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What NYC’s Mayoral Race Can Tell The Rest Of Us


New York City-based political reporters Gloria Pazmino and Erin Durkin discuss the current lay of the land in the Democratic mayoral primary and the issues that are motivating voters with less than a month until the election.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
who, and welcomes the five. Thirty eight politics pie cast Iron Galen during the year. After a presidential election, is generally the sleepiness time again election land, no made terms no national election and no invisible presidential primary but it's during this relatively sleepy period that one of the most interesting political contacts and the country is playing out raised for mayor of New York City. Now, for you right as far as my own home town, biased, hear me out, New York City has a larger population than all, but a dozen states, if the region, where country, only a dozen countries which have a larger gdp, what happens in New York He also matters what torriby the This is where some of the strongest disagreements within the Democratic Party will
decided by some of the parties most devoted voters. Seventy five and more of new Yorkers adult for Democrats in national elections. and its diverse population embodies many of the demographic groups that make up the Democratic party, but that doesn't mean it's overwhelmingly progressive, just ask my bloom. and really Giuliani New York was hit early and hard by the covert nineteen pandemic and the future of work. Education and like health are some of the fault lines like in many places around the country in this rates after years of history, weekly, while unemployment, the unemployment rate in the city. Now It's at eleven and a half percent and the income inequality gap still ranks among the highest in the nation. the crime rate like in many american citys rising at a time when activists are calling for police reform. Creating
challenging dynamic for politicians. New York is going to try to settle on how or at least with whom it wants to address these issues in the than a month. The primary is on June. Twenty second and the way on. The democratic side is like way to win the general election. This fall polling suggests still very much an open rates during the next few weeks, we're going to spend Time on our Thursday podcast tracking. This. and seeing what it can tell us about where urban politics and the Democratic Party are headed. To keep things off. I've invited on political reporter from New York. One Gloria past me: hello glory and welcome. Thank you. So much rather me, I'm so excited, and also here with us, is rapporteur for political New York. Erin darken Welcome Erin. I think you have me so for someone not familiar with the Democratic Party for New York City
Can you give us a lay of the land in terms of how the candidates are ferrying and the ideological visions that are on offer? So I think we should probably start what the basis which is to tell you a little bit about the candidates and are there actually several candidates in this primary. But we ve been focusing on the top eight. There is a first tier too the aid and then a second tier and sure that everyone who is listening so far has at least heard about and worrying who ran for president and his running for mayor and is in this primarily election. We also have Eric Adams. He is currently the broken by president he's a foreign police captain also running in this action, we have my a wily former cow sold to the current Meyerbeer Lavoisier. We have city, comptroller, Scott String, he has been in politics in your city for a long long time, nearly three decades and AIR Help me out who have I left out. I think we got
Catherine Garcia, who was formerly the sanitation commissioner under the Wazir, as well as having a lot of other job, overseas miss fix it type projects, re Maguire, who is a Wall Street executive, and I am er Alice, who is a former nonprofit executive whose priority for this stuff to left in the race and shot Donovan? former Hudson Terry, and also the commissioner of Housing and urban development under the Bloomberg administration and Obama's budget director, then I think that should make a show. How is that field of e shaping up in time, Many of the issues that are dividing them, whose fairing particularly well, you re so far, first of all, the big disclaimer here is no one really knows how the choice is going to turn out there a lot of good, reliable Poland do big name public pulsars that have pulled the city. Mares races in
ass are kind of sitting. This went out, others also regulates voting for the first time, and so let me tell you what kind of whose up and whose down is best guess more then Tralee predictive of what the outcome is gonna be, but these three people who had recently are again, he was sort of perceived as the front runner for a long time. Months and then Arab Adams, Carta began catching up to him. we haven't Garcia, who was endorsed by the New York Times, as was the New York Daily NEWS has been looking pretty viable Scott stringer had always been viewed as a potential front. Runner has lot of experience to see politics was kind of running to the left had a lot of progressive pandora. However, he was accused of sexual misconduct twenty years ago. He lost love his endorses because of that still has been looking viable in the polls, but he's kind of guy had a bit of a crash because of those allegations yeah, I think so
Who may not be as a familiar with New York City. Politics is important to mention the lay of the land, and that is that it's a closed primary, town. So, as you said at the beginning, whoever wins as primary election is likely to become the next mare its. I was in New York City, so a very, very democratic, blue liberal town Democrats outnumber Republicans, and so we often see these very, very crowded primaries. We saw a similar area nearly eight years ago, one bill the Wazir was elected and we're seeing a similar set up here this time around. I think there are other things that we have to take into account. That is both as arrogant and the fact that we will have rang choice voting for the first time, but also that for the first time this is going to be a June primary historic. May the primary was held in September. So we know that there is really a large
