« The David Pakman Show

1/7/22: Biden Smashes Trump in Jan 6 Speech

2022-01-07 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--Joe Biden delivers a speech commemorating the anniversary of the January 6 Trump riots and brutally blames Donald Trump

--Donald Trump's highly triggered reaction to Joe Biden's speech about the Janaury 6 Trump riots leads to four consecutive nonsense posts by Trump

--Caller asks whether liberals and conservatives can truly be friends

--Caller asks about the "cancellation" of the Louisiana judge caught on video using racial slurs

--Caller asks whether David might ever run for some kind of political office

--Caller asks whether random people have a real shot at defeating incumbent politicians

--Caller points out the branding and messaging problems of the Democratic Party

--Caller was shot by a rubber bullet and is now six weeks sober

--Caller asks why Republicans are suddenly silent about immigration

--Caller asks whether Trumpism is a "white person disease"

--This week's email bag is wild

--On the Bonus Show: Messaging on COVID moves to it being "a part of life," Texas Governor tells National Guard troops that Joe Biden is not their Commander-in-Chief, Congress considers another COVID stimulus bill, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sturdy was the one year anniversary of the January six tromp riots, Joe Biden. The president's spoke to the country yesterday morning, and it was without question the best speech Joe Biden has ever given now whether you think that there was a low standard or a high standard for that doesn't really matter. It was by far the best speech that he has given his president, the energy, the fire. Where has it been until now, almost like a completely different Biden and we're going to look at the speech. The speech was immediately called divisive by Fox NEWS. We, To me means Joe Biden: did a really good job of placing blame for the January? Six riots have twenty twenty one exists,
equally, where they belong at the feet of Donald Trump to a great degree. Let's just jump right into the first segment. What do we not see we're dead former president origin, rally. The mob do attack should private diningroom off the oval office in the White House, watching at all on television right doing nothing for hours. as place for asylum law. Risk he's capital under siege. Wasn't a group tourist season insurrection. Then we're looking to uphold the will of the people. There were looking to deny the Wilma people, true Very worker Nepal, they want get hold of free and fair election ever looking to overturn one. Looking to save
Cause America there were looking to subvert the constitution. this isn't about be bogged down in the past. Is about making sure past is buried. That's the only way forward great nations do Bury the truth they face up to it. Some like I but the truth they face up to it. we are great nation. Fellow Americans life There's truth: magically there are lives, lies, conceived and spread for profit and power we must be absolutely clear about. What is true- It is a lie. And here is the truth-
Warm repression, the United States of America. Has created, spread a web of lies. twenty twenty election. He's done so because he values power. Principle. Because he sees his own interest as well important as countries interests than America's interest. And because his Bruce Diego Matters more to him than our democracy or our constitution, Hake except he lost there very well said and will look at a couple of other moments here Joe Biden sing are we gonna be a country that accepts political violence. Or are we going to be a country that rejects that which is the fundamental question when we think back to these rights are at this moment, We must decide kind of nation. Are we going to be
We're going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm already to be a nation or ill? partisan. Election officials to overturn the legally expressed will of the people These are the fundamental questions one year in the reason that their fundamental as much as right, wingers want to say the left is making such a big deal like people and Shapiro were saying. The riots were bad, but the people who did it and punished. It wasn't an insurrection. There was no chance, it was gonna, steal, intellectual. While the question is what will happen in twenty twenty two, what will happen twenty twenty four? What if the generals that road, the retired generals who wrote that up at that? I talked about on Monday, saying if the mill Terry were on the side of the coup it act. Really could happen. What about that and Joe Biden? Also during the speech laying out what it was that happened on JANET very sixth Foreigny partners in order to render Jacob long election in several states non.
