« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Have to Become Allergic to Debt (Hour 1)

2020-04-14 | 🔗

Chris Hogan, Debt, Home Selling, Home Buying, Insurance

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From that point of Ramsay solutions, broadcasting from our car rental studios. That's the day, Ramsay show that his dog gauges made all the more it has taken the blow. You said: the Bmw status, symbol of joys, open funds, as our view join me, we'd love to have you call and Chris Open Ramsay personality joins me. There's our to answer your questions number one best selling author of a couple of books, the latest being every day, millionaires and
I'm doing media all day long and will continue to throughout the day, doing France is everywhere, trying to try to keep but calm and keep them on the straight and narrow, no jumping off the roller coaster level, the right now, let's stop right, that's exactly right! Dave and the beauty of it is his. Throughout these things, I'm doing social media instagram lives. Facebook lives, I'm hearing to tales, Dave, I'm hearing the tale of people that didn't take it serious enough and their goal. Oh, ok, I need to get plugged into the baby steps and then I'm hearing another tale of the people that have been blood then had followed the plan, and there, like Chris we're ok we're ok why everybody else was running around we're fine. Now the two tales of the financial part of the crash- that's right, the others of theirs The folks are doing fine paid off home mortgage, has taken the place of the Bmw as the status symbol of choice among its
no other stuff, we ve been teaching works in good times, and it really works in bad times the it's weird both times. It's weird. When things are going good too, to stay out of that, and you look like a conservative freaky frugal we live in a cave likely. Economic amount triple Gabon, Thursday. I've got an emergency plan. Annoy me dad, you know it's weird, then it feels like you're not taken advantage of all the possible ways you can be making money and right leveraging yourself into a whole bunch of rail properties getting deeply in debt and then right now you would look like a fool if you have done that no cause. I was that fool one time the market turned nice dramatically as this has, but the market turn rose up, bangings, king seized up and frozen paralyzed, and all the sudden Milo world it was per. Equally designed by the bar
oh, you can people you now and That's the only way. You're gonna have a real estate portfolio and I had a real estate portfolio starting from nothing, but it gone. It was all gone. My Gaza, when Times turns out there you go when the tat goes out, you can tell he was gonna, gaping dress and that that's the truth is that Can you right now- and you know the interesting thing of most of the people, and I hope I helped You hear me better second camp, where you're out a dad- and you have your emergency fund- be gentle with those other folk. Be waving your finger in their face, telling them out there, but they work as that. Would you one time give each other grace after them, behind in the middle of all this and lift each other up, help each other be generous ups. Here it and generous of pocket book. It's a good time to be that
Daniel, isn't Marilyn Daniel? Thank you for calling the programs you show. How can Christian, I hope, you're right. Baby requests. Are you guys doing great mouthwash up an harm? They have a quick question so well, baby step number two, and we have a lot of stood alone tat we around two hundred and fifty thousand. We had we more, but we charging along shut you down the Danube lawyer unless we make them his breath, choices are getting more alone bad you need it to get and also my life where other state. What are you reason. Mine is a cyber security, and my wife regret physician assistance all night long ago, together both good career, so you can make some money and cleanest, had gone mess up right, so what around when Gamble, Together we make like three hundred thousand now. Second now good,
That's good news so you're gonna going on the two hundred? How fast that I called you about that before my wife is a hundred percent on board and I've tried different things that you have suggested trying convey her, though unkind like tackling it. On my own accord and but that wasn't the real reason. Why call but the reason why I called you we have a rental property that we had that we still have that a hundred percent cash flow we down. The more did two hundred percent, though, if it is actually and also has come, We need every mother around three hundred, but still cash flowing. What's up Was it on me? body for eighty something it's worth, probably like one, eighty something right now the reason why? But my question is: do you think it's worth keeping and keep Eleven hundred dollar cash flow Valley
and using that one, eighty or whatever I get for it to pay down this debt quicker than as you toss around that idea, what does your wife thing To be honest. I haven't even act through the question because up of extra before him, half and she said no. She was totally against it, like that. We should keep it because of the long term investment and you can compare you making the money. I annual here's. What I want you to do, she's not understand embodied. She is still counting the way that the world counts. I won't you sit down to you all. Have kids yeah, how many too cold? Are they One is five, and one is too: did you come from money now? She didn't, did you come from money. No, I do not think so either so use you see them to look young kids runnin around you guys have an opportunity. You can see but more of the same where the word
