« The David Pakman Show

8/12/20: It's Kamala Harris with Joe Biden

2020-08-12 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--Joe Biden selects Kamala Harris as his Vice-Presidential running mate, to face off against President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence

--This week's edition of Hatriot Mail is particularly unhinged

--Donald Trump struggles to speak in his latest, extremely low energy coronavirus press briefing, which he cuts short after taking just a few questions from mostly friendly reporters

--Donald Trump's attempt at a softball interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity quickly goes off the rails, as even Trump's friend Sean Hannity can't make Trump seem coherent

--How Donald Trump and Republicans plan to steal the upcoming election

--Donald Trump's strategy of claiming the November election will be "rigged" has worked as 65% of Republicans now lack confidence that the election will be fair

--The audience is quickly split over how David should introduce and set up clips on the show

--On the Bonus Show:  The Post Office isn't a business, Trump donated twice to Kamala Harris, Lebanon's leaders warned in July about explosives at port, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The David Dragnet Shout David Pack, my guarded all right. So of course, we have to start today with Joe Biden, selecting California Democratic, Senator Kamel Harris to be his running made yesterday later, in the day, population sort of building. Now we were supposed to hear around August first stock as first came and went August, the eighth came and went the convention starts in just days, so it was time, and we did hear that indeed, Senator Kamel Harris is going to be Joe binds running mate. This makes heard the first woman of key
or to ever be a vp or presidential nominee. Although, as many of you know, I don't particularly focused on identity type, stuff, but it certainly relevant and I'm going to talk about it more. Obviously, this, pick immediately set off a cascade of criticism from some on the left and, of course, the right immediately going into all sorts of attack, on Common Harris's character and Joe Biden character. Donald Trump saying horrible things about her during yesterday's press briefing, which we are going to look at, but that those those are sort of details right the Monday morning, quarter backing and the rest of it are not where I want to start it. Let's look at the pros, cons of common Harris. First then, and I'm going to go directly first to the worst of common work backwards from there, but before I do that
There are people who are writing to me and who I'm seeing on twitter and other places saying this is a terrible pick David. This did do, who could possibly be worse than Comma Harris any other person, or at least this person, or that person would have been better everywhere of the supposed finalists had problems, and I think that its important at this point not to Malaysia, imagine that Anybody who we might be able to pick out of a hat could have been better. Because most of those people weren't actually being considered the people reasonably being considered were by job. Its own selection narrowing a woman, increasingly pointing to a woman of color, although Joe Biden never really said that, but you might remember when Amy closure remove her name from consideration. Even though it had all we been remove due to her association, Oh it in Minneapolis related to direct Shovin, the man who killed George Floyd
Amy closure on her way out said it should be a woman of color, etc, so being able to say well what about this person? Who was never even really up for consideration? That's not the way politics works. We might like to work that way, but it doesn't in terms of the people who see to be finalists if Biden, those with Elizabeth Warren. According to some that's problem, because Elizabeth WAR is not a person of color accords the others Elizabeth worn would have been a problem because she's too liberal others say well: Elizabeth Warren is in North EAST Turner and that's not though, but Joe Biden needs right now or whatever Biden Susan Rice, its pandering Obama, supporters or its bad, because Susan Rice is associated with Benghazi and the Republicans we're going to seize on that or whatever the point is Some group would find something supposedly terror. Bull about any one of the people that was being considered and the Trump Camp would find something to seize on no questions. So we can't
We go by that in our analysis now, Karla. Harris's biggest liability certainly is role as attorney general of California executing the war on drugs, and it was a disaster. It is the exact opposite of what the Democratic Party should be moving towards Republicans Argo, hit her with it and they're going to hit Biden with it. They will say we already know they will do it. Donald Trump has done lots for black people. He signed the first step back commuted to send to the unfair drug sentences of but being a list of people. And meanwhile Biden is picking Comma Harris they're going to do it and ok, be something that has to be dealt with now on the upsides two common Harris. It depends on what most important to you, but there's a few angles here. Number one Kamel is fifty five years old she's far younger than Elizabeth Warren
Most importantly she's way younger than both Biden and Trump and certainly brings in energy and a dynamic to this race. That is completely missing on the republican side and, quite frankly, was missing with just Joe Biden the democratic side are well as well. If you believe that our leaders should be younger than what we ve been seeing lately than this is a positive for common Harris. Number two Harris is assessed or in California. So if I'd and winds and becomes vice president. That opens at sea in California will be filled by democratic governor Gavin knew some until there is a special election. Why does matter if it had been. As with Warren, who was selected republican governor of Massachusetts. Charlie Baker gets to pick a replacement and he picks up Republican and when you are looking at a Senate in the fall well is it conceivable that Democrats could take control and if they do it might only by one of the law
thing you want is led to lose one of those seeds, because Elizabeth Warren leaves and then Charlie Baker, Pixel Republic, and so I think that that's relevant now enter of debating Commonly Harris is going to absolutely destroy my pants calmly, Harris Afar, better debater than Elizabeth Warren for sure common Harris wheel. Mincemeat out of my pants, remembered this incident with William BAR vacuous chairman attorney General BAR has the president or anyone the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone. I wouldn't I wouldn't yes or people. I will repeat it.
