« The Glenn Beck Program

11/13/17 - "I want your sex" (Cathy Young joins Glenn)

2017-11-13 | 🔗
Hour 1  They’re not fooling anyone...Veterans boycott the NFL ...Ratings continue to plunge...pandemonium continues ...Here's the two most important parts to the Roy Moore story...Sean Hannity gives Moore a tough interview...continues to deny...very little evidence and proof...are there photos??...Alabama in the 1970s = Different World...if you're an axe murder never 39 mph?? ...Actor George Takei admits to groping people?...laughs it off ...The genius of 'Howard Stern,' The King of All 'Interviewers' ...Buy your Mercury M1-Ball tickets now at MercuryOne.Org.    Hour 2 Google wants to control EVERYTHING...YouTube finally bans all video from extremists clerics; meanwhile, PragerU videos are still banned....The Left’s fears are familiar to The Right’s... Comedian Sarah Silverman says she considered stock piling food and weapons after election of Donald Trump...attempts to take responsibility ...Fearing President ‘just do it' Trump ... ‘I won't regulate you; don't regulate me’ ...We are living under the oldest Congress ever...SNL mocks Democrats ...Joe Biden 2020?? ...SUCCESS!: MercuryOne.org has rescued more people from slavery...Be a part of something that matters: Help stop human sex trafficking ...The big problem with Louis CK's apology? ...Boy have times changed… Stu reads George Michael lyrics circa 1987   Hour 3  A world with no secrets...We're losing our liberties by the second...'Weinsteining' with LA Times writer Cathy Young...Generation Demonize...finding balance while investigating sexual misconduct allegations...Amazon's Roy Price was wronged?...Women know how to play the flirt game too…perpetual victims ...A driving reality...By 2030 it will be illegal to drive a car??...Going where no man has gone before?...Like dolphins stuck in a tuna trap?? ...Media Matters attacks again! ...'Burden of proof' for the accused?...'super' religious   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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