counts and count wrong. One plus it was three: or you can take her by the hand and look at them too little kid and say baby. If we can sacrifice. If we connect and ruin this boat together in the same direction. We ve got an opportunity to do something special and Special meaning mean sacrifice my friend, so you been in a matter. I want you to talk to her heart, to hold her hand communicate to her she to hear you, and this is jewels future. Its Ojala to one right now and you're tired. I can hear it in your voice, but it's too To unite, have you consider the idea that finance rubbish oversees a free fourteen day triratna. Could you possibly get the two of you to sit down watch a couple of those videos together. I can definitely arm suggested tour because there's nothing inhalation, here's the thing, nine percent of your problem for your future wealth building success. Is that the two of you or not
in together, ten percent ten percent, as your students learn that in this this condo working together, Uppsala condone heart beat but you're trying to fit. Something without fixing it and here. You are on the wrong thing did so no, I would not solve the condo until you got same page because you simply not gonna win found no zero number out of thousand millionaires. We enter the we interviewed zero, millionaires against Spouses wishes they all
one hundred percent of them worked together. That in all worked the plant exactly the way Christian Day, what a doll them, but they were together matter so much as data point indicating your future success. That's been Alma Morgan on them, those on the conduct of the diagram future business leaders hiring right now. Maybe the furthest thing from your mind, but the fact of the matter is we will recover in the mean time. One of the smartest thing you can do for your business is to be prepared during this time. You can count on my friends at linked in linked in jobs, put your job posed in front of qualified candidates every day when the time comes to higher for your business, using it
the dollar's off your first job posed at linked in dotcom slice. Ramsay terms conditions apply, teaching. You live on less than you make a concept. We can't grass this the diver empty shell, can render personality number one by showing author couple times over joins me. Answering your questions, this our Rebecca in New York, I Rebecca what can we? before you ready, I, how are you thank you for having made sure now. I have a question
it's an undeniable house four and a half years ago and this year than my goal to pay off my whole mortgage credit to our houses, three twenty three and we have their oil a little bit under thirty grand laughed. I have eight aground grand in the bank. I wasn't sure if I and I have no other that pay off my now during this whole call their situation or stay. Hang on my money, I'm just I'm so working to my husband is later, but I'm so working. I wanted your thoughts What was she, how much does he earlier a sixty? What are you earlier for fifty You are a foreigner, fifty thousand a year, yessir wow. What do you do I'm I'm in Dubai. Sales
ok, so you lost ten percent of your household income when he got laid off than I do that right? I did that right. Yes, he's, ok, sure graduating Rebecca I'll be right. There check right than before. Before nightfall, yes tonight some candles as you poor, as you fix dinner, and have a celebration, your homeless, paid off. I mean you. Urien com is stable. Your income is huge. You have you know you you you're still here. Fifty thousand cash in your emergency fund and you'll be one hundred percent debt free. Yeah? This is no brainer, go right, the Czech! Ok, I think, I saw my congratulations victory world on Alexander is rather as Alexander is in Ohio. I Alexander Work
Alexandra, I'm sorry, Alexander? How can we help Heidi unfolds? to be speaking or the empress. I am, and babies up early think your key kings and I've been a huge fan. Can we really came everything for me, but my question is actually about my mom seafaring, secures ear and he's a single mom always been a single mom, I'm and here I am wondering if you should get long term care insurance, though using your guidelines, I think, he's kind of on the costs He owns her house now at its about people and they just about five hundred thousand in earth higher Macao and her only that is a forty thousand dollar parent was bound for my poor, which I trying him answer to pay off, but I can yet I mean part of my question to you is also. How can I get outta heard a kind of improved situation, but Mitya currently only working a couple months of the year, making minimum wage, which very capable of much more