Has the president or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone? Yes or no, please, Sir, the president or anybody else seems you'd. Remember something like then be able to tell us the, but I'm trying to grapple with the words should judge. I mean there have been discussions of of matters out there that they have not me too open investigation, but perhaps they suggested- I don't know- I wouldn't say suggests- hinted aroma, inferred, Madonna, ok, so that that's definitely a plus for common Harris. Now, let's that back for a moment, a hearty debate about Harris Verses, whoever else is great, but we should not lose sight of the reality that were at cop Le Harris who had been president instead of Donald Trump when we were hit with the pandemic, this entire country
would be dramatically better off today. Karla Harris at the top, level, unlike Donald Trump, can think. Camilla Harris, unlike MIKE Pence, thinks for herself right. There than simply being a brown knows, or so I am certainly not going to allow myself to be confused or to miss the forest for the trees forget that Comma Harris is someone who actually knows things who can do things who can function as an ex active is competent and intelligent, whereas right now it's the blind leading the blind. That's what we have right now in the oval office she's, not as progress. If, as I would like, okay- and I know that, there's debate over this Trump said yes during his press briefing that she's the the most liberal, senator and, of course, now. I would consider Bernie Sanders to be too common. Harris's left Elizabeth WAR, to be the common Harris's left. It is true that a few years ago, Canada was ranked according to one ranking. As the most left me, member of the Senate, that's good!
in my mind, but certainly today, when you look at specific positions on health care, for example, ok, she's, not the most left, but I'm not gonna lose sight of. I'm not gonna lose the forest for the trees. Now. One other really interesting thing to think about Joe by choosing common Harris is sort of the end. If this is of how Donald Trump operates, and I tweeted about this yesterday in a lot of people seem to react in positively. Generally, I would say when people come at Donald Trump, when people confront Trump, when people publicly say things about Trump, that I disagree with even people in Trumps Zone Party trumps reaction is too ostracize. Them call them out publicly cut them out, while assailing their character, because his skin is so thin Joe Biden took his toughest critic from The democratic primary and the debates I mean the biggest conflict,
during the primary were between Biden in Common Harris, and he put her next to him on the ticket lie, Kim or not like her or not. This alone all the evidence. I know I need to know that this is a team that I would choose over Trump Pence any day. These are adults, Abiden has through so much in his life. It's a joke to think that someone is going to it is feelings by attacking him in a debate, and he picked her to be alongside him on the ticket. On the other hand, you have Trump born, the silver spoon in his mouth a complete narcissist and we ve seen how that has played out with him president and the answer is not very well now. Some of the dumbest takes so or I've seen about this selection. One is question
whether Comma Harris is really black. That's one that I'm seeing over the last twelve sixteen hours on twitter. You know what her dad is jamaican and jamaican, or not african American. They are, but you know, afro, caribbean or something else altogether. Really dumb argument: ok that shit she's she's a woman of or- and this sorry she's not really african American on God. That's the argument very, very dumb and the number two I'm still to see the idea that Biden didn't choose her that the deal seed shows her. Some shadow puppet masters. Maybe jewish bankers in some cases chose Comma Harris because she's friendly to banking come on. Ok, that we were not that's, not the door we're going to go in here policy analysis, yes, that that's why gotta go in that direction. Last thoughts on this for now the other reason that this choice is a big deal, and I'm not saying this is good, but its impact for is that the select
of common Harris sort of Sir The democratic parties course potentially for decade or more bill share wrote about this and you can find his tweet about it out linking to his article he's bill, share on twitter and bill here pointed out, if vice president's choose to run for president at the and of their vice presidency, so to speak, which could be if by Nobody goes one term that could be in four years or it could be an eight years when VP he's run in the primary they they essentially always when they almost always when meaning that when Joe Biden picks a vice president here, picking someone who would have available to them the Democratic Party nomination in four or eight years commonly Harris strikes me in particular because of her young age, as someone who would be well suited to after being vice press and if she has run for president, she
decidedly in the centre left democratic establishment. There's. No denying that we can argue about exactly where she is on the spectrum of of liberal to two centrist. But she is not part of the populist socialist is insurgency that saw get behind Bernie Sanders, she's, not in that wing. So if we get for or eight years of, Biden and then came if she was The nomination, whenever Biden, steps back or or is, is done if its aid years. She has it available. We are talking about anywhere between how eight and sixteen years of this type of democratic party lot of people are not happy about that. Something we're going to be talking about more as well, but but this is a like it or not. This is a very consequential selection and a very consequential election as well August, twenty three