change the results. In some of them. The irony is the margin of victory. Accurate grew slightly so to speak Plainly about what happened in twenty twenty, even before the first ballot was cast. A former president was pre empt, we shall no doubt about that action results. Probation. He built a liver months was based on the facts. He was just looking for an excuse, a pretext to cover, for the truth, she's not just a former president she's a defeated former and we will actually talk about Frumps reaction to this a little bit later. But first we are just following the Joe Biden Speech, Joe Biden. pointing out something I've been talking about for years, which, as you know, these people's stated principles, which abandoned as soon as their inconvenient. The same appeal
as to the law, says Joe Biden. You can't just to bind the law when you don't like it, you can't love your country. Only when you win, you can Obey the law, only one is convene. You can't be patriotic when you, And Mabel Wise, storm this capital, thousand instigated and inside it, though who called on them to do so held a dagger Throwed of America, an american democracy, the best speech I've seen Joe Biden give as president, and here he is I just winding down this- is the last clip will look at and listen to. in his nation- will always peacefully, transferred. I believe the power of the presidency- our to United Nations, not divide it. So let us up a terrace apart, cheaper
us about us about me. People are harder. America, burns aflame, but almost two hundred fifty years ago of labour, freedom and equality. Is a land of kings or dictators autocrat, we're nation of laws of order chaos of peace, not violence. here in Amerika the people who, through the ballot, And they will prevails. So remember, together where one nation, under God, endeavours that today. tomorrow I forever at our best we are united. AIDS from America, so Joe Biden ending the speeches he often does, but a very, very good speech the right calling it divisive the
saying it was not a uniting speech and it is all typical of the right to say that calling out the device of actions of a Europe Oh is divisive, seeing racism is racist. This is the same trope if they ve been pulling for awhile very nicely done by JO by doesn't change anything about its effectiveness as a legislator. getting getting legislation passed, but this was a very good speech part of the reason you know is good, is it so triggered the former President Donald Trump Donald Trump within minutes, an hour of Joe Biden, brutal speech condemning his inciting of the term Riots a year ago yesterday published a statement it old with random capitalization, and lies and all of the things we have come accustomed to seeing from the former president. Let's take a look at that statement. Donald Trump saying quote:
Biden who is destroying our nation with insane policies of open capital, be borders, corrupt capital elections, design dress energy policies, unconstitutional mandates and devastating school closures? You my name today to try to further divide America. This political theatre is all just a distraction from the fact Biden has completely and totally free held? Our capital? See country no longer has capital be borders? That's not true. Has total in completely lost control of covert record numbers. We are seeing record numbers the World is no longer a capital E. I energy, independent captain, I inflation is rampant. Our cap it'll a military is in chaos and our exit or surrender from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguish history of the United States and so much more remember that Trump had no better plan for us
at a stand. Whenever we got out it was going to be chaos. At least Joe Biden got us out, as I have said before, why is it that the UN's Select Committee of totally pardons and partisan political hacks, whose judgment has long ago been made not discussing the rigged as a general election of twenty twenty, as it wasn't rigged and it's not their charge. That's not what the committee is doing because they don't have. The answers are justifications What happens has trump they got away with something in it is leading to our capital, sea countries. Destruction they all want. They want all conversation concerning the capital. Election capital see cancelled, just look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. They are not justifiable. So the complicit media just calls it? The big lie when Anne actuality, the big lie was the capital a election itself. As many instances of out and out
lying here about binds policy and all of these other things as much as there is random, capitalization Donald Trump, highly highly triggered, which suggests to me that Joe Biden really hidden nerve. It was the right decision. Four trumped cancel his press conference yesterday because, as triggered as he was, I In only imagine, he would have come lately humiliated himself, had he actually taking questions from reporters, so that is it Biden, on the one year anniversary of the riots and Trump on the one year anniversary of the riots. We're gonna take a quick break find me on Twitter at De Pachmann. We will be right back. one of our long time. Sponsors is monk pack giving you twenty percent off me packs, Kido, not and seed bars, which taste just like your favorite sweet snacks, but without the guilt,
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oh holidays, indifferent things and reasons, and all of that sort of stuff We now do calls the discord at David, pachmann dot com, slash discord, let's start today with I can't see. Is it Kendall? from is it San Marino, Oros somewhere in California, candle, She had the sand Marcus taxes sand mark is that ok, that's still allowed. That's! Ok, yeah, hey David. so. My question is: I have a friend identifies as a conservative, republican, ok, but she's, not she's, not like those now gaze Republicans who are very cold like and all that stuff. I can have him. I can have meaning from conversations with her and when I you're her to my sister afterward after my friend had left. I sit who is very liberal, told me you stop being friends with her jet solely based on the fact she is a conservative republican,
How would I, how do you think I should handle that situation, because I don't want to make my friend mad and lose my friend, but I also don't wanna piss off my sister, who had been my best friend forever. Well, so, let's Meanwhile, the devil is in the details. Really do they do your sister in your friend live in close proximity to each other, where you would be seeing them together especially recently, I'm graduating, I'm graduating from Texas State universities and there's gonna be a lot of upcoming events. What both of them are going to be in closing I well, I think you need to decide and do you want to go to your sister and just have a conversation and say, listen, sis I love you. I want have a relationship with you. I also have I'm an adult I have other friends and This is not some! You know disgusting immoral person, it's just kind of I hearing from you. This is just kind of like a