in just the way this election is happening and that is affecting the voters and how much attention they're paying and when the third factor on the problem most obvious one is that we are coming out of the pandemic and although many of us would like to think it's there remove now the presidential election. Is actually not that far away. And so, when I talk to you, orders. I often hear people say to me: we just went through this other massive important election once it was over. We turned off on politics and we haven't been paying attention yet so the amount of time that people have to really gauge is much much fodder this time around, so we expect a really see a rush of interest in terms of the news coverage and everything that's going to happen, leading up to that election in the next four weeks, I've been vote are really important, caveat everything you said there
what errand said about the dearth of high quality pulling the New York Times reported this week that a lot of the brand name highquality pollsters, like Sienna College, for exam- what our sitting out specifically, because they are worried about pulling a rain choice of voting election and they think. Gonna, be challenging, and essentially they don't want to get it wrong, so unfair Surely we have less information as a result of that. So understanding, others caveats still. What we see is that the top three at this point in time, based on various too, pause that we do have Emerson College is still pulling. Thankfully, so we have that and then there are other independent pollsters lobby groups, internal poles, from campaigns. We see Eric items, tavern, Garcia and Andrew Gang making up that top three group relative to the field. All three of those people are moderates right
Andrew Yang is kind of running as a business friendly candidate he's got a lot of Michael Bloomberg. Folks on his team, Eric Atoms, a former cop, a former Republican, very much running on a campaign of public safety in dealing with crime. First Catherine Garcia me a little less clear where she is politically, but she didn't even try to get the working families party endorsement. She suggested the working Families party, which is this big progressive group in the state in Diane roused instead, so clearly not finding herself as a progressive in an environment where we see Elsie Winning primaries, and we see big protest last June people calling defining the police and the current administration even trying in some ways to do that. Where are the progressives? What's happening Well, I mentioned earlier a lot of them had sort of put their money on Scott Stringer. He is one who had always been a career politician had always been sort of an institutional guy
who did not really emerged from the progressive movement himself. Bites did embrace a lot of their positions, not the slogan defined the police, but he did say he would cut it by a billion dollars. We did on housing and education on a lot of issues. Take these sort of left position, the working families party initially endorse him? A lot of the young lefty politicians who one office got behind him and endorsed him. He was kind of their best bat and then they, sexual misconduct allegations came up and they all bells the few didn't, but most of them dead. Officially the activists types and you do it. Maya Wiley who's is a viable candidate, but hasn't been at the top of the field. You guys Morales, who recently she's been sort of like the favorite of the farthest to the left but she's having some drama of her own person
We tried it in your eyes about people that fire there are allegations of mistreatment, a whole morass of issues that have kind of undermine her claim to be the pure progressive. I mean the people, who seem to be doing the bastard, the ones you SAM against. You find the place. I'm gonna tackled spike in violence. We ve taken moderate positions on education issues, charter, schools, house. things like that in some ways. Some of these cases to the right of the current marriage Palacio like, for instance, Eric Adams and now ensure Yankees embraced his while wanting to bring back this like controversial police unit. That was anti crime, plain clothes and they have a lot of allegations of abuses. The current air got rid of it. Some of them want to bring, in some ways there actually too, to the current spanish right here and I think Erin just explained there really in my opinion, illustrates one of the biggest themes that we have seen throughout this election, and that is
the left is actually quite fractured and it has been since the beginning, even when a lot of them were coalescing behind scotch during our before he had his scandal that sort of made everyone run in different directions. You can see that there was fracturing behind within the left. They didn't love the idea that Scott Stringer is very much establishment politician. That's been part of system in the city, like I said for me, the thirty years they don't like he's a white man from Manhattan, we tied white mayors, we haven't had a woman mayor and we only had one black mayor and the city of New York so for the progressive left to get behind the candidate that didn't full. Embody. All of these ideas really
to a lot of that fracturing that we're still seeing today. It was another good example when the working families Party did come out in support of Scott Stringer from talking to people behind the scenes and talking to people that were working towards making sure that that endorsement happen. You could see that the left just wasn't totally satisfied, and I would say there is even less satisfaction now that he has faced this sexual harassment allegation which, by the way he has denied- and also there is some internal fighting, I would say over the court on Coal viability of other candidates, and I heard and seen a lot of this as it pertains. Diane morale us Diane Morales has a lot of energy from young people, knew voters, people who have become politically active in the last couple of years. If we were only measuring you know social media and twitter stuff, I would say that she has one of the best followings, but as airlines
she has been facing a lot of drama and internal turmoil. In her aberration over the last couple of days, so all of their results and people who are watching those leading to the conclusion that there is not a sophisticated operation there, one that would be needed to run a successful campaign for mayor? I also it's important to mention the labour aspect of all of this. This is very much a union town in that part of the political establishment has coalesce behind the Erika and he has left the city workers unions, which you know it's important to point out, unions are associated with the progressive movement by a lot of unions are not necessarily that part of left they want to protect the benefit that they have their about wages and bread and butter issues, so a lot of them are behalf.
