, if you're like most people, thinking too well, but
there's that all then there's right. How many genders are there a woman who is white, identify as a black woman and Look for the NAACP no course not wait. No, yes, it happened, the left Helder up and yet, if you're white, you can't even talk about slavery, because you can't relate to slavery, but somebody black If they were born and raised in the same town that you were born and raised in, went to the same school in the central general same class as you, they can understand it. But you can't. We can't use the same words chaos. There's no rule to anything. It's not consistent. Ever it's.
Depends on who's in charge. An who's in power. Two two equals five: it's math So it doesn't yes, it does. If you can show me how you got there, that's mathematical chaos. We have to print more money. To be able to sound. What we have to spend more money to get out of debt. What seven? being trillion dollars isn't on American, but a dead, of nine trillion certainly is. Which bathroom do I use, which bathroom is she or he allowed to use, is on I'm sorry, I said she or he I no, which one which are you identifying as a man or a woman today and if identifying
the woman but you're a man and I open up the door for you. Am I going to be called a sexist if you were obviously a very manly looking man in your wearing a dress. I'm going to notice you, but I'm going to called a hater for even noticing that yeah Same time were taught, if you see something, say something. Even though our eyes ears and every statistic shows us proves to us. Those who follow an evil form of Islam, kill, died while shouting praise, Allah or simply practicing what God is telling them to do and there miss under. Good and you're, the one who has all the hate- Even though you're the one who will,
sadly live side by side with anybody who wants to believe anything as long as they'll give us the same respect. Chaos no rule applies consistently No, nobody can function in that agree or be silenced or be fired, agree and promote or be shunned who are our heroes. Today, every single hero has been Oct, ridiculed and explained away. Our faith is mocked. Our media who's supposed to stand guard for us against corruption, see need to stand guard against us against our belief, traditions are institutions. While many of them came from us.
They no longer even Like us, or I even honestly even understand Us- our money isn't safe in banks anymore Street is getting rich while your wage hasn't gone up in some cases, since December 11th. Politicians are getting rich on the things that would put in jail. Charlie Rangel entered Congress. Poor after survey in the army, he now has houses. All over the world he's wealthy? How how that happened in the service of his country. Not alone, I don't mean to pick out know. Stick him out there oh, like that, or at least a lot of 'em, better health. There for them. Well, we can keep our doctors. So what do we do we, retreat to the things that we know that we can trust our churches. When we get into our churches,
surrounded by judgment and not people who actually care people who are sing us they're better than us. Don't do these things, but they do them. Are doctors are prescribing drug, for our children for the things that make, m children and adults or children. And they give us pain killers. We think it's ok, because the doctor prescribed it and try as we might. We can't get off those painkillers in the end, the withdraw and the symptoms of being on those painkillers or what's doing more damage that would draw is worse than the pain in the end. Ok,. And our doctors are now telling us.
That marijuana marijuana oil is the solution, a natural solution, but the government won't. Let us have a natural solution that doesn't get you high I'd rather be on opioids, it's killing us I got up this morning. It started with the weather forecast and I thought how do I explain the world to my audience How do I tell you what's going on when I'm not even sure, I know who you are started. Writing some notes on some of these things, and I- and I don't know if this is the way you feel this is the way I feel.
We're living in a world of chaos and it's important to point that out Because when the rules don't apply equally, that's what's causing this tension are they are in a sea of culture that, I don't understand, doesn't seem to be any morals any boundaries, so. Suicide with millennials is thirty percent there's somewhere between twenty and forty men who come home and kill themselves. Every single say: the VA is failing them, putting him on more drugs and those people. Washington Door in power or creating the same VA nightmare for us. The former Soviet Union is now led by a strong man. Former KGB, colonel he's now
He came in as a poor KGB. Colonel he's now one of the richest men in the world and he looks good guy to a lot of people. Sound down is up good as being made. Evil. Evil is good, and it's seems this is the old nobody gets it. You don't feel heard. You don't feel like anybody is really listening to you I'll bet. You many feel like nobody even sees anymore, and if they do so they don't really care they're. Just make money off of me or trying to increase their power. Yeah yeah I've tried. Let's take our country back.
I was called names I wore myself out and it didn't make any difference. Donald Trump got it. He knew that the real trouble was coming from this cultural chaos. Even if he couldn't say it, the press, the universities, the school sort of indoctrinating our children that fingers are guns. He knew that he knew we needed the Supreme Court or we wouldn't stand a chance. He gave us that. You don't agree with everything he says, but at least this way going the other way. Now we surrounded by people who have career in DC. The media has always hated him and he's alone. We knew this would happen. Never let a guy like that, be president they'd. Never let that happen.
Everything I thought I could trust is betrayed me and now, I'm alone and he's alone and I'm going down swinging. Am I even close I'd like to hear from you today and it with that framework, I'd like to tell you what happened yesterday and why it's? not connecting with anybody in New York, Washington, Chicago or LA when we come. Back.
Your listening to the Glenn Beck program. Take a plane back program, sign up for the newsletter and get all the info. You need to know when glennbeck dot com, ok! So here's why this? connecting the media will never understand this. An we cannot commit the same crime. Who's lying It's really hard to tell you have to just you really I have to go with your gut and it depends on which side we're never going to make any where we're going to make any inroads here, because of the media, I blame the media for this now
Now hear me out, there is no consistency, it's chaos. What is chaos come from. Chaos comes from the rule does not apply consistently right. That's american dream we can dream has has been accomplished because of patents because of the rule of law, because justice was blind and it is applied, whether you're rich, whether you were poor good guy. That guy didn't matter. Everybody was received. The exact same treatment well that happen anymore: so we're living in a world of chaos- and we know that things are not. We applied. So let me just go through a couple of things: they're trying now to say that they have credibility on rule of law, foreign policy truthfulness in the White House Even handling of classified information stream media is telling us that We have credibility on this,
even though the mainstream media gave Barack Obama a free Pass Carte Blanche to do or say what However, they wanted the TD's job is a check and the balance. So why did Hillary a pass for literally the same things there now slamming trump on in Fourteen Greg Miller from the Washington Post the same, Greg Miller was. Same journalist that reported Trump's disclosure to the Russians in two thousand and fourteen ran a story on Obama, supposing the name of a CIA agent in Afghanistan, how you could argue that that might be worse than what Trump did. But everybody ignored that Can you imagine what the firestorm would be? he revealed an actual name of an agent in the line. Of fire, what would they say?