is the fifteen year anniversary of the David Pachmann show we will be doing a huge. One day: membership special to commemorate this, I in I urge you to get on our newsletter letter. David Pachmann, dot com you'll be notified on the twenty third something very, very special, something I don't think we are, Ever seen before on the David Pachmann show grab a free newsletter subscription David Pachmann dot com. Let me know Europe, it's about Comma Harris VIII, Twitter. You can find me at department, David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom. One of our sponsors today is hydrant and they are giving my audience twenty five percent off your first order. This has been a game changer. For me, this is a refreshing, electrolyte powder that you makes it, Sir
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for hatred, male patriot mail is when a professional voice over artist, Interpretive Lee reads the hate mail, but I got a quick reminder about what hatred mail is now with the whole slate of new corona virus related patriot, male introductions. Last time I checked, this was Amerika and I have the right to share my droplets, with whoever I wise patriot, ridden by patriots who hay David Bagman, because America, because freedom, that's a good one. That's it that's a very good one. Ok, let's get right in to this week, Adrian now. Why does in David Mary Joe Biden, if he loves him so much? I search a fearful little child bagman, moods of corporate SK. I feel you The lame is political show on Youtube. I don't even follow Show you just proved David. Pachmann
there. You are relatively ignorant, you're angry collar. Jimmy is a hundred percent ride, and I have no idea why I'm still sub to these tribe, this is playground thing. You know if you like Biden so much, you should marry him because you're gay right, I mean it's. The these patriots have regressed- or maybe they never progressed, past sort of like being tenure, all that weird and unfortunately many of them are no. This is great but they're in positions of power in this country come on guys we're adults here. Ok, Biden, is good on some issues. He's less good on other issues. He's where's of magnitude better than Donald Trump. Overall, we shouldn't deify politicians, we shouldn't idolize politicians by the way nobody's forcing you to subscribe to me. We ass. We are on the path to a million Youtube subscribers. That's true, but you don't have to be one
then hopefully, will get over the finish line by election day. But if you want to bow by all means do its best for you. I am confident that there are very few of these haters relative to the people that are signing up, and I think we have some very, very big things to announce from the stand point of a million coming to you very soon. Remember that You can use the coupon code. Patriot, forty two get forty percent off the membership of yours face: it join Pachmann, dot, com, the spelling, very important all lower case One word: HIV: are, I o t four zero, ok. So yesterday, Donald Trump had another one of these corona virus press briefings. This one was particularly bad even by the standards that we ve come to apply to these press briefings, and there was something trumpeting to sort of just lack energy, he seemed deflated. It was almost like he had the wind taken out of him just before coming out to brief
the press he seemed. Maybe out of gas, is the right analogy here. Disoriented. He was confused during the brief presentation part when it was time for questions he called on mostly friendly reporters, some of whom ass ridiculous questions and and just slowly walked off after not taking too many quest now. The content is, of course, really disturbing we now have. The additional contrast of Biden Harris right and we really start to get the sense as we think, Bout Dat and we see the continued deterioration that almost any one, almost any one would have better out with corona virus than this administration. These are just not people up to the task. And I want to go through some of these moments with you now it's it's almost become more sad and depressing than anything else, in addition to being horrifying, that this is the guy who's in charge
country right now, let's start with corona, I rest from yesterday again and administration, just out of ideas, no ideas about what to do. They have come up with what is this genius. Talking point of talking about the percentage increases in other countries. Take a look at this but the virus continues to increase the nations. The globe. Last week, France and Germany both recorded their highest daily number, occasions in three months I want to bring that up, but one is well explain it to the media the seventh day case average for is increased by sixty two percent since last week, unfortunately, and that truly unfortunate, is increased. Eighty two percent in France, a hundred and thirteen percent. In Spain and thirty percent in the United Kingdom, there is a big increases cases
there are also rapidly increasing in the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, which Slovakia Estonia and other european countries country going down. Now, it's important to note that The reason Trump now talks about the percentage increases in a lot of countries. Is because the numbers in those countries are still tiny com, to our numbers, even on a per capita basis, so Trump has to say, because otherwise these would be really dumb thing. The salmon there dumb anyway, but nobody would fall for them from has to say percentage, wise. Here's what we're seeing and other countries now? This is important in two ways: number one the reactions in these other countries are completely different too. In the United States in the United States we ve been sort of hovering between when we got down to twenty thousand new cases a day, but half the country per day.