Thou yeah. Ok. Well, if she is single and no one is counting on her income, and the five hundred thousand she has invested would create enough to pay for her nursing home care, she's willing to say on what has been fifty thousand dollars a year on nursing home than she wouldn't need long term care. If I were in her shoes, I would by the cause she is right on the bubble. You're, U Cuspius said the bub. I agree with that because then you not when she gets her net worth on up. There is always more than my might drop it into say. I'm self ensure latin share here, oh did what was your mom resistant? Has she told you? I mean the premium bird bent lower than like? I said a lot of money. He wasn't failed for a long time, a date, a kind of money and they got laid off a couple times
can. I gave up allow she's not really generating much of an income and barely live on what he may, though, I think he does does a lot of heat a premium, so any I try to convince her. Did you financial thieves, especially now that a brief, if you won't do it, but I just I want the long term yeah and I'm gonna wanna you now for what happened with large a broker horror. I dont, I mean it was like several For a couple years arouse used to work in medical publishing, which has changed Why I mean, I think, I think, there's a mental health issues
There is one, but yeah. Yeah shows what your heart was. Here is a letter like she just got. She got. She got hit one too many times in the job market and in brokering art and home. So she, and so rather than risk rejection again. She's hiding yeah, adapt its pop psychology for what it's worth, but that's what it sounds like from an old man's perspective. So I would work on that part and the rest. The stuff, what he'll itself- and you know, that's gonna, involved being in a good church. That's gonna involve reading kin, coalmines, materials and learning about a career that you love. We are people that aren't second that you love and plugging into something, because if she could find, thing that utilised her scales in a place that was safe with good people. She could make a tonne on a, but she scared now and I'll show
yeah hold on. Let me send you a copy book proximity principle for you to give her. Let's do that because I think they You know if you'd make a heartfelt larger year again in Currently the union be asking this question and she would neither that's right and Alexander I would tell you to also congratulate her on what she has done. Yeah she's paid off the humdrum she's got a half million in retirement, so she's done some good things, and so I would media and with that in just a mom, you know what I want to look at protecting you. And to make sure your nest, egg and you're able to do the things you want and just like Dave said The color help her pick herself up psychologically. In her confidence restored. She still young she's got a lot to offer the world down. The world is being treated by her not being engaged. As you can be in sales long term and not be able to sell right. I mean not just that happen. I made boil not mammals, Adami right yeah, it's very
very unusual markers weathers in Delaware, Marco Aria, well. They are yunkers known, better, deserve, what's up so all of them, some advice at a first time, homebuyers, my wife, my removed at three b, which needs were completely added that no debt whatsoever. So I thank you for that. Annoying when working right now more like a thing at home, with our new born bring home roughly fifty two hundred a month sauce one some adviser to hope for a time homebuyers. What do you expect? What a price range look out for my income in may But these look out for Then. Basically, this tissue advice on the whole process, so it would have been gone all right now. If it maybe I should wait a loaded to buy them. Going on right now to see the market drives the as one of you to take on that Are you listen? Let me start off marked by congratulating you. Forget not a debt having emerged upon and I'm gonna tell you the stuff to avoid. Continue this first hand, my friend first
first is do not allow the bank to tell you how much you qualify for. Ok, ok, I'm serious. It is ridiculous. How much they'll approve you before, and it can be way out of your price range, so you establish what you're looking for that dollar mouth number to work with. Reputable real estate agent. That's why I highly recommend our real estate eel peace, because you only want to go look at homes in your price range. Ok, even entertained and I've heard people say. Will this one is twenty grand more but we'll go? Look we can talk about dont. Do it cause you're gonna fall in love with that house, so those are too big tips. I want you to hold steady at your dollar amount. Be. Clear. It is your wife if claiming to go back to work or she gonna be at home with the new born she said
want to go back after a year, but I can t tell by how she is right now she hasn't got back we're her degree if you're gonna wanna stay at home. Ok, I can tell you this. My third and final tipped I'll turn it over. Today's find something to qualify for based on your income in your come. Only that's gonna be absolutely imperative, so you don't feel that scrunch and that crunch of the pressure and when you do you take out a year Dean year, fixed rate mortgage? where the payment is no more than a fourth of your take home pay. Oh that's, gonna, put you in the one. Fifty to one. Eighty price range on in terms of alone amount had your down payment to that. That's gonna she ran around there and you're gonna be fine, fixed rate fifteen year, where the play much no more than a fourth year take on.