same reporter same paper, complete different reaction, but why stop there? I've got bios of these examples, so we're gonna go for a couple of them and David part back. This is the gland back program. Glenn Beck program, it is Wednesday. We're almost to Friday. Hope you have to do is make it two more days. That's what President Trump should be saying to himself right now, I'm home so Friday, if I just zip it right now, I can just I could just coast to Friday. And then they leave me alone for the weekend
the program we we started this hour and if you didn't listen at the beginning, please go back to the podcast to Glenn dot com or you can watch the show on the blaze dot, com, tv, but go back to the beginning, 'cause, I'm I'm trying to I'm trying figure out the ways to best serve you and help you and first we have to understand each other. I have to. I have to understand You and you have to understand where I'm coming from and where I'm coming from is. This is a time of chaos and what we're really feeling and nobody's identifying it? This way they're, identifying it as rule of law or there. Defining it as political correctness, but of law, isn't the same for everybody. Political correctness. What's politically incorrect, for you to say, is purf really fine for somebody else to say. Doesn't make any sense that causes chaos in friction and so what we need is consistency. But you can't find consistency without truth,
and we're now being taught and told there is no universal truth. Well, I got for you, there's no culture, there's nothing but chaos. If we can't agree on truth. So one of the things things that David Barton and I have been working on for a while- is a it's a museum, etc, etc, but that comes later it gathering the documents and Gathering these things to be able to put together the truth story of America and, more importantly, the principles that allowed us to be free was our first step MID is here along with his son TIM, who is heading something new for
mercury one that is happening this summer. We have decided because of the number of people who have applied and the scramble for it that we've decided to expand it this summer David. Can you welcome, and can you guys explain exactly what we're doing this Yeah we've had kind of a don't call intern program, 'cause, that's the wrong concept, but it's a training program for young people. Eighteen to twenty five, they're going into college in college. Just out of college and it really is Apprentice Program- a historic apprentice program 'cause, it's learning, the side of someone who knows history and then actually putting it into practice by their side. So you repeat it. What we know what they're going to get taught in colleges in schools. We know it's out. There were north of prophecy TIM, all the times, engaging often debates and it's really fun to watch them
have to back down on things. So we know what they're going to get thrown at him, but the kids don't know how to respond to that. But with all this stuff collected over the years they get to come in and actually handle that stuff. An we say: here's what's coming at you, and so when the so these are no. I held the document. I know that that's not true, and it does go back to. There is truth in his You know whether you like it or not, there's truth and decide what you want to do with that, but that's right now aren't being taught the basic truth and that's what TIM does so just really quickly. First, well, how old are you like two thousand five hundred and thirty four thirty four and they say black, don't crack what is, Thirty, four years old, wow? Ok, so you went, school to be a teacher. If I'm not mistaken, there was a business major business, major, I'm sorry I got I got his microphone is not on. I don't think I don't think so, either yeah so that
safe for Jeffy to be in somebody just of to. If it's here so that's even better ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha tricked. Ok, so you went as a business school and went to business school. And then tell me about what tell me about what changed you know, I actually got involved very involved in my church. Involve ministry. I love working with young people, so there was a local feels weird just right right now anymore. Thank you, that's the best part of this morning, but anyway, there, we go ahead, but I left work with young people in one of the now you're my clothes off. What the hell guys can we please figure this out now. Don't worry a professional radio program, yes I'll I've worked with young people, and so one of the things I enjoyed it was a high school teacher and coach, but
but I had the opportunities throughout the summer since I was off from teaching traveling doing things for wallbuilders, and I saw a big gap of knowledge they still have a big desire of interest from young people who wanted to know how to answer problems. How do we solve As you mentioned the monologue. You know that the whole chaos situation going on. Well, it really can go It really can be answered with a foundation of truth and We don't have a foundation of truth in culture to know how to answer these problems, as as you talking about what, whether it's courage or integrity, there is a definition integrity. We don't know anymore because we've changed the definition because, there's not truth, college students are cotton mixed messages about even what truth is of history, but they But you know what are the solutions to problems? What are the solutions to even history, so that's one of the things we try to do and that's really where I got involved in wallbuilders is how do we help? next generation know what truth is
so the real secret here the amazing thing is: is there is truth? There are answers to these things and they're not taught in college, is an. I really believe, you're right that the young people that I I you know, the twenty somethings When they hear this Whole mine just turns yeah and it's site, all of a sudden they're like wait a minute and the whole thing starts to make sense. So What we've done is: we've taken the mercury one library and the Wall Builders, library, which is extensive. How many documents together? Do you think we have how many well we've got one hundred and twenty thousand from before one thousand eight hundred and twelve? And then Mercury. One has another eight ten thousand, so we have this huge library of doc. You and what we're doing is we're bringing in these apprentice the people they have to be eight into twenty five years old
what we're doing is we're having you come in work by the side of David myself and TIM this summer and we're going to help you answer the questions of who these guys are. Is America, christian nation is where we founded on judeo christian principles. Were the founders Christians themselves? Are they racist, bigot, slaveowners yeah, where they were they separation of church and state kind of guys? Or what does that really mean they say their atheist agnostic Cindy as well, who are the guys that were or even even the thought of them being slave owners? Well, the founding fathers are also the ones that started the first abolition society in America and what does what does the three slash? Five clause, that's right, and what things were having you go back to the original source and then you so, you will be responsible for documenting footnoting and you using the library and going to original sources. Only then we're going to put that work after it's been check. '
and verified, will put that work online for others to able to use along with those original documents, so not Will these apprentice Ba to come in and learn everything, and have hands on experience with these unbelievable first copy of the documents, but they will also be able to help us propagate this all throughout the world right yeah with the first original sources that these primary documents, it's something that certainly will diffuse a lot of the confusion. That's being located at universities and give them a foundation to wear when says something away. Second, no. I I held the actual original document. I know what it said and it's not my professor, tells and also raises the question: does it make any difference what they believed in what they said, because that's so the does any of that stuff two hundred years ago apply today yeah do that? Yeah, ok! So what do we?
'cause. I know we shut off applications because we filled up how many How many spaces are you opening up Lee about fifteen for each session that we're opening up to bring in fifteen more services two sessions- one is your there's one July, but they can give the information on Mercury one dot com the website they can sign. I I think it's mercury, one dot com, they inserted it's worker, one dot org, I believe slash enter there isn't okay sure. So this is not really an intern program. This is working side by side, with TIM with David I will also be working, and we will show you you will handle the original documents believe me, there is an extensive screening process to through. You- want to talk a little bit about that yeah it'll be application, will look through applications and there's an actual face to face interview which usually is through Skype or face or something, and then there's background checks and
'cause, it's very limited that you know we just can't take everybody now we're going to start, hopefully doing in the summer, maybe even increase it in future summers, so I'm making this summer for sure try to apply again next summer, but there there's a lot of process going through 'cause. If we can only take fifteen, it's going to be pretty pretty elite whoever makes it will have about fifteen EAST session. This time is that we were. We were about thirty five or going up to fifty with it. Okay, and we hope to be able to eventually do this year round, not a lie just for kids, but also not this particular program but younger kids. And older, kids and quite honestly, families and adults. We hope to be It provides this service eventually year round. This is the first time we're kicking it off this summer. And we would love to have you involved, but it is a rigorous screening process. I mean you again, you are will, be knee deep in millions of dollars worth of documents, original documents and so we just have to make sure we have the right people in who have
the right attitude and right ethics and everything else and so join us Merck. Thirty one dot org slash intern. You can do that now, guys. Thank you very much. God bless, Alright are sponsored this half hour is my patriot supply this weekend, N Korea had their seventh missile test. This one was successful. And it's a game changer I don't know because we're living in a world of chaos. I don't know what the red line is with this analysts confirmed that the new north korean missile can reach our pacific military base. Vladimir Putin has now stepped in, and he has warned the United States and other leaders to stop intimidating n Korea. We are we are setting ourselves up for a global war or we're being set up for a global war. We gotta pray that that
doesn't happen. You know this New York Times thing came out over last weekend. That said, if you can find North Korea on the map. You are more likely to say, negotiate, don't go to war. Now that was the headline If you actually read the survey still there was something else kind of interesting that came out. Yeah yes, seemingly the entire difference of listen to this between. The two categories was republican men versus democratic men to, Looking men knew where N Korea was democratic. Men Didn'T- and that was the entire difference. Basically throughout the entire thing, which was interesting that the Democrats, wanted to either go to war or do nothing where
looking for the ones who are saying actually, let's try everything we can other than go to war right, and I think that's because republican conservative men a we're, motivated to find out what we believe, because we're always throwing up against the wall is you don't know anything well, yes, actually I do, and this survey showed that Republic command did know about it, but I think it's also a lot of those publican. Men probably are former military and they know what the hell of war is and they do not want to go to yet another war. They said the Glenn Beck program, mercury. This is the Back program boy,
Here's my advice to President Trump: you can, you can maybe maybe still save this if you are completely transparent and assistant uh Comi has this Comi? Has this record of being a guy who leaves a meeting and take and makes copious notes of what was said if he feels there something wrong, and this is well known- apparently in the fbi- this is isn't Maybe one memo. This is going to be many and they are. They are memos that weren't written long after these were, I stepped out, of the meeting, an wrote everything that he could remember. That's very different, then writing it later from memory
whether they exist or not. We don't know yet. Is it up to that point I mean this is a New York Times Report yep, Jason safe, it's is said, turn them over yeah, yeah and and- not heal subpoena them, and he needs to right away. We need to get this out and over with, but not only have we not seen the menu meant memo. The New York Times hasn't even sent see the memo, yet they good it was read to them by a source who is favorable, Tacoma Tacoma, obviously, once called me side to get out there. So we could. Does the memo even exist seems to be a lot of evidence backing that up and we haven't even seen it yet so I mean the people that are jumping twenty five. You know places past where we are, I thought I think that's right, just like it wasn't right yesterday to exonerate him or impeach him like we're. Not there. We need more information. The seam Sirius called me is a buttoned up guy. So you think that there's good chance that something like this isn't this isn't coming from coming. This is coming.
