« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Have a Car Problem (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Kristina Ellis discuss:

  • Keeping a car at the expense of your house,
  • Investing in property vs. paying it off,
  • Affording a vehicle,
  • Getting a masters degree debt-free.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I a rambling matters? Doggie gadgets gang in the mortgage, taking the place of the bmw symbol of real people will welcome the work done by love. Amazing relationship with europe and America were glad you're, Christine I'll wash number one. By showing author ram, personality. Is michael host open funds aaa eight to five
five two to five catherine's and cauliflower florida, high catherine, our you. Thank you. How are you better than We deserve what's up so I have Question my husband, a car in world war fall semester down at you here, and we are trying to cash flow college, because that is the one thing that we haven't didn't get out on the street. They were trying to continue that arm and michael a what a smart decision. A decision to everyone, a state it! I'm too so our house and rich or a couple months to get the equity out of our house pay off all of our debt and be able to cash. Well, all of his college. How much do you on your house right now and what's your monthly payment,
we owe one hundred and eleven thousand on our house. And our monthly payments right now with more than just now that stuff is eleven hundred and how much is the housework? Your help work, might now I'm com, the area are going to do it, but I mean it alive. Hundred a month as a good payment. If you were going to rent somewhere, how much do you think rents gonna be would be roughly right. Now I mean about sixteen hundred a month, but the only reason why we thought about doing the writing was because then all of our credit cards paid off our cars with it up everything. So then it would actually lower our monthly centres on that watch dead on those things, Kyoto is eighty two thousand and one we own cars, each.
He won't be happy, though, the inc and thousand then the other one we owe top and watch were studying engineering ports masters who asked for a of engineering limp, and what do you make? am? I right now make, but at sixty a year he work full time, ngos at school full time I work full time. I am a makeshift nurse So the only gorgon because you ve got all these payments. You can't pay for tuition, that's what That's what's german, you up right! Yeah! so we are showing along a thing, but he who the thousand dollar car, does not fitness equation. Correct, show so stupid thing.
may your payment nine hundred bucks, some as much as you're on it? What did not quite dead hundred yeah? Seven like seventy the army, the mai were not because we would then be upside down with it would do empty. Seven hundred seventy dollars a month or put you through school, by two thousand dollar car and lets? You know clean, your garage. I regard shale store, start knocking out, make credit cards, but you have a car problems. All you ve got. How much can you style that car for how much good I sell it for my not on for about forty five who shared kelly book, for trade. In now fur bike pride itself, look at you kay upside down. Yet so
one down with the credit union and get your seven k, long value. two thousand dollar car and get rid of the thousand dollars or the car payments. Listen you're trading, your home for this stupid car, bad trade. I think the only reason why would be well in calculation? You do whatever you want. One brownish told you what to do. I understand I understand you gotta whether we want it. But this is what this, what I mean, there's no question David. fly in the ointment. Here is not your house of learning That's not your income! The fine ointment, a debt that that- thing that stands out when you give us your situation, the just stands out like a sort on. Is this ridiculous car and you are so in love with it, that you're willing to sell your home and move your children. For this stupid, but car It comes down to immediate release. Debugger. What do you do that you
about thirty thousand left, which that's very doable, to pay that off union had to about me. You just cash flow that by basically only reduce it Pay minimum payments on everything gets rebuttal, really type being garage budget get husband through we're only semesters laughed and everybody work extra jobs, no vacations quitting out tightened down your dad gum, budget year? Eleven are lower house payment. You make it on that in Europe. great shape euro commanders thing, but you know why things done in your way, my name's, all the other one yeah and that's a lot of car that the lotta cart and then he's going to be an engineer. After all that, so it's like he's going to have an engineering job she makes sixty k you're going to his work of ultra right. They get the money. You got the money to do this you just now you're. Looking for an easy way out, don't do it! Please don't do it! You can do what you want. Do what you call here and the Mcallen here were don't tell you what to do in and we're right. Thus other thing keep hedman. Maybe
maybe not were probably right, though, and experts Our opinion that ok barneys in Sacramento, what's up Bernie eleven, the dream out here and amazing, conservatives, california, oil was today with your allusions. Yeah. Yes, well, I get a famine, big fan, I've always known of you, but my wife and I choose wanna, got us turn onto the whole baby steps thing and we've been following it pretty well what can I say what your question a lot currently were playing off a lot of our datsun leave paid off around forty thousand dollars out of the eighty thousand, we tat and we are trying to make a decision on whether or not we should invest money into our property, which would help give us more of a monthly income or put it towards them house and paying the house after
what about the other day. I declare their debts for we others discussion. While you know, of course, of course, then once you ve got of the other forty thousand, then put money into a rental property or pay off your house, yes or how much money we're talking about. Well, I saw I live on this, not by the acres in theirs to color my down, guest houses and we were our planet. to remodel them. How much money are we talking about? while ten thousand dollars each so yeah, I would. I would do that for paid off. My house get to rental properties engaged, but only The forty k is gone and emergency funds in place now Babies have four five six stuff at that point.