Jacques USA saves you money down from Minnesota said we switch from Verizon appeared talk thanks today, Bramley I was sceptical, but after leaving the big city in travelling to a rural area, service coverage never lapses. Guys pure talk, USA as the same great coverage for less and no contracts. Try risk free today call pound to fifty say the key words Dave Ramsay and receive fifty percent off your first month pound to fifty key words. Dave Ramsay
from other things we ve been doing for the last three four weeks of Ramsay for their leadership team for their energy personalities, saying how can we in these when the members crisis, when folks are trapped at home? How can we best serve? You best help you, and I are just read one of my oh, my my chief digital after just shut me an article Finney a few minutes ago. Chris that said that One of the huge spikes during this time is online learning for kids teaching, kids online and
in all my morning for yourself, that's grams, that's gone crazy and people's amount. How much been reading has gone up and so what we ve done as we try to plug in all that we ve got our high school curriculum, a diver amply dotcom, Slash, hope at rock bottom price. The same thing, of course, rams you, of course, fragile peace, university online, the prima product fourteen day, free trial. You take it at all and a day rooms Calm, sly hope. This week we decide to put em single book we have at ten dollars show both of you number one best sellers ten dollars each while took a deal. That's a great deal and a total money make over olive Rachel's number ones, all of coalmines, number ones, Anthony meals, number ones all of em, even Anthony's brand new one, the just but just a number one other day, we won't wait about a year. Timbers pleasurable, put em all out there. Ten bucks age- and I am
special deal on all the audio books as well and other hope systems, and so you can not only get some things for you to read that you ve been waiting on and wheels liver them quickly, r R, so much sooner, one job, that's send out books. So we don't prior, ties. Rotten Amazon's prioritizing on you in non essential items, are coming a week later than a shirt I'm cold essential items, Russia, we think it's a century. You get this. If you wanna we're gonna get a ride, do you so you can get it quick? the ten dollar sale by all you want to buyers, fuse you wanna, buy, mix and match ten bucks each are they Ramsay dot com? So I hope you can see all the stuff or offering there, some really really good stuff for those of you that her you're sheltering at home and you're using this time to grow,
brain eyes, have wrought your brain by binge watching stuff on television. That is frankly awful. I've done it too, and so I am I'm a personal witness It being awful aright Nick, is whether a new tie Nick Welcome Ramses via these days thinks we're having a church organ Christina help. Well, thank you for coming call- and secondly, I am on baby set too I have paid all the other dare to check for student loans, I learned to different institutions. One is Sadly, the twenty three thousand and I'm wondering twice to tackle. First. Are they both? Shall we may better
cohesion there, both private yeah, at least that, yes, we can tackle the twenty thousand dollar, one smallest. Why wouldn't you ok, Well I'll, be twenty three thousand I won T monthly king is four hundred and forty four dollars and the one thousand one hundred and seventy down, but the neither one of those payment amounts matter, because you are forty, three thousand dollars from being that free they all them. That's all that matters. And so, when you come up with forty three thousand dollars when you'll be done right through inside the payment amounts, are a ghost mecca, them. In other words, if you got where the four hundred it does not accelerate you're get out of that, it just feels like it does, because you still have to put forty.
Three thousand dollars on the table over the next several months to be dead free. How much are you pay a month on all this? currently in school age up. Hopefully, I've changed. My last master, but I realize I don't have to make payments wall I'm a school, so I just want to work in five again. School can be online. Second, I won't work has hardly can and pay this off, because I won't be debt free from it, love it. So what are we doing? One should agree, and I would you be gained some degree with the hopes of becoming a thumb director buds only working Amazon tract of every driver. Ok, showing you. Will you graduate hopefully in August sentences, unhelpfully LUCA, I gotcha Chris? Now I'm proud of you make. You know
that mindset what data showing you was the difference in the way the world counts in the way we help people get out a debt, and so it's not about payment. It's about dollar, mouth and so attack and smallest. The biggest is always going to be the way. But I am proud of you for the focus that you have an end: the where you're moving forward how much of the catch this one allergy! I want you to become allergic to debt, ok, have you seriously. I mean seriously allergic like not for vehicle, not for anything not for film project, nothing, and so once you have, kind of mindset it's gonna help you see things totally different neck and the future will. Wide open for you, my friend and so its forty three thousand dollars and shall four thousand dollars a month of ten March two thousand dollars a month is twenty one months. So, twenty months eleven months, if you don't show you that's why I'm asking what you're gonna put on it I and cause that's the payment amount,
