« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Got Scammed! (Hour 1)

2020-08-24 | 🔗

Debt, Business, Savings, Home Buying

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From an abortion Ramsay solution by casting from a dollar five videos Dave Ramsay, where that is down just paid off as taking the place of the Bmw status symbol and they ran through your host Michael host. The data on their Ramsay personally number one bustling often pushed open as one voice. The millionaire in America that open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five. You call
we'll talk to you about your life and your money right in front of you. The phone number AAA eight to five five, too two five starting this hours, Dallas Texas Valerie, is whether say Valerie. How are you You could go to my compliments, got excited. I gotta talk to you. How can I help. In writing. Ro understanding, admonish big directly into your phone, please, yes, we have about about what about? Yes, I am. Did your programme and get your show and your whole programme about two years ago, I am on every day now good and so here I know that, but it I have now let mine
and my ring quite a bit and I've. Let myself follow back into debt and its. Tat. I have thought of rationalize ferryboat. It's ok! Because of that That's ultimately earning mean money because it is their on my went off properties. If I own a lot of residential until properties and now I've taken on Gatt offer, those properties in the form of he walked too. Who either improve the properties or I've bought another property on what have one of those got. Anything but you're, not using our system at all. Are you calling us why? Because I was using my sister and I I I want to use the system for my dad, but because it you helped me
or become an everyday millionaire been. Why did you go backwards? What happened? It's me equally because I wanted to go alone. I was trying to grab my business. My residential real estate, business, and the only way that I could see to grow, which was to take on some guy and then you went through in come to pay off their debts. Not telling you went back normal cell house. You go back to my point. How can we help you today are tired of being nor more you wanna go back again. Well, I am, I am part of our party but their social environmental priorities. I I know I should
women are poverty, but I hate to solve one Valerie Daily, can't help. You dont know what I can help you here, that's three out of debt No, I don't want to sell the property. Listen, you gotta go you got a shot which Are you a horse or you you got to say you can't be bought, you can't be birds, know how enter and there is no inbred version. Other two ok, so decide what you use your, what you isn't and then you decide what you want. I decided what I isn't there again moment years ago, when I went bankrupt, lost everything I said, I'm up our money more on a bunch of property were like a lot with an capital. L o t around property about it slowly and with CARE and you have to decide what your goals are and I determined in my soul,. Borrowing money was not the shortest path to the kind of wealth.
I want to have which had peace, not stress and anxiety, attached to it Valerie. You have not determine that and I'm not gonna argue with. No, you can't here's the thing Dave, I remember in grad school they were teach us about leveraging opium other people's money. All of you or fancy ways Valerie to teach you about debt and what You ve done is, as you brought stress and strife into your life, king, you have a real estate portfolio, which you have is a debt portfolio and so what I would do. If I were you when you tar the loose and sleep and get tired of being stressed out. You all and a real estate he'll. Be you get cops on those? properties- and you put him on the market and you pay off He logs and you get him out of your life until you save up some cash and you by real estate with cash. That's the only way to do. It are clear enough on the clear one or two what you're right, but let's get the debt gone KEDO, and in up you, you can't call over here and say.
Leaving everything you shaded do, but I'm not doing any of it. With my work, I was waiting on the conjunction I've learned to the blood. The or you know all It is common in its that rattler com. It is any cancels everything before the conference. It that's right down everything, but valor get your life back young lady? Get it back! You you ve, bought into this fictional late night tv, real estate programme, that's gonna, make you rich work and what is going to do is make you broke fast. You just gotta decide their you really don't you You know what we're gonna say. You knew that when you called Here- and I'm not going to argue with you about- is this an ok thing? It's mon, ok things for his work. In turn, you knew that you knew that. So you decide what you want to make it up, We're right, you're, wrong western is here from Houston Texas. I western, or you Dave how you during the day right. How can we help you? It's just a quick.