and Adam Stringer. Has the teachers union wily? Has the largest healthcare union eleven? Ninety nine, but as far as set out of it, has a lot of those you mentioned the word was fractured. I seem like in some ways the moderates are fracture to their just all fairing better right, there's still, if a three way split at the moment. Amongst the moderates, I'm curious. What do you think is driving popularity in this race? Is it a particular issue is a celebrity. Is it identity ideology? You know the people who are doing well? Why are they performing? While I would say, being giving early stages of the rays. When he saw Andrew Yang really surging suit to the top and whatever little pulling was available at that time, people were. Being asked what names, They were most familiar with Andrew Yang, of course,
then, with a lot of name, recognition, name, ideas from the presidential trail, but that really boost his media coverage the amount of attention that he was getting and he I would argue skilfully took that attention and then started rolling out this very energetic campaign at a time where a lot of candidates had not yet really begun campaigning on the street, and what I mean by that as you are Well, where we're coming out of this pandemic, it was still call looked a couple months ago and a lot of those campaigning was happening on Jus, on forums on mediums like the one we're having right now where people were just looking at each other through a screen. So a lot of that retail price. I'm taking. You know that classic going into a book, got going into a store standing outside a subway station and shaken people's hands didn't really happen.
till recently but Andrea, got out. Therefore, of early he bind his name recognition, the fact that he was going out. and he was rolling out. The sort of happy go lucky energetic, bring the city back campaign and I would say that's what got him the most attention. I am not sure it gets him through, the end is so that's where we would. I think we see the celebrity factor if we could call it that dominate now. I think we're starting to see more of a focus on the issues in New York City is on fortunately, going through a period where shootings the rise, this is something that we see usually in the months leading up to Omar and then throughout the summer, and now I would say, public safety and criminal justice have sort of taken centre stage in terms of what is
our dominating this race. Arrogance is really gone straight out this spike in violence and said you know, he's a former police captain he's also african American, his lot of supporters in the black community in Central Brooklyn and Southeast Queens, and he says you know, I'm the one who can handle listen. Who can really He could seriously coughing Garcia, has sort of like the? U no nonsense, appeal she's, a manager. She knows where all the light which is our and City hall type of thing, she's kind of like the wonky person who knows all about the waste stream and these annotation garages, and all of that they have also just kind of been trying to chip away at Andrea, because he has also had a series of controversies. You, he left the city at the height of the pandemic for a second home upstate. He has never voted in America. Election before he's said some controversial things related you want a crackdown is sheet banners or you got some travel for laughing
HU, a comedian who sets a massage eyes the comments on the street things like that solution in trying to chip away at him all sort of each point out their own laid bare there's a lot of energy around the left, but the broad New York City, democratic electoral, which is divine. a majority of the city, because you know we don't have little Republicans here day- maybe just one more moderate themselves, and their concern about these bread and butter, things of dirty streets and public safety, especially when there is the feeling of rural throughout with violence going up. I want to follow up on that more in just a second, but first today's podcast is brought you buy better. help life is full of stressors. It doesn't matter who you are your life is probably stressful. You may not be going down and out or depressed, but if your stress is high your temper a shorter than usual revenue starting to feel strain in any of your relationships. You could probably use the chance to unload better help is
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please it's no one thing: it's incredibly diverse, both ideologically racially ethnically and in terms of background its democratic town. It is a union town, I would say generally speaking, you don't find a lot of people who, in terms of the social issues. People are generally down line, liberal which all the candidates are as well, but There's no model that here you have everything from your sort of transplant, progressive activists de voters, the type of folks who are you to elect a sea to Europe, the middle class, black homeowners in Southeast Queens, who may have a different set of interests too you're sort of training, everywhere, side? Why liberals to everything, between immigrants from all over the world who are becoming natural, Aston and becoming part of the political process for the first time. So it's