Did like it was over we reopened and we got up to nearly eighty thousand cases a day. We ve now come back from those numbers, so when you never really go down when you just have a raging pandemic in the United States, for what is now many, many months percentage, wise you're, not gonna, see drastic changes because it's just it's been bad and it remains bad in these european countries and other countries they so successfully dealt with the virus that one you get down really low, even small increases in terms of the number of cases are high increases in terms of percentage one thing to understand about the that: the sort of just arithmetic of it. The other piece is in these other countries as soon as they started to see these objects, they immediately say we ve gotta, start shouting things down. We ve got it. Span guidelines. We have to tighten and expand, mask wearing, etc. So when Trump points to this The numbers are deceptive, because
of how poorly we dealt with it when it never got good, it's just going to kind of state. At an end and even on a percentage basis, but we just contain new plodding along, like idiots collectively, obviously many of us individually or doing the right things. While these their countries immediately react now. The the other thing I think it's important dimension, is just how small the numbers are in some of these places. You know Trump mentions Germany, German had four hundred and thirty six cases. On Monday we had forty thousand and even on a per cap adjusted basis, we have so many more cases than the countries. That Donald Trump is that these are outbreaks that you can't even really compare, because they are qualitatively and quantitatively so different, but then Trump has become focused fixated really almost obsessed on college football. He wants college football to start now, it's very
Clear, Trump knows very little about sports and doesn't really care about sports and, in fact, videos we ve seen of Trump watching sports. He looks very, very board and doesn't really seem to get sports, but here he is acting like call football is really really big thing that he wants to see happen right away. As we say restore a great economy and reopen our schools, and hopefully we can watch colleges play football. We want to get football in colleges, These are young, strong people. They won't have a big problem with the China virus, so we want to see college Football STAR and hopefully a lot of great people are going to be out there. They got to be out there playing football and they'll be able to fight it off, and hopefully it won't bother them one bit. Most of them will never get
Statistically, but we know well see more cases at some point and we will eventually develop sufficient immunity in addition to everything else, it we're doing so college football get out their play football We want to see it and said we american flag, Stanfield National Anthem, because but I'm not happy when that doesn't happen. Something about the billionaire president telling unpaid college ass leads to just go out there in play and that most of them will be fine. That seems a little bit open to me and by the way is, is it bad that I've been so desensitized Trump, calling it the China virus that I don't you find the need to comment on that leg. Is that a bad thing that's going on, like it's? It's become so
the destiny and almost for him to refer to it. That way that its barely even worth a mention and in reality, what else is there to say about it on the facts by the way multiple college football player? have already started to develop heart. Can actions as a result of catching corona virus, and so as usual. Donald Trump is also wrong on the facts. Then, of course Donald Trump Miss ounces, Comma Harris his name is our concern issues are now my fellow Battle STAR galactic offence will remember that one come Allah I believe, was like a drug that people took in battle stark alive. There has been a little while, since I watched it but fact check me on that one, I think you will find that I am. I am right more substantively sort of immediately, as expected. Donald Trump Start attacking Comma Harris and says that she's nasty, she's, a woman and she's nasty, take a look kid, things happening, and so I was, No surprise that he Pictor I've been watching
for a long time, and I was a little suppression is extra nearly nasty to cabin orchard, governor there now Justice Governor Shoe is nasty to a level that was just a horrible The way she was the way she treated now just scavenger, and I won't forget that sir, so she did very early in the primaries and now she's chosen. So, let's see how that all workforce, the nasty to Cavanaugh thing I find fascinating because she actually had the strength to question. Brett Cavenaugh, though, He deserved to be questioned, and you know these these guys like Trump. They claim to be Super alpha and powerful and strong, and yet they cats They up to questioning trump regularly, can't stand up to questioning from female reporters, and that seems to trigger him way more than questioning from male
Reporters Comma Harris asking good questions of bread. Cabin. Makes her nasty, inter mind- and this is definitely a preview of what we can expect in the campaign from here on out. There so mean they're, so nasty there being so horrible to us. Well, you just don't like get when you're narrative. His question when you're ECHO Chamber is Pierce: that's all it is then Trump again just going to speak here. He keeps repeating anarchists for some reason and he keeps repeating it he'll. He gets it wrong. Take a listen. It really, anarchists user leftwing anarchist. They are added then, I'm sure I deport very strange, very strange. He also talked about oz rather than plasma. Although I won't that that's like every day, I'm not even going to play that for you and then what firstly, again sort of a very down sad trump. Throwing out some last smear of Common Harris before hanging his head.
And just wandering away from the podium after taking only a few questions, Medora modify it to a point where essentially no longer the second amendment, I would have thought he would have in a different way. Thank you very much everybody. So what do you think it does Trump gain anything by doing these press briefings Kelly Aunt. Didn't these press briefings you'll, remember stopped they started slowing down and then they stopped all to after the disaster were Trump wondered allowed about, maybe injecting bleach or ice appropriate alcohol in retreat. Corona virus Kellynch Conway then suggested publicly the reason from support. Will is down. Is he stopped the briefings and shortly thereafter restarted them, and you know what is true is that the poles have been tightening, since he restarted them causation and correlation are two different things and I think we can probably point to other explanations. If we want to look for them, but is this helping trump?