Could background me, my wife about twenty six and one baby steps for five and we are expecting a first child were gradually thank. You will really excited we're going through all the medical bills that you know that have to be paid once a baby gets here and it looks like we're. Gonna pay about three thousand out of pocket. I got agency. Do my work. That's got about fifteen hundred in it right also a kink cover at all, so we're just trying to figure out if we should use our each of them. For Medical or I got more than enough money to pay for it out of pocket. Should I just use out of pocket a coincidence your house holding Ninety five thousand combined either one
fine, obviously, the h essayist tax free money used for an expense I'll tell you what I have ended up doing and you can consider that, which is what you are considering. I have ended up, not using my age, I say for medical Irish. Payment from a medical knock on would have been fairly healthier these have been fairly healthy, and so I just keep fully funding the thing every year and there's like three thousand bucks and the thing because I start doing it bungling George, W put it in place the first time, and so I have been using it as an additional investment account, an obvious paid, whatever medical. They came up out of my pocket as I've gone along, but either one is fine. It's certainly what it's designed for youth are not what we cut back important. We did have the money out of pocket
but we also had the eighty say we will come back and forth what it's just what it grow and just pay it allopathic. Even now. The other thing I can find no longer some other thing I thought was. If I ever have it's like a huge medical event, I'd, rather have the edge essay sitting there for that where I could cover something like this autumn upon the nickel thing here I mean babies, not nickel down, but Azerbaijan, ninety political diet grow We are probably alone. Could you might need it for something big someday and if you don't it's a great, invest, etc. This is that I am sure, Joe
you're crazy times the best advice I can give you is control the controllable. Let's start, looking at major expenses, like your monthly rent, are your house payment folks, mortgage interest rates are so low. Now
Now is the time to invest in your future. In just ten minutes, my friends are Churchill. Mortgage can share ways to save you. Serious cash through a smarter mortgage plan to speak to a specialist call triple eight loan, two hundred or go to Churchill mortgage dot com. This is a bit advertisements, animal s idea, one five: nine one: animal s: consumer access, dot, Org, equal housing, lender, seventeen, forty nine Mallory Lane Sweet one hundred primitive, see three seven zero to seven, so we thought an actual each university classes since nineteen. Ninety four and. The vast majority of them over six may
People have gone through the clashes, the vast majority of them over that period of time in fifty thousand churches with some forty thousand people. I've been coordinators, leading the clash and the old age. The coordinator would you a vcr later the dvd and put the chairs in a circle and talk to people in need These days are doing it virtually and these court are heroes. They have had a front row seat to people changing their lives and There have also been instrumental in people changing their lives because you can t I'll get. Somebody threw the tv on DVD like I do or you do nothing, but it's a whole different thing. When you look about up only kept any gap with them and are in in changing their lives and so we're gonna honour a couple of coordinators through this week. Just by talking with an honour the position and just say thank you.
And the first one up on that subject is Heather Donovan from Jacksonville Florida, Hey Heather. How are you Hi day by birth, for leading financial peace university clashes, we appreciate it It's really my honour and thank you for all that you guys do and serving others to teach this. This wonderful course how have you been doing benefit EU coordinator, I then a coordinator for about four years, but personally went through it about fourteen years ago and had that's a calling on my heart that I was like. I've got you in some way and to teach the others and that's how I got started to show probably like me, have you been doing it that long the stories of people's lives being touched, her everywhere? Aren't they
everywhere. Yeah is truly amazing. Was once stood out to you over the years absolutely I mean honestly, the very first appear class that I thought was a single mom and it literally started with one's data, and I would like you know why. God I'm going to serve this person at the back. I ability and she's that needs to hear this today, and so that's what I did and literally issues a single mom struggling like me, didn't, have a great job and I just walk. Even with her and I'm just gave her the hope that she could find a better job that she could make more money and she made just get me then she stopped at all end to listen. She followed, the plan she submitted to the Do you know that what she
he's doing you know whether working and within two years I've got a tax that that hey guess what just bought a new home Hermia MIKE I you know, I got a better job and God opened the doors that I never thought possible. I guess I clean today I am I you know. I thank you god. You know that, but I get to and show others how to do this because it personally my entire life I have, but a passion You can hear it in and an amazing as you're doing it you can do. It truly Ciba lie Bob go on and you can see people get hope in their eyes, and it's me does it really is as has just been just such an honour to walk through the with people tell you something I want to personally? Thank you that single mom and I'm sure, countless others