hard to characterize, there's no prototype of the New York City voter. its everyone has their different base and a different part of the city or in a different ideological lane, and it's all over the place now I think one of the interesting things that we have seen during the season is that rang choice was supposed to encourage candy still campaign all over our right, because you wanted to appeal to as many people as possible, rang choices supposed to dissuade you from just campaigning to your base, its supposed to encourage you to go out and get more voters, because you want people to rank you, but I think we ve actually is in the opposite here we're still seeing candidates, go out and make an effort of securing certain blocks. So we see a good example of that with Andrew Yang and the Orthodox Jews, for example, a very reliable lock of voters.
We now historically has voted in a block, so he's got a lot of support from them we see that with Labour union members and city workers, and we see it with parts of Central Brooklyn Southeast queens where most of the city's block vote is concentrated. So I it's been interesting to watch how candidates target different parts of the city, depending on where those voters live? Definitely Craddock, liberal town, but I think the ending on what's happening at any given time in the city and during an election that happens to take hold. If we think about the history of the last global actions. One Rudy Giuliani was alike there, followed by Bloomberg. If we take a look back at what was happening in history than the fact that when he comes in at a period of time where violence is rising, Bloomberg comes in.
nine eleven. So you sort of have to tie these things together. Now we're coming out of a pandemic, there's all these things that have happened as a result and usually the biggest issue is, were dominates the election and I predict that, right now the biggest issue is becoming quality of life, public safety, whether or not the city's couldn't quote heading in the right direction. Yeah! It's interesting. You mentioned the we're coming out of a pandemic, and you know I've been in New York this whole time and a very much feels like life is changing and covert. Nineteen to some extent, still looms large. I looked at the most recent Emerson Poor, which was out this week and it s new Yorkers to list their top priority, and I was surprised to find out the covert nineteen actually wasn't that close to the talks. We here, where the results it was. Twenty percent of likely democratic voters said that crime was their top issue. Seventeen percent set housing twelve
percent set of homelessness. Eleven percent covert nineteen, ten percent police reform, tempers on education and nine percent jobs. So that is certainly what you said: the quality of life issues, the crime, housing homelessness, things like that are moving towards the top What does that mean for this race? Well, I think that the fund, you just said, is notable, but is also important to note that the pandemic has impacted the city so much that every one of those issues actually now is shaped by what has happened in the past year and change with the pandemic. When you talk about crime, the question of when two crimes are going up, its are going up toward the end of the like absolute lockdown last summer, and it's been achieved. You did to all of this frustrations that are being acted out. All of the economic dislocation and social dislocation that has occurred during the pandemic, as well as the fact that the criminal justice system with shut
Now when you talk about education, the big thing is gonna be bringing our school system back from over an entire school year, where we did not have normal in person, education When you talk about housing and homeless, says you have this idea of we of innovation, it's very right now, but we could have a huge exodus of people getting forced out of their homes if that is lifted, without them actually happened, they need. You knows far homelessness. It's always been a big issue, but has become more visible and the sensitive when you're in business districts, where you're on the subway and earnest many people around the sort of mental health issues and substance abuse issues suffered by the homeless. Individuals are more visible and more noticeable. So, even if people dont think of it as the pandemic anymore, because people getting vaccinated and it seems like we're moving in the right direction. It still is gonna completely dominated what the task that the next mare pass yeah. I think that's a great
and one thing I would say that we were expecting to have a worst case scenario. If that's possible from the fiscal end of things, we were expecting for the cities, fiscal health to really be in much shaped than it is now. It is as bad as we thought it was going to be because the federal government has come in with funding that the city was expecting to get so that we could make some of what was lost as a result of the pandemic, whereas Aaron said everything going forward everything this mayor does knacks will have to not only fix whatever the pandemic broke, Everyone says that we should do it. so we go back to prepare endemic levels, but that we improve you know so that if there was in fact a housing crisis before the pandemic, there was in fact a homelessness crisis before the pandemic, the pandemic made everything worse.