I'm a friend of call me to read it to read what else. So I mean we don't. We have no idea if this is even true. If it is, it is real trouble for the President because he is a parent exerting his influence in trying to get the FBI to shut down the Flynn Investigation Just this is a nightmare. We need to get this stuff out know what is true deal with it and move on Jonah Goldberg. Next, look at the Glenn Beck program, mercury. The blaze radio network on demand
So I have to tell you I'm so about the two people that we have to introduce you to today this hour We have Jonah Goldberg from National Review. He's a guy who I don't know if he knows this or not. I think I've told him before his really changed my life. He wrote a book called liberal fascism. Stuff, I didn't even know nobody's, was taught here dad was a real pioneer in this field and kept the torch alive and Jonah has done such a great job to explain, progressive and liberal fascism and open by a I used to an entirely new world and change the course of my life. I love having him on and and reading is points of view, and he has a lot to say, about what's happening, so we're going to get an update on what happened yesterday, Since we last met on in Washington with the Komi letter.
And mcmaster and and his press conference also next hour a serial entrepreneur, guy who started Priceline. He has nine hundred patents to his name. He this call by for the Edison for a new age he's the who came up with a friend button on Facebook. I can't
to get into this guy's head as a as an entrepreneur. That's next hour, we begin this hour with Jonah Goldberg and what's happening in Washington. How do we make sense of it beginning a right now, entertainment welcome to the program, Jonah Goldberg? How are you, Sir find great to be here and thanks for the kind words up front. That was great. I'm gonna eat your watching everything that is happening in Washington DC and trying to make
sense of it. The media does not have any and credibility at all rule of law and g. We can have somebody handled classified material that doesn't know what they're doing with it They have no credibility. It's it's a farce to watch them. They're talking about this when we know what they did with Obama and Hillary Clinton. However, if we want to be, if we want to be consistent, we're watching s in saying this does not look good. Can you take us through this Leslie. What happened yesterday, yeah? That's right. I mean, let me just say as a big picture point of it as I've been saying for awhile. Or helium? We all have funny voices and some people would just float away It is, after as I can
some of my friends on the right who are absolutely right. In their criticisms of the double standards of the mainstream media and how the mainstream media is freaking out about stuff that you about under. Rock Obama. That's all a perfectly good point to make an it's a good argument to make, but it's a necessary argument, but not a sufficient argument in the sense that, if things that Obama did, and he just fainted I Obama did acts in the mainstream media, didn't freak out, and you criticize mainstream media for not freaking out and then, when Trump does x and criticize the mainstream media for freaking out. Well, you should be freaking out So since you're, you know, if you believe in the rule of law, you think Obama violated the rule on you, stomp your spoon on your high here for eight years about what Obama doing the violate the rule of law and then Trump violates the rule of law and all you
to say is lookout Hilbert, hypocritical. The New York Times is when you being a hypocrite too, you have a double standard to you. Don't call out a republican president for doing stuff that you condemn the democratic president for fine, New York Times a bunch of hypocrites but you're being hit circle two, and this is a huge problem on the right, with a lot of people search trying to find this safe, anti anti trumpism they don't. You're! Absolutely right, though you know much of the left wing freak out this resist nonsense- and all that is absurd- I mean much been you know, Donald Trump put salt on his french fries. Hitler put salt on his restaurant. That kind of nonsense an I'm all in favor of calling up if that's all you're doing you're doing a disservice, because some of the things Donald Trump is done are, legitimately worth criticizing, which brings us to yesterday. So we all remember that that
it's amazing to be. You know it's just barely a week barely over a week since Sally Yates testified this the space time. Can who am has been sort of accordion in Washington, and it's this bizarre thing where each day so brings. You really are right around my cocktail hour, which really ticks me off. Brings nine am story. I have a tattoo that says. If you know start drinking in the morning. You can't claim that you were drinking all day. It's just so the White House that they fired Comey last week turned out that the story they brought out. There was was just flat, not believable and turned out to be untrue, Couple days, Donald Trump told Lester Holt that he fired him because of the Russia Investigation, which
Many any other president would have everyone pulling their hair out. You're, just not supposed to say that you know you're not supposed to that you didn't like an investigation into your campaign or into you or whatever, and you called and you totally have any fire. The FBI director, because it wasn't You make it go away, and so this sort of gets us to the core problem is that Donald Trump's greatest defense is in confidence, In ignorance, he doesn't know how this system is that how the system works. He doesn't have an a priest, Asian, that some rules and procedures that are traditional in a white house. Are there, for good reason, I don't know if you guys remember you know the parable of of Chesterton's fence. Gk Chester as this wonderful story where he says he's talking about progressive. Reformers, and he says the progressive reform
The kind of guy who sees a fence in the middle of a field has no idea why it's there and says: let's tear it down there's no good reason for it to be there. I can't imagine why it's there and Chesterton says the only time you have a reason to tear down the fence is once you understand why it was put up in the first place. Maybe it's keeping out the ice zombies in the White walkers, who knows and Donald Trump has contempt. For all of the traditional rules, all the traditional procedures and he wants to go off cut off it off the cuff, and so when he does stuff like the FBI director, as we learned yesterday, to go easy on investigation into MIKE Flynn, the former National security advisor. It seems implausible that you know he can just be like. Oh was I not. To do that. You know home because he doesn't know, you know he doesn't know what he doesn't know if you
it looks like the proper left. They all want to make it about rush, collusion go to eleven on all of this stuff, and they want to have it both ways. They did this with George W Bush to the. To say he's an idiot and they want to say He is a mastermind of an international conspiracy. Yeah can't have it both ways, so I don't think that he's a genius mastermind of a conspiracy. I think he you're right. He has contempt for rules, he doesn't want to live by those rules and in fact one of the sources that talk to Erik Erikson about yesterday he said you know. Look. The guy is a huge trump supporter. Supported him all the way through the campaign. Eric said, I couldn't even talk, during the campaign, because he was so rabidly Trump He was one of the sources that that is leaking. This information about what really happened and
he said he's doing it, because the president will not listen to any advice. He sees all advice as an back on him, so he is isolated and he's saying we have to leak it to the press. Because we're hoping that he this into the press more than he is You know and have him driven back into our arms. Saying: okay, I have to know about this. He said he's just control and really bad things will happen if he doesn't start taking some common sense advice on no mister president. We can't do that because of X y and Z. Now we can find another way to do it, but we can't do that We don't look. I I agree that I read a column. I wrote a couple times yesterday: it's up at national review today, um calling on Michael Pence
Mike Pence is the one guy one constitutional officer in the executive branch that Donald Trump can't fire. So he you know all these other guys in the cabinet, some of whom I can respect a lot. Always people in senior staff, some of whom I like and respect they can fired and they all seem to think that they have to audition every day for their job, MIKE Pence doesn't and MIKE. Pence was humiliated by the president last week and not for the first time by going out and saying: oh, no, we fired Comey on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general. And it was all through proper procedure and we had waited for the tag to get there and sell course. This is nothing to do with the russian investigation and two days. Later Donald Trump uses support to throw him under a bus, and MIKE Pence should margins office and say Mister President. If you do that again, I'm