a basic conservative and I find her to be a good person good enough. For me to be friends, I want all of us to be able to be it. what seer and see what the reaction is. The other possibility would be to accept. Maybe cutting off one or the other, which I don't particularly recommended. I think we're yeats at the point where they need to happen, but it's up to you determine how far you want to go with this. You know I can't hard for me to tell you I just wanted some advice from someone who booze all job there's politics- and I mean I would my instinct not. knowing at nearly enough about you or your friend, or your sister or the dynamic would be to go to your sister and just be very frank and be like listen if this with some lunatic racist trumpets, whatever I wouldn't be friends with
and you should be doing an intervention if I were, but that's not what this is. This is just someone who's gonna, like your milk, toast conservative and we don't agree on things, but this is still a friend mine and I want us to all be able to be together and I that you would respect that as my sister and see where it goes. That's my that would be my first step. Ok, thank you. So much pleasure good. Let us know how it goes. Ok, Kendall, I well. You have a good day. Are there is Kendall from Texas what a situation let's go next the ISA from London ISA you're on their writing. I'm doing well cocoa, you may have seen this. Did you see the Louisiana Judge who was came under fire because she was called you Rachel slurs on her camera, and then she ended up resigning. I did see it yeah you I wanted to. I want to ask I feel like looking into the cave
in the: U S, sorry from outside a few like it's kind of simulation to the point where it would be crazy to say that she might one for some kind of local political office now no, I mean see there. Narrative is she's, been cancelled, she wow. She was caught saying something in the privacy of her own home, and now it's been used to force her in a resigning heeded. The truth is, as a judge, you regularly have to make the decisions that are critical, life altering decisions for people that come before you in the court and if there is any reason to believe that on race, grounds. You might be assigning different sentences or evaluating cases, evidence differently, motions that sir major major problem. You know you could. I would stipulate that there
some jobs were, you might be a lunatic racist and it really might not make a difference. You know if you work in, I don't even if you don't want to diminish any any profession. But if it's a profession where you kind of work by yourself, you in meat processing and your job is to you know, scale salmon or something like that, and you gazing at work by yourself on the production line, you're reinsurer, lunatic racist, yet might be high, to relate to the workers that are of a different race? But it's not like part of your job if you're scaling salmon, if that makes sense, whereas if you're a judge, this Is your beliefs about race or so import? Now you could make the case well, despite using the racial slurs she's, not actually racists, but you're in position where the stakes are really really high so, but take to your point despite it being com? lately reasonable what took place yeah, she might be the type of person that's made a hero by the right and ends up running for public office Yeah, I know oh la hundreds- and I
agree with what you said about the future, some other kind of job, if you like stuff like this- has happened in the past in this kind of let these people to snap and gonna Tipp the move the edge and then they become like full blown right wing. Yes, I was thinking even if she did one office. could probably face like her whole campaign. I guess around First yeah speech rights being violated all over Europe one hundred percent- you you you have finger on the pulse of the culture wars for sure that could be her entire candidacy. I was cancelled, but I'm back now exactly hey. Look Unix! Doesn't one fortress Oh, maybe four, seven hundred a year Java foxes and analysed: wasn't no action was no battle because she that, because you cause you for sure, hey! how are things in London with Amr Kron? Ah yes is raging is raging. Man definitely
Have you had no I've? Of course, we are not done all the test. I've done coming negative, but the daily Saurophagus new cases shop to undercut ass, the highest and open the death home and rising too much in others the same level between hundred two hundred a day by cases case of sharp. Definitely is the hope there as it is here that this way wave will come and go with many cases but relatively few deaths? And then maybe we can move on all you definitely area. We are gonna percent, but the thing is that we haven't had any restrictions either right. Undone, you I work at university. I work in research in Agony today saying we want, try maximize in person, canvas teaching campus work and one also color scheme on where they really are. I will very good arthur- are chip shops mostly still open, vs sale
I dont items. The fish is still fresh in everything out is trying its frying beautiful beautiful already. So thank you for the call thanks David, a very powerful stony there as to the situation with fish and chips in London, its critical, critical issue, let's go next to you, Sir From our friendly neighbours to the north in Toronto, Canada Use, if you are on their question and finally, his tongue in cheek, but also slightly serious, Oh you cut out right when we were going to get to the quite definitely I can tell your connection is extremely shaky. Let's see if we can back it up just a little bit and take the question from the top Annie's gun. That's too bad. I was looking forward to hearing from use of? Let's go next time from Green Bay, Wisconsin Green Bay Wisconsin Welcome Tom.
Tom from Green Bay you're on the air. If you and me, you will be able to talk to me and I would love that Tom, from Green Bay. I can see that you are muted I've on muted you, but you are yourself meeting. If you unmute, I will be able to talk to you. Otherwise we will have to move on That's too bad. I mean, as I can see, that Tom has on muted, which is said: let's try Jamie from. Canada, dreamy from Canada you're on there. hello, happy new year. Thank you and we're not on speaker phone. Are we? No we're not target. It sounds like we are you awake. how does that sound that some butter ache? sounds so much better. I can't even imagine what you were doing before.