and made a really visceral in a lot of ways walking through midtown, and you see the homelessness crisis. Maybe be people notice it more now because its emptier in certain parts of town, but it's not like it- was brought there because of the pandemic. It was always there. So I think this next mayor has really big challenges ahead and even if people are ranking the pandemic us our top issue, it is definitely defining all of them. I'm sure we have plenty of researchers to this podcast, are based in New York and in New York area, but it's out most of them and so for an audience that may be more focused on national politics. Do you think there are lessons to be drawn from this mayor all primary about the Democratic Party writ large and I'll just say, I think an obvious one would be you look at the twenty twenty democratic presidential primary
We have all of this energy on the left in this abundance of candidates, who are representing all these different left too far last ideas, progressive ideas, ultimately, job. one, the primary won the election, Something similar appears to be happening here, where you out of this energy on the left amongst the democratic Socialist, South America, even in Brooklyn and so on, and the people, doing. The best are the moderates and not even really Abash ITALY, so, but the kind of proud moderates in some ways do you think that There's something about the democratic party. More broadly is a fluke. Is it all about timing? What should we make of it I have so many conversations with people about this, and you know I very often asked people how their ranking nor candidates and something I hear over and over is I just don't have my Joe Biden
and my Joe Biden is like the quota quote safe comfortable candidate. Every candidate in this race has something that maybe like them, but there is one thing that kind of makes you nervous about them. But to your point, but the moderates. We are seeing a similar trend here in New York City. I know there's a lot of back and forth about what that means in terms of the parties left flank I do not know if this was going to be an election about a big idea or, a big vision, something or some one that would make people feel inspired? I think it's become an election about getting the city under control. Not then the city is out of control, but the truth. That the next couple of years are really going to be key to ensure that people can recuperate from everything that they have had to go through in the last year. So I think people are looking. For that steady hand,
There is a lot of energy among the left here in the city, but I am not seeing that coalescing of the movement behind any one candidate, or coalescing of the movement as a whole to sort of come together and speakers one. I see it as pretty fractured and I think we ve seen versions of that at the national level and encouraging. The to point out. The democratic socialist of America have stayed out of the measure. Is air sea has not endorsed in the marriage? some of these first kind of surveyed the field and seven we're not going anywhere near that and therefore their attention elsewhere in oases biggest endorsement is in the city controllers. Raise the dsl has a bit slate of city council candidates, many of whom look quite likely. Choosing seed so looking forward with the dynamic is gonna, be you
they end up with a moderate mayor and a very progressive city council who will then have to come to some kind of accommodation or else just fight all the time, we'll see how that turns out, but you'll have both of those positions represented The other thing- and I think this was seen at the national level- that a lot of these are necessarily that ideological media enough to say on the Democratic Republic of the liberal or conservative, but the sort of fine brains within that it actually looking at rank choice. Voting is one way to demonstrate that a lot of people aren't that ideological, because when you think about in Romania, the rainforest- ok, maybe I like Catherine I see and whom I didn't you second o Diane morale ass. You know I've heard some of these rankings that art, wouldn't necessarily you would think- would be coherent, ideologically
but them isn't necessarily always would people looking for not everyone has a strong opinion on what the budget should be. Then, why pity? Or should we keep the specialists high school admission test or get rid of it, so will do and they have their set of issues they care about by looking for qualities in a candidate that may go beyond that and they don't always line up with what you would think of some of these rankings. You see but like everyone who s way out, for instance, who took away his endorsement, I stand here because it is harassment, allegations and then went Eric Adams, so in life our sort of continuum its oh, he traded in a progressive and he went to a moderate, but it's kind of a continuum and a lot of people are not avail. You waiting it that way. Diving! That's a really good point on something that we weren't. You
national elections a lot and is something that's important to review. Our people have all kinds of reasons why they support candidates and let us in the political observer world like to try to put voters boxes that they oftentimes don't and fitting, and and and it can be hard to explain why someone's attracted to particular candidates are important reminder there closing. I do when I come back to this rank choice. Voting issue which we brought up throughout the conversation, it's gotta, be the first time that New York is gonna, use, rain choice, voting in a municipal elections and in a fantasy pull that without this week, so fantasies allotting, that's not affiliated with any of the candidates. It showed that forty percent of light democratic primary voters no little or nothing about ring choice of voting and then about thirty percent planter only pick one candidate so one. Why is the city using rank, transferring and why,