I have to resign and then one against you in twenty twenty or or I'm going to start speaking freely to the media on record. You know he can't be fired. He would have an enormous bully pulpit things like hang on just a second. That was my advice for Hillary Clinton when Bill Clinton did this to her with the blue dress. She should have marched out and said he still my present. I still agree with his policies, but no It be treated this way and what we work out in our marriage is our business stay out of our marriage, but no woman, be treated that way she would have been the most powerful women in the on the world in the world. She, however, decided to and I think for her own power and everything else, and that was kind of the arrangement that they had with pens I wonder if pence and Mick Masters, who I have great respect, for, although I saw him tap dance,
Like nobody else yesterday was an amazing answer from him. Yesterday, and I am wondering if these guys are saying to themselves. Look if I leave I don't know who he's going to have for advice. I'd rather be in here and I'll. Take that I'll take the hits for this, but we we've got to get him on track and Him in place in who's who's going to replace me, it could be anyone No, I agree with that. I I have to assume that Hr Mcmaster, to the extent that he kind of guys you put it at man Stan and parsed forty eight hours. He was doing it either to protect NASH security by minimizing the damage of this story or because he thinks that if I'm not in there we're gonna go back to someone like MIKE Flynn or worse and I am. You know I need to keep you know those things are operating in as professional manner as possible. I have to think
What patriotism in some way or another reason he's an amazingly kredible man and he knows. I mean what he said yesterday was anything the president wants to do is appropriate legally, it's appropriate. Then they so? Did he do anything inappropriate? No! Well, he just add anything he wants to do is appropriate and he He knows that you know to come with Jerusalem as the and the Israelis, that is wildly damaging to our spy apparatus wildly. I still think there's a possibility that Israel is taking one for the team and that I was Jordan, because wow. It's not like Israel's going to break its relationship with us over this. They understand and they've got all this stuff. Come on this visit, that's a bigger importance, but if Jordan had been revealed as the source could really go. I don't know who knows, but look I look
but the other day I keep thinking that poor whites, Priebus and MIKE Pence, and these other guys, I honestly think their hearts are in the who plays- I all, I imagine all of them like Jerry Maguire in the locker room, begging have a good day. Junior help me help you I mean it's like if Trump could just get a little discipline, you know and get a little sort of a little less it did a little weaned off of the drop and the reality show by, but he clearly thrives on. He could still get important things accomplished, but it's like it breaks through to him, and this thing about you know, Backchanneling through the media. That's been going on since day one I mean. That's only reason why I actually like like watching, morning, Joe so much for the first couple months. Administration! Is it because it's like it's like reading, you know, it is never know who's like signaling from what
one of the Politburo through the press up to first among equals equals, and I think that that's that's that's a real problem. If, if he's consuming and getting all this advice filter through what he sees on Fox and friends,. Uh or print it out from Breitbart com? That is no way to run a country. They only have one minute one more question: politically Jonah: it isn't the issue here that his surrogates, their most effective defense, is to basically say he's. Incompetent he's new he's trying to figure this stuff out but that's also simultaneously. The one thing that they absolutely under any circumstances cannot say That's right and that's why I wrote about months ago. They fall back on He's a man of action he's a man of wisdom. He he things that we don't know and the problem with that kind of rhetoric is that it may work for a moment, Politice although the its credibility is diminishing, but that's also cool,
Personality talk, you know that is not. How can is that somehow people in a democracy is supposed to talk is just say: well he's the! and he is the Supreme Judgment and who are we to question it? The whole point of democracy is the question judgment of your political leaders, but that's the where the I have to go and I don't think it works for them. Much at all anymore, and it doesn't help thin anybody who isn't sort of already in the tank. Don't know what it was thirty seconds. Can you tell what we should watch for. What's? What's the good sign or a bad sign that we should watch for? Well, if, if the
turn to blood, buy gold. God bless you. Thank you very much. Jonah Goldberg, as they get a senior editor of National Review Triple eight seven, two, seven back period
Glenda yesterday the media found a new word naturals. He told several people contemporaneous and I spoken with him and they've heard contemporaneous notes that would back up. There was other contemporaneous notes, people just talking about contemporaneous issues. If the FBI is still doing one contemporaneous with anything, there's nothing, but I don't think we can afford to have a discussion, contemporaneous they're, going to have a hard time proving it because they didn't catch him contemporaneous to having these type of contemporaneous memos than we have director combies contemporaneous notes. They call three hundred and two they're contemporaneous, most Bob Muller kept his contemporaneous notes, contemporaneous notes of those conversations. Water, Comey's contempt, These memos say, which is an odd again to how powerful contemporaneous those notes that contemporaneous notes they were contemporaneous at the time. One reason why lawyers take contemporary notes is hey, come on a contemporaneous as close to temper, Aneus Way where he has made
and for Anias memos. Al contemporaneous is working summary contemporaneous at the time the FBI director kept contain, contain contain contemporaneous, sorry hard to say that word contemporary developmental e, what I've never seen it before that one made me feel better yeah. So they found this new word yesterday and they found it for a very important reason. And we need to start with the definition of contemporaneous and why they're, using that word helping you understand, your world, a little bit more when we come back
the Glenn Beck program. That rules he told several people contemporaneous and I spoken with them and they've heard contemporaneous notes that would back up. There was other contemporaneous notes were just talking about contemporaneous choose. The FBI is still doing one contemporaneous with anything they're doing, but I don't think we can afford to have a discussion contemporaneous we're going to have a hard time proving it because they didn't catch him contemporaneous to having these type of contemporaneous memos than we have director combies contemporaneous notes. They call three hundred and two they're contemporaneous memos Bob Muller kept his contemporaneous notes. Contemporaneous notes of those conversations, commies contempt these memos say, which is it not again to how powerful contemporaneous those notes that contemporaneous notes they were contemporaneous at the time? One reason why lawyers take contemporary notes, rely on a contemporaneous as close to temper Ennius way where he has made,
temper. Aneus memos pal contemporaneous is working summer contemporaneous at the time the FBI director kept contain contain contain Contemporaneous. Sorry, it's hard to say that work contemporary dance. It is never seen it. You don't know what it means, so Miriam Webster defines contemporaneous listing occurring or beginning during the same time, so oa. Ical event and cultural event that are happening at the same time. In this particular case The notes that are Contemporary is the notes were taken at the same time as the meeting, so there's difference between notes that you go in you write a week or two later, as opposed to the notes that you take the time now I met with President Bush
I know that I could not take a pencil and paper of telephone anything and no recording device. However, good record my reflections of feelings. That's what it was explained to me. And so I know that when you're with the president, if he's having an off the record, talk with you, the rules, are you don't write anything down. And so the minute Try to remember everything is the most important meeting of your life, Try to remember everything that is being said to you and then the minute you get out of that meeting I mean I remember were you I don't remember who is with me too. I don't think you are with me now, but I had somebody standing right outside of the gates of the White House with a pad and pencil and end and the phone, and I, vomited into the phone as much as I admire all all as much as I can remember, and then I started writing it all down. So I can remember that's what James call me did
he left the meeting and he immediately wrote down what happened in the meeting now. This is now something that James Comi just did for this He is known in. The FBI is being very, very buttoned up, also very, very contemporary, yeah, it's very, very yeah, see that comment is having contemporaneously with this subject. So it's very good thank you it was. I was speaking contemporaneously. Yes, and you are exhibiting your contemporaneousness. Oh yeah, and I will- and I will so anyway- what he did is when He was involved in a serious exchange or ace or anything like that. Is known as taken copious, contemporaneous notes, I'm going to let you figure out copious yourself. If you don't know, but he would take copious notes.