what you care about is you just take that amount divided into it, because you're going to pay some interest in addition to that, during that one thousand one hundred to twenty two months or whatever it is, but it's not. Reasonable amount of the situation that mean less think about food. Three thousand dollars, if you keep it out the entire year and you won't have it out the entire Yorkers reducing at aggressively would only be three thousand dollars probably be about twenty eight hundred bucks. Roughly in first, and so twenty eight on the dollars is not a forty three thousand problem. Oh, and by the way you will not have forty three thousand or about standing. Could you reducing it at three thousand dollars so that interest figures even wrong so again? The big deal is just a simple big number division in me. Yeah! Well, I'm talking to you here cause us about the way it's gonna turn out, and so once you get landed after graduation, and you know what you're incomes gonna be could be Amazon Trot grabbing, plus something else or minor something else? I don't know about that
just say: ok, do not provide three thou. There's a month and others that one or more be done, and you get you can use That's no ball! To alone line. You can look at all the stuff, it's a little bit more sophisticated than that, but you know three thousand dollars a month. Six thousand dollars in a year that argument about get your there really is a here's. What scary we are taught initially to do the math based on payment The silent afford it means how much down how much a month which we have and a non. Your car loans come in right now seventy nine years, which you know she's baffles me did you know you can roll the window down and here the value leave as you drive on the lot, but but you're gonna have another seven to nine years of make him at payment. That that just then work done work at all, sir, as in Oklahoma I Sarah. How are you
can't gonorrhea God. How can we help? I'm? Ok, I'm just getting started. I am. I have a thousand dollars an emergency fund, an IP debts to learn that car. But my question is what we all alone, just under twenty five thousand and how much from the car, A little thought entail. Ok in your question, if my question with the Kate, that we have more Europe and Euro interest right now and Euro payments, essentially on student love, all of my three months of different interest rates and though, I know, you're a huge fanatic of the civil and paying off the lowest amounts. First by some of my three months, the higher percentage rate are obviously higher, and so I have a big chunk with a stimulant check swimming in time. We find farm taxes and things like tat, but I want to throw to buy it
but you do throw off into the small amount of adopting a key role in warfare and the reason is not the interest rate it's the same discussion at lunchtime Jane in twenty five or thirty nine thousand dollars in that divide, You're gonna pay on your total debt in the thirty nine thousand over three thousand dollars, which company just over a year you should look at that and that's what tells you that you're gonna be fine and the interest rates are virtually irrelevant in a short period of time, not you're, Smart largesses. That's why I'm a fanatic about there's not going even ventilators ego based its culture, freakin works. I wish you were. My teacher would have been easier
Perhaps your version outlined are borne by showing Arthur Chris Hogan joins me this. Our answering your questions, because how can show is available on Youtube all the places you get a podcast like Apple or Google, or ensure Actually, I'm also carriages podcast as well, and check out Joking three, sixty dot com, all kinds are good tools there, including the net worth calculator, which Are you happy age, how you are doing on your everyday millionaire journey, cause worth. Is everything it's not your vehicle score? No, it is not Dave. We're dying people in that and we're having a lot of fun over on the show? I got a couple segments people get a kick out of me.
I've. Gotta did you know, which is where I gotta give him a fact mode. This coming out of the book Everyday millionaire, and then I've got a panic. Pump segment, Dave its people when panicked about some. They reach out to me, and we can talk about it, I cocoa right, where they are and if their pumped about something we take the time to celebrate. De it is? People are really really enjoy that so when it Judo hop over Crusoe, get three sixty dot com and come on over and join the party? to Graham S. Other ever between eleven eleven thirty Onest Rambo live on that and I you- can get in touch with Chris other places other than just. Why does an appeal? here so be sure to keep track with Chris Oaken three sixty dot calm. Samantha is in Indiana. I Samantha welcomes that Abraham. She shall guy. Thank you so much for kids, this com should watch. My question is this
I have been an iron baby statue and remaining that it wants. Combined with a one hundred. Seventeen thousand dollars reason we had two different numbers off to help us pay down with that, and I dont know is it my pride, getting in the way of wanted to accept their generosity, but I feel like it's our mass and its responsibility too. We ended up on our own. I hope he felt a little differently. Son seeking advice. Are there any other issues like you would be job or they would interfere in your life or theirs. Toxicity attached to the gift. Not at all now, and we are very blessed with our family and in the coming from a place of love, have they have the money, it doesn't leave them in any damage right
had been grandmother is the one person who is offering the pay. A substantial amount upset I'd like a sum. My mother is offering to help make payments now I love her while she has a very high com now she has that of her own, and I want to be heard, complete her financial plan and its global of selfish take money when I now that you ve got a few lingering back with her. She needs to clean up her mind. She doesn't need to be given your money. I agree. It's about how to judge. How did you say your husband feels about this he was very excited when his grandmother offered to pay it quite a nice of money the dollar amount she's talking about. She will pay off balance and inside Bianca's seventeen thousand. She would wipe his away. I mention that my mom would be offering the help and he was like open, like that's great that'll help us knocked at that down. You know
