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Virginia veteran slams Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal: We saw 20 years of sacrifice ‘evaporate’ in a week

2021-09-01 | 🔗
Veterans at the Keystone Grill near Fort Lee in Virginia react to the president calling the withdrawal a complete success
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ask your rheumatologist about Cosentyx Ainsley President Biden Ainsley President Biden, declaring the United States exit from Afghanistan, calls it a success, but what does the rest of the country think Brian? He screamed it by the Way Fox AMP friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones, just a few miles from Fort Lee in Virginia with thousands of afghan refugees who have passed through the medical care and processing, and he joins us now. Keystone, grill, hey Lawrence whats happening, hey Brian im, still trying to figure out why the president of the United States was yelling who he was yelling at. I got MIKE here, youre a veteran. Thank you! So much for your service. You worked on those c 17 planes and now you are a pastor and you are talking with Veteranser Single day. Yes Lawrence. What are they saying? The biggest thing they are concerned about is: did their sacrifice matter you just referenced a few minutes ago we were in this war to twenty years. My son served in Afghanistan. He told me this week as he put
his uniform on for the first time after deployed back from Qatar, and what does it mean? Did it have any value we watched twenty years of our sacrifice of our investment literally evaporate in seven days, the billions of dollars of equipment that we left behind to equip an enemy? That is our sworn enemy, and yet what did we gain from? It? Veterans are calling me and they are struggling. They are struggling with the idea that the sacrifice mattered. Thats really concerning to me: where is the mental health of our veteran community and are we making sure they are okay Lawrence thanks MIKE and thats a sentiment that we continue to hear guys from a lot of folks here? I want you guys to hear from Kevin here. Thank you so much for your service too, sir. You said you lost buddies in nine Slash eleven yeah. We lost not only the civilian casualties that we had when the towers came down, but we had over three hundred and sixty five firefighters that lost their lives and hundreds of law enforcement officers that lost their lives, not to mention what happened at the Pentagon. You know we are. We are back to square one.
You know, President Bush, I remember him standing on that pile of rubble telling the world that were going to get the people that did this and taking the steps that we did throughout the years to put this country in a position where we could protect ourselves. Protect our borders, protect our people. Now we have turned over a country back to a terrorist state thats going to put this entire country in the world at risk and its shameful. It shouldnt have happened the way it did Lawrence Andrew you say we never should have heft that equipment there, and that concerns you. I mean absolutely its one thing to leave that country the way we did and leave the equipment behind, but you know to leave Americans every creed of our military. Do you not leave people behind and to leave the equipment with a known terrorist organization, unacceptable, completely unacceptable from the Biden administration Lawrence? What do you want to hear from the commander in chief, as well as the joint chiefs? They need to step up,
they need to step up. They took an oath of office to protect us and leaving equipment behind, leaving Americans behind that does not its just unacceptable Lawrence guys. As you know, Fort Lee is right down the street a lot of veterans here, a lot of military spouses here, and they are passionate about this and were going to be honoring the troops, the thirteen troops all morning today we got a table set up for them. We thank them for their service and they thank them for their sacrifice. I will send it back to you guys in New York, Steve Lawrence. Thank you very much. The folks at the diner says.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-02.