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NYC Mayoral candidate vows to bring back locals who fled during the pandemic

2021-09-06 | 🔗
Buddy Foy Jr., who owns restaurants in Florida and New York, says it will be 'very difficult' to get people to return to New York after operating without state income taxes in Florida during the pandemic.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association Lawrence Welcome back Lawrence Welcome back estimated thirty three thousand New York City residents left for the sunshine state between fall, two thousand and twenty and July the mayoral candidate, Eric Adams is hoping he can bring them back. Adams telling Wall Street Journal if hes elected, telling all new Yorkers that live in Florida bring your butt back to New York. But the question is: will it work one of business owners to Florida and taking most of his business with him, and he joins us now buddy? What do you think this guy may be the next mayor to New York? Can he convince you to bring your butt back to New York? Well, he mayor to New York City, the tax break Sunshine state its going to be very difficult to pull that off Lawrence. So what was the
motivating factor for you going to Florida? Was it the taxes, low crime? What was it? It was covid. It was a free state. We had restaurant in up state. I had employees that didnt want to stay home and we got shut down at 1000, p dot m. We took a big risk. Florida was open for business and worked out for us, so we were forced to move there. We would have not done it without policies taking place, but now that we are there, we are seeing the benefits of taxation and the overall way they run the city from a freedom perspective, and we are Orphism Florida residence Lawrence Buddy. Could you ever see yourself coming back to New York im coming back? In the summer time we have business in New York that we are operating seasonal. Only we did stay open. We did em my
people and did pay New York taxes. Now we will be saying our New York sales taxes and, as far as everything else goes, no, we do not see ourselves moving back to New York Lawrence. The mainstream media has a way of covering it in derogatory sense. Tell me what its like in Florida Lawrence its freedom, people are respecting. Each other theyve got masks if theyre feeling sickment. No one is hopping on people. Are you vaccinated its a freedom state, its like living in the USA, its phenomenal buddy? We love it Lawrence when you get a taste of freedom, its hard to return.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-06.