As soon as he would leave meetings and then he would file him away. We don't know if these notes are real, but it It's definitely a shot back to the White House. Saying oh really, you got tapes could 'cause. I've got contemporaneous notes. And so whichever one is playing chicken here is The other one sweat yeah and pointing that out specifically because, like think about the alternate situation here, James Comi comes to testify. After he, fire and says. Well, you know what Trump told me in that meeting. He wanted me to back off the Flint thing I am, we should have done that I felt uncomfortable well. That means nothing after he's been fired. Right, I mean if he's saying that now everyone's going to say well, look he's just saying now, because supposedly wrote that down at the time that it was filed at the time, so it's not even supposedly was a known. It was filed in a way that it is, it was marked in and it it was known that that was the nine that was filed. It's going to be a lot more
powerful incredible. While he was still, for them. While they were still to get out that where they were having meetings before and after this supposedly he with every personal meeting he had with Trump, and The details that meeting so recorded. If you're going to do that now, you can't you can't probably can't or you can look up your address now. You rest well Well, you better hope, there's no tapes, and that way in their response to that comment from Trump was all I hope there are. His side is saying: yes, please on the tapes if they exist, please bring them on and the rumor is at least the speculation is that he this this was leaked to the media, so that the Congress would subpoena these things. Well, Jason Chafets has already said turns over or I will subpoena them and they should be subpoenaed. The White House record should be subpoenaed.
We should know all of these things and we should be as transparent and the media should shut their pie, hole and let the system work, there's a there's, a clear way. To make this work. There was a clear way to make the the IRS investigation work, but we didn't follow it and what happened? Nothing nothing so Let's follow the rule of law and What is it? Seventy? end of the american people now say: appointed a special prosecutor. Look I'm! on to a neutral special I don't want a guy who is hell bent on destroying the president. Anything else I want somebody who is it's going to look at the facts of this. And they don't have a horse in this race, please the good of the nation weenie. Need to know is the and a liar did the present
is the president reckless with classified information. If those Things are true. We need to know it, and I mean I say a liar: we we know that. I mean we've seen this record, but when it comes down into the United States of America. Are you lying to a stude. I mean this is not about you know. This is not about you personal life or anything else. This isn't even about you and that's. What's so sad about this is I think the president keeps thinking. All of this is about him and I do believe with the press. It is about him yeah. I mean they don't care, many of them at least don't care about what the truth here right, many of them, but again Jonah Goldberg brought this up, and I think you said it correctly. Is that you? Yes, of course they want to take him down. There is no when you talked about this with Bill O'Reilly. Last week, too, he's like back. I can't
if you don't get what they want to take you out. Well, of course you get that you absolutely get that in the in the media wants to take trump out at all costs and will do whatever they have to do to do that when well. However, if there is something Jitam. It lead to be criticized. You have to have the principles and spine to do it now, you're speaking uranius, temporarily her real name is means you speak into your body Thank you speaking Uranius Lee you're speaking out of your body, and that there's a lot on this program. Absolutely, no! That's the that's the Websters dictionary definition. That's Miriam Miriam Webster DOT, The wife of I don't know Bill Webster or whatever she's got her own shirts nary a family at this kind of weird there there was there was bill and the other Webster Famous one Miriam. Who was a sweet?
part of a gallon and we should point out- and we have several times today again think of the chain that this has come down here. This is a Comi ally who didn't give the memo to the New York Times, who read over the phone, a memo to the New York Times the New York Times. Notes over what he read. Did they read the entire thing? Did they read only the that they liked where there are other parts of that made trump look really good. We don't know any of that that that in she went to the New York Times reporter. Blindly believe everything the New York Times says: absolutely not did the New York Times print the entire memo? No, we haven't seen it yet. The reporter even seen it yet, nobody outside of the FBI is actually seen this thing. Yet Other side of it is this is gonna be the only member, I think it's you know if it does exist, which you can't believe they just we don't, but it's possible right to call me ally, it's not impossible. That is made up. We saw that with the rather situation that someone who's going up against. George will be, was literally made something up, it's not impossible, but if it does exist,
it's not going to be the only one call me was well known for this practice. He was well known for creating paper. Well, we believe something was going wrong when he was made uncomfortable. He was a guy who documented what happened. Interactions with this president. It is, it is, not the way we meant it, but it is turning out to be the same thing. Don't screw with the justice and intelligence agencies. Don't piss them off. They will find out what you're doing and they will destroy you at with it and again like this goes back to a very pro Donald Trump Point, pro Donald Trump. You need to do These things better. Do it better. If Donald Trump would fire James Comi. There was a lot of arguments that were legitimate to do it. I tend to
the guy a little bit more, probably pro James Comi than a lot of the audience. The bottom line is you: could fire him but the way they did it the time they did the manner that they did it. So the fact that he trashed it after he fired, walked out of the office. The fact he's been trashing the intelligence this entire time puts you. Position, where you can't get any of you, can't build walls in this environment. If you can get any of the things you want done, if I were, if I were talking to President Trump today. As a supporter of his, I would sit him down and say: Mister President there's a couple of things you have to do. First of all, you have to stop taking everything personally, ok, you have too, and I know you like to read the press and everything else, but you are getting caught in this cycle and it's not healthy for you. It's not healthy for you and it's not.
For the country and you're not going to win it. So because there is no, there is no winning. This is mutually assured destruction. We all are destroyed by this kind of cycle. Stop two it you just need to know that appearances are important as the president and you're right. You could fire James Comi and you can make the case to me that you should've you, don't trust him. He's your guy he's the guy in charge of justice, and we have two letters and assuming that those are you know legitimate, not coerced. There are two letters here from the people who are running justice did say they don't think that he is good for the FBI Great, but don't humiliate people on the way out, Don't be above all of this just be above all of this. I don't think he has anybody around him.
Speak to him like that, I don't think I don't know. I think we learned yesterday that he has people who try to speak to him like that, but he won't listen, but they and they do it now through the media. It would have been better if you would have fired call me day. One to come in and that that was the first step we took was to to fire James Comey. I don't think they're well either, but you're right, but what's happening is what these contemporaneously notes. So Jose, please show is that You know he didn't he wouldn't listen to. Flint is in trouble, Flynn's trouble, Flynns trouble, flynns trouble, then. Finally, he finally broke through to him. Oh, is, is trouble. That's when he met with me and said: look he's a good guy. You know, let's just forget this, you can forget all this and you just forget it. Well, that's that is obstruction of justice. Cuz he's your boss, it's not some guy is president of the United States, trying to say stop investigating one guy
and you know I am assuming that I have your loyalty, you know, I hope you can let this go. That's that that's not good, whether that is what he intended or not. It doesn't matter because it's it's that goes to the appearance of it as president. Yes, it doesn't look good and- and you know, and he needs to listen to people just just to Honor- is just listen to people on appearances is the best defense to on this stuff, and I think it makes sense, as he just doesn't know where he's coming it's a lot better. Well, I love this guy the whole time they laid me fire full, and I just I hope you do you don't but bust on him because he's a good guy. It said. That may be a very normal way to go. The problem is, none of his surrogates can admit, he's not perfect 'cause, they will get fired so it none of them can say his best defense that's a real problem and the the the the problem is: that's gonna, wear thin after awhile you eat, there's no learning curve. Mountain he's got to have a learning curve and show humility