Oh? I see. I have this weird thing: rainy to plugging the usb microphone to my laptop Arab go head with anyone. I was wondering if you ve got We ve been asked this question before, but why? You ever run for how Sir Senate's does As part of my question, you know I have had conversations with political consultants about possible how seats to target, and I'm just sure it's something I want to do. To be perfectly frank, I dont know that I could. I do. I just don't know that it's for me. I don't! No, that I like the idea of having to split time between home and DC. I dont No, that I want the kind of financial oversight that's required for, like everything you do. I just am not sure, but when people have asked me, I now I ve not ruled out anything, but for now there has not been a particular seat that I've decided to target
ok. Are you comfortable saying what state your inner that personal well at the time? that these were discussions. It would have been Massachusetts Ok yeah? standard, but also a second part of my question. I had this conversation with my friends back when the back and like it too getting is the year when the political collide by was still like recovering now hold on you. You mean the beginning of last year because it were five day the beginning. When you twenty one, Twenty twenty one that's, what I meant got it has got his I'm still trying to get used to saying now I dont last year and to start the beginning of twenty twenty one around. Maybe in March We were talking after we were still recovering from charmed by I mean I live in Canada and I would still like traumatized by the election, but
are. We were talking about, if not trumped, who else, because people are saying. Oh trump could pick wrong decision interests instead of using pants again because at that time, are you saying that parents had betrayed him? Multiple airports, but We were also thinking about like we are having this discussion of their server and we were also thinking about, like maybe Nicky Nicky. Eight? We were. We were doing fantasy pairing like Nicky Hayley, with Marge Retailer Green or something like that young, but yet, if Some who do you think right now, based on the polling, I've seen, the only person who has a real shot is run to Santa. being the nominee now it We haven't even had the twenty twenty two midterms, yet any good heavens from could be dead by then everything could completely change. So I dont know in the polling I've seen right now, if its, if Trump doesn't want it and it
seems Trump would win a primary. It would be dissenters. Is that as the kind of second sex person which I think is really scary, because the Santas is as much trump as Trump but less incompetent, and I think that that makes him more dangerous. I think you better leave. It would also be wrong would be interesting to see if he answered taking. If it is true the front runner, if he has a picking range Santer says, is running made. That would be. I think it would be interesting. It would be fascinating. I dont think crumpled do it and the reason why is over the last sixty nine months as we ve been covering there seems to be increasing anger from Trump towards the Santas that the sand, this is getting attention. So I actually think for ego reasons. Trump would not pick the Santas us I have no idea how to Santa Scott will actually was like less than a point out that last gubernatorial election well he's up this year. I believe right. So, let's see what happens, hopefully
and people are calling me crazy, but I think better roads got it. If it is, then is the time change is just a tiny little bit about people are saying that I'm minutes take away your guns call it makes him unelectable. That's what people are saying. I am concerned about that comment. I am concerned about the day. Well, thank you so much for our good. You David, thank you so much. Likewise, there is Jamie from Canada getting a bunch of important issues right on the table and very very quickly. I must say: let's go next to no bull from SALT Lake City. Utah noble. You were on the air David allowing time you're there you I'm doing well, My question is more so why aren't people on the left and the right by doing over reserve all branches and working more so towards economic,
and on a just and political change for the better than they are in the right now? What's their incentive to do, there had their incentive to do that against that right now is mostly culture where issues, but the incentive to do that. Right now, more or less like living basically, her living standards being the hand being met, at least like health care, Org or even scans elation of student debts or hell even tolling, some people home People we were in power before accountable for fraud or were whatever not okay, so here the problem here. Thinking about this, as if as if elected officials, care primarily about I'm, not asking people are in Congress, I'm asking ordinary people. Oh I'm! So sorry,
they tell me exactly what the vision is, then, so I mean the product that issue. I guess I think the problem is noble, that there is a whole bunch of people who don't agree about those issues so like to get left and right. working together on health care, you would have to get some of them people agreeing on what the solution is an they mostly down to get left and right working on student loan forgiveness. You would have to go. People on left and right in agreement on on forgiving student loans. We we just don't have that right now. There is actually, unfortunately, very little overlap on many of those issues: is one issue that I keep seeing overlaps almost entirely between left and right and against corruption itself Ah, you know you're, not wrong, but the way in which they want to tackle this. He hears the problem on the eruption problem right now. The right has no interest.
In holding the Trump Administration accountable for its rampant corruption, and there is really no way for the right to join the left against corruption right now without it go. squarely against. So many members of the Trump administration. That's a disincentive for the right to act on the corruption issue. Right now, for now, yes, but for the rest of Congress, most the right hates Congress, yes, the house in the Senate and that's it more Democrats and Republicans in minutely, mostly for public ensued. Don't follow trap, certainly certainly listen. I wish that what you're suggesting was more plausible. It feels implausible right now. I hope that changes now. Here's my second question: the golden opportunity for people to run for Congress, because right now doesn't take a lot of effort just to beat Republicans and Democrats and if people, if ordinary bore to run against these people
how'd you. How do you think? How well do you think the ordinary people, You against incumbents, like like blue dot Republican and Democrats and Republicans in Congress, so want to see what I want to see it, I'm with you that I want to see it statistically, candidate, who raises more money, winds, and it is tough for random everyday people to raise it anywhere near the money that an incumbent would raise, but I do want to absolutely see more of a noble from SALT Lake City. Thank you. So much for the call we're gonna take a quick break. And then we will be back with more of your call. So if you're standing by to talk to me, don't hang we'll be right back to it in a moment. Even if, like me, you're not begin and you're, not vegetarian eating more plant based diet is a really great thing to do for a number of different reasons and our sponsor
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you go to helix sleep, dot, com, slash, Pachmann, that's h, e l! I acts sleep dot. Com forward, Slash Pierre Kay, em a and you can also find the link in the pod cast notes for this episode. Let's get back to discord in here for more of you for the first time in twenty twenty two, you can find the discord David, Pachmann, dot com, slash discord. Let's go next to Pablo from albacore Turkey, New Mexico, Pablo you're on their care. So, our common. Can you hear me yes, what's your would undermine sitting about the house, because you know how it Fairly common now for Republicans teasing say that their little l, a libertarian Yom, as a way of kind of distancing themselves from like a more libertarian.