That's when we would do that's a good question burning issues around russia. I just saw a study that really made me sad. It showed that fail. ways owning life insurance in the. U s was at its lowest point since the nineteenth seventys. After what we ve been the past few years I'm just lost on how people don't make this more of a priority. How are you going Make sure your family needs are met if something happens to you. This is why getting term life isn't. absolute necessity. Rates have never been cheaper and the whole process to applies pretty simple with many companies.
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business dotcom, slash confidence, dance in new york city hide Dan. Welcome to the rams asia. I did Michael sure. What's up I need to know if I can afford anew truck or not. I need somebody go ahead or not consent to limit or specialists knocking since what we do around here, we're since knockers, oh my gosh. So how much is the truck? It is fifty two thousand dollars what kind of drugs it is today Nineteen one fifty limited, so we truck very nice? What do you like a year Wife alight we make jeweller forty two thousand year gross before about it, about your network outline our network is around four hundred and fifty thousand actual and you're the cash for the truck we do
the cash, but I am hesitant to but to drop at all. Was considered, then don't bother throughout the year. Loan then done by the trap, got it so I had things off the charts off the table at the here's. The thing: here's what I just did you just emotionally what, during this conversation, you emotionally sided whether you want the truck or not, because you had to pay for it. she wrote what data is as a form of denial? It's like. I didn't really by it. I just sort of printed it. You know that's what our The psychology of it is, but when you get a free can pay for it. Any guy and fifty thousand dollar network. I make a quarter million dollars a year,
I'm going to write a fifty thousand dollar check for an f one, fifty nineteen model, which is a sweet truck on it now now you're going here, gap. Where are you actually mathematically from the arithmetic that I heard can afford it Give you one more terrible. You can try at my my next promotion at work, which would be about a year and a half, and now I get a call in allowance for what is currently five hundred dollars a month. car allowance come with. You have limits or not Good point, I don't know the detail, but I'd have to have a well paid. No, it's a car allowance. They allow because they're gonna run the car that you have in the dark? Please don't drive this truck and leisure. If you're on the road or your road warrior, now. I need your office. It just occurred to try to get you. Okay, do you have any dat currently.
just the mortgage. We recently paid off our steel loans and my life's car. That's all many of us fully funded emergency fund. Yes, we do what kind of deregulation and will form the warmest mia. how do you react when I say the fact that you want a gap image as a form of denial by yeah, I that I ride. I deny myself things all the time: no, no, no! No! No! No, not the kind of denial. I'm talking about! I'm talking about you're denying that you spent money. I think It might be kicking the can down. The line doesn't register in your emotions that you freakin just spent fifty grand for a truck. That's the nile, I'm talking about right like I'm in denial type of denial, not not unwilling to deny myself too,
I'm willing to be an discipline so that I win. That's not what I'm talking about sure nigeria. You are not to spend or at your house your wife is. You are the nerd, I would say, yes, but you're, definitely on board yeah, but I'm not saying she's, not on board, I'm sure she's, not mature. I'm just saying title I have trouble with stuff like this spenders down. I would already about the truck I know yeah the rafters got more than that, but I got more money too. So it's a fair ratio, but still you do. You really ought to go by the truck, but don't do it unless you're going to pay for it. Okay, Ok, I mean we got it. I gotta do some math
to produce ever overfunded emergency fund could, like you, sat on the learned. If european area for the dragon, not damage or emergency fund, I would buy their struck a new situation. also, but if you're not going to pay for it, I would never buy any kind of vehicle. I will ride a bicycle for a freaking car payment. Again, you know You just don't run in a wealthy people to go. You know, I've got a car payment for forty years since I became a millionaire, never comes up, ever native. Our studies did we find that right? Well, and I mean that he's such as they were unease aggressive with the savings, but it's hard for something. actually spend even when they have the money. That's a lot of money and is alot of an angel hearing, a really yeah. It's beast of a truck ford is making a great drugs and supposedly they're all going to go electric shame. I won't get one of those gasp puppies while you can, but I dunno, really don't pull that off and I guess that is the most popular truck in america, the one fifty it's it's like.
