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Tennessee senators join Lawrence Jones, slam Biden economy: 'Build Back Broke'

2021-12-10 | 🔗
Fox News enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones joins Senators Martha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., to discuss inflation and the economy under Biden.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Off to a Fox news, alert the core price index: key inflation indicator rising sharply in November up zero point: eight percent versus an expected zero point: seven percent we go live to the pancake pantry, where Lawrence Jones is talking to diners and lawmakers about the top issues facing our country Lawrence. This has got to be one of the big issues you could be talking to Republican Tennessee, Senator Bill Haggerty and Marsha Blackburn about Good Morning Lawrence Lawrence. Good morning, brother youre, right ive got the senators here. I want to go straight into something that is dear to your heart and thats the supply chain crisis. We have this beautiful diner, some of the stuff that they normally would have they dont have. So what do you say to your constituents about this look theyre, very upset and very concerned the policies that weve seen coming out of this Biden. Administration have absolutely driven inflation through the roof. They created shortages and if people anticipate that goods cost more
tomorrow than they do today, they are desperately buying it. Inflation is a self fulfilling prophecy and thats whats happening right now and weve incentivized unemployment. Lots of people arent coming back into the workforce and weve seen supply chain, dislocations, thats, true, but weve also seen massive increases in prices. Think about what Biden is when he killed the Keystone XL pipeline hes done everything to wage war on the oil amp gas industry and gas prices are through the roof. Everything that we buy here in America has got to be transport ed. It has an inflationary impact hurting us all Lawrence Senator Blackburn. It seems like the White House strategy is to deny what the american people are feeling right now sure Lawrence in a tax on your constituents right. Oh absolutely, inflation is a tax, because every time you go to the gas pump, the grocery store every time you get ready to order something online. Everything is costing more, so inflation is a tax that everybody pays and if the
Democrats get their way, if they pass the build back broke plan. As I call it, then inflation is going to even go up more and youre going to continue to see these pressures on what we have available to buy Lawrence. You talk about pressure. Another pressure point is the crime in America. It used to be just in the liberal cities, but now its spreading to the suburbs, and it seems like the White House, doesnt necessarily have a response, whether its defund, the police, deny that the crime is an actual problem. They said the Republicans are the ones that want to defund the police. We know thats a lie. So what do you tell your constituents about this issue? Safety is key, you know, and for women security moms number one. They want their kids safe at school. They want their community safe and security. Moms are coming back. Youve gotta go secure that southern border, because until you do every town is a border town. Every state is a border
state because of drugs and gangs and human traffickers, sex traffickers, so that be a great place for this administration to start, but theyre refusing to do it. Lawrence last question to you: senator the drugs that are spilling across this border. The fentanyl is literally taking people out absolutely and its coming from China. Theyre shipping, the drugs right into Mexico, flooding across the southern border. Like Senator Blackburn said, weve got to security, and every month we dont were seeing drug increases flowing people are dying Lawrence, its a big issue. Every state is a border state. Every city is a border city. Thank you all. So much for joining me ill. Send it back to you guys in New York.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-10.