and say boy guys, have really screwed this up and I'm sorry I just this is one of the things about me. I'm a I'm, not a politician, so I don't know these rules, but I will tell you: I just talked this guy, he I have him by my side. I think he has good advice. You is a guy that everybody really trusts. I'm going to try to make a difference that that He needs to start going in that direction. You're acting you're asking for sorcery, and it's not going to happen. I am trying to the president you're saying the President of the United States. This is the Glenn Beck program mercury Glenn Beck program. How about you guys? I am so excited to have Jay Walker on next. He is an adventure He is a guy known as a serial entrepreneur. He started Priceline dot com he has nine hundred different patents. He's
who said when we put a friend button on Facebook. I mean and this guy and he sees the world? I've talked to him off the air. He sees the world in a completely different way. These just started his imagination, human history of the history of the human imagination museum. When I talk to him next, mercury. The blaze radio network on demand. Hello, America there's a lot going on in the world today. We've covered it for the last two hours if you,
but some in depth analysis of what the Komi letter means and what Trump is doing and what Congress is doing go to the website. Glenn Beck com we've covered that we're going to hit some of the highlights, maybe this hour as well. But I have to tell you this: if you are an entrepreneur, if you are a dreamer and a doer, this is going to be a fantastic hour. I have wanted to sit down with this guy for quite some time and a guy known as a serial entrepreneur. A guy that Forbes magazine said an Edison for a new age has nine hundred patents to his name. You know his work through Priceline dot com or the little friend button on facebook his idea. Dorian
Dreamer, an entrepreneur man who sees the future in a positive way, Jay Walker, right now, entertainment. I first talked to Jay Walker of known about it for a long long time, but I first met Jay Walker on the phone this the first time, we've actually said the same room together and immediately. I felt connected him and the way he thinks he's an optimist. He he's a massive change on the horizon, but he knows
doesn't have to be bad. It's going to be a little rough getting there, but it doesn't have to be bad and he sees the future. Unlike most people do an. He sees it through the eyes of history, which is so wicked. Important just full disclosure. He is the guy started upside dot com, which is an advertiser on this program, but I Ask him one question of something that he told me about upside when we first spoke, but that's. This is not a What ties you going to talk about that? You need to meet this man he's just started something called TED Md, which is TED, talks? Sorry, Med, TED? Sorry yes, TED Metz
the times of the year. This route. He only asked him three times for him, one of my thinking. So he started this and I I wanna I wanna start here. I hate to bring Attc tv show. But I've been watching a show, and now I can't remember the name of it is whatever genius pure genius cancelled was it because it really gets wrapped up with such an optimistic show. Have you seen that I have not ok, so the premises? guy who's is a billionaire kind of guy, like you, just a serial entrepreneur, tech guy he's in click on Valley he's like I'm, going to start a hospital, and it shows boy. I know you better start to govern the time. It shows all the to it takes all the red tape out. It shows all the tech that is coming and and help optimistic, Life really looks when you look at
it's on the horizon and the breakthroughs were about to go through As you're doing this, what are you seeing for? and the way to think about it in health and Madison is that for Three billion years life on the planet has followed a very simple system. It's very simple! There's one you know, there's dna, we have a common ancestor and it's been evolving for three billion years give or take the on your beliefs and I'm not picking on anybody's beliefs. But the fact is we all share the same dna, a tree, a dog human. We have so much in common for the first time in human jury in the history of the world, humans have control of the operating code,
We are now manipulating the dna, which means for the first time it says if we had the software of life. That's never happened in history before it means, for the first time we're going to be able to operate down at the instruction layer which creates the proteins which then creates the tissues in the systems in the organs of the body. We're right at the Cusp, it's almost as if we were inventing printing reading writing and thinking all at the same time in forms of medicine. And so we are living at the beginning of an extreme ordinary time in the history of we're at the end of the medical dark ages, exactly it's as if we had just gotten the microscope for the first time, and we saw that tiny world that nobody knew existed in one thousand six hundred and sixty five hook looks through his microscope and he sees that that the fly is composed of thousands of little eyes and he says what is this micro world? What are these little things swimming around and he's can't even see bacteria,
I can't even see the smallest things, and yet an entirely new world opens up. Galileo looks into the Heavens and sees that there are planets, but also she said there are moons around Saturn and Jupiter, and suddenly the notion that the earth is in the center of the universe drops away. The telescope in the microscope were the great changes of the 17th century and now we're in the 21st century and we're now seeing for the first time the actual code. That brings things to like we're. Seeing things Ray Kerswell, well. I've talked to several times. I am single arity ray talks about we're about to hit this point at which everything breaks free. And goes on an extraordinary com, pounding effect and or not. You agree or disagree with Ray. There is no question if you back up and look at where we are in history in Medison and health, we're about to exit the dark age. So he said it is if he said, the human body should last
a lot longer than it does it shouldn't wear out. He said as if there's a switch somewhere that has been turned off and he said we just have to find that switch. Are. Are you? Are you when you look at the d? I would do with Ray on that, but I understand where he's coming from the human body isn't being human body? Is a system think of the Amazon rain Forest? It's composed of enormous different things? It's got trees, insects, it's got birds, it's got animals, it's got leaves it's got photosynthesis, it's got, fungi, It's got all these things and we call it the Amazon. It's constantly changing. You are an Amazon rainforest. You have trillions, so the other thing is a fact, I think that's better off the Amazon Rainforest. Now the Amazon Rainforest isn't going away. Despite our efforts to cut it down, lumber or for grow grass. But that being said, it's about a Stomme. What we're learning is how all the different systems of the body, including many that are not even human, were learn.
The microbiome. These are back that we need to survive in our guts and all throughout us, for which, without them, we can't make it. How far do you think we are away from curing the majority of cancer I think we're far from curing the majority, but we're not far from turning a significant number of cancers into a manageable livable disease like we did with AIDS, we figured out not how to cure aids, but how to slow it down you could live with the rest of your life with it much like all, men have prostate cancer, we just don't die of it, but literally a hundred sent of men. If you do an autopsy at age, seventy five are going to have prostate cancer, there's simply not going to die from it. Cancer is essentially a natural byproduct of having multi cellular organisms, because in the process
duplicating at the cellular level, you're going to have some mistakes randomly and some of those mistakes are going to be so damn good at not being killed that they're going to reproduce in a way, that's bad for the organism as a whole, but good for the cell. So we don't eliminate cancer. We eventually- figure out how to manage. How far do you think we are from that? If you say fifty percent, if you're saying Keeney's in blood cancers were probably five years, maybe ten, if you're saying so. If you say it soft tissue cancers more like ten to twenty, but uh it depends on whether or not we get better at finding them sooner today. We cannot detect cancer until it's about. Seventy Old, so when somebody comes from a doctor- and they said I've been diagnosed with cancer, you had it for seven years. We can't see less than one hundred million cells, which is less than the tiny point of opinion hundred million cancer cells. So
cancer is a system disease of which we have many in our bodies, most of most of which will never come to the point where they heard us: cancer isn't like an infection it's binary, you have it or you don't. Cancer is a symptom of the system and the system learns to cope with it. For most of your life, that's the most, anything you see on the horizon in medical tech, the most amazing thing is probably the mapping of the human proteome. So we call all the teams. Are the workhorses of the body there? The things that do all the work in your body, your dna codes for proteins proteins, are the worker bees of the body at the simplest level. We really, never mapped to the mall and it turns out most of the diseases. It's not. Nearly all of them are dysfunctions of protein operations. Proteins are very complicated. Organisms are very, very small, but they're very complicated. We are now at the cusp of