some degree or doing more damage does not matter. We hear about ratings, but at the same time, most of the country is not watching. These. Let me know you think we will have continued coverage of the fiasco, just ghastly press briefing on the David Pachmann show Instagram, that's David Pachmann Show, and we also, of course, every day have the a full hour, audio podcast available around three p m Eastern. If you prefer a long form, audio version of the show you dont have to watch clips on Youtube love it when you do, but if you prefer the sort of long form, audio format that you can take with you easily you can subscribe. To the daily audio podcast on Spotify Itunes. Google play really whatever your favorite podcasting Apis David Pachmann Show,
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Welcome back to the David Pachmann Shop. Ok, let's continuous has been a very, very busy twenty four hours, Donald Trump, as I mentioned yesterday, had the super low Energy Corona Virus press briefing. It was just bad, he seemed deflated. He took only a few questions, mostly from friendly porters and then after hearing Kamel a Harrison mispronouncing her name, he just sort of stalked off the stage in the way. Really, I've only ever seen Donald Trump do very, very strange sort of blood dynamics and posture to it. And, of course, what comes out of his mouth is is not much better. Parent leaf feeling, like he needed a booster last night Donald Trump called into the Shine Hannity Propaganda Programme on Fox NEWS too. I guess
sort of try to have a better showing than he did during the press. Briefing, but what's not been working out. Super well for Trump on Fox NEWS is that he gets fed the most softball of softball quest. Hence any still manages to either mess it up or say something that actually acutely worsens the situation for him, and it's like nobody can make the guy look good. Almost nobody, although I'll, tell you at the end of the segment who I do think manages to make Trump look less bad and a trump went on Fox NEWS spoke, the shah. Had he looked last night, calling from the White House up trying to take some The attention back from the new cycle of Joe Biden, selecting commonly Harris to be his running mate and it was really weird and it was really bad and once again I have to ask: how is it that these interviews keep happening again and again and again clearly We know that the people around Donald Trump have no control over him, but also even the
only interviews go bad like even shot Hannity, whose trumps friend and is not interested in anything that we would call journalism when it comes to Donald Trump. Even he can't get Trump sensible interview. So let's look at some of these and hope that in a few months, this type of Nonsense from the oval office, because that's what this is. This is not you know some as as as some like two priorities: we call them. This is not some bay Smith show with two viewers interview some unknown person. This is fine. News interviewing the President of the United States. Hopefully, in a few months this of nonsense regularly coming from the oval office emanating from the oval office. We'll be relegated to the archives, as this happened in its now in the past rather than the day to day? First here is done from insisting that
this is going to be a rigged elections, and this has worked later in the program. I'm going to tell you about new polling. That confirms this strategy from tramp of saying it's going to be raked, it's not going to be fair, it is work and it could actually lead to chaos during election election week. Maybe we should be calling it Alex plain that later, but here is Trump himself saying it common sense and an absent, ballots. Ok, where you stand in for a ballot, they go through a process and they send a deal than you. Send it it's fine these mail in ballots, where they send millions of em all over the country into it would it be a rigged elections in this country shouldn't allow the courts have two separate in word many different courts right now. If the courts don't step the federal courts, you'll know
who won the election just so this is now on repeat. This is just that he sang it multiple times a day, Trump pretending. First of all that there is a difference in practice between absentee and mail in voting now, every time this comes, somebody will email me and those they David. There there is a difference between absentee and mail in voting there is it difference in theory. Ok, we could have a universal mail in voting system. That would be different from absentee voting. This, time around, when we talk Bout mail in voting, what we mean is expanding absentee voting, which trumps Ok, so that every but he can get an absentee ballot in some states, this mean sending everybody a ballot whose registered not dogs, not undocumented immigrants in their states, it means sending everybody whose registered an application for an absentee ballot in other states. It means you still have to apply
but saying I'm worried about catching corona virus would be a valid reason to vote absentee when traditionally in many elections, you not have that freedom, you would have to Your reason for wanting absentee ballet would have to be justified in another way. So again, Trump pretending, there's a difference operationally practically. There is no difference between male in an absentee this time around and trump does allude to the various lawsuits that he's failing. That is a real concern that actually might work to gum everything up and we're going to talk about that later, as well. In my segment on these strategy to steal the election, that's coming up later will continue in our sort of tour of the horrors of this interview. Last night here is Donald. From complaining I mean he's just so wine. Have you ever seen a supposed alpha comply
in, and wine as much as Donald Trump saying he was impeached over his, so called perfect phone call a disgrace. They play a much dirty again. They'll impeach you over a phone call. That was perfect. Nothing like that's ever happen before they impeached over a phone call. That was absolutely perfect. You couldn't have made a better phone call. There was nothing done wrong with that phone call and they play a much dirtier game, much tougher game than the Republic what do you think it's like being Hannity in these interviews? I'm not saying I envied the guy and I'm also not saying I feel bad for the guy. I'm just saying what do you think it's like you're for your trump's friend Hannity is Trump's. Rent Hannity gives Trump the softest softball interviews. You can barely you, you can't come journalism. You can barely call it an interview and Trump still off the rails into these disjointed aimless tangents