we're on the receiving end of you extending a hand and that's exactly what we have do we got it, extend the hand to reach back reach forward, reach out to people and just can than what that information, and you listening to that single mom and here in her concern, but at the same time pushing her. You are, cheerleader half coach weren't, you absolutely absolutely have you lead one of the virtual clashes, yet I sure had I actually have been doing it for several years. In my own life I and I see I would use to He went out of the the virtual amnesia, then everything so as to the natural progression. For me, oh yeah, I have an actual at EU, but your class that starts the Mai as a matter of fact all very cool, good job. As Exo Heather, you ve done this I'm You now know how easy it is to do. What would you say to someone out there? That's feeling the desired: they wanna help. They know their accounts
people out of work right now. Families are in crisis and they want to help too how easy it is to be a coordinator is easy of reaching out to the Ramsay solutions as they I want a coordinated EU class. They make it super easy. The sign up, things online at your fingertips, it's easy to. You know, utilise the two about their and social media to get people to find out if it couldn't be easier- and it's just, though, fulfilled and though life changing, not only for those people that your being by the four years that absolutely Heather. Thank you so much thank you for who you are, and all the people are the loves you ve touched in the end. Just just put it. Out there, like there that's cool story that the first class add one person and I've walked into rooms to speak,
There were supposed to be hundreds forward over the years. I've had that happen and not just laid out, like. I was doin it four hundred circle. You never know. That's right, actually didn't do that for speech. You're right, I would shut down. Do that really cannot? Do it in conversations right if you're, just a handful of oh I've, done that have been put in situations over the years and has just up in it never fear those that some one of those couple or one person is sitting there needed that more than thing whole ladys life was changed but cause of Heather here at home, right now and you're you're feeling that burden you're, feeling that put Do something? What can you do right now in the face of all this? that are going on. I'm gonna tell you right now. There is something you can do you have opportunity to plug into become a coordinator day. What they gotta do: lots of virtual class, all I'm a virtual right now and I are virtually all of em, a virtual data easier than that, but yeah it's most of them are
draw an armed and their actual easier to do, because you don't have to unlock the door. You have set up chairs, you'd want to try to make sure the front line, We have the lights on and all that kind of stuff and others when you don't a physical location is always complications butters theirs. They can be technical complications with virtual, but they're they're, just easy today and will show you everything you need to do so you can lead with confidence, been doing. This are long time. Knowing show you exactly what you need to do, so you can have the benefit like Heather Debt, of helping helping people. Do this People need hope right now for sixteen million people out of work and I lot of them are ready to say never again. I'm never I'll, be here again and they want to know the steps to take two. Never be there again. So if you want to join our growing community of coordinators, just text, unity
thirty, three, seven, eighty, nine! The word is unity. One word you in I t why text that two thirty three seven eight and our gas will get right back with you and help you get going up. We get a class shut up and, of course, there's a lot. People joining Ramsay, plus and financial patient over is an element of Ramsay plus and every dollar and the bay steps up and all that stuff and they they need some want to answer. The ethic used frequently asked questions. I need someone to be in their corner encourage them when their sad and struggling and by storm them a little bit lovingly when their rightful that's right hand. Some of you know the answer to all the questions you painlessly show your you play beat Dave. Answer when you run along in your car and here deal though, if you don't know the answers to questions you dont have to remit The lessons are taught by Dave Rachel and myself, so you don't have to do, What you're doing is coordinating your first,
updating and helping people to be encouraged. Have the combat sanctions and you're gonna be able to point them to the place to give answers. My thanks again to people other Donovan there's some twenty a thousand of them over the years at any given moment, ten or twelve thousand and writers leading out there. We need a lot of help. This fall lot of. People joining Ramsay plus right now so tat, the word unity, thirty, three seven, eight nine, that's unity to thirty three, seven, eight, nine this is. The diver am
in the lobby of Ramsay solutions on the TED stage. Joining Michael host was open and I today Ronnie and Belinda from Greenville South Carolina here, tat Brief what guys what's up glad to be here in order to have a much of you paid off. We paid off just about two hundred and ten thousand dollars out under this. Take about three years broke. In your range of income during that time started at about one twenty five and got up to about seventy five rearing and do for a living physical therapists alpha.