ping them all and forget about mapping the human genome, which is great. It's the proteome, where all the action is at and were right about some What will that change? Well, it allow us for the first time to understand, what's really going on with disease up to now, we've actually not understood. What's really going on? What does that mean? Well, it means that the proteins are malfunctioning. You know you're in the room with somebody who is a smart. You right now, I'm three levels deep of asking: What the hell does that mean really going back to the sign question brought for the more I know. I know it's not an empty or appeared on the doctor just talked to them all day and by the way, that's my spare time job 'cause. My main job is building a great company in upside. So I likely were off on the side here, but the approach. Basically, what it means is when we learn how proteins behave badly, we will
recognize that your arthritis may be very similar to the fact that you have a sleep apnea that they're the same proteins just behaving there is a map of all the proteins, and once we start to look at where the proteins are behaving badly, we now have the tools to finally figure out. What the hell is going on with these diseases. We don't know- anything about outside? That's how much of that is a protein. So that's why sometimes you'll go in and things are absolutely not connected. Doctors will tell you it's not connected well, but they're all happening at the same time right yeah. I know they're not connected but I never had these before and now. They're all happen, everything is connected. Ok, so anybody tells you something isn't connected. You don't go into the Amazon Rainforest and say well the fact that the things are dying, is unconnected to the blight on the trees, know everything is connected. The question is at what level right,
does it have a common cause or is it the result of common external factors? Yet we're learning all that you know what I'm amazed by talking to people like you uh a. I feel Really average. That's being very kind to secure area of expertise, and I know that, but but still this is your this is not your job is not my day job and the people that I meet like you. Have they all he's been around because I look through history annual. See. The people like Tesla and Edison you'll see these people who are really quite bright in a million different things. We used to call them renaissance men yeah, but there is something about this new group of to Preneurs they are Jon. Huntsman senior is
friend of mine and started the Huntsman cancer Center and he said to me I asked him teach me how to be charitable. Then pour my whole life. I don't know how to be shares in order to have to learn how to do it. Yes, and he said first lesson- you have to care about everything, not just can't. You have kids, you have to care about everything and that kind of goes to, and so this is a nation of insatiable curiosity. It's always been that way: it's because we've had the west. We were founded by a group of people who are fleeing somewhere else with a handful of exceptions for the people who were here right. We all come from somewhere else. We've all left the world behind in order to come and build a new world in America, nobody even knew it existed until one thousand five hundred. So the beauty of the American Spirit is it's a spirit of insatiable curiosity. That's why we're in
tinkers a nation of inventors, a nation- that's always trying to change. We don't look back as a nation. It's this week, this inner strength, both at the same time, but the fact is this is the country of America looks forward. People like that are in so should be curious about everything and you find whether it's John Muir or Thomas Edison. These people recognize that at the deepest level it's all connected. So I have a great library in the history of human imagination about twenty five thousand books of this right. Now, it's a library that imagination and people- come to my library. They say how are the books organized J? How do you organize the books? Have twenty five thousand books? Is there a card? Catalog absolutely not there organized randomly by height, you have a library of twenty five thousand books organized randomly. I said yes, it's about imagination, you connect them. They were all written by humans. They're all connected you figure out why this is connected to that the active imagining his the essential act of creation
nothing happens. If you don't imagine it whether it's who you're going to marry the children you want to have the kind of country you want to live in the kind of job you want to have it's all about your imagine. Everything happens here. First, it happens in your ad we're having a great right now between the legal and business side in the creative side of this company, of what who's a creative- and I keep saying everyone is the customer, the I Aea. Wielders of the customer is not even that it's IBM fill in the blank. I am happy or I am sad. What are you going to create at the basic level and everyone has the same power in a different way. Just what are you creating and we've caught? Unfortunately, in so many ways we live in a society of specialists, we've taught specialized focus on one field, do the best anomic result will be highest if you specialize and that's true, but it's generalists who integrate completely unexpectedly. When you look at Steve Jobs and his life, you see a generalist not as
you see the guy who was happy to go to India happy to learn about type fonts, happy to understand the aesthetics of of design and yet he was a technologist whi, because really great leaps forward are made by people who integrate from multiple fields. And that's why we call them polymath when they happen to be geniuses? Leonardo was a polymath. He was a genius and five fields that allow to be a bigger genius in any one of them, and we see this throughout his I we're going to run out of time so fast, Jay Walker, a serial. Entrepreneur founder, CO, founder of Priceline. Many other things. Nine hundred patents will continue our conversation
with him in just a second Glenn Beck want to see Glenn life if you're coming to Texas, you can do is of Mercury studios in Dallas for a taping, a blend television show to reserve your seat, email tickets at Glennbeck, dot com with your information got tickets at Glennbeck, dot com, mercury Do you think program, seven hundred and twenty seven back, I'm talking to the founderofpriceline dot com and the founderofupside dot com Jay Walker who is with us talk a little bit about the future and what seeing in things like Priceline and upside. So one of the great this is we're living in this digital world right. Everybody saying look at all this data: ok, what does that mean to me What does that mean to a person sitting out in the audience and just listening? Ok, that's nice! The world is filled with data, here's what it one of the things it means it means you're.
Flexibility which, right now, you don't get paid for your going to start getting paid for not when you're walking? in the supermarket aisle and you see an item on sale next to one that isn't on sale. You can be flexible and sound by the brand. That's on sale today, 'cause I normally buy that brand. But that's just a small case. What happens every time your shopping and somebody says: hey- are you willing to be a little flexible? Give you fifty dollars if you do this instead of that, give you ninety dollars. If you do this instead of that, imagine a smart piece of software that offers you oops. That gives you per Similarly, more money for being flexible and by the way, gives your boss, something too so the key yeah behind one of the things I'm working on is how do you turn flexibility into an asset? How do you turn it into something where My phone, hey, look! I want to go to New York on a trip, but if I leave fifty minutes earlier. You give me fifty dollars if I leave an app
If I go into a different airport, you give me one hundred if I stay at a hotel across the street. That's worth two hundred to me. I can't find all those choices. There's too many choices, but software. Can the beauty of the world we're living in with this new big data software? Is he can evaluate 10s of thousands of choices, for you show you just a few that make sense, when we come back, can you talk a little bit about that 'cause you've stated that in upside- and that's I got to that with you, because I said: ok, what's the catch and you explained it to me and I'm like holy cow, that's brilliant, and you said to me, now imagine that with everything else. So let's talk about that and also I want to talk about the the world that is, going out in examining all these things, but then putting
into little teeny boxes where we don't see the big picture anymore. When we come back. The Glenn Beck Program- Jay, Walker, the founderofpriceline, dot com, nine hundred patents to his name Wired magazine calls his library on imagination, he's an expert on imagination, Amazing library in the World he is a techno optimist. He is also the guy. Who started the new travel website upside dot com, full disclosure, It is a we yeah, that's how we met, however, the guys here is not for that. It's four hundred o'clock station. We had when he said. Imagine I said: what's the catch, how is this working?
How is everybody making money here, 'cause you're for reducing the time that the person spends from eighty minutes to about what are you Fifty five minutes to make the decision you're keeping the hotel, you're booking the flight, and you're giving money, saving money for the company, then you're giving a an Amazon gift card you and we've fun things where it works out to where we spent two hundred dollars with something you should have cost us one thousand, or Of course, this one thousand, it's like two in the air. It's like a two hundred dollars ticket and stay insane, and I said to you: ok still good to be true, still going to be ask extra questions correct and You said: no, here's how it works. Imagine this with with everything, explain what that means.