does Hannity worry that like, while I'm not even doing anything that we would call journalism and still Trump doesn't look good and then somehow Trump gets onto the topic, of ranting about Pulitzer prizes and New York Times reporter Maggie Haber men So weird, what Trump gets obsessed with anonymous source is also a topic. Take a look. They got a wrong gonna get caught the prizes the Pulitzer Prize, is worthless as far as I'm concerned, because when you have the Maggie Aber means getting a Pulitzer eyes and she got it all wrong. She doesn't. I spoken Dern forever, she's, like by biographer election knows everything about me shows nothing about me and they talk about. They have sources. They don't have sources that made up. They make em up in there. My they have no sources. I know when their sources, but if you look at the times- and I guess suppose they got Pulitzer prizes and they were totally wrong. Imagine being so arrogant that you think
You know about any story. A newspaper publishes weather. There are really sources are not now, for I am not going to bore you again with the confusion that has had for years about what anonymous sources are. Remember trump doesn't seem to understand the difference between a sore. That's anonymous in the sense that a media outlets doesn't publish their name verses assault. That is anonymous to the reporter. Ok, in almost all cases, when we talk about an anonymous source, what we mean is the rapporteur knows who the sources, but they are not publishing the identity of that source. Trump, in many cases, seems to think the reporters, know who it is that they are dealing with anyway. The left of arrogance and narcissism, is really something else, and then here is tromp on the same day that we have the first woman of color as a presidential
or vice presidential candidate in the United States, insisting he's done more more good. I've done moors is one aspect of it, but done more good. For black people than anyone other, of course other than Abraham Lincoln. As he likes to say, I done more for the black community than any other present and other than perhaps Abraham Lincoln It's just a final little thing, Donald Trump still unable to say the Word Minneapolis, send in the National Guard and solve the problem like we did it Minneapolis just we interview, I mean you have the full spectrum. Mostly, you have a spectrum of Jonathan Swan pushing back in the axiom sinner view last Monday night, all the way, on the other side. Sean Hannity, just like tromp rant and he ever makes sense. He
ever looks good, he can never hold it together, no matter what the set up, no matter, how freely and uninterruptedly he's allowed to just say whatever he wants some time I actually think the interviews where Trump comes looking back then I alluded to this before we ve seen Crump on Fox NEWS. Foxen friends Hannity Janine Para. We ve seen the game it we ve seen Trump impress briefings. We ve seen Trump with George Monopolise and with Jonathan. So it's always a disaster trot comes out looking the best. Where understand the level. Baby sitting, that has to be done by by the interviewer tromp comes out. The best on in use, for example, with the Christian Broadcasting network. Now, I'm not saying when trumpets interviewed by sea began, he makes sense, or he explains policy or Any of that, what I am saying is just tromp rent is it's bad for tromp fuel
bad, see beyond, goes further. On C b, the interviewers will sometimes rephrase what Donald Trump says to make him look co here, That's the level of involvement you need from an interview, or even a friendly interviewer, to make Donald Trump look good. It's not just dont challenge him. It's dont challenge him and then rephrase his answer and respond to them like he's being insightful or intelligent or coherent the place that does, that is Christian Broadcasting Network, there's, probably some other I think that he did an interview with some guy from bar stool sports. I didn't even know the guy, but that was a couple weeks ago were again Trump wasn making any sense. It was a friendly interview, but the guy you intervene date port, nor, I believe his name was Dave. Port annoy Dave port annoy if I'm right, remember incorrectly, would actually react and respond.
As if tromp was making sense and that's the degree of help trumped neat trump needs in order come out of an interview. Looking even Sammy, coherent, incredible, incredible that that's where we are today. Let's take a quick break room for that you can follow me on twitch for frequent live streams. I will say at Twit dot tv, Slash David Pachmann, David Pachmann, Shell
David Pachmann died gun if you love feeding your intellectual curiosity, but you're always struggling to find the time check out one of my all time, favorite apps called Blink IST blinking lets. You consume an entire book on your way home from work. They take thousands of popular nonfiction books, condense each one into texter, audio that you can get through in just fifteen minutes, and you get all of the important core ideas and information from that book. It's perfect! If you don't have enough time to do all the reading you want to do or if you just want to sample a book before you by the entire thing. I recently read a brief history of time, of course, by the great Stephen hawking. This is a book that I have been aware of for so long and other things got in
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call those are very similar numbers to twenty sixteen and twenty sixteen. Of course it went the way of the twenty nine percent, so we're going to deal with that tomorrow. But the point is true may not need to steal the election, but he's not taking it chances and he's going to try to Will it because why not, if you can do it, why wouldn't you do it now without redoing, my previous commentary on the race being closer than these doubled? get polling led, suggest all remind you win oh Biden, is up nine. In a pole, with a three point, five, margin of error that means oh Bide might only be up to in the popular vote with a pie pillar vote win of two point: two in twenty sixteen Hilary lost so what we do the entire commentary. But but the point is when we see these leads for Joe Biden, we just we really have to assume nothing and in fact, the five hundred and thirty eight forecast which aisle over in detail with you tomorrow supports this very very closely, but
What we should know is this is going to be an election that if Trump can steal it he's going to try to steal it, and we need to understand all of the ways in which is going to try to do that. Up. First of all, Donald Trump has been set of. This is going to be an unfair election. He's trying to make it unfair Donald Trump has been, this election will be rigged. Well, he's the one trying to rig it from been saying vote by male. Won't be reliable, he's the I'm trying to make it unreliable by need. Capping the post office and Ryan Cooper wrote a good peace this week in the week in the publication, the weak called Donald Trump is trying to steal. The election and he outlines the various tactics and strategies and approaches that Donald Trump is employing and there is actually a lot of them and whether we can fight all of them at once or how we do. It is, is sort of the next question, but we ve mentioned some of these before and I want to put them together in a less so. First of all, I mention this already down from his trying to break the post office. The idea is,