A super sales thing for four, they make a brazilian dollar love of it. If the bozos the gas engine. Other thing, they're gonna, kill themselves, because who do you think as trucks. It's not tesla drivers, people, rednecks rednecks on, come on about array really seriously rednecks or wanna wannabe rednecks and none I'm dr batteries, oh my god! So, who knows what she I works out as just a marketing thing for me, but so know your market, your market know your market. It's not obama just know your market, oh my god, so much rachel on george in there to this, not rachel and george. Neither one of them have got enough one. Fifty now Rachel's husband, however The definitely got a drop madame, one in the family. At word. We got that part down when rachel anyway yeah yeah, it's yeah, here's. The thing with vehicles are stated again are racial
I rule on a vehicle is, unless you have at least a million dollar net worth, don't buy brand new cars. They go down in value like a rock. That's where chevy got that like a rock okay, so they down about you shall fast rule, Number two is: don't have a total of all your vehicles. Boats, She does their sisters more. Cycles for wheelers snowmobiles cars return, lawnmowers, add up all the crap you ve got with wheels and engines equals more than half your annual income you ve got to. much invested in things are go down in value because everything I just said goes down in value and you dont get wealthy by things that go down in value and investing the vast majority of your dad gum income in toys that go down in value. I like dove with motors, I'm a classic redneck gaining the gold button button, I'm ready to go man, but but that buddy the worst financial thing you can do and no people who spent moral or stupid alone more than they did their car. Oh that's
Definitely a redneck thing for sure. Well, but you can never have nice cars and nice things it's just living in a certain way. Now, where you save and your frugal, so that some day you can have whatever car you want. Our drone incredible car to work today is absolutely amazing, but it's a small percentage of my world right, that's the point and so When you, when you got fifty thousand dollar car and your husband wants an engineering degree. Hello, you with payments on it You got your priorities, not order right, especially when make sixty thousand dollars you exactly. We all know what he may. We never got that part, but still,
that tells you that this is screwed up and so the mantra you want to identify. What middle class looks like when you drive up in front of a small newish house and two brand new cars parked in front of it? This people are going to be middle class for the next decade plus, unless they straighten their dad gum. Mess up, drive down the streets of these new smallish houses. They got brand new cars in front of everyone. I'm fucked w brand new cars like double stupid. This is this. What people are putting their money in the wrong stuff? This is the ramsey show. The christina allows number one best. Selling author ramsey personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt
a free stage, John and Emily, or whether say our you guys rain, how you better than we desire welcome. Where do you live? Indianapolis Indiana good good to have you thanks for being with us now what better paid off. We pay three hundred thousand dollars in that and how long this take six and a half years. I and your range of income during that time was about a hundred to just about two hundred. Ok the two are, what you guys do for a living I am a senior claims gesture for insurance and I'm an attorney ah good cool, very good work. That was all this to hunt sixty of it was student. While, though the attorneys and the senior claims adjuster lets me know that he was trying to get job, that was, it was the law school and then she had a new car and I had a used car Ok tell me I'll be married. Three! Ok,
just not working on six and a half ago. probably about four years ago as you when he really convince me to do it. I would say for years of really truly living but six and have total ochre very good so tells your story how'd you get hooked up with his ramsay thing. Undecided do this after you got married well after we got married in high school, I had taken it through our church, so I had the head knowledge and must have flunked dicks. I went out and got a bunch of student loans and a used car. We For about a year after that, I said, I need to start budgeting. I was doing a budget was doing david. You know A pitcher of beer with coworkers became an emergency and it was on death row in america. Oh my gosh, I think I had a college emergency. It was. It was terrible, I was not really following a budget I had. I knew what I was supposed to be doing, and I was not doing it and about a year and that we