Overseer. O lie very practices that very well Diana. Thank you. What kind of stuff did you pay off alone? You, are you going to say about a five hundred dollars and credit card debt and about two hundred nine thousand five hundred and pseudo? Oh wow she'll couple a p tita their diploma out a hawk S right of it, so who decided to get serious first between the two of you, I think probably me first just because we graduated from different classes, ok when I first graduating moved in with my parents and they kind of got me on the envelope system and then, when Ronnie graduated, we both knew we wanted. Get married an m we started. Doing, though Dave, Reims II way before we got married, and then you interpret your Let me that you are basically thing. When I graduated the next year, I just can't. Jump right in on the same plan, which made it a little bit
you're in some ways, because we just stayed on the same budget. You know like we were students, gonna kept going to a got everything paid off very good, Ronnie, actually more kind of a second job on the side when he started working where he got caught in the steward, work on the weekends and they would help pay for his rent so that helped him save a lot of money in Oakland, get ahead simple: under your parents were financial peace parents, they love, you guess, a financial peace baby. You marry enabled running, ok, he's like here very cool you guys, so you really ever knew and a big lifestyle that you had to cut down you just Edward People have a lot couched in tackling this up and about seventy Grand a year goes away average over three years and reality it is in Europe. Making serious money and your contemporary she came out of pity. School are still sitting on the same amount of death. Where three years ago they paid off none of it and therefore They were calling you crazy
I am probably work, maybe not to our faces. Its stuff because you know like with physical therapy now lot of other medical field. Type professions you just go to. For longer and longer and longer, and there's that delayed gratification that when you get out of school there's that impulse that will now it's time to take the next step. If you have about a dead, you know it's hard to justify. You know that lifestyle Belinda, what was the biggest sacrifice for you, for me just that delay, gratification of you know getting a house the sooner than I had anticipated cause we're still renting right now in. But we know that's coming soon, so I think that the biggest challenge for me- that is very good Ronnie? What about your biggest sacrifice? Our definite say the house for sure just because you know there's that peace of mind that comes with owning your own property.
But definitely renting is a little bit easier. If you can know that you are tangibly working towards a goal, stiver you're, getting pretty that's the temporary! You can walk the relational lawyer. Look another side of it. That's Romania, young too! How old are you thirty one and thirty. Ok, as a Friday, she'd have already remarked a very good job. A girl? So what are you tell people when they say? Oh, you did the impossible. You paid off two hundred and ten thousand dollars in three years year. We you're impossible. That can't be done. What are you doing a secret to getting out of their cause is not really secret. I would say for me, and then you know, whenever you think, then I would say for me You ve got a number one c success early, so you know you can't frustrated. Then it's not all gone in one month, because s not going to be the case and it took a lot longer than that to get in. There is no go away that fast and then also
so you ve got to be proactive about seeking out your own opportunities. On the way you can't just say, I'm gonna wait for good opportunities to come by You have got to really be proactive about seeking those opportunities now man jail or about you, Belinda. I think to saying that the plan then there's really good cause. We celebrated along the way like every time we forget ten thousand dollars down. We would, you know, do something to celebrate, so it is made it go by a lot faster and just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so are other than your moment out with envelope system, did you how what connection de jure have with us like I've got a lot of your books Christmas gift subtle. We also got anywhere already. Doing. Dave Ramsay before
got married by. We did get financial peace University for wedding as a gift you're becoming more more popular in the physical therapy world. Yes, students come out. Definitely wonderful were big funds or that world further aid. Very cool. Well. Congratulate you guys are now your mom and dad are very proud of. You were proud of Why go nearer? You took control your life, this is an amazing thing you did and if you can do this, we'll do anything financially. If you like no one else later. You can live and give like no one else. So we got a copy across organs book for you a day, millionaires cause that's the next chapter in your story for Europe you're on your way out, not only homeownership but to being an crummy ten years from now you're gonna say sitting and so such an incredible like financially as well. More thing I want is a kind of along those lines to is, I think, with student loans. Especial
our generation there's a lot of disappointment coming out, because you feel like you're big mistake that you made was the school. You know you studied, took the tests and you come out and you have that debt and people don't you like they're only avenue for getting out from it? Is these work service forgiveness? You know, nonprofit, sign up ten years, your life and hope that they cancel it out for you and this way really is just like you said such a moral, apple method of taking control of your own destiny, not waiting ten years to see if you know someone's gonna, forgive you of loans and it's just a much more freeing feeling. I feel like then just waiting for that, for sure that Ronnie am Belinda are much more reliable way. Stood alone, that than the government getting you out of your stood alone that that's right, the government cant find it, but with both hands you guys are a credible. Well done you guys very
very well done absolutely incredible Ronnie, Belinda, Greenville, South Carolina, two hundred and ten thousand dollars paid up in three years, making one twenty five, the one seventy vibe came, school and just kept living like they were in school and better by the cap. Zero dead furnish a three two one. Well, will you go you? very learned man, that's incredible! That is exactly exactly what you do so anybody sitting out there would soon Loanga, Inv, Verger, crazy, family or stupid friends. Tell It's not possible or stupid family Reggie later on, but you just heard you gotta thirty one. Thirty year old thirty one euro running Belinda got rid of two hundred and nine thousand five.