People are going to vote by mail if states are going to expand absentee ballot access break the post office, that it will be less likely to succeed in pause. We ve looked at Trump supporters among them planning to vote in person, two thirds our trump voters among those. Turning to vote by male, almost three quarters are Biden. Voters, so you see right away why Trump would try to break the post office? That's one strategy number two Donald Trump is trying to fine tune and fine time, a stimulus, a second stimulus so that it will be best position into essentially by votes, and part of this is that Donald Trump has said. Ah, I will defer payroll taxes if he can What will see if you can actually do it? And if you re elect me, I will take the deferral, a permanent cut, okay, so he's a
actively saying I will defer your payroll taxes for now, but unless, See reelect me when you file your taxes next year for this calendar year, twenty twenty you will owe the money you saved on the payroll tax? But if you re elect me, I will make the deferral a of forgiveness it it's trying to vote by votes the loves to say, oh burning, trying to buy boats with free stuff like health care at which would be paid for through taxes. This. Really trying to buy boat, saying all defer I'll save you some money for now. You're can! Oh it back in ape by April fifteenth of twenty twenty one. Unless you reelect me, ok, trying to buy boats number three Donald Trump, is trying to deal a legitimate, the election to I've been eyes his followers taking to the streets after November. Third, and it is why
Can we have a new pole which shows that two thirds of republican voters now believe that the election may not be fair? I'm going to talk about that later in its own segment, because it so important and in such a big deal and really is the goal of Oliver. This down numbers, using lawsuits to try to turn the court's. Remember that the courts one of the biggest successes, if you can call it that one of the biggest accomplishments of the Trump administration is mostly thanks to Miss Mc Connell's help getting too Supreme Court Justice is confirmed, one of which should have been done, a Brok Obama's selection met Garland and getting a hundreds of lower court judges confirmed so Donald is using lawsuits and he's being open about it. He's talking about. We ve got this in court. We ve got that import he's trying, use lawsuits to turn the courts in his favour after the election and
to try to prevent vote by mail. So there's two two sides to this used the court's now to try to lock vote by mail in different states and start, laying the groundwork to if there is a challenge, after the election have Courts that may be, will be more predisposed to rule and Donald Trump Favour, and you might remember that, for a couple weeks now, Donald Trump has been warning. It could take days, they could take weeks. It could take months. Trump, even said it could take years to know who won the November action that's not going to happen, but the point is Trump is true. To ensure that it takes longer than it has to do with the law suits with the destruction of the postal service, so on and so forth. Now again, Trump might not need to do this stuff tromp might be able to win without pressing the vote without turning to fraud. But it's possible that the old away from can win. Is with these tactics and
This very well could end up being the craziest presidential election that you'd the. U S will have ever had, at least in the modern political era. So what are we oh, come on. You guys know what we do. You know what we do. We vote really ideally Dick, slow down your ballot from, can slow down your ballot by having, with the joy. The new postmaster general, who is a Trump donor, restrict, over time so that mail, piles up in post offices look at tat to shut down some postal offices, post offices or or whatever, but If you mail in your ballot three week surly, even if it slowed down by one two, three four days, it's going to get there and presumably presumably it's going to be counted unless trump figures out away to mess with the actual election voting precincts themselves vacant closed pulling places, but if you plan to vote early, you will be less affected by them.
So put the mask on or do the mail in thing or whatever. Let's do this, we know now that it is binding and Harris could not be we're different than trump and pants for all of the complaint, We might have about a lack of perfection in this ticket, and certainly there are many and be aware of what and where you can start to vote early, I'm going to talk about that a little bit in the next segment, but a lot that we can do in a lot that we should be doing. Ok, I really need everybody to understand this, because this is so important strategy by Donald Trump of saying that the election will be unfair and rigged is working if wasn't convincing anybody, we could ignore it. It might be no big deal, but it is working. Donald Trump, has convinced sixty five percent of public and voters that the upcoming elections- might not be fair. This is a pole based on more than
Forty, four thousand! U S! Adults! With a one percent John of error. Now here's what makes this really tricky. Sixty five percent publicans question whether the election will be fair. Forty six percent Democrats, also aren't confident that the election will be fair, But the devil is in the details, because the concerns about fairness from Republicans are very different then the concerns about fairness from the Democrats, in really comes down to understanding these details. Republicans, who think election might not be fair, are falling for what Donald has been saying which male in Dallas will be riddled with fraud. We won't know the election results for a long time. They are rigging it. That's what the republican voters have fallen for damage on the other hand, are worried that Trump is making the election not fair by breaking the post office by filing lawsuits by trying to suppress the boat so on and so forth,