I discovered I had another student wound that I wasn't aware of the inn in it was. It was more than I have paid off in the year prior, even though I knew I was supposed to be doing and I got. I got mad mad. At the situation, I was mad at myself. I said never again When this have worked harder than I've ever what my entire life and an end up just I've lost ground and that's not acceptable demand from done doing that, and I m right in the middle of that, renewed enthusiasm. I asked her out on a date: and in the end of the industry, as you get her, but you also got her student loans, whether you want the fact I met her. It was like our second date, and you know, like here's, what I'm doing now, I'm doing I'll, never again, debt free like this has never happened, and I have a mortgage,
it sucks. I got forty thousand dollars in student loans and I was like oh my gosh font. I think our second date he told me. I think we could have your student loans paid off and I'm like whoa. We just met, but he already had a romantic and I remember right the second date we're discussing paying off your student loans. That's how committed he was. I'm telling you that that's kind of an informal proposal- you've gotta, be careful doing that on the second day, but yeah. Those are the picture we're going to get this in mind. So what really convinced you to get on board after the second day you're like would like, educate. Well. We were engaged in. So I think that when we are engaged- and he just paid off his student loans and so we'd moved into- at that point and like ok, serious if we're getting married and go on our honeymoon and have a baby, and
so? What are the journey? Look like cause. That's that's a lot of debt to pay off. Oh, it was so long. We I I did mine in two and a half years. I made her wait until I got done with mine to propose bathrooms. We cash flow to wedding in a honeymoon. We have a one euro or I, one and a half year old casual baby, second baby on the way- and we did did ass, so many things to really cut down on expenses. That was our deeper and in every step of the way that you go, you think, are we prepared to sacrifice acts so that we can get there this much faster than we did that over and over and over and over again we moved multiple times to get cheaper cost of living. We we we commuted for two years. We commuted for three hours, each for a career opportunities, Why hate commuting our wine gash. It was our haven't warning.
And I got stinkin jalopy and jalopy holland up and down the highway. It's on comforter bullet glee. The paint miss all those things out of it. so have we always have your carpet? Army still do yeah. We do, and you know, flowers and yeah scrap blow it up, there's some kind of like army to take it out to some demolition shooters with big bloating ammunition to test the new missiles on this, then, please just take your lord and the get out, so we it was hard to do it for thou art. Sacrifice. That's amazing! It's about a new car. Nobody would blinked. She wouldn't let you anymore What, if you could have made the excuse, anybody would have understood your very disciplined, and now he is fair and so I test roebuck our three times there. I got
This close man that, guy that there's bad medicine, that you start that it's hard there that's hard to get, but that's a slippery slope once you ve done is like be that be really hard. Come not come home with a look. What I did and there was a couple of them that were really comfortable but look at it I do we want to do this for this much longer, even if we pay cash for this used car, that's going to push us back this much longer. Are we doing it and I know the answer now that you're there and you're completely free Emily. Was it worth it? Oh, absolutely! Absolutely! Now that I'm at the light you know I've reached the light, the end of the tunnel and absolutely and yet the journeys a pain in the bud man. Yes, it is so you said it John yeah john. You said that you took the class back in high school and I didn't completely clegg. It kind of like planted a seed. What would you tell the high school version of yourself? Knowing what you know now? Do you I chose a school that had been
scholarships like academic scholarships, I could have chosen a school that I had that I would pay very little or free. My brother was in a similar situation and he went to a college. Joseph college and graduated with nothing, and I I could have done that. But there was this other one that was a little bit shame year. I think they had to travel abroad thing that it did for two weeks. So what's changed completely. Oh yeah was worth every penny that now, a foreign yeah beer drunk abroad is they'll have saluted in them, so gotta be smarter than that. I I didn't really think long term bout that decision
and that's a good word because so many students feel like they've got to go to the fancy shiny school and in hindsight it's usually not worth it if it results in thousands and thousands of dollars in student loans, rachel studied spanish abroad. She talked us into this one semester and ask her to speak. Management from you doktor she how far you get to pick up more spanish carbo than she picked up stuff. A broad riah and actually order food and stuff and she can't even get out the restaurant. It's unbelievable so that at least that stuff- a cow way man with the star We do all of man, you guys are amazing, I'm so proud of you. Thank you b, o everybody teller by to be completely free, John, you did it all its amazed. It feel so good, six and a half years long time to really want, I was wondering a lot huge about life that happened. We stayed the course. It's worth it a hundred per cent
