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Rep. Claudia Tenney on leading in the New York House race

2020-12-31 | 🔗
U.S. congressional candidate Rep. Claudia Tenney believes once 'all legal votes' are counted she will emerge victorious.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Act now, your benefits may be changing in the new year. Griff welcome back all eyes, Griff welcome back all eyes. Turning to the court battle over New Yorks 22Nd congressional district seat at GOP challenger, Claudia Tenney now leads democratic incumbent, congressman Anthony Brindisi by a razor thin margin. Just thirty votes here with an update, New York congressional candidate, Claudia Tenney, Claudia Good Morning to you boy, this one couldnt get any closer. Where do things stand? Thank you so much and good morning- and I just want to first say I want to thank everyone across our region and across the country who have been so supportive throughout this very long journey. Election day was a long time ago, and if anything that my race highlights is the dysfunction with our election system and the fact that we need to fix it. So right now were technically up about twenty seven votes, but there are literally hundreds of votes that are going to be looked at by the judge, so
all the undisputed votes. That means the only votes left are those that are going to be under judicial review and, unfortunately, the judge has decided to adjourn this case until January. Four, which means the normal date for a swearing in ceremony in Congress is January three, so our district will not have a representative. We feel that once all the legal votes are counted and the facts are applied to the law, we will emerge victorious and be certified as the winner in this district, but its been a long journey for sure Griff. So, Claudia sitting aside your race for just a second, this means that the 117Th Congress will start without a representative in the 22nd District of New York. How does this? How do they prevent this from happening again? Well, first of all, one thing ive highlighted in the past is that the Democrats in Congress, the majority under Nancy Pelosi, their signature legislation is Hr. 1, that is a complete overhaul of our election system.
New York governor Andrew Cuomo actually implemented many of those terrible policies in an executive order that he passed in August of this year. Changing all the election rules, throwing our board of elections into a tailspin overburdened Understaffed without the resources that were promised and thats. Why you have this mess that has occurred in my district and is very reflective of whats going on throughout the nation and what the president has been going through in states that, for example, do know the have something as simple as voter id, where every vote counts or where election day is a day set thats the end of voting. They are allowing people to come in and bring in votes after election day and get those counted and making those types of challenges Griff Claudia. We will continue to follow your race very closely. I want to quickly if I can get your thoughts on another story, and that is your potential future colleague representative Elise Stefanik calls Governor
Cuomo an absolute disgrace for prioritizing drug addicts for coronavirus vaccine doses. Do you agree with that? Isnt that something thats another governor Cuomo issue, placing instead of the people in nursing homes and people that are vulnerable around their communities, people with underlying conditions shouldnt? They be the first people to get the Covid virus im sympathetic to people who suffer from addiction, its a very serious issue, but right now we dont have enough vaccine s to go around for everyone, and I think we should prioritize people who are elderly and sick and people who are really especially a guy like Governor Cuomo, who has sent to many people to their untimely death in his terrible nursing home policy. So many people in my own community have died prematurely in nursing home S, because covid positive patients under his order, were placed into these nursing homes and infected entire communities, and thousands of people have died across New York, and you
know the governor im, not a fan, so I dont agree with his policy Griff. Well. We certainly got that former Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-31.