is the city doing to try to educate people about this new form of voting with only three and a half weeks left now before people had to the poles right. We're wages, and was approved in a referendum in twenty nineteen general election. It was approved by a very large margin, pretty overwhelmingly, but it was an extremely low turnout election that no one really pay any attention to the arguments for it has been some of your classic good government arguments. The idea that you dont want someone who only has twenty percent support to. Ultimately, when an election that isn't really fair, you want some of these able to muster a majority at least. There some way shape or form as low emission before there have been some arguments that it would make people brought in their based and appeal. More broadly across the electorate, there have been some arguments that it would decrease negative campaigning, which, in general, I can say that you are actually worked out, but that's what people claims and at the time passed there really wasn't any organised opposition to it, Since then some more opposition to it has emerged? I didn't use
people say confusing, is hard to understand. I think there are sort of levels of life, understanding that are needed, one. is just how the system works, and I think most people have been able to figure that out. It's not ok rank your favorites got it but the other thing is is a. The information you need to intelligently rank five people, not just in a marriage raised within the comptroller Frazier City Council, raise all these the races, even as a political reporter I dont know. I would know enough about the five candidates in my city council districts to really formulate something rational and that, like it's, a lot of work so some people, just one and you're allowed to do that. It's fine! You vote may not end up counting if it goes down the levels. But you can just pick your favorite do the way what we said but other
not. You know our people just kind of sliding names like all this person sounds: ok, ok, I guess there four August so answers three. How much homework is- we gonna go into it verses, picking names from a list yeah This is another example where we see there are people in New York City known as this year super primary energy, voters right people who vote in every election and then you people will only vote in your presidential in Europe, Werner tutorials, it's actually the argument that Andrew Yang has made to explain why he hasn't voted in local elections over the last couple of years, New York on Fortunately, how? very low turnout numbers when it comes to primaries, so I think we will see a challenge when it comes to this election and the use of rank choice. However, also for the first time
you're a primary? We will have early voting New York past orally voting last year. We had it for the presidential primaries and we had a for their general election and New York broke records in terms of timing out numbers. If people continue, b as engaged. My hopes are that we will see some very large numbers into turn out. However, it's going to answer the question of whether or not the city that its job to make sure that the electorate was educated about how to do this rank tours, loading I've been getting some mail from the Board of elections, the agency here in the city that is in charge of of running elections and they are fires and sort of making voters aware I've heard ads on it radio, I see it when you go up in some ways, as some of the subways have signs up, trying to explain it, but Other challenge, I think this is going to bring up, is
whether or not we have a winner on this election shortly after June. Twenty second- and I have to tell you you know- I've been like. I knew I couldn't make plans from leg the beginning of spray. through the end of June. I knew that and I said, maybe by July I'll- be save as it turns out- I'm actually natural revolving save because we may not have a winner in this election till maybe the end of July or maybe no MID July, which is crazy because I don't know what's going to happen during that time. You it's like a nail biting enough to wait for results to come in and the night of imagine having to wait for weeks and weeks and weeks. That's going to be a big challenge. The border vote and said that it will announce. Unofficial tallies for first rank votes, but that it won't actually
run the system that would determine the winner of the rain choice voting process until how long after was it get well at least a week. I believed what they said and I didn't hear the Good NEWS is they approved software to count the votes which is it was obvious, but in the City Council special elections in which they use Rancheiras written for the first time they had diaper duties offers that they literally counted them all by hand pieces of paper, and they the tallies themselves as a human. In doing their actual. So that would have been a complete disaster if they try to do that. The citywide election, so this week they finally did actually approved the software, so they'll be able tabular. medically but yeah, you know every election night, you get your results we're going to do that for first choice that you know who slave for first choice, but if no one gets fifty percent, which at least at this point, it seems likely that no one will