We yeah, that's that's our son right shah, oh man, it was great. We went to the lake. That was one of the things we did afterwards. We got all both sides of the family. We went to the lake. Kedo in the adirondack chair, we got a copy, a baby steps millionaires for you, that's the next. After in your story, you are on your way and a copy total money make over. You can give that somebody in buyer them to move, in the direction. You have a freedom way to go financial peace university for a year,
your membership to that three hundred thousand paid off in six and a half years, quite a story megan one hundred or two hundred John and Emily from lafayette, Indiana lafayette. Depending on where you're from canada allows your debt free scream three two one, weird debt, the how it's done- boys and girls- gotta love it. This is the ramsey show the alice ramsey personality. The one bestselling author is my co host today, carolina is where the ocean chicago hi, caroline welcome to the ramsey, show
you for having me today sure. What's up, I am. I'm really excited to say that we are in baby steps, threes boy. He just kept allotted that for the curve and, looking forward? I'm exploring a another masters degree, and I I don't want to go back to baby capture. Oh I wonder you started in wonder: managers gonna, be it would be an educational leadership first matter. Really, I believe that shows how good ol man with great degrees yeah, where you want to do. with the extra masters My my own administrators, my own wife, has really been encouraging me to take this path. something that many have suggested to me a kind of along my career, and I never really
out of it as an option, because we were still carrying so much that from our under graduate in my first masters degree. Until now that that's behind us, it just seemed like these toys keep open. and I want to be able to. to go down to the next round. Love it now what I think it's gonna be about twenty thousand for a two year programme which migration that really reasonable rang it very reasonable and the cold war, which is often because of a community of learners around avalanche again, like oil, obey lifelong toby, lifelong rate of your soul? I realized a nuanced and you ve got a heart for a certain time, you'll be sure in it together forever? That's wonderful lane I've been looking for scholarships because
My own children are about two to three years away from college themselves, and so we have a lot of conversation about going to college that free and knocking on while we felt now, in my turn, this kind of practice. What we're preaching and though I am I've, been exploring a lot of definite website them: financial aid, finders and turning the process of applying you'd have any power sharing and my question of total. By good wine at this point, because we are the we are able to kind of cash flow, at least the fall semester and see where that takes me after I am, but but by I think that we kind of slowed down our process of moving and she, you know finishing eighty steps, three and then moving into you know four or five insects. So we have went on. I don't really want to know that down. I now most of the grants and Just I'm fighting I really geared towards undergraduate for under the boy
I'm wondering if you what advice, so give any resources towards graduate programmes with a thick external scholarships or what you just say, you know what this is. You know thinking fund and continue the cap Well, because now it because you can I would definitely continue to explore both options. I think it's often that you already say that you can pay for the fall that you're you're able to catch low that and save, and also continue to search for scholarships. You said that your bosses are really interested in you going back for this programme. Have you talked to them at all about possible to issue? An assistance are helping you up with that. I have found that the great question I have and found the golden share.
do have reimbursement programs are available, but at this time my district does not. I have asked that question. It's really comes down to negotiate between the the district and the teachers union. If that is included in next year's contract or not so okay and that's as much India- and I also get asked the university- the woman leading the court s arm, knowing that we are not being the first, because there will be other people in the cold war district, our reimbursing them as a knowing that my district is not. Is there any flexibility, here, you know: are there any other legal remedy and she said now that I've ever and I guess I mean I've always shame on me. If I don't ask you know it's worth giving it a shot through good god on that, are you sat on a specific school sounds like you already picked the university. I because it's a coherent and it's kind of supported in our with china.