Dollars worth by just buckle, and and being intentional and on that You do what you make a decision, not just once but every day and stick to it, I'm proud of them. Young people- and you know why most things in life, but almost all things in money hurt at the beginning. If they're gonna be the right decision, very few things or easy at the beginning work. So when someone says this is the easy way you probably should run that's right because most things that cause people bill. Wealth are painful today to live out later. One definition of maturity, emotional, thirty. Four sure is the ability to delay. Pleasure live like no one else. So later you can live and give like. No one else. The Bible says no supplying change pleasant at the time, but it yields a harvest of righteousness.
Where did: go you guys, one vertical job? This is they were amnesia resolving Ramsay Personality- is my co host today, here on the open phones AAA eight to five five too
Five today is on the line and fired Veil North Carolina. How you doing area are you going? Do they not big Michael Sherman? What's up yet so I put my their financial spot? Ah, I ended up going so by ear pay here place. And buying a car on like August earlier this month, the agreement was to put down a thousand dollars and then the next I get paid down another. Five hundred dollars and I will conclude my downgraded arm. Basically, I told them man? I don't get paid until the end of the month. I will not have been able to make the payment until I get paid last week they came and repose the car Two weeks after you bought, it believed that guy Did you give them a thousand up front? He had by gave
without an affront good- lord- that's it super aggressive. Well, it is it's a token. I'm no scam lot hate you you day. What was the interest rate on that load? You remember there. Twenty percent loudness gracious. This was no intended to be a blessing in your life. Now only there's ral, I don't know what to do they long. I can play the five hundred dollars, nope, plus three hundred dollars to get can be, who bear no, or should I got all their don't get out of my you already know. Now that you got out of a bear trap for a thousand bucks, a good luck. I mean you got moat, be mostly one of your legs intact. You you, with the other leg. Man you get away these people. Are you not figure out? You got scammed, Twitter is needed. Another car you get back. Let's let digit answer my question: did you not figure out? You got scam, twenty two freaking percent.
Paid fifteen hundred dollars down or you would have- and that's all the stinking car is worth to start with probably year. Time delay hey no listen to. Did you hear twenty? percent ago, it's frozen robbers. Let it go run, show the you get paid five on our backs right, So you got five hundred bucks and in three hundred that you could see in your future that you were thinking about giving to these scam artists right yet look. I shall limit, let's walk through what you do now, instead of doing that. Because the first thing you have to do is realize you got screwed and you don't go back to a place where you got screwed. Ok! Is that fair? Not the? Good thing is: can you scraped together? The eight hundred you were talking about given to them a few minutes ago, yak we get paid.
Why they would? How much do you get paid on Friday? It should be twenty five hundred always good, and how are you getting back and forth to work right now? I actually have a truck another vehicle. They argue that the business truck what job, but you are able to use it on a personal level. Yeah, its currently mine, and I have a carnival man as well, and it needs repairs. So I gotta going to get another college if I can put it in the shop floor to be repaired. What what is the nature of the repairs at any time, we need about two thousand dollars worth every parachutes, engine repairs. And how are you I'm twenty thirty? And what do you think this truck is worth without repairing it, About four thousand dollars and about down on my own brain
we owe the alarm. Eighty four hundred, ok, you been doing poorly with cars. Haven't you got car? I was then the asker and it makes two thousand dollars and repairs, and then it would be worth what sick. Thousand or seven thousand yes still and eighty four hundred, but it but it'll do I have a little bit here. What are the nature of the repairs needs? Basically, They said there are needed on the gasket fixed inside the engine. There. You are basically the shock and a couple of things, and we came out for two thousand dollars.