fifty percent they're, not gonna, start actually running this ranking until the following week, because they need to get all the essence ballot. That's another than we hadn't discusses this bunch more absentee balance because of the pandemic rules means anyone can university balance, so that used to be a negligible part of the total now It's gonna be a significant part of the total and then is first how long the actual tabulation will take. I dont think we really know that it could be a while. The board of elections is also kind of notorious for nothing. Ever goes right over therefrom, Reason or another, so here we could be in for a battle of wage. I took my vocation for the middle of July, which, I'm with illegal Erin area, I said to myself late July I'll be safe. Here comes the abortive elections being so, rude has denied take my plans into account, but I want to tell you that I wrote myself a note knowing that we
we'd be discussing right choice, because I didn't want to forget how to explain it to you. So you know that somebody either has to get fifty percent of the vote on the first round and if not, Then all the votes and I'm reading. My note now for the lowest performing candidate are eliminated, though
Voters second choice bags we'll be counted instead and I think that's where we are losing people. They understand. Ok won through five, my my top five favorites. I can do that, but what's going to happen with my vote, if we go into these rounds of counting because a view look closely, then there's actually some strategy that could come with how you rank these people beyond just first second and third favorite. I think it's going to be really interesting. If, on election night, we have someone who has say forty seven percent, forty eight percent, because we don't know what these candidates are going to do in terms of you know, are they going to accept that there has to be a first round of voting? If someone gets forty nine percent
That's an entire possibility, so it's really going to create sort of a crazy unpredictable scenario for election night beyond just waiting for who the winner is re by just one of the candidates. Gonna try to declare victory based off of just the first rank, tat, is even now that won't be the legitimate winner necessarily of the election. It's your Donald Trump males right everything looks like you're close enough. Why not claim at and then what kind of chaos is that? So app for the next couple of weeks, so we should stay here. If you take you for pointing out we're not going to know the winner of the selection for a while and the unofficial freestylers that get announced on election night, don't mean much so we'll have to wait and see. Yet you know Andrea Yang, put out something today saying I'm calling on all my opponents to accept the right choice, voting results and it was what stingier, like I don't like what are you react into as anyone not accepting the right choice, voting results, you just
through that out there, and so cannot. Ok, maybe one or two people who shouted declamatory. If there had retreated. You know maneuver around this. some way Eric atoms had said he actually sort of came out and for some concerns were rapturous verdicts. There is actually a village addition. The city council today attempting to repeal it, but that would not happen in time for the selection of their work. Happen all right. Well, nothing says five. Thirty politics, podcast, like a on drama surrounding rang twice voting, but but I think we're gonna leave things therefore, now, like I mentioned at the top, were gonna be covering some aspects of this may are always over the coming weeks as it gets down to the wire and talk about urban politics by progressive are struggling. What this tells us about the Democratic Party more broadly and postponed on politics, so we got plenty of time to talk about, but let's leave it there for now. So thank you Gloria, an errand. Thank you, die and slap Gloria has meaner as a political reporter at New York. One, an errand organ is a reporter with
Politico New York, also as a heads up next week. Our schedule is, can be slightly shifted because of Memorial Day our money potash spoken out on Tuesday or Thursday. I guess we'll come out on Friday you, may go, enjoy yourself on Monday, have a nice memorial day until next week my name is Galen droop Tourney Chow, isn't a virtual control room, Clare, budgetary courtesy, on audio editing MRI, we are in turn you get in touch my emailing us at pod, five, thirty, eight dot com! You can also course treated us with any questions or comments. If your friend of the show leave us reading or review in the Apple pie store tell someone about us things from us: and we will see you soon.
Hey is Elsie Grandison and here on life out loud. We keep having these amazing raw conversations about identity and how be day or trains defines you in other people's eyes. You know that's extra hard when you're running for public office. Every time I saw my name in print, it was any farther gay act. It is ready to City Council. I gave my last name this week. Our guests represent thirty years of algae Bt Q, progress in politics from the first openly gay black personal letter to authors to tomorrow's rising stars, but the plight is an over yet there will be a transkei will never have to know what the progress of this moment feels like, because they will never know anything different. It's all about the journey people life allow from ABC Audio is available. Now, wherever you like. To get your part cats.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-22.