plans are to go forward and pay down his daddy get up our first home in progress. You know. If these on board? But I feel like I've made such a huge mass me. I've been went about family now on how much maturity I gain. Ram financially, and I feel like by accepting you don't like take some of that now they give the people were if the people are in condition to give the money without if they're in the right place, now your mother's. Not she does not need to be given you money, she has an income but she's broke, so she doesn't need a big money. Show other. The people are in a good place and there's no toxicity mean they're, not come over and envious they can tell you how to what color to paint your bedroom after they gave you some money or something. You know there's no control issues attached to the money and I'm sure with grandmother, there's not so grandmothers bring seventeen thousand hours as a gift. Do we have any
dear how much money grandmother might have a million ten million or eighteen thousand. Oh it's it's hard to say that my husband, and indicated that he thinks that she has a millionaire For seventeen thousand, seventeen thousand is no stretch, that's what it sees beyond doubt leaving her in her harmed and she's not going fear than I think it's a wonderful gift from her, and I would accept that gift and say. Thank you. Ok, thank you. Right those from mine and I would not accept it from your mom cause. Your mom's broke. That's right, Dave you're, absolutely right about the toxic thing because see when's, given you somethin has got some strings attached to it at that's nodding. If that's called alone, because it somewhere all alone. Meddling by were attached to efficiency, right, you're, gonna, pull it back, and so with spirit needs to be the right way and Andy. I agree with that. Think that so important, because what you don't
to do is blocks its blessing. If you're trying to become And in general to you now, if I tell you the front end? Here's the terms of the gift and that's all there is it's not it's not gonna be ongoing. Then you can, you can Shep those terms right, then that's, ok, you know and so, if it's something weird you which I know but in operations are knowing a friend of mine gave scared enough to pay off their home under the can can they promise never borrow again? No, that's a good, absolutely but he didn't go over there and go now. Let me show you molly shaving, autocratic art in under that, but they know and their honourable. His kids are drive up in a car with Payment. After he gave my pay off the house strike because that was the condition of the because he's trying to break the chain on his family tree trunk. No more it ends here and that so that
conditional gift that isn't toxic absolute. If he's gonna give money and go, we have, namely first kid after me. That's toxic problem: greater openness also blocks of about twenty. As I worked with a lady years ago, her husband had built a network of three to five million and one of the dishes and the trust that her three sons have to go through financial peace University every other year, while if not, they forfeit the money that year to a charity low, and it is in stone. She goes they're not gonna further this away, because we to heart and her spirit was right in the it's that that might be too much like every other year for the rest, their life over the year for the first five all all show three times and tell you tat. I got right, ok, awkward desert, is not as bad as I have heard. People the natural versed in the way. I have heard that you, but I more concerned with. You know that,
we're gonna question. Once you're dead, free in your handling money right, you the crew, she went on vacation you Know- and I just start they get. The money gives them permission to constantly eyes fear, and, as our friend doktor drawn Bologna says, you are my friend Doktor Henry Clouds is violate boundaries in other gonna. Come in walk around in your living room metaphorically and their money boots in Ireland how to do everything from their own. You can't accept that. That's not a gift that just to control, for it is, and so you just happen age that out and then you look inside you know, can Mama afford this Can remedy for this can cause parents, you build mean the number calls have taken over the years where the grandparents were buying stuff for the grand kids and they were in their use, and couldn't afford it. I've taken that call on this Oh here, hundreds and hundreds of times and the blue mom and dad, or like thirty, five and thirty
whatever their go on, my parents are broken, yet they keep spending all this money that they dont have on. The grand kids like will grandkids or excuse to be stupid, I mean, but that's really image. They should it's just offensive and I dont know how to stop it. That's somebody who again it's a toxic situation where you know you're not living within their means, and it's not a blessing, but if you ve built up money and you ve changed your family tree You know you're, like Grannie, they're, yours, everyday millionaire, and you reach over helping branch on seventeen thousand. That's wonderful gave is so wonderful thing that really and truly is self regulation judgment thanks for Stombaugh Christlike, you read me: bathes, always fun conjecture. At this hour, answering questions puts this hour of the day. Ramsay show in the books are thanks to James Childs are producer. Benatar the british and French Brenner. I am diagrams your host, we'll be back
the middle of these uncertain times. Ramsay solutions wants to give you some hope, for the very first time ever were giving you financial biodiversity free for fourteen days of Abraham Zidoc arms like oh, so you can watch from home have you got questions about retirement, investing becoming an everyday millionaire, go bigger and broader, with my man, Chris Open on the crucial genscher. I M excited to be able to talk to you all week in week out we're gonna focus on your calls, and it's going to focus on building well investing and how to become an everyday millionaire, subscribing to crush Ivan show wherever you listen upon gas page producer of the Dave Ramsay show
Transcript generated on 2020-07-21.