From the libertarian party. I do think that would be something that Democrats could do as a way of like sort of like let's, saying oh yeah You know like I'm, trying to figure out how exactly the phrases like the Bull moose party a fairly progressive party, so would there be away let people could be like oh, yes, almost small, the Democrat as a way of kind of you. I don't think so, because the difference is that, when people talk about being Democrats, I know that there is this idea of just I'm for democracy, but that's it doesn't have the same, meaning like, for example, I as a progressive tax,
to be what you might call small l, libertarian on a lot of different issues, in that my preference is. If there is not a good, reason for government to be involved. I dont need government involved never I draw that line very differently than right wing, libertarians, okay. So so, if it is there some sort of coherence there. Small De Democrat doesn't really make sense because it sort of a confusing term. I think that this problem We some other way to describe being me. Listen when, say I am a limb Terry and leaning progressive right sometimes even say I'm an anti authoritarian progressive, because are kind of revolutionary leftists that are much more authoritarian. I feel, like I'm, not using partisan terms to describe things, but I dont know I Think that I think I don't know that small democratic really make sense to to be totally frank with you now. Percent, I'm just again, you just
can a thinking out loud. I love it. I lawyer aren't, I think. That's it already exists. Pablo from Albuquerque New Mexico. Great to hear from you lot of very good questions today. What let's see Why don't we go next to arm there's just so many interesting people, let's just try, let's just try I Tom from Green Bay once more time are you? Are you able to on mute yourself in chat now, while that's really too bad, really too bad? Let's try OZ from Kentucky OZ from Kentucky you're on the air. This isn't doktor. Oz isn't. now he's still my he's Robin my name has gone Davy hear me. I can hear you find us right it's been so long since I got to talk to you know it was approved, in where some I spoke to you is that, through its been that long.
we'll nervous right now, because I wasn't expecting there beyond the air here, you're doing great. What what's on your mind, us well a lot of things. Since the last time I told you the pandemic in everything the swarm over everybody in particular, was hard for me. I lost my grandma, I'm sorry to hear that. nursing home casualty here in Kentucky and up so hard times, especially for people like me, her alcoholics, avenged quite a while. But I'm sober again, that's enough, how long have you been sober its main about a month and a half. We judge that's great eyes so glad to hear that yeah that mental health treatment that I need to do that I was almost four years the up and up Eastward in California, I moved back to do something because, though, I ve got tired, tired viewing the wildfires there,
Work on the stock is Emma of a worker forestry sure, I'm a dreaming organizer now, ok, almost like outside the EU, the George Other racial justice and police brutality protest. I got shot during the protests and this marry you, You were shot at or you actually got shot stop rubber bullets. Pretty much almost try like ten ft away on purpose. I had my hands up and they shot. They were trying to shoot me in the crotch. They shot me in the leg, sore Above all it hit your leg. What how how injured were you. I turn my thigh black and blue tissues, my god, you need a mean. Does that require treatment. I didn't, I didn't, engage roof where he'll come, but well. Spray, tan pepper, ball and start you that those butter, really all saw the whole thing she's Trump got elected. I knew I mortify
I guess I've live around me people, you know like Skinheads nazis. I've been in prison before I know how they think of the. When he was elected. I just saw these people these NEO confederates there there plan there now he's there and they want to overthrow Garwood they once of war on your back then. So I was this whole during his whole presidency out ass. I know them and they were The general six happened. I was just you know it wasn't me I've beating, I see in all, has also seen that doesn't Jerry two hours and combat but thousand Marines, and so just scene over so happened. Just was so dramatic. The articles This may show much harder to get so graphically dead and I lost lot of family with we're lost a few and on like almost my tire family, just they personally, What kind of common line
there were so he listened away and all day and in his truck dear God, cause? I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that your six weeks sober, I'm glad. You know the rubber bullets you use to be doing all right, and I hope that either we ve got- we ve got better times ahead. I'm gonna! Let you go because we have so many people waiting to tie in, but it's great to hear from you as let's go next Eli from Texas Eli you're on the air carrier and yet again, yeah. I was wondering why we when seen any news on Lake Bob Graichen lady. They go because I believed by interest, expand their environment is reaches expended, trouble. Policies: What what? Whatever? What Trumbo policies did Biden expanding.