Blown ahead. Gasket noon go without shocks are really long term. In a truck do I had job on what kind of truck as if a brand to GNP here? Ok, I want you did that the dealer give you that rush gave you, the writer who gave you the repair, estimate three different places: and one was eighteen hundred another with two Another was twenty four wondered. What dealers or any of these mechanics individual Mcgann, these meagre individual good good. Well, I'm gonna break out the sharks away from the head had gasket. Ok, they had gasket, probably the bulk of that, but they may be get near for five or six our box on shocks. There are now, and
we got some miles done like couple hundred thousand now, actually only had the hundred eight hundred sixty calico couple hundred. Ok, I mean it's got some wear and tear our eye. So, let's think of a strategy that says five years from today. Three years from today, two years for the day, what are you in the best shape of with a vehicle. Is it buying a car on payments? No, we just experienced that We do need to get the truck repaired at some point and you when you buy a car before we do that or have made other arrangements for transportation during the time. I would talk to one the mechanics, this thinking of doing the repair and see if they have a car, that they will really you for the two weeks that your truck is down instead of buying a second car
Ok, let's get you some kind of a loner off their back lot. That's a hoop d, even if you pay them all but for the loner that's better than buying a car right now you don't need to do that and then get the truck repaired and let's sell it and get out of there. Now we have no dat and no car, but even then you could have put together that the slogan take till Christmas Bob. You could have put together a little bit of money and you pay cash for a two or three thousand dollar car. Let's get you out of the land of car payments completely, but this truck probably needs to be repaired to get the most value out of it. Ok and I I still have about three more years on, my truck drivers know you're out of your Charlotte. Ok, I didn't like it, though.
You go without yeah yeah makes it an valid you'll, be probably a thousand dollars on the whole, you write a cheque for that thousand year. Out of that completely safe back a thousand fifteen hundred bucks and get you a little bit her car for cash and that's your first step away. This entire mass. It is not financing sampling at the top and outlawed at twenty two percent address. You got screwed yeah yeah you day you you're out of the car loan business is what we ve just laid out or yet. Ok, you, don't you not gonna, do that, but honestly reach out to that mechanic They ve got a loner car, something you can pay a couple of hours a week But what am I gonna get to that gun truck for Joint Caitlin surrender to much put the head gasket on its one week, job MAX Do you know him, then you can do the shocks later or not, do them and saw the trap. A hundred sixty thousand mile truck that drives, like its worn out, is not a big problem. When yours element blown head gasket, it.
And this car that you're gonna save up and by for gas this is gonna. Be a car you gonna, have four year to cause you're gonna, keep saving up to be able to up great, but no financing answer today. Raise your right hand say I promised and the Ribeiro on a car again around with another bottle on the card If you wanna be wealthy, if you don't wanna, be financially stress, unama stress you, ve had in the last forty eight hours a lot yeah you never want to be there again. Never ever carp Raymond again. Keep that promise to yourself. You have to keep it to me, but car payments are each your book live man they definitely many near, but while on twenty two points, while the scam on those gases that they fully intended to take his thousand boxes, what they did. I shut him up thousand dollars down, they went and got the truck going, got the car before he got paid to pay the five hundred. They knew what was happening, and that is probably a fifty our core Alonzo show the car for the prompt, the value of the car
the down payment and all the money they make a twenty percent profit. So that's a scandalous. Just gotta resources, told them out. That's for people who have lost their King mines, rottenness right, it's the payday lender of the car really is Are you Damon Sharia LAW, two thousand bucks, but that's all you got to lose if you listen to us. This is that over Asia This is James Childs producer of the Dave Rams shoe on your smart speaker. You can add our skill by saying Alexa opened the Ramsay network skill from there. You can listen to all our shoes Ass day, money questions like how do I invest my money for what is the debt snowball find out more Dave, Ramsay Dotcom, slash if you're looking for fun
in practical ways to save money in your everyday life. You need to check out the Rachel crucial upon guest from money expert, my daughter, Rachel crew, Guises, Rachel crews and I'm so excited to tell you about. My party has a lot of you following paychecks pay check their ends ass. They don't even know where to begin that they have this need this want to get in control of their money, and if that's you, you have come to the right spot. So in Egypt, the cellular and get a time of inspiration and practical advice not subscribe to the Rachel crucial podcast makes region today, you're more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel crucial. Wherever you listen, depart, gush, hey it's! You producer of the day, Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2020-08-24.