preventing vote by male purging voter roles, doing all of the things that Republicans have been doing for decades to try to win elections by suppressing the boat sore these are not asymmetrical concerns if you glad at the numbers- and you say: ok, we'll seems like Republicans are democratic and Democrats are basically in agreement just slightly different degrees. Forty six percent of Dems think the action might be unfair. Sixty five percent are Republicans no big deal slight the difference. The reasons why they think there might not be fairness are what is so dramatically different and what you have to understand and in order to really synthesize this properly is the history of voter suppression. Historically democrats try to increase voter turnout, pier, did you say if more people vote were better off in general, Republicans employed. A strategy of trying to limit voter turnout in very particular and specific ways holing shows that its trump, who will most
likely or more likely need foul play in order to win. Democrats simply want the election to happen. They want everybody who wants to vote to get to vote, and they want to Single one of those votes to be counted and its true. If that happens, it or for Joe Biden. We know that to be true the present is the one who realises that he might need vote or fraud and voter suppression to win. As I told you in last segment, and the scariest thing is that its working for Donald Trump Arkansas turn for a long time has been if its close in November and Trump claims it was rigged activates his followers, many with their guns to hit the streets that could get very ugly and it could happen very quickly. It could happen within hours of whenever Trump claims the rigging took place. So when we hear or that there are gaps in the confidence people have in our voting systems. We can't forget that one side
It is the side that tries to lower turn out in order to win meaning a ton of trumpets are happy that the election might not be fair This has always been the point of attacking it, and this is why it will continue unless we stop it. This is how it start. This is how you weapon eyes, people to hit the streets, maybe with guns, to demand that you be kept in power. These are not inconsequential or trivial matters. Now what can we do if you want to. Find out how and where you can vote early check out the page called. Early voting by state on vote, dot, Org were link. To that page in the description to the Youtube video for the story, and you will very quickly see that every state is different here in Massachusetts Example. Early voting starts eleven days before this is in person. Early voting starts eleven as before. The election in me
again. It starts forty five days before the election, we're getting close to that in Florida. It's early voting starts at least ten days before the action, if not earlier so understand that understood what the rules are for voting absentee in your state. You probably in most states you probably already can request an absent ballot, I've already done it. I received my primary ballot for the September first election and sometime after system. Firstly, the I'm going to be receiving my absentee ballot for the general election in November understand all of these things figure out how you plan to vote and then, let's activate, who or we can and make sure that people that are already on our side plan to vote, particularly when you know from wants to make it difficult about, but the reality is in most states. It's actually easier than ever to vote with early voting with expanded absence he ballot access it. There's no excuse
We're not voting this time around and many people metaphorically this time around are willing. Crawl over broken glass in over, to devote some would literally do it, I'm using it metaphorically. We have smell numbered. That number is too one nine to David P. Here's just the little break from the from the pressing politics there's a freely any debate going on in our audience. Right now about whether I am providing too much of a set up for the video
when audio clips that I play on the show here's a collar who thinks I should be providing more of a set up? Take a listen to this. I gave an on going in that heavy support. Your usual format of pre loading us before you play in normal, prevent even making. I love the idea of getting through to the content and then analyzing it after, and I respect those here who requested that. However, when, in the cases of coming out of the republican government stretching from itself, it is so full of spin and death planning, which is kind of abuses that providing us with information from the really helps relieved the pain of having an answer. If it is the back the nation against the upcoming,
that makes me much more to it. I did actually yeah. Finally strong support of your pre front loading of get so my idea for years has been I'm not like I'm not a video playback technique. The idea here is, I'm giving you might take, and so I try to prepare people for what we're going to see, and I certainly give more of a lead up two clips than some other hosts might, and it was done. For it was doing that on purpose. Every once in a while. I would get emails from peoples in David. Just give us clippin, then analyze it so that you're not tainting our view and and sort of prime. Not to believe one thing or the other, then after tell us what you think and by that time will have made made our own us or judgment of it, and I tried that yesterday in I've tried a little more recently and I
to tell you overwhelming the rover. Well, mainly, the reaction was now no David. Don't just play the cliffs, don't you don't be a video play back clerk, essentially we're here for you to give context and the context before is actually important. So this is not a huge deal. It's an interest difference of opinion among the audience but point taken and the response overwhelmingly in the last twenty four to forty eight hours is, please go back, the old way? Tell us what we're about to see, and we can still say disagree with you, but we like to see What is your take on? What we're about to see so I'll probably go back in that direction? We have a bonus, show for you today. One of the things I want to talk about is why is the post office being discussed in business terms and what I mean by that is the post office is a public service and president Trump and his donor postmaster General Louis, the joy there.
Talking about it like its business, and it should be evaluated in handled like a business that is supposed to turn a profit. That's not actually what is supposed to do, and I want to address that on the bonus show were also going to die about the reality that Donald Trump, although is now a sailing. The character of Conall Harris actually donated to her multiple times will talk about that and then, Lastly, Lebanon, our leaders were warned in July about explosives at the port according to some documents, and we are going to explore that in detail. All of this The bonus show get instant access to them. The show by becoming a member at joint pachmann, dot, com and remember August, twenty third, the fifth. Year anniversary of the David pack. When shall we will have a huge one day, membership special to be no the fight of that special get on my news letter, it's free David. I've dot com
Transcript generated on 2020-08-12.