I forgot to what it was able to use. They stay at in Mexico other seaward cigar. I think these immigrants The city refuge or Their navy listen. I can't speak to that, because I have just gotten back from a break and I it's now I just have not been following it recently. I think your pointing to something really important. The reason we haven't heard much from Republicans about the disastrous job. Biden is doing on the border is because republicans have been busy criticising Joe Biden for other things, including the pandemic. Vaccine mandates, council culture and the like and as you and I probably would agree Republicans, criticising Joe Biden on the border immediately when he became president, even when he had not changed anything at that point relative to what Donald Trump was
doing and we knew all along that. It was just a bad faith effort to hurt Joe Biden approval rating, which it did it work timing, congratulations to them. It worked, but now moved on to a different shiny object than I do expect that if the pandemic abates they're gonna go right back to immigration, because I mean I don't feel like like. I don't have confidence in either party. Ah just wondering. Do you really think the environment. Is you just can't do anything about it? I dont think the Biden administration is gonna. Do anything dramatic on immigration no end? So that's that's a reason to criticise them, but it's also reason to understand that the right wing criticisms I say that he's going completely a hundred and eighty degrees different than trump urges lies here, Yeah! That's true! All right! My friend! Thank you. so much for the God call important Emmy added the Republicans got tired of immigration. They moved on to other things, and that's where we are that that's where we
right now they may get back to it. You know that when there is an election coming up Fox news stories about my great caravans, become very, very popular. We ve seen that before Let's go to Louie from New Brunswick, which New Brunswick. Are you calling from Louis? This is New Brunswick New Jersey Action, love it what's going on there I want as your question. There's there's some diseases that affect certain people groups Turkey, so, for example, sickle sill might affect after Americans, more tea, sacks my effects of what would you say, Jews, jewish people- I guess you could say people for Middle Eastern dissent- is correct. My am I correct in saying TAT. Facts is absolutely one that is up more prevalent in the ash, Gennady Jewish community, I dont, know about Sephardic, but yes, point taken so
I want to say: is that is on prison, like us, you're sure disease that affects wait. Americans more than others I don't think there's any genetic basis for it. I think it's a cultural basis. I love your framing of the question because we're thinking of Trump ISM as a disease and that that's really interesting, but I think it's a more of a cult like cultural thing, a cultural juries? It's a cultural disease exactly right, so I think that it happens to afflict more white people for cultural reasons, not for genetic reasons. Of course, I saw something really interesting. I went for Christmas, I went to arm for Christmas Break, agenda of the Maryland area and we went to a mall with a family. and I notice something really strange people who were wearing masks in the mall. There wasn't a mandate. I guess it was voluntary, but were almost
entirely non white onto my Lake African American, and latino Americans masking up de the Waiter arrogance like almost no mask and let my entire family noticed it were more New Jersey emission before, and it was a really really shocking so What did it means or if I take from it what it? What do I? What was your takeaway You know we had a lively discussion about what it all meant and I it really boil down to what we thought was entitlement, We have the freedom not to wear a mask. Only to have any like discussions. Anybody had on famous justino speculation by you was. It was really probably like everyone notice for my family, so I thought that was pretty interesting. Louis, you re some fascinating questions. I appreciate you calling entered. I take her. Louis from New Brunswick, while that is that is quite a call all right
everybody, that's gonna. Do it recalls today I am so glad I got to speak to many of you. I know I didn't get to speak. everybody, but we will have another opportunity, will take a quick break and be right back. One of our sponsors is blink. Ist who's been supporting the David Pachmann show longer than any other sponsor blink, as does the apt that lets you listen to or read an entire nonfiction book and just fifteen minutes. Blink IST is the way to absorb those books. You can't make time for blinkers. Takes top nonfiction titles pulls out the books He take a ways and insights and gives to you in the form of a text or audio explained that you can consume in fifteen minutes with blinkers. Now you actually do have time to learn about all the things you ve been wanting to tackle on the blinkers app
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twenty twenty one we took the week off from the mailbag. Actually we took a week off in the mail bag. The previous we took I was travelling, so we have the first mail bag of twenty two He too that's the point. You can email info it, David Pachmann, dot com, don't abuse it probably close to a hundred people now send emails, regularly that the emails or auto filtered into a very specific folder, kept only for law enforcement purposes. In case law enforcement comes to a census. Sir, have you ever heard from this person, and we say yes, we have ok, let's get through a variety of different messages and emails that came in first. One is from some. goes by the name, Gypsy soul who says who d think you're you're, not a journalist, just wanna, be Youtube STAR. I never. I never call myself a journalist. That's true youtube. Star is more subjective, but were in the top half a one
percent of Youtube. Make of that. What you will not everyone. Refusing the vaccine is a trumps import supporter. You an educated, clown. That's true! We never said that. We explain that Trump supporters are the most Anti backs group, but not every Trump supporter is anti backs so far, but we agree but not a priority, but we agree your spreading this. Information and conspiracies and lies. Well, that's I reject that to claim made without evidence. We want to present some evidence. I will examine it, take your backs and booster and- Shut your mouth well now I do a show where I comment you don't have to listen. I am allowed to speak. She s the thing about. That's the thing about freedom of speech You can't tell me to shut my mouth. You can tell me not Alyssa. Listen, you can tell me you're, not gonna. Listen, that's fine mine our business, your discrimination and bullying and pushing an shaming on vaccinated People- and we are tired of it all right, I'll have a good time. I hope everything goes really really well for you, and