school districts and marry your household income, I'm about to fifty to pay for it. well, then you can charge around programme for scholarship. Would you can afford it tonight we can. I guess it, but I'm my concern as I'm really slow down achieving like it's been used up. We you're not much. I mean You may slow down going out to eat, but you're not gonna, slow down baby step three. When you make two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year by me, step three, you knock it out. so it twenty gallery hoped he'd be thereby december. So new arming you should be one twenty grand overt commercially important in your. How much are you put it in your emergency phone? What your target? only one another about thirty, five thousand isn't thirty. Five thousand and without wishing to pay for the whole programme is fifty five thousand out of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
I do in big mouth here and I'm not having trouble with this. I think we feel really behind them and in our own college, situations around us so The thing we're trying to get you through a two year programme we're trying to get them before your problem, that any started yet right and you ve got the income to do this, so you may need in europe. this puts some distant future things tat I'm down little bed turner up a little bed. in addition, adjustment back and forth, but you ve got the cash flow to do all three of these things in your kids to school yourself to go unfinished, urgency, fun and you got the money. I do it in short order. But you're going to have to really look at other stuff? In your budget and go where's that two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year going that I can't find fifty grand. and when you do that, then you start going on artists and there it is, and oh there it is, and we're done. We've got that beefed up in that beefed up in that
it can go away and interpret two thousand. You spend it pretty quick, if not, but but and you're being wasteful or something like that, but but what you are going to, as you know, it might be that we light paddle Our college right now savings heavy pedal merchants. You fund finish the emergency fund and you're angry, tuition, keep your tuition moving along in the budget, and I, ok to your university again go above the ladys. Had this others no help, I'm paying. Cash for this out of my pocket. I wanted, discount for cash, not I'm pitiful I don't get me reimbursement dad got, people, I'm giving you money gimme a deal and explore them a little bit. I mean just bust up into yeah. I'm thinking it's good for at people to hear occasionally that their overpriced right, they probably need to have more A lot of people are struggling with that and there are great grad school scholarship.
like you said that there are a little bit harder to find than that are hard. Yeah, it's a more competitive, and you know it just takes a bit of research, but on this income I'm with Dave, I would say just gotten slow. It has in the amount of time, are gonna, spend researching a pine for scholarships ehler making so much money, but you should be able to pay for it if you- wanna go searching for some of them. That's fine! They are more of a needle in a haystack. I think, have more. I would call the president it is much whether I mean one time like you should shame on me for not asking, but even if you got a ten percent discount as two grand it's worth, a phone call But what was so much my discomfort gash again? Oh nothing wait a minute. I don't work for me. You know just have this conversation be a little bit sassy with it it's kind of fun They don't ever have people do that and it sets on the real oh, I'm sure thankful. I got in what I got the opportune. have you people money? Oh, I m thankful for that That did not interesting how we ve got. This whole thing reversed. So yeah
where, if you went in to respond, if you're going to buy a car, you'd negotiator dead, gum hat off, you know I mean oh, my gosh, shall you I'm a mess, wear them and I'm gonna cash flow from in your shoes. You you do are doing the right thing. I love you too. revealed a love. It's a cohort like I said earlier. I think those are be friends for life, not just missed like it's like the best kind of fraternity, and you know it. Didn't involve over drinking it involved over studying and so that this, I should really good right in Also, I know it's a cohort, but there are other schools that have cohort programmes, and some of these other schools actually have fully funded grad programmes, and I Where are? You are location, lay in their schools in that region, but there are a lot of programmes that are fully funded, so you don't want
at seventy- I didn't go there. I'd go, find one of those and wave it under this president's nose and go eh. I'm about to leave prank got other choices and you're not yet sure what they do. Yet. One more thought, as you have a master's degree, also look into an edi d program because you may be qualified for that kind of kill two birds with one stone getting to the next level. The wonderful state at first, but even if the local about it, cannot leg always turn over some rocks. That puts us our the ramsey show in the books dave here. You can find all of our shows with the ramsay network, app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store that a the hey. If you're a fan of this podcast we've got more where that came from. As you know, at ramsey we're always looking to protect our listeners from scummy companies, slick marketing and money myths, I'm george camel host of the fine print where I do the research for you to help. You rise above the system, that's designed to keep you broke and in debt so that you can become confident in your money. Choices check out the fine print wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-12.