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Ben Domenech on challenges to Electoral College, media coverage of presidential election

2021-01-04 | 🔗
At least 13 GOP senators to contest Biden’s Electoral College victory; The Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech reacts on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Act now, your benefits may be changing in the new year. You and your colleagues have created this controversy. You have failed to offer specific evidence of that widespread fraud, but with youre demanding an investigation youre the Arkansassonist here arsonist. Here you completely ignored our investigation of Hunter Biden. You have destroyed the credibility of the news media I by your bias, and we are dismissing the concerns of tens of millions of Americans, Brian. That was a real brawl and a real conversation about a really important issue. Gop senator RON Johnson defending his plan to challenge the election after sharp criticism, your reaction to this five minute brawl- it really was- and I thought RON Johnson did extraordinarily well and I dont think Chuck Todd was prepared for him to actually answer the question. I would really encourage all
the viewers to go back and check this out, because I think RON Johnson did a phenomenal job, making the argument the case for his side. You know look years ago. I worked for Tommy Thompson, the multiple times governor of Wisconsin. There is definitely a power to that midwestern, nice approach to things laughter where you have the ability to have some clarity to bring out and say the things that maybe not everybody else appreciates about whats going on in this moment. Chuck Todd is somebody who keep in mind two years ago. He went into the pages of what is now, sadly, a kind of garbage leftist rag the Atlantic and said that Fox NEWS was responsible for downgrading the authority of the news media of Creatings mistrust, creating mistrust and things like that, the same guy who was rolling with the Steele dossier for years, without any kind of consequences. This time around RON Johnson is basically making the case. This
is the only way that I can go out there and give any kind of pushback to what I think is going on, which is you know, really unacceptable and that we have to have an election commission. We have to have something that looks into whats going on here. What weve really learned Brian, is we dont really have the entities set up here in hurricane to look into these kinds of to look into these the kinds of problems in a way that would bring forward facts, clarify questions. People have, I think, thats unfortunate. I think it needs to be addressed and I think in any situation where a significant number of Americans dont have faith in the electoral process, thats a bad thing we need to address it and a responsible media would be saying. Okay. How do we address it? How do we resolve these questions as opposed to just playing politics and being essentially a partisan actor, which is what you saw Chuck Todd doing Brian right? What about the investigations? We did do what about the invest into Hunter Biden, where you said that
was russian propaganda. What about the facts that came out now that are now confirmed by places like the New York Times and E mails that are now out an investigation that we now know is ongoing. What about the fact, the tweet, the the coup has started, rebellion and impeachment to follow. Ultimately, what about that story? He did not bring that up when it came down to Chris Krebs, who said this election has been the pure pest ever pure Ifest ever purest. Ever he was worried about foreign entities and he talked about the substance of his investigation that his network never covered. You know. I really think that Chuck Todd here did just a terrible job, but its to be expected from a lot of these corporate media entities, who have essentially looked away from anything that they dislike anything that they dont want to cover about. Whats happened the last several years, theyve pretended like things have been the way they wanted them to be, as opposed to the way that they actually are
its humpty dumpty e and through the looking glass words mean what I want them to mean, as opposed to the actual definition and thats, something that I think is going to be a continuing problem in the future, because this is not going to a situation where they change or alter any of their behavior and weve learned that, from the last several years, weve seen the degree to which theyre willing to participate. In this. You know ridiculous and over the top you know approach to covering politics where they pretend, like duly elected republican members, are in some way conspiracy theorists that theyre, you know out there on the extreme, as opposed to raising legitimate issues, that a lot of Americans cower about Brian Ben Real, quick. Are you on the side of Tom cotton? Investigate it, but let the Electoral College CERT Fire, or are you in the camp of TED Cruz, 10 day pause? I I think you have to sort of stake out your position and say we would really like to get an investigation into this. We would like to have a commission on this
and I completely understand the people who are making that argument. On the flip side. I also have a lot of respect for people like you mentioned, Congressman Chip Roy, a longtime friend of mine, who basically says im worried. If we go down this road were going to put the whole electoral, the college road at risk. The real issue that I sigh see here Brian is we do not have an approach that will allow us to investigate, to find the facts about this and to be able to bring them to the american poo as it currently stands. We have not addressed these types of things in the past and, if were going to have mail in balloting, have this approach that was used in this election going forward? People need to be able to have trust and faith in it and thats, not something I I think were going to get out of this process. Brian Brian, and we should have had this mechanism after one thousand nine hundred and sixty here we are in twenty twenty. Well get a look at that its going to be an interesting next few days to me, its simple win, Georgia help win back the house and then
go get the White House back well see if he can pull that you have off. Meanwhile, he really feels like this was taken away from him.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-04.