Up to now Americans have had a lot of choices, but unless they're super shoppers they never see what their choices are worth income complicated worlds like buying business travel or buying health insurance or buying call care. There are millions of choices you can't figure them all out. Software makes it possible for the first time to find choices. That makes sense for you so, but we're not in charge of our healthcare. So I've been I've been saying Everyone should be. I want to give, one thousand dollars a year, how to cover the first five alibi catastrophic for everything else going five thousand dollars a year. You go spend it so when the doctor says go get this x ray. I can go, get that x ray here, but if I have a system says you know what, if you go tomorrow morning at this location, you're going to pay a free, but one of the reasons why healthcare is so Bro
one of the many reasons, but one of the big reasons is that the person paying for it isn't the person using it yes, and what happens when somebody else is paying something after I get to use it. I over consume I give me the gold plated everything I mean. After all, I want every test. I want every treatment, so we right at the start, either the government's paying for it or my health insurers paying for it or my boss is paying for it when you have a system where uh, Single decision by me could be costing ten thousand dollars to somebody else. And by the way not only might not paying for it. The person selling it to me the doctor at the hospital. They can't even tell me what the prices you go in and ask the x ray technician? How much is this extra fayette? No idea they don't know so the doesn't know the buyer doesn't know. Is it any doubt the system has. Completely run amok, I'm cool with what we have going on in Washington. You sound like, This is the solution that I've been looking for,
how are you going to get that when we're heading towards not a solution? So again if and wellness is a system not a binary, a or b thing. If you, treat your body like a garbage can alright, you're going to get sick, no matter who pays for it. So at the end of the day, this isn't a question of just making sure you're paying the right amount of money. You bet we've got to make sure rational free market economics, which you work for everything well work for health care, but there are plenty of people can't afford health care. There are plenty of children whose parents make decisions for them. This isn't going to fix that problem We have challenges in childhood. Obesity isn't going to fix that problem. We have an opiate addicted them again, going to fix that so market solutions are critically important, but they're important as part of a whole. So how do you let's stick to market here, for
how do you? How do you correct a system and sell the free market system when the free market system hasn't really been practiced in this country, A very long time, and not in any health care, not in healthcare healthcare, but in many ways in many things, any industry, many industries, it hasn't been practiced in a very long time. And then people are taught that this is the free market system and they see that it doesn't work that it's just it's awful and come and they are being taught that hey. This marks is idea is a better idea. How do we tell the truth about the free market system? to a group of people. That really don't know and don't really care about what the free market system really is. So, The answer is telling people you don't want to hear, is probably
going to be our winning strategy. Yes, ok, thank you. It's just not going to be our winning strategy right, so we're going to have to offer alternatives that exist against the dysfunctional system and those alternatives will have to compete to attract people based on cost. See easiness and those kind of things, but it's already, but it already them is probably going to do that. The mobile phone, when you add sensors and your ability to actually within a few years, see what's going on inside your body, probably means we're going to have two systems. A public system that is going broken for a long time, and we should try to improve and a new technology. Let's go to emerge along the side where people are significant and why people say look. I just want their help for my children and if this helps my kid, then I'm using this system, I don't care who's paying for it. People want their kids to be healthy. People want their parents to be healthy, little less themselves,
like you're a historian. You know that we've been around fake news forever. I mean I have documents of fake news. The revolutionary war about to say it was a? It was perfectly normal for Thomas Jefferson to create fake news. Radio here it is, it happened with. So all those days so yeah I mean your heads, you know. If you elect John Adams, your children's heads will be on a pike, mean hello. There you go so we've had it forever. However, we are now in a system. You came up with a friend button at Facebook. Facebook is so freeing and gives people the power to connect with people like you and me, and people People the power to have a voice just as powerful as anybody else is, but it also just because of the algorithms. Making everyone's world smaller and we're here, in the voices that I agree with, and not necessarily the full spectrum,
Then you add, on top of that fake news. How are we going to manage this? Well? First of all, let me set it I'm not the inventor of the friend button, some of the missions I created led to it. So I don't want to credit or something but not the invent. Ok, that being said, you're asking a tough question and here's the question the weather today is cold and rainy, but The climate is real. What matters most here in Dallas TX right, might be cold and rainy today, but we live in your in Texas, here, We have to remember that when we're hacking away at the weather, we're simply just hacking at the leaves the climb Is really the bigger issue and let's talk about the climate people are getting more news from more sources than ever before. Yes, some of those sources are being constrained, but if you have confidence in people,
You know what you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time we live in a world where the ability to control the news, like Germany, or to control what any one person hears is less than ever before. You know we great men in old white men in New York City do not decide. What's on the evening news anymore, we live in a much more information open society. Yes, within certain realms, it appears we're being constricted we're having bracelets put around the news we see on Facebook, but that's not maybe what we're going see on, or something new will emerge tomorrow. Remember the phone is going away going, the phone is Intermediate system is just an on ramp to the network. It's almost certainly going to go to the glasses and probably will something in your ear, assuming we don't direct connect to the brain. This what's really going to happen, I have way more opportunity here way: more people and these younger kids their way. Global, yeah it's easy to fool some of the people, some of the time?
but overall, the climate is more open, more information and I'll. I don't care whether you are the chinese government or whether you're a dictator in Africa, you're having or Korea you're having a hard time controlling the flow of information. When you look at the climate I am a I am a some- would call jingoistic, I would not. I would call myself proud of. The best system that has ever been created to help people for the minute you come the better system that our constitution and the free market connecting moral sentiments to wealth of nations, I'm in I'm in, but this is the best it's been but we are now being taught that America are children, being taught America doesn't matter, it's a global community and it global community
how do we balance a global community with these principles? Our global, an internal while there you've got the core of the problem, we used to have much more of a common culture we used to have a much. More common heritage we used to see talk. Western values in western civilization as an absolute good in the larger scheme of history, and we don't do that any longer. Is it? Is it an absolute source of good it overall picture. If you, if you study history, there is no things other than ours that have lifted more people out of poverty that have given more opportunity to more people who never had opportunity. If you're a woman you want to be in American for an african American, you want to be an American. If you want it half the world would like to come to America, I'm not arguing that were perfect or even better in every way. But what I'm saying is market based systems with real competition and checks and balances that in a government that works has been by far
The best system there isn't even any body in second place right. There are just fakes at the end of the day when China wanted to lift We have millions of people out of desperate poverty. They turn to capitalism. To do it, yeah a chinese brand on it, but the lady they unlocked in it if they unlocked risk taking, they unlocked imagination at the market level, they opened their borders to global supply. They basically adopted the western system, they just called it. The Chinese Communist Party friend of mine went over and talked to the Chinese. This is two thousand and eight and he was very concerned about us and Chinese said you guys might be kicked down and your might have some time for your kick down for a while. But you have thing that the world doesn't have, and that is imagination, permission to fail the big difference in America is in the This is the world when you're a failure, you're dead, you're done in America when you're
your bill gates, your Steve jobs, is your failure. Perfect you've dropped out of school perfect, we love, you, ok America is a country that reinvents itself and has always done so believe in the individual. We believe in responsibility. Look where the most charitable ' by far in the world, just look at the. Charity in America, only people of generosity and wealth can be charitable most of the world. Doesn't it makes no sense in China to donate money to a hospital? There are no hospitals in China paid for by wealthy Chinese. This doesn't work that way. America does that and it's be cause. We have mission to try to fail to try again, we literally from the very start in our patent system said: if you can invent something you don't have to practice it and you don't have to be rich. Pat and I think one of the worst things that we've done are the bailouts and everything else and a lot of people say 'cause. It's not our position as government, but my core on that is. I have a right to fail.
As much as I have a right to succeed, my fail There's are more important to me than my success. I am who I am today because of massive failures in my life. All great hitters strike out a lot because they swing. Alanne they strike out the poor, hitters watch the ball, go by the. Leaders put it in play in the route, but that's no different than all of us. The fact of the matter is America allows for that now sure we have bailouts. Why 'cause we have uh democracy and you put enough people out of work. That's a lot of votes going out of work and so there's enormous pressure to not let those enterprises fail, but we and over and over again, even when the largest enterprises in our country have failed over at their history or have become irrelevant in there over there arc of arc of history? The country bounces It finds new ways to deploy resources. It motivates, People to learn to make America everybody wants to be wealthy, they don't want to drag the wealthy down there,
showing the wealthy. That's why America lives the way it live. Jay Walker is our guest and inventor described as a serial into entrepreneur, founder of Priceline, founderofupside, dot, com, and imagination? Expert? Has the library of the history of human imagination a techno optimist tonight we are only have about two minutes left on the other side. I want to come back when I ask you if you're entrepreneur and you are out there swinging fences. Today, This is the one thing, one piece of advice that you would give them to say just focus here or have ask yourself: this will do that when we come back you're listening to the Glenn Beck program. J, Jay, Jay Walker, the founder of Priceline upside dot com. Tell me if
If you're, an entrepreneur and you're out there struggling. Give me a piece of advice. Only one person that matters assuming you've got the oxygen. You need right. The oxygen is the capital. You need to do anything, but if you've got the oxygen, it's all about the customer. People are continuously reinventing how to serve customers. If you serve the customer, you win the game. There are endless ways to serve customers that have never been possible before four and that's what this new technology revolution is doing is putting things up in the air. I have never been up in the air, but you can actually find customers in service. That's the key serve the customer upside dot com, J, walk. Great to have. You will be on Facebook later today. Don't miss it! Thank you. This is the Glenn Beck. Thank you
Transcript generated on 2019-11-17.