I'm finding myself without too much else to say to this individual, but that daily, that's daily guys. Dozens of so just like that. Here is a really weird one. I dont know if this is meant to be hate mail. If this is meant to be confusing or some kind of Montery, but Sean wrote to me and simply said David, Sir I've or mectin have you ever met to Minton vernacular ten. That's the way it spelled. I dont know what the hell Sean is talking about, but this is a really strange job. I have word that's part of my job is interpreting messages like that and trying to figure out what does it mean are now, let's get onto more substantive stuff, Nigel wrote in and says, hey David New internal pull out from Georgia. Fourteen Marjorie Taylor, Greens district shows me
our with a strong lead in the republican primary this camp, bode well for our country best regards sir yeah. you know we ve been saying one of the big stick. He knows were looking at in twenty twenty two and this this twenty twenty two is about to start. We ve got a few weeks before it starts one of the signals will be looking at in terms of the country is tromp ism do well in November, or does Trump ISM fail in November, and we're not gonna know the answer for some time. But one of the important things to remember is that a lot of these weapons eyes, trumpets, Marjorie, TAT their green Lauren Bo Bert or both bear as Roquat, I called her mad and Catherine and others they are in such heavy republican districts in heavy trump districts that their victories don't tell us that much there are obviously going to win if they get if they run for reelection. An Margie
Taylor Green, is one of those people. I expect her to win and honestly being banned from Twitter being kicked off of your committee assignments, all of the sort of stuff I dont think it it's her at all, with the people voting for her in her district, so yeah Marjorie, ailer Green is doing really really well, and I spectre to win. That's not what will tell us we'll tremble, prevail long term in the United States. Next message is: from Jade about California, gas prices Jade says High David. I keep hearing you refuting trumps claims that California, gas prices have reached seven, something while President's dont control gas prices and it's not widespread. There are in fact many gas stations along the California host specifically in the big sir Area south of Monterrey that have gas prices in that range the reason being it's just so difficult to get gas to this area attached as a photo
of the Leora and my wife, and I stopped that that my wife and I stopped that in September we got married, showing gas between six hundred and fifty nine and seven just wanted to clear it up. Big fan. Thank you for reading yeah. Remember I never claimed when Trump would say. The live from Trump was not that one gas station might have had gas for seven hundred and seventy seven. That was the highest number trump pick. Maybe seven hundred and eighty seven, he even said the deception was Trump was saying. When I left office gas was a dollar eighty seven, and now it's seven hundred and seventy seven in California and there's like five lies in there. One it wasn't one hundred and eighty seven when he left it was more like two hundred and twenty something to that's the national average gas price and he's comparing it to the highest possible price that you that maybe exists somewhere in California for super premium. so you're, not even comparing apples to apples. The apples apples would be that when Trump said it was seven,
Seventy seven in California, the national gas price was like three something that's the deception and I was just out in California. Six fifty nine is the most I saw. So it's not that these things can exist. Anecdotally, it's that trumps lying about the entire context and telling you well. it used to be one hundred and eighty seven. Now it's seven hundred and seventy seven, it's not seven hundred and seventy seven, that's not the average California price and that's not the average national price. And it wasn't one eighty seven when you left and it had nothing to do with the oak. I think we get the point drew wrote about testing problems, Cove attesting problems and says: hey David. I like your assessment of the under testing that will take place but to add to the reason, wild why testing numbers will be short
I live in Pittsburgh. Next pcr availability is one thousand two hundred and twenty two. This is like a week old email and there are not rapid test. The tenth testing infrastructure. Just isn't there right now, it's insane how bad the testing infrastructure is in the United States, its we're two years in even blue states. I just saw friends in Boston, with a picture where there like a block in a half away from a street light, and they said you have to get to that street light just to like check in and start the process to get a pc artist. It's ours and then it can take two to three days to get your results. Should we be testing, of course, if you're not super sick should you go to the EU are for a test. Were being too No, because then workload, people clogging up the arse, so people go elsewhere, but
the diagnostic value diminishes. If you can't get the test for this long, if you're in lines pet surely spreading it to other people in line and at the and the day, if you dont, know sooner ito sure Nobody should isolate until their results, but it's it's just. This is not plausible. If we are saying this is way we're going to stop the spread of testing. That is this disastrous is just not going to stop the spread, so unclear testing will stop the spread at all. When many people have Nokia no symptoms and have no reason to go, get tested, that's a different issue but it is insane that two years in we still don't have appropriate infrastructure and one of the richest countries, in the world, will road in and said how Monica anti bodies more natural than vaccines, David, Sir, have you noticed the glaring contradiction at the heart of the rights gripped over on a colonial anti bodies, being a safer alternative to vaccine they promote vaccine hesitancy on the grounds that their risky natural and untested, but in white
universe is a vaccine which essentially trains your own immune system to fight off the virus on its own, less natural then, having lab produced synthetic anti bodies in acted into your bloodstream, not dimension. We using vaccines a lot longer than we ve been using monoclonal anti body. So the idea that vaccines are somehow less tested doesn't make sense. Either you guys every talking point. Last summer I talk about this people melting. Why are you against monoclonal antibodies? I'm not, but you take those when you're sick I'd. Rather people not get sick in the first place or if they get sick to it. For it to be so, mild you wouldn't go and get monoclonal Andy bodies, they say well the vaccines and acid. In any way we have a treatment called monoclonal antibodies. Pfizer vaccine is fully approved model. not only EU way, while the vaccine is big farmer to cash cow for big farmer a vaccine regiment is really really cheap, really cheap.
A lot more money to be made on monoclonal antibodies, its thousands of dollars per treatment. So the big pharma money, grubbing thing out, the window number three side effects from the vaccine. Look at the side effects from the antibodies. Hundreds of millions of people have taken the vaccine, whereas a very, very small fraction of that have taken the anti bodies that side effects can be real and it can also affect your immune system and its ability to covered in the future. All of the natural I'd rather have natural immunity, so I'll get sick and then get monoclonal antibodies. There's nothing natural about Monica anti bodies. Every argument, it is, is not a valid argument. Should we have both yes, but it's better for people not to get sick and not need monoclonal antibodies. Had such a simple idea Yet we can't seem to get people to accept the Benjamin wrote in and said this is a beautiful Seinfeld quote not a lie, if you believe it
Benjamin says hello, David, Sir hope you're able to recognise. I gotTa Umass Amherst I know, you're an alarm thought that was worth pointing out, of course go minutemen. My question plain and simple can be summed up from the quote by George Stanza in Seinfeld, remember Jerry not alive, if you believe it, I'm wondering, while were able to truly to tell Trump and the rights lies from the real truth, are they truly lying if they either a get a piece of information It gives them the best info to prove their argument or be true. we believe what they're saying is true. Is that lying or just being stupid? I hope the question is worded clearly enough. Go Minutemen Ben yeah There is no doubt that a ton of the people repeating covered disinformation don't believe that they are lying. They believe that they're telling the truth their misinformed? They are, in many cases, incompetent. Many of them want to believe the things that
They believe so there not also, you know if I want to believe that the vaccine doesn't work, and I find people. telling me that who I believe are credible. I will accept it with less rigour and testing. Then I might if it's something I dont want to believe so it can be a blend of the two. I'm meant to accept and believe things that I already in predisposed to want to believe that certainly a part of it. But there is no question that many of the people falling. The stuff do believe it. They may not even know how to separate truth from fiction. They made a really understand. What does it mean to research, a topic but the Do you believe it and they're not there not just spreading this information on purpose there spreading this information, but the spreading it because they believe it's true, even even wrote in about twenty twenty four
hey David longtime listener and member for a few years now, just interested to hear your opinion on a Warren Buddha judge. Ticket warrant is progressive with a great track record Buddha judges, much more corporate, but charismatic love to hear your thoughts keep up the great work. War in booted judge is an interesting ticket, because, if you look at it piece by piece is Elizabeth warn the most progressive. No, but is she one of the most progressive Democrats in the Senate. Yes, wealth, tax wealth tax is something it's. It's quite aggressive and there's a lot of progressive who loved she's one of the few people who likes the wealth tax, If the most progressive on every issue, no- but she has some uneconomic ideas. Many of our ideas are quite progressive in the Senate in the Senate PETE Buddha judge. Is he the most progressive? Absolutely not absolutely not, but is he at least theoretically the type of charismatic figure he go?
on Fox NEWS and just crashes them absolute crushes them energy and youth, which is lacking in much of the Democratic Party. Yet he fits that bill as well, and tat with a lot of so called progressive as you. If you said what about Warren Buddha Judge, they would say. Oh, that is a toxic corporate pro business that horrible horrible horrible, do I think it's a dream ticket? No. Do I think that it actually when you, when you take a motion out of it- and you say why if we had what were Hilary his views, water, I'm spews. What are the main line? Republican views? What are the main line? Democratic, these any say, here's warrens Perspective and Buddha Judge and here's the kind of intangibles she's- not very charismatic at all buddha- judge very much so it's an interesting ticket. It is not a dream ticket, it is not the goober progressive ticket, but it isn't
Interesting ticket and what sort of pains me a little bit is that a huge part of the left would reflexively say absolutely not because they hate both of those pokes as individuals and that the that saddened, I am not calling for war and Buddha judge. It's not super exciting to me, but I do think that when we look at is we really have to take a step back Hague, emotion out of it and say: let's look at policy, let's put it on paper and see exactly where these people would fall, thing is an interesting idea at by the way. I have no idea what the best democratic ticket would be in twenty twenty four, not even thinking of that yet not even thinking about it. Yet. The first question is this: abiden running for reelection, because if he is nobody's gonna challenges and that that's for better or worse, I said I don't love Biden chances in twenty twenty four against Trump. I don't love, binds chances and twenty twenty four against someone like Rhonda Santas, but
If Biden runs for reelection, I dont believe anyone seriously going to try to take it away from him. Let me know your thoughts, You have a great bonus show for you today. I actually me on today's riding bonus, show pat him out this week. He'll be back next week. We will. see you on the bonus, show signs of it: join Hackmen dot com and get yourself instant access,
Transcript generated on 2022-01-07.